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the queen of supplements

Anabolics without prescription!

Build your muscles

when asleep!











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NITRO FOR YOUR MUSC LE You train really hard, you work yourself into the ground lifting tonnes of weights at the gym, you give it all you got, but that’s still not enough? You want to be even stronger, even bigger and even faster? You train more and more intensely, but eventually you’re fed up with it. Are you on the verge of giving up? You need something really strong, effective, and at the same time safe and legal? You don’t want all your efforts and money to go to waste? You’ve come to the right place! Opt for one of the NitroBolon products, and you certainly won’t be sorry! You’re asking if NitroBolon is effective? The facts speak for themselves – 87% of NitroBolon first-time buyers come back for more time and again*. *market research carried out for the company Trec Nutrition.



The incredibly advanced NitroBolon formula is exceptionally strong and increases nitrogen oxide (NO) production in the organism. This gas is of great significance for the metabolism of the physically active and sports persons. NO is a signalling particle – a cell carrying information and performing numerous functions in the organism. In 1998 Nobel prize-winning scientists discovered the most important molecule belonging to this group. Year-long research proved that nitrogen oxide (NO), produced through enzymatic methods from the amino acid L-arginine, leads to the loosening up of cardiovascular smooth muscles. As a result, blood flows through cardiovascular vessels with speed increased a couple of fold, which is of key importance during intense training. Thanks to enhancing blood supply, the amount of oxygen and all nutrients necessary for long and intense work of






BEG Nitric Oxide AmpliWA S NITRO INNING fier is the first incrediBOLON. bly popular with thousands of satisfied customers supplement whose formula is based on an innovative and patented mixture increasing nitrogen oxide production in the organism. Thanks to the company Trec Nutrition this product, which is highly acclaimed in America, found its way to the Polish market, where it quickly became a bestseller.


















5 4 3 2 1









muscle fibres is increased. The vasodilation effect, connected with the effect of the nitrogen oxide, also causes increased tension and “pumping” in muscles during training, which has direct translates to incredible increase in strength and tiredness reduction, and also creates optimal conditions for anabolic processes and organism detoxification.

5 4 3 2 1







The diagrams below present the strength and effectiveness of each NitroBolon supplement in relation to selected effort parameters. Choose PUMP 5 the NitroBolon 4 3 that fits 2 1 your needs!



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The formula of NitroBolon supplements is a completely new chapter in the history of sport nutritional supplements. NitroBolon will let you upgrade your training to levels of intensity and effectiveness you’ve never experienced before. Combining innovative and most effective anabolic nitrogen oxide (NO) stimulators in maximum doses and optimal proportions made it possible to create a line of three special task supplements: NitroBolon,, NitroBolon II NitroBolon and NitroBolon Energizer. Energizer.

28 g 550 g 1100 g

550 g 1100 g 150 cap. 300 cap.

Supplements Su pplements from best laboratories worldwide TREC NUTRITION products are available at best points of sale of supplements and the stores network, which is the biggest in Europe.

Join us on websites:

VITAMIN-SHOP® – CHARACTERISTICS Nowadays life is hectic, demanding and more and more stressful. Such a lifestyle makes us devote less and less time and attention to preparing meals and providing for their complexity and variety. This may cause obesity and the related cardiovascular disorders, as well as, quite commonly, mental discomfort due to awkward figure and low physical fitness of the body. Inadequate diet, combined with impoverished food and its genetic modifi cations, enhances the demand of human body for food supplements. For those reasons, the unorganised and still developing market of supplements and low-fat food products is one of the most prospective investment areas which has been confirmed by examples from many Western European countries . VITAMIN-SHOP® provides professional response to the growing market demand, at the same time offering excellent opportunities to organise and achieve the commercial success. VITAMIN-SHOP® is the first and the biggest chain of shops offering low-fat food products in Europe which, owing to excellent idea, adequate concept and con-

ASSORTMENT The assortment of VITAMIN-SHOP® has been adjusted based on rich experience, worldwide trends as well as segmentation of the European market of consumers of diet supplements and food stuffs for particular nutritional use. The offer of VITAMIN-SHOP® covers, among others, products reducing the fatty tissue, strengthening the joints, improving sexual functions, improving hair, skin and nails condition, supporting calm sleep, relaxing, energizing, stimulating endurance, concentration, memory and immunity The offer of VITAMIN-SHOP® comprises the best supplements and food stuffs for particular nutritional use of leading manufacturers, both European and American ones, as well as sportswear and accessories for physical exercise. Additionally, the chain of shops offers supplements which are uncompetitive both from the point of view of their quality and price, produced exclusively for VITAMINSHOP® and sold under this brand.

sequent action, has become one of the most dynamically developing franchise systems. The best and the most experienced specialists in production and sales of diet supplements have been involved in development of the action plan, strategy and brand image, operating model as well as in selection of the assortment. The arrangement and aesthetics of VITAMIN-SHOP® chain have been designed by visual artists as well as marketing experts in retail sales, consequently, the shops are visually attractive and eagerly visited by ordinary Clients, not necessarily those physically active. The target Client groups of VITAMINSHOP® comprise professionally active people of middle and upper class with permanent income as well as people actively involved in sports. The research conducted nowadays concerning consumers’ lifestyle confirms that the group of people willing to have active influence on their own health, body and well-being through appropriate life style and adequate supplementation is growing dynamically.


WHAT DOES THE SYSTEM CONSIST IN? Aiming at enhancement of the development dynamics of the VITAMIN-SHOP® chain, the company has decided to support their clients actively in order to create stable, loyal business relationship which would be beneficial for both sides. Within the VITAMIN-SHOP® chain, both traditional shops are created as well as commercial islets located in shopping centres and commercial booths located in markets and hypermarkets. All sales points are covered with standardised visual identification system and provide similar product offer. Franchise is the type of trade cooperation which has turned out to be very effective in many sectors. It is the system of sales of goods and services based on close and continuous cooperation between the supplier and the recipient of the license. Throughout the duration of a contract, the parties continue to operate as legally and financially independent entities.

The essence of this system is based on the assumption that the franchisor grants the franchisees with the entitlement to use the franchisor’s business concept and trademark as well as to take advantage of permanent commercial and technical support, in order to achieve stable cooperation with the customer who would recommend and sell brands of the Franchisor.

WHO MAY BECOME THE FANCHISEE? We are searching for reliable and motivated partners, running their own business operations and interested in joining the partnership chain based on franchise system. Likewise all Franchisors, VITAMINSHOP® offers the established system of regulations concerning performance rules and cooperation within the franchise contract which is compliant with the European Union

legislation. Therefore, the business relationship between the parties is based on mutual and transparent rights, duties and responsibilities covered by the contract and operating regulations. Within the partnership cooperation, the Franchisor can enjoy strong position, being supported by the whole chain of established recognition and identifiable brand.

offering of high class of goods of recognised world brands, appreciated by clients; products of the highest quality, rich and diverse assortment – starting from diet supplements, through accessories and sportswear, ending with specialised nutrients for sportsmen; opportunity to provide sales of products developed for the needs of VITAMIN SHOP ® chain exclusively and available only in these shops; taking advantage of practical knowledge of the franchisor involving the principles of organising and running of a shop selling nutrients and diet supplements for sportsmen; taking advantage of the tested visualisation and attractive interior design of the shops; patronage of the franchisor over shops of the franchisees: inception training and current training for the franchisee and their employees, everyday support, consultation and advise, etc.; reduced costs of supplying of a shop with the start-up equipment; support in finding and selection of appropriate location; territorial guarantee (no other shop of VITAMIN-SHOP® chain shall be launched within the specified area); advantages of marketing actions performed by the franchisor at a scale unaffordable by a single shop operator; unlimited access to the team of graphic designers and marketing specialists developing, among others, advertising materials for individual needs; subsidising of advertising materials; subsidising of the investment involved in launch of VITAMIN-SHOP® sales point; interior design and adjustment of the shop to the chain standards at competitive prices; commercial and technical advice; access to broad and comprehensive trade assortment and stability of goods. Detailed scope of support shall result from mutual negotiations and it is settled individually before the contract is signed.

For additional information, please contact us at phone number

+ 48 58 660 13 55 or by electronic mail at:

Come and see me in my VITAMIN-SHOP®:


Dortmund, Minister-Stein-Allee 1

I worked shifts as a chemist for almost 10 years; since then I’ve been making my mark in sales. I worked as a salesman at a newsagent’s, and I can’t deny that really enjoyed the direct contact with the customers. Power sports and dietetics have always been a passion, and so as soon as an opportunity arose to open the first VITAMIN-SHOP® in Germany, I didn’t hesitate to take it. Finally I was able to take responsibility and spin out my own business. What really convinced me to enter into partnership with the network was the well-thought-out marketing, the wide product range, and the excellent shop layout. VITAMIN-SHOP® doesn’t look like a typical shop for bodybuilders, and so it isn’t off-putting for other customers. My clients include people of all ages – the oldest one is over 70 years old! I think that this shop concept, and the fact that we’re part of a wellknown, European network, gives us better opportunities to grow and a brighter future. Steve Herrmann owner of the VITAMIN-SHOP® in Dortmund

Come and see me in my VITAMIN-SHOP®:


Port Laoise, Lower Bridge Street, Co. Laoise

I opened the VITAMIN-SHOP® in Port Laoise, Co. Laois, Ireland, two years ago. I was inspired to start working in the industry by my love of sport. I’ve always been interested in all kinds of sports disciplines, and I practised judo for almost 10 years. I decided to open a VITAMIN-SHOP®, because I saw an opportunity for myself. I decided to take the risk by selling their sports supplements, and so I entered the Irish market. It quickly turned out that I’ve hit the bull’s eye, since TREC NUTRITION and VITAMIN-SHOP’s products are of very high quality and they really work. That’s why I always recommend them to my customers, who usually have very high requirements. My partnership with VITAMIN-SHOP® is working out really well – I can always count on their advice, training and essential marketing and sales support. It’s also great that we – the owners of VITAMIN-SHOP®S – always stick together, stay in close touch, and always try to help each other.

Mariusz Lechicki owner of the VITAMIN-SHOP® in Port Laoise Come and see me in my VITAMIN-SHOP®:


Brussels, Chausée de Louvain 331 Place Dailly

Before we joined the VITAMIN-SHOP network, we worked in completely different industries. I always worked in sales, while my husband was a civil servant. It all seemed so safe and stable, but we were always missing something. I missed the independence, and Dawid the adrenaline. We both came from families of entrepreneurs, so we knew the basics of running our own business, because we always helped out our parents. Eventually it was our turn, and we decided to open our own VITAMINSHOP right in the heart of Europe – in the multicultural and international Schaerbeek district in Brussels. We’ve been operating for over 18 months, and the group of happy customers is growing all the time. The network provides an excellent marketing support, rich and accessible know-how, and essential support and training. We’re delighted with the results of our collaboration, so we’re looking to the future, and considering opening more shops in Belgium – the better our results, the more hungry we are for success! Dawid and Kasia Bąk owner of the VITAMIN-SHOP® in Brussels

OUR PARTNERS Come and see me in my VITAMIN-SHOP®:

Grudziądz, ul. Kosynierów Gdyńskich 9 ul. Chełmińska 67


Before I decided to open VITAMIN-SHOP®S in Grudziądz, I took part in many strongman competitions. I always wanted to run my own shop selling supplements. I used them myself for many years, and so I wanted to advise others and make some money at the same time. Running my own business was something completely new. Before that I worked for a telecommunications company, but it was thanks to VITAMIN-SHOP® that I was finally able to do what I really wanted and become financially independent. I also decided to change sports and try my hand at bodybuilding. I was lucky that I was successful straight away, and I must say it converted into higher sales in my shop. Being part of the network gives me great opportunities and better sales results. TREC products are always being advertised in the trade press and self-publications, which allows us to reach a wider client base. I can always count on any help I might need and attractive promotions. I’m delighted and I’m certainly not short of money. I’d recommend this work to everyone. Tomasz Lech owner of the VITAMIN-SHOP® in Grudziądz

Come and see me in my VITAMIN-SHOP®:

Słupsk, Centrum Handlowe PASSO ul. Tuwima 3/5


I’ve always been passionate about bodybuilding, so I permanently tied the sport to my education. As a physical education graduate, I know very well that a key to success in every sports discipline isn’t just training, but also good diet and supplements. While I was at university I worked at the VITAMIN-SHOP® in Koszalin, where I gained experience in working with customers. At the time I only dreamed of opening my own shop in this pan-European network. I was also able to learn how a shop like that works from within. As soon as I started working at VITAMIN-SHOP® in a different city, I knew that if I ever came to own a shop, it would have to be one in this chain! My dream came true thanks to Marek Kujko, a loyal distributor of TREC products, when I was able to take over an existing shop in Słupsk, which already had a regular client base. I believe it’s an excellent business. The supplement industry hasn’t been hit too severely by the economic crisis, and the network gives me greater opportunities and better security. The most important skills in my work are knowledge and good customer care – and the VITAMIN-SHOP® network prioritises both. Mateusz Pietrzak owner of the VITAMIN-SHOP® in Słupsk

Come and see me in my VITAMIN-SHOP®:

Piotr Zieliński owner of the VITAMIN-SHOP® in Gdańsk

Gdańsk, ul. Wały Jagiellońskie 8


I’m very familiar with the supplements industry, since I managed a few of my own shops before joining the VITAMIN-SHOP® network. After a few years I noticed that shops run under an own brand were slowly losing out. VITAMIN-SHOP®S clearly show that size brings clout. The great partnership conditions and advantages brought by working as part of the chain encouraged me to open my own branch in the very heart of Gdańsk. As far as I’m concerned, only shops operating as part of a chain, supported by a common sales policy and professional marketing, can be genuinely competitive. Most of all, VITAMIN-SHOP® provides beneficial and transparent terms of collaboration, excellent care, regular training, promotions, and a unique, wide product range. All this means that despite the growing competition, I see a safe future for my own business. I’d recommend VITAMIN-SHOP® to everyone! It’s a recipe for success in these difficult times for many individual entrepreneurs.


The headquarters and logistics centre of TREC NUTRITION are localised in Gdynia.

In Gdynia, manufacturing, and packaging and customising of supplements from the best laboratories in the world take place.

Full monitoring of production processes and distribution of ready-made preparations.

Modern high bay warehouse at the factory in Gdynia

The history of TREC NUTRITION is inseparably connected with the United States of America, where the company’s headquarters, located in New York, for more than 15 years has been dealing with trade in components for supplement production. Original assumptions of its strategy indicated Poland as an ideal place to localise European agency. Enormous interest in top-quality products in our country resulted in quick change of the activity profile of TREC NUTRITION. At first, it was packaging and customising preparations imported from the USA, which was then extended by their private label production. This division of the company’s activity has remained since 2001 until today. A part of preparations is produced and packaged at specialised American laboratories on the basis of top-quality active nutrients. It concerns mainly products whose manufacturing requires usage of very advanced technology, costly and often restricted ones. Then, they are delivered to the Polish TREC NUTRITION factory, where they are appropriately labelled. Since the beginning of the company’s activity, its registered office is localised in GDYNIA – the biggest Polish transhipping port. Selection of the production plant localisation was determined by logistics and economic reasons, thanks to which the time and costs of transport (by sea) of raw products from the United States to the factory in Poland were reduced to minimum.


The manufacturing and logistics centre of the biggest American protein producer – MAIN STREET INGREDIENTS.

The whey protein production line at MAIN STREET INGREDIENTS, with which TREC NUTRITION has been cooperating for years.

EXPERIENCE AND COOPERATION WITH THE USA Broad experience, highly qualified staff, state-of-the-art technical backup and professional approach to the Customer, enabled rapid development of the company and achieving the status of a leader in the industry. On the Polish market, TREC NUTRITION is also able to propose top-quality American Products with Polish price reality retained, thanks to: many-year cooperation with the best and the largest American laboratories, negotiated favourable trade conditions, precise cost calculation, minimisation of customs and transport duties. The full automation of production processes, low cost of manufacturing, and first of all the range of TREC’s purchases in the USA, make it possible for the company to offer products with significantly better – than the competitive entities – quality parameters, at prices lower even by 40%!

Preparations by TREC NUTRITION contain only the best and most concentrated active nutrients in high doses, at affordable prices. Why their price is not the lowest one on the market? Because we never lower the price at the cost of quality. Uncompromising high quality is the priority for us! At the present, TREC NUTRITION proposes to its customers the most broad and competitive offer on the Polish market in terms of prices and quality. Experience gained by the company during many-year cooperation with best stores specialising in selling supplements, made it possible to prepare in professional and comprehensive way, the answer to the increasing needs of the market. The suppliers of raw materials for TREC NUTRITION products are best laboratories in the world, recommended by the supplement industry magnates. These laboratories work under the supervision of inter alia American FDA (Food and Drugs Administration). The FDA certificate is a guarantee of health safety of the preparations. The same raw materials, which are delivered to TREC NUTRITION, are also used by American companies, such as: Weider, EAS, Met-Rx, Prolab or Twin-Lab.

Full automation of the production – an employee during operation of the capsule counting machine at the factory in Gdynia.

MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Production processes at TREC NUTRITION are executed with the use of advanced and innovative technologies. The TREC NUTRITION’s machinery park is one of the most advanced in the industry; it includes, among other things, highly functional and modern capsule production line. The company focuses on development of state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies and obtaining unique technological formulas. It employees the best technologists and laboratory technicians in Poland, who develop specialist product formulas. Among long-term partners of the company there is also J.S. Hamilton Poland Ltd., an analytical laboratory specialising in food examination, which objectively and independently of the analysts employed in the company verifies and confirms the contents, purity and quality of the products.



One of many sterile posts where capsules are produced – production plant in Gdynia.

Automated finished products packaging and labelling line.

Safety and quality – each produced capsule undergoes quality control.

QUALITY CONTROL Goods manufactured by TREC NUTRITION are subjected to scrutinized examination by third parties, that is competition and consumers. Positive results of these examination and very good reputation of the brand on the market, are the best guarantor and justification for all the certificates awarded to the company and the emphasis the company puts on the quality. TREC NUTRITION preparations are produced in accordance with modern trends and standards of contemporary biotechnology and sports medicine. The Company constantly cooperates with the biggest scientific centres in Poland, such as the Medical Universities and Universities of Physical Education. Since the very beginning of its existence on the Polish market, TREC NUTRITION has implemented and constantly developed stringent GMP requirements (Good Manufacturing Practices as well as GHP (Good Hygiene Practices)). These principles allow to secure hygienic work conditions and ensure control over microbiological, physical and chemical hazards, which may be predicted and brought under control through the work well done.

SAFETY AND LEGALITY The Management Board of TREC NUTRITION puts enormous emphasis on legality and safety of products, hence the mission of the company is providing the best, most effective and most safe products from the category of dietary supplements and foodstuf for athletes. The most important value for us is human health and we are uncompromising as regards this issue, because health is more important than brief satisfaction! Despite high attention for safety and quality of our products, the company does not also forget about other aspects influencing its activity and demonstrates high organisational culture also is such fi elds as environmental concern and occupational health and safety.

STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATES All products of TREC NUTRITION are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the European Union’s legislation. The company unconditionally observes all normative and legal regulations related to the industry. An evidence confirming extraordinary attention as regards safety of manufactured goods are requirements of the ISO 22000 standard, implemented and abided by at the production plant of TREC NUTRITION. These requirements were developed by food industry experts in cooperation with specialist international organisations with the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The latter was created for the purposes of development of nutritional standards by The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO). ISO 22000 standards is a document containing requirements related to the implementation, functioning and improvement of the management system focused on providing safe products to the customers. This international standard combines together the requirements of the HACCP system and Good Manufacturing and Hygiene Practices and is aimed at ensuring that the environment, work conditions and staff conduct be determined first of all by the high level of hygiene, sterility and quality

VITAMIN-SHOP® SALES CHAIN TREC NUTRITION develops expansively. In 2005, the implementatation of an innovative idea has been launched, namely creation of prorofessional chain of stores with diet supplements, under the VITAMININSHOP ® brand. Today, there are more than 130 such stores and its number increases month after month. The offer of the VITAMIN-SHOP® chain includes the best supplements nts and dietary nutrition solutions of leading Polish and foreign manufacturturers. The offer is enriched also by the unmatched – in terms of quality and affordability – line of preparations produced under the VITAMIN-SHOP OP® private label. At these stores, aside from standard offer of supplements for athletes, the customers may find also other products, inter alia solutions facilitating reduction of adipose tissue, improving the condition and looks of the skin and hair, improving memory and concentration, raising vital energy and stamina, as well as comprehensive vitamin preparations. The design and aesthetics of the VITAMIN-SHOP® chain of stores was developed by professional graphic designers, artists and retail trade marketing experts. Thanks to the above, the shops are visually attractive and willingly visited by the customers, not only those who practise weight sports.

Attractive and well thought-out arrangement of stores’ interiors, attracts the Customers’ attention. VITAMIN-SHOP® is the biggest European professional chain of stores with supplements and vitamins, not only for athletes...



As a leader in its industry, TREC NUTRITION actively supports leading athletes. TREC TEAM is an elite group of professional sportsmen, who are fanatics of their respective sport disciplines. Our Champions not only advertise TREC products, but they also put a boundless trust in them and apply them and test regularly in the every-day training cycle. Alongside body-building champions training in TREC TEAM, that is Tomasz Lech, Dawid Geler, Przemysław Żokowski, there are also excellent martial art sportsmen, among others: Muay Thai World Champion Mariusz Cieśliński and WBC Federation World Champion Krzysztof Włodarczyk.

Aside from the impressive expansion in Poland, the company also conducts cooperation with companies from other countries and systematically markets its products abroad. Today, products of TREC NUTRITION are sold in England, Ireland, France, Germany, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Cyprus, Ukraine and French Guyana. The export activity of the company develops quickly thanks to highly specialised personnel and full informatisation of the logistics centre. The activity of TREC NUTRITION is oriented towards continuous development with top quality of products and competitive price retained, as well as the best possible satisfaction of its Customers. Hitherto consistent and always well thought-out actions of the company enable successful realisation of the company mission.



The best proteins in the world LEVEL OF AMINO ACIDS IN BLOOD OVER TIME

A PERFECT COUPLE Absorption of amino acids with WHEY 100 is quick and intense, therefore it is a protein which will turn out to be perfect when our muscles need large amounts of building material immediately – e.g. after training or just after waking-up. Amino acids with CASEIN 100 are released with lower intensity, but even within 7 hours of their partaking. It is the reason why this supplement excellently secures muscles against catabolism and ensures constant availability of building materials during many hours, e.g. during sleep or between meals.




UNIQUE TECHNOLOGY CASEIN 100 contains pure micellar casein – one which naturally occurs in milk and the most efficient casein form. CASEIN 100 is manufactured within a technologically advanced micro-filtering process, which, as opposed to cheap caseinates, is realised without the use of needless chemicals and aggressive factors which destroy the protein structure. In acidic environment, high temperature and in the presence of certain chemical substances, the exceptionally sensitive structure of


BEST QUALITY WORLDWIDE CASEIN 100 contains the best and richest source of slowly-absorbed proteins in the world! In comparison to other supplements of this type, CASEIN 100 contains only the best and most exclusive casein – pure micellar casein, without addition of other, cheaper, but at the same time less effective forms of this protein. We surrender to you a product which is unique in its class, whose excellent composition and quality crashes ordinary casein supplements. All in order to ensure the many-hour protection and optimum conditions for your muscles to regenerate and grow.



PERFECT COMPOSITION CASEIN 100 ttis a top-quality protein-rich supplement based in 100% on pure micellar casein. This top-class preparation constitutes highly efficient and effective source of wholesome proteins with exceptionally beneficial, prolonged time of absorption. CASEIN 100 contains casein proteins of new generation, which thanks to special, mild conditions of production, retain their unique properties.





casein micelles is destabilised and irreversibly destroyed. Proteins valuable for muscles lose many important properties, and also their absorption in the digestive tract is deteriorated, which causes their nutrition characteristics to fall. The production of micellar casein proceeds in very mild conditions and does not disturb delicate structure of micelles. They are isolated from milk in multi-stage physical filtration process, with the use of special, micro-porous membranes. It makes it possible to concentrate and purify casein micelles and separate them from other milk constituents. Thanks to that, these proteins, which are most valuable for your muscles, intact and rich in growth factors are free from any impurities. The advanced technology applied in production of CASEIN 100 enabled obtaining of an excellent product, virtually devoid of fat and lactose, a product which contains highly-concentrated full value casein proteins in their most effective, original form.

The best source of slowlyabsorbed proteins in the world PURE MICELLAR CASEIN Unique production technology Undamaged casein micelles High concentration of all anticatabolic amino acids Great taste and creamy, satiating texture




Micellar casein contained in CASEIN 100 has also other, very interesting properties. When combined with water, it thickens and adopts the form of light and nourishing pudding. CASEIN 100 is not only the richness of composition, but also real delight for palate and exceptional fullness of taste. Thick, creamy consistence in combination with extraordinarily long-lasting effects cause persistent and soothing filling of fullness. CASEIN 100 is an excellent product supplementing top quality proteins during reduction diets and always when you do not have time for a regular meal.




CASEIN 100 is a protein supplement with unprecedented anti-catabolic power, which ensures persistent and systematic supply of all key amino acids to muscles. Micellar casein is the most bio-available form of casein, which is characterised by a model amino acid profile, very similar to the human one, which makes it an ideal source of material necessary for synthesis of muscle proteins. CASEIN 100 supplies large amounts of slowly-released amino acids and short peptides, which stimulate growth, regeneration and immunologic processes. Micellar casein is especially rich source of most valuable amino acids with anticatabolic effects. Very high participation of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) and L-Glutamine, which stop action of enzymes destroying muscle proteins, creates optimum conditions for growth processes. Micellar casein contained in CASEIN 100 supplies nutrients necessary in the process of muscle regeneration even for 7 hours, restraining degradation of proteins and at the same time strongly stimulating their synthesis. An ideal composition and beneficial, prolonged absorption of CASEIN 100 causes that muscles are protected in the best possible way against post-training and night catabolism each day.









A PERFECT PROTEIN WHEY 100 contains 100% concentrate of whey protein, with pure protein concentration above 80%. WHEY 100 is produced in the process of ultrafiltration, thanks to which it is characterised by very low content of fat and lactose. For the purposes of WHEY 100 production, a top-quality whey proteins concentrate was used – highly purified and quickly acting source of full some proteins.

PURE QUALITY WHEY 100 contains only whey protein, without needless additions lowering the content of proteins in the product. Whey protein concentrate is one of the most popular and most efficient proteins of natural origin. WHEY 100 perfectly supplements shortage of proteins occurring in the situation of increased demand, especially in professional sport, body-building and during reduction diets. The topof-its-class raw product in the instant form used in production of WHEY 100 is characterised by high biological value (BV104) and excellent purity and solubility. WHEY 100 is a universal product for everyone, ideal for every-day protein supplementation, which quickly supplies large amounts of anabolic amino acids necessary for the muscle growth.


WHEY 100


Ideal solution for persons who do not have time for wholesome breakfast. Micellar casein bloats in the digestive tract, ensuring long-lasting feeling of fullness and stable availability of amino acids.

The supplement may be an excellent addition to breakfast, rich in wholesome proteins and large dose of quickly-absorbed amino acids, necessary after night hunger period.


If you do not have a possibility to eat full protein meal, then CASEIN 100 in connection with VITARGO ELECTRO ENERGY will be a perfect replacement, which will protect muscles against post-training catabolism.

Use WHEY 100 up to 1.5 hours, still before the meal, and muscles will quickly receive the maximum dose of anabolic amino acids.


When your diet does not comprise 6 optimised meals, you may considerably improve your figure, when you apply during the day slowly-absorbing proteins contained in CASEIN 100.

In the period, when the demand for proteins significantly increases, add whey proteins contained in WHEY 100 to your diet, and your muscles will be given an additional stimulus to grow.


Combine CASEIN 100 with a source of combined carbohydrates and you will obtain a filling meal, which will secure you nutrition needs for a couple of hours. Such combination will be most similar to a regular, balanced meal.

WHEY 100 in combination with quickly absorbed carbohydrates is a very good solution for persons, for whom it is important to immediately supplement nutrients crucial for muscles.


Micellar casein contained in CASEIN 100 is the best protein before sleep, which during the whole period of night regeneration will release to the blood circulation all necessary amino acids, protecting muscles against night catabolism.

It is a good idea for the last daily meal, especially for persons with slower metabolism. WHEY 100 will supply a necessary portion of concentrated proteins, which will be quickly absorbed, accelerating your metabolism.

ANABOLIC IMPACT OF WHEY PROTEINS WHEY 100 contains concentrated whey proteins, which are very easily absorbed by the organism. Due to exceptional pace of digestion and absorption, the most important anabolic amino acids instantly reach the muscles. An exceptional content of quickly-released L-Leucine acts as a trigger for anabolic processes. The intense inflow of building materials stimulates the synthesis of muscle proteins, increasing its intensity even up to 70%. WHEY 100 not only supplies nutrients necessary in building-up muscles, but also strongly stimulates their utilisation itself. At the same time, other branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) and L-Glutamine restrains unfavourable metabolic reactions, which may delay muscle regeneration. WHEY 100 makes it possible to obtain prevalence of anabolic processes over destructive catabolism, which is conducive to building high quality muscle mass.

DEVELOPED WITH TASTE WHEY 100 is not only the best raw material, but also unforgettable impressions for your palate. WHEY 100 means sophisticated and carefully finished tastes, which will stay long in your memory. A unique quality and composition of WHEY 100 are considerably superior to other such products available on the market. A distinguishing feature of this product is not only exceptionally reach aminogram, but also excellent solubility. The whey protein concentrate used in production is 100% instant form, thanks to which preparation of delicious and creamy shake will be easier than ever.

The best protein for muscle growth! PURE CONCENTRATE OF WHEY PROTEINS (Whey Protein Concentrate) Top-class raw material in the instant form Perfect solubility and quick absorption Wide range of sophisticated tastes

Supplements Su pplements from the best laboratories in the world TREC NUTRITION products are available in the best points of sale of supplements as well as the biggest European chain of stores .

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SHORT guide to supplement shelves



Supplements containing 60-90% proteins obtained from the following sources: A) Milk contains two types of proteins:

Protein nutritional supplements are used to supplement one’s diet with complete proteins. They are taken at specific periods of the day, depending on their content. Protein supplements are used in sports for the following reasons: A) Protein is a building material. System proteins are not only the building blocks of life, but also control various functions in our organisms. They are the indispensible component of: Antibodies (determining our immunity) Enzymes (regulating all metabolic processes, i.e. digestion, energy production, breathing, etc.) Some hormones (insulin, growth hormone)

Casein (making up over 70% of milk proteins)

Casein has very slow assimilability. Micellar casein is the best form of casein (casein occurs naturally in the form of porous aggregates of molecules). Digested casein forms clots of molecules in the stomach (casein gel), which are broken down by digestion enzymes.


Whey proteins (making up over 15% of milk proteins)

Until recently whey was a liquid side product obtained after isolating casein proteins. Unfortunately, its liquid form did not contain many proteins – only about 2%. In order to isolate proteins without applying high temperatures (which irreversibly deform protein structure and reduce its assimilability), special porous membranes are employed (we can visualize them as sieves) in the process of membrane micro- and ultrafiltration. This technology allows for isolating proteins from the liquid. In the case of whey proteins, they are isolated from liquid whey. If whey proteins are isolated from milk by means of sieves of varying degrees of porousness (micro- and ultrafiltration processes), the Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) will be obtained by means of sieves with largest holes. In order to produce Whey Protein Isolate (WPI), sieves with smaller holes are used, thanks to which less “unwanted elements”, such as redundant fat or milk sugar (lactose), are eliminated. As a result the isolate (WPI) has higher assimilability then the concentrate (WPC). Whereas hydrolysate is a protein “cut” into short peptides and amino acids with the participation of special enzymes, thanks to which it is better digestible. The advantage of whey protein is its very high level of BCAA amino acids. B) Eggs The egg aminogram is considered model, because its levels of particular amino acids resemble the composition of proteins building human muscles most. Egg albumin belongs to proteins of complex structure, therefore the process of its digestion and absorption proceeds slowly. WATCH OUT FOR PLANT PROTEINS! These proteins are not only incomplete proteins, which means that the organism will not be capable of fully absorbing them, but might also cause digestion distress. Unfortunately many producers of supplements readily use these incomplete proteins in their products due to their low production costs. If you want to complete your diet with proteins, choose proteins which are complete and very “digestion-friendly”, e.g. whey proteins. Use supplements composed only of complete animal proteins, free from wheat or soy proteins, and you will avoid unnecessary problems.

Trec Team

WATCH OUT FOR LACTOSE! Always pay attention to the amount of lactose in the supplement. After infancy, the organism does not produce much of the enzyme necessary for its digestion (lactase); therefore it might lead to digestive problems. High-quality nutritional supplements contain minimal amounts of lactose. * Proteins obtained from high-protein nutritional supplements are always included in the daily protein count (unlike amino acid nutritional supplements)!



In the case of the physically active, system proteins are used up much faster, that’s why the correct functioning of the system, redressing the balance in the organism (physical effort always causes temporary homeostasis deregulation), increasing adaptation to training – are dependent on their high supply. Therefore it is assumed that an intensively training sportsperson should consume approximately 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight. B) Protein is a thermogenic material. Postprandial thermogenesis is the amount of energy the organism needs to use to make the consumed food assimilable (digestion, secretion of relevant enzymes, etc.). In comparison to other nutrients, protein raises its ratio and – as a result – total energy consumption most effectively. As a matter of fact, the “processing” of protein requires much more energy than it provides. Keeping in mind that protein is an “energyconsuming” nutrient, persons aiming at increasing body mass should always include much more carbohydrates in their diet (relation of protein to carbohydrates equalling about 1:4). If such proportions are not maintained, the energy balance will be negative (instead of gaining kilogrammes, we will start losing weight), which is desirable, but only in the case of persons wanting to reduce adipose tissue. Their diet plan should include the correctly balanced amounts of proteins and carbohydrates (1:1). PROTEIN NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS CONSUMPTION: breakfast supplement – portion of highly assimilable protein, e.g. ISOLITE, WHEY 100 as meal supplement, e.g. PERFECT WHEY PROTEIN, CASEIN 100 after training, after prior supplementing of carbohydrates, e.g. NITROPROGEN ahead of sleep to prevent night catabolism, e.g. NIGHT PROTEIN BLEND, CASEIN 100

Avoid plant proteins, as they are incomplete and heavy.

Portion (30g) 2–3 times a day: after awakening after training (after prior supplementing of carbohydrates) as supplement to meal poor in protein

Universal nutritional supplement containing highest-quality proteins with anabolic and anti-catabolic effect. Whey protein concentrate and hydrolysate act fast, and egg protein and casein are digested more slowly, ensuring long-term supply of necessary building blocks for muscles.

The perfect product ensuring prolonged supply of protein to muscles, consume one portion (30g) ahead of sleep, after training (after carbohydrates and anti-catabolic substances), between meals.

Nutritional supplement for persons training body-building and other sports, whose demand for this component is increased. Correctly combined proportions of whey and milk protein concentrates guarantee equal supply of necessary amino acids to the organism.

Consume a portion (40 g) 3–4 times a day as a breakfast supplement, after-training meal and ahead of sleep.


Combination of whey protein of extraordinarily high nutritional quality supporting muscle building. The optimal combination of whey protein isolate (WPI), hydrolysate (WPH) and concentrate (WPC) quickly and effectively supplement the deficiency of protein in your diet.

Complete whey protein is the perfect supplement of your daily protein count. Consume a portion (30 g) 2–3 times a day together with breakfast, after training and between meals.

Mix of casein and egg protein with high glutamine peptide content (100 grams contain 5 grams of glutamine peptide). After preparation, the supplement is a tasty pudding, which provides building proteins for muscles and ensures hourlong regeneration at night.

The supplement fully appeases the needs of the organism during regeneration at night, providing muscles with a longterm supply of protein. Consume a portion (40 g) ahead of sleep.

Pure micellar casein obtained by means of ultrafiltration, the technology not deforming natural protein structure; contains minimal amounts of lactose and fat. Ensures long-term flow of protein to muscles, even up to 7 hours, prevents catabolism.

Consume a portion (30 g) after awakening, between meals and ahead of sleep; always when you need additional protection against catabolism for a few hours.

100% of highest-quality whey protein concentrate, rich in all the amino acids indispensible for building muscle fibres. The supplement is highly soluble and absorbable, and contains whey proteins which intensely stimulate anabolic muscle building processes.

A portion (30g) should be consumed 2–3 times a day, best when muscles need a lot of easily absorbed protein, that is in the morning after awakening, after training (after prior supplementing of carbohydrates), between meals or ahead of sleep.

WHEY 100





Whey in the form of isolate (WPI), of highest assimilability, produced by means of low-temperature microfiltration technology with cross flow microfiltration (CFM), which does not deform natural protein structure.


protein [supplements]



SHORT guide


to supplement shelves

Balanced protein-carbohydrate supplements for body builders. Average content of protein amounts to 10-30%. The relation of proteins and carbohydrates in gainers resembles that of muscle building diet plans. Many people are still misled by the assumption that in order to achieve this aim they must only increase protein supply. It is true that both proteins and carbohydrates have the same calorie value (4 kcal), but it is carbohydrates which must dominate in the diet plan, as the organism uses much more energy to process proteins into a assimilable form (anabolic processes). The proportion of these two components might be, e.g. 5:2 or 7:2 (the first number stands for grams of carbohydrates per kg of body weight, and the second stands for proteins). These values are exemplary and should be adapted to individual requirements, taking into account factors such as age, level of physical activity and fitness level, i.e. the amount of subdermal adipose tissue. WHAT SHOULD YOU PAT ATTENTION TO WHEN CHOOSING A GAINER? Protein profile – whether it has a high content of proteins, i.e. whey, egg, casein protein or in complete plant proteins. Carbohydrate profile – a good gainer should contain carbohydrates with various chain lengths (e.g. mix of monosaccharides, maltodextrins and oligosaccharides), thanks to which energy supply to muscles is prolonged. A gainer “over-loaded” with glucose and fructose does not guarantee the stable feeling of satiation and triggers uncontrolled blood sugar fluctuations. Valuable additions: creatine, MCT oil (good energy source, enhances food assimilability), anti-catabolic substances, i.e. glutamine – that is HMB, digestion enzymes (take over enzyme secretion, relieving the organism)

Gainers help keeping to regular and frequent meal times (there should be 4–6 meals a day). Gainers are easily prepared, without any unnecessary culinary processes. All you need to do is mix the appropriate amount of powder with milk or water in a shaker, and the result is a high-quality meal. Apart from being economical, gainers also have the advantage of being highly assimilable and have a high content of nutrients. Their liquid form makes them highly assimilable. What does this mean? Energy saving! Your organism will use up less energy to process, digest and absorb consumed food than in the case of a traditional meal! You should consume 3–4 portions of gainers (50–100g) during the day as a meal substitute or supplement of an incomplete meal (prepare a smaller portion then). The gainer portion should be consumed approx. 30 minutes after the training, after prior supplementing of carbohydrates (MAXCARB or VITARGO ELECTRO ENERGY) and partaking of anti-catabolic supplements (BCAA G-FORCE, L-GLUTAMINE EXTREME, HMB FORMULA CAPS).

It is important that they are added to the nutritional supplement in the appropriate amount so as to ensure their effectiveness. Many producers use additions only for marketing purposes and do not inform about their concentration in the given supplement, most often because it is minimal.




gainer [supplements]


The perfect gainer, containing 20% of pure complete whey concentrate proteins. Appropriate proportions of carbohydrates with various glycaemic indices (GI) and molecule size ensure equal supply of energy necessary for training and muscle building. The supplement has been enriched with the vitamin complex supporting correct processing of protein and carbohydrates in the organism.

Consuming a portion (70g) of this supplement replaces a standard meal for body builders. You can consume it after training (after prior supplementing of carbohydrates) and during the day instead of a meal or drink a smaller portion as a supplement of an incomplete meal (in such a case consume 50 g).

High-energy gainer for those who find it hard to gain every kilogramme. Contains 13% protein (whey protein concentrate) and valuable additions which effectively help build successive kilogrammes of muscle mass: Creatine (100 grams of Magnum 8000 contain as much as 4 grams of creatine) optimises the transport of nutrients to muscles, increases cell rehydration and has anabolic effect. MCT oil (100 grams of Magnum 8000 contain as much as 2 grams of MCT) provides twice as much energy as carbohydrates and is very quickly metabolised.

Consuming a portion (75 g) of this supplement replaces a standard meal for body builders. You can consume it after training (after prior supplementing of carbohydrates) and during the day instead of a meal or drink a smaller portion supplementing you meal with high-energy nutrients.

Gainer with slightly increased protein content. 30% (whey protein concentrate). But this isn’t the only component which makes this supplement exceptional. You will find it contains additions which increase food assimilability: digestion enzymes (papain, bromelain), MCT oil and inositol (lipotropic substance enabling the elimination of unwanted fat).

A portion (70–100 g) of this supplement replaces a standard meal for body builders. You can consume it after training (after prior supplementing of carbohydrates) and during the day instead of a meal or drink a smaller portion as a supplement of an incomplete meal.



A good gainer or bulk should build muscles, not fat! Therefore it should contain highest-quality building and energy components, and not cheap fillers. Supplements with balanced proportion of proteins and carbohydrates for persons reacting badly to too many carbohydrates in their diet and who have adiposity tendencies. Often selected by body builders wanting to obtain pure muscle mass. When choosing a bulk, pay attention to similar parameters as when selecting a gainer, i.e.: The proteins it contains – look only for supplements based on complete animal proteins. Carbohydrates – if your metabolic rate is low, the raw materials used for bulk production are equally important as the proportion of proteins to carbohydrates. The supplements which contain more complex carbohydrates and maltodextrins with low monosaccharide content are best for you.

Bulks are perfect replacements of complete meals for persons with medium and low metabolic rates. So if you notice that after gainers your body is starting to run to fat, switch to bulk supplements. The protein-carbohydrate proportions will allow you to build muscles, and at the same time reduce adipose tissue. Bulks are best partaken in the same form as gainers: You should consume 3-4 portions of gainers (50–100g) during the day as a meal substitute or supplement of an incomplete meal (prepare a smaller portion then). The gainer portion should be consumed approx. 30 minutes after the training, after prior supplementing of carbohydrates (MAXCARB or VITARGO ELECTRO ENERGY) and partaking of anti-catabolic supplements (BCAA G-FORCE, L-GLUTAMINE EXTREME, HMB FORMULA CAPS).



bulks [supplements] HARD MASS is the optimal combination of complete animal proteins and complex carbohydrates, reinforced with a large addition of L-glutamine peptide and HMB (100 grams of the supplement contain as much as 2 grams of HMB and 5 grams of L-glutamine peptide). These components prevent the reduction of proteins and protect muscle tissue against degrading, stimulating its growth and full regeneration. HARD MASS supports the muscle mass building process without the risk of adipose tissue depositing.

Consuming a portion (75 g) of this supplement replaces a standard meal for body builders. You can consume it after training (after prior supplementing of carbohydrates) and during the day instead of a meal or drink a smaller portion as a supplement of an incomplete meal.

100 grams of TITAN MASS contain 46 grams of carbohydrates and 38 grams of proteins. This supplement is not an ordinary bulk. The additional components of TITAN MASS enable to control the level of adipose tissue: Inulin (plant fibre increasing the sweetness of the product, has very low glycaemic index and beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

A portion (50–100 g) of this supplement replaces a standard meal for body builders. You can consume it after training (after prior supplementing of carbohydrates) and during the day instead of a meal or drink a smaller portion as a supplement of an incomplete meal.






We can classify carbohydrates due to their structure, more or less complex, and the Glycemic Index (GI). Taking into account the first criterion, we discern simple carbohydrates (glucose, fructose) and combined carbohydrates (disaccharide and polysaccharides: group of starch and cellulose). Even a couple of years ago these chemical compounds were examined solely in respect of their structure. On such a basis, it was recommended to partake large amounts of combined carbohydrates (bread, goats, rice, noodles), which – as it was believed – are digested and assimilated very slowly, giving the organism many-hour supply in energy, and to limit simple, quickly digested ones, which in excess may lead to development of fat tissue. Then it was discovered, that not only the structure of carbohydrates determines the pace of their assimilation. For it turned out that delicious bun, which in accordance with the adopted classification represents the group of combined carbohydrates, is digested as quickly as simple carbohydrates. It was a breakthrough of a kind in applicable dietetics. Since then, the hydrocarbons have been considered from slightly another perspective – its impact on the level of sugar (glucose) in blood (glycaemia). On such a basis, they were divided into high-, medium-, and low-glycemic, whereby the first group is digested quickly, rapidly increases the sugar blood level and gives only brief filling of fullness, which in perspective may lead to synthesis of

fat tissue. GI became an important determinant of sports diet, under which one should strive for retaining constant ly. Why is its stable level important for the sportsman? Imagine, that an hour ahead of hard training on gym or ring you forgot to consume a balanced meal. Half an hour earlier, you hastily eat a doughnut or a chocolate bar. You feel as if you burst with energy – you feel that you will show 100% of your possibilities during training. Unfortunately, this is a transient state. You start to train, a few series with the weight, a couple of quick actions on the ring and suddenly you fill the weakness is seizing you, energy flows away and you fill totally “without power supply”. It is the way in which your organism reacts after partaking large amounts of highly-glycaemia carbohydrates. This group raises the level of sugar very quickly, unfortunately too much and too rapidly. After the temporary sugar surge (hyperglycemias), the sugar level drops rapidly, which is experienced as a sudden weakening (symptoms of hypoglycaemia). It is why the diet of any athlete who counts to effects should be stabilised, in respect of glycemia. How to achieve this?

First of all, three standard meals a day are not enough. More or less an hour ahead of training you should eat one meal and after the training absolutely another one – and you have only one left for the rest of the day. It is by far too little. You must get used to consuming 4-6 meals at regular times (3-4 hours). It is the only way for glycaemia to be naturally distributed during the day, and not to waver dramatically.

Meals should have balanced GI Thus, they should be balanced and contain appropriate amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If food is to ensure long-lasting feeling of fullness, which will sustain as long as until the next meal planned for another time of the day, the energy originating from the partaken carbohydrates must be released gradually (nutrients should not raise nutrients should not raise the sugar level too fast). You will achieve that, partaking carbohydrates with appropriate GI.

Factors conditioning GI: – high contents of cellulose – wholewheat products (whole seeds are milled, without removing the covering and the protein-rich plumule) containing

whole seeds, produced of wholewheat flour will have lower GI that these from white flour, – dominant fraction of starch – starch, as a combined carbohydrate occurs in two variants: amylopectin and amylose. The first one is easy to digest, it bloats easily. Amylose is a variant of starch, whose digesting is a lot longer than in the case of amylopectin. Basmati rice and all variations of long grain rice have lower GI due to the high content of amylose, – presence of proteins and fats (be careful with fats!) – adding proteins (e.g. low-fat poultry meat, low-fat cottage cheese) to highly-glycaemia carbohydrates, we lower the GI of meal. Always consider GI of meal by averaging GI of its ingredients. – crumbling processes – products of highly crumbled grains (e.g. instant oatmeal) have higher GI than products containing only slightly crumbled grains (crudely crumbled or ordinary oatmeal), – thermal processing – a shortly boiled rice, noodles “al dente” have lower GI than overboiled products, – products’ cooling lowers the GI (so rince the noodles after boiling with cold water), – adding hard-to-digest ingredients with small nutritious value to meals, e.g. bran, mushrooms. The issue is not exhausted of course with relevant sources of carbohydrates. They should be also matched with the time of eating during the day.

Morning carbohydrates For a long time a belief has persisted, tha in the morning you may freely partake large amounts of easily-assimilable carbohydrates (with a high GI). It has been believed that partaking additional calories will not be harmful at this time of the day, as they will be earmarked for replenishment of circumnight losses. However since then, there were significant advances made in dietetics, and the view related to the morning “carbons” has rather changed. Today, two nourishing options exist on equal rights. First one, fairly older, assumes partaking proteins during meals: the last daily one (in the evening) and a balanced morning one with carbohydrate prevalence. Second one, somewhat recent, wholeheartedly promoted by me and winning more and more advocates is in the opposition to the first ona – in the evening we partake lowGI carbohydrates (almost) only, and in



Katarzyna Matella


ertainly you are aware, how important is to provide the organism with its daily portion of wholesome proteins. There are always chicken’s breast and fresh eggs. Besides, you supplement your diet with highly assimilable protein supplements. In the morning, you always supplement your breakfast with portion of NITROPROGEN, and your post-training meal, with quickly assimilable ISOLITE. But is it only proteins what is decisive for the correct composition of diet? Indeed, there is also an issue of selecting appropriate energetic components: carbohydrates and fats. For what would you gain from partaking top-quality proteins, if your organism would have not disposed with the energy necessary to digest and utilise it.

Desirable sources of carbohydrates in a diet with a moderate GI:







cellent replacement meal in the period of muscle mass building. Thanks to the content of carbohydrates with different assimability time (malthodextrines, dextrose), these supplements ensure the feeling of fullness.




Training carbohydrates
















Dietary fibre (undispensable Assimilable carbohydrates) carbohydrates









* rather occasionally ** perfect for persons with digestive issues *** durum (semolina) – a special variation of hard wheat, hard to overboiled, with a low GI, with low cellulose content (recommended also to persons with digestive issues), with high protein content (approximately 12 g in 100 g) **** Millet seed – produced from panicum miliaceum, one of not many crop products with alkaline reaction (it does not acidify the organism), and it does not contain glutin.

the moring – a meal with protein prevalence. Each of them has supporters and the aim of this article is not to demostrate the prevalence of any of them. Both when applying the first, as well as the second method, practitioners are able to prepare excellent shpae, and any way leading to success is good. Within the first method, with the morning meal with high carbohydrates’ amounts, one should determine certain limitations as regards their type. “Morning carbohydrates” should not have too high GI! Some people may be surprised, especially when they base their views on opinions from before a couple of years, when ladies on diet was recommended a bowl of oversweetened musli with fruits in the morning, causing the level of blood sugar to leap like mad (glycemia fluctuations described above, in result of which the feeling of hunger appears shortly after meal). If you partake carbohydrates in the morning, they should have a moderate/low GI, because human organism is programmed in such a way so it has the highest senstitivity to them in the morning. It means that at this time the system shows a programmed trendency to glycemia leaps, which may lead to accumulation of adipose tissue. If an hour after eating of abundant breakfast you feel hungry, thinka about the composition of this meal. Maybe it would be better to eat a portion of roughly crumbled oatmeal with water and a couple of raisins and cottage cheese or an



omlette with egg whites and rolled oats, than sweet chocolate oatmeal and white bread with jam?

Carbohydrates partaken during a day, ahead of training Partake diverse carbohydrates from the above list. If you apply a reductive diet, choose carbohydrates a with high celllulose content. An exception is the time before training, when you should avoid high-cellulose food which may cause

They are indispensable during longlasting efforts. In the preparatory period, resources of muscle glycogen are increased by way of post-training over-compensation. Thanks to the above, the organism disposes of a large energy container and is able to manage a multi-hour effort. Certainly, it does not last forever and it is necessary to replenish glycogen during exercises. Carbohydrates must be then supplied in the form of isotonic drinkt (6-10% of carbohydrates). Maintaining such concentration makes it possible to quickly replenish muscle resources without causing divestive revolutions. ISOFASTER is a concentrate of isotonic drink ensuring replenishment of glycogen without negative influence onto the effort capacity.

Post-training carbohydrates The post-training regeneration does not exist without a portion of carbohydrates. No matter you are in the period of building body mass or adipose tissue reduction. After intesne effort, you must relpenish muscle fuel shortages. Carbohydrates partaken at this time may have somewhat higher GI, which will ensure that the majority of energetic material reaches the muscles. Preferably, you should avoid then high-cellulose food, which

After each intense training, the “anabolic window” opens, which creates and opprotunity for the post-training over-compensation. It makes it possible, among others, to store larger amounts of glycogen than before training. For that reason, it is mostly recommended to replenish carbohydrates in a liquid form. digestive discomfort (flatulency, wind, stomach gravity). You should then eat any white long grain rice, basmati, durum noodles or ordinary noodles boiled al dente. If you do not have time for culinary struggles, never go training on empty stomach as it may result in “cutting out power” during it. Approximatelly 40 minutes before training drink a protein-carbohydrate supplement. MASS XXL and MAGNUM 8000 constitute ex-

will lengthen the time of transport of these compounds to muscles. Postponing of the moment of their replenishment, unfortunaltely causes the “glycogen volume” to decrease. After each intense training, the “anabolic window” opens, which creates and opprotunity for the post-training over-compensation. It makes it possible, among others, to store larger amounts of glycogen than before training. For that reason, it is mostly re-

commended to replenish carbohydrates in a liquid form. MAX CARB is a mixture of various carbohydrates and easily assimilable forms of minerals, enabling their express assimilation by muscles. VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY is a more sophisticated carbohydrate formula, which does not budred stomach. It is an ideal solution for persons with high sensitivity to such nutrients. The most recent product – VITARGO SPEED RECOVERY, is a real king of post-training regeneration, in which you will find all your tired muscles need after a hard training session: a portion of easily-assimilable carbohydrates, a large does of anti-catabolic glutamine, proteins form whey protein isolate and hydrolysate.

The best time for sin – after training! NOTE! If you want to perpetrate some nourishing departure and you have felt like a pizza or apple pie for a week, it is better to surrend to the temptation just after training – such offence will have lesser repercussions on your shape then.

Evening carbohydrates As regards that, everyone is rather agreeable – at this time, you should categorically avoid easily-assimilable carbohydrates, since dramatic glycemia fluctuations cause that the organism, when asleep, providently accumulates fat istead of buring it. The supporters of eating such compounds before going to sleep may allow themselves only a portion with very low GI: wholewheat noodles, brown rice with highly-unsaturated fatty acids.


At first, it was rather ignored and high amounts of saturated fat were partaken, which – after years – turned out to be pernicious in consequences (cholesterol, heart issues). Then, it was blamed for a “society gaining weight” issue. Then, the fat had been eliminated from diet and displaced by “light”, namely 0% fat products. Quite resently it was noticed that fat is indispensable in our life and conditions appropriate functioning of the whole system, constituting excellent source of energy, a competitive one in many terms to carbohydrates.

Currently, more and more nutrition plans are created, in which fatty acids play very important role – mostly the unsaturated onces. Flooding of the food market with saccharides with high GI caused that more and more persons show low toleration for carbohydrates (high senistivity to these compounds), and tendency to run to fat. For them, excellent solution would be nutrition options, in which carbohydrates are reduced in favour of the participation of facts. The most simple measure is replacing a part of of calorific pool covered with carbohydrates with one satified by fatty acids. Even if you apply a diet with high fat participation, after training you always partake a portion of carbohydrates, which are fixed element of training conduct in any nutrition option. Surely, one fat is unequal to another. And as there are good and bad carbohydrates, there are good and bad fatty acids.

Fatty acids, with regard to their structure, we may divide into two different groups: SATURATED FATS – they originate from land creatures and are most commonly characterised with fixed consistence (e.g. meat fat, pork fat, lard, etc.) Too high supply of such fatty acids raises the level of bad cholesterol, causes ischaemic disease and may cause non-insulin de-



pendent diabetes mellitus and obesity. Partaking them in excessive amounts influences negatively the glucose metabolism and decreases cell sensitivity to insulin. UNSARTURATE FATS – originate mostly from plants or maritime creatures (their excellent source are fish), and they have a liquid, or semi-liquid form (gunge constistence). They are divided into polyunsaturated and unsaturated fatty acits. Especially important here is the group of indispensable polyunsaturated fatty acids – polyunsaturated fatty acids, whose synthesis the organism is unable to perform, and thus they must be supplied in meals. In turn, polyunsaturated fatty acids we may divide into 3 groups of omega fatty acids, which are more popular due to their healthy properties: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. They are classified in accordance of the localisation of the double (unsaturated) bond, which characterises only unsaturated fatty acids (n-3, n-6, n-9).

Our diet should supply to the organism fatty acids from these three grops. Particularly in short-supply are omega-3 acids, hence it is worth trying to enrich meals in linseed oil, which contains the highest amount of compounds from this group, or use a dietary suppplement – SUPER OMEGA-3. When supplementing healthy fatty acids one should remember about maintaining

In the morning, you always supplement your breakfast with portion of NITROPROGEN, and your post-training meal, with quickly assimilable ISOLITE. But is it only proteins what is decisive for the correct composition of diet? Indeed, there is also an issue of selecting appropriate energetic components. their proportion. According to traditional diet assumptions, where fat constitutes approximately 30% of demand for calories, 8% should originate from saturated, 13% from monounsaturated and 9% from polyunsaturated fatty acids (of which 7% of omega-6 and 2% of omega-3). To be sure, in figure-shaping sports, the participation of fat in general calorific pool is an indivudual issue. A balanced formula of omega 3, 6 and 9 acids you will find in a dietary supplement: OMEGA 3-6-9.

ted fatty acid not only becomes very similar to a saturated fatty acid, but also has harmfull effects on health. They become a source of free oxygen radicals which may lead even to dangerous illnesses and factors uselessly burdening the liver. The best frying oil is olive oil, which contains mostly monounsaturated fatty acids and shows the highest thermostability. The more unsaturated fatty acid (more double bonds), the less resistant it is to heat, radiation.

Usage and storage of fats with high polyunsaturated fatty acid content


It would be best to store them in a cool, enshaded place. All unsaturated fatty acids surrender to oxidation process (which, in the case of oil, means ranciding) under the light, air and high temperature. We should remember about this especially in the summer, when high temperatures of the environment may accelerate this process – it is better then to store the oil on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. As highly-unsaturated fatty acids do not like high temperature, they are not suitable for thermical processing (boiling, frying), which destroys double bonds and thus – also their healthy characteristics. After subjecting to high temperature, a highly unsatura-



Indeed, it is a saturated fatty acid (obtained from coconut), but with somewhat unique properties, already appreciated by the world of sports: – in order to digest it, neither gall nor lipase is needed, namely the participation of the liver is excluded from the process, – it is a perfect source of easily assimilable energy, – it is used for energetic purposes without the participation of carnitine (necessary for the purpose of involving other fatty acids in energetic processes), – it shows no tendency to be put off in the form of adipose tissue; it has thermogenic effects. I hope that I managed to describe the topic related to the selection of appropriate dietary energetic nutrients. By trial and error, each of us may ascertain, which energy power supply type will be the best for them, and adequate to the effort adopted.



Relevant pH conditions appropriate effort energetics Did you consider once, what drives muscles to bankruptcy? To the moment of total breakdown, when you are unable to make even one repetition? For long time, it was thought that it is due to the extreme increase of lactic acid, which is a product of anaerobic energetic transformations (extremely intense strain). Unfortunately, it has little to do with muscle exhaustion. As it turns out, even after very hard training, already 30 minutes from the end of exercises, the level of lactic acid drops by a half. In conducive conditions, when the effort of moderate intensity (aerobic) is continued, the lactic acid is removed from muscles very quickly, and even re-used as an energy source (liver transforms it into glucose in the process of gluconeogenesis). Post-training sore muscles due to lactic acid build-up are just a myth, and nothing more. What causes then the increasing “burning” sensation, leading muscles to breakdown during exercise, and makes them sore after training? It is of course due to a high extent a result of microdamages to muscle fibres, occurring during the training, but first of all – it is an effect of pH change in muscle environment, which simply became to acidic (drops below 7). The reaction is determined by one important factor – concentration of hydrogen ions (H), whose large amounts are released to the muscle environment during intense anaerobic effort. The dependence is simple – the more intense and longer training, the higher amount of released hydrogen ions, and thus – shifting of acidity-alkalescence balance towards acidic direction. Unfortunately for all the metabolic processes, including production of energy in conditions of strain,

the most optimum environment is with a slightly alkaline reaction (pH 8–9). It is the rapid increase in acidity which causes that you are unable to pump the last, decisive repetition or you fall 50 meters before finish. Is there a way to manage this? Is there a method to overcome acidic reaction occurring during the effort, postponing the moment of muscle breakdown?

What we would achieve thanks to the quick neutralisation of training acidic muscle reaction? If the arising acidic reaction was quickly neutralised, the muscle bankruptcy moment, in which organism is no longer able to continue strain, would have been postponed. The system would have gained ability to continue the effort longer, and muscle exhaustion would occur significantly later. It is excellent information of athletes practicing sports of intense character of strain, e.g. sprinters, 800 m runners. For this interval of training intensity characteristic are quick anaerobic energy transformations, the long-lasting continuation of which is made impossible by increasing muscle acidity (increase in concentration of hydrogen ions). What benefits we would gain from lowering pH during training in gym? Here we also encounter extreme strains, during which the practicing person must overcome a sub-maximum load. If organism could overcome local acidity, it would gain a possibility of performing a couple of additional repetitions, which in normal conditions is unachievable. But such an extreme conditions enable more deep muscle penetration, facilitation of new nervous-muscular connections and intense growth in strength and mass of muscles.

All this sounds great, but is there a method enabling achieving such excellent results improving the training effects?

Discovery of amazing possibilities of carnosine In striving for improvement of results achieved in sports, various experiments were conducted, during which muscle cell biopsies were performed in athletes of various disciplines. The sports representatives were examined, whose strain was more long-lasting and moderately intensive (e.g. marathon runners, cyclists), and also those, where athletes face maximum, while relatively short strain (sprinters referred to above, 800 m runners, representatives of typical weight sports). And what did turn out? What was the significant difference between the histological image of muscle tissue of the former and the latter? The most important one was connected with the compound called CARNOSINE (β-alanylL-histidine). It is the substance which neutralises acid-forming hydrogen ions, making it possible to continue strain of very high intensity. Its high level in muscles of athletes from the second group is the expression of adaptation of the system to the anaerobic effort. For that reason, white muscle fibres, which are adapted for such type of work (short time and very intense one), are characterised by higher concentrations of carnosine than red ones, reserved for aerobic efforts (these fibres will dominate in the first group of athletes). Following this trail, also maritime mammals were examined. The selection of examination object was not random, of course. These animals spend a lot of time under water, that is in hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) conditions – similar as these occurring during intense anaerobic



Katarzyna Matella


Another training. The most important series just ahead. 6 repetitions planned. You think to yourself “I can do that”. You lay yoursaelf on the bench, 1st-2nd-3rd repetition, barely managed 4th one... and... and this is it, unfortunately. You may of course comfort yourself, thinking “next time it will be better”, or “this is not my day”. Unfortunately – these repetitions could have been of key importance as regards the growth of muscle mass!

The acidification of muscles increasing during exercises not only disturbs the training energetics, but also creates perfect conditions for destructive action of catabolic enzymes. Carnosine, which is comprised of beta-alanine and L-histidine helps to restore acidityalkalescence balance and to continue training without a drop in strength and stamina. strain of humans. A surprising thing was evidenced! Muscle tissue of these mammals is characterised by 25-fold higher concentration of carnosine! It is of course a fundamental adaptation to the specific environment they inhabit, but it also indicates, how powerful this compound is! Carnosine raises pH (the lower, the more acidic it is) in muscles and protects against its lowering, enabling to train HARDER AND LONGER, and thus – more effectively!

About CARNOSINE in short Carnosine is a dipeptide, that is a protein structure comprised of two amino acids: beta-alanine and L-histidine. It was discovered already in 1900, but it was only 95 years later when its potential in the scope of sports effort improvement was noted. It is naturally produced by human organism. A high concentration of carnosine is characteristic for long-living cells: mainly muscular ones (most commonly white muscle fibres) and nervous ones. A particularly important constituent of carnosine is BETA-ALANINE. It is the only amino acid which occurs in beta configuration (this relates to the structural construction of amino acids), while all the other ones occur in L (alpha) configuration. Beta-alanine is a nonproteogenic amino acid,



that is it does not build systemic proteins, so organism is unable to store it (it must be supplied on an ongoing basis in diet or as a supplement). As a constituent of carnosine it plays very important regulatory function in the organism. Aside from that, it is an important element of pantothenic acid (B5 vitamin, A co-enzyme).

Its high concentration is characteristic for fish and poultry products. L-histidine is the other constituent of carnosine. It is an indispensable amino acid (our organism cannot produce it) belonging to the alkaline amino acid group (it is confirmed by the carnosine’s ability to lower acidic pH) and it is an important element of many significant enzymes controlling metabolism. Now, we are acquainted with the interesting characteristics of this dipeptide. On this basis, it is easy to conclude, that carnosine supplementation is worth introducing in the case of anaerobic effort. But will it surely be effective?

Carnosine supplementation may prove ineffective... Calm down... this information has a second bottom to it! Carnosine is little resistant to action of intestine micro flora, which simply destroys it. There is however a way to increase the level of this miraculous dipeptide in organism. And an amazingly simple one. The system should be supplied with amino acids building carnosine: beta-alanine and Lhistidine. Especially the supplementation of the first compound will be important, as its high level stimulates organism to produce carnosine exceptionally strongly. Both constituents you will find in a new Trec product – CARNOGENIC. A doze (4-6 tablets) partaken ahead of training will help the system to cope with arising acidic reaction, enabling longer and harder exercise! Now your muscle will not refuse to cooperate in the middle of series!

Acidic reaction and catabolism Low pH created during intense strain not only stops the effort energetics, efficiently restraining its continuation, but also creates very favourable environment for catabolic processes to function, namely those responsible (in simplified account) for processes of decomposition. A longlasting acidity of muscles stemming from the training shifts in acidity-alkalescence balance (prevalence of nutrients of acidforming character) may lead to the situation, in which the muscular construction site, where you desire to activate anabolism, becomes a place of destruction. If you do not give your organism a

chance to overcome catabolic – acidic – reaction during and after the training, anabolism will not be a dominant factor, which will enable achieving more and more favourable exercise results and increasing the muscle mass. Limiting “anabolic window” after the training is not the only negative consequence of muscle acidification. Low pH, especially after training, may unfavourably affect other supplements partaken at that time.

Carnosine vs. other supplements and posttraining anabolic window Acidic reaction is an enemy not only for creatine monohydrate, but also for remaining supplements partaken before and after training. For example, effortrelated amino acids applied before and after exercises (BCAAs, L-glutamine), will reach their target, that is muscles, in such an environment, in limited amount. If you want to ensure suitable muscular environment for all the anti-catabolic and anabolic supplements, ensure high level of carnosine also after training! Restoring the acidity-alkalescence balance its one of the elements of comprehensive regeneration. As it was said before, for all metabolic processes, including the anabolism desirable after the strain, the most conducive environment is one of slightly alkaline reaction. Still, you do not have to partake CARNOGENIC also after the training. The supplement has a prolonged release formula. Its influence starts more or less after 40-60 minutes from partaking (thus, it should be used 40-60 minutes ahead of training), and it continues during next 2-3 hours, that is also the post-training time. Pre-training dose of CARNOGENIC will ensure appropriate muscle environment during effort, enabling performance of hard exercises, and after the end of training, it will ensure full regeneration.

Carnosine and the pumping nitrogen oxide (NO) Miraculous carnosine plays also a considerable role in the process of nitrogen oxide (NO) production – a particle which is responsible, for such enjoyable “pump” effect during training. As you remember from previous issues of our magazine, NO is created in result of arginine decomposition (arginine = citruline + NO).



CARNOGENIC is an innovative pre-training preparation combining amazing power of carnosine and nitrogen oxide, which will help you to overcome muscle breakdown and to transfer the training onto entirely new level of intensity. Your muscles will be pumped-up and full of electrifying power of beta-alanine. You are going to feel the thrill of real energy! It occurs in the presence of oxygen and is controlled by an important enzyme – nitrogen oxide synthase. It turns out that carnosine is necessary in production of this key compound, without which NO would have not been produced. In order to enhance its influence on the nitrogen oxide production, the CARNOGENIC formula was enriched with two amino acids, from which organism may synthesise NO: arginine and citruline (system is able to transform citruline in arginine). Thanks to such composition, the supplement will enhance the filling of training pump during and after the effort.

Devastating acid and oxygen deficiency That the intense training takes place in conditions of oxygen deficiency is a norm in the case of anaerobic energetic transformations. What is however going on between intense series of lifting and after the end of a sprint? Organism regenerates then, trying to supply maximum amounts of short-supply oxygen particles to ravenous muscle cells. After all there is nothing more efficient as regards facilitation of post-training regeneration – distribution of lactic acid – as aerobic effort taking place in conditions of full supply of oxygen to cells. Let’s think how acidified muscular environment affects the transport of oxygen in organism. A pH enabling uninterrupted action of erythrocytes (blood constituents responsible for the transport of oxygen is 7–7.7 (neutral – slightly alkaline reaction). If this reaction becomes too acidic, erythrocytes will stick together, which decreases their active surface (they transport lesser amounts of oxygen). It is connected with a local oxygen deficiency, but also with



a dysfunction of one of buffer systems (responsible for maintaining appropriate pH) – a haemoglobin one. Cells are not provided with sufficient amount of oxygen, and in addition they cumulate hydrogen ions and CO2, which intensify the acidification. The acidification becomes a cause of drop in stamina also in the case of aerobic strains.

Carnosine as a shield against free radicals, a miraculous medicine of youth The power of carnosine however exceeds the area described above. It is also a strong antioxidant, and thus protects the organism against free radicals. Aside from that, it blocks processes connected with ageing, impeding aetiology of many processes: glycosylation and carbonylation. The first one consists in pathological reaction of proteins with carbohydrates. It results among other things in cross-bindings, which damage cells, as the latter lose their flexibility, colour. It is their slow, but consistent degradation. This negative process may be most easily explained with the use of the example of collagen – a protein structure of bones and joints. Cross-bindings created during glycolysation cause increased stiffness of its fibres. A decay of flexibility leads to increased susceptibility to various injuries, fractures. Did you consider, how our skin ages? It becomes dehydrated, stiff, cracked – it is the result of glycolysation proc-

esses increasing naturally along with the process of our organism’s ageing. Carbonylation is another pernicious process, in which proteins react with carbon dioxide. To sum up this item of carnosine characteristics – carnosine is a factor which protects the systemic proteins against degradation processes, contributing thereby to postponement of ageing processes. Combating free radicals is not only a domain of ladies in the face of time flying. Within intense trainings, very large amounts of these destructive factors is created in our organism. Any one, who dreams of training effects, should think of an additional protection against free radicals, and CARNOGENIC supplementation.

The most important properties of carnosine: - it decreases the feeling of tiredness during intense, anaerobic strains - it increases strength capability and stamina - reduces the risk of catabolism - optimises effects of creatine - aids the “pump” process - improves oxidation of organism - is a strong antioxidant



You have active lifestyle and you are ALWAYS IN A HURRY? You have no time for preparing WHOLESOME MEALS MEALS? ? We will DO IT FOR YOU!

FREE YOURSELF from the constraints! Have you at all times one of the high-protein bars TREC NUTRITION!




100 g





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is a highly energetic protein bar produced on the basis of full value proteins of whey, rich in health-related fats of peanuts with addition of vitamin complex. Each bar provides 21 g of excellent protein.

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SPECIAL FEATURES: contains a premix of best proteins with diversified time of absorption, which guarantees full and long-term amino acids supply for the muscles. Great taste, minimum sugar (1 g) and saturated fat content (1 g) as well as 30 g of wholesome proteins makes it the bar you may take the liberty of eating even when on a reductive diet or ahead of sleep

more than 500 kcal!

instead of the last daily meal.

Supplements Su pplements from the best laboratories in the world TREC NUTRITION products are available in the best points of sale of supplements as well as the biggest European chain of stores .


Join us on webpages:

Anabolic amino

acid queen B

efore we proceed to presenting you the potential embedded in leucine, let’s recall some important information about branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), as leucine also belongs to this group. Leucine, isoleucine and valine are exogenous (necessary) amino acids, that is ones which are not produced by our organism and hence must be supplied in diet. BCAAs, aside from glutamine, are the most important effort amino acids, which: constitute alternative energy source during long-lasting effort (alanine-glucose cycle) – are not metabolised in the liver, and thus may be used as easily accessible fuel for muscles are main amino acids building muscle peptides – by supplying BCAA before training we protect intrasystemic resources of BCAA, and after – we create comfortable conditions for the organism to regenerate and anabolise, postpone the moment of tiredness – they block the flow of tryptophan to

Tomasz Papaj Lech and Przemysław Definicja Żokowski – Trec Team



the brain (tryptophan transforms in brain into “soporific” serotonin), and so we are not seized by tiredness during the effort. These exceptional advantages of BCAAs made them inseparable ingredient of pre- and post-training supplementation set. BCAA TURBO JET is a real masterpiece composition of these amino acids. You will find in it a mixture of extraordinarily stable formulas of three key compounds in the form of esters and alpha-ketoglutarates (AKG). This special combination of 100%-water soluble BCAAs instantly goes through the alimentary system, and thanks to resistance to acidic reaction of gastric juices they find their way to ravenous muscles in a whole. The above list of advantages did not however exhaust the potential of BCAAs. It turned out that one of this amino acid trinity has extremely important function in the scope of evoking muscle anabolism

Leucine (Leu) – an anabolic signaller You partake of appropriate amount of wholesome protein, take necessary effort amino acids (BCAAs, glutamine) and complex of all amino acids and you believe that you ensure appropriate conditions for the muscle grow for yourself in this way? Unfortunately, it may turn out that not necessarily so! Regardless of the amount or protein you partake, the anabolic muscle effect is controlled by one of amino acids – LEUCINE! Leucine is responsible for the following processes: it stimulates translation of proteins (first stage in their synthesis), and thus – it stimulates muscle anabolism, it increases muscles’ sensitivity to anabolic action of insulin, it increases the amount of ATP in muscle cells. Leucine, thanks to its affinity with insulin, intensify anabolic influence of the latter on the organism. There is a catch to that, though. Such affect it shows only when there is plenty of all amino acids

Leucine, isoleucine and valine are exogenous (necessary) amino acids, that is ones which are not produced by our organism and hence must be supplied in diet. resources and to regenerate damaged muscle fibres. Leucine (aside from carbohydrates, BCAAs, glutamine) will be “the anabolic administrator” on the post-training muscle construction site. When talking about the best time for supplementing leucine, one should also indicated the time ahead of sleep. Be aware, that after going to bed, strained regeneration processes begins, during which anabolic hormones are secreted (growth hormone, testosterone) and the work of repair of damaged structures and building new ones (anabolism) begins. In previous issues of the magazine I wholeheartedly recommended partaking carbohydrates with low glycaemic index (GI) ahead of sleep. Anabolic leucine matches this nutrition principle perfectly. Under on condition – if the last carbohydrate meal will be preceded with a portion of full amino acid profile (AMINOMAX 6800, AMINO MUSCLE 16.500) and a superdoze of leucine (LEUCINE FUSION). Low GI of carbohydrates will slowly release glucose to blood, and the glucose will stimulate even pace of insulin emission, which in turn, together with leucine, makes the sleep very anabolic one.



Leucine improves nutritional value of the meal! Sometimes you forgot to prepare balanced meal and you must outside. Then, the remorse hits you because of your ignorance as regards the nutritional value of such food (how much protein, carbohydrates and fat is in it). In addition you are concerned about the organism accumulating it in the form of fat tissue. When partaking the portion of LEUCINE FUSION after or before such accidental meal you will make it more valuable, and the organism will use it for the purposes of muscle anabolism!

Should leucine be partaken with each meal? In no event! It may seem surprising, but as regards leucine, “the more the better” principle does not apply. For, it turns out,

that the very concentration of it in blood is not as important, as its changes. If you partaken a portion of this amino acid after meal, wait 4 hours at least and only then partake another one. Such supplementation method will maximise its anabolic action on the organism.

KIC and HMB, or leucine continued Extraordinary anabolic potential of leucine does not exhaust its possibilities. It is further processed in the organism, making it possible to create another anabolic and anti-catabolic substances. What is worth adding is that its transformations require presence of H vitamin (biotin), and thus we should include to supplementation plan a balanced vitamin-mineral formula as its rich source (e.g. MULTI PACK). Two substances, important in terms of counteracting catabolism, are created from the leucine: Ketoisocaproate (KIC) – saturating muscles with amino acids and their metabolites is a signal which stops muscle catabolism. KIC affects creatine kinase enzyme, which is an important link in energetic processes in the cell. HMB – this substance I think anyone will know. It is a strong anti-catabolic, it increases nitrogen balance (a condition of anabolism), engages fat in energetic transformations and regulates cholesterol economy. I think that after reading this article, every one would admit that its title was not exaggerated. Leucine is an amino acid with unusual potential one may become convinced of thanks to the new product of Trec company – LEUCINE FUSION. It is the first-on-the-market matrix of 3 most effective forms of this amino acid. In one preparation, pure L-leucine with its esterified form and alpha-ketoglutarate. LEUCINE FUSION is a product with extraordinarily strong anabolic and anti-catabolic action, which may maximise the result of diet and hard training.


WHAT IS Amino Muscle 16.500 ? Amino Muscle 16,500 is a liquid, easily assimilable amino acid concentrate, one portion (45 ml) of which provides as much as 16.500 mg of free and branched (BCAA) amino acids of highest biological quality completed with high doses of B-group vitamins, which enhance protein and carbohydrate metabolism. The supplement has also been enriched with lipotropic substances (activating lipid metabolism), such as choline, inositol, L-carnitine, whose job is to process, liquefy and transport lipid molecules, which contributes to the reduction of unwanted adipose tissue.

HOW DOES Amino Muscle 16.500 WORK ? Amino acids are protein molecules which build our muscles, and their systematic supply in correct doses is necessary, as it supports creating and maintaining a positive nitrate balance, which is the necessary condition for rapid organism regeneration. Immediate supplementation of amino acids is especially important after intense training, when the amino acid deficit is at its highest. The liquid form of the supplement ensures bringing amino acids into the blood within a few seconds from its consumption, which leads to immediate regeneration of damaged muscle fibres.

WHY Amino Muscle 16.500 IS UNRIVALLED ? Currently no similar product which would provide you with more building blocks for your muscles in such a short time is available on our market. Each portion of the supplement is 16.500 mg of pure muscle mass.

Supplements Su pplements from the best laboratories in the world TREC NUTRITION products are available in the best points of sale of supplements as well as the biggest European chain of stores .

Join us on webpages:

SHORT guide to supplement shelves

AMINO ACIDS Building is our specialty WHAT ARE AMINO ACIDS? Amino acids are basic proteins building bricks. Amino acids, which build up our systemic structures (there are 23 of them) we divide to: endogenic (these, which our organism is able to produce on its own) and exogenic (these, which our organism does not synthesise, and their source must be in diet – there are 8 of them). Amino acid supplements we divide to: products containing effort-related amino acids (these, which are used up in large amounts during training, connected with effort-related energetic transformations: branched chain amino acids – BCAAs and glutamine) products containing full profile of amino acids (all 23 of them or at least 8 exogenic ones). Before we will proceed to discussing individual classes of amino acid products, let’s recall some basic issues related to this topic. I will start from refuting of a myth still prevailing today, that protein supplements covers the training person’s organism’s demand for amino acids.

Igor M.

PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS DO NOT COVER THE ORGANISM’S DEMAND FOR AMINO ACIDS! Some people think that purchasing a good quality protein product releases from the necessity to provide amino acids to themselves, and especially effort-related ones. As proteins con-



tain amino acids (which is evidenced by the table with amino acids on the packaging), what is the reason to buy other amino acid products? Unfortunately, this is not true. I know, it would be cheaper, but before the organism decomposes proteins from supplements to the level of amino acids, some time we pass. What is more, the organism will use up a lot of energy in this process, as proteins are nutrients which require a lot of energy necessary to transform them to assimilable form. Unfortunately, our organism does not always have time and free energy surpluses to use them to digest proteins. An example for that is the time immediately after training. Partaking a protein supplement then would have driven the organism into the condition of negative calorific balance, catabolism, which ruins the chance of post-training regeneration and overcompensation. For that simple reason, never use protein supplements as the source of amino acids. Protein supplements replenish proteins in diet and we always take it into account in the daily balance of partaken proteins, as opposed to amino acid products, which we cannot consider a protein equivalent.

growth. No fear, it is not going to happen! Amino acids as such will not result in increase of the body mass. They are, of course, necessary element comprising the anabolic effect. But whether we gain or we lose kilograms – it depends on the composition of our diet and the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.


Now, I will try to convey, in a nutshell, basic facts related to amino acid products currently available in the market in the TREC NUTRITION’s offer.

It is a frequent concern, especially in the case of ladies, who indentify amino acids with the unavoidable muscle

AMINO ACIDS AND HYDROLYSATES I guess that for many people there is no difference between amino acids and hydrolysates. The things are different, however. Hydrolysates are more complex structures created by single amino acids connected with peptide bonds. It causes that they assimilate somewhat longer than amino acids (first it is necessary to decompose bonds between amino acids). Nevertheless the fact, that they assimilate somewhat longer does not make them worse products. Hydrolysates will be excellent solution at times, when immediate delivery of amino acids (before or after training) is not necessary: between daily meals, before going to sleep. In the Trec’s offer you will find two products containing hydrolysates of whey protein: AMINO WHEY SYSTEM and AMINO 4500 (with doses and recommended dosage, see item 3 below)


L-Glutamine Glutamine peptide



It constitutes main systemic container of organic nitrogen (the amount of nitrogen in the organism determined, whether the organism is in the state of building anabolism, or destructive catabolism. As a nitrogen “storehouse”, it regulates anabolic transamination processes (production of missing amino acids from these, which are currently available in the organism).

L-glutamine should constitute the basis for supplementation in all sport disciplines.

Glutamine is the most important amino acid, affecting the acidity-alkalescense balance, and decreasing the acidic reaction of the system. Too acidic pH of the system is responsible for unwanted transformations of supplements, in result of which they become a useless waste. Imagine, that you are the owner of a piece of land, where you decided to sow crops. You bought top-class seeds, but unfortunately you forgot about fertilising, watering the soil. I am afraid that the yield will be rather miserable. It is the same as in the case of the organism and effects of various supplements. When you partake various supplements, you must be aware, that you should prepare your organism for they partaking, create possibly best systemic environment, whose main parameter will be maintained acidity-alkalescence balance. It is glutamine which is to significant extent responsible for its maintaining.

L-glutamine should be applied always in the circumtraining period, and also a couple of times a day. Administering L-glutamine in non-training days we accelerate regeneration and deacidification of muscles. A relevant level of L-glutamine helps to retain high immunity to viral and bacterial infections. In particular it is recommended to partake large amounts of L-glutamine during sport competitions and reductive diets.



Glutamine is used by all cells. Physical strain, illness are situations requiring additional supplementation of this amino acids, whose deficit may lead to decreased immunity.


A combination of micro-crystalline L-glutamine with taurin and B6 vitamin gave a product with extraordinarily strong anti-catabolic effects, whose application increased the nitrogen balance and facilitates muscle rebuilding, and also prevents symptoms of tiredness and overtraining. Matrix of ultra-pure L-glutamine and its more stable and resistant to pH changes acetylated form (NAG). Special formula with enhanced efficiency causes, that more partaken L-glutamine reaches muscular cells, which enables administering lower its doses.


L-glutamine may be applied during whole year, without the necessity to perform special saturating cycles.

Glutamine is responsible precisely for hydration of cells (hydrated muscular cells are cells where energetic glycogen may be accumulated; such cells are particularly susceptible to anabolism). In this scope, glutamine perfectly cooperates with creatine. It regulates cell hydration, decreasing post-training “sore muscles”.




Excellent preparation containing top-quality and purity natural glutamine peptide, produced in the USA. A special process of spray powder drying enables obtaining minimum molecular weight, which guarantees maximum absorbability and efficient action for many hours.

DOSAGE in the morning, on empty stomach: 5–8 caps before training: 5–8 caps immediately after training: 5–8 caps

in the morning, on empty stomach: 2 caps or 2.5 g before training: 3–4 caps or 3 g immediately after training: 3–4 caps or 3 g

before sleep: 3–5 g between meals, 1-2 times a day: 3–5 g



SHORT guide to supplement shelves


They constitute an important source of energy power supply. When, in result of prolonged training, available energetic substrates will be exhausted (mainly glycogen), the organism “eats” its own amino acids to produce energy. It especially “acquires a taste” in branched chain amino acids - BCAAs. An important mechanism which works in our organism in the situation of energetic deficit is the alanine-glucose cycle, during which alanine (a endogenic amino acid, one the organism is able to produce on its onw) is transformed into glucose constituting a source of energy. When this process gain dizzying momentum, which takes place in the situation of long-lasting effort, accumulated alanine resources will not suffice. The organism is forced to start the production on its own. To that aim, it utilises precisely BCAAs, whose main source are muscles! Supplying BCAAs in a supplement you protect your systemic resources of these amino acids, and you improve the energetics of effort.

We apply BCAAs in a similar way as L-glutamine, most preferably – in the circumtraining period.



BCAAs are quite a unique trio of amino acids, within which each of them imitates other path of energy power supply. Our organism is able to transform valine into glucose, leucine imitates the fat burning tract, while isoleucine acts as valine or leucine depending on the current demand for energy, determined by the intensity of strain.

BCAAs are extremely important in long-lasting efforts, stamina and interval efforts. BCAAs do not require cyclicality when applied, hence you should not worry that after three weeks of administering BCAA supplement, it will cease to be efficient. BCAAs may be applied both by persons building up their muscle weight (anti-catabolic effect) as well as persons, whose aim is to reduce adipose tissue BCAAs may be applied in each training period. In particular it is recommended to partake large amounts of BCAAs during sport competitions and reductive diets, as well as periods of lower calorific value of diet.

BCAAs aid utilisation of fat for energetic purposes.

BCAAs are main muscle building material. Branched chain amino acids are main amino acids building muscular proteins. BCAAs partaking ahead of training protects muscle resources of BCAAs (muscles are main storehouse of BCAA). Post-training BCAAs supplementation creates conditions for rebuilding of damaged muscular structures and overcompensation processes. Muscular fibres after training may be rebuilt thicker and stronger, on the condition that they have relevant amount of building material. Hence it is very important to produce “excessive inventory” of BCAAs at the time of post-training regeneration. BCAAs postpone the occurrence of tiredness during training.



A product containing exceptionally valuable amino acids with branched side chains in innovative and advanced form of caplets, enriched with B6 vitamin and taurin. It is a special type of tablets, which guarantee exceptionally fast releasing of their contents of crystal clear and free BCAAs.

5 tabl. in the morning, on empty stomach

Excellent combination of two efficient anti-catabolic groups of substances – BCAAs and L-glutamine in the form of convenient powder. Excellent high quality building material for muscles, and also energy reserve during training; its application manifests itself in large growth of strength and capacity in any sport discipline.

7.5 g in the morning, on empty stomach




Leucine, one of BCAAs is an anabolism signaller of a kind. Due to extraordinary connections of this amino acid with anabolic hormones (growth hormone, insulin), its high level constitutes the signal which triggers anabolic revolution.



5–8 tabl. before training 5–8 tabl. after training

7.5–10 g before training 7.5–10 g after training



These products contain in their composition also glutamine and BCAAs but are unable to replace them. Benefits of supplementation with these products are somewhat different:

Amino acid complexes are a basic supplement for athletes of all sport disciplines, which may be applied during whole year in each training cycle.

They complement the protein profile of meal, increase the assimilability of food. Lack or the slightest deficit of any of indispensable amino acids causes that our organism is not able to assimilate proteins from food in 100%. The solution for this problem is supplementation with products containing full amino acid profile. Amino acids contained in them replenish those missing in the protein pool of meal, thanks to which it will become more wholesome one.

Daily dose should be divided to a couple of smaller ones they should be administered in riods of increased demand amino acids

They enable maintaining positive nitrogen balance during a day.

inand pefor

Especially beneficial is partaking products from this group in the circumtraining period They are ideal source of building amino acids just after finishing the training

They decrease acidification of the organism and restore acidity-alkalescence balance.

When applied between meals, they help to maintain positive nitrogen balance during whole day.

They are perfect complementation of diet for persons who do not tolerate certain protein fractions. Just as proteins may make allergic, amino acids have no allergenic power!

Their use not only helps to build up muscle mass but also helps to protect contractile proteins against catabolism.

Products from these group are probably least appreciated by persons exercising for recreation purposes. This is such a pity... Products containing full amino acid profile should be a fixed element complementing daily nutrition of persons, for whom it is difficult to take care of regular, wholesome meals.

The dose should be relevant to the body mass, type of sport discipline and intensity of training





A specialist preparation in King Size capsules, supplying all amino acids in proportions optimum for growth, originating from the top quality hydrolased whey protein isolate, complemented with a high dose of BCAAs, L-glutamine, taurin, L-thyrosine and B6 and C vitamins.

2–5 times a day 30 minutes before each meal from 3 to 6 capsules.


A liquid concentrate with exceptionally high assimilability, which provides as much as 16.500 mg of quickly-acting free and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) with each portion. A large addition of vitamins from B group facilitates absorption and metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.

2–5 times a day 15 ml (1 table spoon) 30 minutes before each meal


It is comforting however, that more and more physicians see these products as remedies in treatment of various illnesses e.g. after severe poisoning of the organism, in malnutrition.

A perfectly composed complex of amino acids obtained in the process of enzymatic hydrolyse of whey protein isolate. A preparation with the optimum aminogram for building the muscular fibres. Each tablet is a real mega-dose of amino acids – as much as 1800 mg, of which nearly 30% are BCAAs.

3 tabl. 3 times approx. 1 hour before meal

AMINO 4500


Full complex of amino acids Endo- and exogenic amino acids

A highly efficient preparation, which with each portion (3 capsules) supplies as much as 4500 mg of biologically active, muscle-building amino acids. A product of top quality recommended both to persons practising weight as well as figure-shaping sports, and also for sportsmen of stamina disciplines.

3 tabl. 3 times approx. 1 hour before meal

in training days, portion of 5–8 capsules should be combined with the posttraining portion of BCAAs and glutamine

in training days, a portion of 30 ml should be combined with the post-training portion of BCAAs and glutamine

in training days, a portion of 30 ml should be combined with the post-training portion of BCAAs and glutamine

in training days, a portion of 30 ml should be combined with the post-training portion of BCAAs and glutamine




he Human Growth Hormone works as a supervisor, who directs where, when and at what speed damages arisen in result of intensive exercise will be rebuilt. You are on an excellent diet, you are all sweaty on training, you use supplements and your efforts still do not achieve satisfying results? The reason for that may be your low level of growth hormone! That’s enough! Take matters into your own hands! Increase the level of the endogenous growth hormone! Now it is possible without any side effects! GH TURBO is an innovative preparation, containing natural bioactive ingredients, which in entirely healthy manner intensify the production of the endogenous growth hormone. Regardless of the sports discipline you practise, GH TURBO will help you to achieve success! A shortage of the growth hormone may affect people at any age and may have very important influence on the condition of the whole organism.

You are asleep, but your body still works! At night, it becomes a great construction site, where the main role is played by the growth hormone (GH)! 38


but will also increase the amount of thiss hormone, which is the most important one e as regards the sports advances.

NOxGrowth Stimulator The complex of top-quality key growth h hormone precursors, which stimulates its production and also limits metabolic deactivation. The strongest and most active forms of L-Arginine and L-Ornithine give strong anabolic impulse, maximising muscle growth and regeneration.

Night proGH Formula Matrix of top-quality amino acids, which support the night somatotropin secretion. Active formula complemented with ingredients making it easier to fall asleep, as deep and uninterrupted sleep is the main condition of uninterrupted secretion of the growth hormone.

Change of the Growth Hormone concentration during sleep 120 GH TURBO

100 80 60 40


20 0 0

1 2 3 4 Deep sleep stage - GH TURBO


[h] 6 7 8 deep sleep stage - PLACEBO

GH TURBO is a scientifically developed combination of the most effective components stimulating secretion of the growth hormone:


Effects of GH TURBO preparation application


GH TURBO enhances production and increases secretion of the somatotropin, which leads to direct improvement in main effort parameters. Regular supplementation leads to the increase in muscle strength and mass, reduction of hypodermic fat and facilitates the regeneration after hard training.




of bones and lower circulatory system effi ciency. Considering the specific composition and way of the somatotropin biosynthesis in the organism, there are two main methods that allow increasing its intensity in a healthy and safe manner. First of them consists in providing special precursors – amino acids that initiates production of the growth hormone and are built into its polypeptide chain. Another one consists in increasing of duration and frequency of the deep sleep stage during organism regeneration at night. When these two conditions are met at the same time we may be sure that the process of the somatotropin production in our pituitary gland proceeds undisturbed and with maximum intensity. An excellent way may be supplementation with high-quality, comprehensive preparations which will not only allow us to improve sleep quality, facilitate regeneration,

Growth hormone level

Most frequently, its symptoms are not directly recognised as resulting from it. Many of them we perceive simply as a result of over-training and decrease in general vitality. The most important period, when large doses of this hormone are secreted to the blood circulation in regular intervals is the deep stage of sleep (REM). Shallow sleep, diet poor in key amino acids and too intense training causes that the somatotropin is secreted in lower amounts and the regularity of its secretion is disturbed. In long run it leads to a drop of our shape in training and change of the body composition – decrease in the muscle mass and growth of the adipose mass. On the part of the nervous system, we are bothered with mood swings, weakening of concentration and reluctance to take up physical activity. A chronic deficiency of the growth hormone may also lead to lower density

SHORT guide to supplement shelves



In the first episode of this series we described individual amino acid preparations. Now we are going to take a penetrating look on individual groups of remedies supporting fat reduction. Supplements of this group we divided according to their mechanism of action.




L-CARNITINE – a natural substance produced in human organism (of amino acids: methionine and lysine), often classified as a vitamin.

The condition of carnitine effects, as a remedy facilitating fat burning, is physical effort. Nevertheless, persons who do no train may also experience positive effects of carnitine, e.g. at the level of cardio-vascular system. However in order to experience effects of partaking carnitine in the scope of adipose tissue reduction, it is necessary to regularly adopt physical activity. Then, the recommended dose of this substance is 500–1500 mg ahead of training (if carnitine is in liquid form, it will be sufficient to partake it half an hour before, if it is a tablet – more than an hour before starting the effort).

FUNCTIONS OF CARNITINE IN HUMAN ORGANISM: aids adipose tissue burning; transports amino acids to cell mitochondria (“energetic stoves”) during long-lasting efforts of moderate intensity; fatty acids released from fat resources must overcome a barrier – mitochondrial membrane; they are unable to do that without particles of carnitine, which enables them to penetrate inside the “stove”; organism will burn fatty acids, when it will be mobilised to do so; a need to utilise fat resources is created by long-lasting, monotonous and moderate physical effort of aerobic character (carnitine is not a supplement for lazy ones!); a 40-minute session on any cardio equipment, 1-hour march in mountains are exemplary situations, during which fat is activated in energetic transformations; carnitine supplementation enables intensifying the process of inflow of fatty acids into cell mitochondria; improves functioning of cardio-vascular system; a person, who does not take a regular effort, will certainly experience the effects of carnitine in the scope of optimisation of the cardio-vascular system functioning; in this field, carnitine counteracts ischaemic heart disease and lowers the level of bad cholesterol; improves energetics in stamina efforts, during which fat is the main source of power supply; for persons practicing stamina sports, long-distance runs, race-walking or cycling, carnitine will not be only a fat “burner”, but also an important erogenic remedy, which will ensure constant energy supply; it constitutes necessary component of fatty diet; fatty diet assumes high fat consumption with simultaneous very low consumption of carbohydrates; in accordance with the assumptions, such method of nutrition is meant to lead to a situation, in which fat becomes the main source of energy. If we want to adapt our organism to this method of energy drawing, carnitine supplementation in necessary. COUNTER INDICATIONS: NONE!


L-carnitine in highly assimilable form of L-carnitine tartrate with an addition of B6 vitamin which enhances its action, and chromium, which regulates appetite.

In training days: 2 tablets 45 minutes before training on empty stomach. In non-training days: 2 times a day 1 tablet between meals.


Pure L-carnitine in the form of liquid concentrate closed in easy-to-swallow gel capsules, which guarantee maximum assimilability and efficiency of supplementation.

In training days: 4 tablets 30 minutes before training on empty stomach. In non-training days: 2 times a day 2 tablets 30 m. before meals.


Combination of L-carnitine with green tea extract, rich in antioxidants, intensifying thermogenesis processes. Product in the form of ease-to-use soft capsules filled with well assimilable liquid concentrate.

In training days: 4 tablets 30 m. before training. In non-training days: 2 times a day 2 tablets on empty stomach 30 m. before meals.






Simplified scheme of thermogenic supplements operation – organism becomes a “stove”, for which fat is the fuel.

Effects of remedies from this group is independent of adopted physical effort.

DIRECTIONS OF THERMOGENIC SUPPLEMENTS OPERATIONS: causing negative energetic balance by way of stimulating energy-costly processes of heat production (thermogenesis); appetite reduction. ESSENCE OF ACTION: A large part of energy created during the effort, the organism spends in the form of heat. Most people probably think that almost all energy amount is designated to perform relevant locomotive task (e.g. to lift certain weight). Unfortunately, for this aim only approx. 1/4 of created energy is designated, and the reminder is transformed into heat (an element of thermoregulation processes – organism defends itself against dangerous overheating by removing excessive heat.) Heat production processes which take place during the strain, absorb really a lot of energy, hence organism is often forced to utilise fat resources, constituting almost inexhaustible energy source. Simply as this: if organism “wastes” such amounts of energy during the effort, let’s make it to do this against hated adipose tissue. Thermogenic supplements cause reactions in organism, which are characteristic for the situation of strain. During physical activity, among other things, the level of heat-creating hormones increases; for example adrenalin and thyroxin.

A portion of thermogenic supplement should be partaken 2 time a day: in the morning, before breakfast, before another main meal during a day or before training. It is not recommended to partake thermogenic supplements late in the evening, as it may lead to sleep problems due to strong stimulating effects.

SUBSTANCES WITH THERMOGENIC EFFECTS: caffeine – responsible for retaining high level of adrenaline; highly recommended source of caffeine is the extract from Brazilian guarana plant; caffeine from guarana is active a lot longer and does not cause addiction effects; polyphenols – chemical compounds occurring in plants and functioning as dyes or protecting against insects and fungi; used in supplements due to their thermogenic and antioxidative properties. There is plenty of polyphenols in: – green tea – it abounds in the following polyphenols: active catechins (C), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG – the most active catechin). Extract from this plant not only supports thermal transformations, but also stops transformations of carbohydrates in adipose tissue, which lead to “growing” new fat resources – white tea – characterised by high caffeine and EGCG content – green coffee – it abounds in ACG polyphenols (chlorogenic acids), which may limit assimilation of carbohydrates L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine – two amino acids which are adrenaline precursors; tyrosine is used also in synthesis of thyroxin Iodine – necessary in production of thyroxin; daily recommended iodine dose is 150 micrograms; its deficiency may lead to thyroid hypofunction and decrease in pace of metabolism cayenne pepper – a spice with warming-up effects, its seed are abound in capsaicin – a substance stimulating fat reduction black pepper extract – concentrated source of piperine, which stimulates thermogenesis ginger root extract – contains active gingerols, which facilitate digestion and supports fat burning CONTRAINDICATION IN THERMOGENIC SUPPLEMENTATION: HEART FAILURE, HYPERTENSION. NOTE: if you don’t want thermogenic supplements to contribute to muscle catabolism, ensure comprehensive protection – apply relevant aid. Products such as BCAA AMINO WHEY SYSTEM, L-GLUTAMINE EXTREME or HMB FORMULA CAPS will counteract reduction of muscle mass during low-calorie diet.



PREPARATIONS A comprehensive formula developed to help the organism fight the overweight and unwanted adipose tissue. State-of-the-art preparation appreciated by thousands of satisfied customers. A set of most efficient and concentrated thermogenic, lipotropic and diuretic nutrients, which not only efficiently burn fat, but also have strong energizing effects.

In training days: 2 tablets 30 m. before breakfast and 2 capsules 30 min. before training. In non-training days: 2 capsules 30 m. before breakfast and 2 capsules 30 min. before main meal.

A specialist combination of substances facilitating the adipose tissue reduction. A combination of maximum doses of guarana extract, green coffee and green and white tea, creates extraordinarily efficient diet supporting product. A composition supplemented with active nutrients supporting transformations of fat in energy and restraining appetite, such as L-carnitine, N-acetyl, L-tyrosine and chromium.

2 times a day 1–2 tablet(s) 30 minutes before meal. Preparation should be washed down with 200–300 ml of water or another soft drink.



SHORT guide to supplement shelves




Substances from this group are responsible for intensification of adipose tissue burning by facilitation of its emulgation. To put it really simply, this process leads to splitting the reserve fat (dispersion of fat, which is water-insoluble) into smaller elements, which are more easily soluble in bodily fluids, more easily accessible for enzymes enabling their burning. Lipotropic substances enable processing of fat droplets to such a form in which they are easy to burn and transport.

Products from this group should be partaken 2–3 times a day, always before meals, and washed-down 300 ml of water.

MOST IMPORTANT SUBSTANCES WITH LIPOTROPIC EFFECTS: choline – has a similar function in the organism as vitamins. While our organism is able to produce this substance (using folic acid, B12 vitamin and relevant amino acids for this purpose), it is however produced in insufficient amount to effectively burn the unwanted fat. The time of stress, considerable stimulation and nervousness are connected with choline deficit. In supplementation, the most frequently used easily assimilable source of choline and inositol is lecithin (phosphatidylcholine). Inositol – often included to B vitamin group. Most tissues of human body are able to synthesise it; this compound is included into the composition of cell membranes. Alimentary source of inositol are: meat, milk, vegetables, nuts and crops. Similarly as choline, it is included in the composition of lecithin. Lecithin – shows lipotropic effects, because it contains both choline as well as inositol, and also linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to reduction of the level of cholesterol and triglycerides L-methionine – one of indispensable amino acids containing a sulphur atom in its structure, which facilitates the synthesis of choline. Alimentary source of L-methionine are: spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, meat, fish, and peas. CONTRAINDICATION: NONE! NOTE: Lipotropic substances not only help to fight fat, but also prevent excessive lipomatosis of internal organs (e.g. liver)


A comprehensive lipotropic formula containing efficient doses of choline, inositol and L-methionine, complemented with B6 vitamin. The product contains strong lipotropic substances, which help to process, melt and transport fat particles.



3 times a day 1 tablet before meal. Wash down with 300 ml of water.




CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), is a special variation, namely an isomer, of linoleic acid, which belongs to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6): it limits accumulation of adipose tissue by blocking, with the adipose tissue, action of the enzyme – lipoprotein lipase, which is responsible for transport of nutrients necessary for the tissue synthesis (fatty acids, glycerol – transformed glucose). Where the factor combining these nutrients is absent, new adipose tissue will not be created. Thanks to the effects of CLA, our organism is protected against “yo-yo” effect, which accompanies many dietary treatments: it is a nutrient with thermogenic effect improves condition of skin and makes it more resilient increases energy supply to muscles, has anti-catabolic effect. CLA activates specific enzyme, which is responsible for transport of fatty acids to muscles, where they are used for energetic purposes.

3 times a day 1–2 capsules of the preparation during or after the meal. Preparation should be washed down with 200–300 ml of water or another soft drink.




PREPARATIONS A top-quality conjugated linoleic acid closed in easy-to-swallow soft gel capsules. The product supports the efficiency of dietary treatment, intensifying fat processing into energy and limiting creation of new adipose cells.

3 times a day 1 capsule during or after the meal. Preparation should be washed down with 200 ml of water or another soft drink.

Conjugated linoleic acid is enriched with extract of green tea in the form of soft and easyto-swallow capsules. The product contains two thermogenic, synergic substances.

3 times a day 1 capsule during or after the meal. Preparation should be washed down with 200 ml of water or another soft drink.

A comprehensive fat “burner” prepared especially for women. The product facilitates figure modelling, especially in places where it is difficult to get rid of unwanted fat. The preparation is a source of: CLA, L-carnitine and thermogenic nutrients (green tea, guarana extract), and E vitamin, which is a strong antioxidant.

3 times a day 1 capsule during or after the meal. Preparation should be washed down with 200 ml of water or another soft drink.




KOREAN PINE NUT OIL – highly concentrated oil obtained from pressed nuts of Korean pine cones, with very interesting properties.

Preparations containing this constituent may be very helpful in controlling body weight. Their regular use limits the amount of partaken calories and helps to lose useless kilograms faster.

MECHANISM OF ACTION: stimulation of the occurrence of feeling of fullness, appetite regulation restraining organism from excessive consumption (highly recommended to gourmands) Products form this group stimulate secretion of substances responsible for the occurrence of the feeling of fullness in organism: cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GPL1). Extract based on oil of Korean pine nuts increases their secretion enabling achieving of the feeling of fullness. CCK is secreted in duodenum and intestines in response of the occurrence of partially digested nutrients (especially products of partial digestion of long-chain fatty acids). It stimulates digestive organs (liver, pancreas) to secrete substances necessary for further digestion of food (bile, pancreatic juice). CCK not only activates further stages of food digestion, but also sends information that hunger was satisfied. When this message reaches our brain, we feel full and may end food partaking. GPL1 is secreted by pancreas and intestines in response to partaken fats and carbohydrates. It intensifies secretion of insulin (stopping at the same time secretion of glucagon), prolongs the period during which food stays in stomach and restrains appetite.


PREPARATIONS A supplement based on extract of Korean pine nuts in the form of gel capsules. Liquid formula guarantees quick and efficient action. The product, in extraordinarily efficient way, suppresses the feeling of hunger, which is very important in the first weeks of reductive diet.

Recommended daily dosage: 3 capsules. In order to limit the appetite and amount of partaken food, take 3 capsules approximately 30–60 minutes before main meal.



THE STRONGEST, ULTRA-QUICKLY SOLUBLE AND ASSIMILABLE BCAA MATRIX EVER CREATED IN LABORATORY! How often it happens that your training is beyond your capabilities? You do your best, and you are unable to endure to the end at full speed? Your muscles are weak and do not have strength to resist further loads? You miss energy, stamina and power? Surely someone advised you to use BCAAs? You heard that they supply energy during training and secure muscles against destructive catabolism? This is good direction! But our preparation can much more than ordinary BCAAs! It is an innovative formula developed with most demanding athletes in mind. BCAA Turbo JET are the most powerful and most quickly assimilable BCAAs! These are not ordinary amino acids in powder! Extraordinary JET POWER BCAA MATRIX formula supplies leucine, valine, isoleucine in three advanced forms. In one product, we combined free levorotatory branched chain amino acids with more bio-available, resistant to degradation and stronger esterified forms and alpha-ketoglutarates. Optimum proportions of active substances cause that the muscle cells receive necessary building and energetic materials even faster, and their concentration reaches higher levels in shorter time. In order to enhance the effects of BCAA TURBO JET, we added to it superb boosters: TURBO ACCELERATOR BLEND and STRONG VITAMIN FORMULA. Thanks to them the amino acids will have even stronger effect, which you may find out personally.

200 g 400 g

We also took care of your convenience and satisfaction! In opposition to competitive preparations, raw products used in manufacturing of BCAA TURBO JET were subjected to complex technological process MOLECULAR TURBO ACTIVATION. Thanks to that, their solubility went dramatically up, as well as speed of absorption and overall assimilability. What does it mean to you? In comparison to other products available on the market, BCAA TURBO JET will give you more strength and energy to exercise, and also better growth of top-quality muscle mass. Unpalatable and disgusting sediments, mysterious fillers are all gone now - you may at last buy BCAAs in 100% instant form.

Supplements Su pplements from the best laboratories in the world TREC NUTRITION products are available in the best points of sale of supplements as well as the biggest European chain of stores .

Join us on webpages:




It is authoritatively the most frequently applied dietary supplement both in strength as well as stamina sports. Let’s learn then mechanisms of itsaction and benefits following from applying it. ATP RE-SYNTHESIS Creatine is a carrier delivering active phosphate groups which regenerate ATP particles.



The world heard about the creatine in 1992, during Olympic Games in Barcelona, where the winner of 100 m men race, Linford Christie and golden medallist of 400 m women run Sally Gunnell revealed to the world that a fixed element to their preparations to championships was exactly supplementation of creatine. Interest in this compound increased even more during next Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, during which approx. 80% of participants partaken this substance.









Scheme 1

Basic information

Creatine is a bioorganic chemical compound occurring in prevailing amount in skeleton muscles, but also in brain, kidneys, liver or testicles. It is synthesized in liver of 3 amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine. When it gets through into blood it travels to individual cells (mostly muscle ones), where the phosphate is bound to it – creating PHOSPHOCREATINE in such way (see scheme). A person approx. 70 kg in weight has creatine resources totalling approx. 120 g (of which 60–70% is phosphocreatine, and the remainder is elemental creatine). The organism consumes approx. 2–3 g of this substance a day. From the point of view of practicing what is important is a substantial increase of the compound concentration in muscle fibres type II. TYPE

A page from history




Fish Cod










Meat Beef




Creatine content in selected meat and fish products.

Basic edibles containing significant amounts of creatine are meat and fish (table). It is worth mentioning, that persons promoting all types of vegetarianism have significantly lower level of this compound in organism when compared to people regularly eating meat..


Since phosphocreatine is a compound that renews energy, one may imply that increase of its concentration in cells will result in the improvement of training capacity. Many year research conducted at couple of dozen scientific centres confirmed suppositions, that creatine supplementation raises the level of endogenous phosphocreatine by approx. 20%. Also, experiments provided many other interesting pieces of information related to the use of exogenous creatine.

Body mass increase

Short-term supply of creatine substantially increases the body mass. This is influenced by a couple of factors. Firstly, it is a substance osmotically active, which means that it “attracts” water to the interior of cells – if the creatine concentration in muscle fibres increases, their volume will also increase. Visual effect will be the body mass growth. What is interesting, is that this “distending” of muscle fibres is a signal to start anabolic processes. Thus, what we have here is not only increase





he main energetic carrier in human organism is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This compound is decomposed into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate residue (P). Its reserve in muscle cells is sufficient however only for 1–2 seconds. In order to continue physical effort, we have to activate certain systems, which will replenish ATP and ensure sufficient amount of energy, relevant for a given physical activity. The phosphate train characteristic for the initial stage of physical strain (up to 6 seconds), particularly important in quick and intense sport struggle is a direct process of energy renewal in sprint, long jump, high jump and intense exercise on gym. It is based on decomposition of phosphocreatine which is accumulated in muscles, into creatine and phosphate residue. Then, released phosphate group is bound to ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and thus it replenishes the resources of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) – the main fuel for working muscles and whole organism. This simple scheme (1) of biochemical processes occurring in muscle tissue shows the key role of creatine in production of energy and explains, why this substance won such a popularity as a dietary supplement and became an ergogenic substance commonly used by millions of athletes worldwide.

Effect on sport practitioners included to the high intensity group In sports disciplines such as football, rugby, sprint or cycling, quick supplementation of creatine resulted in growth in stamina and muscle strength. What is more, scientists evidenced the increase in velocity of sprinters and shortening of the response time, improvement in jumping capability and footballers’ dribbling.

Effect of stamina athletes In this group of practising persons there were no important changes revealed after partake of creatine supplements. It was probably due to other systems of energy acquisition, different than the phosphagen trail. However, researches of State University of Louisiana suggest that creatine may increase the lactate threshold (a state, after which the concentration of lactic acid in blood significantly increases, making it impossible to continue the intense strain), thus being helpful for persons practising sports disciplines such as marathon, long-distance runs etc.

Positive impact on regeneration training Due to growth in anabolism and protein synthesis, creatine may be applied during trainings of definitely lower intensity. As research suggests, despite the physical activity using load within 40-50% of maximum weight we are able to lift, there was an improvement notices in capacity and growth in fatfree body mass.


There are three schools of administering exogenous creatine: SHORT ONE: 20 g of creatine during 6 days,




in volume, but also muscle tissue building. The effect is equivalent to growth in kilograms of our body (which was confirmed by research conducted at Memphis University). Another very important factor facilitating anabolic processes is protection of muscle proteins against decomposition.

150 140 130 120 110 100 0






Duration (days)

– 20 g/day

– 20 g/day + 2g/day

and then abort the supplementation. With charging stage: 20 g during 6 days, then sustaining stage 2 g until 35th day. Without charging stage (the most popular method presently): from 3 to 5 g daily during 28-30 days. Concentration of creatine in muscles as regards individual methods of its dozing is illustrated on the diagram below. From presented scientific data it follows that differences in methodology are minor. The third method however, seems to be most optimal due to quite constant concentration of the compound in muscles, which is benefi cial for developing stamina characteristics.

Individual differences

Unfortunately there were cases of persons noted, in whom the creatine supplementation did not bring about expected results. Usually, the genetics is being held responsible for such situation, and more specifically – differences in contents of muscle fibres of I type and muscle fibres of II type. Due to higher concentration of creatine in fast-contracting muscles (type II), persons with natural prevalence of low-contracting muscles (type I) may not achieve creatine level necessary to note positive changes in the organism.

Not only benefits

Unfortunately, some athletes, despite many positive features attributed to creatine, may also experience its unfavourable effects. Growth in body mass and increasing muscularity ambits, namely features pursued by body-building enthusiasts, in stamina sports, e.g. long-distance running or swimming, may result in more losses than benefit. Athletes who will have to

– 3 g/day

carry higher weight on the track will definitely incur losses in stamina, while the increased body mass of swimmers may have higher resistance against water, and achieve less favourable results in consequence.

Various forms and alignments At the present, supplementation market made very significant advances, which translates into enormity of available creatine forms and its diverse alignments The basis is creatine monohydrate (CREATINE MICRONIZED 200 MESH). There are also more absorbable and soluble forms, e.g. creatine malate (CM3, REACTOR PRO 3). We may also encounter more advance products, which composition includes - aside from creatine - many substances improving the work of muscles, stimulation, organism capacity growth, increase in anabolism or facilitation of post-training regeneration (NITROBOLON II, NITROBOLON ENERGIZER). These are however products for more advanced users.


Creatine is undoubtedly one of best examined and scientifically documented compounds applied in sport supplementation. To the benefits of its usage we may include: increase of intracellular phosphocreatine reserves, growth of fat-free body mass, activation of muscle protein synthesis, ability to change the osmotic pressure (retaining water in muscle cells) and buffering features (decreasing the level of muscle acidification), and also anti-catabolic effects. The above account, along with its reflection in practice, undoubtedly makes creatine the queen of supplementation aid.

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A BODY BUILDER Do you want to know how to make a success of your bodybuilding? Welcome to the world of David Geler! See what the every-day life of a TREC TEAM contestant looks like!


wake up



Though I don’t start work until 11.00, I get up much earlier to prepare all my meals for the day. I don’t like to eat out, it’s neither healthy nor nutritious, and certainly out of the question during the fat tissue reduction process. Generally, the whole year long I try to make sure that 90% of the meals I eat are home-made, then I’m know exactly what I’m eating, how much carbs, proteins and fat there is in my meal. I like to have everything under control. This lets me maintain good muscle quality and not build up too much fat tissue, even during muscle building. It takes me about an hour to prepare my meals, and along the way I sip my excellent whey protein isolate (CFM Isolate).



supplementation after awakening SUPPLEMENT



1 sachet


3 capsules


10 grams


50 grams

Partaking supplements in the morning is very important to me, as LIPO(X)PACK together with a portion of CFM whey protein isolate (ISOLITE) are the perfect wake-up call for my metabolism. Moreover, LIPO(X)PACK stabilises blood sugar level, and thanks to that I don’t have a problem with ravenous hunger during breakfast.

Egg whites

342 (8 eggs)


100 grams

Peanut butter

20 grams

Kcal: 641.32 / B-52.92 gr / WW-70.71 gr / T-15.16 gr This breakfast is a tried and tested meal I’ve been having for years. I don’t change it even when building muscle mass, though then I tune it up a bit by adding, e.g. a banana, and replacing peanut butter with jam or sugar. An omelette prepared like this is a great source of protein for my muscles, as it contains egg whites and carbs with low glycaemic index from oatmeal. It also has a suffi cient amount of healthy fats – here I’m referring to my favourite peanut butter without sugar and salt. I add cinnamon to the omelette, as it not only enhances the taste, but also contains chrome, steps up metabolism and regulates the blood sugar level.


Supplementation after breakfast





1 sachet


1 sachet


The worst thing that could happen to me while preparing for championships is a sickness or injury making it impossible for me to train. That’s why I cannot imagine supplementation without a good vitamin and mineral cocktail protecting my joints and muscles.

11.00-19.00 work

Just over two years ago I managed to open my own small business, nothing much, but for me, this supplement shop of my own became my salvation and changed my life. Only a few years ago, when I worked at a factory and had to do a hopelessly boring job, I kept saying to myself how wonderful it must be to have a job you like and which makes you want to get out of bed every day. I wanted a job like that so much that on the first opportunity, without hesitation I took out a loan and opened my own Vitamin Shop. Now I go to work with pleasure, I enjoy being in constant contact with people and being able to share my experiences with them. That’s why I did a personal trainer course and in my spare time I work with my customers individually.


Supplementation before meal II SUPPLEMENT



3 pills

I try to take so-called “day-long” amino acids at least three times a day before meals. They play a very important role in the diet, completing the amino acid content in food and leading to better use of proteins from meals.


Meal II


Supplementation before meal III SUPPLEMENT



3 pills

15.00 Roasted salmon

150 grams

Whole-wheat pasta

100 grams 100 grams

Roasted salmon

150 grams


Whole-wheat pasta

100 grams

Pepper, basil


100 grams

Pepper, basil

a pinch for taste

Kcal: 401 / B-44.15 gr / WW-60.2 gr / T-8.2 gr Salmon is a change for me from the boring chicken and one of the most valuable and tasty fish, rich in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn help direct carbohydrates to muscle tissue and accumulate the maximum amount of glycogen there. Apart from that Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system.

Meal III

a pinch for taste

Kcal: 401 / B-44.15 gr / WW-60.2 gr / T-8.2 gr Pepper and basil are my favourite spices, mainly due to their taste. Basil adds an incredible aroma and is good for the digestive tract and nervous system. Moreover, it alleviates bloating, stomach contractions and indigestion. It also has soothing qualities, alleviates symptoms of tiredness, depression and insomnia.

Supplementation after meal II SUPPLEMENT SU



2 capsules

I treat CLA as an additional stimulus helping me burn fat tissue, and though it’s not a strong supplement, it has direct effect on the reduction of stored fat. It also increases energy production from fatty acids and enhances skin condition.

Supplementation after meal III SUPPLEMENT



2 capsules




Supplementation before meal IV SUPPLEMENT



3 pills




Meal IV

Brown rice

100 grams

Chicken breast

150 grams


100 grams kcal: 539 / B-40,25 gr / WW-73 gr / T-1,95 gr

Supplementation after meal IV SUPPLEMENT



2 capsules


Pre-training supplementation




28 grams


8 capsules


1 sachet

I can’t imagine a good training without these supplements. I really enjoy training, as I feel the pump and feel my muscles, and my body burns fat tissue on its own when the right diet is kept.

Exemplary biceps and triceps training WARM UP

Cable single arm extensions, standing – 2 series: 40/30 reps


Cable single arm extensions, standing + hammer curls, sitting: 2 series: 15 reps


Decline extensions, lying + one-arm hammer curls: 2 series: 10 reps


Barbell curls, standing, 3 series + decline extensions, lying, 2 series 12–8


Standing cable curls + machine press ups: 3 series: 15–8


Reverse grip cable single arm extensions: 7 series: 15–10 reps (short breaks)

Weekly training schedule MONDAY

Chest/biceps – lightly/abdomen




Cardio training








Cardio training



Recently I included the Hany Rambod FST-7 method in my training. This method became very popular and highly-publicised after Jay Cutler won Mr. Olympia. I decided to test this new training and decide for myself whether it’s worth the effort. Until now, I managed to do only two Hany Rambod triceps and biceps trainings, but I can safely say that the pump is incredible, and I felt intense muscle soreness in my biceps and triceps for the first time in ages.


After training supplementation


Supplementation ahead of sleep






60 grams


3 capsules


3 capsules


5 grams


10 grams


3 capsules


40 g (20 minutes after training)

It is thanks to after training supplementation that you can obtain the best results in muscle building and prevent damage to your arduously trained muscles. That is why it is very important to skilfully match after training supplements and provide your muscles with all the necessary macroelements.


Meal V

Brown rice

100 grams

Chicken breast

150 grams


100 grams kcal: 539 / B-40,25 gr / WW-73 gr / T-1,95 gr

Supplementation after meal V SUPPLEMENT



1 sachet

In the case of the after-training meal, similarly to after training supplementation, time is crucial. To be exact, it is crucial how fast carbohydrates and proteins are digested and transported to muscles. Protein and carbohydrates are fastest absorbed in the form of white rice and grilled chicken breast.


Meal VI

OMELETTE Egg whites

300 grams (7 eggs)

Peanut butter

15 grams

Kcal: 641.32 / B-52.92 gr / WW-70.71 gr / T-15.16 gr

At the end of the day, the final thing I try to provide my organism with is undisturbed and sound sleep, during which the largest amounts of the growth hormone and testosterone are produced – which in practice leads to better muscle regeneration and growth. Therefore I personally don’t get up at night and interrupt my sleep for an extra snack or protein shake. Still, I do my best to include a lot of high-quality and slowly digestible protein in my last meal, e.g. NIGHT PROTEIN BLEND from Trec.



e h t r o f Patent L E E T S BODY OF c i l o b a n A ments supp le




ny one, irrespectively of the degree of exercise advancement and training experience needs additional aid. An optimum assumed for an ordinary person is certainly insuffi cient for people physically active. This principle concerns also those who only begin to train, as well as professional athletes. Why? Motor activity is accompanied with extreme growth of demand for certain key nutrients. Most of us are aware of this and supplement diet with additional building protein and energetic carbohydrates. Whether you have improve you training results, facilitate muscle regeneration or achieve excellent, athletic



figure, you need something more. We do not mean doping here! There are many entirely safe natural and legal bioactive substances, which, when applied in appropriate doses, contribute to the improvement of training capacity, facilitation of regeneration and muscle growth. The article below is a guide which will present you in clear way, how the most important natural anabolic substances work.

Anabolic supplements – special trained forces! Anabolic preparations contain specific ingredients or substances that penetrate into cell structures and very strongly stimulate hormone and enzyme machinery to protein build-

ing. They are especially active when combined with strength training, resulting in quick increase of strength and muscle mass. How do they work? After partaking, they penetrate into cells where they act on nucleic acids contained in cell nuclei. They stimulate natural growth mechanism, which results in activation of the protein biosynthesis process. At the first stage, the nucleus produces mRNA, a nucleic acid carrying information about the sequence of amino acids in the protein to be created. The message is then read and with participation of ribosomes, rewritten onto the chain of amino acids creating new polypeptide. In this way, all proteins in our organism are created – also

those building up muscles. Natural anabolic preparations stimulate muscle cell nucleuses, resulting in creation of new contractile proteins and extension of muscle mass. Anabolic substances contained in supplements may also directly stimulate secretion of hormones with anabolic effects: testosterone, insulin and growth factors. The strongest known ingredient stimulating anabolism is creatine. A significant role in this process is also played by substances stimulating secretion of hormones with anabolic effects. In this group of supplements, special attention is deserved by: plant fitosterols and some amino acids, as for example L-arginine.

Alternative for doping! Partaken substances with anabolic effects may be called anabolic supplements, however they should not be associated with doping substances which are hazardous for health and are frequently called in the same way. Term “anabolic” means substances facilitating anabolic re-

actions in the organism, however it is not an expression reserved solely for steroids with strong effects. Also certain nutrients, entirely legal and healthy, may have such effects. These are compounds which are generally found naturally in food or are produced by human organism. Administering them in increased dozes does not show any harmful effect to the organism. The combination of anabolic preparations with protein and carbohydrate-protein supplements constitutes an excellent way of building strong and solid figure. The supplements provides energy and building materials, while anabolic preparations facilitates intensely their utilisation and the muscle building process itself. In training programmes focused on muscle mass growth, supplements and anabolic preparations should be always applied at the same time. Only such combination enables full optimisation of the metabolism course and directing it onto growth processes. Full and quick muscle hypertrophy is caused

by a couple of factors, aside from excellently composed training and diet, also appropriate selection of supplements is of key importance.

Anabolic supplements – key to success! As in the case of everything in life, also training we should approach professionally. Any, even smallest physical activity causes serious changes in metabolism and increases demand for key nutrients. Using preparations with anabolic effects not only leads to faster muscle mass growth, but is also conducive to appropriate regeneration of contractile fibres. Using anabolic supplements enables achieving better results in each sports discipline, not only in body-building and strength sports. We should remember that when we support anabolism, we block at the same time catabolic processes, which are unavoidable effect of each hard training. Relevant level of the anabolism’s superiority over catabolism is a key to success in any sports disciplines.

aNabolic prEparations

In this group, there is a number of various ingredients, which are responsible for stimulation of various anabolic trails. Very often, in one supplementation cycle many of these substances should be combined in order to achieve maximum muscle growth result. Anabolic preparations differ in strength and speed of effects as well as in manner of influence onto the organism. In general, three most important groups of anabolic preparations may be discerned.

creatine preparations

amino acids




Trec Team

testosterone activators



AnAbolic Amino Acids Amino acids are particles included in proteins. There are twenty of them and they may combine with one another in many ways, creating countless, different proteins. Many of them not only supports muscle building by way of supplying building material, but also have an additional ability consisting in stimulation of anabolism. Such special features characterise among others L-arginine and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). They may be available as independent supplements or be included into the composition of more advanced preparations containing a number of other substances facilitating anabolic or anti-catabolic processes. L-arginine is an amino acid participating in various metabolic processes – it plays an important anabolic, detoxifying and anti-catabolic role. It facilitates division of cells, is responsible for growth of potency and fertility, strengthens immunologic system, heart and circulatory system. How Larginine stimulates anabolism? There are a couple of mechanisms of ana-

bolic action of L-arginine. First of all, arginine increases the level of a couple of important anabolic hormones, and in particular the growth hormone (GH) and insulin. At the same time, it is an initial compound for production of creatine – a substance with strong anabolic properties, and also a precursor of nitrogen oxide (NO). Nitrogen oxide produced due to L-arginine supplementation increases production of special transmitters (cyclic nucleotides), which play an important role in the process of stimulation of systemic protein synthesis. L-arginine, influencing widening of blood vessels, improves the circulation of blood with oxygen and nutrients, facilitating thereby supply of amino acids to muscles, which creates optimum environment for all anabolic processes. Another group of anabolic active amino acids are particles with branched side chains. BCAAs are three amino acids necessary for our organism: L-leucine, L-valine and L-isoleucine. They are natural ingredients of food reach

tEstostErone ActivAtors Testosterone activators are another important group of anabolic preparations. These are specifi c, natural substances of plant origin which influence the metabolism of testosterone. Through they analogy in structure to the skeleton of the strongest anabolic hormone, they show extraordinarily high anabolic activity. They regular usage helps to increase to level of natural testosterone in entirely safe way. Highly recommended are intensely condensed natural plant extracts of Tribulus terrestris, Korean Panax Ginseng, as well as common oat (Avena sativa), which contain a number of very strong compounds stimulating and supporting the operations of hormone system. The most important role is played here particularly by plant sterols (fitosterols), which in specifi c way influence the hormone system. Plant sterols not only condition the growth of the level and effects of sex hormones (mainly testosterone), but also prevent their unfavourable effect on the organism. Plant sterols may directly transform into steroid hormones, which in turn strongly activate intracellular anabolic mechanism. These sub-



stances also block special enzymes, which may destroy or transform testosterone circulating in blood in other compounds or hormones. In addition, plant sterols may bind proteins in blood circulation, which “intercept” testosterone and weaken its anabolic influence on the muscle mass growth. And thus, these unusually valuable and active plant compounds on the one hand increase the level of testosterone, while on the other watch this hormone to be active in the organism as long as possible. An important role in the process of testosterone synthesis is played also by minerals, and its shortages cause serious disturbances in hormone metabolism, which results in a drop of training capacity. Zink and magnesium take an active part in almost all stages of testosterone production. Besides, zinc increases sensitivity to testosterone, and also takes part in the increase of production of the insulin growth factor (IGF-1) Especially high effi ciency in regulation of hormone economy is showed by zinc magnesium chelations. (ZMA)

in proteins. They constitute approx. 35% of all the amino acids contained in muscles, and thus they are important building component of muscle tissue. Demand for BCAAs in sports is therefore high, irrespectively of the type of practiced training. Branched chain amino acids may be used by organism as a source of energy, substances stimulation growth of muscle fibres and contributing to protection of them, which is often taken advantage of in strength sports and body building. BCAAs, partaken before training, stimulate effects of hormones responsible for anabolism and also directly improves the nitrogen balance. At the same time, they stop the process of muscle protein degradation. Lleucine, which has extraordinary anabolic properties, stimulates complex cell mechanism responsible for protein synthesis process. At the same time it is able to activate to strongest anabolic hormone – insulin, which in result contributes to the fast growth of muscle mass.

tinE E CrEAtin prEparAtions What is creatine and what effects does it have on the organism? Very often, due to excellent efficiency and strength of stimulating natural anabolic growth processes, it is considered the queen of supplementation aid. Creatine is a natural organic substance produced in our body. In highest amounts, it is gathered in muscles. Creatine is responsible for a number of important functions, first of all it takes part in energetic and anabolic processes. Providing its additional portions in the form of supplement causes triggering of very strong anabolic stimulus, which results (given appropriate training) is quick growth of strength and mass of muscles. Creatine has multidirectional effects on anabolism. Among other things, it contributes, to the increase in the amount of mRNA, which directly translates into the quickness of protein biosynthesis in the organism, and is also responsible for transport of energy for proteins building. At the same time, it shows strong ergogenic (energy-creating) effects, allowing thereby performance of harder physical work. The more intense is the strain, the more actively proceeds the process of muscle protein synthesis after its ending (provided that appropriate regeneration was ensured).



CM3 1250 contains 100% of tri-creatine malate in extreme high dose. Each capnohydrate, tri-creatine malate is characterised by better stability and resistance to the action of acid gastric juice (it is not converted into useless creatinine). CM3 1250 penetrates into the blood circulation faster, and so its use causes higher dose of highly-energetic creatine to be stored in muscle cells.

CM3 1250 means:

Enormous increase in muscle strength and stamina Maximum increase of training intensity Stable and always high level of creatine in the organism Immediate replenishment of the ATP in muscle cells Increase of high-quality, “hard” muscle mass No subcutaneous water retention No risk of adipose tissue accumulation „KING SIZE” – Max Dose – is a trademark defining the maximum dose of active substance we were able to obtain in laboratory conditions in 1 capsule. In this case – 1250 mg of crystal clear tri-creatine malate.

Supplements Su pplements from the best laboratories in the world TREC NUTRITION products are available in the best points of sale of supplements as well as the biggest European chain of stores .

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VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY distinctly influences the growth of training intensity and raises by nearly 30% the stamina of organism during hard and longlasting physical strain. It replenishes reserves of glycogen 80% faster than traditional energetic supplements, ensuring most unusual comfort of muscle operations.



Patent of Professionals

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY AND OTHER CARBOHYDRATE PREPARATIONS? Traditional carbohydrate drinks contain in the composition only simple saccharides or a mixture of simple saccharides and maltodextrins. These are commonly included to so-called hypertonic solutions, whose use may result in fluctuations of blood sugar level (glycemic sway), contributing, among other things, to deterioration of physical and psychical comfort. VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY is an entirely different type of carbohydrate preparation, free from such disadvantages. Its composition includes special type of saccharides with so-called large molecular weight, nearly 100 times higher than saccharides in ordinary carbohydrate drinks. Thank to this, a special ultrahypotonic solution was obtained, which not only secures organism against the glycemic sway effect, but also enables more efficient gathering of energy in muscles. HOW VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY WORKS? Special physic-chemical properties of carbohydrates contained in VITARGO ELEC-

TRO-ENERGY condition maximum speed of liquid inflow from the digestive tract to muscles. Thanks to a high concentration of carbohydrates and simultaneous low solution’s osmosis, the preparation replenishes muscle glycogen reserves 80% faster than traditional energetic drinks based on maltodextrins or glucose. At the same time, it is the first and only drink for sportsmen, which in such a short time replenishes energy reserves in muscles. VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY distinctly influences the growth of training intensity and raises by nearly 30% the stamina of organism during hard and long-lasting physical strain. Athletes, who partake VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY less complain about troublesome muscle spasm effect, feeling of overtraining or occurrence of viral infections. This pre-

VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY contains special type of carbohydrates, which characterise in slowed solubility. Fill in the water bottle or shaker with lukewarm noncarbonated water in amount of approx. 200 ml. Then pour one 70 g portion of preparation (2.5 measuring cups without top). Stir, shaking intensely for 1-2 minutes, and then refill with water up to the volume of 700 ml. The drink is ready. The drink should be used up within 8 hours. Remember, never add sugar or other simple carbohydrates to VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY drink. HOW TO USE VITARGO ELECTROENERGY? Prepared drink may be partaken before the effort, during it, and also after its finishing. In the period preceding the training,

Athletes, who partake VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY less complain about troublesome muscle spasm effect, feeling of overtraining or occurence of viral infections. paration perfectly supports muscle work energetics, and also comprehensively regenerates the organism after intensive physical strain. FOR WHOM IS VITARGO ELECTROENERGY? The preparation has particular application in the case of athletes performing hard and long-lasting muscle work, which leads to quick and distinct lowering of physical and psychical energy. VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY serves best during the strain, and also before and after finishing intense muscle work. The preparation may be also used as an additional source of energy during a day in order to increase the glycogen compensation in muscle (recommended during “charging” with carbohydrates). HOW TO PREPARE VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY DRINK?

the drink should be preferably partaken in the amount of 200 ml, 20 min. ahead of commencing muscle work. During meal (if the meal lasts shorter than 60 minutes), the preparation should be administered in amount of 100–150 ml each 10–50 minutes. During the strain (if it lasts longer than 60 minutes), the preparation should be administered in amount of 150–200 ml each 20–30 minutes. In order to perform correct post-effort regeneration, a prepared solution containing approx. 50–70 g of Vitargo and 500–700 ml of water should be administered within 30 minutes after the end of muscle work. VIRTAGO ELECTRO-ENERGY, OFFERED BY TREC NUTRITION, IS AN ORIGINAL PRODUCT OF CARBAMYL AB FROM SWEDEN, THE ONLY PRODUCER OF PATENTED VIRTAGO FORMULA.



Katarzyna Matella


HAT IS VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY? VITARGO ELECTRO -ENERGY is a unique and especially improved carbohydrate preparation, which enables amazingly fast and efficient rebuilding of energy reserves in muscles, contributing to very distinct increase of organism’s effort capability. Preparation VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY was also enriched with special electrolyte system, which in combination with huge doze of highly-concentrated energy ensures most unusual comfort of muscle operations, securing organism against drop in physical and psychical forces and increase of uncontrolled muscle spasms.

Let the shape peak last forever!

How to raise libido in a safe way? organism’s own testosterone is necessary. It is believed, that the fruit of Tribulus Terrestris, without any side effects, regulates the operation of hormones responsible for the improvement of physical capacity, strengthening of the organism, as well as its faster regeneration.

What functions exactly does TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS have in our organism?


iredness, stress, badly balanced diet, age and applied medicines may exhaust your natural vigour and drive you to a condition, in which you are unable to achieve the peak shape – both physical, as well as psychical one. It leads to a number of processes, which contribute to weakening of your sexual activity. After hard, nervous day we do not usually fees like lovemaking. Some people apply Viagra and other synthetic aphrodisiacs, which are not always necessarily safe for us. The most important thing is not to only temporarily experience the improvement of our libido, but rather to enjoy a high sexual potential all the time. Utilising the natural medicine knowledge, TREC NUTRITION created a great preparation, called EXTREME MEN’S FORMULA. It contains a strong composition of herbs which have been regarded as aphrodisiacs for ages and which provide the energy stimulating sexual activity to the organism, directed exclusively to men. Concentrated plant extracts contained in the preparation have long tradition of partaking by people of India and China, where there were used as substances




supporting many physiological processes and helping men retain peak physical shape. The main ingredient of the LIBIDOX preparation is fruit of TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS. This plant is a legendary Chinese aphrodisiac known for more than 5000 years. Scientific research revealed, that saponins, indols and polyphenols contained in it influence the increased production of androgens stimulating sexual behaviours. The extract from tribulus terrestris may increase, among other things, the production of testosterone (by more than 41%), as well as an anabolic hormone – lutropin, (by 72%), which favourably affects the sexual drive and mitigates disorders of sexual functions. Especially athletes should remember, that a drop of the free level of testosterone leads not only to weakening of sexual functions, but also to the enhances secretion of cortisol – a hormone with strong catabolic effects, which induces negative process of protein decomposition. An undesirable effect of its action is losing muscle strength and mass, and therefore rebuilding and maintaining high level of the

In active persons, Tribulus causes growth of the level of testosterone and estradiol, which in turn influences faster regeneration and muscle strengthening. Research also revealed that Tribulus accelerates growth of muscular tissue after intense weight exercises

HORMONAL SYSTEM The effects of Tribulus in natural way performs a function similar to the one anabolic hormones perform This herb’s fruit accelerates creation of luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the production of free testosterone.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM For ages, Tribulus has been used in order to enhance the sexual drive and improve sexual condition. It is believed that it may improve the quality of semen, by increasing activity of spermatozoa.

CARDIO-VASCULAR SYSTEM Benefits stemming from the application of Tribulus are also noticeable in the operation of cardio-vascular system. Application of this herb beneficially influences maintaining appropriate blood tension.

Tribulus stimulate operation of the liver, influencing beneficially the distribution of fats. Scientists evidenced, that it has cholagogue effects and supervises the synthesis of anabolic hormones from cholesterol. Thanks to properties consisting in cleaning the liver from toxins, this preparation influences the improvement of protein metabolism and energy production.

KIDNEYS Tribulus may also restrain certain factors conducive to the occurrence of kidney stones. For ages, Tribulus has been used in order to ensure general health of the urinary and reproductive system; it was applied as a supplementary remedy in bladder disorders. Tribulus has also mild diuretic properties. As it might be see, Tribulus extract influences the balance of the whole system, not disturbing at the same time physiological mechanisms of its own hormonal regulation. It shows general strengthening and toning up effects, stimulates the organism’s vitality, and helps to sweep away the majority of sexual dysfunction symptoms. From the common sense point of view, persons who apply preparations whose composition contains Tribulus Terrestris, experience a general increase in mood, and their nervous system is strengthened – lifting the stress threshold, improving appetite, and most important, it is easier to achieve sexual excitement.

What other herbs in EXTREME MEN’S FORMULA support the organism in its combat against erection issues? Other herbs contained in the preparation are:

KOREAN GINSENG A concentrated extract of this herb applied in the preparation helps men with erection problems. It shows general strengthening and energetic effects, its application is advisable in supporting persons suffering from impotence, joint mobility disorders, sleep disorders and symptoms of chronic fatigue.

AMERICAN GINSENG The product was also complemented with second species of Ginseng, which also contains active ginsenosides, with complementary effects. Its supplementation improves the vitality of the whole organism, adds necessary energy and ben-

eficially influences sexual functions and general psycho-physical capacity.

MACA – MACA ROOT EXTRACT Scientific research evidenced, that extracts from the root of this plant, which is similar to sweet potato, have interesting health supporting properties. Maca increases the level of energy in the organism and aids memory and concentration. Due to a high content of natural sterols, the plant also supports the production of semen and the male hormonal balance.

DAMIANA A herb, which has been used for years as a traditional aphrodisiac in Mexico. It has been known since times of the ancient Maya, who prepared an energetic and libido strengthening brew from it. It is a rich source of natural flavons, tannins and diamantine (a brown, bitter substance).

COMMON OAT The popular cultivated crop is a rich source of flavones and active nutrients aiding sexual functions in men. Extracts from green oat help to maintain a high level of free testosterone at the cost of its more active, bounded form. This herb also supports the functioning of male gonads and has a positive influence on prostate.

SMALL FLOWER WILLOW LEAF Small Flower Willow contains mainly flavonoids and fitosterols. In folk medicine, a brew from this herb has been since long

time age considered a medicine mitigating ailments related with mild prostate hypertrophy, as it shows analgesic, soothing and relaxant effects. The herb is also recommended in inflammatory states of the bladder and kidneys.

D-ALPHA TOCOPHERYL SUCCINATE – A NATURAL E VITAMIN It is the natural form of E vitamin, which belongs to the antioxidants group – it blocks creation of free radicals. It improves the immunity of the organism and postpones the effects of cell ageing.

CAYENNE PEPPER FRUIT It shows strong oxidizing effects and enhances blood supply to internal organs. It has warming-up effects, regulates the operation of liver and increases assimilation of nutrients

ZINC Neutral transformation of androstedion in testosterone proceeds only with the participation of zinc. If the level of zinc is low, the above transformation proceeds slowly, and the testosterone is produced in lower amount. Zinc is a mineral element necessary for appropriate functioning of prostate as well as increased semen production

SELENIUM A mineral with strong antioxidant effects, necessary to retain high sexual capacity and to protect against stress. Its shortages may show themselves in decrease of interest in sex and general overexertion. When under influence of the a/m substances, and first of all, Tribulus Terrestris, a general improvement of mood takes place. The nervous system is strengthened, and the stress threshold lifted. The herbs increase appetite, and most importantly facilitate sexual excitement. Nutrients used to produce EXTREME MEN’S FORMULA were carefully selected, and only top quality products, with the highest concentration of active substances were used in production process. The concentration of respective herbs exceed many times individual products available on our market. Optimum proportions of individual active substances guarantee high efficiency of EXTREME MEN’S FORMULA as an aphrodisiacal preparation. A systematic application of the product will make your relationship with your partner flourish again.



Katarzyna Matella



1000 g\ 2000 g \ 3000 g \ 4800 g

1000 g / 1600 g \ 4000 g


TREC NUTRITION products are available in the best points of sale of supplements as well as the biggest European chain of stores .

Join us on webpages:

Supplements Su pplements from the best laboratories in the world



Do you create conditions for post-training anabolism? How to ensure comprehensive post-training regeneration

Katarzyna Matella


o you sometimes think of wasted opportunities, chances in life? Yes, I know, this is worst of all – to know you were able to do something and failed to. Yes, but whatever was, is irretrievably gone, it is history. For sure? What do you do when you finish training in gym? Think of it... You take a quick bath and run home for a little dinner? You feel so tired that you cannot bring yourself to eating? You do not attach importance to the things you do after training, because in your opinion it is the quality of the training which is the most important thing? If the answer is yes, I have to tell you, that after each training you miss a unique chance to start the anabolic processes in result of post-training overcompensation, constituting the expression of increasing adaptation of organism to the training. The fact is that all you do during first minutes after training should be focused on maximum gain from this opportunity. If you do not seize it after each training, then... sorry, but you will always look the way you look, and you will not experience a real transformation. These are the basic elements of



post-training regeneration, you must not forget about after training:

1. Replenishment of carbohydrates and hydration of organism When partaking a portion of carbohydrates after the training you replenish the “tank” of muscle fuel, that is glycogen, which is concentrated energy created from this very nutrient. You must take the benefit of this unique moment, when muscles are able to store more energetic material than before starting the training (it is exactly one of ways in which post-effort overcompensation works). The possibility of increased absorption of carbohydrates in muscles in enhanced then by raised sensitivity of muscle cells for glucose. For physical activity increases the concentration of GLUT 4 transporters – specialised cells, which make it possible for glucose particles to penetrate into muscle cell. Remember that even some time after the training your metabolism is frenzied and supplies of energy are indispensable for regeneration processes and balance (homeostasis) recovery. What is the best way to replenish carbohydrates? You may of course eat bananas, white rice, rice wafers,

which are a source of easily assimilable carbohydrates. The best way of replenishing them however is to supply them in the liquid form, as: MAX CARB or VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY ELECTRO-ENERGY ELECTRO-ENERGY. MAX CARB is a carbohydrate complex (mainly simple carbohydrates and disaccharides), which will ensure express delivery of energetic constituents to muscles. VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY is a somewhat more sophisticated formula of carbohydrates, containing specially modified complex carbohydrates, which ensure maximum saturation of muscles with carbohydrates without unnecessary insulin eruptions (about VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY you may read in separate article in this issue). Provision of carbohydrates along with water is a very important matter at post-training time. Without water it will be impossible to replenish glycogen resources. Carbohydrates are nutrient, which is unable to function in our organism without water. For 1 particle of glucose to replenish glycogen resources, as many as 4 water particles are necessary! Thus, drinking a portion of MAX CARB or VITARGO ELECTROENERGY will ensure quick replenish-

ment of glycogen resources, as carbohydrates goes into the system already with water. Imagine, that your muscles after training are desert, where construction works proceed. Without water, the work efficiency will drop significantly! The principle of carbohydrates replenishment after training concerns any person, irrespectively of goal pursued – both a young man striving for extension of muscle mass, as well as a colleague working on muscle definition. Persons who avoid unnecessary fat like the plague, may with clear conscience allow themselves for carbohydrates at this time. The demand notified by exhausted muscles is so large, that they have a priority in distribution of this nutrient in organism. It means that we may rest assured that adipose tissue will be the recipient of carbohydrates at the very end. If you not replenish carboohydrates after training, whatt you do in fact is making your-self more harm than benefit. Cutting out the energy supply in the time when muscles demand it will result in reduction of the pace of metabolism. Slowing metabolism means lower odds for anabolism to occur and unfortunately provokes organism to store up fat. A portion of carbohydrates which is recommended after training ranges from 0.5 to 1 g per kilogram of body weight. Why such a range? For how much of this nutrient one should partake after training depends on its intensity, period of training and the level of adipose tissue. Tomasz Lech „Papaj”, who was introduced to you in this issue of “REBEL”, as he is in the period of building-up muscle strength, drinks 100 g of MAX CARB immediately after training, while his girlfriend, whose weight is 58 kg, needs only 40 g of MAX CARB to replenish resources of glycogen.

2. Replenishment of effort-related amino acids and other exogenous amino acids During training, organism consumes large amounts of specific amino acids. First of them is glutamine. The demand for this amino acid, which is multiplied during the effort, is signalled by all body cells. What is interesting, is that it is mostly drawn from muscles. During intense regeneration processes, it is desirable to maintain a high level of glutamine, as it belongs to amino acids “which like water”,

namely highly reactive with it. Attracting water to muscles creates in them the most comfortable conditions for anabolic process to occur. The post-training time (provided that optimum regeneration is ensured) creates considerable chances for anabolism to occur (in result of posteffort overcompensation processes). One of conditions of creation of anabolic state is positive nitrogen balance, which is in turn conditioned by the high level of glutamine as main systemic nitrogen container. Our organism is small chemical laboratory. Various reaction, complex transformation incessantly take place in it. When organism starts to synthesise new systemic proteins (including also muscular ones), it uses all the amino acids available. What happens, when one of them is missing? If it is an endogenic amino acid (one our organism is able to pr produce), the organism will activvate processes of transaminatition, whose results will be creation of missing amino acid link from available amino acids and nitrogen groups. In these anabolic processes of transamination the glutamine takes part in, as it is the only amino acids which supplies amino groups (all other amino acids conveys the amino group by the agency of glutamine). So if at this time the glutamine is missing, the processes of synthesis will stop... When you finish the training, remember about partaking a portion of glutamine, preferably in the form of preparation: L-GLUTAMINE T6 or L- GLUTAMINE EXTREME. You should partake from 3 g to even 10 g of glutamine after training. This 10 g megadose concerns of course those who practise extreme trainings, athletes with high body mass. Aside from glutamine, we should indicate an important trinity of amino acids: BCAAs – that is branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine). These are the three amino acids constituting the main building material for muscular proteins. Their shortage may prevent anabolic processes from occurring. If during training many micro-damages to muscle fibres occurred, intense reparatory processes start after the training. Organism, as if forecasting what will happen in the future, and in concern that such situation will take place again, activates anabolic processes to rebuild these fibres in such a way so that they are even thicker and stronger. However, in order for the processes to occur, there

should be material for the damaged fibres to be repaired. This material are precisely BCAAs, which are contained in a product of Trec – Anabolic BCAA System (caplets) or BCAA Powder. You may choose: either 6–8 caplets of BCAA or 5–10 g of BCAA in powder (you may mix it with MAX CARB). To be sure, BCAAs and glutamine are perfect companions. Glutamine creates perfect hydro-basis for anabolic processes, while BCAAs provide muscle-building material. A balanced combination of this amino acids you will find in a product of TREC – BCAA G-FORCE (recommended post-training portion is 7–10 g).

One of conditions of creation of anabolic state is positive nitrogen balance, which is in turn conditioned by the high level of glutamine as main systemic nitrogen container. 3. Post-training time - the best way for creatine overcompensation From the preceding items you know that thanks to post-training overcompensation processes organism is able to store more energy (muscle glycogen), repair muscle fibres damaged during the training and make them even thicker and stronger. The post-training chance of ”rebuilding with surplus” concerns also creatine. Creatine is an amino acid (howevevver one which does not o ot build systemic proteins) s s) taking part in regeneraa ation of energy resources (ATP) during first seconds of high intensity strain. Training is always connected both with utilisation of its endogenic pool, as well as one delivered in the form of supplement. You must not overlook the portion of creatine after training, as your muscles are then able to gather more of it than at any other time of a day. Similarly as in the case of glycogen and BCAAs,



organism does so in concern that such situation of strain (training) will reoccur. After training, you should partake a 5 g dose of creatine, e.g. 5 capsules of Creatine 200 mesh or 4 capsules of CM3 (creatine malate). This dose of creatine should be combined with a portion of MAX CARB, BCAAs and glutamine. Under no circumstances you should combine creatine with proteins, as it will effectively make it impossible to saturate your muscles with creatine. A portion of proteins you may partake after approximately 30 minutes form training.

4. Muscle pump – a friend to regeneration processes NO (nitrogen oxide) booster are used mainly before training in order to invoke pleasant feeling of pumped-up muscles which significantly improves the training efficiency, and also as a carrier of creatine. Preparations of this group, by their relaxant action on muscularis externa of blood vessels, widens their diameter, increasing the inflow of blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to muscles, which significantly improves the energetics of the effort. It turns our however, that NO boosters’ effects are also highly desirable after training. Time in which the processes of post-effort overcompensation have chance to occur, seems to be quite limited. Unfortunately, an hour after training will be already too late. The processes of post-training regeneration should be started immediately after finishing the training, ensuring possibly quickest delivery of all nutrients necessary for metabolism: amino acids, carbohydrates. The muscle pump will facilitate their delivery. Large doses of arginine (the amino acid responsible for NO production) as well as citroline you will find in AAKG MEGA HARDCORE product of Trec. A portion of 4 c AAKG Megahargcore capsules will ensure quick transport of all nutrients to your ravenous muscles after training. Remember, literally every minute is valuable!

5. Restoring acidityalkalescence balance Intense effort is always connected with shift in balance towards acidity. Acidic systemic environment is however least beneficial both for regeneration processes, as well as for assimilation of any supplements. Disturbed pH reaction of the system will be restored to balance by: glutamine, full amino acid profile and water. We must remember that the best environment of meta-



bolic processes to take place should have a slightly alkaline reaction. After training, you should sip water in small drafts. To optimise the state of acidity-alkalescence balance, partake a portion of full amino acid profile, e.g. 5 capsules of AMINO MAX 6800 which will additionally increase the anabolic potential of your muscles.

6. Providing muscles with oxygen through aerobic training Performance of aerobic training session after hard weight training facilitates organism regeneration, significantly reduces the time of lactic acid distribution (a product of anaerobic energetic transformations). During weight training muscle cells were forced to work in the situation of incomplete oxygen supply. Now you must ensure providing oxygen to organism, e.g. by performing short, 15-minute aerobic training session. Probably the worst solution is staying in crowded, sweltering room after training – it will rather make it impossible for oxygen to reach muscular cells uninterruptedly. We are accustomed to think that aerobic training is the best way of fighting with needless fat. Unfortunately such thinking considerably limits possibilities of using training at the aerobic level. Such training may be used both in order to build up muscle mass (given a high-calorie diet it will pep up the metabolism), as well as to burn fat (given a relevant, low-calorie diet). There is however one, but extremely important catch to this. You may start aerobic training directly after weight training only if you replenish carbohydrates prior to that. Even recently, certain experts in the scope of training claimed that persons striving for body mass extension should not perform aerobic after training, because this will inevitably drive them into catabolism. Yet something entirely opposite turned out to be the truth. When abiding by nutritional guidelines, such aerobic training will plainly facilitate building up mass! First, a portion of MAX CARB or VITARGO ELECTRO-ENERGY, and only then short session of a training bicycle or a track (after ending the session I recommend to replenish carbohydrates once again in somewhat smaller amount, and then consume another planned, balanced meal rich in proteins).

7. Restoring mineral balance Muscle excitability, transport of carbohydrates, amino acids to muscles takes place thanks to the operation of the ion sodium-potassium pump. In simplified account, its action consists in the

fact that relevant concentration of sodium and potassium on both sides of cellular membrane (given relevant concentration of calcium and magnesium) enables transport of nutrients, amino acids, to the cell interior. A prevalence or shortage of any of them disturbs the metabolism at cellular level and free flow of energetic and building nutrients. In fact, a large portion of energy produced by the cell is used for the purposes of operation of this complex pump machinery. Training causes that in result of intensified energetic processes, production of sweat, we lose many essential minerals, of which the biggest losses relate to sodium and potassium (and also magnesium and calcium consumed by organism during muscle contraction). When you drink MAX CARB, you do not only replenish carbohydrates, but also main mineral shortages, and balance of minerals enables hydration of organism, transport of substances to the cells. A balanced formula of carbohydrates and basic minerals you will also find in ISOFASTER product of Trec – an isotonic drink concentrate. There is presently a lot of guidelines, which – when observed – will make it possible to introduce anabolic state to the organism after training. Imagine the following situation – three subsequent girlfriends broke up with you, irritated by your long hair. If you want to change this situation, you must introduce certain changes: either cut your hair or to break up with them before they break up with you. It is just the adaptation to changes in order to achieve the expected result. If you change nothing, next girlfriends will break up with you. It is the same as in training. If you will not create in organism conditions conducive for the occurrence of adaptation changes after training by way of fulfilling the above guidelines, you are not going to gain training effects you are dreaming of. Think, why do you train. To get tired, to bring your organism onto the verge of ultimate exhaustion or maybe to achieve better and better training results, build-up muscles? The choice is yours.


ROTEINS P T S E B F O % 0 10

750 g / 2000 g /2275 g


Supplements Su pplements from best laboratories worldwide TREC NUTRITION products are available at best points of sale of stores network, which supplements and the is the biggest in Europe.

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RED FASTER - an especially developed product – makes you experience an instant boost of physical and mental energy when you are overwhelmed with fatigue. Thanks to an appropriately balanced formula of neuro-stimulants, vitamins and minerals, the product dynamically activates nervous system and nervemuscle connection, thus contributing to quick increase in concentration and physical power. RED FASTER “lights the fuse”, then second by second the rate of energy processes is accelerated, to quickly explode with a huge dose of energy.

STAGE 1 - energy As soon as a few minutes after the ingestion of RED FASTER you can actually feel the vital boost. The effect is initiated by maltodextrins, which provide energy to the muscles, and prevent blood glucose reduction. The reaction is beneficial in terms of improved amino acid metabolism in the brain and preventing central nervous system fatigue.

STAGE 2 - stimulation Caffeine, a neurostimulator takes over. As soon as it is transported from blood stream to brain, it directly influences sensory and motor cortical areas, which delays fatigue symptoms. This in turn contributes to increased nervous cell mobility and stimulates the secretion of neurotransmitters which show activating effects, like adrenalin. This hormone regulates cardiovas-

cular functions and the utilization of energy substrates by the body. Within a short time of RED FASTER application, calcium ions spread out of endoplasmatic reticulum, and activate the break-down of high energy ATP molecules. Thanks to this reaction, muscles are quickly stimulated to contract.

STAGE 3 – concentration and general feeling This energy volcano would never, however, explode with so much force, if it were not for the participation of one amino acid – tyrosine. It is its presence in the body that is responsible for the radical increase in adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, and thyroid hormones concentration. As soon as a few moments of RED FASTER application a distinctive improvement in concentration, general feeling and increase in stamina are experienced.

anxious, instead of ensuring increased motivation and efficiency. In RED FASTER it is inositol that is responsible for controlling nervous agitation, as it plays an important role in the functions of neurotransmitters: acetylocholine and serotonine. Thanks to combining insoitol, appropriate vitamins and minerals, energy flow and chemical discharge within nervous system are closely controlled.

STAGE 6 – energy control RED FASTER would never prove this extent of efficacy if it did not offer psychostimulating effects. Its activity definitely goes beyond energy area, and this is mainly due to inosine, which is responsible for a number of functions in energy metabolism. This compound increases muscle ATP production and oxygen supply. In this way the body works more effectively, in terms of both aerobic and anaerobic effort.

STAGE 4 – delaying fatigue In indispensable reaction link which supports the effects of caffeine and tirosine is taurine. Without this amino acid RED FASTER application could bring about strong, but shortlasting energy stimulation. Taurine radically extends effort tolerance, which is a result of its specific effects on neurotransmitter functions. The presence of this compound in RED FASTER blocks the serotonin synthesis from tryptophan, thus preventing a decrease of concentration and physical strength.

STAGE 5 – protection against irritability The aim of most energizing products is maximum stimulation of nervous system. That is why, a number of them simply make you irritable and

Supplements Su pplements from the best laboratories in the world TREC NUTRITION products are available in the best points of sale of supplements as well as the biggest European chain of stores .

Join us on webpages:

Who is RED FASTER recommended to? The product is particularly dedicated to all those who perform frequent and exhausting workouts which demand strength, speed and extraordinary endurance. RED FASTER is also a perfect stimulant for everyone who deals with mental effort: drivers, office workers, students. It proves particularly effective in dealing with weariness and mental energy decrease.

Amino acid

no. 1


L-glutamine is one of the most important effort-related amino acids, without which full regeneration of muscles is impossible.


hile L-glutamine does not belong to the group of indispensable amino acids, it does not mean however, that we do not need it. Rather the opposite – it is necessary for the correct course of many key metabolic processes in organism. High level of L-glutamine not only guarantees the protection against catabolism. This compound, which is fundamental for the system, stimulates anabolic processes, accelerates post-training regeneration, r stimulates immunity and supports p assimilation of other important nutri-


L-glutamine is an amino acid, which most L ccommonly occurs in our organism. Paradoxically however, many persons have to d ccope with its deficiency, which is connected with enormous demand for this nutrient. e One of the biggest its reservoirs are skelO etal muscles. Each of proteogenic (protein e building) amino acids, also L-glutamine, is b necessary to synthesise new proteins. One n may say that this is not a big deal. Howm ever, if we take into account the fact that e L-glutamine constitutes more than 60% L of all amino acids building our muscles, its o rrole in supporting the effort turns out to be ssimply fundamental. It also participates in an extremely important process of transaminae ttion, in which our organism transforms amino acids into others which are at the moment n tthe most needed ones. Nearly 90% of nitrogen necessary to transformations of such g ccompounds originates from L-glutamine. The conclusion is thus very simple. In order T tto build up new muscle proteins, which is of ccrucial importance in the process of effort



adaptation and post-training regeneration in any sport discipline, you need first of all large doses of L-glutamine.

GLUTAMINE NECESSARY FOR ATHLETES In unfavourable conditions for organism, such as long-lasting stress, illness or simply hard training, the demand for L-glutamine increases rapidly, which in turn leads to depletion of its reserves. In normal conditions, organism is able to produce certain amounts of this amino acid by itself, however in conditions of large shortage, it lags behind with regeneration and starts to draw the amino acid among others from skeletal muscles in result of catabolic reaction. If we do not systematically supply sufficient doses of this compound in diet, our precious muscle mass will be very quickly depleted. Glutamine is not only an excellent building material. Its high concentration efficiently supports the process of regeneration of glycogen resources – the most important fuel for our muscles. This amino acid stimulates also enzymes responsible for gluconeogenesis process, namely the process of producing glucose in conditions of its shortage, e.g. during hard exercising. Lack of relevant glutamine reserve may thus lead to very serious consequences.

SHORTAGE OF L­GLUTAMINE LEADS TO OVER­TRAINING! During intense exercising, our muscles are able to consume approximately 40 g of L-glutamine. Numerous scientific examinations confirm rapid drop in level of this amino acid in the first minutes after finishing the training. If it is not levelled, it may lead to chronic shortage of this important bio-particle. Such condition is present in many athletes, who focus

more on training than nutrition. What are effects of this? Unfortunately, fairly more far-reaching than we think. Without Lglutamine, muscle cannot swiftly regenerate, as micro-damages occurring in result of training do not have chance to be furnished. In result, first symptoms of overtraining occur along with dramatic decrease in shape. If we want to overcome such stagnancy, we start to train more intensely, and we are caught in a vicious circle, which only makes thing worse. The harder exercises, the more glutamine organism needs. Such chronic shortage of it has serious consequences in the field of muscular cell metabolism. The level of ammonia and lactic acid raises, and in the wake of it – acidification of the whole organism, which in normal conditions is levelled by the very L-glutamine. Another problem consists in disturbing the water transport and a drop in cell hydration connected thereto, which additionally makes the whole situation worse.

WITHOUG L­GLUTAMINE YOU LOSE IMMUNITY! Shortages of L-glutamine mean not only deterioration of shape, they also mean lack of immunity! For this amino acid constitutes main fuel for all cells of immunologic system, and is also a constituent of one of the strongest antioxidants in our organism – glutathione. If you do not supplement L-glutamine, you lose your protective shield against dangerous viruses and bacteria, which may lead to chronic infections. Efficiency of operation of all types of cells of the immunologic system depends on constant deliveries of L-glutamine, so if you do not want to be ill, your every day diet must never run out of this amino acid.

L­GLUTAMINE SUPPORTS FOOD ABSORPTION! L-glutamine makes it possible for cells lining intestines to operate swiftly, and these cells are responsible for absorption of nutrients. Its shortage results therefore in decrease in the nutritional characteristics of food. In such a way, given insufficient con-

sumption of L-glutamine, also many other precious nutrients will not be appropriately used by the organism.

L­GLUTAMINE A BASIC SUPPLEMENT FOR EACH ATHLETE! Consumption of L-glutamine should be distributed with precision over whole day. In order to maintain levelled concentration of this amino acid in the organism it is best to use more of it, but in small portions instead. The total daily dose of L-glutamine should amount from 5 to 20 g, depending on the discipline and the extent of intensity of strain and training goal we wish to achieve. In figure-building sports, where we emphasise muscle mass building, partaking of this supplement should be at the highest level. What is also worth considering is the form of L-glutamine, which would be the best in our individual case. The best form to supplement in moments when we want to quickly increase its blood concentration, e.g. in the morning after waking-up, immediately after training or before sleep, will be 2–4 g of pure,

crystalline L-glutamine, for example LGLUTAMINE EXTREME, which is instantly absorbed. But if we intend to maintain its beneficial, long-lasting action and whole-day protection against catabolism, it is recommended to use 5–10 g of glutamic peptide, e.g. PEPTIDE GLUTAMINE, together with most of meals.

Kacper Zastawniak

Blood concentration of glutamine (%)

Differences during the absorption of L-glutamine amino acids when using L-Glutamine Extreme and Peptide Glutamine

T (min)



Problems with joints concerns most persons who actively practic sport. What causes, that their cartilages are worn, limiting mobilty and often leading to dangerous injuries? How to protect joints against overloading and support their regeneration?


How to avoid


imilarly as in the case of most health issues, also these related to joints are at first hidden. During intense training sessions we do not think of joints, but first of all we concentrate on muscles, as it is their development which is the most important thing to us. Such approach to training is inadmissible and may lead to very dangerous consequences! Training load should always increase gradually, in order for the all locomotive apparatus to keep



pace with it. Both muscles, their attachments and tendons, joints, and cartilages should have equal opportunity to get used to the strain. It does not certainly concern only amateur beginners, but often also professional athletes. If we do not see the problem and do not feel discomfort, we ignore it. It is only in the moment, when it starts to strangely “twinge” in joints or when first ailments appear, which limit our day-to-day activity, we start to think how to help ourselves? Irrespectively of the sport discipline we practise, we must take care of all the joints in equal way.

JOINT – AXIS OF MOTION In order to understand well the topic of supporting locomitive apparatus, we must firstly be aware of its construction and main functions. One of the most important elements of our skeleton are precisely joints, which enable our movement. Thanks to them, with the use of the muscle strength, we are able to change the position of one bone against another. Theses movements are often very complex and take place in many planes at the same time. Their execution would not have been possible yet without participation of connective tissue, which builds up the most important structural elements of locomotive apparatus and ensures their flexibility, resilience and résistance to distortions. This tissue is responsible for appropriate operation of joints. Its unique mechanical capability makes it possible to absorb impact, take


NUTRITION AND REGENERATION Similarly as in the case of muscles, also joints, cartilages and ligaments require relevant regeneration, protection and nutrition. We know, that proteins and amino acids constitute the main building material of muscle tissue, and their regular supplementation is necessary in any sport discipline. It is thanks to them that muscles are subject to incessant reparatory processes, which allows them for effort adaptation and enables constant development of our shape. But are we all aware how important is due care about connective tissue, without which we would have not been able to function normally? Just like muscles need incessant supply of building nutrients, the cartilage tissue must be regularly supplied with relevant structural elements. While our organism is able to produce them, they are however diminishing gradually with age. Furthermore, when we exploit our joints heavily, e.g. in result of intense physical activity, the demand of connective tissue for basic building nutrients, used for reparatory purposes, grows. In such a situation we should take care of supplementing them along with our dayto-day diet. Just as we learned to think about muscle regeneration, we should also remember about needs connected with joints, cartilages and tendons. Aside from relevant break between subsequent training sessions and relevant selection of loads, we should supply, along with meals, main nutrients, which support correct functioning of all components of the locomotive apparatus.

GLUCOSAMINE, COLLAGEN AND HYALURONIC ACID While anatomical structure of human locomotive apparatus is already well known, there are still intense scientific research underway on the influence of various nutrients on its operations and regeneration capabilities. Three compounds, whose healthy properties were many times confirmed, deserve special attention: glocosamine, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Although in chemical terms their structure is different, their joint supplementation gives similar effects. Supplementation of their shortages in diet leads to improvement in mobility and the range of movement in joints, and also excellently counteracts injuries, and in the case of their occurrence – facilitates recovery. Glucosamine is a substance belonging to the group of aminosaccha-

rides, which constitute basic structural element of joint cartilage. In result of heavy mechanical load, which are very frequent in sports, this skeleton is exposed to micro-damages. In order for the joints to work properly, they must be rebuild on an ongoing basis, as otherwise the process of joint cartilage degeneration dramatically accelerates. Collagen is a protein most commonly occurring in the organism and constitutes nearly 70% of all human proteins. Due to specific, fibrous structure, it has very interesting mechanical properties. It unites connective tissue and gives flexibility to it, as well as resistance against crushing and stretching. It would seem that if there is so much of it, its supplementation is unnecessary? Rather the opposite, in order to maintain relevant amount of collagen, it should be regenerated all the time. Hyaluronic acid is an essential constituent of connective tissue. It is a special, multi-particle biopolymer, which after mixing with water transforms into thick and sticky gel. Thanks to that it fills in the inter-joint space, nourishing cartilages and ensuring them at the same time necessary lubrication and minises friction forces. This substance also stimulates cartilage cells responsible for production of the inherent synovial fluid. Proper lubrication and hydration of joint cartilage is necessary to its efficient functioning and facilitates its regeneration. Connective tissue is not blood-supplied, and all nutrients are delivered to it precisely by the agency of water.

ADVANCED JOINT PROTECTION FOR ATHLETES You search for the top quality, complex products supporting joints? Use GLUCOSAMINE SPORT COMPLEX – a unique composition of glucosamine, hyaluronic acid and collagen. A preparation, which supports regeneration of joint structures, limits their degeneration and enhances production of synovial fluid, improving their lubrication. GLUCOSAMINE SPORT COMPLEX is recommended to persons exposed to increased joint loads, especially to athletes of such disciplines as team games, track and field sports, cycling and weight sports.

USAGE Recommended portion is 1 tablet 3 times a day, preferably immediatly after meal. The preparation should be washed down with approx. 300 ml of water.

YOU PRACTICE SPORT – TAKE CARE OF JOINTS! If you want to achieve success in your sport discipline, you must think comprehensively and professionally. Nutrition and regeneration are necessary not only in the case of your muscles, but also joints. Remember to carefully composes training plans and to overload locomotive apparatus. Always train in suitable clothes, as joints do not like high temperature differences, and take care of diet. An excellent idea would also be appropriately selected supplementation. Remember, that it is better to prevent that treat, and use a high quality preparation supporting joint functioning beforehand. It will help you to protect against the risk of injury and stagnation in training.




enormous loads and minimise the force of friction, ensuring relevant lubrication.

Future wit them off in the form of needless fat tissue, will also disappear. But these are not all advantages of ClenBureXin. It often happens that our muscles are covered with thick layer of skin, which gathers not only fat, but also water. ClenBureXin removes excessive fat and causes the skin to become sick.

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How fast you may expected satisfying effects to come?


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What is ClenBureXin and how does it work? ClenBureXin is an epoch-making discovery in the field of fat reductors. It was prepared by a team of American technologists as a multi-system formula whose aims is quick and safe reduction of needless kilograms. While other “burners” act within one plane only, nutrients contained in ClenBureXin helps to get rid of useless ballast in 8 ways: 1) It increases thermogenesis. 2) Increases fat burning during the effort. 3) Restrains appetite and hunger for unhealthy snacks, e.g.: sweets, fastfood. 4) Splits and helps to remove fat particles from the organism – lipotropic action. 5) Removes excessive water from under the skin – diuretic action, thanks to which muscles are more visible. 6) Increases motivation and willingness to start exercising – strong stimulating action. 7) Increases participation of fats in energy production during the effort, giving an energetic “kick”. 8) Prevents depression caused by decreased calorifi c value of meals and improves mood.

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ClenBureXin is a complete solution for you to “attack” the adipose tissue and get rid of it once and for all, and also escape from returning “yo-yo” effect.

How we may feel, when we use ClenBureXin? Within few minutes of partaking fi rst portion of capsules you will feel a sudden surge of energy and substantial improvement of mood. Next organism’s reaction will be pleasant feeling of warm, fi rstly occurring around stomach, and then spreading through the whole body. Don’t worry, it is a correct symptom of the fi rst stage of thermogenesis (production of heat with thermal energy spreading, which leads to burning calories and fat). The thermogenic effect lasts even up to 4 hours, during which your organism is able to burn nearly 100 kcal, an equivalent of 110 g of partaken fat or 240 g of sugar. When you organism will already be changed into “fat melting stove”, feeling of troublesome hunger for sweets and other dangerous snacks, from which the organism creates energy reserves, putting

For sure, the pace of obtained results depends on individual organism predispositions, but also on your commitment in the whole reduction cycle. First effects “in the mirror” may be visible already after 3–4 weeks. Why do I have to wait so long? The reason is that the organism on the fi rst place removes fat which is dangerous to our health, and which gathers around our internal organs, e.g.: around heart, liver, in coronary vessels. It is more dangerous fat (that fat under the skin) and thus ClenBureXin manages it in the fi rst place. We do not see this process, but after 3-4 weeks our organism may get rid of approximately 2-3 kg of fat deposits gathered inside our body. After this period, the next fat, with which ClenBureXin “gets even” is precisely the fat under the skin, which we see and which mars our fi gure mostly. Between 4th and 14th week of systematic use of the preparation our organism will remove approx. 0.4 kg of fat weekly (such amount of extracted fat is still safe

thout fat! for health). However, if you notice bigger decrease in weight, we recommend to lower the dose of preparation. After 14 weeks of supplementation with ClenBureXin preparation you may get rid of (and for ever) from 5 to 10 kg of useless fat!!!

Why ClenBureXin is better than competitive products? Most well-selling fat reductors have been present on the market for a couple of years already. Unfortunately, these formulas are bases on obsolete knowledge and nutrients, and results achieved with them are inadequate to highly advanced, new fat reductors. Theses preparations still sell well, but only thanks to high fi nancial outlays, incurred by companies on advertisement and promotion of their products. ClenBureXin is different. ClenBureXin sells well thanks to the satisfaction of the multitude of customers, which used the preparation successfully and boasts with achieved effects among friends, who also want to “get rid of useless ballast“. You too may join thousands of persons satisfi ed with their appearance and mood. Start to use ClenBureXin today.

even registered numerous cases of death after its application caused that in 2002, the production of supplements based on this substance, dangerous for health and life, was globally forbidden. Since then, a war has started on the market of supplements, for an ephedrine-free, effi cient fat reductor. Thanks to the best technologies in the world of the American Natures Value INC laboratory, the war was won by ClenBureXin and became number in the world among effi cient fat burners – and all this without ephedrine.

SUMMARY While ClenBureXin is not the cheapest, but it certainly is the most technologically advanced formula, which has appeared on our market since 2006. This scientifically designed accelerator of metabolism ensures amazing results in the form of quick and permanent fat reduction. ClenBureXin is presently the most effective, and thus best-selling combination of nutrients accelerating adipose tissue reduction in the world.

Is using ClenBureXin safe? Does it contain harmful and illegal substance – ephedrine? Not so long ago, ephedrine was the main ingredients of most fat burners. Thanks to its stimulating effects it helped to increase metabolism and weaken the feeling of hunger. For years, because of good sale and low production costs of ephedrine fat reductors new, better ingredients was not looked for. Hence, ephedrine prevailed. However, the related danger as well as negative effects of its using, in the form of heart palpitation, increase of arterial blood pressure, hyperactivity, tremble of hands, and

90 cap 180 cap

Supplements Su pplements from the best laboratories in the world TREC NUTRITION products are available in the best points of sale of supplements as well as the biggest European chain of stores .

Join us on webpages:

Fatigue, stress, badly balanced diet, age and steroid abuse are frequent causes of reduction of your sexual activity. The reason – lowering of your own testosterone production. Remember when you were 18, and your libido was undisturbed. What was the most important thing to you then? Would you like to restore the then sexual vigour and at the same time build upanamazingmusculature?Thereisawaytodothis–TriBulon.Themainingredientofthepreparation is the legendary Chinese aphrodisiac known for more than 5000 years, Tribulus Terrestris. Scientific research revealed, that steroid saponins contained in it influence the increased production of hormones stimulating sexual behaviours. The extract from this herb stimulates among other things, secretion of testosterone by more than 41%, which favourably affects the sexual drive and mitigates disorders of sexual functions caused by its decrease. Tribulus Terrestris regulates also, without any side effects, the operation of hormones responsible for improvement of physical capacity, strengthening of the organism. It may be surely said, that it is an acknowledged alternative for the forbidden and destructive steroid doping. Remember! Do not allow too low amount of testosterone produced by you to limit the development of your musculature and to weaken your libido. TriBulon is a preparation, which may ensure higher level of testosterone as well as related anabolic-androgenic initiations necessary among other things to: increasing libido and sexual capacity; increase of muscle size, hardness and definition; increase in strength and the size of the fight during trainings and sport competitions; facilitating regeneration and increasing resistance to tiredness. TriBulon provides the strongest and most efficient dose of Tribulus Terrestris – 1560 mg in one portion (2 capsules), ever available in Poland. A product of such strength is unrivalled on the market.

NOTE! TriBulon is a non-steroid product and does not contain any forbidden hormones, however it is designated only for healthy adults. Persons under 18 years should not apply this product. After 8 weeks of using you should make at least 4-week break.

Supplements Su pplements from best laboratories worldwide TREC NUTRITION products are available at best points of sale of stores network, which supplements and the is the biggest in Europe.

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