Rio Nuevo Publishers 2016 Book Catalog

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2016 Catalog

Editor’s Note 2016 Every book is a journey inward, and we have had an amazing year on the road of literary discovery. From outer space, over the edge of the Grand Canyon, through both the serious and the kitsch of New Mexico, down a giant life-giving river, and through a land where animals rule, it’s been quite a ride. In The Boundless Universe: Astronomy in the New Age of Discovery, former director of Kitt Peak National Observatory Sidney C. Wolff tackles the many questions we have about our Universe and brings you an easy-to-read introduction to the latest in astronomy and large telescopes. Next, we bring you Over the Edge: Fred Harvey at the Grand Canyon and in the Great Southwest with Kathleen L. Howard and Diana F. Pardue. Exploring the entrepreneurial spirit of the man who (along with the Santa Fe Railway) invented the Southwest, take a peek at the amazing ephemera collected by the Heard Museum’s exhibition of the same name. Frequent Rio Nuevo contributor Mark Bahti presents a second edition of Spirit in the Stone: A Handbook of Southwest Indian Animal Carvings and Beliefs with revised text and all new photographs. A bigger size with large, beautiful photos and fascinating updates make this the finest reference available on the subject. Our own Jim Turner is at it again. This time he followed the entire course of the Colorado River from first trickle to final delta to bring us The Mighty Colorado River: From the Glaciers to the Gulf. You’ll be amazed by the tremendous variance in habitat and panoramas as the Green and Colorado rivers cover eons of geologic history. Plus, fishing and mountain men and dinosaurs, oh my! You’ll never think of the local wildlife in the same way again after reading Wild Wisdom: Animal Stories of the Southwest by Rae Ann Kumelos, with bright and charming Rio Nuevo Publishers® Rio Chico, Books for Children® P.O. Box 5250 Tucson, AZ 85703

illustrations by Jan Taylor. This is a fun and humorous, yet poignant, collection of fifteen stories from Native American oral traditions that will be sure to delight. You loved our funky Arizona Kicks on Route 66 so we are bringing the magic from across the state line with New Mexico Kicks on Route 66 by Martin Link, again with astounding photographs by Larry Lindahl. You’ll travel through time with Martin’s text, and Larry’s photos beautifully capture the 66 stretch through the Land of Enchantment. Now for something not entirely different, we’ve brought back The Green Southwest Cookbook as Savvy Southwest Cooking. Janet Taylor’s wise and healthful collection of recipes just needed a new cover and a new title to take an old favorite and put a new spin on it. And back by popular demand in a more lightweight and budget conscious paperback is Margaret Moore Booker’s award-winning reference masterpiece, Southwest Art Defined: An Illustrated History. You wanted another look, and you’ve got it! Rounding up the year come our products out of left field: our very first ever ebook and a trio of baseballs! Native Healing: Four Sacred Paths to Health by W. F. Peate combines modern medicine with Native American traditional healing to present a new way of looking at health. Available anywhere you purchase ebooks. And you’ll be ready to play ball any time with our colorful New Mexico, Arizona, and Navajo Nation souvenir baseballs. As always, we appreciate you, dear readers, for taking the journey with us. Fall in love with a good book! Aaron Downey, Managing Editor

For Orders and Customer Service Tel: 800 -969-9558 / 520 -623-9558 Fax: 800-715-5888 / 520-624-5888 Orders online: Email: Prices in this catalog are subject to change. Rio Nuevo cover: Photo © Adam Schallau Rio Chico cover: Illustration © John W. Shroads


CONTENTS Rio Nuevo New Titles The Boundless Universe: Astronomy in the New Age of Discovery   4 Over the Edge: Fred Harvey at the Grand Canyon and in the Great Southwest  7 Spirit in the Stone: A Handbook of Southwest Indian Animal Carvings and Beliefs  8 The Mighty Colorado River: From the Glaciers to the Gulf  11 Wild Wisdom: Animal Stories of the Southwest  12 New Mexico Kicks on Route 66  15 Savvy Southwest Cooking  16 Southwest Art Defined: An Illustrated Guide  17 Native Healing: Four Sacred Paths to Health  18 Souvenir Baseballs: Arizona, Navajo Nation, and New Mexico  19

Rio Nuevo Backlist Arts & Crafts  20 Cooking  22 Regional  24 Spiritual  29 Gardening  29 Native America  30

Rio Chico Backlist







The Boundless Universe: Astronomy in the New Age of Discovery By Sidney C. Wolff Welcome to the new age of exploration! We live in a golden age of astronomy. Discoveries come at a pace that amazes even professional astronomers. The questions we are trying to answer are some of the most basic: How old is the Universe? What did it look like in the beginning? How do stars and planets form? Are there places beyond Earth where life might exist? This book is a guide to the new astronomical frontier, including the latest in discoveries, research, and telescopes. Featuring:

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The 2015 New Horizons mission to Pluto

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Building bigger and better telescopes

A voyage through the solar system The search for life and planets around other stars Earth’s dangerous environment and solar storms

F E BR UARY 2016

Great observatories, their history, and current research

$16.95 I S BN: 978-1-940322-09-4 152 PAG E S, 8 X 9, PAP E R 130 COLOR P HOTOS

The worldwide search for new observatory sites


Evolution of the Universe and the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy

DR. SIDNEY C. WOLFF was involved with the astronomical

development of Mauna Kea, now recognized as the best observing site in the northern hemisphere. She became the Director of Kitt Peak National Observatory, and was named director of National Optical Astronomy Observatory, where she led the design and development phases for the twin Gemini telescopes and the Southern Observatory for Astronomical Research. She also led the design and development phase of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. Dr. Wolff has published over ninety scientific papers on star formation and stellar atmospheres, and has served as president of the American Astronomical Society and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.


WINNER of the 2016 IPPY Silver Medal in Science! 4


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Written by an expert, who personally contributed to many of the projects and topics, for general readers. Astronomy in the national parks. Lavishly illustrated history of optical telescopes from the 19th through the 21st century. Suggestions of ways that readers can continue to explore—and even contribute to—astronomy on their own. Pluto and the New Horizons mission. Wonderful astrophotography. Focuses on what astronomers are interested in today. History of astronomy in the Southwest, including important people and archeoastronomy.




How to Make a Really Big Mirror


ne of the mirrors made by Steward Observatory is destined for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. The LSST is an 8.4-meter telescope with a unique design. It will have a much larger field of view than other telescopes of comparable size and has been designed to survey the sky very rapidly. Specifically, the plan is to complete two full scans of the entire visible sky every week, and to do this over and over for 10 years. After 10 years, we will have 800 images measured at wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the near infrared of every patch of the southern sky visible from the chosen site in Chile near the Gemini South Telescope. The resulting “movie” of the sky will be used for literally hundreds of research projects. One of the prime motivations for building the telescope is to measure the properties of the mysterious dark matter and dark energy described in the final chapter of this book (page 127). The many repeated observations will be well suited for detecting objects that change position, such as potentially hazardous asteroids that might impact the Earth (see Chapter 4). Variations in brightness will be detected, and so the LSST will be ideally suited for discovering supernovae, which are the explosions of dying stars, and other transient events. The LSST project is being carried out jointly by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy, and the telescope will be located in the foothills of the Andes in Chile. The project team is based at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tucson. First light is scheduled for 2019 and will be followed by two years of commissioning and testing. Scientific observations will begin two years after first light. ●

These images show how the LSST mirror was made.

▲ The LSST mirror after it was removed from the oven.

The LSST team surrounds the mirror. Your author served as director of this project during the design phase and appears in turquoise in the front row on the right. Howard Lester, ▲ The glass chunks are loaded into the mold. An 8.4-

meter mirror requires about 20 tons of glass. The glass will be heated to a little over 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, the glass is about the consistency of honey and will flow down into the spaces between the columns in the mold. Ray Bertram, Steward Observatory Mirror Lab

▲ Chunks of glass to be used to make the LSST mirror. The mirror requires nearly 52,000 pounds of E-6 low expansion glass, supplied by the Ohara Corporation in Japan. Each piece is unpacked, weighed, and graded for proper placement in the oven mold. Ray Bertram, Steward Observatory Mirror Lab

▲ Polishing of the LSST mirror. After the mirror was cast, the

▲ The oven used to melt the glass. The glass is heated in an

▲ An artist’s conception of the enclosure for the LSST telescope. Note the large openings for ventilation.

▲ Creating the mold for the LSST mirror. Each hexagonal column is 20 centimeters in diameter and 90–100 centimeters high. The space between the columns is 2.5 centimeters. The LSST mirror will be 8.4 meters in diameter, and 1,700 columns are required. The columns have a higher melting temperature than glass.


V. Krabbendam, LSST Corporation


LSST Corporation

oven that spins at about 7 rpm so that centrifugal forces cause the molten glass to take on a parabolic shape that is close to the same shape as required in the telescope. The glass is heated for about seven days, and cooled very slowly for about eleven weeks. This image shows the oven spinning up to make the fourth mirror for the Giant Magellan Telescope (see end of this chapter). Ray Bertram, Steward Observatory Mirror Lab

staff at the Steward Mirror Laboratory undertook the challenging task of polishing the mirror to the exact shape required to produce exquisite images in the telescope. This polishing process must achieve an accuracy of better than one-millionth of an inch. The entire process from casting to a completed, polished mirror takes about four years. LSST requires three mirrors to achieve the wide field of view necessary to survey the sky rapidly and is unique in having the first and third mirrors fused into the single piece of glass shown above. Note that this mirror has two distinct parts, with the center part somewhat deeper than the outer annulus. Light from the sky falls first on the outer annulus of the mirror, is reflected up to a second mirror (not shown), and then is reflected down onto the inner, deeper part of this mirror, which directs the light to a focus at the camera. E. Acosta, LSST Corporation



Over the Edge

Fred Harvey at the Grand Canyon and in the Great Southwest by Kathleen L. Howard and Diana F. Pardue A must-have for anyone interested in Grand Canyon history or Southwest tourism As we know them today, the American Southwest—and the Grand Canyon that lies at its heart—are the product of vast natural forces over millions of years. But they were also created by one man’s vision and a railroad. The entrepreneurial genius was Fred Harvey. If the Colt .45 revolver “won the West,” Fred Harvey civilized it, along with the Santa Fe Railway. In the late nineteenth century the Santa Fe opened up a strange, spectacular new territory to travelers. And Harvey followed, establishing restaurants, hotels, and shops to make them comfortable.

KATHLEEN L. HOWARD is a Research Associate at the

AP R I L 2016

Heard Museum. She earned a Masters and PhD in History from Arizona State University. Her research interests include the history of the American Southwest and its Native cultures. Her publications include Inventing the Southwest: The Fred Harvey Company and Native American Art (with Diana Pardue, 1996), and Photographing Mesa Verde: Nordenskiold and Now (with William G. Howard and Douglas J. Hamilton, 2006).

DIANA F. PARDUE is Curator of Collections at the

Heard Museum. She received the 2009 Curatorial Excellence Award from the Apple Valley Foundation for the exhibit Mothers & Daughters: Stories in Clay. Her publications include Native American Bolo Ties: Vintage and Contemporary Artistry (with Norman Sandfield, 2011), Shared Images: The Innovative Jewelry of Yazzie Johnson and Gail Bird (2007), Contemporary Southwestern Jewelry (2007), and Inventing the Southwest: The Fred Harvey Company and Native American Art (with Kathleen Howard, 1996).


Fred Harvey has a large fanbase of “Fredheads”


$22.00 I S BN: 978-1-940322-11-7 152 PAG E S, 9 X 10.5, PAP E R 235 COLOR P HOTOS TR AVE L/H I STORY

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Covers the Grand Canyon area but also Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico Wonderful ephemera and photos from the Heard Museum Scholarly but accessible and very readable text by Fred Harvey experts Made in conjunction with Heard Exhibit of the same name, open now Includes history of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Entrepreneurial spirit of Fred Harvey interesting to modern business leaders





Spirit in the Stone

A Handbook of Southwest Indian Animal Carvings and Beliefs, 2nd Edition By Mark Bahti The finest reference available for fetish collectors In this revised edition of Spirit in the Stone, wellknown dealer and scholar of Native American art Mark Bahti explores the roles fetishes play, the artists who create them, the history of fetish carvings through the twentieth century, the stories about the animals and other objects, and the materials favored by carvers. Now with all-new, bigger, and brighter photographs of beautiful animal carvings.

MARK BAHTI, a Southwestern scholar, writer, and art

dealer, brings forty years of experience and insight to his books about Native American artwork. He lives in Tucson, Arizona, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, and owns Bahti Indian Arts galleries in both locations. His previous books include Navajo Sandpaintings, Silver and Stone: Profiles of American Indian Jewelers, Pueblo Stories and Storytellers, and Southwest Indian Designs.

J U N E 2016 $16.95 I S BN: 978-1-933855-97-4 144 PAG E S, 8 X 9, PAP E R 307 COLOR P HOTOS NATIVE AM E R IC AN STU DI E S/S P I R ITUALIT Y


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Revised text and all new photos.

Fascinating details from an industry expert.

Pantribal, representing Zuni and many more. Larger trim than first edition for bigger photographs.

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Fetishes are highly collectible. For connoisseurs of Native art. Best general reference for collectors available.

Also by MARK BAHTI :


Navajo Sandpaintings

Pueblo Stories and Storytellers

$14.95 ISBN 978-1-933855-28-8 72 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 73 color photos

$12.95 ISBN 978-1-933855-54-7 64 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 45 color photos










The Mighty Colorado River From the Glaciers to the Gulf By Jim Turner Take a Ride Down the West’s Greatest Treasure From its first trickle to its broad delta, the Colorado River and its major tributary, the Green River, flow through many habitats, encompassing millions of years of geological history. On their way to the sea, they bend through more than a dozen national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges, and recreation areas. Enjoy river communities and some of the best fishing holes and recreation areas along the way, as well as facts about glaciers, dinosaurs, miners, and mountain men. Ride along through the vast Colorado River Basin and of course through the unforgettable colors and vistas of the grandest canyon on earth.

JIM TURNER grew up in Tucson, Arizona, and received

his master’s degree in U.S. history from the University of Arizona. He retired as Arizona Historical Society historian in 2009 to write Arizona: A Celebration of the Grand Canyon State. Turner’s articles have appeared in The Journal of Arizona History, Arizona Highways, True West Magazine, and other publications. He co-authored The Grand Canyon from Rim to River, and edited the third edition of Native Roads: A Complete Motoring Guide to the Navajo and Hopi Nations.

J U LY 2016 $16.95 I S BN: 978-1-940322-04-9 104 PAG E S, 9 X 12, PAP E R 120 COLOR P HOTOS TR AVE L


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Follows two rivers, Colorado and Green, through multiple tourist areas in a variety of habitats across seven states. Rivers flow through more than a dozen national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges, and recreation areas.

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Strong history and geology of the areas along the river. Fun facts about fishing holes, glaciers, dinosaurs, animals, miners, and mountain men.

Spectacular photography of Grand Canyon, Marble Canyon, Arches, Canyonlands, Rocky Mountains, Lake Powell, Hoover Dam, and several other canyons and wildlife areas. Should appeal to tourists, boaters, fishermen, RVers, hikers, campers, etc., all along the river.






Wild Wisdom

Animal Stories of the Southwest by Rae Ann Kumelos with artwork by Jan Taylor A delightful, humorous, and poignant gift book from Native American traditions. Native American animal stories embody a living tradition based on a mutually beneficial relationship with the natural world—one that continues to resonate to this day, and one that many of us long to experience. From Coyote telling us what not to do by doing it, to Hummingbird’s healing hum, to Turkey saving Thanksgiving for everyone but himself, Wild Wisdom captures the connection we all have, regardless of who we are or where we live, to Native animal wisdom of the Southwest.

RAE ANN KUMELOS is of Greek and Scotch-Irish

heritage, meaning myth is in her DNA. Rae Ann holds a PhD in Mythology and Masters degrees in Mythology and Literature. She is a college professor of—you guessed it—Mythology in her home state of California. Her specialty is animals in myth, literature, and life, and she has written for a variety of publications, most often about her furred, feathered, and finned friends. Her Voice of the Animal radio show is broadcast on XM Satellite Radio. Visit Rae Ann at

AUG U ST 2016 $14.95 I S BN: 978-1-940322-10-0 104 PAG E S, 6-1/4 X 6-1/4, CLOTH 65 COLOR I LLU STR ATION S TR AVE L/H I STORY

JAN TAYLOR has been a professional painter for thirty-five

years. Best known for her wildlife paintings, equine art, and pet portraiture, she grew up in the Colorado Rockies where she developed a love for nature and all creatures. After receiving her fine arts and illustration degree from Northern Arizona University and working as a cowgirl, Jan settled in Cave Creek, Arizona, where she never lacks inspiration thanks to her many amazing rescued animals. You can see more of Jan’s art at


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Bright and charming illustrations Great cover and shelf appeal Kids will like it too Colloquial, conversational tone 12















New Mexico Kicks on Route 66 By Martin Link With photographs by Larry Lindahl Funky Diners, Natural Wonders, and Two Lanes of Freedom From its opening in 1926 to its decommissioning in 1984, the “Mother Road” played a prominent role in the transformation of the nation. Now an international legend through popular culture and the arts, Route 66 has become the road trip of a lifetime. New Mexico Kicks on Route 66 takes you on a tour through all the funky places along the way through the New Mexico stretch, steeped in the rich and diverse history of the Land of Enchantment. Martin Link graduated from the University of Arizona in 1958 and has devoted his life experiences to the archaeology and history of our Southwest. His numerous publications include Navajo: A Century of Progress, 1868– 1968, The Goat in the Rug, and Navajo Country Pioneers. For 18 years he was the publisher of The Indian Trader newspaper. Martin lives in Gallup, New Mexico. Larry Lindahl is an award-winning photographer whose work was exhibited by the Smithsonian Institution. His photography has appeared in the books Arizona Kicks on Route 66, A Ranching Legacy, and Grand Canyon: The Vault of Heaven, and in magazines such as Arizona Highways, Outdoor Photographer, America Journal, and Glamour. Lindahl wrote and photographed Secret Sedona: Sacred Moments in the Landscapes. He lives in Sedona, Arizona.

OCTOBE R 2016 $12.95 I S BN: 978-1-940322-06-3 X X PAG E S, 9 X 12, PAP E R X X COLOR AN D B/W P HOTOS TR AVE L/H I STORY


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Larry Lindahl’s outstanding photography

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Famous roadtripping territory

Tons of New Mexico history Specific to New Mexico, covering sites from Texas to Arizona and including Albuquerque and Santa Fe Suggestions for stops and side trips






Savvy Southwest Cooking By Janet E. Taylor Fresh + Zesty + Sustainable Previously published as The Green Southwest Cookbook, this is an old favorite from Janet Taylor with a fresh new title and cover. Set a healthy sustainable table with tips and recipes to eat healthier and help our planet along the way. Eat vegetarian a few times a week, support local agriculture, find food in your own garden, and use fresh season ingredients with Southwest flavors. Over 100 recipes, including Beef Fajitas, Breakfast Tacos, Tortilla Soup, Spicy Vegan Chili, Chipotle Enchiladas, and Chocolate Lava Cake.

JANET E. TAYLOR has spent over 30 years designing good

J U N E 2016 $16.95

food for her family and others, based on major research studies linking nutrition and good health. Taylor and her husband live in Tucson, Arizona, where she prepares frequent meals for her children, grandchildren, and family friends—who taste-test all her recipes.

I S BN: 978-1-940322-15-5 192 PAG E S, 9 X 9, PAP E R 36 COLOR P HOTOS COOKI NG/R EG IONAL COOKI NG


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New inviting and fun title. New flashier, eye-grabbing, more colorful cover.


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Supports a healthy and earth-friendly lifestyle

Janet Taylor is the author of Rio Nuevo’s bestselling cookbook, The Healthy Southwest Table.

Includes meat, vegan, and vegetarian recipes for everyone’s lifestyles.

The Healthy Southwest Table $19.95 ISBN 978-1-933855-01-1 224 pp, 7 x 9, Paperback 60 color photos






Southwest Art Defined An Illustrated Guide

by Margaret Moore Booker The rich and varied art traditions of the Southwest—now in paperback! The traditional arts of the Southwest are brought together in one volume for the first time. Comprehensive descriptions of Native American and Hispano art are accompanied by full-color photographs of art from museums, galleries, and private collections. Lose yourself in the stunning pottery, textiles, jewelry, carvings, and architecture of the Southwest.

MARGARET MOORE BOOKER is the author of numerous books and articles on art, architecture, and women’s history, including The Santa Fe House. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. SELLING POINTS:

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Winner of the 2015 New Mexico Book Association’s Southwest Book Design, Judge’s Choice Award The must-have volume for collectors, scholars, and art enthusiasts

AP R I L 2016 $19.95 I S BN: 978-1-940322-12-4 216 PAG E S, 9 X 10.5, PAP E R 401 COLOR AN D B/W P HOTOS ART

Includes Native American and Hispano art and architecture in one volume Reviewed by leading Southwest art experts 370 full-color and black/white photos accompany almost 500 art descriptions






Native Healing

Four Sacred Paths to Health by W. F. Peate, M.D.

st Our Fir k o Ebo !

A unique healthcare book, blending modern medicine with Native practices Ancient wisdom works hand in hand with modern medicine in this inspired guide. Warm, intelligent, and down-to-earth, this book tells the story of a doctor who learned to “listen with his heart” as well as with his stethoscope. Alternative medicine, holistic health, and spiritual healing are promoted as recent innovations in modern medicine, yet all have been practiced by native peoples for thousands of years. Today, Native healers are beginning to be integrated into the health care system, and this book shows how you too can benefit from their wisdom. In words and photographs, Dr. Peate draws on his personal experience to describe native healers’ holistic approach to healthcare.

W. F. PEATE has lived and worked with native peoples

and healers in east Africa and South America, and in the reservations and barrios of the Southwest as a physician and professor of community medicine. Dr. Peate is a native of the Southwest whose maternal grandparents were affiliated with the Mohawk and Onondaga tribes. His writing has appeared in Newsweek and several articles and books including On the Serendipity Road.

AP R I L 2016 $8.99 I S BN: 978-1-940322-13-1 210 PAG E S, E BOOK H EALTH / NATIVE AM E R IC AN / S P I R ITUALIT Y


Please note that this title is an ebook only and there is no print version at this time.






Souvenir Baseballs Arizona Navajo Nation New Mexico

Hey batter batter, swing batter! Hit a home run with your customers with our exclusive souvenir baseballs. Crafted in the colors and images of their respective territories, these are terrific souvenirs for travelers or the home team alike. Plus, you can play with them!


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Great looking souvenir balls Three territories to choose from Bright and colorful

J U N E 2016 $9.95 U PC: AR IZONA: 014567200612

J U N E 2016 $9.95 U PC: NAVA JO NATION: 014567200629

J U N E 2016 $9.95 U PC: N EW M EXICO: 014567200636






Arts & Crafts

Hopi & Pueblo Tiles

Indian Arts of the Southwest

Indian Jewelry Making

An Illustrated History Kim Messier & Pat Messier $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-04-2 88 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 125 color & b/w photos

Susanne & Jake Page $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-17-2 144 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 120 color photos

Oscar T. Branson $24.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-03-0 120 pp, 7 x 9-3/8, Paperback Wire-O Binding 120 color photos

The Legacy of a Master Potter Nampeyo and Her Descendants Mary Ellen & Laurence Blair $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-06-1 336 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 162 color & b/w photos, map



The Life and Art of Tony Da

The Many Faces of Mata Ortiz

Charles S. King and Richard L. Spivey $40.00 ISBN: 978-1-933855-60-8 168 pp, 9 x 12, Hardcover 200 color and b/w photos

Susan Lowell, et al. $29.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-08-5 208 pp, 9 x 11, Paperback 281 color photos




Arts & Crafts

The Miracle of Mata Ortiz Juan Quezada and the Potters of Northern Chihuahua Walter P. Parks $40.00 ISBN: 978-1-933855-61-5 212 pp, 9 x 12, Hardcover 200 color and b/w photos

Navajo Folk Art Chuck & Jan Rosenak $18.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-24-0 168 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 100 color photos

Navajo Sandpaintings

Pueblo Stories & Storytellers

Turquoise Unearthed

Mark Bahti with Eugene Baatsoslanii Joe $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-28-8 64 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 67 color photos

Mark Bahti $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-54-7 64 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 47 color photos

An Illustrated History Joe Dan Lowry and Joe P. Lowry $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-33-7 80 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 70 color photos






Artichoke Extravaganza Geraldine Duncann $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-20-2 80 pp, 61⁄2 x 81⁄4, Paperback 25 color photos

Chile Aphrodisia

Cook West

Amy Reiley and Annette Tomei $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-90-0 80 pp, 61⁄2 x 81⁄4, Paperback 16 color photos


Cook West series

Citrus Essentials Marilyn Noble $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-91-7 80 pp, 61⁄2 x 81⁄4, Paperback 21 color photos

Cook West series

Cook West

Cook West

Coffee Creations

The Elegant Olive

Gwin Grogan Grimes $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-11-0 80 pp, 61⁄2 x 81⁄4, Paperback 28 color photos

Teresa Kennedy $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-88-7 80 pp, 61⁄2 x 81⁄4, Paperback 24 color photos



The Essential Southwest Cookbook $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-90-5 160 pp, 9 x 9, Paperback 30 color photos

Gorgeous Garlic Gwin Grogan Grimes $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-93-1 80 pp, 61⁄2 x 81⁄4, Paperback 14 color photos




Cook West series




Modern Southwest Cooking Ryan Clark $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-91-2 152 pp, 9 x 9, Paperback 47 color photos

The Healthy Southwest Table Janet E. Taylor $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-01-1 224 pp, 7 x 9, Paperback 60 color photos

Nuts Pistachio, Pecan & Piñon Gwin Grogan Grimes $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-87-0 80 pp, 61⁄2 x 81⁄4, Paperback 20 color photos

Cook West series

The Prickly Pear Cookbook

Santa Cruz Chili & Spice Co. Cookbook

Carolyn Niethammer $15.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-56-6 120 pp, 8 x 8, Paperback 73 color photos

Jean England Neubauer $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-80-1 144 pp, 8 x 8, Paperback 56 color photos

Cook West series


Comfort Food Slow and Savory Marilyn Noble $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-32-5 152 pp, 9 x 9, Paperback 24 color photos



Viva Chocolate! Marilyn Noble $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-10-3 80 pp, 61⁄2 x 81⁄4, Paperback 20 color photos





Ambushed on the Jaguar Trail

The Ancient Southwest

Arizona Kicks on Route 66

Hidden Cameras on the Mexican Border Jack L. and Anna Mary Childs $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-09-7 152 pp, 8 x 8, Paperback 135 color photos

A Guide to Archaeological Sites Gregory McNamee and Larry Lindahl $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-88-2 96 pp, 9 x 12, Paperback 133 color photos

Roger Naylor and Larry Lindahl $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-76-9 96 pp, 9 x 12, Paperback 160 color and b/w photos, map

Arizona Scenic Wonders of the Grand Canyon State $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-44-8 80 pp, 10 x 13, Paperback 130 color and b/w photos, map $21.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-66-0 Hardcover

Baby Birds Jeffrey Rich $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-70-2 64 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover 49 color photos

Look West series

Boots and Burgers An Arizona Handbook for Hungry Hikers $15.95 ISBN: 978-1-940322-00-1 128 pp, 7 x 10, Paperback 179 color photos







A Border Runs Through It


Journeys in Regional History and Folklore Jim Griffith $17.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-62-2 128 pp, 6 x 9, Hardcover 10 illustrations

Win Blevins $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-73-3 64 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover 33 color photos

Cactus Flowers Susan Lowell $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-75-7 64 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover 34 color photos

Look West series

Look West series

Butterflies of the Southwest Jim P. Brock $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-15-8 88 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 150 color photos

Cacti of the Desert Southwest Meg Quinn $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-28-3 88 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 96 color photos

Death Valley Hottest Place on Earth Roger Naylor $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-87-5 80 pp, 9 x 12, Paperback 80 color & b/w photos

French edition

ISBN: 9781933855950

German edition

ISBN: 9781933855967

Japanese edition

Desert Babies A–Z Bill Broyles Photographs by Paul & Joyce Berquist $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-69-6 64 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover 38 color photos


Look West series

Dragonflies & Damselflies of the Southwest

ISBN: 9781933855943

Robert A. Behrstock $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-14-1 80 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 85 color photos





Regional The Grand Canyon

Italian edition

From Rim to River $10.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-59-2 64 pp, 10 x 13, Paperback 85 color and b/w photos, map

ISBN: 978-1-933855-49-3

Japanese edition

French edition

ISBN: 978-1-933855-46-2

ISBN: 978-1-933855-48-6

Spanish edition

ISBN: 978-1-933855-47-9

German edition

ISBN: 978-1-933855-45-5

The Fourth Wife Polygamy, Love, & Revolution Carolyn O’Bagy Davis $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-51-6 256 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 50 b/w photos

The Legend of the O.K. Corral


The Grandest Ride

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Tom Brownold Text by Brad Dimock $8.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-43-1 48 pp, 9 x 101 ⁄ 2 , Paperback 80 color and b/w photos and illustrations

The Life of Stan Jones, the Singing Ranger Michael K. Ward $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-99-8 208 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 45 b/w photos

Ed Finn $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-71-9 64 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover 14 color & b/w photos

A Lighthearted Look at the Desert

A Lighthearted Look at the Roadrunner

Chuck Waggin $6.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-23-8 96 pp, 9 x 6, Paperback 43 b/w illustrations

Chuck Waggin $6.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-22-1 80 pp, 9 x 6, Paperback 40 b/w illustrations



Look West series




Native Roads The Complete Motoring Guide to the Navajo and Hopi Nations, 3rd Edition Fran Kosik $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-89-9 280 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 100 b/w photos, maps

Lizards of the American Southwest

Mount Rushmore

A Photographic Field Guide Lawrence L. C. Jones and Robert E. Lovich $24.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-35-6 560 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 300 color photos and illustrations

Black Hills & Badlands T. D. Griffith $9.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-50-9 64 pp, 10 x 13, Paperback 80 color and b/w photos, map

The Reaper’s Line The Raven Soaring Through History, Legend & Lore Lynn Hassler $9.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-13-4 120 pp, 5 x 7, Paperback 17 b/w photos & illustrations

Rock Art Along the Way Janet Farnsworth Photography by Bernadette Heath $18.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-79-5 160 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 124 color photos



Life and Death on the Mexican Border Lee Morgan II $18.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-57-8 528 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback $25.00 ISBN: 978-1-887896-97-9 Hardcover

Saguaro The Desert Giant Anna Humphreys & Susan Lowell $10.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-30-6 64 pp, 9 x 12, Paperback 74 color & b/w photos & illustrations





Under the Sun A Sonoran Desert Odyssey Adriel Heisey $24.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-42-9 128 pp, 93â „4 x 11, Paperback 40 color photos $40.00 ISBN: 978-0-9700750-0-0 Hardcover

Sedona Map and Guide

Sedona & Red Rock Country

Bronze Black and Kathleen Bryant $5.00 ISBN: 978-1-933855-86-8 22 x 26, Paper 50 color photos

Kathleen Bryant $10.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-65-3 64 pp, 10 x 13, Paperback 85 color and b/w photos

Winner of the 2006 WWA Spur Award for Poetry

Voice of the Borderlands

West of Paradise

Drum Hadley $29.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-83-2 368 pp, 7 x 9, Hardcover 37 Illustrations

Exploring Southeastern Arizona Carolyn Niethammer $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-37-5 80 pp, 7 x 10, Paperback 85 color & b/w photos, map

The Malpai Borderlands Group and the Future of the Western Range Nathan F. Sayre $24.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-81-8 176 pp, 8 x 9 Paperback, 109 color & b/w photos, maps

Meg Quinn $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-36-8 88 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 100 color photos


Meg Quinn $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-25-2 96 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 93 color photos

Working Wilderness

Wildflowers of the Mountain Southwest


Wildflowers of the Desert Southwest




Spiritual Celebrating Guadalupe Jacqueline Orsini Dunnington Photography by Charles Mann $15.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-55-9 84 pp, 71 ⁄2 x 71 ⁄2 , Hardcover 50 color photos

Folk Saints of the Borderlands Victims, Bandits, and Healers Jim Griffith $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-51-1 176 pp, 6 x 81 ⁄2 , Paperback 36 b/w photos, map

The Face of Christ in Sonora

Listening With Your Heart

El Rostro del Señor en Sonora Jim Griffith & Francisco Javier Manzo Taylor $15.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-06-6 80 pp, 71 ⁄2 x 71 ⁄2 , Hardcover 51 color photos

Lessons from Native America W. F. Peate, M.D. $9.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-52-8 100 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover

Gardening Chasing Wildflowers A Mad Search for Wild Gardens Scott Calhoun $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-98-6 128 pp, 71⁄4 x 81⁄2, Paperback 68 color photos Winner of the Garden Writers Association 2008 Silver Award

Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest Marcy Scott $18.95 ISBN: 978-1-940322-03-2 344 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 184 color photos

Yard Full of Sun Southwest Kitchen Garden Kim Nelson Illustrations by Cynthia Miller $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-41-2 112 pp, 71 ⁄2 x 71 ⁄2 , Hardcover 50 color illustrations



The Story of a Gardener’s Obsession That Got a Little Out of Hand Scott Calhoun $22.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-66-5 196 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 93 color photos 2006 American Horticultural Society Book of the Year




Native America

Evans Handcart Award Recipient 2011

Code Talker Stories

Diné Tah


Laura Tohe Photographs by Deborah O’Grady $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-74-5 208 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 60 b/w photos, map

My Reservation Days 1923–1939 Alwin J. Girdner $15.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-56-1 336 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 40 b/w photos

Susanne & Jake Page $25.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-26-4 224 pp, 10-1/2 x 9, Paperback 210 color photos

One Book Arizona 2011 book selection

Hopi Summer

In the Fifth World

Journey to Hopi Land

Letters from Ethel to Maud Carolyn O’Bagy Davis $15.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-08-0 160 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 73 b/w photos

Portrait of the Navajo Nation Adriel Heisey & Kenji Kawano $21.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-31-3 96 pp, 9 3 ⁄4 x 9, Paperback 70 color & b/w photos, map

Anna Silas $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-99-3 88 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover 46 color & b/w photos

Look West series

Over 45,000 copies in print

Kokopelli Lawrence W. Cheek $9.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-63-4 64 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover 36 color photos


Look West series


Listening With Your Heart


Lessons from Native America W.F. Peate, M.D. $9.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-52-8 100 pp, 6 x 6, Hardcover

Susanne & Jake Page $25.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-27-1 200 pp, 10-1/2 x 9, Paperback 214 color photos




Native America

Navajo Weapon The Navajo Code Talkers Sally McClain $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-32-0 320 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 51 b/w photos, maps

Search for the Navajo Code Talkers Sally McClain $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-77-6 136 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 15 b/w photos, map

Pueblos of the Rio Grande

Over 65,000 copies in print

A Visitor’s Guide Daniel Gibson $15.95 ISBN: 978-1-887896-26-9 112 pp, 7 x 10, Paperback 53 color & b/w photos, map

Sharing the Skies Navajo Astronomy Nancy C. Maryboy and David Begay $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-40-0 72 pp, 8 x 9, Paperback 65 color photos and illustrations

Uprising The Pueblo Indians and the First American War for Religious Freedom Jake Page $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-933855-92-9 192 pp, 6 x 9, Paperback 15 b&w drawings, map






Rio Chico Backlist

Celebrate Arizona! Joan Sandin $15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-72-1 32 pp • 9 x 101⁄ 2 Hardcover 40 color illustrations • Ages 5–10

In this unique cross between a picture book and a graphic novel, you will experience Arizona’s history come to life. Celebrate along with Arizona’s fascinating cast of characters. The back is filled with interesting historical tidbits.

A Cowgirl and Her Horse

Desert Night Desert Day

Jean Ekman Adams

Anthony D. Fredericks Illustrations by Kenneth J. Spengler

$15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-71-4 • 32 pp • 101⁄ 2 x 9 Hardcover • 20 color illustrations • Ages 5–9

In this quirky tale of friendship and love, one incredibly charming (if not somewhat befuddled) cowgirl and her beloved horse find creative ways to get things done. It’s a joyful, laugh-out-loud romp that children, their adults, or anyone who loves horses will enjoy.

$15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-70-7 • 32 pp • 9 x 101⁄ 2 • Hardcover • 15 color illus. • Ages 3–7

Desert Night Desert Day teaches children about the nocturnal and diurnal animals that live there. Kids will enjoy the lively verse and enticing illustrations. On each page there are hidden objects for readers to discover. The back is packed with information about fascinating creatures.

The Great Grand Canyon Time Train

Guess Who’s in the Desert

Susan Lowell, Illustrations by John W. Shroades

Charline Profiri, Illustrations by Susan Swan

$15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-63-9 • 32 pp • 101⁄ 2 x 9 Hardcover • 16 color illustrations • Ages 5–9

$15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-79-0 • 32 pp • 9 x 9 • Hardcover 17 color illustrations • Ages 2–6

Take off on a magical, geological trip back through time to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Encounter trilobites, metamorphic mud, and the many wonders that have developed over the last 1800 million years. A fantastical tale with incredible illustrations result in the ride of a lifetime.



A fun, interactive book that invites curious children to discover the secrets and surprises of the desert.




Rio Chico Backlist


Mountain Night Mountain Day

Guy Porfirio

Anthony Fredericks, Illustrations by Jeremy Spengler

$15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-81-3 • 32 pp • 101⁄ 2 x 9 Hardcover • 15 color illustrations • Ages 4–8

$15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-98-1 • 32 pp • 9 x 10 Hardcover • 15 color illustrations • Ages 4–8

Join Barb, the most exciting jumping cholla you’ll ever meet, as she jumps on a grand adventure. Hilarious illustrations will make readers giggle as Barb deflates rafts and pops balloons in her merry wake. Kids will beg to read this laugh-out-loud picture book over and over again.

The mountains teem with life, day and night. They are alive with chatter, song, splashing, soaring, and scurrying. This book uncovers how the fascinating animals of the mountains live around the clock. A lovely read-aloud with bold, beautiful illustrations, Mountain Night Mountain Day is the ideal book to read in your own home day or night.

Southwest Colors

The Sunhat

Andrea Helman, Photographs by Gavriel Jecan

Jennifer Ward, Illustrations by Stephanie Roth Sisson

$12.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-64-6 • 24 pp 9 x 101⁄ 2 • Hardcover • 23 color photos • Ages 3–7

Discover spicy reds, cool greens, and vibrant blues. Animals, landscapes, and plants all visually illustrate the bursts of color that are the Southwest. Each page presents stunning images and informative, engaging text for a broad age group.


$15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-78-3 • 32 pp 101⁄ 2 x 9 • Hardcover • 21 color illustrations • Ages 4–8

Adapted from the well-loved classic tale, “The Mitten,” this enchanting book introduces us to a new cast of characters and a delightful little girl with a big red hat. With soft, sweet illustrations and rhythmic, playful text, this story is bound to be a timeless favorite.





Rio Chico Backlist

The Tumbleweed Came Back Carmela LaVigna Coyle, Illustrations by Kevin Rechin $15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-83-7 • 32 pp 9 x 101⁄ 2 • Hardcover • 20 color illustrations Ages 4–8

When a pesky tumbleweed drops in for lunch one day, hilarity ensues. What starts out as a small problem, grows into a giant conundrum as one tumbleweed turns into ten, then twenty, then thousands! Granny and her two lively grandchildren do their best to rid their farm of the scratchy menaces, but the harder they try, the more the tumbleweeds take over.

A Very Hairy Christmas Susan Lowell, Illustrations by Jim Harris $15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-80-6 • 32 pp • 101⁄ 2 x 9 • Hardcover 15 color illustrations • Ages 4–8

The javelinas are back and full of holiday cheer. Meanwhile, someone is devising a plan to ruin their Christmas festivities. Susan Lowell and Jim Harris have teamed up again in a brilliant follow-up to The Three Little Javelinas.

When Dogs Dream Jean Ekman Adams $15.95 • ISBN: 978-1-933855-84-4 • 32 pp • 101⁄ 2 x 9 • Hardcover • 26 color illustrations Ages 4–8

Find out what dogs really dream about in this charming story, starring four imaginative dogs hoping for a home.





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2016 P.O. Box 5250 Tucson, AZ 85703

Rio Chico


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