Conference Programme
Dear delegate, Now that we are close to the end of what has been another challenging year in our industry, it is time
Page 3
Sponsor Acknowledgements
Page 4
Friday/Saturday Programme Details
Page 5
Inaugural Awards & Exhibitor Listing
Page 6
Supplier Workshop
Page 7
General Information
Page 8
Advisory Board Profiles
Page 9
Entertainment Profiles
for us yet again, to review the highs and lows that we’ve experienced over the course of the past 12 months since our last gathering and examine the threats and opportunities that face us, as we look forward to 2013. This years’ conference represents our 8th so far and we’ve come a long way since 2005 when Travel Centres was founded. Our growth since then may not have been meteoric but it has been consistent and it is that organic growth that has seen us become the largest and most successful of the three consortia that trade in the Irish marketplace. It seems appropriate therefore that the theme of this year’s conference should be condensed into the following statement: The only way is up!
Page 10 Speaker Profiles Page 11 Speaker Profiles
As we’ve grown, so too have both our ambitions and our expectations, with the result that this year’s event promises to be our best ever — not only in terms of the numbers of delegates registered but also the quality of the content for Friday afternoons’ various presentations and the exciting entertainment programme that we have assembled over the course of the weekend.
So let me take this opportunity to welcome you to Killashee House Hotel; to the wonderful weekend that lies in store for you and your colleagues and to the contribution that you and your colleagues have made to bring us to where we find ourselves today.
Thank you! Dominic
1STS - Conference bags Silversea - Conference refreshment breaks (Friday & Saturday)
Events such as this depend on the generous sponsorship that underpins much of the
Globe Hotels - Owners/Managers lunch (Friday)
content featured over the course of the twoTravelCube - Friday pre-dinner drinks
day programme. Although all our suppliers have contributed to the central funding that
Wings Abroad - Owners/Managers dinner (Friday)
covers much of the main running costs, the following suppliers in particular have dug deep into their respective pockets in order to show their appreciation for the business that you, our members generate for them year round. It is therefore only right and fitting that we should
Thomas Cook - Owners/Managers dinner wines (Friday) MSC - Martinis and Manicures (Saturaday, 17.00-18.00) Mercury Direct - Pre-dinner music (Saturday)
acknowledge them here. Amadeus - Gala Dinner wines (Saturday) Canon - All conference photography Travel Professionals Skillnet - Registration services and conference funding
PROGRAMME DETAILS Friday 2nd November 12.15 - 12.45 12.45 - 14.00 14.00 - 15.45 15.45 – 16.00 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 – 17.00 17.00 – 17.30 17.30 – 18.00 18.00 – 19.30 19.30 – 20.30 20.30 – 22.00
Registration (Conservatory - near Reception Area) Conference bags - Sponsored by One Stop Touring Shop Lunch (Turner’s Restaurant) - Sponsored by Globe Hotels Closed Forum (Rathaskar Suite) (for member agents only) Refreshment Break - Sponsored by Silversea ‘The Five Secrets Of How To Tap Into The Destination Wedding Market’ Rosemary Meleady - Rosie the Wedding Planner. * ‘How to Survive and Thrive When Money Is Tight’ John McGuire - Author/Entrepreneur. * ‘How ABTA Stays Relevant In a Changing World’ John McEwan - Chairman, ABTA.* Book signing - John McGuire At Leisure Drinks Reception (The Gallery Lounge) - Sponsored by Travel Cube Dinner (The Moore Abbey Suite) - Sponsored by Wings Abroad. Dinner wines - Sponsored by Thomas Cook
Saturday 3rd November 09.15 – 10.00 10.00 – 11.15 11.15 – 11.30 11.30 – 11.45 11.45 – 13.00 13.00 – 14.00 14.00 – 15.30 15.30 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.00 16.00 – 17.00 17.00 – 18.00 17.00 – 19.30 19.30 – 20.30 20.30 – 22.00 22.00 – 22.15 22.15 – 22.45 22.45 - 01.00 01.00 – 03.00
Workshop registration (Rathaskar Suite) Conference bags - Sponsored by One Stop Touring Shop Supplier Workshops (speed-dating format) Refreshment Break - Sponsored by Silversea Intermission presentation: Metropolitan Touring Supplier Workshops (speed-dating format) Lunch (Turner’s Restaurant) Supplier Workshops (speed-dating format) Refreshment Break - Sponsored by Silversea Intermission Presentation: Royal Caribbean Supplier Workshops (speed-dating format) ‘Martinis & Manicures’ (Rathaskar Reception Area) - Sponsored by MSC Cruises At your Leisure Drinks Reception (Rathaskar Reception Area) - Entertainment sponsored by Mercury Direct Gala Dinner (Rathaskar Suite) - Dinner wines sponsored by Amadeus Workshop Prize Giveaway & Charity Draw Inaugural Awards Presentation Dancing to the ‘Controversial All Stars’ Disco
“Join Rebecca Kelly for MSC CRUISES Martinis and Manicures hour. Surely nothing could be finer than getting your nails painted jazzy shades whilst sipping on a freshly shaken cocktail? Manicurist will be on hand to style up your fingers or toes so go for a pretty pastel, a sparkly number or vamp it up with red or black. Shake in a martini or a cosmopolitan and leave perfectly polished and buzzed for an amazing night. As MSC Cruises is an equal opportunities sponsor, male delegates are also welcome!”
* See speaker profiles on page 10/11
2012 sees the introduction of our inaugural awards for both agents and one exceptional supplier. In the case of the former, we wanted to finally acknowledge the commitment and effort of those member agents who embrace the spirit of what Travel Centres is all about — re-directing discretionary sales towards preferred suppliers who, in turn, reward such increased sales with enhanced commercial terms. And in the case of the latter by recognising the exemplary efforts of a single supplier who has exceeded member’s expectations in the delivery of a quality product offering that is competitively priced and matched by an equally impressive service.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
In order to make the awarding of such prizes as equitable as possible, we asked all of the relevant suppliers to evaluate each agent’s efforts on the merits of their respective size, this year’s performance and the diligence with which they have actively promoted the product offering of those suppliers in the marketplace. In the case of the supplier award, we asked all members to evaluate each relevant supplier across eight different criteria, marking each supplier out of a choice of five different options. Because the agent awards are not being chosen purely on the basis of overall sales but rather an amalgam of different criteria, including how proactive each agent is in promoting any given preferred supplier throughout the year, it means that literally any agent — no matter how small.
Amadeus Affordable Car Hire A2B Transfers Attraction World Blue Insurance Bookabed Breakaway CCRA Cosmos Cruising Excursions Crystal Holidays Discovery Puglia Global Hotels Holiday Autos Hurtigruten ISTS Interhome Irish Ferries Mercury Direct Metropolitan Tours MSC Cruises Royal Caribbean Silverseas Spanish Tourist Board Sunway Thomas Cook Travel Cube Travel Focus Travel Port Travel Professionals Skilnet Visit USA Committee Ireland Wings Abroad World Travel Centre
SUPPLIER WORKSHOP As with previous years, Saturdays’ supplier workshop will operate on the ‘speeddating’ principle whereby all the supplier tables will be numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on. There will be two morning and two afternoon sessions, each of which will be divided into 15-minute segments.
When each segment gets to the 12-minute mark, an announcement will be made to the effect that there are just three minutes left. This affords each supplier sufficient time to wrap up their presentation and get agent participants to fill in the relevant question on their questionnaires. When the 15 minutes are up, all agent participants are expected to move on to the next numbered table in the sequence — e.g., if you are sitting at table 11, you then move on to table 12. If you are at table 30 and that is the highest numbered table in the room, then the table that you move to is table 1 and so on. Each agent delegate is provided with a questionnaire when they register. The questionnaire contains questions that have been set by each supplier participating at the workshop. The relevant answer to each question is contained within the presentation that each supplier makes. The purpose of each questionnaire is to incentivise each participant not to skip any sessions throughout the day. Because there are more suppliers than there are sessions, no one can possibly see all suppliers. For this reason, staff attending from each agency should not sit together at each supplier table. You need to split up in order to cover all the suppliers present, between you — i.e. if person 1 sits down at table 5, then the second staff member should be at least 10-15 numbers away, e.g., table 20. All questionnaires are collected at the end of the last session of the day(16.45-17.00), and these completed
questionnaires are used to select winners for several of the valuable prizes given away at the Gala dinner on Saturday evening. Questionnaires will only be considered valid if they contain correct answers to any 20 questions —i.e., the total number of sessions conducted throughout the day. This year, because of the time constraints being imposed as a result of the awards section during the evening, the lucky winners of the questionnaire draw will be selected before the dinner under strict supervision (two supplier witnesses) and announced immediately before the awards ceremony. Prizewinner’s names will be announced and shown on screen, along with a list of the prizes on offer and who they have been donated by. As each prizewinners name is announced, they will be invited to approach the stage and choose their prize from a selection of sealed envelopes — thus accentuating the level of surprise upon opening and also making the distribution of the more valuable prizes more random and thus fairer!
Please note that check in at the hotel is not before 3.00 p.m. so if you are arriving on Saturday, please proceed directly to registration at Rathaskar Suite and either leave your luggage in the car (if using own transport) or leave in the care of the porter (if arriving via public transport). All luggage will be kept in a secure location until such time as you are in a position to check-in later — i.e. after 5.00 p.m. when the supplier workshop finishes.
As we are working to extremely tight schedules, it is important that every delegate observes the times allocated for each event throughout the conference weekend — e.g. tea/coffee breaks; workshop segments, presentations, lunches etc. This will ensure the smooth running of the event and a better overall conference experience for all concerned.
Because the owners/managers portion of the conference is confined to just an afternoon (feel free to voice your opinion if you feel future events should allow a whole day!), this necessarily puts time constraints on the programme, particularly given the 90 minutes that needs to be allocated to our guest speakers. As a result, that only allows us with 90 minutes within which to conduct our closed forum. Please note that this session (14.00 – 15.30) is restricted to member agents only and so is not open to suppliers, guest speakers or trade press. In order to ensure effective use of this time slot, please submit in advance, any questions/queries that you wish to have raised during this slot.
Author and entrepreneur John McGuire will be signing copies of his bestseller, ‘SORTED! — How To Survive And Thrive When Money Is Tight’, at the end of the Friday afternoon presentations (i.e. around 5.30 p.m. after John McEwan’s presentation).
In addition to your lanyard, you will also be presented with an additional name card when you register. The name card
will have your name on it so please insert it into the card holder on the back of your conference bag. This will enable you to identify your bag, should you mislay it at any point during the day. Anytime we break for refreshments or lunch over the course of both days, we recommend that you leave your conference bag containing all your paperwork, notes and giveaways on the seat that you have been occupying and just remember the number of your table so that when the workshop resumes after each break, you can collect your belongings and move to the next numbered table in the room.
This year for the first time, we’ve decided to introduce two dedicated presentations which will address the entire room (both agents and suppliers alike). Each presentation will be made from the stage area; be a maximum of 15 minutes in duration and will take place immediately after both the morning and afternoon refreshment breaks at 11.30 and 15.45 respectively.
The training aspect of the Friday presentations and Saturday workshops is partly funded by Travel Professionals Skillnet to whom we are extremely grateful. Delegates and suppliers are therefore reminded that they need to complete and hand back the feedback sheets after the last session (16.45-17.00). These sheets will be handed out when you register.
Earlier this year on September 1st, a group of high profile travel professionals comprising Ciaran Mulligan (Blue Insurance), Dave Walsh (Etihad Airlines), Yvonne Muldoon (United Airlines), Sinead Reilly (Travelport), Philip Airey (Sunway) and Lorraine Quinn (Royal Caribbean) organised an amazing family event called Travel Funday (www.travelfunday. ie) which was held at the ALSAA Centre opposite Dublin Airport. A huge amount of effort went into that event which raised around €30,000 for two worthy charities — The Irish Cancer Society and Pieta House. Such was the success of that day that plans are already underway to host next years’ event which will be even bigger and better! Travel Centres had been planning to add a fund-raising dimension to this year’s
conference and what better way to make a contribution than to support the Travel Funday initiative which is already well on its way to establishing itself as a prestigious annual event. On each banquet table at the Gala Dinner, you will find a brown envelope containing a book of raffle tickets. Guests are encouraged to purchase a sheet of 5 tickets for €10 (or multiples thereof ) by detaching any sheet(s) and depositing the relevant amount back in the envelope along with the book containing the counterfoils. These counterfoils will be entered into a draw for a prize/ prizes donated by Travel Centres. One person at each table should assume responsibility for collecting payments from each of the other guests at that table before returning the envelope containing the book of counterfoils and monies to a Travel Centres staff member. Details of the total sum collected will be publicly announced immediately after the Awards, together with ticket number(s). Don’t forget to bring cash with you!
Each delegate attending the conference will receive a welcome pack at registration that provides them with details of the various spa packages, leisure options and local attractions that are available to spouses/partners who are not participating in any of the business sessions over the weekend.
A lot of thought and planning goes into arranging each year’s conference but we’re always receptive to new suggestions as to how we can improve on the delegate experience and make the content of these weekends more relevant to your business. Ideas on a postcard please. (Better still, just email them!)
Some of your colleagues will be absent from this year’s event and for a variety of reasons. If you enjoy yourself this weekend then we’d like to hear from you so we can share your comments/observations with those who perhaps take a little bit more convincing that such events are both relevant and worthwhile.
ADVISORY BOARD The advisory board comprises five member agents who, between them, represent the interests of the general membership and who, in conjunction with the management team, define the policies and supplier preferences of the group. The board positions are voluntary so board members donate freely of their time and expertise throughout the year in order to help drive the collective agenda of members. The board meets periodically throughout the year. The advisory board currently consists of the following members:
Declan O’Connell, Lee Travel, Cork Declan has been in the Travel Industry since 1975. Based in Cork City with offices in Midleton, Youghal and Ballincollig, Lee Travel now employs 26 people. Declan recently joined the board of the Irish Travel Agents Association and strongly believes in the future of the travel agent. He enjoys travelling very much and has recently clocked up his 60th country with a few more to go.
Trudi O’Leary, Roscrea Travel, Roscrea Trudi has been in the Travel business from the age of 18, working first with UK Tourist Boards, before returning to Ireland to work with Tara Travel in Cork. She has owned and managed Roscrea Travel since 1985 starting with one phone, two staff and NO COMPUTERS...! Trudi has served on the Board of the ITAA and as a director of the Retail Trust Fund. She enjoys exploring and trekking and has recently been to the Grenadines and Key West on sailing holidays.
Michael Geraghty, Cavan Travel, Cavan Cavan Travel was established in February 1988 by Michael and his wife Margaret, so he will be celebrating 25 years in business in 2013! His second office — Virginia Travel, was subsequently opened in November 2011 – great timing! Michael now employs seven staff between the two offices. Michael has been involved with Travel Centres since its inception. Italy is Michael’s favourite holiday destination.
Tom Britton, Marble City Travel, Kilkenny Tom started in the travel industry in 1995. He is managing director of Marble City Travel, Kilkenny. Since 2010 Marble City Travel has increased its staffing from 3 to 10 with continued growth into 2013 planned. This year has been a good year for Tom as Marble City Travel were recently honoured by Royal Caribbean, when the agency received an award for strongest growth performance in 2012. Tom has often been described as a “cruise anorak”, having completed over 20 cruises in recent years. Michael Bowe, Bowe Travel, Thurles Michael Bowe Jnr. is the 4th Generation of the Bowe family to run Bowe Travel. First established in 1906 by Michael’s great- grandfather — it has continued to thrive down through the intervening decades and is based in Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Michael was reared in the travel industry and like the rest of us, loves to travel!
Dave Brown Front Man Dave Browne — lead singer from Ireland’s platinum selling band Picturehouse. Dave is a uniquely talented vocalist, songwriter, piano and guitar player as well as being the high energy spark in front of a band that’s truly “On Fire” every time they play! Ingrid Madsen Ingrid Madsen is a truly unique and talented singer whose vocal range encompasses many different genres of music. A talented singer and songwriter, Ingrid also tours Ireland and the US with the very successful celtic show www.Women-of-Ireland.com. Ingrid also appeared recently as a finalist in the hugely popular TV series — The Voice of Ireland. Jay Duffy Jason Duffy has toured with and played drums for The Corrs, Sharon Shannon, Lord of the Dance, Declan O’Rourke and Picturehouse.
THE CONTROVERSIAL ALL-STARS The Controversial All-Stars are a collection of Ireland’s finest musicians. The seven-strong lineup is fronted by Picturehouse’s lead singer Dave Browne, alongside the sweet yet soulful voice of Ingrid Madsen. These guys have toured and performed with the biggest names in the business (Van Morrison, The Corrs, The Commitments, Meatloaf, Phil Lynott, Bryan Adams, Oasis, Paul Brady, Shirley Bassey...). Their non-stop floor-filling show boasts the finest disco and rock’n’ roll tunes ever recorded. Consisting of drums, bass, guitar, piano, an amazing brass section and male and female vocals, this band ensures the finest cross section of hits in the business. Individual profiles:
Keith Farrell Keith Farrell has toured and played bass with Mundy, Sharon Shannon, and Picturehouse. A mind blowing musician and sound engineer.
Nick Carswell Nick Carswell was playing piano before his feet could reach the pedals! A passionate singer and songwriter, he is a fantastic addition to the All-stars in between touring the country with his band Nick Carswell and the Elective Orchestra. Nick has also performed with many of Irelands finest legendary artists including Chris De Burgh and Van Morrison.
Rosie The Wedding Planner Rosemarie Meleady has been planning weddings around the world for what seems like decades. Rosie is an internationally recognised magazine publisher and marketer. She was the recipient of the 'International Women in Publishing Award 1996' and was the creator of the online marketing phenomenon 'The Ultimate Job in The World' in 2010. This led her to planning 86 vow renewals around the world in a six month time frame for one couple in a Guinness Book of Records record breaking attempt. She has been interviewed by media from across the world from China to Chicago including CNN, Fox, the BBC and The Times and has even been contacted by the Oprah Winfrey Show. Rosie now runs an online business, mentoring and coaching service for the wedding industry through the Wedding Services Guild. Her presentation will inform agents on how they can stand out in a crowded marketplace, using video and social media. She will also reveal the 5 secrets of how you tap into the destination wedding market so this presentation will appeal to any agent that wants to develop a niche market for themselves and add that proverbial ‘second string to the bow!’
John McGuire - Author and TV personality John McGuire is a serial entrepreneur, professional investor and is best known for presenting the RTE 2 show ‘I’m An Adult Get Me Out Of Here’. John is the Chairman of six successful businesses from financial services & property through to insurance and hospitality. John has weathered the recession despite being hit by a perfect economic storm which threatened to decimate his business interests. Although facing bankruptcy in 2009 & 2010, John invested his way out of the downturn and opened or commenced trading in new companies the height of the crisis, creating 30 new jobs in the process. John expects to increase the number employed by his group to 50 by late 2012. Despite the enormous setbacks he personally incurred, John considers the global recession to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to aggressively expand. John is chairman and owner of www.QuoteDevil.ie, www.FirstCredit.ie, www.PembrokeInsurances.ie and www.DaxCafeBar.ie; is a professional property investor and has written a book for Penguin Ireland, detailing his experiences, survival tips and offering financial advice. John got his first taste of television when an article on him in the Irish Times was spotted by Independent Pictures Production Company in 2005. They subsequently asked him to host “I’m An Adult, Get Me Out Of Here”,having never before worked in television.
John McEwan - ABTA Chairman John McEwan has over 40 years experience in the travel industry including UK and global roles. Since joining the travel industry in a retail agency at the age of 17, John has worked for major travel brands in Thomas Cook, Lunn Poly and currently, Advantage Travel Centres. During his early years in Thomas Cook, John’s roles stretched from agency and regional management both in the UK as well as the USA, culminating in his appointment as Senior Vice President. John returned to the UK to become Retail Director before being appointed as Managing Director of Thomas Cook Travel UK. John oversaw a significant expansion of the business, culminating in a doubling in size of the retail network, the launch of Thomas Cook Direct and major expansion of foreign exchange into airports and HSBC. During this period, John also introduced the famous strapline, ‘Don’t just book it, Thomas Cook it’.
John was then appointed Managing Director of Thomas Cook International, a global role spanning over 50 countries with travel and foreign exchange outlets worldwide as well as a major financial services business. In 2000, John then moved on to join the Thomson Travel Group as Strategic Development Director before becoming Managing Director of Lunn Poly, then the UK’s largest travel retailer. During this period he led the transformation of the financial performance of the business by introducing foreign exchange and also dramatically improving productivity. He was subsequently appointed as Retail Director of TUI UK. In September 2004, John became the Chief Executive of Advantage, the UK’s largest consortium of travel agents, a role he currently occupies. As CEO of Advantage, John has successfully led the process of turning Advantage into a profit-making organisation, has been instrumental in increasing the organisation’s standing as the UK’s most respected independent travel consortium, with the highest level of member engagement since the organisation was formed 30 years ago. John chaired the Travel and Tourism National Diploma programme, introduced for 14-19 year olds. John is also currently Chairman of ABTA, The Travel Association and is also a director of People 1st.
The professioanls Skillnet is funded by member companies and the Training Networks Programme, an initiative of Skillnet Ltd. funded from the National Fund through the Department of Education and Skills.