Spondylolisthesis Pain Treatment Depends on Severity and Grade The word spondylolisthesis is derived from two words – spondylo meaning spine, and listhesis meaning slippage. Thus, a spondylolisthesis is condition in which a forward slip of one vertebra that is one of the thirty-three bones of the spinal column relative to another. It usually occurs towards the base of the spine in the lumbar area. There are different grades and Spondylolisthesis Pain Treatment depends on the grade and severity of the condition one is suffering from. Grades of Spondylolisthesis It can be described as per the degree of its severity. There are commonly used descriptions of different grades of spondylolisthesis, with grade 1 being the most little advanced and grade 5 being the most advanced and severe. The condition is graded by measurement of how much of a vertebral body has slipped forward over the body below it. Nearly five to six percent of males and two to three percent of females suffer from this condition. It becomes obvious that people who are involved in different physical activities such as football, weightlifting and gymnastics develop this disease. It has been found that men are more likely to develop this condition than women primarily because of their involvement in more physical activities. It is important to know that there are different types of spondylolisthesis can be caused is different ways. Some examples are developmental spondylolisthesis which might occur at the time of birth or may develop during childhood however is generally noticed in later childhood or adult life. Second is acquired spondylolisthesis and it can occur in one of two ways. When it comes to Spondylolisthesis Disease Treatment, there are several options. It is only after establishing the degree and cause that the spine surgeon will recommend the best available treatment. Effective and timely treatment can prevent further growth of spondylolisthesis. Also, making it possible for many resume daily activities without any help.