November 2011 Edition

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NOVEMBER 2011 executive office

28 Knight Street Norwalk, CT 06851-4707 203.302.5865 w e b s i t e publisher editor

Carol A. Petro design production manager

Linda Rogers manager

Cindy Johnson • c i r c u l a t i o n

FITUR Highlights Its Profile as a Business Forum


The Special Interest B2B Exchange


Charles Gatt, Jr.

Shawn Hebert • I T



cruise editor

Michael Iachetta southeast regional correspondent

Joan Gonzalez

western regional correspondent

Connie Skoog

contributing editors

Mona Birch • Ann Charles • Gail P. Dubov Judith Glynn • Barry Goldsmith • Peggy Hageman George Hairston • Al Haut • Marjorie Klein • Peter Lowy Nancy Marcantonio • Anita Mason D.O. Christian Rieger • Knox Robinson Helen Kitti Smith • Robin Swados • Diane Terry Travel World News (ISSN 1044-4602) is published monthly by Travel Industry Network, Inc., 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. The cost of a subscription in the USA is $25, in Canada $40. For subscribers outside USA or Canada, the rate is $80. Please send check or money order in U.S. dollars payable to Travel World News. For change of address, please enclose your mailing label and send to: Circulation Department, Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Periodicals postage paid at Norwalk, CT, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Address advertising inquiries and/or editorial copy to: Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission. All advertising in Travel World News is based on data submitted to the Publisher by the advertisers. The Publisher shall not be liable for the accuracy or inaccuracy of any information contained in Travel World News and shall not be liable, including but not limited to consequential or special damages, to any party for any products or services advertised or reported upon herein. The Publisher shall not be responsible for typographical errors. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice by the parties providing such products and services. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that has been submitted at his sole discretion. Upon providing a refund of any amount paid to the party whose submittal was rejected, the Publisher shall not have any liability to any party for such rejection.

The Europe B2B Exchange Malta –Your Mediterranean Cruise Destination This Winter The Malta B2B Exchange


So You Think San Mateo County’s All About Computers? Think Again J


4 9 10 11 15 16 17

EUROPE / Malta - page 16


For complete and current list please visit:


The Sands at Grace Bay Resort Appoints Mona Beeson General Manager Puntacana Resort & Club Names Peter Bonell Vice President of Sales & Marketing Sandos Caracol Eco-Resort & Spa Practices Sustainability, Eco-Tourism in Mexico The Caribbean B2B Exchange


Goway’s Passport to Chile Program Offers Savings and Surprises The South America B2B Exchange New Boutique Hotel Casa Gangotena Opens in Old Town Quito, Ecuador The Ecuador B2B Exchange Ernesto Orillac Appointed the New Vice-Minister of Tourism of Panama The Peru B2B Exchange The Central America B2B Exchange


ATA President Calls on All African Countries to Join Africa’s Leading Travel Trade Association South African Airways Announces New Leadership for North America Book Africa With the Following Destination Specialists Great Safaris Has Two-For-One Land/Air Promo on Popular African Itineraries The Africa B2B Exchange Pumulani Voted Malawi’s Leading Hotel at 2011 World Travel Awards Guests Go Wild This Christmas – With Selous Safari Company in Tanzania


NORTH AMERICA / San Mateo County - page 20

25 26 27 28 31 32 33

CARIBBEAN / Mexico - page 26

34 35 37 40 42

LATIN AMERICA / Chile - page 28

43 44 45 46 47

AFRICA / ATA - page 40


FITUR Highlights Its Profile as a Business Forum The fair will strengthen initiatives aimed at opening up new trade opportunities for participants.


ITUR, the International Tourism Trade Fair set for January 18–22, 2012, aims to serve, now more than ever, as an effective tool for the tourist industry. With this objective in mind, the fair’s organizers have strengthened their initiatives aimed at promoting meetings between professionals, effectively creating synergies that are likely to open up new business opportunities. Among these initiatives, the fair will stage the second edition of the FITUR Workshop, where professionals from all over the world who have been invited to the fair through the Foreign Buyers Program can hold B2B meetings with exhibitors at the fair itself. This year, in order to adapt to the interests of the participants even Meeting at FITUR means serious business for travel pros. more closely, it will be the exhibitors themselves that choose the buyers who are invited to the fair. This guaran- ment, boosting the participation of companies and destinations tees a high degree of interest in the corresponding interviews that specialize in the LGBT segment. The fair will also strengthen the conferences aimed at professionals who are inand, in turn, the potential for business at these meetings. B2B interviews are also an essential tool in the INVESTOUR terested in reaching this sector of society. Another of the aspects that the fair will continue to Africa initiative, which will be staging its third edition in 2012. In this respect, a series of pre-arranged interviews will be or- strengthen and promote consists of the sustainability of tourist ganized between Spanish entrepreneurs and top representa- establishments. In this case, FITUR GREEN, which is orgatives from the African tourist industry, including both the pub- nized by the fair in conjunction with the WTO, will stage its lic and the private sectors, based on the participants’ different third edition in 2012, introducing professionals to the latestbusiness profiles and preferences. Furthermore, as a new fea- generation solutions and companies able to help them set up ture at this edition and thanks to the excellent results achieved tourism models that are more eco-friendly. And in order to with this initiative throughout Africa’s tourist industry, INVES- highlight the important role that technology plays when it TOUR America will be inaugurated. This new scheme will comes to achieving this goal, this edition of FITUR GREEN place representatives of tourist initiatives and projects on the will feature the participation of the Hotel Industry American continent in contact with potential partners, this Technological Institute (ITH), a body that will contribute all of time aimed at any exhibitor among the 166 destinations and re- its experience within the field in order to boost the sustainability of the tourist industry. gions taking part at the fair. For the second consecutive year, FITUR will also provide the Also with a view to providing a boost for the tourist industry, FITUR 2012 will host the staging of a Brokerage Event, which setting for the staging of the National Congress on the aims, among other objectives, to create new opportunities to Management of Travel Companies, an event organized by the find trade and technology partners throughout Europe, to fa- Iberian Association of Travel Company Managers (IBTA). This cilitate the exchange of experiences with other companies from Congress will enable a number of leading travel managers atthe international market, and to open up new opportunities for tending the event, all of whom have a high professional profile marketing products, services and technologies linked to the and decision-making power, to be introduced to the products and services on show at FITUR, thus providing new trading field of tourism. opportunities for the fair’s participants. In short, in its endeavor to bring the leading players within Focusing on Areas of Greatest Potential In addition, at its year 2012 edition, FITUR will seek to high- the tourist industry together, FITUR seeks to provide a boost light one of the business segments of greatest potential within for the travel sector, while ensuring that professionals gain the market: LGBT. Following the excellent results achieved at maximum benefits from their attendance at the fair. the first edition, the fair aims to raise the profile of this seg- FITUR, 4 •NOVEMBER 2011 • Travel World News

89% of the Buyers and 80 % of the Suppliers who attended NETM’11 tell us they plan to attend NETM’12. You should join them. New Europe Travel Mart (NETM’12) is a serious event for senior executives who can make decisions and commitments. Leisure Travel Buyers from global markets will be in Ljubljana, Slovenia to meet with Suppliers from countries in ‘New Europe’ including: Slovenia Albania Bosnia/Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Germany (New States) Hungary

Kosovo Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Montenegro Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia


Complete information is available at

NEWEUROPE TRAVELMART April 25, 26, 27, 2012 Ljubljana, Slovenia Grand Hotel Union


The Travel Industry’s Leading Event Management Firm


within the exhibition floor and buyers from North America, Latin America and Europe. La Cumbre 2012 will be held September 5–7 at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek and Waldorf Astoria Orlando. Registration is open to buyers, exhibitors and GSAs. La Cumbre 2011 was organized by Reed Exhibitions, and sponsored by (Platinum sponsors) Las Vegas CVA, The Venetian | The Palazzo, Visit Orlando, Delta Airlines and Hilton Worldwide; (Gold) Copa Airlines and AeroMexico; (Silver) Travel Ace, Intercontinental Hotels Group and the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador; and (Bronze) MasterCard International and Turijobs Latin America. Reed Travel Exhibitions (RTE),,,,,

28TH ANNUAL CRUISE SHIPPING MIAMI SET FOR MARCH 12–15, 2012 La Cumbre, The Americas’ Travel Industry Summit organized by Reed Exhibitions, concluded with great satisfaction expressed among buyers, exhibitors, and media in September, most of whom have already confirmed their participation in the 2012 edition. The event began with a full-day conference for travel professionals—the Tourism Branding Forum, which offered the most relevant case studies and the latest trends throughout the industry. It also presented the opportunity to interact and debate among the audience, keynote speakers, and panelists. Some speakers were Euromonitor International, Hertz International, Hilton Worldwide, NYC & Company, PhoCusWright, and Royal Caribbean. Northwestern University and the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey moderated the sessions. Reed Exhibitions in conjunction with the city, and the hotel put together the opening press conference where the importance of the Latin American market was reinforced. The city of Las Vegas and The Venetian Resort, Hotel & Casino also hosted the inaugural reception at the impressive pool Azure at The Palazzo for all delegates. Notables present at the event included Gaston Isoldi, Event Director from Reed Exhibitions; the Honorable Oscar Goodman, former Mayor of the city of Las Vegas and current President of the Host Committee from Las Vegas CVA; Rafael Villanueva, Director of International Sales from Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority; and John Caparella. On September 8 and 9, 220 exhibitors from the Americas and over 200 buyers participated in business meetings, attending 9,236 prescheduled appointments, and signing agreements. Delegates voiced satisfaction with the solidity of business conducted and the quality of buyers and exhibitors. “Compared to 2010, we noted 15% growth in the number of buyers, 43% in GSAs and 3% in exhibitors,” stated Gaston Isoldi. Organizers project a growth of 15% by 2012 in all categories. This is mainly based on an increased presence from Latin America 6 •NOVEMBER 2011

Cruise Shipping Miami, the international conference and exhibition serving the cruise industry, annually draws more than 10,000 attendees and nearly 1,000 exhibiting companies from over 121 countries to Miami Beach, Florida. Organized by Princeton, N.J.-based UBM Live, the three-day trade show at the Miami Beach Convention Center runs Tuesday through Thursday, and the four-day conference offers sessions Monday through Thursday. The schedule breaks down as follows: World Cruise Tourism Workshops, Monday, March 12, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Exhibition opens Tuesday, March 13, 9 a.m.; Conferences begin Tuesday, March 13, 9:30 a.m.; and Exhibition and Conference end Thursday, March 15, 4 p.m. In addition to national pavilions, the trade show also features eight business sectors highlighting information technology, entertainment technology, food and beverage, ship design and refurbishment, ship services and hotel operations, ship equipment and destinations. Conference sessions cover pertinent industry issues including an assessment of the state of the industry, shipbuilding and refurbishment, environmental issues, product development and distribution. Media credentials are issued to bona fide journalists covering the convention. They may request a media registration online or by email contact after reviewing the media policy. UBM Live is the organizer of this leading international exhibition and conference serving the cruise industry. UBM Live is a wholly owned subsidiary of UBM plc, a leading provider of business information services to the maritime, travel, fashion, technology, healthcare, media, and property industries. Cruise Shipping Miami,, (registration), /, (Buck Banks), • Travel World News


J Japan in Depth

The Golden Route

SECOND ANNUAL NEW EUROPE TRAVEL MART SET FOR APRIL 25–27 IN SLOVENIA The 2nd Annual New Europe Travel Mart (NETM’12) will be held April 25–27 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Originally launched in April 2011 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, NETM is designed to increase leisure travel to the region between the Baltic to the Balkans. The Event is organized by the international event management firm William H. Coleman, Inc. New Europe Travel Mart features a unique three-day “pre-scheduled appointments” format that the Coleman organization has used in other global tourism destinations for almost forty years. The organizers feel this exclusive format was an important part of this year’s successful NETM’11. NETM’12 will bring “Buyers” of Leisure Travel services from global markets to Ljubljana, Slovenia, to meet senior sales and marketing executives representing “Supplier” organizations from the “New Europe” region. The New Europe Travel Mart format enables “Buyers” and “Suppliers” to have two days of 20-minute, prescheduled appointments in Supplier booth/offices. Organizers point out that unlike traditional “trade shows,” this format is almost like Buyers and Suppliers having meetings in their own offices. “Buyers” attending NETM’12 are “decision makers” from companies and organizations that have the authority to “contract and book” Group, FIT, and any Special Interest travel products from markets in Europe, USA, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, and Asia/Pacific. NETM’12 “Suppliers” are senior sales executives who can make commitments, and who represent hotels, airlines, cruise companies, receptive operators, car rental firms, attractions, resorts, tourist boards, city and convention bureaus, and promotional organizations from Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany (New states), Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia. Ljubljana, the NETM’12 Host Destination, is the capital of Slovenia, a vibrant and picturesque city that dramatically illustrates what “New Europe” destinations offer today’s Leisure Travel Travel World News •

Land of the Rising Sun

Industry. The NETM ’12 Host Hotel is the historic Hotel Grand Union located in the center of the city. Buyer Registration fees are $150 including three nights’ single room accommodations at the Grand Union, roundtrip airport transfers, all business sessions with prescheduled appointments, all official hosted social functions, and ground transportation. Buyers will arrange their own air travel on Host Airlines that will be offering reduced airfares to all NETM’12 delegates. Supplier Registration Fees are $975 and include an approximately 6.5 ft x 6.5 ft booth/office with table, 4 chairs, sign, and lights; all business sessions including pre-scheduled appointments with Buyers; all official hosted social functions; roundtrip airport transfers; ground transportation; special discounted hotel rates at the Grand Union; and discounted airfares on participating Host Airlines. Suppliers are discouraged from building elaborate displays since booth/offices will include furniture for a basic business “set-up.” In announcing Ljubljana, Slovenia as the New Europe Travel Mart (NETM’12) venue, Irma Coleman, President & CEO of William H. Coleman, Inc. said: “We are very impressed with the Slovenian Tourist Board and Ljubljana Tourism Convention Bureau Host Commitments. Based on their own positive experience with NETM’11 they immediately recognized the business development opportunities hosting NETM’12 provided. We are looking forward to working with these dedicated professionals to welcome next year’s delegates to this exciting part of ‘New Europe.’” Maja Pak, Director of Slovenian Tourist Board said: “We are very pleased that Slovenia has been selected to Host this important Leisure Travel Business development event. This will be a wonderful opportunity for us to personally show these international Buyers everything that Slovenia has to offer their clients.” Barbara Vajda, Managing Director of Ljubljana Tourism Convention Bureau said: “Ljubljana is a very special place, a blend of old charm and new cool, and together with our Partners we are looking forward to welcoming NETM’12 Buyers and Suppliers.” New Europe Travel Mart, 800-874-2324,,; Slovenian Tourist Board, NOVEMBER 2011 •



Over 1,000 travel industry professionals including Buyers from global markets and Suppliers from every Latin America Country attended the 35th Annual TravelMart LatinAmerica in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, September 11–13. About 7,000 appointments between Buyers and Suppliers were prescheduled for this leading industry event, and many more were arranged “on-site” during the two days of business sessions. Close to 300 “Buyers” from global markets met with “Suppliers” from every Latin America country during the three days of carefully structured business and social activities. The focal point of TravelMart LatinAmerica is the two days dedicated exclusively to prescheduled business appointments at the modern and spacious CentroSul Convention Center. Other activities included a Welcome Reception at the Costao do Santinho Resort & Spa sponsored by SANTUR (Santa Catarina Turismo), sponsored lunches during the business sessions, and the Closing/Farewell Reception hosted by SANTUR. TravelMart LatinAmerica was first held in Lima 1978, and this was the fifth time since the inaugural that this prestigious business development Event for Latin America tourism returned to

Brazil. TravelMart LatinAmerica was last held in Salvador, Bahia in 1988, Manaus in 1996, Fortaleza in 2000, and Foz do Iguacu in 2004. Last year’s TravelMart LatinAmerica was held in Lima, Peru. This year’s TravelMart LatinAmerica was sponsored by a long list of distinguished travel industry leaders including Santa Catarina Turismo (SANTUR), EMBRATUR, TAM, Florianopolis Convention and Visitors Bureau, ABETA, Metropolitan Touring, Turismo Cartagena de Indias, The Ecuador Ministry of Tourism, Quito Turismo, Tren Ecuador, TripAdvisor, STR Global, Delta Air Lines, Rainforest Alliance, and Mercado & Eventos Brazil. Many TravelMart LatinAmerica delegates visited tourism sites throughout Santa Catarina and Brazil by taking special Pre- and Post-Tours organized by ABETA and SANTUR. SANTUR also provided complimentary Florianopolis City Tours. TAM Airlines, the Official TravelMart LatinAmerica Airline, and other participating airlines including American Airlines, AviancaTaca, Copa Airlines, and LAN Airlines offered discounted airfares to participating delegates. Irma Coleman, President & CEO of William H. Coleman, Inc., the TravelMart LatinAmerica organizing company, said, “We are very excited about bringing TravelMart LatinAmerica to Florianopolis. For many TravelMart LatinAmerica Buyers and Suppliers this is the first opportunity for them to personally experience everything that the Santa Catarina area can offer their clients.” Mrs. Coleman also added: “It has been a delight for us to have the support of the Santa Catarina Host Committee dedicated professionals who have been working very hard for almost two years to make this event successful. And, we are delighted to be back in Brazil, one of the world’s most exciting tourism destinations.” TravelMart LatinAmerica is produced and managed by William H. Coleman, Inc., an international events management firm headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, with offices in Toronto, Canada, and London, England. Next Year’s TravelMart LatinAmerica 2012 will be held in Cartagena, Colombia, at the new Hotel Las Americas Convention Center, September 12–14. TravelMart LatinAmerica,; William H. Coleman, Inc.,

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8 •NOVEMBER 2011 • Travel World News



DECEMBER 2-4 5-9 6-8 11-13 JANUARY 2012 11-15 14-15 14-15 18-19 18-22 18-22 19-22 21-22 21-22 22-24 26-29 27-29 28-29 FEBRUARY 2-4 8-9 9-12 10-12 13-16 16-19 16-19 17-19 17-29 18-19 MARCH 2-4 5-6 6-8 7-11 7-11 12-15 17-18 21-24 21-24 22-25 22-25 APRIL 12-15 25-27 25-27 25-27 30-May 3 30-May 3 JUNE 14-17 SEPTEMBER 28-30



Monte Carlo Travel Market NTA Convention Luxury Travel Expo USTOA Annual Conference & Marketplace

Grimaldi Forum, Monaco Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, Nevada Marco Island, FL

Vakantiebeurs Travel & Adventure Show The Philadelphia Inquirer Travel Show Conventa FITUR Discover America Pavilion at FITUR Matka Travel & Adventure Show Minnesota Travel Show CHTA Tourism & Leisure Show Los Angeles Times Travel Show Travel & Adventure Show

Utrecht, The Netherlands Los Angeles, CA Philadelphia, PA Ljubljana, Slovenia Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain Helsinki, Finland New York, NY Minneapolis, MN Paradise Island, Bahamas Ljubljana, Slovenia Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL

Florida Huddle IMTM EMITT The Boston Globe Travel Show Blossom Japan BIT 2012 Discover America Pavilion at BIT Outbound Travel Mart Discover America Pavilion at OTM Travel & Adventure Show

Fort Lauderdale, FL Tel Aviv, Israel Istanbul, Turkey Boston, MA Kyoto, Japan Milan, Italy Milan, Italy Mumbai/New Delhi, India Mumbai/New Delhi, India San Francisco, CA

The New York Times Travel Show Polish Travel Mart CONFEX 2012 ITB Berlin Discover America Pavilion at ITB Berlin Cruise Shipping Miami Travel & Adventure Show MITT Discover America Pavilion at MITT TUR Discover America Pavilion at TUR

New York, NY Warsaw, Poland London, England Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany Miami, FL Washington, DC Moscow, Russia Moscow, Russia Gothenburg, Sweden Gothenburg, Sweden

Toursib New Europe Travel Mart BETEX KITF Arabian Travel Market Discover America Pavilion at ATM

Novosibirsk, Russia Ljubljana, Slovenia Belize Almaty, Kazakhstan Dubai, UAE Dubai, UAE


Hong Kong

OneWorld Travel Mart

San Francisco, CA


Travel World News •



INDUSTRY NEWS RAINFOREST ALLIANCE ANNOUNCES NEW TOPS NETWORK FOR TOUR OPERATORS With assistance from inbound and outbound tour operators in Latin America, the United States and Europe, the Rainforest Alliance has launched Tour Operators Promoting Sustainability (TOPS), a global network of tour operators dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable tourism in their respective markets. The Rainforest Alliance, an international conservation organization, made the announcement in September in Antigua, in recognition of World Tourism Day. “TOPS is designed to help transform the business practices of tourism companies and motivate tourists to support these efforts,” said Ronald Sanabria, vice president of sustainable tourism at the Rainforest Alliance. “The long-term aim is to help the industry become socially and environmentally responsible as well as profitable, encouraging tourism practices that protect ecosystems and improve the lives of individuals and communities.” Network tour operators will have access to regularly updated information on sustainable suppliers, discounts on the Rainforest Alliance’s verification services (this applies only to inbound operators) and training and other business development opportunities. Through fairs, press events and FAM trips, network members will also have frequent opportunities to establish business relationships and engage in promotional activities in European and North America. “We have established agreements that allow TOPS members to receive special rates for their participation in promotional events and tourism fairs,” commented Cristina Suhr, international marketing manager for sustainable tourism at the Rainforest Alliance. By unifying the individual efforts of its network members, TOPS will allow them to have a greater impact on social and conservation projects in the Latin American destinations where they work. To become a TOPS member, interested inbound tour operators must apply for Rainforest Alliance verification of their businesses, comply with at least 50 percent of the program’s established requirements and commit to reaching a minimum of 70-percent compliance by the following year. Outbound operators must sign a memorandum of understanding with the Rainforest Alliance; at least 30 percent of their suppliers must be sustainable and that figure must increase to a minimum of 50 percent by the following year. Rainforest Alliance,

GOWAY JOINS INDUSTRY SPECIALIST BASTION TO MARK HIS 50TH SALES MISSION After 22 years traveling the world promoting Australia’s Queensland, Parker Travel Collection’s International Director of Sales Robbie Bastion celebrated his 50th sales mission to North America. He celebrated this accomplishment with management and staff of Goway Travel, North America’s largest wholesaler to the South Pacific. In his 22-year tourism industry career, Bastion has worked for only three organizations: Quicksilver Group of Companies, Down Under Tours and now the Parker Travel Collection 2001. He’s garnered a wealth of knowledge and loyal contacts invaluable for securing business from the key market. He’s visited the USA under four presidents and worked with heads of Tourism Australia and Tourism Queensland in Los Angeles, still maintaining old ties. Seen here with Robbie and “his book” are Goway’s Owner/President, Bruce Hodge, and Goway Management, Earthquakes, blizzards, airline dramas and even a quintessential Cathy Mulrine, Meg Boyd and Emma Cottis. New York mugging have all been part of his experience, an experience he catalogued in his 2007 book ‘In Continents—Tales of Road Warrior.’ “I am still calling on companies and individuals I started calling on in 1989 and they have become good friends as well as work colleagues.” Bastion has seen many changes in the important Australia market—marketing campaigns following the successful Paul Hogan advertisements to the ‘Nothing Like Australia’ creative of today. He comments, “I have also seen the consolidation of many wholesalers into a handful but conversely the growth of the Aussie Specialist (American retail travel agents) Program continues to put Australia in front of the agent and hopefully the consumer. However, the biggest factor influencing North American visitation always has been and will continue to be aviation. “I’ve seen the rise and fall of airlines like Continental, American and North West try to cash in on the Australian market. Yet, the most steadying influence on the trans-Pacific sector has been Qantas Airways. Their new service into Dallas/Fort Worth will open a whole new market and is a sign of their continuing commitment to Australia. I’ll be doing my best to emphasize this during my upcoming round of calls,” he said. On his return to Australia Bastion will fly to Melbourne to meet with 150 Aussie Specialist agents for Corroboree USA. Goway Travel, 800-387-8850, 10 • NOVEMBER 2011 • Travel World News

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Travel with a special need. Disability magazines. Access guides for cities, resorts and attractions. wheelchair or scooter rentals. Accessible transportation and more!

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Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Resort (LHVR), located in Puerto Plata on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, has been honored with the distinction of receiving the prestigious OK Kosher Certification, one of the most respected global symbols of kosher approval in an era of soaring demand for kosher food. LHVR’s complete year-round kosher vacation experience features a full kosher kitchen with kosher chef in residence, a kosher restaurant with a buffet and an a la carte menu, an orthodox synagogue, rabbinical services, and a kosher villa environment planned. The kosher kitchen and kosher restaurant operations will be under the strict rabbinical orthodox supervision. A variety of Sephardic, Ashkenazi and international menu items will be offered. Upcoming holidays during which appropriate kosher foods will be served include Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and SImchat Torah. Each and every Shabbat there will be a Friday night Meal and Kiddush served early Shabbat afternoon. Later on Shabbat day, Seudah Shlishit will be available. LHVR’s six developments all offer the Kosher Vacation Experience. Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Resort,

2012 TOURS TO BORDEAUX AND COGNAC WITH WINE LOVERS TOURS Wine Lovers Tours has established itself as a leader in the niche tour segment of wine and food tours. The 2012 offerings include two tours to Bordeaux and Cognac. Wine Lovers Tours is offering two distinct tours of Bordeaux. The first, May 15–22, is based in the city of Bordeaux and will explore all the major regions: Médoc, St. Emilion, Graves, Sauternes and several of the minor regions as well as cultural visits including the seaside oystering town of Arcachon. This is a solid introduction and overview of the essentials of what constitutes Bordeaux wine. Tour cost is $3,289 and includes 14 meals, 7 nights in a top hotel of Bordeaux, VIP visits and a private deluxe bus. The second tour runs from May 22–27 and focuses on the Médoc, arguably the epicenter of Bordeaux. Daily visits to some of the 12 • NOVEMBER 2011

great estates of the world will enable participants to have a deeper appreciation of why this area is so famous. This tour costs $3,699 and includes 10 meals, 5 nights in Pauillac and all visits. The number of participants is limited and there is a discount for doing both tours. An optional 2-night extension to Cognac is offered May 13. It includes visits and tastings at distilleries and lunch at a Cognac producer. The complete cost of the extension is $525. Wine Lovers Tours are intended for people who don’t normally like group tours. “We try to create an atmosphere of a family or group of friends traveling together,” says company President Vin Marottoli. Over 80% of tour participants come back for other tours; the ‘secret’ is offering a well-organized tour that combines wine, food and culture at an all-inclusive cost. Marottoli has organized and led each of his tours for the past 30 years. He has a Ph.D. in French and is also fluent in Spanish and Italian. Wine Lovers Tours,

PORTFOLIO OF HIGH-LEVEL CLIENTS FOR GLOBAL VOYAGES GROUP President & CEO David A. Giersdorf has announced the initial client portfolio for Global Voyages Group (GVG), a company providing a comprehensive, cost-effective and performance improving solution for cruise companies, tour operators and other travel suppliers that seek improved performance in the all-important North America market. GVG was founded in 2010 and has been working to expand business in North America for initial clients Hurtigruten, Scenic Cruises, Scenic Tours, Compagnie du Ponant and Sea Voyager Expeditions. The company’s mission is to provide a game-changing approach designed to meet the needs of GVG’s client companies in accessing the North America market more effectively and efficiently than is possible on a single company, stand-alone basis. Each Global Voyages Group client receives a customized solution; creating a partnership that is strategic, flexible and integrated. Besides Giersdorf, who has over 30 years cruise and travel industry experience, Global Voyage Group’s executives include managing partners Tom Russell with more than 25 years cruise industry experience and Gary Blake, a marketing expert with more than 25 years’ experience in advertising, consumer behavior and customer relationship management. GVG additionally employs 15 full-time employees in its Bellevue headquarters, plus dedicated sales personnel in key markets. The GVG team is committed to increasing North America revenues, expanding distribution, reducing marketing costs and improving financial performance for cruise and tour operators. Its services include sales and channel management, integrated marketing solutions, call center, reservations and business processing. In addition GVG provides advisory services on product development, pricing, revenue management and more. Global Voyages Group, • Travel World News


Goway Travel is enhancing their tours to include Antarctica, and has now announced the availability of day trips to Antarctica from Chile. “Antarctica, one of our most popular destinations and as the economic times improve, there has been a marked increase in bookings,” stated Don Forster, Product & Marketing Manager for Latin America. “Offering some of the most pristine natural sites in the world plus the chance to be adventurous by camping on the ice, kayaking by huge rookeries of Penguins or simply enjoying the 4 daily landings and 18 hours of daylight, now is the time to travel to Antarctica with these amazing savings,” he continued. Goway Travel offers some of the most diverse ways in which to visit this remote continent—from the day trip by plane to the peninsula, to an 8-day Antarctica by Air, Land and Sea which saves time on the Drake Passage crossing. On offer also is the classic itinerary taking in the best of the Antarctica Peninsula— the 11-Day Antarctica Dream or the 14-day Quest For The Antarctic Circle. Goway also offers the opportunity to take in the diversity of the Falklands Islands on a 17- day South Georgia and Peninsula trip. This itinerary also offers a trek across South Georgia similar to that taken by Sir Ernest Shackleton. Further enhancing these 5 choices to visit Antarctica are options to camp overnight, kayak, ice climb or even scuba dive. The 2011 Latin America travel planner prominently features these amazing journeys to Antarctica as well as a complete choice of travel ideas in Central and South America. Goway Travel, 888-469 2955,,

STUART COVE’S NEW TIGER BEACH SEAFARIS OFFERS DIVES WITH TIGER SHARKS Stuart Cove, Shark Wrangler and yearly feature star of Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, is opening his newest boutique dive operation offering dives with Tiger Sharks at Tiger Beach, West End, Grand Bahama Island. Until now, the only way to dive with Tiger Sharks was on a dive liveaboard, but Stuart Cove has changed all that with his resort-based operation at Old Bahama Bay, West End, Grand Bahama Island. According to Stuart Cove “this new operation is very unique in 14 • NOVEMBER 2011

that we have a custom-designed, high-speed inflatable boat that can take up to 10 divers in a mere 30 minutes from the comforts of a resort, to world-famous Tiger Beach to dive with Tiger Sharks. The best part is we do this on a day charter and return to the dock in time for dinner and a nice restful night sleep in a 4-star resort at Old Bahama Bay.” The new operation will offer more than just Tiger Sharks, as there are excellent reefs, walls, and wrecks close by was well. Wild Dolphin dives will also be offered on the Little Bahama Bank. Sean Williams, former manager at the Bimini Biological Field Station–Shark lab in Bimini who will be hosting the divers, comments about the new operation “It’s really great to be doing something that is unique, and truly a special experience for divers. We expect to see on a regular basis, aside from Tiger Sharks, Lemons, Caribbean Reefs and seasonally, the Great Hammerheads as well. It’s going to be a place that divers will want to make sure they include in their ‘must dive’ list!” Stuart Cove’s Tiger Beach Seafaris at Old Bahama Bay Resort, West End, Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas will offer daily scuba diving and snorkeling from the Old Bahama Bay Marina. Visitors can fly into Freeport (FPO), Grand Bahama Island, and hotel, diving and airport transfers packages are available. Stuart Cove’s Tiger Beach Seafaris, 800-848-4073,

VOYAGES TO ANTIqUITY LAUNCHES FIRST WINTER CRUISE PROGRAM TO FAR EAST Voyages to Antiquity has announced the launch of its first new winter program including nine new itineraries that explore historic civilizations of Southeast Asia, India and South Pacific. Since its May 2010 launch, the niche company’s itineraries have focused mainly on sailings throughout the Mediterranean region between March and November. In 2012, the line will expand its product offerings to extend the brand to other relevant destinations, including an exceptional array of Far East programs detailed online. The itinerary program features in-depth exploration of the history, culture, art and mysteries of the classical civilizations throughout India and S. E. Asia. Special highlights feature included shore excursions on all sailings, pre- and post-hotel stays in renowned cities of Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Mumbai plus included overnight excursions to India’s Golden Triangle and Angkor Wat. Guest lecturers and celebrated speakers, including those from the prestigious Archaeological Institute of America, complement shore experiences. And regional foods and wines further immerse guests in the destinations visited. Cruise fares start at $3,995, including shore excursions with complimentary bottled water, gratuities to shipboard staff, wine, beer and soft drinks at dinner. Voyages to Antiquity is offering an Early Booking Discount of up to $800 and single occupancy at 50% to guests who book by November 30, 2011. Air add-ons for the Far East winter program are from $595, including transfers and porterage. Voyages to Antiquity, • Travel World News

E u R o P E

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Malta – Your Mediterranean Cruise Destination This Winter


f you’re the kind of person who dreams of a warm winter Cruise Holiday, savouring authentic Mediterranean cuisine while in port, open air cafés or restaurants by the sea, a place where the locals speak English & greet you with sincere familiarity, where history books have not done enough justice to heritage sites & a place where culture seeps from every stone in towns & villages, then the Maltese Islands are the destination for you! No wonder so many of today’s major Cruise Companies have secured Valletta’s Grand Harbour as their Port of Call or turnaround port until March 2012. Liners such as the MSC Fantasia, Musica, Orchestra & the Opera, Costa’s Concordia, Deliziosa, Fortuna, Marina, Allegra & Favolosa ships, the Seabourn Legend and TUI’s Mein Schiff are among those who will visiting the Maltese Islands regularly over the winter, while others, such as ships from renowned companies like Celebrity, Seven Seas, Navigator, Le Ponant, Astor, Saga and Silversea shall also be including Malta between November 2011 and March 2012. Visiting the Maltese Islands during the winter months has it’s clear advantages. Besides fewer crowds, cooler weather, unbeatable value for money on great accommodation options and a rich cultural & events calendar, events-calendar, you can now combine your holiday stay with a fantastic package aboard your favourite Cruise Liners offering Mediterranean itineraries. A visit to Malta as part of your winter Cruise holiday is guaranteed to make for an unforgettable family experience. You can enjoy safe onshore experiences & share in local traditions & festivities together. Senior citizens will revel in the slow paced lifestyle of the villages & towns, while honeymoon couples may wish to extend lifetime memories by spending a few more days on Gozo, the magical sister Island to Malta and haven to Homer’s mythological love-nymph Calypso. While Malta’s father of lateral thinking Edward de Bono, would invite you to “think outside the box” or ‘’put on your thinking hat’’, you certainly won’t have to do much of that when you arrive on this friendly island. The renowned hospi16 • NOVEMBER 2011

Valletta’s Grand Harbour. tality of the locals shall never fail to assist you with questions and need for directions. Commuting from site to site is easy to follow & distances are short with the new public transport system Just to put a cherry on your holiday ice-cream, getting there has never been easier thanks to Malta’s modern falcon and National carrier, Air Malta! Check out Air Malta’s website for a full listing of flights available Meanwhile, if you’re already scheduled to visit the islands for a day during your Cruise holiday this winter, be sure to collect Air Malta’s exclusive promotional voucher from the Valletta Cruise Port Terminal or the Tourism Information Offices at the Valletta Waterfont or in Valletta itself. Your Cruise visit will bring you a 10% discount on all Air Malta flights departing from EU airports. Coming back to an island where summer fun never seems to end has never been so sweet! If the Maltese Falcon & the Knights of St John sound familiar to you and you’re ready to discover more about Malta, then it’s time to book your next vacation to this strategically positioned Island in the Mediterranean. Uncover the fascinating reasons why so many nations have battled over the centuries to take control of this unassuming Island fortress. Meanwhile, get to know the Maltese Islands ahead of your journey by visiting or write to with any specific query you may have! We look forward to welcoming you! Francesca Vincenti © • Travel World News

Experience a journey through 7,000 years of history. The Maltese islands will capture your heart with their unique cultural heritage, diversity and hospitality. Truly Mediterranean

Designed with traditional hospitality in mind. Our size reflects the desire to create a more intimate environment for guests. Smaller than most lavish 4-Star hotels in Malta we are able to better serve guests and create a more peaceful and personalized services experience.

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Offering an array of services including Conferences, Incentives, Travel, Insurance, Aircraft Handling and other corporate services that are tailor-made for it’s esteemed clientele. The company’s aim is to be the recognized leader that provides travel solutions to customers, by means of creative direct marketing and relationship management.


more. Gori de Palma from Spain, long hailed as the most promising of local Spanish talent, has had his own label since 2004 and has several collaborations to his name, ranging from Vans sneakers and American Apparel to Swarovski. His love for the rock ’n’ roll scene is very apparent in his works. Nawie & Branko from the Netherlands are two young designers who concentrate on authentic and original menswear. They have been collaborating since 2008 and have shown their works both locally and abroad. The Palace,; Runway Malta,


Leading boutique hotel The Palace hosted the official opening party and the Runway Malta 2011 event, the first fashion event of its kind on the island, held in September. The hotel provided accommodation for some top international designers such as Hasan Hejazi from the UK, Gori de Palma from Spain, and Nawie & Branko from the Netherlands. Commenting on the event, The Palace Hotel Manager Kevin Callus said, “We have always supported the fashion industry in a big way and will continue to do so. We have seen firsthand what the benefits are of being involved in such events and are proud to be behind the fashion industry of Malta.” Shideh Olafsson, a Runway Malta organizer, says, “The Palace is one of the most luxurious and high end hotels in the Mediterranean. This is the reason I think it is the perfect partner for such a bigscale fashion event. I have worked with The Palace on a number of projects and will continue to do so. Their constant support and ongoing respect for the fashion industry is unparalleled and I think they are helping build a better and stronger fashion community here in Malta.” Runway Malta features prominent international designers, who through their work are shaping, literally, the very fabric of the fashion industry. Hasan Hejazi from the UK is a British designer who is becoming one of the most influential designers of our time. His clever use of color along with a cutting-edge take on design has seen his dresses on names like Kylie Minogue, The Sugababes and many 18 • NOVEMBER 2011

A small Alpine village, long a favored mountain destination in both winter and summer, will welcome a new luxury hotel in December 2012. Crowning Gstaad’s exclusive hilltop area of Oberbort, just five minutes from the center of the village, The Alpina Gstaad overlooks beautiful Saanenland in the heart of the Bernese Alps. It is the first luxury hotel to be built in Gstaad in 100 years. Set on five acres, the five-star property is part of a $337-million luxury development that will include private apartments within the hotel and two chalets. The Alpina Gstaad is a contemporary interpretation of traditional Swiss architecture incorporating authentic local materials and time-honored Alpine style. Huge windows allow for plenty of natural light and stunning views of the surrounding mountains. The hotel will have three restaurants featuring traditional Swiss, international and Asian cuisines, a bar and lounge, wine tasting room, private cinema, cigar room, a ballroom and several boardrooms. The 21,500-sq-ft spa will offer holistic treatments and rejuvenation programs and will include a hammam, a fitness center and an 82-foot lap pool. A large outdoor swimming pool will be set in the gardens. The luxury hotel’s 57 spacious rooms and suites—all with balconies—range from 333 sq ft for a standard room to 4,305 sq ft feet for the Panorama Suite. Guests will arrive at the main gate and descend into a covered drive enroute to a subterranean entrance. A monumental entryway of natural stone with waterfalls and a skylight is designed to ensure that the sights, sounds and scents of nature will be part of the welcoming experience. The Alpina Gstaad is owned and developed by Grand Hotel Alpina AG and privately managed. The firm has retained hotel consultancy REMbrandT Management Services GmbH and appointed Onno Poortier as Owner’s Representative and Advisor. Poortier brings over four decades of development, marketing and operations experience with luxurious international hotel brands to his new position. Niklaus Leuenberger, a Swiss hotelier from the canton of Bern, has been appointed Managing Director. He brings more than three decades of experience with luxury hotels in Asia, the U.S. and the Middle East. The Alpina Gstaad, • Travel World News


The five-star Corinthia Hotel Lisbon was named a 2011 Gold Magellan Award Winner this week for its outstanding business and conference services in the Hotel/Resort Category. The prestigious Travel Weekly Magellan Awards each year honor the best in travel and salute the outstanding travel professionals behind it all. Roderick Micallef, General Manager of Corinthia Hotel Lisbon, said, “It is an honor for us to be selected by such a distinguished panel of judges to be named a 2011 Gold Magellan Award winner. The Corinthia Hotel Lisbon strives for excellence in all of its services, especially in regards to our Meeting and Incentives’ Events at Corinthia promises.” With its state-of-the-art conference facilities, The Corinthia Hotel Lisbon boasts the largest hotel conference center in Lisbon. The hotel gained recognition as the top conference center hotel in Portugal in 2009 when it was named ‘Best Events Hotel’ at the third edition of the Events Annual Gala that took place in Oporto, Portugal. This coincided with the launch of the “Meet for Free” campaign, which offers free meeting space for groups of ten rooms or more. This campaign was extremely successful, providing meeting and event planners with the best value for money and leading to a sharp increase in conference and corporate meetings business for the year for the hotel. The program has now been re-launched as “back by popular demand” for all bookings received by the end of January 2012. The luxurious Corinthia Hotel Lisbon is located in the heart of the financial district, a short distance from the historic city center, as well as the Lisbon International Airport. Modern and stylish, the hotel offers stunning views of the 18th-century Aqueduct and beautiful Monsanto Natural Park. The hotel is owned by Malta-based International Hotel Investments (IHI) and operated by CHI Hotels & Resorts, a joint venture between IHI and the Wyndham Hotel Group. Corinthia Hotels,

GRANDHOTEL LIENz SCOOPS TOP HONORS AT 18TH ANNUAL WTA TRAVEL OSCARS Austria’s GrandHotel Lienz has emerged victorious at World Travel Awards 2011 Europe ceremony by winning “Europe’s Leading Wellness Hotel.” Travel World News •

Since opening in 2009, the five-star property has set a precedent in wellness tourism by complimenting conventional medicine with the latest medical advances. GrandHotel Lienz overcame stiff competition from the likes of Adler Thermae Spa & Wellness Resort, Bagni di Pisa Natural Spa Resort, La Reserve de Beaulieu & Spa and Richmond Nua Wellness Spa to collect the prestigious award. The industry’s elite—including CEOs of leading travel companies, government ministers, tourist board chiefs—attended the glittering WTA gala ceremony hosted at Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort in Antalya, Turkey. The raft of media covering included Bloomberg TV, Hello!, Hürriyet, CNBC and CNN Türk. Graham E. Cooke, President & Founder, World Travel Awards, said, “Since opening just two years ago, GrandHotel Lienz has established itself as a market leader by combining traditional techniques with latest scientific medicine, amid a majestic mountain setting. This relentless quest to push the boundaries of wellness tourism exemplifies the spirit of World Travel Awards.” Hailed as “The Oscars of the Travel Industry,” World Travel Awards is acknowledged across the globe as the ultimate travel accolade, and celebrates those brands that are pushing the boundaries of industry excellence. More than 500 organizations across Europe, spanning more than 125 categories, entered the competition for the most influential accolade in travel. GrandHotel Lienz and other Europe winners from the evening will now progress to the World Travel Awards 2011 Grand Final, taking place in Doha, Qatar, November 29. GrandHotel Lienz,

HAHN AIR ANNOUNCES COOPERATION WITH ICELAND EXPRESS & MOTOR SICH AIRLINES JSC Hahn Air has activated Interline E-Ticketing (IET) with Iceland Express (5W) and Motor Sich Airlines JSC (M9). Agents worldwide can now issue flights of these two carriers along with over 240 other Hahn Air partner airlines on Hahn Air’s e-document (HR-169). Iceland Express (5W) is Iceland’s low-fare option using Astraeus as their operating carrier. Iceland Express connects Europe and North America via Reykjavik. Among its all year destinations are Copenhagen, Berlin, Oslo, London Gatwick and Newark with close to 20 destinations in Europe and 5 in the United States and Canada during the summer months. Its main base is Reykjavik/Keflavík International Airport. Motor Sich Airlines JSC (M9) was established in Ukraine in 1984. The airline operates from its base in Zaporizhia International Airport and flies to destinations in Ukraine, Russia and Turkey. Motor Sich services both scheduled and charter flights with their fleet of YAK-40, AN-140, AN-74 and AN-24RB aircrafts. Ticketing availability of Hahn Air’s partner airlines can be verified by using Quick Check on Hahn Air’s website. The tool shows results in seconds just by choosing the country and the requested airline(s). Hahn Air, NOVEMBER 2011 •



So You Think San Mateo County’s All About Computers? Think AgainJ It’s not just a bunch of brilliant minds.


Activities, Plus Those Views There are activities aplenty in San Mateo. One of the more challenging is a hike up the Sweeney Ridge Trail in Monterey, famous for being the very spot where Spanish explorer Captain Juan Gaspar de Portolá discovered San Francisco Bay. For golfing enthusiasts, the Half Moon Bay Golf Links is one of the more spectacular golf courses in the United States, originally designed in 1973 in consultation with Arnold Palmer and subsequently redesigned in 1999 by Arthur Hills. It’s a Silver Medal Winner for “Best Resorts in the United States” and the only four-star recipient on both courses from Golf Digest’s “Places to Play in the San Francisco Bay Area.” The spectacular Pacific Coast Highway, running along some of the most beautiful coastlines in the world, affords countless aquatic activities, including some wonderful kayaking. At California Canoe & Kayak, there are a variety of kayaking 20 • NOVEMBER 2011

robin swados


an Mateo County, a gorgeous area of northern California, approximately an hour south of San Francisco, has a wide and beguiling variety of things to do, activities to experience and places to see—stunning golf courses, superb cuisine, delightful farms, and romantic wineries, all of which belie its rather dry reputation as a kind of techie wonderland. It is, for example, home to at least a handful of American’s most fascinating museums. The Computer History Museum in Mountain View is a gleaming, architecturally futuristic place that provides an eye-opening journey through 200 years (that’s right: 200) of computer history. Also fun for young and old alike is the Hiller Aviation Museum, which is to airplanes what the American Museum of Natural History in New York is to dinosaurs; it’s that definitive. Another noteworthy place of interest is the Filoli Center, a magnificent 654-acre estate built in 1915 by William Bower Bourn II. The 36,000-sq.-ft. home, comprising 43 rooms, 17 bathrooms, 17 fireplaces and 17-ft.-high ceilings, is surrounded by 16 acres of formal gardens, world-renowned for their extraordinary beauty. And at famed Stanford University, the Cantor Arts Center’s collection of Rodin bronzes is among the largest in the world outside Paris.

The pool and gardens at the Filoli Estate.

classes, ranging from private instruction to group tours, from launching and landing, bracing in breaking waves, and understanding wave dynamics. It’s an economical ($49 per day) way to check out sea kayaking and enjoy the natural setting of the coast side region of Pillar Point Harbor in Half Moon Bay.

Spectacular Regional Cuisine For the oenophiles among you, the Thomas Fogarty Winery in Woodside, situated only 12 miles from the Pacific Ocean, is a peaceful, gentle hilltop retreat sure to warm the hearts of all visitors wise enough to make a trek up a steep hill, topped by some truly gorgeous views of the Bay area. It’s the perfect environment for a wedding or anniversary celebration, and a great place to stop before dinner. Another unusual way to whet your appetite and have fun at the same time is a visit to Harley Farms Goat Dairy, located just off the Pacific Coast Highway in picturesque Pescadero, an eight-year winner at the American Cheese Society awards. Harley Farms is especially fun for children, who will especially love getting up close and personal with some 200 American Alpine goats and their babies. It’s also a goat-cheese lover’s idea of heaven. As for that nagging appetite, there are myriad choices from which to choose in San Mateo County, among them Sam’s Chowder House in Half Moon Bay, winner of San Francisco Baylist’s 2011 “Best Dining in the Bay Area,” and “Best • Travel World News


Where to stay? Little more than a short walk from St. Michael’s restaurant in Palo Alto is one of the Bay Area’s most elegant and luxurious hotels, The Garden Court. The hotel opened in 1986 and offers 62 guest rooms and one penthouse suite. In 2010 the hotel underwent a $9 million renovation, and the result is a gracious example of contemporary, chic design, charm, luxurious amenities, all in an ideal location. Many of the staff have been with the hotel for more than 10 years. It shows. An entirely different, unusual place to stay in the San Mateo area is the Costanoa Lodge and Camp, which features a variety of outdoor activities, allowing guests to retreat from the chaos of everyday life and discover the pace of nature. The accommodations include a main lodge, cabins (some with fireplaces), and tents.

San Mateo County Silicon Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau,; Computer History Museum,; Hiller Aviation Institute Travel World News •

robin swados

Seafood in the Bay Area.” This historic and hugely popular restaurant serves scrumptious seafood in the New England tradition, highlighted by its Lobster Roll, named one of the five “Best Sandwiches in America” by the Today Show. And if you can’t get enough of Sam’s fantastic variety of fish, a visit to Nick’s Seafood Restaurant in Pacifica will also immerse you in the seaside atmosphere of the Pacific Ocean, serving wonderfully fresh seafood while you listen to seagulls admidst the crashing of the waves on the coast—a great place to unwind. It would be easy—and criminally insane—to miss a truly extraordinary Indian restaurant, All Spice, a magical restaurant that serves some of the most mouth-watering, visually beautiful and adventurous cuisine—Indian or otherwise—this reporter has ever encountered. Whatever your preconceptions about Indian cuisine, do yourself a favor and put them aside; All Spice may just change your mind forever. And in the heart of Redwood City, the elegant Donato Enoteca serves contemporary Italian cuisine that changes weekly, determined by the freshest available seasonal produce. Dishes from all over Italy will appeal to every taste, whether it is for wood-oven pizza, meat, fish or pasta. A wrap-around patio affords guests the opportunity to dine under the stars, under shade umbrellas and heat lamps. Another excellent choice for the discerning diner is Saint Michael’s Abbey, located in a chic neighborhood in Palo Alto. Open since 1959, the restaurant is one of the established restaurants in the Bay Area, serving seasonal California cuisine in an elegant and casual setting. If unwinding for an hour or two over cocktails or craft beer at a super-cool hangout catches your fancy, you’ll do no better than to stop by the Barrelhouse Bar in Burlingame, a hip, sophisticated place to have a drink, indoors or out, and the owners/hosts Juan Loredo and Jose Navidad couldn’t be more welcoming.

Goats and gardens: perfect partners at Harley Farms.

Museum,; All Spice,; Thomas Fogerty Winery and Vineyards,; California Canoe & Kayak,; Sam’s Chowder House,; Costanoa Lodge & Camp,; Cantor Arts Center,; Harley Farms Goat Dairy,; Half Moon Bay Golf Links,; Donata Enoteca,; St. Michael’s Alley,; Barrelhouse,; Sweeney Ridge Trail, www.nps.gove/goga/planyourvisit/ upload/sb-sweeney-2008.pdf


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caribbean the sands at GRace bay ResoRt appoints mona beeson GeneRal manaGeR With over 32 years of hospitality experience and most recently resident Manager for The regent Palms resort, Turks & caicos, The Sands at Grace bay has named Mona beeson as its new General Manager. Pierre beswick, the resort’s general manager for six years, will now serve as the Vice President of resort assets for The Hartling Group, overseeing asset mona beeson management for The Hartling Group’s three Providenciales properties, including The Sands at Grace bay, The regent Palms and the company’s most recent luxury pre-construction development, The Shore club on Long bay. beswick noted, “now responsible for overseeing all day-to-day hotel operations, Mona’s wealth of resort management experience coupled with her intimate knowledge of Providenciales, Turks and caicos make her a tremendous asset to both The Sands at Grace bay and The Hartling Group’s management teams.” beeson spent 16 years at the albuquerque Marriott Hotel where she escalated to the Director of rooms Operations. She then joined Marriott’s Grand Hotel resort in Point clear, alabama, as resident Manager, the crystal Palace resort and casino in cable beach bahamas, as the executive Director of the rooms Division, then on to the new Orleans Marriott, as Front Office Manager, and at the courtyard by Marriott in Metairie, Louisiana, as General Manager. Finally Mona arrived in Houston at the JW Marriott at the Galleria as Director of Operations. in February 2007, she was appointed resident Manager for The regent Palms resort, Turks & caicos. During her tenure, the hotel received prestigious awards including robb report’s, “Top 100 resorts in The World” award as well as global travel recognition by the World Travel awards, which named the resort the “Turks and caicos Leading Hotel.” the sands at Grace bay,; the hartling Group,

oliVieR bottois is new GeneRal manaGeR at ladeRa ResoRt in st. lucia Olivier bottois has been named General Manager of Ladera resort in Saint Lucia, where he will assist in maintaining and elevating the resort’s standards across multiple platforms, including the primary leadership of the resort’s sales and marketing programs. bottois has over 25 years in executive management at the world’s most luxurious hotels, with experience extending to food and beverage as well. He is a past board member and Vice chancelier culinaire of the chaine des rotisseurs and member of The James beard Foundation, where Ladera’s executive chef Orlando Satchell has been an honored guest chef. The intention is to 22 • noVembeR 2011

take Dasheene, Ladera’s award-winning restaurant, to even higher culinary acclaim. bottois comes to Ladera following three years in Montreal as General Manager of the five-star Hotel Le St James, a Leading Hotel of the World, and as Principal of Lussoria Management, a consulting and asset management firm catering to boutique luxury hotels and resorts. For six years prior, he was at the helm of two grand luxury lodges in upstate new York. at The Whiteface Lodge, Lake Placid, he served as opening chief Operating Officer and Managing Director. Under his stewardship, the lodge was awarded an aaa FourDiamond award, robb report’s “best of the best” in 2006 and was on condé nast Traveler’s 2006 “Hot List.” Prior, he was General Manager of the Lake Placid Lodge, a relais & châteaux property rated in the top 10 resorts in north america by Departures during his tenure. He was also ceO of the Oheka Hotel and estate on Long island, a member of Small Luxury Hotels known for hosting celebrity weddings and for its desirability as a filmmaking location. From 1992–2001, he served in various room and F&b management roles with the Toronto-based global luxury brand, Four Seasons resorts & Hotels. born and educated in France, bottois, a third-generation hotelier, launched his hospitality career at Hotel ritz and Hotel George V before accepting the position as Private butler and Maitre D’ to French President François Mitterrand at the elyséePalace. ladera Resort, 866-290-0978,

VeRdanza hotel FiRst in pueRto Rico to install eV chaRGinG station Verdanza Hotel in isla Verde has become the first hotel on the island with a charge station for electronic vehicles (ev’s). The station, also first in the Municipality of carolina, is located in the parking area of the property and uses an industry-standard connector (J1772) that can be used to charge any electric vehicle currently on the market, as well as next generation models in production. “at Verdanza we are proud of our efforts to ensure that the daily operation of the hotel is friendly to the environment. The decision to install a charge station was a natural next step in our commitment to contrib-ute to a healthier environment,” said rick newman, hotel president. This initiative supports Verdanza’s commitment to environmentally friendly practices. Other efforts include an extensive recycling program, organic guestroom amenities, the installation of devices that reduce the consumption of water and electricity, the replacement of traditional plastic ware with versions that are 100% biodegradable, and the collection, treatment and repurposing of rainwater as well as used oils, among others. The proven commitment of Verdanza Hotel earned the property this past March the “Pineapple Leader award” by the Preferred Hotel Group, the international hotel group of which Verdanza Hotel is a member under the Summit Hotels & resorts collection. Verdanza hotel, • Travel World News

caribbean hotel Villa taina oFFeRs utmost tRanquility in deliGhtFul cabaRete in an everyday stressful atmosphere, people often forget to pay attention to their senses and well-being. To the sound of the ocean and the pollution-free fresh breeze sweeping over the shores, cabarete rejuvenates and makes room for rediscovering the essence of mental and physical wellness. it’s become a fact more than a myth that cabarete is like an oasis filled with tranquility and harmony, in the middle of a hectic world. This is where batteries recharge. it’s a gift waiting to be taken advantage of, with all the healthy and rewarding self-pampering available, to bring balance back to life. The Dominican nature’s tropical beauty and healing power accommodates all. as the sun rises over calm water on the northeast point of the bay in the early morning hours, cabarete provides the perfect framing for any session of physical and mental healing. cabarete is quiet in the morning. The sound of the ocean and the waves, a walk on the beach, a relaxing massage under a cooling palm tree shade or maybe a yoga session on the beach or on a stand-up paddle board in the middle of the bay, sets the standard for an active and adventurous day. These are days where time is defined by nature and the word stress has no room to exist. Hotel Villa Taina is one of the hotels and resorts in cabarete setting focus on the importance of mental tranquility and health. Throughout the 15-year history of the hotel, providing their guests

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with a wide variety of wellness services has been on top of their agenda. The “Tranquila Spa” takes care of an energizing wakeup or afternoon wind-down, maybe followed by a fresh and healthy breakfast or dinner in a Feng Shui ambience in the life celebrating Serenade beach restaurant. Through this ancient chinese method of harnessing positive energy from the environment, Villa Taina creates a complete circle of harmony and relaxation, making it one of the most sought-after vacation destinations on the north coast of the Dominican republic. Villa taina,

austin-lehman adVentuRes’ Real cuba itineRaRy oFFeRs a Genuine look at the island austin-Lehman adventures is beginning in mid-February the first of six 10-day/9-night cultural tours of The real cuba scheduled for 2012. Priced from $4,498 ppdo plus charter air from Miami, tour dates are set for February 11–20. February 25 to March 5, March 17–2, april 28 to May 7, May 26 to June 4 and June 9–18. required visas will be coordinated and handled by aLa, who are among just a handful of operators to be granted a special license to engage in travel-related transactions involving cuba. The real cuba itinerary was developed expressly for austinLehman by noted cuba travel expert christopher baker. He or an assigned associate will personally accompany each aLa group, leveraging their years of hands-on experience and countless connections to cuban individuals of all walks of life. The tour begins over dinner with baker’s friends of various professions offering insight into cuba’s political, social and economic environment. Historian eusebio Leal conducts a walking tour of Habana Vieja (Old Havana). Some visit highlights include the Hotel nacional, the Hotel Habana Libre and University of Havana; the residence of late legendary tobacco farmer and cuban cigar ‘ambassador’ alejandro robaina; photographer Julio Muñoz’s colonial home featured in national Geographic; and a post-revolution model rural community at Las Terrazas built around a lake. a 1906 steam train transports guests to the Valle de los ingenios (Valley of the Sugar Mills), with lunch at Hacienda iznaga, a former slave plantation. in Trinidad a priest introduces the santería religion, and in industrial-university city Santa clara, a historian explores che Guevara and his battles there. eduardo Monsejo, Director of the Museo de automóviles and members of the club de autos clásicos de cuba, provide classic, pre-revolutionary autos for an escorted ViP ride to Museo Hemingway where the museum’s director introduces a cuban perspective on the author, his associations with the isle and the restoration of his former home there. Lunch at a seafood restaurant in cojimar follows. Private restaurant dining, exemplary lodgings and optional horseback riding are additional pleasures of this adventure. austin-lehman adventures, 800-575-1540,,, • Travel World News

caribbean puntacana ResoRt & club names peteR bonell Vice pResident oF sales & maRketinG Puntacana resort & club has appointed Peter bonell to Vice President of Sales and Marketing. in his new position, bonell is responsible for all marketing and sales initiatives for the company, including hotel, real estate and golf offerings. He will report directly to Frank rainieri, Founder and ceO of Puntacana resort & club. “Peter has an esteemed career in the peteR bonell hospitality industry and we are thrilled that he is joining us here at Puntacana,” said Frank rainieri, Founder and ceO of Puntacana resort & club. “His expertise, particularly in the golf and real estate fields, underscores our commitment to offering the best amenities for our guests and homeowners, and we look forward to working with him to grow the company in all areas.” bonell brings more than 25 years of experience in sales and marketing to the position. He most recently served as President of Performance Golf Marketing alliance, LLc, the global leader in golf travel marketing, where he was responsible for increasing brand awareness, rounds and visitations to destinations, resorts, and golf clubs worldwide. Previously, he also held marketing and sales positions at Ginn clubs & resorts (Florida), Mohegan Sun resort and casino, Double Diamond resorts and clubs, colonial Williamsburg resorts, Hershey entertainment and resorts company, and The broadmoor (colorado). puntacana Resort & club,

personalized and welcoming atmosphere. The original brilliant stained glass mural was safeguarded throughout the reconstruction of the lobby and serves as the backdrop for the remodeled lobby. as art has now become a focus of the resort, management has agreed to feature four exhibitions of local artists in the new lobby over the next 12 months. These art pieces will complement the centerpiece of the lobby, as they will feature the four elements of earth, water, air and fire. “This has been a delicate project in that we had to displace and accommodate our timeshare owners over a period of time which required juggling of reservations on a regular basis,” said Joe najjar, the resort’s general manager. “bluegreen Vacation club, an owner of intervals at La cabana, was very supportive and provided much needed assistance with achieving this goal. bluegreen graciously suspended use of its units to allow the resort to accommodate other La cabana owners in their units. La cabana caters to couples, honeymooners, families, retirees and groups. Many transient guests ended up becoming owners wishing to enjoy their home-away-from-home each year. Many of the timeshare owners were so enamored with their weeks that many purchased multiple weeks. la cabana beach & Racquet club,,

la cabana beach & Racquet club celebRates 20 yeaRs with completion oF $36-million RenoVations La cabana beach and racquet club is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with the completion of a three-year, $36-million room renovation project reestablishing the resort as one of the premier timeshare facilities in the caribbean. in September, local dignitaries and tourism professionals joined in the celebrations in the newly completed hotel lobby accentuated with glass and marble, a custom-made centerpiece artistic sculpture of water and fire and an elevator replacing the wooden stairs to the mezzanine. “Once called the resort ‘where dreams come true,’ La cabana has resurfaced with a bold new look and feel from the front lobby to the interior of every room,” said Willie Mosconi, president of the board of Directors. The resort’s exciting new look and feel begins at arrival with the front façade and its newly built port au cache. a new check-in area has been customized with separate check-in pods providing a more Travel World News •

noVembeR 2011•


caribbean sandos caRacol eco-ResoRt & spa pRactices sustainability, eco-touRism in mexico

Sandos caracol eco-resort & Spa has become a leader in ecotourism in Mexico. in 2011, the eco-resort continued its leadership in the sustainability trend in Mexico when it introduced 99 ecofriendly rooms that reduce carbon emissions by 70% and it became the first resort in Mexico to develop, build and utilize a ‘solar’ golf cart. The eco-rooms include ultra-efficient low energy air conditioning systems, solar water heating systems in place of gas water heaters, water recycling systems, internal LeD lighting, and furniture made of wood from certified forests. Sandos caracol’s completely solar energy-powered golf cart was developed and built specifically to transport guests around the resort. With six solar panels, the solar energy transformed to run the golf cart prevents the emission of 1,686 tons of carbon dioxide per year and is equivalent to having planted 34 trees. in December 2011, the resort will launch “Xcalacoco experience,” allowing guests to discover the Mayan culture in distinctive, natural surroundings. at Sandos caracol, Xcalacoco is a way of being, living and thinking, and the programming in the Xcalacoco experience allows guests to live Xcalacoco. activities include an eco tour and archaeology route on which guests can observe Mayan ruins, witness Mayan ceremonies, visit with a Mayan herbalist, help plant indigenous species significant to the Mayan culture, and participate in natural treatments and ancient rituals at the spa. Through adventures in nature and environmental activities, guests will learn to reconnect with nature, respect the planet and lead sustainable lives. Through its eco-club, Sandos caracol features eco-tours of the resort for both adults and children highlighting local flora and fauna, and indigenous species to the area, eco-friendly volunteer experiences such as sea turtle conservation, recycling and visiting with many of the animals cared for by the on-site veterinarian of the property—including a family of donkeys, Mayan honeybees, and tropical birds. Guests also have the opportunity to visit the naSa-developed Magic Planet experience, the first-of-its-kind interactive digital experience that teaches guests about the solar system, their responsibility in climate change and what they can do to protect the earth. sandos hotels & Resort, 26 • noVembeR 2011

holiday shoppinG FRee-FoR-all at bolonGo bay beach ResoRt Guests can get gifts for everyone on their list without the stress, the cold or the fees when they escape to the US Virgin islands on a Holiday Shopping Free-for-all with bolongo bay beach resort. This special holiday shopping travel offer is available from black Friday, november 25, through December 22, 2011 and includes a free night on a 5-night stay in an Oceanview room for two (20% savings); two free roundtrip shopping shuttles to the best duty-free shopping in the caribbean; a free checked bag with a $50 per room credit toward airline checked baggage fees; and free souvenirs, to share or keep, with a $50 resort boutique credit per room. This five-night package is just $1,313 for two people, including all taxes and service charges. St. Thomas and the US Virgin islands is a shopper’s paradise, offering the best duty-free shopping in the caribbean. Travelers can save on electronics, jewelry and designer goods often priced lower than the US mainland. US residents receive a $1,600 duty-free allowance. Once they have shopped, guests can relax in a beachside hammock or have fun in the sun with complimentary non-motorized water sports including Hobie cats, windsurfers, kayaks, snorkel gear, paddle boards and more. it’s easy to escape to the US Virgin islands for holiday shopping. no passports are needed for US citizens and there are many direct flights available to St. Thomas. bolongo bay beach Resort, 800-524-4746,

el doRado spa ResoRts & hotels and azul hotels by kaRisma appoint RichaRd RodRiGuez diRectoR oF sales and maRketinG el Dorado Spa resorts & Hotels and azul Hotels by Karisma, a premier collection of Gourmet inclusive properties located throughout the riviera Maya, Mexico, have announced the appointment of richard rodriguez as director of sales and marketing. rodriguez will focus on sales and marketing strategies and will oversee several of the company’s key tour RichaRd RodRiGuez operator accounts, with the goal of increasing sales through innovative marketing initiatives and promotions. rodriguez brings 25 years of experience in the hospitality industry with 18 years in sales and marketing. rodriguez joins el Dorado Spa resorts & Hotels and azul Hotels by Karisma following seven years as director of leisure sales and marketing at Occidental Hotels & resorts. During the span of his career, rodriguez has held numerous positions including director of travel industry marketing for Doral Golf resort & Spa, regional destination manager for, and director of marketing for GOGO Worldwide Vacations. el dorado spa Resorts & hotels and azul hotels by karisma, 866-527-4762, • Travel World News


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LATIN AMERICA GOway’s PassPORt tO ChilE PROGRaM OffERs saViNGs aNd suRPRisEs

all within the borders of one country. More information on Chile’s touring programs is available on Goway’s website. The Latin America travel planner prominently features these amazing journeys to Chile as well as a complete choice of travel ideas in Central and South America. It’s available by calling them toll-free, by email or online. Goway travel, 888-469 2955,,

latiN tRails fEatuREs ENd-Of-yEaR PROMOtiONal PaCkaGEs

Goway Travel has announced their “Passport” to Chile program with savings of up to 5%. “Discovering Chile is to enter a new world of attractions; deserts, lakes and volcanoes, vineyards, glaciers and an incredibly varied gastronomic choice. It is the perfect combination of undiscovered landscapes, ancient cultures and modern metropolis. All this is found in a safe and well-developed environment,” states Don Forster, Product Manager for Goway’s exclusive Latin America and Antarctica division. “Chile, from top to bottom is a country of amazing diversity and most people only focus on Santiago and the Lakes district, and explora Atacama in the North, explora Easter Island to the extreme west and explora Patagonia in the South often go unvisited. Goway offers truly unique and eco focused accommodations and programs for all three of these areas and if clients book two or more of our Explora programs then they can save up to 5%,” continues Forster. Easter Island is one of the most remote, mysterious and now sought-after island destinations in the world. Combine this with the pristine remoteness and stunning beauty of the Atacama region in the north and you have a perfect juxtaposition of nature with the prehistoric look of Patagonia and the mighty Andes in the South— 28 • NOVEMBER 2011

Latin Trails is offering great promotions to assure clients the best possible deals so they can make it to the Galapagos Islands by the end of 2011. These include special low rates in some occasions and adding the INGALA migration card ($10) and the Galapagos National Park ($100) for free in other special dates. There’s no better time to finally see the Enchanted Islands than the remaining Latin Trails departures this year. In the company’s first-class expedition catamaran Galapagos Journey I, for November 1–4 and 15–18 departures the INGALA migration card and Galapagos National Park entrance fee will be included in a special low price. This will apply also for December 13–16 and 16–23 cruise tours. The Odyssey yacht fleet also has special pricing for the final two months this year. On the first-class yacht Galapagos Odyssey, November departure prices will start at the exclusive low rate of $1,647 for 5-day departures, $2,059 for 6 days, and $3,588 for the 10-day ones. In December, 5-day departures will start at $1,416, 6 days at $1,771 and 10 days at the low price of $3,086. Latin Trails’ brand new luxury yacht has 5-day departures starting at $2,000, 6 days at $2,441 and 10 days at $4,235 for both November and December. To complement these unforgettable Galapagos Island journeys, Latin Trails has exciting mainland Ecuador packages. From visiting UNESCO’s first cultural heritage site in Quito’s old town, to the most diverse rainforest in the Ecuadorian Amazon jungle, to beautiful beaches near ancient archaeological sites in the country’s coast, Latin Trails can complement their cruise tours in a vast number of ways. To close 2011, the company is focusing especially on Ecuador’s beautiful capital, Quito. Besides the historical center, clients will be able to enjoy rich options like the Middle of the World monument, Pichincha mountain’s highest gondola in the world scenic ride, surrounding cultural towns such as Otavalo, picture-perfect snowtop volcanoes and much more. The complete inbound operator can also provide special deals on transfers, accommodations in the city’s best hotels and other complementary services. latin trails, • Travel World News


IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group) has announced the opening of the Holiday Inn Cartagena Morros in Cartagena, Colombia, the seventh property in the country for the hotel company, across four brands—InterContinental Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn Hotels and Resorts and Holiday Inn Express. The new-build, 14-story Holiday Inn Cartagena Morros features 140 rooms and it is located in the northern section of the city, close to the Rafael Núñez International Airport and about five miles from the Old City of Cartagena. The full-service property is nestled within Los Morros, a luxury residential complex and one of the most upscale portions of Cartagena. The hotel offers a fresh and stylish décor and boasts an array of amenities, including five conference rooms and two boardrooms, a business center, fitness center and swimming pool. Features also include Blue Lounge, a full-service restaurant with exquisite cuisine from the Mediterranean and the Caribbean in a warm and refined atmosphere. holiday inn,; holiday inn Cartagena Morros, cartagena-de-indias/ctghi/hoteldetail

MEtROPOlitaN tOuRiNG’s GalaPaGOs flaGshiP REfREshEd aNd RENOVatEd Exploration-ship cruising of the Galápagos Islands in Ecuador achieves new heights with the renovation and re-launching of the M/V Santa Cruz, Metropolitan Touring’s flagship, 90-guest vessel. “Within the ship itself, we have given the cabins, lounge and library a stylish makeover, replacing the carpets, bed linens, curtains, and reupholstering all the chairs and sofas,” explains Paulina Burbano de Lara, the company’s President.The company wants guests to discover the wonders of the Galápagos Marine Reserve at their own rhythm, as important to the experience of the archipelago as land visits. ”A Specialist Underwater Naturalist has been added to the ship’s crew, as well as a range of new swimming aids,” says Burbana de Lara. “As our guides lead our guests by the hand during 30 • NOVEMBER 2011

swimming and snorkeling activities, everyone onboard will feel confident and safe at all times in the water and all can marvel at this marine world.” Undersea emphasis will also be reflected through added technological appliances the ship has acquired, including underwater cameras to capture aquatic encounters. On land, there are scopes and binoculars for improved wildlife observation. For added family fun, the company has tailored shore excursions and aquatic activities, games, trivias and a kids’ kit, as well as visits to the bridge and special children’s meals. On days the Santa Cruz spends in port, guests will be able to choose from alternative activities according to their taste for adventure and sport, or particular interest—whether a trek into the highlands, mountain bike riding, nature walks, agritourism, kayaking or scuba diving. Or they may simply enjoy a day of freedom and relaxation at one of the world’s most beautiful beaches. Some activities will have additional cost. Combining these innovations with the crew’s sense of service built over many years aboard, Metropolitan Touring believes the M/V Santa Cruz to be the finest in its class to sail the archipelago today. Metropolitan touring,

ViajEs PaCifiCO PERu tOuR shOws BEst Of NOVO aNdEaN CuisiNE Peru’s delicious and varied cuisine dates back centuries, and is considered the best in Latin America. Lima is arguably the gastronomic capital of South America, with the prestigious cooking school Le Cordon Bleu located in its upscale Miraflores district. Viajes Pacifico’s Peru Culinary Tour is a spectacular experience with accommodation in four- and five-star hotels in Lima, Paracas Bay, Cusco and the Sacred Valley and Macchu Pichu. Along the way, guests partake of the best the country serves including ceviche—the most emblematic Peruvian dish, classic creole cuisine and popular specialties such as “Pachamanca”—meats, vegetables, corn and potatoes covered in banana leaves and cooked with hot stones under earth. There will be city tours and marketplace visits where travelers can learn about and taste fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, as well as novo-Peruvian and Andean cooking classes and a presentation by a renowned chef. Guests will tour vineyards where the finest Peruvian wines and “piscos” are produced, as well as farms that export asparagus to the US, and they’ll enjoy personalized interaction at a family farm where the owners prepare recipes with their homegrown produce. At Larco Herrera Museum, they’ll see pottery from the Moche civilization that left evidence of their “gourmet” interest by depicting food staples in their ceramics. The tour will also include Peru’s legendary temples, fortresses, monasteries, citadels and canals, including Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley of the Incas and colonial Cusco, as well as Ballestas island, called “the little Galapagos” due to its abundant wildlife. Viajes Pacifico, 888-392-9793, • Travel World News

Travel Latin America Bringing the Americas Together

We operate in almost all of Bolivia with offices in the most important cities to better suit clients and offer tours based on safety and responsibility. We can arrange stays on a Amazon riverboat hotel, a jungle lodge or the best chain hotels in the salt flats and desert region of Bolivia – Tayka hotels.

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Caiman Lodge was established as the first ecotourism operation in the Southern Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. The Caiman Ecological Refuge operates an important Nature Conservation Program. Caiman Ranch currently runs cattle on a natural pasture, seeking harmonious integration of livestock with the wildlife.

A specialist receptive tour operator focusing on luxury adventure trips throughout Argentina and Chile. We ve an expert team of guides and suppliers throughout the region. Services provided by Anglo-Argentine owners, who still create all our programs and expeditions. We are committed to the practice and promotion of positive-impact tourism.

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Visitors return home with memories of a great vacation travel experience. We work to promote our country – participating in major tourism fairs and other global activities related to tourism. We strive to show Colombia is safe, beautiful and full of wonders. We are experts on world-wide travel and can assist with airfare quotations both to and from the Falkland Islands, as well as recommendations for a holiday in the diverse South America.

Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.

LATIN AMERICA NEw BOutiquE hOtEl Casa GaNGOtENa OPENs iN Old tOwN quitO, ECuadOR

for the 23 remaining rooms, $425. Prices include buffet breakfast and Quito-style afternoon coffee snack, but exclude taxes. Reservations are being accepted for Casa Gangotena through Adventure Associates. adventure associates, 800-527-2500,; Casa Gangotena,

GalaPaGOs ON laNd aNd fROM thE BOttOM Of thE sEa with GalExtuR

Situated in a newly restored historic mansion overlooking Plaza San Francisco in Quito, Casa Gangotena is a three-story boutique hotel offering eye-catching style with contemporary comforts. The hotel is in a cobbled square rich with history stretching back to the Inca. Presidents lived there in the 19th century. Rebuilt in 1926 after a fire, the building was designated a “heritage property” when Quito was nominated UNESCO’s first World Heritage Site city. This year, Quito is the Cultural Capital of the Americas. Casa Gangotena is the perfect base for exploring Quito and for short stops on the way to the Andes, the Amazon, the Pacific Coast and the Galápagos Islands. The hotel’s interiors draw the eye with Art Nouveau and contemporary touches combined with original NeoClassical architecture. Guest rooms have towering ceilings, with king-size beds in 13 rooms and twin in 18. Two rooms on the second floor can be interconnected to provide expansive accommodation for families and traveling dignitaries. Luxury amenities are standard, and there’s a stylish library well stocked for relaxing reading. From the third-floor terrace, guests have magical views of the square, the bell towers and spires of Old Town, the Panecillo hillside, the Pichincha Volcano, and special events such as the Easter procession from San Francisco Church. The glass-roofed patio with patio-garden just beyond is a nice spot for relaxing. The hotel restaurant features cuisine using traditional Andean and coastal ingredients; room service is available around the clock. Sights and scenes like the Jesuit church La Compañía de Jesus, the City Museum, Plaza Santo Domingo and Presidential Palace are all within an easy walk, as are streets dotted with cafés, artisan shops, historic churches and cultural centers. Modern districts with museums, parks, theaters, upscale craft shops, fine dining and exuberant nightlife are just a short drive away. Casa Gangotena uses electronic room keys and solar panels to lower energy use for heating water. The hotel has been involved in several neighborhood projects, including the award-winning community initiative Heritage Guardians. Rates for eight rooms with views of Plaza San Francisco are $550; 32 • NOVEMBER 2011

Galextur arranges a perfect combination of hotel stay and daily expeditions to enjoy the Galapagos Islands. Travelers can experience nature while hiking, swimming, snorkeling or diving through the wild flora and fauna in untouched surroundings. The company visits 7 of the 13 major, unique islands of the archipelago. Trip organization is handled from arrival to departure. Hotel Silberstein on the central Island of Santa Cruz in Puerto Ayora offers personal assistance for each need. Arriving at Baltra airport, a staff member welcomes guests. A small ferry crosses the azure channel toward Santa Cruz, and private transport, either a double cabin pickup or minibus, crosses the island in about 45 minutes. All personalized itineraries are explained. Guests can enjoy an Ecuadorian or international lunch at the hotel restaurant before a specialized guide takes them to the Charles Darwin Research Station that afternoon. Giant land tortoises, including famous “Lonesome George,” the last male of its species, will be seen. Every day, there’s something new and unforgettable. Seymour is famous for its large, manifold bird colonies. Plazas is characterized by relaxing sea lions and iguanas. A hike leads to the highest cliff where swallow-tailed gulls cross the air screaming. Sea lions and tropical birds, blue-footed boobies and others will be seen. On Bartolome, guests will make their way up through the moon-like ambient to the highest point. The reward is an amazing view over the islands Santiago, North Seymour, Baltra, Santa Cruz and Rábida. With good weather, they might see Chinese Hat, and wellknown Pinnacle Rock—the most famous, most photographed portrait of the Galapagos Islands. Each dive site around the islands ranks among the best and most impressive in the world. Diving with pelagic fish and large sea creatures is one of the most spectacular experiences. Encounters with different species of sharks, mantas rays, whale sharks, marine turtles and sea lions are typically seen on most dives. With luck, dolphins, marine iguanas and penguins can also be seen underwater. To give guests an opportunity to dive in this “natural aquarium,” the company opened Silberstein Diving Center in 2006. Instructor and Dive Base Manager Alex is an Island native with over 5,000 dives. On return from the dive, guests enjoy coffee with baked and fresh food delights. Custom packages can be created for a dream vacation in Galapagos, the most untouched natural laboratory of the world. Galextur,,,, • Travel World News


discover the ecuadorian andes and the cuyabeno amazon jungle

This adventure is designed for those who love to travel and wish to discover the Andes as well as Amazon Jungle. Travel through Ecuador to Otavalo and visit the most famous handicraft market in South America. Visit the historic center of Quito.

B 2 B


Galapagos Islands Tours, Galapagos Cruises, Yacht Charters, Family Vacations, Incentive Tours, Amazon Tours and Cruises, Tours in Ecuador and Peru. We guarantee an unforgetable

Galapagos Travel Experience.

Let us show you our paradise and share with us one of the unique treasures of the world.

Hidden in the Ecuadorian jungle overlooking Rio Napo river. Bungalows built out of local wood, designed with jungle art and amazing panoramic views.

Nature expeditions and adventure trips throughout Ecuador and the Galapagos. From small but cozy family run guesthouses to comfortable lodges and haciendas from the colonial era.

A unique, luxury boutique hotel nestled in the modern center of Quito. A special-concept hotel offering 30 executive suites, each characterized by unique design and architecture.

n heart of Ecuado’s lake district, Hotel in Otavalo, Hacienda Pinsaqui, rich with centuries of history, invites you tobecome part of its magic,tradition, romance and legends. Situated at the base of Imbabura Volcano, just north of the world-famous Otavalo market, and only an hour-and-a-half from Quitol.


Beginning in 1999 as an all-suite estate home and steadily evolving into a famous boutique hotel, La Mansion Inn has entertained a huge cross section of society from politics to the entertainment industry. Through years of growth and expansion, the hotel has experienced steady success from the very start. The luxurious West wing opened in 2006 and extra penthouse suites were added to the east wing in 2009. Business to leisure, there are accommodations to meet every desire—from relaxation in a luxurious Presidential Suite to balcony sunset views with a Deluxe room. Upon entering, one is struck by the elegant Mediterranean design of the hotel, with many original paintings by some of Costa Rica’s top artists. Perched in the beautiful Manuel Antonio hills with a truly unique view, guests may relax wherever they choose and appreciate the amazing ocean view. Offering 22 beautiful rooms, the exclusive bat cave bar and a spectacular Sky Lounge, spectacular ambience and awe-inspiring views are available everywhere. Kitchen staff works hard to prepare fresh seafood such as lobster, shrimp, tuna, mahi mahi and fresh snapper. Guests may dine indoors or outside on the deck of a fabulous rooftop sky lounge. La Mansion Inn is a first-class hotel with the personable charm of a private residence. Staff makes whatever accommodations are necessary for guests to enjoy their stay. From the moment they arrive to the moment they leave, all are treated like family. In the green season, the countryside truly comes alive with lush vegetation and blooming flowers. This is the time of the year when surfers are out at their best and the great sea turtles come to nest. In the summer, spectacular weather every day is a sure thing, and the ocean waters are consistently warm. Guests staying at La Mansion Inn can enjoy everything from fabulous nightlife to relaxing day spa treatments. The hotel also offers a variety of packages that provide the opportunity to enjoy Costa Rica fully, from whale watching tour at Marino Ballena National Park to the popular bird watching package, all detailed on their website. la Mansion inn,, 34 • NOVEMBER 2011

ViCtORia hOusE NaMEd as ONE Of tOP 100 hOtEls By tRaVEl + lEisuRE Victoria House, the historic boutique resort on Ambergris Caye, Belize, was named the 4th Best Resort in Central and South America in Travel + Leisure Magazine’s 2011 Annual Readers Poll as well as one of the Top 100 Resorts in the World. Managing Director Janet Woollam commented that “recognition like this is validation of our constant efforts to maintain the highest level of service and create an atmosphere that our guests can relax and enjoy such a beautiful beach setting in Belize.” Victoria House is located on the beach, two miles south of San Pedro Town facing the Mesoamerican Reef, the second largest worldwide. Comprised of 42 accommodations including casitas, rooms, suites and private villas, the resort is set in lush tropical gardens with swaying coconut palms, four swimming pools and sweeping views of the Caribbean. Victoria House also boasts of the awardwinning Palmilla Restaurant and Admiral Nelson’s Bar on the beach near the resort’s pier and Fantasea Dive Shop. “The Victoria House’s true legacy is our staff, many of whom have been with us for over 10 years and some as long as 30 years. These awards are a tribute to their dedication to serving our guests, many of whom return over and over,” said Brent Kirkman, General Manager of the resort. Victoria House also recently launched a new website. Victoria house, 800-247-5159,,

ERNEstO ORillaC aPPOiNtEd thE NEw ViCE-MiNistER Of tOuRisM Of PaNaMa Ernesto “Tito” Orillac is the new ViceMinister of Tourism in Panama. At just 37, Orillac already has vast experience in the industry and brings to the office expertise and understanding of the sector. Before assuming his new position, he served as Counsel General of the Panama Tourism Authority. Orillac was a member of the team responsible for Panama’s increased expoERNEstO ORillaC sure as an international travel destination in recent years. As a consultant since 2009, Orillac participated in tourism events and international conventions around the world in which he cultivated strong relationships with industry leaders and established guidelines for the promotion of Panama’s tourism. Before becoming involved in public affairs, Orillac was the commercial director and area manager of Margo Tours International Group, a position that allowed him to generate a deep understanding of the dynamics of the industry. Orillac obtained a Business Administration and Marketing degree from Texas Christian University and a Master’s in Management and International Business along with other postgraduate studies. Panama tourism authority, • Travel World News


aero Cóndor

(also known as aero Cóndor Peru)

is based in Lima, Peru’s capital, and provides domestic charter flights, cargo, scenic and air ambulance services. Its main hub is jorge Chávez international airport.

B 2 B


Quality vacation packages and custom-made tours at reasonable prices. Offering everything from comprehensive tours of Peru for groups to individual specialized programs. We help visitors who seek quality travel, while upholding the principles of responsible tourism to local culture and the natural world.

Every client is assigned to a travel consultant at Dasatariq to help put together successful itineraries. Let our expert travel consultants show how our competitive pricing and services of high quality, can make your clients choose wisely.

e n j oy P e ru a country with 10,000 years of history – the seat of the fabled inca empire, the royal tombs of sipan, the enigmatic nazca lines, and the awesome fortress of Kuelap. breathtaking desert mountains and lush jungle in a single experience.

Quality service for individuals or groups, guaranteeing personalized attention, security, comfort and unique experiences. A diverse variety of programs to fit the personal requirements of each client.

An innovator and leader in the tourism industry – responding with flexibility, reliability, friendliness and above all creativity, efficient in all needs of customers and suppliers, offering high quality products at prices competitive.

w w w . d om i r ut h . co m

More than 10 years in Peru creating unforgettable journeys and carrying more than 7 million passengers worldwide.


11.11.11 iNsPiREs salEs at COsta RiCa’s PaRadOR REsORt & sPa iN MaNuEl aNtONiO

Location is paramount to a truly unique vacation experience and now there’s a Belizean destination package that brings exotic travel dreams to life. Chabil Mar Resort and Hatchet Caye Resort present the Belize Island and Mainland Adventure. Every desire is indulged at Chabil Mar, a boutique resort where the vibe is casual and service unforgettable. Guests can experience barefoot luxury, jungle adventures and cultural exploration, or just strolling along the beach to Placencia Village, where they can do nothing, or everything. The Caribbean before it got crowded—with a pirate’s past, a hideaway present, and an environmentally sensitive future—is available at Hatchet Caye Resort. Here, unspoiled environment makes for an ideal tropical island experience. Guests are pampered pirates at Hatchet Caye, a private island on the edge of the Gladden Spit and Silk Cayes Marine Reserve. Seventeen miles east of Placencia Village, Belize, this tranquil jewel is on the protected side of the Meso-American reef, second longest in the world. The Belize Island and Mainland Adventure package includes 4 nights in 1 bed/1 bath Luxury Villa at Chabil Mar, with all breakfasts, 3 lunches—while on tours, plus 2 dinners at the hotel; complimentary bicycles and kayaks; massage on the beach; 4 half days of golf cart use; the tours Mayan Ruins, Monkey River Howler Adventure and Cockscomb Jaguar Nature Preserve; and at leisure cultural immersion in the Village of Placencia. At Hatchet Caye Resort, 3 nights in a Private Beach Cabana will be accompanied by all meals at the hotel (does not include alcohol); complimentary use of kayaks, Hobie Cats and pedal boats; 2 guided snorkeling trips; diving, fishing and sunset cruises (available for additional charge); and massage over the water on the South End Pier. Package price starts at $2,754 ppdo for 1 bed/1 bath Luxury Villa (including taxes and service charges); 2 bed/2 bath Villas and Loft options for four to six persons are available at a reduction in pp rates. This package does not include international airfare. Chabil Mar Resort, 866-417-2377,,

Parador Resort & Spa is marking 11.11.11 with a noteworthy deal on travel to one of the most remarkably beautiful spots in Costa Rica. Perched high above the scenic Pacific coastline on twelve acres of verdant rainforest teeming with wildlife, the resort enjoys panoramic ocean views with serene privacy, while offering plenty of access to the region’s thrilling nature adventures. Evoking the history of ancient Spanish paradors, Parador Resort & Spa gives guests a discount of up to 44%, with rates as low as $197 ppdo per night, tax included, with a four-night minimum stay. There’s also a host of 11-themed amenities to enjoy in Manuel Antonio on Costa Rica’s Central Pacific coast, plus three ocean-view pools, Pacifica Spa, tennis court and fine restaurants, bars and lounges. Pricing is valid for new bookings through November 30 for travel through December 15, 2011. Parador Resort & Spa’s 11.11.11 Package offers 11% off one night, 22% off a second night, 33% off the third night and 44% off the fourth. The offer applies to all room categories. Also included are an 11% discount on services at Pacifica Spa, a Mysteries of the Night complimentary jungle tour, 11 glasses of wine or bottles of beer, breakfast buffet daily, and a welcome tropical cocktail. Named “Costa Rica’s Leading Resort 2010” by the prestigious World Travel Awards, Parador Resort & Spa features 129 rooms and suites, affording a range of accommodation options. Families or groups might opt for adjoining rooms while couples can enjoy the unparalleled opulence offered in the all-suites annex. A sumptuous daily breakfast buffet, three ocean-view swimming pools (two adult only), four superb restaurants, three bars, a worldclass spa, workout room, tennis court, miniature golf, nature trails, cooking classes, pool table, conference room and private dining rooms are but some of the amenities and facilities offered. Luxurious yet eco-conscious, Parador Resort & Spa has earned Costa Rica’s highest 5-Leaf Sustainability Rating. The resort is passionately committed to both the environment and the community. Parador is the only full-service resort in Manuel Antonio. Parador Resort & spa, 877-506-1414,

36 • NOVEMBER 2011 • Travel World News

Travel Latin America Bringing the Americas Together

A direct view to the active side of the Arenal Volcano. Pools with HOT SPRINGS one for adults and one for the kids. Surrounded by exotic gardens, beautiful flowers and many species of birds.

Roatan, the largest of the Bay Islands in Honduras. Located on the northeast shore, the only dive resort in this lush and remote area, providing the opportunity to dive uncrowded, pristine dive sites. Set on a hillside with spectacular oceanviews, the protected bay makes the water calm and perfect for swimming and kayaking. Our staff takes pride in making our guests feel at home.

A Boutique Hotel and Restaurant – committed to exceeding expectations. Enjoy the best of Nicaraguan hospitality and modern comforts while surrounded by the rustic elegance of colonial Granada.

Reserve your place in history today!


A jungle lodge that’s off the beaten path, located in Bermudian Landing Village – the heartland of the Belizean Creole people and also the center of the Howler Monkey Sanctuary. Our guests are eco-travelers looking for an out of the ordinary vacation. Although we are far away from the crowds, we are still in the middle of most of the popular destinations!

Land of fresh air, crystal mountain springs, great coffee, amazing flowers, beautiful rivers, and rainbows. Minutes from all the facilities Boquete has to offer, yet it feels like a far away quiet oasis. Set in a tranquil location – unwind, de-stress, have treatments, get fit, get healthy, or just enjoy a hotel room with super comfortable pillow-top mattresses.

Guatemala has gained an international reputation as having one of the highest concentrations of Billfish, in particular Pacific Sailfish – year round. In addition we raise and release Marlin each month of the year and have immense populations of Dorado, Yellowfin Tuna, Roosterfish and other inshore species.

Travel with us and experience El Salvador, where dedicated people and communities are working together to share and conserve their most treasured getaways.

LATIN AMERICA Chaa CREEk PREsENts NEw tRENd ON aN Old tRaditiON with ExOtiC thaNksGiViNGs

The Belize tourism industry is reporting a new trend in travel— exotic holidays. In line with the recent surge in destination weddings, where couples opt to hold their nuptials in exotic locations and turn the wedding into a holiday for family and friends, more and more people and families are choosing to spend traditional holidays in exotic locations, and according to managers of The Lodge at Chaa Creek, Thanksgiving and Christmas bookings in Belize are on the rise. “When you consider the effort it takes these days to bring everyone together to celebrate a holiday, what with time and money so precious, people want to make the most of their holiday time together and turn it into something truly special,” comments Chaa Creek’s marketing advisor Larry Waight. He added that with some of the all-inclusive holiday vacation packages on offer, it often turns out to be a very affordable way to go. For example, Chaa Creek’s all-inclusive Thanksgiving Holiday Package includes everything—accommodation, meals, activities and transfers—in one set price, so there’s no hidden costs or extra outlays. Chaa Creek’s affordable Thanksgiving Vacation Package is an allinclusive minimum three-day mix of fine food, activities and relaxation available throughout November. In addition to exquisite meals, the package includes beautiful cottage accommodation, guided bird walks, visits to the Butterfly Farm, Natural History Museum and Rainforest Medicine Trail, canoeing on the Macal River, enjoying the new swimming pool and hiking the vast network of pristine jungle trails while exploring ancient Maya temple sites. A professional Hilltop Spa is also available for healthy pampering. Chaa Creek owner and GM Lucy Fleming commented about growing interest in the Thanksgiving package, which is an extension of her own family’s Belizean Thanksgivings. “It’s always a rich melange of incredible food, but any excess is made guilt free by all the healthy activities. Perhaps that’s another reason behind this trend—you get fit while you get full,” she said. the lodge at Chaa Creek, 877-709-8708,, 38 • NOVEMBER 2011

MExiCO sEEN with thE hElP Of thE ROyal tOuR aNd MExitOuRs Peter Greenberg is joining Mexican President Felipe Calderón, one of the most dynamic leaders of Latin America, for a history-making television special. In a personal tour led by President Calderón, Mexico: The Royal Tour goes beyond the headlines to journey deep inside Mexico and offer viewers access to extraordinary locations, landmarks and cultural experiences. Mexico: The Royal Tour is a fast-paced, nonstop adventure through Mexico’s iconic spots as well as experiences that aren’t found in any guidebook, but are still accessible to travelers. The legendary ruins of lost civilizations will be explored, their descendants and ancient mysteries these sites have hidden for generations discovered. From soaring across the skies in a hot air balloon for a bird’s-eye view of Teotihuacan, to whale watching in Baja California, to rappelling stories into a seemingly bottomless pit, the world’s foremost travel journalist uncovers the essence of this captivating and complex nation with the President as his guide. Mexitours offers all the tours travelers can enjoy in the Royal tour in Mexico, for example, Air Balloon at the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Edo Mexico, a Majestic Whale watching adventure in Los Cabos, a visit to the capital of the Mayan culture, Chichen Itza in Merida, enjoying the Taraumara culture in Chihuahua, and more. To fully appreciate Mexico’s intrigue firsthand, travelers can choose from a great selection of tours organized by Mexitours’ knowledgeable experts. Mexitours,

VElas REsORts aNNOuNCEs PROMOtiONs iN MaNaGEMENt, MaRkEtiNG aNd salEs New management promotions are in effect at Mexico’s four luxury, all-inclusive Velas Resorts. With over 30 years’ hospitality experience, most recently as Managing Director of Grand Velas Riviera Maya, Fernando Garcia Rossette has been promoted to Managing Director for the Grand Velas Resorts in Riviera Maya and Rivera Nayarit, as well as Casa Velas, a boutique adults-only hotel and ocean club on the Marina Vallarta Golf Course in Puerto Vallarta. Rodolfo Gonzalez Munguia, celebrating his 18th year with the company, most recently as Grand Velas Riviera Maya’s Hotel Manager of the Grand Class and Ambassador sections, has been named General Manager of Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit. Taking over as hotel manager of the Grand Class and Ambassador sections of Grand Velas Riviera Maya is José Manuel Oviedo Arce. In marketing and sales, current Director of Sales & Marketing of Grand Velas Riviera Maya, Raquel Tacher, will also oversee Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit and Casa Velas in her new position as Corporate Director of Sales. Denys Montes De Oca, formerly Sales Manager, Tour & Travel at Grand Velas Riviera Maya, is taking over as Director of Sales at Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit. Velas Resorts, 866-847-4609, • Travel World News


ATA President Calls on All African Countries to Join Africa’s Leading Travel Trade Association State of Tourism in Africa Report reveals 2010 a strong year for tourist arrivals to Africa.


ShARon RoLing

40 • NOVEMBER 2011

jim lopes

frican and global tourism leaders gathered at new York University in September to discuss the need to raise the profile of travel and tourism on Africa’s political and economic agendas and to establish networks of collaboration to raise Africa’s tourism profile on the global tourism stage. The event was organized by the Africa Travel Association (ATA) and hosted by new York University’s Africa house as world leaders gathered in new York City for the United nations general Assembly meetings. nearly 200 peoBack row (left to right): Marcio Favilla L. De Paula, Executive Director for ple attended ATA’s signature U.S. event, in- Competitiveness, External Relations, Partnerships, UNWTO; Rica Rwigamba, Head cluding representatives from the travel and of Tourism and Conservation Department, Rwanda Development Board; Honorable tourism industry, the diplomatic community, Fatou Mas Jobe-Njie, Minister of Tourism, The Republic of The Gambia and President of ATA; David Scowsill, President and CEO, World Travel and Tourism Council nYU, the non-profit sector, and the media. (WTTC); Nigel Vere Nicoll, Managing Director Advancing Tourism to Africa (Atta); “This year’s event was the most successful Hugh Riley, Secretary General and CEO, Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO). Presidential Forum to date, with the partici- Front row (left to right): Dr. Yaw Nyarko, Director of Africa House, Professor of Economics, New York University (NYU); Honorable Amina Ali Ambassador pation of the most comprehensive group of Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary, African Union Permanent Representative to the global and regional tourism leaders,” said USA; Her Excellency Dr. Ajaratou Isatou Njie-Saidy, Vice-President, The Republic Edward Bergman, ATAExecutive Director. of The Gambia; Edward Bergman, Executive Director, Africa Travel Association; “This important gathering provides a setting Honorable Ezekiel Maige, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, the United Republic of Tanzania; Ali Velshi, Chief Business Correspondent, CNN. for tourism leaders from Africa and around the world to address key issues facing tourism development in recognized or appreciated in Africa’s political corridors and Africa and to build strong strategic partnerships to make it hap- public realms,” highlighting that collaboration between the government and private sector are vital. She continued, “ATA, pen.” in his remarks, Mr. Bergman also announced the release of through its partnerships with the AU and with other internathe second State of Tourism in Africa report, prepared by Africa tional and regional tourism bodies, like UnWTo, WTTC, CTo, house-new York University, the World Bank and ATA. Citing Atta and nTA, can show each and every African nation and its UnWTo and WTTC data, among other sources such as the people that “tourism is part of the solution, not the problem.” in a video address to the ATA forum, Taleb Rifai, Secretary China Tourism Academy, Caribbean Tourism organization and Expedia, the report revealed that Africa continued to show a general of UnWTo stressed his commitment to ATA to progrowth trend in 2010 with an 8.8% increase in tourism arrivals mote tourism. he said, “UnWTo stands ready to help you promote Africa to the world and to make tourism thrive for Africa numbering 63 million. Program participants included representatives from Chad, and its people.” he highlighted that “tourism is ever more recEgypt, The gambia, Rwanda and Tanzania, and the African ognized as a tool for development... at the Un level, as well as Union, alongside the United nations World Tourism at the national level,” bringing jobs, investment, infrastructure, organization (UnWTo), World Travel & Tourism Council economic growth, and development. The roundtable discussion focused on a number of key issues, (WTTC), Caribbean Tourism organization (CTo), and African Travel and Tourism Association (Atta). Cnn Chief Business including how travel advisories, security and the media contribute to negative images of Africa; the increasing need to proCorrespondent Ali Velshi moderated the event. ATA President and Minister of Tourism & Culture of The vide tailored services for different regional markets, like China gambia Tourism, honorable Fatou Mas-njie Jobe, reminded and the Middle East; and the need for governments to create African states that the “possibilities of economic growth and conducive environments for tourism growth. Discussants also development related to the tourism industry are not yet fully focused on the importance of public-private sector cooperation. • Travel World News

africa African leaders who participated in the event included h.E. Dr. Ajaratou isatou njie-Saidy, Vice President and Minister of Women's Affairs, Republic of The gambia; h.E. Amina Ali, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary, African Union; hon. Moussa Faki, Minister of Foreign Affairs and African integration, Republic of Chad; hon. Fatou Mas Jobe-njie, Minister of Tourism & Culture and ATA President, Republic of The gambia; and hon. Ezekiel Maige, Minister of natural Resources and Tourism, United Republic of Tanzania. They were joined by tourism experts, Mr. Mohamed hegazy, Tourism Attaché, USA & Latin America, Egyptian Tourist Authority and Ms. Rica Rwigamba, head of Tourism and Conservation Department, Rwanda Development Board (RDB). global tourism leaders included Mr. Marcio Favilla L. de Paula, Executive Director for Competitiveness, External Relations and Partnerships, UnWTo; Mr. hugh Riley, Secretary general & CEo, CTo; Mr. David Scowsill, President & CEo, WTTC; and Mr. nigel Vere nicoll, Managing Director, Atta. The Tanzania Tourist Board presented their annual awards at the event. Ethiopian Airlines African Journeys received the 2011 Tour operator Promotion Award; LuxuryWeb Magazine received the 2011 Web Travel Magazine Award, and South African Airways received the 2011 Supporting Airline Award. The Egypt Tourist Authority as well as Tanzania national Parks and the Tanzania Tourist Board, and South African Airways were event sponsors.

More information on 2011 ATA Presidential Forum on Tourism For a program, visit 2011 Sixth Annual Presidential Forum on Tourism Program; For photos, visit ATA’s Facebook Fanpage at 2011 Sixth Annual Presidential Forum on Tourism Photos; For remarks, ATA members can visit ATA’s Knowledge Base through their member log-in at ATA’s Knowledge Base for Members; Video highlights, including address from Mr. Taleb Rifai of UnWTo and spotlight on Chad are posted on ATA’s YouTube site.

SAA VACATIONS SHOWCASES SOUTH AFRICA’S BEST WITH ‘SA AND BEYOND’ PACkAGE Saa Vacations’ “Sa and Beyond” package, starting at $5,499 (plus taxes and fees), will leave travelers steeped in the beauty and magnificence of Southern africa. Guests will experience the best South africa has to offer in cape Town, Johannesburg and on safari, then it’s off to Livingstone for an unmatched experience nearby the mighty Victoria falls, one of this world’s wonders. inclusions with the “Sa and Beyond” package are as follows: roundtrip international and internal african flights on South african airways, africa’s most awarded airline; 3 nights at the world-famous Table Bay Hotel, overlooking the Victoria & alfred Waterfront, on a bed and breakfast basis; a full-day cape Peninsula Tour; a cape Wine region Tour; 3 nights at the Thornybush Game Lodge near Kruger National Park, on a fully inclusive basis; game drives tracking the Big 5 while at Thornybush; 1 night on a bed and breakfast basis at the Garden court Sandton city, located in one of Johannesburg’s trendiest neighborhoods, where world-class shopping, restaurants and sights await; 2 nights at the tranquil and exclusive Stanley Safari Lodge in Livingstone, Zambia, near the mighty Victoria falls, on a fully inclusive basis; a Zambezi river sunset cruise; a tour of Victoria falls; and meet and greet by professional Saa Vacations staff, plus all transfers. agents can earn a commission of 12% or more with Saa Vacations packages. additional information is available from cheryle Velsor, Saa Director of agency Sales & industry relations. agents can also visit the Saa Vacations agent portal online. SAA Vacations,


About the Africa Travel Association (ATA) The Africa Travel Association (ATA) is the leading global trade association promoting travel and tourism to Africa and strengthening intra-Africa partnerships. Established in 1975, ATA serves both the public and private sectors of the international travel and tourism industry. ATA membership comprises African governments, their tourism ministers, tourism bureaus and boards, airlines, cruise lines, hotels, resorts, front-line travel sellers and providers, tour operators and travel agents, and affiliate industries. ATA partners with the African Union Commission (AU) to promote the sustainable development of tourism to and across Africa. ATA’s annual events bring together industry leaders to shape Africa’s tourism agenda.

Africa Travel Association, Travel World News •

Gregg Truman, VP, Marketing, South african airways accepted the Tanzania Tourism award for Supporting airline from Honorable Ezekiel Maige, MP, Tanzania’s Minister of Natural resources and Tourism at africa Travel association’s recent Presidential forum in New York. Tanzania Tourist Board, NOVEMBER 2011 •



South African Airways Announces new Leadership for north America


P E T E R g AT T

outh African Airways (SAA), has recently announced the appointment of Stroebel Bekker as acting head of sales, north America, based at the airline’s Ft. Lauderdale headquarters office. in this role, he will be responsible for the airline’s sales strategy and achieving revenue and market share objectives that are generated through the airline’s travel trade partners, corporate accounts and online travel agency distribution channels. he will also oversee SAA’s team of sales development directors located throughout north America, along with the inside sales and group sales departments in Ft. Lauderdale. STROEBEL BEkkER Bekker steps into the role after former Vice President of Sales Todd neuman was named interim executive vice president for the airline in north America. “Stroebel Bekker has been instrumental in implementing pricing strategies that have ensured SAA’s continued position in north America as the leading airline to Africa,” said Todd neuman. “his deep knowledge of the airline industry and our travel partner distribution network will continue to serve SAA well as he heads up our sales efforts.” Bekker joined South African Airways as a marketing analyst in 2007, and was later appointed as manager of business development in SAA’s marketing department in north America. Prior to joining South African Airways, he worked in the revenue management department at Spirit Airlines in Ft. Lauderdale. Bekker holds a master’s degree in international Business from Florida Metropolitan University. As part of his introduction to the travel industry in north America, Travel World news had the following Q&A session with Mr. Bekker. Travel World News: Are there any new developments or initiatives at SAA that travel agents should know about? Stroebel Bekker: During the past year, SAA introduced its nonstop service from Johannesburg to new York, making SAA the only carrier that provides non-stop service between these two cities. We are also very excited about our code share agreement with JetBlue, which has enabled us to provide even more connections for our passengers through our new York and Washington gateways. SAA has also announced new services on the African continent, including ndola (Zambia), Bujumbura (Burundi), Kigali (Rwanda), and Cotonou (Benin), which 42 • NOVEMBER 2011

will provide our north American clients with a convenient way to reach more destinations in Africa. TWN: How do you view the travel agency distribution system? Are there any new educational programs or FAM trips planned for travel agents that are sponsored by SAA? Bekker: We value our partnership with Travel Agents across north America, as they are often the initial connections with our customers and the first interaction that a traveler from north America has with SAA. For many people visiting South Africa, there is a heavy reliance on the Travel Agent community to facilitate such travel. We are fortunate to work with many travel agencies that have vast experience in selling travel to Africa, and they provide a value to the traveler with their specialized knowledge of the country and SAA. For that reason, we offer educational programs throughout the year, which are managed by our group of directors of sales development. on the distribution side, with changes in technology and familiarity of the destination, we have seen some changes in the way people go about planning their trips to Southern Africa. TWN: Will SAA be adding any new gateways in North America? Bekker: At the moment, we are not planning any new gateways in north America. however, in the long term it is certainly our goal to further develop and establish our footprint on the continent. TWN: South African Airways entered into a new code share with JetBlue this year. Can you tell us how this is going? Bekker: our relationship with JetBlue grew from an initial interline relationship into a code share relationship earlier this year. We are very happy to work with a partner such as JetBlue, as they offer an excellent product which complements our own excellent service and attributes. JetBlue is truly a great organization to work with, and we are confident that our partnership will only grow stronger. TWN: Is it harder to attract new customers or keep them? Bekker: SAA’s product is of such a nature that once people have experienced our unique South African hospitality, it is easy to get them to come back again. one of the challenges that we have is that many travelers think of South Africa as a once in a lifetime destination, when in fact the destination has so much more to offer, which encourages people to return again and again. TWN: The role of social media gets lots of attention these days. Can you please share SAA’s social media strategies? Bekker: SAA sees the power and value of social media, so we’ve dedicated an employee to represent us in this medium. Through SAA Facebook and Twitter pages, we enjoy engaging directly with our customers and partners. We also recognize • Travel World News

africa that the travel agent community is becoming very active in social media, and so we’re pleased to be able to exchange information with them in this manner. it truly has become a valuable way to interact with our audiences. TWN: If you were to highlight three top selling points for travel agents to sell South African Airways what would they be? Bekker: First, our service to the travel agent community and the traveler. Second, our knowledge of and network in South-ern Africa, given that we offer the most convenient and extensive network in the region. And third, that we offer the most daily service from the US to South Africa with competitive fares. TWN: Can you please share any awards that SAA has won recently? Bekker: SAA continues to win awards in recognition of the service we offer. Most recently, we’ve been named Best Airline Africa and Service Excellence Africa by globally-recognized expert Skytrax. SAA has also been awarded by our partners, such as with the Supporting Airline Award from the Tanzania Tourism Board. TWN: What attracted you to a career in the travel industry? Bekker: growing up close to an airport, i always wondered where everyone was traveling to and what they would be doing once they got to their destinations. in the airline business, now i am able to be a part of an industry that enables people to connect and share ideas. it is truly rewarding to be a part of that. it is also a great way to give back to South Africa, as tourism plays such a big role in developing the economy and creating awareness of what South Africa has to offer. TWN: Do you have any advice for travel agents that may be recommending or booking their clients on a trip to Africa for the first time? Bekker: obviously, send your traveler on South African Airways as we are the only way to travel to South Africa. Also, South African Airways Vacations can help agents put packages together for your clients and provide you with the expertise that they have developed over many years. There’s much to be said about dealing with the experts when booking a trip to Africa, and South African Airways and SAA Vacations most certainly meet this criteria. TWN: As you take up your new position in the United States can you please share about your first travel experience to the U.S.? Are there any particular cities or states that you have not yet been to and would like to visit? Bekker: The US is so vast and there are still so many places that i want to visit here. i don’t think one can see half of what there is to see in one lifetime. TWN: Please tell us about your first job in the travel industry? Bekker: i started off as a travel agent selling travel South Africa. TWN: If you could work for any company outside of the travel industry which company would it be? Why? Bekker: i don’t really see myself every working outside of this industry.

South African Airways, 800-722-9675, Travel World News •


The Table Bay Hotel in cape Town has recently unveiled their own beer label, “Oscar Lager.” The name is inspired by the hotel’s signature mascot, Oscar the Seal, which can be seen at the entrance to the property. coinciding with an updated menu and an awardwinning beverage selection, The Table Bay Hotel has also established their own water bottling plant, a first for cape Town. The Table Bay Hotel’s new Oscar Lager beer was established in collaboration with the craft breweries of Jack Black Beer and is a new asset to the hotel’s distinguished beverage selection. The Union Bar at the Table Bay Hotel is the ideal setting to taste Oscar Lager. With a strong maritime theme marking cape Town’s naval history, The Union Bar carries a strong sense of history, successfully combining the past and the present. The hotel is a sanctuary for those who enjoy fine dining. The Table Bay Hotel was awarded the “2011 Wine List of the Year” by Diners club international in September for its premium wine selection. The hotel’s atlantic restaurant highlights fine dining with a selection of menu items showcasing local produce through its contemporary cuisine, complemented by an extensive wine list. The atlantic restaurant offers an amazing “room with a view” experience, where one can enjoy an intimate, elegant meal on the edge of the atlantic Ocean with the majestic Table Mountain in sight. in addition to Table Bay Hotel in cape Town, Sun international operates resorts and luxury hotels in South africa, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland. The company’s distinctive properties also include award-winning royal Livingstone in Zambia, as well as The Palace of the Lost city in Sun city. Sun International, Table Bay Hotel, NOVEMBER 2011 •




Great Safaris has introduced a fantastic deal in travel to favorite destinations in South africa, Egypt & Tanzania: two clients travel for the price of one on three of their most popular safari itineraries. The 12-day Great Southern Safari is priced at $6,265 for two and showcases the best of South africa. This amazing adventure starts off in cosmopolitan cape Town, before heading to the beautiful cape of Good Hope and the cape Winelands. it’s then on to Kruger National Park for some of africa’s premier game viewing on a private game reserve, home to africa’s Big five, and more. The adventure concludes with the glory and wonder of Victoria falls and the Zambezi river. On the 8-day Great Tanzania Wing Safari at $6,984 for two, travelers will experience one of africa’s most impressive wildlife safaris, in true luxury and style. They will fly the safari circuit in an executive aircraft, lodge at world-class accommodations, and feast on gourmet cuisine. Guests will experience northern Tanzania’s greatest game viewing and cultural experiences at world-famous locales like arusha, Tarangire, Ngorongoro crater, and the Serengeti. The12-day Gift of the Nile tour, $2,999 for two, features a luxurious 7-day cruise down the great Nile river aboard the Mirage cruise ship from Luxor to aswan. Each day includes Egyptologist-guided stops at world-famous sites like the Karnak Temples, the Valley of the Kings, the tomb of King Tutankamen, Edfu, Kom Ombo, and many more. Great Safari’s unrivaled Security and Satisfaction Guarantee is in effect for this Egyptian itinerary, giving travelers a full money-back guarantee should they choose to return home early due to any political unrest. a Two-for-One airfare of $2,359 for two from Washington Dc or New York is available to any of the arrival/departure cities for these tours, including cairo, Dar es Salaam, Entebbe, Johannesburg, Lusaka, and Mombasa. all tours and rates are subject to availability; travel and tour dates vary based on destination. Great Safaris, 800-409-7755,,

Zambia is a landlocked gem in South africa offering glorious sunsets, ancient traditions and mystic legends, and nature at its wildest and most exquisite. The legendary african walking safari, earth’s biggest waterfall, the wild Zambezi river, breathtaking lakes and wetlands, profusion of birds, abundant wildlife, and raw, pulsating wilderness are all available in this one friendly country. its neighboring countries are the Democratic republic of the congo to the north, Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to the south, and angola to the west. The capital city is Lusaka, located in the southcentral part of the country. The population is concentrated mainly around the capital Lusaka in the south and the copperbelt to the northwest. The country’s 19 game parks and 34 game reserves are 30% of Zambia’s land. Some game reserves are privately owned while the major ones are state-controlled. its wide variety and profusion of wildlife both large and small include over 740 bird species as well. Zambia as an african safari has captured the market of international tourists including the upper-class traveler of the world with the concept of traditional villages and theme-designed hotels and lodges that are unique and colorful because of the phenomenal culture of the local people’s hospitality and the beautiful landscape. Seven waterfalls include magnificent Victoria falls with its awe-inspiring and spectacular views. Livingstone offers a wide variety of high-action adventure including world-class river rafting, bungi jumping into the deep gorge below the falls, abseiling, canoeing safaris down the Zambezi, river surfing, tiger fishing, microlight flips over the falls, and zigzagging gorges cut down by the river over 164 feet deep. Houseboat tours and enjoying africa’s breathtaking sunsets from Lake Kariba are another thrill for guests. africa travel, especially to Zambian destinations, is the business of africa Tours. Through partnerships with most popular Zambian safari operators, they are able to compliment each others’ safaris in africa travel. Africa Tour,

44 • NOVEMBER 2011 • Travel World News


AfricA WiTh The folloWiNg DeSTiNATioN SpeciAliSTS

High quality eco-safaris focusing on wildlife, ornithology, astronomy as well as incentive and educational tours. Soft adventure safaris such as trekking, canoeing and horse riding are also available. Accommodations range from lodges to camping.

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Travel World News •




to have The Mantis collection and its properties recognized once again at World Travel awards. We look forward to living up to the recognition at all of our award-winning locations.” Established 18 years ago, The World Travel awards are committed to raising the standards of customer service and overall business performance throughout the international industry. “Because of its global reach and reputation, World Travel awards is unique and regularly referred to as the ‘Oscars’ of travel and tourism,” said cooke. “This means that consumers are increasingly using our portfolio of winners as a reliable and independent guide when booking their travel.” Mantis Collection,

LONRHO HOTELS SELECTS robin Pope Safaris has announced that Pumulani Luxury Beach UTELL HOTELS & RESORTS FOR SALES, Lodge has been voted as Malawi’s Leading Hotel 2011 at the World MARkETING, DISTRIBUTION Travel awards, the most prestigious and highly covered awards program in the global travel industry. This honor will substantially heighten robin Pope Safaris’ international profile. The award was described as the ‘Oscars’ of travel and tourism by The Wall Street Journal. This year, a phenomenal 213,000 industry professionals participated in the voting process, which is scrupulously monitored and independently audited. The triumph was officially announced during the red-carpet awards gala ceremony at Egypt Hall at Soho Square in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, September 16. Named after the native word for “rest well,” Pumulani is made up of 10 large villas, each with a private balcony. facing the lake with panoramic windows, the villas provide the ultimate setting for peaceful and relaxing vacations. at Pumulani guests can either rest or enjoy as many activities as they like, as the lake is perfect for sailing, diving, wakeboarding, snorkeling and fishing. To really experience it, guests are encouraged to take to its waters for a sunset cruise aboard the resort’s 39-ft dhow, spotting the rare and colorful fish that thrive there. Pumulani Luxury Beach Lodge,

ROYAL CHUNDU WINS AT 2011 WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS The Mantis collection has announced that royal chundu was named Zambia’s Leading Luxury Lodge at the 2011 World Travel awards. royal chundu boasts two luxurious lodges situated on the banks of the mighty Zambezi river on a piece of untamed african earth with rapids shielding it up and downstream, and overlooking the imposing private watercourse and surrounding bush land. This is the perfect location to enjoy an abundance of activities for the adventurous traveler—trips to visit Victoria falls, elephant-back safaris, bungee jumping, abseiling and visits to chobe National Park to view the Big 5. To take a break from all of the excitement, royal chundu offers lunch and dinner cruises on the river, island or bush braai (barbeque) and beautiful spa facilities to rejuvenate and renew yourself for the next day’s activities. adrian Gardiner, cEO of the Mantis Group says, “it is an honor 46 • NOVEMBER 2011

Lonrho, a prominent african business group, has selected Utell Hotels & resorts to provide international sales, marketing and representation services for the fast-expanding arm of their hotel business. Lonrho invests and builds businesses in africa, and has a corporate strategy focused on facilitating the economical development of the continent. Operating in infrastructure, transport, agribusiness, hotels and support services, Lonrho is dedicated to building tangible operational businesses that promote job creation, assist poverty reduction, and are an integral part of african economic development. Primarily targeting business travelers, Lonrho Hotels is committed to providing guests with a high standard of accommodation and facilities through their selection of four- and five-star properties. These include the Hotel cardoso in Mozambique and the Grand Karavia in the Democratic republic of congo. additionally, Lonrho will very shortly open a five-star hotel in Libreville, Gabon, and is in the process of acquiring more properties that will be added to the Utell portfolio. Each will benefit from Utell’s vast range of businessgenerating solutions, including access to corporate business through Utell’s global preferred partnerships and programs with international TMc’s (travel management companies), online distributors and global corporate markets. Ewan cameron, cEO of Lonrho Hotels, noted that all Lonrho Hotels’ luxury properties will be added to the Utell portfolio, bookable under the Ui chain code. He added that “agents will have their commission payments guaranteed through Utell’s essential agency commissions program ‘Travelcom’ to ensure their fees are paid quickly and accurately.” additionally, Utell will provide voice reservations in multiple languages via Utell’s global network of international call centers, available 24 hours a day. Lonrho Hotels are bookable on the following channels: (Hotel cardoso in Maputo, Mozambique) amadeus Ui MPMcar, apollo Ui 67173, Sabre Ui 21624, and Worldspan Ui MPMcr; (Grand Karavia, Lumbumbashi, Democratic republic of congo) amadeus Ui fBMGra, apollo Ui 36304, Sabre Ui 23480, and Worldspan Ui fBMGa. Utell Hotels & Resorts,, • Travel World News

a f r i c a A wide range of programs including: Mountain climbing, River Nile whitewater rafting, Gorilla and Chimp tracking, Cultural adventures, Bird and butterfly watching, Sport fishing, Game viewing, Cave exploration adventures, Camping tours and many educational tours.

B 2 B



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