July 2012

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Trend Studios produces and publishes the bi-monthly publication TREND Magazine and Trend After Dark. **** Current Job Openings Advertising Director Videographer Fashion Editor Graphic Artist Managing Editor Stylist Writer For inquiries please send your portfolio/resume to naught.trendmag@ymail.com **** Past Issues Can Be Found http://trendstudios.net **** For updates and contest please join our group Trend Studios **** Advertisement Inquiries naught.trendmag@ymail.com

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trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend Letter From The trend Editor trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend It took me days to trend write this, I mean what can I trend say; fivetrend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend years that’s definitely a milestone. So much so that I trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend would like to keep trend this as trend short and sweet as possible. trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend Thank you all for reading and growing with us, I cannot trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend imagine what else trend we will trend achievetrend this year. trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend XOXO trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend CEO\Editor Chieftrend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend and trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trendTREND trendSTUDIOS trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend


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Photograph by Ivy

Have you always wanted to be a developer, but didn’t quite know where to start or where to get the funding? TREND Legacy in part with TREND Studios is now offering developer scholarships to qualifying developers. These scholarships encompassed with credits, critique, and mentoring are designed to launch you a flourishing developer career. Want to get involved? Make sure you fit the criteria listed below and send your application to the TREND Legacy account. Criteria:  Account holder must own name.  Catalog must not contain any copyright or stolen products.  Account must not be tier 5 or higher.  Account holders take place in live interview to determine scholarship amount. Submission:  To submit an application, send your avatar name and a link to your catalog to TrendLegacy.

IMVU NEWS YOU CAN USE Policy Change, Merchant Pass, Creator Ads? For the last few months the IMVU world has been buzzing and much of it has reached our ears here at TREND. There is so much to cover – from new restrictions on developing, new developer ad space, and rumors of a creator fee- I hardly know where to start. One thing is for sure, IMVU certainly has been busy in such a short span of time. However that’s enough talk, let’s dive right in! On May 10th, Sr. Manager of Community Experience Varsha announced that IMVU would be making significant changes to both the Creator and VIP program. While a lot of mumbo jumbo reasons were provided behind this change such as to strengthen the Virtual Goods Policy (VGP) and Terms of Service (TOS), to reduce texture theft and other infringement, and to strengthen the VIP program, what the mes-

sage really boiled down to was that new Content Creators must be VIPs in order to submit virtual goods to IMVU’s catalog. This landmark change could have been a gigantic disaster however; IMVU had enough foresight to state up front that all users who as of May 10, 2012 10 AM Pacific Time, enrolled in the Content Creator program will be “grandfathered in” for an indefinite period of time. The response to this change was so strong that the announcement thread carried over to two extra threads, that is 300 pages! So what was all the fuss about? The policy prior to this change stated that in order to become a developer you must do two things: 1) Own your name and 2) Agree to the terms of developing. IMVU enacted this policy so quickly that anyone who may have purchased their name in hopes of developing, but had not yet agreed to the

terms, lost out on becoming a developer at no extra cost. Seven year veteran Sikk posted, “it would have been nice to be given a few days notice for those who own an account and their name already that this was about to go live, so that they could activate their account as a developer, since they already paid for their name.” Even if you do purchase V.I.P to develop, you have to maintain it monthly otherwise the developer will no longer have access to the Create mode in 3D Chat, will no longer be able to submit new items to the catalog, and no longer be able to edit existing items. In addition, their products will be suppressed from catalog search results. They will only be accessible via a direct link or Product ID (PID). What does this mean for customers? While it does limit the creator accounts and content being submitted into the catalog, if you purchase

an item from a developer who let their VIP expire, and something goes wrong with the product, you can contact the developer for help, but they probably won’t be able to help you. To make matters even more concerning, according to Varsha’s post current creators are only grandfathered in for an indefinite period of time and if you read the F.A.Q. she posted carefully you will see that IMVU has stated that they reserve the right to end the “grandfathering” benefit at any time. What it simply boils down to is, IMVU trying to solidify more guaranteed revenue on a monthly basis via subscriptions. User ask MolotovCupcake “We’ve already paid our fees to submit our products, why should we be threatened with “we’ll hide your catalogue if you don’t have VIP” if and when they decide we aren’t worthy of being grandfathered in anymore?” IMVU was contacted for commentary, and have yet to respond. All of this brings us to the rumored merchant pass. For those who are not entirely sure what it is, here is a brief rundown. The idea of a merchant pass was originally discussed and presented

by IMVU staffer Matt in 2010 at Creator Con. It is a pass to be able to sell or distribute the stuff you make, and the cost of it is undetermined, but high enough that folks need to be serious if they are going to sell here yet, low enough not to be too much of a deterrent. Katiemarie the Creator Community Manager says “Initially, the Merchant fee will be just a fee. However, the plan is to tie an annual re-authorization to all Merchant accounts. Note: this is merely an account re-authorization—NOT an annual fee. At some point in the future, all Merchants will have to supply IMVU with real world information regarding who is behind a given account. Then, every year, each Merchant would have to manually complete a process that lets IMVU know they still want to be a Merchant.” However, as of today no new information has been provided on the looming merchant pass. What more could we have to talk about? Why new developer ads of course! Creators now have the opportunity to purchase an advertising “block” which will appear to all non-VIP IMVU users as a pop-up window lasting 24 hours

in 2 locations. The ads will be shown when users (1) log into their IMVU account on the web and (2) when they visit the web shop page. Many suggested the pop ups wouldn’t show because of the installed blockers, others are VIP and won’t see this anyway. The twist is, soon if you want to create you’ll have to be VIP anyway and immune to all of these advertisements. While originally IMVU planned to charge $50.00 for one rotation a day, they have since lowered their prices which give more developers and opportunity to use this feature should they choose to do so. Is this feature all it’s cracked up to be? Only time will tell. What information do the coming months hold? Only time will tell. See you next time!

Have you heard some news you think everyone should know about? Don’t keep it to yourself, send an write up to TREND via forum PM and maybe you will see your article in the next magazine issue!

Creative, inspiring, and unique are just a few words to describe this month’s creator. We are beyond excited to get to know the woman behind the shoe phenomena on imvu. There isn’t a inventory that doesn’t have at least one of her shoes and one glance at her catalog is all the explanation you need as to why. We sat down with starglous to find out a little more about her.

TREND: First and foremost thank you for agreeing to do the interview for our 5 year anniversary. Starglous: Thank you, I feel very happy to take a place in your magazine.

other account I use to experiment and upload anything that comes to my mind. TREND: How did you go about developing your brand?

TREND: Where did the name starglous come from? Starglous: Starglous is a mixture between the “STARS” that I love so much and my Chihuahua “GLOU”, my pet in real life. Hahahahhaa When I first wanted to create my IMVU account I couldn’t find a name so I thought for a long time, I knew I wanted something to do with stars so I decided “Star” and I saw Glou pass by and I said “Starglous”…hahaha TREND: What inspired you to join imvu and start developing? Starglous: I came to IMVU one day I had nothing to do, I was just on the internet and saw an advertisement for IMVU. I join just for the heck of it and ever since I haven’t been able to leave. I started developing that’s to my first friends who where developers and they motivated me to begin creating.

Starglous: Continue to create more products and have a better quality in detailing and imagination.

TREND: Is Starglous your only account?

TREND: Why do you think customers take to your products?

Starglous: At the moment, I actually have two accounts. On “Starglous” account I don’t like to add other things that are not shoes and in iSTG my

Starglous: I think that it’s my dedication that I put into every product, I am a developer that doesn’t just copy and paste textures. I imagine I have the shoe

in reality in my hands and looking at it as if Starglous: First thing is to have a clear I had it in front of me and then think about idea of what I want to do, and the rest just what I would like it to look like and idencomes along the way :D tify it as an original STG shoe. TREND: What is your favorite product that you have created? Starglous: I don’t really have a favorite product; in reality I love all my products. TREND: As a developer, what would you say is your favorite part and the most challenging part of creating? Starglous: My favorite part of developing is seeing the shoe as it comes together detail by detail and how it convenes with all the textures that I create. The most difficult part is when I have to upload a product without an ad finish LOL (I hate doing ads). TREND: Are there any specific projects or collaborations you’re currently working on? Starglous: I have a few collaborations that I’m currently working on but I don’t like talking about things before there done. Talking beforehand bring bad luck! TREND: How do you decide what to make? Starglous: Many times even if I’m not finished with one model, I’m thinking of what to create next. Ideas simply begin arising as I create & at the end without knowing I have more than the shoes I expected to make. TREND: What is the developing process like for you?

TREND: How would you describe your style? Starglous: It’s a mixture of everything, from casual to elegance, from juvenile to the craziest things that I imagine. hahaha TREND: What does fashion mean to you? Starglous: Fashion is to know how to create your own style without losing elegance

or over exaggerating, also always to show off what identifies you. TREND: When you joined imvu, did you ever expect to accomplish all that you have? Starglous: Nooo!! When I first came to IMVU, I just imagine to kill time at work hahahaha but little by little IMVU also started to form a part of my life and also my best friends that I met here including my hubby <3 are very special to me.

one thing to say envy and bad thoughts towards another only take you to failure, everything in this life is karma XD Trend: When you aren’t creating what other things do you like to do? Starglous When I’m not creating I like to decorate my house, by having something new always, although it’s something small but it makes my day. Fight with my boyfriends :D Talk to my best friends and much more…

TREND: How do you hope to evolve as a designer/developer?

TREND: When you go shopping on imvu, whose catalog do you head to?

Starglous: I would hope to use more techniques and effects to create better shoes. I am not a person that is okay, I am realist and I know I can be better each time but my work in real limits myself from becoming better.

Starglous: When I go to shop… PrettiKitti, Luvablememe, Liddy, Unforgettable, Starglous :D, Gab, hahahah I am a impulsive buyer, but I don’t like anything on the top! ¬¬

Trend: The shoe empire really started to grow after your arrival. Do you feel many see how successful you are and in turn try to mimic your style? Starglous: ahahahhaa well I don’t know D: I just have

but if someday I were to quit and never come back I would like for everyone to remember than in my shop there was always shoes for every occasion hahahahaha TREND: What would you tell your “noob” self if you ran into them today? Starglous: Ahhahah Sometimes I compare my noob products to my new products and I’m impressed of how I have improve. TREND: If you were locked in a box, and could only have one item, what would it be? Starglous: If I was lock in a box, the only thing I would want is MARK :D

TREND: What is in the future for Starglous? Starglous: Shoes, until the moment something stops me from doing so. TREND: If one day you TREND: Do you have a decide to hang up your message for your fans/supdeveloping tools and retire. porters? How would you like people to remember you? Starglous: Life is full of objectives and dreams , Starglous: I wouldn’t renever give up no matter ally like to think about the the time or how many falls moment I quit yet. To me you might have. At the end it’s a passion and I love to we will be satisfied when come and create products we real our dreams.

AmbieBoo89: Hello Hun thank you for taking the time out and sitting down with me today.Let’s start by you introducing yourself to our other viewers shall we? Tell us about yourself.

AmbieBoo89: You’re quite welcome *smiles in return* Now might I ask how long have you been a reader of Trend Magazine?

puresexalicious: Going on three months puresexalicious: I go by Duchess on here now. I was looking through groups re(IMVU); I have had that nickname since lated to fashion thinking to better my dev middle school. Puresexalicious is my alter and editing skills when I came upon the ego. I’m 24 and I’m from North Carolina. group I requested an invite from Naughty and when I checked it out I was hooked! AmbieBoo89: Very nice and what do you like to do for fun in your free time? AmbieBoo89: *giggles* I love to hear that! What do you think stands out most about puresexalicious: Mostly shop, I love to trend? What exactly got you “hooked”? read I’m such a bookworm lolss. I love music and dancing..sometimes I try meet- puresexalicious: Omg it’s so much lolss, ing new people but It’s getting kind of the most that stands out to me is all the hard. Also I’m constatly redecorating my support from everyone there, I have not rooms. I just love the places devs create met anyone unfriendly, everyone seems here on imvu. to get along and the art work..I could talk all day long about the talent I have seen. AmbieBoo89: Oh yes I love decorating The magazine is soo well put together myself so I can completely relate with you u would think u could go buy it off the on that. news stands somewhere lolss. Also when I joined the group I was exposed to devs I puresexalicious: *smiles* had not heard of but was impressed by it opened up a whole new avenue for me to AmbieBoo89: If you had to describe your- try out new styles and be bolder, I love it! self using only 5 words what would they be? AmbieBoo89: *nods* That’s exactly what puresexalicious: we try to do here at Trend. We’re always Happy,Spontaneous,Conceited, (a lil bit looking for something fresh, something in a gud way) Quiet,and Strong. that pops out is bold daring, and definately makes a statement. We want our AmbieBoo89: You do seem like a woman viewers to be able to obsorb all the many with a good head on her shoulders so I new fashions to be held on imvu and just dont doubt it. have fun with them make it your own. Make it YOU. So sounds like it’s working puresexalicious: Thx *smiles* to me.

puresexalicious: Yes it is *smiles* AmbieBoo89: Have you read any other Ezines prior to reading Trend?

AmbieBoo89: Oh the ideas are already brewing in my mind I will definately report that back to HQ! *smiles*

puresexalicious: No I haven’t honestly I puresexalicious: *laughs* came across a few groups that said they had one or was coming out with one but I AmbieBoo89: Well that is all the queshadn’t checked them out. tions I have for you today, is there anything else You’d like to say? AmbieBoo89: Ah okay, well may I say on behalf of myself and Trend that we are so puresexalicious: Just to thank u guys honored to have such a passionate, actiagain the group is wonderful the magavate reader as yourself. zine is great and my imvu closet is way hotter I cant complain *smiles* puresexalicious: Aww *blush* the honor is mine a lot of talent and time goes into AmbieBoo89: *giggles* No thank you for Trend and I appreciate it. I have no prob- being such a valued Subscriber! And we lem letting anyone know when they have hope you continue to be a beloved part of talent its a gift :) the Trend Family. :) AmbieBoo89: Awww You’re so sweet thank you Duchess, If I may call you that..*smiles* puresexalicious: Sure of course and ur welcome. AmbieBoo89: Great, we’re always looking for viewer input and feedback here at Trend it’s much accepted and appreciated. So I wanted to ask you If there was anything You’d like to see being featured in Trend what would it be? puresexalicious: I have only looked at 2 so far but going by what I like to see in magazines I would say random pics of avi’s in their style element like the faces in the city piece sort of thing and I love hair and shoes so more of those I confess I loved the display of heels in Aprils issue.

puresexalicious: I will :) AmbieBoo89: Thank you again for taking the time out and meet with me hun it was a pleasure. puresexalicious: Ur welcome and thank you to have a great day!! AmbieBoo89: You too hun have a lovely day! :)


With the warm weather rolling in, it’s time to start thinking about bringing back in your shorts. Even if shorts are your nemesis, they are a summer staple, and continue the emphasis on legs from the winter. Shorts can be more than casual if styled appropriately and worn at the correct length. In this article, we are going to show you how to wear shorts for both day and night occasions.


Shorts come in all shapes and sizes, so whether you have long legs or short, are skinny or curvy, there’s sure to be a style to suit you. For the girls in the world who are short like me, if you have short legs, wearing longer styles will only make them look shorter. Opt for shorts that stop of good few inches above the knee, and avoid flares or rolled up hems. A slim-fitted cut that follows the shape of your leg will best suit you. Try opting for higher waistlines, too, to further lengthen the look of your legs, and wear with wedge heels to enhance the illusion. If you are taller and have long legs, on the other hand, you should head for shapely shorts. Roll-up hems, outside pockets or fabric frills can add depth to your figure. Choose shorts with bold patterns or embellishments, and select a lower waistline to balance your legs with the rest of your body. Wear with sandals that fasten above the ankle. Curvy girls can flatter thighs by choosing mid-length shorts, ending just above the knee. A slimmer fit will present a better overall shape than wider styles, but avoid stretchy fabrics that cling to the skin – they will show every lump and bump. Also stay away from stripes and heavy embellishments, but instead opt for delicate patterns. Keep heels low, as lengthening the look of your lower legs might shorten the appearance of your thighs. Extra-long shorts, below kneelength, will only flatter long, straight legs, but then a slim cut can look very sophisticated. A thick belt can complement this style. Conversely, hot pants will suit most body shapes, but require toned thighs to present your figure at its best. Un-toned

thighs can be hidden by a slightly longer cut while you continue to get into shape. The fit of your shorts is just important as the style, so don’t be tempted to buy shorts that are too tight – they will be uncomfortable and will not present your figure to its best advantage. Two styles that are really in this summer are the tailored Bermuda short and the clean hemmed dress shorts. So when selecting your shorts, it is important to keep in mind your proportions and the proportions of the top you will be wearing. Try to select a top that has the opposite cut of your shorts, for example if your shorts are slim fit, try a top with a baggier cut and vice versa. Also remember layering is really in this summer, don’t just use a plain old white tank top, dress it up with a vest or overthrow for that extra umph. When selecting your shorts if you decide to go with a bold color for your bottoms, keep the rest of the outfit understated so that the shorts remain the focal point of the outfit. Pairing some shoes with shorts is easy, if you are dressing for the day try to go with a more modest flat, like a gladiator shoe to keep it casual. At night bring out the heels. Here are a few tips to keep in mind with your short selections.



Printed shorts. Keep tops a solid color or, if you’re adventurous enough to mix prints, make sure to keep them in the same color family. Add some statement jewelry and bohemian shoes. Colored denim. The more electric the better. Treat them as you would your classic blue jeans-- they can still have the strings hanging down-- and pair them with a loose-fitting basic tee and flat sandals. The short suit. Here’s a sophisticated option that you can wear to the office or dress up for evening. We love the look of tailored seersucker, but a crisp white or bright color option also works. Culottes. Yep, it’s a nod to the ‘80s. The mini short-shirt hybrid is functional (no wardrobe malfunctions), and our favorites have feminine details like lace, scalloped edging, or floral prints. Add a belt to add some structure to the look. High-waisted shorts. Make sure you tuck in your top when you wear these and make sure the shorts have a good fit. If they’re too tight, it won’t be flattering on the tummy area. We love belted and sailor-style.


[M] Xtreme Bottom Lashes By MissMaya

|| Kymistry Blonde By Java

[Anry] Scene Earing By Anry

[ID] Summer fun Heels By EliaDesigns

Vlada Black By Martha




Just because it is summer does not mean you have to give up on style. Try a neutral v-neck top under a brown or black blazer with the sleeves rolled up. Try a pair of darker skinny jeans to set off the entire look with a pair of vans or loafers. It is a 5 minute look that take you from work to nightlife.

Looking for something that’s hot but will keep you cool? During summer, shorts are definitely the way to go. Change up your style by trying new colors that you may have passed up in the past. Follow that up with a lightweight top made of comfy material. This top can be any color as long as you’re comfortable. Throw on a beanie to complete the look.

Written by: EsReverniDrawrof

TREND Reviews imvu’s most popular PCR’s

In our ongoing feature, Trend Magazine will review PCRs (public chat rooms) suggested by you, our readers, as well as rooms chosen at random. We aim to give you more than just the basic star rating review. With literally thousands of chat rooms open to the public in IMVU’s client, how do you know which of them to visit? The room rating may state 5/5 stars, but for all you know, the room creator could have their friends farm the rating onto the first page in the client, not to mention the obscure details listed in the rooms description page. By the time you visited even a fraction of all the PCRs available, you would have spent your entire weekend pixel-hopping into frustration. Trend wants to spare you that daunting task, so we’re reviewing IMVU’s PCRs for you! Before we set upon our quest, we decided it would be best to list where we will and won’t visit, and what it is we’re looking for in a PCR. Here’s the standardized breakdown: 1) The room must be GA (general audience). 2) The room must not be RP (role playing). 3) The room must have quality of interest, all on its own. 4) Was the room easy to download for most systems? 5) Atmosphere/Mood 6) Mod/Owner present? If so, how was

the hospitality? 7) English spoken (currently testers are not bi-lingual) Join us as we take a closer look at IMVU’s PCRs, and present to you more than just a 5 star rating. In this issue: IMVU’s Hottest Beaches PCR: Tidy Tropical Island Room Beach Owner: Tidy Trend rated: 3 stars Tidy’s PCR seemed promising given the owners notoriety as an IMVU developer, and the mastermind behind credit reseller DevCredits. The room loaded fast for our testers, and was definitely a beach setting. However the rooms “in your face” advertisements in every corner did little for the ambiance, and were a bit annoying when trying to adjust the camera to take pictures. When asked if a mod was available, the guests present said there wasn’t one (despite the room’s description stating as such). The room boasted IMVU’s 5/5 stars, and was full most of the time, but was more of a 3D billboard then a tropical island getaway. PCR: =>Beach For Friends <= Owner: nadeemkhan007 Trend rated: 3 1/2 stars This beach was definitely friendly! The owner was gracious and welcomed our arrival. There was fabulous Indian


music playing, giving an exotic flair to the room, and there were plenty of dance spots. This PCR is loaded with fun things to do and charming picture opportunities. Our testers had a blast racing the motorcycles on the beach and windsurfing. Beach for Friends, however amusing, did lose half a star rating due to the noise level. The over use of voice boxes, and the owners inability (or unwillingness) to control the use of them , gave us a headache and we had to leave prematurely. If you visit, be sure you turn down your speakers, and if someone typing “lol” 30 times in a row doesn’t annoy you, this beach is worth a go. PCR: Sexy Nights Beach Party Owner: Milannrio Trend rated: 2 stars Sexy? Maybe. Nights? No. Beach Party? Hardly. When the room loaded, and it loaded just fine, one of our testers was immediately alarmed by the ongoing display of butt kicking going on in the room. One user’s avatar was plowing down on another’s head repeatedly while delivering a barrage of obscenities at him. When our tester questioned repeatedly if a mod was present, no one answered (the owner was not listed as being present in the room). More like Long Beach or Venice Beach California at

night, if this wasn’t IMVU, our tester would have ran for her life. If you visit, bring a baseball bat and leave your credits at home. PCR: Good Vibrations Owner: DreamWeaver1 Trend rated: 5 stars Like a breath of fresh salty air, we sighed deeply as we embarked on this fast loading seaside getaway. The room mod was pleasant and played a great mix of rock and dance hits. The placement of the room nodes was perfect, and not confusing. Horseback riding on the beach, sandcastles, and fireworks were among the many features. One of our testers loved the ability to be buried in sand after a little stroll along the shore. The room was busy, and sometimes full, but the atmosphere and mood of the room were good vibrations for sure, and added to the good time to be had. Other beaches visited, and the reason for the lack of a review: Slovenia Beach Party/ Owner: NinelsToo dark to see anything. Meditation lotus required. Seaside Resort/ Owner: AngelUlrichThe description stated “English” as the language, but no one spoke it. It would probably be great if our testers spoke Spanish.


It’s an...Island/ Owner: Parsimona- It’s definitely an island. One gets a “castaway” feeling. If you want to be ignored, go here. 25+ Beach Party Time/ Owner: SmoochyDaisy- While our testers were polite, and over 25, we were immediately booted when asked if we could take pictures for Trend Magazine. We felt cool...like the paparazzi. Lost Universe/ Owner: Haywire- Listed as a beach, this room was far from it. In fact it was far from anything we had visited before, and should get notable mention as one of the strangest IMVU PCRs out there. Actually worth a visit, but not for tanning your pixels. ___________________________________ _____________ Dear Readers: If you know of a great PCR, or are the owner of one and want Trend’s staff to check it out, drop us a line! Send to: esrevernidrawrof@ymail.com Subject: Review This PCR Please remember all rooms for review must be GA, and non RP. Please check and double check the spelling of the room and its owner (including any special characters listed in the title description), and allow us time to review it. You might see your favorite PCR in an upcoming issue of Trend Magazine!



TREND Travel Guide : The Grassland

This month, we decided to spotlight not a particular room, but instead, a fantastic mes room phenomena. Ed1gar’s vast grassland mesh is simple, multi-functional, but yet beautif to be textured by new discovering developers, and with that naturally came derivations that a we’ve decided to highlight a few beauties that exist within the catalog and should exist withi room’s potential before it was on page one.

trend | architecture

:Foxtail Field Haywire

trend | architecture

. flowery field POP

trend | architecture

/su/ M I H OShinobi sugarysun

trend | architecture

™ Die Dry l ROOM l3rownieee

!SWH! Samurai FieldN Shinobi

trend | architecture

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