Tree of life autumn/winter 2015/16

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Tree Of Life Inspiration • Wellbeing • Vitality

Experience the World’s Most Inspirational Speakers in Birmingham!

Lucinda Drayton

Melody Fletcher

Nick Williams

Judy Hall

Pea Horsley

Happiness is when what “you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Gandhi


Dr David Hamilton speaking on ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body’

Directors of Tree of Life, Joginder & Markéta with their newborn son Jai Matěj Singh Bola

‘Music, Mantra & Magic’ concert with Tim Wheater & Cherub Sanson

Dear Friends

“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

People meeting at a Tree of Life event

Welcome to the new look Tree of Life! Hope you like it and a big thanks to Ayesha & Jessie Kaur for all their wonderful design work in creating the new magazine. When Joginder & Markéta first started the Tree of Life Events & Festivals in 2009, they wanted to create gatherings of wonderful speakers who collectively would create a level of energy and inspiration that far exceeded what those teachers could accomplish by themselves. Where like-minded people could meet each other and realise that they weren’t alone – that there were many other kindred spirits sharing similar experiences and on the same journey. The Tree of Life is a platform where personal development, spirituality, healing and understanding is attracted and can be encountered. It’s very inspiring for people who are variedly defined as seekers, explorers or ‘being different’. After all, spirit is not limited and should thus not be seen as limiting. Spirit encounters the physical universe as bodies, thus eating healthily and caring for this magical vehicle and form is asked for. Spirit is inquisitive as minds, where information and different viewpoints can be explored and inspiration via great speakers and joy from inspiring musical performers experienced. Spirit likes to be acknowledged, thus spiritual practices connecting us with source are not only uplifting and enjoyable but also deeply nourishing. Finally, something which might not be so obvious but still very important: Spirit wants us to evolve and develop. That is where service to humanity and responsibility for each other comes in. I will finish with a quote from one of my favourite authors: Harry Palmer ‘The greatest causes of suffering, and perhaps the only causes of suffering, are ignorance and intolerance. As you dispel these, in yourself and in those around you, the whole creeps towards enlightenment’. By being involved in the Tree of Life Network in whatever capacity you are comfortable with, we are working on dispelling ignorance and intolerance and as a consequence reduce suffering for us and other sentient beings. That is why some extraordinary beings regularly meet on Fridays or weekends in this network. Looking forward to being with you again soon this season.

Love, Light and Joy

Guest editor Dr Juliane Schwarz 2

Evening with Lorna Byrne the author of ‘Angels In My Hair’

Directors & Editors: Joginder & Markéta Bola Art Directors: Ayesha Kaur & Jessie Kaur Facebook & Photographer: Shirley Squires Advertisement copy and enquires: 0121 449 4086

/ treeoflifeuk / treeoflifeuk See website for details to advertise in the next issue.

Address for all correspondence: Tree of Life, 99 Blenheim Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9UA Readership: 15,000 readers (estimated)

Tree of Life vision statement

“The Tree of Life is an inspirational magazine that touches people’s hearts, opens their minds & awakens their spirits. It uplifts people’s vibrations, supports conscious living & radiates with love, light & joy. It is vibrant channel through which people synchronistically connect with each other & find their inspired next steps”

Disclaimer: While the Editors and Publisher of the Tree Of Life have done their best to ensure that all advertisers are offering services for the highest good of all concerned, they would remind readers that choosing a therapist or responding to an advertisement is their own responsibility. Opinions expressed by contributors or advertisers in the Tree of Life are not necessarily those of the Editors.

September & October

Tree of Life Inspirational Events Calendar Sep 2015 - Feb 2016 FRI 18 Sept TALK: JERRY SARGEANT


See Page 11.

The Feminine Way to Wealth - Unleashing Your True Feminine Potential It’s time we harness our feminine sources of power for the good of all humankind. A profoundly life & business-enhancing event.

Into the Light - The Power of Star Magic


Rev.Elation - Comedy & Magic Evening See Page 4.

SAT 10 Oct: AUTUMN TREE OF LIFE FESTIVAL! Many Speakers & Stands See Page 14 & 15.

Founder & Director of ‘One of Many’ & Lifestyle Business Entrepreneur


Author of 17 bestselling books with a following of millions around the globe

Manifest Destiny with Grace A short intensive in contemporary use of the ancient Taoist ‘wu wei magic’ system - an internal psycho­energetic protocol that ensures you stand in grace and good relation to destiny and that destiny in return treats you as its beloved, providing for your every need with utmost elegance. The Taoist model has it that if you switch modes from wanting to having, and are clear about what you intend your plenitude grows exponentially spontaneously as a result.

FRI 16 Oct CONCERT: NIGEL SHAW & CAROLINE HILLYER International Renowed Dartmoor Musicians

Wild Sanctuary Concert Featuring music and songs from their new and recent albums including Bones, The Wyched Wombe and Nocturnes. A special evening that braids together sacred and tender music, ancient and traditional instruments, vibrant and earthy rhythms.

FRI 6 Nov & SAT 7 Nov: JUDY HALL

FRI TALK: The New High Vibration Chakras SAT WORKSHOP: Crystals for Raising Kundalini See Page 6 for details.


SUN 8 Nov WORKSHOP: CLARE GLENNON & RICHARD FARMER Healers & Teachers of Metatronic Healing®

Metatronic Healing An opportunity for you to experience an immersion into Metatronic Healing. The day is open to all whether this is for the first time or you came to the previous workshop. Experience more Metatronic Attunements and Transmissions.

FRI 13 Nov TALK: NICK JAMES Inspired Entrepreneur


Holistic Business Growth Nick will be sharing how he gotWW his business off the ground and made his first £100k... how he then grew a multi-million pound business... and how you can get paid the income you deserve in exchange for the value you provide.

SAT/SUN Nov 14/15 WORKSHOP: JERRY SARGEANT Two Days of Divinity Weekend See Page 11 for details.


Gifted singer/song writer from Bliss who has sold over 100,000 albums & multi-instrumentalist MARCUS CLIFFE

The Road Least Travelled Concert - A sacred musical experience Join Lucinda for music that has the potenial to enlighten and to heal. The Road Least Travelled documents a journey into the self. Born of a period of deep silence, this collection of musical stories takes the listener on a journey of self-discovery and awakening. Yet Lucinda is not a preacher, instead she invites you gently into the heart space. Inviting deep reflection on the human condition and how to travel the road least travelled, the road of truth.


The Essence Process Weekend On this highly practical course participants experience a gentle, fun two days of specially designed educational exercises and interactions in a relaxed atmosphere of trust. This powerful process helps them see and understand subconscious behaviour patterns that can make life unnecessarily stressful. Participants also learn new tools they can apply in their every day lives, the ability to let go of what limits them and to express themselves openly.



Who’s audiences have included the Queen and Dalai Lama

Sounds Divine Festive Concert - Divine Transformation through scared sound Relax and receive healing sound to soothe and regenerate every cell in your body back into perfect harmony with ancient techniques of toning and mantra - strengthening your field through the energetic codes of the Sanskrit language. Experience a fusion of symphonic gongs, flutes, voice and drums, while you set your intention to become aligned to your path of highest good. Chant together as one tribe to raise the vibrational state of yourself and the planet, as you begin to open up energetically to miraculous awakenings and divine transformation for 2016!

Deliberate Receiving: Finally, the Universe Makes Some Freakin’ Sense! See Page 5 for details

SAT 6 Feb 2016 WORKSHOP: NICK WILLIAMS The Work You Were Born To Do


See Page 7 for details

Reclaim Your Feminine Power Levels 1 & 2


World leaders in the emerging field of menstruality Your spiritual practice is encoded in your body - it’s your menstrual cycle - and it’s time to awaken to it and reclaim your feminine power.

Animal Communication See Page 9 for details

Venues, Times & Prices (unless otherwise stated): Friday Talks, 7.15 - 9.30pm (doors open 6.45pm) Weekend Workshops, 10.30am - 5pm St Columba Church, Chantry Rd, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8DJ £10 Early Bird / £15 thereafter

Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Rd, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8AB £50 Early Bird / £67 thereafter

For full details & bookings visit: 0121 449 4086


Rev.Elation - The Art of Lifting Hearts Merkabah (meaning ‘chariot’) meditation — an internal journey all about the cleansing and elevation of the individual’s soul. Merkabah meditations known as Rising in the Chariot are led by mystics world-wide, based both on this book and teachings in the Book of Ezekiel. I’ve done a couple and, trust me, they are amazing whatever your belief system.

by Maggy Whitehouse

Maggy is a writer and communicator who has informed and entertained people for more than 35 years through writing, radio, television and stand-up comedy. Mark is an independent priest and stage magician.

You may know that Revelation is full of sevens: seven seals, seven stars, seven angels — in fact, nineteen different sevens. Seven is the number of completion. It is the number of primary chakras and it is the number of lower sefirot, or circles, on the Tree of Life so all of Revelation is about cleansing and balancing our own psyches and souls and lifting ourselves to a higher consciousness, not about damning others to hell. Using it to browbeat others is 100% missing the point.

Mark and I are both ordained and both heretics. To be a heretic is a choice. Haíresis, the Greek origin of ‘heresy’ literally means ‘choice’ or perhaps, more accurately, ‘a strong, distinctive opinion.’ So a heretic is someone who chooses what to think rather than following A revelation is something revealed or disclosed, the orthodox line — hopefully a decision especially something particularly inspirational or based on spiritual enquiry and experience. striking; usually something not realized before. So, if Mark Townsend and I are to do a Mark was originally ordained as an Anglican comedy and magic double-act called Rev. but has since left the C of E and now calls Elation this October for Tree of Life, then not himself a Progressive priest. I was ordained only must we make you laugh and marvel as an Independent Catholic priest. I love the but we must also reveal wonderful things. word ‘catholic’ because it means ‘universal’ But first, let’s deal with the elephant in the though the way it is generally used, you could room. Yes, Tree of Life is publishing an article be forgiven for believing it means ‘restricted.’ about two ordained vicars. Peter Owen-Jones is one thing; he’s got a wonderfully relaxed Neither of us is afraid to use the title image with no dog-collar in sight, but putting ‘Reverend’ because it is a constant reminder on an event by two people in dog-collars that we must be what we teach: gentle, and probably cassocks too? Shock, horror! humble, encouraging — and funny. There is Secondly, Revelation is the name of the last book no hiding; we must always be available for in the Bible: the story of an apocalypse that is questioning and accountable for our lives. so often used by Christian fundamentalists Part of our heresy is that Mark is a magician – to browbeat people into believing that and a member of the Magic Circle – and I am a only Christianity can take you to heaven. stand-up comedian. We’re also heretics because we minister both inside and outside the church. So where to start? So how does that work? In a kind of mysticwithout-a-monastery or Wandering Jew kind of way; through gifts of Grace, in performing marriages, christenings and funerals. And sometimes also by earning money by doing what our mothers would call ‘getting a proper job.’ Why did we choose to become ‘alternative’ priests?  Because through appreciation of the diversity of faith beyond Christianity, especially the nature based traditions of the British Celtic culture and through Judaic mysticism, we can teach and lead people into faith, mystery and enchantment. We see a spark of the Divine in all people, no When my bishop approached me for matter what faith, culture, sexuality or ordination, he told me this story and said background. that the only job of a priest is to lift hearts: to help people find their own spiritual truth and We do all that we can through fun, laughter and joy. I agree with that — and so does Mark. delight. And if you want a little of any of those, please And Revelation? Mystics teach that far from come along and see us this October. And we’ll be being a prophecy of the end of the world, it’s a happy to answer any questions you might have too. Let’s begin with the dog collar. It’s the symbol of Christian priesthood but, in fact, it is a great deal older than that. There’s no official evidence of this but mystics have long known and taught that the collar is the collar of Anpu, better known as Anubis, the jackal-headed Egyptian guardian and protector of the dead. Egyptian legend tells us that a dead human’s heart was placed on a pair of scales and weighed against a feather of truth. If it was lighter than the feather he or she would survive and continue into the next world. If not, well, you don’t want to know...



Comedy & Magic Evening

Mark and Maggy are magicians, comedians and priests. We are out to entertain you, fill you with delight and make you laugh. Not a hint of trying to convert you to anything; you are perfect as you are — though maybe you could do with a little laugher therapy, magic and mystical mayhem... Rev. Mark Townsend is a progressive independent priest (and a bit of a Pagan). Rev. Maggy Whitehouse is an independent Catholic (and a bit of a Jewish mystic). Together we are Rev.Elation and it will be our delight to amuse and inspire you at Tree of Life.

Friday 2 October 2015 7.15 – 9.30pm (doors open 6.45pm)

Tickets: £10 Early Bird for the first 30 people to book (£15 thereafter)

Venue: St Columba Church Chantry Road, Moseley Birmingham B13 8DJ

Info & Bookings: 0121 449 4086

‘Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.’ - Jim Carrey

Deliberate Receiving is







Stage 3 – Thoughts, memories and ideas. Every manifestation after Stage 2 is just a way to amplify your emotions. When you manifest a thought, for example, it feels a certain way. If the thought feels good, it lets you know that you are currently aligning yourself with the manifestation of something awesome. Don’t like the way the thought feels? Start a new progression!

by Melody Fletcher Melody is the Hay House author of ‘Deliberate Receiving’. Reality is a type of technology – here’s how it works: The idea of creating your own reality resonates with you, possibly deeply, but you’re a bit tired of the platitudes (“Just have faith and it’ll work out”, or “Just think positive thoughts”), the weirdly specific warnings (“Don’t use the word ‘want’!” or “You have to tell the Universe exactly what you desire, or it won’t know what to bring you!”), and the vague and misleading explanations. You know there’s something to this, but you’re just not willing to accept that which you don’t fully understand. I mean, you’re smart. You may have even learned to rely heavily on your intelligence. You aren’t going to just accept a whole new paradigm without understanding it.

Stage 4 – Synchronicities. These are small but significant “coincidences” that are meaningful only to you. A song on the radio, a billboard, or a pattern you’ve recognized. They’re like little signposts, let you know that you’re on the right path. Or not. Stage 5 – Physical manifestations and action. That’s right, action is a manifestation, and it comes at the end of a progression. This is why trying to change your reality via action only is like trying to get healthy by putting vitamins in your poo. At each stage of this progression, you have the chance to keep going or start a new progression by noticing how you feel (becoming aware of your emotions is the

Well, you shouldn’t. You’re right to question the platitudes. And you’re also right about creating your own reality. Reality (and the mechanism that creates it) is a type of technology. Sure, it’s a technology most people don’t understand very well, but that’s all about to change. You see, as a channel, I have the ability to enter into an altered state of consciousness and see this technology of reality, as well as help people make changes to their “circuit board”, so to speak. Manifestations, the good ones and the not so good ones, become physical via a progression. Nothing just pops in or out of existence; it always waxes or wanes. I’ve broken this progression down into five stages: Stage 1 – this is your focus. It always starts with your focus. The only problem is that just as you don’t know where your laser is pointing until you see the red dot on the wall, you don’t know what you’re focusing on until you get some kind of feedback. Enter… Stage 2 – emotions. Your emotions tell you if what you’re focusing on is something that you truly want or not, if it’s aligned with who you really are or not, if it’s for your highest good or not, or to put it more bluntly, if what you’re manifesting

most important part of this work), and if necessary, making a choice that feels better. Once you understand the technology of this progression, as well as the technology of emotions (yep, that’s technology, too!), reality and everything that’s ever happened to you will make perfect sense. You see, you are technology, too, or at least this physical version of you is. You’re a highly evolved, ultra-sophisticated, unbelievably awesome interface mechanism. And you’ve come here to play the unlimte game and have the time of your life. Isn’t it about time you learned how?

Deliberate Receiving How Manifesting Reality Actually Freaking Works! Workshop & Q&A Manifesting your reality doesn’t have to be hard, IF you understand how it actually works. Built on the idea that reality is a type of technology, this workshop will FULLY explain how the mechanism of reality creation actually works. Delve in deep as we explore who you really are, why you’re actually here, why life can seem so freaking hard, and why it really doesn’t have to be. This is the information you wish you would’ve been born with (or not trained out of…). Melody Fletcher is a stream of consciousness channel (this means that she remains fully awake) who has the ability to break down this technology and explain it in a way even technophobes will understand. This hilarious, informative and transformative 8 hour workshop (including breaks and lunch) includes over 2 hours of instruction, and 4 hours of live, channeled Q&A where no question, no matter how big or small, is off limits. Want to know why you’re still poor? How to fix your relationship? Or want to take it way down the woo-woo rabbit hole? Get a line directly to Source (only be prepared for Melody’s witty but blunt, and sometimes sarcastic translation) and leave with all of your biggest (or smallest! We don’t judge!) questions answered. Whether you’re a newbie or someone who’s been studying this stuff for ages, you’ll get a whole new view of how reality works – one that will actually make some freaking sense!

Sunday 13 December 2015 10am – 6pm Tickets: £67 and Bring a Friend for FREE for the first 20 people to book (£67 each thereafter)

Venue: Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Road, Moseley,Birmingham B13 8AB

Info & Bookings: 0121 449 4086

‘Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.’ - Francis of Assisi


Crystals and Kundalini

by Judy Hall

Judy Hall is an internationally known author of the multi-million selling Crystal Bible. Kundalini energy is most often illustrated as one or two snakes rising up the spine to the crown chakra and above. According to yogic tradition, it resides in the base chakra coiled around the sacrum, the ‘sacred bone’, awaiting activation. Awakening may take place through yoga, meditation, breathing, movement, chakra work or spontaneous eruption. It is a powerful and intelligent supra-spiritual force. The term refers to a mechanism and an energy that affects the physical and biomagnetic subtle bodies. It enlivens physically and spiritually, passing into and between each cell of the physical body activating the hormonal system and higher consciousness. It is wise to undertake kundalini activation after balancing each of the chakras - including the higher ones - and integrating the subtle energy bodies to create a pathway for kundalini to flow. The experience can then be grounded into everyday reality and into cells of the physical body. Even when kundalini rise is voluntary and controlled, the cleansing process that precedes assimilation and healing may be uncomfortable and could create a catharsis. This is where crystals come in. One of the newest crystals, the beautifully iridescent AnandaliteTM is excellent for healing the effects of uncontrolled kundalini rise, and assisting it to rise gently and smoothly once the chakras have been prepared. Serpentine has long been used for this purpose, as has ‘Kundalini Quartz’ (natural Citrine from the Congo) Invoking the assistance of an intuitive friend makes this process easier but you can do it for yourself. Relax and take your time, do not hurry the process: * First of all prepare your chakras with Anandalite. Go from your feet up the front of your body, pausing whenever


the crystal tells you to. Up over your head and then down the back to the floor. Come back up and over to the floor again. Then do side to side and back again.

The New High Vibration Chakras

* Lie down. Place a grounding stone at your feet. Flint or Serpentine is excellent. As is Eye of the Storm. Picture the crystal energy going into the ground through the Earth Star chakra to activate the Gaia Gateway chakra beneath.

Higher vibrational chakras that have previously been lying dormant are coming on line as energy shifts occur and consciousness is raised. These chakras assist in assimilating the changing frequencies and exploring other dimensions. The higher crown chakras include the soul star and the Gaia and stellar gateways. There are also chakras such as the alta major within the head and the causal vortex just to the rear. In this talk Judy will be looking at the information these chakras hold and how we can work with them to expand and ground higher consciousness. The talk is a useful preparation for the workshop the following day

* Place Anandalite or Serpentine about arm’s length above your head at the Stellar Gateway chakra. * Using Kundalini Quartz, Triplite, Poppy Jasper or Anandalite, start at the base of your spine. Place the crystal over the pubic bone and breathe in deeply. Hold your breath, feeling the energy of the crystal arousing the kundalini. Keep breathing rhythmically until you feel the energy move. Then, as you breathe out, pull the energy up your body with your crystal * Pausing at each chakra and breathing rhtymically, bring the kundalini up

An Evening Talk

Friday 6 November 2015 7.15 – 9.30pm

Tickets: £10 Early Bird for the first 30 people to book (£15 thereafter)

Venue: St Columba Church Chantry Road, Moseley Birmingham B13 8DJ

Crystals for Raising Kundalini A one day workshop

Eye of Storm - The Perfect Stabilizer

to the Stellar Gateway chakra and the crystal placed above your head. * Allow the energy to flow back down through and around your body to the Gaia Gateway below your feet. * Then pull the energy up with the crystal to begin another circuit from your feet. Repeat until the kundalini is flowing throughout your whole body with no blockages. * When you have finished, coil the kundalini into the dantien just below your navel to create an internal power supply. * Remove the crystals, stand up and stamp your feet to ground yourself. To experience chakra cleansing and kundalini rise under crystal guidance, join us on the workshop on 7th November.

Raising your kundalini expands your spiritual awareness and increases your creativity. In this interactive workshop we will be exploring the crystals and chakra connections that open the way for awakening kundalini energy - the fundamental universal life force - and then experience a gentle kundalini rise for ourselves. When the kundalini has risen, it infuses the space around every cell switching on positive DNA encoding, and assists in the assimilation of high vibration, interdimensional energies, anchoring them in our present reality.

Saturday 7 November 2015 10.30am – 5pm

Tickets: £50 for the first 10 people to book (£67 thereafter) Venue:

Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8AB

Info & Bookings: 0121 449 4086

‘The things that we love tell us what we are.’ - Thomas Aquinas

What were you “Born To?” remember who we are already are in to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to remember who we are already are in our heart, and courageously become it in this world. 4. Any activity can be a calling, that whatever our earthly job description, we all share a spiritual job description, which is to inject a little more love into this world, starting with loving ourselves. We can learn to love rather than judge ourselves.

by Nick Williams Nick is the bestselling author of ‘The Work You Were Born To Do’.

Most of my life I have been curious about the idea that we each have a calling, a vocation, something we are here on earth to be and do.

5. Sadly, our greatest resistance is likely to be found around what we were born to do – it is the thing that most scares us, we talk ourselves out of, distract ourselves from and procrastinate over 6. Having a calling doesn’t make us special. I am a student of A Course in Miracles

Here’s what I have come to believe: 1. I don’t think we are born as blank pages, passive generic blobs waiting for the world to stamp its imprint on us. I believe we show up as a highly refined and individuated soul. 2. We each come with a specific, personal destiny, a curriculum for our own fulfilment. We have a calling to enact, a Self to become and a contribution to make to life. 3. Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we bought to be, but to

What you are “Born To” is your calling, your vocation and when you are doing what you were “Born To”, you get to be inspired and inspiring at least some of the time. You get to express your soul and share your gifts. What you were “Born To” is fuelled by inspiration and this means that you will always be growing and evolving and there will be new chapters of your calling ready to emerge. Sometimes when you are ready to grown in to a new level of success, some resistance will surface too and try to hold you back. So, today is a wonderful opportunity to explore how you can unfold the next chapter of what you were “Born to.”

I believe we are each the custodian of projects and gifts. Among us right now, there are people who can turn old plastics into jewelry, teach children to cook, teach forgiveness, inspire an MP, chair community meetings, heal hurts, create powerful films, write songs and make uplifting music. We are each entrusted with a corner of creation to take care of or transform through our love and gifts. When we hold back our contribution, we suffer and our community suffers. I am passionate about inspiring people to unwrap their gifts and bless the world with what they have to uniquely contribute. In mythological terms, following your calling is your own heroic journey, it is listening to and acting from a sense of your soul – your unconditioned Self – rather than acting and living from your conditioned self, your ego, and how you have been “programmed” by family, culture or our ancestry. Far from being selfish, doing what you were “Born To” is one of the most generous things you can do.

The Work You Were Born To Do Unfolding Your Next Chapter A Masterclass with Nick Williams

During the day, we will be exploring:

•How you enjoy being inspired and inspiring •What your “growing edge” is – what is your soul beckoning you next? •How to recognise, understand and get beyond your fear and resistance •How to show up and be more of the authentic you •Unwrap your next chapter of your success, happiness and contribution and inspired Self-leadership •Explore and start releasing fears of success and things getting even better The day will be fun, inspiring and practical.

Who the day is for:

which teaches, “Your part is essential in God’s plan for salvation.” We can all play an equal part in restoring this world to love, and we are all called to this function, but not everyone hears the call. We’re all amazing spiritual beings, and we can’t take any credit for that, but we can take the credit for getting past our resistance to show up with our true nature. So please be inspired to show up with what you were “Born To.” You are the answers to some people’s prayers. It will make you happy and fulfil you. Please give us what you’ve got.

‘Work is love made visible’ Rumi

•You are doing what you love at the moment and want to unwrap a new chapter of your calling •You are employed •You run your own business •You will also enjoy the day if you are not yet doing what you were “Born To” and would like some help discovering what you were “Born To”

Saturday 6 February 2016 10.30am – 5pm

Tickets: £75 for the first 10 people to book (£85 thereafter) Venue: Birmingham Buddhist Centre,11 Park Road, Moseley Birmingham B13 8AB Info & Bookings: 0121 449 4086

‘The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations’ - Eli Khamarov


New Look, same great content!





FEED YOUR SOUL Get in touch with your joy REDEFINING MANHOOD Is patriarchy dead?

ThetaHealing Founder VIANNA STIBAL on The Power of Manifestation Summer Soul Food


WIN! Tarot Artwork

YOGI ASHOKONANDA The Art of Relaxation GENE KEYS Discover your higher purpose hidden in your DNA

Tree spirits...

. Let nature help your spiritual practice

ISSUE 138 • SUMMER 2015 £3.95 (USA $9.99 CANADA $11.25)


Spiritual Practices • Holistic Therapies • Food for the Soul Earth Wisdom • Astrology • Numerology • Well-being SPIRITUAL DEVELO PMENT




2015 ISSUE 138

FEED YOUR SOUL Get in touch with your



Summer Special

REDEFINING MANH OOD Is patriarchy dead?

ThetaHealing Found er VIANNA STIBAL on The Power of Manife station Summer Soul Food


WIN! Tarot l SACRED SITES Artwork

YOGI ASHOKONA The Art of Relaxation NDA GENE KEYS Discover your higher purpose hidden in your DNA

Tree spirits...

. Let nature help your spiritu

al practice

ISSUE 138 • SUMMER £3.95 (USA $9.99 CANADA 2015




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What is Animal Communication? learning a new language, it does take practice. In fact the language analogy is quite a good one, because in a way you are learning a new way of communicating, even though the knowledge has always been there deep within you.

Please have a go at the exercise I have described. You will be surprised and moved by what may happen. The love we share with our animal companions knows no limits and not even death can break the bond we have with them.

How to Get Started:

Introduction to Animal Communication

1.Calm your mind by breathing slowly.

by Pea Horsley Pea is bestselling Hay House author of ‘The Animal Communicator’s Guide Through Life, Loss and Love’.

When they find out what I do, people often ask me what exactly animal communication is. The first reason is usually curiosity – is it really possible that the Doctor Dolittle dream could be true and we really can talk to the animals? However, underlying this natural curiosity I find there is another more profound reason for finding out more. Because many people want to be able to communicate on a personal level with their beloved animal companions. Animal communication is a two way process of being able to tune into the energy of an animal, bird, reptile or insect – wild or domestic - and pick up and transmit thoughts and feelings. Anyone can do it if they are open to the possibility and the information can come in different forms for different people. There is no right way to do it and while one person will tune into emotions, another may get a series of strong visual images, hear words and phrases in their head or even get smells and tastes. It’s a very personal thing and only time and practice will tell which method is the one for you. I confess that I was a complete sceptic when I first came across a workshop in animal communication. As a successful professional stage manager never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that receiving a message from a rabbit owned by the lady sitting beside me in that first workshop would make me realise there was more to life than theatre and lead to a complete change of career. Two years later I was a full time professional animal communicator myself. In 2016 I am celebrating 10 years I feel very strongly that one of my missions in life is to help others learn to communicate with their animals. I do this through workshops and writing, including my books Heart to Heart and The Animal Communicator’s Guide Through Life, Loss and Love. I’d like to share with you some simple ways to get started and I hope it will encourage you to keep practising, because, like anything from playing the piano to

2. Bring your focus down into your heart. 3. Set your intention to connect with love to your animal companion. 4. Ask them whether it’s a good time for them, if there’s no response/ they don’t move away, then continue. 5. Ask them things, let them know you love them, ask them how they feel, whether they have any wishes or desires that aren’t being fulfilled or whatever questions or subjects interest you. Then wait for their response and remember they will try and reach you in a number of different ways, through emotion, sensation, smell, taste, pictures or thoughts. Accept whatever you receive and remember to thank them for communicating with you. It will encourage them to communicate again at another time, especially when you really need them to.

A one day workshop

Participant’s will learn the basic theories of animal communication, otherwise known as interspecies telepathic communication, providing you with the foundation level of communication with animals which you can then use to practice communicating with you with your own animals at home and those of your friends. Subjects included:

•Explanation of the what, why and how of animal communication

•Exploration of how you will receive information from animals •Exercises to relax the body and mind •Learn how to sense energy •Meditation to strengthen the right brain hemisphere to intuition •Learn how to ‘listen’ with the heart using the Heart-to-Heart technique •Send and receive information telepathically •Communicate with animals who are present ‘face to face’ •Practice communicating distantly with an animal using a photo •Receive answers about your animal from another student Open to all levels seeking practice and perfect for those starting out.

Sunday 7 February 2016 10.30am – 5pm

Communicating with animals requires trust on both sides, the animal needs to learn to trust you and you need to trust yourself and the information you receive. Don’t dismiss something because it seems strange or out of context, don’t allow your rational mind to interfere and try to discredit what is happening as just a figment of your imagination. Accept what you get and you will often be amazed at the accuracy and insights of the message.

Tickets: £90 Early Bird for the first 10 people to book (£100 thereafter). Prior booking is recommended as this event is likely to sell out. Venue: Birmingham (See website for details) Info & Bookings: 0121 449 4086

‘The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.’ - Helen Keller


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God’s Message to the World Saturday 31 October

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‘Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.’ - Don Marquis

Into the Light - The Power of Star Magic

by Jerry Sargeant If you’d’ve told me 10 years ago that I would

be living my life to inspire others to follow their hearts and unleash their full human potential, I would have thought you were barking mad. If you had said ‘Jerry, you’re going to be removing cancerous tumours out from peoples body’s, restoring eye sight and eliminating a multitude of different dis-eases, using energy, and my son, you’re going to do it at a distance, I would have thought you were completely nuts. Seriously I would have laughed, probably offered a few egoic obscenities, and turned and walked the other way. Turning to drink and drugs at the age of fourteen, moving out of home, travelling the country blowing whistles and swallowing ecstasy tablets, was how I spent my early teenage years. My late teens and early twenties were spent working for a criminal organisation in Spain, selling timeshare, drug smuggling, money laundering and lots of other interesting, unsavoury tactics, that I thoroughly enjoyed pursuing, at the time, to make money. I feel the reason I came into this human physical form was to experience the extremities of darkness, so that I could break free, and be a shining light for others to follow in my footsteps. So how did I turn my life around and remember how to heal using Star Magic? It was the early hours of the morning, between 4am and 5am. I was asleep in the passenger seat of an old Volkswagen taxi, travelling to Bucharest airport, in Romania, with my family. All of a sudden I heard a loud crash and woke up, blurry eyed, full of adrenaline to see shattered glass flying, wind rushing against my face. The taxi swerving from side to side. I remember thinking to myself ‘boy we are in a serious accident’. I was expecting the car to either hit the oncoming trafficor flip over, and then all of sudden, we came to a grinding halt. I looked around and my wife Laura was sat there, with a mouth full of glass, holding onto our son Josh . My daughter Aalayah was underneath the driver’s seat. They were all OK, apart from the shock. Then I turned to my left and saw the taxi driver, in shock, staring into space. I then turned and looked in front of me, there was a hole in the

windscreen and my head was extremely sore. I didn’t realise how sore until the adrenaline had worn off shortly after.

a ten year inward journey, which led me to remember an extremely powerful method of healing. I call it Star Magic.

I opened the car door and got out. Time seemed to have come to a stand still, it felt eerie but calm. The country road we were on was empty, no cars were around, not one. I looked up the road about twenty to thirty metres, and saw two ladies on the floor. A little further up the road was what looked like another person, a body lying there motionless. What had happened I asked myself? A million thoughts were flying through my head, but at the same time my mind felt empty.

He will be speaking at the Tree of Life Festival on Saturday 10th October 2015 (See page 14)

Three ladies were crossing the road early in the morning going to work. Our taxi was going too fast, and there were no street lamps. The ladies stepped out to cross and our taxi came hurtling along, and hit the first lady clean on. She came through the windscreen, hit me in the head, and then got sucked back out and flipped up over the car. The second ladies ankles got caught, and were in a terrible state, and the third lady was physically unharmed. As I walked up the road, I walked past the two ladies that were to my left as there was really nothing I could do. A nearby factory worker was already on the scene, and had called the emergency services. I proceeded to walk up the road towards the body lying on the floor. As I got near, I knew she was dead. I got within a few meters and saw her legs wrapped up over her head. She was in a real mess. Daylight had just started to break though and the whole scene seemed so surreal. There were fields both sides of the road and nothing else bar an old factory, still in use. What was extraordinary about this event, was what I saw before my eyes, as I approached the empty vessel on the floor. I saw the ladies soul, an etheric like energy source, which was hovering above the body. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. I shook my head, and still the energy source remained there. What was only seconds seemed like an eternity! It then slowly drifted off, blended back into the ether, and went on its merry way. I was witnessing what happens first hand after death. I saw the total connection or disconnection in this case, between the body and the soul. It hit me like a high speed train, full blast. I realised there and then that the body is just a vessel, to carry the soul in this lifetime, and when the time comes for them to part, the soul moves on. No love is lost. It was like it (the soul) had taken an old car to the scrap heap. I had seen dead bodies before, but this was different. For the first time in my life I understood the truth. The Universe slapped me around the face and said Jerry, wake up, we are atoms and molecules, in continuous movement, and space. Its energy. This event started

Into the Light The Power of Star Magic An Evening Talk

Connecting to a higher energy field using Sacred Geometry and Egyptian Hieroglyphic Jerry can harness a powerful energy (Star Magic) that allows him to channel and heal through ‘Pure Consciousness’ with amazing results. Jerry’s mission is to share Star Magic with the world.

Friday 18 September 2015 7.15 – 9.30pm Tickets: £10 Early Bird for the first 30 people to book (£15 thereafter)

Venue: St Columba Church Chantry Road, Moseley Birmingham B13 8DJ

Two Days of Divinity A two day workshop

Jerry will take you on an incredible deep meditation and group energy healing journey. An extraordinary weekend of healing energy and enlightenment - be a part of something very special. He will guide you on a journey of SelfDiscovery which will elevate your life to a level beyond extraordinary.

Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 November 2015 10.30am – 5pm (each day) Tickets: £195 Venue: Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Road, Moseley,Birmingham B13 8AB Info & Bookings: 0121 449 4086

‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.’ - Carl Sagan



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15th Sept Discovering Your Own Gifts Jonathan Brown, Medium 20th October Introduction to Shamanic Dreaming - Jenny Critchlow 17th November AGM plus Body Calm: Powerful Self-healing Meditation Technique - Sandy Newbigging Workshop with Dr David Hamilton 18th Oct The Oliver Bird Hall, Church Hill Road, Solihull B91 3RQ More details on our website







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Living Spirituality Who am I? What gives my life meaning?

By Stephanie J. King

Life is trying to work with you - to bring in Love, Health, Happiness and Wealth… Are you reading its signs and signals correctly? Powerful help within this book will mean that you definitely can… Now - Are you ready to accept sure success??

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“Set your sights higher than your eye can see.” - Rumi

The One Spirit Interfaith Foundation offers a two year cutting edge experiential programme creating your unique path to wholeness and service, weaving together living community, spiritual leadership, social action, ritual and spiritual counselling. ✷ Training programmes commence each autumn. ✷ Open introductory events are held in London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin. ✷ Contact Lindsay Jarrett 0333 332 1996 for details

‘Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.’ - Margaret Mead


Nourish your mind, heart, body & soul at the

Tree Of Life festival!

Inspiration • Wellbeing • Vitality

SATURDAY 10 OCTOBER 2015 10am - 6pm (doors open 9.45am) THE BEECHES CONFERENCE CENTRE 76 Selly Oak Road, Bournville, Birmingham B30 1LS £10 Early Bird online in advance or £15 on the door

FREE FESTIVAL GOODIE BAGS FOR THE FIRST 100 VISITORS A day of inspiration, connection an fun for your heart, body, mind & spirit! 24 FREE inspiring talks Many holistic exhibitors Celebration of conscious living & co-creation!


Free Inspiring Talks Programme TIME





10.15am - Soul Purpose: You Are Enough G. LYNDON 10.45am KAITLYN Gifted Energy Worker & Light Messenger

Practical Self Healing DAVID POLINGHORNE

Healing that Includes Acupressue

Open Your Heart Consciousness With Compassion DR JULIANE SCHWARZ Avatar® Master

10.45am - 11am BREAK

11.00am - The Seven Steps to Infinite Abundance CHAN 11.30am JASON International Tai Chi Master

Start From Where You Are CAROLINE GIBBS

Life Coach, Speaker & Writer

11.30am - 11.45am BREAK Wonderful Life

11.45am - Working With Your Angels J.KING 12.15pm STEPHANIE Author, Healer & Soulpreneur


Bestselling Author of 11 Numerology Books, translated in to 14 languages worldwide

Total Soul Embodiment & Increasing Your Vibrational Level of Consciouness STELLA BROOKS

Kinesiologist and Soul Journey Practitioner

The Steps to Happiness & Practical Solutions to Reduce Stress RAJ FULCHAND

Art of Living Teacher of Happiness, Yoga & Meditation

12.15pm - 12.30pm BREAK - How To Get Into Effortless 12.30pm - Prosperity Flow Around Money 1.00pm RACHEL ELNAUGH Former BBC Dragons’ Den star and founder of Source TV

Living a Life Less Toxic FAITH CANTER

Nutritional Specialist & Environmentalist

Get Blissed - Living an inspired & enlightened life NATASH AYLOTT

Award winning author of Get Blissed

1pm - 2.15pm LUNCH BREAK

2.15pm 2.45pm

How to Love Yourself - The Simple Art of Conscious Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Self Care MARKÉTA BOLA

Awakening Your Heart Potential A look into the Eyes

Bestselling Author & Inspirational Speaker

Facilitator of Awakening the Heart & Tibetan Pulsing


Intuitive Inner Guide & Mother


2.45pm - 3pm BREAK

3.00pm 3.30pm 3.45pm 4.15pm

4.30pm 5.00pm

How Can I Be Authentic In A World That Is Trying To Change Me?

Connecting with Your Transcendent Mind

Wrekin Trust - Spirituality and Love in Action

Founder of Maximum Life & author of ‘Into the Light’

Psychotherapist & Author

Author of ‘Stepping Stones to Love and Wholeness’


3.45pm - 4.45pm Body Calm: The Powerful Meditation Technique for Self Healing and Sustained Health SANDY NEWBIGGING

Bestselling author & founder of the Calm Academy



3.30pm - 3.45pm BREAK Chiron & Cosmology - Evolve in Consciousness

How to Manifest the Partner of Your Dreams

Teacher of Transference Healing®

Law of Attraction & Tantra Teachers



4.15pm - 4.30pm BREAK What is Naturopathic Nutrition?


Regeneration - Emanuel Swedenborg’s teaching on enlightenment ROBIN WOOLBRIDGE

Teacher of Emanuel Swedenborg’s work


The next Tree of Life Festival in Birmingham will be on Saturday 9 April 2016 The Tree of Life Festivals touch people’s hearts, opens their minds & awaken their spirits. They uplift people’s vibrations, support conscious living and radiate with love, light & joy

Info & Bookings: 0121 449 4086

Tree of Life Inspirational Events Calendar 2015/16

Barefoot Doctor

Pea Horsley

Maggy Whitehouse

Lucinda Drayton

Tim Wheater & Cherub


18 2 16 30 6 13 20 4


11 FRI 22 FRI

Into the Light – The Power of Star Magic Rev.Elation Wild Sanctuary Concert Manifest Destiny with Grace The New High Vibration Chakras Holisitic Bussiness Growth The Road Least Travelled Concert Sounds Divine Festive Concert


An Evening of Mediumship Crystal Skulls


Gordon Smith

Dr Joanna Martin

Nick Williams

Melody Fletcher

Judy Hall


10 24 7 8


14/15 SAT/SUN 28/29 SAT/SUN 5/6


13 SUN 6 SAT 7 SUN

12/13 SAT/SUN

9 SAT 23/24 SAT/SUN

AUTUMN TREE OF LIFE FESTIVAL! The Feminine Way to Wealth Crystals for Raising Kundalini Metatronic Healing Two Days of Divinity The Essence Process Weekend Reclaim Your Feminine Power Deliberate Receiving


The Work You Were Born To Do Animal Communication Mediumship Foundation Course SPRING TREE OF LIFE FESTIVAL! Crystal Dragons Weekend


For full details & bookings visit: 0121 449 4086

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