ABPL20033 - Construction Analysis, Semester 1 - 2020 Dr Sofia Colabella, Subject coordinator Anastasia Sklavakis, Tutor Benjamin Tia, 996147, 20/05/2020 Lake Wendouree House, Tutorial no. 12 ASSIGNMENT 3
FLIPBOOK SECTION 3D: Layers of information
Cover image, photo by John Wardle Architects
1. Structural Systems, below ground
How did the site condition affect the design of the house?
Slab Horizontal
The site condition affected the design of the house and were inspired by the lake across the street. Due to limitation of the complete flat land, the architects have decided to invent topology by creating artificial landscape. For example, the landscape reaches to the waist height at the dining room to give a sense of underground experience. Conservartory were raised to invent stairs down towards the courtyard. Unique window frame structure was built to create a sense of connection with the lake across the road.
Edge Beam Pad Footing
Geotechnician had reported that the topsoil and subsoil were dispersive and prone to compaction. It is recommended to use gypsum treatment to improve the condition of the soil. Otherwise, it is difficult to build new landscape on the property.
Structural systems, below ground
Compact fill were used to create variation of heights and to factiliate polystyrene waffle pod system. Due to the weakness of natural soil (80mm fall across the site), trenches were dug down to stiff clay level. The blinding concrete was poured into the trenches to vertically support the load of ground slab.
Blinding Concrete
Concrete slab supports the structure of the house. Edge beams are the edges of the concrete slab to support the brick wall.
1000 SQ x 500 min deep blinding concrete pad footing beneath the column.
Blinding concrete transfers the load vertically from concrete slab into the stiff clay.
Waffle Pod
Polystyrene Waffle Pod creates combination of internal beams and edge beams to create concrete ground floor slab.
Fill is creates the height of the floors and landscape.
Setdown Slab
1. Hydronic heating coils are placed between the steel reinforcement mesh.
2. Set down slab is installed above thermal insulation.
3. Concrete drop edge beam serves two purposes. One is to contain the compact fill under the slab. Another is to create formwork for external brick wall.
Concrete Floor Slab
Steel Mesh 1.
Void Formers Compact Fill Natural Soil Stiff Clay
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North-West Isometric ABPL20033 - 2020, Benjamin Tia | ID 996147 |Tutorial 12| Anastasia Sklavakis| p. 2
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2. Structural Systems, above ground
How does the structure define the composition of architectural form and space? The architect’s idea of the house was to create series of pavillion with threshold connecting between them. Lake Wendouree is a location to boat houses which led the architects to play around with the idea by involving cantilever system. They were able to incorporate interesting spatial experience revolving around the conservatory and bedroom 4. The conservatory was designed to act as a greenhouse where operable lourves can define both indoor and outdoor space. For the bedrooms, the complex geometry with the mixture of steel and timber structure are carefully crafted to give each room a unique personality. The kitchen is very exposed because of oversized slidable windows which enhance the experience of the space. The kitchen bench spans out to the conservatory and dining area to invite each different space together.
1.Waling plate with joist hangers are embedded within the PFC web. The floor trusses are placed onto the hangers.
2.Kitchen bench involves combination of parallel flange channels and square hollow section which are both welded together.
3.Timber stud frame supports the roof trusses.
4.Steel frame window is welded onto square column.
Ground Floor
Primary Structure
Secondary Structure
Parallel Flange Channel
Floor Trusses
Joist Hangers Gang Nail Plate
Horizontal First Floor
Roof Trusses
Ceiling Battens
Multigrip Bracket
Ceiling Joist
Ground Floor
Cross Bracing
Rectangular Hollow Section Square Hollow Section
First Floor
Timber Studs
First Floor
Ground Floor
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North-West Isometric ABPL20033 - 2020, Benjamin Tia | ID 996147 |Tutorial 12| Anastasia Sklavakis| p. 3
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Cross Bracing
3. Internal (non-load bearing) partitions How do the internal partitions organise the life inside the building?
The internal partitions organised the life inside the building to create spatial experience, change of program and involving multiple circulation. John Wardle Architects have decided to explore an open space in the ground floor where each different spaces are visible with ease of access. The operable wall can separate the space or change the circulation between living room and dining area. The living room can have the wall shut for private experience or semi-private for half shut wall. The conservatory is designed to replicate as a greenhouse with operable lourves to define the space between indoor and outdoor experience. In the first floor, timber frame with plasterboards define a private space such as bedrooms and bathroom. Those rooms are connect to an upstairs living which is a semi private space.
1. Three slidable kitchen window including a flyscreen to change the experience of the space.
2. Upstairs living area is an open semi-private space enclosed by timber stud frame and windows.
3.Wet resistance plasterboards are installed before the bathroom tiles.
4.Villaboard are installed before the non-load bearing brickwalls.
Kitchen Bench
The structural steel spans from conservatory to dining room acting as threshold for these spaces. It is finished with Artedomus Marble which are glued and sealed onto the particleboard substrate.
Brick Wall
Non-load bearing brickwalls are placed around the cellar. It creates a different sense of atmosphere compared to rest of the house.
13mm Plasterboard are nailed onto timber stud wall. Plasterboards in wet area are waterproof.
An alternative version of water resistance plasterboards but has better impact resistance. It costs more than plasterboards.
Pivot doors are modern alternatives to traditional hinged doors. The pivot doors appears as part of the wall seamlessly. Pivot hinges are installed on the ceiling and the floor.
Internal Partitions
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North-West Isometric ABPL20033 - 2020, Benjamin Tia | ID 996147 |Tutorial 12| Anastasia Sklavakis| p. 4
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4. Environmental Protections
How did the architect approach the design of environmental protections? Do the elevations express or hide environmental protections? The architects chose not to explicitly show the functionality of the protections but to rather simplify it. The roof structure slopes in many directions which easily shows the function but the materiality of the zinc cladding draws more attention. The box gutters were obsured by the parapet above upstairs living room which leads to exposed downpipe. The Tyvek’s breathable sarkings were concealed by the roof sheeting and external wall zinc cladding. Weepholes and movement joint can be seen from the brickwall. Timber frame structures houses both thermal and acoustic insulation to create a comfortable living space. Those insulations are then hidden by finishes. 1. Colourbond capping to prevent water leaking into the roof.
2. Bradford Gold Ceiling Batts. R-value: 4.1 Thickness: 210mm It sits between bottom chord of trusses.
3.Anticon 55 Lightduty blanket. R-value: 1.3 Thickness: 60mm It sits between top chord of trusses and supported by cross bracing.
4. Double glazing window with argon gas in gap.
Box Gutter
The box gutter is concealed in the roof to transport rainwater into downpipes.
On the edge of roof, it is required to cap to seal the edges. It prevents water leaking into the building.
Enkamat redirects the moisture away from the wall and prevent corrosion of zinc cladding. Enkamat is installed on top of breathable sarking and beneath the zinc cladding.
Sillicone sealant seals the windows that do not have sills such as void windows and conservatory lourves. Sealant keeps the water from entering the building.
Weephole is a small opening in brickwall to allow water to drain out onto the ground.
Double glazed windows with argon gas sprayed between the glass. It keeps the warm air inside the house.
Insulation slows down the transfer of heat between spaces. It also reduces sound level avoid disturbance.
Environmental Protections
5. Colorbond custom folded eaves gutter sits on the east side building transporting rainwater into downpipe.
Dupont Tyvek Home wrap breathable sarking are installed on external walls and roof. It is applied onto marine plywood.
1. 3.
Breathable Sarking
North-West Isometric
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ABPL20033 - 2020, Benjamin Tia | ID 996147 |Tutorial 12| Anastasia Sklavakis| p. 5
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5. Mechanical and electrical systems
Did the architect organise the internal spaces to place mechanical and electrical services efficiently?
John Wardle Architects have placed the AC condenser, meterboard and hot water system at the east side of the house for distance efficiency and to make less trouble for electrician to install/acess. The ulitity rooms such as bathrooms, laundry and kitchen are grouped closely together to minimise expensive piping or high-capacity cables. Concealed air duct system are placed in the ceiling above the cellar which reaches each room efficiently. Acess panels are placed around the ceiling incase of electrical failure or modification. The hydronic slab heating and hydronic panels are connected to a single system to reduce cost. Both pipe and electrical wiring runs internal walls and ceiling which are concealed by plasterboards. 2. Power switch that controls the lighting, speaker, motorised curtains and hydronic panels.
1. Speakers are installed on the ceiling recreating theatre experience.
Solar Panel
Solar panels are installed on top of the roof to absorb sunlight with PV cells (DC current). Then it is inverted to AC energy to provide power for the house. It can lower the electricity bill.
Hydronic heating coil runs around in the concrete slab which heats the kitchen floor. Hydronic panels are installed in the bedrooms and upstairs living.
Essential services
4. Water piping are connected to the water meter located at the front of the house.
3. General Purpose Outlet for kitchen appliances.
Power line runs through internal walls from suppilier to switchboard which provides power to General Purpose Outlets and Lightings.
Air conditioning
Water Supply
The house is cooled with split system involving refrigerant to cool or heat the air blown around the area being cooled.
Kitchen tap has both hot and cold system as one system.
AC Unit
AC Condenser
4. 0
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North-East Isometric ABPL20033 - 2020, Benjamin Tia | ID 996147 |Tutorial 12| Anastasia Sklavakis| p. 6
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6. Physical Enclosures systems
Do the physical enclosures express aspects of the building (internal spaces, structure and materiality?
The physical enclosures express aspects of the building through its shape and its materiality. The form of the building reflects the boat-house concept collated from the surroundings in Ballarat. This can be clearly seen by the overarching/cantilever system of each pavilion as they appear to be floating. The unique, complex structure of the bedrooms expresses each different personalities of the owner’s children. Autumn red zinc cladding expresses a refined and warmth feel, and likely to attract people through its architecture. Column structure are concealed by the finishes while the conservatory displays their galvanised columns. This creates a sense between internal and external spaces. Stone tiling varying in different sizes is laid around the courtyard to differentiate the materiality tone against the patterned tiles at the kitchen.
Upstairs living area are finished with 130x90mm Spotted Gum timber and coated with wax for gloss finish.
Kitchen bench are finished with Artedomus Marble.
Roof Sheeting
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Ground floor and first floor bathrooms are finished with 300x600mm Artedomous stone tiles.
Enclosure Systems
North-West Isometric ABPL20033 - 2020, Benjamin Tia | ID 996147 |Tutorial 12| Anastasia Sklavakis| p. 7
Stramit Speed Deck Colourbond roof sheet is installed above the upstair living area. VM Zinc cladding are installed for soffit for achieve continuous finish from external wall.
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13mm plasterboards are coated with flushing compound to seal gaps. Then they are painted with Haymes Low Sheen Acrylic paint.
Zinc Cladding
VM Zinc cladding with 25mm standing seam for double lock system.
Timber Screen Cladding
42x90mm Spotted Gum Timber for Western timber screen facade.
South-West Isometric
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