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Chaozhou Cultural Park

In Chaozhou town, this is a complex of government dormitory-residence facilities developed by the Japanese. It was the site of one of the major battles of the anti-Japanese resistance. After WW II the complex was utilized by the Nationalist government as government offices and housing for government-official families. Today the ruins are being steadily resuscitated, and have become a key Chaozhou tourist attraction.

Decorative faux trees in full sakura blossom brighten the entrance area. The first entrance-area building is a visitor center with displays explaining the architecture and site-regeneration process (Chinese).


Eateries on/near the Chaozhou Circle

The area around Chaozhou Circle, a small roundabout vicinal to the just-introduced cultural park that is Chaozhou’s busiest spot, is an urban-forest of “old shop sign” family-run eateries. A-Lun Ice Shop is an open-faced enterprise right on the circle; here the heat-beating shaved ice creations come with steaming-hot old-timey treasures such as glutinous-rice balls, mung beans, and taro. Off the circle, Lin Yao Hui Herb Tea , in a temple forecourt, sells delicious herb tea crafted from an old family medicinal herb store recipe. Also off-circle, A-Ming’s Steamed Buns uses distinctive local ingredients such as cane sugar, sesame, and taro.


A-Lun Ice Shop 阿倫冰店

A-Ming's Steamed Buns 阿明肉包

Chaozhou Circle 潮州圓環

Chaozhou Township 潮州鎮

Dr. Ikegami Ichiro Library 池上一郎博士文庫

50s Village Grocery Store 五十年代鄉下人家柑仔店

General's House 將軍之屋

Linhousilin Forest Park 林後四林平地森林園區

Lin Yao Hui Herb Tea 林耀輝青草茶

Mount Banping 半屏山

Paiwan tribe 排灣族

Pingtung Branch Tobacco Re-drying Plant 屏東支局葉菸草再乾燥場

Pingtung Civic Park 屏東縣民公園

Pingtung Tobacco Factory 屏東菸葉廠

Pingtung Sugar Factory 台糖屏東總廠

Shengli New Village 勝利星村

Small Town Ramble Year 小鎮漫遊年

Star Plaza 星星廣場

V.I.P. Park 遺構公園

Yamato Hotel 大和旅社

Zhutian Township 竹田鄉

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