MAGAZINE Spring 2014
Children enjoying a summer camp in Albania.
HOPE Children discover that hope is not just a dream
TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW Please contact the TEN office if you would like to know the sources for these statistics.
o often we expect God to change people instantly, when actually His lasting work in our lives is often ‘slow but sure’. Take Eugeney Miskov from Astrakhan in the South of Russia. A year ago he was very disinterested in the things of God, rejecting the gospel outright after it was explained to him. However, the truth started to work away at his heart, and some time later he turned up at church declaring he wanted to change his life! He was given a Bible, and he also began to attend a home group where his knowledge could be helped to grow. After one month he made a commitment for Christ. Then, towards the end of last year, he was baptised in the local river. Now Eugeney is helping with the youth work and practising so that he can join the worship group. Sergey Lagutkin, his pastor who TEN has been supporting for some time, reports that this whole process took about one year. As you continue to generously support the work of TEN, please pray that God will change the hearts and minds of people like Eugeney. Please also pray for patience for the church leaders and evangelists who are unfailingly sharing the gospel. We all need to remember that God will bring transformation in His own time. Every blessing,
TRANSFORMING LIVES – ONE LIFE AT A TIME To know me you need to understand me
March – May 2014
TEN honours leaving staff
Summer Hope
Poland and Kosovo
A day in the life of Emily Jones
TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood Bristol BS15 1HL
Andy Drake CEO Transform Europe Now
CONTACT Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161 Fax: +44 (0)117 935 2127 Email: Written and produced by the TEN Team. DESIGN Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design Transform Europe Now is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered Charity No. 1140592 and Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7507682.
UNDERSTAND ME Antun and Marija Koprivnjak are church planters in Vukovar, in the northeast of Croatia near the border with Serbia. Here is an account of someone they work with…
and poverty the woman decided to search for a better life. She left behind her alcoholic husband and ten children. One of the twins, Marko was especially hated by his father. Marko received beatings which caused him to run away and sleep outside. A warm place was the barn, in with the animals. When Marko got really hungry, he would imagine seeing his mother and being loved by her.
husband and wife once lived in a small village. They had eight children and were very poor. The man was an alcoholic and abused his wife daily. Like many Roma girls, his wife thought that if she gave birth to another child her husband would love her, or at least stop beating her. With the arrival of twins, the abuse only increased. After years of abuse, hunger
In prison, the little boy who longed for his father’s love turned into a hard, evil man.
This woman’s love and his conscience seemed to be what God used to begin a deep work within his troubled mind.
Thoughts of his mother comforted him. As he got older Marko decided he would go and find his mother. He searched around the Roma villages, trembling at the thought of being with her and feeling her comfort. When Marko received news of her whereabouts, his heart changed. The man who took his mother as his slave, had her body chopped up and put it in the freezer. Marko was broken. On trying to find his older brothers and sisters to be with, he received news of his brother’s murder. The elimination of his body is too horrific for words. A few years later, Marko learned of his father’s illness and returned home. Upon finding his father lying dead in his bed, Marko was accused of murder by a brother he had called upon for support. As often happens, the police investigation was weak resulting in Marko’s imprisonment. In prison, the little boy who longed for his father’s love turned into a hard, evil man. Consequentially, when Marko left prison he lived with numerous women and could neither love, or be loved. Marko began stealing and organizing for women to be trafficked as prostitutes in order to earn a living. He lived with a woman and her baby, whom he loved. Marko sometimes went crazy and smashed things up. He knew he was wrong. This woman’s love and his conscience seemed to be what God used to begin a deep work within his troubled mind. It was about this time that Antun and Marija (pictured) started visiting homes in Marko’s village and doing Bible Studies
in people’s homes. For weeks Marko struggled in his heart. He saw a Jesus Film. He read the Bible. He listened to Antun share from God’s word. After one night praying together there was a sense something was soon to happen. That night Marko went to bed and had a vision of Jesus. The vision of Jesus touched Marko in a place no-one else could. Marko gave his life to Jesus. One of the first things to change was that he stopped beating the woman he loved. A new real love was able to be released into their lives. A love based upon Jesus. © Biljana Nikolić 2013 and the Roma Christian Writers Guild.
Antun and Marija Koprivnjak.
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
Erion Cuni is a pastor and prison chaplain in Tirana, Albania, and shares this account from Genci:
in. I had no-one outside to risk my life for and actually no life at all, no reason to stay free. I turned myself in and they gave me 25 years. I suffered for 19 years before I was released early for good behaviour. Deep inside me, I did not want to go out. I had no place to go. I kept telling myself: ‘you have no house, no family, no profession and you are old—even in construction you will find no job, you are finished’. The good Lord, I am sure, was laughing at my fears. With my bag in my hand, I travelled to the capital and ended up at the doors of the General Directories of Prisons. They told me they could do nothing for me, but that I should contact the Christian
y name is Genci. I’m now 50 years old. I have spent half of my life in prison. In 1991, I committed murder. The law at that time meant execution… I was in prison waiting for my sentence to be announced. That was not what the Lord had planned for me. 45 days before my sentence, the law changed and I was given life imprisonment. From the day I was put in prison, until the day the law changed, I cried and called on the Lord. My hair became grey and I was devastated. In 1997, the financial fraud in the country made people mad, and a civil war began in Albania. All the prisons were opened. I was free, but homeless. My family had abandoned me. I was stealing to stay alive. In 1998, the state became stronger again and they started to recapture all the prisoners that had escaped. They offered a 50% amnesty for all of those prisoners that turned themselves
I was free, but homeless. My family had abandoned me. I was stealing to stay alive.
Association for Albanian Prisoners. When I did, the social worker and the chaplain came to see me. We shared our stories and they told me about God and His Son, who died for me. They promised to help me because God loved me and so did they. I could not believe it! I had people caring for me.
Now I have the perfect and eternal family… a family that will never abandon me.
This story can be found in Tenacious, along with 99 other incredible testimonies of God’s amazing love. See page 19 for more details.
The chaplain was also the pastor of a local church so I started going there every Sunday. I really could not believe my fortune—I was afraid that it could not last. Even now, after three years, nothing has changed. They still love me and care for me the same. I know that this does not come from man’s love, but that it is God’s love that rebuilds people and gives them a new life. My prayer is that one day I can do the same for others as my new family has done for me; that I may help others who are struggling, just as I struggled. Before I had no family, but now I have the perfect and eternal family… a family that will never abandon me because our Father in Heaven is Love and His Love is eternal just as He is.
Photos: Genci and Erion (top); Genci’s Baptism with Erion and Hervin (bottom).
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
On the 2nd May, TEN’s Operation Assistant, Rachael Fox, and her fiancé, James Robertson, will each be doing a tandem skydive to raise money for TEN!
Rachael and James each need to raise £500— can you sponsor them and support TEN’s vital ministry across Europe? Do you want to join them and skydive for TEN too? For more information or to sponsor the skydive, please call the TEN office on 0117 961 5161 or send a cheque* to Transform Europe Now, 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 1HL. *Cheques should be made payable to Transform Europe Now and please let us know that it is sponsorship for the skydive.
Photo courtesy of Ya-Images. Copyright Ya-Image 2013.
PRAYER DIARY MARCH – MAY 2014 MARCH 2014 1 / Riverbank Church of God, Tirana, Albania. Overseen by Hervin Fushekati, this church has many Roma and poor people living in huts alongside the river, an area earmarked for redevelopment. Pray for wisdom for the church to help members facing loss of their homes. 2 / Pray that redevelopment won’t scatter church members or destabilise church discipling activities. 3 / Ask God to protect church members from opposition from Muslims. Pray for the church’s continuing presence in that area. 4 / Mission Possible, Albania. Pray today for strength, perseverance and faith for all the staff as they share God’s good news with many in desperate need. 5 / Pray that the work of MPA makes a big impact in the local community of Bathore and for more to hear the gospel and be saved. 6 / Pray for the children’s ministry through Miracle clubs and magazine—for children’s growth physically as well as spiritually in Jesus. 7 / Pray that Bible study sessions with the youth will reveal Jesus’ truth and radically transform lives. 8 / Sally Bertram is at Alma Church, Bristol today at a conference on short term mission.
She is leading a seminar with France Mission Trust. 9 / Fellowship of the Lord’s People, Pristina, Kosovo. Artur Krasniqi is concerned at the lack of Christian input in Kosovo, many towns without Christian witness and hundreds of mosques built in the past decade. Ask for wisdom for Artur as he seeks to see this change. 10 / Christians need to set up local businesses to fund themselves and create employment. Pray that the two church-run charity shops will be profitable and other Kosovo partners will set up businesses. 11 / Artur and Brikena want to develop a safe house for trafficked victims, where they can be supported and reintegrated into society. Pray for God’s direction in this vision. 12 / Pristina, Kosovo. Blerim Skivjani has a heart for reaching the Roma community, and has seen three people come to Christ in 2013. Pray these new Christians will grow into disciples, and that they will be the first of many who will persevere through obstacles to know Jesus. 13 / Pray for transformation in the lives of the Roma attending Artur’s church, which will inspire others to seek Him. 14 / Ask God to break through the Muslim resistance of the gospel in Pristina.
15 / Emanuel Hospice, Oradea, Romania. Ask God to supply resources needed to complete the building of the new inpatient facility. 16 / A team from Texas have recently visited. Pray that their activities with hospice children will bring positive benefits and inspire new activities. 17 / Ask God to use fundraising projects such as the Spring fair, to bring much-needed income and raise awareness of the hospice services in the community. 18 / Metin Mintaz, Turkey. Metin has made a few visits to believers in a city with no church, but has received threats if he spreads the gospel there. He asks, “May God give us wisdom, knowledge and strength, may He break the power of such threats, and may His kingdom come [to this place]…”. 19 / The church in Turkey is looking for a replacement building for the future. Pray for God’s wisdom in finding a building they can own. 20 / Pray for the political situation in Turkey, destabilised by corruption and bribery. Pray that justice will prevail and that people will turn towards God in these troubled times. 21 / Galina Dzhuzenova, Compassion Ministry, Russia. Pray for Easter plans and events in various hospitals next month, that God’s love and care is clearly demonstrated through them.
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Mission Possible
22 / Pray for the meetings in April: Hospital Number 20, Kashenko Hospital and the Gerontological Hospital. 23 / Pray that the meeting for WWII veterans in May will see people turning to Christ for help and salvation. 24 / Sergey Obidenov, Prohladniy, Russia. Pray for Sergey’s teaching at the Bible Institute and the ‘School Without Walls’ project. Pray for clear, inspirational teaching. 25 / Pray today for the children’s work, co-ordinated by Sergey’s wife. Ask God to help children understand the gospel and share it with friends. 26 / TEN are at Cardiff CRE (Christian Resources Exhibition) today. Pray for lots of conversations and contact to inspire new support and giving to our work. 27 / Pray that Sergey and colleagues will be great encouragers in their work developing the local Baptist community.
Bible studies, that they will meet with God in a new way. 30 / Pray for Andy Drake, speaking today at Gateway Church, Leyton, London. 31 / Pray that through his work Andrej will sow many seeds of faith which in time will produce strong disciples of Christ.
APRIL 2014 1 / Pray for the church in Poland beginning a 40 day fast for the nation today. See page 16 for more details. 2 / Mission Possible, Bulgaria. From 1-7 April a teaching camp takes place at Dobromirka for women from troubled backgrounds. Pray for a removal of bitterness inside them and new hope for the future. 3 / Pray for government approval of Mission Possible’s plans to train the unemployed in new professions. This can bring new qualifications and better chances of employment.
28 / A Woodlands Church team travel today to Mission Possible’s women’s shelter in Dobromirka, Bulgaria. May their skills and care make an impact on those hurting there.
4 / Nikola Atanasov, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. TEN ambassador Andrew Macpherson is visiting various Bulgarian partners, including Nikola from the 3rd – 8th. Pray he will be a great encouragement to him and his church.
29 / Andrej Kozhinov, Golishmanova, Russia. Pray for the people who go to Andrej’s
5 / Nikola asked for prayer for a church in Yasno Pole, that has been working through problems
Nikola & Daniela Dessie & Anatoli
which could have held back its growth. Pray for breakthrough here. 6 / Pray for the home group Nikola and wife Daniela attend weekly. Pray for their continued support and encouragement through this fellowship. 7 / Anatoli Yankov, Svishtov, Bulgaria. Their son John started a meeting for the church teenagers last year. Pray that a group of strong, committed Christians develops from this fellowship. 8 / As the ‘Taste of Europe’ season begins, pray that our roadshows encourage new people to support our partners in their work in Europe. 9 / The church in Svishtov will need to move into a larger hall soon. Pray for God’s provision of the right place at the right time. 10 / Peter and Lynne Yeoman, Malbork, Poland. The church begins 40 days of prayer and fasting for Poland this month, seeking spiritual breakthrough in the nation. Please join them in prayer. 11 / Peter and Lynne hope to start a school of ministry this spring to train up young leaders. Pray for God’s direction and timing for this and also for people to help run it. 12 / Meetings in local churches to teach English have been well attended. Pray that those who have also shown an interest in the
Nada & Mirco
Peter & Lynne
gospel will seek God and not be discouraged. 13 / Tomek and Damaris Otremba, Cieszyn, Poland feel stirred by God to make links with Catholics and have had some significant meetings. Pray for God’s clear guidance for their next steps forward. 14 / Pray for ‘divine appointments’ with Catholic Christians in order to further God’s work. 15 / Pray for discernment for them as they build these relationships. 16 / Antun and Marija Koprivnjac, Vukovar, Croatia. A Gypsy church has been planted in Darda. Antun reports “Jesus seems to be especially close to those… on the fringe of society.” Pray that many more will know Jesus’ transforming love in Darda. 17 / Breakfast meetings organised for women have gone well. Ask God to break through into many lives through these times. 18 / On Good Friday, give thanks for the countless lives changed forever by Christ’s death. 19 / Women’s prison visits are done several times a year in Vukovar. Pray that these draw women towards God and away from their old way of life. 20 / Pray that partners’ churches will see many begin new lives in
Tanja & Vance
Christ this Easter Sunday. 21 / Pray for wisdom for the production of the Christian magazine ‘Izvori’, produced quarterly in Croatia. Pray that it may be a life-changing publication. 22 / Danijel and Eva Mrsic, Split, Croatia. Pray for the ‘Focus on the Balkans’ ministry they oversee. Pray for co-operation and encouragement as different churches and Christians work together. 23 / Pray for God’s guidance in the development of ‘Fokus’ Christian camp in Lika. Pray that it will be a place of blessing to many. 24 / Pray for those who have recently completed an Alpha course. Pray that any struggling with doubts will discover a real relationship with Christ. 25 / Pray today for Ico Matulic, church elder in Split who also helps run Alpha. Pray for wisdom from God in his planning and leadership. 26 / Pray for church members working with the poor, Gypsies and refugees. Pray for wisdom and patience to enable them to give the best help. 27 / Daniel Stracinski, Bar, Montenegro. The church is helping to improve the communication between children with autism and their parents. Pray that this will help the families feel cared about, not overlooked.
Slavoljub & Snezana
28 / Daniel’s family in Serbia have been going through difficult times. Pray for improved health for his parents and help for his brother, seeking justice in a legal situation. 29 / Give thanks for the seven new Christian men. Pray for their lives to attract others to Christ. 30 / Ask God to inspire Daniel as he shares Bible studies with them.
MAY 2014 1 / Mirco Andreev, Skopje Evangelical Church, Macedonia. Pray for Mirco and wife Nada. Ask God to bless them with health and strength in all they do. 2 / Staff member Rachael Fox and fiancé James Robertson are skydiving to raise funds for TEN today. Pray for their safety!! 3 / Mirco’s assistant pastor, Stole Petrovski, also leads The Bible League in Macedonia. He helps train new pastors. Pray for this partnership as they work together to spread the gospel and see new churches established. 4 / Vance Golomeov, Stip, Macedonia. Vance is helping with the outreach work in Sveti Nikole with Mirco and others. Pray for guidance in making contacts and new friendships. 5 / Pray for wisdom for Vance in his work with drug addicts in Stip. Pray for God’s help to uniquely tailor his work per individual.
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
7 / Pray for our Board of Trustees meeting today. Pray for guidance in decision-making and planning. 8 / Josip Pastor, Bitola, Macedonia. Pray for Josip’s input into the Alpha course. Ask God to guide and direct him. 9 / Pray for those who are attending Alpha or have been on one recently. Ask God to craft strong disciples out of those who have come to know Him. 10 / Pray that those who have been on Alpha will tell others about it and encourage their searching. 11 / Dragan Manev, Veles, Macedonia. Pray for strength and encouragement from God in his outreach work in Veles. Pray that spiritual seeds sown will produce strong new Christians. 12 / Pray that homegroups will be a place of encouragement and inspiration. 13 / Ask for God’s wisdom for Dragan, in handling potential issues that arise. 14 / Ask God to use the puppet shows in Veles to reach many who would not otherwise be interested. 15 / Pray for the plans to produce a puppet show CD for distribution across Macedonia. Pray for personnel and equipment needed for professional production. 16 / Tomislav and Lidija Dobutovic, Sarajevo Baptist Church, Bosnia. Pray that those who received winter food and firewood from church will want to come to faith in God.
17 / Pray for healthy relationships in families and marriages. Ask for God’s wisdom for those seeking help or needing encouragement. 18 / Ask God to help those inspired to work with the women in Sarajevo. Pray that the creative workshop will be the start of new friendships and new journeys to faith in Christ. 19 / Slavko Hadzic, Sarajevo Evangelical Church, Bosnia. Pray for the regular Circle of Women meetings, that women will be encouraged by these and will be inspired to share their experience of Christ with others. 20 / Pray for God’s inspiration for the leaders of the youth group and for encouragement for the young people’s faith. Ask God to knit them together into a strong, supportive group. 21 / Pray for Dr Maja and the staff of the clinic run by the church. Pray that those who are helped will want to find out more about Christ for themselves. 22 / If approved, Slavko may be teaching protestant religious education in a number of schools by now. Please pray that he may teach with wisdom, enthusiasm and joy, springing from his relationship with Jesus. 23 / Dusan Beredi, Novi Sad Christian Fellowship, Serbia. Following the success of the Rainbow rehab centre for men, Dusan believes God is leading the church to start a rehab centre for women. Pray for direction from God for this. 24 / Pray for all those in the Rainbow rehab centre. Ask God to break into men’s lives and bring transformation that will last a lifetime.
25 / Pray that many who attended the Alpha course at the start of the year are growing as Christians, sharing the Good News and becoming part of a church. 26 / The church has been running a second Sunday service, geared towards young people. Pray that this extra service will encourage people to come who would otherwise not go to church. Pray for many to come to faith. 27 / Slavoljub and Snezana Randjelovic, Lebane Evangelical Church, Serbia. The congregation at this church are unemployed. Pray that despite this, church members may know hope and encouragement in their lives. 28 / Slavoljub has plans to set up a fruit growing business to enable a number to earn a living. Pray that this business will come together and ‘take off’. 29 / Pray for guidance and support for Slavoljub in this venture. Pray too for the selection of those involved in it. 30 / Pray for the plans to set up a Royal Rangers club, which has had success in Northern Serbia. (RR is similar to Bear Grylls.) Pray for wise helpers and resources needed. 31 / Pray that Royal Rangers will impact the lives of many young people and help them be confident and encouraged.
6 / Pray that those who are without hope in Stip will become people who have hope in Jesus.
To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees! Billy Graham
…but with heartfelt thanks we are saying goodbye to three of our much loved staff members who each in their own way have brought so much to the work of Eurovangelism. Jane Jones is now working with Unchosen, an antitrafficking charity, and we wish her every blessing as she brings her many skills to this vital work. For many years Jane was the graphic designer at Eurovangelism and through this and her infectious enthusiasm she leaves us with fond memories of her time on the team. Lindsay Davey is leaving to focus on being a mum for a while but will also continue with her volunteering work through her local church. Lindsay has been with us during two extended periods (separated by having children!) and has helped a lot with administration and finances, and also led teams to Europe. Lindsay has unceasingly shared her passion for the work with others. Angela Johnson will be leaving in early Spring. Having first been a volunteer with Eurovangelism and then in later years a paid member of staff responsible for supporter relations, Angela’s writing skills have been a huge blessing. ‘Thank you’ letters, the prayer diary and web articles have all benefitted from her careful and thoughtful prose. On behalf of the trustees, supporters, partners and team we say a sad farewell to Jane, Lindsay and Angela, but also a huge ‘thank you’ for sharing your time, skills, laughter and enthusiasm with the rest of the TEN team and the many people you have connected with across Europe. We pray that you know how much your work has and will be part of an eternal blessing as God’s kingdom continues to grow across Europe. The Lord bless you and keep you.
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
HOPE Summer is fast approaching, and our partners are already making plans for this years’ summer camps. Ruth and Kirsty tell us about their exciting adventure last year, when TEN sent them to help with a summer camp in the shanty town of Bathore, Albania:
round 80 different children from the area attend each week, and they are then encouraged to join the centre’s Bible classes during the year. The children attending the summer camp are some of the poorest children in Europe and we were able to experience this first hand as we got to know the stories and lives of the children we spent time with. There is very little for children to do there—other than begging—and the camp provides a fun and safe environment where the children can play and learn. We got to know lots of people really well and developed great friendships with a number of the people that we were working with. We were all split into teams and would either work alongside these children or be in charge of an activity (crafts, dance or games). Everyone we met seemed to be 14
brilliant dancers and the two of us caused a lot of laughter with our attempts at the fast and complicated routines. The children were also very keen to teach us Albanian and were very proud when we managed to learn basic sentences. (Our favourite part of the summer was being able to join the children in a game that consisted of Albanian words and actually being able to understand it!) Although at the time we were both fairly nervous, it was amazing to be able to share a little bit of God with a country that has only recently left a communist state. After telling a Bible story and sharing prayer we would have free time where we could play games, learn more Albanian or just sit and relax with a bottle of water—which in the hot sun was often needed! Lunch would then be served; this
would be for many of the children the only proper meal that they would eat all day. After everyone had finished the children would begin to leave, having given us huge hugs and kisses. This was by far the best summer that either of us has ever had, and there were lots of tears when we had to say goodbye. (If it wasn’t for the fact that we were about to run out of money, we’d probably still be there now!) If you are looking to do
anything like this, we really encourage you to do so—we learnt so much and are still in touch with some of the friends that we made out there. Kirsty and Ruth Photos from the summer camp in Bathore, Romania, with Ruth Lombard featured on the left.
PLEASE support the SUMMER HOPE appeal and enable impoverished children to experience Summer Hope for themselves. Your support will help us reach as many as possible, and enable our partners to provide quality experiences for each child, including nourishing food and quality Bible teaching. What’s more, it may just be the breakthrough needed for a child to discover that there is indeed more to life, and that hope is not just a dream.
If you w yo u r c h a n t t o g e t urc w ith h h involved summe elping on a r please camp this ye ar get in t ou ch w , us! S e e it h pag e 1 9 for m ore d etail s.
If you’d like to give to the ‘Summer Hope’ fund, please indicate this on your enclosed response slip. Just £10 can make all the difference. +44 (0)117 961 5161 /
eter and Lynne Yeoman’s work is expansive. It includes leadership training; encouraging new church plants; Bible teaching in local churches and organising a school of ministry that commences in April. God has placed a desire on their hearts to commence a season of
prayer and fasting for forty days which they are obediently starting on 1st April 2014. They believe this season is for Poland, as a nation, and therefore the Yeoman’s are keen for as many people as possible to stand with them during this time, in prayer and fasting. (If you would like to do so please get in contact with the office so that we
can encourage Peter and Lynne.) Peter and Lynne believe that the Catholic culture can sometimes be a major hindrance, to the point of bringing spiritual bondage. They tell TEN that they can think of many examples of how this is affecting the individual lives of Polish people, to the point that voices (even those of unbelievers) are crying out for deliverance from this oppressive spirit. TEN also links with another couple who are involved in various youth camps and feel called to church-planting, or better: gospel-proclamation which results in gospel churchplanting, which results in gospel-saturation!
“We thank the Lord for all those who pray for us. Your prayers are valued and appreciated in more ways than you realise”
2 Photos: Top: Warsaw, Poland; 1: English students; 2: Pete ministering at a men’s conference in Malbork.
Peter and Lynne Yeoman
EN has been present in Kosovo for many years and it is a country with much going on at the moment both politically and with TEN’s partners. Our newest partner in Pristina, the capital, is Blerim, a young Roma who is reaching into the heart of the large Roma community. It is tough work due to the community being largely populated by Muslims who find speaking to Christians or attending church unpalatable. Our partners believe that while most Kosovars are nominally Muslim, extremism is increasing and they have seen evidence that many are taking on more radical forms of Islam. Meanwhile, the number of
churches across Kosovo has fallen from above twenty to below twenty over the last year, as missionaries make their way back home, or to the next place that is making global headlines. The harvest is ripe but the workers are being stretched!! Trafficking is also on the rise within Kosovo, both organ and human. There is a desperate need for Safe Houses and tougher laws. Artur Krasniqi, leader of the Fellowship of the Lord’s People, is very aware of this need and is currently looking into providing a Safe House that not only cares for women who have escaped slavery, but also to try and reintegrate them into society. Experience has
taught Artur that, despite their horrific treatment, women often return to trafficking because it becomes all they know. Artur’s desire is to give these women, and children, a place where they not only feel safe, but are also able to re-learn their individual value and worth. There is much work to be done in this small independent country, and we’re privileged to partner with those who are pulling beyond their weight as they seek to address the spiritual and physical needs around them. Please pray for Artur and Blerim and all those who faithfully serve their communities for God’s glory.
Photos: Top: Pristina , Kosovo; 1: Blerim in his old, rented, meeting room within the Roma community, Pristina; 2: Artur with his wife, Brikena.
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
EMILY JONES What brought you to TEN’s doorstep? My dad worked with TEN (when it was Eurovangelism) for most of my childhood so I have always been aware of TEN and supported its aims. When I had a month to do some voluntary work, I knew that helping TEN’s partners would be a good way to start.
Emily at one of the gypsy villages in Bulgaria.
Mission Possible Bulgaria I have been volunteering with Mission Possible Bulgaria (MPB), who are based in a village just outside of Sofia. They have many projects throughout Bulgaria, including soup kitchens for gyspy children, a home for women at risk and publishing of Christian literature. I’m here to help with anything and everything. When we visit the Gyspy villages I help give out food, clothes, shoes and am a smiling face to the children. At other times, I sort food from the food bank or help sort out clothes for when we next go to the villages. I have been helping the team get ready for a night which was to publicise their magazine ‘Leah’. It’s the only women’s Christian magazine in Bulgaria!
Favourite highlight… For me, the best day was when we visited four different villages, giving food, clothes, blankets, toys, socks and shoes to the gypsy children. The children are so beautiful and it was lovely to greet them and hear their singing. It was good to see MPB in action and to, personally, be able to fully appreciate the difference they make, with God’s help, in these children’s lives. What’s been your transformation? I still learn something every day! Being here in Bulgaria has made me realise how much we focus on material possessions and the pressure of time. Bulgarians are so laid back. I aim to take this attitude home with me! Prayer points: • For Leah magazine subscriptions to increase and for its audience to spread all over Bulgaria. • That the children who Mission Possible work with will know a touch from God and for lives to be changed.
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