1415 Smith VC Prezo

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VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + Do we continue with Antenna? How do we update the use to display HEADLINES / SECONDARY STATEMENTS / INFORMATION / BODY COPY / TECHNICAL INFORMATION + Photo treatment (Standard and for ChromaPop) + Do we still rely on lifestyle photography? + How do we involve color with the ability to tune it up or down? + How do we capture information and imagery on the page? Ads? Catalogs? Web? + How do use multiple images (i.e. Grid)? + Tech? + How can we take some risk and still be able to reach a conservative/ mainstream consumer?

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + D O W E C O N T I N U E W I T H A N T E N N A? H O W D O W E U P D AT E T H E U S E T O D I S P L AY H E A D L I N E S S E C O N D A R Y S TAT E M E N T S I N F O R M AT I O N BODY COPY T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N + I think we do continue to use Antenna. What if we explored extending the tracking even more. Maybe explore not using Italics this go round or in the headline. Now we are currently condensing the tracking for main headlines. Would that be enough of a difference? I think the sub copy call outs could stay the same in terms of type, size, tracking etc. It reads nicely as a secondary statement and still stands out enough under the headline in terms of hierarchy. I too like the body copy we are currently using for body copy / technical info / website call outs. + I wonder if we could selectively manipulate / take away / add certain type elements towards the main headlines, type only + I wonder if we could somehow develop a tagline lockup or #strayfromthebeatenpath application that would be seen on every ad where deemed applicable / necessary. I have seen several examples that have the Land aesthetic in terms of type only not “logo� treatment. Overall I feel that our current type direction is strong and would want to see slight variations from the current VC. + Angled headline type exploration

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB TYPE.A _ + I think we do continue to use Antenna. What if we explored extending the tracking even more. Maybe explore not using Italics this go round or in the headline. Now we are currently condensing the tracking for main headlines. Would that be enough of a difference? I think the sub copy call outs could stay the same in terms of type, size, tracking etc. It reads nicely as a secondary statement and still stands out enough under the headline in terms of hierarchy. I too like the body copy we are currently using for body copy / technical info / website call outs.


VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB TYPE.B _ + I wonder if we could selectively manipulate / take away / add certain type elements towards the main headlines, type only


VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB TYPE.C _ + I wonder if we could somehow develop a tagline lockup or #strayfromthebeatenpath application that would be seen on every ad where deemed applicable / necessary. I have seen several examples that have the Land aesthetic in terms of type only not “logo� treatment. Overall I feel that our current type direction is strong and would want to see slight variations from the current VC.


VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB TYPE.D _ + Angled headline type exploration




VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + Photo treatment (Standard and for ChromaPop) + I think we continue with our standard photo treatment. Additional opportunities to push certain features as 300esque, saturation, etc. should be case by case basis + For ChromaPOP™ I think an action can be established for saturation of where we think the base should be and extending beyond that will probably be determined by the image itself. I like how in some cases we have almost a 50% split comparison and in some we just have a corner comparison. I think this is also case by case. + What if we had lens flare to distinguish the “normal / nonCP lens” pretty subtle and not a hard line comparison. Overlay effects to achieve desaturated “normal / nonCP lens”.

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB Photo treatment.A _ + What if we had lens flare to distinguish the “normal / nonCP lens” pretty subtle and not a hard line comparison. Overlay effects to achieve desaturated “normal / nonCP lens”.

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB Photo treatment.A.cont. _

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + Do we still rely on lifestyle photography? + YES. YES. YES + Could we maybe incorporate more personality, fun etc. in the lifestyle shots

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB L i fe s t y le P h o to g ra p h y. A _ + Could we maybe incorporate more personality, fun etc. in the lifestyle shots

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB L i fe s t y le P h o to g ra p h y. A .co n t . _

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + How do we involve color with the ability to t u n e i t u p o r d ow n? + Do we limit the amount of colors per COT to three colors. For instance MX would be BW, RED, ORANGE, GREEN? + Do we continue with gradients, less of them, and adjust the coverage area per application? Explore halftone color gradients to differentiate. Establish print gradients vs web gradients.

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB COLOR.A _ + Do we limit the amount of colors per COT to three colors. For instance MX would be BW, RED, ORANGE, GREEN?


VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB COLOR.B _ + Do we continue with gradients, less of them, and adjust the coverage area per application? Explore halftone color gradients to differentiate. Establish print gradients vs web gradients.


VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + How do we capture information and i m a g e r y o n t h e p a g e ? Ad s? C a t a lo g s? We b? + I think this will come more apparent later but here are some directions / explorations I like and believe would be successful with our brand.

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB A D S . C ATA L O G S . W E B . O H M Y. c o n t . _

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + How do use multiple images (i.e. Grid)? + Many ways, but until the final approach is determined here is some quality grid inspiration.


VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + Te c h + I think last years approach in SNOW and ChromaPOP™ was awesome. I say we just expand on that. Also I feel our use of “TECH ICONS” was great and we continue to pursue icon use that can be carried over from medium to medium and catalog to catalog. The only thing I think we could get more dialed in is the carryover between InDesign and Illustrator. Maybe we could create a master sheet in both InDesign and Illustrator that had all possible applications of tech callouts. I would imagine that document would continue to grow and expand as we created ads, spreads and online material.

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB Te c h . c o n t . _



VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB + How can we take some risk and still be able to reach a conservative/ mainstream consumer? + IMAGERY / Continue pushing the boundaries both with creativity and technical aspects thus enhancing our authenticity and innovation + COLOR / Obtaining a more dialed in / limited color palette thus enhancing the consumer recognition of specific colors with our brand / ad campaigns / social media etc. + REPETITION

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB Consumer Approach.cont. _

V C 1 4 . 1 5 S E R I F T Y P E E X P L O R AT I O N


VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB Single AD Mockups + Single page ads that display action only + Single page ads that display lifestyle only + Combination of both action and lifestlye + Branding + Graphic callouts + Color incorporation

VC14.15 DIRECTIONAL THOUGHTS TB Spread AD Mockups + Spread page ads that display action only + Spread page ads that display lifestyle only + Combination of both action and lifestlye + Branding + Graphic callouts + Color incorporation


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