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From 2015 to 2020, Central Lawrenceville lost 20 31 acres and gained 26 42 acres Central Lawrenceville features Allegheny Cemetery which provides a large area of canopy coverage, but this area is speckled with areas of loss. Central Lawrenceville saw an increase in canopy coverage from 31 3%* in 2015 to 32 4% in 2020
*Numbers have been updated to reflect advancements in data collection and may not reflect the values reported in previous ReLeaf plans
Lower Lawrenceville
From 2015 to 2020, Lower Lawrenceville lost 7 22 acres and gained 9 55 acres
Lower Lawrenceville mostly saw isolated areas of loss with one area of loss due to development. Lower Lawrenceville saw the least gain of the three neighborhoods with a canopy coverage of 12 1%* in 2015 which rose to 12 9% in 2020
*Numbers have been updated to reflect advancements in data collection and may not reflect the values reported in previous ReLeaf plans.