Trendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine Sept /Oct 2018

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Trendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine A publication on a mission to INSPIRE, EMPOWER, EDUCATE, and ELEVATE.











FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK “The wheels are changing - Ride with us”


pondered over what message of substance and significance I would share with our readers in this edition. The decision was in no way a result of writer’s block, as I had several topics which made the list. However, the selected topic emerged out of the many conversations and emails received from my readers, family members, business associates and friends all wanting to converse about the times in which we live and all that has changed. So much has changed since I was a young adult. Back then we had respect for ourselves and undeniably a certain level of respect and acknowledgment towards our elders. The underlying reason for how we interacted was in many ways due to the values that were instilled in us early on. There were inherent values you just came to know; like when to speak and when to be spoken to; when to stay in a child’s place and when and how to address our elders. We knew our neighbors and they knew us. If you stepped out of line, there was some adult waiting in the wings to check you, followed by a second awakening by a parent. We could reminisce for hours about “remember whens”….. We considered ourselves family and it didn’t matter if you shared the same last name or address. We cared for each other and it really was that Village who raised a child. Now, fast forward to today. Much has changed! Everywhere and everything is moving at the speed of lightening. We operate in an environment of immediate, instant, drive-thru, same-day, to-go and while you wait services. Understand, in many instances change is good. Change is inevitable, change is constant and change is the way of the future. Many of us are familiar with the various stages of change. Whenever you find yourself in the cycle of change, it requires focus and action. As we continue to embark on the digital age it is important that the content of our magazine remain informative and relevant. While our readers have certainly enjoyed our high quality table top printed magazine, the need for change has advanced us to placing a greater emphasis on our electronic version. All while keeping up with changes in the publishing and media arena. Our team will continue to explore positive changes that benefit our readers and retain our followers. What won’t change is our mission and commitment of bringing you relevant, positive and informative content. A near future venture that will change our Media portfolio will be the launch of our Trendsetters to Trendsetters Tours. While this addition to our line-up won’t change how we embrace our work, it will change how we integrate our business. For over a decade we have brought you stories and articles that have highlighted unsung heroes. While the names of those heroic individuals will change from edition to edition, the notable, courageous and positive impact and changes they make will not. Join us as we explore and Drive upcoming changes to Trendsetters that will create a lasting and reminiscent experience with our expansion of tour services and articles from across the miles. ▄











low down not just to smell the Roses, but to safeguard a life. While recently driving out of town with family for a triumphant celebration, the rest area we stopped at, was not so celebratory for many families. That would be those families who lost loved ones while at work on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The memorial seen in the pictures show a sorrowful an alarming display of life lost, stunned us, calling to our attention a powerful and piercing message. Slow down!! The hard hats and boldly colored orange safety cones represent those who lost their lives while working along the highway. Perhaps the commercial billboard advertisements we’ve come to know depicting a young child pleading to drivers to slow down “My daddy works here” stretches well beyond the miles in which it appears. What many might view as a public safety announcement is more than real, it has become surreal for many families. As we continue to rapidly advance in technology, agriculture, and the automotive industry with self-driving vehicles, more and more of our daily lives is geared towards quick and immediate gratification. Simply put, we have been reduced to operating in a society where instant and real time indulgence is the norm. There are as many aisles in a grocery store with instant, microwavable and prepared foods as there are actual produce and dry good items. Books continue to disappear off shelves and from homes as folks have an addiction and heavy dependency on the internet for anything and everything. Do understand, advancements are great and much needed. However, in our quest to be better, faster, smarter, in many cases we have drifted away from the basics. The hustle and bustle and daily grind, has crept its’ way deep into homes across America. For many, something as simple as sitting down together for a family meal is a thing of the past and sadly for just as many is for-


eign all together. We have drive-thru or curbside for just about anything….from restaurants and dry cleaners, to beer and wine stores to church service. There is much to be said about “slowing down”. Take time out for family and friends. Think about your actions, particularly your haste and how it may impact others not only on the roads, but on your quest to capture instant, quick and real-time everything. For those heroic individuals who sadly fell victim to someone else’s haste, while they are gone, the thought-provoking and just memorial demands that we remember. So as you journey out to hit the road with family and friends for trips, outings and events, “slow down” for those who work on our highways and streets. Be safe, enjoy and more importantly, enjoy cherished loved-ones and don’t rob others from the opportunity to do the same.▄







e’re Baaaaack and better than ever! Sometimes you must step away from a situation and revisit it, to gain a fresh approach to your purpose. The most effective leaders can determine when that must take place. Our magazine is no different. The T2T brand has been on a mission and you will soon learn what that entails. But for now, we hope you enjoy this commemorative issue filled with stories of legacies of legends, leaders, and up and coming. What you will find in common with the stories that the writers are sharing with you, is that each one has a message that will hopefully spark a purpose or path in your life. Maybe it will encourage you to share about someone who may fit into one of these categories. Either way, we will


(L to R) Kenya Moore, Jr. Celebrity Journalist and Shernita Wiggins-Wynder, Senior Staff Writer


continually aspire to keep you informed on those stories of importance from the least to the greatest. That’s the brand that Publisher, Willie Stewart has built. His reputation in the print and digital media has been established as a Positive Publication expanding the realm of Purpose for those who need to get their story out. We know that you have remained loyal readers and supporters of this brand based on those factors alone. So, we want to thank you for your continued support of the individuals, events, organizations, and businesses that are within our pages. Keep in mind that Trendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine, Latino Trendsetters Magazine and FanSetters Sports Magazine will continue to share your stories and if you are reading this, and want to be a part of this legacy, just reach out to one of our experienced writers, Publisher, or Administrative team member to determine how we can help you or someone you know. This issue covers the life and legacy of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, African American films like the original movie featured on TV One “Behind the Movement,” the Blockbuster Marvel film that gave one up and coming actor his big break “The Black Panther,” young women coming into their own using their trials and triumphs to inspire, businesses stepping out on faith to reach the masses, and more! And as always, we will supply you with updates on social and health issues, inspirational moments, arts and entertainment, and educational pursuits. Your ongoing support of us, repeatedly ensures us that we are doing something right. The Publisher, Willie Stewart, our administrative staff, and team of writers enjoy your reviews and comments, so keep them coming! I will leave you with these words of wisdom: Leave an imprint that will linger long after you are gone to inspire future generations to make a difference in the lives of others. That’s what legends do. They are born, not created. If you are not walking in purpose now, maybe we can give you a nudge. Just remember to nudge back. To fulfill this mission, we are honored to welcome aboard one of our success stories, Kenya Moore who will be my first Jr. Celebrity Journalist. Amidst sharing her story, she was called to purpose…and T2T is honored to be a part of that journey. Look for Kenya to share events, articles, and blogging on those issues and events that we cover. Please keep her and others who will join this amazing purpose-driven team to leave our mark in unchartered territories, as we continually set the trends and look for the future trendsetters out there. Who knows it just may be—you!▄ We appreciate you! SHERNITA WIGGINS-WYNDER, Senior Staff Writer Twitter: @CarmelVelocity Email:


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“I’ve been around long enough for people to know who I am and what my contributions are. They know me as more than just an artist. I think they know me as a woman as well.”






“THE Queen’s REIGN: An Infinite Legacy of Soul” Written by Shernita Wiggins-Wynder

The Soul of a Woman... Being a singer is a natural gift. It means I'm using to the highest degree possible the gift that God gave me to use. I'm happy with that.-

Aretha Franklin


orn in Memphis, Tennessee on March 25, 1942, to parents, Reverend Clarence LaVaughn “C.L.” and Barbara Franklin, Aretha Louise Franklin was destined for greatness from the womb. Her mother who was an accomplished pianist and her father, a Baptist minister coined “the million-dollar voice”…the bars of expectations were already set. Aretha Franklin’s parents separated by the time she was five years old. Her mother moved to Buffalo, New York with her eldest brother and she and her younger siblings were relocated with her father to Detroit, Michigan. Having both parents who were gospel singers, it is no surprise, that Aretha would have a beginning in the gospel genre. Child prodigies are more common today because of the technology to be connected around the world with the ability to see via many media platforms, those who are gifted. However, in the 1950’s, children who were gifted and known were rare. Aretha


fit into this category as a self-taught pianist who could not read music with a four-octave vocal range. Proverbs 18:16, tells us that, “A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” (KJV) This word rang true during the reign of our phenomenal Queen of Soul, the legendary Ms. Aretha L. Franklin. Although her childhood was not the ideal upbringing with the absence of her mother and the demands of a father, who shepherded a flock and provided support during the heart of the civil rights movement…it was the life God chose for her and I’d like to think she thrived even the more because of it. She had foundational teachings from being raised with her father Rev. C.L. Franklin who was a Civil Rights Activist that walked alongside the iconic, Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. and spending summers with her mother, who was skilled in the musicianship that she had come to love, and we have come to love her for in our lifetime.






lthough Aretha’s mother passed away in 1952 just before her tenth birthday, she and her siblings were surrounded by strong support that included her father, grandmother, and the legendary singer Mahalia Jackson. Now if that isn’t a divine connection and a solidification of strength, I don’t know what is. Having those individuals in her life, no doubt helped to shape and mold what would become a life of unique creative abilities and multiple experiences and wisdom, on how to sustain and gain respect, in a world full of dire circumstances.


Growing up in the house with a father who was deemed a celebrity, by the standards of what a preacher in a mega-church today is considered, it was not by chance that this positioned Aretha Franklin to be in the company of individuals like Sam Cook, Dr. M. L. King, Jr., Jackie Wilson, Albertina Walker, the Reverend James Cleveland, and Clara Ward as reported by several media outlets. This would become a part of the character traits she possessed that made her able to walk in Queendom. She was used to being in the presence of greatness. She was a young child reared with qualities of strength and clarity on how to become WHO she truly wanted to be and to FIGHT for RESPECT, if you had to while doing so. Following the death of her mother, Aretha took on the role of soloist at New Bethel Baptist Church. It was in her, it was proba-


bly expected. Her father, Rev. C.L. Franklin took Aretha with him when his gospel group traveled and performed for many churches. By the age of 12, her talents were evident because she had learned to play piano by ear (as we call it) fluently from simply listening to jazz records and had mastered a four-octave vocal range that made her sound more mature for her age. This was another part of the unique molding of her iconic talent that was rare during her time, but seemed to be popping up in her generation in the African-American culture. It is here, that Aretha’s father and those around her, helped to birth who we would lovingly come to know, as the famous Queen of Soul!



iving with her father in Detroit, the home of Motown, placed her in the vicinity of the birth of an era of music with musicians and vocalist who would later also be revered as icons. Aretha’s longtime friend, Smokey Robinson, who at her funeral shared how they met as he visited her brother, Cecil at her house, would become one of them. So, I’m about eight years old and I’m outside playing with my neighborhood friends, and we’re shooting marbles because it was in a time when kids were able to





play outside, you know. I don’t know if you guys even know what that is anymore. Richard Ross and another one of our friends came around and he had this new guy with him and he said, ‘This is Cecil.’ So, we all, like boys do, we started playing. And after a while we went around to see Cecil’s new house, because he had moved to Detroit from Buffalo. So, we go in and I’m walking around the house and looking. I’m seeing things I have never seen because it wasn’t anything like my house. If someone broke into my house, they’d better be bringing something. (Laughs) So, anyway, we walk around the house and ummm, I’m hearing music like the piano being played. And this voice sounds like a little girl singing and I go look into the room and I see you, you’re there. And you’re singing and it was my first meeting and my first sight of you, and ummm from that moment on, we have been so close and so tight… Legends are bred by legends and attracted to other legends. I guess you can say, that in order to become what you are destined for, God will surround you with those who are already there, or headed in the same direction. Growing up in the city that birthed the Motown Sound, was a part of God’s plan and over the years, her life would become rooted in gospel, then spill into the secular circuit to give birth to the extraordinary sounds that flowed between multiple genres of music through her songs. Her father managed her talent and in 1956 at the tender age of 14, she recorded a gospel album entitled “Spirituals” released by the J.V.B. label and it would go on to be released a second time as “Songs of Faith: The Gospel Sound of Aretha Franklin. This would be the beginning of a long line of epic moments in the life of our Queen. In 1960, she signed with Columbia Records and released her first album entitled “Aretha: With the Ray Bryant Combo” on February 27, 1961. It was her first release and like her close friend, Sam Cooke, Columbia had discovered a national treasure. This album had mixed reviews and Aretha was only 18 at the time of the release with sounds that reflected both jazz and pop culture, establishing her own soulful sounds. This album was followed by “The Electrifying Aretha Franklin” (1962) and “The Tender, the Moving, the Swing-

ing Aretha Franklin” (1962) and the first album to gain recognition reaching #69 on the Billboard Pop chart. Following this, her discography with Columbia reads like this: “Laughing on the Outside” (1963); “Unforgettable: A Tribute to Dinah Washington” and “Runnin’ Out of Fools” (1964); “Yeah!!!” (1965); “Soul Sister” and “Take It Like You Give It” (1966); “Soft and Beautiful” (1969) the 15th album recorded by Aretha and the tenth and final album for Columbia Records before her transition to Atlantic Records. If you listen to these albums, even just a few tracks off of the albums, you will be able to hear the jazz, pop, and gospel sounds emanating from melodious vocals strong with varying ranges flowing in ways that only the Queen of Soul can bellow out. Even a song meant for a child’s lullaby, Aretha was successful in turning it into a swinging tune that will not lull you to sleep, but get you to stepping entitled “Rock-A-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody.” Here we can hear a shift into another genre of music (Rock N Roll) with still soulful twists and jazzy steps into chords that demanded Respect! Her song “Rough Lover” is just the right stuff that independent women of her time were clearly sending a message that passivity was passing away. In 1967 in the midst of her label change, “Respect” was released and becomes her first number one single for which she won her first two Grammy Awards (Best Rhythm & Blues Recording and Best Rhythm & Blues Solo Vocal Performance, Female) in 1968 along with two other hits: “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman” and “Baby I Love You” with Atlantic Records. She released the following albums with Atlantic Records, “I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You” and “Aretha

Arrives” (1967); “Lady Soul” and “Aretha Now” (1968); “Soul 69” (1969); “This Girl’s In Love With You” and “Spirit In The Dark” (1970); “Young, Gifted, And Black” (1972); “Hey Now Hey (The Other Side of the Sky)” (1973); “Let Me In Your Life” and “With Everything I Feel In Me” (1974); “You” (1975); “Sweet Passion” (1977); “Almighty Fire” (1978); “La Diva” (1979). Arista Records would be graced with the wondrous vocals of Aretha Franklin with the release of “Aretha” (1980); “Love All the Hurt Away” duet with George Benson (1981); “Jump to It” (1982) hailed the comeback album produced by awarding winning Luther Vandross. This album stayed at number one on the R&B Billboard chart for seven weeks. Aretha Franklin’s first Pop Top 40 hit since “Sparkle” (1976) produced by Curtis Mayfield; “Get It Right” (1983); “Who’s Zoomin’ Who” to appeal to her younger audience, she had her number one international hit duet with George Michael “I Knew You Were Waiting For Me” (1985); “Aretha” (1986); “Through the Storm” (1989); “What You See Is What You Sweat” (1991); “A Rose Is Still A Rose” (1998); “So Damn Happy” (2003). Then Aretha released her own album with the same title “Aretha: A Woman Falling Out of Love” (2011). The thirty-seventh and final album released by Aretha Franklin would come from RCA Records entitled “Aretha Franklin Sings the Great Diva Classics” (2014).



hile the incomparable Aretha Louise Franklin was starting a legacy that could not be duplicated in original form…she was establishing some amazing connections that will never be severed, also. Beginning with her children. Dispelling the myths about single mothers and teen moms, hers and her children’s lives have knocked the negative statistics out of the water, Aretha had her first child Clarence at the age of 12 and her second son Edward at the age of 14. In a New York Times article by Lena Williams “Pregnant Teen-Agers Are Outcasts No Longer” she stated that unlike today when pregnant teens


are heralded as role models for keeping their child and still attending school, in the 1940’s, 50’s, and 60’s teen moms were considered pariahs, ostracized and sent away in secret to have their child. (I know this to be a fact concerning my own mother’s pregnancy with me at age 15. She had to drop out of school and move to another state to begin her life). However, Aretha, had the support of family. Aretha’s grandmother Rachel and sister, Erma helped to raise her two boys. She was not fond of discussing her entrance into motherhood early in interviews, but she didn’t have to, she survived it and still launched a career with the help of her family. Franklin’s other two sons, Ted “Teddy Richards” White Jr (1964) and Kecalf Cunningham (1970) were born during her adult years. Aretha said in an interview, I’ve been a wonderful and very good mother. That’s what I’m most proud of first…



n addition to her childhood friend Smokey Robinson, Aretha had friends she developed in her career like Dionne Warwick, Mavis Staples and Cissy Houston. They were her backup singers in the group Sweet Inspirations. Franklin met Cissy’s daughter Whitney in the early 1970’s and was dubbed as Whitney’s honorary aunt and not godmother as the media misreported. Whitney referred to Aretha Franklin as “Auntie Ree.” Then there are many others like Stevie Wonder, Stephanie Mills, Curtis Mayfield whom she worked on the Sparkle soundtrack for the film and Clive Davis




retha Franklin touched the lives of many young and old. Some of her most accomplished feats began in the 1960’s when she traveled with her father during the Civil Rights Movement. She learned a lot about standing up for the rights of others and being strong in the face of adversity. When the Civil Rights Movement needed financial help, she along with Sidney Pointier, Nancy Wilson, Harry Belafonte, Mahalia Jackson and Sammy Davis Jr. were there and always answered the call, while writing much-needed checks, Xernona Clayton said in an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC). Her family was said to have been connected to the family of Dr. King’s up to the second generation through their fathers. Ambassador Andrew Young shared in the same article that, Aretha was a child of the movement,” Young said. “She is such a natural. Even when she was called upon for meetings or events, she was available when other celebrities professed to be unable to attend due to illnesses, she was there and her song R-E-S-P-E-C-T became a civil rights mantra for the movement as did many of her songs during that time. When activist Angela Davis was arrested and accused of possessing the weapon that murdered someone during a shootout, Aretha was ready to put up bail. But Angela was not eligible for bail. She was ready to put up $200,000 if she had to…and in those days,


that was a lot of money. Because of her father, Rev. C.L. Franklin’s consistent involvement as a pastor-activist, Aretha grew up knowing the importance of equal rights and fighting to achieve them whenever necessary. (The Atlanta JournalConstitution article by Ernie Suggs and Shelia M. Poole) On April 9, 1968, Aretha would sing at the memorial service of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” just a couple of months after she was given an award by Dr. King on stage. Over the years, the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, would be awarded many honors, even after her death. She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (1979), voice declared a Michigan “natural resource” (1985), first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (1987), the



of Arista Records, 1981’s “Love All the Hurt Away” of the title track with George Benson. Cicely Tyson, Rev. Jesse Jackson who she met through her father’s Civil Rights days with Dr. Martin L. King Jr., Regina Bell, and more.


National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences awarded her a Grammy Legend Award (1994), recipient of the National Medal of Arts (1999), the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2005) just to name a few. She sang at the inauguration of three Presidents: Carter, Clinton and Obama. Aretha sang for Kings and Queens (something her father told her she would one day do), sang in the presence of Pope Francis, performed in the film The Blues Brothers, had streets and a park in her hometown named for her, a high school dropout with several honorary doctorates and Congressional medals of honor given to honor her legacy. As our reigning Queen yielded to her illness on August 16, 2018, at the age of 76 in Detroit surrounded by family and close


friends, we will never forget where we were and will forever be amiss without her humble presence, warrior-like spirit, fashionista style, and outspoken reminders that our fight is ongoing. Her funeral would take place over several days and end with a Celebration Fit for a Queen with celebrity and activist Who’s Who in attendance. To her family, she was a mother, grandmother, sister, auntie, best friend, and more…to us, we will forever remember Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul who left behind an infinite legacy for past, present and future generations to come.▄








singer. A songwriter. A dancer. A prodigy. Whitney Reign is a talented singer, song writer and dancer born and raised on the south side of Chicago, by way of Atlanta, continues to draw a buzz as she nears her dream of becoming an international superstar. Her ability to write songs, combined with her vocals and her gift to command a stage are unparalleled compared to most multiplatinum artists today. With just a few chords of a track, her voice has captivated many influential people in the entertainment world. Whitney Reign began to make her mark on the music industry in the mid 2000’s. At the tender age 8, she realized her amazing gift to sing and dance, often citing great artists such as: James Brown, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Brandy and Lauryn Hill. As a young teen, Reign swept the competition at many local talent shows and began recording her own music, thus


capturing the attention of several music executives. She was signed to Island Def Jam when she was 18 and had the opportunity to work along side of many legends in the music industry such as Sean Garrett, The Dream, Tricky Stewart, just to name a few. Whitney’s recent appearance on The Four on Fox turned out to be her opportunity to impress some of the industry's biggest icons, such as Diddy, DJ Khaled, Meghan Trainor, and many of the industries most prominent. Whitney Reign showcased her passion for R&B/pop music, and took songs in some surprising new directions than their original artists. Throughout, the stellar arrangements made ample room for Whitney Reign's fluid vocals and heart wrenching melodies. Her amazing performances landed her in the grand finale as one of the Final Four. Without a doubt, key decision makers recognized the jewel in Whitney Reign which has factored in the present requests to record, and collaborate on a variety of projects. Whitney Reign is currently in the studio working tirelessly on her EP which her fans can expect to hear some fun/club party records mixed with some inspirational, soulful R&B and Pop. Whitney is definitely a force to be reckoned with. "I’m about to bring that old thing back. Like back in the day when music told a story. That soul and passion! I feel this is what the music industry is missing”. Filled with an Un-doubted spirit and bolstered by a soaring sumptuous voice that defies comparisons, Whitney Reign is an undeniable sensation! ▄


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“Life isn’t about finding yourself…it’s about creating yourself.”-


George Bernard Shaw



Kenya Moore

BALD AND BODACIOUS Written by: Shernita Wiggins-Wynder


Kenya shared that she was ready for her assignment to begin and she was ready to bring about awareness to others. Her parents Nathan and Nicole Moore cried with their child, especially when she was sharing about how people treated her. At the end, you could see the exhaling of relief that their efforts to raise a strong little girl into a brave woman had come to pass as they embraced her at the end of the night. Since then, she has been speaking at various events for Alopecia Totalis awareness of her bullying ordeal. In order to assist her with her journey I interviewed her and her parents and this is what they had to say.

KENYA… I found out that I had alopecia when I was four years old and I was diagnosed with alopecia totalis at the age of six. It is an autoimmune disorder which causes hair loss where I completely lost all my hair. Of course, I didn’t understand my condition until I was around 10 years old. When I was first able to realize and really care about having hair, I was going into middle school. It was then I found myself becoming upset, devastated, and angry. I was so worried about if I would be accepted or if I would be bullied for being bald. I tried to hide my feelings secretly on the inside while dressing up on the outside. I was broken. I found myself not only questioning God why…but I began blaming Him. Questioning Him as to why I couldn’t be like other kids. I fell into a deep depression and many times contemplated suicide. I was so overwhelmed by the pain, hurt, and disappointment in the way people were treating me. This led to my feeling helpless and worthless; I decided that if I just took myself out, I wouldn’t have to deal with this condition anymore and that life would be better if I didn’t exist. My mother, Nicole Moore, constantly would have me read scriptures and pray over me, cover me, and speak encouraging words to me as I faced all the obstacles in my life. She would tell me that I was created in God’s image and the important thing was to embrace myself in the skin I was in with selfconfidence and to build my self-esteem, no matter how others may attempt to tear me down. My dad Nathan Moore showed me love and always reminded and reinforced to me how beautiful I was. Each day I awoke in the morning without my hair, he would say, “Baby you look beautiful.” When I was bullied, I felt like I wanted to die and that the entire world was against me. It was the worst during my high school years. Kids said that I was a Cancer patient, that I looked like a man, Steve Harvey, the girl with no hair or eyebrows, and everything else that I wasn’t. Each time this happened, I would cry and get angry and I wanted to fight. I have been bullied ver-




eptember is the month for several diseases that run havoc upon our society and the one this article will tackle is Alopecia totalis. There are many types of alopecia areata. According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, they range from patchy coin-sized round or oval patches on the scalp or other places hair grows, to alopecia totalis consisting of total hair loss across the entire scalp…to alopecia universalis resulting in hair loss over the entire body. Social media platforms have heightened the opportunity to find out about people, places, and things immediately, that many of us had to wait for others to bring to our attention over a period of time. On FaceBook, back in July during the week I was preparing for a women’s conference, I was scrolling across my timeline and came across a Live post by Kenya Moore in my feed that one of my FaceBook friends were tagged. I usually just scroll by, but something about this video stood out to me. At first glance, I thought she was a teen fighting Cancer because of her bald appearance. Having experienced a loss with a young lady the latter part of last year from the dreadful disease, my heart began to break just thinking about it. However, to my surprise, her message was to those who had secretly inboxed her as to the reason behind her hair loss. Clearly this young lady was tired of repeating herself and tired of hiding behind the disease. She began to tell her audience that she was finally available to explain the disease she was diagnosed with and they had the opportunity to ask whatever questions they wanted to, and she would not be mad. She was ready to come out of her comfort zone to live free from the pain she was previously caused through selfesteem issues and bullying from those ignorant to the disease lacking moral standards. After I watched the video, with tears streaming down, I felt what Kenya must have dealt with over the years and then I wondered how her parents handled this delicate situation with their daughter beginning with the diagnosis at the age of four. I immediately reached out and to her and shared how inspired I was to hear her story and then invited her and her parents to attend my Daughters of Purpose Ministry women’s conference that Friday. I was excited when she gladly accepted, and I added her to become a part of the Friday night’s program. She and her family attended and when it came time to share her story with me on the platform on our Purposeful Living for Life’s Journey Show, I saw a white rosebud open into a beautiful rose, embracing her thorns and lifting her head to stand out among the other red roses. She invited her mentor, Tammy Whiten who was a part of the youth ministry at her church, Believer’s Life Center to join her on the stage.

bally and physically. But the scriptures my mom made me read that helped me the most was, Psalms 139:14, because no matter what the opinions of those who chose to hurt me were, it would boil down to what God thought about me. However, the entire time I went through this, I tried so hard to fit in, not realizing that He had created me to stand out and be a leader not a victim. My hair, or lack thereof doesn’t define me. It’s just another feature cruel people expected me to have. I constantly reminded myself of a quote by Dr. Maya Angelou which said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I have forgiven everyone for what they have said and their actions, but I will always remember how they made me feel. In the past, I was a girl living on a roller coaster of emotions, who was headed for destruction. I was full of insecurities, broken, angry, and most of all…entertaining suicidal thoughts. I hated my life and felt that I didn’t have a purpose nor reason to live. But today—I see myself as a unique, bold, brave, courageous, fierce, and beautiful young lady with confidence. I have become liberated by sharing my story to the world on social media. I have found my purpose and passion of why God created me “for such a time as this.” I now know that fulfilling my destiny meant sharing my testimony with others in order to become a blessing to them. I want to help those who like myself, are struggling with alopecia daily, and other autoimmune disorders that cause hair loss. When you are free, there is nothing that can make you feel bound, as I did in the past. I believe that I am living my best life now and my goal in life is to inspire others, remind them to embrace their flaws because we were all created to be different and yet we are all unique. I want to encourage the youth that are dealing with similar stories like mine on how to overcome bullying by being confident in who they are…because no one can be better than you, you are special. My purpose right now, I believe consists of speaking in my community, and at schools, hospitals, and events around the world. My next goals are to start a scarf and turban line for those experiencing hair loss and suffering in silence, or just for those who want to feel free to embrace their best selves. I will do all of this by teaching others, as I have learned to do so. I want to teach people how to truly treat people like they want to be treated.



At first glance of Nathan and Nicole Moore, they appear to be the perfect strong couple without a care in the world. Yet, beneath the surface, existed a mother who silently cried for her baby wishing she could take her place and a father holding back the urge to rip the world to shreds that even thought about harming his family, let alone his daughter. When I asked Nicole to explain the beginning of her struggle with her daughter’s illness, her mind went back to March 2004, the day she picked up Ken-


ya from school and noticed that she had a bald spot in her hair. Her first notion was that her daughter had cut a patch of hair out. But as time went on, she noticed that patches of Kenya’s hair would come out as she combed it. Nicole explained how she took her daughter to the dermatologist only to receive diagnosis after diagnosis from a fungus, to lupus, thyroid disease and possible cancer. Her daughter endured medications, scalp tests, blood work until it was determined that she had alopecia aerate. That was in April of 2004 and by December 2004 Kenya had lost all her hair. She was completely bald with her diagnosis becoming alopecia totalis. Nicole by this point, being unfamiliar with this disease and a mother torn over the condition of her daughter was left devastated, confused, an emotional wreck, lost and blaming herself. But being a woman of faith and a prayer warrior like the woman with the issue of blood, she knew she was connected to the main physician…Jesus. I knew even though the diagnosis and prognosis weren’t good, I was still grateful because it could’ve been other things that could affect her health. But God allowed it to be her hair. When things happen in life you can either allow it to define who you are or destroy you. I chose to allow it to strengthen and unify our family. We understood that the Father had the final say and he would not put more on us than we could bear. God reminded me of Jeremiah 29:11 and although I didn’t understand the plan…I still trusted Him. My mind flashing back to the weekend of the women’s conference and seeing her protective face gracefully watching her daughter as she shared her testimony. I could see the combination of strength and pain intermingled into a vision of hope…wanting and waiting to hear that long-awaited word from God. When I asked Nicole how she broke the news to her daughter, husband and rest of the family she explained that both she and her husband received the report and the challenge became how to explain that to their four-year-old little girl. She remembered how




that our paths connected in a special way. Also, Ms Pamela Burney, God rest her precious soul, who loved on my family, especially Kenya. She was always building her up in confidence and image. As a parent, I can’t even imagine how hard the struggle must have been to watch their child suffer with a diagnosis that she couldn’t soothe nor take away. According to Nicole, she explained that she would be lying if she said that it was easy. It was very challenging, difficult, and an emotional roller coaster having to watch their child endure bullying, being called names, and coming up against demonic forces that tore at the flesh of her daughter’s soul and tortured the heartstrings of her and husband’s, as well. It was in those very moments that Nicole and Nathan decided that the enemy would not control their daughter’s fate. They would make sure that Kenya was equipped with all the tools and Armor of God, so their darling daughter could stand the storms of life and tests of time. God gives His toughest battles to His strongest warriors— for the tests were never designed to destroy you but make you stronger. Seek God in everything that you do because I was reminded on this journey of Romans 8:28. Know that whatever you face He has already equipped you to endure the battle so feel free to embrace your journey and trust God to take you through it all. I pray that our story will encourage, inspire, and strengthen those it is assigned to and remember that whatever your Goliath, God will never leave nor forsake you. Put your trust and faith in Him, giving all the glory to Him and you will be victorious. Our baby has accepted her Purpose…she is walking in her destiny and she is determined not to look back. Our prayers were always answered, we just had to wait on God’s timing—and you can too. This family has clearly redefined their purpose and their relationships. I believe this assignment has made them stronger, wiser, and better. All it takes is seeing the love in their eyes for one another that they have each other’s back because God has theirs. What was once an unbearable trial…has become an unbreakable bond.▄



Kenya used to ask when her hair was falling out, would it grow back? Nicole reminisced that those were the moments she fought back tears, trying to be strong for her daughter as she looked into her innocent little face, while searching for the right words to say. I was wishing that I could take her place. I began to describe about God’s creation and how He placed the stars in the sky, decided to make the sky blue, the grass green, the ocean teal…all so she could understand through this analogy that God created her in His image and that all she needed to remember was that she was beautifully and wonderfully made, with or without hair. Nicole said that she knew there would be speculation, whispers, and assumptions especially when people didn’t know their struggle. However, they learned to accept what God had allowed and carefully selected the people in their lives that really mattered and would ultimately share in the journey who weren’t judgmental about Kenya’s condition. So, I asked Nicole what was the main support that helped her and her family during those early stages. She attributed her strong foundation in her faith and her relationship with Jesus and being surrounded with ministries that supported them as she and her husband Nathan traveled from place to place with his military duty to his country. She said they had some awesome spiritual leaders like Bishop Donnie and First Lady Shirley Mcgriff at Christ Temple Apostolic Church in San Diego, California, Bishop John and Dr. Janice Crenshaw at Kingdom Life Worship Center, Atlanta, Georgia and currently Pastor Lee and Dr. Yvonne Capehart of Believers Life Center, Pensacola, Florida. Amidst the strong ties of their overseers, among them were family and friends which she elaborated as being available to always speak encouraging words and imparting prophesy to uplift their baby girl. Nicole said her mom was there from the beginning supporting where needed when they faced the good, bad, and the ugly. My best friend Dora Grandison and her family whom Kenya called her other mom and who stood in the gap when I was weak and frustrated and who nurtured, loved, and embraced Kenya as her own. Tammy Whiten who mentored, covered, pushed, and encouraged Kenya to pursue her dreams and always succeed beyond expectations. Mother Linda Hicks, Clarisse Dees, Patrina Sykes, Britton Capehart, Chauncey Rease and Shaletha Robinson, all of which I am so very grateful

New book provides insight on how



elerick Mitchell, the well-renowned and sought after corporate speaker and coach, and CEO of Drive Influence, has penned a book that serves to help readers build a personal career path aligned with their unique passions and purpose in life. The book, entitled Hacking your Career, will be available on Amazon Books later this Fall. Within the pages of this easy read, anyone will be able to create their own personalized strategies to help them achieve their greatest work/life balance. It offers his easy step by step rules to analyze and overcome any hindrance that stands in the way to achieving the fulfilling careers that we seek. “The career ladder model we have been taught over the years has not only changed but is now obsolete,” says Melerick Mitchell. “The truth is that most companies are more interested in developing employees to perform tasks versus developing the kinds of staff that think outside of the mundane box. And it’s the creative thinkers who not only master their job assignments quickest but increase their company’s worth and revolutionize their own careers in the process.” As a corporate trainer and talent development architect, Melerick is uniquely qualified to boil down the concepts used at the highest levels in the corporate world and make them applicable to any person in the room.


He offers a unique blend of executive coach experience and global team building. Based on years of study, in-depth interviews, and multiple tracks observations Hacking your Career was developed with the premise and purpose to share in the power and the obligation to love what we do and do what we love. There is an equation to career success and Hacking your Career unlocks the formula the reader and provides practical insight and strategy to fast-track a beautiful balance between life and work.▄ For more information about the work of Melerick Mitchell, or to schedule a media interview/ podcast to discuss his new book, call (206) 3908717, or via email at For more information about the author, visit his website at


to unlock the career of your dreams ‘Hacking your Career’ by Melerick Mitchell on Amazon Books this Fall (BLACK PR WIRE) Dallas, TX




Melerick Mitchell







Hair Under Attack By Dr. Linda Amerson


e kind to your hair! Your neglect and abuse can cause you to be your hair's worst enemy. Although IMAGE is socially important, there are consequences which may result from hair abuse! Professionals and consumers must first obtain the right tools for the variety of hair textures. Below includes a list of commonly used grooming tools and the correct way to use them. In addition, if you think you have alopecia, damaged hair, hair shedding, hair breakage, dry hair, or all other problems associated with hair or scalp disorders, seek the expertise of a doctor of Trichology.

Heat damage from styling/grooming tools may include:


Blow Dryers: When using a blow dryer, be careful not to over dry the hair particularly on a high heat setting. You could contribute to a hair shaft defect known as bubble hair, which further damages the hair shaft. Choose a dryer that has balanced weight in your hand. It should also fit comfortably and not be too heavy, and have a long enough power cord for easier mo-



bility. It should have heat settings of low, medium, high, and cool air, and wattage between 1200-2000 is sufficient. Curling Irons: Are a popular tool. However, these hot little devils have metal cylinders which require careful usage on all hair textures. Always test the heat temperature on a white towel or paper towel to avoid scorching and damaging the hair. A variety of sizes are available according to hair length, and the desired curl size. Professional curling irons should have more than one heat setting, and fit easily in your hand. Make sure your hair is thoroughly dry prior to using a curling iron. Licensed Professionals, please educate your clients about how to properly maintain their hair style at home. This helps to avoid any further damage to the hair shaft. Flat Irons: These irons are very popular and vary in price. Some consumers choose the detachable style,


Mini Flat Irons: These irons work well for short hair styles. Straightening Tongs-are smaller and more compact than the regular flat iron. They are most effective on short hair and bangs. Again, avoid over usage of this tool, as this may contribute to further hair damage. Thermal Straightening Irons: Also called pressing combs or hot combs. Thermal straightening irons are used popularly on ethnic hair textures. Use extra caution when heating your thermal iron. Over heating this thermal iron may contribute to hair breakage, central centrifugal scarring alopecia (ccca), scorching of all hair textures, ridges and grooves in the hair, and brittle hair. Hair does have a tolerance to heat used on it. These irons are available in both marcel or electric.


It is important to keep the plates and barrels of any heat implement clean. Styling products may build up quickly and make these tools extremely hard to use, not to mention unsanitary. One suggestion is to use oven cleaner to spray and remove the buildup weekly, or when buildup is visible. There are other professional items available to also assist with buildup removal. And remember - always turn off or unplug your heat appliance after usage. ▄ All questions and inquiries should be forwarded to Dr. Linda Amerson at (817)-265-8854 - LA’s Hair & Scalp Clinic, Arlington, TX. Tune in every Wednesday @ 11am-12noon CST to Ask the Hair & Scalp Doctor Radio Show on,



which includes detachable plates for straightening, crimping, and waving the hair. Avoid over usage of this tool as you may contribute to hair shaft defects such as trichorrhexis nodosa, ridges and grooves on the hair shaft, trichoptilosis, and tapered hair.

Hatiara Owens



rendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine believes in supporting all types of disease research and charities that need funding and public awareness. Several of these illnesses are recognized in September and Sickle Cell Anemia awareness is the one this article will focus on through one mother’s testimony. She shares that not only did she choose to save the life of her youngest daughter, but that choice meant accepting an unexpected diagnosis that would present some challenges in the long run to sustain her daughter’s life. Thousands of women are faced with difficult decisions that could alter their life but when

God steps in and offer His solution, the outcome could be part of a test for a greater TESTimony! This story is nearer and dearer to my heart and one that I was always in fear of as a one in four chance my daughter could one day face. After my daughter Hatiara was born in January of 1993 (I named her after my mother Hattie), I received the news in a visit from a State agency that she was a sickle cell trait carrier. They explained all the scenarios that could happen with her as a trait carrier and what could happen, if in her adult life, she had children with another trait carrier. I made it a point to research everything I could, even doing a paper on the disease when I went


Photographer: Tay Brown

“I didn’t know choosing to save my daughter’s life…meant facing challenges with a disease that could take her life.”-Hatiara Owens




When I found out I was pregnant with my third child, I was put through the pressure of ending the pregnancy because I had two children already. I told the person that I didn’t want to do that and yet I was feeling coerced into ending a life just because I was experiencing financial difficulty. I prayed a lot of nights and even talked to my mom about it. She shared with me a similar experience she had and told me she regretted doing so. Her message to me was, ‘Never let a man dictate to you what to do to your body. God will make a way.’ After being given the money to carry this horrific act out I went to Florida on a journey that would change my life. I remember me and my mom crying over this decision and me telling her what I was told to do and why. That morning, we headed to the clinic and there were people outside of it protesting and praying. I could see the tears streaming down my mom’s face pleading with me not to go through with it. I think she could see that I really didn’t want to do it, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to take care of three children by myself. Because that would be the alternative to me choosing not to listen to him. I remember looking into the rearview mirror at the people who said they wanted to talk to me. As something urged me to get out of the car, I could see the concern in my mother’s eyes and yet I saw hope. When I got to the people I found out that they were a part of a ministry that wanted to provide solutions to women faced with this dilemma of not feeling they had a viable alternative. I remember just crying and praying inside for God to reveal to me my destiny or confirm what my mother was telling me God wanted to do. Mrs. Chepita, Mrs. Mary Beth and her husband Mr. Ernie all walked up to me as I got closer to them and embraced me then prayed over me. They were participating in the “40 Days of Life” prayer vigil that Spring of 2016, a campaignbased community organization that did peaceful demonstrations to eradicate abortion. Afterwards, they asked me why I felt like I had to make this decision and I explained what was going on in my life. They told me that if I chose life, they would help me get through it by helping to remove the obstacles I would face alone, and they wanted to pray my strength to stand up for myself in defense of choosing life, to the person who was encouraging me to make this decision. By that time, my mother walked over and we all cried and began the strategy on a road that would change my life. They were strangers who later became family. I feel the need to share MY truths about the birth of each of my children and my dilemma of being forced, at that time, into destroying a life that needed me. I believe many women suffer in silence with telling their truths for fear of what other people would say or think about them or even getting mad at them. I learned a long time ago…your truth is just that…yours. No one



back to college. When Hatiara or “Tia” as she is most known for…got old enough to understand, I explained to her that she was a sickle cell trait carrier and what that meant, by then I was well educated on it. As a little girl she had periodic spurts of joint pain in her knees. I took her to see her pediatrician who explained that sometimes children who are sickle cell trait carriers can have some joint pain, but she would grow out of it. And she did. Yet, I made it a point to educate her, so she’d know she had to be careful of who she conceived children with, so she did not have a child with sickle cell. However, our fears came true and now it’s time for HerStory to make a difference in someone’s life. “I grew up in a small town called Monroeville, Alabama”. I was raised by my mother and stepfather. They gave me and my siblings a pretty good upbringing. Times got hard sometimes, but they always made a way for us. I appreciate them more than they know. I don’t remember much about the joint pain, but I remember not liking to go to the doctor. After high school, I had my first daughter Zalayvia in January 2012 in an emergency cesarean because of preeclampsia. Her father Wesley Jones was present at her birth and that was comforting and encouraging when it became determined that I was going to have an emergency C-section. I was a first-time mom and that was scary within itself, but at least I wasn’t alone. I believed he would always be there for her. My mom told me after Zalayvia was born that when the nurse opened the curtains to the nursery, she saw Zalayvia’s dad looking down at her with such a loving glance that it eased all her fears of the father he would be for her granddaughter. He stood about 6’ 8” tall, so when he held her it was like a giant holding a baby. He stayed the entire time and helped me out with her as I rested. He went off later to play ball and unfortunately, after returning to Alabama from California playing semi-pro basketball, he was shot and died three weeks later from complications. I moved to Montgomery, Alabama with the hopes of beginning a new life and started my Associate of Science degree online at Ultimate Medical Academy in Health Science with a concentration in Medical Office Administration. During this time, I became pregnant with my second daughter Zamora. Her birth in September 2014 was also complicated. The doctor and her team were nothing short of amazing. I wanted to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) and it would have been easier if my daughter was not as large. I had gestational diabetes and it made her gain weight more, so they had to use forceps and a nurse standing over my head on the bed pushing and one pushing from the side to get her out. The NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) was on hand because she came out not breathing, but God intervened, and I was able to hear my baby’s first cries for life. Her dad was in the room with both our mothers and I just remember wanting to hold her. Later, I would finish my degree and start a new job at a doctor’s office.


can live it for you…no one can take them away from you, they may try to scare you into keeping them hidden but the Bible teaches us that what’s done in the dark will come to light. Therefore, I chose to tell my own story. My mother always said that her children were destined for greatness and would have to one day help other with our testimonies. Now back to the matter at hand, long story short, I went through with my pregnancy not knowing what God was about to do in my life with this little bundle of joy, but God did. My mom actually told me when I was pregnant with my daughter, to do my research on sickle cell disease. She wanted me to start a foundation because of me being a trait carrier and I remember telling her, ‘Mom why do I need to start a foundation when I don’t have the full-blown disease?’ Why would I even be worried, her father never said he had the trait. Not realizing, soon I’d need that information. I know now that it was God allowing her to tell me so that I could prepare. The Emerald Coast Coalition for Life threw me a baby shower right before my baby was born in September 2016. I felt so loved and celebrated with people that didn’t know me. Wondering how I would be able to purchase things for my child was eliminated. The day Zyliee was born, it was a relatively easy birth. I stayed in labor long enough for my mother to drive from Pensacola, Florida. About thirty minutes after she got there, my daughter was born. Her dad was there and we all relished in the moment. Funny how life can happen. The moment I looked into her beautiful little eyes, as I had done with my two other daughters, life’s difficulties dispelled from me. Yet, I wasn’t prepared for what would come next. I got a letter that the results for Zyliee were back and her pediatrician wanted to see her and do more tests. When the results were in a few weeks later, the doctor told me several things. First, they said what she would face growing up and what I needed to do to make her life a little easier to bear with the pain. They said, she could have damaged kidneys because having sickle cell makes it difficult to hold onto fluid. Children with sickle cell need to drink more fluids to prevent dehydration because they can’t concentrate urine. They also need to go to the bathroom more often. They told me if she ever has a fever of 101-degrees Fahrenheit or higher, I need to take her to the hospital immediately because it could be a sign of infection and infections in sickle cell patients can be critical. It’s much harder for their bodies to fight off infections. I still trusted God to take care of my baby. My prayer to God was, ‘Lord please allow



Zyliee to live a normal life like her sisters although she has this disease. CONFUSE the doctors Lord. Don’t allow her to deal with as much pain. Show them that you are God all by yourself, and you can work miracles on your children’s behalf.’ My God indeed answered my prayers thus far. Knowing that Zyliee has sickle cell has affected my life tremendously because I’m constantly worrying whether or not she will have a crisis and if she does…when? It scares me to know what she could possibly face, but the God I serve has never failed me. I gave it to Him when I first found out about it and I left it there ever since. I remember crying for weeks hoping and praying they would tell me it was a mistake. I held her in my arms while crying and praying over her. I didn’t want to face reality. I knew all of the things she could possibly go through with this disease and it had me distraught the first few weeks of her life, but I had to get it together and be strong for her. It's been a challenge raising Zyliee with my two other daughters because I have to take her to the doctor more often than I do her sisters. She has regular checkups and she has to see her Hematologist. I am grateful that I am in the medical field, it helps understanding her condition. I moved back to my hometown and had a job at the local hospital. It helped knowing that I was familiar with the medical team that may one day tend to my daughter. I have watched her sisters become so protective of her. They know that she has an illness that could hurt her, and they are careful to attend to her. Their relationship is so amazing. I always wanted sisters and the fact that I have all girls and I am able to see their bond grow, I sometimes see what I missed out on. Sisters are your first best friends. Although Zalayvia and Zamora are protective of their little sister, sometimes she acts like she’s the boss of them. They still love her unequivocally and their bond is unbreakable. In a recent visit to her Hematologist, I received the good news after they checked her blood that they couldn’t understand why she hasn’t had any issues thus far. They were confused at her results because most babies with her disease would have had a crisis by now and yet, I am thankful that she hasn’t. Her doctor said her numbers were great and there’s a possibility that she won’t deal with the many complications growing up as they had expected. See, she was diagnosed with Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin (HPFH). It is an unusual condition in which the red blood cells contain greater than normal amounts of hemoglobin F (fetal hemoglobin). About one in a thousand African Americans have



keep their child hydrated pushing fluids constantly and make sure to administer all medications prescribed by the doctor. Finally, a well-balanced diet helps tremendously. Dealing with a child that has sickle cell anemia will have its challenges. Emotional and physical depending upon what your child is facing. For me, my strength comes from a serenity prayer and I’d like to leave it with you: ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things that I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships will be my pathway to peace…taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen.’ Going through this ordeal has made me realize that there are other parents out there like me who need assistance, guidance, and awareness of the things that will help their child with the sickle cell disease lead as normal a life as he or she can. I am launching a foundation in the name of my daughter who has embraced life in such a short time. She is a very strong little girl and you would never think she has a deficiency. Amazingly, she turned two years old on the 23rd of September. The month that brings about awareness and research for Sickle Cell Anemia. Her foundation will provide education awareness, resources, community events, screenings and more for the parents and children in need of our programs. ▄ You can follow the launch and the foundation on our FaceBook page: @ZylieesChildrenFoundation. Please consider becoming a partner, donating, and ensuring the life of a child is a little better because of you. Special thanks to God, Mr. Ernie and Mrs. Mary Beth, Mrs. Chipeta, and my mom for giving me the strength to make the best decision for me and my family. I didn’t know choosing to save my daughter’s life…meant facing challenges with a disease that could take her life. But I would do it all over again and I wouldn’t change a thing. Get tested to see if you have any of the Sickle Cell traits.



the HPFH carrier (trait) condition, compared with about 1 in 12 who have sickle cell trait. The gene for HPFH is passed down from parent to child just like hair and eye color. HPFH cannot be identified with a blood test done at birth because the newborn baby normally has a large amount of hemoglobin F. In most children, hemoglobin F decreases and is replaced with hemoglobin F throughout their lives. It protects them from dealing with excruciating pain and strokes throughout life. My dreams for my children are for them to exceed beyond my expectations. I want them to be successful at whatever they choose to do in life. More than anything I want them to be happy and gain independence as well as confidence to be all they can be. The sky is the limit and with God on their side I know they will prosper in whatever their heart desires. My oldest daughter deals with the fact her father is no longer here. He died when she was only 7 months old and the older she gets the more she longs for his presence in her life. I have so many unanswered questions to answer. She always asks me why everyone else is lucky to have a daddy and she doesn’t. She has to watch my last two babies interact with their father while she has to deal with her father not being here. He will never see her walk in her class on the first day of school, take her to the park, walk her down the aisle one day for marriage, and just experience precious moments in life with her. Although it’s challenging for Zalayvia to deal with on a daily basis, she’s a very strong little girl and he will forever live through her because she is his twin. Zamora is the middle child, her sisters each have situations that have happened beyond their control and she sees them get attention from the aspects of what each of them need from me. However, I make sure that she is not lacking in her life as well. It takes a lot to balance all of this…but I learned from my mom, I must determine what works for me and my children and do that. My message to parents who may be dealing with either of the scenarios that I dealt with in my life is simply this. First, they need to trust in God like never before. It will get better if you hold on to His unchanging hand. No matter what the doctors might say…you must believe that the Lord will move mountains for you and heal your child, if you have faith. The most important thing to do is to take heed to instructions on how to create a healthier life for your child so that he or she will not have to deal with certain things unnecessarily. They need to

MENTAL ILLNESS, HIDDEN IN SILENCE By: Beverly Hill (Shelley) Commentary, Vol. 6



e tend to think mental illness is always visible, and it’s a disease that everybody would recognize. But that is not true. The definition of mental illness is that it’s a disease of the brain that causes mild to severe disturbances in thought and/or behavior resulting in an inability to cope with life’s ordinary demands and routines. Some of the signs of this disease are clinical depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. I’ve personally heard people say that they do not want a mental diagnosis to appear on their work record!! So, your place of employment presents another potential problem…they may not understand either. Mental illness can run in families. You’re either born with it, or it’s situational! These disorders can sometimes be brought on by a situation or a buildup of multiple situations that have happened to us in our lives, even since childhood. My father was diagnosed in the 80’s with mood swing disorder (bipolar). He stopped taking his medicine and refused to take it again. He said that he didn’t have a problem…WE had the problem, because we had to deal with HIM (laughing)!! He was a GREAT provider for us. We didn’t want for anything, but he never knew how to show us love because he was never shown love growing up. I was diagnosed with anxiety/panic attacks and mood swing disorder about 30 years ago. I dwelt with co-dependency, abandonment and rejection issues. I was able to use positive thinking, my will power and trust in God to overcome those issues. I was also able to stop taking my medication years ago. This may not work for everyone, but get some kind of help. Go to a therapist, a hypnotherapist, a psychiatrist…just get some help, talk to somebody!



In my research, and according to the Mayo Clinic, narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders. It is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration. They have troubled relationships and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. I spoke to Frank Jones, LMFT (licensed marriage and family therapist); he said, “It is believed that 1 in 4 people deal with some form of emotional distress like depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). That’s a lot of people. Most don’t really understand personality disorders. There are about 8 or 9 distinct ones. Narcissistic personality is very prevalent. You have those that are narcissistic and those with ‘narcissistic disorder’ which takes narcissism to a whole different level. People don’t know what they are looking at when there is a personality disorder. The stigma attached with it is that they don’t feel like they have a disorder, they don’t need anyone and they can straighten it out themselves.” Jones adds, “Sometimes people don’t go to see about themselves because they are scared. Fear stops you from doing a lot of things. They are afraid that if they go to see a therapist, something from their past is going to come up…something they have been ignoring and trying to suppress. They are afraid to face their inner demons, insecurities and inadequacies. A lot of men don’t want to appear weak, so they don’t go. They don’t even like to go to their regular doctor” (laughing). According to a news story, an elderly man was walking and stopped to hear the question that a man in a car had asked him. When he came closer to the man’s car, he was fatally shot…for no reason!! Of course I was upset and saddened by this senseless killing, but I had sympathy for the shooter as well! People were posting on Facebook what a coward the shooter was to take his own life and how he would rot in hell for what he did. Based on reports that revealed a little of his personal life, the man had some type of mental illness. And when he committed suicide, is it possible that he felt that this was his only way out…his freedom? We never know what a person is going through. If left untreated, one of these disorders could lead them to hurt someone or commit suicide! You don't have to be a mental health professional to help. Listen to them, talk and be patient. If you feel they are in crisis tell someone that can help. Let’s deal with mental illness, and bring it from the hidden shadows of silence.▄

National Suicide Hotline

1-800-273-8255 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2018










Daughters of PURPOSE 3rd Annual Women’s Conference CHANGING LIVES ONE DAUGHTER AT A TIME Written by: Shernita Wiggins-Wynder



want to begin by thanking those who attended this powerful conference inspired by the Lord. The purpose of this event was birth from a desire to reach those women (young and old) who were either already walking in their purpose or needing guidance as to what that purpose should be. This conference shared testimonies and biblical wisdom from Women of God who have gone through the storms of life and prevailed, let alone endured the fire of their struggles, and emerged out of them as PURE gold. The Daughters of Purpose Ministries Women’s Conference was hosted on July 13-14, 2018 at Empowerment Christian Center, International in Pensacola, Florida by Co-Pastor Shernita Wynder. It offered women the opportunity, in a selfless way, to share with others, how the gifts inside of them manifested into the wonderful purposes they were walking in today. You may have heard of the scripture “…iron sharpens iron,” this was one way that this demonstration was utilized. On Friday night, we launched the Purposeful Living for Life’s Journey Show hosted by Shernita Wynder. The special guests were: Author Melissa Johnson from Ohio and Contemporary Christian artist, Vickie Truett Pensacola, Florida. Each of them took the stage and shared about their struggles and triumphs. Melissa testified of how a life-altering car accident transformed her life into a direction she was not prepared for… however, it was prepared long ago, for her. She shared how the idea for her book manifested while she was obtaining her degree, her difficult childhood, and her new lease on life. Vickie explained her testimony about how God drew her into singing Christian music. She shared how her life was disrupted, but in a season without notice, she was given a second chance at living


the life she always desired. Now with the anticipation of her first book, she is expected to go in-depth with this and more. When Vickie was done, we deviated from the program and yielded the floor to a young lady I’d seen on FaceBook telling her story about a disease she has struggled with since the age of four. Kenya Moore, came to the stage with her mentor, Tammy Whiten. In the audience, she was supported by her parents Nate and Nicole Moore and other family members. As she shared her testimony, we found ourselves crying and feeling her pain, but by the end of her compelling story, we were all applauding her entrance into her next destination. The night ended in pure celebratory joy after mourning with our sister…we were able to “rejoice with her.” Saturday kicked off with several speakers. Session I Motivational Speaker and Author, Blossom Rogers from Tuscaloosa, Alabama who returned a second year to inspire the audience with her mind-boggling story of a 19-year crack addiction and how she has been clean for many years. In her own comedic way, she told story after story of what made her become addicted to the drug, what kept her on it…and WHO delivered her from it. In a unique way, she had us laughing and crying at the same time. She was followed by Session II speaker, the Fire-fighting Diva, Tena McWilliams from Atlanta, Georgia. She wowed the audience with her dramatic entrance using creative techniques gained as a firefighter. Her story drew the audience into the life behind the mask…literally. Many women, she enlightened us, are always hiding behind moments that they are not willing for the world to see. But Tena showed us that we don’t have to fear giving up the masks in our lives. We can BOLDLY toss them to the side and release the confident diva in all of us. After Tena’s inspiring message, we heard the beautiful vocals of gospel singer, Dannie. She



others were nodding and saying, “Amen” to her comments of God’s grace. When she finished both Dannie and Vickie awakened our spirits with praise and worship before the final speaker of the day. We stood up and clapped our hands, shouted praises, sang along and wept for the loving atmosphere and for what the Lord was doing amid His people. The young lady, Kenya and her mother embraced each other, and others held on to the moment. When they had finished, the atmosphere was set for the anointed and appointed Women of God, my spiritual mother, Pastor Mary Johnson, Voice for Jesus Outreach Ministries, AL. Remember, I told you we had our fill from brunch…our natural man was fed…now she stepped forth and begun to feed our spiritual man. No one could contain themselves from shouting in agreement with an “Amen!” or “Hallelujah!” when Pastor Johnson boldly shared what the scriptures said. Everyone who had experienced hardships over the years, if they had not prior, was comforted that God was up to something BIG because of our obedience. Her testimony encouraged us to run a litter harder, swim a little faster, and hold on a little longer, to get to the time when our change would manifest. By this time, as I got up to give final remarks, the pool of healing waters was still rippling, and the Holy Spirit took over using Carolyn Bradley’s mother, Mother and Prophetess Emma Bradley and Pastor Mary instructing them to pray for those who needed a mighty move of God. He showed up and mercifully attended to His children and no one looked at race, gender, nor age…we were simply… Daughters (and Sons) of the Most High God seeking guidance for our next assignments and in need of the strength and spiritual gifts it would take in this season to fulfill them. Each person’s life shifted that day, whose heart was open and receptive for it. Mine was changed just humbled at seeing God move in such a mighty way. To see a young lady whose life had been filled with constant struggle, emerge from her shell with strength and determination to rise to the occasion, was a joy all on its own. With so much hatred and jealousy amongst those of us who call ourselves “His children,” it is a wonder we can celebrate in this manner. But WE DID! My purpose for the conference was fulfilled by seeing women of all backgrounds, abilities, and spiritual gifts release upon their sisters, with no hidden agenda nor comparison of gifts…was nothing short of a miracle within itself. We were blessed to have my husband, Dr. Lawrence Wynder and Vickie’s husband, Ron to cover us and push us into purpose to achieve our best selves. To watch each of the speaker’s and Kenya Moore’s powerful testimonies, visit the FaceBook page of: @Daughters of Purpose Ministries. Hope to see you next year at a new location. Who knows what the Lord will do again? ▄



sung selections that moved us all to an intimate moment with the King. When she finished, we headed to a tantalizing and delicious brunch at the local favorite restaurant The Five Sisters Blues Café, located two blocks from the ECC ministry on Belmont and Devilliers. We had their Brunch Buffet which started out with hearty Beignets sprinkled with powdered sugar and topped with warm caramel sauce, followed by the famous Aunt Sara’s chicken and waffles, Smoked Brisket sliders, cheese grits, fresh fruit medley, hash browns, bacon, sausage, honey ham, peach cobbler for dessert and sweet tea. Now, with all of that, as if it weren’t enough… we fellowshipped, laughed, chatted, made new friends, all while listening to some old-time blues favorites seated in the upper Blues Room of this family-oriented restaurant. The event planner, Lauren, Manager, Mr. Jean Pierre, his professional and exceptionally trained staff simply spoiled us as they moved our dining area from the courtyard to this quaint and intimate setting in record time. We snapped photos as our glasses kept us quenched with a steady fill. We were too full to enjoy the delectable cake fit for a Queen, created by Rania Sigler’s “She Bakes” from Monroeville, Alabama, so we had to take it back to the church. As I looked around the room, I began to imagine what it was like in the upper room where Jesus’ disciples and others were assembled right before the Holy Spirit had descended upon them. And just as miraculous as that day must have been, we ended it prepared to pay for our delicious meal that was well worth the price only to find that one person after the other said the bill was paid. Now, I was quite dumbfounded and thought maybe they had taken the meals out of my bank account in prepayment. When I didn’t see a debit, I asked another conference participant to check and make sure it was the Daughters of Purpose group and not another group. They came back up with a waitress who smiled angelically and said, “Your bill has been taken care of by an anonymous person who wanted to bless this group.” Taken aback, as tears welled up in my eyes, all I could do was whisper, “Thank you my Lord.” Then I blurted the news with the rest of the group who shared in my sentiment. To this day, I am not sure why that person paid our bill, mind you, we had about 26 people in the room full to capacity, for that space and our meal was about $25 a piece. I prayed a special prayer of blessing over that individual that he/she would receive a 100-fold blessing for the generous and self-less Christian gesture. Needless-to-say, I got excited about what the second half and final moments of the conference would hold. Following a meal like that and such extraordinary service, I didn’t know what to expect. The Session III speaker, S.P.R.A.G. Foundation founder, Carolyn Bradley was up next, and she moved us with her testimony of how God forgives and uses us, even in the midst of our trials. Her story included her walk and the birth of her daughter that almost took her life. Tears flowed with some who attended, and

ASK ATTORNEY MO! ASK ATTORNEY MO! Written By Monica A. Teasley, ESQ.

Growing Your Business by Marketing and Networking


hether your business provides off-the-shelf products, such as groceries, clothing, or technology items, or it provides services (such as salons, medical, accounting, or legal), you will need to attract and maintain a loyal customer base. While word of mouth is an excellent way to build a business, one cannot depend solely on goodwill to attract a sufficient number of new customers to grow a business. In addition to all of the other tasks a business owner must perform, you must figure out how to market your business so that you attract new customers. There are two ways to do this: one is to create a brand and a marketing program. The second way is to network successfully with those who can help you grow your business – either by referring customers to you or by introducing you to others who may need your products or services. A successful marketing campaign creates a demand for your products or services by answering the question “Why?” David Ward, attorney and expert marketer says that a successful marketing program answers “Why” a lot. Use your marketing tools to explain to your customers or clients why they need your products or services. Explain to them why they should use your bakery, photography or concierge service as opposed to someone else’s. Answer why they should trust you over another accountant. Give them a reason to read your books, attend your events, or seek your services. People are more apt to choose you if they hear the message from you. You must help them understand why they need your products or services or they may not realize the value of what you have to offer. If you tell them “why” at the moment of need, they are much more likely to select your business over another’s. A successful marketing effort will cost you both in terms of time and money. For example; in a product-oriented environment, you may want to engage a marketing firm to design a media campaign that uses Web, print, or video material.



These services, of course, cost money – and time, as you as the business owner must either create or approve all material. Even though you may be (will be!) especially busy with running your business, you must set aside time to market; otherwise, your potential customers will not know that you exist. You need to create the habit and routine of blocking out time to market daily, weekly and monthly. Do at least one small marketing task a day: post a blog you’ve written, research events that you may want to attend or speak at, plan a monthly marketing email, write a quarterly newsletter. Do what you need to do to keep your name, the name of your products, or the types of services alive in the minds of your target audience. Marketing works, but only if you do it, Over time, it will grow your business. Networking is the second important way to grow your business. Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. But networking isn’t just about meeting people and exchanging information. It is about how you meet people and what happens after you have met them. The most successful networkers are people who take a genuine interest in those they meet, and they are not afraid to offer to help others. Networking is a win-win proposition. It is not a one-way street. You can meet people through mutual friends. For example, I just met an accountant this week through a mutual friend. We liked each other immediately, and we have scheduled a meeting to see how we can refer clients to each other. Although each of us may benefit from the other, we will make friends first. If a business friendship develops, we will connect on a different level. Business friends help each other, and when it is time to refer someone that needs your product or service, your business friends will think of you first. Friends can introduce you to groups to which they belong. This gesture may provide you the opportunity to meet people outside of your usual circle of friends and associates. Make yourself available to friends new and old by finding out how you can help them, even if you can’t provide the product


Monica A. Teasley, ESQ.

Teasley Law Group, LLC 404-377-5512 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2018



or service they may need. Introduce your friends and business friends to people that can use their services and products. Friends help each other because they are friends, and that’s what friends are for. If you don’t already have many friends, go and make some. Volunteer your time at organizations whose mission interests you. You will surely meet people with whom you can connect. Additionally, networking allows you access to entrepreneurs and professionals in different types of businesses, and if you show interest, you can tap into the information and knowledge these professionals have to offer. So not only may you gain referrals, but you will surely gain information. Be aware, however, that asking for free advice from a professional who charges for such information is a big No-No. There is a difference between asking a simple, quick question, and asking for a true consultation. Running a successful small business is all about making certain that your business remains at the forefront of your target audience’s mind. A marketing strategy that ensures that people know what your business is and why they should choose to buy from you or work with you is critical. Effective networking, building relationships, and taking positive action are part of creating and growing a business. Networking allows you to share ideas and knowledge, and gain feedback from friends. It also allows you to be a problem solver (not just a name on a business card). Networking also gets you noticed. As you offer useful information and support to your network, your reputation as a knowledgeable, reliable, and supportive business person will be enhanced. Now take action: create a marketing plan and execute it. Network selflessly, regularly, and consistently. Build and grow your business!▄


Hosts Letoya Luckett and Rickey Smiley


hat better way to do this than accepting an invitation to attend and cover the Black Music Honors in Nashville, Tennessee? Our team set out on a journey to document for our readers and viewers, the amazing responses from the honorees, performers, and celebrity hosts. Speaking of hosts, the BMH called back the DYNAMIC DUO of comedic hosting: Comedian, television host, actor and toprated nationally syndicated radio personality Rickey Smiley and founding member of Destiny’s Child, actress, and television host Letoya Luckett. They explained that being a part of the BMH meant honoring our icons while they are alive and that it is imperative to do so, for current and future generations. The 3rd Annual Black Music Honors took place on August 16, 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee, the future home of the National Museum of African American Music, which is scheduled to open in 2019. This event’s proceeds were contributed to

the success of this immaculate and iconic museum opening. The NMAAM will honor and celebrate those African Americans who have left behind legacies in varying genres of music. Such is the agenda of the Black Music Honors. On that evening, they were successful in every way in accomplishing their

Dallas Austin and Family T2T

In Da House Media & Horizon Photography By Lawrence Wynder

Written by: Shernita Wiggins-Wynder



DALLAS AUSTIN This Grammy award-winning producer has more than 50 Billboard top hit singles with well-known artist like TLC, Boys II Men, Natalie Cole, Lionel Richie, and Monica. His collaborations with the legendary Michael Jackson and are jaw-dropping icing on the cake. However, he has impacted the life of many more younger generation entertainers, such as Raheem Devaughn. I am sure not many people knew that he produced the movies “Drumline” and “ATL” which were based on his life. His creative spirit is not limited to producing music and films, he is working on a line of electronics to make the listening experience more enjoyable with a Beat Machine called BEATTHANG. Austin’s innovative wave of presence in production, recording artists collaboration, film, merchandising, marketing and the world of electronics has positioned him to be a well “sought-after” guiding force in the Pop and R&B music industry. BOBBY BROWN If you were a teen or youth in the 1980’s, you are no stranger to these songs, “Candy Girl,” “Cool It Now,” and “Mr. Telephone Man.” We simply loved and danced our hearts out imagining that the girl was “us.” Brown is a founding member of the group “New Edition.” He later went on to release his first solo album “King of Stage” and was sent into super stardom with “Don’t Be Cruel” which sold over 8,000,000 copies. Bobby had over five top chart songs on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles. This was the album, if you remember, and if you don’t we will enlighten you…that earned him a cameo spot on the “Ghostbusters II” soundtrack and a cameo spot in the movie. Who can forget his song “Every Little Step” that won a Grammy for Best R&B Vocal Performance in 1996, and his rejoining the group New Edition for their come-back album, “Home Again.” After a life filled with so many ups and


Bobby Brown and members of New Edition downs, Bobby has opted to share with the world his own tellall mini-series story released in September, a biopic in collaboration with BET, “The Bobby Brown Story” where he and his wife are Executive Producers. In 2017 he started the Bobbi Kristina Serenity House, a non-profit organization to stop domestic violence in honor of his daughter who lost her life to domestic violence. He has regained a chance at happiness with his wife, Alicia Etheredge-Brown and they are making moves with their own Brown Ribbon Entertainment company. They have three children and they are very engaged in the lives of his other children. FAITH EVANS The multi-platinum Grammy Award winning recording artist, songwriter, arranger and record producer’s career spanned across two decades selling over 18 million albums. In 1998 she released “I’ll Be Missing You,” to honor her late husband, Hip Hop icon, Christopher Wallace A.K.A. “Biggie Smalls” or “Notorious B.I.G.” Although her late husband was creative and legendary in his own right…Faith had no problem holding her own. Evans’ discography includes three Platinum-certified albums that encompass her name: “Faith,” “Keep the Faith,” and “Faithfully,” the Gold-Certified “The First Lady,” the holiday edition of “A Faithful Christmas,” and two albums released from her own imprint Prolific Music Group, entitled “Something About Faith,” and “Incomparable.” Faith is a creative talent in the studio, however, she has proven to be a force on the television as Co-creator of the popular show “R&B Divas,” which became the most watched original premiere in the history of the cable network and just as successful in the release of her album bearing the same name. Faith is a New York Times best-selling author for her memoir “Keep the Faith: A Memoir.” In 2016, she was one of the performers in the Bad Boy Family Reunion Tour and in 2017 she released the long-



goals. This year’s 2018 Honorees included: Music Innovator Icon, Dallas Austin; R&B Soul Music Icon, Bobby Brown; Urban Music Icon, Faith Evans; Hip Hop Icon, Whodini; Gospel Music Icon, BeBe & CeCe Winans; and Legends Award, Stephanie Mills. The red carpet was filled with dozens of media anxious to get that million-dollar shot or hosts looking for their fifteen minutes of fame interview with the iconic honorees and those performing to celebrate their honoree. The list of performers included: V. Bozeman, Syleena Johnson, Angela Winbush, Regina Belle, Young Buck, Raheem DeVaughn, Sammie, Monie Love, Demetria McKinney, Jonathan McReynolds, NEXT, Jade Novah, Tasha PageLockhart, Donnie McClurkin, Kierra Sheard, Doug E. Fresh, YoYo, and BBD (Bell, Biv, Devoe). Each of the honorees were celebrated with performances by those who were either influenced by them or inspired by them. To give you an idea of why these honorees were selected for such an honor, let’s get a brief glimpse into what stood out for the Black Music Honors.

yeah, other than her new husband, “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta’s”, Stevie J who graced the red carpet with her.

Faith Evans and Husband Stevie J. awaited duet collaboration with her late husband, Notorious B.I.G. You need to check out the video for their song, “Legacy,” it will bring back memories of the King. This is only a few highlights from a woman who believes in Keeping the Faith! Oh

STEPHANIE MILLS The name alone, says it all. With decades of experience behind her in the industry, this miniature fireball of soul packs a gigantic punch in music and sound. Stephanie Mills is a legendary Grammy and American Music Award winning recording artist with five best-selling albums and ten Billboard #1 singles. She has accomplished deafening feats for 45 years and she looks as good as those that same age. Some of Mills’ memorable classics are “I Have Learned to Respect the Power of Love,” “Home” and “Whatcha’ Gonna Do with My Lovin.” In the studio and on the stage, she has secured her presence in the Tony Award winning “The Wiz” and “Your Arms Too Short to Box with God.” The amazing Stephanie Mills has toured with iconic recording artist like the O’Jays, Commodores, and Teddy Pendergrass. Although she is well known in the secular world for her music, she got her start in the church and when she returned to her Gospel roots with her album “Personal Inspirations” she was given praise from both the gospel and secular audiences earning a Stellar Award for her duet with BeBe Winans for his Motown album, “Love and Freedom.” Stephanie is a national treasure and despite the pitfalls and setbacks, she has done an amazing job of springing back into what she loves like her return debut with the dance musical “Latin Lover.” This Diva has earned the right to Come back Home! WHODINI If I asked you which Hip Hop artist wore a leather Zorro hat… many in my generation will say, “That’s easy, Whodini.”

Whodini and Monie Love The “Freaks Come out at Night,” “Big Mouth,” and “Friends/ Five Minutes of Funk” were three songs that shattered the Hip Hop music industry’s culture. In the 80’s, this genre of music


Stephanie Mills and Regina Belle



produced groups and artist who not only spit lyrics…they told compelling stories. Not just any stories, ones we could relate to and those we can remember today, including where we were when we first heard them. I sweated hair out at our high school dances after the game with those listed above, than I did cheerleading earlier that night at our games. The first national hip-hop tour in 1984 was The Fresh Fest which featured Whodini, Run DMC, The Fat Boys, and Kurtis Blow. This era would change how we listened to the sounds of our ancestors. Whodini’s first double platinum album “Escape” was one such album. Jalil Hutchins and John “Ecstasy” Fletcher, the founding members of Whodini, were part of the original artists signed to Jive Records who were managed by Russell Simmons. Their song, “Mr. Magic” released on the selftitled album “Whodini” was the theme song for the first hip-hop DJ who had his own rap show on a major radio station. This team would go on to produce hit after hit with their second platinum album “Back in Black” with hit songs like “Funky Beat” and the unforgettable “One Love.” Since then, artist like Snoop Dogg, Jermaine Dupri, and Public Enemy have sampled the infinite sounds of Whodini. The legendary group’s music will be forever “Keep Running Back” into the depths of our hearts and minds. BEBE & CECE WINANS Most sisters and brothers are known for sibling rivalry, however, these two are recognized for the interwoven inspiration in the gospel and secular sector of music. Their contemporary gospel songs have transcended the genres of music into the secular world exact-

ly as it should. The scriptures tell us Jesus came to seek and save the lost. What better way for them to do this than with gospel music that can reach the ears of those who might not step into the doors of a church or listen to a gospel CD? This spiritual duo began their gospel singing careers as the “adopted children” of Jim and Tammy Bakker on their PTL television show and they toured with their self-proclaimed little sister, Whitney Houston who sang background for the siblings. Between them they have nine gold and platinum recordings. In 1995 they pursued solo careers and CeCe was recognized as the best-selling and most awarded female gospel artist of all time, selling over five million albums in the U.S. alone and topping the Gospel charts. CeCe crossed into the secular genre with the song “Count On Me,” a duet with Whitney Houston on the multi-platinum soundtrack “Waiting to Exhale” that sold over 2 million copies and moved quickly up the Top 10 on the Pop, R&B, and Adult Contemporary charts. Her brother, BeBe, held his own with his solo career releasing seven albums and is the Executive Music Producer for OWN Network’s “Greenleaf” series. He is also the host of a show on the Heart and Soul Channel on Sirius/XM Radio Network, for which I am a huge fan. This unique duo has racked up on three Grammy Awards, three NAACP Awards, two Soul Train Awards and seven Stellar Awards and they are the first sister and brother duo to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and the Gospel Icon awarded them at the Black Music Honors. God is truly shining upon these two legendary and iconic siblings BeBe (Benjamin) and CeCe (Priscilla) Winans who are the seventh and eighth child of their parents and singing their way steadily to “Heaven.” The evening ended with a tribute to the late Queen of Soul, the iconic and legendary Aretha Franklin with performances by Stephanie Mills, Regina Belle, and Angela Winbush to name a few. We interviewed a couple of people from the audience in attendance, Dannie and Nicole who shared their experience of the night. They told T2T that they were on their feet more than they were in their seats because the music was so energetic and moving reminding them of their youth. They felt empowered and inspired about how much influence those being honored had in the lives of those performing tributes. The Sponsors for this magical evening were: State Farm, AT&T, Central City Productions as major sponsors; presenting sponsors: Walmart, McDonalds, Chevrolet and promotional sponsor: the Nashville Convention & Visitor’s Corp. The Founder, Chairman and CEO of Central City Productions, Inc, Don Jackson who is also the founder of the Stellar Awards and Executive Producer of the Black Music Honors, is extremely proud of the accomplishments that the Black Music Honors have been given in the ability to celebrate the trailblazers of the African American culture. This program will provide financial assistance to the National Museum of African American Music which will open in 2019. For more information, please visit: and for Media Inquiries contact Jalila Larsuel at To support the NMAAM, visit on how you can donate and become a part of this amazing development.▄





Lit for Life: Glowing Up Millennial Camela Chavers Douglass, M.S. ED.


ince conception, you’ve had everything you needed to survive and glow. The work in you is already finished so why do you keep shading your shine? Lit for Life will help you identify the issues that hinder your progress and activate the super power that lies dormant in you. This is not a book to stroke your ego, generate followers, or make you feel mushy inside. Camela Chavers Douglass exposes the psychological health issues that surround the unmotivated millennial and presents realistic techniques to live L.I.T.—Limitless, Intentional, and Thoughtful. Lit for Life is an intoxicating attitude that is reflected in your lifestyle. It is your destiny to live an amazing life L.I.T. with purpose. This book was not written for the average person—it was written specifically for you. You are a Millennial; and millennial is your superpower. You are extraordinarily awesome—so turn up and get lit for life. Camela Chavers Douglass M.S. ED., endeared by her students as Professor D, is a purpose-driven, vivacious professional whose primary goal is to profess truth and teach individuals how to stay L.I.T. Professor D is a witness to the many reasons not to conform to the constraints of average living that are void of true purpose. In her darkest hours she has mastered how to stay lit despite family dysfunction, personal struggles, and professional challenges. The mother of three and nurturer of many, Professor D has pushed thousands of men and women into purpose. Her work began in Dayton, Ohio over 20 years ago with Pro Football Hall of Famer Jim Brown’s Amer-I-Can Program and has extended beyond the Midwest, Bahamas, Canada and the UK. A trailblazer in the lifestyle change movement, her expertise illuminates the fields of education, purpose development and life coaching. ▄ Visit




Author Barbara Newhouse IN MY STRUGGLES: I REMAINED WHOLE Written by: Shernita Wiggins-Wynder


arbara Newhouse has over 30 years' experience as an Entrepreneur, Ordained Minister, Christian Family Counselor and Life Coach. She is Certified in Conflict Dispute Resolution and Family Marriage Law. She is a member of the Christian Women in Media, and a God's Leading Lady. Barbara is a frequent keynote, workshop, and retreat speaker nationally and internationally. She is the Founder of Wise Women Creating Wealth Organization and through this organization she has sponsored God's Leading Ladies, focused on community service and conducted Marriage Retreats, Business Discipleship Courses, and many workshops over the past 15 years. Her primary topics focus on Identity through her (U-FINDU) courses: Self-Love, Women in Business, Business as a Ministry, Relationship Consulting/Counseling, Couples in the Ministry, and Co-Parenting. Spreading the message of the Blessings of the Obedience as the scriptures state in Deuteronomy 28:1-14, she stands on the premise that, wherever God plants you as the driving force in her Ministry. She has over three years of leading and training women in the process of threshing (intimate and divine overnight prayer –midnight to 6 a.m. sessions) As a motivational speaker and minister, she has presented for a variety of church, community, and professional events, conferences, and organizational functions. She is a Real Estate Investor and Interior Designer Consultant for Newhouse Furniture (inclusive of home staging). One special interest of Newhouse Furniture was outreach, providing military families and senior discounts and other projects like Veteran’s Day and Child Bed & Mattress giveaways that helped “Bless it Forward.” Prior to her foray into the furniture world, for 27 years Barbara was the Chief Administrator of Water Jack LLC, A Commercial Mobile and Fleet Washing Service, that she and her husband David ran together. The couple’s ministry-based job program offered secondchance employment, for those reentering into society after incarceration and alcohol/drug recovery. Promoting equality prior to Water Jack, she served in the accounting group with Southwest Airlines for Seven years.

Barbara Newhouse is a wife and life partner of 32 years to David Newhouse, a mother of four, “Grammy” to six grandchildren, two grand-dogs and a Life of Love. Pastor Newhouse walks in her ministry daily as an Author. How to Respond, Rise, Remain, and Recover is her primary focus. Her goal is to please the Lord by empowering women and men in how to reach a more intimate relationship with God through stepby-step sessions and workshops using this book. If you are dealing with disillusionment of where your life is headed, or wonder if you have missed your calling? Then this book will help you to analyze your fears and turn them into success stories by integrating these five major areas of your life: MYSELF, MARRIAGE, MOTHER, MARKET PLACE, and MINISTRY. Minister and Life Coach, Barbara Newhouse walks the reader through interactive activities in self-evaluation and relationship tips to nurture this generation’s intimate spiritual journey. In My Struggles: I Remained Whole instructs you on how to identify your own struggles through the eyes of a Warrior for Christ who has fought her own battles and learned how to turn adversity into empowerment. Join her as she shares her journey and create a platform for discussion in individual and group forums from her own pain and wealth of knowledge with Table TOPICS.▄ VISIT:



Her book was published by Car’mel -Velocity PenNation Publishing/ Tree of Life’spiration Press and Trinity Entertainment Production Media.




Written by: Shernita Wiggins-Wynder


n an effort to be a magazine that encompasses the total inspirational experience, Trendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine has allowed me to seek out and share the stories of those who are often times overlooked. The little guy, the unsung hero, the story behind a story…to encourage the next person into their purpose and spark him or her into destiny. This cover story is one such article and we are about to boost someone’s hopes that dreams really can come true! Allow me to entertain you with a bit of an introduction. On February 16, 2018, it was the beginning of a beautiful moment in the African American culture because it was the release date of the now BLOCKBUSTER film, The Black Panther. The mythological Marvel brand brought with it an awestruck nation of Wakanda people, who worshipped the panther god Bast, portrayed in an African rendition of a modern-day Garden of Eden surrounded by landscapes draped in blue aquatic skies and



matching waterfalls. The sci-fi integration of spaceships with tribal masked undersides soared high above lands that looked like some of the countries existing in the continent of Africa today with huts, villages, and massive animals roaming free. Their leader T’Challa played by Chadwick Boseman is seen taking over his father’s reign immediately following his father’s death. One scene begins with a ritual of an opponent from another tribe, M’Baku (played by actor Winston Duke), the leader of the Jabari Tribe and arch nemesis of T’Challa, stepping up, to fight to the death, to obtain the Kingship role. The Jabari Tribe was the mountain tribe living in a land blanketed by crystal white snow and who worshipped the gorilla god Hanuman in the original comic book version. While T’Challa’s tribe represented the sleek, wise, sneaky, and covert black panther who would pounce upon you at a moment’s notice, then rip you to pieces… the gorilla represented its strength by its ability to come forth boldly with wild grunting noises, to warn off its enemies. Followed by a demonstration of beating its chest to let you know there would be no fear if it came to ripping you to shreds. Both animals have strong wills, just different ways of achieving their defenses; the panther coming unexpectedly upon you and the gorilla busting down the front door. Now, drawing your attention to the present story at hand, it is not by chance that up and coming actor Mark Willis landed the role of a lifetime as a Jabari Warrior. God had aligned Willis to “come through the front door.” This 27-year old actor who was born in Springfield, Ohio and later moved to Chicago was prepped for this amazing destination. Learning how to fight as a youth using Karate, earning a communications degree, and playing football at the University of Wyoming gave him at least the agility, chiseled features, and ability to problem-solve situations that would play out in his favor for this role. When I asked Mark to share his journey to this once in a lifetime role, he explained it this way… “So, about a year or two ago when it was announced on a casting site, I saw myself being a part of this film in some capacity, so much so, that I sent in my headshot and resume to the casting director. However, I didn’t hear anything back. So, I said, ‘Okay God, I feel you will show me if this is for me.’ After not hearing from them, I resent my information out to them and then again nothing came back at that point, I believed it to be a “No.” Then in October of last year a casting person on a SAG casting site said, “Super Hero movie entitled Motherland, we need people who are black, athletic, tall, handsome, and muscular.” I figured I was at least one of those, so I responded. I didn’t know what it was and I needed the SAG credit to join the union, so I just submitted. I was scheduled to do a Pepsi com-





mercial in Dallas as a “dancing Dallas Cowboy” on the football field and we were not allowed to have our phones on the field. We were dancing for hours and hours and during that time I had missed two or three texts that said something like this, “This is the casting director from the Motherland casting and we saw your information and need to know where you are located to hand off to the head of the casting department and we need this information in thirty minutes. Hurry up.” Now keep in mind, this was about FOUR hours later and I felt like I had missed this opportunity and the casting director was going to be mad at me…so, wonderful, I thought. (laughs) So, I go back home to Chicago thinking that I had missed an opportunity. Then I get another text that night and this time it said, ‘Hi, this is the casting director of Motherland/Black Panther and we want to set up an audition for tomorrow.’ I looked up the information and sent it to my good friend to verify and he sent me back a text saying, ‘Dude, this is legit!’ This is about forty-five minutes to an hours later. I immediately text the casting director back and said, ‘I’m available. What is the next step?’ I didn’t hear anything for an hour and I thought I had missed another opportunity to be in Black Panther. Then I get a

text back that said, ‘Great! You are confirmed for tomorrow in Atlanta at 10 a.m.’ I was like…I don’t have a flight to get me there. I got on and there was like one flight with the last seat available. I was too excited to sleep on my flight thinking about my audition…and sitting next to a baby, I wasn’t going to get any rest anyway. I got to the airport in Atlanta at 9 a.m. and got into my rental car at 9:30 a.m. I did the speed limit at the place and to get through each security, I had to take a picture. I get into the parking lot at 9:58 a.m. and I didn’t have time to change so I had to do the audition in the clothes I arrived in. The audition was intense and I was making a few mistakes, but it was so much fun. I felt like I had done my best. I get back on the plane and head to Chicago, to prepare for a shoot in New York all in the same week. While I was there, another shoot I had scheduled was canceled, so I was in New York for three more days. The whole week I was like, ‘I haven’t heard back from them,’ so I stayed in NY. As I was walking through Time Square, I got a call from a Georgia number, so I let it go to voicemail because I thought it was a telemarketer. When I listened to it later, it said, ‘This is Black Panther, give us a call as soon as you get this.’ I don’t think I ever dialed a number so fast in my life. The guy on the other end said, ‘We saw your audition, we loved it and we want to hire you.’ I was like, ‘When am I needed?’ He said, ‘Tomorrow…’ and I said, ‘Ummm, I’m in New York right now.’ And he looked on his paper and said, ‘We have you on our paper as a local guy in Atlanta. You are a local guy, right? And you can get here, right? Because if you are not local, we have to go to the next person we have in mind.’ So, I did what any sane person would do in my situation… I lied like crazy and said, ‘Of—course, I’m local and I can be there tomorrow. No problem.’ Then he was like, ‘Perfect, you are hired.’ I get off the phone and jump back on Kayak to book another flight and there are absolutely no flights available. I said, ‘Oh noooo! I’m about to get fired!’ So, I called my aunt and said, ‘Sooo, I heard from Atlanta and I got the job. She said, ‘Noooo, you didn’t book it? That’s great!’ I replied, ‘Yeaaah, but here’s my problem…’ My aunt was like, ‘Boy! If you don’t get off this phone and get to Atlanta!’ I tried again to find a flight and it was one flight at 9 p.m. and it was now 6:30 p.m. at the time. I sprinted back to my room using my old football moves, grab my things and told the lady at the desk I needed to check out. She told me, ‘We have to charge you for the days you are not using.’ I blurted out, ‘I don’t care!’ and gave them my card and it declined. I called the card company and they said, ‘Well we see you purchased a hotel in Atlanta, and then again in New York, so we didn’t think it was you.’ I was like, “Yeah, yeah, it’s me, now unfreeze my card.’ They unfreeze it and it goes through and then I sprint again to the subway and there were four more stops to get to the airport and then the subway stops in a tunnel. There is no signal, here I am alone with NO cell phone, like WHO am I going to call if I can’t make it? Then I realized--I know WHO I can call, and I started praying and I said, ‘God, I

looked so much like Winston Duke, that they sent him back to the barber’s chair to change his hair. This is where his signature zig-zag comes into play. Again, he heads out bolting back to the set, this time looking like Mr. T’s little brother just in time to learn all five fight sequences over the next two days. You could hear the excitement in Mark’s voice when he told me how he practiced through the night so he would be prepared for the day of filming. I met Winston Dukes, Lupita, Daniel, and Leticia when we were at the place for the fight scene and I was amazed at how they interacted with us. Then he went on to explain how in the last days of filming, Chadwick came on the set to shoot his scenes and how much the seasoned actor was really down-to-earth to the stunt and production people. Mark’s voice lit up as he described the fact of how with such ease, Boseman talked to them. He ended that conversation with, That’s how I want to be. Although Mark had a few credits behind his name in filmography as a double for the main character on Chicago PD’s Laroyce Hawkins who plays Kevin Atwater, for three seasons, he had also been filming commercials, shooting modeling campaigns for the big and tall brands Goodfellow & Co and A New Day sold in Target stores today, (inset) and filming a Pepsi commercial the same week he auditioned for the Black Panther. He explained that he was still nervous being cast in such a huge film that would go on to become one of the highest grossing movies in Hollywood’s Marvel brand in the United States, sur-

Mark and his mother at the movie Premier trust You. You got me this far and I know You are not going to let me fail…and now we are stopped on the subway.’ Then the train starts up again. (he breathes a sigh of relief) I figured that security was going to be crazy and so I hurried up and got everything checked in and I get to the gate just in time for the last call for my flight.” You can breathe now! I know…that is how I felt as Mark was giving me details, blow-by-blow of his intense roller coaster ride of events leading up to this amazing casted role. So, I made the notation that I knew it must have been great working with such accomplished actors like Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Forrest Whitaker, Angela Bassett, Danai Gurira, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Andy Serkis, Martin Freeman, Sterling Brown and his on-film Jabari leader and look-alike, Winston Duke? Mark began to explain that he had actually worked with Whitaker on the set of Empire a couple of months earlier when he played the character who married Whitaker’s on-screen niece. When we were talking, he said jokingly, ‘You married my niece.’ I was like, ‘You remember me. Wow!’ Then we connected on set with Black Panther. That was so cool. Willis went further to say that on his first day on set they had to go to Tyler Perry’s studio to shoot in their costumes and to get a haircut. He explained that after receiving his haircut, after it took 30 minutes to get to the location, he


Mark stands next to his image in a Target Department store



Mark visits Horace Mann Elementary


magazines. In Chicago, he participated in the Wakandacon event. Mark has been on a pilgrimage to schools to read to elementary school students the Black Panther comics and even received numerous fan letters from the students that he encouraged during his visit. However, the most bestowed honor was given as he visited Horace Mann Elementary School in Oak Park, Illinois at the request of the Principal, Mrs. Faith Cole. I am so proud of how well Black Panther has done and I am hopeful for the future roles like the one Black Panther provided to me. I would like to see us portrayed in more films than those centered on drug dealers, drug addicts, and slaves. There are a lot of quality films out there and I am ready for that! If you want to keep up with Mark and what he is doing visit his Facebook page: Mark Willis and all social media platforms as @marquillis33. He can currently be seen on the web series “Conrad” as Officer Chet and you can check it out on all social media as @conradseries. Mark Willis is living proof that no matter how difficult the road may be in getting to your destination, you will get there if you are determined, resilient, and creative enough to make the journey. When you make it there T2T will be waiting to share your story, also.▄



passing The Avengers and sinking the Titanic’s blockbuster gross making it the 34th biggest grosser of all time topping in April 2018 at $1.3 billion, Forbes Magazine reported. This put it in the rankings with previous hits like Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avatar, and The Dark Knight; the 10th movie to gross over $1.3 billion worldwide between Disney’s Frozen and Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the 3rd biggest unadjusted grosser to earn more than Titanic. As we were ending the interview, I got more intimate with his takeaways from the movie and begun to share that one evening when he was playing around, the main star, Chadwick Boseman was wrapping up a scene for the day when Mark and another person on the set were doing a fight sequence. The other actor snatched Willis and he fell over, then Chadwick said, “Oh no, you lost.” Afterward, Mark did a backflip off the ground and turned around, prompting Boseman to say, “Oh my God, what did you just do?” Willis explained that for Chadwick to take an interest in his abilities as he was waiting in the van to be transported, was somewhat humbling to him. He closed out our conversation by acknowledging how his mother and aunt were his greatest fans. His aunt was also the person who encouraged him to get into acting by encouraging him to audition for a part in the newer series of Star Wars when that opportunity came to Chicago. Since the film in February, Mark has been interviewed on the radio, the local news station in his hometown, and in online

Women on TOP By Power of 3 Women


The Power of 3 Women live life in the media and we are media authorities. The Power of 3 Women consists of Dr. Linda Amerson, a renowned board certified Trichologist, host of Ask Dr. Amerson radio show, and journalist to over 60 magazines, Ester Davis, long time host of televisions’ The Ester Davis Show, and me, Valder Beebe, host and executive producer of the Valder Beebe Show and GOD TALK, both on radio.




y daily joy is interviewing incredible guests for my show, The Valder Beebe Show. This affords me the opportunity to intersect with today’s luminaries, the next big star and women who are on top. To me Women on Top defines itself as; Women Operating in Total Power. In Dallas, Women Called Moses founder Debra NixonBowles is a Woman on TOP, not for herself, because her Christ faith shines through but for the women shattered by domestic violence in their homes, family and even places of work. To expand her mission, Nixon-Bowles opened a house in Cedar Hill [Southern Dallas] for those needing refuge from domestic violence because there were no large facilities in southern Dallas County to take in women and children fleeing abusive situations. Recently Debra shared with me the good deeds from Dallas Mavericks Owner, Mark Cuban. Cuban’s $10 million pledge to boost female leadership programs — a commitment made after a sexual harassment investigation into the Mavericks’ organization — will include $100,000 for Women Called Moses. Debra stated in our phone interview “this contribution is for the victims of domestic violence and for southern Dallas County”. The past week singer (and WEtv Braxton Family Values’ star) Traci Braxton stopped in the Valder Beebe Show studios to chat about her Braxton family and her new album titled “On Earth”. Traci Braxton along with her sisters Toni, Tamar, Tawanda and Trina, and their mom Evelyn, star in WEtv’s hit reality series Braxton Family Values. Traci is on top of fame as a Braxton sister and success is flowing with her musical career being elevated. She is completing her solo album while also embarking on a spiritual journey. Being on top of her career has drawn special guest stars including Flavor Flav and Tiffany “New York” Pollard, Kym Whitley, Bad Girls Club’s Natalie Nunn and Phaedra Parks of Real Housewives of Atlanta to help Traci celebrate her career and tv success. Watch her star shine brightly on WEtv’s Braxton Family Values. Hear Traci Brxton’s complete interview; The Valder Beebe Show “A New Kind of Spiritual Talk Show”. Visit for more Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW.

By Ester Davis


y me having a long media career in Dallas I have achieved a lot for the Dallas community by showcasing politicians, pastors, first ladies, and community activist on the Ester Davis Show broadcast on BPEN TV network. My most intriguing interviews are always with women. I adore having the opportunity to showcase Women on TOP (Women Operating in Power) Recently Dr. Sheron Patterson was appointed the Senior Pastor of Hamilton Park UMC, Dallas. Dr. Patterson is the first in many areas. She is the first African-American woman to be ordained an elder in the North Texas Annual Conference. She is also the first female pastor of the 60 year old historic church, Hamilton Park. She earned a Master of Theological Studies degree, a Master of Divinity degree, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology, Dallas, Texas.


Dr. Patterson light shines brightly for other women. She is a ten year survivor of breast cancer. She turned her diagnosis into a vehicle of community empowerment via awareness programs and fund raising thousands to provide low-income and noincome women with free mammograms Another Woman on TOP to know is Candice Quarles. She has been referred to in an interview as “a breath of fresh air in our divisive political climate”. Candice Quarles is a graduate of Missouri Western State University. She was elected to the DeSoto, Texas City Council in May 2016. In 2014, she was named to list of the Dallas Business Journal’s 40 under 40, which recognizes the top up-and-comers in the Dallas area. Candice Quarles is the Co-Founder and CEO of 9HappyPeople headquartered in Dallas TX. 9HappyPeople is a lifestyle fashion brand that shares positive messages on the finest materials. She has 10+ years in human resources experience with companies such as Deloitte LLC and holds numerous HR certifications. She is a millennial woman on top enjoying the life balance of volunteering, traveling with her husband Jeremiah and enjoying her newest role as mom. The Ester Davis Show is broadcast on BPEN TV, Dallas channel 30.8. Visit

By Dr. Linda Amerson


s a journalist since 1999, the task of educating consumers about 100 categories of alopecia has been a process. My global media reach to women making an impact in society spotlights Women on TOP (Women Operating in Power) Dr. Fredrica Kenedy, resides in Atlanta, is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy since 1999 with a wealth of experience in helping children diagnosed with various syndromes and behaviors, with a specialty in Autism. We discussed on my radio platform that autism spectrum disorder levels. IEP ages 0-2.3, IFSP ages 3-5 or older, and duo-diagnosis for some people. A hair loss condition Trichotillomania, pulling out ones own scalp hair, eyelashes and eyebrows then eating it, is a disorder seen. Also, alopecia from medication side effect, patchy hair loss known as alopecia areata, and GI system problems contributing to constipation and mineral malabsorption affects hair growth in autistic people. Her children's book on autism will be out soon 'So What Do You Do When Your Baby Brother is from Mars and Your're from Earth?' Eden Sterlington, resides in Chicago, is the Author of 'Satisfillment' Your Proven Pathway to Power, Passion, Peace of Mind and relationship coach. Eden has a wealth of knowledge with several years of coaching couples, single men and women. One topic we discussed was about men wanting to touch their woman's hair. Many men have complained about the 'don't touch my hair ' restriction...especially, after it is freshly styled at the salon. Eden informed my listening audience, that men want to touch their woman freely, without restrictions! Men like to give suggestions sometimes, about how they would like their woman to wear their hair, stillettos, lingerie, etc. A tour is coming soon.▄ For more information visit


By Valder Beebe




Michele Thornton Ghee: SVP of Media Sales for BET ichele Thornton Ghee is a

visionary with 20 years of experience in corporate America and has managed over a billion dollars in revenue for some of the biggest media companies in the world. She currently serves as the SVP of Media Sales for BET HER (formerly Centric TV). She joined BET Her, a Viacom-BET Networks Company, in July of 2012. She was instrumental in the rebranding of Centric as ‘The First Network Designed for Black Women and then again into BET Her. She and her team are charged with growing the revenue base for the network. Thornton Ghee has worked for some of the most powerful media brands including CNN, A&E and The History Channel and The Weather Channel. She began her career at SBC Communications in Oakland, California (and yes, she is a huge Raiders fan). Over her 20-year career, her passion for excellence has allowed her to master the following critical skills: leadership, diversity and inclusion, strategy, transformation (personal and professional), revenue generation, team work, work life balance, and relationship building. She has spent the last several years speaking across the country and sharing her knowledge. Thornton Ghee has received honors from numerous organizations including; The ADCOLOR Change Agent Award, The American Advertising Federation Mosaic Role Model of the Year Award, the Jesse Banks Humanitarian Award and the Black Girl Magic Award from Ohio State University. Most recently, she was named as a Multichannel News 2018 Woman to Watch. Thornton Ghee has authored two books: Stratechic: Life and Career Winning Strategies for Women


and Stratechic 2.0: Her Plan, Her Power, Her Purpose. Thornton Ghee received her Bachelor of Arts from Golden Gate University at the age of 30. In May 2017, she was honored with an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from her Alma Mater. She resides in New Jersey and is the proud wife of Antony Ghee and mother of Taylor and Jordan Ghee. â–„









“London Breed Captures the Mayoral Win” San Fran’s First Black Female Mayor By Lillian B. Young


sworn in on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 as the 45th Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco. Like Lee, Breed too is a first. Breed is the first African American woman elected to lead the City of San Francisco. Prior to the final results Breed maintained focus, commitment and poise as she expressed to the voter’s how she was looking forward to being the City’s next mayor. Breed vowed to be every voter’s mayor regardless of where the votes were cast. During her inaugural speech Breed shared “No matter where you come from, No matter what you decide to in life, you can do anything you want to do”. Breed proclaimed that her focus and priority would be about what San Francisco needs. Congratulations to Breed on her recent victory. Trendsetters to Trendsetters wishes her and the City of San Francisco all the best!▄




n our previous edition we covered London Breed who at the time was among several candidates who had officially thrown their hat in the race for the next San Francisco mayor following the untimely death of Mayor Ed Lee. Breed who is a native of San Francisco and a life-long public servant ran her campaign committed to affordable housing, safe neighborhoods, worthy schools and the homeless crisis among other notable platforms. The race was close and the distance in percentage of votes separating the two candidates small, but the win itself for Breed was Big! Mark Leno conceded to Breed after running a tight race, one in which she pulled away, pulled ahead and ultimately pulled out the win. Breed prevailed! Many would attribute her win to her contributions not only while Acting Mayor, but also her courageous work as a member of the Board of Supervisors. The results were certified and Breed was

Tina Rich MODEL



Photographer Rjonesphotography Makeup Artist Terence Micheal Wardrobe Stylist Tina Alexander


A New Found Journey Through Perseverance

Tina Rich


for marketing/advertising companies and landing a national ad campaign for SONIC Drive-In. Keep in mind as a freelance model there was no modeling agency to represent me. Not being represented by a modeling agency means you are responsible for booking your own gigs, finding your own photographers, hairstylists, makeup artists, and wardrobe stylists for your photo shoots. What I found to be most challenging as a freelance model is working out the financials when landing a booking for a major gig. When you have an Agent, they negotiate the finances for you, the royalties, the particulars, and preferences and close it out by carefully reviewing the contract, paying special attention to language and clauses. Early in my career, I wasn’t being fairly compensated for the gigs that I was booking. Shifting me to sign on with a modeling agency out of Texas. However, not long after, I discovered they didn’t have my best interest at hand, so I parted ways and returned to freelance modeling. I believed, if I wanted to make it in this industry representing myself, I needed to negotiate and manage my own contracts. I am now on a new journey in my modeling career which has taken a major turn. After doing a national ad campaign for SONIC Drive-In, I started to branch off into the world of acting. After gracing the pages of Midwest Black Hair Magazine, you can now spot me in National Geographic T.V. Miniseries The Long Road Home Episode 6 playing a Goldstar Mother and you can catch me in several commercials. I absolutely love this new journey that I find myself on. I can both model and be an actress which makes me versatile in this industry. And while like many, I’ve had my share of trials and tribulations. I am closer to the top where I am confident, I will remain for some time, all as a result of learning from my mistakes, persevering and keeping it moving.▄




t first glance, the new journey that I am on is recognizable from learning from my past mistakes. In order to make it in the modeling industry, you need to quickly learn from the mistakes one can simply make in this highly competitive and fast-paced business. Mistakes and bad decisions can undoubtedly make or break you in this driven industry. Either you will learn from them and put the necessary preventive measures in place to avoid future ones or you don’t and might find history repeating itself. What I learned is not to be a repeat offender of lessons learned, but rather acknowledge, correct them and keep it moving! Although modeling was something I’d always dreamed of doing as a little girl living in Denver, Colorado, it didn’t come to me through traditional means. In fact, I refer to my entrance as a stroke of luck, being in the right place and doing the right thing at the time. What I mean by a stroke of luck, is one day I was on Facebook and saw an ad that Midwest Black Hair Magazine was looking for Hair Models to feature in an upcoming publication. Now, mind you at the time I had absolutely no modeling experience other than flipping through fashion magazines at an early age. I submitted my photos to the publication and to my surprise, my photos were selected and published in their upcoming edition. Soon after, I became their feature model making the front cover four times, gracing the back cover, inside cover, centerfold, editorial spread, along with being featured on advertising campaigns for Midwest Black Hair Magazine. What was non-traditional about my start was the immediate recognition I had acquired without being affiliated with a Modeling Agency. By being a feature model for Midwest Black Hair Magazine, it helped jump set my modeling career by being featured in numerous print publications, websites, blog posts, music videos, promo model

Photo credits David Mason And Derrick Blakely


iss Crystal Dowdy from Canal Winchester Ohio, coming at you again. It's been a long time since she has graced the pages of Trendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine. We are excited to tell you what she has been up too! Her drive for Success hasn't diminished one bit! Crystal has been a busy bee working on several projects this year giving her plenty of exposure. Be on the lookout for her very first Reggae music video appearance with Fireball Entertainment for music artist "Obadiah Won” of Dayton OH “Song BADDA THEN YOU” Crystal is a full time mom of an upcoming designer "Cash Royalty" her son Christian Dowdy customizes shoes and clothes. She is a full time accountant for patients at a hospital in the State of Ohio. She is working towards being an actress or a Media Personality with her very own Valley Girl ascent and becoming a personal trainer. ▄


Modelchrissyddotcom -instagram Email











his year has been a year for African American films. February seemed to be the month of a debut for those issues facing the Black culture. This past February, TV ONE once again jumped into the waters of tranquility to bridge the gap of understanding behind one of the moments in history that sparked the civil rights movement. The synopsis to this TV ONE drama, Behind the Movement, puts Rosa’s day as a seamstress at the Montgomery Fair Department Store, in Alabama in 1955, starting her day like any other. However, it becomes interrupted when the evening bus driver tells the black passengers in the first row of the “Negro Section” to make room for white passengers who were without seats. Though this was common practice, that evening, Mrs. Parks decides not to comply. Knowing her rights and being fed up with the treatment of black citizens, she accepts the consequences of refusing to obey an order and is arrested. That night, Mr. E.D. Nixon, president of the local chapter of the NAACP, of which Rosa is the secretary, calls his friend Mr. Clifford Durr, a local white attorney. Once safely at home, E.D.


tells Rosa that she is the perfect “test case” for a Bus Boycott. This was an idea that had been in discussion since the bus segregation rules were continuously being abused and more and more blacks were being removed or threatened if they didn’t give up their seats to white riders. Afraid for her safety, Rosa’s mother and her husband, tried to talk her out of leading the boycott, but Rosa tells them that taking this stance is too important. By midnight, plans are put in motion to launch a boycott that, ultimately, would last more than a year and give rise to what is known today as the Civil Rights Movement. Behind the Movement took a lot of collaboration from a writer that was determined to keep it authentic and as detailed in the message as possible so that the audience would take away a newer perspective than what has previously been seen…to a director, cast, and crew set on fulfilling that vision. Written by Katrina M. O’Gilvie and directed by Aric Avelino. The film was produced for TV One by Eric Tomosunas, Keith Neal, James Seppelfrick and Darien Baldwin for Swirl Films. For TV One, Karen Peterkin was Director of Scripted Original Programming and shared Executive in charge of production duties with Tia A. Smith Senior Director of Original Programming and Production. Donyell McCullough was Senior Director of Talent and Casting; Robyn Greene-Arrington was the VP of Original Programming and D’Angela Proctor was Head of Original Programming and Production. The cast consisted of Meta Golding as Rosa Parks, Roger Guenveur Smith as Raymond Parks, Loretta Devine as Jo Ann Robinson, Isaiah Washington as E.D. Nixon and Shaun Clay as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I have covered many TV One films from the perspective of the audience or actor. I chose to cover this one, similar to its title, from behind the scenes. I was able to speak with both the writer, Katrina and director, Aric of this project and this is what they had to say about their experience. Katrina explained that Karen, the Director of Scripted Original Programming, approached her with this project and originally wanted to have a look into the 24-hour period when Rosa Parks was arrested, but we later covered from the three days leading up to the boycott. So, my process was their process, I was uncovering what they were doing…the same community that was coming together for the bus boycott, to put this movie together, Katrina told me. When I asked Aric how he was recruited, he elaborated that while Katrina was working on her rewrite, the “great” Karen Peterkin spoke to him about how great the script was before it even came to him. Karen and Aric met through Forrest Whitaker’s company and they began talking about the numerous projects that TV One was doing. Avelino said that when Karen got to the story of Rosa Parks, he stopped her right there and told her, I want that one. I would love to do that. He went on further to state he became hopeful


derstand the importance of being able to attend school, exercise their right to vote, not be afraid to voice their First Amendment right of free speech. None of these rights should be taken for granted. I moved on to find out how Katrina had compiled her information to make the script so authentic and she simply told me that it was a tremendous amount of research that went into it, but when you see it on TV, it happens at a faster pace. Since there were deadlines, she got creative to be smart and quick about getting the information that mattered. She told me that she felt lucky to have access to so much data quickly via the computer and other digital resources and that she could see how previous films needed to pad the scenes with fictional information because there were so much out there that people could not readily get to in those early days of shooting this type of film. However, she did mention that after Karen spoke to her, she reached out to one of her friend’s mother who was part of the movement who recently wrote a book called “Too Proud to Bend” because she was part of the young generation who became the foot soldiers for the movement. She had met Mrs. Rosa Parks on a few occasions and had been a part of that movement and knew how it was. Katrina stated that the friend’s mother opened her book up to the part of a reoccurring dream she had at twelve years old that other kids also had, being afraid because of what was going on, they would be taken out of their beds in the middle of the night and done like Emmett Till. So, she was my first and most impactful resource. And her book was an incredible re-




that he would get a chance to see the script and then he had an expectation that it would be wonderful. The work that Katrina did of not only taking these icons out to make them personable but the putting a time clock to make it relatable. Aric told me what many of us are familiar with, and that is, there is so much information out there on what happened during that time to make us question, How much of this is real and how much of this really happened? Katrina had only like a few scenes that really didn’t happen, but a lot of it did. Not to change up the storyline, but just some tweaks, because we don’t have everyone that was in the room, so we don’t have what happened from their perspective. He explained that it was an honest portrayal and that this was not only important to African American history, but to American history, and they wanted to have those details right. So, having said that, he saw the script and asked if he could be the director. He was brought on to the project. Aric’s next step was to pitch his vision for the film, flush out these characters…, as he stated. It was important to him not to paint these icons in a manner that people could not attach themselves to. At the end of the day, we wanted people to watch this film and see themselves as Rosa Parks, E.D. Nixon, or Jo Ann Robinson or Martin Luther King. We wanted them to be real people because, at the end of the day, that’s who these icons were. After hearing his perspective, I elaborated on my experience growing up in Alabama and seeing the places in this film and I explained it was so important to be as accurate as you can in depicting what happened, so that the generations today, the millennials who have no clue as to what took place, would un-


source for me, as well. To set the time and understand what they were coming from. She went on to tell me that she read some of Rosa Park’s books, she read and watched her interviews and began to pull all the people who were in the room that she mentioned. Then she researched them, so she had where they each individually were coming from. This helped her to shape their stories because she explained that there were a lot of characters who played a part and who were integral to the bus boycott project. She mentioned that while she was creating the storyline, she would call Karen and ask could they put it in the budget to bring in one more character because she felt strongly about how integral they were to the story. Karen would always tell her, “Yes, get them in there, we’ll figure it out.” When she heard the responses about the film, like the train scene when people said it was great, she laughed and told them yeah, thanks but I didn’t make that part up, it really happened, she couldn’t take credit for that. There was little in Behind the Movement that wasn’t real. Their job was to make it as original as possible as well as entertaining, and I can say without a doubt, THEY DID THAT! Aric went into detail that his part in making this script come to life include a greater responsibility and even greater attention. He told me that although he prepared as he usually did for other films, he had to do like Katrina and delve into some serious research. He found what he could on various platforms and then discussed them with the writer, Katrina and then he asked her what were some things that she didn’t want to miss in the film? Just those little physical traits that she did not want to leave out. Those little things that were unique to those people that were not necessarily included in the script. The things that I could do with the camera. He expressed that he didn’t watch as much in his preparing because the actors came very prepared with the mannerism of their character. Aric explained that once he had a shot list and storyboard with everything he sat down with his cinematographer whom he had done previous projects with and came up with a color palette for the film. All the little details of the clothes for the characters, what the towns would look like, what Rosa


Park’s living room would look like, etc. Then he handed this part off to his production designer and costume designer for hair and makeup of the time. All those little details he kept in one book. I sketched out everything and kept them in the book. I didn’t want to keep it all in my head, I wanted it to be shared with everybody in the production. Aric gave the description that his job was to navigate and guide the ship for that vision, so-to-speak. To make the story historically accurate, he had to come up with a plan that was executable. He explained he needed to have an idea where every character was coming from and the film had no side characters. Everybody is portrayed as a person and not just some flat character. Even the police chief in Montgomery who would normally just be the villain in other films. He told me when you are following this type of pattern of carrying out historical or authentic filming projects, you leave yourself open to even what the actors bring in. It was clear that Katrina and Aric put a lot into creativity and energy into this film. Nothing short of blood, sweat, and tears…as some would say. Katrina mentioned two things were a challenge in writing this film. One being writing about Dr. King’s character because of how iconic he was. There was pressure to do him justice. She explained it was a huge challenge because she wanted to do him honor. And understandably so because of the part he played and his martyrdom, I’d imagine. Her second issue was that she struggled with Rosa’s voice. The first element was that Rosa Parks didn’t do a lot of interviews when she was younger she did more when she was older, and we all know, as Katrina said, Things shift and change. So, she decided to bring her character in giving advice to a young girl to make her relatable, as to who Rosa Parks in essence, was as a person. That made her come to life for me. And then I could hear that this is who she was, this is what she would have done. This is what she would have said. This is how she would have handled this situation and I am grateful that I had that little connection. Katrina enlightened me that getting the story, bringing the character’s image to life was not the real challenge, it’s giving them a voice. She said, E.D. Nixon, came really easily, Abernathy came really easily, and even Raymond Parks came easily. After they had a voice, she began to channel them and ask, what would they say? And as a writer, the more research you do in the beginning makes it smoother to do the writing afterwards. It’s like when you inflate your tires, you gas up your car, and you are going to have a good journey. And if you don’t do those things ahead of time, it can get a little rocky…I had a tight outline and tight treatment and I just followed those markers. Katrina then shifted the conversation to the fact that when a writer turns over a script they pray because their part is over, as far as the writer goes. But when she met Aric she felt good and didn’t feel the need to have anything to worry about because of



writer, Katrina M. O’Gilvie, to the Director, Aric Avelino, the teams and crews that made this film happen, they have given us an opportunity to see these individuals we’re familiar with, in a new light. Humanized and not dehumanized, keeping society from putting on their masks, to keep from seeing the truth…the unadulterated truth, the raw-naked truth. Because it’s been shielded for years behind the Hollywood version. We chose to sweep obvious factors under the rug, but no longer. The BIG elephant of racism is trampling through our nation today. The ambiance on the set, as explained by Aric, finished the wrap like any other production, wanting to keep going. Even the actors would go through a process of letting go of their characters because they were real people. If our legacy is to hand off the stories in the next generation and we feel like we contributed something not just for African American history but American history. Their hopes for the take away for Behind the Movement is that you can step up and speak out for what you believe in. Today there are more resources than they had. The Bus Boycott lasted 381 days with over 40,000 people black and white joining to make a change. What we have done in the past can help us in the future, Aric stated. I want them to know you are Rosa Parks, she was not born an icon she was a seamstress and one day she had enough. You have the ability to affect the same type of change and we hope we brought you closer to seeing yourself in each of them. If you saw this film, they achieved their goal! Visit to keep up with more films that inspire.▄



the chemistry they shared. She respected his creativity and intellect intertwined with his experience and she knew they were going to be fine, there would be no issues and therefore she was able to wait to see the finished product and was undoubtedly pleased. He chimed in with saying, You see, I successfully fooled Katrina into thinking those things. And then they both erupted with laughter. Then Aric expressed that his greatest challenge was time and money. But he leaned on the cast and crew. He told me that he did not want to comprise the film because there was not enough money or not enough time. Clearly a director’s nightmare. On the flip side of this…from the audience’s standpoint, he said, they don’t care about what it took to create the film, they just want to be fully entertained with a film worthy of their money and time. Aric laid out for me that you become dependent upon those who are a part of the film, you determine your resources and you make sure your plan is executed in a careful manner beforehand and engage everyone to help. They had late nights, and they shot over a course of the time permitted and besides, he felt his job was to encourage everyone and make sure the set was a welcoming place. Then he reflected upon the cast that they were able to get for the film and for him, as a director, that became a dream. Because you could ask them to do anything. You could ask them to make something work and the important thing was that they trusted me. So that meant he had to come with the same level of preparation as they did, he said, …and you could best believe that they did…and I was very thankful for that. Katrina began researching and writing in 2016. The actual time of the shooting was from getting into Aric’s hands in July 2017 to ending production in October 2017. Katrina did not make it on set because her mother lived in Puerto Rico when Hurricane Maria hit so she was on standby. She was sent many stills from the set and heard feedback from those there, that they had never been on a set like that before or with a crew and director like that before. I remember the first picture that I saw was a black and white photo pushing the black boy against the wall appeared just as it did in my head. I told Aric that next time I was coming because they had a lot of fun without me. In conclusion, I asked each of them how did their lives prepare them for the film and Aric said that his mother marched with Dr. King in Washington, D.C. and his father was the first to integrate his high school. Growing up as an African American man in Orange County, California, where people think they know you before they actually got to know you, prepared me. I went to a school where I was one of about 13 black kids in a class of 450 in the 90’s. In a city where the three strike laws and getting pulled over for a tail light being out was in full effect. Yet I consider it was just a fraction of what these people went through. It’s not just racism that appears in this film, there is a love story going on in the film with Rosa and Raymond. It’s hard to get everyone to agree today, so can you imagine organizing a bus boycott in three days back then with no technology? Everybody was not on board and people were challenging each other because they knew lives would be taken. Rosa Parks had seen all these things. When people were accused of rape when no rape was done, when all they were thinking about was just getting to work. Great films must have a culmination of several things. Workable content, talented writer(s), directors, producers, cast and crew—with an immeasurable amount of respect and professional connection and commitment to the project. The TV One team, the

Vickie Truett

CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN ARTIST Written by:Shernita Shernita Wiggins-Wynder Written by: Wiggins-Wynder


here are many vocal artists singing the praises to the Lord. Some were recruited because of talent seen in them from relatives, others went on gospel media platforms like “Sunday’s Best” and earned an opportunity to a record deal, and yet there are those, like Vickie Truett whose life positioned her to do what is now a love for singing and sharing praises of God and His Son to ministries around the world. I have had the privilege to see Vickie minister in song on a couple of occasions both times at a Daughters of Purpose Conference. Each time, she had a way to draw you into the story she is singing about in the song. The melodious and tranquil sounds flowing out of her mouth in songs like, “Tears in a Bottle,” one of my favorites, or the upbeat tunes that will have you clapping your hands and tapping your feet. I was interested in getting to know and understanding the story behind the glorious life she is living out through her music. This is how our conversation went… T2T: Share about your childhood and where did your passion for music stem from?


Vickie: I was born and raised in a house full of music. My dad and older sister played piano. Dad was a soloist in our church, he and Mom sang in the choir. My brother played guitar and I started singing when I was very young. I was raised in First Baptist Church, in Peekskill, New York where I got my start in the children's choir at about age six, I joined the junior choir when I was in middle school and I sang in a trio group, then finally, I moved up to sing in a teen ensemble choir during the time I was in high school called the Fidelis. When I was in the Word of Life Bible Institute, I sang in a trio group called the Collegians and I sang as a soloist. I started writing music when I was 12 and singing solos. After bible school, I returned home and helped to form a traveling singing group at my home church called Living Proof. My brother and I kept writing music, we toured and continued to sing in coffee houses and churches.




T2T: What are your earliest memories of establishing a relationship with God?

T2T: How can we get your music or book a performance? Please share all social media contacts.

Vickie: When I was 13 years old, on Easter Sunday I was sitting in church as far back as my parents would allow...which was about the middle of the sanctuary. The Pastor was preaching about the last week Jesus was on the earth. I had heard this all before, but it was like hearing it for the first time in my life. I started trembling during the invitation to discipleship (accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior) and I prayed that Jesus would forgive me of my sin and become my Savior. My Mother said it was like bringing one kid to church and taking a different one home. I was totally changed!

Vickie: I can be reached on my website at: where you can find how to purchase my music, where I am headed next and how I survived the moments in my life that has given me the strength to sing the way that I do today. To keep up with my daily life, visit my FaceBook @VickieTruett where I share live video feeds of my experiences.

T2T: How did you get started with Contemporary Christian music and what would you say is your style? Describe it. Vickie: I got serious about Christian music after bible school. Keep in mind, I had been writing music and sharing it with my brother John as we traveled singing in coffee houses and churches. After we each got married, as life would have it, we soon got busy with our respective lives and eventually went our separate ways. However, I kept writing and we recorded my first album in Washington, DC called "Home at Last". That relaunched me as a solo artist and I have been doing music ever since as I travel with my husband Ron. I got discovered by Youth for Christ Campus Crusade which led to me singing at some local church events for them. It was at one of these events, a manager from Nashville, Tennessee signed me to a small startup label. In those days, that was still a big deal. My style of music is fresh inspirational and Contemporary Christian with a light jazz feel. Our music can currently be heard playing in five states on several different Christian radio stations. Fresh inspirational is what the radio stations have been calling my style of music because of the contemporary Christian and light jazz blend.

T2T: Thank you for taking your time out to share this information with our readers. I know it will be encouragement for those who desire to do what they love simply because God has gifted them to do so. We have been blessed to have you sing twice at our Daughters of Purpose Ministries’ event and it is always a blessing to hear your beautiful voice, especially my favorite song, “Tears in a Bottle.” Your ministry is anointed, and I pray others will call on you to share God’s glory with them also. I am anxious to read your upcoming book. You will have to let us know when it releases.▄

T2T: Share your discography and the year they were released. Vickie: I have 6 recorded projects. I released Home at Last in 1983 and Send Your Love in 1985. I recently re-released both in what I call my First Songs album in 2017. My Beyond Emotion album was released in 1993, Love Still Lives Here in 1995, This Quiet Place in 2016, and Hymns to Him this past April 2018. T2T: What are you doing now?




Vickie: Currently I am traveling still sharing my music at local churches and ministries across the United States. I just returned from New York singing at a church there. I am filling my calendar with bookings during praise and worship service, women’s ministries events, non-profit programs, or wherever I am requested to sing.



S H E L L E Y 70



Unity, You Gave Me a Song By: Beverly Hill (Shelley) Commentary, Vol. 5


leave your door unlocked. Children aren’t even safe at school! Where do we go from here? It’s like a ticking time bomb…ready to explode!! Where is the UNITY?? About two months before Travon Martin’s murder, a dear friend of mine, Robert Alred, had an idea for a song title and concept. He walked into the room singing, “UNITY, you gave me a song, I’m gonna sing it to the world, I’m gonna sing and shout for joy!!” Wow…what a message!! He knew that all I needed to hear were those few words to give me enough material to begin to write, and that I did!! The rest is history! Due to the hatred, violence, division and uncertain political climate in our world, UNITY is giving a message of hope, peace, love and harmony. The extreme need for UNITY is the motivation that gave us this song. Our desire is for a collaboration that will deliver these words in a dynamic way, as did “We Are the World” in 1985. Let us all think of ways that we can play our part in making even small changes to promote UNITY now and for generations to come.▄

“UNITY, You Gave Me a Song” We have a name, it's called the human race. Time is now...let's hold hands and embrace. Together we can change, CHANGE this whole world make it a better place for every boy and girl. Gather the homeless, the helpless, ALL LIVES Let's rearrange and keep our heads to the sky! With so MUCH's time to make that change! We're talkin bout Unity, Unity We're talkin bout Unity...for all to see! You gave me a song, I'm gonna sing it to the world. You gave me a song, sooo let freedom sing HER song. Take the time to listen, understand one another. Lift our voices high, I hear you my brother. We've kept ourselves in bondage our own worst enemy. Step away from violence, change our mentality. We hold the master key; we are our brother's keeper. Let's pull each other up, watch as our roots grow deeper. Tomorrow will be better...Yes...we GOTTA make that change!

Let freedom ring on...ON ON ON We're takin bout Unity, Unity We're talkin bout Unity...for all to see! Copyright©2018, Beverly Hill Shelley All Rights Reserved




hen I was a little girl, there was so much love, closeness and UNITY. Families and neighbors were the same. We ALL were the same. There was an apple tree in our backyard, and we would share with the neighbors. That’s the way we did things. People bought and sold from each other. We were a community working together. On our street, there was a blacksmith named Mr. Anderson. He ‘shod’ horses. He lived in a very, very tiny house that looked like an old wood shed. The market man would make his way down the street, “Mar-ket Maan, Mar-ket Maan” was his holler. He would get his horses shoes changed by Mr. Anderson. I grew up in a time when things were simple, but I would soon learn this would all change. During the summer when school was out, we played outside all day. We visited the neighbor’s houses on our street; it was a short street…not long at all. There were about six neighbors that we could visit. Locked screened doors during the day? Who did that? Things were safe; we ran in and out of the house at will, no thought of danger. Oh! And you had to be at home when the streetlights came on!! We caught lightening bugs and put them in a jar with holes punched in the top so they would not die; we also caught June bugs. We tied a string around their leg and let them fly. Wait…I haven’t seen a June bug in years!! As I continued to grow up, things were basically the same. I still felt a sense of trust, safety and UNITY. When I was in school, it was a safe environment. There was seldom any bullying. And if there were any fights, it may be one or two for the entire year. Our school excitement was about the activities, especially the prom! That was a tremendous time…a time of planning and getting pretty!! After the prom we had to be home by midnight, and we thought nothing of it. That was a great curfew. It was better than 10 or 11:00 p.m. (laughing)! And as I got older, I couldn’t drive. There was no need to. I just rode the bus!! I felt safe, and I would ride the bus at night and have to walk down a dark alley. There was a house of ‘ill repute’ on the corner…at least that was what some called it. It sounded like people just having lots of fun to me! After I got married and had a child, I didn’t realize that this would be the end of an era… the last of a generation that would have experiences close to my own. It would be the last of children playing with dolls past the age of seven. My daughter had Barbie dolls, Barbie houses…Barbie everything!! That didn’t end for her until she was about 12 years old. After her generation, things begin to change. In our current state of affairs, there is so much upheaval and unrest. There is a lack of UNITY, trust, feelings of safety, compassion and love. Kids hardly play outside anymore. In some cases, they are playing on computers because it’s not safe to play outside. Who can feel safe with those that choose to steal, rob and kill? With so many shootings and rising crime rates, you wouldn’t dare

A Journey to Jazz Pianist & Vocalist William Green's World By Angela P. Moore


ocused and driven, more than ever before, Contemporary Jazz Pianist & Vocalist, William Green, is one busy man. From photo shoots to studio sessions, to lending his expertise to musicians' jet setting in from across the country, to playing at the crème de la crème of private events, to working on his next project, Green's love affair with music is no secret. In fact, he is celebrating 40 years in the music industry, along with the release of his new CD, "Mind Rush" and his CD Release/40th Anniversary Performance both on July 11, 2018, at the fabulous City Winery Atlanta. Chicago-born and Atlanta-based, the songwriter, producer,


arranger and performer's career was birthed by playing his keys on Atlanta’s jazz circuit, and since then, his passion with music has landed him in a plethora of the country’s hottest jazz festivals, corporate gigs, celebrity events and well-recognized spots across the country. With a new team on board, Green is excited and is destined to take his musical career to the next level. Hanging out in the studio, on any given night with Green is something magical. From the time you step in the studio, until you exit, one will experience a musical high. "It's an overwhelming feeling being in the studio recording and writing music. Nothing compares to this experience,"



multi-Grammy, award-winning Jazz artist Boney James on the track, "Lakeshore Drive" (L.S.D.). He has also written and produced for numerous artists. With so much already accomplished in his career, Green says he still has more music for his fans. A master on the keys, Green wraps his heart and soul around his beloved gift, and he has proven to be one powerful man. ▄ Visit his website @ for show dates and to join his mailing list. Follow William Green: William Green Green Music Twitter: WilliamGreenMus Instagram: WilliamGreenMusic

Management, Media and Booking Contact APM Public Relations & Co. Angela P. Moore, Publicist & CEO Direct: (770) 733-2600



says Green. With an impressive portfolio that reads like "Who's Who in Jazz", Green has showcased his charismatic charm and keyboard mastery with audiences around the world (Japan, Europe, Africa), while performing nationally with acclaimed artists such as Boney James, Tom Brown, Earl Klugh, Mindi Abair, Peabo Bryson, Cameo, Valerie Simpson, Kenny Lattimore, Melba Moore, Jennifer Holiday, Jean Carne, the sons of Otis Redding (military tour), BB King All-Star Band and Curtis Mayfield. He also had the privilege of appearing with Susan Tedeschi as the opening act for the Rolling Stones; opened for Spyro Gyra and The Yellow Jackets. One of Atlanta's mostcelebrated musicians, Green is passionate about his music, and he puts his heart and soul into his performances. Not only does he deliver funky, upbeat, soulful and contemporary jazz sounds, Green possesses one of those rare, “instant classic” voices -forceful, yet gentle. With four decades of music and four albums later, Green’s new album, "Mind Rush" is filled with love, hope, romance and inspiration. He is known to cross musical boundaries by combining different genres of music. "Fans can expect a combination of contemporary jazz, soul and Gospel, mixed to provide music that is motivating for the mind, body and soul," says Green. And, to top it off, you can experience Green's vocals. The CD includes great songs such as the title track “Mind Rush", "FYI, "Make it Do", "Eternity", "Todah" (Thanksgiving), “Walk in Light", "Driving in Rain" and more. Green's spirituality shines through on this project. He adds, "Mind Rush" consists of great thoughts, feelings and emotions." His previous three albums, also possessed an exceptionally well-composed body of original songs, written and produced by Green. "I pride myself on creating timeless music that can be shared with the world for a lifetime. It's important to me to create timeless music because of recognizing the lack of musical integrity that now exists in the music industry," says Green. Green's impressive artistry has afforded him the opportunity to write and produce four CDs: his debut CD, "Magic Dream" (2004), "Green Valley" (2006), "Music 4 Life" (2010) and his latest CD, "Mind Rush" (2018) on his own label, Magic Dream Records. The sophomore CD, "Green Valley", featured




rnita Cole-Sie has been in the real estate business for the past sixteen years. Whether you are buying or selling in today’s real estate market, you need a professional with experience that can keep you informed of the current market conditions. When you are an informed consumer, you’ll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale one can make. For Buyers: Take a step of faith, and move from apartment living to enjoying the freedom of home ownership. I will put you in touch with a mortgage lender that can get you ready to purchase. Atlanta has a smorgasbord of new home subdivisions for buyers to choose from, in any size and any price range. I always advise my buyers to do their homework about each builder and I ensure them I will shop numerous subdivisions for exactly what they want. Just think, for every builder that cannot meet your requests, there are ten more that usually will. There is also a great deal of resale homes on the market. Whatever your home preference, call me today, and let’s put a plan in action! For Sellers: Now is the time to put your home on the market. Home values have gone up tremendously in the past few years, so you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to gain more than what you paid for your home. Most homes receive multiple offers within the first few days on the market. Call me today; I will do a market analysis for you and get your home sold quickly! ▄






Arnita Cole-Sie Broker/Owner 678-663-1432 P.O BOX 930220 Norcross, GA 30003


Fall Beach Destinations in the U.S


othing against summer at the beach or fall in the mountains, but give us a balmy autumn day on a stretch of sand with no crowds, and we’re in a state of bliss. As points out, while North Florida and South Florida have opposite high seasons, their shoulder seasons (that's when they begin dropping rates) are consistent: April-May and September through November. Shoulder season is a little harder to define on the Outer Banks, but it’s roughly AprilMay September-October.

Before booking any travel, it's important to pay attention to the weather reports. Fall is also hurricane season, and Mid -Atlantic beaches will be cooler than those farther south, especially at night. (Not necessarily a bad thing, once we’ve made it through the scorcher months.) Some businesses begin closing in shoulder season. Even so, it’s worth it to have a few days on a fabulous beach, knowing you’ve got the run of the place.▄

Key West, Florida

Pensacola Beach, Florida This is a great autumn beach. There’s a stretch of the Gulf Islands National Seashore here with unspoiled views of sand and sea—and the light is downright magical.

There aren’t many places where you feel as if you’ve completely left your normal life behind and entered a totally different universe—without even leaving the South. Key West is one.

Florida’s A1A Beach Towns

Florida’s 30-A Beaches Grayton Beach stands out on fabled 30-A, perfect for fall vacations. Unlike such stunning planned communities as Seaside and Rosemary Beach, this funky little village is delightfully unplanned. Its Red Bar is a magnet for locals and tourists.

Tybee Island, Georgia As fall beach destinations go, it’s hard to imagine a better spot than this chill, bike-friendly beach burg less than 20 miles from Savannah.

From Fernandina, Jacksonville, and St. Augustine all the way south through Daytona Flagler, New Smyrna, and Cocoa Beaches to Miami, the Atlantic Coast is great in fall.

Pawley's Island, SC




Cape Henlopen Park, Lewes, Delaware A $6 million renovation made a great park even better. Enjoy six miles of hard-packed beaches that invite sunbathing, sea glass-hunting, hiking, and more.

Just a short hop from happening Myrtle Beach, Pawley’s offers a serene Lowcountry experience—the kind of place where you rent an oceanfront cottage for a week and completely forget what you do for a living. Sounds like a dream, right?











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