ISO Fall 2012, Issue 1
Photo by Madeline Brooks
Dear readers, In the fall of 2012, a handful of passionate students gathered together in Proctor Dining Hall and started this magazine devoted to multilingual literature and to translation. My original idea comes from a saying in Chinese that I came across when I was 15: 讓我的夢想飛揚,讓我的創意翱翔 Let my dreams hover, let my creativity soar In Middlebury, outside of language classes, we recognize a need on campus for a platform for experimentation, imagination, and expression in different languages. At the same time, we also realize how culture and language are inter-related. With the plethora of of writing and artwork, not only will you find a variety of styles, but also a variety of perspectives. One of my personal visions for Translingual is to be a leading force in breaking cultural stereotypes and highlighting diversity into the campus. Thank you, dear friends and teachers, for the numerous encouragements, help, and advice along the way. We hope that this magazine may inspire you, one day, to pick up your quill pen and write some verses of your own. Winnie Yeung Editor-in-chief
ABOUT THE EDITORS Asuka Bando ’14 is an exchange student from Japan and has grown up in Japan and the Philippines. She majors in History, and is a Japanese-English bilingual. Jacqueline Husin ’15 is from Nashville, Tennessee. She is a Chinese major and hopes to live in her parents’ home country of Indonesia one day. Rabeya Jawaid ’16 is from Pakistan, living in Dubai and attended high school in Hong Kong. She is a strong advocate of global understanding. Anis Mebarki ’15 is from Guelma, Algeria who majors in History and German. He speaks French, Maghrebi/Standard Arabic, Hindi/Urdu, and sometimes Spanish. He enjoys Nacho Cheese Doritos and biking with friends.
Table of Contents Chinese and Spanish Chaos Wenbo Zhang - p. 4 The Change of the Central American and Chinese Cross-strait Diplomatic and Commercial Relations Oscar Portillo - p. 6 Japanese Poems of Snow Asuka Bando - p. 12 Korean Benefits of Military Services for Male Korean Students Hyeon-Seok Yu (Tom) - p. 13 ME and the starcraft Kaireth Kim - p. 15 Russian Captive in a Red Sun Nathan Goldman - p. 16 Malay Cycling Jia Jun Lee - p. 17 Paper Thosai Jia Ying Teoh - p. 18 Urdu Translation of A Thousand Desires Such Rabeya Jawaid - p. 20 Arabic Sishawar Sarah Amr Thameen - P. 22 French The Aftermath Julia Angeles - p. 24 Thoughts on London from the Point of View of an American Girl , of Chinese Descent, Turned Parisian Sophia Wang - p. 25 Haw Flakes Winnie Yeung - p. 26 Alegerian Arabic The Casablanca Train Anis Mebarki - p. 27
Roy Wang ’16 is from China and has spent most of his life in Shanghai, China and Tokyo, Japan. He is an International Politics & Economics major and speaks Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and German. Athraa Yalda ’15 is from Baghdad, Iraq, and has also lived in Egypt, Syria and the UK. She speaks Arabic, and is a Biochemistry major. She hopes to use political cartoon artwork as a tool to bring more political awareness. Winnie Yeung ’15 is from Hong Kong. She is a History major and speaks Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese, French, and Arabic. She hopes to visit Yemen one day and speak the local dialect.
混乱 什么时候心中的黑暗已经蔓延 迷蒙了双眼 遮住了外面的光源 什么时候镜子里的我毁了容颜 扭曲了视线 放大了丑陋的缺点 像嗑药后的世界 黑雾弥漫 女妖尖着嗓歌唱 耳朵里的弦 弹奏着魔音 吵得我的灵魂不得安歇 恨不得喝下毒药 然后缩得好小好小 小到能够钻进地缝里 恨不得披上斗篷 然后消失在黑暗里 隐形了就不再害怕流言 我无力与命运抗争 只想剖开胸膛 挖出那颗作乱的心脏 脑子里千丝万缕的电线 好几处打了死结 像那被猫玩耍过后的线球 捆绑了我的快乐 缠住了我的忧愁 最好把那脑子里纷乱的丝线一并挖出来 清空了我的脑子 也清空我的胸腔 张闻博
Chaos Starting from when the darkness in my heart has spread, blinded my eyes and blocked the light coming from the outside. Starting from when the face in the mirror is destroyed, my vision distorted and the flaws magnified. My world is doped, filled with black haze and the shrilling voices of succubi1. The chords in my ears are strummed wildly, flustering my soul. I’d rather drink the poison and shrink to the size of an ant, so I can hide in the cracks of earth. I’d rather cover myself with the cloak and vanish into the darkness, as I won’t be afraid of rumors if I am invisible. I am too feeble to fight against destiny. I just want to cut open my chest and dig out the trouble-making heart. The wires in my brain are all tangled up, like the ball of wool that has been played by a cat. They tie up my happiness and trap my worries. If only I can dig out the messy thoughts from my mind, then both my brain and my chest will be empty. Wenbo Zhang 1. Succubi are female demons or supernatural beings who appear in dreams.
Yuanyang Rice Peddies in China Gillian Lui
Editor’s Notice: This is an essay about Sino-Latin American relations which was first written in Chinese and later translated into Spanish and English. The English translation is available at p. 10.
中美洲和中國兩岸經貿外交 關係的變化
El Cambio De Las Relaciones Diplomáticas Y Económicas Entre Centroamérica Y Ambos Lados Del Estrecho De Taiwán Oscar Portillo
一、 歷史上中國兩岸對中美洲的貿易交流和 外交關係的影響
I- la influencia histórica de ambos lados del estrecho de Taiwán en las relaciones diplomáticas y comerciales de Centroamérica.
大部分的拉丁美洲國家是在1821年後獨 立建國的,在此以前中國未跟中美洲發展過 外交關係。在貿易關係方面,中國早在1575 年就已經進口了一些墨西哥的資源,這一中 國和中美洲以外的拉丁美洲西班牙殖民地的 貿易通道被稱為“海上絲綢之路”。但是直 到清朝滅亡,中美洲國家和中國的貿易交流 都幾乎是不存在的。清政府不希望也不需要 跟西方國家進行交流,所以清朝的閉關政策 影響到了貿易交流。而且在獨立建國之後中 美洲主要的對外出口產品是咖啡和棉布, 因 為當時中國和中美洲存在文化差異以及咖啡 對不上中國老百姓的口味,因此中美洲的產 品在中國沒有市場。這直接影響到了中國和 中美洲國家的外交關係。最後1909年巴拿馬 成為第一個跟清政府建交的中美洲國家。其 他中美洲國家直到20世紀中葉才跟台灣政府 建立正式關係。此後中國和中美洲貿易交流 的程度仍然較低。 在1949年中華人民共和國成立之後, 因為在中美洲國家和中國大陸之間的意識形 態存在著分歧,中美洲國家紛紛跟台灣 [又 稱中華民國] 建交。冷戰的時候,由於美國 的經濟與政治影響,中美洲國家的外交政策 反映的是華盛頓的外交政策,而70年代中美 關係的緩和卻並沒影響到中美洲國家對中國 大陸的外交政策。在中國大陸在聯合國恢復 席位之後,所有的中美洲國家繼續維持跟台 灣外交和貿易關係。這麼做的原因好像不僅 僅是貿易上的策略而更像是表明一種政治態 度。這有可能是華盛頓為了在亞洲制衡,暗 中鼓勵中美洲國家繼續在政治和貿易方面支 持台灣。雖然這一觀點目前無法驗證,但還 並不能被完全摒棄。
La mayoría de los países Latinoamericanos obtuvieron su independencia en 1821, previo a [y tiempo después de] este acontecimiento, China no habría desarrollado relaciones exteriores con Centroamérica. No obstante, tan temprano como en 1517, China ya importaba materia prima desde México. A esta ruta comercial marítima entre China y otras colonias españolas en el continente Americano se le conoce como “la ruta marítima de la seda.” [海上 絲綢之路] A pesar de esto, hasta la Dinastía Qing [清朝, también romanizada: Ching], el intercambio comercial entre China y Centroamérica fue casi inexistente. El gobierno Qing no deseaba ni necesitaba llevar a cabo ninguna interacción comercial con naciones del hemisferio occidental, por lo tanto, la política exterior de seclusión afectó el intercambio comercial entre Centroamérica y China. Después de la independencia, los productos principales para la exportación fueron el café y el algodón. Debido a diferencias de carácter cultural en aquel entonces, más el hecho de que el café no era del gusto del pueblo Chino, los productos centroamericanos no tenían cabida en el mercado chino; esto influyó directamente en las relaciones comerciales entre Centroamérica y China. Al fin, en 1909 Panamá fue el primer país centroamericano en establecer relaciones diplomáticas con el gobierno Qing. Los demás países centroamericanos no entablarían relaciones diplomáticas con el gobierno de Taiwán hasta mediados del siglo XX. Desde entonces, el intercambio comercial entre Centroamérica y China permaneció mínimo. Después del establecimiento de la República Popular de China en 1949, debido a diferencias ideológicas, los países centroamericanos, uno tras otro, establecieron relaciones diplomáticas con el gobierno de Taiwán [también conocido como República de China]. Durante la Guerra Fría, debido a la influencia comercial y política de EE.UU. la política exterior de los países centroamericanos reflejaba aquella implementada por Washington. No obstante, la disminución de la tensión en las relaciones Sino-Estadounidenses, no afecto para nada las relaciones entre Centroamérica y China Continental. Después de la reinstauración del asiento para China Continental en la ONU, todos los países centroamericanos continuaron con sus relaciones diplomáticas y comerciales con Taiwán. La razón de esto parece ser más que estrategias económicas, sino, más bien, una demostración de índole político. Es posible que Washington haya promovido el continuar apoyando diplomáticamente a Taiwán con el motivo de crear separación de poderes en Asia del Este. Aunque este argumento no puede ser corroborado al momento, no puede ser completamente abandonado.
二、新世紀中國兩岸和中美洲的貿易合作對 三邊外交關係的影響
II- el Nuevo siglo: La influencia de la cooperación economía entre Centroamérica y ambos lados del estrecho de Taiwán en las relaciones trilaterales.
直到2001年,因為中美洲國家已經獲 得台灣的援助,因此它們好像不一定需要促 進跟中國大陸的外交關係。從2000年到2008 年,陳水扁是台灣政府最高領導人,其政府 的外交政策集中於獲得對台灣獨立活動的支
Hasta el año 2001, debido a que los países centroamericanos ya obtenían ayuda financiera de parte del gobierno de Taiwán, los países del istmo no veían necesidad en establecer relaciones diplomáticas con China Continental. Chen Shui-bian [陳水扁] fue el presidente de Taiwán desde el 2000 hasta el año 2008; la política exterior de su gobierno se enfocó en apoyar las actividades independentistas de Taiwán. Esta política ha sido llamada “La
持,此政策被描繪成“金錢外交”。以前為 了維持與中美洲國家的正式關係,台灣向一 些中美洲國家的外交部門提供援助,並在中 美洲國家選舉的時候,向有希望的候選人送 禮送錢。台灣對中美洲的國家的資助可謂豐 厚:『中美洲一體化體系』已受到台灣6.41 億美元的資助,而此資助對中美洲國家的漁 業和農業發展有所補益。有見及此,中國大 陸對中美洲的外交政策有了改變:中國大陸 與中美州國建交的原因主要是出於制衡台 灣,而並不是真正在意和中美洲國家建交長 期外交關係。 然而自從2001年以後,中國大陸的經 濟繁榮態勢越來越明顯。中國大陸經濟實力 的增長已經開始改變中美洲跟中國兩岸的外 交關係,並影響到彼此的貿易交流關係。中 國大陸也開始使用經濟手段來達到影響中美 洲外交格局的目的。 2007年哥斯達黎加跟 台灣斷交的同時跟中國大陸建交。哥斯達黎 加或許希望跟中國大陸發展正式關係後,與 大陸進一步貿易交流所得到的好處會超過跟 台灣交流的獲利。建交以後中國協助哥斯達 黎加建造了一個現代化的體育場。現在由於 《中哥自貿協定》的簽署,有96%的兩國貿 易產品不必納稅。為了防止“多米諾骨牌” 效應在中美洲的邦交夥伴中出現,台灣更積 極地跟其盟邦發展貿易關係。因此2007年台 灣和洪都拉斯、薩爾瓦多簽訂了自由貿易協 定。中美洲國家對台灣的反應並不積極。一 些台灣的媒體認為,2009 年薩爾瓦多總統富 內斯上台以後向北京表達了建交的願望。而 且根據維基解密的文件,2010年巴拿馬政府 想跟台灣斷交,目的是為了跟北京建交,但 是北京為了避免損害兩岸關係而拒絕跟巴拿 馬建交。 個人認為,目前中美洲跟中國兩岸之 間開始出現外交和貿易關係分化的新趨勢。 這一過程的出現主要是由於2008年馬英九承 擔了台灣的領導責任。因為台灣終止了陳水 扁的外交政策,所以北京和台北的關係有所 改善。馬英九的政府給中美洲和中國兩岸的 三邊關係帶來了新的氣象。雖然台灣不希望 其他的中美洲國家仿效哥斯達黎加的外交立 場。馬英九政府表示不認同中美洲國家對兩 岸雙重承認。但在2011年初蕭萬長表示台灣 不會調停或者反對盟邦跟中國大陸的商貿關 係。 2011年12月,台灣外交部副部長向薩爾 瓦多代表團表達了台灣政府能作為薩爾瓦多 和大陸貿易交流中介的態度。 危地馬拉雖然仍然是台灣邦交國,但它 在貿易上已開始跟中國大陸交流。 2008 年 中國在危地馬拉建立了中國-危地馬拉合作 貿易商會。同時中國大陸已在一些尚未建交 的中美洲國家舉辦了貿易展。 2010年中國在
diplomacia de la Chequera” [金錢外交]. Antes, para mantener las relaciones oficiales entre Taiwán y Centroamérica, Taiwán otorgó ayuda económica [específicamente] para los ministerios de asuntos exteriores de los países centroamericanos. Además de esto, durante las elecciones de los países centroamericanos Taiwán daría regalos y dinero a los candidatos con las más grandes probabilidades de ganar las elecciones. La ayuda financiera de Taiwán para con Centroamérica bien puede ser considerada generosa. El SICA [Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana] ya ha recibido más de $6.4 millones en ayuda financiera. Este aporte financiero ha beneficiado el desarrollo de la pesca y agricultura en Centroamérica. Ante esto, durante el mandato de Chen Shui-bian, la política exterior de China Continental para con América Central cambió. China Continental esperaba establecer relaciones diplomáticas con países centroamericanos procediendo desde una estrategia de balance de poderes, mas [pareciera que] a China Continental realmente no le interesa establecer relaciones formales con Centroamérica. No obstante, desde el 2001, el auge de la economía de China continental es cada vez más evidente. El incremento de la potencia de la economía de China Continental ya empezó a cambiar las relaciones diplomáticas y también comerciales entre Centroamérica y ambos lados del estrecho de Taiwán. China Continental también ya inició a usar métodos económicos para poder influenciar la estructura de las relaciones diplomáticas de América Central [además de las relaciones de ambos lados del estrecho de Taiwán]. Costa Rica rompió lazos diplomáticos con Taiwán en el año 2007 mientras que a la misma vez estableció relaciones oficiales con China Continental. Quizá Costa Rica espera que los beneficios comerciales obtenidos por establecer relaciones diplomáticas con China Continental sobrepasen esos obtenidos con el intercambio comercial con Taiwán. Después de formalizar las relaciones diplomáticas, China continental ayudó a Costa Rica a construir un estadio moderno [el mas moderno y grande de Centro América]. Ahora, gracias al tratado de libre comercio entre Costa Rica y China Continental firmado por ambas naciones, el 96% de los productos de ambos países no esta sujeto a pagar tarifas. Para prevenir un surgimiento de un “efecto dominó” en la política exterior de sus aliados centroamericanos, Taiwán más activamente desarrolló los lazos comerciales con sus aliados. Así es como, en 2007, Taiwán, Honduras, y El Salvador firmaron un tratado de libre comercio. La reacción de los países centroamericanos no fue en realidad muy energética. Algunos medios de comunicación Taiwaneses publicaron que en el año 2009 que después de ser electo, el presidente de El Salvador, Mauricio Funes, le propuso a Beijing [Pekín] la idea de establecer relaciones diplomáticas. Además, de acuerdo a documentos de Wikileaks, en el año 2010 el gobierno de panamá consideró romper relaciones diplomáticas con Taiwán; el motivo era establecer relaciones con Beijing. Pero Beijing rechazó la oferta de panamá por temor de afectar las relaciones en el estrecho de Taiwán. Creo que actualmente ha emergido una diferenciación en la política exterior y el comercio entre Centroamérica y ambos lados del estrecho de Taiwán. El surgimiento de este proceso se debe a la toma de posesión de Ma Ying-jiu [馬英九, también romanizado como: “Ma Ying-Jeou” o Ma Ying-chiu]. Taiwán paró la política exterior empleada por Chen Shui-bian, por lo tanto las relaciones entre Beijing y Taipéi mejoraron. El gobierno de Ma Ying-jiu trajo una nueva atmosfera a las relaciones trilaterales entre Centroamérica y ambos lados del estrecho de Taiwán. Aunque Taiwán no desea que otros países centroamericanos sigan el ejemplo de la política exterior de Costa Rica, el gobierno de Ma Ying-jiu ha expresado que no respalda la idea de que los países centroamericanos tengan doble reconocimiento diplomático para China Continental y Taiwán. Sin embargo, a principios del 2011, Vincent Siew [蕭萬長,romanizado: Xiao Wanchang o Hsiao Wan-ch’ang], dijo que el gobierno de Taiwán no intervendrá ni se opondrá a que sus aliados desarrollen relaciones comerciales con China Continental. En diciembre del 2011, el viceministro de relaciones exteriores
薩爾瓦多舉辦了中國貿易展。中美洲和中國 兩岸關係進一步改變。現在中美洲國家可以 跟台灣仍然邦交而同時跟中國大陸經商。政 治已不再妨礙中美洲國家和中國大陸進行貿 易交流了。
de Taiwán expreso a una delegación salvadoreña que el gobierno de Taiwán podría intermediar en el [posible] intercambio comercial entre El Salvador y China Continental. Guatemala continua siendo un aliado político de Taiwán, pero ya ha empezado a interactuar con China Continental en el ámbito comercial. En el 2008, China Continental estableció en Guatemala la Cámara De Comercio Sino-Guatemala. A la vez, China Continental ha mantenido exposiciones comerciales en otros países con los cuales aun no ha establecido relaciones diplomáticas. Por ejemplo, En el 2010 China Continental mantuvo una exposición comercial en El Salvador. Las relaciones entre Centroamérica y China Continental tomaron un paso más cercano hacia el cambio. La política ya no impide que Centroamérica y China Continental realicen intercambios comerciales.
三、結論:中美洲和中國兩岸關係可能 的未來
III- conclusión: el posible futuro de la relaciones entre Centroamérica y ambos lados del estrecho de Taiwán.
因為中國大陸的經濟發展和廣大的市場對中 美洲國家越來越具有吸引力, 而且中國大陸會 考慮使用經濟手段來制衡中美洲和台灣、大 陸的三邊關係。根據目前台灣的政治氛圍, 我們能預測台灣在中美洲的政治和經濟影響 比之中國大陸將會黯然失色。台灣最終有可 能會接受“一國兩制”制度。從貿易角度來 看,對中美洲國家來說,與中國大陸建交或 發展貿易交流關係並不是不可或缺的,但對 中國大陸的十三億人口的市場是很誘人的。 目前中美洲國家不在意承認台灣同時在中國 大陸經商。不過長遠來說,台灣的經濟發展 勢頭和市場規模都比不上中國大陸的。因為 哥斯達黎加和中國建交,哥斯達黎加產品享 有了中國市場准入。因為政治原因,其他的 中美洲國家只能跟台灣簽訂自由貿易協定。 假使中國大陸的經濟繼續穩步發展,中美洲 國家覺得跟中國大陸簽訂的自由貿易協定比 跟台灣簽訂的更有益處,最終大多數中美洲 國家會跟北京建交。其實現在台灣也曉得在 世界上中國大陸的經濟地位,所以如果台灣 反對其盟邦跟中國大陸經商, 中美洲國家很 可能會與台灣斷交。 綜上所述,現在聯合國不承認台灣。 世界上只有23個小國正式承認台灣,其中包 括大部分中美洲國家,如果中國大陸的經濟 總量繼續穩步增長,這些國家以後可能和台 灣斷交。如果美國在外交上沒有施加壓力, 根據現在的國際情況來看,幾十年以後台灣 很可能會同意“一國兩制”制度,從而目前 的三邊關係能轉化為一種雙邊關係。今年 馬英九連任台灣領導人。其政綱包括“三不 政策”:即不統一,不獨立和不使用武力。 看上去馬英九的政府似乎會漸漸推動這一進 程。然而從“中美洲-中國兩岸關係”變 成“中美洲-中國關係”尚需一些時日。
Porque el desarrollo de la economía de China Continental y su vasto Mercado son cada vez más atractivos para los países centroamericanos, China Continental considerará usar maneras económicas para establecer una separación y balance de poderes en la relación trilateral entre Centroamérica, Taiwán y China Continental. Según el actual clima político de Taiwán, podemos pronosticar que la influencia y política de Taiwán en Centroamérica será opacada por China Continental. Por lo tanto, Taiwán tiene grandes probabilidades de aceptar el sistema de “Un país, dos sistemas.” Desde una perspectiva comercial, para China Continental, el desarrollo de relaciones comerciales entre China Continental y Centroamérica no es una necesidad indispensable. No obstante, para los países centroamericanos el mercado de China Continental es muy tentador. En la actualidad, los países centroamericanos reconocen políticamente a Taiwán y a la misma vez no les molesta llevar a cabo actividades comerciales con China Continental. Sin embargo, el impulso del desarrollo económico de Taiwán y el tamaño del mercado en China continental no pueden igualar. Ya que Costa Rica y China Continental establecieron relaciones diplomáticas, los productos costarricenses disfrutan de accesos al mercado de China Continental. Por razones políticas, los demás países centroamericanos solamente pueden firmar tratados de libre comercio con Taiwán. Si la economía de China Continental continua a desarrollarse a un ritmo constante, para los países centroamericanos, firmar un tratado de libre comercio con China continental tendrá más beneficios que uno con Taiwán. La mayoría de los países centroamericanos tarde o temprano establecerán relaciones diplomáticas con Beijing. Taiwán reconoce la importancia de la economía de China Continental. Si Taiwán se opone ahora a que sus aliados hagan negocios con China Continental, los países centroamericanos probablemente terminaran sus relaciones diplomáticas con Taiwán. En resumen, ahora la ONU no reconoce oficialmente a Taiwán [“República de China”]. Solo hay 23 países en el mundo que reconocen formalmente a la isla; entre ellos, la mayoría de los países centroamericanos. Si la economía de China Continental continua creciendo a pasos aligerados, es probable que estos países eventualmente terminen sus relaciones con Taiwán. Si los EEUU no intervienen ejerciendo presión diplomática; basados en la situación internacional actual, podemos decir que es probable que Taiwán acepte el sistema de “Un país, dos sistemas” décadas más tarde. De ahí, las actuales relaciones trilaterales se transformarían en relaciones bilaterales. Ma Ying-jiu fue reelecto este año. Su plataforma política incluye la política de “Los tres no”: no unificación, no independencia y no uso de fuerza. El gobierno de Ma ying-jiu parece facilitar el proceso [pronosticado]. Pero, para que se de un cambio de “Relaciones entre Centroamérica y ambos lados del estrecho de Taiwan” a “Relaciones Chino-Centroamericanas” se requiere cierto tiempo.
The ancient city of Luoping, translated loosely to City of Ducks, is revered for its yellow flowers and burgeoning potato industry. Upon the eve of the Panda Festival, Luoping residents flock to the golden grove when the flowers flourish in their Yellow. At dawn, the local Chinese embrace the old country and champion familial piety through a rejection of contemporary cultural constraints. The hills echo the sentiment of Emperor Ming Xing Ling—the 3rd of the Quan dynasty well-known for his personal fascination with the concept of infinity. In the pursuit of cultural immersion, we shed our clothing and inhibitions to manifest the spirit of the Chinese, casting off the shackles of myopic Occidentalism. Matthew Dengler
The Change of the Central American and Chinese Cross-strait Diplomatic and Commercial Relations
established diplomatic relations with Taiwan [Also known as: Republic Of China]. During the Cold War, because of the U.S. economic and political influence, the foreign policy of the Central American countries reflected Washington’s foreign policy. Yet, the easing of the Sino-American relations in the 1970s did not affect the foreign policy of Central American nations towards Mainland China. After the restoration of the Chinese seat to Mainland China at the United Nations, all of the Central American countries continued to maintain diplomatic and trade relations with Taiwan. The reason for this seems to be not merely trade strategies but a demonstration of a political stance. It’s possible that Washington secretly encouraged Central American countries to continue supporting Taiwan on the political and diplomatic arena in order to create some sort of checks and balances in East Asia. Although this view cannot be thoroughly verified now, it cannot be completely abandoned.
Oscar Portillo I- The Historical Influence Of Both Sides Of The Taiwan Strait On Central America’s Economic Exchange And Diplomatic Relations. Most countries in Latin America won their independence in 1821; prior to this, China had not yet established diplomatic relations with Central America. Nonetheless, as early as 1575, China already imported some natural resources from Mexico. This trade route between China and other Latin American colonies is known as “The Maritime Silk Road” [海上絲綢之路]. But until the Qing dynasty, Central American countries and China’s trade interactions were almost non-existent. The Qing government did not desire nor need to interact with the Western countries, so the closed-door policy of the Qing dynasty affected the trade exchange between the two sides. After independence, Central American nations’ main export products were coffee and cotton. Because at that time existed more marked cultural differences between China and Central America as well as the fact that coffee was not up to the taste of ordinary Chinese, Central American products did not have a market in China. This directly affected the diplomatic relations between China and Central American countries as well. Finally, in 1909 Panama became the first Central American country to establish diplomatic relations with the Qing government. Other Central American countries did not establish official diplomatic relations with Taiwan until the mid-20th century. Since then, the extent of the trade exchanges in China and Central America is still low. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, due to ideological differences between Central America and Mainland China, Central American countries, one after another,
II- The New Century, The Influence Of The Economic Cooperation Between Central America And The Two Chinas On The Trilateral Relations. Until 2001, because Central American countries already received Taiwan’s aid, they didn’t seem to need to promote diplomatic relations with Mainland China. From 2000 to 2008, Chen Shui-bian [陳水扁] was Taiwan’s president. His cabinet’s foreign policy focused on obtaining support for Taiwan’s independence activities. This policy has been described as “checkbook diplomacy” [金錢外交]. Before, in order to maintain Central American countries’ diplomatic relations, Taiwan provided financial support to some Central American ministries of foreign affairs. Also, during some Central American countries’ elections, Taiwan would give gifts and money to the candidates who were most likely to win. Taiwan’s aid to Central America may be well called “very generous”. The “Central American Integration System” [SICA] has already received $ 641 million in funding from Taiwan. This financial aid benefited the development of Central America’s agriculture and fishing industry. Influenced by this, during Chen Shui-bian’s term, Mainland China changed its foreign policy towards Central America. It seems that the reasons for Mainland China to establish diplomatic relations with Central America at first were purely political strategy concerning more the Cross-strait politics than the international arena in Central America. However, since 2001, China’s economic booming state is more and more evident. The growth of Mainland China’s economic strength has begun to change the diplomatic relation between Central America and the two
Man in Bolivian Market Forest Jarvis
Chinas, and it has also influenced trade relations. Mainland China has begun to use economic means to influence the Central America’s foreign diplomatic structure and the Cross-strait relations. In 2007 Costa Rica established diplomatic relations with Mainland China while at the same time it broke off diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Costa Rica perhaps hopes that after developing diplomatic official relations with China the trade exchange benefits with Mainland China will exceed those obtained with Taiwan. After the establishment of diplomatic relations, Mainland China assisted Costa Rica on building a modern stadium, which is also the biggest and newest in Central America. Now, because of the Costa Rica-Mainland China FTA, 96% of bilateral trade is not required to pay tariffs. In order to prevent a domino effect in Central America’s diplomatic partners, Taiwan more proactively developed trade relations with its diplomatic partners. Thus, Taiwan, Honduras, and El Salvador signed a free trade agreement in 2007. Central American countries’ reactions were not as zealous. According to Taiwanese media, in 2009 after being elected, El Salvador’s president, Mauricio Funes, expressed interest on establishing formal relations with Beijing. Moreover, according to Wikileaks documents, in 2010 the Panamanian government wanted to break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan; its purpose was to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing. However, in order to avoid harming the Chinese Cross-Strait relations, Beijing declined to establish diplomatic relations with Panama. I believe that currently a new differentiation trend is happening in the diplomatic and commercial relations between Central America and both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The emergence of this process is mainly thanks to Ma Ying-jiu’s [馬英九 also romanized as: “Ma Ying-Jeou” or Ma Ying-chiu] undertaking of Taiwan’s leadership in 2008. Taiwan halted Chen Shui-bian’s foreign policy, and as a result, Beijing and Taipei’s relations ameliorated. Ma Ying-jiu’s government brought a new atmosphere to the trilateral relations between Central America and both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Even though Taiwan doesn’t want other Central American countries to follow the example of Costa Rica’s diplomatic stance, Ma Ying-jiu’s government has expressed that it still does not endorse the idea of Central American countries having dual recognition towards Mainland China and Taiwan. However, early in 2011, Vincent Siew [蕭萬長, Xiao Wanchang or Hsiao Wan-ch’ang], then vice president of Taiwan, said that Taiwan will not intervene or oppose trade and commerce relations between allied countries and mainland China. In December 2011 Taiwan’s Vice Foreign Minister expressed to the delegation of El Salvador that the Taiwanese government could serve as an intermediary between El Salvador and China’s possible commercial exchange. Guatemala is still one of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies, but it has already started to have commercial interaction with Mainland China. In 2008 the Guatemala- [Mainland] China Cooperation and Trade Association was established in Guatemala. At the same time, Mainland China has already held trade exhibitions in countries with which has not yet established diplomatic relations. In 2010 Mainland China held a Chinese trade exhibition in El Salvador. Thus the relations between Central America and both sides of the Taiwan Strait took further steps towards change. Now Central American countries can remain Taiwan’s political allies, yet, at the same time they can engage in commercial activities with Mainland
China. Politics do not longer impede Central American countries and Mainland China to conduct commercial trade. III- Conclusion: The Possible Future of the Central America-Cross-Strait Relations The development of Mainland China’s economy and its vast market is increasingly attractive to Central American countries. Moreover, Mainland China will consider using economic tactics/ incentives in order to set checks and balances on the trilateral relations between Central America and both sides of the Taiwan Strait. In the light of Taiwan’s current political atmosphere, we can forecast that Mainland China will overshadow Taiwan’s political and economic influence in Central America. Consequently, Taiwan may eventually accept the system of “one country, two systems.” From a Chinese economic perspective for now, the development of commercial exchange or the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mainland China and Central America is not essential. Nonetheless, Mainland China’s market is very tempting to Central American countries. At the present, most Central American countries recognize Taiwan while simultaneously do not mind engaging in trade with Mainland China without establishing official relations. However, the impetus of Taiwan’s economy and its market size cannot compare to those of Mainland China and/or its possible size in the future. Costa Rican products enjoy direct access to Mainland China’s market due to the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between Costa Rica and Mainland. Because of political/diplomatic reasons, other Central American countries can only sign a FTA with Taiwan [instead of Mainland China]. If the economy of Mainland China continues to develop steadily, for Central American countries, signing a FTA with Mainland China will be more profitable than having one with Taiwan. Most of Central America will, sooner or later, establish diplomatic relations with Beijing. Taiwan also knows the importance of Mainland China’s economy. If Taiwan opposes its allies engaging in commerce activities with Mainland China now, Central American countries will break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan. To sum up, the U.N. does not recognize Taiwan, and there are only 23 countries in the world that politically recognize Taiwan, among them most of Central America. If Mainland China’s economy continues to increase at a steady pace, these nations will eventually break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan afterwards. If the U.S. does not exert any political or diplomatic pressure, judging from the current international situation, in the decades to come, Taiwan may agree to the system of “One country two systems” thereby the current trilateral relations can turn into bilateral relations. Ma Ying-jiu was reelected this year, his platform includes the three “No” policy: “No unification,” “No independence” and “No use of force.” Nonetheless it seems that the government of Ma Ying-jiu little by little moves towards the above-mentioned process. However, for a change from “relations between Central America and both sides of the Taiwan Strait” to “relations between Central America and China,” some time is still needed.
銀世界 溶けゆく吐息に こびりつく 自分の影を 見つめてる
しんしんと 降り積もる雪に 隠れるは 君のまあるい 赤い頬
The world filled with snow I paint my shadow on to My breath Which melts instantly As I watch
Silently The snow falls And hides Your round Red cheek
Asuka Bando
Snow in Michigan, USA Forest Jarvis
Benefits of Military Service for Male Korean Students
한국인남학생들에게 주어지는 병역의 혜택 유현석
Hyeon-Seok (Tom) Yu “You are a Korean citizen? So you have to serve in the military, huh? I am sorry, man.”
“한국인 시민권 자야? 그럼 군대가야겠네? 불쌍하다.” 한국인 남학생이라면 한번쯤은 병역 의무에 대한 다른 이들 의 동정을 받아본 적이 있을 것이다. (모든 만 18세 이상의 한국인 남성은 2년 간 군에서 복무를 해야 하는 병역의 의무 가 있고, 특별한 경우를 제외하곤 모두 30세가 되기 전 복무 를 마쳐야만 한다.) 나 또한 비슷한 상황을 여러 번 겪어봤고 이젠 그들의 동정에 고맙다는 한마디와 함께 다른 주제로 대 화를 이끈다. 사람들이 복무에 따르는 혜택을 모른다는 것이 문제의 핵심이라는 걸 알았지만 매번 그 혜택들을 대화마다 나열하기엔 내가 너무 게을렀다. 그렇지만 난 군 복무가 동 정 받아 마땅한 일이 아니라 언제나 생각해왔고 이번 기회를 이용해 한국 남성에게 주어지는 군복무의 실질적, 도덕적 혜 택에 대해 써보기로 했다. 군 복무기간 동안 대학생들은 전공분야에 관련된 일을 군대 에서도 계속해 실질적인 경험을 쌓을 수 있으며, 군 제대 후 사회에서 긴요하게 쓰일 수 있는 귀중한 인맥을 형성할 수 있게 된다. 흔히 생각하는 것과는 달리 모든 남성이 군에 입 대 한다고 해서 보병이 되어 뛰고 싸우는 법과 총 쏘는 법을 배우는 것이 아니다. 의대생들은 의무장교가 될 수 있고, 공 대생들은 공병대대에 입대할 수 있고, 경영학과 학생들은 행 정병으로 복무할 수 있으며, 나 같은 외국대학생은 통역장교 나 통역병으로 지원할 수 있다. 그러니 자신의 적성에 잘 맞 는 군부대나 군내의 기관을 잘 찾아 지원한다면 복무 기간 동안 충분히 제대 후 사회생활에 도움이 될 만한 좋은 경험 을 쌓을 수 있다. 두 번째 실직적 혜택은 인맥이다. 군대 만큼 인맥을 쌓기 좋 은 장소가 없는 이유는 같은 분대, 소대, 중대 내에서 동병상 련을 통해서만 얻어지는 군인들만의 전우애 때문이라 할 수 있다. 군대 인맥은 한국사회에서 비교적 큰 영향력을 가지고 있고, 이 때문에 한국사회로 입문하려는 재외국민이나 동포 들이 군대로 자원 입대하는 경우가 드물지 않게 있다. 군 복무의 도덕적 혜택은 바로 나라를 위해 일할 수 있는 특 권이 주어진다는 점에 있다. 물론 이에 반대하는 이들이 있 을 것이다. 하지만 한국인 남성들 모두 군 복무를 통해 전 사 회에 기여한다는 점에는 반론의 여지가 없다. 물론 우리의 길지 않은 20대의 2년을 국가에 바쳐야 한다는 사실과 군 복무에 따를 수 있는 생명의 위협을 생각해본다면 요구되는 희생이 결코 작다고 할 수 없다. 하지만 국가기여에서 올 명 예와 자부심을 고려하면 그 만큼 가치 있는 일이라는 결론에 도달할 수 있을 것이다. 그 정도면 한번 살다가는 인생 훨씬 더 값지고 의미 있어지지 않을까? 군 복무기간 동안 얻어지는 경험은 다른 어느 곳과 같이 개 개인에게 달려있다. 나 스스로가 군 복무기간만을 학수고대 하는 군 매니아는 아니지만 새로운 경험을 얻을 수 있을 거 라는 기대는 하고 있다. 이미 제대를 한 이들과 이야기해볼 기회가 생긴다면 십중팔구 그들에게 큰 영향을 남긴 흥미로 운 경험에 대해 들어볼 수 있을 것이다. 이제부터 한국인 남
It is not uncommon for male Korean students to be sympathized by others regarding their mandatory military service. (For those who are not familiar with the mandatory military service in South Korea, all men age of 18 or older have the obligation to serve in the military for two years, and with the exception of special cases, everyone must finish their service before reaching the age of 30.) I have faced a similar situation from different people, and now I usually show my appreciation for their sympathy and move on to the next topic. However, deep inside, I have always known that military service is not something to be sympathized for; those people simply did not know the benefits, and I had been too lazy to list them out for every conversation. Thus, I decided to take this chance to describe practical and moral benefits of mandatory military service for us male Koreans. During the military service, one can practice what one has studied in college, and one can make priceless social connections that will last long after their time of service. Contrary to popular belief, not all men join the infantry and just run, fight, and shoot; medical students from medical schools can become medical officers, engineering students can join the engineering corps, business students can join the administrative body of the military, and international students like me can apply to become translating officers. Thus, if one knows the right place to apply for, one can always practice one’s profession and education from college during one’s service time. Regarding the second practical benefit, the military is one of the best places to develop connections. That is to say, soldiers in a same squad, platoon, or even company can build comradeship that can only be achieved from enduring similar pain and challenge together. Connections formed during the military service have become so pervasive and powerful in Korean society that male foreigners who wish to work among Koreans tend to volunteer for the military service to form connections. Moral benefit of serving in the military is the privilege of serving the country. Some may disagree with the notion of privilege, but it is undeniable that South Korean males ultimately benefit the entire society through their service and sacrifice. Indeed, the sacrifice required for the service appears not too small given the potential life threat and two years of our 20s. However, if one considers the invaluable honor and pride that can be achieved through the service for the country, it would not be too hard to conclude that military service is worth the sacrifice we make. Wouldn’t one’s life become much more meaningful with those values attained?
학생을 만나 자연스레 그의 군복무에 대해 동정 하려 할 찰 나엔 그들에겐 남들이 만끽할 수 없는 특혜가 있다는 사실을 잊지 말아달라.
Military service is undoubtedly an experience that depends on what one makes of it. I will have to admit that I am not one of those military enthusiasts who cannot wait to serve, but I am looking forward to a different experience. If you talk to someone who has already done his service, you will most likely be able to listen to an interesting experience that probably had a strong influence on him. Next time you meet a male Korean student and if you are about to casually sympathize with his mandatory military service, just remember the benefits he will have that not a lot of people get to enjoy.
North Korean high school students in Pyong Yang, DPRK Winnie Yeung
ME and the starcraft*
나와 스타크래프트
when marines screamed “go, go, go!” I commanded them, their powers, their souls and their lives I commanded them they followed ME. I always won. Yet in daytime no one bothered to commend ME they looked at MY grades and said great. that was all I was not there
마린들이 “고고고” 라고 외쳤을 때 나는 그것들을 통솔하고 있었다. 그것들의 힘, 영혼, 생명까지. 나는 지배자였다. 그들은 나를 따라왔고 나는 항상 이겨왔다.
when siege tank turned into siege mode and waited for enemies to come, I too kept MYSELF silent that silence was meant for the moment of triumph, the moment of glory. yet the feelings of waiting for cudgel to beat MY ass, along with MY comrades’ asses the feelings of being forced to hide, silence, follow, and that spasm, that feeling of my heart distorted and twisted were so loud, so destructive that the COMMANDER’s ass, along with MY comrades’, classmates’ asses, were crying silently yet vociferously something inside ME started to swirl like madness I believed that I could do something to change this. that touch of the beating stick was not all. I, the beaten, yet exist I will prove that I swear to a star on the sky Finally I left the scene of starcraft, where my creatures all silently waited for my come-back I had to, since these creatures cannot do a single thing to change this mess since the more I am here with these intangible beings, the more MYSELF become intangible. Once upon a time I wished upon a star that I will reach out to you someday, still that someday is someday, yet those stars already became embedded in MY heart and became ME
시즈탱크가 시즈모드를 하고 적이 오기를 기다릴 때 나조차도 숨죽였다. 그 고요함은 승리를 위한 고요함, 영광을 위한 고요함. 그러나 몽둥이가 내 엉덩이를 때리기 직전까지 기 다릴 때 내 급우들과 나란히 엎드려뻗쳐하고 기다릴 때 나는 닥치고, 숨고, 복종했고 그 거지 발싸개 같은 감정 심장이 뒤틀리고 꼬여버리는 그 감정들은 너무 시끄러워서, 너무 파괴적이어서 나 지배자의 엉덩이는, 내 학우들의 엉덩이와 함께 조용히 그러나 시끄럽게 울었다. 내 속의 무언가가 미친 듯이 꿈틀거렸을 때 나는 내 자신에 외쳤다. 무언가 바꿀 수 있을 거라고. 이 몽둥이의 감촉은 전부가 아니라고. 나는 맞고, 구겨지고 있을지라도 여기에 존재한다고. 나는 이걸 증명할 거라고 별에게 다짐했다. 나는 그리고 스타크래프트를 관뒀다. 내 유닛들은 내가 오기를 기다렸지만 나는 떠났다. 내 유닛들은 이 엉망진창이 되 버린 내 삶에 눈물 한 방울 흘려주지 못하니까. 내가 이 만질 수 없는 것들과 있을 때마다, 내 자신이 희미해지는 것을 느꼈으니까.
* Starcraft is the name of the game created by Blizzard.
그러나 태양이 뜨고 대화는 없고 수업만 있던 그곳에는 나의 성적만 있었고 나는 없었다.
Kaireth Kim
나는 언젠가 별에게 다짐했었다. 언젠가 너에게 닿을꺼라고. 아직 그 언젠가는 언젠가로 남아있지만 이미 그 별은 내 가슴에 박혀있고 내가 되었다.
Protest in Yaroslavl, Russia organized through social media Sarah Bellingham
Сдержан в солнце красном, резко
Captive in a Red Sun
Сдержан в солнце красном, резко проливающем свои желтки на Ангару, летний день того отрезка времен, когда листву топчу и вроде бы живу.
Captive in a red sun, sharp to spill on the Angara its yellow shreds, a summer day from a sharper time, when I batter the street beds and try to get ahead.
Гудит время в ухе как гнус, чей гул недавно начал истощаться. Лишь только часы-то посохнут и заплывут, не будет привязи, с кого рваться или с кем общаться.
Time drones in the ear like flies with buzz about to falter, as soon as seconds empty dry untethered be the reins that, though once halter, now relinquish shelter.
Дай-ка мне задержаться, хоть на мгновение, пока шумит гортанным пением уличное движение
So let me linger here alone, be it for an instant long to hear the gutter’s throaty song, piped forth from civilian throng
на то, что как епископы я трон и занимаю, и с берега к Ангаре рот широко открываю и тихо да пронзительно завываю.
on this, a bishop’s throne, unwilling ruler, left somehow from the bank out to the breaks of the Angara let loose my jowl with haunting quiet howl.
Nathan Goldman
Phi Phi Island, Thailand Gillian Lui
Jia Jun Lee This poem was written by JJ during his trance among the ‘maple’ trees in the town of Middlebury. JJ was born in the town of Kajang, Malaysia and appreciates Malay poetry from a young age. He listened to ska music and cycled without using his hands to get the inspiration for this poem.
Kota ke kota, bandar ke bandar, Berbagai rasa, berbagai pengalaman, Sesungguhnya, tidak dapat bersandar, Walauapapun, aku terus berjalan. Sampai ke kampong di Vermont tengah, Indah sekali berbukit-bukit, Kehijauan daun cepat jadi merah, Dingin sekali, jangan jatuh sakit. Hidup di sini, Banyak berbeza, Sibuk selalu, Mencari bini, Banyak membaca, Masa pantas berlalu. Falsafah saya, Hidup sejahtera.
Town to town, city to city, Various flavors, various experiences, Indeed, one can’t lean back, In any event, I keep walking. Reach the village in central Vermont, How beautiful the hills, Greenish leaves quickly turn red, It is cold, don’t get sick. Living here, much is different, Always busy, finding a partner, Lots of reading, time passes. My philosophy, live with wellness.
Jia Jun rides through South Lincoln, Vermont Levi Westerveld
Lebih dikenali di Malaysia sebagai Paper Thosai, penkek versi Malaysia ini dibuat daripade adunan beras dan lentil hitam. Ia adalah hidangan sarapan dan biasanya dimakan dengan berbagai-bagai kari.
Most commonly known in Malaysia as the Paper Thosai, this Malaysian version of pancake is made from rice batter and black lentils. It is a common breakfast dish usually eaten with some form of curry.
Satu tradisi dalam keluarga saya ialah unt uk pergi ke mamak kegemaran kami untuk makan Roti pada pagi hujung minggu, ini termasuk Paper Thosai. Ya, kita suka makan kari pada waktu pagi!
For my family, it is a weekend tradition to go to our favorite “mamak” stall (Malaysian version of coffee stores) for “roti” (Malay for Indian bread), which includes the Paper Thosai. Yes, we eat curry in the morning!
Makan “roti” pada waktu pagi adalah satu perkara yang biasa dalam kalangan keluarga di Malaysia. Kerana roti sunguh lazat tetapi juga kerana ia sangat murah. Satu Paper Thosai kos kira-kira 70cents!
It is a common thing among Malaysian families to have “roti” in the morning. For one, it’s because it is absolutely delicious but also because it is affordable to eat out. On average a Paper Thosai costs about 70 cents! Jia Ying Teoh
Hazaaron Khwahishen Aisi Mirza Ghalib
Mirza Ghalib was a classical Urdu (spoken in Pakistan) and Persian poet from the Mughal Empire during British colonial rule. Most notably, he wrote several ghazals during his life. A ghazal may be understood as a poetic expression of both the pain of loss or separation and the beauty of love in spite of that pain. Ghalib, the last great poet of the Mughal Era, is considered to be one of the most popular and influential poets of the Urdu language. Ghalib today remains popular not only in Pakistan and India but also amongst diaspora communities around the world.
A Thousand Desires Such Mirza Ghalib Hazaaron khwahishen aisi ke har khwahish pe dam nikle Bohat niklay mere armaan, lekin phir bhi kam nikle Daray kyon mera qaatil? kya rahega us ki gardan par? Voh khoon, jo chashm-e-tar se umr bhar yoon dam-ba-dam nikle Nikalna khuld se aadam ka soonte aaye hain lekin Bahot be-aabru hokar tere kooche se hum nikle Bharam khul jaaye zaalim! teri qaamat ki daraazi ka Agar is tarahe par pech-o-kham ka pech-o-kham nikle Magar likhvaaye koi usko khat, to hum se likhvaaye Hui subaha, aur ghar se kaan par rakh kar qalam nikle Hui is daur mein mansoob mujh se baada aashaami Phir aaya voh zamaana, jo jahaan mein jaam-e-jaam nikle Hui jin se tavaqqa khastagi ki daad paane ki Voh ham se bhi zyaada khasta e tegh e sitam nikle Mohabbat mein nahin hai farq jeenay aur marnay ka Usi ko dekh kar jeetay hain, jis kaafir pe dam nikle Zara kar zor seene par ki teer-e-pursitam niklejo Wo nikle to dil nikle, jo dil nikle to dam nikle Khuda ke waaste parda na kaabe se uthaa zaalim Kaheen aisa na ho yaan bhi wahi kaafir sanam nikle Kahaan maikhane ka darwaaza Ghalib aur kahaan vaaiz Par itna jaantay hain kal voh jaata tha ke ham nikle Hazaaron khwahishen aisi ke har khwahish pe dam nikle Bohat niklay mere armaan, lekin phir bhi kam nikle...
Thousand desires such that at every desire occurs another death Many of them I have realized, yet I yearn for more Why should my killer (lover) be afraid? No one will hold her responsible For the blood which drips from my eyes for my entire life We have heard about Adam’s dismissal from heaven With humiliation, I am leaving the street on which you live Your true nature will be known to all, you tyrant If the curls of my hair slip through my turban If someone wants to write a letter to her, make me write it Because in the morning, I leave my house with a pen behind my ear At this time, I turn to drinking And then comes the time, when my whole world is occupied by alcohol From whom I expected praise for my weakness... They are even more hurt with the same cruel sword In love there is no difference between living and dying We survive by looking at that infidel who we are willing to die for Put some pressure on your heart to remove the arrow of cruelty For when the arrow comes out, so will your heart and your life For God’s sake, don’t remove the shades from any places In case my infidel lover turns out to be behind them Where is the door for the preacher and where is the door for the bar But I know as much that she entered and I left Thousand desires such that at every desire occurs another death Many of them I have realized, yet I yearn for more... Translated by Rabeya Jawaid
Mural of Israeli settlements and Palestinian villages in Bethelehem, Palestine Nawras Abureehan
Sishwar* Sarah “Can you cut it like last time? It looked very good.” “Of course.” Um Ali is one of the frequent clients. People were puzzled with how to describe her or her job, and I was as puzzled trying to justify her frequent visits. I acknowledge that due to the nature of my job, I have to not only work by every client’s request but also pretend to be Shahrayar and listen to their tales like an accidental therapist… and their stories prolong to the very last vibrations of the hair dryer. Um Ali starts speaking about whoever left in Amman from her family and the problems that cover the smell of the Amber rice in the Iraqi houses. “Tell me, are you seeing Sarah, because I haven’t seen her in a very long time?” “I swear, Sarah is so strange and stubborn. Oh how many times I have told her to forget and leave with her mom but it feels like I was talking to a wall.” Sarah is one of my favorite clients even though she is very particular about her hair and the way she looks, but as others I haven’t heard anything of her in a long time. She used to work in the national radio station in Baghdad before the war, but like many, she grew tired of Baghdad and its people and after her dad disappeared, her mother decided to leave Iraq. The disappearance of her father largely impacted her life and her flat’s telephone became her friend and its ringing tone was mixed with her heart beats that are longing to hear anything from him. In March, I met her in the shopping mall, a place that became like a home for all the unemployed Iraqis in this gaunt city.
On the camel’s back Dave Yedid
In Jerusalem Dave Yedid
“I have no idea why are we still living here, it’s a waste of time and money.” “…and how is your mother ?” “She is fine, nothing new. She is in between the telephone and television waiting for them to call her and to tell her that her traveling papers are ready.” Sarah has always complained about her mom’s desire of leaving with the help of the United Nations, and during her last visit to the salon, she told me that her mom had finished her immigration papers for Sweden, where her aunt lives and the other half of the Iraqi people. She never liked traveling. In fact, she was living in Amman with her heart remained connected to the telephone cord and to Iraq, waiting to hear the voice of her dad. After ten days of Um Ali’s visit, Sarah surprised me with a visit. Her yellow dress reflected its color on her face, she sat calmly and said: “Cut it however you want,” teardrops started slipping from her eyes, I was trying to hear or read her lips, in between her sobbing “they called me ….they called me.” *Sishwar: hair dryer in Iraqi Arabic.
Amr Thameen
poème inspiré par Déjeuner du matin de J. Prévert
le lait regarde le cendrier qui rend sa dernière toux, des ordures l’étouffant le portemanteau grelotte de froid, désormais nu le café s’échappe avec l’eau qui coule maintenant qu’il est parti l’amour n’est plus. Julia Angeles
The Aftermath
inspired by J. Prévert’s Déjeuner du matin
the creamer can only stare as the ashtray chokes in garbage, coughing for the final time the coat rack shivers, now naked the coffee runs away with the water in the sink, now that he is gone she misses him.
Above: Stacks in Purmamarca, Argentina Below: Bottles in Buenos Aires, Argentina Madeline Brooks
Pensées sur Londres du point de vue d’une américaine, d’origine chinoise, devenue parisienne
Thoughts on London from the Point of View of an American Girl, of Chinese Descent, Turned Parisian
Sophia Wang Une petite note que j’ai griffonnée dans mon journal intime pendant mon séjour d’études à Paris
Just a journal entry I scribbled during my study-abroad in Paris
Comme j’ai grandi dans un milieu biculturel, multilingue, une ville aussi cosmopolite que Londres m’en dit plus long qu’une ville homogène s’identifiant à une seule nationalité distincte. Je suis comme un poisson dans l’eau, dans cette ville qui fourmille d’étrangers, de gens venus des quatre coins du monde—la population née à l’étranger mesure environ 30%, si je ne me trompe pas.
As I grew up in a bicultural, multilingual environment, a city as cosmopolitan as London speaks to me much more than a homogeneous city identifying with one distinct nationality. I feel at home in this city teeming with foreigners, people who have come from the four corners of the earth—the foreign-born population rounds up to about 30%, if I am not mistaken. The Londoners, for their part, are warm, welcoming and polite, very open-minded and down-to-earth, and they possess an energy that is missing in Paris. It is this quality which I appreciate personally, and it is this quality which makes up the strength of Great Britain and has allowed it to manage, quite efficiently, its gigantic global empire, on which the sun never set. Today, if I may say so, the vestiges of Britain’s imperial past show up mainly in the world of gastronomy. In London, a rich array of cuisines are at your disposal, whether Chinese, Indian, Italian, Afghan or American. I vividly recall my server at a small Vietnamese restaurant, of typical Irish cast—raven-dark hair, sapphire-blue eyes, skin white as snow—yet it turns out he was Portuguese. Where on earth are the English in their capital, you might ask. Naturally, there are also some nice places, traditionally English, such as pubs offering the infamous fish and chips, which I tasted … Let’s just say you cannot argue with taste.
Les londoniens, de leur côté, sont chaleureux, polis, accueillants, très ouverts d’esprit et terre à terre, et ils font preuve d’une énergie qui manque à Paris. C’est cette qualité que j’apprécie personnellement, et c’est cette qualité qui fait la force de la Grande-Bretagne et qui lui a permis de gérer, avec une certaine efficacité, son empire géant mondial sur lequel le soleil ne se couchait jamais. Aujourd’hui, si j’ose m’exprimer ainsi, les vestiges du passé impérial de la Grande-Bretagne se manifestent principalement dans le domaine de la gastronomie. A Londres, toute une panoplie de diverses cuisines sont à votre disposition, qu’elles soient chinoise, indienne, italienne, afghane ou américaine. J’ai un vif souvenir de mon serveur dans un petit restaurant vietnamien, d’un teint typiquement irlandais—crinière noir corbeau, yeux bleu saphir, peau blanche comme la neige—et finalement il s’est révélé portugais. Où diable les Anglais sont-ils dans leur capitale? On se pose très souvent cette question. Naturellement, il y a les petits coins sympas traditionnellement anglais—les pubs qui offrent le fameux fish and chips, un plat que j’ai goûté … Disons que les goûts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas.
This brings me to the following point: the genius of Great Britain lies not it its gastronomy, but in its ability to preserve continuity and, at the same time, to embrace change. It’s a harmonious marriage between tradition and modernity, a juxtaposition of the old and new, which is visible in the great historic sites, situated right alongside the City’s ultra-modern skyscrapers. In addition, there is a peaceful coexistence between Parliament and the Queen, a thing which would have sparked an entire revolution in France!
Cela m’amène au point suivant : le génie britannique ne réside pas dans la gastronomie, mais dans la capacité de préserver la continuité tout en embrassant le changement. On dirait un mariage harmonieux entre tradition et modernité, une juxtaposition de l’ancien et du nouveau, ce qui peut se voir dans les grands sites historiques, situés juste à côté des gratte-ciels ultra-modernes de la Cité. De plus il y a une coexistence paisible de la reine et du parlement, ce qui aurait provoqué toute une révolution en France !
Flocon d’azerole—Haw Flakes Winnie Yeung translated by Edna Tang ’12
Beaucoup de gens détestent les médicaments chinois à cause de leur amertume. Néanmoins, comme on dit, « après la pluie vient le beau temps », quiconque le connaît, sait bien ce qu’après l’amertume, on sent un délicieux goût sucré.
Many people dislike Chinese medicine because of its reputation for being bitter. Nevertheless, as the saying goes, “The sunshine comes after the rain,” and anyone who knows this, knows that after bitterness, something sweet is sure to be around the corner.
Le flocon d’azerole est un petit bonbon naturel, rond qui est produit d’une plante, « l’azerole ». On extrait le jus de ce fruit acidulé et on ajoute du sucre ce qui forme le flocon d’azerole. Dix ou quinze morceaux en forment un cylindre minuscule et puis emballé par du papier.
The haw flakes is a small, natural and circular candy made from the haw plant. Once the juice of the tangy haw fruit is extracted, sugar is added to make the haw flakes. Ten or fifteen pieces of the candy form a single cylinder, which is then tightly wrapped in paper.
Après avoir pris votre médicament, ouvrez l’emballage, enlevez un ou deux morceaux de flocon et sucez-les. Vous sentirez qu’un petit morceau du sucre efface une petite partie de l’amertume. Vous enlèverez encore deux ou trois morceaux et vous les mangerez. Vous mangerez de plus en plus rapidement, pour que l’amertume disparaisse, pour que le goût sucré domine. Mais il ne restera plus rien : vous auriez fini tous les flocons. Mais en même temps, si vous mangez trop de flocons d’azeroles à la fois, vous aurez mal au ventre. Alors, un cylindre de flocons d’azerole après le médicament, ni plus, ni moins. Après avoir goûté ce bonbon, vous oublierez l’amertume qui vous a importuné. Vous passerez une bonne journée. Vous ne vous souviendrez pas de ce goût amer sauf quand vous verrez l’emballage de flocons d’azerole, laissé sur la table ce matin.
Once you have taken your bitter medicine, open the package of candy, remove one or two pieces and suck on them. You will begin to taste the sweetness of sugar covering the bitterness until only a hint is left. You might find yourself lifting two or three pieces to your mouth again, consuming the slices of candy more and more quickly. The taste of bitterness will completely disappear, erased by the overpowering sweetness of the sugar. Soon, nothing will be left but the wrapper. Be warned however, that if too much haw flake is eaten at once, you will be sure to have a stomachache. Thus, each dose of medicine should be followed by one cylinder of haw flakes, no more, no less. After eating this candy, the medicine you had taken before will slip your mind. You will not recollect anything of its bitter taste except when you happen to glance again at the little package of candy, left on the table from the morning.
On vit une vie pleine de défis, souvent de douleurs, de larmes, de soucis. Peut-être qu’un cylindre de flocons d’azerole suffit pour oublier ces souvenirs douloureux. Un petit plaisir, comme un film au cinéma, une promenade avec les amis, un repas à la maison peut aider n’importe qui, peut résoudre n’importe quoi dans n’importe quelle occasion.
We live a life full of defeats, pain, tears and sighs. Perhaps a small cylinder of haw flakes might be enough to help forget those painful memories. A small pleasure, like an evening at the movies, a long walk with friends, a home-cooked meal can help anyone, can resolve many a problem in many a situation.
Lorsqu’on se plonge au souvenir, le goût amer n’existe que comme la poussière dans l’air, éphémère et insignifiante.
Plunging into memory again, we find that the bitter taste lingers only as does dust in the air, ephemeral and insignificant.
The Casablanca Train
Ja duga-duga tren Casa Xrej men Tunes blad lebḥari, sḥari Dxel garet Galma mεa leblaṣa Aw rayeḥ lṣḥayer bladi
The Casablanca train is approaching slowly It’s coming from Tunis-with-the-Peninsulas, that arid land It’s entering Guelma, near the plaza It’s going to the deserts of my land.
Essenay derjin ya muyma Ṣabru li qeblek w raḥ yaṣbru wrak La yedhmek dehma teḍrbek soḍma Ma fih w wrah la drak
Teḥt elbaruwat teḥt ḥayekhem ycewwru Ma kefruhumc baṭel εwacer-εwacer hadi Aw mac γir rjajilhem lithewru Ani rajεa lṣḥari bladi
Anis Mebarki
Wait for ten minutes, young lady. People waited before you and will wait after you do. Or it will hit you shock you traumatize you You don’t know what’s in it, behind it. Through the window-barriers, behind their masks they wave They’ll have their revenge for being made to sin on a Friday like this It’s not just their men that are throbbing, revolting I’m going back to the deserts of my land.
Lighthouse in Mallorca, Spain Luke Elder
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