Prophetic People Vol2

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God Wants Us to Be


Prophetic People and The Gifts of God


God Wants Us to Be PROPHETIC PEOPLE (Volume 2) Prophetic People and the Gifts of God This book is includes the following by Barbara A. Williams previously published as: "Prophetic People Prophesy" © 1998 "Prophetic People Know the Voice of God" © 1998 All rights reserved.

Published by Lighthouse Publishing Co. Detroit, Michigan ~ Cleveland, Ohio Printed in the USA Scripture taken from

Holy Bible, The King James Version Copyright © 1976 by Thomas Nelson Publishers, Inc. Nashville, TN

All definitions are from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 1969, Houghton Mifflin, Company Boston, et. al. ISBN: 978-0-9824946-1-5

Cover Artwork, Samm White Royal Rhino Design 1.877.67.RHINO Page Layout and Cover Design, Shannon Crowley Treasure Image & Publishing Rev. Barbara A. Williams The Ministry of the Watchman International P.O. Box 43334 Cleveland, Ohio 44143 1-800-560-9240

Dedication This book is dedicated to the Chief Prophet, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I especially thank Him for the prophetic people he has placed in my life, especially my late parents, Mr. & Mrs. Tyson Mason. They influenced their children to seek and speak wisdom and understanding, and ultimately, to find the Lord. Thanks, Momma and Daddy. Barbara Williams

CONTENTS Introduction


Prophetic People Know the Voice of God


Prophetic People Prophesy


Prophetic People and The Revelation Gifts of The Spirit In Action


Prophetic People and The Power Gifts of The Spirit In Action


Prophetic People and The Vocal Gifts of The Spirit In Action




INTRODUCTION The term “prophetic” refers to the type and origin of the anointing upon the people of God that is ministered from the office of the prophet.1 We will use that term to describe the influence and anointing that the prophet deposits upon the body of Christ as he ministers to the people from his office. In this book we will discuss the effect the prophet’s anointing has on the people under his ministry. The gifts of God are used to aid the work of prophetic people. As we have discussed in the previous volume, prophetic people are those persons who are For a more complete understanding of the term, please refer to the book: God Wants Us to Be Prophetic People, Vol. 1, by the author. 1



influenced by the prophet's anointing. They may be part of a company of prophets, part of a prophet's congregation, or disciples of prophets via books, CDs, or other teaching media. Discipleship is an ongoing process, so as a prophetic person, you may be using this book as part of your discipleship training. When the prophet's anointing is released in an atmosphere, it is that anointing that delivers the Word of the Lord, other gifts of the Spirit, and gifts of visions, dreams and musical anointings. These gifts allow the congregation to hear what God wants them to hear, whether it is a word message, music that releases greater freedom of worship, or interpretation of instrumental messages. God is always speaking to us, Job 33:14 says in one way, or another. God speaks in words, visions, dreams, signs, and wonders. The prophetic person looks for God to speak to him.

Chapter One

PROPHETIC PEOPLE KNOW THE VOICE OF GOD How to Know If It Is God “God in these last days hath spoken to us by His son,” (Hebrews 1:2). First and foremost, we must know that God speaks to us through the scriptures. The Word of God says that, “all scripture is inspired by God,” (2 Timothy 3:16). It is imperative that as prophetic people we know and meditate upon the Word of God. We must judge and weigh all things



against the Word of God. It must be our standard; our plumb line. Secondly, we must hide the Word in our hearts, and get the Word grafted in to our spirits. In this way, we walk upright before God, we have fellowship with Him, and we keep out of sin. We are able to accomplish all righteousness as we meditate upon God’s word, and seek revelation and wisdom from it. As a new believer, I found it necessary to read the Word for hours every day to escape the torment of depression. This helped me develop a habit of going to God’s word for direction, answers and comfort. I found great peace in reading the Word. Little by little, I began to reflect on what I had read in times of conflict or indecision. I began to be led by the Spirit of God in my decision-making, because I had hidden the Word in my heart. As I obeyed the Word repeatedly, it became grafted into my spirit. I had fellowship and communion with God through drawing from the wisdom of the Word through His inner voice.

Not Just a Voice, But a Person God is not merely a voice; He is a person. Colossians 1:15 says that Jesus is the express image of the invisible God. When Jesus came, He proved that man is created in the image of God. Jesus had all the



attributes of humanity and all the character of deity. He was the last Adam, or prototype of man. All men hereafter that will live eternally must have the character of this second Adam. He is a life-giving spirit. Because we bear His image and likeness, when we are born again, we have the same divine abilities Jesus had, but in a certain measure. We all have a measure of the prophet’s abilities in us, because Jesus was a prophet. We can all learn to yield ourselves more to the Holy Spirit and to the study of the Word of God to develop these divine abilities. Jesus had a mind, will, emotions, feelings, and sensitivities. He had all these in perfection. He operated perfectly as a prophet and had His senses tuned in to the will of the Father God at all times. He said, “my meat is to do the will of Him that sent me,” (John 4:34). This implied that He knew the will of the Father at all times. We know God’s will in general through the reading and study of His Word. We know what His will is in specific situations through the operations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit or through one of God’s other means of communicating with us. Because these means of the Father communicating with us fall under the category of divine revelation, we refer to them as prophetic, since the prophet’s gift and abilities deal very heavily in the realm of revelation. This unique characteristic of the prophet’s office mantle prompted the prophet Amos to declare “surely, the Lord God will do nothing, but



he revealeth His secret unto His servants, the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) God’s will is constantly being revealed to man. Prophetic people seek this revelation from God.

Communion and Fellowship: Walking in the Spirit Since God is not merely a voice, He will give us information from an area of His sense realm to an area of our sense realm. It is as though God has a transmitter and we have a receiver. He is sending messages to us all the time; we must tune into His frequency to receive them. When we walk in the spirit, we are attuned to the communications of God. We begin to become governed by the fruit of the Spirit. By communing with God, or meditating on Him and His Word, we begin to respond as He would in every situation, and we are in agreement or harmony with Him. This communion sets us up to tune in to His frequency in a greater way. It’s like dialing a specific station on the radio. Communion with God plugs us into His power. We tune into the fruit of the Spirit as we think His thoughts. When we think on things that are pure, lovely, praiseworthy and thankworthy, we can sense the inner unction or anointing rising to cover our thoughts with his peace, joy and love.



Once we are plugged into the fruit, then God begins to share his thoughts with us, and to break open revelation of His Word. This is like tuning into a different station. It is in this place of communion that the understanding of many questions regarding things that we have read in the bible are shared. Or, He may choose to show us how biblical principles may be applied to certain life situations. This is an example of the gift of the word of wisdom. God then becomes not merely a voice to give answers, but a person whose thoughts we can share and His thoughts become our thoughts. It’s nice to let God be God; to just rest in Him and allow Him to share what is on His heart. Many times, we don’t have to have specific things on our minds, but just allowing Him to share His thoughts with us is an edifying experience. This is a prophetic activity, because we know the Fathers thoughts. They have come to us by revelation. God has revealed or unveiled some truth to us. I learned to walk in the spirit in just this way. I would begin to give my mind over to the Word of God. Soon, a peace and sense of having God’s attention would come upon me. I would begin to do my housework, or study the Word, prepare sermons or carry on my day’s activities in the mind of the Spirit of God. It seemed as though God’s thoughts were very close to me. I merely had to draw from His wealth of knowledge to receive answers. I would ask God to guide me in all things and give Him control



over all my activities for the day. This kept me in touch with Him through the inner witness and unction of His Spirit. As the day progressed, I found myself having listened to God speak to me most of the day. I would give myself over to preaching. I preached many “trial sermons” in front of my mirror or behind the vacuum cleaner. This type of fellowship kept me “tuned in” to God’s frequency. I began to pick up His vision and plans for my ministry.

The Voice of God Through a Person God speaks to us though servants who carry His Word. When Samuel was still a very small boy, he heard God’s voice for the first time, and thought it was that of the priest, Eli. Why was this so? Well, the Word says that the Word of the Lord was not yet revealed to Samuel, (1 Samuel 3:7). This means that God had never spoken to Samuel personally, but had always spoken to him through the priest, Eli. Though the voices were different, in some ways, they were very similar. God speaks to us the same way in these times. We begin to hear His voice through the ministry gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. These men and women of God are speaking by unction and through the anointing of the Word of



God. We verify their teachings both through the written Word of God and through the witness of the Spirit, since we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, and the Holy Spirit speaks the Word of God, (John 16:13).

The Gift of Prophecy Sometimes God may give a servant a message for His people. He does this through the gift of prophecy. Often the person may say, “I believe the Lord wants me to tell you this...” or “I just feel like God is telling me to tell you this,” or they may “thus saith the Lord.” The person may receive the message in the form of the gift of tongues and interpretation (1 Corinthians 12:10). These are all scriptural ways to receive the Word of the Lord. Usually, the unction to prophesy comes with certain sensory manifestations. Some people express a “bubbling” or “fullness” in their midsections (where the spirit resides). Some report an inner “knowing” or outward sensations of the spirit descending upon them with a shaking or trembling. These manifestations vary and mean little to the recipient, though they may be valid signs to the messenger. The recipient must judge by a witness in his spirit if the Spirit of God has spoken through an individual. The gift of prophecy can be manifested through all



believers. We are instructed by the Word of God to desire to prophesy, (1 Corinthians 14:39), because it edifies, exhorts and comforts us, (1 Corinthians 14:3). The gift of prophecy is very much needed to encourage, strengthen and help the church. I first began to prophesy by expressing words of knowledge or words of wisdom that God had given me. Often as I prayed for or with someone, God would give an answer to some question the person had. Sometimes He would give me a scripture for that person by chapter and verse (also the word of knowledge). When I first began to prophesy, I would feel “bloated” in my stomach. I would also sometimes feel a trembling or shaking in my knees or hands. I felt often as though I were going to explode. “The Lord hath spoken, who can but prophesy,” (Amos 3:8). As I would give forth the phrase that the Lord had given me thus far, He would give me more of the message. If I had a difficult time “finding” the Word of the Lord, I would pray in tongues until the unction came. This is not actually tongues and interpretation, as I would not have the unction to pray in tongues aloud, but I exercised the gift of tongues to edify or build up my spirit until I received the Word of God. I can often sense by the outer unction, (spirit of prophecy), when God wants me, and others in the room to prophesy.



Visions, Dreams A vision is a picture that tells a story that must be interpreted by the Spirit of God. A vision can range from anything from a glimpse or “snapshot” of a scene of some event that flashes though your spirit (the mind or imagination of your spirit man) to an open vision where one’s attention is captured by something he sees by the Spirit, but is not seen by the natural eye, to a trance, where a person is “caught up” into a higher spiritual realm as Peter was (Acts 10:10), his senses of mobility, speech, and natural hearing and bodily function may be suspended for a prolonged period of time. Visions can also come to the mind, as in the case of Nebuchadnezzar, who reported the “visions of my head” to the prophet Daniel, (Daniel 4:5). Sometimes the origin of visions is unclear. This is why they must be accompanied by an interpretation from God. God also may communicate with us in the dream state. This happens while we are asleep. God may speak to us to tell us of future things, or He may warn us as he did Joseph, Mary’s espoused husband (Matthew 2:13). He may use dreams to give us instruction, or answer questions we might have. We must always seek to establish if the dreams we have are of God. We should always ask if He is speaking to us, and seek the interpretation from Him. Sometimes



the interpretation may come through another person. If this is the way God wants to do things, He will lead us to ask the person to seek an interpretation for us. Often the interpretation comes as we share the dream with the person. The prophet Daniel received an interpretation of a dream that was given to King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2:28).

Signs A sign is an event or occurrence that points you in the direction of God The last paragraph of the book of Mark states that the believers went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming His Word with signs following. These signs pointed people to Jesus. Many people make the mistake of seeking signs from God. The bible says that in these last days God speaks to us through His Son. The written Word of God is the way God speaks to us most of the time. God will use signs to confirm His Word that has been spoken to our hearts, or He can get our attention through signs. The wise men (astrologers) who sought the Christ Child were told by the angel that they would find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, and that this would be a sign to them that they had found the Messiah (Luke 2). This sign pointed them to Jesus. When Jesus performed miracles, the Pharisees asked



Him to give them a sign that He was the Messiah (Mark 8:11). His works should have been enough to convince them of His deity. This is why He told them “a wicked and perverse generation seeks a sign” (Matthew 12:39). He commended Peter because The Father in heaven had revealed His true identity to Him. We are to know the things of God by revelation, (Matthew 16:17) Once, when I was unsure of something God wanted me to do, I received a letter in the mail with the inscription “time is running out.” It referred to a subscription renewal. I smiled to myself. Then later the same day in a conversation with someone about something unrelated to the task He had given me, the person I was speaking with said, “you know, we don’t have much time.” I smiled again, and hung up the phone and obeyed God. I needed to make reservations for a meeting hall where we were to have a conference, and I needed more time than I had anticipated to make up flyers, and arrange for advertising the event. These were signs that pointed me in the direction of obedience to God. “He Speaketh Once, Yea Twice…” Job. 33:14

According to this passage in the book of Job, God speaks to man in visions, and dreams in the middle of the night for a purpose, that he may “open the ears of men, and seal their instruction... that He may withdraw man from his purpose and hide pride from



man... He keeps back his soul from the pit and his life from perishing.� (Job 33:14-18). God speaks to us prophetically, that is through the revelation gifts in order that He may instruct us, warn us, protect us, and guide us. He uses the gifts and abilities that He has placed within us to communicate His thoughts, will and plan to us. We are prophetic people because we are open to and receive revelation from God through yielding our senses and gifts to Him. I hope this teaching has given you some insight into the prophetic realm of the spirit, and has increased your knowledge of the abilities that come from the prophet’s gifts and office. Any believer can hear from God in the ways I have described here and many do. I pray that, as a prophetic person, you will allow God to speak to you by yielding your senses to Him and allowing your spiritual ears to be tuned in to hear the voice of God.

Chapter Two

PROPHETIC PEOPLE PROPHESY What is Prophecy? Prophecy may be defined as “a message from God given through man, by a specific unction of the Holy Spirit.� This message differs from preaching and teaching in that the message may be very brief, direct and to the point, and usually incorporates one or more of the revelation gifts of the Holy Spirit: the word of wisdom or word of knowledge. Prophecy differs



from preaching, also, in that the unction or urging of the Holy Spirit upon the person is much stronger. Prophecy is directed at the person or persons to whom it is spoken, and is used for edification, exhortation and comfort. Where preaching is general, prophecy is specific. Prophecy can be used as a weapon of warfare, (1 Timothy 1:18), especially if the person receiving the prophecy prays in line with that prophecy. Prophecy, when it contains the gift of the word of wisdom has an element of foretelling in it. The word of wisdom can be defined as “any message from God that gives a portion of God’s mind; it tells the believer how to apply knowledge in order to prepare him for events to come.” Often we think of prophecy as only dealing with the future. Much of what we call prophecy in this time is merely speculation when it comes to predicting the future. Much of this type of religious exercise is generated by fear of the future and man’s vain attempts to predict the day and hour of Jesus’ second coming. True prophets respect the scripture when it says: “no man knows the day or the hour that the Father has placed in his hands.” (Matthew 25:13). The scriptures cannot be broken. What then is the place of prophecy in the New Testament church?



Edification Prophecy builds, or strengthens the church. Whenever God speaks, something is added to the church, not taken away. Persons who did not have answers or direction in the past become built up by prophecy. Your inner man gets a new resolve to trust God and go on with the work God has called him to. Confusion is dispelled as prophecy gives the person new direction and increased understanding of God’s love, concern and care for him. So many times we think of prophecy as giving “orders” or direction, only. Prophecy reveals God’s perception of a person, can describe his gifts, calling and abilities. Prophecy builds the inner man, and allows the person to be established and settled in his full identity as a child of God. Prophecy increases the church, and decreases the abilities of the soul and flesh.

Exhortation To exhort means to “urge, incite by strong argument, advice or appeal. To admonish earnestly.”2 Understandably, this type of message is different from preaching, which persuades, but not as urgently or forcefully. Many times because of wrong influences on 2 American Heritage Dictionary, 1969 American Heritage Publishing Company, New York, NY 10017



our minds, God has to bring us into a position of obedience to His voice through exhortation. Godly exhortation will spur a person on to obedience to God. I remember receiving a prophecy once, which began with a question. God said, “why do you keep telling me you can’t when I keep telling you can?’ God was exhorting me to believe Him when He tells me He is with me to strengthen me in all that I do. Many other good things were born in my heart when I received that prophecy. God strongly urged me to believe in what He had done in my life thus far and would continue to do. I was changed in my perception and understanding of both God and myself. This changed perception caused me to act in line with what God said about me, not what I used to be.

Comfort If you have ever been distressed and perplexed you will understand why the comfort of the Holy Spirit is necessary. Many people think that the comfort of the Holy Spirit is merely a warm feeling, but let me ask you this, when you were small and fell and hurt yourself, how did your mother comfort and bring reassurance to you that everything would be all right? She used words, right? Words as well as touch, as a matter of fact. It is the same with God. Comfort, therefore, relieves fears, doubts, pain, and gives



consolation. We need comfort in times of trial, persecution, and loss. The Holy Spirit will give a word of prophecy to comfort us when we need it most. When we’re in great distress and in need of answers that will reassure us of God’s love and good plans for us, He may send a prophecy to us to bless and comfort us. Many prophecies have all three elements in one message, sometimes only one or two. Overall, the prophecy should leave the person with a sense of increase instead of decrease; gain instead of loss; comfort instead of pain; clarity instead of confusion. Sometimes prophecy may contain things that our flesh does not want to hear. In times like this, go with the inner witness of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will witness to the truth.

JUDGING PROPHECY Must Line up with God’s Word Most importantly, prophecy must keep in line with the scriptures, and the scriptures must be rightly divided. It is easy for anyone to quote some memorized verses, but the wisdom of God must always be in operation in prophecy. The wisdom that is from above is first of all peaceable, easy to be entreated, full of good fruits, and gentle. (James 3:17). This does not mean we should pat each other on the



back exclusively, but the spirit behind the word should have those characteristics. God wants His Word to be received, so the person receiving the prophecy must not be offended by a wrong spirit coming from the speaker. There must be a witness within the heart of the hearer that God is speaking to him. Often people will judge prophecy as coming from God because the person giving the prophecy “doesn’t even know me and they told me exactly what I wanted to know.” This can also be done by psychics. Familiar spirits are assigned to the people in order to collect information about their lives. We must always judge by the scriptural content PLUS the inner witness. I had a Christian woman come up to me once who said some very flattering things to me, but the spirit on her was wrong. My spirit was wounded by what she said, and even though she was speaking some things that most people want to hear, I could not receive what she was saying, because I did not get a witness in my spirit that this was from God. Always look for the Holy Spirit to acknowledge His Words by an inner witness in your spirit. If He does not acknowledge that He is speaking to you by giving you an inner peace, joy, blessedness or other affirmation, put the prophecy “on the shelf.” Notice I did not say to argue with the person giving the prophecy. People make mistakes, and should be forgiven. Just lay the word aside until God speaks to



you about it.

What The Prophet Brings The presence of a prophet in a congregation of believers brings the proper atmosphere for accurate prophecies. The prophet has the ability to govern an atmosphere and make it conducive to prophecy. All ministry gifts have this ability to govern an atmosphere. Teachers bring clarity and understanding, evangelists bring repentance and desire for salvation, apostles bring greater clarity of doctrine, discipline and truth to an atmosphere, pastors bring love, patience, and nurturing into an atmosphere. It is evident that we need all of these gifts for the perfecting of the saints. (Ephesians 4:11) We will deal here with the prophet’s ability to bring the atmosphere conducive to prophesying into an assembly of believers. The prophet governs the atmosphere by virtue of his ministry office anointing. There are five different offices that govern the church. Each office has specific functions, duties and characteristics. There is some overlap, but there are more unique distinctions than similarities. Each minister sees solutions based on his ministry gift. When a person is anointed to stand in an office, then God will back up that person’s words and actions and perform what that person preaches.



God has, by virtue of the anointing for that office, officially sanctioned that person’s work. Many people may have developing ministry gifts, but only those who stand in their particular offices have the ability to govern atmospheres. Some preachers preach at a believer’s level of anointing -- this has little governing ability. This is not a proper atmosphere for prophecy. The prophet, because he has revelation gifts, is able to bring greater light into an atmosphere. The atmosphere created by his anointing makes information available to the meeting in a greater measure. This abundance of revelation in the atmosphere is what makes the gift of prophecy available to so many believers in the assembly. When the prophet Samuel instructed Saul to go and retrieve his fathers asses, he told Saul that he would meet a company of prophets. When Saul came into the company of prophets, he began to prophesy. It was then asked “is Saul among the prophets?” (1 Samuel 10:11-12). This is one of the keys to accurate prophecy, to be in the company of prophets. Also you see that the anointing to prophesy was upon Saul while he was in the company of prophets. When he went back to his normal routine, he did not prophesy.



Tongues And Interpretation On the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1) the believers assembled together received the Holy Spirit and began to speak in unknown tongues and magnify God. They began to speak in the understanding and interpret what was being spoken in tongues. This gift of tongues and interpretation is also prophecy. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is always an atmosphere conducive to prophecy. Peter, as an apostle, also prophesied and gave interpretation to the congregation about what was going on. This gift of interpretation is part of the revelation gift that the prophet brings to the body of Christ. Because interpretation depends upon revelation, the apostle Peter was able to give the interpretation of what was happening. He told the lookers-on that these men were not drunk as they supposed, but this is that which was spoken by the prophet, Joel. (Acts 2:15-16) This was the time of the Holy Spirit being poured out on all flesh. This was a New Testament phenomenon. Under the Old Covenant, few people had this privilege. Actually, only the prophet, priest, and king were anointed of God, or had His Spirit upon them. Under the New Covenant, believers are both indwelt by the Holy Spirit and may have the privilege of having the Spirit poured out upon them. God was again



dwelling among His people.

Let the Prophets Judge So, since the prophet is able to govern the atmosphere and make it conducive to prophecy and revelation, how should this happen? First of all, the prophets should judge the prophecies that are given, (1 Corinthians 14:29). This is done in several ways. The prophet may judge by the spirit that is upon the speaker. Is it the spirit of prophecy? Many people are not aware of this, but prophets do have the ability to discern spirits, and especially in an assembly of believers, the spirit of prophecy. Many people want to prophesy, (and we should covet to do so) but we are not permitted to stand in the meeting and try to “think of something to say” and call it prophecy. Often people are frustrated and have their opinions that they feel must be shared with others. A trained prophet who is in the spirit will know if the spirit of prophecy is on a person to prophesy. The person who does not have this spirit upon them may be discouraged from speaking out. We want the “thus saith the Lord” to come from the spirit of prophecy. Secondly, is what is being said being done by unction of the spirit or is this a person’s well-meaning soul that is driving them to speak? Many times we want



to say something nice to “bless” everybody. This also is not prophecy. The prophet may want to judge by the spirit behind the voice. If the prophet does not get a witness from the Holy Spirit that He is prompting the person to speak, they should be discouraged from speaking. Thirdly, does the congregation (especially other ministry gifts, and developed Christians) get anything out of what is said that is of edification, exhortation or comfort? Was there God’s wisdom in what was said? Was it peaceable, easy to be entreated, full of good fruit, without hypocrisy? (James 3:17). In an atmosphere where people do not understand the unction and prompting of God’s Spirit, the prophet should teach, activate and impart that anointing to people. Impartation of the anointing to prophesy can come by the laying on of hands and teaching in a company of prophets or “prophetic presbytery”, (a group of experienced prophets who work with younger ones and believers to impart the anointing to prophesy).

True vs. False It is important to note that there are counterfeits from the soul and flesh, and also from familiar spirits to the true gift of prophecy. True prophecy comes from the Holy Spirit’s unction or anointing on a person’s



words. The prophecy originates with God, not man, and will build the church. False prophecy will lead to disappointment, failure and fear. Many people are now fearful of true prophecy because of negative experiences. I’ve bought too tight shoes before, but I’ve never been tempted to go barefoot! God is maturing His people to become discerning judges and not whining, critical babies, who malign the gift. “Despise not prophesying.” (1 Thessalonians 5:20). Often persons giving false prophecy may feel that they have a “hard word” for people and begin criticizing and condemning the group, or one individual if it is an individual prophecy. Sometimes people receiving prophecy are so fearful and selfcritical that any prophecy that gives direction sounds “hard” to them. They probably won’t go very far in God with this attitude; whom He loves He chastens (Hebrews 12:6). He can help us more if we approach prophecy in a mature fashion. Prophecy is a gift of God sent to help the believer. Remember: TRUE PROPHECY: edify exhort comfort

FALSE PROPHECY: flatter malign disturb



Grace Gift vs. Office of Prophet The grace gift of prophecy is prophecy that can be given by any believer, whether laity or clergy. All believers should desire to prophesy. It is good to have the many gifts of God working through us because they are needed to help humanity. So many people are in need of encouragement from God. This is one of the many ways that He encourages us, by speaking to us through other human vessels. This “grace gift” of prophecy is one that God graces all believers to receive and deliver. This gift has certain distinctions depending on the level of authority, rank, faith and knowledge an individual speaker has. The Bible instructs us to prophesy according to our proportion of faith, (Romans 12:6). What we have the faith to say is all that should be said. At times I have heard prophets speak and think to myself, “boy, I wish I had to guts to say that.” Actually, it’s more faith and knowledge than guts that will get the job done. Each person varies in his or her abilities because of these differences.

Lay Prophecy When believers prophesy in a congregational setting, their scope of faith will be on a believer’s level. They may exhort people to love, worship and trust God.



They may also reassure the congregation of God’s good thoughts toward them (Jeremiah 29:11). Because they have no governing authority over the congregation, (they do not hold a ministry gift office), it is unlikely God would use them to correct, direct and guide the congregation. They may give great reassurance and comfort at their level of faith. Personal prophecy can also be given person to person. Richard Nixon was raised by devout Quaker parents. His mother told him of a dream she had that he would be president one day, and be used by God to help save the nation of Israel. As history tells us, he was narrowly defeated by John F. Kennedy in 1960. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Nixon went on to become president in the 1968 election, and was re-elected in 1972. On Yom Kippur, October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel who only had 180 tanks lined up to defend against 1400 Syrian tanks in Golan and 500 Israelis against 600,000 Egyptians with 2,000 tanks and 550 aircraft in the Suez. At least nine other Arab states were set to support Arab-Syrian forces, with Russia supplying weapons. President Nixon airlifted military supplies to Israel in October and November of 1973. A total of 556 flights were done. By October 18, Israeli troops marched toward Cairo defeating the Egyptians. By October 22,



Israel controlled Golan. This prophecy was actually the interpretation of a dream. It did come to pass.

Five Fold Prophecy Prophecy from ministry gifts other than the prophet will contain the same basic elements of lay prophecy, but will have some governing elements to it, dependent upon the gift, faith, and vision that that ministry gift has. These prophecies are for the edification of the body, and may give direction, correction and exhortation in a governing vein. That is, the congregation may understand direction, timing, and get a sense of how God feels regarding an issue that is being spoken about. The scope of interest is greater than that that of the lay prophecy, as is the authority from which the minister speaks.

Office Of Prophet Prophecy from the office of prophet contains the greatest degree of vision, direction, correction and governing insight. The prophet will also have the greatest element of foretelling in his announcements. Because of the revelation gifting in the prophet, he may disclose in greater detail, give interpretation, and describe visions that he has seen. The prophet who



administers his office correctly can keep the congregation on course with his words, and can give comfort, vision, and clarity to what people are experiencing. Interpretation of events, revealing secrets, and preparing people for things to come are characteristic of elements of the prophecy from the office of the prophet. The prophet will, by his words, bring people into a place of understanding events from God’s perspective. “This is that” is a common expression for the gift of interpretation. A person in the office of prophet is very sensitive to timing and seasons with respect to what the people of God ought to be doing. The prophet may speak concerning excesses, wrong doctrine, righteousness, and commitment to Divine purpose. The prophet is also sensitive to gifts and callings, and will reveal these areas in his prophecies. Prophets set boundaries and limits around the flock and exhort them to mature and obey God. Prophets may also receive words from the Lord of a global nature. They may be sent to speak to religious, church and world leaders, and may be counselors to those in high offices and sent with special and timely messages to persons in authority. As you can see, there is much that can be gained from the gift of prophecy. God has placed prophets in the body for the express purpose of creating an



atmosphere conducive to the accurate flow of prophecy and imparting the anointing to prophesy to all believers. Paul expressed a desire that we should all prophesy. (1 Corinthians 14:5) So did Moses. (Numbers 11:27-29) Having the ability to receive and give messages from God is a blessing we should all covet.



Chapter Three

PROPHETIC PEOPLE AND THE REVELATION GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT IN ACTION The gifts of the word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits are known as the revelation gifts of the spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). The person who occupies the office of the prophet should have a consistent manifestation of two or more of these three gifts.



The Gift of The Word of Knowledge The word of knowledge is defined as supernatural knowledge from God that comes to the church to bless, encourage, or answer questions pertaining to God's plan for man. This gift is essential to the ministry of the prophet and his people. Prophets reveal secrets (Amos 3:7) of God to the earth. The prophet must develop his ability to receive knowledge from God. The gift of the Word of knowledge operated in Jesus’ ministry as well. In Matthew 17:24-27 we see an example of the gift of the word of knowledge in operation. Jesus answers a question posed by Peter, who has been questioned by the customs agent if Jesus pays taxes to Caesar. Jesus answers by telling Peter to go to the sea and put in his hook, and the first fish that comes up will have a coin in its mouth that will pay the taxes for both of them. When Peter obeys the instructions of Jesus, he finds it just as he has said. This is true of the gift of the word of knowledge from God. It will solve the problem and be exactly as it was told, if obeyed. Prophetic people rely on this gift because the work of the ministry requires answers, solutions, and direction that cannot be obtained through natural



means. When we rely totally on God without trying to figure out answers in our own heads, we can open ourselves up to rely on the gifts of the spirit.

The Gift of the Word of Wisdom The word of wisdom can be defined as supernatural wisdom that comes from the Spirit of God to give the mind of God. It is the application of supernatural knowledge, or the “how to” of God. There may also be an element of foretelling, or forecasting in the gift of the word of wisdom. Our example in Matthew 17:24-27 also includes an example of the gift of the word of wisdom. When Jesus is able to answer the question, “how will we pay our taxes,” this is a manifestation of the word of wisdom. The knowledge that God would provide the money is the word of knowledge, the details of going to the sea and getting money out of the fish’s mouth is the word of wisdom. Peter naturally would have had to have caught enough fish to sell and take the money that was made by selling them and pay taxes. By the supernatural gifts of God, he could know the money was inside the fish. Nobody could have known this but God.



The Gift of Discerning of Spirits The gift of discerning of spirits is the supernatural knowledge of the presence of spiritual beings that inhabit atmospheres, people, or animals, or objects either by an inner knowing or sensing, by sight, sound or smell. This discernment can also be a vision or dream. In Acts 16:16-19 the Apostle Paul sees a young woman possessed with a spirit of divination. He knew this by the Spirit of God. People who knew this young woman had perhaps thought she was gifted and had unusual abilities, but by the Spirit of God, Paul knew that she was possessed with a demon. She followed him many days giving false testimony about his ministry. He became vexed in his spirit (discernment), and commanded the devil to come out of her. It was verified that this was a demon because she was rendered unable to tell any more fortunes after this. God confirms His Word with signs following. This gift is useful in preparing the way of the Lord. In order to have strong prophetic meetings, prophets and prophetic people must use their spiritual authority to dislodge demonic spirits from the meeting place so that the Spirit of God is free to speak to the people and the people are free to hear from the Lord without having the Word perverted or robbed



from them through demonic interference, much in the way Paul did in removing the influence of this familiar spirit from his work.



Chapter Four

PROPHETIC PEOPLE AND THE POWER GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT IN ACTION The Gift of Healings Prophetic people must equip themselves with faith in the Word of God concerning the gift of healings. This is part of the believer's ministry. (Mark 16:17-18) Because the prophet's office is traditionally used to teach and train ministers and workers in the ministry,



it is expected that the prophet would equip himself and his people with the faith to pray for the sick and believe for their recovery. The prophet sees healing as a mandate and not an option. His people have this same point of view. With so many people seeking healing from God, prophetic people must meet the challenge of study, prayer and dedication to the Word that will allow the manifestation of the gift of healings. The ministry of the prophet from Abraham, Moses, to Jesus, his disciples, was known for the gift of healings. God has always had a covenant of healing with His people. “I am the Lord that healeth thee,� (Exodus 15:26). Naaman the leper was healed because his wife's maid spoke with certainty that the prophet of God could heal him (2 Kings chapter 5). Prophetic people pray for the sick, lay hands on the sick and accomplish the ministry of Jesus. William Branham (1909-1965) was a prophet called by God through an angelic visitation in which he was instructed to not drink or smoke or defile his body, for God had a work for him to do. He was converted at the age of 22 after a short career as a boxer. Branham began as a Baptist minister, but left and began healing and evangelistic services that lasted



until his death in 1965.3 Branham is called the father of the modern day healing revival that merged into the Word of Faith movement of today. His ministry typically utilized the gift of the Word of Knowledge to use as a point of contact in which people would release their faith to be healed. His gift worked so accurately that he was able to reveal the thoughts, experiences and needs of individuals who came up for prayer.4

Gift of Faith The gift of faith is defined as unusually strong supernatural faith that comes to rescue one from trouble, bring a quick remedy to a problem, or spare a person from destruction or death. It often accompanies the gift of the working of miracles. Since the prophet's office requires the gift of supernatural faith, in order to obey the direction of the Holy Spirit, he must develop his dependence on God and believe that the gift of faith will be available to him. Jesus operated in the gift of faith in John chapter 6 when He fed the multitude. Lindsay, Gordon. William Branham, A Man Sent from God. (Jeffersonville, Ind: WBEA) Ch. 2 & 3


4 Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1988 p.372



He beings with a need. (v. 5). This is how all miracles begin. The people had followed him non-stop for several days into the wilderness and needed food. He decided to feed them (word of wisdom). He knows He must look to heaven for the answer he needs. He asks the disciples how much food they have available (John 6:9). When five loaves and two fishes are produced, Jesus looks up toward heaven and thanks the Father for them after having had everybody to sit down. By the gift of faith, he begins to pass food to the disciples who pass it to the people until everyone is fed (John 6:12). The gift of faith allowed Jesus to continue to expect that the food would be sufficient for 5,000 men plus women and children, with leftovers to spare.

Gift of the Working of Miracles In this same example, we also see the gift of the working of miracles, which is defined as an interruption in the natural course of things that may involve redirection of the course of nature (as when Jesus calmed the sea, in Mark chapter 4), healing, restoration, regeneration, or increase. The working of miracles is a gift of the Holy Spirit that will bring about the will of God in a situation. The working of miracles also employs human effort and cooperation, because it is a gift to the church. The



church is people. Prophetic people are a part of the church. When God makes a promise, He intends to keep it, so the prophet must be able to follow the instructions and prompting of the Holy Spirit to achieve the will of God. This means he must be willing to step into the work required to work miracles. Jesus operated in this gift when he turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana in Galilee (John chapter 2). Raising Lazarus from the dead in John chapter 11 is another example. Jesus left this ministry to His people. He wants us all to be prophetic people, that is, receive the same anointing that He had when He walked the earth as a prophet.



Chapter Five

PROPHETIC PEOPLE AND THE VOCAL GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT IN ACTION Prophetic people desire to hear from God. God speaks to the church through the gift of prophecy. God gives His people direction, comfort, encouragement, and warning through the gift of prophecy. This contact with God is necessary for the work of the ministry. The voice of God is the gift of prophecy. It is one of



the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. Prophecy is a message from God given to the church for edification, exhortation, or comfort. Prophecy can come also through tongues and interpretation. The Word of the Lord is a gift. However God chooses to speak to us, we must accept. Prophetic people are especially sensitive to God’s voice. We want to hear from God. The prophetic person depends upon God's leading in his personal life, work, and ministry. A word from God eliminates guesswork and assures us of success if we obey his voice. Prophetic people desire success in God. Prophetic people need daily contact with the voice of God because their work as intercessors, watchmen, and ministers depends upon accurate instruction from the Lord. When prophetic people gather, the prophet is encouraged to wait upon the Lord for His Word for the people. When he speaks the Word of the Lord, it is judged by the other prophets and by the others in the company or congregation. As the Word of the Lord is received, it becomes spiritual equipment to the congregation. This word allows the body to be built up and strengthened in its work here on the earth. Prophecy can be given in the form of tongues and interpretation. This message can be given by one or by two persons. The Holy Spirit decides how the message is given, but God's people must be open to





receive His Word however it comes. Prophets will often seek God for direction in times of transition and beginnings of the new year, when a goal has been reached, or when the body needs direction in a meeting and Divine intervention. The prophet must be patient to allow the message to come from heaven, because the best meeting is one in which God is in control from beginning to end.

Prophecy That Sets The Tone In A Meeting When prophetic people gather together, there is a hunger in the atmosphere to hear from God. Personalities are not welcome in such a meeting, as the hunger allows God's wishes and desires for the meeting to be known. The prophet will speak the Word of the Lord, which is received by the congregation. This corporate faith allows the meeting to come into line with the Word of the Lord just spoken. This use of prophecy builds up, or edifies the church. It allows the people to know what God desires to do, and we have not just another good meeting, but a meeting from heaven. There is a difference and prophetic people know this and desire it. I will share an example of the use of prophecy to set the tone for the meeting.



During praise and worship, the worship leader was exhorting the people and said, “We serve a God of abundance.” That word stuck with me. God began to magnify the word “abundance” inside of me. As the worship continued, I began to hear the sound of abundance. Then the scripture in 1 Kings 18:41-45 came to me, and the Lord prompted me to tell the people, “I hear it...” From the three words, I hear it, came forth the following prophecy in the form of the song of the Lord: I hear it! Don't you hear it? I hear it! Can you hear it? I hear the sound of abundance of rain! Abundance of rain! drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain It's abundance of rain! I hear the sound of abundance of rain! Even in famine in Detroit I hear the sound of abundance of rain! I hear the sound of abundance of rain! Can you hear it? drip drip drip drip drip drip drop drop drip drop drip drop drip drop I hear it! I hear it! The Abundance of rain! I hear the sound of abundance of rain! Can you hear it? Can you hear it? drip drip drip drip drip drip drop drop drip drop drip drop drip drop drop drop drop drop drop...





AND A FLOOD IS COMING I'm telling you! A FLOOD IS COMING I'm telling you! Even in the midst of famine the flood will come the flood of abundance of everything we need 'Cause we serve a God of Abundance! He is not a broke, poor God! He cares less about the economy! He cares less about "Cap & Crunch" and "Cap & Trade" and "Cap & Tax" & "Captain Crunch!" He cares less about "Clunkers for Truckers" and "Trade" & Stuff! He's the God of Abundance of Rain! drip drip drip drip I hear it! I hear it! I hear the sound of abundance of rain! And it reaches a flood... And it reaches your house... And it reaches your purse... It's abundance of rain! It's abundance of rain! We serve a God of abundance and an abundance, abundance of RAIN is coming! "Coming to my people! It's coming to my people! Sow in the midst of famine as Isaac did, and you'll reap 100-fold in the season of famines because you live in the land of Abundance Don't forget it! your abundance! abundance! You serve a God who is never broke, and if you go broke, He'll make it for you! He can make anything; He created this earth,


PROPHETIC PEOPLE And He will give it to His kids... WE GET IT FIRST! I said ABUNDANCE IS COMING! ABUNDANCE IS COMING! Don't believe the lies that you see on the TV! Abundance is coming to the people of God! Abundance is coming to the people of God! I hear it! drip drip drip drip The sound of abundance! The sound of abundance! The sound of abundance! Amen!" ABUNDANCE IS COMING TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD Prophecy Given Through Barbara Williams August 13, 2009

From that point, the anointing changed from one of worship and expectancy to fulfillment and joy. The people's hunger had been fed by the Word of the Lord. This prophecy in the form of the song of the Lord came in response to the people’s desire to be comforted concerning the state of the economy. Even though it was released over the city of Detroit, there were people from other areas present, and those people received reassurance of God’s provision as well. God’s word can be received by anybody anywhere. His Kingdom is not limited to a place. It is within His people.





Prophetic People Have An Ear To Hear The Song Of The Lord Prophetic people have a desire to worship God in a deep way. Prophetic worship induces the human spirit to seek deeper companionship with God, by seeking His direction in worship. It is worship initiated in heaven and by the Holy Spirit compared to worship that soothes the soul. Worship that begins in heaven must be sought through the prophet who knows that the minstrel comes to minister to the spirit and bypass the control of the soul in worship. The prophet's anointing influences the atmosphere, making it more conducive to allowing the flow of prophecy and the other gifts of the Spirit. Many years ago, the Lord gave me a vision of worship in heaven. I heard the song that was being sung and the music that was being played there. I also saw our earthly worship team singing a different song. The music in heaven was so beautiful, that I began to listen more to it than the earthly. Then the Lord explained that I could have heaven's worship through the song of the Lord and listening for His voice and direction in the meeting. When we allow God to bring His song into the worship, we sing the same song that heaven sings. “Let it be on earth as it



is in heaven,” (Matthew 6:10).

Worship with Heaven Prophetic people desire to worship as heaven does. Because they desire a fresh word from God and seek to be in tune with the current flow of what God is doing, they seek to be refreshed in the Word from heaven. Often the corporate faith of prophetic people will cause the prophet to hear the song of the Lord and release that song to the congregation. Does that mean that the prophet must have a singing voice? I do not, unfortunately. However, prophets do sing as “cantors.” I joke and say that word means they “can't” sing. Actually, the cantor is one who leads liturgical (traditional) music in a church service. This person may lead responsive music, hymns, or chants. There is a wide range of singing skill employed here. The prophet is compelled by God to sing what he hears, so if a song needs to be repeated, it is permissible that the song be picked up by worshippers with trained singing voices. This is very common in our services. Often I will hear the song and give it to the worship leader. He will continue to sing it until God has accomplished what He sets out to do with the song. Over the years, I have come to know worship leaders who know how to follow the prophet's direction in the meeting, so there is no





conflict of ideas and desires for the direction of the meeting when I work with a true minstrel.

The Song Of The Bride and The Bridegroom The above song about the sound of abundance was given to bring comfort to the people regarding a natural economic situation. The people were comforted to know that God has provision for His people in spite of the economy. Songs are also given to bring comfort regarding our relationship to the Lord. These “songs of songs” are very similar to those found in the book of the Song of Solomon. In the Song of Solomon we see a picture of romantic love. God also desires to romance His beloved. He does this through the song of the Lord. These songs may be messages sent by God to his betrothed or it may be a two way conversation between the bride and the bridegroom. Following are examples of each. Both were received during corporate worship. The Love Song of God: WORSHIP LEADER: This is what I do to show I love you… This is what I do to show I love you… This is what I do to show I love you…


PROPHETIC PEOPLE PROPHECY: “This is what He does to show He loves us…” The Spirit of the Lord would say to you, He says, “This is what I do to show I love you… This is what I do to show I love you: I call you from the east and I call you from the west But I call only to the very one that I love the best (ha) This is what I do to show that I love you How you gonna love me back? Hey! How you gonna love me back?” says the Lord. “Because I’ve called you from the north and the south And the east and west, My Beloved. I’ve called you to a wedding supper… And guess what? You wear the white dress and the veil! I’ve called you out of sin and degradation And lifted you up (Hey Hey!) Ya’ll look so good in the clothes I bought And I’m buying you some more Because my wardrobe for you goes to the highest place it could ever be I have the purples and golds to adorn you in Hey! You belong to Me! And Everyone who looks at you can see That I love you from the bottom of My heart. I’ve called you unto Me, Beloved, By the wooing of the Spirit Because I found you in that place And you saw a flyer with a face And you said, ‘I don’t know what this means But I gotta be there! I’m gonna get there!’”





He said, “I can find you anywhere you are. I can draw you unto Me. I woo you. I hiss at you (Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!) Com’on! (Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!) Hey! Com’on! And see what I have for you! Because I love you,” says the Spirit of the Lord. “You are loved by the highest being in the universe! Now look at that! See what you’re worth! I gave the blood of My Beloved Son for you and you and you and you and you and you and you! Hey! I love you,” says the Spirit of the Lord. “And this is what I do to show that I love you I draw you into my loving arms And you know that I am yours, and nobody but yours!” says the Spirit of the Lord. WORSHIP LEADER: This is what I do to show I love you… This is what I do to show I love you… This is what I do to show I love you… THIS IS WHAT I DO TO SHOW I LOVE YOU… Prophecy Given Through Barbara Williams, February 6, 2009

Bride: At the sound of Your voice, I will run to You When You call to me, I will answer


PROPHETIC PEOPLE Oh, I know Your voice, I know Your voice Just call to me, Lord, I know Your voice I will turn my face, to the sound of Your voice And I will run to You, I will run to You My filthy rags, I will cast aside My angriness, and my foolish pride When You call to me, call to me, call to me, I will answer I am a part of that Brand-New Breed, I am a part of that Brand-New Breed And if You call to me, Oh, my Lord, I will answer Bridegroom: Come to Me Beloved, Oh, come to Me, your Lord is calling you Come to Me Beloved, Oh, come to Me, your Lord is calling you Come as you are, I’ll adorn you with what you need Come as you are, I’ll adorn you with what you need You need My Peace and you need My Joy Do you need the New Wine? Unto you I give you New Wine, a Joy in your soul, you are mine Come and taste of the Wedding Cake, I have made a tasty bake Just come as you are, I’ll accept you that way, My beloved Bride: Oh, I hear Your voice, and I’m running to You I’m flinging myself at You, Oh, my Lord I hear Your voice, my Lord, my Bridegroom




Adorned in Your Holiness, Righteousness and Truth Here I am, Oh, I love you My Lord, I hear Your voice And I’m running, I’m running, I’m running to You, Oh, I’m running, I’m running, I’m running to You Oh, I’m running to You Bridegroom: You are My Beloved I love you the way you are You are My Beloved I love you the way you are Put on no makeup, Just come as you are Don’t fuss with your hair, I love it that way You come as you are, My lovely girl You come as you are, you are My world You are My Beloved and I am your Groom, just come as you are You are My Beloved and I am your Groom, just come as you are Bride: How can You love me when I am like this? I’ve made my life such an awful mess But I’ve heard Your voice, and I’m running, I’m running to You I’ve heard Your voice, and I’m running, I’m running, I’m running, I’m running I’m running to You, Make my feet like the deer I am running, I’m running to You



PROPHETIC PEOPLE Bridegroom: I’ll perfect you with the kisses of My mouth, I must adorn you first I’ll perfect you with the kisses of My mouth, but I must adorn you first Bridegroom: Run to Me, My Beloved Bride: Oh, I’m running, I’m running, I’m running, I’m running to You Bridegroom: Run to Me, My Beloved Bride: I’m running, I’m running, I’m running to You Bridegroom: Well, you are here in the presence of the Lord I promised you, you won’t be ignored Just come to Me and worship at My feet Bride (congregation’s Response): I worship You, I worship You, I worship You, My King I worship You, I worship You, I worship You, My King I adore You, I adore You, I adore You, My King I love You, I love You, I love You, My King I love You, I love You, I love You, My King I adore You, I adore You, I adore You, My King All the angels cry “Holy!” All the angels cry “Holy!” But I, as Your Bride, I simply say “I adore You” All the angels cry “Holy!” All the angels cry “Holy!” But we are Your Bride, And we simply say “We adore You!” We adore You, we adore You We as Your Bride simply say we adore You





We adore You, we adore You, we adore You We are Your Bride and we say we adore You All the angels cry “Holy! Holy!” All the angels cry “Holy! Holy!” But I am Your Bride and I simply say “I love You” “I love you, I love You” I am Your Bride and I say “I love You” Hoh, hoh, hoh, hoh, Hoh, hoh, hoh, hoh I am Your Bride and I say “I adore You” Hoh, hoh, hoh, Hoh, hoh, hoh I am Your Bride and I say “Oh, Jesus, I adore You” I adore You, I adore You, I am Your Bride and I say I adore You I adore You, I adore You, I adore You, I adore You, I adore You, I adore You… SONG OF THE BRIDE & THE BRIDEGROOM: “RUN TO ME, MY BELOVED” Song of the Lord given through Barbara Williams (Bridegroom) & Brenda Zedlitz (Bride), January 31, 2004

The Minstrel The biblical minstrel was a part of the company of prophets. It is not certain if he was one of the singers, which would mean he was most probably a Levite. The Levites, descendants of Levi, (Jacob’s second son), were in charge of the temple functions from



doorkeepers, to priests, to singers. If he were not a Levite, he could have been loaned to the Lord as a Nazarite, or called to that specific ministry. The minstrel was most likely trained by the prophet, as he was able to accompany him and help his ministry. 2 Kings 3:15, 17 describe the relationship between the prophet and the minstrel. But now bring me a minstrel." And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him‌ For thus saith the Lord: `Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye and your cattle and your beasts.'

The minstrel would begin to play his instrument and would reach a certain tune or chord, which enabled the prophet to hear from heaven and receive the Word of the Lord. If necessary, the prophet may direct the minstrel to repeat a certain phrase or part of the song over and over again if it stirs the gift of prophecy within him. As the prophet begins to prophesy, he may or may not wish the music to continue. Once the gift is stirred, the Word is received, and the prophet will deliver the Word. This interaction is not for entertainment, or even for worship, per se, but a device employed by the prophet to contact heaven. It works the same way





now. This is not merely an inspired message, but the actual Word of the Lord, a message directly from heaven. This ministry has continued through the ages. The medieval minstrel is thought to have had his origins with the biblical minstrel, as their ministry has some similarities, and with the Roman histrions and others of the bards of Gaul and Germany. Since the biblical minstrel draws his anointing from the prophet's office, in the absence of the prophet, this gift will not have the same impact, but there are some similarities. The medieval minstrel traveled from city to city, looking for a permanent place to minister. They were also known as troubadours. They sang songs about the miracles of the saints, stories of scripture, and legends of later heroes. As you can see, without the leadership of the prophet, the minstrel was left to attempt his ministry without the anointing and purpose that gift in the man of God provided. He was a gift without the proper training and development. It appears that the gift of God without proper development and placement found its place in the world or the church without the proper spiritual development. The minstrel's message became more and more secular, with feats of agility and drama added. The last of this kind is perhaps the minstrel show that was a part of the American vaudeville form of entertainment that lasted into the



second decade of the twentieth century. 5

The Musical Prophet The prophet, himself, may deliver the song of the Lord. He may or may not play a musical instrument. If he does, he becomes his own minstrel. David was such a minstrel. He was called the “sweet psalmist of Israel� (2 Samuel 23:1). He sang and wrote the psalms, which were stirred by his gift as minstrel. They are considered scripture because they were the words of God. That is not to say that the gift of prophecy in this age has the same weight as scripture. The bible that we have now is not to be added to, or taken away from, (Revelation 22:18). Prophecy must always be judged, or measured against the bible, (1 Corinthians 14:29).

Let the Instruments Prophesy God can speak through musical instruments. Man has always used instruments to send messages. Horns have been used as alarms or warning instruments. Drums have been used in tribal cultures to send messages. In prophetic worship instruments 5 The Drama: It's History, Literature and Influence on Civilization, vol. 7. ed. Alfred Bates. London: Historical Publishing Company, 1906. pp 3-6.





can actually sound out a message that can be interpreted by the prophet. The interpretation may come in the form of a spoken message. This method of God speaking works in a manner similar to tongues and interpretation. A musician under the influence of the prophet's anointing may play an inspired song on tune, or find a tune or chord that touches heaven. The prophet who hears can then interpret the message played on the instrument. I was at a meeting on the National Day of prayer. I was asked to give a brief exhortation on a topic outlined by the organizer of the event. I spoke on the topic for about five minutes, as there were several persons participating in the event. I returned to my seat, and the pastor asked his son to play the piano as the meeting was ending. As the young man played, my spirit was stirred and God began to give me the interpretation of the message he had given through the piano. I asked the pastor if I could have the freedom to interpret the message. He said, “yes� and I gave the interpretation. The young man functioned as a minstrel by allowing his fingers to find the keys as God directed him. The congregation was encouraged by the message, as is consistent with the gift of prophecy, (1 Corinthians 14:3).



SUMMARY Prophetic people are those influenced by the prophet. These people have certain characteristics that we have attempted to describe here. It is God’s desire that we all are prophetic people, able to hear and see and perform all that God has for us. Through the development of our spirits under the prophet’s anointing, we will accomplish this goal.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.