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Tree care is vital to maintaining a healthy existing canopy and for the longevity of young trees. Tree Pittsburgh has partnered with Tree Tenders, volunteers, and volunteer groups from local businesses to best implement tree care activities on Lawrenceville’s public trees These efforts include removing invasive species, Mulching Parties, and Pruning Workshops. The ultimate goal of these tree maintenance efforts is to reduce long-term maintenance costs and extend the lifespan of these trees Removing invasive species, specifically vines such as Oriental Bittersweet, can increase the overall success of trees Invasive vines use trees to climb and gain access to sunlight, but can weigh down and harm trees in the process. Leveraging volunteer efforts to reduce the vine coverage create a more successful environment for the trees. Mulching Parties involved weeding and mulching street tree pits. The weeds in tree pits can compete with the tree for water and reduce the success of a tree By removing the weeds and adding mulch to the tree pit, the tree receives nutrients and has less competition for water resources Pruning Workshops are invaluable in providing structural training for young trees. Tree Pittsburgh works specifically with Certified Tree Tenders led by a Certified Arborist to carry out Pruning Workshops across the neighborhoods of Lawrenceville by targeting newly planted or younger trees
Tree Pittsburgh Tree Care Events

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Tree Tenders
The Lawrenceville Tree Tenders have been crucial in the implementation of ReLeaf efforts These volunteers are trained and certified through an 8-hour Tree Tender Training Course to lead and assist in tree planting, tree care events, and tree advocacy and awareness. Trained volunteers like Tree Tenders help champion efforts across the three neighborhoods of Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Tree Tenders lead their own monthly meetings, care for the Lawrenceville Tree Park, and assist with organizing numerous tree-related volunteer events. Tree Pittsburgh has trained 111 Tree Tenders in Lawrenceville since the program began in 2007. The Tree Tender Course is continually offered to increase the number of trained Tree Tenders in Lawrenceville and across the region Tree Tender Courses have been offered to the general public virtually and in person at Tree Pittsburgh’s campus in Lawrenceville In the Fall of 2021, a free Tree Tender training course was offered exclusively to the residents of ReLeaf communities, including Lawrenceville. Participants in the course learn about topics such as proper planting techniques, common pests or diseases, and correct pruning practices Once they have completed the course, residents are certified and better equipped to help with tree care and planting events These education efforts have generated 31 new Tree Tenders from 2015 to 2022
Tree Tender efforts at the Lawrenceville Tree Park are not captured in the metrics of this report Tree Park workdays are frequent and lead independently from Tree Pittsburgh ReLeaf efforts

New Tree Tenders