MAGAZINE Winter 2013
Resmije with her two children ‘finding hope’ in Kosova, see pages 6 & 7.
HOPE, HELP AND HEARTFELT THANKS Looking back at a year of God’s blessings
A sneak peak of what’s to come in 2014…
FINDING HOPE “Jesus healed my heart and soul”
TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW Please contact the TEN office if you would like to know the sources for these statistics.
t’s been another exciting but tough year. Exciting, because so much is being done across Europe in Jesus’ name: churches planted, victims of sex-trafficking rescued, the hungry fed, and the gospel shared with those without hope (to name just a few things!) Tough, because again we are making every penny stretch almost beyond what is possible. People in the UK and abroad are struggling to put food on the table, but in the poorest parts of Europe (which are usually where we can be found) the problems are greatly magnified and living is becoming almost impossible. I humbly but firmly believe that giving to TEN is one of the best investments a Christian can make today if they want to see the Kingdom of God grow. In fact, whenever I talk about what God is doing across Europe I find people become interested and excited and want to be a part of it! So why not arrange for a church visit so that we can share more of what God is doing across Europe? Our new 2014 ‘Taste of Europe’ roadshow is perfect for a mid-week meeting with a difference. Combining food, film and faithful stories of God’s work, it has been really well received—call now on 0117 961 5161 to find out more and to book your church in. Places are limited! Thank you for standing with God’s people across Europe. Please continue to pray and give generously so that they will know they are not alone during 2014.
A year of hope, help and heartfelt thanks
December 2013 – February 2014
Where has God called you?
Toward 2014
LOOKING FORWARD TO 2014 WITH OUR PARTNERS Hopes and dreams for 2014
PARTNERSHIPS – AN INSIDE LOOK 60 Seconds with Ruth Richardson
TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood Bristol BS15 1HL
CONTACT Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161 Fax: +44 (0)117 935 2127 Email: Written and produced by the TEN Team.
Andy Drake CEO Transform Europe Now
DESIGN Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design Transform Europe Now is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered Charity No. 1140592 and Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7507682.
A YEAR OF HOPE, HELP AND HEARTFELT THANKS As we look back at the past year, we are truly amazed at what God has accomplished and the amount of people who have been blessed through food, clothes, new church buildings, missions, compassion, health care, education and pastoral support.
ere’s a brief month-by-month account as we see it. Of course, we can’t fit in all the grants, support and trips that supporting 80 different projects entails, but we thought we’d mention a few highlights… JANUARY: Typically a very cold month, partners across Europe distribute food, firewood and clothes for those who are most vulnerable, enabled by the Harvest for the Hungry and Gift Catalogue funds raised during 2012. Four students in Romania are given grants to study PhDs at the Emanuel University of Oradea. FEBRUARY: TEN’s first roadshow is held in Bristol for about 75 people. Visit to The Lar Children’s Home in Portugal as TEN start to re-connect with Western Europe. MARCH: Visit to Evangelismo en Accion in Spain to see some of the churches and evangelism they undertake. APRIL: Wendy Watson runs the London Marathon for Novi Sad Hospice and Novi Sad Drug Rehabilitation Centre. Meanwhile, 4
in Novi Sad, 14 people are baptised, four of whom have been through drug rehab. The Compassion Ministry in Moscow celebrates 25 years of ministry. MAY: Kosta Milkov speaks on Macedonian TV from an evangelical perspective that also connects with Orthodox Christians! The TEN conference is enjoyed by 90 people in Northampton. The Christian Resources Exhibition London see the TEN team share the need for European mission with the wider Christian community over four days. JUNE: TEN supporters join us in praying about the uprisings in Turkey. Support for new Bulgarian and Croatian church planters is agreed, and someone even comes forward to sponsor many of them— personally! Two people are baptised in Boliarovo, southern Bulgaria. JULY: MP Albania celebrate 20 years of Miracle Magazine—a nationwide Christian magazine for kids. Croatia joins the European Union. TEN is able to start supporting four Bulgarian and one Kosovan
Baptism in Montenegro.
Children at a Summer Camp.
church planter for six months thanks to generous donations at our May conference. The evangelical churches of Macedonia meet together for a celebration; 21 people are baptised.
to an area where 800 people are living in metal containers.
AUGUST: Again, a number of teams head out to help with children’s camps over the summer holidays. Some children are kindly sponsored by the ‘Summer Dreams’ campaign. Two UK churches give significant funds for their respective partners in Moldova to fund church building work. A new church is opened in Macedonia after a generous gift to build new churches was given through the Gift Catalogue! SEPTEMBER: A new church is opened in Romania, thanks to the same generous Gift Catalogue donation. TEN provide training for Sunday School teachers in Bulgaria through Shirley Gowland, head of Bible in Literacy. Slavko Hadzic begins his Masters in Theology in Bosnia. In Macedonia, five people gave their lives to Jesus during the summer in Bitola, and a man was baptised in Veles. BBV Church in Constanta, Romania begin an outreach programme
OCTOBER: Opening of a church in Tirana, Albania that has been funded through TEN by a generous donor. Slavko Hadzic teaches religion in Bosnian school—a historic event for Bosnia! Jovica Bacvanski baptises new believers in Montenegro. NOVEMBER: Project Romania Rescue team tour the UK sharing about God’s powerful work amongst street children in Constanta. The last of our 15 church teams in 2013 returns to the UK, having visited PRR to help with street outreach. DECEMBER: The TEN team barely have time to set up the Christmas lights as they prepare for another year of exciting ministry across Europe. As we look back we are thankful to God for the teams that have travelled to Europe, the finances that have supported partners, the prayers and partnerships that have given encouragement, and the stories of salvation, baptism, compassion and boldness that emerged during 2013.
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HOPE Artur Krasniqi leads the Fellowship of the Lord’s People in Pristina, Kosova. He shares a story from one person who has come to know Jesus through the work.
y name is Resmije and I live in Kosova. I grew up in a family where my father was a drinker and an immoral man; I found out that my mother was not really my mother because I was a result of this kind of living. My sister and brothers abused me, saying I was not part of the family, and they treated me as a servant. A good part in all this was my step mother, who never separated me from her children; she loved me and treated me with compassion. As soon as I turned 16, they married me with a man twice my age. He had some problems. I lived with him for a couple of years, and one day he returned me back to my family.
After the war, they married me to another man; I became a traffic victim. Twice I drank a bottle of medication. I wanted to end my life. 6
The war in Kosova started in 1999. During the war, life was terrible and we were hiding all the time. Living everyday by not knowing what will happen the next morning was terrible, we feared the police coming to our door to kill us, or dying from lack of food. But my story did not end there. After the war, they married me again to another man, and this time I was a traffic victim. Twice I drank a whole bottle of medications, but nothing happened. I wanted to end my life; I didn’t want to be used like that. Besides this I was also abused physically, just to threaten me and show me what would happen to me if I ran away. Then, after some time, I found an opportunity to run and I did. After I ran away I understood I was pregnant. I lived in a special rescue house through some organisation here. During my stay there I had to talk to a psychologist about my entire story, she is a Christian. After I was stable, I gave birth to my daughter and they found a house for me. I
thought I could now live my life and I met a man who I trusted to be my husband, but after I became pregnant again I understood he was married. This time I was broken down in pieces, this time no one did anything to me but myself! I was so angry with myself, so angry! During humanitarian aid distribution, I was invited to visit church. One Sunday, the pastor asked us to come to the altar so we could pray and ask the Lord to change our heart. I went in front and someone prayed for me. I could feel something moving my heart and something changed. That day was different, that night as I went home I could not sleep from a joy I was feeling, and since that day, I will never go away from My Lord and Saviour Jesus, who gave me everything I needed. Every day I am growing in the Lord and He is with me in all I go through. Jesus healed my heart and my soul; He is beside me wherever I go. Jesus is my securer and my shield who gives me love and reason of life.
Artur pictured with Resmije at her baptism.
Jesus healed my heart and my soul; He is beside me wherever I go. Jesus is my securer and my shield who gives me love and reason for life.
This story can be found in Tenacious, along with 99 other incredible testimonies of God’s amazing love. See back cover for more details.
Resmije with her two children.
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Gifts with a value, not just a price
Give an essential gift to help transform a life. If you would like a catalogue please call us on 0117 961 5161
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DECEMBER 2013 – FEBRUARY 2014 DECEMBER 2013 1 / Slavko Hadzic, Sarajevo, Bosnia. Slavko and Sanja Hadzic and Dr Maja Racic are visiting St Botolph’s Church, Barton Seagrave in Kettering until 5th December. Pray that their time there will bring encouragement and also be a good break for them all. Terry Wood, TEN Ambassador, is speaking at Etloe Chapel in Bristol. 2 / From 9-13th December, Slavko is with other Bosnian pastors and students at preaching seminars in Macedonia. Pray for God’s guidance for their input. Sally Bertram and new TEN team member Rachael Fox are visiting Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia from 1-4th December. 3 / God’s wisdom is needed as Slavko and his church make decisions very soon about which families they should give humanitarian aid to for the winter months. Pray for wise use of finite resources. 4 / Slavko now teaches Protestant religious education in one school and in January will be doing this in two more schools. Pray that this fantastic opportunity will bring a clearer understanding of the gospel to many. 5 / Pray that links between Slavko and local schools will continue to be good and strong and that even more schools will welcome this input. 6 / Tomislav Dobutovic, Baptist Church, Sarajevo, Bosnia. Pray that links with children and
parents made since the kids’ clubs in the summer will be maintained, e.g. through the children’s gifts distribution prior to Christmas. 7 / Ask God to speak to many young people who will be on the winter Youth Alpha course. 8 / Pray for resources and helpers needed to take food and firewood to those most in need during the cold winter months. 9 / Pray for the team who serve the church alongside Tomislav— pastors, deacons and leaders of various activities. Pray for wisdom and encouragement from God for them. 10 / Pray for blessing for Tomislav and his family, in their family life and in his work as pastor of the church. Pray for fresh vision and inspiration from God. 11 / Mission Possible, Bulgaria. Please pray about the ongoing political and economic instability in Bulgaria, where street protests have been held over many months. Pray that Christians may be united and may help bring hope in difficult circumstances. 12 / Pray that the six soup kitchens running throughout the winter months will have a steady supply of food and helpers. 13 / Pray that many children in desperate need of a hot meal will hear about the soup kitchens and will tell friends about them.
the soup kitchens can be given shoes or a coat where needed. 15 / Pray for the preparations for Home Dobromirka’s healing camp for women at risk planned for the end of March next year. 16 / Plamen and Kremi Borisov, Bulgaria. The number of children in their church is growing and they now need extra rooms to accommodate the work. Please pray for this need. 17 / Pray for those who lead the children’s work. Pray for wisdom and stamina from God as they seek to show the children how valued they are. 18 / Pray for new helpers needed for the development of children’s work. 19 / Pray that Christmas evangelistic events will draw newcomers into the church and to encounters with Jesus. 20 / Pray for our partners currently preparing for their Christmas services. Pray for inspiration from God. 21 / Milcho and Benny Deyanov, Bulgaria. The church has been learning about intercessory prayer. Pray for guidance from God as they put this into practice. 22 / Pray for God’s protection on those going out into the community to pray.
14 / Pray that funds may be raised so that children coming to
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
Plamen & Kremi Milcho & Benny
23 / The church now has a new location on the main street. Pray that this will result in more people being curious about it and enquiring about its activities.
31 / Pray that vulnerable children and those from families in desperate need will feel safe and welcomed at Good News Church.
24 / Pray for Milcho and Benny and the oversight of the church. Pray for God’s wisdom and inspiration.
25 / Celebrate the birth of Christ today with our partners and their churches. 26 / Pray that our partners and their families will be able to enjoy times of relaxation and rest during the Christmas break. 27 / Danijel and Eva Mrsic, Split, Croatia. Pray for God’s guidance for Danijel and Eva in their leadership of the Good News Church in Split and as they seek to encourage and serve other pastors and churches through their focus on the Balkans ministry. 28 / Pray for the ongoing construction and development work at the Fokus Christian camp in Lika. Pray for safety for all the workers and for the works completion. 29 / Pray for God’s inspiration for all of the church elders today, in their oversight of the church and in their other ministries there. 30 / Pray for the work with children at Good News Church. Pray for many willing helpers to give support and encouragement.
1 / Turkey. Our partner’s church recently began two new house groups, instead of a midweek meeting. Pray that this will help build the church body up and encourage church members. 2 / Pray that house groups will encourage neighbours to come along and hear about Jesus. 3 / Pray for church members who have been taking part in outreach events for the first time. Pray they may be encouraged and emboldened in sharing their faith. 4 / Pray today for those in leadership in the church. Ask God to build up their faith, encourage them and draw people around them to faithfully support and help them. 5 / Marino Mojtic, Skopje, Macedonia. Marino and Pastor Mircho Andreev are taking part in the Langham preachers seminar running from 9-13th. Pray that their input will inspire many. 6 / Pray for the church work with young people, particularly seminars taking place in January. 7 / Christmas is celebrated in Macedonia and other orthodox countries today! Pray that people
Nesa & Vesna
will have revelation as to the real meaning of Christmas and all that Jesus has done for them. 8 / Dragan Manev, Veles, Macedonia. Pray for the days of evangelism the church is planning for this month. Pray that many will hear and respond to the gospel. 9 / Dragan needs to register his church work with the government, but that will mean using finance that would otherwise provide rent and food for his family. Pray for this and the finances needed. 10 / Dragan, his wife Biljana and a local Pentecostal church pastor plan to visit the new mayor of Veles. Pray that links with the mayor will be established and that he will have a positive attitude towards the churches’ work. 11 / Pray for God’s inspiration and encouragement for Aleksandra, church member who works with the children, alongside Biljana and some teenage helpers. 12 / Pray for Temelko and Maria who lead the church work with teenagers. The teens meet every Saturday and are currently helping with the puppet show ministry. 13 / Josip Pastor, Bitola, Macedonia. Pray for Josip and family—wife Biljana, daughters Simona (and husband Marshal) and Sara. Pray for safe arrival of Simona and Marshal’s baby due in March. 14 / Zoltan Vegel, Sombor, Serbia. The Royal Rangers
Elena & Traian
Erion & family
Beginning of Life
children’s group has recently started, with around 12 children. Pray that what the they learn about Jesus will be shared with friends.
22 / Ask God to enable strong, productive links to be established with USA hospices following Marinela’s recent visit there.
15 / Pray for guidance for Ivana Zetko, currently leading Sunday School work and training others to take it on.
23 / Pray for encouragement and inspiration for Kirsteen Cowling, leading Friends of Emanuel Hospice, Great Britain, working to find new sponsors and support for the hospice.
16 / Zoltan hopes to start a much-needed Bible School for his congregation, but realises this will be a big task to take on. Ask God to guide Zoli (Zoltan) in the timing and content of this. 17 / Pray for more people needed to help with various church activities, especially with the increasing number of adults and children coming along. 18 / Nexus Church, Novi Sad, Serbia. Pray for God’s guidance for Nesa’s plans to develop a plot of land for use by church camps and to bring in income. 19 / Pray for those working with the ‘New Woman’ ministry, bringing God’s love and practical help to women on the streets—pray for Gordana, Dragan and Timea. 20 / Emanuel Hospice, Oradea, Romania. Pray that the will of God will be fulfilled in the lives of the hospice staff. This is Director Marinela Murg’s prayer request. 21 / Give thanks for Florentina, who obtained a Master’s Degree in Palliative Care in October. Ask God to use her skills and experience to help many who are suffering.
24 / CASA Grace, Oradea, Romania. Pray for God’s blessing on Director Monika Mahr, husband Andrej and daughters Hanna and baby Miriam. Pray for good health during the winter months.
29 / Pray for wisdom in decisions concerning who and how they can help. 30 / Pray that the elderly people who continue to meet as a home group will be encouraged as they learn from God’s word and see prayers answered. 31 / Pray for encouragement for Traian and Elena as they juggle church leadership, Open Heart, Alpha and family responsibilities. Pray for precious times as a family.
25 / Pray for discernment for Monika in decisions about use of resources as CASA Grace works to bring appropriate help to those in greatest need.
1 / Erion Cuni, Unaza e Re, Albania. Pray for encouragement for Erion in church leadership and for support and help from church members where needed.
26 / Pray that families at greatest risk during winter will be brought to the attention of the CASA Grace staff.
2 / Pray for the church’s input into the local schools system, which is inadequate for the number of children in Unaza e Re. Pray that the teaching help they provide will make a real and lasting difference.
27 / Monika’s prayer is for CASA Grace to understand God’s will for them and then put it into practise, helping the right people in the right way, and being a Godly example in any situation. 28 / Traian and Elena Pascalau, Constanta, Romania. Pray for God’s guidance as the new Open Heart ministry is developed—for all who need just a bit of extra help in order to sustain themselves and bless others.
3 / Pray for a ready supply of volunteers to help with this work and for good relationships with local schools. 4 / One aspect of Erion’s work with the Christian Association for Albanian Prisoners is providing support through rehabilitation of vulnerable adults and vocational training. Pray that through this many will have their lives turned around and can face the future.
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5 / Pray for Erion and Gentiana and their young son Abiel. Ask God to bless them with good health and stamina. 6 / Besa Shapllo, Mission Possible Albania. Pray for children who have abandoned school, for whatever reason and who attend the Hope Centre’s class. Pray that they will learn and achieve there and avoid being left behind completely in their education. 7 / Pray today for those attending Alpha courses in the Hope Centre, both adults and teenagers. Pray that their lives will be changed forever through what they learn and experience. 8 / Pray that those who discover Christ through an Alpha course will in turn show others the way to new life in Him. 9 / Pray that those who attend the Youth Church in Bathore will bring friends along and enable more to hear and respond to the gospel. 10 / Beginning of Life (BOL), Chisinau, Moldova. Pray today for the team running BOL’s rehabilitation and reintegration units, helping women recover from abuse and exploitation and start new lives. Pray for God’s wisdom in day-to-day decision making and future plans. 11 / A TEN supporter’s generosity is enabling the capacity of the House of Change rehabilitation unit to double. Pray that the new places will be taken up by those in most desperate need. 12 / As the reintegration and rehabilitation work of BOL become separate ministries, pray that this increases effectiveness and efficiency in the work.
13 / Pray for those currently being helped by BOL. Ask God to break through desperately painful circumstances to bring hope and the start of a healing process.
22 / Pray that when needed, God will supply a place to rent for meetings so that people won’t be fearful of going to someone’s home.
14 / Pray for currently hidden victims of exploitation to be discovered so that they can be helped by BOL.
23 / Give thanks with us for all those lives changed this year through an encounter with Christ. Pray for God’s blessing and encouragement for these new Christians.
15 / Galina Dzhuzenova, Compassion Ministry, Moscow. Pray for all those who have received a food parcel from the Compassion Ministry. Pray that this will encourage them as well as practically help them. 16 / Pray for an evangelistic meeting today at Balashikha Baptist Church. Pray that many will be touched and inspired by the gospel. 17 / Pray for Galina, Director of Compassion Ministry. Pray for God’s wisdom and discernment in considering how best to use available resources for the work.
24 / Sergey Obidenny, North Caucasus, Russia. The church would like to start a youth ministry; please pray about how and when, and for the resources needed. 25 / The church is wrestling with how to share the gospel with the various different nationalities in their area, many of whom are quite insular. Pray for God’s help for them with this. 26 / Pray for a reduction in the Muslim influence on the local population, particularly that of “terrorist minded radicals.”
18 / Pray that each team member of the Compassion Ministry will be continually filled with the love of God and that this will encourage and inspire them in their daily work.
27 / Sergey and colleagues would love to expand their training of missionaries beyond their local church and region. Pray about their desire for a Missionary Training Centre.
19 / Andrej Kozhin, Golyshmanovo, Russia. Pray for God’s blessing on relationships developing between church members, their friends and acquaintances.
28 / Please pray today for our other partners in Russia, serving God in evangelism and church planting: Sergei Didovetz and Sergey Lagutkin. Pray for God’s help for any issues they may be struggling with.
20 / Pray for those who have said ‘yes’ to an invitation to study the Bible. Ask God to speak through His Word. 21 / Pray for those, like Tatiana and Eugenia, who have heard God’s Word but have not yet accepted Jesus as Saviour.
WHERE HAS GOD CALLED YOU? You don’t have to travel to be a missionary, you just have to care. Acts 1:8 reads, ‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ For those of us living in the UK, ‘Jerusalem’ is our home town or city, ‘Judea’ is the UK, ‘Samaria’ is Europe, and the ‘ends of the earth’ is the rest of the world. Transform Europe Now works across 15 European countries in over 50 projects. If you or your church wishes to make a difference in Europe then you don’t have to go it alone. Church partnerships, short-term teams, special church services, volunteering, targeted prayer and financial support—there’s something for everyone, and we’d love to help you attain your mission aspirations. Check out for more details!
Countries we operate in include:
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As I look toward 2014, I realise that TEN could also stand for the Transforming Europe Network!
he idea of being a network reflects how we are increasingly finding nationals, organisations, churches and supporters who have a heart for Europe and want to interconnect through TEN. It’s very exciting and especially so when you see the synergy that comes from working together to see God’s Kingdom grow across our continent. One of the things I have always liked about our work is that we try to treat everybody with an equal amount of dignity. For instance, sometimes supporters of charities can feel like little more than cash machines, merely prompted to dispense money upon request with little regard for their feelings or perspectives. At TEN we seek to serve the needs of supporters as well as our partners in Europe. It is our sincere hope that both are edified and enabled through partnership in mission. I think that this kind of ethos lends itself well to operating like a network. Networks operate best when there is a healthy flow of information and resources both ways along any particular connection. Our aim during 2014 is to see this network grow in both quality and quantity. 14
QUALITY TEN is privileged to connect with some outstanding mission partners. To build and nurture these relationships has taken many years, and we take time to ensure they are solid and reliable. Indeed, we feel quietly confident that investing in mission through TEN is a lasting investment in the gospel. We also want to make sure that TEN is known for 360° care. It doesn’t matter if you are a longstanding partner or supporter, or have just heard about us; it matters to us that you feel your connection with TEN adds value to your involvement with, and understanding of, mission in Europe. To this end we are increasing our supporter contact and partnership monitoring during 2014. If you are supporting a TEN partner then you should be hearing from us personally on a regular basis. We want to know if the information we are giving you is helpful and if there is anything we can improve upon. In addition, we are developing new approaches to informing you of the work you support. The new TEN website should be up and running soon after you read this and will enable easier connection with and
understanding of TEN’s work and ministry. Furthermore, ‘A Taste of Europe’ is a roadshow designed to take the inspiring news of what God is doing across Europe right to churches themselves. It is a free, exciting and entertaining insight into European mission and makes it much easier to get updated, especially as an alternative to attending a more costly and time consuming conference. QUANTITY Over the last 18 months we have expanded the number of partners we work with by about 15. We are also sending more and more teams and although the work is growing numerically, numbers aren’t everything. There is a huge amount of need and there are many potential partners we could connect with, but we must ensure that we grow wisely and in step with the resources the Lord is granting us through your generous support. 2015 will be our 50th anniversary as an organisation and it would be quite something to have 100 or more projects we are connecting with by then. However, our main aim is to ensure that we are connecting with exactly the right people the Lord is calling us to support at this time. It is most likely that over the coming year the quantitative increase will be seen more in the amount of countries we operate in. We have always had a pan-European calling and as we pursue possibilities in Western (including the UK) and Northern Europe this is increasingly likely to be healthily represented. Although we have in recent years been drawn into some of the materially poorest areas in Europe, our primary calling is to promote the sharing of the gospel to all people in Europe regardless of their wealth.
is about people. Individuals like Beni, Tin, Slavko, Lucian, Monika, Traian, Erion, Josip, Besa… the list goes on and on. In the office at TEN we know hundreds of exotic sounding names, but more importantly we know the people behind them. They are the frontline of God’s expanding Kingdom across Europe today, and we cherish each one. And we hope that you feel we know you too, and that you know us. We cherish you as equally as we do the partners across Europe because ultimately all of God’s work is about building a family that will last forever. Terms like ‘charity’, ‘standing order’, ‘prayer diary’, ‘supporter’ and ‘partner’ are just metaphors that describe the various elements that enable this family to grow. It may be that this incredible network— this family in the making—is one you will only experience partially in this life (although we hope we give you as much of a ‘feel’ of it as is possible via newsletters and websites), but you can be certain that every connection is one that will last, and that every investment—whether it be of prayer, finance or time—will resonate for eternity. Thank you for standing with us during 2013 and please do so generously during the coming year. The ministry that awaits our partners can only be fully achieved with your support, so that they in turn might add to God’s great family through lives made whole in Jesus. Andy Drake
Of course, with all this talk of nations, we never lose sight of the fact that the work +44 (0)117 961 5161 /
FOR 2014
WOW! What a Kingdom-driven year 2013 has been for all our partners, with new buildings, new faces, baptisms and so much more! We want to thank you for your continued support, and also give you a sneak peak at some of our partners’ plans for 2014.
taking Moldova by storm, and it has the title of being one of the main countries for trafficking. That’s why TEN is proud to partner with Beginning of Life, an organisation working with victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. ‘House of Change’ is run by BOL, and is a rehabilitation & reintegration centre designed to bring recovery and restoration to life. The project reaches out to thousands of women who are the target of inhuman treatment, giving them a voice and renewing their significance and value.
Girls supported at House of Change.
ou may be trying to remember reading about the Beginning of Life (BOL) project but don’t worry—the reason you can’t remember is because it’s a new anti-trafficking project that we’re now partnering with. Besides a high abortion rate of 50%, Moldova has over 140,000 women missing. This is a true representation of the horror
The House of Change team.
A couple from Emanuel Hospice.
Erion Cuni and family.
he Emanuel Hospice in Oradea emulates what TEN strives for through its service of Christian love to the terminally ill. The Hospice aims to provide individuals, and their families, with physical comfort, dignity, emotional and spiritual support. Marinela, who heads up EH, outlines what their plans are for 2014: “We want to walk in God’s Will, so that everyone will recognize that EH ministry is God’s ministry, not ours. I would like the patients and families to feel at home, surrounded by staff who realise that what they do, they do for Jesus. “This will be carried out through the continuation of providing domiciliary hospice care at good quality to referred patients. We also hope to develop the giving of spiritual assistance, eventually employing a part-time chaplain; and to continue to raise the funds needed to build, furnish and equip the new Hospice Centre building.” Marinela emphasises that, “we would like to become a model of good practice in the field of palliative care locally and nationally, so that we will be able to influence the way patients are treated by Romanian medical institutions.”
hen I approached Erion (pastor of ‘Life in Christ’ Evangelical Church, Tirana) with the idea of featuring in our newsletter, his response was screaming with enthusiasm. His passion for reaching the lost and raising individual’s bleak prospects is to be respected and admired.
What has God placed on your heart for the Albanian population? “To help by providing tutoring for un-churched children! This way we hope to build a bridge and invest in the future of the children’s and parents life!” Future plans for 2014? Erion is keen to stand out from other religious groups, “by making Church a house of care and educations, we want people to start knowing us and knowing Christ! Church must be active and alive for the community!” What hopes do you have for the church? “I hope that church will become a factor in the community for people to get hope and give hope! For church members to show every day what they have in Christ—FAITH, HOPE & LOVE. And to know that with God nothing is impossible!”
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
How did you hear about Transform Europe Now? At church I heard speakers from Eastern Europe sharing about different compassion ministries. It was quite an eye-opener for me that there was such poverty in Europe. What area of ministry are you most passionate about? I’ve visited ministries in Romania and Bulgaria and it was amazing to see for myself what a difference TEN partners are making to the lives of people in need. I’m also challenged by the work that Danny and Vera do in Serbia. I find it very inspiring to see how national believers are serving God in their localities and to hear testimonies about people coming to faith as a result of being shown love and care.
small group have supported the work of TEN for years and they were very generous in their giving. I particularly enjoyed representing TEN at the Christian Resources Exhibition in Birmingham and am looking forward to doing the same in Edinburgh. I loved talking with people, mostly church leaders, who hadn’t previously heard of TEN, and sharing about some of the amazing work. Why do you support TEN? I think that supporting national believers who want to reach their communities for the Lord is the way forward. They don’t have to learn a language or a new culture—they just reach out where they are!
How do you support TEN? My husband and I give regularly to projects in Romania and have twice been on a team to Bulgaria. The Essential Gifts Catalogue is a great idea! It certainly helps me buying gifts and I’m always delighted to receive them— most of the birthday and Christmas presents I received from my family last year were from it. I also try to pray as I receive reports and as God brings people and situations to mind. How are you currently involved in TEN? I have been helping in the office for about three years and have recently become an ambassador. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak at a ladies meeting, this 18
Ruth Richardson.
» Taste foods from across the continent. » See film of God’s amazing people working in a Europe you may not know. » Hear music written and performed by European Christians. » Get gripped by what God is doing ‘just across the water’. » Free to any church with a TEN supporter or TEN partnership. » A 90 minute presentation ideal for a mid-week evening, gathering home groups together, and enthusing your church about mission.
Places are limited so to book ‘A Taste of Europe’ for your church or group of churches please call the TEN office now on 0117 961 5161 to avoid disappointment.
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