Art is an Experience
“I have always learned that communication is more than words. It's feelings, sights, smells, and even emotions. You can tell me something, and maybe even convince me with words; but if you have the right skills, you could definitely convince me through an experience.” —Kory Trapane
This publication was created entirely in Adobe® InDesign. Photos were processed in Adobe® Lightroom and Adobe® Photoshop.
Titles and Subtitles: Southern Aire
Body Text: Proxima Nova.
The size of this book is 8.5”x14” in Landscape orientation. The cover is black matboard, and the pages are hand cut acid free drawing paper.
Designed and created by Kory Trapane.
-Kindergarten-Drewfirst“real”drawingofamaninacowboyhatsittingagainsta mailbox,napping.Firstconsciousdiscoveryofartanddrawing.Bestinclasseversince.
-FifthGrade-Nominatedbyhisfifthgradeteacherandselectedbytheschoolto designandpaint
-EighthGrade-ArtwasselectedforpurchasebytheSanBernardinoCountyLibraryfor theirpermanentcollectionafteracounty-wideartshow.
-TwelfthGrade-DiscoveredGraphicDesign.TheSanBernardinoCountyArtsLeague heldacontestopentoallhighschoolstudentsinthecountytodesigntheirnewlogo. Kory’slogodesignwasselectedasFirstPlace.ReceivedrecognitionfromtheCounty BoardofSupervisorsaswellastheSchoolDistrictandArtsLeague.
AlsoCertifiedinGraphicArtsaftercompletingtheSanBernardinoCountyRegional OccupationalProgram.
OfferedajobandwashiredbyMountainCommunicationsCorp(apublications company)whileattendinghighschool.
-MissionaryforTheChurchofJesusChristofLatter-DaySaints,BrazilBrasilia Mission. ——1989
-Returnedtoschool.AttendedCypressCollegeinSouthernCaliforniawherehe discoveredcreativewriting.MajoredinArtandJournalism.
-AppliedtotheSchoolofJournalismattheUniversityofSouthernCaliforniatostudy PublicRelations.Wasacceptedwithpraise.
Asacreativerelease,spentmostofhistime(andelectives)intheSchool ofFineArts,completingprojectafterprojectinfineartandeventually photography.Discoveredthefineartofphotographyandboughthis firstSLRcamera,aCanonAE-1.
-TwoFineArtworksselectedfortheFine ArtShowatUSC’sFisherGallery.
-FirstUSCstudentevertohavetwophotographicworksselectedforthepermanent galleryintheGeorgeLucas/StephenSpielbergbuilding,SchoolofCinematicArtsatUSC.
-GraduatedfromtheSchoolofJournalismattheUniversityofSouthernCalifornia. Whileattendingschool,heldpublicrelationsjobsinLosAngeles (Burson/Marsteller) andMarinaDelReywithclientssuchasNBC,SunMicrosystems,Compaq.Knownasthe “go-to”personforanythingartisticand computer/internetrelated.
-TookhisdaughtertoDisneyland(wherehespentmuchofhistime)andhadan epiphanythatheshouldpursuehisartisticnature.MovedhisfamilytoUtahtofurther hiscreativecareer.
-HiredbyTheWardleyCorpastheVicePresidentofMarketingtodesignallcompany materialsandbrandingforthecompanyandagents.
-OpenedaDesignandPhotographyStudioinhisbasement.Successfullygrewthe businessoverthenextseveralyearsfromword-of-mouthadvertising.Keptupwith photographictrendsandpioneeredvirtualphotographyinRealEstateMarketing.
-MentoredphotographersaroundtheglobeviatheworldwidewebandInspire. com(nowclosed).Manyachievedsuccess.
Produced/Directedthreemajor productionsfortheCityofHerriman.Handledallartdirectiononsetsandmarketing. AlsoorganizedandcuratedthreeannualArtShowsduringHerrimanLIVE!TalentShow.
-StartedtopursueacareerinEducationto“PayItForward.”Hasbeenteachingsince 2009.
-Startedsellinghisphotography.WonSupervisorsChoiceattheUtahStateFair.And wasacceptedasacontributorforstockphotosite
-AcceptedapermanentteachingjobatHerrimanHighSchool,JordanSchoolDistrict. SuccessfullystartedthePhotographyandDesignProgram.
-ReceivedLevel1license. ——2017-ReceivedLevel2license.
Education Track: Kory wants to “Pay it Forward” by teaching the art of photography and design, as well as other visual arts and media. He isn’t done with his career until he passes it along!
Master’s Degree: Kory would like to obtain his Masters, and even further studies in the Arts and Education.
Kory plans on continuing his photography and design and is well respected among artists in Utah.
Journal Entry - October 2, 1994, 2:20pm - I will be taking photos with monochrome film on 6th Street through the center of Downtown Los Angeles. All photos will be shot at intersections facing Northeast starting at the 110 Freeway and ending at the 6th Street Bridge and the Los Angeles River.
Purpose: This project will demonstrate the development of society, culture and architectural differences in regards to time, space and order.
Details: All photos were taken at normal eye level from the center of the south crosswalk facing north or northeast. Each image is titled with the time of capture and street name.
Equipment: Canon AE-1, 50mm lens, Orwo NP22 monochrome film
University of Southern California - Installed on the campus of the University of Southern California in the School of Fine Arts.
Format: Black and white prints on a white matte in a thin black frame. Lined up and ordered in consecutive manner from West to East with a title frame at the beginning.
Old Pasadena
Journal Entry - October, 1993, Evening - I will be capturing the newly renovated Old Town Pasadena on Colorado Boulevard between Pasadena Avenue and Raymond Avenue. The town has recently succeeded on attracting new interest in revitalizing the struggling retail market district.
Purpose: This project will document the culture and architecture, contrasting old architecture with new trends in retail and social life.
Details: All photos were taken in the Old Pasadena retail Market district during one evening only. Each image is titled based on the content of the image.
Equipment: Canon AE-1, 50mm lens, Ilford HP5 Plus film.
University of Southern California, 1993 - Displayed on the campus of the University of Southern California in the School of Fine Arts, Fisher Gallery
Format: Black and white printing in a traditional dark room onto 30-year-old photographic paper with natural curling and faded emulsion. Bound with a copper wire.
Fine Art
Kory includes various styles of creative works as well as photojournalism in his repertoire of fine art photography. He is always experimenting with new styles and genres. One of his favorites is black and white (monotone) photography.
Kory has been capturing creative images for over 15 years. His works have been seen at the Utah State Fair, President Thomas S. Monson’s office, the Fisher Gallery at the University of Southern California, and featured on various websites such as RedBubble.com, iStockPhoto.com.
Kory loves doing commercial photography. He has recently been accepted as a stock contributor for iStockPhoto.com and other sites, as well as for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He uses his photography studio in his
Some say this is the only thing that matters, but it isn’t in Photography. What really matters is the time of day, and the weather. Some great images can be captured when this is taken into consideration when capturing nature.
PHOTOGRAPHY Architecture
Architectural photography is a precise art. In a way it is capturing someone else’s art, so being creative with the way its presented is key to successfully making it your own art. Kory enjoys finding the right angles and detail for every shot.
Kory also thoroughly enjoys photographing LDS Temples. He has made many fine prints of these favorite images and has sold many pieces all over the country. He also contributes to the LDS image repository.
Food & Fun
Kory started shooting food photography as a part of his graphic design business while creating recipe cards for his clients. He furthered the art and became more creative and unique when he began shooting for stock art and other media. His Cheery-Os (pictured above) won an award in the humor category at the Utah State Fair in the Fall of 2009.
Portraiture is a unique form of art. It requires a certain skill to capture personality and environment while at the same time representing the subject. Kory started shooting portraiture in 2006 with his first client, a senior form West Jordan High School. Although he loves to capture personalities of all ages, students and seniors are Kory’s favorite.
Commercial Art
Digital Art
To Kory, any manipulation that removes an image way out of reality is digital art. Just like the lightning image above, the original image was taken mid-day on a clear blue-sky day. The image was then enhanced with a stormy sky and the change from day to night. The whole mood changed! The sunlight on the trees now acts as believable light from the lightning bolt. Kory also won awards for “Living in a Fish World” (Supervisor’s Choice) and “What Attitude, Dad” pictured above.
Logos & Marks
Logos are iconic images used for branding or identification, whereas Logotypes are a variation, but using typography to communicate. Skills involved with logo creation are illustration, color theory, typography etc. Kory has mastered this skill set to deliver exactly what the client wants.
Although Kory’s most difficult client is himself...
Some confuse logos with branding, however they are two different things. Branding differs from that stated above in that branding is an overall look and feel of a company’s or individual’s image throughout their different mediums in printed materials, decor and signage, including color, style, genre, mood and, yes, the logo. Target is red, Walmart is blue. Home Depot is orange, Kodak is yellow. Kory has had praise from his many clients and their success because of their image and branding. He has handled everything from business cards to packaging design to interior office signage and more.
This is how Kory got his start in Graphic Design, with his first job out of High School (besides the work he did during high school creating posters and programs for the schools events and productions). From the days of manual paste-up, and typesetting, where all layouts had to be built on a board, to the computer technology of today where everything is on a screen, Kory has seen it all, and knows what makes things work. He actually enjoys the simple and clean designs the best, and has learned how to communicate ideas with less... Less IS really more!
Typography is one of the most fun forms of commercial art. It truly is an art form, with a specific skill set to accomplish it correctly. This is one of Kory’s favorite things to do, PLAY WITH TYPE! Type straight out of the keyboard is so boring to him, that he is constantly moving, adjusting, or even illustrating type to make it look right. Kory’s collection of fonts actually will not all fit on his computer, so his library is always changing. And you’ll see him playing around on the font websites occasionally...
Walt Disney
Even though Illustration is not Kory’s main strength, he still has the skills to create what he needs when he can’t find it elsewhere. Illustration is an art that requires 100% attention, and that’s why there are some really good illustrators out there that only do illustration.
While attending the University of Southern California, Kory spent a year in Art History. He didn’t think it would be very exciting, however he was hooked after the first few weeks. Art history is now VERY important to him, and loves thumbing through the volumes of art books that he owns. The artists on this page are just a few of his favorites.
Artists that have been inspired and or mentored under my tutelage:
I met Dean on a photography website when he first began his photographic career. I was able to inspire and teach him in the discussion forums and private chat. He currently lives in new Zealand. His work can be seen here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/tristar71
Artists that have been inspired and or mentored under my tutelage:
Aaron was an employee of my design studio for about a year. I was able to coach him in art and design while working for me. He has gone back to school and is looking forward to an internship at Disney Ineractive. See his blog here: http://rabidmilkman.blogspot.com/
Vikram is another online once-novice that I spent time with in discussion boards and chat. He has mastered the use of lighting and composition. He currently lives in Bangalore, India. His work can be seen here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/vfranklin
Nathalie lives in Montreal, Canada where she found my discussions online. I have had many discussions and ongoing chat, probably the most from my online experience. Her improvement is phenomenal and is mastering Digital Art. See her work here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/thali6
I have spent countless hours online on various websites teaching and mentoring other artists in discussion groups and one-on-one chats. Many of the users on http://Inspi.re (who have since moved to RedBubble.com) have benefitted from my participation in discussions, as did the three listed above. This time online is one of the sources where I found my desire to teach others about art and creativity, and to help them succeed at it. That is what I helped others do most... how to see and create art, not just snap pictures.