Job Advert
Director – Defence & Security Programme, Transparency International UK
Overview Transparency International UK is seeking to appoint a Director for its global Defence & Security Programme. This is an opportunity to play a significant role in a highly-respected and influential organisation with global reach. It offers the possibility to make a substantial difference at a critically important time in world affairs, through your leadership, management and service. Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or well-being depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority. Corruption holds back economic development, prevents markets operating fairly for businesses and consumers, and further exploits already marginalised people. Transparency International UK (TI-UK) is the UK Chapter of the world’s leading anti-corruption non-governmental organisation, Transparency International. We are a registered charity. The goal of our internationally-renowned Defence & Security Programme is to increase transparency and reduce corruption in the defence and security sector.
The role The Director of the Defence & Security Programme (DSP) provides the overall strategic and operational leadership for the charity’s largest programme, which is established to work in an unusual and complicated sector. The Director is responsible for the implementation of the programme’s strategy and delivery of its objectives in order to achieve real change in the fight against corruption, and is accountable for: • leading the Programme’s work with governments, armed forces, defence companies and civil society, including other relevant TI chapters and the TI Secretariat • the programmatic, financial and administrative management of the Programme • overseeing high-quality research and advocacy • the formulation of policy positions • managing relations at a senior level with a highly diverse group of national and international stakeholders, requiring significant political sensitivity • the effective performance of staff • managing and growing the funding base for the Programme. The DSP Director reports to the Executive Director of TI-UK, but is also accountable to the global TI movement through an annual report to the global TI board.
The Programme The Programme currently consists of 16 full-time staff, plus 9 part-time senior advisors – such as recently retired Generals and Ambassadors – who are an integral part of the team. Around half of the Programme’s funding is through a grant from a government donor that runs until 31 March 2016. The DSP Director will need to work with current donors, and plan and implement a funding strategy to ensure a sustainable funding base for the Programme. Based within TI-UK, this Programme operates globally and works across five sectors: i) governments – Defence, Foreign, Aid and other Ministries, Armed Forces, Security Forces and, where relevant, Police; ii) international security policy-making organisations, like NATO, the
African Union, the EU External Action Service and the UN; iii) defence companies; iv) think tanks and other defence institutions; and v) civil society. In addition to its work with governments and industry, the Programme works closely with TI’s other National Chapters in over 50 countries and with the TI International Secretariat in Berlin. It requires an understanding of each sector and the relationship between them, and the skills and diplomacy to work with each group of stakeholders. The role is based at TI-UK’s offices in central London but also involves considerable international travel. More information about TI-UK and the Defence & Security Programme can be found on our websites: and
Timetable Closing date: First interviews: Second interviews:
Appointment made: TI annual meeting:
Start date:
1700 GMT on 2 July 2014 24 & 25 July 2014 – candidates will be asked to deliver a presentation on their proposed strategy for the Programme early September 2014 – candidates will be asked to submit in advance a brief paper outlining how they would go about achieving change in the defence and security world, if appointed as the DSP Director. September 2014 TI’s annual global meeting of chapters takes place on 18-19 October 2014, followed by the International Anti-Corruption Conference on 21-24 October 2014, in Tunisia. We anticipate that the successful candidate will attend part or all of these events in order to become better acquainted with the TI movement and the global anti-corruption community. To be agreed with the successful candidate, but anticipated to be in the first few months of 2015. The current Director will be stepping down in May 2015, and we expect there will be an appropriate handover period prior to that date with the new Director.
Terms & Conditions The terms of the appointment include a competitive salary for the UK charity sector, in the range £70-76,000 p.a. depending on qualifications and experience, pension contribution and 25 days holiday (in addition to public holidays).
How to apply To apply, please send: • your CV, including your academic qualifications and professional experience • a covering letter of no more than two pages highlighting how you match the characteristics and responsibilities of the job and why you want it • confirmation that you do not need a UK work permit, or that you already have a UK work permit which is valid for at least two years • the names and contact details of two referees (who will not be contacted until after interview) To: deadline 1700 GMT on Wednesday 2 July 2014 Limited travel expenses may be reimbursed for candidates travelling to interview from overseas.
Role Profile
Director – Defence & Security Programme Overview The Director of the Defence & Security Programme (DSP), reporting to the Executive Director of TI-UK, provides the overall strategic and operational leadership for the charity’s largest programme. The Director is responsible for the implementation of the programme’s strategy and delivery of its objectives in order to achieve real change in the fight against corruption, and is accountable for: • leading the Programme’s work with governments, armed forces, defence companies and civil society, including other relevant TI chapters and the TI Secretariat • the programmatic, financial and administrative management of the Programme • overseeing high-quality research and advocacy • the formulation of policy positions • managing relations at a senior level with a highly diverse group of national and international stakeholders, requiring significant political sensitivity • the effective performance of staff • managing and growing the funding base for the Programme.
Characteristics To be successful in this role, the DSP Director will: • be able to demonstrate strong leadership skills, take ownership and responsibility for the delivery of goals and manage operations effectively and efficiently • have strong people and communication skills, across cultures, both to deliver the Programme’s operational objectives and to manage the Programme team and other stakeholders within the TI movement • know how to influence and persuade others, in government and in business, operating in an international context, with the ability to develop and communicate strategic vision • have energy, drive, resilience and focus, and the capacity to flourish responding to complex and competing demands • feel motivated by the challenge and opportunity of making a positive difference by combating corruption on the world stage • ideally, have a credible track record of research, advocacy and project management related to defence and security, corruption and governance • act as a champion for integrity in public and private sector defence institutions and in the military.
Experience and qualifications To be successful in this role, the DSP Director will: • be experienced in senior level policy-making – developing policy and arguing it into the agendas of governments and international organisations • have relevant international experience in senior executive functions, particularly knowledge of how government, the military, the security forces and industry work in a defence/security policy context, stakeholder relations and fund-raising or comparable skills • have knowledge and experience which is relevant to defence and security anti-corruption work • be articulate and numerate, with the ability to write with flair in English • have at least fifteen years’ relevant experience and be educated to degree level or equivalent. • Other languages will be an advantage (e.g. Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish).
Responsibilities Programme mission delivery • Oversees the strategic development of the Programme in conjunction with the Executive Director and creates an annual business plan in line with TI-UK’s overall strategy and the strategic objectives of the TI movement • Provides intellectual leadership for the Programme, ensuring that research outputs are of the highest quality and maintain a reputation for objectivity and independence • Guides the formulation of the Programme’s policy positions and oversees the Programme’s advocacy and programme work • Promotes and builds the Programme’s profile, and represents the Programme to external stakeholders and in the media • Fosters positive relations with the Programme’s stakeholders, including the TI-Secretariat based in Berlin, relevant National Chapters in other countries, Defence companies, Civil Society Organisations, relevant Government departments, international institutions and the Military • Incorporates TI's global expertise into the Programme and disseminates learnings from the Programme within TI to increase the TI movement’s collective understanding Programme management • Manages the Programme’s finances within agreed budgets and, in consultation with the Executive Director, keeps the Board committee that oversees the Programme well informed on the overall financial situation and prospects of the Programme • Plans and implements the Programme’s fundraising strategy, and secures the achievement of annual funding targets • Reports regularly to the Executive Director on progress with the implementation of the Programme’s annual plan and consults with and keeps the Executive Director informed on all major aspects of the Programme’s work • Ensures that the Programme’s financial, legal and reputational risks are managed effectively • Manages and develops staffing arrangements which enable the Programme to meet its goals • Plays an active role as a member of the senior management team of TI-UK and ensures that the Programme operates in an integrated and coordinated manner with TI-UK’s other programmes • Fulfils other responsibilities as required by the Executive Director.
TI-UK’s Defence & Security Programme (DSP) – outline Over the past ten years, TI-UK has built up an authoritative position in tackling defence and security corruption through the DSP indices and research, its work with multiple countries, with international organisations, and with the major defence companies. The TI-UK board has recently agreed a new strategy for the Programme, which is summarised here. The Programme’s objective is that by 2018 a majority of governments, military forces, security forces, defence companies and international security organisations have in place good quality anti-corruption programmes and are actively working to reduce corruption in defence and security. Furthermore, civil society is similarly stronger to monitor and challenge the sectors. The three largest projects for FY 2014/15 are the following: The second iteration of the Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index (covering 165 global defence companies) The second iteration of the Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index (covering 135 countries) - this Index, and the Programme’s work more generally, increasingly involves countries in Africa A new international defence integrity training initiative.
Extract from TI-UK’s 3-year strategy for the Defence & Security Programme Goal To increase transparency and reduce corruption in the defence and security sector internationally. Aim Building on the successes of the past three years, the programme will continue to make substantial headway in bringing transparency to the secretive world of defence and security. Activities The Defence & Security Programme will: • Promote transparency and improve performance through indices: we will repeat both the Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index and the Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index, with full resourcing, and with considerable follow up by way of country visits and engagement. • Increasing accountability: we will expand the use of existing DSP tools and develop new, technology-based tools that will enhance transparency and good governance and enable civil society organisations and citizens to hold governments and companies to account. • Extend our reach: we will initiate a step change in integrity across the whole sector, deepening and stimulating reform measures in governments, extending DSP’s work to more defence and security establishments in the world, particularly in conflict and fragile state contexts. • Focus more on the supply-side: we will substantially scale up our engagement with defence companies, and national, regional and global defence associations, to raise significantly the anti-corruption standards in the industry. • Monitor Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (UN ATT): we will work with our partners in civil society to ensure that states implementing the UN ATT will also put into effect the ATT’s strong anti-corruption provisions; we will work with ‘progressive’ governments that have already ratified the treaty into national law, paving the way for others to follow. • Work together: we will continue to increase engagement with international organisations that play a crucial role in facilitating progress in this area, particularly NATO, the EU External Actions Service, the UN, the AU, the World Bank and regional organisations such as ECOWAS, in order to ensure that defence corruption is prominent on their agenda.