Tree of Life Magazine Autumn 2019

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AUTUMN 2019 - SPRING 2020


f Life

Experience the World’s Most Inspirational Speakers in Birmingham

SATORI ‘sudden enlightenment – a state of flow and expanded consciousness that transforms our whole perception and cognition of everything’

Joginder Bola

William Bloom PhD

Pat de Whalley

Sandy Newbigging

Lucinda Drayton

Dr David Hamilton

I N S P I R A T I O N • W E L L B E I N G • V I TA L I T Y • F E S T I VA L S • TA L K S • W O R K S H O P S • C O N C E R T S

A LIFE-CHANGING day where you’ll discover the latest teachings in spirituality, wellness, new science and manifestation! You’ll come away inspired, empowered and equipped with the information, resources and tools you need to lead a life you love. FEATURING: Robert Holden, Lynne McTaggart, Kyle Gray, Mel Wells, Diana Cooper, Denise Duffield-Thomas and Vex King, with card readings by Yasmin Boland

THE WORLD IS WAITING for your book and the wisdom that only you have to share. At this workshop you’ll receive the inside scoop on how to write and publish your book. Plus one attendee will win a publishing contract with Hay House UK and a £5,000 advance – what are you waiting for?! FEATURING: Julia Cameron, Reid Tracy, Michelle Pilley and Kyle Gray

Beloved Friends, Directors & Editors: Joginder & Markéta Bola Art Director: Jessie Kaur Facebook: Shirley Squires Photographer: Renáta Renatice Foltysová Advertisement copy and enquires:

Hope you’re having a good 2019! It’s been a year since our last magazine with lots happening in our family. Our son Jai was born 4 years ago and last year we really prayed that he would have a sibling to share the journey of life with. Last summer our prayers were answered and Marketa fell pregnant. The due date was March this year and so we decided to not do the Spring Tree of Life Festival or Magazine to be able to spend more time enjoying the new addition to our family.

07833 358896

Our second son Jivan was born on 20th March 2019 to the beautiful devotional chant music of Snatam Kaur. He is a joyous baby and has brought so much happiness to our family. I recall Deepak Chopra saying that babies ‘babble in bliss’ and Jivan certainly does do that! Just looking into his eyes brings such peace. Our family feels complete now – everyone is here. We joke with Jai saying we are the fantastic four. We had wonderful family adventures this summer exploring Dorset and Devon and discovering the wonderful holistic town of Totnes – which has many alternative cafés and shops and the best homemade vegan ice cream we’ve ever tasted! To see the world through the eyes of a child, is to see it afresh. I recall from own childhood my love of the Star Wars movies which I’m now sharing with Jai. It’s only later in life that I learned that the story is based on The Hero’s Journey from the work of mythologist Joseph Campbell. It’s a journey which we must all make as we travel on the spiritual path of awakening. Though we have fewer events than we use to, the events we do have in programme are the ones we love and adore the most. We are particularly excited about the new Satori Weekend, co-facilitated with William Bloom PhD, which promises to be one of the most powerful and transformative events we have ever held. / treeoflifeuk / treeoflifeuk See website for details to advertise in the next issue.

Tree f Life presents THE

SATORI WEEKEND Authentic Passionate Awakening Join us for a profound awakening and shift. Pioneering transformational, this powerful workshop will dramatically liberate you to re-envision your life and how you experience it. 6-8 DECEMBER 2019 BIRMINGHAM

We have another wonderful Tree of Life Festival this October, our first workshops with Matthew Manning and uplifting concerts from gifted musicians Lucinda Drayton & Marcus Cliffe and Nigel Shaw & Carolyn Hillyer. Wishing you all joy and happiness in your lives! Lots of love, light & blessings

Joginder, Markéta & Tree of Life Team xxx

Joginder Bola William Bloom


The Tree of Life is an inspirational magazine that touches people’s hearts, opens their minds & awakens their spirits. It uplifts people’s vibrations, supports conscious living & radiates with love, light & joy. It is vibrant channel through which people synchronistically connect with each other & find their inspired next steps.

Disclaimer: While the Editors and Publisher of the Tree Of Life have done their best to ensure that all advertisers are offering services for the highest good of all concerned, they would remind readers that choosing a therapist or responding to an advertisement is their own responsibility. Opinions expressed by contributors or advertisers in the Tree of Life are not necessarily those of the Editors.


The Awesome Power of Conscious Community Hay, Wayne Dyer and many others. And through the reading I could feel myself changing and growing but I wanted more. A friend of mine told me about a personal development weekend course I could try. I was sceptical and not sure it would make any practical difference to my life, how wrong I was!

• It wasn’t just about learning information – it was about experiencing it. I could read a book about France but going to France is a totally different experience. Reading a book about awakening and experiencing awakening are two totally different things.

oginder was a highflying corporate lawyer before realising that life was about more than just making money and material kkkksuccess. In 2008 he became a Director of Tree of Life magazine and the host of many personal development events. At the same time he trained in a variety of holistic approaches to personal growth. He is happily married to Markéta with two lovely children, Jai & Jivan.

At that time I was in a job with a boss who I found very intimidating and bullying. During the course I started to believe in myself and find my strength. When I got back to work on the Monday I felt like a different person. I felt empowered and clear. I remember coming into work for the first time without feeling fear or anxiety. Then something I wasn’t consciously planning to do happened. In this new empowered state I felt the desire to send an email to my boss asking him to come and see me now in my office! When he came in I told him how unhappy I was about his behaviour towards me and that I would not tolerate it any longer. I then told him that I was taking the rest of the day off and would be in tomorrow! After that day my boss treated me with respect and our whole relationship changed.

- Søren Kierkegaard

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”

Those people who facilitated that personal development course all those years ago helped me and many others. They created a forum for healing and growth that changed lives.

My parents immigrated from India and settled into inner-city Birmingham where I grew-up. We were quite poor, my dad was a dustman and my mother a full-time mum taking care of me and my two older brothers. My dad died suddenly of a heartattack when I was 9 years old and so from that point we lived just on state benefits and moved to a council house. I went to the local comprehensive school.

There were about 100 people on that personal development course and we travelled together on a journey of selfdiscovery. I had the biggest breakthroughs and shifts I ever made in my life.

Increasingly over recent years I have felt an overwhelming impulse that I cannot resist. All my experience and trainings have led to this. Just as I was helped on the journey to awakening it is my passionate calling to serve others in the same way.

I can remember thinking as a child that I was determined to get out of poverty and education seems the best way. I studied hard and was the first in my family to go to University – I read Law at University College London and completed a Masters at Cambridge University. I qualified as a solicitor in a top City of London law firm and achieved my childhood dream.

• With a like-minded group of people supporting me in my healing and growth I was able to go further than I had ever been able to on my own.


Joginder Bola

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

When I look back on my life the whole journey makes sense.

I thought all the money would make me happy but it didn’t. My bank balance was full but my soul felt empty. I left my job to go travelling in India – experiencing yoga, meditation and met the Dalai Lama. I started reading self-help books by Louise


– they didn’t know me and I didn’t know them. And so there were no old filters between us and I could truly see myself through their eyes.

– Ryunosuke Satoro

The information content of the course was not too different from what I had read in the self-help books, so what were the keys to my weekend transformation?

• I no longer felt alone. The spiritual journey can be a lonely one if you don’t have any like-minded people in your family, workplace or circle of friends. • Friends and family saw me in set fixed ways – through the filters of the past and so it was very hard to grow beyond their expectations. The people on the course were strangers

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

From my life, I can see that on my own I can only go so far. But with the support and encouragement of like-minded people my self-awareness grows dramatically. When we gather together to support and help each other there is a magic - a cocreative alchemy that comes through. There is a strength that we all feel - that uplifts everyone. With people cheering us on we go much further. With friends you can turn to for support you can reach much higher. This conscious community is the womb out of which we can all birth our true authentic selves.

I then spoke with my buddy William Bloom and immediately we felt a surge of positive energy and inspiration. Together we knew we could create something really valuable. Over several months we continued our exploration and planning, including a wonderful day walking in Westonbirt Arboretum, England’s major tree collection. Through meditation and challenging enquiry we have developed what we know is a unique and transformational experience.

“We are the ones we’re waiting for.” – Hopi Indian Elders Hear Joginder speak about Satori at the Tree of Life Festival on Saturday 26 October 2019 (see p8)

Satori son of a dustman, have in common? Why on earth are Joginder and I working and teaching together? The answer is that we both broke free of our family and social cultures. We also both achieved material success and status, and found them hollow. We both then dedicated ourselves to personal development and holistic education.

William Bloom PhD


illiam is one of the UK’s leading teachers in the field of holistic personal development. He is the author of many books including the bestselling The Endorphin Effect and Psychic Protection. He had a highly successful career in London publishing before taking two years retreat in the High Atlas Mountains of southern Morocco. He is a meditation master and founder of the Spiritual Companions Trust. He has a doctorate in social psychology from the London School of Economics and has a passion for motobikes. What do a posh white boy, son of a psychiatrist, and a working class Sikh boy,

Joginder was born into an impoverished family of immigrants but, having achieved a master’s degree at Cambridge, went on to become a highflying corporate lawyer. Which he found meaningless and went on to lead Tree of Life Magazine and events. Very different, I rejected my social background, dropped out of school and became a hippy. But I loved books and writing. I became the youngest commissioning editor in London, by the age of twenty-five had seven of my own novels published, found all this meaningless and took two years spiritual retreat in the High Atlas Mountains of southern Morocco. It was after that retreat that I finally went to university, achieved a doctorate and was destined for a good academic career, but also found that meaningless. My love is human development. Like Joginder, I love to be involved with people who want to change and develop themselves. I get the same joy from seeing people grow as gardeners get from their flowers, plants and trees. For the last thirty years I have been working fulltime

organising, writing and educating in the field of holistic development. My bottom line is simple: I want people (including me!) to develop more love, wisdom and consciousness. Yes we are all complex and very different human beings. But we share similar challenges and opportunities on the path of growth. We all face the same supreme inner struggle of managing and integrating our primal human instincts and passions — food, sex, status, safety, power, anxiety — so that we truly grow and become better, wiser, more compassionate, happy, useful, caring human beings. I totally believe that we are an evolutionary species with the potential to develop a global culture of love, wisdom and care for all. In our Satori weekend Joginder and I are working with a pioneering and enlightening model of human development. We will explore, experience and integrate core primal states that are part of everyone’s genetic inheritance and that influence so many of our feelings, thoughts and behaviours. These three genetically embedded states are: • Frozen with fear. • Aroused to fight or flee. • Safe and cooperative. We will then break through and shift into a fourth state, Satori. This is an awakened state of compassion, confidence, wellbeing and wisdom— a new and expanded sense of what it is to be truly alive. Join us on this adventure.

Are you ready for a breakthrough, a quantum shift in your personal development?

THE SATORI WEEKEND Authentic Passionate Awakening

6-8 December 2019 Birmingham There will also be a Satori evening introductory talk by Joginder & William on Friday 11 October 2019 where you can find out more. See website for full details & to book both events:

We welcome you to a pioneering and extraordinary weekend. Harnessing the tidal wave of evolutionary energy – your innate instinct to grow, develop and expand – and using insights from the latest significant breakthroughs in neuroscience and psychology – polyvagal theory, gut ecology and psychoneuroimmunology – this weekend will take you through a transformational experience. Our Satori model of human development will dramatically empower you to reenvision your life and how you experience it. And what is Satori? It is the Japanese Zen word for sudden enlightenment – a state of flow and expanded consciousness that transforms our whole perception and cognition of everything. It is bigger than all our daily noise and personal concerns. It is cosmic and it is also in the tiniest particle of being. It is a space of wisdom, compassion and mystery. Our work this weekend will be to awaken and deepen Satori so that it is not just a ‘sudden’ experience but one that endures and flows through the whole of your life. Led by two of Britain’s most experienced facilitators you will be soothed, encouraged and emboldened. Whatever your current experience of life is now, it will improve. Feeling good already? Then you will feel even better. The weekend is for anyone interested in personal development and making a difference in the world. Whatever your background, or work, or no work; or your age, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, belief system – you are warmly welcomed and included.

‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.’ – Albert Einstein


Spiritual Musings my life had been pre arranged by me and source and those loving souls who stepped forward to enlighten me on this journey of life. The first half of my life had been spent living unconsciously, as a teenager I lived through the hedonism of the music industry with a front row seat and a back stage pass to seemingly the most exciting celebrities on the planet, then subsequently I moved across to the media the slightly more contained and grounded world of broadcast journalism but navigating the politics just exhausted me.

Pat de Whalley


at is a Writer, Broadcast Journalist and Spiritual Counsellor. Her life passions are both to communicate and to see people grow. She’s in the process of writing her first book. It’s no co-incidence that you are reading this.Take a look around you at the people you love, live and work with. You are aware that there are no co-incidences? Each person you share significant time with holds a part of you, has a story to tell you or to teach you. They are, we are, mirrors for each others souls. When I was young I used to have a kaleidoscope – it fascinated me that each abutted section seemed to mirror the preceding segment. Later on as I travelled through life’s journey of experiences. I made the same connection in terms of my relationships. Each exchange seemed to be multi-layered, cyclical and kaleidoscopic. The same archetypes would emerge again and again as in Tagore’s beautiful poem of “Unending Loves”. I intuitively knew all of this yet…. I came late to the concept of pre-birth planning yet it was the moment that changed my life – it was empowering to understand that the events taking place in

Solihull natural healtH group Tues. 17th Sept - BE HERO NOW - 3 Strategies for Living Unlimited Sandy Newbigging Tues. Oct. 15th - Human Design John Critoph Sun. 3rd Nov - One Day Workshop - How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body And Shape Your Reality - Dr David R. Hamilton Tues. Nov 19th - Geomancy - Fay Semple Jan. 21st 2020 - The Old Soul Evolves Into Their Infinite Potential - Stella Brookes Talk Venue: Oliver Bird Hall, Church Hill Road, Solihull, B91 3RQ See website for Workshop Venue


All the while incubating my growing sense of discomfort. Sitting in the centre of that discomfort and exploring it opened up my perspective. I sought solace in an activity which was the complete opposite for my former life “silent retreat” in fact 10 years of annual silent retreats . And in time it led me to become conscious. I started to see that I had called all of these teachers into my life. That pre-birth sacred contracts had been written and agreed to and were being played out for my spiritual development. And each time I held on to the human drama – spirit would nudge me into “re-membering” who I was and what I had chosen to be my life’s purpose. Now in my fifth decade some of my storylines have evaporated only to be replaced by new ones. I smile because I intuit that in the preceding decades I have passed some form of test that will only be revealed to me when spiritual amnesia lifts. I have entered “shadowlands” armed with faith and trust and returned scarred but wiser. Reflecting on the knowledge that I must-have agreed this path with spirit – It also seems that I pre-arranged a new fork in the journey a sweeter path as a reward for the journey thus far. Why? because I sense that those integrated challenging lessons have moved me on to


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‘Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.’ - Albert Einstein

a different kinder learning environment. With different teachers offering me the opportunity to learn new insights. Stepping back and seeing the overview from the soul’s perspective it appears I believe that we have one integral lesson to learn and when that’s done – the rest is just playtime in the classroom of life mopping up lesser life lessons. So what was my lesson you ask? – compassion it seems. I chose to be placed in opposing learning situations in order to learn my own truth, however difficult it may have looked, it was needed for my spiritual growth and soul development. I believe that if the lesson to be learnt is compassion – then you are placed in unloving scenarios if its abundance then you are placed in lack, similarly for all the other lessons which have seemingly brought us the brink of being broken. The ultimate joy comes from the knowledge that once the lessons have been fully integrated the teachers will leave.

Hear Pat share about her journey of spiritual awakening at the Tree of Life Festival on Saturday 26 October 2019 (see p8)

“I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no “brief candle” for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” – George Bernard Shaw

A Course in Miracles Book Study Group Thursdays in Bournville 7:30pm Find out more. Text: Cheryl (07788 134772) or Richard (07890 958703)


f Life

FESTIVAL! Inspiration • Wellbeing • Vitality


Joginder Bola

Sarah Rozenthuler

Pat de Whalley

Alexandra Wenman

Natasha Aylott

Jonathan Brown

Seed SistAs’

Will Gethin

Natasha Crompton

Sarah Westwood

info & tickets:


Sponsored by


TIME 10.15am 10.45am

11am 11.30am


Founder of Conscious Frontiers In this enlightening talk, Will Gethin introduces mythologist Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey template for storytelling as a map for living and transformation. He also shares his experience of following his bliss – and blisters! – as he lived out this mythical sequence in his own life.

Reconnecting with Your Loved Ones JONATHAN BROWN International Psychic Medium

12.30pm 1pm

2pm 2.30pm


3.3Opm 4pm

4.15pm 4.45pm

5pm 5.30pm

Let your life speak. Come and explore with local Quakers the way we can create peace and harmony within ourselves. Hear our personal journeys to becoming Friends and explore the spiritual path we all share through Peace, Equality, Simplicity, Truth and Sustainability.

10.45am - 11am BREAK

Source Energy Healing JILLIAN STOTT

11.30am - 11.45am BREAK

Broadcaster & Journalist Has been a National / Local Broadcaster & Journalist and contributor for three decades. Writing has always been my fulcrum. Running parallel has been my deep connection to spirituality. I made a life expanding decision to train as a counsellor which evolved into finding my niche as a spiritual counsellor. Join me as I share with you my journey of spiritual awakening.


Astro-Herbalism Ritual Magic and Medicine in Herbcraft SEED SISTAS’ Published Authors & Experts

What is Metatronic Healing? GILLIAN GOLDFINCH Teacher of Metatronic Healing

Metatronic Healing was founded by Pippa Merrivale in 2007 to aid your spiritual journey and well-being. It’s purpose is to empower you through it’s course structure to feel and live from your Truest Self. By engaging in this pathway, your health and well-being will also be supported to improve. In this talk you will hear more about the Divine intelligence that is Archangel Metatron and experience a Metatronic Healing.

Discover the Joy & Freedom of Awakened Relating JOY HICKLIN-BAILEYAwakened relating coach helping you create

happiness & love in relationships Learn practical keys NOW so you experience more freedom, joy & ease in relating. This is for you if: • You sense the potency of empowered masculine & feminine • Your relating life has more potential than you currently live • You wish for more nourishing sensuality & to dissolve how you sabotage that • You wish to learn authentic, direct communication.

2.30pm - 2.45pm BREAK

Get Blissed What purpose does stress have in our lives and how can we manage that stress in order that it doesn’t take over our lives? How can we manage stress in the busy world we live in? What can we do to help ourselves and our loved ones? Do diet, exercise and mindset have a place in this? Is it possible to have a balanced life, be happy and healthy?

The Beauty of Sleep DIONNE ROBERTS

Yoga Nidra Artist Dionne will explain the beauty of the healing power of sleep as well as the transcending ability it has; to manifest our potential, cleanse, renew and restore the body mind symposium in our theta (brain wave) state. You will not only hear, how this is accomplished, but you’ll get the opportunity to experience it for yourself. In a live, exploratory demo on Yoga Nidra - the state of consciousness sleep.

3.15pm - 3.30pm BREAK

Co-Facilitator with Neale Donald Walsch During these increasingly turbulent times, would you like to explore how to stay centred? If you need to talk with someone, would you value some know-how to have a meaningful conversation instead of getting triggered? This talk will focus on how you can bring your greater Self to bear during difficult moments so that you don’t lose your ground.

Nature Rituals to Heal and Uplift ALEXANDRA WENMAN & KRYSIA NEWMAN

Art of Living Teacher of Happiness, Yoga & Meditation An introduction to practical natural techniques to calm the mind. There is also the negative and judgemental thinking (related to mind) which can have an impact on the stillness of the mind and our happiness. We explore and discuss this in the seminar. There will be a practical session to demonstrate techniques of calming the mind.

1pm - 2pm LUNCH BREAK

This is an interactive talk exploring a week of herbs – 7 herbs for 7 days. In this talk we shall try and give you a flavour of our Sensory Herbalism with some practical recipes, esoteric plant rituals & rites, poetry, plant characterisation stories and historical information. Come along and enjoy the Seed SistAs’ lively passionate style of sharing their herb love in this interactive talk.

How to Deepen your Presence SARAH ROZENTHULER

The Nature of the Mind & Calming the Mind RAJ FULCHAND

12.15pm - 12.30pm BREAK

Director of Tree of Life What is Satori? It is the Zen word for sudden enlightenment - a state of flow and expanded consciousness that transforms our whole perception and cognition of everything. Discover how you can awaken and deepen Satori so that it is not just a ‘sudden’ experience but one that endures and flows through the whole of your life.


2.45pm 3.15pm

Quakers - Room for More LOCAL QUAKERS

Source Energy Healing Practitioner Once again Jonathan welcomes you all to a lighthearted and warm session where you will be able to reconnect with your loved ones directly. In Source Energy Healing is a profound pure new form of Healing. Jillian and her this quick and efficient session you will be able to directly connect with one of Practitioners will explain how this amazing Healing will bring balance and unity to your loved ones who has passed away to the Higher side of life. Come and join all aspects of your life. We warmly invite you to come and experience this today. Jonathan for an amazing opportunity to be reconnected with one of your loved ones which you will never forget.


11.45am 12.15pm


The Hero’s Journey: Follow Your Bliss WILL GETHIN

Shamanism, Consciousness & Problem Solving ADRIAN EDWARDS

Mirrorstone Crystals Learn necessary tools for a multidimensional approach to life. Blinded at the age of 11, I learnt to find the extraordinary & ordinary. Come & explore with me how to turn this approach to life into a practical way of achieving your aims & objectives, building a strong road for the manifestation of your dreams now & in the future. Learn to walk with your dreams & to let your dreams walk with you.

4pm - 4.15pm BREAK


Awakener * Alchemist * Author & Holistic Therapist Multi-instrumentalist Sound Healer In this talk, co-authors of Theresa Cheung’s latest book ‘21 Rituals In Nature’, Sarah will be playing her beautiful gongs & drums to demonstrate the power of Krysia Newman and Alexandra Wenman will share their tips for how to connect sound healing. Wonderful for stress or pain issues and for meditation/ journey more deeply with the natural world for spiritual development, nurturing, healing experiences. Be transported into bliss on waves of sound. and rejuvenation.

Chanting for Healing SARAH WESTWOOD

4.45pm - 5pm BREAK

Can you really lose weight, fast? JANET THOMSON

Multi-instrumentalist Sound Healer Best selling author & TV Expert Chanting, or toning, is a truly wonderful practice for mind, body and spirit, For years we were taught it’s a simple matter of “eat less move more” and calming our nervous system, releasing feel-good hormones – and it feels “calories in versus calories out”, but huge advances in nutrition science have amazing! Experience simple mantras for loving inner connection – and joy! proved that its not quite as simple as we thought. We really do now have the answers to why so many people tried and failed at just about every diet in the book. Learn the three key elements that make you a fat burner not a fat storer. Creating your Spiritual (and other) Legacy 5.50PM CLOSING CHANT CEREMONY WITH SARAH WESTWOOD IN THE STANDS EXHIBITION HALL DR JULIANE SCHWARZ

ROOM 3 So What Have You Come Back For This Time? DAVID GRAHAM

Regression Therapist & Hypnotherapist Is reincarnation for real? What about the evidence? What’s it all for anyway? What’s my current life all about? This talk focuses on the journey of the soul as we move in and out of our physical lives, exploring many issues. Come, listen and join in a self-exploration exercise too.

Tree f Life

Iridology – The True Window to the Soul RON PRESCOTT ND

Naturopathy & Wellbeing Join Ron on a journey to discover what the Colour & Markings in your eyes mean relating to your health, personality and life path. This will be a fun and interactive talk and will provide you with some useful information on improving you health and happiness.

Crystals are like having Tools in a Tool Box NATASHA CROMPTON

Intrinsic Therapies. Highly experienced and qualified crystal therapist, teacher and crystal sharer. We all seem to lead busy lifestyles as we try to maintain and increase our own health and wellbeing, including our mental health. As many of us struggle with stress, anxiety and blockages we’re all looking for ways to assist us on a daily basis. Come striving to Promote and find out how crystals can do this, like tools in a tool box.

Current Needs in

FESTIVAL! Inspiration • Wellbeing • Vitality

piritual Health & Wellbeing.

Ayurvedic Principles, Philosophies & Systems DRS ANIL XAVIER, SHINY THOMAS & JACOB KURIAN


‘The Karma Centre is a beautiful healing sanctuary with wonderful Ayurvedic

treatments & practitioners.’ Karma Centre Ayurvedic Practitioners AT REAR I recommend this place. Ayurveda is aJoginder Sanskrit word meaning ‘Science of Life’. It is the ancient Indian Bola Tree of Life system of medicine, it is holistic and natural, it is based on the balance of the five primal elements of the physical universe - Ether (space), Air (gasses), Fire (Light and heat), Water (liquids) and Earth (solids). According to Ayurveda a dis-ease occurs in us when these elements are out of balance. CENTRE


‘How to recharge your human energy - Qi’ DANI ZAFIROVSKA

SATURDAY 26th OCTOBER 2019 10am - 6pm (doors open 9.45am) Free Festival Goodie Bags for the first 100 vistors!




Senior Qi Energy Practitioner at Jung Shim Jung Shim aims to help you thrive in today’s world by tapping into your own ‘human energy’ - Qi. This talk will help you learn: • What is Qi ‘Lifeforce Energy’ • How does the human energy system work • What creates blockages - How Jung Shim methods can help you to release blockages and recharge your Qi ‘human energy’ RELAXATION & NATURAL BEAUTY


Are you ready for a Revolution in Human Consciousness? RACHEL MURPHY & DAVID BONNER

The Multidimendsional Show Humankind stands on the brink of a radical shift in consciousness as it approaches a critical time in history. We are now being called in these turbulent times to take a quantum leap in our understanding of the universe and our place in it. To uncover the truth of who we truly are and a new way to live on this planet takes one realisation...Hear founder and host of the Multidimensional Show, Rachel Murphy, and co-host, David Bonner, as they share their insights.

What’s in Your Name GILL KISSANE

Numerology Teacher Gill a teacher from “The Connaissance school of Numerology” which is based in Royston where the Michael and Mary Ley lines meet actually at Royston Cave. The work of the school is soul based, helping us to raise in consciousness through number for world peace.


The Truth Alchemist Take a fascinating journey into the matrix , removing the clutter to take you on a journey of discovery which ultimately leads to the purpose you were born for. Truly fascinating....

Creating your Spiritual (and other) Legacy DR JULIANE SCHWARZ

Avatar Master Human nature is about creativity and change. What kind of change do we want to see in ourselves and on the whole planet/universe over the next 1000 years or so? What can we do about it now? This talk is an exploration about our creative power and the influences we have to create a better planet for ourselves and generations to come.

THE BEECHES CONFERENCE CENTRE 76 SELLY OAK ROAD, BOURNVILLE, BIRMINGHAM B30 1LS £10 Early Bird online in advance or £15 on the door

A day of inspiration, connection and fun for your heart, body mind & spirit! FREE Inspirational Talks Many Holistic Exhibitors Celebrating conscious living & co-creation!

TREE OF LIFE FESTIVALS VISION “The Tree of Life Festivals touch people’s hearts, opens their minds & awaken their spirits. They uplift people’s vibrations, support conscious living and radiate with love, light & joy”



Catalyst With Kanada Elizabeth Gorla and Ben Mali Macfadyen Today’s young adults face unprecedented environmental, social and economic challenges. Catalyst is a 5-day residential programme for 18-29 year olds who want to do things differently. 1st - 6th September 2019 Sold Out, 5th - 10th April 2020, 2nd - 7th August 2020

Galliant Men: A Retreat of Integration With Thurstan Crockett and Taylor Roark Our vision is a world where men integrate all aspects of themselves to powerfully live their true nature and purpose; and through this, naturally serve themselves, their communities and the world. This is a four-day residential retreat for men over the age of 18. 3rd - 6th October 2019

Autumn Equinox Experience Weekend

Finding The Courage To Act: Trembling Warrior

With The Embercombe Community

With Gill Coombs, Mothiur Rahman and Natalie Bennett

Join us for community, camping, ceremony and to share food, stories, songs and silence; and a chance to experience the beauty, nature and magic of Embercombe. 20th - 22nd September 2019

A week long practical preparation for all those seeking to find the courage, the voice and the way to step into peaceful, soulful and effective action, for change in our times. 30th September - 4th October 2019

The Journey

Grow The Grown Ups

With Mac Macartney and Tina Sharman

(For families who have attended at least one Grow The Grown Ups Programme)

The Journey is 5-day initiation, a ritual, a personal development programme. You will be both challenged and encouraged, while guided to explore the ‘Twin Trail’ – the inner path of self-development, and the outer path of action.

With Joanna Watters and team

6th - 11th October 2019, 29th March - 3rd April 2020, 4th - 9th October 2020

This is a chance to reconnect with like-minded families, touch back into the Embercombe atmosphere, deepen your connections – to your children, to your partner, to your values, to your inner core and your ability to listen. 25th - 27th October 2019

The Dark Veil: Honouring the Cycles of Life

The Spirit Of Activism

With Ian Siddons Heginworth, Angharad Wynne, Joanne Tremarco, Rupert & Claire Calendar

With Manda Scott, Della Duncan and Special Guests

An opportunity to prepare for the colder, darker days of Winter, and to reflect on life and death. Honouring the turning of the seasons and the year, considering our own mortality, and forming a living connection with our ancestors, at the time when the veil between worlds is said to be at its thinnest, through ceremony and ritual, play and conversation.

We will explore and unpack the philosophies and tools of consciously being and acting in the world, methods that are our inheritance and our birthright including elements of shamanic practice and Joanna Macy’s ‘Work that Reconnects’

31st October – 4th November 2019

8th - 12th November 2019

Speaking Out With Kanada Elizabeth Gorla and Deborah Antoinette Ward Join us for this two day public speaking course, which will give you practical skills and new techniques to help you meet your deep intention, be authentic and develop strong self esteem so you can communicate with impact and authenticity. 14th - 16th November 2019

Tending The Rose Garden: A Post-Psychedelic Experience Retreat

Winter Solstice Experience weekend

Hosted by Ros Watts, Michelle BakerJones and the Embercombe Team

Join us for our last event of the year, midWinter and be warmed by fires and good cheer. We will share food, stories, songs and silence experience the magic of Embercombe.

A space for those seeking to share and integrate their previous experience with expanded states of consciousness, particularly using psychedelic substances. Community, conversation, and celebration, in and on the land of Embercombe where simple yet profound shifts happen.

With The Embercombe Community

13th - 15th December 2019

22nd - 24th November 2019

Where The Wild Things Are With Chris Salisbury, Max Hope, Alan Watson Featherstone, Shaun Ellis, Mac Macartney Starting and ending at Embercombe, this programme is a 5-module immersive journey with stopovers in some of Britain’s ‘rewilding’ projects – from the south of England to the Caledonian forest in Scotland. We will learn from the pioneering individuals who have decided to restore liberty to nature, what their hopes, dreams and challenges have been – and we will witness for ourselves the quality and the difference that they have been able to make.

Educators R&R Retreat: Rewilding the Teachers

Vintage Vans – Unplugged Retreat

With the Embercombe Team and Guests

Sid, Dot and Iris are full of retro charm and stylishly furnished with comfortable beds, woodfire stove for heating and mini kitchen for drinks and snacks. They are especially suited for individuals and couples looking for a back-to-nature break or for family gettogethers if all three vans are hired together. Dot has room for a child and Sid and Iris have double beds only.

A place for educators to connect with other educators, away from schools, colleges and academies, and be together in a restful and nourishing environment. A chance to consider together how to best serve the people we support, the children, the young people, the adult learners, by remembering ourselves and reconnecting with other educators.

Available all year

3rd – 5th April 2020

24th February – 13th November 2020


2019 / 2020 Courses available for booking at

Embercombe change your world A place to remember yourself. holy grail - a mutually respectful union between the purpose, vision, and values of Embercombe together with competent, confident, responsible, and professional business management. Without one or the other we fail. The change process we’ve been negotiating this last eighteen months is now bearing fruit and I am very happy and excited to be part of this new era in Embercombe’s emergence.


mbercombe is a beautiful and wilding 50 acre valley on the edge of Dartmoor. It is place to find a deep connection with nature – wild nature around us and wild nature within us. It is a place to breathe, to reconsider, to regenerate and to relearn. It is a place to get clear on what it is you have to offer the world and become passionate about who you are and what you do. It is a place to join the conversation, pick up the skills and get started. If we are all here for a reason, let’s find it together. Wherever you are, we can meet you there. A word from Mac Macartney, founder of Embercombe: ‘We marked Embercombe’s 20th year on 1st May. It has been an amazing, exhilarating and frequently challenging ride - a journey that has touched the hearts and imaginations of a great many visitors to our beautiful and rugged valley. For the last few years Embercombe has been seeking what I consider to be one version of the

Over the same two decades Rewilding has risen above the conservation world’s horizon and confronted assumptions that have underpinned conservation policy and practice for as long as I can remember. Controversial, and inciting strong reactions across the spectrum, it does however seem that rewilding is here to stay and will in time make a huge and positive contribution to the restoration of ecosystems around the world. For Embercombe there is another dimension to rewilding that we believe is fundamentally entwined with the rewilding of landscape, and this is the rewilding of our own species. In this context, rewilding concerns the revitalisation and reimagining of how we as a contemporary society can once again live in deep relationship with the rest of nature. Like the cartoon, we have been sat on a tree branch busily sawing through everything that supports our welfare and the tree’s capacity to leaf, fruit, and flourish. It is time for us to wake up, grow up, and re-join the family that so graciously enabled our evolution. The rewilding of the human spirit is essential and urgent, and Embercombe is

set to play its part in this.’ Embercombe has specialised for many years in courses and experiences that encourage people to explore and experience what it might mean to be human at this fragile moment in time, to find a role in bringing about the rewilded future we dream of. Whilst offering the much loved courses Embercombe is known for such as The Journey, Catalyst and Experience Weekends, it is becoming a hub for rewilding and a place for stakeholders to hold the debate. New courses such as Where the Wild Things Are, Speaking Out and The Spirit of Activism are on offer as well as unplugging opportunities for back to nature retreats. With plantbased, wholesome food available as well as an abundance of nature and beauty, Embercombe is a place to breathe, to be, to find a deeper clarity and peace.

“Imagine the society we could create if we served people and nature first, and generated profits second.”

– Mac Macartney

‘You must be the change you want to see in the world’ - Gandhi


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After a Narcissistic Relationship


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f Life


Lucinda Drayton

Nigel Shaw & Carolyn Hillyer

William Bloom PhD

Joginder Bola

Sandy Newbigging






The Satori Evening





Be Hero Now - 3 Strategies for Living Unlimited












Nine Prayers North






Healing Intent






Healing Circles






The Satori Weekend






Christmas Concert


Jonathan Brown

Matthew Manning

Pat de Whalley

Dr David Hamilton

Darshana Elena

2020 FRI


MAR Talk

How Your Mind Can Shape Your Reality




MAR Workshop

How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body









MAY Talk

Family Constellations




MAY Workshop

Family Constellations



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