Between the Lines

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BETWEEN THE LINES Celebrating the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link

BETWEEN THE LINES Celebrating the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link



Page 4

Key Milestones

Page 8


Page 10

Design and Planning

Page 20


Page 40


Page 48


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Page 108

Key Milestones 1998 July: In-principle

2000 February: Environmental

2001 May: Funding for Epping

February: Work commences at

Impact Statement

to Chatswood section

approval granted by

NSW Government for a

exhibited to public

of the project announced

Minister for Planning

rail line from Parramatta

July: Parramatta Rail

November: Parramatta Rail Link Overview Report published

Link Company Pty Ltd established to deliver the project

by Premier August: Representations


February: Planning

approval granted by the

to Chatswood via Epping

July: Contract for tunnels and systems

Lane Cove River September: Tunnelling commences from

Report and Preferred

package awarded

M2 site

Activity Report published

to Thiess Hochtief

December: Private

outlining modified proposal September: HASSELL

Joint Venture November: Major

commissioned to redesign


Epping Station and design


three new underground stations




partners invited to create Public Private Partnership for Chatswood Transport Interchange

2004 January: State Rail Authority and Rail Infrastructure Corporation merged to form RailCorp; Transport

2005 January: Preliminary works commence at Chatswood Transport Interchange





April: New aerial

January: East–west pedestrian link

22 February:

opened at Chatswood April: Lane

Epping to Chatswood

New western platform opened

Infrastructure Development

July: Tunnelling completed

at Chatswood

Corporation (TIDC) established

September: Public Private


concourse and footbridge opened at Epping Station September: Water

Cove River worksite returned to public space May: Overhead wiring energised

Partnership contract signed

treatment plant on

July: Chatswood bus interchange

projects for NSW Government

between TIDC and a private

Lady Game Drive

opened October: Epping Junction

Factors for modifications to Epping Station published July: Tunnel boring machines break through at Epping November: A W Edwards awarded contract for new station buildings

consortium led by CRI


Australia for redevelopment


of Chatswood Transport

Fitout at Epping

Interchange; Major construction

Station and new

commences at Chatswood

stations completed

Transport Interchange

Rail Link opened for services

and electric train testing commenced

to deliver major infrastructure February: Review of Environmental


commissioned November: Eastern platform opened at Chatswood Station; Chatswood Junction commissioned December: Transport components of Chatswood Transport Interchange completed; Epping to Chatswood Rail Link handed over to RailCorp

and fitout (including Epping Station)



Expansive station entry caverns with optimal daylight penetration, clear and direct wayfinding, and twin tunnels with passenger walkways are just some of the

Design and Planning distinctive design features of the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link. Enhanced passenger comfort and safety are the result of a striking, innovative vision.


or the many people who use the Epping to

through the tunnel portals created on the Northern and

Chatswood Rail Link, the most visible parts of the

North Shore lines to connect the new rail line to the

new transport corridor are the five railway stations

existing network.

involved – the distinctively rebuilt Epping and Chatswood

Some distinctive design decisions were applied to the

stations at either end, and three striking new intermediate

tunnels. One was to build a passenger walkway at platform

stations, each with similar open designs, at Macquarie

height along the entire inner wall of each tunnel, so that

University, Macquarie Park and North Ryde. The twin rail

in the event of a train breakdown or fire, passengers have

tunnels are underground and out of sight for their entire

an easily accessible exit route in each direction, including

12.5-kilometre length. The rail lines rise to the surface

access to the other tunnel. Another was to design the


Previous page: The design of the Chatswood Transport Interchange reconnects the eastern and western sides of the rail corridor via a pedestrian link with escalators, lifts and stairs. Far left: Each 7.2-metre diameter tunnel contains an elevated walkway along its entire length to allow easily accessible passenger evacuation from all train doors in the case of an emergency. Left: The new Epping Station aerial concourse makes use of glass to maximise natural light. Below: Glass lifts on the Beecroft Road footbridge at Epping Station maximise natural light and assist with passive surveillance and security. Source: A W Edwards

track to meet the requirements for regenerated noise set

the regenerated noise level around buildings located above

out in the Minister for Planning’s Conditions of Approval

the rail tunnels. The predicted regenerated noise level

for the project. This involved two different types of track,

determined which of the two types of track would be laid

known as Direct Fixation Fastener and Floating Slab Track.

in each section of the tunnels.

These track types use rail fixings and rubber bearings to

Each circular tunnel is 7.2 metres in diameter. They are on

reduce the amount of vibration a train makes on the rail

average 14 metres apart with connecting cross passages at

track, therefore reducing the amount of vibration that

approximately 200-metre intervals (maximum of 240 metres

travels through the earth to the surface. Modelling was

separation). The maximum gradient is 2.9 per cent (1 in 34)

undertaken by specialist acoustic consultants to predict

and the tightest curve, with a radius of 585 metres, is



Right: HASSELL’s vision for the new underground stations as shown in this 3D render was transformed into reality by A W Edwards (far right). Below: The entrance canopies for the new underground stations are sheltered by a large, glass canopy that brings daylight deep into the entry cavern and curves to echo the movement of passengers down into the station. Source: HASSELL

1 kilometre east of Epping. With an array of new electrical and electronic services, the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link is the most modern section of the entire RailCorp network.

Epping Station Redevelopment In September 2001, architectural firm HASSELL was commissioned to redesign Epping Station and design the three new underground stations. The new Epping Station layout, which incorporates a platform building from the original station built in 1899, is designed to provide clear



‘Sustainability underpins HASSELL’s approach to design. A high level of daylighting and good natural ventilation on the concourse minimises the need for artificial lighting and avoids mechanical ventilation. Materials and finishes have been selected to be highly durable and vandal resistant with minimum maintenance requirements.’

passenger circulation and make it easy for passengers

and avoids mechanical ventilation. Materials and finishes

to find their way around. In design notes, HASSELL

have been selected to be highly durable and vandal

described its design philosophy in the following terms:

resistant with minimum maintenance requirements.

‘The design of the station is bold and contemporary

The overall high standard of finish and emphasis on ease

in keeping with the aim of the project to stimulate

of use by passengers will encourage the use of the rail

regeneration and development around the station precinct.

network with the resulting wider environmental benefits

Sustainability underpins HASSELL’s approach to design.

to the community.’

A high level of daylighting and good natural ventilation

The ground is higher on the eastern side of Epping Station,

on the concourse minimises the need for artificial lighting

at Langston Place, so a spacious aerial concourse has



Above: The new station entrance canopies’ overlapping glass structure invites controlled daylight to the concourse level below, provides shelter to escalators and induces the passive flow of ventilating air. Source: HASSELL



been designed to run off the street above the surface

for fans, equipment for the underground platforms and

platforms, providing clear views to the north, west and

emergency egress stairs. The overall works at Epping

south. From the outside the aerial concourse is the

include a new bus interchange on the eastern side and

station’s dominant visual feature. It is supported on large,

a new footbridge with lift access over Beecroft Road to

high-strength concrete columns designed to withstand

the west. Passenger and staff safety is promoted through

being hit in the unlikely event of a derailed train.

clear lines of sight, allowing good passive surveillance,

Above the concourse, the columns support steel trees

and full closed-circuit television coverage for security

that carry the roof. Large roof lights above the steel trees

monitoring. Fire safety is always a key consideration in

let daylight into the centre of the concourse. At night,

the design of large public buildings. Detailed smoke

the ceiling is uplit by lights mounted on the steel trees

modelling of the underground station cavern confirmed

to create an inviting station presence.

the mechanical ventilation system could maintain tenable

Down on the platforms, which benefit from natural

conditions in the event of a fire. Similar smoke modelling

ventilation and large roof lights, an overhanging roof

of the surface platforms and the aerial concourse above

and glazed facades provide a sheltered environment.

them checked that natural ventilation could disperse

The passenger flow leading to the surface platforms,

smoke from a train fire or other fires.

and down to underground platforms for the Epping to

New Station Design

Above: The design of the Epping Station aerial concourse, as shown in this 3D render,

Chatswood Rail Link, is by way of escalators, stairways

The open sight lines approach has been carried over in

and lifts – providing equitable access for all commuters.

spectacular fashion to the three new underground stations.

lights to allow significant

The new underground platform escalators at Epping are

These are clustered along the developing hi-tech industrial

daylight penetration, left.

the longest in Australia; each escalator is 43 metres from

corridor anchored by Macquarie University and the

top to bottom. One of the largest hydraulic slewing cranes

Macquarie shopping centre at the western end (Macquarie

in Australia, a 400-tonne mobile crane, was needed to

University Station) and the CSIRO Delhi Road research

install them. Other features include two service buildings

complex at the eastern end (North Ryde Station). Midway

incorporates large roof

Graphic source: HASSELL



Above: Macquarie University Station western entry. The new stations have been designed to

between these two stations lies Macquarie Park Station, at

corner of the 126 hectares that houses around 30,000

the major intersection of Waterloo Road and Lane Cove Road.

students at Macquarie University (a number which may

The spine of the Macquarie Park/North Ryde research and

well rise in coming decades). Macquarie University

technology corridor is Waterloo Road, running east–west,

notes it will become the only university in Australia with

parallel to and north of Epping Road. Macquarie University

a rail station on its environs (the next nearest being

Station sits almost 30 metres below the junction of

Sydney University, with Redfern and Macdonaldtown

Waterloo Road and Herring Road, with entrances on each

stations some blocks away).

side of Herring Road. The eastern entrance abuts the large

Each of the stations has a similar configuration.

Macquarie shopping centre. The western entrance is on a

Passengers enter through a station entrance at ground

be instantly recognisable and a signature for a contemporary rail system, confidently marking the place of the stations in their local areas. Far right: 3D render of the Macquarie Park Station entry cavern. Source: HASSELL



‘Most underground stations direct people to individual platforms through uninviting and potentially unsafe tunnels. The Epping to Chatswood Rail Link station caverns are the first in Australia, and some of only a handful in the world, to combine passenger cross-track circulation and platforms in a single volume.’ Source: HASSELL

level then move down to a general concourse (the ‘unpaid

artificially lit labyrinths and rabbit warrens familiar from

concourse’) by escalator or lifts. Once they have passed

the London Underground, the Paris Metro and other

through the ticket barriers into the paid concourse,

underground rail stations in Europe and the United States.

escalators, stairs and lifts transport passengers down

The approach on the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link,

to an island platform.

however, was not to backfill. Each entry to the new

Traditional underground rail stations see any unused

stations has a large glass canopy that curves to follow

excavation volume filled in, leaving just the actual train

the movement path of passengers and bring daylight

tunnels, platforms, connecting tunnels, and access shafts

deep into the entry cavern. ‘This has created a stunning,

(lifts) and declines (escalators, stairways). Hence the

top-lit space of cathedral-like proportion, maximising



atriums incorporated in some notable above-ground

Access to the stations is equitable, with the design

high-rise buildings. These deep atrium-equivalents go

incorporating lifts, hearing augmentation loops, tactile

down eight storeys. The lifts have a panoramic view

paving for people with vision impairment and emergency

and the escalators are reversible (for example, to stop

refuges for people with limited mobility. The emergency

carrying people down towards a fire).

refuges include telephone links to emergency services.

A ventilation system exhausts heat from passing trains

Chatswood Transport Interchange

and pulls in fresh air for waiting passengers.

Chatswood Station has also undergone major revitalisation

Underground, the deep arched vaults carved out of

as part of this project. Chatswood is a nominated Major

Hawkesbury sandstone are lined with a curved aluminium

Centre in the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Strategy

ceiling. Continuous uplighting gives a bright, welcoming

and is a major shopping and business centre for the

atmosphere. The walls are clad with purpose-made

surrounding area. Its appeal is further enhanced

glass-reinforced concrete panels, pigmented in a local

by the new rail connection, not just to the Macquarie

sandstone colour. The platform cavern is 10 metres high

Park/North Ryde hi-tech development corridor, but also

to allow clear, open views for passengers and staff, thus

to the residential suburbs on the other side of Epping.

providing a safe and secure environment.

Chatswood Station is the ninth busiest on the CityRail

Above (photo) and left (3D render):

The sustainable design approach began by minimising

network, handling more than 35,000 people a day.

The redeveloped Chatswood

the volume of excavation required by specifying space-

This number is expected to exceed 50,000 by 2021.

saving asymmetrical caverns. It was then extended to

The original configuration of the rail line and interchange

concourse providing a north–south

re-using the spoil from the excavation in the building of

acted as a divider, cutting Chatswood in half. This

connection from Victoria Walk

the Westlink M7 motorway, which was being constructed

became increasingly evident as rapid growth in the

at the same time. In addition, the tempering effect of

precinct resulted in two distinct pockets of high-density

stable-temperature underground earth and rock saves on

residential and office space. A solution that effectively

airconditioning, while low energy lighting cuts power costs.

linked both areas was required.

Station is situated on an elevated rail deck, with the lower pedestrian

to Albert Avenue. Graphic source: Cox Design Inc



Original planning for the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link envisaged two side platforms and one central island platform at Chatswood to service the two sets of twin tracks. But, in late 2001, it was decided a better configuration would be two island platforms, one for northbound services, one for southbound. That way a commuter from the city on a northbound North Shore Line train going to Macquarie Park, for example, could get off at Chatswood and simply



‘Excavating beneath the tracks and their two island platforms made Chatswood Station effectively a 400-metre bridge. A main concourse level and pedestrian level were designed to run underneath, providing clear sight lines and pedestrian access helped by lifts, escalators and stairs.’

stroll to the other side of the same platform to wait

barriers between the two sides of Chatswood town

Above: The Chatswood Transport

for the next train going towards Epping.

centre and a tired retail precinct.

Interchange redevelopment incorporates

In the previously cramped quarters surrounding

The Chatswood Transport Planning Coordination

Chatswood Station, this configuration required the

Committee was set up in January 2002 to consider

acquisition of some local properties, including the

a number of options for the redevelopment of the

Marketplace Interchange and the Buddhist Temple.

interchange at Chatswood. A decision on a preferred

The increased space offered a chance to remedy the

option was made in February 2003. This option

Left: Lifts provide easy access to the

lack of access for people with limited mobility, poor

included convenience retail and three residential

station concourse from the ground level

security, confused wayfinding, poor station identity,

towers, with three levels of underground car park.

four floors of retail and commercial space to support the growth of this major centre. Source: Cox Design Inc Far left: At 43 metres from top to bottom the escalators at Epping Station are the longest in Australia.

entry of the new underground stations.



In December 2003, the government invited private

the station effectively a 400-metre bridge. A main

groups to join it in a Public Private Partnership to

concourse level and pedestrian level were designed

deliver the Chatswood Transport Interchange, with

to run underneath, providing clear sight lines and

the private partner owning the rights to the retail and

pedestrian access helped by lifts, escalators and stairs.

residential development in return for constructing the

In the early stages of the design development, the three

public transport infrastructure.

residential towers were to be evenly spaced along the

In September 2005, TIDC signed a Public Private

railway line. This idea was dropped, however, in favour

Partnership contract worth $361 million with a private

of grouping them centrally, maintaining the east-west

consortium led by developer CRI Australia. In addition

sight lines and condensing them into the street pattern

to the redevelopment of Chatswood Station, the

with taller but more slender towers, allowing an arc of

Chatswood Transport Interchange project would

sunlight through to the south during the day.

provide an upgraded bus interchange and taxi ranks,

The developers needed to provide a layout that would

10,000 square metres of convenience retail, three

let through sunlight at the correct times during the growth

future residential towers of 500 plus apartments –

season for Chatswood’s Garden of Remembrance, just

staged for demand – and three levels of basement

to the south of the station.

car parking for 505 cars.

‘The old interchange building was very divisive’, says

For the new design, the proponents agreed that

James Hadaway, Assistant Director, Architecture and

incorporating glass and steel for

pedestrian connections should run north–south as well

Urban Design at TIDC. ‘It was like a maze. If you look

natural light and visual presence.

as providing improved access between the eastern and

at old photos, the Orchard pub was a very prominent

western areas, the centre of Chatswood should be made

landmark. We’ve restored its heritage status by clearing

greener and rejuvenated, the transport interchange should

the sight line. We have provided the pedestrian links

be improved and sight lines should be cleared. Excavating

and reconnected the precinct not just from a physical

beneath the tracks and their two island platforms made

point of view, but also from a visual point of view.’

Above and right: The designs of Chatswood, Epping and the three new stations (Macquarie University Station pictured) are striking and modern,



Throughout the construction of the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link, safety in the workplace was the number one consideration. All parties involved, from TIDC and RailCorp to contractors and subcontractors, worked towards the goal of ensuring everyone returned home from work safely every day. The commitment to safety across all aspects of the project resulted in a lost time injury frequency rate well below the industry average.

Safety First The lost time injury frequency rate across the life of the project was 4.4, compared with the construction industry average of 16.7 (WorkCover figure for 2006–2007). While contractors were responsible for the day-to-day safety requirements of their sites, TIDC ensured that necessary legislative requirements were being met and regularly inspected sites and conducted audits to ensure all worksites were as safe as possible. A desire to exceed expectations and achieve best

practice outcomes in safety management saw the installation of defibrillators at all project offices and worksites in 2007 and 2008. This initiative saw immediate results when in early 2008 a subcontractor at the Chatswood Transport Interchange site went into cardiac arrest. The site’s first aid officers used the defibrillator to successfully revive the worker before an ambulance arrived. Knowing this worker was able to return home to his family gave immense satisfaction to everyone involved.



Over 12,500 workers contributed to the successful completion of the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link. The opportunity to join a team working on an infrastructure project

People of this scope and significance attracted a highly skilled workforce from all areas of the design, construction and building industries.


ver the years that the Epping to Chatswood

people who were left with a sense of achievement at

Rail Link project assembled its workforce,

successfully completing this massive infrastructure project.

Australia was experiencing a shortage

‘From a company point of view, our biggest achievement

of skilled people for infrastructure investment, as a

has been building a team of personnel who could

resources boom in coal, iron ore and other minerals kept

successfully meet the challenges of the project and

the pressure on the sector. Yet the drawcard of working

provide a product which we are proud of and which

on a major, high-tech project like the Epping to Chatswood

is consistent with the expectations of all stakeholders’,

Rail Link helped the various contractors find the labour

says Chris Mulvey, Project Manager at A W Edwards.

they needed to create a quality team of thousands of

‘Led by a core group of highly skilled and dedicated


‘The project involved more than 12,500 workers – completing more than 13 million work hours. This comprised the full array of professional and trade skills used in design, construction and building.’

company staff members, supplemented by a select

Engineering specialists included civil, structural,

Previous page:

group of new personnel, the team included skilled

mechanical, electrical, computer science and

The tunnelling team celebrating

subcontractors specifically chosen based on their

telecommunications engineers and surveyors.

expertise in this work, highly competent consultants

Metal trades included metalworkers, boilermakers/

and a well trained and motivated site workforce.’

welders, fitters, sheetmetal workers, steel fixers

The project involved more than 12,500 workers –

and fencers. To install services there were

completing more than 13 million work hours.

electrical communications trades, airconditioning

This comprised the full array of professional and

mechanics, electricians, lift installers, escalator

trade skills used in design, construction and building.

installers, sprinkler fitters and signage installers.

the breakthrough at Epping in July 2004, following 10 months of tunnelling.




Then there was the whole collection of building

able to call on a range of management and technical

trades, including stonemasons, glaziers, pavers,

skills from within the company for construction of the

waterproofers, formworkers, membrane applicators,

Chatswood Transport Interchange.

scaffolders, plasterers, concreters, plumbers, roofers,

‘In such a multifaceted construction, Laing O’Rourke

bricklayers, carpenters, painters and landscapers.

engaged the services of the internal divisions of

Specialist tunnel workers were brought in from

infrastructure, rail, civil and building groups of the

Germany to help operate the American Robbins

company’, he says. ‘To facilitate this, there was transfer

tunnel boring machines.

from within the various groups. In order to tap the

Ed Selby, Project Director at Laing O’Rourke, was

potential of these separate but complementary groups,


The successful completion of this project would not have been possible without the skills and efforts of a wide range of people. Their commitment is highly valued.

the site was set up to run independently of the

through to the project’s opening in 2009 – and a

day-to-day group managements, but able to draw on

number of individuals were involved in every stage’,

the support of those in upper management.’

recalls Andrew Johnson from United Group Limited.

A key part of managing people successfully on a major

‘Our people worked with the client and other

project is ensuring that all parties involved can continue

contractors to overcome the challenges that always

to cooperate and make progress on their work despite

emerge on a project of this scale.’

challenges which may arise. ‘More than 400 of UGL

For Geoff Crowe, Architectural Design Manager at

Infrastructure’s people were involved in the Epping

HASSELL, one attraction of the project for the

to Chatswood Rail Link from the tender stage in 2001

architects was the opportunity to lead the design



Environmental management and protection were prime considerations in the planning and construction of this project. The re-use of spoil, water recycling, bush regeneration

Environment and the respectful treatment of heritage items were just some of the environmental management practices undertaken in order to leave a positive environmental legacy.


he potential impacts on the local and regional

Station and the Chatswood Transport Interchange.

environment from a project the size of the Epping

The Minister for Planning approved the project in February

to Chatswood Rail Link were a prime consideration

2002, subject to a number of Conditions of Approval (which

during its planning phase. An Environmental Impact Statement

were modified in response to the Review of Environmental

was prepared and publicly exhibited in early 2000. The

Factors in 2003 and 2004), many of them related to

Environmental Impact Statement outlined the potential impacts

environmental management and protection. To ensure the

associated with the project and recommended measures to

conditions were met, and to inculcate a general culture of

ameliorate them. In 2003 and 2004 a Review of Environmental

environmental awareness, a large team of environmental

Factors was prepared for both the redevelopment of Epping

staff was employed to cover six major worksites, including


the river crossing site inside Lane Cove National Park. Independent certified auditors of the International Standards Organisation’s environmental management standard ISO 14001 carried out audits of environmental design and construction systems. Over the life of the project, 96.7 per cent compliance with the Minister’s Conditions of Approval was achieved. Re-use and recycling was an important aspect of the job. Most of the soil and rock excavated by the tunnel and station cavern work was re-used on the construction of the Westlink M7

motorway as roadway and pavement fill, saving alternative

was re-used on site for cleaning and dust suppression.

disposal costs for TIDC and alternative fill acquisition costs

Urban bushland management consultants were engaged

for the motorway. It took 122,166 truck journeys to shift a

from 2002 to collect and store seeds from over 30 species

Page 92/93 left and right: Construction works

total spoil volume of 1.5 million cubic metres, enough for

of local grasses, shrubs and trees for subsequent

were undertaken in a live rail environment in the

a large Egyptian pyramid. At the water treatment plant at

regeneration. Over 14,000 trees and plants were planted

the M2 site, on the corner of Epping and Delhi Roads,

during the construction of the project. Where vegetation

an average of 1.3 million litres of water a day was treated

was permanently lost, offset regeneration was provided

between November 2003 and September 2006. From

elsewhere. In 2006, vegetation removal at a new electricity

April 2004, an average of 25,500 litres of water a day

substation in Beecroft was offset with funding for Hornsby

Previous pages – Chapter header: The Lane Cove River with Fullers Bridge in the background prior to construction of the tunnel crossing.

busy town centres of Chatswood and Epping. Page 92/93 centre: Spoil from the excavation of the tunnels was re-used on the construction of the Westlink M7 motorway.



Far left: Five historic Canary Island Date Palms were donated to the Macquarie Park Cemetery and Crematorium after being removed from the location of the new North Ryde Station in 2003. Centre and above: Regeneration works at the Lane Cove River worksite included restoration of a Depression-era sandstone bench and revegetation using native grasses.



Shire Council’s bush regeneration at the Castle Howard bushland reserve in Beecroft. In 2008, following some vegetation removal from roadworks in Delhi Road for the new North Ryde Station, an offset strategy was agreed with the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change to provide bush regeneration and signage in Wallumatta Nature Reserve, a rectangular reserve a few blocks south-west of Epping Road in North Ryde. Five historic Canary Island Date Palms were preserved



Far left: This 1901 heritage-listed signal box was removed from the old Chatswood Station prior to demolition then restored and erected in the new bus interchange. Source: Heine Architects Centre: The sandstone riverbank walls at Lane Cove River were reinstated following completion of the tunnel crossing. Left: Large panels displaying images of the Chatswood area and Chatswood Station dating back to its 1890 opening were installed within the station concourse. Below: The interwar Spanish Mission-style Seymours Service Station at Chatswood is considered to be of heritage significance and was acquired by TIDC to accommodate the widening of the rail corridor in this area.

after they were removed from the front of the North Ryde

Gang-gang Cockatoo, Powerful Owl and the Red-crowned

Station site in 2003 using a high-pressure water laser and

Toadlet, which gained extra habitat. A nesting pair of Powerful

padded crane. The large, old trees, 8 to 12 metres high with

Owls, near the Lady Game Drive works, had a healthy baby

6-metre wide crowns, were part of an extensive planting

owl, and other owls were spotted in the area. Further afield,

in the 1930s. After five years in storage, the palms were

three Red Pandas at Sydney’s Taronga Zoo benefited from

donated to the Macquarie Park Cemetery and Crematorium

a six-month supply of bamboo cleared from two worksites.

and replanted within the cemetery opposite the new station.

Heritage was another key item on the environmental agenda.

Professional ecologists regularly monitored flora and fauna

Depression-era relief works around the Delhi Road entrance

near all sites, including endangered species such as the

to Lane Cove National Park included a weir, riverbank walls,



Acknowledgements Along with the thousands of people who worked on

Saia; Angus Gardner; Anthony Hanrahan; Axel Armstrong;

the project over the past 10 years, the contribution

Belinda Harrison; Ben Grogan; Ben Groth; Ben Hugget; Ben

of everyone at TIDC, RailCorp and the major partners

Knight; Ben Stelzer; Bevan Brown; Bikash Bajracharya; Bill Grant; Blair Robinson; Bob Hammer; Bob Thompson; Brent Shanahan;

who supported the successful delivery of the Epping

Brett Brimfield; Brett Ward; Brian Lockwood; Brian Populin;

to Chatswood Rail Link is acknowledged, in particular

Brian Spaull; Bruce Croft; Bruce Dowling; Bruce Edwards;

the following people.

Bruce Lord; Bruce Pond; Caitriona O’Dowd; Caroline St Clair; Carolyn Riley; Charles McDonald; Chris Herbert; Chris Johnston;

PAGE 108

Aaron Bowden; Aaron Preston; Adam Lucas; Adrian Lindon;

Chris Lees; Chris Lock; Chris Mulvey; Chris Nesbitt; Christina

Alan Bezzina; Albert Li; Alison Jackson; Alison Johnston;

Phillips; Col Huntley; Colin Danby; Colin Marshall; Colin Walwyn;

Allan Churchill; Allan Walker; Allison Newport; Amiria Thompson;

Conrad Stacey; Damien Pares; Daniel Bentley; Danielle Friscan;

Amy Choldcroft; Andreas Lehr; Andrew Baré; Andrew Carruthers;

Danny Crutcher; Darin O’Brien; Dario Spralja; Dave Harley;

Andrew Gay; Andrew Johnson; Andrew Quarmby; Andrew

David Anderson; David Barwell ; David Cahill; David Chessum;

Tattersall; Andrew Walters; Andrew Wilson; Andy Ward; Angela

David Coker; David Dalton; David Gainsford; David Hudson;


David Landy; David Radcliffe; David Rumble; David Saxelby;

Michael Penn; Michael Power; Michael Russell; Michael

Thanks also to the following contractors, consultants or

David Song; David Towers; David Wunder; Dean Farquharson;

Thompson; Michael Wyatt; Michelle Caldwell-Shaw; Michelle

subcontractors for their involvement in the Epping to

Deirdre McCue; Denis Jones; Denis Ward; Denise Walsh;

Golik; Mick Ablott; Mick Barnfield; Mike Doolan; Mike Hickey;

Chatswood Rail Link project.

Dennis Emery; Dennis Povey; Des Marsh; Diane Challenor;

Mohammed Khan; Mozzam Shah; Nada Jozic; Neal Hook;

Dick Day; Don McPherson; Donna White; Doug Ridley; Ed

Ned Mortensen; Neil Bulgin; Nelson Monica; Nicholaos Kolias;

Selby; Eddie Blackwell; Eric Edwards; Erica Adamson; Felicity

Nick Bruzzese; Nick Holmes-Mackie; Nick Turton; Nicola Slee;

Platforms Pty Ltd; Adel Pearly Pty Ltd; Adua Engineering

Venning; Frank Ebzery; Frank Feldman; Frank Johnson; Fred

Nigel Hill; Noel Sneddon; Pam McPherson; Patricia Esplin;

Australia Pty Ltd; Agema Constructions Pty Ltd; Air Grilles

Armstrong; Gary Bayman; Gary Ewen; Gary Hassall; Gary

Patrick Murphy; Paul Anderson; Paul Barfield; Paul Carney;

Pty Ltd; Alimak Hek Pty Ltd; Alkene Contracting Pty Ltd;

Seabury; Gaston Pena; Geoff Bowmaker; Geoff Crowe; Geoff

Paul Crawford; Paul Grabham; Paul Jerogin; Paul Jones;

All Lift Forklifts; All Protection Tinting Australasia Pty Ltd;

Jones; Geoff Walker; Georgina Dorsett; Gerard Walker; Glen

Paul Plowman; Paul Swift; Paul Tarrant; Paul Ventura; Peter

All Stainless Fabrications Pty Ltd; Alpend Group Pty Ltd;

Ashton; Glenn Bentley; Glenn Dewbury; Gordana Marijan;

Boonstra; Peter Chatburn; Peter Gallart; Peter Griffin; Peter Hill;

Aluminium Scaffolds Pty Ltd; Ambrose Ecological Services;

Graeme Ayling; Graeme Brown; Graeme Chapman; Graeme

Peter Katz; Peter Lemish; Peter Mather; Peter Mccabe; Peter

APP Corporation Pty Ltd; Architectural Glass Projects Pty

Mauger; Graeme Walters; Graham Brown; Graham Knox;

O’Leary; Peter Rose; Peter Turner; Peter Whelan; Peter Wills;

Ltd; Arenco NSW Pty Ltd; Arup; Asurco Contracting Pty Ltd;

Graham Watson; Gus Sullivan; Hala Dib; Harrison Morgan;

Phil Bartels; Phil Clisby; Phil Grant; Phil Greatorix; Phil Terry;

Atco Structures Pty Ltd; Atlantic Glass (Aust) Pty Ltd;

Helen Willoughby; Howard Chemney; Howard Coombes;

Phillip Rosati; Pip BowlIng; Priti Rao; Rainer Rengshaisen;

Auscaff Pty Ltd; Ausreo Pty Ltd; Australasian Piling

Howard Lacy; Ian Boyle; Ian Pratt; Jack Siu; James Boskovski;

Ralph Davies; Rana Roy; Ray Bourne; Ray Christie; Ray

Company; Australian Portable Buildings Pty Ltd; Austress

James Hadaway; James Ross; James Shannon; James

Delandro; Ray Hiddlestone; Ray Stokmanis; Rebecca

Freyssinet; Automatic Fire Protection Design Pty Ltd; B & H

Walker; James White; Jamie McdOnald; Jari Seppanen; Jason

Eddington; Ren Bandiziol; Renee Grigson; Rhonda Pollard;

Australia Pty Ltd; Barnwell Cambridge Pty Ltd; Base Fire

Abergeldie; Abigroup; Accessibility Solutions; Acor; Active

Fletcher; Jason Troia; Jeff Byron; Jeff Francis; Jenni Andrews;

Richard Bull; Richard Diskin; Richard Grice; Richard Hitch;

Protection Pty Ltd; Bates Smart; BD Snowchief Electrical;

Jenny Watt; Jeremy Kidd; Jill Morrison; Jim Hawkins; Jim

Richard Perin; Ricky Cheung; Riku Taurianen; Rob Hackett;

Bekaert Onesteel Fibres Australia; Bevisco; Big Picture Communications; Bill Watson Industries Group Pty Ltd;

Rains; Jim Rozek; Jim Siderovski; Jo Skinner; Jo-Anne Emery;

Rob Mason; Rob Parrish; Robert Brazel; Robert Greentree;

Joe Xavi; Joe Zanelli; Joel Abrahamsohn; John Andrews;

Robert Hart; Robert Leece; Rod Masters; Rodney Uren; Roger

Bitzios Consulting; Blackkadders Company Pty Ltd; Blue

John Ashley; John Barraclough; John Brown; John Cowling;

Gibson; Roger Lewis; Ron Azzi; Ron Devitt; Ron Finlay; Ron

Circle; Boleh Consulting Pty Ltd; Booz & Company Pty Ltd;

John Doyle; John Fisher; John Gooch; John Gorman;

Roe; Ron Scharff; Ron Thomas; Ross de la Motte; Ross Farrell;

Borger Crane Hire and Rigging Services Pty Ltd; Brefni

John Kennedy; John Langron; John Lee; John Maher; John

Ross Graeme; Sandy Hone; Scott Lyall; Shane O’Neill; Sharon

Excavation & Earthmoving; British Paving Co Pty Ltd; BTH

Mchugh; John Rustamzadeh; John Salier; John Terry;

Tamai; Shelley Peng; Skantha Rajendra; Skye McPherson;

Communications; Capital Steel; Carpet Australia Pty Ltd;

John Turner; John Wright; Joseph Leung; Joshua Jamieson;

Som Chatterjee; Soma Jeyendren; Sonya Purches; Stacey

CB Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd; CC-Analysis Pty Ltd;

Kai Geisselhart; Kaniyur Sundareswaran; Karen Simidis;

Hutchinson; Stanley Ekanayake; Stephen Gray; Stephen

CDL Australia Pty Ltd; Chadwick Industries Pty Ltd; Chubb

Kate Gilchrist; Kate Rickards; Ken Baggett; Ken Kelman;

Janson; Stephen Pascall; Stephen Rostron; Stephen Welford;

Fire Safety; Chubb Security Services Pty Ltd; Claude Group

Ken Stephenson; Kyle Sweeney; Lana Assaf; Laurel Baigent;

Steve Barnett; Steve Burns; Steve Fermio; Steve Montgomery;

Pty Ltd; Clayton Utz; Clearwater Asset Services Pty Ltd;

Laurie Arthur; Lee Wood; Leonie So; Les Joukhador; Les

Steve Wille; Steven Browne; Steven Wong; Stuart Webster;

Clearwater Construction; Coates Hire Operations Pty Ltd;

Waldron; Libby Kaleski; Lillian Vujica; Louise Campbell; Louise

Sue Holliday; Suzi Frederiksen; Tamara Kirpichnikov; Tania

Collex Australia Pty Ltd; Commercial Concrete Constructions

Sureda; Louise Tsagaris; Lucio Di Bartolomeo; Luke Johnson;

Edwards; Tania Harper; Tania Page; Tarnjit Chahal; Terry

Pty Ltd; Commodore Security Group; CompAir Australia

Mac Harvey; Mal Graham; Mal Land; Malcolm Kerr; Malcolm

Boyd; Terry Chapman; The Hon. Carl Scully; The Hon. David

Pty Ltd; Complete Building and Fire Protection Pty Ltd;

Naylor; Manoj Dighe; Margaret Durham; Mark Harris; Mark

Campbell MP; The Hon. John Watkins; The Hon. Michael

Computracts Pty Ltd; Construction & Contract Services

Hughes; Mark Roberts; Mark Simpson; Mark Whitmore;

Costa; Therese Campbell; Tim Green; Tim Hay; Tim Jones;

Pty Ltd; Contract Assistance Pty Ltd; Conveyor and Hoist

Martin Halliday; Martin Taylor; Matt Branscombe; Matt Furrer;

Tim Parker; Tim Watcyn-Jones; Tom Sammons; Tony Eid;

Rentals Pty Ltd; Coral Air; Corrigan Electrics Pty Ltd;

Matt Rheuben; Matthew Callander; Matthew Jones; Max

Tony Rastrick; Tracy Reid; Tyler Laitinen; Ugo Marchiori; Ulrich

Cowpers Electrical Services Pty Ltd; Crown Contracting Pty

Bridgman; Meagan Porter; Meinolf Droste; Melanie Austin;

Wadepohl; Van Bardzamian; Vince Graham; Walter Dorman;

Ltd; CSR Readymix; DBL Property Pty Ltd; De Martin and

Michael Deegan; Michael Eyers; Michael Flynn; Michael Hall;

Ward Stubbs; Warren Richards; Warwick Allison; Warwick

Gasparini Pty Ltd; Deck Guardrail Australia Pty Ltd; Degnan

Michael Hodges; Michael Hogan; Michael Ives; Michael King;

Jackson; Wes Burgess; Willie Kwong; Xavier Odolantr

Constructions; Delaney Civil Pty Ltd; Delkor Rail Pty Ltd;


PAGE 109

PAGE 110

Design Fire; Design Perspectives; Designex Architectural

Master Vinyls Pty Ltd; McLachlan Lister Pty Ltd; MDI

Pty Ltd; Sine Industries; Slabseal Australia Pty Ltd;

Joinery Pty Ltd; Dexion (Australia) Pty Ltd; Dexion

Service Centres Pty Ltd; Megabolt; Metropolitan

SMEC Australia Pty Ltd; SNP Security; Southern Cross

Silverwater; Dickinson Autocon; Drake Business Solutions;

Demolitions Pty Ltd; Metrotex Painters and Decorators;

Stainless Steel Pty Ltd; Southern Engineering Services Pty

Ducon Concrete Solutions; DYWIDAG-Systems International

MGC Engineering; Mirage Doors; Movers & Shakers

Ltd; Southern Steel; Speedy Gantry Hire Pty Ltd; Spiller

Pty Ltd; Eagle Air Conditioning Pty Ltd; Ecowise

Business Relocations Pty Ltd; Nass Excavations (Australia)

Gibbins Swan; Statewide Cleaning Services; Statewide

Environmental; EJ Nye & Associates Pty Ltd; EL Civil

Pty Ltd; Natform Pty Ltd; National Projects Pty Ltd;

Contracting Services Pty Ltd; Steelcom; Stegbar Pty Ltd;

Engineering; Elmich Australia Pty Ltd; Emerson;

Nationwide Netmakers Pty Ltd; Nepean Landscape

Stephen Grubits & Associates; Strata Control Systems;

Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd;

Supplies; Nesbitt and Vargas Pty Ltd; Noel Arnold

Strongforce Pty Ltd; Structural Concrete Industries (Aust)

Eptec Pty Ltd; Ernst & Young; Evans & Peck; Everwilling

and Associates Pty Ltd; Nolan Quaries Pty Ltd; Norec;

Pty Ltd; Sunscreen Pty Ltd; Sunstate Consulting and

Cranes Pty Ltd; Everything Infrastructure; EVS Group

Norman Disney & Young; North Shore Paving; Obrart & Co

Design; Sure Welding NSW Pty Ltd; Swetha International

Australia Pty Ltd; EW Cox International Pty Ltd; Falco

Pty Ltd; O’Leary Electrical; On the Edge Services Pty Ltd;

Pty Ltd; T & C Contracting Pty Ltd; Tactics Consulting Pty

Australia Pty Ltd; Fernandes Construction; Fire Stopping

On-Line Pipe and Cable Locating; Ontrack Rail Pty Ltd;

Ltd; Tat Hong; Taylor Railtrack Pty Ltd; Teal Management;

Pty Ltd; Ford Civil Contracting Pty Ltd; Franklins Plumbing;

Opus International; Ostu Stettin; Ozpave (Aust) Pty Ltd;

Telum Pty Ltd; Tenix Projects; Terahart Pty Ltd; The Ecology

Frost Design; Fumapest Services Pty Ltd; Gardner Willis

P & C Engraving and Signage Pty Ltd; P & M Plant Hire;

Lab; The Phillips Group; The Robbins Company; The

& Associates Pty Ltd; Geometric Surveying Pty Ltd; GHD

PA Site Welding Services; Pacific Consulting International

Shotcrete Engineers; The Sydney Brick Paving Company;

Pty Ltd; GIA Australia Pty Ltd; Global Steel and Concrete

Economists; Parsons Brinckerhoff; Paterson Britton

Thyssen Krupp Elevator; Titan Doors and Frames Pty Ltd;

Pty Ltd; GM Cabling; Godden Mackay Logan; Graffiti Off

and Partners; Pathfinder Systems Australia Pty Ltd; PCH

Top Gun Waterproofing Pty Ltd; Total Service Pty Ltd;

Australia; Greatrak Pty Ltd; Gregory Australia Ltd; Gregory

Group Ltd; PCK Traffic; Pebe Holdings; Pells Sullivan

Townsend Contracting Pty Ltd; Track Australia; Trackside

Commercial Furniture Pty Ltd; Gus Sullivan; H & M

Meynink Pty Ltd; Permanently and Temporarily Yours;

Intelligence Pty Ltd; Trane-Dalkia Technical Services;

Engineering and Construction Pty Ltd; Haden Engineering

Petar Zlatar Partitions Pty Ltd; Peter Kelly Flooring Pty Ltd;

Transfield Construction; Transport and Urban Planning;

Pty Ltd; Hallam Manufacturing; Harley Cranes Pty Ltd; Hays

Phoenix Aluminium; PL Tripodi Pty Ltd; Playsafe Fencing

Tyco Australia Trading as ADT; Ultrafloor Pty Ltd; Unique

Specialist Recruitment Australia; Heggies; Heggies Bulkhaul

Pty Ltd; Poltinger Precision Systems; Power Earth

Concrete Pumping; United Goninan Limited; Urban

Ltd; Height Safety Engineers; Heine Architects Pty Ltd;

Technologies Pty Ltd; Precast Concrete Products Pty Ltd;

Horizon Pty Ltd; URS; Visionstream Pty Ltd; Waco

Heyday Group Pty Ltd; Hillsley Hire Pty Ltd; Hirotec; Hi-Tec

Precast Concrete Solutions; Prestige Glazing; PRV Security;

Kwikform Ltd; Wagstaff Piling Pty Ltd; Ward Civil and

Glazing Systems Pty Ltd; HLA Envirosciences; Holmes

Prysmian Power Cables & Systems Australia Pty Ltd;

Environmental Engineering; Waterway Construction Pty

Fire & Safety; Hugh Meagher & Associates Pty Ltd; Hymix

Quad Services; Quality Rigging Services Pty Ltd; R & D

Ltd; Webb McKeown; Wideform Constructions Pty Ltd;

Australia Pty Ltd; Incospec & Associates Australia Pty Ltd;

Technical Services Pty Ltd; R Fleming and Sons; Rail

Wilkinson Murray; Workarena Pty Ltd; Wormald; WS Atkins

Infocus Design; Integrated Systems; Interloc Lockers Pty

Personal Pty Ltd; Rapid Constructions Pty Ltd; Readymix

International Limited; Yap Engineering; Yellow & Blue

Ltd; Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management; John

Holdings Pty Ltd; Redifence; Rescrete Industries; Rest

Pty Ltd; Yorkshire (NSW) Pty Ltd

Holland Pty Ltd; Jones & Jones Master Plumbers Pty Ltd;

Interior; RF Probes Pty Ltd; RGC Commercial Floors

Kathy Jones and Associates; KBR; KC Barkley Consulting

Pty Ltd; Rintoul Pty Ltd; Ripa Concrete Cutting Pty Ltd;

Pty Ltd; KH1 Pty Ltd; Kingfield (NSW) Pty Ltd; Kingflow

RiskCover Australia Pty Ltd; Rivercorp; Robson Civil

In addition to the people quoted in this story, thanks

Waste Water Engineering; Kohinor Scaffolding; Kookaburra

Projects Pty Ltd; Rockwell Automation Australia; Roofacade

also goes to the following people for their assistance

consultancy; Krystal Commercial Clean Pty Ltd; Landscape

Pty Ltd; Roosters Traffic Control Pty Ltd; Roy Mommone

in the preparation of this book:

Solutions Australia Pty Ltd; Laycon Pty Ltd; Lencon

Developments Pty Ltd; Rutherford Power Pty Ltd; Ryde

Constructions Pty Ltd; Liftronic Pty Ltd; Lincolne Scott;

Joinery Pty Ltd; S&A Installations; Safemaster Height Safety

Alison Jackson, TIDC; Ashok Safaya, TIDC; Ben Groth,

Liquitek; Lloyds Register Rail; Locaters; Lomac Commercial

Solutions; Safespot Pty Ltd; Schamburg and Alvisse Pty

TIDC; David Apps, TIDC; David Coker, TIDC; Frances Frazer,

Flooring Pty Ltd; Lotus Folding Walls and Doors; M & K

Ltd; Schenker Australia Pty Ltd; Schiavello Systems (NSW)

TIDC; Geoff Walker, TIDC; Georgina Dorsett, TIDC;

Napier Constructions Pty Ltd; MA Coleman Joinery (NSW)

Pty Ltd; Schindler Lifts Australia Pty Ltd; Schneider Electric

James Walker, TIDC; Soma Jeyendren, TIDC; Kirstie Little,

Pty Ltd; Mahaffey Associates; Mantech; Marques Building

Pty Ltd; Scott Stephens; Secure Aus Pty Ltd; Shades

HASSELL; Mark Zvirblis, Thiess; Peter Lemish, TIDC;

Pty Ltd; Master Builders Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd;

Painting & Decorating Pty Ltd; Signaling Services Australia

Rebecca Eddington, TIDC


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