Ancient Wisdom for a New World Revealed Symbols for Spiritual Growth
Lori Christensen
Ancient Wisdom for a New World Revealed Symbols for Spiritual Growth
By Lori Christensen
Copyright Ancient Wisdom for a New World
Copyright Š 2010 Lori Christensen Price: $15.95 Printed in the United States of America
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author and publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations for review. Unauthorized use is illegal and punishable by law. This book can be purchased from the author at:
Financial Forum Publishing Logan, UT 84321 435.750.0062
Contents Ancient Wisdom for a New World
Dedication ............................................................... iv Foreword ................................................................. v Chapter 1 Animal Totem of the Hawk …………………………………………………………....…. 1 Chapter 2 Givers of Life ……………………………………………………………......................... 5 Chapter 3 Dolphins Givers of Absolute Love ………………………………………....………….... 9 Chapter 4 The Soul of Who You Are ………………………………………………………….....….13 Chapter 5 Fluidity of the Soul ……………………………………………………………...............17 Chapter 6 Flowering Essence …………………………………………………………….............. 21 Chapter 7 Earth Dimensional Wisdom ……………………………………………………......….. 25 Chapter 8 Diamond Essence ……………………………………………………………............... 29 Chapter 9 Illusions of Life’s Game ……………………………………………………………....... 33 Chapter 10 The Balance Illusion ……………………………………………………………............ 37 Chapter 11 Crystalline Cave Map ……………………………………………………………......... 41 Chapter 12 Gift of Divinity …………………………………………………………......................… 47
Dedication Ancient Wisdom for a New World
Dedicated to all who are seeking their true selves.
Special thanks to: Lyn Fisher
for her hard work and assistance My dear friend Steve Drozdeck
for his encouragement and support My Spiritual Guides
for not only their guidance but for putting up with my doubt and hesitance My Students and Family for their support, inspiration, friendship and love
Foreword Ancient Wisdom for a New World
Foreword This manuscript is my perception of messages given to me in 2006 by a beautiful Angel known in this realm as Metatron or Enoch. Over a period of several months I was guided and mentored by him. Prior to his visits I had a vision of what I had contracted to do in this lifetime and was at a loss as to how I was to pull it off. My guides assured me that all would fall in to place and that I would be assisted in many ways. I was just to follow the nudges and the rest would fall into place. One day I sat in frustration asking the question, “How am I to teach that which I do not yet know?” I heard a voice say “But you do know, our dear Alakta, it is now time to remember.” This began my visits with Metatron and several others who have guided me to this point in my life. During my visits with Metatron and others I was told that I had agreed to do my part in creating a center or community using the ancient ways to make new methods to be used as a blueprint to assist others in the very near future. The very foundation of these ways is based on what most indigenous tribes throughout the world have been using and trying to tell us for many generations. As these ways were presented to me by Metatron each message came with a symbol, a tone, and colors that resonated deep within my soul. To recreate the experience and bring it into this realm to the perfection of how they were presented to me has yet to be discovered. To the best of my ability I have tried to recreate the message as instructed to share with as many as I could. Whether every symbol resonates with each of you is not as important as what each message that accompanies it says. The totality of the combination lies within your own perception and openness to truth. v
Foreword Ancient Wisdom for a New World
Throughout my life journey I have been assisted by spiritual guides and angels. Their messages have yet to mislead me. Only when I think and live from my ego self, instead of thinking and being in my heart, do I stray and create the illusions that take me down a long road to the path of Love. Hopefully, these messages will assist us all as we begin our ascension to the next level of awareness. Namaste’
Lori Christensen
NOTE: Meditation CD’s are available for each of the symbols that will lead you through a process of identifying with them and experiencing the world from an entirely different perspective. vi
This symbol represents the Hawk, an animal that denotes
Lemurian realm.
Animal Totem of the Hawk We are connected to all things. We are individuals and yet we are also connected to and a part of all that is. When given this symbol, I was given wings to fly in the freedom of the wisdom that we hold in our memories. This symbol represents the Hawk, an animal that denotes wisdom in the Lemurian realm. As Lemurians, we knew of our connection with the animal kingdom, and to us the Hawk was one of the Wise Ones among the animals. Today the Hawk is believed by some tribal traditions to teach you to be more observant of yourself and others around you. The Merkaba (the six-sided star), also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle to connect with and to reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports the spirit body from one dimension to another. The Infinite Cosmic Circle Merkaba encompasses all that is within (the Spirit of the Pure Consciousness) and without (the elements of earth, water, fire and air). As a healing tool, visualize while in meditation or prayer the Totem of the Hawk and call on your connection, or your 1
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means of communication with your wisdom within, to open the doors to the Universe as you ascend into your individual evolution, ascension, and awakening. We are being called upon and are being given a choice to ask for and to give our permission for the activation of our DNA. This is required as we ascend into higher frequencies (dimensions) on earth. It is upon us, and it is inevitable. If you have chosen to participate in this evolution, the tools to proceed are being given at every turn. The truth is being exposed in every aspect of our lives. As we make our connection with the Hawk, we open ourselves to other aspects of life around us. We become more aware of our surroundings leading us to the Givers of Life.
symbol and of
nature, Life
sustain us here on Earth.
Givers of Life This symbol represents plants and nature, the Givers of Life that sustain us here on Earth. Plants, just like us, are made of water, minerals, and salt. This reminds us that we are of the earth as well as the spirit. The triangle-shaped arrow at the tip of the image is the symbol of Multi-Directional non-linear. It signifies what we are all plant and animal within a physical human form. All of spiritual life is multi-dimensional as well. Directions such as up and down, right and left, or right and wrong are simply duality concepts, or earth-dimensional concepts that we choose to place judgment while here in this realm of Earth. When we choose the multi-directional Spiritual Oneness that we truly are, we can see these terms and judgments as simple names or labels to describe what is around us rather than a judgment of what is. This also is represented in the multiple leaves within the symbol. In its totality, the symbol represents and reminds us of our connection with nature and the importance of acceptance of what is. We are as the plants and nature around us — Givers of Life; and, to sustain this wonderful earth, we must hold acceptance and be aware of the labels in which we have been taught to place on all that is. 5
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As a healing tool while in meditation/prayer, visualize the Symbol of Givers of Life and call on your connection (communication) and your wisdom within to open the doors to the Universe as you ascend into your individual evolution, ascension, and awakening. We are being called upon and given a choice to ask, to give permission and to remember our connection with each other and all that is. As the progression of the energies rise we are being shown the many things that our Mother Earth offers to assist us, providing us with tools for health and wellness. It is upon us and is inevitable. If you have chosen to stay here through this evolution, the tools are being given at every turn to proceed. The truth is being exposed in every aspect of our lives. The time is NOW dear ones, the time is NOW! Give gratitude each day upon awakening and call on us, your guides, angels, cosmic family. We are here for you and are honored and praise you for the wonderful work you have done and are doing as the Silent Warriors of Universal Light. Call upon us and we will greet you in absolute Love and wash your feet to Honor the Masters that you are. NOW is the time to embrace the Life Givers that you are and to embrace your Planet Earth. You and Earth both hold the keys to assist each other in the changes that are upon you.* As we make our connection with The Givers of Life, we understand that we are in and a part of all that is. With this awareness, we can open ourselves to Absolute Love.
* The italicized message is from Metatron and has only been slightly modified. 6
The animal totem of the Dolphin of
of Life. It is the One Infinite Breath.
Dolphins — Givers of Absolute Love Dolphins are Givers of Absolute Love, soulful love. They are also Givers of Life and the expression of playfulness or lightheartedness and telepathic communications which is the soul essence of who we are. The animal totem of the Dolphin is the Keeper of the Sacred Breath of Life. It is the One Infinite Breath. This breath assists us with shifting from the emotions of the Ego Self into the feelings of Absolute Love, Bliss, Joy and Spiritual Oneness. The Dolphin Breath creates a seamless, effortless rhythm breathing before submerging into the water holding the breath for the duration of underwater travel. As the Dolphin comes to the surface it blows the breath out in a manner that resembles a popping sound. When we meditate, it is much the same. We hold the breath as we visualize, create, or give intent for peace, joy, and love. Then we release the breath with force. Coming deep from within the diaphragm, this sends the breath out into the Universe with a force that creates a feeling much like a popping sound may feel, shifting the emotions that we experience into pure and absolute Love and Peace. We label this breath a Manna. Manna is the source of all Life. Manna is present in every 9
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atom, molecule and cell, and in every essence of energy of the Pure Consciousness, the Universal Source of all that is. We can use this Life Force energy, this Manna, through our breath. It revitalizes each cell and organ, and each energetic vibration to shift the illusions we perceive as limits and dimensions of physical reality so that we can enter the Infinite Universes and dimensions of Spiritual Oneness Multi-Dimensionally. Much like the Dolphin, we are playful, lighthearted, experiencing creatures. We are the Dolphins of the Universe experiencing this game called Life. The time is NOW dear ones: the time is NOW! Give gratitude each day upon awakening, and call on us, your guides, angels, and cosmic family. We are here for you and are honored and praise you for the wonderful work you have done and are doing as the Silent Warriors of Universal Light. Call upon us, and we will greet you in Absolute Love and wash your feet to Honor the Masters that you are. NOW is the time to embrace the Love Givers that you are! At this time you have reached the ability to tap into the Universal Grid of memory of all that you have experienced and all that you are. Remember the breath of life as you pour the Love of All That Is back into the Universe. Many of you are now aware of the Dimensional travel which you have been doing all along. Now you bring back the memories of this travel. Share them, dear ones; share them. In sharing them you trigger the memories of others, giving comfort to those who feel as if they are alone, which is an illusion that you have spent many ages programming yourselves to believe. You are never alone Masters.* As you breathe with the Dolphins, you bring your breath and yourselves into alignment with All That Is, and this enables you to come to know the Soul of who you are.
* The italicized message is from Metatron and has only been slightly modified. 10
aspects of who we are as
Spiritual Beings of who we
Dimension as ONE.
The Soul of Who You Are This symbol shows the aspects of who we are as Spiritual Beings of who we are in this Earth’s Dimension as ONE. The triangle represents or signifies all aspects of consciousness being as ONE and the Ego Self of the Soul merging into Oneness. All three sides connect together in the infinite completion and unending essences. The number three is represented here as the beginning in physical numbers of multiplicity. Three is a shifting vibrational energy number, shifting from two of Earth’s dimensions and stepping into the Multi Dimensionality. Three is the first number in which the meaning “ALL” is present. Three is the total of numbers zero, one, and two thereby gifting birth to Multi-Dimensionality. In teaching you to perform healings, either on yourself or others, visualize the triangle and then visualize stepping into the center. In this space we are what I have been told is called “The Soul” or our true selves which allows us to step into, flow with, and shift to the multi-dimensional realm. Meditate on bringing forth the shifting vibrational energy which can assist you in this Earth’s Dimension to clear the energy within your human body that may need to be moved or shifted. This allows the energy to flow smoothly and uninterrupted, allows any old energy to be released, and allows 13
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the new energy to flow within us. The circles on the outside of the triangle represent the Infinite Oneness that we are within at each step on our remembering journey. At the tip you will find the Lemurian symbol of Dolphin Wisdom (Givers of Absolute Love and the Breath of Life) merging with the symbol of the Snake Wisdom (Fluidity of the Soul) which will be presented in the next chapter.
This symbol represents Water as the fluidity of all of Live, both Spiritual and Physical.
Fluidity of the Soul The Spiritual Essence and our Physical Essence of who we are is Water; thus, this symbol represents Water as the fluidity of both Spiritual and Physical Life. The physical body is made up of approximately 90% water. In our special contract with water, we are sustained in this Earth’s Dimension if we so choose. Water is a natural antihistamine and diuretic. Because it is excreted through respiration, our organs, and perspiration, we are required to replace it by drinking plenty of it. Everything within our physical bodies has a component of water and is constantly being cleansed and expelling what is not needed. Water is an amazing healer. Our souls are made up of a crystalline-like substance that is water, thus bringing us to the realization of Water as the fluidity of Life, both Spiritual and Physical. Respiration and Water are in great supply and are always within us. The molecules and atoms of everything are components of water and air. Place your hands in front of you — palms down, shoulder width apart — and move them slowly in the fluidity of motion around the air while in a sitting position or standing in the center of a room. 17
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As we do this motion, we are moving through molecules of water and air. This is also used in a healing technique I was gifted from the spiritual realm. By utilizing the breath of Life and the water that surrounds us, we are absorbing nutrients from the air as we breathe them into our lungs and into our skin with the fluidity of our movements. The nutrients that we absorb have the ability to nourish the center of the physical body where our soul resides. As you meditate, utilizing the Breath of Life and Water, you can accomplished the awareness of the thought energy axioms that we all choose to hold on to through our illusionary thought systems, which keep us from ever exploring any other of the Infinite Possibilities. With the awareness that we are the Givers of Life, the Soul Beings of water and air, we come into a resonance of living, our breath and of water. In this awareness the spiritual realm invites us to shift the axioms of who we believe we are to the inner wisdom that water and air can sustain us beyond the physical tendencies that we practice until we believe, feel, and be who we are. The Snake within the symbol represents what we call on this Earth’s Dimension the fluidity of being. In Lemuria, the snake was, and is considered to be, the symbol of the Flow of Life. Then and now the symbol of the spiritual energy within, or the Kundalini of the Chakra, the snake winds and intertwines within the physical essence as a reminder of the connection with the physical body and the Soul, as a reminder these two are ONE. The Snake and the Water “as one” represent the Fluidity of Life which is the reflection of the Fluidity of the Soul. As we progress and give permission for the awareness of who we really are, the Kundalini, or Snake raises the mothering intelligence behind our spiritual evolution, nurturing the seed of knowledge that is within our Divine Soul Self. The time is NOW dear ones, the time is NOW! Express gratitude within you each day upon awakening and call on us, your guides, angels, cosmic family. We are here for you and are honored and praise you for the wonderful work you have done and are doing as the Silent Warriors of 18
Fluidity of the Soul
Universal Light. Call upon us and we will greet you in absolute Love and wash your feet to Honor the Masters that you are. NOW is the time to embrace and remember the Infinite Beings that you are and your Divine Contract with Water and the Air that was placed here for you. To sustain you. To heal you. That is you. You have the ability to call on this contract and as you drink, bathe in, breathe, and move through this realm of Earth give gratitude and give permission to these to assist you. Though you have put your human-made poisons into your water and air, you can reverse this by giving loving intent back to them. They will respond as you do with Love. For those of you that have chosen to stay through the process that is upon you, these words and remembering of this will resonate, for this was of your choosing before you came to this Realm of Earth. You can utilize this knowing to assist in the rising of energy and frequency that is to come.
* The italicized message is from Metatron and has only been slightly modified. 19
This symbol represents the
flowering essence of who we are as Soul.
Flowering Essence This symbol represents the flowering essence of who we are as Soul. This is represented within the flower and within the circles of berries of life that emanate from each tip of the leaf with the sprays of Infinite Light giving off rays from the flower. This symbol is inverted or reversed, as this is the Lemurian symbol of what has come to us in our choice to experience duality beginning with the Atlantean times. This is where we chose to play this game of Life that has brought us to these times. When this symbol was presented to me, it came to me upright but I was told to present it in reverse as a message to all that our flowering essence blooms (radiates the Light coming from within) through our choices. I was told of the many that are radiating this essence and that in the activation of our memory and DNA through our choices we have began the process of helping others do the same. Within this earth dimensional garden all the flowers have purpose and if one has made the choice to keep their light within dim we must still embrace the Soul of Who they are. They have chosen to relay a message to stimulate our memories and to present to us the illusion of that which is called Ego Self and its part in this Game of Life. 21
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Through this wisdom of Universal Knowledge of ALL That IS, many have chosen to remember this knowledge. In these times we have raised and will continue to raise the energies of this Earths Dimension on a scale that has not been seen since the beginning of our times here. We are the gardens of Earth, and within this garden we shall emanate our Flowering Essence throughout this dimension and throughout the Universe. As our Flowering Essence becomes stronger, the weeds will no longer be able to take root in the realm of this Earth’s Dimension. Soon we will be able to see beyond the Illusionary field which we have created and gain sight of our Universal Family that has been with and around us throughout most of this process. As we meditate on our Flowering Essence we can see and feel what a wonderful addition to our Gardens on Earth we are. Many of us can now walk within these dimension and bring back with us the memories of our journeys within those realm. Whether it is partial memory or extensive memory, as we begin sharing with each other, the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. In sharing, the memory is stimulated. So if you are experiencing that which is to be shared, do not hesitate. Shine your Light, Plant your seeds, and BE the Flowering Essence that you ARE. As the memory grows — individual and collective — we grow and move toward unlocking the truth of Earth’s Dimensional Wisdom.
This symbol is a vision of what we as Lemurians knew was to come within this Earth’s
Dimensional time, where we would devolve and create the illusion of the Ego Self, separating us from each other, separating us from our own Souls, and separating us from ALL that IS.
Earth Dimensional Wisdom In this Earths’ Dimension we have created the illusion of gaining knowledge through books. In the beginning we knew that all knowledge and spiritual wisdom is accessed within the Soul Connection and communication through and within ourselves. Telepathically we can access all that is known to us as humans and the spiritual realm within our being. We can communicate from one soul to another soul telepathically and through energy exchange. This symbol is a vision of what we, as Lemurians, knew was to come within this Earth’s Dimensional time, where we would devolve and create the illusion of the Ego Self, separating us from each other, separating us from our own Souls, and separating us from ALL that IS. In doing and being such, we have created books of wisdom and stories to remind us of what we already know and have always known within us … this is being communicated telepathically and is accessible to us always through the akashic records. The rectangular shapes represent the reminder to ourselves that we are creators. The tower next to the rectangular shapes represents the star wisdom of who we are already and always have been as we come from the Universe of ALL that IS. The star wisdom and that in the Ego Self of the Game of 25
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Life we create, perceive, and judge. In this Earth dimensional duality we have perceived these Star souls and Star wisdom as “alien” or “bad” and we have feared them. The fear is only Ego Self trying to deny the Soul Self from expressing itself. However, this is our unique design of being Human. Choosing to release this fear will gain us growth and knowledge of who we really are. We are free from being harmed unless we have chosen to be harmed. We can release this fear from Ego Self and access the Star Wisdom, the Universal knowledge within us and see in this Earth dimension, in this illusion of time we have created, that we can embrace such “alien” means of knowledge. We can realize that the illusion we have created of academic buildings and schooling, as somehow better than or higher than we are, comes from Ego Self. In reality our true knowledge and wisdom is simply expressed and exchanged infinitely through infinite times and through infinite ways of expression. WE can use this as a reminder of who we really are and that we are all ONE, free from any one soul being “better than” any other. We are all from the ONENESS of ALL that IS. We have evolved and can choose to unlock the DNA of our being. By asking and giving permission to have it activated, we can once again live as the Universal Beings of Light that we are. In living our lives from the Star Wisdom that is already within us, we can bring to the forefront the Universal Knowledge of ALL that IS, thus creating a world that no longer puts Ego based academic knowledge as the foundation of such great importance and lets go of the illusion of separateness that we have created. It is important that we enable our children to expand on their Soul knowledge creating a world that operates from the Oneness of ALL that IS. As you meditate give intent for your Star Wisdom or Soul Knowledge to be brought into your reality to assist in the letting go of your illusionary seperateness. 26
Earth Dimensional Wisdom
The time is NOW dear ones, the time is NOW! Express gratitude within you each day upon awakening and call on us, your guides, angels, cosmic family. We are here for you and are honored, and praise you for the wonderful work you have done and are doing as the Silent Warriors of Universal Light. Call upon us and we will greet you in absolute Love and wash your feet to Honor the Masters that you are. NOW is the time to embrace and access the True Knowledge of who you are! The children coming into your Earths Dimension now are coming with the knowing unlocked from them. They are trying to tell you that your schools of learning are operating from a frequency that does not hold their attention. Listen to them!
* The italicized message is from Metatron and has only been slightly modified. 27
This symbol is a vision of what we as Lemurians knew was to come within this Earth’s
Dimensional time, where we would devolve and create the illusion of the Ego Self, separating us from each other, separating us from our own Souls, and separating us from ALL that IS.
Diamond Essence When I was presented with this symbol it went hand in hand with the Crystalline Cave Map. This symbol acted as a key to enter the cave (place of sanctuary, holy place, or divine place of interaction with spirit). The numbers four and five are represented within the Diamond. The number four is the marquise Shaped Diamond of our existence as a Spiritual Light Being. Within it lies the Multi-Faceted, Multi-Dimensionality of our Infinite Existence. Within, it shows the Multi-Dimensional paths and ways of being and the Possibilities that resonate within these four aspects that create our Infinite Existence. The eighth Chakra acts as a mirror to the forth, the Heart of Absolute Love. The following was given to me as a visualization and physical representation of this Diamond within the physical body for meditation. The legs are set with the toes (bottoms of the feet touching, not crossed) as the base of the physical body. Each knee is bent at the point of the Ego Self of the Soul and the Spiritual Soul Being; the base of the spine is the Spiritual Oneness within the Pure Consciousness of the Circle of the Universal Source of all that we are and emanate from. The two thumbs join together and point to the heart chakra with the pointer and index fingers 29
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touching and pointing outward from the heart chakra, creating a flow from the heart of your Inner-self out to the universe. The number five is the symbol of the physical Human body microcosm. It is the number of the physical body (the pentagon when the arms and legs are out stretched). The pentagon is endless – the symbolism of wholeness, completeness, perfection, and infinity with that of the circle. Five is a circular number as it produces itself in its last digit when raised to its own power. Within the number four, five is symbolic when placing the heart of Absolute Love within its center, the Universal Divine Source of All that IS. Expressed within the Soul, it could be described as a Seed of an Atom of pulsating Life Source Energy which resides in the Heart. Within its core resides our Multi-Faceted Diamond shaped Spiritual Oneness Cell, which is infinitely, completely, simultaneously, and instantly being activated and joined with this Pure Consciousness of All that Is. The numbers four and five together equal nine which is a completion of this earth’s 3D dimension and is also the completion of a cycle of inner wisdom and rebirth which is upon us now. The Soul is a spark of Light energy, the extension of a consciousness source of creation through which we experience infinitely, thus being who we really are. The Pulsating Source resides within the physical body with its center in the Heart. It is the purest white light and is the Pure Consciousness of the Universal Source. This is why with LOVE the possibilities are Infinite. This is the Diamond Essence that resides in each one of us, and within each of us. This Diamond Essence expels a multifaceted array of colors and energy. Within the center is the beautiful and purest of all white light radiating from the Core. When we reside within this Core of the Light of who we are, The Pure Consciousness, we are Aware of, Know, and fully embrace the I AM Absolute Love of All That Is. We are the Divine expression of our Creator and Co-Creator within this Source. Residing in this Core, this Light, we 30
Diamond Essence
are beacons of Infinite Love, Absolute Love, the Purest of Love of ALL that IS. This gives us the site of truth, the spiritual eye if you will, the third eye, or intuitive eye to see in all Dimensions and Communicate with these Dimensions of the Universe and of this Earth, creating the balance within ourselves and within the Universe. Go forth and radiate your Diamond Essence, Shine your Beacon of Light from within and find balance, tranquility, and Total Absolute Love! It is the Key to Unlock our Connection and Vision of ALL that IS. The time is NOW dear ones, the time is NOW! Continue to Give gratitude each day upon awakening and call on us, your guides, angels, cosmic family. We are here for you and are honored and praise you for the wonderful work you have done and are doing as the Silent Warriors of Universal Light. Call upon us, and we will greet you in absolute Love and wash your feet to Honor the Masters that you are. NOW is the time to embrace the LOVE that you are! Do you know of the miracle that you are creating each and every day of your earth’s time? We sit in awe of, and honor what you are accomplishing. Many of you are seeing the Truth and being the Truth. Your light is acting as an armor to protect and heal those that are seeking and that are giving permission for the Light to become brighter from within. We celebrate you!
* The italicized message is from Metatron and has only been slightly modified. 31
This symbol represents the evolution of this
game of Life and of remembering.
Illusion of Life’s Game This symbol represents the evolution of this game of Life and of remembering. The symbols or shapes on the sides of the circle depict our human self and our spiritual self and the illusion that we have created that one is better than or more than the other. The shape on the left side is our human self and the other our spiritual self. In Earth’s dimensional, linear times going “forward” the illusion of time “after” Lemuria into Atlantis and into Now. We see in this symbol that we, as Human/Spiritual Beings, know that as part of this game called Life that we will see spirituality as “higher” or “better than.” However, the circle is present and reminds us that the “better than” is only an illusion and symbolizes that we are all One and that the All of that which we are makes up the Oneness of All that Is. The arrow triangle is a representation that in reality our human selves are free from being lower than the spiritual selves, and that it is the combination of the two that makes us the unique and marvelous beings that we are. Understanding and meditating on this combination of Hu-
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man and Spiritual places us in a position to contemplate the Balance of Illusion.
This symbol represents the Illusion of the
out-of-balance sense of Life as we shift from one dimension to another.
The Balance Illusion This symbol represents the Illusion of the out-of-balance sense of Life as we shift from one dimension to another. This is depicted by the two shapes on each side of the symbol. The circle, once again present, represents the Oneness in which we are with All that Is. The two triangles in the center of the circle represent the Yin and Yang energy within each of us. The balance of these energies is not that of Male-Female physical beings. They are energy or an essence. One is not greater than the other. Notice the upright triangle inside of the reverse triangle. The upright triangle represents the Yang, and the reverse represents the Yin. The Infinite Circle is embracing both energies or essences of that which we are in Oneness. In this we see the representation of the female or Yin energy or essence as the nurturer, and the male or Yang energy or essence as the strength that is within us all. We are free from being or experiencing a “bad” thing. “Bad” is an illusion. All that occurs is simply required and has purpose through the evolutionary process. Through our awareness of all things we radiate the diamond essence which is depicted by the diamond shape at the top of the symbol.
Ancient Wisdom for a New World
As we embrace the Balance Illusion, we can move to the Crystalline Cave.
This symbol represents the crystalline cave, or place of sanctuary, holy place,
or divine place of interaction with Spirit.
Crystalline Cave Map As you enter this crystalline cave, or place of sanctuary, holy place, or divine place of interaction with Spirit, you see the two crystalline pillars at each side of the entrance. (Not depicted within the symbol, is a crystalline floor.) The two L shapes at each side of the entrance and pillars are meditation chambers. The entrance to each chamber is at the line that forms the triangle just below the circle. The two circles are spiritual communication devices or spiritual telephones, if you will. These spiritual telephones are an open communication with the grids of the Universe, a Tapping into the information and knowledge flowing across the grids. Within these communication devices are many records, records of lifetimes and experiences of ALL (the Akashic Records). In the center of the map you will see several small triangles on the outside of the circle. These triangles are entrances into the center where the circle and Merkaba are. This is a sanctuary of initiations, spiritual circles or gatherings, and where the spiritual telephones are activated. Throughout the experience of sharing the symbols with others, this symbol has been the most familiar with those that have seen it. In most cases where I have shown the symbols, they were presented without the meanings attached to them; 41
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yet many memories were awakened in those that saw these symbols and they knew what it represented. Sharing my experience of this place of Sanctuary may help you understand. My first memory of the Crystalline Cave was in October of 2006 when I was introduced to a new angel or guide. The three that had walked with me and guided me through most of my life in this dimension told me that I was about to experience a type of graduation. As we approached this magnificent place full of colors, vibrations, and tones, I realized that we were submerged in water. But as we approached, it was much the same as walking through our Earth Dimensional forests but with much more brilliant coloring. When we approached the entrance, I was handed a pendant that held within its center the symbol of Diamond Essence. I was told that this was the key to the entrance. I approached the entrance with the key placed between my hands in a triangular formation at the point of my heart, my heart chakra, as instructed by my guides/angels and the entrance cleared or opened. As I walked through the entrance I was basked in the most brilliant and indescribable white golden light that I had ever seen or experienced. I was filled with a familiar essence and knew that I was remembering and seeing things that I knew of yet had no conscious memory of until that moment. I was greeted with spirits, entities, and the souls of many. It was a celebration beyond comprehension in our Earth’s Dimension. Every fiber of my being, every sense and awareness was present with me there. There were others going in and out of the meditation chambers, some passing by as I was led to the entrances of the center sanctuary. As I walked through the entrance, I was greeted by six very tall, very beautiful entities. Each one had their own beautiful color and energy that seemed to make up their identity. I was then led to the center where there was an oblong shaped pedestal or table of sorts. It was unlike anything in this dimension that I could compare it to. As I was looking at this table three more entities entered and gathered around the structure. Along with two angels, there were a total of twelve entities that I was aware of in 42
Crystalline Cave Map
the room. One of the final entities that entered the room walked up to me and greeted me with, “I am Metatron. I am honored Alakta (which I now know to be my spiritual or medicine name), and I am of assistance to you throughout the next part of your journey.� I became aware that I was to take my place on the structure in the Center of these beautiful beings. As I stepped up onto the pedestal, my body went into a horizontal position as if floating and suspended in air. I was filled with a knowing that something important was about to begin. The entities gathered around, and it was as if they were submerging me in what can only be described in Earth Dimensional language as an energy that was of the most Divine, Healing, Total, and Absolute Love of the Source that connects us all. After this process, each time I visit the other side of the veil I bring with me more memories of the experiences with the energies flowing more smoothly, gaining more balance within my physical self and within the inner-dimensional self of who I am. I have had many healings, teachings, initiations, and celebrations since the first memory of this and know that it has been a part of my experience throughout my life journey here. Many of us have memory of this Spiritual Dimension. As the higher dimensions and frequency rises, if intent is made given to retain the memory of this Divine duality and reality, it will be given. For many ages only our Soul-selves could withstand the energies in the spiritual realm, but we have now evolved to a point that it will be or is part of our reality just as anything in our daily life is now. DNA activation plays a big part in this evolution. In asking and giving permission for the assistance it shall be granted. It is an individual process and the answers are within your own knowing and your own experience. Ask and you will be answered in the appropriateness for your own experience. Many of the children today are being born with the DNA already activated and memory retained. They will be great teachers. They bring with them the unlocked memories of this Infinite Universal Knowledge. With our 43
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DNA activating, our balance regained, and being the Infinite beings that we are, the rise in our frequencies assists us in making better choices to sustain us and to bring us back to the Universal Cosmic Consciousness from which we began and who we really are. This brings all of us home to the reality of that which is Love, Truth, and Peace. Meditate on this symbol to bring you to the awareness of the work being done as your Divine multidimensional self. Whether you find yourself in the Crystalline Cave or another special place is of no importance. It is the awareness and wisdom gained that is of importance. As stated earlier it is the appropriateness for your own experience. Our next symbol takes us home and helps us to embrace our True Selves.
This symbol represents the balance, the divine sight, the knowing of whom we really are, and the energy in which we create.
Gift of Divinity This symbol represents the balance, the divine sight, the knowing of whom we really are, and the energy in that we create. As we embrace our true selves and ascend we can remember our gift of Divinity, we raise the frequencies within ourselves, our Mother Earth, and the Universe. These are depicted in the symbols above the triangle. We are the warriors of Light who have chosen to be placed in this time. We carry the Sword of Truth, the Shield of Knowledge, and the Armor of Spirit. We are invited to see with our inner wisdom/soul eye/third eye (depicted on each side of the triangle) and use this Divine Map of pathways of our choices that leads us to the awareness of the Pure Consciousness, the Infinite Circle that is our connection to the Universal Source of All That Is, the Divine Source that we are and that connects us to All That Is. Now is the time for us to transform our perceptions to that which frees us from valuing one human over another. Now is the time for us to gift whatever it is we have to offer through sharing, prayer, meditation, and whatever we have to gift with Love. Each of us carries a key to pass on to another. This key opens the doorways or entrances to Infinite Love.
Ancient Wisdom for a New World
Now is the time for us to transform our perception and illusions that money means is what gains us the freedom and rights to be fed and clothed, and provided with housing. No one deserves these things more than another. No human is more important than another. If you have the monetary means, gift to another that they may have what is their Divine right to have also. You will not lose your quality of Life by sharing; you will gain the true abundance that you seek. Now is the time to release the perception and illusion that those in power, government, corporations are the ones that control us. We are one, and we “all hold the power,� the Gift of Divinity. Now is the time to join hands and hearts to create, to heal, to be who we are. We will prevail over any forces that are not serving to humanity and our world well. Let go of the fear, for you hold within you the sword, shield and armor that shines so bright. That is why you are here. You/We are the sword, shield, and armor. Release yourself from the illusion of fear so that you may BE who and what you really are. You/We are the Hawk, the Givers of Life, the Givers of Absolute Love, the Diamond Essence, the True Knowledge and Infinite Wisdom, the Fluidity of the Soul, Multi-dimensional, the Flowering Essence of Life, the Crystalline Soul, the Balance Illusion, and the Gift of Divinity! The time has come for us to embrace that which we are! In the Light of Absolute Love, Lori Christensen
About theCave Author Crystalline Map
ori Christensen is visionary, inpirationalist and founder of the Cosmic Nudge, a non-profit public charity. But above all, she considers herself a Mother, Grandmother and a part of Human Race. She is experienced with self-empowerment which she uses to assist others as a life coach, facilitator, speaker and writer. At an early age she discovered her gifts and abilities as an intuitive and medium. She was never exposed to the New Age movement and all of her teaching has been from what she calls her “Angels.� Lori has devoted her life to teaching, facilitating workshops and doing lectures for others so that all can connect and be aware of our true selves. She believes that we are all amazing beings with phenomenal gifts and that it is time to embrace who we really are both individually and as a unified group of Intelligent Spiritual Beings. Lori can be reached at
Meditation CDs and artist prints of the symbols are avialable. For more information, email 49
Ancient Wisdom for World Ancient Wisdom fora New a New World
This book is channeled information to assist in the shift of the human race and of our earth. It is wisdom that the ancients utilized and lived by in the beginning of our world. For the first time in our history we are about to evolve into beings of a higher consciousness and with these tools the transition can be made with ease. It is time to gather together regardless of Race, Creed, or Color. To claim
who we really are and operate from the infinite heart of our Souls. We are ONE! — Lori Christensen
In these changing times we are bringing to ourselves that which is needed by others and it is vital in the creation of the new world that we assist and support each other in our families, relationships and business. (Taken from an article written by Lori 10/2006)
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