Look Local Mississauga Issue 2.4

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eat shop play local Mississauga

Volume 2 Issue 4


Pickling - PAGE 34 -


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2021-08-16 2021-08-19 10:56 10:16 AM

10:56 AM

571 Lak es hor e Road E a s t , M is s is s auga, O nt ar io L5 G 1 H 9 90 5 274 2263 | blolak es hor ev illage @ b l o m e d r y. c o m

For a limited tim e , o u r M a ne Sq ue e z e M e m be r s h i p i s o n l y $ 8 0 / m o n t h . S a ve b i g o n b l o w o u t s a n d m o re w i t h : 2 BLOW OUTS PER MONTH + $5 OFF ANY AD D I TI ON AL BLOW OU TS 10% OFF MAKEUP APPLICATIONS AND RETAI L PROD U C TS A FREE BIRTHDAY BLOW OU T MONTHLY PERKS, LIKE FREE HAI R TREATM EN TS

2.4_MississaugaLL_Final.indd 3

2021-08-19 10:16 AM

This issue of Look Local comes out just as the kids start heading back to school – the “back to busy” season! For many, September 1st signals the start of a new year more than January 1st does. And this year will be unlike any other new school year due to the lingering effects of the pandemic. Kids and students will finally be getting back to in class learning, and many businesses are planning to bring their employees back to the office or workplace again effective September 1st. There is a mixture of relief and excitement, tempered with apprehension, as we look towards the fall. There will undoubtedly be challenges, and for the Look Local team, we will continue to draw strength from our local community as we navigate the road ahead. Our community is strong and resourceful, and if we continue to support each other as we have done over the past 18 months, we'll emerge stronger than ever! Thank you for Supporting Local!

president and founder tim@looklocalmagazine.com





Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

2.4_MississaugaLL_Final.indd 4

2021-08-19 10:16 AM



H •T


10 HOME & GARDEN Secondhand Chic for F


Your Home

16 HEALTH & WELLNESS Where Does Your Food

Come From?


Vintage Finds

26 ENVIRONMENT Home Tips for a

Green Lifestyle


Community Events

34 FOOD & DRINK Quick and Easy Pickling 40 LOCAL RECIPE Pickled Cauliflower

2.4_MississaugaLL_Final.indd 5

and Carrot Salad


2021-08-19 10:16 AM

totally organize totally organize totally totally organize organize

Closet ClosetBy ByDesign-Kristen-North, Design-Kristen-North,Northwe Northwe


Imagine your home, Imagine your home, Imagine your Imagine your home, Imagine Imagine Imagine your home, Imagine Imagine you Imagine Imagine your home, Imagine your home, Imagine your home, Imagine your home, Imagine your home, Imagine your home, totally organized! totally organized! Imagine your home, Imagine your home, totally orga totally organized! totally totally organized! Imag totally Imag totally org totally totally S S totally organized! totally organized! Imagine your home, totally organized! Imagine your home, totally organized! totally organized! totally organized! Imagine your home, Imagine your home, Imagine your home, totally organized! Imagine your home, totally organized! tot Imagi Imagi totally organized! totally organized! totally organized! totally organized! Ima Ima ummer ummerisisnot notofficially officiallyover overuntil until September 23rd, so September 23rd, so I’m I’m not not packing packingininthe thesun sunhat hator orshorts shorts just yet. justVOLUME yet.There’s There’s still some some fun 2 still ISSUE 4 fun totobe behad, had,especially especiallynow nowthe thekids kidsare are back the backininschool! school!It’s It’s theperfect perfecttime timeof of PUBLISHER year and everything, yeartotodo doanything anything Kristy and Elik everything, inside insideororout. out. CREATIVE DIRECTOR

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Walk WalkininCloset Closet

Jonathon Now’s time totoprep Now’sananexcellent excellent timeRoot prepyour your •• house if if you’re house you’rethinking thinkingofofselling. selling.It Itreally reallydoesn’t doesn’ttake takeaalot lotof of CONTRIBUTORS time and time andexpense expensetotospruce spruceup upyour yourhome homeand andget getthe themost most Ilana Clamp ininCloset Walk Closet value from your investment. tips from local value from your investment.Get Getsome someuseful useful tips fromour ourWalk local Anwar Knight realtors and designers. realtors and designers. WalkininCloset Closet Walk ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE

Be Walk inBe Clo

Walk in Clos WalkininCloset Closet Our community continuallythriving thrivingasasa ahub hub forvolunteerism volunteerism Walk Our community is iscontinually Tammyfor Mifsud WalkininCloset Closet Walk andassociations associationsaffiliated affiliatedwith withhelping helpingothers. others. Big Big Brothers Brothers Walk WalkininCloset Closet and ART DIRECTORS BigSisters SistersofofBarrie Barrieand andDistrict Districtisisno no exception, and we’re we’re Big exception, and Version Walk in Closet gladtotoshare sharemore moreofofwhat whatthis thisorganization organization does inVersion in our our Walk in Closet glad does Sarah Lush W community. Jennifer Brewster community. Walk in




2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.

your furry paltakes takesyou youfor foryour yourmorning morningdragging draggingsession, session, AsAs your furry pal For general inquiries, maybe you realize it’s time you need a little help with leash maybe you realize it’s time you need a little help with leash contact Kristy Elikhave at training. I spokewith withsome somelocal localdog dogtrainers trainers who some training. I spoke who have some kristy@looklocalmagazine.com adviceabout abouttraining trainingyour yourpup pupand andwhat what toto look look for for inin aa advice dog trainer. For advertising information, dog trainer.

I I Walk inI

contact Tammy Mifsud


at tammy@looklocalmagazine.com Boy, I have somethingfun funfor for you dowhile whilethe thekids kidsare areinin Boy, dodo I have something you totodo school. Plan a self-guided wine tour of some of our local wineries. school. Plan a self-guided wine tour ofLocal some ofisour local wineries. ​Look Magazine published 10 times per year We livein inananarea areaflourishing flourishingwith with extraordinary producers and is distributed for free at over 500 locations in of We live extraordinary producers of Mississauga. Copies are also distributed to select someofofthe thefinest finestwines. wines.Create Create conversation direct atyour your next next neighbourhoods using at mail. some a aconversation gathering about the wineselection selection chilling your wine fridge. Look Local is a registered trademark offridge. Novavita gathering about the wine chilling ininyour wine



Cre Cred

Arizon Arizona & #47 &#PA00 #477 #PA002

Publishing Limited. Look Local Mississauga is published by Eloquent Editing, Writing & Proof Reading Inc. under the license of Novavita Publishing Limited.

Fall harvest timeis isjust justa afew fewweeks weeksaway, away,but butit’s it’sapple appleseason season Fall harvest time right now! Just like wineries, we have several apple orchards in right now! Just like wineries, we have several orchards Copyright: All rightsapple reserved. Reproduction of in and around Simcoe County. Think outside theorbox just any article, photograph artworkbeyond without written and around Simcoe County. Thinkpermission outside the the boxis beyond just strictly prohibited. apple pie. What about apple cider, applefrom loaf,Publisher or apple pancakes? apple pie. What about apple cider, apple loaf, or apple pancakes? Editorial contributions: Look Local encourages


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Bedroom Closet Garage Cabin Bedroom Closet

Garage Cabin

GarageCabinets Cabinets FRON Garage FRON

contributions of articles, recipes, photographs and other Bedroom Closet BedroomBedroom Closet Embrace what’s left of summer, andmaterials treat from yourself with a email quiet creative the community. Bedroom Closet Closet Bedroom Closet Embrace what’s left of summer, kristy@looklocalmagazine.com. and treat yourself withPlease a quiet Bedroom Closet to Bedroom Closet afternoon on the patio of a stunning local winery. We reserve the right Bedroom Closet Bedroom C Bedroom Bedroom Closet edit materials received and can assume no responsibility afternoon on the patio of a stunning local winery. Bedroom Closet Bedroom CB Bedroom


Disclaimer: Advertisements published in Look Local Magazine are supplied solely by the advertiser and the Publisher accepts no responsibility for opinions expressed in advertisements or for copyright issues with respect to them.

theresa@looklocalmagazine.com theresa@looklocalmagazine.com Look Local Volume 3 | Issue 3 Look Local Volume 3 | Issue 3





Bedroom Closet B Bedroom Closet 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © AllClosets Rights 2018 ©Reserved. Closets Reserved. by Design, Closets Inc. by Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Design, Inc. 2018by ©All AllRights Rights Reserved. Closets byDesign, Design, Inc. by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets 2018 © AllClosets Rights 2018 by ©Reserved. All RightsClosets Reserved. by Design, ClosetsInc. by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.

Theresa Felgner Theresa Felgner EDITOR

for unsolicited materials. Select photos courtesy of Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation.

2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.

Cheers. Cheers.


8 8


Credit Cards Accept CrA& Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #11 Credit Cards Accepte AriC#

& #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800 &A# Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #1191 Cr Credit Accepte #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170,Cr Pal #PA

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2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.

2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. ©Rights All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. Inc. 20182018 © AllClosets 2018 ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. by Design, Closets Inc. by Design, 2018 © All Rights Reserved. by Design, Inc. 2018 © Allby Rights Reserved. Closets 2018 © AllClosets Rights 2018 by ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. Design, Closets Inc. by Design, Inc.by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.

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2018 © © All All Rights Rights Reserved. 2018 Reserved. Closets Closets by byDesign, Design,Inc. Inc.

2018 by Design, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 © © All All Rights Rights Reserved. Closets by

Walk in Closet Walk in Closet

Arizona#ROC312904, #ROC312904,Boston Boston#119162, #119162,Fort Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier Count Arizona Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeLee County #0505885, Collier County #L #47713-H,NNJ NNJ13VH00247800, 13VH00247800,Reno Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash #VA 27050684 &&#47713-H, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, DC, #VAFort 2705068445; Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Myers: CapeC #PA002447&&DEDE16166009 6009170, 170,Palm PalmBeach: Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA13VH00247800, Lic. # 794616RenoReno #PA002447 CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. # 794616 & #47713-H, NNJ #52800, #91 & #47713-H, NNJCA 13VH00247800, #52800, #91667 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &or BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County #LC Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &or BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County #PA002447 &Designer DE&Lee 16 170, PalmPalm Beach: CGC1509325 #PA002447 DELee 16for 6009 170, Beach: CGC1509 installation any complete unit order of more. installation with any complete unit order of$500 $500 more. Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Credit Cardswith Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) ask your Designer details. ask your for details. Not available in#C-9497, all areas. Not available in6009 all areas. Walkin inCloset ClosetBedroom &Credit NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, DC, #VA#VA 2705068445; # Walk &#47713-H, #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash 270506844 Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets available in#C-9497, all areas. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeLee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC2 Not available in# 794616 all areas. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &Not BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County # Custom Closets Custom Closets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets With incoming order, at time of purchase only. With incoming order, at time of purchase only. #PA002447 &&DEDE 16166009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #PA002447 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LC & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #M Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete &Garage #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; Custom Closets Custom Closets Bedroom Cabinets Closet Garage Cabinets 40% any order of $1000 ormmore.mBedroom 30% order of $700 or more. % off ff % % off ff% any mm On O any complete mm Garage Cabinets With approved credit. CallWash orDC,orDC, Cabinets With approved Call &&#47713-H, 13VH00247800, #52800, #916672, #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash #VA#VA 2705068445; #PA002447 &Garage 16 6009 Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. #credit. 794616 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, 270506844# #PA002447 &DENNJ DENNJ 16 6009170, 170, PalmReno Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 Bedroom Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets m ffi % m m offsystem any m order of $1000 $1000 more. 30% off any order ofBeach: $700 or more. On any complete Garage Cabinets Closets mm Custom %DE% m for 12 Months! Closet, Garage orHHome Office. Take an additional 15% offff for on any complete order. Not Garage Custom Closets ask your Designer 12 Months! Offi m40% N oror#PA002447 ask Designer for details. With approved credit. Call or or &&DE 16off 170, Palm CGC1509325 &mMCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CACabinets Lic. # 794616 approved credit. Call #PA002447 166009 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA for Lic. #details. 794616 40% more. 30% order of $700 ormmore. Onfor any complete Home Offices %of%off$500 ffanyororder ffany OWith myour Home Offices valid with anymother offer. Free installation with % any complete unit order more.ofWith

incoming only. n om ng oorder, de at a time me of o purchase pu AN ha eEXTRA on y Expires Exp e 6/30/18 6 30 18 Hobby PLUS TAKE and Rooms PLUS TAKESPECIAL and Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA Home Home Office for for1212Months! Months! AN EXTRA EXTRA Home Office PLUS TAKE Home Office •• Garage Cabinets PLUS TAKE Garage Cabinets PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUS TAKE Home Offices and Hobby RoomsSPECIAL Home Offices Call Callfor foraaf Garage GarageCabinets Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets FINANCING! FINANCING! FINANCING FINANCING AN EXTRA • Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE • Hobby Rooms WalkininCloset Closet PLUS TAKE Walk AN EXTRA SPECIAL AN EXTRA consultati SPECIAL Pantries, Laundries consulta PLUS TAKE Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE FIN F AN EXTRA AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE Home PLUS TAKE WalkininCloset Closet SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Closet Walk SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Bedroom Call Callfor foraforafro1 PLUS TAKE PLUS w TAKE wany complete W PLUS TAKE Plus Credit Cards and Insured (GCL/WC) Office AN EXTRA FINANCING PLUS TAKE Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) SPECIAL AN EXTRA FINANCING and Hobby Not Closet, Garage Home anCustom additional 15% forLicensed onRooms any complete system SPECIAL WalkininCloset Closet Not available in all andAccepted Hobby Rooms Custom Closets m Office. ffi Take %offoff m morder. Walk Not available in areas. all areas. Closets valid any other offer. Free installation with of $500 or more. With wwith ffat time w m m unit order mmororHome W Home Office Home Offices AN EXTRA Garage Cabinets Home Offices AN EXTRA Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage Office. Take an additional 15% for on any complete system order. Not Call for a fr H m Offi % ff m m N incoming order, of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Custom Closets Call for a m m Custom Closets FINANCING ask your Designer for details. Pantries, Laundries AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LC FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 FINANCING consultati ask your Designer for details. •• &Pantries valid with any other offer.Cards Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 more. With Pantries, Laundries Arizona #ROC312904, #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 consulta Pantries w complete w Boston m m(GCL/WC) W 40% off anyEXTRA orm more. order of $700 or more. On any 40% off order of $1000 or12 more. 30% offoff any order of for $700 or m Ca Accepted Licensed and Insured %AN % off any6/30/18 m valid mCredit 40% offany any order of $1000 orMonths! more. 30% any order of $700 or for 12 Ca incoming order, atorder time purchase only.30% Expires Credit Accepted Licensed and Insured Garage Cabinets for Months! Call aCounty fr# moff m ofof$1000 AN EXTRA FINANCING Garage Cabinets Call for aan with any offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or (GCL/WC) more. With AN EXTRA FINANCING NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, #C-9497, Wash DC, DC, #VA#VA 2705068445; Pantries, Laundries Home w ffofCards wOffices m mTampa WCOVER AN EXTRA 40% anyEXTRA order orOffice. 30% ofoff $700 On any complete &#47713-H, #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash 270506844 Pantries, Laundries Home Offices Bedroom Garage Cabinets %AN ffCloset, mmore.Take %anoff ff any order m Oincoming mmother FRONT 8.25 order, at time purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FRONT 8.2 Garageofor$1000 Home additional 15% for or on more. any complete order. Not msystem m Pl consultatio Garage Cabinets and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage orCoral: Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any m ffi % m for 12 Months! P consultat and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage orCoral: Home Office. an additional 15% off for on for 12 Months! Plus Not available inCACOVER •• #PA002447 Laundries Installation &&DE 16Expires 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &#BT15-77812 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #areas. 794616 Plus Not available inall all areas. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape &Take BT15-71519, #0505885, Colli SPECIAL Laundries Installation #PA002447 DE 166009 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &#BT15-77812 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CALee Lic. #County 794616 offwith any order ofOffi $1000 orFree 30% any15% order offor $700 more. Onofany complete Home Offices incoming order, at time of purchase only. 6/30/18 on Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape &Hobby BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, C SPECIAL Closet,40% Garage orHany Home Office. Take an additional offcomplete on or any system order. Not % mmore. % offw mcomplete mmmore. Home Offices m$500 m n Walk for 12 Months! consultati m % ff m N and Rooms Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! valid other offer. installation with any unit order or With consulta www.close and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries w m m W PLUS TAKE WalkininCloset Closet valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit www.clo Home Offices Custom Closets con PLUS TAKE 40% off any order ofor $1000 or 30% off anyofforder of off $700 or more. On any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with any Wash complete uni Ins Home Offices FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Custom Closets co % ffPLUS mmore. %anonly. ff w m O ofOn m Plus &&#47713-H, NNJ Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CCCLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, DC,In #VA 2o Closet, Garage Office. additional onunit any complete system order. Not FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 40% off any order $1000 orTake more. 30% any15% order offor$700 ororder more. any complete Plus Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJ13VH00247800, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA ffi % m mmore. valid with other offer. Free installation with any complete $500 or With %many m % m mm Home Office 1-888 Credit Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Pantries, Laundries woff ffHome m W TAKE incoming order, atmof time ofmore. purchase Expires 6/30/18 Home Office FINANCING Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE m FINANCING and Hobby Rooms Plus incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $7 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not and Hobby Rooms • Custom Closets 40% any order of $1000 or 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete Plus incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Call for a fr 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not H m Offi % ff m m N • 1616Cape Custom SPECIAL FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 %Closet ffOffice m ooronly. % Expires ff 30% mHome O Office mmo &&DEDE 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & &MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CACA Lic. #Call 794616 Home foroff afo w 6/30/18 mn #ROC312904, WOn Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets mpurchase ffi %any m m#PA002447 Walk SPECIAL FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 #PA002447 6009 170, PalmClosets Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. # 794616 incoming order, atEXTRA time of Home Office 40% off any $1000 more. order of ormore. more. Installation AN EXTRA Installation Walk inin Closet m matooftime 1-888 40% off nwAN oorder $1000 mo off o any dunit omof$700 $700 On Installatio Installation PLUS Arizona Boston Fort Coral: #BT15-77812 &&TAKE BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC2014000 and Hobby Rooms Closet, or Home Office. Take anan additional 15% Home Office FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 PLUS TAKE #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140 and Hobby Rooms for 12 Months! valid with other offer. Free installation any complete order $500 oro #119162, With Closet, Garage ordHany Home Office. Take additional 15% offcomplete on complete system PLUS TAKE Closet,Garage Garage or Home Office. Take additional 15% off incoming order, of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with offer. Freean installation with any order of $500 or Walk in Closet FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 •• Garage Cabinets www.close for 12 Months! wAN ffmother wwith m mmmore. WWith Follow us Offi % ff for N Myers: PLUS TAKE manyEXTRA m wEXTRA w m unit morder. WNot 1-888 and Hobby Rooms Garage Cabinets www.clo Home Offices Follow us AN ON consultati and Hobby Rooms Walkin inWalkCloset Closet Home Offices Home Office Installation ON consulta Walk Home Office valid with any offer. Free installation with any comple any complete Garage orW Hom Home Office. Not valid with other offer. #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 13169 Installation FINANCING! PLUS TAKE incoming order, atCloset, time oftime purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unitdNNJ order ofany $500 or hmore. With valid with#C-9497, anyother other offer. Free installation with any com incoming order, at ofgpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 n omp o G o Offi No w h n o off &&m #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 13 FINANCING! PLUS TAKE m m w ff w m W m m www.close AN EXTRA • Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA in Closet Garage Cabinets Installation Garage Cabinets www.clos AN EXTRA Off • Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA Walk in Closet Installation Pantries, Laundries HomeOffice Office incoming order, at timeOff of Plus purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Pantries, Laundries Home

Installation Free Imagine home, Off organized! Imagine your 15% 15% 15% Installation Free 40% Off 40% Off your totally organized! 40% Off Free home, 40% Off Free free installation totally organized! Free 40% Off Free 40% Off 1-88 Off totally organized! Off Imagine home, Free Imagine your 844-8 Free FreeFree 15% Off Imagine your home, 1-88 844Imagine totally organized! totally organized! 1-88 Free Off Free 15% 15% Off 15% Free 15% Off 15% 40% Off 1 40% Off Plus 1 15 15 40% Off Plus totally COVER 8.25x8.938 40% Off40% Plus totally organized! Plus totally organized!FRONT 40% FRONT COVER15% 8.25x8.938 1-888 Plus Off 1-88 40% Off Off 15% Off 15% Off Installation Free ww 15% Off Installation FreeInstallation 40% Off Plus w Free 40% OffPlus Plus Installation Free 15% Off 15% Off Installati Free 40% Off Installat Free Installation Free 40% Plus 15% Off Installation Free Off Plus Off Plus Installation Free FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Installation FreeInstallation FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Walk in in Closet Closet Free Walk Installation Free Installation 15% Installation Free 40% Off Plus 15% Off 15% Off 40% OffOff Plus 15% Off15% 15%OO Plus 40% Plus 40% FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 15% Free Installation 8.25x8.938 15%Off Off 2018 RightsReserved. Reserved.Closets ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 ©© AllAll Rights

2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets 2018 © All Rights Reserved. ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 © All Rights 2018 ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. bybyDesign, Closets Inc. by 2018 © All Rights Reserved. by Design, Inc. 2018 ©Closets All Rights 2018 © Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. Design, Closets Inc. byDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © ©AllAll Rights 2018 RightsReserved. Reserved.Closets Closetsby by Design, Inc.

With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. askask your Designer for for details. With ap your Designer details. NotNot available in all ask you available in areas. all areas. With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. Not av askask your Designer forCall details. your Designer for details. With approved credit. or With approvedincredit. Call or Not available areas. approved credit. or or Not available in allCall areas. askWith your Designer forall details. With approved credit. Call ask your Designer for details. ask your Designer for details. Notask available in all your Designer details. Not available in areas. allfor areas. NotNot available in all available in areas. all areas. With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 incoming order, at time of only. Expires 6/30/1 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 of $700&orDEmore. On any ask your Designer for Call details. #PA002447 170,complete Palm CA Lic. #Designer 794616 m 40% m of $1000 ormmore. 30% WalkininCloset Closet With credit. orpurchase % off any order % off any order m16 6009 m Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, ask your for details. Walk Withapproved approved credit. Call or Follow us us Follow WalkininCloset ClosetCloset, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not NotNot available in all areas. Walk available in all areas. 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete m 40% order ofofany $1000 orormore. 30% offoff any order of $700 orfor more. OnOn any complete ask your Designer details. % ffvalid with any othermoffer.ffimFree installation % ff with any%complete unit m ordermOof $500 ormmore. 40%offoffany any order $1000 more. 30% any order of $700 or more. any complete 40% off order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. Onus anyany comple Follow us ask your Designer for details. 40% off any order ofanadditional $1000 or15% more. 30% offany any order ofsystem $700 orFollow more. On With Closet, Garage ororHome Office. Take an offoff for onon any complete system order. Not Closet, Garage Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not w orHHome w m m W 40% off any order of $1000 or 30%com off Closet, Garage Home Office. Take additional 15% for complete order. Not Follow usmore. m Offi % ff m m N Closet, or installation Home Office. an additional 15% offofffor onorder anyWith complete or 40% of $1000 orussystem more. 30% NotTake available inunit all areas. Follow valid with any otherGarage offer. Free with any complete order of $500 orany more.

www.close order, time of pu purchase only. Freenincoming unit www.clo AN Home Office om ng oon dwwith oomp h un on ninstallation hat any nm complete oorder d of o $500 $500 or o more. mo With W h PLUS TAKE ANEXTRA EXTRA Home Office PLUS Home Office PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUSTAKE TAKE Home Office and Hobby Rooms Home Office order, atattime ofoofpu purchase only. Home Office nincoming om ng o de a me o ha e on y incoming order, time purchase only. PLUS TAKE • Pantries AN EXTRA n om ng o d m pu h on PLUS TAKE • Pantries AN EXTRA Home Office AN EXTRA Home Office PLUS TAKE Home Office AN EXTRA Home Office HW PLUS TAKE Home Office Closet, Garage orHome Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on anyWith complete AN EXTRA HW incoming order,offer. at time of purchase only.with Expires 6/30/18 unit order of $500 or more. With •• Laundries Closet, Home Office. ansystem Notinstallation available inunit allany areas. Laundries valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order ofGarage $500 ororunit more. Office AN EXTRA valid with any complete many other Closet, Garage orwww.close Home Office. Take anmor www.clo Home Walk Closet valid any other offer. Free with complete order of Take $500 oradditio incoming order, atwith time ofany only. Expires 6/30/18 wOffice ff mFree installation w m m W Home Office AN EXTRA Walk ininCloset valid with other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 oradwm valid with anyany other offer. Free installation 40% off order orpurchase 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete incoming order, time ofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA valid with other offer. Free installatio 40% offany anyincoming orderofatof$1000 $1000 ormore. 30% off any order ofor$700 or more. On any complete order, atmore. time oforder purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 incoming 40% off any of $1000 more. 30% off any order $700 more. On incoming order, atoftime oforpurchase only.any Closet, Garage ororHome Office. Take anoff additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 m order, at time m of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On ac incoming order, at time of purchase only. Closet, Garage Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not 40% offoff any order ofof$1000 orFree more. 30% offoff any order ofOffice. $700 or more. OnofOn any complete Closet, Garage orany Home Take anan additional 15% offWith for for on any complete sys PLUS TAKE any other offer. installation with any complete unit order $500 or more. valid with 40% any order $1000 or more. 30% order of $700 or more. any complete Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) PLUS TAKE Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take additional 15% off on any complete Follow us PLUS TAKE any other offer. orvalid Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 orcomplete more. With valid with Closet, Garage ororHome Office. Take an additional 15% offoff on any complete system order. NotNot 40% off any order of $1000 more. 30% offoff any order offor$700 orany more. OnOn any complete Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Home PLUS TAKE with any other offer. Free installation with any unit order of $500 Follow us Office incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 PLUS TAKE Closet, Garage Home Office. Take an additional 15% for on complete system order. Home Office Follo 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% any order of $700 or more. any complete valid any other offer. Free installation with any complete of $5 Home Office Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA incoming order, atoffer. time ofand purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812Credit & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 US valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order ofTAKE $500 or more. With Home Office Closet, Garage orCounty Home Office. Take anwith additional 15% off for onP any complete system order. Not unit orderFol incoming order, at time ofoff purchase only. Cards Accepted Licensed Insured (GCL/WC) Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812Credit & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of Office $500 or more. With Closet, Garage ortime Home Office. Take additional 15% for onIsland any complete system order. Not Home incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA AN EXTRA Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CALee # 794616, SE Penn: incoming order, at of purchase only.an Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free131690; installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With#LCC20140000686, Home Office PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape &with BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County Fresn AN EXTRA Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, RenoLicensed #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; 420214000077, CALee # 794616, SEof Penn: incoming order, at time ofCoral: purchase only.#DC Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free#BT15-77812 installation any complete unit order $500 or more. With#LCC20140000686, HomeOffice Office PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County F Credit Accepted Insured incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #Boston 794616 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $7006/30/18 or6/30/18 more. On #C-9497, any complete Home &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJCACA 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420 PLUS TAKE Credit Accepted Licensed Insured incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic.Home # 794616 Office AN EXTRA 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not PLUS TAKE 2018 ©© AllAll Rights Reserved. 2018 Rights Reserved.Closets ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc.

2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.

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Installation Free15% Off Off 15% Off Installation Free 15% Off Installation Free

incoming order, atofatOffice. time purchase 40% off any $1000 or more. 30% offonly. any of40% $700 orsystem any Home Office AN EXTRA offIsland any order ofOn $1000 orcomplete more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162,Licensed Fort Myers: Cape Coral:Insured #BT15-77812(GCL/WC) & BT15-71519, #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 PLUS TAKE #PA002447 & DELee 16County 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &of MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #more. 794616 Credit Cards Accepted Accepted and Closet, Garage ororder Home Take an additional 15% off fororder onorder any complete order. Notany incoming order, of purchase only. 40% off any order oftime $1000 or more. 30% off any ofofCA $700 more. complete valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order $500 orormore. WithOn Home Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 PLUS TAKE #PA002447 & DELee 16Home 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &131690; MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #complete 794616 AN EXTRA Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional Credit Cards Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Closet, Garage oroffer. Home Office. Take an additional 15% offorder for on any system order. Not 15% off for on any com Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CA #for 794616, SE Penn: valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit of $500 or more. With Home Office Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA incoming order, at time ofHome purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Closet, Garage oroffer. Office. Take an additional off on any complete AN EXTRA Home Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: #916672, Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other offer. Freesystem withNot any complete unit order &Credit #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, #unit 794616, SEof Penn: 40% off any order $1000 orpurchase more. 30% off any order ofwith $700 or 15% more. OnCA any complete Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) valid with anyof2705068445; other Free installation any complete order $500 orinstallation more.order. With Office incoming order, at time ofoffer. only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA #PA002447 & DE 16 Boston 6009 170, Palm CGC1509325 &Coral: MCNS6658, CA Lic. #Home 794616 Arizona #ROC312904, #119162, Fort Cape #BT15-77812 &&BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% off any order ofwith $700 orcomplete more. OnIsland anyorder, complete incoming at time Expires valid with anyofCounty other offer. Free installation any complete unit order $500 oronly. more. With6/30/18 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an131690; additional 15% off for on any system order. Notof purchase Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston FortMyers: Myers: CapeCoral: #BT15-77812 BT15-71519, Lee #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 &#PA002447 #47713-H, NNJ RenoBeach: #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, TampaLee #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, SE Penn: & DE13VH00247800, 16 6009 170,#119162, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA County Lic. #Home 794616 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40%Closet, off anyGarage order or of Home $1000 Office. or more. 30% any order15% of $700 or on more. any complete Take anoff additional off for any On complete system order. Not

15% 15%Off

Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Island &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #794616, 794616, SEWith Penn: valid with any other installation with any complete unit orderCA ofLong $500 or more. PLUS TAKE incoming order, atFree time ofadditional purchase only. 6/30/18 40% off any order ofoffer. $1000 or more. 30% off any order ofExpires $700 more. any complete & #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno#52800, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, SE#1360195 Penn: &NNJ DENNJ 16 6009 170, PalmReno Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an 15% off for on any complete system order. Not 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 ororunit more. OnOn#any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order of or more. With Office PLUS TAKE incoming order, time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #$500 794616, SENotNot Penn: #PA002447 & DE 6009 CGC1509325 &&MCNS6658, CA #Home Closet, Garage oratHome Home Office. Take anadditional additional 15% off any complete system order. 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% offany any order offor$700 orcomplete more. Onsystem any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with complete unit order of $500 or more. With Closet, Garage or Office. Take an 15% off for ononany order. Home Office &NNJ DE1616 6009170, 170,Palm PalmBeach: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CALic. Lic. #794616 794616 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA Office valid with any other offer. Freeinstallation installation with6/30/18 any15% complete unit order of$500 $500or ormore. more. WithNot Closet, Garage ortime Home Office. Take additional off forunit onHome any complete system order. #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, 794616 Credit Cards Accepted Licensed Insured (GCL/WC)CA Lic. #incoming order, at of purchase only.anExpires valid with any other offer. Free with any complete order ofm With AN EXTRA Horder Offi Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Home Office incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit of $500 or more. With incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 Home Office Home Office incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Credit Cards Accepted and Insured incoming order, atoftime ofor more. purchase 40%#0505885, offOffice any order $1000 30% offonly. any order Fresno of $700 or more. OnLong any complete Arizona #ROC312904, BostonLicensed #119162, Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &(GCL/WC) BT15-71519, County Collier County #LCC20140000686, #717350, IslandSE #1360195 Home & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno Fort #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Lee #C-9497, Wash DC,any #VAororder 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #On794616, incoming order, atoftime purchase 40% off $1000 or more. 30% offonly. any order of $700 more. any complete Closet, Garage Home Office.of Take an additional 15% off for on anyorcomplete system order.Penn: Home Office &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, # 794616, SENotPenn: Closet, or 2705068445; Home Take an additional 15% off forunit on any system order. Not Long Island#1360195 Home valid withGarage any other offer.Office. Free installation with any complete ordercomplete of CA $500 or more.#717350, With &NNJ DE#119162, 16 6009 170, PalmMyers: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape#916672, Coral:&#BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno valid with any other Free installation with6/30/18 any complete unit order of $500 or more.#717350, With #PA002447 & DE#119162, 16 6009 170, PalmMyers: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic.Lee # 794616 Home Office incoming order, at timeoffer. of purchase only.County Expires Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape Coral:&#BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno Long Island#1360195

Off FRONT COVER COVER 8.25x8.938 FRONT 8.25x8.938 Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Laundries & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800,(GCL/WC) #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, SE Penn: CreditCards CardsAccepted Accepted Licensed andCOVER Insured FRONT 8.25x8.938 Laundries &#PA002447 #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800,(GCL/WC) #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, SE Penn: Credit Licensed Insured FRONT 8.25x8.938 & DE 16 6009and 170,COVER Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #Office 794616 Home Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, FortFRONT Myers: #BT15-77812 &8.25x8.938 BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island#1360195 #PA002447 & DE 16Cape 6009Coral: 170,COVER Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #Office 794616 FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Home Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral:COVER #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island#1360195 FRONT 8.25x8.938 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18

& #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, SE Penn: &#PA002447 #47713-H, &NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, SE Penn: DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938

FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938

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Bedroom Closet Bedroom Closet Bedroom Closet Bedroom Closet Bedroom Closet

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Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets

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Shorter days, cooler nights… How was your summer? Hopefully, you carved out some precious time to enjoy your family and friends; if it was also spent exploring the great outdoors, all the better! Early fall days are perfect for discovering the fun of thrifting for home décor and furniture. Think garage sales, secondhand and antique stores—even the side of the road! You can find treasure anywhere if you look hard enough. If you’re new to this art/science, we’ve amassed a list of helpful thrifting tips and tricks in our Home & Garden section. In our story Farm to Fork, you’ll learn about the importance of asking where your food comes from. We’re blessed with an abundance of Farmers’ Markets in Mississauga; visit one or two this fall and ask a farmer (or a brewer or a baker) about their process. This issue’s Shop Local feature is all about thrifting, showcasing the kinds of goodies and some of the fabulous places you can start to dig for that gently-loved, one-of-a-kind item. Our friend and fellow environmentalist Anwar Knight is back with four simple but important reminders about how we can all easily contribute to a greener planet (who knew about the potential damage of craft store glitter?) Now that we’ve spent the summer painstakingly tilling, planting, weeding, watering and weeding again, our sweet reward is here: it’s harvest time. But what to do with your bumper crop of cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower, etc.? Pickle ‘em, of course! Turns out you can pickle almost everything. Check out our story about easy refrigerator pickling in our Food & Drink section. Finally, we’re excited to reintroduce our popular Events section! There’s so much to see and do in Mississauga; plan to attend one or two events this fall (responsibly masked and distanced, of course). Stay safe, stay healthy,


| kristy@looklocalmagazine.com



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2021-08-19 10:16 AM

Home & Garden





Create A Look That’s Truly One-Of-A-Kind By KRISTY ELIK


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

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all it what you want: secondhand chic, furniture upcycling, vintage repurposing or simply thrifting, the practice of buying used furniture and home décor is part of a growing desire to increase sustainability around our homes. Plus, the thrill of the hunt of those-just-can’t-beat-the-price, one-of-a-kind, DIY-makeover, second-hand gems is hard to beat. Ask Kristen Psihogios and Ashly Bowers of Neck of the Woods Home Goods, a Vintage & New-To-You e-commerce site founded in 2016. “Thrifting started as a hobby for both of us, and it’s become a bit of an addiction!”, laughs Kristen. “There’s a thrill in finding unique fashion and home goods that not everyone has, and in seeing the possibilities they present. Trends are cyclical: from 70s macrame making a comeback, to the 90s fashion in every store right now, it all comes full circle.” So why thrift? Maybe you need to compensate for a small budget. Maybe you adore the look of vintage style, or maybe you relish the


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2021-08-19 10:17 AM

Local Links

1 Neck of the Woods Home Goods @neckofthewoodshomegoods 2 Mission Thrift Store missionthriftstore.com


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transformation between an item someone else considered trash into a treasure of your own. But even a bargain is no real savings if it isn’t useful, isn’t safe, or isn’t you. We’ve assembled some tips to help you successfully shop for secondhand treasures. Pinch pennies: The best place to find the lowest prices is at garage sales, antique shops, flea markets, thrift stores, even along the side of the road. But that doesn’t mean you won’t overspend if you’re not careful. Know what you can afford and stick to that.

"Be careful about buying any upholstered piece of furniture secondhand; bedbugs don’t only hide out in beds. Check fabric furniture carefully for any sign of pests, mildew, questionable stains, and odors that aren’t likely to easily dissipate."







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thrifting R








Most stores put items out throughout the day so there’s always something new.


There are always hidden gems amongst things you would never think to buy.


A vintage metal container for $1 or $2 might look like garbage but it can be used as a cute planter or crayon holder.


Carry cash instead of credit cards—it’s easier to track what you’ve spent and if you’re visiting garage sales or flea markets, you’ll need cash anyway. Think creatively: The fun of this kind of shopping is that you never know what you’re going to find! Say you’re on the hunt for a pair of bedside table lamps, but spot a great nightstand that simply needs a fresh coat of paint (for ideas, check out quaintandpaint.com). Time to pivot! Beware hesitation: If you spot something you adore, ask for it to be held or go ahead and buy it. Waiting means that you’ll likely lose it to the next person who loves it enough to buy it on the spot (this is even more true at a garage sale or flea market). Keep a repurposing mindset: How can you use this item in a way that is different from its original purpose? An old wooden ladder as a magazine rack? Vintage clothing or a rug as wall art?

Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

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Be ready: You never know when you’ll drive by a treasure on the side of the road or spot a garage sale or secondhand shop too good to pass up. Keep a measuring tape, bungee cords, and an old towel or blanket in your car. You’ll be able to check if that funky chair will fit in the corner and you’ll be able to secure your trunk shut while driving it home. Shop the right places: It makes sense that upscale areas often have thrift stores filled with upscale castoffs. You’re likelier to find quality furniture, nice artwork, and desirable accessories where people can easily afford—and therefore, easily afford to replace—these items. Know when to let go: Secondhand purchases often need a little love to bring back their shine. But sometimes they need a LOT of love; make sure you’re ready to DIY. If you’re new to flea market decorating, start with something easy; it’s easier to hone your painting skills on a small, simple bookcase, rather than an ornate mirror or dresser. Leave behind wooden furniture that is missing a vital piece, is cracked or warped, is severely damaged, or smells strongly of smoke or mold. And proceed with caution when buying an upholstered piece that ‘just’ needs new fabric—recovering the seat of a chair is generally a simple DIY job, but reupholstering an entire armchair is a challenge best left to a pro. Avoid the dreaded hodgepodge: Combining a variety of decorating styles is a fantastic look when done skillfully. But it’s a style that needs to be well-planned, not a hodgepodge of mismatched accessories and furniture.

Happy thrifting!



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Health & Wellness

Farm Fork TO



Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

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ow more than ever, the demand for food grown locally is on the rise, as is our interest in knowing where our food originates. The difference is encouraging, says Hillary Penn, manager at Herridge’s Farm Fresh Market in Clarkson. “Many our customers know and appreciate the quality of local foods and are always looking to try new recipes or find new ways to use an ingredient,” Penn comments. “It’s especially encouraging to notice young children showing an interest in where their food comes from.” As we move into the colder months, we won’t have year-round access to farm fresh produce like we do in the summer and fall— but it’s still important to be mindful of where your next meal is coming from. There are so many good reasons you should ask where your food is grown and harvested. We’ve put together a list of why choosing local is choosing better.

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Tip Check out farmfood360.ca to enjoy a real life expedition of Canadian farms and food processing facilities from the comfort of your home


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

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Local food just tastes better… and it’s very likely more nutritious. At a farmer’s market, most local produce has been picked within the last 24 hours, ensuring it is ripe, fresh and at its peak nutrient-density, while most produce you find at the supermarket was likely picked days or weeks before it arrived on the shelf. As soon as a food is harvested its nutrient content begins to deteriorate, especially vitamins C, E, and A. The mind-mouth connection. It’s not just what you eat— the who, where, when, how and why counts, too. When you shop locally you are directly connected to the food you eat; knowing and picturing who produced it, what farm it came from, and exactly how it got to your table. It’s the taste of your mom’s homemade tomato sauce versus the jar of sauce you grab at your nearest grocery store. When you eat locally, you eat with the seasons. Before the modern grocery store, humans simply ate what was available to us at that time of year. In summer, our bodies require cooling foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries to help us handle the heat, while in the dark, cold days of winter we need rich and warming high-fat foods, root vegetables, and fermented foods. Eating well can get kind of boring. How many varieties of fruit and veg can you find at your local grocery store? One of each, likely. Eating seasonally forces you to try new foods and be more creative in the kitchen. Buying local shortens the distribution chain. Sourcing food directly from the farm means there is less waste produced, less packaging from transportation, shipping and consumer marketing, and less environmental waste from pollution. Every time you buy from a local farmer, it’s a chance to ask questions. You can learn about their farming practices and gain a better understanding of your food. As a consumer you have a choice to connect with your food sources and ensure ongoing food sustainability and security in our area. looklocalmagazine.com

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Local Links 1 F armers’ Markets Ontario farmersmarketsontario.com

2 Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Association ontariofarmfresh.com

3 Savour Ontario savourontario.milk.org

4 Foodland Ontario ontario.ca/foodland

5 FarmFood360 farmfood360.ca

You’re supporting local business. When you buy food in the grocery store most of the cost you incur goes to the transportation, processing, packaging, refrigeration, and marketing of that food, and not necessarily to the farmers themselves. When you are buying from one of our local farmers and producers, you’re supporting your local community, and your money goes back into producing more local food and products for you. Eating locally encourages diversification of local agriculture and crop variety. This, in turn, reduces the reliance on monoculture; single crops grown over a wide area to the detriment of soils. The reality is that our food is only as nutrient-dense as the soil in which it is grown; although strawberries are known to contain high levels of vitamin C, these levels are heavily dependent on the quality of the soil in which they are grown, and their level of freshness. LL


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

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Warm days and cooler nights means we’re receiving fresh, ripe plums, apples and pears every day from local farmers. Time to make tarts and jellies! Don’t miss Herridge’s own home-grown late summer crops, freshly picked each morning—mmmmmouthwatering corn and juicy field tomatoes. Fresh potatoes and squash are in, too, perfect for Thanksgiving dinner. Pick up your fall mums, asters, autumn planters and all of your Thanksgiving decor in our beautiful garden centre... We carry only the finest, freshest fruits and vegetables from local farms!


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2021-08-17 10:17 12:41AM PM 2021-08-19

Shop Local


Thrifting is not only fun and in fashion, it’s easy on the environment— and on your bank balance. Check out these treasures from some of our local and online thrift stores! IT’S OUR LITTLE SECRET CONSIGNMENT BOUTIQUE 94 Lakeshore Road East (in The Coach House) itsourlittlesecret.ca Upscale luxury fashion at thrift prices… that’s what you’ll find at this gem of a consignment boutique in Port Credit. Browse racks of unique name brand and designer clothing (like this adorable Escada blazer), bags (like this beautifully crafted Tod’s shoulder tote) and accessories (like this elegant Chanel scarf). Tip: visit often—one-of-a-kind pieces like these sell fast!

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NECK OF THE WOODS HOME GOODS Booth 31B, Hamilton Antique Mall 233 Ottawa Street North IG: neckofthewoodshomegoods Featuring vintage and newto-you home décor items and furniture, plus an array of expertly curated, gentlyloved clothing items, Neck of the Woods Home Goods is the happy passion of two former thrifters who loved their hobby so much, they now run a successful business. Operating mainly online, NOTW has earned thousands of followers who anxiously await the day’s latest treasures.


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Shop Local

MISSION THRIFT STORE MISSISSAUGA 3130 Dixie Road (at Dundas Street) missionthriftstore.com/store/mississauga With over 50 locations across Canada, Mission Thrift Stores has built a reputation for providing quality goods for resale. In addition to clothing, housewares, toys, jewellery and books, the store also features a large selection of furniture. MTS’ vision? A cleaner, greener planet, clutter-free lives and a safe space for volunteers to contribute to our community. Shop online, too!


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Follow us to see all our latest goodies @NeckoftheWoodsHomeGoods or come visit our booth on the third floor of the Hamilton Antique Mall looklocalmagazine.com 25


H A M I LTO N A N T I Q U E M A L L B O OT H 3 1 B , 2 3 3 OT TAWA S T R E E T N O R T H

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Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

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think it’s a safe bet to say that many of us have connected with nature more because of the pandemic. This connection has hopefully sparked a clearer recognition of how essential the health of our natural world is to our overall wellbeing. Most importantly, I hope it has helped us realize how crucial it is that we act to preserve the earth. Doing that doesn’t have to be intimidating—there are many small things we can do at home that will ultimately have a huge impact. Here’s my top four: TIP 1


More people have been working from home than at any other time in recent history, not to mention the number of students also learning from home—that all adds up to a lot of printing! The environmental impact of the tens of millions of used ink and toner cartridges that are tossed away are many. For one, the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy metals they’re made with pollute both the soil and water from landfill sites. What’s more, the cartridges are made from petroleum-based products, which carry their own environmental implications and are not biodegradable. Recycling the cartridges helps conserve energy and natural resources while reducing the need for energy to make more.


The bottom line? Keep them out of the trash. Some big box retailers, including BestBuy and Staples, accept used cartridges for recycling, while some manufacturers have free mail-in options: check your brand’s website for more. looklocalmagazine.com

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Local Links 1 Credit Valley Conservation cvc.ca 2 Ecosource ecosource.ca 3 Riverwood Conservancy riverwoodconservancy.org 4 Ditch Plastic Packaging ditchplasticpackaging.com


D O N ’ T S Q U A S H T H AT B U G !

Our first instinct when we see a multi-legged crawler in our home is to exterminate it. Before taking that mortal step, consider the crucial role that insects play on our planet, which is creating the foundation of all ecosystems! Instead of killing the tiny creatures, consider trapping them and releasing them outside where they can continue to do their work. If you choose this route, please keep in mind that depending on the type of insect and the outdoor conditions – this may also mean their ultimate demise. Bonus points if you give all household spiders a complete hall pass. If left alone, they will consume most of the insects in your home, providing effective home pest control.


S AY ‘ S E E YA ! ’ T O P L A S T I C S T R AW S

Plastic straws take an astounding 200 years to decompose after being thrown away. In Canada, the government estimates that we use 57 million straws daily—that’s a lot of plastic waste! Help the environment by only using reusable straws or better yet just drink out of a cup the old-fashioned way. looklocalmagazine.com

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Craft supplies, cosmetics and holiday decorations are some of the most common sources of glitter inside our homes. Studies confirm that these tiny bits of sparkle significantly impede ecosystems in our rivers, lakes and oceans. The issue arises when we wash our hands. Any glittery item contains minute particles that are so small that they can evade water treatment systems and end up in our environment. That glitter is then eaten by the same fish that we ultimately consume. My advice? Forget drop the glitter and find a whole new kind of sparkle in a fresh, clean ecosystem. From choosing recycable egg cartons to using re-usable snack bags for your kids when school starts, there are many ways we can all do our part.

ANWAR KNIGHT is an award-winning broadcaster, whose genuine and warm engaging personality has made him a favourite with audiences nationwide. With an insatiable curiosity, Anwar connects and inspires real-world action through storytelling. He is a passionate steward of nature and is working to propel efforts to preserve our earth. Join Anwar on his podcast BigBlueMarble.earth and his recently launched FBLive show “Here n’ There” every Friday at 1pm facebook.com/AnwarKnightTV LL


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As businesses continue to open please help support them and





a message from


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2020-10-06 10:18 2:18 AM PM 2021-08-19

Community Events



Sunsets, Sunflowers & Sounds - Live Music Series

Presented by Lakeview Village Partners Music, these special evenings feature some of the area's most iconic musicians in an intimate setting. Wed evenings to Sept 15. 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Free (must register at Eventbrite.ca to secure spot) Hosted weekly by the Tom and Rick Show, upcoming performers include: September 1 - Kirt Godwin & Gracie Ella September 8 - Chuck Jackson & Tyler Yarema September 15 - Spoons Duo Full bar and food available, courtesy of Spice Lounge & Tapas, Stonehooker Beer and No Quarter Catering. Lakeview Village Sunflower Deck 800 Hydro Road eventbrite.ca (search sunflowers)



Arts on the Credit - September Arts Drive

Artists’ work will be displayed in their driveways, front and backyards and garages throughout southern Mississauga. All COVID protocols will be followed: a pre-registration form, masks and distancing is required. Maps will be emailed close to the date. 11 am to 5 pm. Free. artsonthecredit.ca



Tim Hortons 10-12 Southside Shuffle Blues & Jazz Festival SEPT

It’s back, LIVE! This incredible, award-winning blues and jazz festival has been entertaining Mississauga, the GTA and beyond since 1999. Four stages all weekend plus the Lakeshore Shuffle Alley, Saturday, September 11 from noon to 4 pm. Great food and tons of vendors, too. Admission: $15 to $35 Port Credit Memorial Park 40 Lakeshore Road East southsideshuffle.ca



Hazel: 100 Years of Memories

Immerse yourself in the incredible life of former Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion, including a showcase of her own personal mementos and historic treasures from our city’s past. Erin Mills Town Centre FB: Hazel McCallion

Paint the Town Red: A Thanksgiving to Remember

In lieu of this year’s usual Canada Day parade and party, come and celebrate Thanksgiving together in Port Credit. The day will include a parade, Kids’ Zone, fireworks and a Memorial Tribute/Celebration for lost loved ones we have lost during the pandemic. Port Credit paintthetownred.ca


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Join us LIVE on



Saturday September Join us LIVE on 25th, 2021 11 amth– 5 pm

Saturday September , 2021 (Rain 25 Date: Sunday 26th)

A r11 amT–S5 pm

Adrive r TS Artists will be selling artworks (Rain Date: Sunday 26th)

Artists will be selling artworks outside their homes & studios!


outside their homes & studios! COVID-19 safety guidelines in effect.

Join us LIVE on

COVID-19 safety guidelines in effect.

Saturday September 25th, 2021

th) (Rain 11 amVisitors – 5 pmmust Date: Sunday 26 PREREGISTER to receive a map of artists’ locations. Join us LIVE on HERE

Visit us on line for more information:

Saturday 25th, 2021 Artists September will be selling artworks


homes & Sunday studios! 11outside am – 5their pm (Rain Date: 26th) COVID-19 safety guidelines in effect.

Visitors2.4_LLM_ArtsontheCredit_HP_V1.indd must PREREGISTER HERE to receive a map of artists’ locations. 1 Visit us on line for more information:

Artists will be selling artworks Aoutside rtsOnThe Credit.ca -Drive their homes/A & rts studios!

2021-08-14 9:53 AM

COVID-19 safety guidelines in effect.

THE 23rdHERE ANNUAL BLUES AND JAZZ FESTIVAL Visitors must PREREGISTER to receivePORT a map ofCREDIT artists’ locations. SEPTEMBER 10-11-12, 2021 • Memorial Park, Port Credit Visit us on line for more information:

ArtsOnTheLIVE Credit.ca /Arts-Drive MUSIC IN MEMORIAL PARK!





southsideshuffle.ca for ticket info

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2021-08-19 10:18 AM

Food & Drink






Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

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2021-08-19 12:46 PM


re you like us: intrigued/intimidated by all those beautiful social media images of ordinary people happily displaying jar upon jar of homemade, yummylooking pickled items? We’ll let you in on their secret: quick pickling is incredibly easy and fast, too. Like a few-ingredientsand half-hour-fast. Here’s the scoop: Quick pickles, also known as refrigerator pickles, are really just veggies (and fruits) that are pickled in a vinegar, water, and salt (sometimes sugar, too) solution and stored in the refrigerator. They don’t develop the depth of flavour of fermented pickles, , but they only require a few days in brine before you can eat them, and don’t require a complicated, time-consuming canning process. HERE’S THE QUESTION: WHAT CAN YOU PICKLE? MAYBE IT’S BETTER TO ASK: WHAT CAN’T YOU PICKLE?

As well as your classic cukes, other produce that work well for pickling include asparagus, beets, bell peppers, blueberries, cauliflower, carrots, cherries, fennel, ginger, grapes, green beans,


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Pickling Flavouring


dill, thyme, oregano, and rosemary hold up well DRIED HERBS

thyme, dill, rosemary, oregano, or marjoram G A R L I C C LOV E S

smashed for mild garlic flavor, or sliced for stronger garlic flavor FRESH GINGER

peeled and thinly sliced WHOLE SPICES

mustard seed, coriander, peppercorns, red pepper flakes GROUND SPICES

turmeric or smoked paprika are great for both colour and flavour This is also a great way to use up all the herbs growing in your garden— dill, tarragon, rosemary, oregano…


mushrooms, onions, parsnips, peaches, peppers (including hot peppers), radishes, rhubarb, strawberries, squash, tomatoes, turnips… even watermelon! Almost any vegetable can be pickled, and the shape you choose for your final product is entirely up to you. Think matchsticks or coins for carrots and cukes… you can even use a small cookie cutter to create hearts. Remember to peel your carrots first! Maximize flavour by using super-fresh produce—save your days-old/ slightly bruised specimens for a yummy soup. Cherry tomatoes are best pickled whole, and firmer green vegetables, like green beans or asparagus, taste best when blanched in boiling water for a couple of minutes then shocked in an ice bath to preserve their colour. The secret to the most unique, flavourful pickle is in the spices you add to the brine. Classic dill pickles are nothing more

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than cucumbers flavored with garlic, dill seed, and red pepper flakes. Carrots become more exotic when pickled with coriander, ginger, turmeric, and thyme. Other classic combinations include green beans with garlic and fresh dill, cherry tomatoes with black peppercorns and garlic, and squash with onion and garlic.


Cool and crunchy, delightfully sour and capable of going from snack to sandwich without a hitch there’s nothing like your classic dill pickle. Smaller Kirby cucumbers are the classic pickling cucumber— they stay firmer and crunchier than larger English cucumbers.

Quick pickled vegetables will not last nearly as long as properly canned produce, so it's best to make small batches.


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Using a 16 oz. Ball jar is best: they have an easy-to-use, airtight seal, and the wide mouth makes it easy to add ingredients to the jar. Leave about one inch of headroom at the top of the jar, and completely cover the vegetables in brine. It's best to really stuff the jars full with veggies before you add any liquid. Once you add the hot brine, the contents will move around a bit. Once you fill the jars with brine, seal and let cool for an hour or two on the counter before transferring to the refrigerator. LL

Standard quick pickle brine is simply equal parts vinegar and water, but you can adjust the ratio to suit your preference. Any type of vinegar works: basic white, apple cider, champagne, white wine, and/or rice vinegar, alone or combined to your liking. Note: don’t use aged or concentrated vinegars like balsamic or malt vinegar for pickling, as their strong flavours and the darker colour will overpower and discolour your pickles.



Quick pickles are so tasty, they likely won’t last very long, but you can safely leave jars unopened in the fridge for up to 2 months. Quick pickled onions and shallots, however, will not last beyond 2 weeks.

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Farmers’ Markets STREETSVILLE FARMERS’ MARKET 7 Main Street villageofstreetsville.com Saturdays until Sept 4, 8 am to 1 pm Fresh produce, eggs, honey, meats, tea, and an evolving array of artisan vendors. LAKEVIEW FARMERS’ MARKET Small Arms Inspection Building, 1352 Lakeshore Road East creativehub1352.ca Sundays until Oct 10, 10 am to 2 pm Held by CreativeHub 1352, this bustling market boasts local, sustainable, organic, and artisanal products. PORT CREDIT FARMERS’ MARKET Lakeshore Road East and Elmwood Avenue portcredit.com/ farmers-market/ Saturdays until Oct 9, 8 am to 1 pm In addition to fresh local produce straight from the grower, you’ll find items such as cured meats, breads, baked goods, dips and sauces, honey, and more.

ERIN MILLS FARMERS’ MARKET 2520 Eglinton Avenue West erinmillsmarket.com Thursdays until October 7, 3 to 7 pm This market brings farmers, bakers, food producers, and food educators to the city. Talk to vendors about their products and practices! LIONS FARMERS’ MARKETS lionsfarmersmkt.com Since 1975, the Lions Farmers’ Markets have been supporting local and global community projects. Top quality produces, poultry and deli, eggs, bread, honey, maple syrup, jams and preserves and more. Every Wed until October 13, 9 am to 5 pm Mississauga Celebration Square, 300 City Centre Drive OR Every Sun until October 31, 8 am to 4 pm 3 Robert Speck Parkway looklocalmagazine.com

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Local Recipe




Create a world of variations by experimenting with different veggies and fruits, spices, herbs and vinegars.

INGREDIENTS • 1 1/3 cup white vinegar • 1/3 cup granulated sugar • 2 tablespoons kosher salt • 1 cup water

METHOD 1 Stir together 1 cup water and all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over high, stirring until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat; cool 10 minutes. Pour over vegetables or fruits. 2 Cover with a tight-fitting lid; chill 2 days. Store, covered, in refrigerator up to 2 months. HINT: The pickled veggies or fruit will improve with flavour as they age—try to wait at least 48 hours before cracking them open.


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 4

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INGREDIENTS (all available at Herridges Farm Fresh Market) • 4 cups (1 L) small Ontario Cauliflower florets • 2 cups Ontario carrots, sliced into circles • ½ cup (125 mL) white wine vinegar • ½ cup (125 mL) water • 2 tsp (10 mL) granulated sugar • ½ tsp (2 mL) each chili powder and dried tarragon • ¼ tsp (1 mL) black peppercorns • ¼ tsp (1 mL) salt • Ontario Leaf lettuce

METHOD 1 In saucepan, steam cauliflower and carrots over boiling water 2 minutes; drain and cool. Place cauliflower and carrots in plastic bag. 2 Whisk together vinegar, water, sugar, chili powder, tarragon, salt and black peppercorns; pour over vegetables and toss well. Refrigerate 2 to 3 hours or up to 1 day for flavour development. 3 Drain and serve on leaf lettuce. PREPARED BY

FOODLAND ONTARIO Find all of your farm-fresh ingredients at

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2021-08-19 10:19 AM

CBD Body Lotion (750mg CBD) Sold By: Bodega Wellness, Burlington

Cookie Gift Basket Sold By: Kiki's Cookies

Canvas Tote - Beach Please Sold By: Lakeside Livin', Oakville

Hands-Free Cotton Rope Leash Sold By: Parker & Co., Mississauga

FOLLOW US! @looklocalmarketplace A new way to shop local is coming soon!

To learn about new products, vendors and special monthly giveaways!

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