TEN Magazine Summer 2014

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MAGAZINE Summer 2014


PROJECT CONSTANTA 2022 Getting a church in every village and town. Can it really be done?

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Evangelical Christians are a small but growing minority in Macedonia. We need your help to see real breakthrough! Please keep praying for us and supporting us so that we can see this ancient land turn to God and know His love. Mirco and Nada Andreev, Macedonia

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remember being trapped during a potholing expedition. It was just the caving instructor and me. The look on his face as we once again hit a dead end said it all. We were under a million tons of rock and completely lost. The only thing left to do was cry out for help and hope—desperately— that someone else was potholing that day. Well, I’m here to tell the tale so you can guess we made it out (I’ve not been potholing since!). Our cry for help was eventually answered and after a few hard hours I saw daylight again. Beautiful. The ‘Macedonian Call’ in Acts 16 was a cry for help that galvanised Paul and his team into action. Today, there are modern Macedonians as well as Romanians, Moldovans, Albanians, Bulgarians, Kosovans, Serbians—the list goes on—all crying out for help. Their cry is not for people to come and tell them the gospel, but rather for people to help them with the telling of it themselves. Each church in the UK is a potential powerhouse of help: prayer, pounds and personnel (short-term teams). The trouble is, so many just can’t hear the call. They are either focussed in other directions or aren’t even aware such need exists. What joy could be theirs if they only knew how easy it was to be involved in evangelising and ministering to Europe! If you feel your church needs to hear the call and would benefit from a TEN speaker, then why not arrange for us to take a Sunday service or to bring you ‘A Taste of Europe’ midweek? We’d love to share what God is doing in Europe today and are confident that everyone will be inspired to pray, some will be moved to give, and a few might feel called to go. We are waiting for your call, so that your church can hear the Macedonian call of today. Every blessing,















June – August 2014

Our prayer for Europe over the Summer

Meet the TEN Team

Moldova and Russia

Looking through the pastor’s spectacles with Gwyn Parry

TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood Bristol BS15 1HL

CONTACT Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161 Email: info@transformeuropenow.org Written and produced by the TEN Team.

Andy Drake CEO Transform Europe Now

DESIGN Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design Transform Europe Now is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered Charity No. 1140592 and Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7507682.

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THE FATHER Kira was born in a small Moldovan town, into a very poor family with many children. Poverty and quarrels brought about the parents’ divorce. Life still got tougher… 4


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and soon after, Kira was sent back to Moldova. Some months later the social services took Kira to the ‘House of Change’ rehabilitation centre for victims of exploitation and trafficking, run by ‘Beginning of Life’. Months of cruel mistreatment left deep scars both on Kira’s body and soul. Some continued to bleed. In Dubai, Kira had accepted Islam after deciding the Christian God had left her and only Allah could protect her. The first few months in the House of Change were difficult. Kira refused to submit and participate in the program. She was withdrawn—both nightmares and a deep depression reminded her of all she had experienced. Despite other girls persuading her to attend church, Kira refused to pray, sing, or listen to sermons. Although having attended church as a child, Kira prayed to Allah and tried to fulfil all the things required of a Muslim.


ired of never ending poverty, Kira left school at 13 years old and searched for jobs. “I wanted to become free and independent, to find a better life than what I had. However, everything was harder than I thought. I tried to find any job I could, but without education, experience and professional skills nobody wanted me…” In 2011, Kira was in trouble financially when she read an announcement in a newspaper about employment abroad; she thought this was her chance. The advertisement was waitressing in the Arab Emirates with favourable conditions. Kira accepted and gave in her passport and paperwork. A friend tried to dissuade her from going, suggesting it was an exploitation trap. Kira tried to refuse the job but was confronted with threats, insults and demands that she return the money spent on tickets, paperwork, and fees. It amounted to thousands of dollars. So Kira was forced to go in the hope that everything would turn out well.

He let me know that if I won’t “work”, he will bring me to the desert and kill me…

Kira was transported through Russia, to Dubai. On day one, Kira was sent to a brothel where the pimp explained he had spent lots of money to purchase her and that she had to work off the debt. “I refused to be engaged in prostitution, but this man quickly broke me down. He let me know that if I won’t ‘work’, he will bring me to the desert and kill me…” Every day for six months Kira persistently looked for opportunities to escape. Once, one client agreed to take her for a night to his home. Snatching the moment, she called a hotline, through Skype, which she had known about for a long time and had considered her only hope. That night, the police released Kira

Six months later Kira’s heart changed. At a Christian youth meeting, with tears in her eyes, she prayed to God and asked for forgiveness. She says, “For a long time I couldn’t believe that God loves me, that the people in this centre are sincere in their attempts to help and protect me. As I go through life, God’s people showed up again and I rediscovered my childhood faith that God is waiting for me...” From that day on, Kira’s behaviour changed dramatically. She began to gather the girls together and read the Bible with them. She motivated them to pray and began to care about others more than herself. She simply returned to the Father. © ‘House of Change’, Beginning of Life, Moldova.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org

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Can it really be done— in every town and village—and in such an unreached region?!? Against all the odds, an astonishing vision has already started to become reality as men and women of God seek to transform the East coast of Romania. BANEASA The town of Baneasa has a population of 4,500 people and is a very strategic town: surrounded by villages and an influential place economically speaking. Though the work is slow, there are already 10–15 individuals praying for the town and beginning to meet with people. Two strong, keen families are needed to move into the area and commit to getting to know their neighbours whilst working there to build and sustain a church. One family has already signed up for the task. They are being equipped and trained by enrolling on a church planting course to help shape their expectations, the realities they’ll face and general church welfare. HARSOVA An evangelical church has not existed in Harsova, a town of over 10,000 people, since 2008. The work began in Harsova last year with the summer being a key opportunity for outreach, especially amongst young people with 6

long summer holidays. The joy behind Harsova’s story is that the team were not alone in their calling here. A Baptist Church from Constanta began work with children at a similar time and after seeking God’s guidance, the two teams combined. January 2014 saw the work being governed by the Baptist Church, but remaining united with the Project Constanta team who said, “We are ready to let it go with our blessing and support.” SILISTEA Silistea is the first town to have someone express the desire to be baptised (as yet!). This town has faced some opposition from people who were not happy with what the team were doing. However, the team felt God’s provision after a day of prayer and fasting. CONSTANTA Constanta (Traian and Elena’s home city) boasts over half a million people with 1,000 born again Christians. A church plant was discussed for the city


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Traian and Elena Pascalau (pictured) are part of the Project Constanta leadership team

and planning stages began in January. The church plant is in a Turkish and Roma neighbourhood called ‘Justitiei’. A young couple work there and are doing a great job. They lead children’s work twice a week and two Alpha courses. “We would like to be able to have this church up and running by the end of 2014.” TOPRAISAR 6,000 people make up the community of Topraisar. It is heavily Orthodox, but people do not attend church or acknowledge God/religion. The work in Topraisar is steady with a local sports teacher investing in the children’s work; a football team was set up which gives opportunity to meet parents. The team visit Topraisar two days a week and invest their time delivering food parcels, evangelising through puppet theatres and putting on special services. Already,

25 people regularly attend the church plus over 30 children! The vision is to grow the church to 50 people, which will allow for a part-time children’s worker. Two alpha courses and a parenting course are also planned. NICOLAE BALCESCU The work in Nicolae Balcescu is slower. Ionut and Mihalea attended a school for transcultural mission before answering the call to work in this town. A venue is yet to be found but already seven people have given their lives to Christ and regularly meet!

If you would like to be involved with this work or be given updates please contact the office.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org

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EUROPE AN EXCITING ROADSHOW FEATURING THE FULL FLAVOUR OF TEN’S WORK ACROSS EUROPE Places are limited. Book your church in now! Call the TEN office on 0117 961 5161. We’d love to come and inspire you!


Trumpet of Gideon aims to boost the often exhausted, yet persevering church leaders of Eastern Europe, and we need your support. We are looking for prayer warriors to commit to pray each day of the conference for a specific church leader who is attending.

Have you ever met a church leader who is burnt out, discouraged and on their spiritual last legs? We have too, and it’s not a pretty sight.

If you can be a Trumpet of Gideon prayer warrior for a week this autumn, call us on 0117 961 5161.

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We want each person coming to know that they are loved and cared for by mature, praying Christians in the UK, and that their names are being brought before God daily.

Thank you for standing with God’s leaders across Europe. Together we can ensure that no church leader feels alone and forgotten.

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JUNE – AUGUST 2014 JUNE 2014 1 / Sally Bertram is visiting partners in Constanta, Romania. Pray for safety whilst travelling and for the trip to be a refreshing and rewarding time catching up with partners. 2 / Erion Cuni, Albania. Pray that redevelopment won’t scatter church members or destabilise church discipling activities.

9 / Beginning of Life (BOL), Moldova. Serghei Golovatiy is BOL’s new team member specialising in psychiatry and psychology. Pray for a good welcome and stability in his job. 10 / ‘Escape’ is BOL’s magazine, providing information on issues like trafficking and migration, and promoting Kingdom values. Pray for its positive receptivity.

3 / Churches across Albania, including Erion’s, are meeting to plan for Albania’s Global Outreach Day. Pray for opportunities.

11 / BOL requests, “Ask God to make the impossible possible: to free [these girls] from the bonds of evil, and to give them true restoration and new lives of hope.”

4 / Prison ministry still plays a big role in Erion’s outreach. Pray for his protection and ability to be a witness into people’s lives.

12 / Slavko Hadzic, Sarajevo, Bosnia. Slavko has his final oncologist appointment this month, pray for joyful results.

5 / Sinisa and Olja Stojkovic, Banja Luka, Bosnia. Praise God that the Christian Fellowship Church has their own property: “God is bigger than our dreams.”

13 / Pray for the Hadzic family. Jovana is finishing high school and David is finishing elementary. Pray for easy transitions and for wisdom as to how to continue with education.

6 / Pray for those attending the Educational Centre “Ihtus”, Café Club and classroom, that outreach will be commonplace and that new people will come to know Christ. 7 / The Church is entering a ‘new season’. Pray that God’s abundance will fill the church and be a welcoming place for all who enter. 8 / Ljiljana Banicek also works for Christian Fellowship in Bosnia. Pray that everyone she meets may be affected by her positivity and love for the Gospel. Praise God for her servant heart.

14 / Today is the retreat for Slavko’s youth group on Mount Jahorina. Pray for good relationships with one another and a deeper relationship with God. 14 – 26 / A team from Kinmel Bay is visiting Lucian Tabac, Moldova. Pray for safety; for outreach programmes; time visiting povertystricken areas; and for God’s glorification. 16 / Vladimir and Marijana Cizmanski, Montenegro, have recently returned from their sabbatical in the US. It has been

an enriching time, pray that it will continue to impact them. 17 / “There is a sense of urgency to get prepared!” Their church were heavily involved in outreach at the end of April, pray that fruit produced will continue to be nourished. 18 / Emanuel Hospice, Romania. Pray for hospice patients “that they will know God’s love in a special way and for alleviation from their suffering; for comfort, encouragement and peace.” 19 / Pray for hospice staff, led by Marinela Murg, as they seek to find two new nurses and a chaplain. Pray for staff welfare as they serve the patients under their care. 20 / The Hospice is expanding and needs prayer for the practicalities of building a new hospice facility and the maintenance of it thereafter. 21 / Rachael Fox is marrying James Robertson at noon (Somerset). 50+% attenders are non-Christians; pray for strong witness and opportunities to share. May this be a wonderful beginning for the newly-weds. 22 / ‘Keeper of my Brother’ conference for men of the former Yugoslavia is taking place in Bosnia. Pray for the speakers and for the Spirit to move. 23 / Open Heart, Constanta, Romania. Pray for Johnny and Seigean, as they only recently joined the Open Heart Team.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org

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Erion & family

Sinisa & Olja

24 / Pray for the café that runs two days a week for the people in Henri Coanda, for opportunities to visit people’s homes and for fellowship. 25 / Pray for the Open Heart team as they continue to visit the 20 families they regularly support. 26 / TEN staff are attending ‘GO FEST’, a mission festival, to raise awareness of TEN and its activities in Europe. Pray for new supporters, large interest, potential teams and a fun weekend. 27 / Plamen Borisov, Bulgaria asks for “God to touch people with deep repentance in our city this year!” 28 / God is our sovereign provider, pray for resources needed to equip the church to accommodate various activities for children, young people and families. 29 / Jovica Bacvanski, Montenegro. The church is in need of encouragement and support. Retaining people is increasingly difficult. Please pray for the Spirit to move and raise up new leaders. 30 / Jovica’s family are hoping for a summer holiday. Pray they can enjoy time together whilst finding rest and refreshment before attending to church needs once again.




Kremi & Plamen

JULY 2014 1 / Project Romanian Rescue (PRR), Romania. Pray for the Day Centre as it continues to reach impoverished families with food, counselling and medical needs. 2 / PRR requests, “Pray that our goal of keeping families together and children in school will be realised.” 3 / There is need for a new male staff member to join the PRR boy’s home. Pray for the practicalities surrounding this. 4 / Four boys and one 18 year old girl are planning their next stages in life after their upbringing through PRR. One boy plans to go on YWAM’s DTS course. Please pray for guidance. 5 / Today, evangelical Christians in Poland will be meeting in Gdansk for ‘March for Jesus’. Pray for safety as they do so, and for opportunities to speak out about their faith. 6 / Tomi and Helena Mogus, Croatia. Praise God for the recent test results that have returned for Helena and pray for continued healing. 7 / Praise God for Tomi and Helena’s son, Karlo, who has recently undergone ear surgery and now has full hearing in his left ear. Pray for continued healing and uplifting as a family.


The PRR Team

Tomi & Helena Mission

8 / Evangelismo en Accione, Spain. Pray for the work taking place each Friday, where 10–15 children are hosted and entertained with Bible stories and singing. 9 / Velez-Malaga Church has had several members become unemployed or struggling for longterm employment. Pray for work to increase in the area. 10 / Casarobonela has a strong Muslim and Catholic background, but has been receiving visits from EEA. Pray for the outreach and evangelistic literature being distributed there. 11 / This summer in Casarobonela, EEA want to get involved with evangelistic outreaches through musical performances and testimonies. Pray these will be well received. 12 / Mission Possible Albania. The Youth Group and Kindergarten: “May they hearts and minds be open to accept Christ. Pray that the Lord may strengthen their patience, love, gratitude, will and unity.” 13 / Summer Camp Ministry: “For volunteers and staff to have open hearts and be humble in their service. Pray that God may strengthen physically, mentally and spiritually through His love”. 14 / “Pray that more men may become part of ministries all over Albania. Pray that they may come closer to His Kingdom.”


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Helena Mission Possible



15 / Pray that God may enlighten minds and through His wisdom, spirit and kindness lead MPA towards a blessed ministry. 16 / Albania as a nation “is facing difficult moments”. Pray for: guidance, collaboration, devotion, development and love for one another. 17 / Macedonia. In June there was a prayer meeting in Macedonia with 1,000 delegates. It was to pray for peace in the Balkans and the world! Pray for the participants, fruitfulness and peace. 18 / Pray for the new church planters that have been trained in Macedonia and are awaiting their next positions. Praise God for their obedient hearts and for guidance in their next steps!

Nikola & Daniela Benny & Milcho

Peter & Lynne

22 / Pray for the English camp for students taking place and a children’s camp starting on the 27th. “Many are poor and marginalised; we want them to experience God’s love!” 23 / Bera wants to set up a recovery group for alcoholics. “Statistics show that 50% of Serbian men have a problem with alcohol.” The church wants to reach out to these people. 24 / Seventeen people were baptised in March—pray for their ongoing discipleship and to be a true witness to friends and family who still don’t believe. 25 / Praise God for the witness and outreach Novi Sad Christian Fellowship have amongst drug addicts and those who are unchurched.

19 / Daniel Stracinski, Montenegro. Daniel is travelling to Cyprus for an international conference (21–25) pray for his safety, encouragement and a refreshing of God’s call on his life.

26 / The Hillview youth group are making a trip to Mission Possible Bulgaria (25–31). May this be a spiritual time of growth and deeper understanding, and may they be a blessing to those they meet.

20 / Daniel is involved in numerous summer camps across a wide range of ages. Pray for open hearts, interest, Biblical teaching and a united team to teach the gospel.

27 / Andy Drake is preaching at South Woodham Ferrers; Rachael Fox is speaking at St. Mary’s, Langford. Pray the Holy Spirit will impact their words so that it doesn’t fall on deaf ears.

21 / Dusan Beredi (Bera), Novi Sad, Serbia. “Pray for wisdom for people who work in the Rainbow Rehabilitation Centre, for development of business and new users to be open to Christ.”

28 / Compassion Ministry, Russia. Pray for Galina as she continues to head up this ministry. The need is vast but the resources are few.

Slavoljub & Snezana

29 / Pray for the work among refugees and migrants in the capital, Moscow. Praise God for translated gospels and that they may be used and received openly. 30 / TEN’s quarterly Board Meeting is taking place today. Pray for God’s guidance amidst discussions and good fellowship together. 31 / Pray for more people to serve the sick and hospitalised through the Compassion Ministry, who continue to serve in four hospitals, the HIV Baby home and the TB Sanatorium.

AUGUST 2014 1 / Alpha is a strong outreach in Europe; please pray for lives that have been touched, that people might continue to be fed and enriched by Christian brothers and sisters around them. 2 / Teenagers are attending ‘Teenstreet Conference’ in Germany until the 9th. Pray for strong and lasting encounters with God. 3 / 40 people will be attending camps this month in Serbia. May decisions be made to follow Christ and lives transformed. 4 / Nikola Atanasov, Bulgaria. Three young people have begun ministering to peers through meetings led in different homes each week. Pray God will strengthen and empower them.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org

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Dessie & Anatoli


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5 / Pray for a couple in church who are close to divorce. “We want to serve them and with God’s help they keep their marriage.” 6 / Pray for the practicalities of church life, especially for somewhere to meet in the village of Tsarimir. 7 / Milcho Deyanov, Bulgaria requests, “For open doors where God wants us to start new churches and that He will show us the people we are to enter into covenant relationships with.” 8 / Praise God for the work He is doing in Popovo and for continued transformation of the town. 9 / Milcho and Benny would dearly love their own place to live to begin a family. Please pray for the couple’s health and the next stage of married life together. 10 / Peter and Lynne Yeoman, Poland. There are many youth camps and outreaches during the summer. Pray for young people to come to know Christ. 11 / Pray for Peter and Lynne’s time away from family in England. May they remain close despite the distance and know God’s love for their family back home. 12 / April saw Poland partake in 40 days of prayer and fasting. Please pray for continued wisdom and guidance in all that took place then and what’s still to come. 13 / Slavoljub Randjelovic, Serbia. A large proportion of Roma people will take on seasonal work in agriculture. Pray for good weather for a plentiful harvest. 14 / Today, the Ignite camp begins in Romania with Casa Grace. Please pray for 20 young people helping from Elim


Keynsham, and for the 70 children who will attend, aged between 5 – 13.

23 / The Ignite camp ends today. Pray that young lives will have discovered Christ’s love.

15 / Slavoljub also requests prayer for the camps happening with Royal Rangers this summer. Pray for safety, fun and God’s revelation.

24 / Blerim Skivjani, Kosovo. Pray for Blerim’s upholding and perseverance with the work amongst the Roma people. May he be encouraged and guided in his teaching.

16 / Anatoli Yankov, Bulgaria. As often is the case for many of our church partners, Anatoli asks for prayer for increased volunteers to help in ministry. 17 / As the ministry grows so does the need for various resources. Pray Anatoli and the church might be able to reach out to those around them. 18 / Today a bereavement camp begins in Romania, by Emanuel Hospice, with 25 attendees. Pray for protection, for the hospice team / volunteers and for wisdom. 19 / Hervin Fushekati, Albania. Outreaches and opportunities continue to arise. Hervin asks “for wisdom to know how to prioritise important activities and prune out those time-stealing parasites in our lives.” 20 / Hervin and team are taking steps to focus on ‘Discipleship’. Pray they will be intentional in all relationships, leading to a great chain reaction of generational disciple multiplication. 21 / “Please intercede for us that God will provide more volunteers, workers and strategic partners so we can carry out the vision and burden the Lord has put before us”. 22 / Pray for the leadership team, for protection so that God’s Glory will always be the purpose and heart of everything they do, whether in their personal lives, families, or ministry.

25 / Blerim has already seen people become Christians in this new work. Pray for their discipleship and development as they face opposition from local Muslims and family members. 26 / Pray for a spirit of unity across the believers of Kosovo. May they find courage and wisdom to reach out to their Muslim friends. 27 / Tomislav Dobutovic, Bosnia. Tomi’s church is attending a camp in Mostar. Please pray for “…opportunity for church friends and contacts to join us and hear about God.” 28 / Zanio Kraguji has recently started ministry in the church, since graduating from the Bible College. His main responsibilities are visits and the elderly. Please pray for Zanio. 29 / The church is in the process of receiving a Bosnian family to serve with the church and the Bible Institute. Please pray for clear guidance in this. 30 / Praise God for the advancement in Nathan’s, Tomi’s son, schooling and grades. Pray that Tomi and Lidija will find time to be together as a family. 31 / Pray for the work of TEN: its European partners, office staff, ambassadors, volunteers, trustees and supporters.


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Transform Europe Now works across 15 European countries in over 70 projects, so if you or your church wishes to make a difference in Europe you don’t have to go it alone. Church partnerships, short-term teams, special church services, volunteering, targeted prayer and financial support—there’s something for everyone! Countries we operate in include:

This is our prayer for Europe over the summer: Heavenly Father, as millions travel around Europe on holiday this summer, we think of those materially too poor to even contemplate doing so. We also think of those who are spiritually poor and who do not acknowledge you. May you continue to tear down the barriers that blind Europeans to you: religion, nationalism and secularism. May you grant your people in Europe, and especially those breaking ground

for the gospel, a supernatural ability to demonstrate and proclaim the real and living Lord Jesus Christ. May faith in Christ, discipleship in His name, unity in His Spirit and focus on His Kingdom be the abiding experience of your people in Europe, that this ancient continent may once again resonate with your grace and love. Amen

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org

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Both the old and new faces at TEN are here to help connect you with the cutting edge of mission in Europe today. Here’s a little ANDY DRAKE, CEO Andy is an Australian who has been living for the last twenty five years in the UK and is married to Sophie. He loves sport, food and gadgets. Andy has ministered at a number of Baptist churches, as well as various evangelistic organisations—always with a passionate desire to see people become all they can be in Christ. He joined TEN in 2011 and feels deeply privileged to be supporting evangelistic and compassion based ministry across Europe. Although there are already over 70 projects across 15 countries, TEN and Andy have a vision for seeing 1,000 new Christian communities established across the continent. Speak to Andy about: strategy, church consultation, major donations, working with TEN.

SALLY BERTRAM, COO Sally and her husband, David, are both from ‘up north’, and since getting married have been renovating their house. She completed her degree in environmental management and sustainability, focusing partly on the post-communist world, and has strong ideals and a passion to save the world through Jesus. When Sally heard about TEN, working through national partners to help them fulfil the vision God has called them to, she was sold! Sally joined TEN in 2004 and feels constantly privileged to stand alongside men and women across Europe; visiting them, talking with them, and shouting about how amazing they all are! Speak to Sally about: major operational activity, partners, major donations.

RACHAEL FOX, OPERATIONS ASSISTANT Rachael, engaged to James, has been with TEN since September 2013. Before that Rachael studied an Applied Theology degree at Moorlands Bible College which helped shape her passion and enthusiasm for cross-cultural mission. Inspired by five weeks of mission in Burkina Faso, Africa, involved in everything from preaching on the streets, speaking on the radio and performing dramas, Rachael has continued to seek opportunities to be a witness, within a team, and advance her training for ministry. “Seeking to point Europe towards Christ and Christians towards Europe’ really is what gets me up every morning!!” Speak to Rachael about: website, newsletter, everyday operations, DBS applications.



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more about us and some tips on who to speak to about what! Check out the new website to meet the broader team. JUDITH BLACKWELL, FINANCE OFFICER Judith is TEN’s newest member having started in early April this year. Judith has always had a heart for people and a passion that they experience and know God. Her call to mission started at 15 and a call to Bible College at 18 (BA in Theology & Counselling). When the job of Finance Officer was advertised, Judith knew God’s provision of temporary work was to enable a quick entrance into this new role. “TEN embodies everything I’m passionate about: the Word of God, compassion and resourcing people to carry out God’s work!” Speak to Judith about: donations, financial queries, legacies, supporter relations.

COLIN COOPER, TEAMS COORDINATOR Colin is semi-retired and joined TEN as a volunteer in February 2013 as Teams Coordinator. Married to Lorraine (47 years!), he has two daughters and four wonderful grandchildren. In his previous work Colin travelled ‘extensively’ (52 countries…so far!!) which has equipped his expertise for team travel. In his spare time, Colin enjoys visiting heritage Steam Railways and taking in the excellent scenery, which is usually a feature of these lines. Additionally, Colin is fully occupied with his lovely grandchildren who keep him on the straight and narrow. Speak to Colin about: short-term teams.

ANDREW MACPHERSON, CHURCH PARTNERSHIP COORDINATOR Andrew, originally from up north, has been Bristol-based since university. Now, a chartered accountant, he works in the banking sector, but since 2010 has committed one day a week to further exploring his Christian vocation. Finishing his Certificate in Theology at Trinity College, Andrew now helps as a TEN ambassador, covering a variety of roles including strategic and finance advice, European partner visits, and is now encouraging UK churches to build stronger links with partners. Andrew has found this role to be a real source of ‘life’, and is passionate about seeing the UK church transformed through building closer connections with the wider church across Europe. Speak to Andrew about: your church partnering with a church in Europe.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org

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oldova is very hot in the news right now with Russia and EU Politician’s paying close attention to what’s happening in Transdniester. It remains Europe’s poorest country, with many congregations facing 100% unemployment and water still being drawn from wells. Due to Moldova’s vast poverty, people often seek ‘greener pastures’ by going abroad to work. Parents leave children behind either to fend for themselves, or with grandparents who are unable to fully support growing children needing education and a good diet. TEN currently supports 16 church planters across

Moldova! Many of our partners express that their work is based in relational outreach (such as distributing food parcels and women’s and men’s groups) as much as it is preaching in their Sunday services. Recently, one church planter, Anatol Dunas, has been travelling to different schools to teach about ‘True Love Waits’. Anatol is passionate about teaching youth in Moldova about sexual purity and why biblically it should be respected and upheld (read more about Anatol’s news online at transformeuropenow.org/ true-love-waits). In the capital, Chisinau,

Beginning of Life ministry runs House of Change, a rehabilitation and reintegration centre for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. TEN began supporting this in 2013. The centre strives to daily give life-altering provisions and teaching both in group therapy/classes and individually. House of Change has already witnessed miraculous transformations in some of the girls they work with. Moldova is an extremely harsh and lonely place to be working in as a Christian, with an unpredictable future. Please continue to remember our partners in prayer.

“As a pastor, my passion is the outreach mission and not only this, but when I see people coming back to God—this is very overwhelming” Igor Sin, Moldovan church planter


Anatol teaching True Love Waits in schools


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EN is not unfamiliar with questions like “Why support Europe?” With the current affairs happening between the Russian government and others, TEN’s involvement is needed more than ever. Europe is brittle and in desperate need of a Spiritual breakthrough, and Russia plays a vital part in that. Currently, TEN is supporting four church planters across the western part of Russia, and also the Compassion Ministry, which is a social care organisation based in Moscow. With nine different time zones, Russia is a huge country to spread the gospel across.

Operation World mentions that, “The Church in Russia has suffered some of the most severe and sustained persecution of any nation in recent history”. The number of unreached people in Russia alone stands at 13 million—78 different ethnic minorities! Galina Dzhuzenova has headed up the Compassion Ministry team in Moscow since 1998. Galina is a wonderful individual, full of life and energy which she lavishes onto all the children and impoverished families the team meet with. TEN has partnered with the Compassion Ministry since 1990 and continues to support their empathy for

reaching the marginalised. News from Russia continues to be positive amongst our church planters. We were recently informed that Sergey Lagutkin has had promising results from some of his seminars and broadcasts which have been well attended and listened to. Sergey has also been addressing purity within couples who live together without being married. His seminars became so popular that a fashion company, ‘Mondo Italia Gallery’, asked for his assistance regarding a course they wanted to set up! Please continue to pray for God’s saving grace and for the protection and boldness of our partners.

“We thank you for the love you have demonstrated not only with words, and also for your prayers.” Sergey Lagutkin

Sergey Lagutkin (left)

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org

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Gwyn has been Pastoring Kinmel Bay Church (KBC), North Wales since 2005. Kinmel Bay seeks “to be active in both ministry and mission by declaring that Jesus Christ is Lord— locally, regionally and globally.” Why partner with a church in Europe? KBC has historically always had positive attitudes towards overseas mission, giving about 20% of its income to gospel initiatives. As the church and financial resources grew we were looking to increase our impact further afield. A church member who has a big heart for mission, suggested considering sponsoring a Pastor—thus began our journey with TEN.

meeting with a specialist in the field was fantastic. Trust is an issue when starting anew, especially when there are cultural and language differences—TEN was the catalyst we needed.

How does partnering through TEN benefit your church? Attempting overseas work has many pitfalls! Partnering with TEN has helped enormously—as they have held our hand the whole way. Myriads of questions were going through our minds and having a face-to-face

Why Moldova? After discussing where we might support a Pastor we were advised that Moldova was in great need. Grinding poverty meant congregations were unable to support Pastors and so the church suffered. Also minimal employment meant Pastors were forced to leave during winter months to earn money elsewhere. KBC were given three potential candidates to support and TEN advised us which situation was most appropriate for us as a church.

Gwyn Parry

What have been some of your partnership highlights? • Sending church members to Moldova to develop the relationship and visualise the situation. • Being able to raise £10k towards the church building project and help provide a minibus. • Receiving regular updates! • Planning another visit with a small team in June.



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The new TEN website is now live! Check it out at: transformeuropenow.org Here’s 10 TENtastic tips to help you get the most from it…


We used to have four different websites, now everything is on one. If you want to find out something about mission in Europe, it’s there!


Click on ‘Transform’ to find a summary of the need, the work and the results of mission in Europe—it’s TEN in a nutshell!


Simply click on ‘NOW’ and then ‘Pray’ to access the monthly prayer diary (handy if you lost your paper one!).


Fancy falling to raise money? Go to ‘Now’, click on ‘Challenge’ and find out more about a sponsored parachute jump or alternative ideas to fundraise.


When making a donation, checking the ‘I would like to designate this donation to a specific fund’ box will allow you to choose a specific project or person to give to—it’s quick and easy.


Under ‘Inspire’ you can find a whole Sunday service at your fingertips. The ‘TEN Sunday’ pack is a FREE download that gives you everything you need for a church service focussed on mission in Europe.


Click on ‘Inspire’ and then ‘Shop’ to see the all-new ‘Essential Gifts’ online shop.


Many partners now have their own webpage—you can find them by first going to their relevant country.


Not receiving the monthly email news? Simply scroll to the bottom of any page and fill in your details.


The latest news means what it says—we update it regularly so you can stay informed.

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TEN’S 50th ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE Brunel Manor, Torquay | 15–17 May 2015 | (Price TBC)

Don’t miss this exciting, inspiring and action packed weekend celebrating TEN’s 50th Anniversary! Meet special guests from Europe, hear their testimonies and stories and be spiritually refreshed, revived and reared into action.

“I found TEN’s conference to be a valuable way of understanding the wider work of TEN better, meeting other supporters and seeing the full value that TEN offers: seeking to match UK based supporters with church planters and supporting opportunities in other parts of Europe.” Chris Hill, TEN Supporter and Ambassador

Call no w to regis ter!

To register your interest in attending please either complete and return the slip below, call us on 0117 961 5161, or send an email to: info@transformeuropenow.org Name: Address: Email:


Number of people interested in attending: Return to: Transform Europe Now, 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 1HL

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