Insight — Who and What is Fueling West Michigan (Issue 2, September 2020)

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who and what is fueling west michigan 1

Letter From The Editor Our mission as a company has always been to inform and educate our clients, above all else. This publication is born out of our passion to share with our community the information we see from the front lines, and in turn to make them savvy consumers. As the second largest residential mortgage company in Kent and Ottawa counties, based in downtown Grand Rapids, we have an incredibly unique vantage point of the ever-changing economy and real estate market in West Michigan. We see firsthand, in real time, the buying trends based on economic expansion and job growth, supply and demand, government incentives and legislation, and more importantly, who is buying and the types of properties they desire. Our goal in creating this publication is to share with you the current real estate and mortgage trends and to highlight industry leaders and local businesses that are shaping the dynamic city we call home. We hope you love reading this as much as we loved writing it. Enjoy!

Insight is written, produced, and published by Treadstone Funding Contributors: Meghan Howard, Matt Muscat, Kari Radermacher, Kelsey Chisholm, Aislinn Teachout, and Faith Bischoff

2 Treadstone Funding propelled by Neighborhood Loans NMLS 222982

insight 4






Lindsay VanDuinen-Scully, Kyle Visser, Ryan Ogle, and Tim Meduna



who and what is fueling west michigan



Wealthy Street Business District + Featured Story: Paul & Jessica Lee


Good Things Come To Those Who Wait...



Rooftop & Patio—Bars And Restaurants



Colors of the Year


Down payment requirements, closing costs, and loan amounts are for illustrative purposes only; subject to credit qualification, not all applicants may qualify. Not a commitment to lend. Not affiliated with or endorsed by any government institution. Please contact us for an exact quote and for more information on fees and terms.



Stop Paying Someone Else’s Mortgage In June 2020, a young woman who was renting a home with 2 friends in the Eastown area decided to stop renting and to buy a home only a few doors down from their rental. Their rent the year before was $1100 for a 3 bed 1 bath. By taking advantage of a low down payment and interest rate, she was able to buy a very similar 3 bed 1.5 bath home. Her new monthly payment, including taxes, principal, and insurance, is $800. One of her former roommates even decided to move in and now pays her rent of $500 per month, making the new home owner’s monthly housing expense only $300—a big savings over renting, all while gaining equity.


Low Rates Mean Increased Buying Power

Immediate Savings Via Refinance

Despite a very competitive landscape with low

In July 2020, a current home owner refinanced

inventory, homebuyers looking to purchase in West

his home which he had purchased 2 years ago.

Michigan have never had more buying power.

He went from a 3.875% interest rate down to a

Recently, a young woman who, based on income

3.125% interest rate. Due to his loan size and

and credit obligations, was previously pre-

other factors, his monthly savings was $355 per

approved up to $250,000 at a rate of 4%. With

month—over $4,000 in the first year alone.

rates at historic lows, she is now pre-approved

Another borrower who used lower interest rates

up to $300,000 at a rate of 2.75%. This increase

to her advantage was Renee, whose interest rate

in buying power could help expand her search to

was a 5.75% and was able to refinance her loan

areas she hasn’t yet considered, or help her buy

to a new low rate of 3.625% for a savings of $285

the same house while staying within budget.

per month—over $3,000 in the first year.

R E A L E S TAT E M A R K E T S TAT S This Summer’s Been Hot­—And We Don’t Just Mean The Weather At a time when the housing market would normally be slowing down, it just keeps getting hotter and hotter! Although inventory is limited, historically low rates have allowed buyers to stretch their dollars and has given more flexibility to


find a home that is perfect for their wants and needs. The below is a snapshot of the market from July 2020.

New Listings

Above $800k


25 homes sold – 2%


Pending & Closed


Average Days on Market

21 days

AverageHome Sale Price


Homes Sold

31 homes sold – 3%


112 homes sold – 11%


559 homes sold – 53%

Below $200k

391 homes sold – 31%

Fun Fact: 16 Homes Sold for Over 1 Million Dollars in July

421 Manhattan Road, East Grand Rapids — Listed By Josh May with RE/MAX of Grand Rapids


industry standouts

Every industry has individuals that elevate the profession by going above and beyond, and the real estate industry is no exception. We’d like to recognize these trailblazers who epitomize what the industry stands for. These individuals not only exemplify professionalism and leadership within the real estate industry but within the community as a whole. By giving back through time and money, each one of them is helping to build and strengthen the West Michigan community. They are beacons within their field, and we salute them!

Thank you for your hard work, commitment to excellence, and your dedication to continually raising the bar of the West Michigan real estate community. 6



Kyle Visser

Ryan Ogle

To Lindsay, real estate means opportu-

Kyle Visser has cracked the mold of the

In his 20 years in the industry, Ryan has

nity, community, and pride of ownership.

real estate industry and it’s not just

been part of over 2000 transactions and

With over 16 years of experience in the

because he stands over 7 feet tall. Since

300 million in volume. His brokerage,

industry, Lindsay has completed over

bursting onto the West Michigan scene

Bluhouse Properties, prioritizes excellent

1200 transactions and helped hundreds

in 2015, Kyle has been shattering records

customer service and doing business

of families buy and sell their homes.

and shaking things up! His approach to

that bolsters Grand Rapids and its resi-

The possibilities that homeownership

sales is unique, and his marketing is edgy,

dents. Born and raised on the southeast

creates drives Lindsay’s passion, and

fun and often hysterical. Truly one of the

side of Grand Rapids, Ryan is passion-

she prides herself on being a resource

hardest working agents in the industry,

ate about giving back to his hometown,

for her clients by educating them and

Kyle is relentless in his pursuit to win for

and helping create opportunities for

helping them maximize their investment.

his clients. As a former pro-basketball

residents through real estate is part

Between her enthusiasm and knowledge

player, he brings a game-time mentality

of that mission. Additionally, Ryan has

of the industry, it’s no wonder Lindsay

to every deal he touches. Kyle is passion-

served on several local boards and

has consistently been ranked a top Real

ate about his community and invests

committees, and in 2018 he served as

Estate Agent in America since 2015!

wherever he sees a need. With over 30

the president of the Greater Regional

She and her family support Mel Trotter

million in sales in 2019, and a heart as

Alliance of Realtors.

in their mission to help individuals get

big as his stature, Kyle is a force to be

back on their feet and into a home.

reckoned with.



Tim Meduna “In golf, as in life, it is the follow through that makes the difference.” —Dr. Seuss

If you ask Tim Meduna what his passions in life are, he will

friends and family build wealth and secure a strong future.

answer: family, work, and golf. Tim often compares his job

Tim’s belief in constant self-improvement led him to join

to the game of golf and says, “It doesn’t matter how well

the most elite mortgage coaching program in the industry

you played yesterday, because the next day you have to go

over 5 years ago.

back to the first tee and start all over again.” Every client, every loan, and every day are different. There is no ‘one size fits all’ in mortgages, and the best Loan Officers in the business are those who fit the loan to the client, not the

“I strive to be better at my job every year, I owe that to my clients and my company.”

client to the loan. Before joining Treadstone, Tim worked for a big bank As a West Michigan native, Tim is passionate about his

but was quickly discouraged by the lack of focus on the

community and the people in it. Tim is committed to being

customer experience. He wanted to be part of a more

a Loan Officer, a financial consultant, and a friend to each

customer-centric, team-oriented company, so when he

of his clients, and he is incredibly humbled to help people

discovered Treadstone, he never looked back.

make one of the biggest purchases of their lives. With 15 years of experience originating mortgages, Tim under-

Tim’s favorite part of being a Loan Officer is helping people

stands how big this decision is, so he strives to make his

realize the American dream of homeownership and creating

clients feel as comfortable and confident throughout the

relationships along the way. Getting to know clients, their

process as possible.

story and goals, and knowing what they want to accomplish makes his work incredibly rewarding. Everyone has a

With a bachelor’s degree in sales management from Cen-

unique story and different reasons for their purchase, and

tral Michigan University, Tim was drawn to the mortgage

understanding these motivations allows him to provide a

industry because he saw it as an opportunity to help his

tailored customer service experience.


“invest in relationships and really get to know people”

Last year, Tim’s father-in-law, Dan Knoch, passed away

Tim has been married for 13 years to his wife Jessica, and

unexpectedly. He was a Librarian at Hillsdale College for

they have two sports-obsessed sons who are seven and

30 years, and he was one-in-a-million. He had an impact

nine. Together they enjoy spending time at their home in

on everyone he met and was always more interested in

Hudsonville where their neighborhood is a constant block

others than being interesting himself. Dan’s passing taught

party—you always find an open door, cold beer, and a good

Tim a valuable life lesson—invest in relationships and really

friend. In his free time, you can find Tim working on his

get to know people. Afterall, that is what matters most in

golf game, teaching his sons the game, and enjoying live

life. Since then, Tim has reoriented his priorities to emulate

music with Jessica. He also loves cornhole, flip cup, or

and honor the legacy his father-in-law left behind.

anything that involves a friendly competition!



The Wealthy Street Business District is now one of the trendiest, most popular downtown neighborhoods. The diversity of small businesses in the neighborhood is an ode to the vibrant history of the district and contributes to the revitalized residential real estate market. For locals and tourists alike, the walkability and versatility of Wealthy Street and its businesses is truly incredible. Whether you are looking for a bite to eat, a haircut, yoga, or boutique shopping, this district has it all!




Art of the Table




Fox Naturals

Established in 2003, Art of the Table

A new business on Wealthy Street,

The all-natural skin and body care brand

is a specialty gourmet shop carrying

Mike and Elizabeth Diasppara recently

has products that smell wonderful and

deliciously curated products, perfect

opened Grand Rapid’s first bulk food

emphasize natural ingredients that can

for hosting gifts, a dinner event, or a

store. They were looking for a business

be tailored for different skin types and

self-care shopping trip. The store carries

venture that had a positive impact

needs. Owner Patrick Stoffel started an

wine, beer, spirits, yummy treats, and

on the community. Since Elizabeth’s

Etsy shop in 2008 and operated out of

unique décor— things you can’t find

grandparents were local farmers who

his home until the brand got big enough

just anywhere. Prior to Art of the Table

sold their goods at the Fulton Street

to open his storefront on Wealthy Street

opening, several party stores phased

Market, the store is a way to continue

in 2018. All Fox Naturals products are

through the space. Owners, Steve and

that legacy. Proprietary is a minimal

never tested on animals, and they are

Amy Ruis, envisioned a more unique

waste bulk food store where customers

committed to quality, transparency, and

approach, and Art of the Table was

are encouraged to bring their own

ethical standards.

one of the first businesses that helped

containers to fill and pay as they go.

spark the revitalization of the district.

The name, Proprietary, means ownership, and the idea is that people in


Wealthy Street Bakery


Swirls Boutique

the community should have a say and

Founded in 2011, Swirls Boutique

a sense of ownership in the products

strives to accommodate both younger

Owners Jim and Barb McClurg opened

they purchase. Mike and Elizabeth are

and older styles, with sizes across the

Wealthy Street Bakery in 2002 with a

constantly looking to add great, local

spectrum. With an emphasis on sus-

mission to invest in a neglected neigh-

brands and bring eco-friendly, delicious,

tainable, quality clothing, owner Cindy

borhood. The bakery offers delicious

and nurturing products to the Grand

Speenstra is committed to running

options for breakfast and lunch, with

Rapids community.

a socially responsible business and

everything from sandwiches and salads

supporting other local businesses and

to pizza and calzones. They also have

unique places throughout the state.

a selection of craft beer and wine to enjoy when you dine in!



Thelma’s Flowers


Wealthy Studios


Rowster Coffee

Jordan Fisher has a long history with

Photographer Michelle Cuppy, opened

One of Grand Rapids’ first specialty

flowers and the Wealthy Street area. He

Wealthy Studios in 2018. After switch-

coffee shops, Rowster, had humble

and his wife, Faten, had their first date

ing her career path from medicine to

beginnings. Kurt Satuffer, owner and

at the Winchester, and they owned their

pursue her passion for photography,

founder started learning about the

first home together in the neighborhood.

Cuppy wanted a space to help bolster

coffee roasting and brewing process

Fisher would drive twenty minutes just

creatives in the Grand Rapids area. Her

and became enthralled. He purchased

to get flowers for his wife—something

concept was to have a space to inspire

a large shop roaster which he used to

he did weekly. Realizing a flower shop

growth and creative empowerment.

roast the coffee from his home for four

was missing from the area, the couple

Wealthy Studios in a photography studio

years. Knowing he wanted to open a

decided to open one. Thelma’s opened

and a space for creatives to collaborate.

coffee shop to bring this type of coffee

in 2018, and the shop has both pre-made

Cuppy specializes in senior photos and

to Grand Rapidians, Kurt opened Rowster

bouquets and individual stems for cus-

fashion photography, and offers portraits,

Coffee in 2010 on Wealthy Street. It

tomer-crafted bouquets. The flowers

headshots, workshops at the studio.

wasn’t always a hit—people didn’t really

are locally crafted, and the stems are

The space is also available to rent for

understand it at first, but Kurt was driv-

hand-cut on site every day, so you can

pop-ups and events.

en to bring that “aha moment” to every

always make something new! The shop is named after Fisher’s grandmother to whom he would bring flowers when

coffee lover and to create memorable


Donkey Taqueria

experiences through the caffeinated beverage. He had many hard years, but

he visited from out of state as a child.

Opened in 2013 by Paul Lee, the taqueria

now Rowster is a Grand Rapids’ staple.

The store’s logo is inspired by grandma

breathed new life into a vacant auto

The name “Rowster,” is the combination

Thelma’s handwriting, and the two pink

service station. Donkey is a Mexican

of roasting and rowing—rowing inspired

chairs in the shop were salvaged from

street-food restaurant inspired by the

by the waterways that encompass

her home and now serve as a seating

Latino and Hispanic cultural flare of

Grand Rapids.

area in the shop.

Austin, Texas—serving up delicious tacos and fresh margaritas.





The Winchester


Dime & Regal

Californian skateboard enthusiasts, Eric

Wealthy Street’s neighborhood bar

This jewelry store and boutique was

Blanding and Josh Higginson, brought

and restaurant opened in 2009 and

opened in 2015 by Courtney Jones to

the Midwest its first skateboard focused

provides a unique twist on American

give women a space to sell their hand-

retail store when they opened in 2001.

bar food. With a focus on great food,

crafted goods and to connect with

The store has expanded from just a skate

great service, comfort and quality,

customers. It is a 100% women owned

shop into a full retail experience with

this restaurant is perfect for a casual

and run business, and the products

footwear, apparel, accessories, and

lunch, late-night fun, a Sunday dinner,

are all made by female artisans. In

brand of its own.

and everything in between. As the All

2017, Jones partnered with fellow

In Hospitality group’s first restaurant,

metalsmith, Samantha McIntosh, and

the Winchester contributed to making

moved the store from its location on

the Wealthy Street district a foodie

Division to Wealthy Street. Dime & Regal


specializes in handmade fine jewelry,



Mokaya is a Meso-American inspired chocolate boutique, opened in 2016 by Charles Golczynski and his son, Max.

as well as offering apparel and acces-

Mokaya’s chocolates are made by hand


Palace Flophouse Salon

using Latin American cocoa beans with

Ann Van Weaver opened Palace Flop-

fair trade practices and locally sourced,

house Salon in 2018 with the intention

natural ingredients. The Golczynskis

of creating a welcoming salon space

are passionate about the environment

focused on embracing and enhancing

and local community. Striving to min-

beauty while cultivating community.

imize their environmental impact the

The eco-friendly and pup-friendly salon

shop uses all eco-friendly packaging.

blends hair, music, and style in their

Building relationships with both patrons

intimate boutique salon. The salon puts

and other local businesses is also very

an emphasis on kindness, being good

important to them.

to one another, and being good to the

sories, jewelry repair, custom jewelry, and wedding bands.




After working for, and eventually managing, several different restaurants and bars throughout Grand Rapids, Paul realized that this was not only a passion but a lifestyle he wanted to pursue. So when a


Owners — All In Hospitality

building on Wealthy Street caught their attention, Paul and Jessica decided it was an opportunity they couldn’t pass up. As the Lee’s were making this decision, they took into account the risks and ramifications. But realizing the already present traffic that flowed up and down Wealthy Street gave them hope. Many people already used the street as a way to commute in and out of the city, Lee just wanted to give them a reason to stop and stay awhile.

Many in the Grand Rapids area know Wealthy Street to be a place of creativity, eclectic atmosphere, and community. A place where friends and family gather to experience one-of-a-kind restaurants and support local boutiques and artisans. This never ending street of life, culture, and 20th century architecture welcomes everyone who wants to experience a different, more intimate part of the city. However, it hasn’t always been this way. Up until 10 years ago, the very lively and artistic district was lined with abandoned buildings and empty sidewalks. It had potential, but not everyone could see it. This made it a blank canvas for local entrepreneurs, Paul and Jessica Lee. Paul and Jessica are restaurateurs, constantly

So in 2009, Wealthy Street’s first bar and restaurant, The Winchester, came to life. The Lee’s worked tirelessly to renovate the building with their own blood, sweat, and tears. The Winchester, a “big city neighborhood bar” gave this neighborhood a much-needed destination restaurant and attract a whole new crop of people to the area. With great food, great service, and an approachable atmosphere, the Winchester welcomes anyone and everyone. Providing a casual dining experience and a place to gather, the Winchester breathed new life into the neighborhood.

With great food, great service, and an approachable atmosphere, the Winchester welcomes anyone and everyone.

investing and creating new experiences for the


locals and tourists of Grand Rapids. Their vision

The Lee’s hospitality and care, for not only their

and creativity have helped take Wealthy Street

restaurant but also the surrounding neighborhood,

from a pass-through street to a neighborhood full

was contagious. Longtime residents and business

of culture and life.

owners of the neighborhood took note and saw

that there was real promise in what they were

birthday, or a graduation, All In Hospitality restau-

doing, and they only wanted it to continue. So,

rants are the perfect venue for every occasion.

when the owner of the old service station across

Large outdoor seating areas are central to the

the street from the Winchester was ready to sell,

eateries because as Paul says, “Grand Rapidians

he asked Paul if he was interested in purchasing it.

love to be outside!” From the four seasons patio

Paul and Jessica had only imagined opening one

at the Winchester, to the ambiance and energy at

restaurant, but they realized if they didn’t take the

Donkey, you are sure to walk away in a better mood

opportunity, someone else would! So, in 2013, they

than when you came!

opened Donkey Taqueria. The Mexican streetfood joint was inspired by the couple’s love of the

Since the Winchester and Donkey opened, they

restaurant scene in Austin, Texas.

have set the stage for many more, amazing local businesses to thrive. The walkability within the

Paul and Jessica have since opened Hancock,

neighborhood has promoted shopping, dining, and

a casual southern-inspired restaurant, and most

patronizing of other businesses. The neighborhood

recently, Royals, a hip, retro, diner-style brunch

went from neglect to what we all know now as the

restaurant. Together, the four eateries make up

trendy Wealthy Street Business District, a thriving

the All In Hospitality Group, and they each offer a

community of businesses and passionate owners.

unique dining experience. The Lee family loves to travel, and this passion shines through in the décor and cuisine of each of the establishments. They are constantly looking for ways to bring globally inspired dishes home and up the ante for foodies in Grand Rapids. Wealthy Street neighborhood is more than just where Paul and Jessica work, it is where the Lee family calls home, where their sons go to school, and where they take their evening strolls. So, it’s important to the Lees that they reinvest in the community and stay actively involved in it. They have sponsored annual neighborhood Thanksgiving dinners and treated the students of Martin Luther King Elementary School, directly behind the Winchester, to ice cream on their last day of school! Their restaurants emphasize approachability and a neighborhood feel. Whether grabbing lunch with a friend you haven’t seen in a while, celebrating a



ELK Brewing


Stoffer Home


City2Shore Real Estate

Opened by Eric and Lisa Karns in 2014,

Chicago native and interior designer,

City2Shore opened in 2011 with the

ELK Brewing was the first brewery in

Jean Stoffer, opened Stoffer Home

founding principles of providing top-

the Wealthy Street Business District.

in 2018. Originally, Stoffer focused

notch service to clients and helping

Lisa bought Eric an at-home brewing kit

mostly on unique and timeless kitchen

agents create a balanced, sustainable,

as a gift, and he grew to love it so much

designs, but now she is well-known for

and profitable career in real estate. The

that he even made his own beer for

her elegant and approachable designs

real estate brokerage is committed to

their wedding! Eventually they turned

for the entire home. The store features

investing in and empowering agents to

his hobby into a business, and the

her curated collection of home acces-

become top producing agents. Their

name was born from each of their first

sories & furnishings, lighting fixtures,

Grand Rapids location was opened in

initials and the first letter of their last

and rugs that complement each other

2017 on Wealthy Street.

name. Enjoy a beer on ELK’s outdoor

perfectly and mimic her transcendental

patio next to the fireplace, or catch your

designs. To accompany her passion

favorite game on one of the TVs in the

for kitchens and old homes, Stoffer

taproom. ELK Brewing expanded with

launched her cabinet line, Stoffer Home

The Bosnian-inspired restaurant is a

a second location in Comstock Park in

Cabinetry, in 2019 that is featured in

first in the Grand Rapids area. Damir

2017. Jeff DeLongchamp came along

her store. Stoffer Home is truly a family

Duratovic and sons, Dino and Denis,

and purchased the company from the

business. Jean’s daughter, Grace, is her

opened the Živio in February 2019, and

founders in 2019.

design partner, her son and daughter-

they bring a unique and delicious taste to

in-law photograph her designs, and her

the Wealthy Street Area. With Bosnian,

husband, Dale, and sons, David & Dan,

Turkish, Greek, and Central European

also contribute to the business.

inspired dishes, the restaurant offers



catering, as well as, dine-in service. They also have a weekend brunch and delicious cocktails! With a name that means “cheers” or “live on” in Bosnian, you are sure to have good time!





Kula Yoga


Lee & Birch

All In Hospitality owner, Paul Lee,

Megan Rader began practicing yoga in

Founded in 2007, fashion boutique

thought the neighborhood was missing

high school and fell in love! Opening Kula

Lee & Birch has 4 locations in West

a breakfast and brunch destination, so

Yoga in 2014, she wanted her studio to

Michigan. Their Wealthy Street location

he recently opened Royals. This diner

be inclusive and judgement-free, and

opened in 2014 in an old car wash and

style restaurant has an out-of-the-box

to offer classes that are accessible

service station. Owners Nikki Gillette

menu offerring delectable brunch

yet challenging. Kula provides Grand

and Kristin Nipke travel the nation to

options all day.

Rapidians with a warm and welcoming

stock their stores with the best clothing

space to explore what yoga has to offer

and accessories, and they take pride

and does so with a great community of

in feeling every piece before deciding

people. Megan Rader and Wanderlux

to carry it. The boutique offers a

owner, Jessica Geerling, teamed up

personalized shopping experience for

Jessica Geerling opened Wanderlux in

in 2018, sharing their Wealthy Street

each customer with unique and stylish

2016, and the salon offers a wide range

location. Together they converted the

clothing. Their goal is for every woman

of spa, beauty, and wellness services.

713 Wealthy Street house into a yoga

who shops with them to leave feeling

Geerling is a registered yoga teacher

studio and a wellness spa. The move

better and more confident than they

and has been a licensed esthetician

allowed for more space and additional

did when they walked in.

for nineteen years. She aspires for the

class offerings at Kula. The two owners

salon to be a haven for healing and an

share a vision of self-care, women

empowering experience, helping people

empowerment, and holistic healing. So

be their highest and most beautiful

the partnership—and friendship—was

selves. This salon doesn’t stop at beauty

a natural fit!


Wanderlux Beauty & Wellness Spa

services—they offer massage, energy healing, infrared sauna, and other body work treatment. Truly working from the inside out, they strive to promote inner beauty that radiates outward.



Woosah Outfitters


Jeffery Richard Salon

Erica Lang opened the Michigan-made

Jeffery Richard was studying business

art and lifestyle apparel brand in 2015.

at Ferris State University when he

Erica is a woodblock print maker and

realized he had a passion for cutting

graduate of Kendall College of Art and

hair. So, he changed career trajectories

Design. Erica’s designs are usually

to pursue his craft. In 2000, he opened

nature/outdoors inspired, and all start

his salon on Fulton Street, and in 2011,

as woodblock prints carved by hand

they moved to Wealthy Street for more

and printed in limited edition runs.

space. At Jeffery Richard salon, they

Erica is passionate about spreading the

do things a little different—it is a no

Woosah by collaborating with other local

tipping salon, and they are committed

brands, participating in neighborhood

to giving each guest a one of a kind

cleanup days, and supporting social

hair experience. It is all about the client

justice causes.

and they ensure an exceptional guest service experience every single visit.


Outside Coffee Co.

Jeffery Richard is also very active in the community and participates in many

An extension of Woosah, Outside Coffee

philanthropic endeavors. Each year,

Co. was born out of Erica’s desire for a

they raise money for Earth month, do a

space to cultivate a sense of community

coat drive for a local Head Start School,

and for people to enjoy a little bit of

and donate to Kid’s Food Basket, GR

solitude in the middle of the city. The

Pride, and GR Red Project.

coffee and other treats are sold out of a vintage travel trailer that they renovated to serve as a fully functioning coffee shop. Stop by during the winter to enjoy your coffee in one of their heated igloos!



Root Functional Medicine

Grand Rapids’ first MD functional medicine specialty practice, Root, was created to help everyone feel and be their best. Erica Armstrong, MD is the founder and CEO of Root and opened the business in 2018. Their team of MDs, functional dieticians, and nutritionists help people find the root cause of symptoms to restore wellness and prevent disease. By using functional medicine and nutrition, the team creates a customized wellness plan for each client based on testing, review, and in-depth evaluations. Root specializes in gut health, food sensitives, thyroid, PCOS, healthy weight, skin health, mental wellness, autoimmune conditions, and hormone balance. Root also offers a weekly meal service that is available to anyone! Their delicious and healthy meals are pre-cooked and are ready to eat in under three minutes.


Kitchen Design Studio


Urban You


The Counting House

Bonnie Schut, interior designer and

The modern beauty and wellness

Opened in 2018 by Megan Adams, The

owner, opened the business in 1994.

experience that Urban You offers is

Counting House is a beautifully curated

The studio does both new construction

both unique and convenient. Urban You

home and lifestyle store, located in a

and remodels, and they specialize in

and its cutting-edge services are about

building rich with history. The building

space planning & cabinetry for kitchens,

empowerment and self-confidence

was originally a bank, which Adams

baths, and the rest of the home. Having

which is why CEO, Nicole Gregory, found

was able to maintain the character of

completely renovated their Wealthy

it important to make medical beauty pro-

by keeping the bank lobby’s checkered

Street showroom when they purchased

cedures “street level.” They strive to take

tile sales floor, and utilizing the original

it, they understand what their clients

the taboo out of services like Botox and

teller counter and cash vault. Adams

go through during a renovation.

make them accessible and approachable

has a background in merchandising

for everyone. That is why they offer

and purchasing, and she always knew

these services in a comfortable, non-

she wanted to open this type of store.

clinical setting while maintaining the

Originally from Ann Arbor, Megan had

Opened twelve years ago, Fusion Salon

medical grade professionalism. Urban

her sights set on the Wealthy Street

is a high-end salon with a laid-back feel.

You opened on Wealthy Street in 2017 in

corridor because of the creative

The current owner, Ashley Lundquist,

a building that was originally a grocery

community and art scene of the area.

was a stylist there for ten years before

store, and the historic detail remains

When she found this historic, beautiful

purchasing it in 2018. The salon is

intact which contributes to the unique-

building, she knew she had to jump on

passionate about their community and

ness of the salon. The walkability,

the opportunity. The Counting House

neighbors and have been involved in

approachability, and eclectic vibe of the

features an inventory that includes

community fashion shows with Lee

area made Wealthy Street the perfect

furniture and décor, household provi-

& Birch and Drag Brunch. The salon

location for their second salon.

sions, clothing and accessories, and


Fusion Salon

prides itself on making everyone feel

vintage treasures. The Counting House

welcome, and they specialize in haircuts,

is a perfect blend of contemporary and

hair color, styling, and waxing.

vintage and it’s so homey, you may never want to leave!



good things come to those who wait



t’s no secret that the mortgage industry is booming right now. With historically low interest rates that have no end in sight, American families have endless opportunities to build and strengthen their personal wealth by investing in real estate.

These rates also mean massive numbers of people refinancing. Which is great, but when companies prioritize refinance business over purchase business, it can create problems for families who have a tight deadline and need a place to live. When markets are red hot and inventory is low, it becomes even more important than ever to choose a mortgage company that is personally vested in your outcome. Treadstone has always been people centric and relationship based with a goal of positively impacting our customers’ lives. However, it’s one thing for us to say it, but it’s an entirely different story when our clients experience it.

First time home buyers, Amy and David, were excited, albeit

pre-approval letter from Treadstone, so they had no time to

nervous, to begin the search for a place to call home. With

waste. As soon as their offer was accepted, the KP Team

a baby on the way, a competitive housing market, and the

went to work on their mortgage. Amy explains, “I received

uncertainty of searching for a home amidst a pandemic,

an email at least every other day with additional information

they were a bit intimidated by the process. Initially, the

and was asked if we had any questions along the way. Due

couple applied with a mortgage company that offered them

to the diligence of the entire staff, we were able to close

perks through Amy’s employment. After several voicemails

24 days after our offer was accepted!”

and emails went unanswered by the mortgage company, they grew nervous and turned to their realtor, Travis Moelker for

The Treadstone team took the time to make sure Amy and

help. Travis recommended Kevin Polakovich (KP) and his

David were in the loop on every step and took the time to

team at Treadstone; having worked with Treadstone often,

explain the mortgage process to the first-time home buyers.

Travis knew they were in good hands. Amy and David

Happily answering questions and never rushing, the KP

contacted Treadstone immediately and spoke with one of

Team made sure Amy and David knew they were valued.

Kevin’s Loan Officer Assistants, Heidi. From that initial phone call, Heidi gathered all the information necessary and had them preapproved in 48 hours. “We went from waiting 2 months without any communication to a pre-approval in less than 48 hours. During that 48 hours, we heard from Heidi

“Treadstone did all of the leg work! They took the stress and worry out of buying a house. It was easy for us to put our trust and future in Treadstone’s hands.”

multiple times… My husband and I knew that we had found a company that truly was invested in their customers.”

Amy and David have since been able to move into their very first home where they patiently await the arrival of

In this fast-paced market, your mortgage company needs

their newest addition! It is stories like these that drive all

to be ready to move when you are! Their offer was accepted

of us at Treadstone to do what we do: mortgages—better,

on their new home within three days of receiving their

faster, smarter.



Rooftop & Patio B A R S A N D R E S TA U R A N T S

There isn’t much that can beat a delicious drink on a beautiful patio—especially in Michigan! As Summer turns to Fall before our eyes, most of us want to enjoy every last minute of the pleasant weather to the fullest potential. Luckily, in Grand Rapids, we have the small city feel, with big city amenities! Here are some of the town’s best patios, rooftop bars, and outdoor seating areas to check out before Summer ends.


Hancock This picnic style restaurant specializes in Nashville hot chicken and southern-inspired sides. If you are looking for a casual outside eatery with comfort food and amazing alcoholic slushies, this is the place!

The Søvengård For outside fun with delicious craft cocktails, Søvengård is the place to go. They have plentiful seating, Boccee Ball, and the bar is in a shipping container!

J Deck at JW Marriot Overlooking the Grand River, the J Deck at the JW Marriot is a great place for lunch, dinner, or Sunday funday!

IDC On the second floor of the Amway Grand Plaza, the speakeasy themed rooftop patio is one you won’t want to miss. They offer craft cocktails and a variety of wines and beer. Be sure to get the code before heading in!

Paddock Place The historic mansion in the East Hills neighborhood features an outdoor dining area unlike any other in Grand Rapids. Whether you are looking to enjoy an intimate and delicious dinner outdoors or just get drinks with friends, the patio and lawn really feels like Summer. Featuring global cuisine, craft cocktails, craft beer, wine, and games on the lawn, Paddock Place is a must visit.

Brewery Vivant The European-inspired brewery in East Hills is the perfect place to enjoy some local craft beer outdoors! The brewery is located in a renovated historical chapel, and they pride themselves on having a focus on sustainability and the community. Take a seat on their patio and enjoy a cold one.

The Friesan Gastro Pub The Fresian Gastro Pub boasts both a a 20-person patio and a 50-person rooftop deck where you can enjoy drinks, comfort food, and a view of the Medical Mile.


Rose’s on Reeds Lake Located in East Grand Rapids, this historic restaurant will not disappoint. Their patio is situated overlooking the serene Reed’s Lake, so it’s a perfect place for an outdoor meal. Go on a weekday or during lunch hours to avoid the dinner rush!

Founders Brewing Co. A Grand Rapids favorite, nothing says Summer quite like a Founders beer on their patio. They offer ample seating, ample beer, and occasional live music, so you’re sure to have a good time!

Sandy Point Beach House The American cuisine restaurant features a sizeable outdoor eating area. What’s more, they have an outdoor bar called “Gintonica” that was converted from a shipping container! The name is inspired by their collection of 45 different gins.

Rockwell Republic Beer Garden This Grand Rapids fan-favorite restaurant has a secluded patio where they serve their delicious food and even better martinis! Be sure to stop by the patio during their happy hour special to enjoy $7 martinis and half off sushi rolls.

New Holland Brewing Co. The outdoor space at the Grand Rapids location of New Holland Brewing is perfect for a fun night with friends. Enjoy their craft beer and cocktails, and play some fun games in their spacious courtyard!

The Green Well The Green Well always delivers on fresh, exceptional, and unique food. You can enjoy their farm-to-table dishes on their peaceful patio that overlooks a native plant garden.

Watermark Country Club Just outside of downtown Grand Rapids, Watermark Country Club has an on-site restaurant with sweeping views of the course, plentiful food options, and great drinks. Pair it with a round of golf for a perfect day!



Aperitivo The wine bar located in the Downtown Market has outdoor seating, so you can enjoy your charcuterie and wine outside!

Vandermill Cider Located in the Fulton Heights neighborhood, Vandermill Cider gives you the brewery feel without the beer. They offer outdoor seating and free parking!

Graydon’s Crossing A globally inspired pub with delicious food and tons of beer options, Graydon’s Crossing has a little bit of everything. The outside seating and daily specials will keep you coming back!

Terra GR The farm-to-table restaurant in Eastown has a quaint patio where you can enjoy their handcrafted cocktails. Stop by for weekend brunch and enjoy the sunshine.

Treadstone Rooftop Patio Our personal favorite summer spot is the 3rd floor rooftop patio at Treadstone Mortgage. It overlooks Grand Rapids’ Fulton Street and has occasional happy hours and Summer cookouts for employees.



Color is a powerful design tool. It can be used to easily change the mood of a room without any major renovations—either by painting a room or adding furniture and accents. Here are some of the industry leaders’ picks for colors that are on trend this year.


No color is more timeless than blue. This year is all about the dramatic shades, like navy and royal blue. These strong shades represent dependability, hopefulness, and trust. For a bold look, SherwinWilliams’ Naval makes a statement in a kitchen. If you’re after a relaxing oasis, try a classic blue paired with white.


Bring the outdoors in with shades of green. Muted, earthy greens, like Behr’s Back to Nature, represent renewal and create a calming environment—perfect for a relaxing living room. More vibrant shades, like chartreuse, are known for increasing energy and creative thinking, great accent color for an office.


Blush tones have become a new neutral. Light pink is fresh and uplifting, and creates a modern space. Benjamin Moore’s First Light is inspired by the beauty and optimism of a sunrise. More rosy shades of pink become especially luxe when paired with gold or jewel toned accents.



Positively Impacting Lives













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