Extract from Small Gods (graphic novel)

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TPS: 162x260mm (+boards +french groove: 168x266mm)


n the beginning was the Word. And the Word was: ‘Hey, you!’ This is the Discworld, after all, and religion is a controversial business. Everyone has their own opinions, and their own gods, all elbowing for space at the top. In such a competitive situation, it’s not exactly helpful to be reduced to the form of a tortoise, a shape far below god-like status in anyone’s book.


The Great God Om, tortoise, needs followers, and fast. Brutha the novice is his Chosen One – or at least the only One available. He wants peace and justice and brotherly love. He also wants the Inquisition to stop torturing him now, please . . . Follow the misadventures of Om and Brutha in fully illustrated form for the first time in this new adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s bestselling novel.


w w w.t e r r y p r a t c h e t t . co . u k

small gods_ppc.indd 1

22/03/2016 10:23

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