eat shop play local Mississauga
Volume 2 Issue 7
Celebrating over 25 years • NO CHARGE Adult Hearing Test*
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Two Locations in Mississauga to Serve You 325 Lakeshore Road E.
#5A-660 Eglinton Ave W, (Corner of Mavis Rd & Eglinton Ave)
Welcome to our first issue of Look Local Mississauga in 2022! It has certainly been a bit of a rollercoaster ride since our last issue was published, with pandemic restrictions being loosened, then tightened, and now gradually being lifted again. Covid 19 has tested our resilience and our patience, and it is important to focus on the things that matter most – family, friends, and community. As we go to press this time, I think there is real optimism and expectation that 2022 will be a better year. Fingers crossed and keep on Supporting Local!
Tim Root
president and founder
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7 5
LATE WINTER 2022 10 HOME & GARDEN Easy Green Cleaning
16 HEALTH & WELLNESS Pros & Cons of Keto
24 SHOP LOCAL March Break Activities
Compass Cookbook
Community Events
36 FOOD & DRINK The Perfect Pizza!
42 LOCAL RECIPE Traditional Italian Tomato Sauce
Kristy Elik
Jonathon Root
Ilana Clamp
Tammy Mifsud
Sarah Lush Jennifer Brewster Ashly Bowers
For general inquiries, contact Kristy Elik at For advertising information, contact Tammy Mifsud at Look Local Magazine is published 10 times per year and is distributed for free at over 500 locations in Mississauga. Copies are also distributed to select neighbourhoods using direct mail. Look Local is a registered trademark of Novavita Publishing Limited. Look Local Mississauga is published by Eloquent Editing, Writing & Proof Reading Inc. under the license of Novavita Publishing Limited. Copyright: All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, photograph or artwork without written permission from the Publisher is strictly prohibited. Editorial contributions: Look Local encourages contributions of articles, recipes, photographs and other creative materials from the community. Please email We reserve the right to edit materials received and can assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Select photos courtesy of Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation. Disclaimer: Advertisements published in Look Local Magazine are supplied solely by the advertiser and the Publisher accepts no responsibility for opinions expressed in advertisements or for copyright issues with respect to them.
Plus , Off Plus ur home, 40% Plus e, Off Plus ne your home, our home, ,e, FF Imagine your home, totally organized! organized! Installation Free Installation ,rganized! 40% Off Plus ! Plus Installation Free e, Installation 40% Off Plus ganized! d! Plus e, agine your lly organized! home, organized! ally !e, ,d! Installation Free d! Installation !d! Installation Free Installation % 40 % totally organized! 15% Off 15% Off gine yourOff agine home, 40% Plus !magine 40% Off Plus d! Off Plus O 40% Off Plus Off Plus Off Plus O 40% your Off magine home, 15% Off Off Off 40% Off Plus Installation Free Imagine home, 40% Off your home, Installation Free Plus Imagine your home, otally organized! Installation Installation Free 40% Off Installation Plus Installation Free magine your Installation 40% Off Plus magine home, Off Insta Free 40% Plus Insta Free Off 40% Plus magine your magine home, 40% 40% totally organized! Installation Free Installation Free home, your totally organized! organized! Installation Free totally organized! Installation Free totally organized! Installation Free Installation Free Off 15% Off 15% magine home, magine your Ins Free Ins Free Plus 15% 40% Off Plus 40% Off magine magine your home, totally organized! Off Off 15% Off Off organized! Plus 40% plus 40% OFF Plus 40% 15% 40% Off 40%15% Off Off Imagine15% your home, Imagine
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2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.
2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. ©Rights All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. Inc. 20182018 © AllClosets 2018 ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. by Design, Closets Inc. by Design, 2018 © All Rights Reserved. by Design, Inc. 2018 © Allby Rights Reserved. Closets 2018 © AllClosets Rights 2018 by ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. Design, Closets Inc. by Design, Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.
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Custom SPECIAL FF Custom Closets Closets SPECIAL SPECIAL Walk in Closet Closet FINANCING Custom Closets Closets Custom SPECIAL Walk in FINANCING Custom Custom Closets Closets F SPECIAL Garage Cabinets SPECIAL FP Custom Closets Custom Closets SPECIAL FINANCING Garage Cabinets SPECIAL FINANCING FINANCING Custom Closets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets for 12 Months!Cabinets FINANCING Custom Closets SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Garage Custom Closets SPECIAL for 12 Months! Garage Cabinets Home Offices SPECIAL FINANCING Garage Cabinets SPECIAL PA Cabinets Home Offices FINANCING SPECIAL for12 12Months! Months! F Custom Closets Garage Cabinets Garage Custom Closets FINANCING for 12 Months! P for SPECIAL Custom Closets Home Offices Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets for 12 Months! Home Offices SPECIAL Home Offices Garage Cabinets Custom Closets With approved credit. Call or FINANCING FINANCING Home Offices Home Offices Pantries, Laundries for12 12Months! Months! GaraAA Custom Closets With approved credit. CallOffices or Custom Closets Home Offices Pantries, Laundries SPECIAL for for 12 Months! Custom Closets Home Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FINANCING ask your Designer for details. for 12 Months! With approved credit. Call or Home Offices Bedroom Closet Garage Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets Pantries, LaundriesPantries, Home Offices With approved credit. Calloror Laundries FINANCING ask yourapproved Designer for details. Pantries, Laundries With approved credit. Call Closet orCloset Custom Closets Bedroom Pantries, Home Offices With credit. Call Custom Closets Garage Cabinets P Pantries, Laundries Hom for 12 Months! Bedroom and Hobby Rooms Laundries Custom Closets for 12 Months! Not available allforareas. areas. Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets askyour yourDesigner Designer fordetails. details.Home FINANCING ask your Designer details. LaundriesPantries, for 12 Months! and Hobby Rooms Laundries With approved credit. for 12 Months! Not available ininall Garage Cabinets Pantries, Home Offices ask forCall SPECIAL FINANCING ask your Designer for details. Home Offices With approved credit. Call oror Pantries, Laundries Home Offices A Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garag for 12 Months! With approved credit. Call or Home Offices and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries for Months! Not available inall all areas. Not available inall all areas. Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage for 12 Months! With approved credit. Call or ask your Designer for details. Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinet Bedroom Closet G Garage Cabinet and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! Not available in areas. Not available in areas. Home Offices Custom Closets ask your Designer for details. Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Ga SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Home Offices Home Offices andNot Hobby Rooms Bedroom Closet and Garage Custom Closets Hom askWith your Designer forHobby details. for 12 Months! With approved credit. Callororor Bedroom Home Offices and Hobby Rooms Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries Closet Garage C Home Not availableininallallareas. areas. incom ask your Designer for details. for 12 Months! approved credit. Call With approved credit. Call Walk in Closet and Rooms Pantries, Laundries Pantries, Laundries Bedroom Closet Garag available incomin Home Offices Walk in Closet Custom Closets With approved credit. Call or FINANCING Pantries, Bedroom Closet Garage Home Offices Custom Closets Home and Hobby Rooms ask your Designer for details. Not available in all areas. Home Offices Ga Bedroom Closet O and Hobby •• Custom Closets With approved credit. Callorororor ask your Designer details. Not available in allfordetails. areas. With approved credit. Call Home OfficesHome Gar Bedroom Closet Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for details. Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundries SG-P(sp) Custom Closets SPECIAL With approved credit. Call Hom With approved credit. Call FINANCING Pantries, ask your Designer for Garage Pantries, Home and Hobby Rooms Not available in all areas. and Hobby •• Custom Closets With approved credit. Calloror Not available all areas. Pantries, Laundries ask Designer for details. ask your Designer for details. PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms Garage Cabinets Custom With approved credit. Call Not available all areas. Pantries, ask Designer for details. ask your Designer for details. SPECIAL and Hobby Garage SPECIAL for 12 Months! Not available ininin all areas. Pantries, Laund Months! •• Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundr ask your Designer for details. PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms Bedroom Closet Garag Garage Cabinets and Hobby Rooms Not available all areas. Home Offices Not available inNorthwest, all areas. ask your Designer for details. and Hobby Bedroom Closet Garage S and Hobby Months! Not available inin all areas. Home Offices Closet By Design-Kristen-North, Toronto West Not available inNorthwest, all areas. for 12 Months! •• Garage Cabinets Closet Design-Kristen-North, Toronto West Garage and Hobby Rooms Home Offices CustomClosets Closets Notavailable available allareas. areas. Hom FINANCING! and Hobby Home Custom Not ininall INTEREST-FREE Home andHobby HobbyRoom Roo AN EXTRA •• Hobby Rooms and FINANCING! Hobby Rooms With approved credit. Call or FI Pantries, Laundries With approved credit. Call or FIN AN EXTRAWithFINANCING! Pantries, •• Hobby Rooms Hobby Rooms With approved credit. Calloror GarageCabinets Cabinets Pantries, Laundries credit. Call Garage Pantries, askWith yourapproved Designer forCall details. approved credit. Call or ask for credit. oror askyour yourDesigner Designer fordetails. details. fo With approved credit. Call PLUS TAKE ask your Designer for details. SPECIAL for approved credit. Call or SPECIAL and Hobby Rooms available in all areas. and Hobby Home Offices Not available in all areas. PLUS TAKE Home Offices and Hobby Roomsask With Custom Closets available allCall areas. Plus Free and Hobby Closets Not available ininall areas. Plus Free approved credit. or of $700 Custom Designer for details. your Designer for details. •• Pantries Pantries 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order or more. On any complete FINANCING Custom Designer for details. 40%40% off off any any order ofof$700 $700 or more. On any complete FINANCING Custom Custom Closets askask for details. •• Pantries Custom Closets Pantries of $1000 30%off off any orderof $700oror more. On any complete With Pantries, Laundries 40% off any order oryour more. 30% off any order more. On any complete With aC yourDesigner Designer for details. AN EXTRA Garage Cabinets SPECIAL Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets SPECIAL AN EXTRA Closet, Garage or Home Office. additional 15% offfor foron onany anycomplete complete system order. Not Closet, Garage Take ananadditional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not askask you Custom Closets for 12Garage Months Cy Custom Closets Not available all areas. Not available all for 12Garage Months! Closet, Garage or Home additional 15%off off for on any complete system order. Not •• Laundries SPECIAL ininininall areas. Garage Cabinets Closet, Office. Take additional 15% system order. Not Laundries SPECIAL Garage Cabinets available allareas. areas. •• Laundries Home Offices Not available all areas. Laundries Home Offices and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms FINANCING NotNoa SPECIAL FINANCING SPECIAL Custom Closets Custom Closets valid with anyany other offer. installation with any completeunit unit order of $500 or more. With validvalid withwith complete order $500 more. With Home O Garage Cabinets other offer.Free installationwith withany anycomplete complete unit order $500 more. With Home Offi Garage Cabinets valid with Freeinstallation installation with any order ofofof $500 ororor more. With Custom Closets Home Offices With approved credit. Custom Closets Home Offices FINANCING With approved credit. CallCall or Pantries, Laundries FINANCING Pantries, Laundries SG-P(sp) SG-P(sp) for 12 Months! for 12 Months! Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FINANCING ask your Designer detai incoming order, at time oforder Expires 6/30/18 FINANCING 40% off anyany ororormore. more. 30% offany anyCredit order of $700 or more. On any complete ask your Designer forfor details. incoming only. Expires 6/30/18 ofof$1000 or 30% off any order $700 or more. On any complete incoming order, at off time only. Expires 6/30/18 40% $1000 more. 30% any of $700 or more. On any complete incoming ofpurchase purchase only. Pantries Expires 6/30/18 Home Offices order $1000 more. 30% order of $700 or more. On any complete Pantries, Home Offices Garage Cabinets CreditGarage Cards Accepted Licensed andInsured Insured (GCL/WC) Cabinets Cards Accepted Licensed and (GCL/WC) Pantries, Laundries and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries and Hobby Rooms for 12 Months! Not available in all areas for 12 Months! Not available in all areas. SPECIAL SPECIAL Home Offices Closet, Office. Take an additional 15%Home offfor for any complete system order. Not Offices Closet, Garage Office.Take TakeNorthwest, anadditional additionalToronto off for any complete system order. Not ororHome an 15% for onon any complete system order. Not HomeOffice. Office. Take additional 15% off onon any complete system order. Not ByGarage Design-Kristen-North, Northwest, Toronto West Closet Design-Kristen-North, West Credit Cards Accep for 12 Months! With approved credit. Call Credit Cards Accepte PLUS TAKE for 12 Months! PLUS TAKE With approved credit. Call or o PLUS TAKE PLUS TAKE Closet and Ho Pantries, Laundries and Hob Pantries, Laundries Home Offices Home Offices Custom Closets Custom Closets and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms ask your Designer for detail ask your Designer forCall details. Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Bedroom Garage Cabinets valid with any Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 more. With otheroffer. offer.Free Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 ororInsured more. With valid with any Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With other installation with complete unit order of $500 or more. With With approved credit. Call With approved credit. or or Pantries, Laundries PLUS Pantries, Laundries PLUS PLUS TAKE PLUS TAKE FINANCING FINANCING Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and (GCL/WC) and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Not available in all areas. Not available in all areas. AN EXTRA AN EXTRA • Custom Closets • Custom Closets AN EXTRA AN EXTRA With approved credit. Call or o With approved credit. Call Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for details. Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for details. Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets SPECIAL SPECIAL Closet Closet incoming order, at time of purchase purchaseonly. only. Expires Expires6/30/18 6/30/18
Arizona#ROC312904, #ROC312904,Boston Boston#119162, #119162,Fort Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #05 Arizona Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeLee County #05058 #47713-H,NNJ NNJ13VH00247800, 13VH00247800,Reno Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash &&#47713-H, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #1 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #1191 #PA002447&&DEDE16166009 6009170, 170,Palm PalmBeach: Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA13VH0024780 Lic. # 794616R #PA002447 CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. # 794616 & #47713-H, NNJ & #47713-H, NNJCA 13VH00247800, Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &or BT15-71519, Lee County #050588 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &or BT15-71519, Lee County #050 #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Pa Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Credit Cardswith Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) installation any complete unit order of more. installation with any complete unit order of$500 $500 more. ask your Designer for details. ask your Designer for detail NotNot available in#C-9497, all areas. available in all areas. Walkin inCloset ClosetBedroom &Credit NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, Walk &#47713-H, #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets available in#C-9497, all areas. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeLee County #0505885, Not available in# 794616 all areas. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &Not BT15-71519, County #05058 Custom Closets Custom Closets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets With incoming order, at time of purchase only. With incoming order, atFort time of purchase only. #PA002447 &&DEDE 16166009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #PA002447 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # #050588 794616 #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeClosets County &&Arizona #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, D# Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #050 40% off any order of $1000 or more. of $700 or more. On any complete #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash Custom Closets 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order more. On any complete Custom Bedroom Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets 40%off offany any order orderofof$1000 $1000orormore. more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. 40% more. On Onany anycomplete complete Garage Cabinets With approved credit. CallWash orDC,o Cabinets With approved Call &&#47713-H, 13VH00247800, #52800, #916672, #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash #PA002447 &Garage 16 6009 Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. #credit. 794616 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, #PA002447 &DENNJ DENNJ 16 6009170, 170, PalmReno Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 Bedroom Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage Home Office. Take complete system order. Not Closet Garage Cabinets ororHome Office. an additional any complete system order. Not oror 40% off any order ofof$1000 $1000 more. 30% off any order ofBeach: orormore. On complete Garage Cabinets Custom Closets 40%off off anyorder order $1000 more. 30% off any order of$700 Onany any complete for 12 Months! Closet,Closet, GarageGarage Home Office. TakeTake anBedroom additional 15%15% offoff forfor ononanyany complete system order. Not Garage Custom Closets ask your Designer for 12 Months! Closet, Garage ororany Home Office. system order. Not ask your Designer for detail With approved credit. Call or o &30% 16 170, Palm CGC1509325 &more. MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CACabinets Lic. # 794616 approved credit. Call #PA002447 &DEDE 166009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA for Lic. #details. 794616 40% any of oror#PA002447 more. 30% off any order of$700 ormore. On any complete Home Offices 40% any ofWith $1000 more. off6009 any order of$700 $700 ormore. OnWith any complete Home Offices valid with other offer.Take Freean installation with any complete unitcomplete order ofoff $500 or order more.
Off 15% Installation Free15% your home, Imagine home, Installation Free 40% Off 40% Off40 otally tally organized! Off totally organized! 15% Off Imagine home, Imagine your 40 Off 15% Installation Free 1 Installati Free Installat Free Imagine your home, Off Imagine 15 15% 15 Installation Free 40% Off totally organized! 40% Off 40% Off Free your home, 40% Off Free free installation organized! totally organized! Free 40% Off 40% Off 1 Off totally organized! Off Free Imagine home, Free Free Imagine your 84 Free Free 15% Off Imagine your home, 1 totally organized! 8 Imagine 1 totally organized! Free Off Free 15% 15% O 15% Free 15% O 15% 40% Off 40% Off Plus 40% Off Plus totally organized! totally organized! FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 40% Off40% Plus totally Plus 40% FRONT COVER15% 8.25x8.938 11 Plus 40% Off 15% Off 15% Installation Free 15% Installation Free 40% Off Plus Installation Free 40% Off Plus Installation Free 15% Off Off Free 40% Off Plus 15% Off Ins Free Installation Free 40% Plus 15% OffInst Installation Free Off Plus Off Plus Installation Free FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Installation Free FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Walk in in Closet Closet Installation Free Walk Installation Free Installation 15% Installation Free 40% Off Plus 15% Off 15% Off 40% OffOff Plus 15% Off15% 15 Plus 40% Plus 40% FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 15% Off Free Installation 8.25x8.938 15% Off
only. incoming order, at time of purchase purchase only. Expires Expires6/30/18 6/30/18 PLUS TAKE and Rooms PLUS TAKESPECIAL andHobby Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA ANEXTRA EXTRA Home Home Office for for1212Months! Months! AN EXTRA Home PLUS TAKE Home Office •• Garage Cabinets PLUS TAKE Garage Cabinets PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUS TAKE Home Offices and Hobby RoomsSPECIAL Home Offices Ca C Garage GarageCabinets Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets FINANCING! FINANCING! FINANCING FINANCING AN EXTRA • Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE • Hobby Rooms Closet PLUS TAKE loset AN EXTRA SPECIAL AN EXTRA coco SPECIAL Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE AN EXTRA AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE PLUS TAKE loset SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Closet oset SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Bedroom Cal Ca PLUS TAKE PLUS valid withTAKE any other offer. Free installation with any complete order $500 more. With PLUS TAKE Plus Credit Cards Accepted and Insured (GCL/WC) Home Office AN EXTRA FINANCING PLUS TAKE Plus Credit Cards Accepted and Insured (GCL/WC) SPECIAL AN EXTRA FINANCING and Hobby Not Closet, Garage ororHome Office. anCustom additional 15% offoffforLicensed onRooms complete system order. SPECIAL Closet Not available in all and Hobby Rooms Custom Closets Not Closet, Garage Home Office.Take Take anGarage additional 15% forLicensed onany any complete system order. loset Not available in areas. all areas. Closets valid with any other offer. Free installation unitunit order ofofof$500 ororormore. With valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order $500 more. With Home Office Home Offices AN EXTRA Garage Cabinets Home Offices AN EXTRA Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% offFort for on any complete system order. Not Call Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% for onorder any complete system order. Not incoming order, time purchase Custom Closets Ca incoming order, atatofoftime ofof purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Custom Closets FINANCING ask your for details. Pantries, Laundries AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &more. BT15-71519, Lee County #050588 FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 FINANCING con ask your Designer for detail • Pantries valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit of $500 or12 more. With Pantries, Laundries AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &Designer BT15-71519, Lee County #050 FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 co • Pantries valid with anyCredit other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 orMonths! more. With 40% offany any order $1000 more. 30% off any6/30/18 order of $700 or more. On any complete 40% offoffoff any order of $1000 more. 30% off any order Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) 40% off order $1000 orormore. more. Onwith any complete 40% any order of $1000 30% off any ord for 12 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) 1 Garage Cabinets for Months! Cal incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires AN EXTRA FINANCING Garage Cabinets Ca valid any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With AN EXTRA AN EXTRA FINANCING & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, Pantries, Laundrie Home Offices valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With AN EXTRA 40%off off any order order $1000 or more.Take 30% ofoff $700 On any complete &Garage #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800,or#916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash Pantries, Laundr Home Offices Bedroom Cabinets 40% any ofoforor $1000 more. 30% any order more. On anysystem complete FRONT incoming order, atattime ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FRONT COVE Closet, Garage Homeor Office. Take for or on more. any complete order. Not incoming order, time purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 con Garage Cabinets and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage Home Office. Take an additional 15% o Closet, Garage Home Office. anoff additional 15% complete system order. Not for 12 Months! co and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage orCoral: Home Office. Take an additional 15% for 12 Months! Plus Not available inCACOVER all • Laundries Installation #PA002447 &&DE 16Expires 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &#BT15-77812 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #areas. 794616 Plus Not available in all areas. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: & BT15-71519, Lee County SPECIAL • Laundries Installation #PA002447 DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 40% off any order of $1000 or more. of $700 or more. On any complete Home Offices incoming order, at time of purchase only. 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee Coun SPECIAL Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an for on any complete system order. Not 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order more. On any complete Home Offices incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 for 12 Months! con Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off complete system order. Not and Hobby Room Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! valid withany any other offer. Free30% installation with any complete unit order ofof$500 orormore. With co ww and Hobby Room Pantries, Laundries valid with other offer. Free installation order $500 more. With PLUS TAKE Closet valid with any other offer. Free installation with any com w Home Offices Custom Closets PLUS TAKE loset 40% off any order of $1000 or more. $700 or more. On any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with any c Home Offices FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Custom Closets 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of On any complete Plus &&#47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CCCLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, W Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take anonly. offoffor$700 onunit any complete system order. Not FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 40% off any order of $1000 or more. ororder more. On any complete Plus Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-949 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% complete system order. Not valid with any other offer. Free installation of $500 or more. With 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order more. On any complete Home Office 1Credit Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Pantries, Laundries valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order of $500 or more. With PLUS TAKE incoming order, at time of purchase Expires 6/30/18 Home Office FINANCING Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE incoming order, atOffice. time of purchase and Hobby Rooms Plus incoming order, time ofFINANCING only. Expires 6/30/ 40% any order ofof$1000 or more. off Closet, Garage or Home Take an additional foroff onfor any complete system order. Not and Hobby Rooms •DE• 16Custom Closets 40% off any order of $1000 more. 30% ofany $700 or On any complete Plus incoming order, atoff time ofpurchase purchase only. Expires Ca 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% valid with any other offer. Free installation unit order of $500 or more. With Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage Home Office. Take on any complete system order. Not Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% offcomplete complete system order. Not Custom Closets SPECIAL FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 40% off any order of $1000 oror more. 30% off any order more. On any complete #PA002447 &&DE 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &at&MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA30% Lic. #6/3 794 Home Office Ca valid with any other offer. Free installation with any unit order ofBoston $500 or#119162, more. With Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage oror Home Office. Take anExpires additional 15% off for onmore. any complete system order. Not Walk in Closet SPECIAL FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 #PA002447 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #o7 incoming order, atEXTRA time of purchase only. Home Office 40% off any order of $1000 or order of $700 or more. On Installa AN EXTRA Installation Walk in Closet incoming order, at time of purchase only. 6/30/18 140% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off $700 or more. On Install Home Office AN Installation PLUS TAKE #ROC312904, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additio Home Office FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier Cou and Hobby Rooms forfor12or valid with anywith other offer. Free installation with any complete order of orormore. With Closet, Garage orany Home Office. Take an additional 15% offcomplete for on complete system order. Not PLUS TAKE Closet, Garage Home Office. Take anww addi incoming attime time purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any offer. Freean installation with anyoff unit order ofof$500 ormore. With Walk in Closet COVER 8.25x8.938 •• Garage Cabinets 12Months! Months! valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of$500 $500 With Follo Closet, Garage ororder, Home Office. Take additional 15% for unit on any any complete system order. NotFRONT PLUS TAKE incoming order, atother ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order $500 ormore. more. With Walk in Closet 1and Hobby Rooms Garage Cabinets w Home Offices Fo AN EXTRA ON con and Hobby Rooms alk inWalkCloset Closet Home Offices Home Office AN EXTRA Installation ON co lk in Home Office valid with any offer. Free installation w any complete Closet, Garage Not valid with other offer. 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, #VA 270506844 Installation FINANCING! PLUS TAKE incoming order, at time purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 with any offer. Free installation with any complete complete unit order ofofany $500 orormore. With valid with#C-9497, anyother other offer. Free installation incoming order, time purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 any complete Closet, Garage or Home Office. any other offer. && #47713-H, #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068 FINANCING! PLUS TAK incoming order, atother time ofatoftime purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 with any other offer. Free installation with any unitNNJ order $500 more. With incoming order, at ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 ww AN EXTRA ••#916672, Hobby AN EXTRA invalid Closet Garage Cabinets Installation AN EXTRA Off Hobby Rooms ANRooms EXTRA Walk invalid Closet Garage Cabinets Installation Pantries, Laundries Home Office Off incoming order, at time of Plus purchase only.ww Exp Pantries, Laundries Home Office 2018 RightsReserved. Reserved.Closets ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 ©© AllAll Rights
2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets 2018 © All Rights Reserved. ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 © All Rights 2018 ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. bybyDesign, Closets Inc. by 2018 © All Rights Reserved. by Design, Inc. 2018 ©Closets All Rights 2018 © Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. Design, Closets Inc. byDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © ©AllAll Rights 2018 RightsReserved. Reserved.Closets Closetsby by Design, Inc.
With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. askask your Designer for for details. your Designer details. NotNot available in all available in areas. all areas. With approved credit. Call or With approved credit. Call or askask your Designer forCall details. your Designer for details. With approved credit. or or With approved credit. Call Not available in areas. approved credit. or or Not available in allCall areas. askWith your Designer forall details. With approved credit. Call ask your Designer for details. ask your Designer details. Notask available in all your Designer details. Not available inforareas. allfor areas. NotNot available in all areas. available in all areas. With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. #PA002447 16 170, Palm CAask Lic. #Designer 794616 incoming order, at794616 time ofdetails. only. E incoming order, time ofofpurchase purchase only.30% Expires 6/30/18 40% offany any orderof $1000orormore. more. 30% off any any order of On your for Call details. #PA002447 DEmore. 166009 6009 170,complete PalmBeach: Beach:CGC1509325 CGC1509325&&MCNS6658, MCNS6658,CNJ:13VH08945100, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #Designer incoming order, atattime only. Expires 6/30/18 Walkinin Closet40% With credit. orpurchase off order of $1000 off order of $700 $700&&or orDE more. Onany any complete ask your for Walk Closet Withapproved approved credit. Call or Follow Fol WalkininCloset ClosetCloset, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not NotNot available in all Walk available in areas. all areas. 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete askask Designer details. 40% offvalid any with orderany of other $1000offer. or more. 30% off any order ofcomplete $700 orunit more. Onofany complete 40% off any order ofany $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 orfor more. On any complete 40% off order ofan $1000 oryour more. 30% offfor any order ofsystem $700 orFollow more. your Designer details. 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 moN Free installation with any order $500 or more. With Follo Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take additional 15% off for on any complete order. Not Closet,valid Garage Home Office. Take an additional 15% offcomplete for system order. Not withororany other offer.Take Freean installation with anyoff unitcomplete order of $500 or more. 40% off any order ofor $100 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take anOffice. additional 15% off for on any15% complete system order. Follow Closet, Garage Home Office. additional 15% for on on any any complete system order.With Not Closet, Garage or Home Take an additional off for on any com 40% off any order of $1 Not any available all areas. Fol valid with any other offer. Free installation with completeinunit order of $500 or more. With
ww incoming order, timecomplete of purchase purchase only. Freeincoming installation with any complete unit order of w AN Home Office order, atatany time of only. Free installation with unit order of $500 $500 or or more. more. With With PLUS TAKE ANEXTRA EXTRA Home Office PLUS Home Office PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUSTAKE TAKE Home Office and Hobby Rooms Home Office incoming order, time ofofofpurchase purchase only. Home Office incoming order, atatatattime incoming order, timeof purchaseonly. only. PLUS TAKE •• Pantries AN EXTRA incoming order, time purchase only. PLUS TAKE Pantries AN EXTRA Home Office AN HomeHome Office PLUS TAKE Office ANEXTRA EXTRA Home Office HW PLUS TAKE Home Office Closet, Garage orHome Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on anyWit c AN EXTRA HW incoming order,offer. time purchase only.with Expires 6/30/18 unit order of $500 or more. With •• Laundries Closet, Home Notinstallation available inunit allany areas. Laundries valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order ofGarage $500 ororunit more. Office AN EXTRA with anyother other Free installation any complete complete incoming order, atattime ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Closet, Garage orww Home wOffi Home Office Walk invalid Closet valid any other offer. Free with complete orde incoming order, atwith time ofany only. Expires 6/30/18 with any offer. Free installation with any unit order of $500 or more. With Home Office AN EXTRA Walk invalid Closet valid with other offer. Free installation with any complete unit or valid with anyany other offer. 40% off order orpurchase 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete incoming order, time ofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA valid with other off 40% offany anyincoming orderofatof$1000 $1000 ormore. more. 30% off any order ofor$700 or more. On any complete order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% off any order of $1000 more. 30% off any order $700 incoming order, atoftime of Closet, Garage ororHome Office. Take anoff additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not incoming order, at30% time ofany purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order oftime $7 incoming order, at Closet, Garage Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. No 40% off any order of $1000 or more. off order of $700 or more. On any complete Garage orany Home Office. Take anan additional 15% offWith for for on PLUS TAKE other installation with any complete unit order of or more. valid with 40% off anyany order ofoffer. $1000 orCloset, more. 30% off order ofOffice. $700 orunit more. On$500 any complete Credit Cards Cards Accepted Accepted Licensed PLUS TAKE Closet, Garage or Home additional off Follow PLUS TAKE any other offer.Free Free installation with any complete order of $500 or15% more. With valid with Closet, Garage ororHome Office. Take an additional 15% offoff onon any complete system order. Not 40% off any order of $1000 orvalid more. 30% offoff any order offor $700 orTake more. On any complete Credit Licensed and andInsured Insured(GCL/WC) (GCL/WC) Home PLUS TAKE with any other offer. Free installation with any complete Folu Office incoming order, atHome time ofand only. Expires 6/30/18 TAKE Closet, Garage Office. Take an additional 15% any complete system order. Not HomeOffice Office 40% off any order of $1000 orTake more. 30% any order offorPLUS $700 orcomplete more. On any complete valid any other offer. Free installation with any complet Home Office Cards Accepted Licensed Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA incoming order, atoffer. time ofpurchase purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812Credit & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order ofTAKE $500 or more. With Home Closet, Garage orCounty Home Office. anwith additional 15% off for onPLUS any system order. Not incoming order, at time ofoff purchase only. Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812Credit & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of Office $500 or more. With Closet, Garage ortime Home Office. Take additional 15% for onIsland any complete system order. No Home incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA AN EXTRA Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CALee # 794616, SE Penn: incoming order, at of purchase Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free131690; installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With Home Office PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County #LCC AN EXTRA Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, RenoLicensed #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 420214000077, CALee # 794616, SEof Penn: incoming order, at time of purchase only.#DC Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free131690; installation with any complete unit order $500Collier or more. With# HomeOffice Office PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, County Credit Accepted Insured incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #Boston 794616 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $7006/30/18 or6/30/18 more. On #C-9497, any complete Home &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJCACA 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #M PLUS TAKE Credit Accepted Licensed Insured incoming order, at#916672, time ofanTacoma purchase only. Expires #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic.Home # 794616 Office AN EXTRA 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 more. Onsystem any complete &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take additional 15% off for on anyorcomplete order.Wash Not DC, #VA 2705068445 PLUS TAKE 2018 ©© AllAll Rights Reserved. 2018 Rights Reserved.Closets ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc.
2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.
BedroomCloset Closet Bedroom WalkininCloset Closet Walk
Installation Free15% Off Off 15% Off Installation Free 15% Off Installation Free
incoming order, atofatOffice. time purchase 40% off any $1000 or more. 30% offonly. any of40% $700 orsystem any Home Office AN EXTRA offIsland any order ofOn $1000 orcomplete more. 30% off any o Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162,Licensed Fort Myers: Cape Coral:Insured #BT15-77812(GCL/WC) & BT15-71519, #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 PLUS TAKE #PA002447 & DELee 16County 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &of MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA$700 Lic. #more. Credit Cards Accepted Accepted and Closet, Garage ororder Home Take an additional 15% off fororder onorder any complete order. Notany incoming order, of purchase only. 40% off any order oftime $1000 or more. 30% off any ofof40% or794616 more. valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order $500 orany more. With off order ofOn $1000 orcomplete more. 30% Home Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 PLUS TAKE #PA002447 & DELee 16Home 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &131690; MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #complete 794616 AN EXTRA Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional Credit Cards Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Closet, Garage oroffer. Home Office. Take an additional 15% offorder for on any system order. Notoff 1a Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CA #for 794616, SE valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit of $500 or more. With Home Office Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA incoming order, at time ofHome purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Garage orPenn: Home Office. Take order. an additio Closet, Garage oroffer. Office. Take an additional off on any complete system AN EXTRA Home Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: #916672, Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free installation withNo a &Credit #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #unit 794616, SEof Penn: 40% off any order $1000 orpurchase more. 30% off any order ofwith $700 or 15% more. OnCloset, any complete Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) valid with anyof2705068445; other Free installation any complete order $500 or more. With Office incoming order, at time ofoffer. only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA #PA002447 & DE 16 Boston 6009 170, Palm CGC1509325 &Coral: MCNS6658, CA Lic. #Home 794616 Arizona #ROC312904, #119162, Fort Cape #BT15-77812 &&BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free wi 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% off any order ofwith $700 orcomplete more. OnIsland any complete incoming order, at time purchase only. Expires valid with anyofCounty other offer. Free installation any complete unit order $500 orinstallation more. With Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an131690; additional 15% off for on any system order. Notof Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston FortMyers: Myers: CapeCoral: #BT15-77812 BT15-71519, Lee #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 &#PA002447 #47713-H, NNJ RenoBeach: #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, TampaLee #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CA #any 794616, SE Penn: & DE13VH00247800, 16 6009 170,#119162, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA County Lic. #Home 794616 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On complete incoming order, at time of purchase only. Exp Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not
15% 15%Off
Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Island &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #794616, 794616, SEWith Penn: valid with any other installation with any complete unit orderCA ofLong $500 or more. PLUS TAKE incoming order, atFree time ofadditional purchase only. 6/30/18 40% off any order ofoffer. $1000 or more. 30% off any order ofExpires $700 more. any complete & #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno#52800, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, SE#1360195 Penn: &NNJ DENNJ 16 6009 170, PalmReno Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an 15% off for on any complete system order. Not 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 ororunit more. OnOn#any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order of or more. With Office PLUS TAKE incoming order, time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #$500 794616, SENotNot Penn: #PA002447 & DE 6009 CGC1509325 &&MCNS6658, CA #Home Closet, Garage oratHome Home Office. Take anadditional additional 15% off any complete system order. 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% offany any order offor$700 orcomplete more. Onsystem any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with complete unit order of $500 or more. With Closet, Garage or Office. Take an 15% off for ononany order. Home Office &NNJ DE1616 6009170, 170,Palm PalmBeach: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CALic. Lic. #794616 794616 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA Office valid with any other offer. Freeinstallation installation with6/30/18 any15% complete unit order $500or ormore. more. WithNot Closet, Garage ortime Home Office. Take additional off forunit onHome any complete system order. #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, 794616 Credit Cards Accepted Licensed Insured (GCL/WC)CA Lic. #incoming order, at of purchase only.anExpires valid with any other offer. Free with any complete order ofof$500 With AN EXTRA Office Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Home Office incoming order, at time timeoffer. purchase only.Expires Expires 6/30/18 valid with any at other Free installation with6/30/18 any complete unitHome order of $500 or more. With incoming order, ofofpurchase only. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 Home Office Home Office incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Credit Cards Accepted and Insured incoming order, atoftime ofor more. purchase 40%#0505885, offOffice any order $1000 30% offonly. any order Fresno of $700 or more. OnLong any complete Arizona #ROC312904, BostonLicensed #119162, Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &(GCL/WC) BT15-71519, County Collier County #LCC20140000686, #717350, IslandSE #1360195 Home & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno Fort #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Lee #C-9497, Wash DC,any #VAororder 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #On794616, incoming order, atoftime purchase 40% off $1000 or more. 30% offonly. any order of $700 more. any complete Closet, Garage Home Office.of Take an additional 15% off for on anyorcomplete system order.Penn: Home Office &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, # 794616, SENotPenn: Closet, or 2705068445; Home Take an additional 15% off forunit on any system order. Not Long Island# Home valid withGarage any other offer.Office. Free installation with any complete ordercomplete of CA $500 or more.#717350, With &NNJ DE#119162, 16 6009 170, PalmMyers: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape#916672, Coral:&#BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno valid with any other Free installation with6/30/18 any complete unit order of $500 or more.#717350, With #PA002447 & DE#119162, 16 6009 170, PalmMyers: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic.Lee # 794616 Home Office incoming order, at timeoffer. of purchase only.County Expires Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape Coral:&#BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno Long Islan
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DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA # 794616 #PA002447 & DE 1613VH00247800, 6009 170, Beach: & Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. # #52800, 794616 Follow us&Palm Follow us &Lic. #47713-H, NNJCA 13VH00247800, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, #VA2705068445; 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, Penn: SE Penn: & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC,DC,#VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #SE794616, &Reno #47713-H, NNJ Reno #52800, #916672, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC,Reno #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA 794616, SE Penn: J 13VH00247800, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCGC1509325 CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # #794616, SEWash Penn: Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Arizona #ROC312904, BostonWash #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &Fresno BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Coral: #BT15-77812 &#PA002447 BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, #717350, Long Island #1360195 and #1360195 Follow us Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, FortMyers: Myers:Cape Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &County BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long &Palm DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # #1360195 794616 Credit Cards Licensed Insured 12904, Boston Fort Cape #BT15-77812 &and BT15-71519, Lee #0505885, County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 #PA002447 &Myers: DE13VH00247800, 16Accepted 6009 170, Palm Beach: &Coral: MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #Collier 794616 #PA002447 &CLOSEDS877JS, DE 16(GCL/WC) 170, Beach: CGC1509325 &County MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #Island 794616 Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) ds Accepted Licensed and Insured 16 6009 170,#119162, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &Coral: MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA13VH00247800, Lic. # 794616 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, FortCGC1509325 Myers: Cape #BT15-77812 &6009 BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, #1360195 Follow us #47713-H, NNJ Reno #916672, Tacoma #CC Tampa Wash DC,DC,#VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC#DC 420214000077, CALong #Island 794616, SEWash Penn: &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJ Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, SE Penn: &&#47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno#52800, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa#C-9497, #C-9497, Wash #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; 420214000077, CA #Island 794616, SE Penn:
Fair warning, 2022… we have high hopes for you and we want to start planning again! Events, parades, festivals and concerts? Bring ‘em on! (Did you know 2022 marks the Streetsville Bread & Honey Festival’s 50th Anniversary? What a party that will be!) As the days get longer and the sun gets brighter, we can’t help but anticipate the happy days of summer—and begin to get the itch to do some spring cleaning. Don’t forget to be mindful of the planet, though, while you’re scouring those surfaces. Our Home & Garden article explains how we can use the earth-friendly cleaners we likely already have in our pantry to ‘green clean’ our homes to a sparkle. It’s been a trend for a few years, but many of us are still asking: what, exactly, is a keto diet? Is it something I’d like to try? Our intrepid foodie Ilana Clamp tried keto for a month and shares her insights of the benefits (and the drawbacks) she experienced. Check them out in our Health & Wellness story. Good for you if you’re taking off to some fabulous destination for March Break but if not, you’ll want to make sure your littles (and notso-littles) are preoccupied for those five school-less days. Mississauga has plenty to offer parents looking to entertain (and maybe even teach) their kids and we’ve covered just a few in our Shop Local section about March Break diversions. Did you know The Compass Food Bank has created a cookbook? It’s jam-packed with amazing recipes, anecdotes and fun facts, submitted by clients, volunteers and community contributors. Read all about its journey in our Community story (and find out how to buy one for yourself!) Who doesn’t love pizza? After a brief (and unsuccessful) attempt to name the best slice in the city, we decided instead to break down the ingredients you need to inspect when you’re assessing your pie for our Food & Drink article. Have fun trying out all the amazing pizza joints in town! Enjoy this issue, and please keep sending your story suggestions and ideas. And keep supporting local! We’re almost there.
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Home & Garden
Easy RecipE FOR A
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
ne of our household resolutions for 2022 was to try to cut down on the amount of paper towel we use. We started to notice how much we were throwing out… and let’s just say we began to examine more closely how we might be contributing to climate change. We started to adopt, little by little, some of the practices of green housecleaning, choosing and using products and procedures that are safe for the environment and don’t emit any pollutants when used. Here are a few tips we’ve learned.
Ditch the paper towel habit FACT: Canadians love paper towel! More than 5 billion pounds of paper towel are used each year, amounting to 15 pounds—the equivalent of 50 rolls—per person, per year. According to Environment Canada, of the 6 million tonnes of paper and paperboard used annually, only 25 per cent of them are recycled; paper waste accounts for more than one third of all waste in the country. INSTEAD: use old clothes, sheets and reusable towels—they make good cleaning supplies without creating unnecessary waste. But perhaps the best choice of all for today’s Earth-conscious homeowner is towels and napkins made from high-quality, quick-drying microfibre. A good-quality microfibre is Earth-friendly and even offers several benefits over cloth towels and napkins—it’s more absorbent, dries faster, it’s soft on the skin and it’s durable and resists pilling. You’ll find high-quality microfibre cloths for sale in bulk and in different sizes at any hardware store.
Don’t ignore your vinegar and baking soda They’re the star of the show! Vinegar and baking soda are incredibly efficient cleaning wizards—if you know how to use them. They’re nontoxic and you probably already have them in your pantry, which will save you an extra trip to the store.
You don’t have to buy anything fancy! Plain white vinegar has all the antibacterial properties you need to scour your home.
HANDY HINTS FOR USING VINEGAR TO CLEAN: ∙ A few squirts of vinegr can get rid of mold, scum, and mildew buildup and is a particularly helpful ingredient when cleaning bathrooms or kitchen sinks. ∙ A 50-50 mixture of vinegar and water cleans windows, floors and that grimy grout. ∙ Clean your microwave by boiling a solution of vinegar and water. Once steam forms, it’ll be easy to wipe away the residue. ∙ Cooking an aromatic meal? Boil vinegar simultaneously and the vinegar will absorb the odour. ∙ Diluted vinegar is a powerful stain remover.
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
HOW TO CLEAN WITH BAKING SODA: ∙ Make a baking soda and water paste and scrub to remove mold or residue from pots and pans. ∙ Baking soda has odour-absorbing properties. Stick a box in your fridge to keep it smelling fresh or sprinkle some in your garbage. ∙ For tough food spatter, pour baking soda onto your stovetop, let it sit for a few minutes and then scrub gently. NOT JUST FOR SQUEEZING IN YOUR DRINK Lemons have both antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. They contain citric acid, which works as a cleaning agent, so you’ll want to keep plenty on hand as an essential part of your all-natural sanitizing regimen. PURCHASE | REFINANCE | CONSOLIDATE DEBTS | LOWER MONTHLY PAYMENTS
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Green cleaning is important not only for the environment and our planet, but for the health of everyone around us.
choose to clean green, YOU HELP:
∙ Reduce pollution in our water ∙ Maintain better air quality ∙ Reduce exposure to allergycausing substances ∙ Reduce exposure to pollutants that have been found to cause cancer, neurological disorders, learning disabilities, infertility, hormonal imbalances and more
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
HOW TO CLEAN WITH LEMON: ∙ A little lemon and baking soda (or salt) can keep stainless steel products and coppers looking as shiny as the day you bought them. Cut a lemon into quarters, dip the fruity parts in salt, and use the lemon as a sponge to polish metal. ∙ Rub a slice of lemon on a cutting board to remove germs. ∙ Place lemon peels in a jar with vinegar for a few days. When you strain out the zests, you’ll have a powerful all-around cleaner. ∙ Don’t forget to compost afterwards!
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Health & Wellness
* Please speak to your doctor or health care professional before trying any new eating plan * by ILANA CLAMP
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
hen it comes to dieting, new trends pop up all the time. Remember the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, and the Zone Diet? More recently, you've probably heard at least a little bit about the Ketogenic (keto) diet, a low-carb, high-fat eating plan that has taken the world by storm. Here’s the science behind the plan: the ketogenic diet involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. It also turns fat into ketones in the liver, which can supply energy for the brain. The goal of every day? To get more calories from fat than from carbs. What are the benefits? Ketogenic diets can cause significant reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels. This, along with the increased ketones, has some health benefits. And with a long list of delicious, filling food items you can enjoy, like cheese, meat and poultry, plus lowcarb veggies, the plan is fairly easy to stick to. The most commonly cited benefit, though—and what headlines tend to gravitate towards—is keto’s effects on weight loss. However, the benefits go far beyond that. Many people experience increased energy and lowered inflammation as well as improvements to their insulin resistance. Tips: the keto diet, like every diet, should be discussed with your doctor or health professional before starting. Do your research before you begin. And perhaps most importantly, understand that keto is not a magic pill—it takes commitment.
In the spirit of a New Year reset, our food writer Ilana Clamp decided to try something different for the month of January. “Like everyone else, I had heard a lot about the keto diet and I wanted to see what it was all about,” she explains, “not specifically for weight loss, but to reset my eating habits and focus more on intentional eating.” Traditional keto diets tend to focus on high-fat foods, regardless of the source of the fat—which can leave you feeling somewhat unhealthy. As a result, Clamp modified the keto strategy to better fit her wellness goals, focusing less on foods containing high saturated fats like red meat, processed saturated fats, and cheese, and placed more emphasis on eating healthy fats, like avocado, EVOO, nuts/seeds, egg yolks, fish, nut butter, low-carb veggies and greens. As part of the traditional keto diet, she also eliminated sources of sugar including fruit, processed foods, alcohol, starchy vegetables, grains, beans and legumes.
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
After trying the plan for one month, here are her takeaways: PROS OF
trying keto • Helps you become more mindful about your eating patterns • You’ll gain an understanding about macros, ie. protein / fat / carbs in foods and meals, over the course of a day • Great for breaking an unhealthy cycle for sugar, alcohol, processed food • Interesting learning about intermittent fasting, and the role it can play to help manage blood sugar levels • An effective ‘reset’—helping her manage bad habits ie. not drinking enough water, having too many snacks throughout the day
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• Helpful to learn more about how our body manages different types of food and different ways of eating • If you have tried paleo, keto may be a next step to push yourself a bit further
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
trying keto • You won’t know if you’re truly in ketosis unless you buy the ketosis urine strips – but they are an added cost • Traditional keto can be very high in saturated fats such as red meat and processed foods • May not be a good fit if you have high cholesterol or heart problems, or if you are diabetic • Difficult to maintain this way of eating, as it is challenging to manage the extremely low carb intake • Focuses more on restriction and suppression, so may not be the best way to make long term healthy lifestyle changes Whether it’s for a lifestyle reset or to learn more about what helps you feel your best, the keto diet is one of many options you can try for healthier eating. Remember to consult with your doctor to learn more and see if it would be a good fit for you. LL
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DIVERSIONS Looking for something to keep your kids occupied during March Break, March 14 to 18? Mississauga offers a plethora of protocol-friendly day camps and activities. You may even want to tag along!
For all camps and activities, safety guidelines mandated by the Region of Peel and Province of Ontario will be followed. Changes to course content may occur to support regional and provincial regulations.
MAPLE MAGIC It’s back! The sweet smell of maple syrup, mingled with wood smoke, along with the sounds of jingling sleigh bells and the crackling of a fire, will fill the air around Bradley Museum during March Break, marking the return of the annual maple syrup season and Mississauga’s own maple syrup festival—Maple Magic! Since 1993, the Bradley Museum has been conducting maple-related school programs and public activities in and around the grounds of the historic 1830s farmhouse. With visual aids like displays, demonstrations, handson activities and ample opportunities to taste and buy, you can discover the magical process that transforms sunshine into golden maple syrup.
Bradley Museum 1620 Orr Road locations /bradley-museum /
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
WHY DO YOU CREATE? Campers will discover the 5 W’s of creativity through creative projects, games and activities. WHO makes art, WHAT do they make, WHERE do we find art, WHEN did art begin and most importantly, WHY do YOU create?! As part of a half-day online program, campers will engage with their small peer group by participating in interactive games and activities. Art Kits will be provided for parents to pick up from VAM. Special guest this March Break is Driftwood Theatre, who will deliver a fun activity for all campers! Driftwood's storytelling workshop teaches young story-makers how to create as a group, build an original script, and integrate improvised sound and movement to build a brand-new, never-beforeheard story, all in a single session. Deadline to register is March 6.
Online, Visual Arts Mississauga at River wood
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CITY OF MISSISSAUGA The City offers a variety of March Break day camps at locations throughout Mississauga, including March Break Fun, Art Express On Stage, Outdoor Explorers Camp and Camp Sugar Shack.
CREATIVE CAMP: DANCE & PLAY ALL DAY MARCH BREAK Dance and play the day away while making new friends and having fun. Learn the basics in jazz and the latest in hip hop. Alternative dance options will also be featured in our 'Dance of Choice' segment, which could be anything from cheerleading to line dancing.
Living Arts Centre 4141 Living Arts Drive
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
CANLAN SPORTSPLEX Canlan Sports Mississauga is Canlan’s newest Canadian indoor sports complex, featuring: 2 Fully Boarded Indoor Soccer Fields, 1 Boarded Ball Hockey Rink, and 3 Official Size Sport Floor Volleyball Courts! Kids get motivated, stay active, and get fit in camps designed to introduce them to sports and games that create a base for lifelong enjoyment of physical activity and teamwork. Participate in sports and activities such as Soccer, Volleyball, Floor Hockey and many more in an exciting and inclusive environment.
3360 Wolfedale Road
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BRIDGES FESTIVAL Bridges Festival invites you to discover the art of puppetry from its origin to today. This three-day puppetry festival, taking place at the beginning of March break, is filled with exciting shows, engaging workshops and panels, and aims to connect professional puppeteers from around the world and bridge cultures through one of the oldest art forms. Experience the discovery, joy and laughter through puppets for you and your loved ones. Start your family tradition this March and create memories that will last a lifetime. /
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
MARCH BREAK PAVAS DAY CAMPS Pavas Day Camps are funfilled days of Art, Music, Drama and Dance. While students are encouraged to explore and expand their creativity and performance skills, they will make new friends, have great fun, grow and learn from professional teachers. Each camp ends on a high note with the students doing a performance for the parents.
Studio PAVAS 2301 Royal Windsor Drive
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 5
he Compass Cookbook team wants you to know this: when you support The Compass Food Bank with a purchase of The Compass Cookbook, you’re doing so much more than just spending a little bit of money. The gem you’re getting in return is jam-packed with not only more than 150 delicious recipes from all over the globe, but with effort, love, passion and hope— and that’s priceless. “This was the true definition of a labour of love,” says Evelyn Fraser, longtime Compass volunteer and a member of the Cookbook team. “We poured our hearts into this little book and we’re so proud with the way it turned out and its reception in the community.” The story of the cookbook’s evolution goes like this: toward the end of 2020, a group of volunteers approached The Compass Food Bank wanting to create a book of recipes gathered from Compass volunteers, staff, board members and most importantly, the community. Without hesitation, the idea became reality. Invitations were extended, asking people to send in their most beloved recipes, along with any stories or interesting tidbits they wanted to share. The response was amazing, Fraser notes, “and what was especially touching was the recipes the kids sent in. We even got a handwritten one from a young girl who wanted to contribute.” Then came the most difficult part: testing the final products! “The team had the pleasure of taking turns making the dishes, then tasting them to see if they needed any adjustments,” Fraser explains. “It was so much fun!”
Then, after painstakingly poring over every draft of the cookbook, it was time for the team to let it go. They sent the book over to Options Printing, a Port Credit printer that provides people who have an intellectual disability with the opportunity to develop to their highest potential. And the result? “The cookbook turned out exactly like we had imagined,” Fraser says: a 168-page, spiral-bound bundle of fabulous, tasty recipes, information cooks can use, plus anecdotes and pure fun. The community has responded, purchasing nearly 500 Compass Cookbooks so far. Cookbooks are $20 each and you can buy yours by visiting You can also donate a cookbook to a Compass client. The proceeds from The Compass Cookbook will be used to support programs that involve learning about buying and preparing healthy and nutritious food. LL
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
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Community Events
Lakeview Village
Winter Art Trail now until
Lakeview Village Winter Art Trail
Harlem Globetrotters
Lakeview Community Partners Limited (LCPL) are thrilled to invite you to the Lakeview Village Winter Art Trail, which features artistic works commissioned by local Mississauga artists last year, and re-envisioned/redeployed to create an art-filled winter experience. Experience the perfect winter activity! Get outside, take a stroll with family and friends, and admire the local art. The trail is open and accessible to the public
Oh, what a show! The Globetrotters combine athleticism, theatre and comedy in their style of play with ankle-breaking moves, jaw-dropping swag and rim-rattling dunks. So much fun! Paramount Fine Foods Centre (Main Bowl) 2 to 5 p.m. 5500 Rose Cherry Place Tickets:
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
2022 Mississauga Lunar New Year Gala
The Mississauga Chinese Arts Organization (MCAO) is proud to present: 2022 Mississauga Lunar New Year Gala. Ring in the Year of the Tiger! Reserve your seating. 7 p.m. Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre 4141 Living Arts Drive Tickets:
Mississauga 13 Symphony Youth Orchestra Symphony at the Movies MARCH
The engaging Youth Orchestra present music from your favourite films. 3 p.m. Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre 4141 Living Arts Drive Tickets:
Jukebox Saturday Night
9th Annual Epilepsy South Central Ontario Purple Gala. In recognition of Epilepsy Awareness Month, Epilepsy South Central Ontario will hold its signature fundraising event, featuring a buffet dinner, combination of live and silent auctions, all purple décor and some outstanding celebrity emcees. 6 to 11 p.m. Credit Valley Golf & Country Club 2500 Old Carriage Road
Shen Yun Performing Arts
With world-class dance and music, cutting-edge backdrops, and gorgeous costumes, Shen Yun’s artists are reviving China’s true culture. Immerse in its splendour and come away filled with vitality and hope. Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre 4141 Living Arts Drive Tickets:
15th Annual for 26 Dancing The Compass Food Bank MARCH
Tickets for the (rescheduled) 15th Annual Dancing for The Compass Food Bank, featuring live music with Little Peter and the Elegants, are now available for $30 per person, cash only. All COVID-19 safety protocols in effect at this time will be followed. Cash bar, raffle prizes and individual sandwiches will be served. Purchase your tickets at Impressionable Gifts & Decor, 74 Lakeshore Rd. E. or Ric's Recollections, 257 Lakeshore Rd. E. Doors open at 7 p.m. Music from 8 pm to midnight Port Credit Legion 35 Front Street North
Mississauga 2 Symphony Orchestra Comforting Classics By Request APRIL
The MSO presents a concert featuring some of the greatest composers of all time in a program chosen by the audience. 8 p.m. Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre 4141 Living Arts Drive Tickets:
IN : F E G
Food & Drink
Pizza Pie PO
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
t seemed like an easy assignment: uncover where to find our city’s best slice of pizza and write about it. However. Ahem. Unless you are a true pizza aficionado (a status few have truly reached), it turns out you have no business entering any discussion about the topic. People LOVE their pizza pie, so beware the sometimes heated debates that may ensue when you mention naming ‘the best’ spot to get it. Peace over pizza, I say. So instead of the Top 5 or Top 10 or even Top 25 slices, we present here a very unbiased overview of some of Mississauga’s finest pizzerias. We’ll let you decide which is your personal favourite. But let’s begin with a brief synopsis of the ingredients that constitute the one food group it seems everyone loves, whether you prefer a thin or thick crust, heavy sauce or none at all, a slice laden with meat and cheese or the simplest, most delicate Margherita.
37 37
286 Lakeshore Road East Port Credit
Local Links 1
madio’s Pizza A 360 Revus Avenue Unit #6
2 Blondie’s Pizza 13 Stavebank Road 3 Doughboys Pizza + Chicken 152 Lakeshore Road East 4 Goodfellas Wood Oven Pizza 209 Queen Street South 5 Great Canadian Pizza 278 Lakeshore Road East 6 JP’s Pizza 5980 Churchill Meadows Boulevard 7 King Pizza 510 Driftcurrent Drive #12 8 Lily’s Pizza & Pasta 1107 Lorne Park Road 9 Luca Pizza 3415 Dixie Road 10 Marconi Pizza 3635 Cawthra Road
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
11 Massimo Pizza and Pasta 1018 Eglinton Avenue East 12 New Super Choice Pizza 1201 Britannia Road West 13 Pizzano Pizza & Wings 1125 Dundas Street East 14 Pizza E Dolci 252 Lakeshore Road East 15 Papa Guiseppe’s Pizza & Pints 26 Lakeshore Road East 16 Pizza Karachi 812 Britannia Road West Unit 104 17 Pizza Nostra 362 Lakeshore Road West 18 Pizza Rosso (closed until spring) 121 Lakeshore Road West 19 Tony’s Panini & Pizza 1150 Lorne Park Road 20 Vito’s Pizza 56 Lakeshore Road East
THE VESSEL THAT HOLDS ALL INGREDIENTS Fact: no two crusts are alike. There are many different iterations of crust depending on the type of pizza you’re designing and the pizza artist in charge: Detroit/Sicilian style, New York style, focaccia/flatbread, Chicago deep-dish, stuffed—you get the idea. But the crust is arguably the most important aspect of a great pizza because it lays the foundation upon which all great pies are built. After all, without the crust, you’d be fantasizing about a lasagna instead of a pizza. Yes, thickness matters, but the most important part is that the crust is chewy and springy and fresh, and that it capably holds all of the pizza’s toppings. Consider it the deliverer, the vessel, the edible plate. FRESH TOPPINGS ARE KEY Essential to a delicious slice of pie: all the ingredients must be fresh, and they must balance each other perfectly. Maintaining the correct ratio of cheese and tomato sauce is extremely important. You don’t want the flavour of the tomato sauce to overpower the complex piquancy of the cheese. Think of the tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings as musical notes—they’re all meant to be in harmony with each other. When even one ingredient doesn’t stand up to the others, it renders the whole pie unpalatable. LOOK FOR LOTS OF COLOUR Definitely check to see if the slice you’re eyeing boasts vibrant colours. It means the pizza artist cares enough to ensure their toppings are market fresh and cooked to perfection. Here’s an example. When tomato sauce is old, it can tend to get dark and give off too much acidity and saltiness. Instead, your tomato sauce should be a vibrant red.
Overcooked cheese is definitely a no-no. Having grainy, crunchy and/or rubbery cheese on your pizza will affect your whole eating experience. It’s still edible, but it’ll be difficult to really get lost in the pleasure of indulging in a gooey slice of pie. It just makes sense: if the cheese and tomatoes are fresh, everything else should follow. Basil, an important ingredient in many pizzas, must remain tender and vibrant green. Basil is usually added after cooking the pizza in the oven because its flavors are fresh and strong but delicate. If you cook pizza with the basil already on top, this once-delicious herb may turn bitter. Yuck. Same goes for meats and other veggies. No limp green pepper, thank you!
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
OLIVE OIL BRINGS THE HARMONY Topping your slice with good quality olive oil just brings everything together. It’s light and delicate but has amazing notes of fresh nuts and greens, with a slight spiciness as an aftertaste. If the pizza isn’t already too greasy, adding olive oil to help balance all the flavours is always a good decision. HAPPY HUNTING! Now that you know all the key features of the finest pizza, it’s time for you to test out your new detective skills. Sure, it’s just crust, tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings—but these four simple elements each need to be outstanding on their own. Only then can they deliver the pizza pie experience we’re all longing for. LL
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Local Recipe
Traditional Italian
Good for pasta—and pizza, too, this recipe was shared by Myra, who also contributed this: “I am an advocate for The Compass, sharing this wonderful place and people on social media, with friends and the neighbourhood. This is the recipe of my mother-in-law, who was from Calabria, Italy. It’s a simple yet very delicious recipe, which has been in the family for many years.”
Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 7
INGREDIENTS • 2 tbsp. light olive oil • 1 medium onion, diced • 2 large garlic cloves, diced • 2 tbsp. fresh or dried basil • 1 tsp. crushed red chilies • 1 (28 oz) can diced tomatoes • 1 cup water • 2 tbsp. sea salt • 1 tbsp. black pepper • 1 inch beef shank with bone • ½ cup Parmesan or Asiago cheese * For thicker sauce, add 1 28oz. can tomato paste
METHOD 1 In a large pot on medium heat, add the olive oil and sauté the onion, garlic, basil and chilies until onion is translucent and soft.
2 Add the tomatoes, water, salt, pepper and beef to the onion mixture and bring to a gentle boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cook for 2 ½ hours, stirring occasionally.
3 After cooking time, remove meat from sauce and discard. Makes 6-8 servings (or two saucy XL pizzas)