2 minute read
Life blooms in mysterious places
As our car neared its destination, I spotted a white wash across the landscape some way in the distance. I thought it might be water. How wonderful! A big dam out here in this arid terrain. But as we came closer to our journey’s end, the sight seemed to shimmer and waver. Not the ripples of wind across a water surface, but rather the gentle lilt and sway of flowers across a plain. And that’s exactly what it turned out to be. Thousands and thousands of white and pink flowers, gently undulating in the breeze.
As Namibia’s southern stretches were drenched by more rain than we have been blessed with for some time, and locals hopped in their cars to chase rivers and streams across this vast land, one of the miracles of the Namib once again appeared near the small southern town of Maltahöhe.

Every few years, the right conditions allowing, Crinum paludosum lilies bloom in their hundreds of thousands on Farm Sandhof, 35 km north of Maltahöhe. This natural wonder only occurs when ideal circumstances align. After the pan has received more than 30 cm of water the lilies sprout, grow and flower. Once they start to bloom, visitors have about three days to enjoy them stretching as far as the eye can see. During this short time, over 750 hectares of land turns pink, white and green with the sheen of this spectacle. It doesn’t happen every year. In fact, until last year there had been quite a “dry spell” in terms of this natural wonder. During a ‘lily year’, locals flock to Maltahöhe and the nearby farm to witness the miracle.
This year was no different. We set off from Windhoek on Thursday, 21 st of January, the day after the lilies had started to bloom. After enjoying an evening of quintessential southern hospitality at Hudup Campsite just east of Maltahöhe, we left before sunrise to capture the lilies in the best possible light. By 9.00am we had finished filming and enjoyed a delicious cup of coffee and the spectacular view as the locals started streaming in. Thousands of Namibians made the pilgrimage to this delightful marvel of nature. How wonderful to be able to share and enjoy as a nation something so special, despite the trying times. Something to bring collective joy. Perhaps Lily Weekend should become part of celebrating our Natural Heritage in Namibia?

- Matshona Dhliwayo
Watch our video on the Sandhof Lilies: www.thisisnamibia.com/this-is-namibia-tv.
Elzanne McCulloch