A N A S TA S O P O U L O S _____________ architect, PhD
Architectural projects
Environmental and social activities
LIST OF SELECTED WORKS 4 Design of a Public Space and Environmental Park for San José de Chamanga Community, Ecuador, 2016 6 Bamboo Canopy Workshop, Nueva Jerusalén, Ecuador, 2016 7 Museum of Natural History, Loggos, Achaia, 2004-2007 8 Oncologist doctor’s office, Rigilis str, Athens, 2005 9 Agriculture Ecosystems Museum, Lakka, Achaia, 2005 10 Ecology Educational Park at the banks of river Phoenix, Achaia, 2003
11 Ipirotiki Software & Publications Headquarters, Athens, 2000 - 2002 13 House and Garden in Nea Makri, 1999 15 Syntagma Square Design Competition, 1998 18 Kounelli residences, Vrilisia 1998 and monument for the city of Athens 1983. Proposal for a museum DHMA Recording NYCthe 1991. 19 Apartment renovation (the CityStudio, through lense), 1997 Lansky Residence, Battery Park, NYC 1992. th 20 Interstitial spaceBarnes at a road overpass, 1998 and Noble Bookstore, 267 7 Ave., NYC 1994. Syntagma Square Design Competition, Athens 1998. 21 REX, 1989 Ipirotiki software Headquarters, Athens 2003. 22 Barnes & Noble Bookstore, New York, 1992 Ecology educational park at the banks of the river Phoenix, Achaia 2003. 23 Lansky Residence, Battery Park,History, New York, 1992 Museum of Natural Loggos, Achaia 2005. Oncologist doctor's office, Rigilis street, Athens 2005. 24 Phone Booth, Tai - Pei, 1992 25 Perfect House, 1991 26 DHMA Recording studio, New York, 1990 27 Huron Shores Hotel, Ypsilanti, MI, 1989 28 Sportshall, North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 1987 - 1988 29 New York Cinematheque, T. Jeferson Library, 1987 30 Mixed - use building, Shibuya - Ku, Tokyo, 1985 31 Office tower and United Methodist Church, Seattle, 1984 32 The Peak, Hong Kong, 1983 33 La Defense, Paris, 1982 34 Les Halles, Paris, 1982 35 Museum and Monument for the city of Athens, 1983 38 National Park of Schinias at Marathon, 2010 - 2011 42 T.R.E.E., 2009 - 2015
Participatory Design Workshop in collaboration with PUCE
The fishermen community of San José de Chamanga, next to the Pacific ocean suffered from a 7,8 Richter earthquake in 2016. Our part in the reconstruction process was designing a public space and an environmental park on a high - risk zone, rated inappropriate for future development. The design process was developed in stages, in many of which, representatives of the community participated. The ‘appreciative inquiry’ method was used. This takes into account the unexpected changes during the design phase and the participants’ capabilities to envisage and realize with better specifications something that they would anyway attempt(autoconstrucción asistida), what is necessary for the community with the aid of experts (architects and other professionals) This participatory design workshop took place in 2016 under the Erasmus + exchange programme between the National Technical Univeristy of Athens and PUCE (1st such agreement of NTUA outside of Europe), in Ecuador. Collaborators: Santiago del Hierro Kennedy, architect Aimee Maron, sociologist Σοφία Μπαρτζώκα/master student, Αννέτα Γιαννάκη/ bachelor student (School of Architecture, NTUA), and Rozita Zurita, Cristian Campaña, Santiago Valencia, architecture students at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE)
Design of a Public Space and Environmental Park, San José de Chamanga Community, Ecuador
Trabajo en comunidad
Participatory Design Process
Trabajo en comunidad
Bocetos iniciales
Evaluación del estado de las construcciones
Construcciones habitables en zona de riesgo
Propuesta de diseño
Propuesta de diseño construcciones “en transici
Masterplan Development
Illustrations of the final proposal
Participation at the construction process of a canopy for the needs of the community using local bamboo as a basic material, metal bolts, car tyres and a concrete base. The canopy was produced for the community Nueva Jerusalén, Chamanga. An initiative of the architecture group ‘Actuemos Ecuador’. Participants: Anneta Sofia Bartzoka,
Under construccion
Views of the completed canopy
Bamboo Canopy Workshop, Nueva Jerusalén, Ecuador
2005-9 2005-9
Studio A Studio A
συγκεκριμένο θέμα αφορά τη μετατροπή ενός παραδοσιακού ελαιοτριβείου στο κέντρο του Λόγγου σε Museum of Natural History, Τομουσείο Loggos, Achaia γεωργίας, λαογραφίας και περιβάλλοντος. Το κτίριο έχει περιέλθει στη δικαιοδοσία μίας ΜΚΟ που
Design and Supervision - Studio A
Το συγκεκριμένο θέμα αφορά τη μετατροπή ενός παραδοσιακού ελαιοτριβείου στο κέντρο του Λόγγου σε είναι υπεύθυνη για τη διαχείρισή του μαζί με τον δήμο. μουσείο γεωργίας, λαογραφίας και περιβάλλοντος. Το κτίριο έχει περιέλθει στη δικαιοδοσία μίας ΜΚΟ που είναι υπεύθυνη για τη διαχείρισή του μαζί με τον δήμο.
Museum for agriculture and the environment at Loggos, Achaia Museum for agriculture and the environment at Loggos, Achaia
Phase 1: Αναστύλωση του κεντρικού διόροφου πλίνθινου κτιρίου και Phase 1: Αναστύλωση του κεντρικού κατασκευή νέας στέγης διόροφου πλίνθινου κτιρίου και κατασκευή νέας στέγης
Phase 2: Κατασκευή νέας εξωτερική Phaseσκάλας 2: Κατασκευή νέας εξωτερική σκάλας
Interior view
Perspective view
The Lambropoulos Olive Press building in Loggos began to function as such in the beginning of the 20th century applying the traditional cold press olive oil production method. Nowadays it is being renovated and transformed into the Achaean Land Center, which will operate as a museum for regional agricultural history. The Center is active in the following domains: 1.Agricultural production 2.The environment and its local characteristics 3.Ethnography and history
Functions diagram
Phase 3: Αναστύλωση της νεότερης πτέρυγαςτης II νεότερης Phaseισόγειας 3: Αναστύλωση ισόγειας πτέρυγας II
Phase 4 Πρόβλεψη για συμπλήρωση στην ισόγεια πτέρυγα. Phaseορόφου 4 Πρόβλεψη για συμπλήρωση ορόφου στην ισόγεια πτέρυγα.
Interior view
Oncologist doctor’s office, Rigilis str, Athens Design and Supervision - Studio A
Oncologist doctor's office, Rigilis street, Athens
Reception and archive Nurse and archive room room
from waiting room towards Reception and waitingView rooms reception desk
The ugrading of an oncologist doctor's office includes secretary, nurse, doctor's office, waiting and patients examination rooms. The goal of this interior design project was to create a tranquil space which induces inner peace, a sense of order, harmony and introspection. The upgrading of an oncologist doctor’s office includes secretary, nurse, Towards this a well-thought out vocabulary of subtle colors, materials engaging in dialogue, waiting and patients examination rooms. The goal of this clear doctor’s geometry,office, transparency and inter-connectedness.
interior design project was to create a tranquil space which induces inner
The study and effect of natural and artificial lighting, which create nuances within a limited color peace, a sense of order, harmony anda introspection. this a well scheme and enhance planar geometry became central element inTowards this project.
thought out vocabulary of subtle colours, materials engaging in dialogue, clear geometry, transparency and inter-connectedness were applied.
Entrance and reception Entrance hall and reception desk
Olive press building restoration
Agriculture Ecosystems Museum, Lakka, Achaia Sketch proposal - Renovation of an abandoned School
ηρεί το κέλυφος του λέπει τη δυνατότητα πίσω πλευρά με History, Loggos, Achaia α αναπτύσσεται σε όγειο, και με την ώτιστου διαδρόμου οτεινόμενη πτέρυγα εκθεσιακούς χώρους, απλών χρήσεων και
Museum of Natural History, Loggos, Achaia New entrance
Warehouse restoration
The unique geomorphology of mountainous Achaia is characterized by inaccessible areas that are often isolated and abandoned. Due to this, the area has maintained traces of it’s identity and the natural diversity intact, becoming an example of a balanced ecosystem, Museum View almost as it was before industrialisation and the migration to the cities.
nd plans (inserted)
Olive press building The proposal for an Agriculture Ecosystems Museum takes the above mentioned observation restoration
as a starting point and aims to educate the visitors on the evolution of the techniques that ulos Olive Press building inover Loggos beganand to function as such in the beginning the and nature. developed the years on the close relationship betweenofman
pplying the traditional cold press olive oil production method. New entrance being renovated and transformed into the Achaean Land Center, which will operate as The school of Lakka is awill stone building of following the beginning of the 20th century, 62 m2 with egional agricultural history. The Center be active in the domains: Αγροτικό Μουσείο Οικοσυστημάτων, Λάκκα Αχαΐας
1st floor addition
Museum construction phases diagram
////////////////////////////////// Διάγραμμα φάσεων κατασκευής
2003 as a single-class school. The philosophy of wooden and neoclassical elements and served Επανάχρηση Σχολείου to theΕγκαταλειμμένου design aims articulate a language that translates the meaning roduction addressing Achaean products such as olive oil, wine and raisins that will of the museum’s content Σύμβουλος Μουσειολόγος Λίνα Δαμασκοπούλου Προμελέτη Warehouse ction process and history into architecture. restoration
1st floor addition
and history through the core of a rich and growing collection of cultural and agricultural will function theγεωμορφολογία main exhibit in conjunction with the restored machinery highlighting Η as ιδιαίτερη της ορεινής Αχαΐας χαρακτηρίζεται από δυσπρόσιτες περιοχές καιhistory. που σχετίζονται με άλλα συνεπακόλουθα χαρακτηριστικά όπως η strial and cultural απομόνωση και η εγκατάλειψη. Σε χωριά που ανήκουν σε αυτή τη κατηγορία, όπως το Museum construction phases diagram
χωριό της Λάκκας, η καθυστέρηση της -κακώς εννοούμενης- ανάπτυξης είχε ως αποτέλεσμα να παραμείνουν σχεδόν ανεπηρέαστες οι σχέσεις συνύπαρξης φύσης και ανθρώπου, περίπου όπως υπήρξαν πριν από την εκβιομηχάνιση και την μετανάστευση στις πόλεις. Εξ αιτίας αυτής της εξέλιξης η περιοχή αυτή της Ελλάδας έχει διατηρήσει μέχρι τις μέρες μας στοιχεία της ταυτότητάς της και την ποικιλομορφία του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος ανέπαφη, αποτελώντας ισορροπημένου οικοσυστήματος. unction as such in the beginning of παράδειγμα the Αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά σήμερα θεωρούνται πολύτιμα και όχι μόνο δεν αποτελούν ction method. μειονέκτημα, αλλά θα μπορούσαν να γίνουν αντιληπτά ως ένα συγκριτικό τέτοιων περιοχών που έχουν as την δυνατότητα να λειτουργήσουν ως aean Land πλεονέκτημα Center, which will operate δεξαμενές ιδεών για την δημιουργία νέων σχέσεων ανθρώπου-φύσης στον 21ο αιώνα.
πεξέργαστα "φυσικά" τρα και ξύλο, σε ε επεξεργασμένα ου αντιμετωπίζονται η ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// που από κοινού ν δημιουργία ενός
Axonometric diagram of construction phases
active in the following domains:
as olive oil, wine and raisins that will
tional programs that will disseminate ness about ecosystems, notions of the local,
wing collection of cultural and agricultural with the restored machinery highlighting
Άποψη εσωτερικού 1
Interior Interior view viewsofofthe theexhibitions museum collections
Collaborator: Museologist Lina Damaskopoulou
ment and its local characteristics through educational programs that will disseminate ncerning correct practices and will raise awareness about ecosystems, notions of the local, vironment
3 9
Ecology educational park atatthe ofof river Ecology Ecology educational educational park park at thebanks the banks banks of Phoenix, Achaia Sketch proposal
river river Phoenix, Phoenix, Achaia Achaia
Park’sPark’s information information and educational and educational centercenter The proposal The proposal for anfor ecology an ecology educational educational park addresses park addresses the site theofsite the of river thebelow river below the highway the highway between between The proposal for an ecology educational park addresses thesite site of athe river below the highway between two municipalities and two municipalities two municipalities and suggests and suggests the reversal the reversal of a left-over of a left-over and abused and abused site into a into recreational recreational destination. destination. reversal ofnot a left-over and abused into atherecreational destination. A long A longAsuggests time longgarbage time the garbage damp, damp, not uncommon uncommon for river forbanks river banks andsite torrents, and torrents, area thewould area would be transformed be transformed into intotime garbage damp, not uncommon for a sustainable ariver sustainable park and park natural and natural habitat,with habitat,with landscape landscape restoration, restoration, creation creation of walks, walks, water water catchment catchment banks and torrents, the area would be transformed into aof sustainable parkdams and dams natural habitat,with landscape restoration, and planting and planting of indigenous of indigenous species. species. In addition In addition to these to these the programmatic the programmatic designdesign allowsallows for mild foruses mild such uses such creation of(tennis, walks, water catchment dams and planting as sports as sports activities activities (tennis, bicycle bicycle paths, paths, jogging, jogging, swimming, swimming, etc). etc).of indigenous species. In addition to these the programmatic design allows
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
for mild uses such as sports activities (tennis, bicycle paths, jogging, swimming, etc).
A “good A “good environmental practices” practices” demonstration demonstration site which site which will include will include composting, composting, energy energy Aenvironmental “good environmental practices” demonstration site which will include composting, energy harvesting from Renewable energy harvesting harvesting from Renewable from Renewable energy energy sources sources and grey andwater grey water cleaning cleaning techniques techniques are part areofpart the of program. the program. sources and kiosk grey water are part ofstructure the information An information An information kiosk on local on ecosystems localcleaning ecosystems andtechniques species and species is the is only thelight only light program. structure on site, onAn made site, made of metal of metal and kiosk and on local ecosystems and species is the wood,wood, raised raised above above ground ground on stilts on or stilts on or a bridge on a bridge that connects that connects the two the river two banks. river banks. only light structure on site, made of metal and wood, raised above ground on stilts or on a bridge that connects the two river banks. The proposal The proposal represented represented the NGO the Achaean NGO Achaean Sympoliteia Sympoliteia
The proposal represented the NGO Achaean Sympoliteia
Parkview Viewview Park Park
/////////////// ///////////////
Ipirotiki Software & Publications Headquarters, Athens 1st prize in Architectural Competition - Design and Supervision - Completed in 2004
Ipirotiki Software Headquarters
Main facade Main elevation
Swimming pool Rooftop pool
Ipirotiki Software & Publications a company controls the production of software and trade mediataxwhich address Ipirotiki Software & Publications is a companyisthat controls thethat production of software and trade media which address accountants, data and trading, as well as sees itself asdata a major in theasarea specialized education in related areas. accountants, tax andplayer trading, wellofas sees itself as a major player in the area of specialized education in related areas.
It controls a network of specialized ‘node-spaces’ that function as internet cafes and information dissemination spaces and socialameeting points for professionals the aboveasareas. The newand headquarters (Lenormanspaces avenue) Athens includes It controls network of specialized 'node-spaces' in that function internet cafes information dissemination andin social meeting points shops for professionals the above areas. Thefacilities new headquarters (Lenorman avenue) Athens includes shops at ground facilities and office at groundinlevel, educational and a multi-use 256 peoplein capacity conference center onlevel, the educational first floor, five typical a multi-use 256 people capacity conference center on the first floor, five typical office space floors, president's office with conference rooms, secretary and space floors, with conference rooms, secretary swimming pool on the 6th floor. The building faces the a swimming pool onpresident’s the 6th The building faces the Greek Parliament indexand building. Greek Parliament index building.
Collaborators: Marina Petroula and Dimitris Dais, architects
Collaborators: Marina Petroula, Dimitris Dais
Streetfrom viewstreet level View
/////////////////////////////////////////// CONFERENCE HALL
1st basement-garage
1st basement-garage
1st floor-auditorrium
1st floor-auditorrium East EastElevation elevation
East elevation
Typical floor
7th floor-penthouse 7th floor-penthouse
Model Model
First Prize Design Competition First Prize Design Competition
House and Garden in Nea Makri Design and Supervision
Addition to an existing family holiday house. The new sections are belts that extend to all directions as shown in the model and 3d-visualisation. The two-storey space (marked in blue) functions as a unifying element that ties the existing structure with one move in all three directions (x,y,z) A double volume is added to the North side and a solar volume to the South. Metal frame & light construction with insulation.
Physical model
Axonometric analysis of the volumes
An experimental, sensory and productive garden of coexisting species, local and imported, provide visual, tactile and olfactory stimuli year-round. The selection of the plants has been made with the following criteria: - The elimination of watering needs. For this, species that adapt to the mediterranean climate of plants with already developed root system that can support them during dry months were selected. - The combination of evergreen and deciduous plants was preferred so that the garden presents the desirable characteristics of varying shading and light depending on the season. A large open ‘room’, whose surroundings and borders follow an old garden that used to be there and the remaining signs of the neighbouring structures. The garden revolves around it’s center, where an old well and a young plane tree is found. One of it’s corners is dedicated to composting that helps recycle the life in the garden and ensures its blossom and diversity.
Garden plan
Views of the garden
Syntagma Square Design Competition Honorable mention in Architecture Competition
The proposal for the design of Syntagma Square, the main public square in the city of Athens, loaded with history from the inception of the Greek state to contemporary history, adopts measures that re-align its axes and bring passive cooling design elements and a wider variety of social uses of the public space. These include: introducing an important implicit axis crossing the square, which connects the Lycabettus hill with the Acropolis, the use of water and shading features in order to generate a variety of environments of different temperature and privacy levels in a relatively limited public ground, the intertwining of various functions, such as passage, metro stop entries points, leisure and space used for public functions and the introduction of new layering system that would operate both horizontally and Proposal Model vertically, in order to alter the existing division of “upper” and “lower” public The proposal for the design of Syntagma Square, the main spaces. public square in the city of Athens, loaded with history from ttu
be ca Ly
the inception of the Greek state to contemporary history, adopts measures that re-align its axes and bring passive cooling design elements and a wider variety of social uses of the public space. These include:
ill sH d an lis po ro Ac is
the use of water and shading features in order to generate a variety of environments of different temperature and privacy levels in a relatively limited public ground,
introducing an important implicit axis crossing the square, which connects the Lycabettus hill with the Acropolis,
General Plan General plan
the intertwining of various functions, such as passage, metro stop entries points, leisure and space used for public functions and the introduction of new layering system that would operate both horizontally and vertically, in order to alter the existing division of “upper” and “lower” public spaces.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Collaborators: Robert Adams, landscape architect and Margot Velissaropoulos, designer
Conceptual spatial diagrams Conceptual spatiallayering layering diagrams
Honorable mention Architecture Competition
Collaboratots: Robert Adams, landscape architect and Margot Velissaropoulos, designer
Syntagma Square Design Competition
15 4
A 1
Plan and perspective of the water trays and the ramp. 3
Shaded area below the “water trays” with water cascading from overflow points
//////////////////////////////// Existing and proposed systems diagrams 1. Water trays 2. Ramps “cutting through” the water trays 3. Metro levels of spaces and tunnels 4. Proposed water channels network
A bird’s eyeAview “water theand bird’sshowing eye view the showing thetrays” “waterand trays” ramp from street level cutting them the ramp from street through level cutting through them
Syntagma Square Design Competition 1
elow the “water trays” cading from s
Existing and proposed systems diagrams Existing and proposed systems
Physical model
1. 2. 3. 4.
Proposal Model
Water 1. trays Water trays Ramps “cutting through” the water trays 2. Ramps “cutting through” the water trays Metro levels of spaces and tunnels 3. Metro of spaces Proposed waterlevels channels network and tunnels
4. Proposed water channels network
The proposal for the design of Syntagma Square, the main public square in the city of Athens, loaded with history from the inception of the Greek state to contemporary history, adopts measures that re-align its axes and bring passive cooling design elements and a wider variety of social uses of the public space. These include: introducing an important implicit axis crossing the square, which connects the Lycabettus hill with the Acropolis, the use of water and shading features in order to generate a variety of environments of different temperature and privacy levels in a relatively limited public ground, the intertwining of various functions, such as passage, metro stop entries points, leisure and space used for public functions and
Shaded area below the “water trays” the introduction of new layering system that would operate with water cascading from both horizontally and vertically, in order to alter the existing overflow points
division of “upper” and “lower” public spaces.
General plan 2
Shaded area below the “water trays” with water cascading from 3 overflow points
Kounelli residences, Vrilisia
The two adjacent residences share the same plot and are designed for the families of two sisters with common and distinct characteristics, whose lifestyles could be seen as complemetary to each other. This is reflected in the architecture that houses them. They are arranged so as to ensure a certain autonomy while still be part of a whole. Conventional concrete structure.
Exterior views
Apartment renovation (the city through the lense) Built proposal - Second Biennale of Young Greek Architects. 4/ 1998, Athens.
Exploded axonometric
The aim of this proposal is to restore a kind of dialogue between the public and the private in architectural terms through the remodelling of the space’s geometry. Those intentions are realized with the strategic removal of matter, opening holes on the wall that separates inside from outside and filling them with glassbricks, whose positions have been designed according to harmonious relations of golden section subdivisions, that organise the otherwise blind corridor. Through natural light that penetrates the corridor, movement is transformed into an experience that offers an unexpected, eternally distorting and almost playful image of the city. Symbolically, this act gives form to the interior ‘chaos’ turning it to a geometrically harmonious experience.
Exterior view corridor elevation
Interstitial space at a road overpass.
Theoretical proposal - Distinction at the International Competition ‘Urban Routes - Gates of the Contemporary City’
Proposal for a new entrance to the city of Athens located at an overpass, an otherwise awkward interstitial space. The urban fabric of the metropolis ‘bridges’ civilizations, continents and milleniums and is perennially subdued to painful transformations and mutations.
Construction Analysis
Perspective. Towards Kifisia
Perspective. Towards downtown Athens
Perspective at eye-level
Two structures take up two isles as a symbolic threshold in space and time, signaling an entrance/exit and offering a metropolitan spectacle of information, light, sound and movement. The proposed hybrid structures maintain an open dialogue between them and the city and attempt to give shape, form and content to the above mentioned phenomena.
Design and Supervision
Views of the installation
Collaboration with photographerJenny Marketou
Invited commission for an in situ installation for ANTI festival at the Old Sikiaridis Factory (Nowadays the School of Fine Arts) as an artistic collaboration. The installation consisting of a metal framework and sheets was created inside a former space for washing sheep wool.
Barnes & Noble Bookstore 7th Ave., New York Part of design and supervision team - Howell Belanger Castelli Architects, NYC
Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 7th Ave., NYC| Meridian Design Architects, NY
Redesign of the ground floor of wrought iron 19th century historic warehouse building in Chelsea into a Barnes & Noble bookstore. The design includes a new bridge connecting the bookstore and music departments through a sunken atrium one storey below ground level. The existing space in treated as public space. The building has been treated as an existing shell where minimal interventions take place in order to preserve to a considerable percentage, the characteristics of the original neoclassical architecture. These involve suspended ceiling structures for new lighting and A/C and interior partitions.
///////////////////////////////////////// Άποψη του αιθρίου
Interior view Existing and proposed systems diagrams
Lansky residence, Battery Park- Νέα Υόρκη
Lansky Residence, Battery Park, NYC
Plan Plan
The studio’s interior design for a single female lawyer professional centers around the fabrication of a free-form free-standing structure which enables the separation between sleeping and entertainment area in this 80sqm open space apartment at Battery Park facing the Hudson river.
/////////////////////////////////// The metal frame translucent plastic-clad structure which functions as free standing piece of sculpture incorporates movable parts that address various functions and facilitates the use of various components such as TV and sound system, light, airflow and A/C controls, opening/closing parts, a small bar etc...
Phone Booth, Tai-Pei International Competion
Exploded axonometric
Collaborator: Marina Petroula
A piece of urban equipment the draws inspiration from the traditional fishingboat masts of the Far East and the birds’ wings provide temporary protection from weather conditions and an elementary sense of privacy.
Rerfect House International Competion
Design proposal for a countryhouse by the beach where a direct contact with the natural environment and orientation is examined.
Illustration of the roof
Exploded axonometric
DHMA Recording Studio, New York Part of design and supervision - Meridian Design Architects, NYC
DHMA Recording Studio | Meridian Design Architects, NY
Reception Reception
Recording studio Recording studioplan plan
Foyer Lounge
Designing sound specialized spaces for listening to, playing and recording music demands strict adherence to certain design and construction principles, Designing sound specialized spaces for listening to, playing and recording music demands strict adherence to certain design which this project on an early 20th century highrise on Madison Avenue, NYC examplifies. andinclude construction principles,which thisasproject an angles early 20th century highrise on Madison Avenue, NYC examplifies. These These a labyrinthine layout with as few possibleon right for sound absorption, special sound proof and sound absorption materials and finishes and construction methods of “floating” spaces on special anti-vibration details. include a labyrinthine layout with as few as possible right angles for sound absorption, special sound proof and sound absorption
materials and finishes and construction methods of “floating” spaces on special anti-vibration details.
Huron Shores Hotel, Ypsilanti, ΜΙ Design - Silver & Ziskind Architects
Design of Huron Shores hotel at Ypsilanti lake, Michigan, USA. The hotel has a capacity of 240 double bedrooms and includes 10 presidential suites, a conference center, 3 restaurants, 2 bars, a sports center and a spa. The complex develops around an open central space that includes a pool, a garden and outdoor leisure facilities.
Ground floor plan
2nd and typical floor plan
1987 -1988
Sports Hall, North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago International Competition - Design - Silver & Ziskind Architects
The hall takes up the second and third floor of the building. The facilities include a swimming pool, a running track, two squash fields and changing rooms. Longitudinal section Plans
Transverse sections
New York Cinematheque, T. Jeferson Library George Ranalli studio - Master studies, Yale University, School of Architecture
The proposal is about a new Cinematheque of New York Anthology Film Archive. It reverses the expected relationship between archival and social space by introducing two parallel rectangular concrete volumes that refer to the video frame and house the archives. Screening rooms, foyer, cafe, library, social spaces and administration are dealt with as a ‘pit’, introducing a cultural experience dedicated to the art of cinema and this is why encourages the unobtrusive dive into the activities and contemplation in a rather buzzing area of Manhattan.
Mixed-use building, Shibuya - Ku, Tokyo
Kazuo Shinohara studio - Master studies, Yale University, School of Architecture
According to professor Kazuo Shinohara, urban anarchy as a unique phenomenon of technologically advanced societies defines public spaces such as Shibuya - Ku. The condensation of activities and events are juxtaposed with intricately organized structures and the simultaneity of the multitude of happenings all participate in the creation of a chaotic environment. In such an environment, order and disorder, repetition and uniqueness curiously coexist. The mixed-use building proposal right on the square aims to function as a framework for the multitude of these phenomena, incorporating characteristics of complexity and unpredictability. The various uses are layered along the building, referencing the bodily functions of a living organism. A spine -wall curls around the various rooms separating private from public zones and results at an emblematic biomorphic ‘mask’ the faces the Hachiko Plaza as an ambiguous presence in the urban landscape of Tokyo. The main reference to the totem statue brings up the inherent dispute between the reassurance of ‘progress’ and the ‘primitive premodern root’ of religious rituals that condense in the complex Japanese society.
Physical model
Office tower and United Methodist Church, Seattle Richard Rogers studio - Master studies, Yale University, School of Architecture
The proposal addresses the symbiosis of an existing religious building of a very particular architectural vocabulary together with a tall tower block of completely different character in downtown Seattle. The new vocabulary is based on structure, skin, base and apex, seeking to introduce a dialogue between two different typologies and functions. This way, structure becomes a visible robust component of the building that becomes a framework for dealing with the issues of accute difference of scale, function and density in the urban fabric.
Rhysical midel
The Peak, Hong Kong International Competition
The competition brief asked for a mixed - use program around the area of Peak mountain in Hong Kong. The different origami-inspired building clusters are integrated to the landscape resembling fragments that have rolled into place following a rockslide.
Situation plan
Collaborator: Nikos Haritos
La Defense, Paris
T.&D. Biris architecture studio. Team: Nicholas Anastasopoulos, Nikos Haritos
The ‘La Defense’ competition was intended to identify the end of the historic axis of Paris and, by doing so, mark the other end of the dipole with a new symbol. A proposal that we have dealt with concerns a space-frame in which a complex of buildings with many functions ends. While being a boundary, at the same time this structure allows the view to continue through its transparency towards the horizon.
Bird’s eye view
Les Halles, Paris
Masterplan proposal for the ‘Les Halles’ area in Paris, France.
Collaboration with ‘Alalitos’ architecture studio
International Competition
Museum and Monument for the city of Athens Diploma Thesis - School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
Museum and Monument for the city of Athens
Museum Sections Museum sections
The thesis project proposes to transform an abandoned quarry site on a hill on the periphery of Athens central into a civic place through a reversal of the environmental deterioration by proposing the superimposition of a “cultural” landscape over the artificial “lunar” landscape. TheThis thesis project proposes to transform an city abandoned quarryadvantage site on a hill on the periphery of Athens intoa amonumental civic place through a reversal of the would include a museum for the itself taking of the unlimited views to thecentral city and structure. This piece environmental deterioration by proposing the superimposition of a “cultural” landscape over the artificial “lunar” landscape. sculpture ofaurban proportions serveadvantage as a reference to the city,towhile the museum would structure. focus on This unveiling thesculpture layers ofof Thisofwould include museum for the city would itself taking of thepoint unlimited views the city and a monumental piece of history of the would city stretching The museum would be athe building looks to the city, whereas the monument bestretching a reference urban proportions serve as beneath. a reference point to the city, while museumthat would focus on unveiling the layers of history ofwould the city beneath. Thepoint museum beto a look building for would the city at. that looks to the city, whereas the monument would be a reference point for the city to look at. The formal vocabulary of the project maintains a clear grid pattern and a modernist syntax, while it attempts to establish a rigorous dialogue The formal vocabulary of the project maintains a clear grid pattern and modernist syntax, while it principle attemptsoftoproposed establishprogramme. a rigorous between the amorphous, unintentionally sculpture-like man-made landscape and theaformal, rectilinear architectural It also appearsbetween as a formal abstraction ofunintentionally the typology of the typical four-storey residential unit theand city the consists of, inviting a critical approach principle to the dialogue the amorphous, sculpture-like man-made landscape formal, rectilinear architectural “making” process of the city itself. of proposed programme. It also appears as a formal abstraction of the typology of the typical four-storey residential unit the city consists
of, inviting a critical approach to the “making” process of the city itself.
Collaborator: Nikos Haritos
Aerial view Site plan
Physical Model
Tower Diagrams Tower diagrams
Situation Plan General plan
Perspective Illustration Partial Rendering
National Park of Schinias at Marathon
The National Park of Schinias at Marathon was founded in 2000, in order to protect and manage an exceptionally rich historically and environmentally unique and sensitive area in the periphery of greater Athens. Marathon lends its name to the famous Marathon run, practiced today throughout the world. It owes its claim to fame originally from the legendary runner Phidippides, who covered the distance between Marathon and Athens running, in order to announce to the assembly the victorious outcome from battle between the Athenians and the Persian army that occurred in 490 bC. In addition to a historic significance Marathon boasts the sound of Schinias, a unique natural environment where at least four distinct ecosystems harmoniously coexist at close proximity and in a relatively small area of land and sea. Suburban sprawl being a primary threat, along with the deterioration of the wetland habitat and recurring threats of fire for the coastal pine forest, the National Park status to this area was meant to guarantee its protection and existence in the future.
National Park Schinias Marathon National Park ofof Schinias at at Marathon The National Park was founded alongside works for creating an artificial lakeThe thatNational would accommodate the sports of rowing forartificial Park was founded alongside worksand for kayaking creating an the Olympic games of 2004.
lake that would accommodate the sports of rowing and kayaking for the Olympic games 2004. feeds from the Makaria spring and related Besides the artificial lakeofwhich
facilities which form the Olympic Rowing and Cayak Center, the park incorporates a rare coastal forest lake spanning four kilometer a wetland Besides thepine artificial whichafeeds from the coastline, Makaria spring and which re- is hostlated to more than 350 species a peninsula bushCenter, flora ofthe facilities which form of thebirds, Olympic Rowingwith andlow Cayak mediterranean plants of remarkable variety and complexity and a clear sea sound park incorporates a rare coastal pine forest spanning a four-kilometer which is home to a prairie of the Poseidonia seaweed and many fish.
coastline, a wetland which is host to more than 350 species of birds, a peninsula with low bush flora of mediterranean plants of remarkable variety and complexity and a clear sea sound which is home to a prairie of the Poseidonia seaweed and many fish.
Views of the artificial lake Views above fed by the Makaria spring of the artificial lake
The coastal pine forest
The coastal pine forest
The wetland
The weltand
National Park Schinias at Marathon National Park of of Schinias at Marathon
Rowing sports gallery view Rowing sports room
Indoor exhibition center Exhibition center interior
Design/ Information material: Nicholas Anastasopoulos+OMO graphic design
During appointment as President of the Management Board of the National Park and under this authority, a series events were organized aiming to promote the public's awareness about the park's significance with a campaign for environmental regeneration through involvement in a variety of activities of educational and recreational nature.
During appointment as President of the Management Board of
Newthe institutions including the indoor outdoor Nationalwere Park introduced, and under this authority, a seriesand events were exhibition and an information center, bird-watching morning events, organized aiming to promote thethe public’s awareness about the the bike festival and the Marathon ecofestival, to name a few. park’s significance with a campaign for environmental regenera-
tion through involvement in a variety of activities of educational and recreational nature. New institutions were introduced, including the indoor and outdoor exhibition and an information center, the bird-watching morning events, the bike festival and the Marathon ecofestival, to name a few.
Snapshots from various events at the NationalatPark of Schinias. Snapshots fromorganized various events organized the National Park of Schinias
TREE (Take Responsibility for Environmental Efficiency) was founded in 2009. Through its programs, TREE aims to mobilize and connect the mind, the heart and the hands. TREE (Take Responsibility for Environmental Efficiency) was founded in 2009. It addresses both the natural and the man-made, the global and the local, the layman and Through its programs, TREE aims to mobilize and connect the mind, the heart and the hands. It addresses both the natural the scientist or specialized individuals and it embraces traditional knowledge as well as research. and the man-made, the global and the local, the layman and the scientist or specialized individuals and it embraces traditional TREE's knowledge mission includes the study of the man-made and natural environment and their as well as research. TREE’s mission includes the study of the man-made and natural environment and their intricate intricate relationships. TREE seeks awareness in topics that address the environment relationships. TREE seekstotoraise raise awareness in topics that address the environment and lifestyles that affect the quality and lifestyles that affect the quality of life and natural ecosystems. of life and natural ecosystems. Among TREE’s goals are:
Among TREE's goals are: alternative lifestyles and patterns of behavior that deal with the problems related to crises, either * To explore and promote
present and contemporary such as the financial crisis and the social and political crises, or ongoing and long-term such as the
* To explore and promote alternative andoffered patterns of behavior deal with energy crisis and climate change. Solifestyles far, TREE has a variety of outreachthat events to the general public and to students of the problems related to crises, present and contemporary as the financial architecture. TREE functionseither as a nexus of information and informal such people-meeting opportunity. crisis and the social and political crises, or ongoing and long-term such as the energy crisis and climate change. So far, TREE has offered a variety of outreach events to the general public and to students of architecture. TREE functions as a nexus of information and informal people-meeting opportunity. 42
T.R.E.E. Workshops and activities for the public Educational and Environmental activities
Since its inception, TREE has sponsored several events addressing the public. These involved several workshops, lectures and presentations involving Since its inception, TREE has sponsored several events addressing the public. These involved several workshops, lectures and presentations involving such varied subjects as Permaculture, the Transition Initiatives such Mediterranean varied landscapes subjects as Permaculture, the Transition movement, movement, and gardening practices, community recycling and composting and Climate Initiatives Change. Mediterranean landscapes and gardening practices, community recycling and In addition, TREE was the primary organizer of the 1st Marathon Ecofestival (25/4-1/5/2011). The concept of this event was an ambitious week long event which summoned local organic farmer, local community and the general public composting and Climate Change. with a farmers market of fresh organic produce, presenters of 13 workshops, an eco-film festival with more than fifteen titles, (two of which had their premier as part of this festival) and various guided tours in the National Park of Schinias.
In addition, TREE was the primary organizer of the 1st Marathon Ecofestival (25/4-1/5/2011). The concept of this event was an ambitious week long event which summoned local organic farmer, local community and the general public with a farmers market of fresh organic produce, presenters of 13 workshops, an eco-film festival with more than fifteen titles, (two of which had their premier as part of this festival) and various guided tours in the National Park of Schinias.
2nd workshop and and parallels with theories 2nd Compost-making Compost-making workshop parallels with of anthropology theories of anthropology Nicholas Nicholas Anastasopoulos/ Anastasopoulos/ George George Loudos/Fotis Loudos/Fotis Terzakis Terzakis
Do we need nature? Elements of sustainability in landscape Do we need nature? Elements of sustainability in design landscape design Thomas Doxiadis, landscape architect Thomas Doxiadis, landscape architect
Climate education and theand everyday ClimateChange, Change, education the everyday Nikos Chrysogelos, Chrysogelos,Nicholas Nicholas Anastasopoulos, Nikiforos Anastasopoulos, Plytas Nikiforos Plytas
Στιγμιότυπα από το εργαστήριο κατασκευών με καλάμιwhich που έλαβε χώρα στα πλαίσια Οικογιορτής Μαραθώνα(1/5/2011) Snapshots from the cane workshop occured within theτης Marathon Ecofestival (1/5/2011)
Student workshops organized by T.R.E.E. The Emergence workshop took place as an ECOWEEK event in December 2011. The workshop drew architecture students from several schools of architecture and explored theoretical aspects of social, environmental and The Emergence workshop took place as an ECOWEEK event in December 2011. The workshop drew architecture students from several schools of architecture and explored architecture sustainability. A collective proposal was theoretical aspects of social, environmental and architecture sustainability. A collective proposal was produced which made recommendations for thermal and environmental produced which made for thermal and improvements for the building shell of the recommendations Embros Theater. The workshop brief: environmental improvements for the building shell of the Emergence is a term used in philosophy, systems theory, science and art to signify the way that complex systems and patterns ariseworkshop out of a multiplicitybrief: of relatively simple interactions. Embros Theater. The An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or the environment.
Emergence is a term used in philosophy, systems theory, science and art to signify the way that complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions. An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or the environment. Social & Community Sustainability, the workshop’s theme, allows associations that are relevant both to the physical and to the social aspects of sustainability, in other words both the framework we live in, buildings, streets, infrastructure as well as the people that produce, inhabit and use them. Another concept that is of much relevance at times such as ours is Resilience. This workshop will attempt to tie together and work with concepts of Sustainability, Emergence and Resilience in both physical and social frameworks. Practically, in an attempt to bridge theory and action [praxis], this workshop will involve an in depth immersion in the city’s life, provided through specific readings, invited speakers and nomadic visits at places that show signs of any of the three themes of emergence, resilience and sustainability. Our task will be to work with the physical and the social realities of such chosen places in the city, to analyze and propose realistic steps that will enhance and strengthen these attributes.
Social & Community Sustainability, the workshop’s theme, allows associations that are relevant both to the physical and to the social aspects of sustainability, in other words both the framework we live in, buildings, streets, infrastructure as well as the people that produce, inhabit and use them. Another concept that is of much relevance at times such as ours is Resilience. This workshop will attempt to tie together and work with concepts of Sustainability, Emergence and Resilience in both physical and social frameworks. Practically, in an attempt to bridge theory and action [praxis], this workshop will involve an in depth immersion in the city’s life, provided through specific readings, invited speakers and nomadic visits at places that show signs of any of the three themes of emergence, resilience and sustainability. Our task will be to work with the physical and the social realities of such chosen places in the city, to analyze and propose realistic steps that will enhance and strengthen these attributes. The character of the workshop will engage spaces in the city such as Plato’s Academy, the neighbourhoods of Psiri and Kypseli and specific buildings of significance in these areas, such as Kafeneion, the Embros Theatre and the Kypseli market which we will examine under the light of emergence. Our methodology will involve artistic, scientific and empirical methods, presentations, fieldwork, specific contact and design methodologies and contact with the community. Full daily schedule and all details will be announced one week prior to the beginning of the workshop. The names of invited speakers and members of groups and networks will also be announced.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The character of the workshop will engage spaces in the city such as Plato’s Academy, the neighbourhoods of Psiri and Kypseli and specific buildings of significance in these areas, such as Kafeneion, the Embros Theatre and the Kypseli market which we will examine under the light of emergence. Our methodology will involve artistic, scientific and empirical methods, presentations, fieldwork, specific contact and design methodologies and contact with the community. Full daily schedule and all details will be announced one week prior to the beginning of the workshop. The names of invited speakers and members of groups and networks will also be announced.
Snapshots from the charette, and various moments of the workshop Snapshots from the charette, the the critcritand various moments of the workshop
Student workshops organized by T.R.E.E. AMOR1- [At my[At own Risk] workshop for students of architecture and AMOR1my/ Aown Risk] / A workshop forthe arts An alternative approach to the local students of architecture and the arts A workshop that took place during : 27-31/7 and 14-18/9/ 2009 at Nea Makri, a coastal town in Attica. An alternative approach to the local AInstructors: workshop that took place during : 27-31/7 and 14-18/9/ 2009 at Nicholas Anastasopoulos,architect Nikos Kazeros, Nea Makri,architect a coastal town in Attica. Dr. Maria Theodorou,architect Jennifer Nelson, artist Instructors: Nicholas Anastasopoulos,architect Nikos Kazeros, architect Dr. Maria Theodorou,architect Jennifer Nelson, artist
Two workshops for students of architecture. One workshop on tensile structures and one workshop on building techniques with the use of clay.
Two workshops for students of architecture. One workshop on tensile structures and Workshops took place during : 26-27/5 and 2-3/6/2012 at one workshop on building techniques with the Marathon, Attica. use of clay. Instructors: Instructors: George Foukas, architect George Foukas, architect Nanna Matrakidou, architect Annita Matrakidou, architect Eleni Kairi, architect consultants: The Engineers of thearchitect Earth group. Eleni Kairi, consultants: The Engineers of the Earth group. Panayiotis Vasilatos
Tensile structures building with clay workshops Tensile structures andand building with clay workshops