Corporate Anti-Corruption Benchmark

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OBJECTIVES The Corporate Anti-Corruption Benchmark from Transparency International UK (TI-UK) is the only benchmark of its kind in this field, providing a process that simultaneously delivers a tool to measure and compare corporate anti-corruption Programmes and the opportunity to share ideas and best practice. The Corporate Anti-Corruption Benchmark combines TI’s extensive private sector experience with our world-renowned expertise in corruption-related indices and best practice guidance. TI’s approach is to support companies in implementing anti-corruption work through promoting knowledge and research, providing anti-bribery tools and resources, facilitating discussion and giving advice.

Corruptions Perceptions Index 2012: The perceived levels of public sector corruption in 176 countries/ territories around the world

Bribe Payers Index 2011

Very clean

Participants are both helping their own companies and helping to create a level playing field for clean companies – by sharing with TI the data that can be used to identify and disseminate best practice based on live corporate experience. The Corporate Anti-Corruption Benchmark’s key objectives are to: • Provide a benchmark of best practice against which companies can measure their own anti-corruption Programmes

KEY BENEFITS Companies that take part: • • •

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Assure themselves that they are in line with accepted best practice Demonstrate commitment to anti-corruption best practice Receive tailored reports on their anti-corruption Programme compared to peer companies and best practice Support continuous improvement of their anti-corruption Programme Contributing to the global fight against corruption by advancing practice and knowledge Support the work of Transparency International.

• • • • • •

Very corrupt

Allow companies to compare their performance against each other Identify emerging practice and existing best practice among the world’s leading companies Highlight different approaches used by companies Inform the development of Transparency International’s tools and indices Create a level playing field for clean companies by establishing and promoting high standards Provide generic (aggregated) data to support TI’s advocacy for best practice.

Example of TI-UK Corporate Benchmark executive summary

THE BUSINESS INTEGRITY FRAMEWORK The Corporate Benchmark covers the following key topics and are reported back to the company along the lines of TI’s six step Business Integrity Framework. The Business Integrity Framework Commit to an anti-corruption programme ‘from the top’ Assess the current status and risk environment Plan the anti-corruption programme Act on the plan Monitor controls and progress Report internally and externally on the programme


1. commit

2. 6. report

2. assess

5. monitor

3. 4. 5. 6.

3. plan

4. act

KEY TOPICS The following key topics are incorporated within the six modules and benchmark performance in each of these is reported back to the company: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Publicly stated commitment to a policy of prohibition of bribery Commitment to implementing an anti-bribery Programme Consistency with laws Conflicts of interest Political contributions Charitable contributions Sponsorships Facilitation payments Gifts, hospitality, & travel expenses Controlled entities Joint ventures & consortia Agents, lobbyists & other intermediaries

HOW WERE THE QUESTIONS DESIGNED? The questions have been designed by Transparency International UK’s Business Integrity team, which has been behind widely-praised publications such as Adequate Procedures – Guidance to the UK Bribery Act and Anti-Bribery Due Diligence for Transactions. They draw on TI’s global expertise in producing indices such as the Corruption Perceptions Index, Bribe Payers Index and Global Corruption Barometer. The underlying approach is based on the Business Principles for Countering Bribery. All questions have been tested extensively on a sample group of seven FTSE-100 companies, and a sub-set has been tested with over one hundred global companies.

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Contractors & suppliers Risk assessment Leadership (‘Tone from the top’) Organisational Human resources Communications Public reporting Country-by-country reporting Education & training Channels (Reporting concerns & seeking advice) Internal controls Monitoring & review Assurance & certification

HOW TO PARTICIPATE Participation in the Corporate Anti-Corruption Benchmark is currently only available to members of Transparency International UK’s Business Integrity Forum. For more information on the Business Integrity Forum, please see OUTPUTS 1. High-Level Anti-Corruption Benchmark Report • • •

Reports on 39 high level questions Comparable to other TI indices such as the Defence Companies Index and TRAC, and allows generation of comparable reports Reports will provide % scores presented in a visual format

No cost to BIF members

Process: Detailed questionnaire completion

2. Detailed Anti-Corruption Benchmark Report • • • • •

Reports on approximately 240 questions Provides a snapshot overview of results, followed by a detailed breakdown per question Reports will provide % scores and benchmark against all participating companies Provides model answers Reports on all key topics within the Business Integrity Framework

Process: Detailed questionnaire completion 3. Specialist subjects Benchmark report • • • • •

TI will take an in-depth look into a specific area of corporate anti-bribery Programmes Participating companies will receive a detailed report on the specialist subject Results presentations to each participant Round-tables with participants on trends, best practice and areas for improvement TI publications on best practice derived from the benchmark

Tier 2 BIF membership, which is an additional cost of £12,500+VAT

Process: • Specialist subject questionnaire completion • Consultation with full participants on specialist subject • Company interviews to discover and describe best practice


high level review 6 modules 39 questions

detailed review 6 modules approx . 240 questions*

CONFIDENTIALITY All data shared by participants in the benchmark are kept strictly anonymous and only anonymised data are shared with other companies. Full details of confidentiality will be laid out in a non-disclosure agreement between participating companies and TI-UK. TI-UK reserves the right to use aggregated data for its research purposes.

specialist subjects in - depth look into one topic interviews

If you are interested in finding out more or would like to take part, please contact: Peter van Veen, Director, Business Integrity Programme: E: T: + 44 (0)20 7922 7972 M: +44 (0)7736 074 463

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