Now more than ever, telling trans stories to save trans lives is at the core of Team TransLash's mission. In that spirit, we are thrilled to share that starting on Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) on 11/20, TransLash Zine issues 1-4 will be available for free in digital AND for sale in print! Bookmark this page:
All proceeds go to support continuing to pay TGNC contributors and covering print costs. We'll also be releasing something very special on TDOR: the fourth edition in our zine series, 'Migration Stories’ in collaboration with @poczineproject. While we know that 2021 is now officially on record as the most deadly year for transgender people in history, we also know that many of us are still very much alive -- and looking for some peace with a big side of inspiration. ‘Migration Stories’ celebrates all of our TGNC siblings and their journeys to find community, safety, and love. TransLash Zine is a collaboration with @POCZineProject.