Sept 2012 TREND Magazine

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ISSUE # 38













Trend Studios produces and publishes the bi-monthly publication TREND Magazine and Trend After Dark. **** Current Job Openings Advertising Director Videographer Fashion Editor Graphic Artist Managing Editor Stylist Writer For inquiries please send your portfolio/resume to **** Past Issues Can Be Found **** For updates and contest please join our group Trend Studios **** Advertisement Inquiries

trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend Letter From The Editor trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend Deartrend Readers, trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend favorite trend season. trend trend It’s fall! Thistrend is by far my absolute It is trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend probably a combination of the breezy weather as well as thetrend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend beautiful colors that emerge. This season is nothing close to trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend the other seasons. sometrend of us, this season means differtrend trend trend trend trend For trend trend trend trend trend trend ent things such as, heading back to school, off to college, or trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend starting a new job. Regardless of the path, we appreciate trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trendyou trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend taking thetrend time totrend checktrend back in with us. trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend I am very excited to bring this month’s issue to you. Gractrend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend ingtrend the cover thistrend monthtrend we have the beautiful Ms. PrettiKitti. trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend Doing her interview was both fun and enlightening, and I trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend know youtrend will alltrend enjoy it. Thistrend monthtrend we’ve expanded intotrend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trendrealm. trendJournalist trend trend trend trend the entertainment EsReverniDrawrof hastrend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend taken on the task to see who is running the circuit in our trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend new trend feature trend ‘Interview with trend a DJ’. The Mantrend without a Shirttrend trend trend trend trend trendhas trend trend trend trend trend trend trend Contest officially launched this month and we can’t waittrend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend to see all the men duke it out for the crown. Next month not trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend only trend do you trend get a bonus issue of TREND, TREND Aftertrend trend trend trend trend trend trend trendbut trend trend Dark officially launches next month. trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend We are crazytrend busy attrend the study and exciting things are coming trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trendapproach. trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend as trend the holidays trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend XOXO trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend and Chief trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trendCEO\Editor trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend TREND STUDIOS trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend


TREND | EDITORS NOTE trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend Photograph by Ivy

Have you always wanted to be a developer, but didn’t quite know where to start or where to get the funding? TREND Legacy in part with TREND Studios is now offering developer scholarships to qualifying developers. These scholarships encompassed with credits, critique, and mentoring are designed to launch you a flourishing developer career. Want to get involved? Make sure you fit the criteria listed below and send your application to the TREND Legacy account. Criteria:  Account holder must own name.  Catalog must not contain any copyright or stolen products.  Account must not be tier 5 or higher.  Account holders take place in live interview to determine scholarship amount. Submission:  To submit an application, send your avatar name and

TREND: Thank you for taking some time out to sit down with us for this interview. AIKO: It’s a great honor to be able to , ty for having me.

AIKO: Wow, I really didn’t realize how many people really enjoyed my work I’m one of the lazy devs who don’t keep track of things I just submit and hope someone really enjoys that I made it but it did TREND: Can you tell us a little bit about allow me to meet more people and show where the name PrettiKitti came from? that I’m really cool person to speak to so AIKO: My name as a kid growing up was I guess from there, that does help a bit oh Kiti, when i thought of PrettiKitti it was and also ads, a lot of artistic ads can help super catchy, and alot shorter than my build a platform I am sure, good feedother name that consisted of too many ze- back. ros haha. TREND: I must say your ads do set you TREND: So there was a possibility of us apart from many developers on the site, referring to you as 0Kiti0? you actually take the extra step to make it AIKO: haha omgosh, the name was look like a billboard. 0oMissKittio0 I think. v_v how sad neh? AIKO: Thanks, I love art, its great to exLol when id log in i forget where the 0’s press went. TREND: That’s not too bad, though TREND: Can you tell us a little bit about you’re right PrettiKitti is more catchy. the Live 9 brand? AIKO: ty ^_^ AIKO: Live 9 also renowned as (The Nine): Is a brand built off of a story i TREND: Do you prefer people call you began 2 years ago. The brand represents PrettiKitti? Asian Culture with a deep mixture of AIKO: Well I like people to be comfortAmerican Trend. It’s definition is to just able speaking to me, so I say just call me “Live it” meaning don’t allow yourself to Kitti, or my Real name which is Aiko :) feed into the hype, go with your own path and you’ll see how beautiful your dreams TREND: What inspired you to join imvu can set out. I try to interpret it into my and start developing? fashion styles also. AIKO: Wow I think I seen an ad while on TREND: So basically yolo was a derivayoutube being bored ._. Developing was tive of the Nine haha never in my thoughts I was so afraid to be AIKO: Haha yes! Well it was a really a creator this was back when developing catchy joke. and getting pro determined a lot more than now but th motivation came from TREND: Is PrettiKitti your only developclose friends and seeing that it was really ing account? more fun than I assumed it wouldn’t be AIKO: Now that’s a secret :O, Kitti is my main account. TREND: When you saw people taking interest, how did you go about creating TREND: How do you decide what to your platform? make next?

AIKO: Music, when I listen to a really good song I think about what I’d possibly be wearing if it were a video, whether happy or sad or sexy.

thing to look forward to for fall!

TREND: If one day you decided to hang up your developing tools and retire, how would you hope people remember you? AIKO: As someone who didn’t set TREND: What is your favorite product boundaries for myself when it came to that you have created? AIKO: I don’t think I have a favorite item art. I’ve done so much on here from Blogs, to all categories of the catalog, I made is that bad? lol because I like the challenge. As a person TREND: Some of your peers say develop- who worked from scratch to make the best for those wearing it, someone who ers, who create “urban wear”, aren’t developers at all because they only produce mixed traditions, from both Asia and America, and a person who preferred copyright and copy-paste. What is your positivity over the negative. response to such a strong statement? AIKO: I am in the grey area of that stateTREND: You are the exact definition of ment, because copyright material, used to profit from on a 3d website where you what we define as a ‘trend setter’, how would you describe your style and what can consume money for your creations does fashion mean to you? is pretty wrong, albeit the fact that comAIKO: My style is really, hm, Rare. I like panies won’t lose many pennies over it. to mix and match things no one’s really I feel that if you are to be considered a ever thought up of. Fashion is Life, point developer the vast amount of your catablank, without Fashion there would be no log (IF using copyright) at least be made in your own kind of concept, to blatantly way to express your feelings, it would be very bland, and sad. take an idea and consider yourself a developer: which to me is an artist, is defiTREND: If you had to name your biggest nitely unappealing but this site runs on imvu rival who would it be? Who gives money and majority of the community you that extra push? is chasing it so no one really cares to be AIKO: Ha, ha I’m the kind of person that honest, and those who do are in small walks around the riot, not through it. I percentage. don’t like to go head to head with people, I prefer to be left alone in my lane, my TREND: Are there any specific projects little corner of peace, I’m feeble :< lol. As or collaborations you’re currently workfar as that person who gives me that extra ing on? push well there’s alot of people behind AIKO: Well my partner (iish) owner of me who motivate me to get to work, ExLvbel and myself will both be doing a fashion show soon. I will be having a sep- oticarain, Iish, Xue, Diiva (Those who scold me to not be lazy) artistically, the arate fashion show soon, and there will people who give me that extra push to also be another which is a surprise. ^_^ even better myself is Luvablememe and TREND: It sounds like we have some-


AIKO: I want to expand a lot more, for all types of viewers to enjoy, the Pretti Legit TREND: When you go shopping on imvu, blog is being revamped on my personal whose catalog do you head to? website as we speak, my main focus is AIKO: Starglous, Poshic, Martha, Pierce, Asian fashion , but I would truly love to Mahogany, Electriqkiss, Xue, MissC, (so see it expand into all types of styles that many) lol especially since I’m a blogger can be mixed and matched into the styles. haha but shoes are always first priority for I hope it becomes better for more people me lol to look forward to seeing TREND: Can you tell me a little about what inspired you to create Pretti Legit? AIKO: Let’s see, I had means to do a blog for imvu since 2009, I made the blog I wanted to show people the many fit ideas you can come up with, but had one post, lol a good friend of mine suggested I take it a bit more seriously, considering no one really had made a real head start of a urban fashion blog, I decided it would be the best time to start taking it seriously and from there I’ve found inspiration everywhere. TREND: What are a NINE Girl and Swiezy9? AIKO: Nine Girl is a girl of freedom, fun and adventure, there are no limits to her creativity, and her bold unique style is undefined. She is a woman who sets aside the drama, sets aside the gossip, placing goals and more opportunities ahead of herself she doesn’t yearn for the limelight, she waits for it to come her way, and when it does, she shines through. Swiezy, is a Male Brand shared between me and LuvableMeme, we wanted to give the men of imvu something since we rarely ever do. TREND: What are you hoping your blog becomes?

TREND: When you joined imvu, did you ever expect to accomplish all that you have? AIKO: I’m still trying to grasp all that I even have now lmao, I’ve never ever expected this much appreciation and support. My art is my love, and to see it flourish as it has is overwhelming to me. TREND: What would you tell your “noob” self if you ran into them today? AIKO: hey guest_ misskitti968, you’re awesome, don’t let no one tell you any different” lol TREND: lol, wise words AIKO: confidence boost haha TREND: What is PrettiKitti like outside of developing? AIKO: hmmm, I’m very shy, not really social, I like to keep to myself a lot. I’m pretty sarcastic and humorous, and enjoy jazz music, I write poetry and stories when I’m inspired. Majority of the time i can be found eating something. Lol my guitar is my love also lol TREND: If you were locked in a box, and could only have one item, what would it be? AIKO: Errr a flashlight that came with a honey bun strapped to it didn’t say it

couldn’t be a 2 for 1 deal >_> TREND: Describe yourself in five words AIKO: Hungry, Analytical, Sarcastic, Goofy, Loyal TREND: What is in the future for PrettiKitti? AIKO: e_e I have not the slightest idea, I take it a day at a time, or I’ll run into a wall TREND: Do you have a message for your fans/supporters? AIKO: Dear Supporters, -taps mic- HI :D you are not considered “fans” to me, if anything you’re my system, that keeps me running on this site, and without your motivation, inspiration, positive support, and feed back...I’d probably be in a box somewhere eating my honey bun with a poker face. ♥ so Thank you. TREND: Thank you so much again, for allowing us to interview you. AIKO: Can I give a special shout out? TREND: Sure! ^_^

AIKO: This is for Xue : Wo xihuan ni

Popps Speaks...

Written by: Popps

This is a good time to address this age old 7-11’s fault? Nope. Then whose fault is question. The Big Gulp does hold a lot it? Parents of course (I know, parents get of soda. I was curious about how many blamed for everything). Back in the day ounces are actually in a Big Gulp, so of when I was a child, our parents kicked us course I looked it up. 32 ounces! Really?

out of the house every day. We were allowed back for lunch, only to be exiled

The double big gulp has 64 ounces…come again until the street lights came on. We on now. Who needs to drink 64 ounces of ran around the neighborhood and played soda? I mean 32 ounces is bad enough, everything everywhere. Now, kids spend but 64 is overkill. And why soda? Water their time in front of an Xbox, Wii, or Playis what our bodies are built on, making up Station. The only things they exercise are around 60% of body weight. Water flushes their hands and mouths. In school, one toxins, carries nutrients, blah, blah…you hour of PE was mandatory. Kids in the get the point. Now for those who say soda past were constantly in motion, healthier, has water in it…slap yourself. And for the and as a result generally happier. So how group that says drink juice instead of soda, fat are we? (that’s right I said it!) Well, the take a look at what’s in the average juice. top 5 fattest states are: Mississippi 32.5% of While there may be fewer things that make population (pop), Alabama 31.2% pop, Tenyou gain weight, sugar isn’t one of them. I nessee 31.1% pop, West Virginia 30.2%pop, digress…

and Louisiana 29.7% pop. Now don’t get me wrong, I love my big boned people …

Is America an obese country? Yup. Is it sometimes. I mean we all say that prayer

on the airplane when we see a big person ple, grab a fat friend and go for a walk. It’s coming down the aisle (you know it’s true). time we take responsibility for ourselves! So what do we do? First, stop blaming 7-11. Second, get out and move. If you By the way, my 87-year old grandmother must have a double big gulp, the least you rubbed my stomach and called me fat… could do is run to the store. Take all ven- seems I too have work to do. ing machines in schools and put them at the top of the stairs. Go to the park and walk around, chase your dog, harass your neighbors. Better yet, cut their grass…you Popps can start with mine. Parents, make your kids move, do something physical, be active. Adults form bad habits as kids. I know you are tired, but this is important. I know there are crazy people in the world that will grab your kids and do bad things – so go with them. Walk to the neighborhood store, don’t drive. Park far away from the store and walk in (you can bring the car to the bags later). Stop making your kids health someone else’s responsibility. Like those parents who want to control what schools feed kids. If you don’t like it, make them lunch. Make kids earn the right to use their Xbox, Wii, or PlayStation instead of using it as a baby sitter. If you are genetically disposed to obesity, there is still the obligation to be healthy. That includes you too skinny peo-

I had a chance to sit down with DJ Ko- Es : Awesome! dexx, and admittedly

DjKodexx: Bye- bye reputation lol

was a bit nervous. I was relieved after talking with him a bit, and actually discov- Es: To be candid is great ered my family originates from the same DjKodexx: lol...phew.. area of Ireland where DJ Kodexx lives. Es: I read your bio on your HP about how Es: So you’re from County Cork?

Kodexx became a DJ...a conversation with

DjKodexx: Yup, the rebel county

a beer? DjKodexx : I don’t believe in mincing my

Es: Lets talk more about you, are you a words lol rebel?

Es: hehe

DjKodexx: lol...rebel? Hmmm, maybe DjKodexx: lol...That is another story. when it comes to my attitude toward ra- Es : Care to elaborate? dio on the 3d platforms, yes.

DjKodexx: I started out in second life and was invited to join a clan. I don’t RP at all

Es: What does “Kodexx” mean, and how because I think it leads to drama, but was did your name come about?

told by the clan leaders I had to have a

DjKodexx: lmao I dreaded this question! back ground story. So I wrote that...I was then ejected from the clan for ‘making a Es: I Googled it even, just to avoid it! mockery’ of stuff. Hahaha DjKodexx: When we all had dial up In- Es: I laughed so hard when I read the bio. ternet, a young dude in Ireland (me) went DjKodexx : I don’t react well to clan leadto download a porn movie. It took days, ers lording rank and when I finally got it, I hit “play” and I over a person...that’s why I insist all MMR got an error “you have not got the correct gigs are neutral grounds where ‘kings’ and codex”. So I decided to always be the cor- ‘slaves’ put aside rank and have fun. rect Kodexx. Lol

Es: So were you a RL DJ before Second

and cut my teeth in RL broadcasting.

life? DjKodexx: No. I first started DJ-ing in SL

Es: How does being a DJ for Second

(second life) and then after a while went

Life compare to IMVU?

RL to my town radio station Cry104fm and DjKodexx: There is a huge competition work with them now too, as well as RL

in SL. I mean its crazy there, everyone

clubs of course.

is a DJ, and everyone owns a club. So you gotta be really good to stand out. In

Es: Is that what led you to IMVU? Or shall

IMVU the competition is far less but I


still DJ in SL to keep my

say, what led you here?


DjKodexx: Ya I recently got a distinction in my radio broadcasting course. I was told Es: So lets talk about MMR. Can you by a friend who was in both worlds that

describe it for our readers?

there was a real lack of voice DJs here and

DjKodexx: Ya...Music Mayhem Radio


was born from what I saw as a desperate

radio station (that will remain nameless)

need for fun in the IMVU radio busi-

was looking for someone to come over, so

ness. The established radio stations had

I came over. I was fired by them on gig 2, I

a monopoly and needed a competition....

think....(they) couldn’t handle my sense of

they were doing stuff like charging for


requests, and were content in rolling out the same old tardy songs with boring

Es: I want to get to MMR in a sec but want

lifeless DJs. So after I got the boot from

to ask so are you a regular DJ for Cry-

the station I came over to work for, I de-

104fm? “On the payroll”, shall we say?

cided, why not start a station and bring

DjKodexx: I DJ for them every Thursday

the manic side to radio on IMVU?

night from 7:30pm GMT till 9:00pm GMT on a show called CCR Rocks...its a volun-

Es: Who created it? Or rather do you

tary community radio station but a great

have a co-creator, and how did it come

way to learn about libel and slander laws


DjKodexx : I created it, with help from

had a brother in law that was murdered

people like Geo, Groovyloopylou, Dalton, in England and they hadn’t the money to and Mep. Mep subsequently left and I

bury him so we raised money to cover that.

brought in the awesome Misha.

Then that led to a gig for an air ambulance service in the UK. After that, when MMR

Es: So who are the aforementioned?

was established we raised a large sum of

DjKodexx: lol..Geo is one of the biggest

money for the Waterford Children’s ward

devs on IMVU. Groovy is an awesome

in Ireland, which is a charity that is also

mesher and computer whiz, and Dalton

sponsored by the navy ship I was posted

is an awesome DJ from SL.


Es: What’s your “preferred genre?” Or do Es: Are you finding that the virtual platyou have a favorite playlist, your “signa-

form is a good tool for fundraising? How

ture” if you will?.

would you rate it?

DjKodexx: My signature isn’t the music but the links I think I find you can

DjKodexx: It is a difficult place to raise

play what ever music you or the client

money for causes. The people are super

wants, as long as you can inject the fun

generous, but because of the huge differ-

and mayhem into your voicing (links).

ence between the online currency and RL

Personally I’m a huge David Guetta fan

currency, even the most generous dona-

though lol. I’m going to his Dublin gig

tions are like $, but every penny

on Friday. David Guetta meets Kodexx

helps. The people on both IMVU and Sec-


ond Life have been fantastic.

Es: I’m so jealous!...lets talk about your

Es: All charity is welcomed, I agree. I think

contribution to online charitable causes.

its great you utilize the tools you have

DjKodexx: Well the first charity I hit


up for an online gig was for the ‘Adam

DjKodexx: Its lovely to give something to

Vincent Fund’ a friend of mine on SL

those who need it the most.

Es: I completely agree, I’m a sucker for

DjKodexx: Well they can jump on the

needy kids and pets too Oh wait! What’s

website or get a radio from my catty.

the “uber poopin pup” I read about on

Speaking of my catty, all the stuff is

your page?

made by the awesome Geo. I gotta say

DjKodexx: Kiko, my dog who likes to crap

thank you to my amazing staff.

all over my house! Es : Agh!~ I was afraid of that!

Es: Lets give them kudos. Who’s your

DjKodexx: lol I had her re-homed because


I move house tomorrow.

DjKodexx: Geo, Misha, Dalt, Scar, Crazy, Groovy, Skunk…and meeeee lol

Es: You’re also in the navy, you’re still ac-

(errrrrrrr how I do that ? lol)

tive right? DjKodexx: yes I’m RL Irish navy for the

Es: How did you hook up with your

last 13 years.

staff, did you meet on IMVU?

Es: *swoons

DjKodexx: I know Dalt, Crazy, and

DjKodexx: lmao

Groovy from SL. The rest of the gang I know from IMVU. They are the most

Es: You’re so busy!! OK, so you’re in the

solid professional people I have ever

navy, there are the charities you contribute

had the joy to work with. They are the

to, you’re an online DJ and in RL AND

true heartbeat of MMR.

you are available for booking events! How do you find time for it all?

Es: I know I’ve been enjoying it (MMR)

DjKodexx: Dedication. I love to DJ, and

though I sadly admit I have yet to pur-

love to make people laugh, so I’ll always

chase the radio, but will!!

find time for it

DjKodexx: lol.. You gotta get to a gig!!


you will be shocked! Lol

Es: OK, so lets plug some. If readers want to listen and support MMR, what should

Es: So what’s in the future for MMR?

they do?

Any goals or plans?

DjKodexx: (The) Future of MMR is sim-

Es: Thank you for taking time to speak

ple....look to the top left of your screen.

with us. We’re looking forward to hear-

You will see a large number. At the mo-

ing more from you, and will certainly be

ment it’s 97,543 (members online). I want

tuning in.

all of those people to know about MMR. Es: You’re well on your way!

Contact information for DjKodexx:

DjKodexx: We are turning heads...and

we are breaking out of the little corner of IMVU. I know once peeps go to an MMR party they will get hooked. The problem

DjKodexx’s catalog:

is peeps still think we trigger DJ. We

most deffo don’t .That I can promise lol.

web_search.php?manufacturers_ id=80961499&r=acw

Es : Explain “trigger DJ” if you will DjKodexx: It is an IMVU revelation. A person types in a code in chat, and it

Music Mayhem Radio:

plays 20 or so seconds of a track It causes

lag, and they cant voice or take requests.


It is to RL DJ-ing, what marmalade is to the space shuttle. Es: lol. If someone wants to book you for a live event, they should go to your HP? DjKodexx : Just drop me a mail on IMVU or through the site and we will get back to them to confirm dates, etc. The gigs are wild, lmao! We are the most non PC radio station ever, lol.

AmbieBoo89: Hello hun, first off let me start of by saying thank you for taking your time out and meeting with me. DantesKcourtuRe: Not a problem actually was very surprised so, thank you. AmbieBoo89: *smiles* My pleasure, Let’s start off by you introducing yourself to our readers shall we? DantesKcourtuRe: Ok well, my name is Dante K courtuRe and I’m currently residing just outside of San Francisco CA. AmbieBoo89: very nice and how many years have you been a member of the imvu community? DantesKcourtuRe: Well this account has been here for two years coming on three. I’m a Financial advisor in RL, I do travel, as to here I’ve been dabbling. AmbieBoo89: Oh Wow that’s very impressive! DantesKcourtuRe: *nods* :) AmbieBoo89: Well what would you say are your top 3 favorite things you like to do on here? DantesKcourtuRe: Develop and interact in the few groups I have joined, and art. AmbieBoo89: Ooo are you an artist as well? DantesKcourtuRe: Of sort’s, I’m still wet around the ears on things but been learning. As I have found out there is digital art, re-coloring and then what I call creating art. When you take an avatar and start with them, pardon the expression bare naked almost as like you’re working with a mannequin. AmbieBoo89: Ahh, so you like to re-draw everything on the model…yes? DantesKcourtuRe: Yes but I’m so crude

right now I would never show it lol AmbieBoo89: Oh pshaw I’m sure your work is great. DantesKcourtuRe: It’s mediocre at most hope to have it better soon. AmbieBoo89: Well like they say practice makes perfect right? :) DantesKcourtuRe: Yes so true. AmbieBoo89: You mentioned you were a developer as well, how long have you been creating on here? DantesKcourtuRe: About six months, been doing the basic run of hair but trying to keep them particularly selected in the shades I do so when you have it not only are they some of the more exotic, unusual or top of the catalogue. You know your *crosses fingers* getting a color not seen or a tint AmbieBoo89: *nods* I understand completely. DantesKcourtuRe: My I give a plug here? AmbieBoo89: *giggles* be my guest. DantesKcourtuRe: Well I have my icons/ product pages done by NvMe which is hosted by ErinRN they do great work. NvMe is an agency they have models to model your finished products and do the layouts etc…we or I as their customer just tell them what I want and it’s done usually within 24 to 48 hrs. AmbieBoo89: Well I’m sure that’s a HUGE stress reducer as a developer. DantesKcourtuRe: Oh yes, as I travel I can just plug in the laptop pop out some stuff send it over and done. Then all I have to do of course is upload it all. Hehe now what I must tell you is KcourtuRe is a line/trademark I’m hoping to get out there in IMVU. I am trying to break

ground with a new twist on showcasing my style in fashion and design. If you’re not aware I have two other accounts I’m currently working on and off of as well. I’m actually setting the bar to be a great mid-level developer for IMVU that only being b/c of my work in RL. AmbieBoo89: Ooo are they similar pieces featured on your other two accounts as well, being your orignal hair textures? DantesKcourtuRe: yes and no the other male account EliasDa8nteDsgN is going to be out of left field with some of the designs I’m working on as to the textures they are bit different but will be for the disconcerting male who wants his fashion to pop with hairstyles most may not wear here and you would only find in the

fashion world of IMVU then the female line DisenosDeEllaDante...she is going to bring to the table a Latin fusion that will be one that will appeal to the latin community here and others who want to be original. AmbieBoo89: Oooh my sounds quite intriguing and fun! ^^ DantesKcourtuRe: Yes and if I can keep my head up above water. it should be something I can proudly say yes! That is good. :) AmbieBoo89: Well I’m definitely wishing you the best of luck. DantesKcourtuRe: Thank you I’m hoping for the best as well.

AmbieBoo89: If I may, might I ask you how long have you been a subscriber of TREND Magazine? DantesKcourtuRe: Hmm probably about year and a couple of months, love your mag by the way. Others I have seen come up short. Then to know your company has been around the longest that is an accomplishment to be proud of, you have a great boss who seems devoted to it. AmbieBoo89: Oh yes I’d honestly have to say Naughty is the real deal. She’s extremely dedicated to not only the magazine but to our family we have at trend, readers and all. DantesKcourtuRe: Well that is great, rare find and all.

AmbieBoo89: Ok my must ask viewer question is “If you could pick one thing you’d love to see in a future edition of our magazine what would you want to see?” DantesKcourtuRe: Hmm probably, reviews or articles dealing with like the meshers of IMVU what makes them tick so to speak. AmbieBoo89: So maybe viewer surveys and reviews on various types of meshes and also interviews with different meshers? DantesKcourtuRe: Yes. AmbieBoo89: Now that’s definitely an idea! I will most certainly pass that along to our CEO :) DantesKcourtuRe: Cool, I hope she is receptive to it. AmbieBoo89: What or who turned you on AmbieBoo89: I’m sure she will be she to trend magazine? always take into account any viewer DantesKcourtuRe: I believe he works feedback. with you, RaphaelDesti21. Each time DantesKcourtuRe: Well that is good to we’ve spoken he happens to mention the hear. magazine…and I do so wish I had been around for fashion week sounds as it was AmbieBoo89: I believe that’s all the a blast. questions I have for you today hun, is AmbieBoo89: Without a doubt it was very there anything else you’d like to say to fun I definitely can’t wait for next year’s! our viewers? :D DantesKcourtuRe: Sure is, to the readers DantesKcourtuRe: Oh? Well then I must of Trend, you surely cannot go wrong so, well hope to be here for it..I so must with this magazine as it is one that a must not get over zealous as my work always have on your computer! seems to be a buzz killer :) AmbieBoo89: *smiles* Awww thank you AmbieBoo89: Awww, well *fingers Dante for those kind words and again crossed* for you hun, I do hope you can thank you so much for you time it was a make it next year, but I’m sure there will pleasure meeting you. be plenty of TREND EVENTS for you to DantesKcourtuRe: As it was my honor to partake in until then. be chosen and Thank you for this time. DantesKcourtuRe: Same here, cool shall look forward to seeing what you all have coming up.



Modeled by: AnayaLeighL37, EsReverniDrawrof, Naughty

In our ongoing feature, Trend Magazine will review PCRs (public chat rooms) suggested by you, our readers, as well as rooms chosen at random. We aim to give you more than just the basic star rating review. Last issue we looked at Hottest Beaches. With changing season and cooler climate, what better way to embrace Fall in this issue, than by introducing you all to some great Autumn inspired PCRs?

Along with how well a room represents its proclaimed theme, we have a basic criteria all the rooms must meet. Here’s the standardized breakdown: 1) The room must be GA (general audience). 2) The room must not be RP(role playing). 3) The room must have quality of interest, all on its own. 4) Was the room easy to download for most systems? 5) Atmosphere/Mood 6) Mod/Owner present? If so, how was the hospitality? 7) English spoken (currently testers are not bi-lingual) Join us as we take a closer look at IMVU’s PCRs, and present to you more than just a 5 star rating. In this issue: IMVU’s Autumn Inspirations.

PCR: Solta Owner: Jaqualynn1 Trend rated: 3 stars Our first stop landed us in Solta. The room page boasted the peace and tranquility of an autumn day, and after a long hot summer, that sounded promising. Solta loaded swiftly, and we always like that. We also liked the tent that was pitchednothing like a little camping to experience the changing colors on the trees. However other than that, there really wasn’t much else to do. There was a modern bar plopped in the middle of some grass. Actually, there was a lot of modern furniture just out in the open, which seemed misplaced and took away from the theme. Alone, I grew bored quickly. Moving on.

PCR: Autumn Home Owner: MeishaD369 Trend rated: 1 star

PCR: Autumn River Retreat Owner: iCaden Trend rated: 4 stars

Autumn Home caught my eye from its picture on the PCR listing page in the client, and no wonder. The picture used was that of a Kincaid portrait, but what loaded was a huge disappointment (not to mention false advertising). Anyone who had a VIP account about a year ago got a free home gifted to them by IMVU inc. This was the exact same room. The only difference was the added dog and puppies that always seemed to be in the way. Cute, but I could do without the slobber on my shoes.

We really liked the mix of romance and platonic activities in this room. We loved the tire swing and outdoorsy charm in this room. The little river had a quaint boat, and there was even a barbecue going on along the shore. The beautiful cabin fit well with the theme, and was worth a visit as well. This room was

Just a reminder dear readers, everyone is a noob once. Publicizing that your room will boot noobs is a PCR faux pas.

loaded with stuff to do with friends or a special person, and was relaxing too.

PCR: P.e.r.f.e.c.t. A.u.t.u.m.n. Owner: KuroshiyaMori Trend rated: 3 stars Another room with a dog, but at least this dog played fetch. We liked the tranquility of being able to lounge and read a book, or take a nap in the hammock. Want to experience family life but have no kids of your own? No worries, this room comes equipped with an entire family (great for poses when you might need an instant prefab child.)

PCR: Flowered sunset Owner: edwardmarques Trend rated: 3 ½ stars This room was really pretty. If you

want to take some romantic photos with someone special, then this room is for you. However, this room lacked any basic sitting and standing spots, where one might be able to take advantage of the surrounding beauty to take some cool pictures. The overall theme was nice, and the room loaded easily. We loved all the sunflowers.

PCR: Autumn Furry Forest Owner: MiyamotoMusashi Trend rated: 3 stars We know what you all are asking, “A furry room?”. Well, the answer is yes. This may seem against our very criteria rules, but since the room description said nothing pertaining to RP, we thought it was OK to give this room a shot. The room loaded nicely, and was charming and outdoorsy. There were some fire pits and nice woodland style furniture. Nothing stood out as identifying the room as a “furry” room other than the name. Probably a great place to meet other furry friends.

PCR: ENCHANTED AUTUMN Owner: Lillani120 Trend rated: 4 stars This room offered a very cozy Autumn retreat. The lake was gorgeous, and offered fishing off the dock. There were plenty of picture spots and things to do outside. The quaint cabin offered a change of scenery, but kept the mood and stayed true to the theme.Of all the rooms we visited, ENCHANTED AUTUMN felt the most inspired by the season.

PCR: Autumn Fatefall High Prom Owner: mrsrickyfate Trend rated: 5 stars Our last stop was the biggest treat in our PCR hunt. The room held true to the theme, but also offered a festival and back to school atmosphere. Outside were school buses, and fun fall festival activities. Inside, the gymnasium was decorated for- you guessed it- a fall prom. Whether with a group of friends or alone, this room offered a variety of things to do, so it was hard to get bored. This room was truly unique. We need to mention it

took a few extra moments to load, but nothing to system taxing, and well worth the wait. ________________________________________________ Dear Readers: If you know of a great PCR, or are the owner of one and want Trend’s staff to check it out, drop us a line! Send to: Subject: Review This PCR Please remember all rooms for review must be GA, and non RP. Please check and double check the spelling of the room and its owner (including any special characters listed in the title description), and allow us time to review it. You might see your favorite PCR in an upcoming issue of Trend Magazine!

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