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Inspiration • Wellbeing • Vitality | Spring, Summer & Autumn 2017

Tree Of Life

Experience the World’s Most Inspirational Speakers in Birmingham!

“ There is no way to happiness — happiness is the way. ”

Thich Nhat Hanh



Tree of Life Concerts 2017



The House of Spirits Concert Saturday 20 May 2017, 7 – 9:30pm Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Rd Moseley, Birmingham B13 8AB

A Temple Gathering Concert Friday 30 June 2017, 7:15 – 9:30pm St Columba Church, Chantry Rd Moseley, Birmingham B13 8DJ



I Will Rise Concert Saturday 7 October 2017, 6:30 – 9pm Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Rd Moseley, Birmingham B13 8AB

Music, Magic & Mantra Concert Friday 3 November 2017, 8 – 10pm St Columba Church, Chantry Rd Moseley, Birmingham B13 8DJ

For full details & bookings visit: treeoflifemagazine.co.uk

Hello Friends,

Directors & Editors:

Joginder & Markéta Bola

Art Director: Jessie Kaur Facebook & Photographer: Shirley Squires Advertisement copy and enquires: 07833 358896 info@treeoflife-events.co.uk treeoflifemagazine.co.uk

Hope you’re all well and enjoying the spring buds. We have a wonderful season lined-up for you this year starting with the Spring Tree of Life Festival featuring Sandy Newbigging launching his new Hay House book ‘Calm Cure’. In May we then welcome back Judy Hall to speak about crystals and experience the power of them. Brian Clement will be speaking on the power of food to nourish and heal, we’ll also explore Goddess Wisdom with Tanishka and enjoy a fantastic concert with Nigel & Carolyn.

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See website for details to advertise in the next issue.

In June we start with Lucid Dreaming with Charlie Morley and welcome back William Bloom to learn about holistic leadership. Then we deepen with Sandy’s ‘Calm Cure’ and end with another uplifting concert with the angelic voice of Alexandra.

Address for all correspondence:

Tree of Life, 99 Blenheim Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9UA

Readership: 15,000 readers (estimated)

To briefly highlight Autumn expectations, September invites us to dance with Ya’Acov and share about his shamanic journey and new book, Blissful concert with Lucinda Drayton warms up October and Tim Wheater celebrates November. Have a blossoming season and looking forward to seeing you soon!

love, light and joy

Joginder, Markéta & Tree of Life Team xxx

Dr David Hamilton speaking at the Tree of Life on the 31st March 2017

Tree of Life vision statement “The Tree of Life is an inspirational magazine that touches people’s hearts, opens their minds & awakens their spirits. It uplifts people’s vibrations, supports conscious living & radiates with love, light & joy. It is vibrant channel through which people synchronistically connect with each other & find their inspired next steps”

Holisitc Leadership The Unseen Dynamics and Communications A one day workshop with William Bloom This workshop is dedicated to giving you the understanding and skills to manage the powerful and unseen spiritual, energetic and psychological dynamics that are at work in groups, relationships and communications. You will gain skills and concepts that you can immediately put into practice and share with others. These skills are transferable between formal and informal situations. They will improve your calm, strength and positive influence. They will enable you more easily to appreciate and respond to the varied dynamics, needs and stakeholders involved in any group endeavour whilst simultaneously supporting your good health and good humour.

In any communication people are being influenced by the impact and exchange of vibrations and energies, which they unconsciously register as sensations and feelings. These trigger primal instincts and embedded behaviour, and are then translated into emotions and thoughts. This training describes exactly how this process takes place. It will teach you how to recognise the energetic dynamics and how to improve your management of them for a positive outcome. All of this is crucial if you want to lead groups more successfully and have your communications, values and beliefs heard and taken seriously by colleagues, family and friends. The day includes: • Energetically prepare for groups, and projects • The art of holding hold the group, the project, the vision and yourself • Seen or unseen, lead with a presence that encourages and supports • Work with the spirit, soul and archetypes of your group • Gain the support of all possible allies • Create energetic safety and release creativity • Sense and manage group energies • Welcome challenges and renegades • First aid for dysfunctional dynamics At the same time, it is crucial that you

be able clearly to express your values and beliefs and be heard. This is absolutely necessary for your own fulfilment and to help others. The workshop also includes: • Have a clear psychological and energetic understanding of the unconscious dynamics of difficult communications • Clarify values and vision • Holistic assertiveness and communication skills • Integrate into communication an awareness of the psychological, energetic and spiritual dynamics • Effectively manage critics and insults • Respond effectively to competitiveness, cynicism and aggression

Saturday 10 June 2017 10:30am – 5pm Tickets: £50 Early Bird / £67 thereafter Venue: Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Rd, Moseley Birmingham, B13 8AB Book online at treeoflife-events.co.uk

Disclaimer: While the Editors and Publisher of the Tree Of Life have done their best to ensure that all advertisers are offering services for the highest good of all concerned, they would remind readers that choosing a therapist or responding to an advertisement is their own responsibility. Opinions expressed by contributors or advertisers in the Tree of Life are not necessarily those of the Editors.


Crystal divination: opening inner sight JUDY hall

Judy Hall is known around the world for her crystal work and a wide range of bestselling books, including The Crystal Bibles (1-3), Crystals and Sacred Sites and The Crystal Wisdom Oracle. Working as a psychic, healer, broadcasterand international workshop leader for over 45 years. Crystals been used as oracles since time immemorial and many crystal divinatory meanings go way back into antiquity. Their reflective qualities act as mirrors to reveal the pathway of your soul, linking you to the part of yourself that is all-seeing and allknowing. When you gaze into a crystal your rational mind no longer operates and intuition kicks in. When you cast crystals, random chance apparently takes over but synchronicity is at work. But the easiest way of scrying is to use a crystal card pack. This way you tune into the rarer high vibration crystals as well as tried and tested old favourites. And, as an extra benefit, you can lay the cards on your body for healing. Magical encapsulation Crystals have always been a part of magic and transformation. Oral tradition tells us that crystal talismans were used not only ascertain but also to influence the future. From Babylonian times, many crystals were astrological in nature, intrinsically linked to the planets and zodiac. They were part of a complex system of forecasting and petitioning favour from the gods which passed down through the ages. Crystal divination is found throughout the Old Testament and in numerous other sources. In the wonderful crystal odyssey that is the Lithica, a fourth century Orphic poem detailing the properties of crystals and the steps to becoming an initiated crystal worker, a magical black stone sphere is described. According to Helenus, a Trojan soothsayer, this sphere foretold the downfall of his city. The Lithica describes in graphic detail how he fasts for twentyone days, tenderly wraps the sphere in soft garments and makes offerings to it until through the magic of his prayers ‘a living soul warmed the precious substance.’ Sadly the news was not good and the city fell. In the sixth century BCE the Ratnapariksa of Buddhabhatta set out the virtues of stones, many of which have remained unchanged. The Achametis (700C.E), based on that book, includes interpretations of a king dreaming of crystal crowns. Red carbuncles (rubies) portended great joy and good fortune. They indicated that the king would be greatly feared by his enemies. Blue crystals were a bad omen, foreshadowing loss of the kingdom. Leek green stones indicated he would gain a reputation throughout the world, ‘both by his good faith and by the greatness of his kingdom’.


So, what can crystal scrying do for you? I created a pack that would access soul guidance as well as answer more mundane questions and bring about well-being. I was fortunate to have a photographer, Michael Ilias, working with me who encapsulated the crystal’s essence in his shots. The stunning photographs in The Crystal Wisdom Oracle help you develop your own intuition, expanding and anchoring your awareness. The oracle speaks for your soul. Each card has replies slanted towards self understanding and divination, and a healing insight. They assist you in navigating your life following your soul’s path. The answers encompass fortunate and seemingly less fortunate possibilities. But the cards do not judge which is which, that is up to you. The crystal oracle connects directly to your heart. Crystal wisdom can only work for you if you let go of the past, incorporate the oracle’s advice into every aspect your life and expand your awareness into the amazing mysteries of soul and higher consciousness that await you. To live the life you meant to be.

Have you ever wondered crystals? Evening Talk with Judy Hall Are crystals just a new age fad? Do they have a history? Do you have crystal questions you’re just longing to have answered? Well, here’s your opportunity. Judy Hall has been researching crystals for very many years. She’s dug out surprising facts, intriguing anecdotes and a mine of invaluable information. In this question and answer session she’ll share some of her discoveries and then throw the floor open to your questions. She doesn’t promise to have all the answers, but she’ll do her best to enlighten you. Do come along.

The Crystal Wisdom Oracle: Life Guidance, Healing & Self-Knowledge One Day Workshop with Judy Hall Crystals have been used for divination since ancient times. Their powerful intrinsic energies serve as mirrors to reveal your true path and link you to that part of yourself that is all-seeing and all-knowing: your soul. Created by bestselling crystals expert Judy Hall, The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle connects you to your higher, intuitive self, and, in the process, gives you amazing insights into your past, present, and future. But the cards do much more than this. They can actually help you to heal. Because of the extraordinary quality of the photographs, they capture the energy of the crystals, offering you access to rare, high vibration crystals in addition to earthy healing stones. Five card suites reflect the vibrational frequencies of the crystals within them, facilitating divinations and healings at various levels, from the material to the spiritual. In this interactive, practical hands-on workshop we will explore how you can use the cards for your own divination and healing and to assist others in their journey.

Friday 5 May 2017 7:15pm – 9:30pm Tickets: £10 Early Bird / £15 thereafter Venue: St Columba Church Chantry Rd, Moseley Birmingham, B13 8DJ Info & Bookings: treeoflife-events.co.uk info@treeoflife-events.co.uk 07833 358896

‘Wherever you go, go with all your heart.’ - Confucius

Note: The entry price includes a pack of The Crystal Wisdom Oracle.

Saturday 6 May 2017 10:30am – 5pm Tickets: £77 plus booking fee Venue: Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Rd, Moseley Birmingham, B13 8AB Info & Bookings: treeoflife-events.co.uk info@treeoflife-events.co.uk 07833 358896

Holistic Leadership

william bloom

‘William Bloom is a modern western mystic and considered by many to be Britain’s leading and most experienced mind-body-spirit teacher. The heart of his modernising approach and inspiring courses is to help people discover their own best way to connect with the wonder and energy of life, and then support them in developing a regular spiritual practice.’ - Yoga Magazine. His books include The Endorphin Effect and The Power of Modern Spirituality. Holistic leadership can make the world a better place. It can happen in all areas of your life — family, friends, workplace and the wider community of your neighbourhood, nation and planet. ‘Holistic’ means that everything in life is in some way connected and interdependent; and that your actions and behaviour ripple out to touch everyone and everything. So as a holistic leader you are aware of everyone and everything involved in your project. Also your leadership is fuelled by your highest values, so that your actions always benefit the whole community of life. Whether it is family, work or globe you obviously want to improve the situation. But sometimes simply wanting things to be better is more like a complaint than a vision. I want my family to be more harmonious. I want work to be more enjoyable and productive. I want the world to be safer. I want animals and nature to be protected. These are understandable desires, but they are not leadership visions. Desires on their own achieve nothing. Leadership needs a clear vision of the outcome and strategies for achieving it. And appropriate action. The beauty of Nelson Mandela’s leadership — the first black President of South Africa — lay in his inspirational vision filled with goodwill and hope. He is a wonderful model for us. Having been a militant revolutionary, he became an icon of peace and harmony. During his twenty-seven years imprisonment on Robben Island he went through a process of personal and political transformation and saw what was truly necessary. People needed healing, hope and inspiration. He went beyond an African liberation movement to a radical vision of the rainbow nation — a nation in which all races lived together in harmony. What a stunning transformation. Nurture your dreams and develop a clear vision of the outcome you truly want for your family, work or community. Of course when he was finally released from prison and became President of South Africa, he met political realities. The rainbow nation vision was not enough, but now needed negotiation, tactics and strategy. It needed carefully nurtured communications and relationships with everyone, especially those who had once

been enemies. This long process of manifesting the rainbow has had successes and failures. This is normal. It is in the face of failure that we see the true leaders, because they stay resolutely true to their vision despite challenges. You may want to heal relationships in your family, run a profitable business or be an effective activist. But you won’t get anywhere if you lose motivation and crumple at your first setback or when you first meet opposition. I know so many people, for example, who say they want to heal their relationships, but become outraged drama-queens at the first offence. Good leaders know that they have to wrestle with life and with people, and they do it with goodwill, love and respect. Holistic leaders also have an understanding of the unseen dynamics in relationships and communications, especially why and how people resist change. Sticks and carrots, clarity and compassion are carefully used. Persevere with hope and goodwill when you experience failure. What is your attitude to the people who may oppose your vision and leadership? You must welcome your opponents. That was the brilliant grace of Nelson Mandela. His vision included those who had been his worst enemies. If they had been excluded they would have carried on being dangerous antagonists. He welcomed them with careful tactics and communications. He once wore the green and yellow jersey of the all-white South African rugger team. A shrewd and careful move.

twenty-seven years forced contemplation, but you do need time out and space to plan, even if it is in a long soak in the bath or walk in landscape or a park. It is during these periods of relaxed planning that you can literally feel the fulfilment of your vision. It is not just an idea in your head but a felt experience of success. This is what is meant by Be the change you want to see. Why should anyone else shift if you don’t do it first and lead the way? Your actual style of leadership will need to be authentic to the kind of character you are. Humorous or dry, introvert or extrovert, sporty or armchair, servantleader or front-of-the-pack, facilitator or emperor — your leadership, actions and communications will be filled with patience and persistence, care and consideration, and a deep connection with the whole community of life. And whether you are successful or not, your efforts and your integrity are always valuable. So always remain hopeful and remember the inspiring words of Margaret Mead, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’ William will be running a workshop on Holistic Leadership on Saturday 10 June in Birmingham - see page 3 for more details.

Holistic leadership is emotionally literate and mindful. You know how to recognise and guide your own feelings and thoughts; and you are considerate and empathic to others. This is more important in fulfilling a project than technical or scholarly knowledge. This psychological wisdom also applies to how you do your planning. There is a wealth of solid research showing that people think best when at ease. Aroused, anxious or urgent we flood our brains with unhelpful electro-chemistry and it skews our thinking. So good leadership means that we take time to think carefully about our projects — what needs adapting, who needs time, crucial next steps. Out of prison and throughout his presidency Mandela liked to sit in his garden with a glass of wine pondering strategy. You do not need

‘The purpose of freedom is to create it for others.’ – Nelson Mandela

‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ - Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Longevity’s Legacy

brian clement phD

Brian Clement Ph.D., L.N. has spent more than three decades studying nutrition and natural healthcare. He has received graduate degrees in both naturopathic medicine and nutritional science. Since 1980, he has directed the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida – the complementary healing centre that was voted ‘no 1 medical spa in the world’ by the prestigious Spa Magazine. Over the years Brian has assumed the role of a health advocate, motivating a very eager public to take action to improve their lives. Most people dream of living a long life since they have not been fulfilled with the life they have. Seemingly, they are asking for more time to figure it all out. We should all rethink what that extended lifespan will mean for us if it is achieved. Will it give us more time to be bored? Can we have extended periods of anger? Will we collect more stuff? For what reason do you want to live into your golden years? How would it be if you just lived life in the moment, perceiving every day as a lifetime? When this is done well, it is due to the fact that you are exerting effort at a maximum level, never holding back. There is a classic saying, “Live life as if it is your last day.” Now this does not have to render feelings of fear and pictures of demise but on the contrary, should provoke exceptional energy and grace for you to utilize. How awkward it is when one recognizes that they live a mundane existence moving from day to day without enough vigor to have any clear direction? Longevity is a great concept, but before you ask for it, figure out why you need it! As a matter of fact, decades ago there was an international study conducted looking at the professions where people lived the longest and it showed that orchestra conductors commonly lived into their ripe, old ages. Scientists hypothesized that they were not only completely enriching their lives with what they love, but were also leading an enlightened orchestra. My question to you is, do you really have a purposeful future or are you just asking for more time? As many of us know, the Universe knows all and sees all, and unfortunately we cannot hide our sentiment from it. Many people are posers, attempting to create the façade of a deep, thoughtful and significant life while truly searching for who they are. What a sad scenario this is, since who we are has been there since we were a spark from our mother and father. Over time, it is clear to me from working with so many people, that the authentic person that lives passionately often lives long. Erik Erikson, one of the founders of modern psychology, offered us the understanding that we have different phases in life. Perpetually changing second to second, not only year to year or decade to decade, our purposeful lives adapt to the transformation of self. Our unshakeable core values reflect the purity of our person. No matter what storm arrives, it will arrives, it will always withstand the turbulence, since authenticity is

godliness. Ultimately we are each spiritual beings living a physical reality on a temporary basis. Our constant core is the expression from the heart and soul manifested in our good deeds of selfrespect, love and sharing. So many humans on earth today are lost and angry and blameful of others for their circumstance. Massive amounts of our species’ energy is wasted in the relentless pursuit of lost identity. Of course this can all be written off to the horribly bad experiences we may have had, but when will it be time for us to discard the heartbreak and become the beautiful, happy people we were when we arrived. Long lives are often cursed, since it reveals to the centurion that they have not yet figured out a formula for happiness. Happiness is the ultimate payoff for a life well lived and deserving of longevity. Making choices that are obviously good for you is representative of a person who truly is pouring themselves into the possibility of a next day, a next week and possibly a next century. When making poor selections and choices, it is representative of the unhappiness that dwells within your heart and soul. Innocence, transparency, straight talk, and humbleness are the gifts that all of us possess. These are not the signs of weakness but more so, the example of godliness. When you understand yourself enough to be comfortable with who you are and share that with others, it is time to request a longer life.

‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’ – Hippocrates

Power of Live Food to Heal Disease and Conquer Aging A one day seminar with Brian Clement PhD In this seminar, Brian Clement PhD will address the half century of work on disease and longevity conducted at the renowned Hippocrates Institute. Cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, MS, ALS, Parkinsons, fibromyalgia and more can be altered, prevented, and at times conquered with phyto-chemicals, antioxidants and other nutrients consumed on a diet of organic vegan living food. Dr. Clement will explain the basic science and extraordinary mechanisms that bring about a heightened and balanced immunity. Hundreds of thousands worldwide share enthusiasm in their greatly improved health by utilizing unprocessed green foods. One of the exceptional benefits acquired from this powerful cuisine is longevity. Saturday 13 May 2017 11:30am – 3:30pm (doors open from 11am) Tickets: £22 Early Bird / £27 on the door Venue: Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Rd, Moseley Birmingham, B13 8AB Info & Bookings: treeoflife-events.co.uk info@treeoflife-events.co.uk 07833 358896

‘Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.’ – Meister Eckhart

‘You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.’ - Marianne Williamson


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