6 minute read
Things to remember NOTto do at a swingers' party!
Don't ever call the other Guests ‘Swingers’
You are going about it all wrong if you start using labels as soon as you arrive on the scene. Don’t assume that all swingers’ parties are like the scene from Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut”, with artfully arranged men and women in masks and little else, getting busy on the chaise lounges and piano lid. These are real people of all shapes, colors, sizes, and styles and all of them are individuals.
The initiated rarely refer to themselves, or the group events, as an orgy or a swinging party - they much prefer to refer to these gatherings as intimate adult events. And as such they don’t refer to each other as ‘swingers’, but simply as fellow human beings. Be respectful, and treat people as they treat you.
Never assume Consent, or that they are ALL Horndogs
Everyone you meet in the community is going to be a down-to-earth person, who is invariably already married, works in a corporate 9-5 job, and has children. They just happen to be a lot more interesting than the usual drinks partners.
Even if someone is prone, naked, and clearly in the mood, never assume that means they are ‘fair game’ for any type of approach, especially a physical one. Consent, like trust, is earned and not freely given. Always ask for permission to join them, be polite, don’t be crass or crude, and show due care and attention to their wishes and needs.
Just remember that being a good guest, and earning a respectable reputation, is going to net you more friends and future partners and get you invited to a lot more parties. You may even become a VIP.
Don’t ask for ‘real names’, or go online and Doxx your Fellow Guests
Do you think you don’t know any swingers? Wrong. Once you get into the scene, you will quickly find out you are far from the only ones in your city, your neighborhood, or even your street. Anyone you meet could be living “The Lifestyle”. The self-assured IT manager at your company, the hair stylist at the Salon, the Eastern European lady who sells door-to-door beauty products. The chances are you already know at least one couple who enjoys swinging; you just don’t know it -yet. That’s because these people are ordinary everyday people, just like you, only living double lives for the sake of privacy. They don’t have bumper stickers advertising their sexual preferences, or wear t-shirts declaring their sex lives.
Likewise, they aren’t all older married couples with kids and picket fences, who shop non-exclusively at IKEA on the weekends. Swinging is a choice for young 20-somethings, LGBTQ+ couples, and those you’d assume are “vanilla” (conventional, monogamous). There really isn’t a stereotype as to who is part of the scene, or not.
Therefore, it goes with the territory to respect the privacy of the people you meet, and who you have sex with in the scene. Nothing about them can be easily assumed, least of all that they would allow you to know their real name, where they live, their job, or their family. More than likely they want their sexual preferences to remain within the walls of the party, and to protect their identity. So it is best not to ask, but wait until you are trusted enough to be told - and if that never happens, just let it be. Don’t hound them for information, stalk them on social media, or try and doxx them. Mysteries can be sexy too.

Swingers aren’t Sex Robots. They are still Romantic Humans and do experience Jealousy

Finally, you need to remember that people, even people looking for no-strings sex, are still human and have sensitivities. They aren’t programmed only for sex, detached from all emotion and purged of feelings. So tread carefully, respect their personal feelings, and don’t question their commitment to their lives back in the real world, outside of the party.
The question most often asked in the community is: “How can you do it and not get jealous when your partner is making out with another person?”
The answer you’d most likely hear is: “I do get jealous. I’m only human! I just recognize that it’s only a feeling, like getting mad, and I choose not to act on it, or let it get the better of me in the moment.”
People in “The Lifestyle” invariably do feel attraction, romance, jealousy, and hurt, but accept it and choose not to act on these feelings in a long-term negative or toxic way. They’ve already set their expectations in advance, established the red flags, and agreed to safe words together before anything has started, and at the end of the day, it’s just fun sex. They are psychologically, and emotionally ready for the challenge of opening themselves up to others, and expect the same adult maturity in others.
Good luck loves and lovers. Remember to keep it consensual, have everyone’s safety in mind, and always be a responsible adult. Now go grab some partners and enjoy yourselves!

What is Planet Treat?
Planet Treat is going to be its own adult art platform, launching in early 2024 as part of the growing Treat DAO ecosystem of services. In one place it will combine the power of Web3 NFT applications with a simple GUI for listing and selling art on existing online marketplaces. It will also provide all the tools artists need to publish their artwork, stories, comics, sounds, music, and videos into an uncensored adult community. Just like the Sweet Shop, the platform is powered by existing Treat NFT markets and smart contracts to allow creators to mint, buy, sell, and trade assets. It will also share tools with the Treat Creator Toolbox to help artists to generate styles, designs, tags, titles, and generate descriptions before publishing their work and promoting it on social media.
What styles of art?
Planet Treat is designed to be an inclusive and diverse publishing platform based around talent. The guiding philosophy is the same as Treat DAO, to provide a safe space to find and support adult creators of all kinds and to encourage them to collaborate to grow together and profit from sharing their talent. Every style is welcome and encouraged from hand-drawn line art to Blender 3D CGI, pinup posters, to manga, generative AI Art to abstract and impressionist photography. Writing, editing, poetry, lyrics or marketing. Voice over, singing, influencing, blogging, acting. Sound design, composing, photography, and videography. Just sign up, create a profile and gallery, and participate in the Planet Treat marketplace.
Planet Treat | A marketplace for talent, content, and ideas.
Teamwork is the key to success with big projects and Planet Treat rewards cooperation between creators. Collaborations and workshops for design, art, writing, and acting are encouraged with direct input from our own veteran content creators. Creators can list their skills, experience, and ideas on their profiles. And then search for contributors to form teams based on their requirements. Creator groups will be provided Treat team support to produce complex projects including serialized comics, magazines, books, posters and stickers, logos, PFPs, videogame assets, sound design, voice acting, music, animation, and video.
Who is Miss Metaverse?
Miss Metaverse is an original female hero character conceived for her own adult comic strip to help launch Planet Treat and prove the potential of the platform for sequential visual storytelling. Written and illustrated by author and artist Rob Sloane exclusively for Planet Treat. Background: an exceptional prompt engineer, she finds herself selected by the CIA for a top-secret assignment inside the AI-powered Metaverse! She can go anywhere with a thought, and become anyone, with unlimited hacking abilities, making her the ultimate spy. That is until she finds her consciousness converted to pure data by an enemy AI and uploaded into a secret war for reality; raging at the very heart of the Metaverse. No more spoilers!
When can we warp to Planet Treat?
Treat DAO is working sleeplessly to bring you the best community, platform, and tools to unlock your creativity. Planet Treat represents a significant evolution of this mission and will provide a huge boost to the Web3 art space. The plan is to have a soft launch in early 2024. We are working on the design and code fundamentals right now, and plan to update the community on progress soon. In the meantime, we encourage artists of all styles to sign up early and send us artwork that will be showcased in the Treat Magazine.
Artists, writers, and animators - lend us your ears! Join today to be the first to warp to Planet Treat!