Volume 46
Issue 14
January 16, 2012
TheSomaliRevolution willbeTweeted By Anthony P. Gulston
Right now in the south of Somalia, battles are being fought between Kenya and Somali Islamist militia group al-Shabab. The battles are also being fought on social media headline site, Twitter. The fighting (via Twitter) began back in October when Kenya’s Major Emmanuel Chirchir tweeted about a series of ten cities under al-Shabaab control being bombed: “The Kenya Defence Forces urges anyone with relatives and friends in the 10 towns to advise them accordingly.” This allowed civilian casualties to remain low. Before the Twitter fight began, Kenya was merely trying to create a buffer zone between the Islamist controlled southern Somalia and Northern Kenya. Many Kenyan farmers were complaining of harassment and missing animals. So the Kenyan military armed and trained the Somali military to deal with al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab, translated as “The Youth” or “The Boys” in Arabic, is a militia group funded and supported by various out-of-country Islamist factions, including alQaeda, that want to see Somalia as an Islamic nation. It was formed in 2006 out of the Union of Islamic Courts government in Somalia. They have denounced moderate Muslim leader of Somalia Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed as a traitor and have no formal ties with the government of Somalia. Al-Shabaab has enforced Sharia laws (Islamic laws) in areas it has control over and the Kenyan government seems to be uncomfortable with human rights violations in said areas: “Life has more meaning than denying women to wear bras..RT [retweet] in support of Somalia women.” This can be seen as tame compared to the routine printing of sexual assaults on young women in the New York Times. It is unclear who is behind the @HSMPress account that is tweeting propaganda. One BBC report claims that it is Somali ex-pats that are behind the account because of its clarity and eloquent use of English. Major Chirchir does not have the same command of the English language that al-Shabaab media socialites have. When al-Shabaab took to the internet to play Chirchir’s game he promptly tweeted that: “With Al Shabaab joining tweeter, lets take fight to their doorstep, lets follow them for a week then unfollow.” Chirchir has almost twice the tweets and almost twice the followers that alShabab has, so he seems to be winning the propaganda war. “Like bombing donkeys, you mean! Your eccentric battle strategy has got animal rights groups quite concerned, Major,” quips al-Shabaab in reference to the early strategy of the Kenyan army to plant explosives on donkeys to explode al-Shabaab camps without sustaining any human casualties. More brutal tweets include the names, ID numbers, and religious affiliation of slain soldiers in Mogadishu before the AU, Kenya, and Ethiopia assisted the Somali military in driving al-Shabaab out. Since then, Ethiopian troops have exited Somalia and AU forces have taken over, due to the politically charged nature of the Ethiopian-Somali relations concerning a border dispute in the 70’s. The purpose of this Twitter campaign is to inform Somali people of the destructive nature of foreign involvement and fighting, according to al-Shabaab: “Somali telecom industry is booming with millions of subscribers.” But what seems like humorous and childish bickering to those observing outside of the country are real deaths in a real battle for Somalia.
Photos by Hana Mohamed
in the paper this week
centre: Peterborough’s music in review p. 3 - unemployment rates, Peterborough vs Canada • p. 4 - finding a great place to live p. 5 - some news about the interwebs • p. 8 - what the Trent film society is up to p. 9 - Trent Reads vote, what they are and where to get them • p.10 - Metaxas fiction
Editorial Volume 46 | Issue 14 | January 16, 2012
Masthead by Jackson Creek Press 751 George Street • Suite 104
“You are a woman”?
Peterborough, ON • K9H 7P5
and who the fuck are you?
tel: 705-745-3535 editors@trentarthur.ca • www.trentarthur.ca
Editor in Chief Business Manager Miranda Rigby
Tyson Shennett
Production News Reporters Assistant Matt Jarvis Heather Scully
Anthony Gulston
Copy Editor
Carmen Meyette
Chelsea Rodrigues
Sara Ostrowska
Cornel Grey
Ayesha Asghar You?
Teigan Sparkes
Co-operatives Photography Wesley Collett-Taylor Mya Rushnell ---
Andrew Tan
Board of Directors Chair • Not yet named Secretary • Not yet named Treasurer • Not yet named Members at Large • Caitlin Currie, Hazel Wheeler, Jacob Bogaard, Jenna Cameron, Ki Alleyne, Maxim Gertler-Jaffe
Contributors Brett Throop • Tyler Prozeniuk • Caileigh Morrison Troy Bordun • Natalie Guttormsson
Submission guidelines Articles Articles should be submitted via email to editors@ trentarthur.ca, in the body of the message, or as an *.rtf, *.doc, or *.txt attachment. The body should be approximately 800 words. Listings, announcements, or briefs should not exceed 100 words. Feature pieces can be up to 1500, but must be arranged in advance with the editors.
Images Hard copies (photographs, original artwork, etc.) should be brought into the office (751 George Street, Suite 104) to be scanned. If submitting files electronically, please save as *.tif, with a dpi of no less than 300 pixels.
Letters Limit letters to the editors to 250 words. Letters longer than 250 words may be published but Arthur reserves the right to edit for length and clarity (but not content). Conributors are encouraged to attend the weekly story meeting on Tuesday at 1pm in our office in Sadlier House, or to contact the editors if considering submitting to an upcoming issue.
Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of Arthur staff, volunteers or its Board of Directors. Contributors are encouraged to attend the story meetings Tuesday at 7pm or contact the Editors to discuss story ideas. All article submissions are due Monday at noon. Letters, Listings, Classifieds, and Events are due Thursday at 9am and should be sent to listings@trentarthur. ca. Advertisers are encouraged to contact advertising@ trentarthur.ca for ad rates and contracts.
By Miranda Rigby Gender is a fickle topic that rarely gets touched on by mainstream media. It is also something that I have had problems discussing in the past. It takes a lot of awareness of gender to be able to speak about it clearly, with knowledge, and without offending anyone. I am here to attempt that feat, and I hope you forgive my obvious fault of not having personally dealt with questioning my own gender. I was born a girl and I have only rarely questioned this notion within the span of my life. I, often times, wish I was something cooler than just plain old boring me, but I am not and I identify myself with the pronoun “she.” When people call me “miss” or “ma’am” I do my best to not be offended by the latter, but I know that the speaker of this sentence is referring to me, a plain old boring woman. There are other people born into this world, that I am wholly blessed to know, who identify with genders other than what they are born into. These genders can both define who they are internally or formed simply not to define themselves as a column a) woman or column b) man. Personal pronouns, at times, can be hard to get used to. However, it is something I have learned to do over the time I have spent at Trent University, and I truly encourage you to do so as well. Now, this being said, my editorial this week is not meant to educate those who have not been aware of the confusing and sadly restrictive nature of personal pronouns and the English language. My editorial, has to do with those sad instances this week whereby I have seen a lack of awareness in gender and gender issues. CBC earlier this week released a new television show, entitled “Mr. D.” The brain child of Gerry Dee, a Canadian comedian. Something like the recent film “Bad Teacher”, this television show is based on a teacher who is offensive and is supposedly humorous. The first three minutes of the show assured that I would never watch it again. The dialogue essentially went like this: “Anyway, you’re older kids, I understand that. We’re really close in age, I’m not much older. So I can relate to a lot of the things, I am here to help you with any problems, concerns: anorexia, maybe some drug problems, low self esteem… lip ring, maybe some gender issues? You are a woman, you are a woman. A very handsome, sorry, beautiful woman. Solved that problem.” Throughout this scene, Gerry Dee, points out various teenagers in the shot. He labels these children with what he sees as their problems, adding major emphasis to the last child who, as far as
the viewer can tell is neither male nor female. At this point, my jaw dropped. Gender is nothing funny; having one/not having one, or identifying with the one you are born with is not a form of ridicule. If the child was a real person and not a mere actor/actress, they shouldn’t have to be labelled, and it is not funny to do so. What gets me, and continues to get me, is that this was a pilot. The general idea of a pilot is that it is the first experience that not only that the audience has, but also a television station has of the show. The pilot serves as a platform for TV producers to buy or not buy. It serves as a representation of what the writer thought was their best work. I can’t imagine CBC intended to create outcry within the first three minutes of a show they purchased, but what offends me is that they find this bullying funny. This bullying is something the majority of parents I know are trying to stop on the playground, but CBC producers say “it’s good enough to pay for.” I suppose after watching this television show I should have been completely prepared for the next video I was to experience a great distaste for later this week. An American girl guide’s call for parents to stop buying girl guide cookies in protest of Colorado state’s acceptance of children who are born male but identify as female. This girl guide believes that this would ruin her experience and ability to have an all-American “girl only” experience. She quotes that she would not be able to follow the motto of “be yourself and who you are” and that she couldn’t “talk about issues you can’t talk about with boys.” She does not, however, touch on the fact that these girls who were born boys have their own issues that they might want support with. And this is the thought I will leave you with dear Arthur readers. Let’s hope that’s all for now.
RE: Show me the money! This past Tuesday was a historic (in a small way) moment. On this day the Peterborough Examiner leaped ahead of Arthur in covering student’s concerns, and Trent campus affairs. Further the Examiner continued to soar past Arthur in the count of interviews with member of the Trent community – students, faculty, administrators and the like. The Examiner has talked to more students than Arthur. This small count doesn’t even begin to discuss questions to ‘effort’ or ‘research’. I will use an example; the Ontario Government “tuition rebate” article published in issue 13. The article has a critical analysis – good! However the Examiner I feel did a better job talking about the consequences of the grant, which Arthur’s article absolutely fails to do. Arthur’s was critical, but it wasn’t a critique which informed or expanded the debate. Where are the conversations about who receives this grant? Why? Or how is this grant being paid for. These are questions other media have been successful at exploring; not Arthur. I will be the first to say, for students who receive this grant; this is a good grant, for them. The problem is the government has cut funding to every student to pay for a grant that will reach 30% of students. Starting next year there will be no: Technology and Textbook Grant ($275, to some 95% of students), Queen Elizabeth Grant (~$2000, to first-generation students), and finally, the most problematic, the government is scrapping a funding formula which helps universities and colleges develop scholarships and bursaries for students based upon financial need. For example, if alumni were to donate $500, the government would match the same value to be used to help students in financial need. These grants and programs have been cut, amongst others. This grant is so draconic, that former President of Trent University, Bonnie Patterson, current head of the Council of Ontario Universities, has spoken against the implementation. Rumours have it that she has even reached out to student organising across the province to help create a better program for students. Now, I think it is important to mention who this grant doesn’t help, but only hurts. No part-time students, no graduate students, no mature students (older than 21 years of age), no students who are parents, no international students, or married students will see any help from this grant. These students will only get less from the government. This, alone, makes up 51% of Trent. Further, students in professional programs (B.Sc in Nursing, Bachelor Education, Bachelor Forensic Sciences, Bachelor in Environmental Science, Bachelor in Business Administration) will not qualify. I wish I could say that the above are the only restrictions, alas it is not true. Students who qualify for the Ontario Access Grant (students from the poorest 20%) will most likely not see a cent from the program, and again only see less support from the government. Any student who receives the Ontario Access grant will have that money deducted from the rebate. Most precipitants of the Access Grant receive ~$3000, meaning most will not see a cent.
RE: Letter to the Editor, RE: Issue 3 Cover I have been requested to respond to this ongoing controversy. Very well. Off the bat, there are evidently people who read and write for your newspaper that have far too much time on their hands. I took a quick look at the offending article, and the two responses. First things first, I did not find anything overly disagreeable in the original article. It was a bit stary eyed and a bit too enthusiastic but nothing I would find offensive. As a columnist and humourist for a number of years, I myself might have used the offending title of “Pow WOW” to illustrate a point. What I found quite interesting was the objection to the usage of the term ‘spectacle’. It may come as a surprise to the people who commented on the original article that pow wows are indeed a spectacle. I have been to pow wows all over North America and at some of them, spectacle is indeed the word I would use. IN fact, I know of many traditional Native people who refuse to attend pow wows because of the spectacle effect. On other different matters, I have travelled the world, participating in ceremonies and observing cultural festivities, and wrote about them - with the appropriate honour and respect of course. I did not go through the criteria listed in the committee’s response in writing such an article. Most of us have a deadline. As I said at the beginning, I didn’t find anything offensive in the initial article, so quoting a fellow playwright, it’s “much ado about nothing.”. And I am always amused by non-Native people who get angry on our behalf - I am referring to the community and race relations committee and their response. Trust me, we can get angry on our own. As a newspaper, there’s gotta be something more interesting out there than this!? Go Leafs. Me, Drew Hayden Taylor
I want, as a student unionist, Arthur to be the voice of campus, our communities, and those marginalised from main-stream media. But right now if we want to talk about, or find out, or engage with Trent through the media, it seems we have to go to the Examiner. Maybe they should run a levy-campaign. They would probably win it. Brea Hutchinson
Money, it’s a gas Unemployment Rate Increased in Canada and Decreased in Peterborough By Sara Ostrowska
Statistics Canada has released a report stating the national unemployment rate went up from 7.4% to 7.5% in December. While there was an increase of 43,000 in part-time work, Canada lost 26,000 in full-time employment, and the number of employees in the country declined by 13,600. While the national average increased, fewer people were unemployed in Peterborough in December. According to Statistics Canada, Peterborough’s unemployment rate fell to 7.3% last month, down from 9.4% in November. People over 55 years old recorded job gains of 24,000 in December, while positions open to those aged 15-24 fell by 16,800. Although the unemployment rate for younger workers remained around 14.1 per cent, almost double the national average, the number of employed 15-24 year old workers has declined for the third consecutive month, down 17,000 in December. With this decline, youth employment was 12,000 below its level of 12 months earlier. After a strong start in 2011, Canada has now recorded six months without significant job gains. Official data shows the Canadian economy has added 199,000 jobs in 2011, but almost all of that growth came in the first six months. U.S. government data has shown that the U.S. economy created more than 199,000 jobs in December alone.
Volume 46 | Issue 14 | January 16, 2012
HarperAppoints SevenNewSenators by Sara Ostrowska
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed 7 new senators, as of January 6, which will fill vacancies left by five retirements and two resignations. The new appointees will increase the Conservative majority in the Senate. The rest of the Senate consists of 41 Liberals, one Progressive Conservative, and two independents. Since being elected nearly five years ago Harper has appointed 46 senators. “I am pleased to announce the addition of seven remarkable Canadians to the Senate of Canada...” Harper said in a statement, “All appointees have distinguished themselves in their fields of endeavour and in their service to fellow citizens.” Although by law, senators are to be appointed by the prime minister, some provinces have committed to electing a nominee for appointment to the Senate. Alberta has allowed people to cast ballots for who they want to represent them as senators. Betty Unger is the first woman elected by a province and then appointed to the Senate. Albertans chose her to fill the next vacant seat for the province nearly eight years ago. Ottawa Police Chief Vern White is a 24 year veteran of the RCMP, who was on the shortlist to replace Bill Elliott as commissioner of the RCMP. Asha Seth will also fill a vacancy in Ontario. She is a prominent Toronto-based obstetrician and gynecologist who worked at St. Joseph’s Health Centre and opened her family
practice in 1976. Seth is also a philanthropist who founded an organization that helps other health-related organizations fundraise. JoAnne Buth fills the vacancy in Manitoba. She is the president of Canola Council of Canada, which represents canola growers, input suppliers, researchers, processors, and marketers of canola oil and its products. Norman Doyle fills the vacancy in Newfoundland and Labrador. He represented a St. John’s riding for a dozen years before leaving federal politics in 2008. Ghislain Maltais and Jean-Guy Dagenais will fill vacancies in Quebec. Maltais is a former Liberal member of the National Assembly in Quebec, and Dagenais is a former peace officer with the Quebec provincial police force who lost his campaign to become a Conservative MP last year. Most of the appointments are effective immediately; however, White’s appointment will take effect on Feb. 20 and Dagenais must still pass the requirement that Senators own property in their home province or territory before he can officially assume the role. Six senators will retire this year, four of them Conservative and two Liberal, having reached the age limit of 75. One of the retirees represents Saskatchewan, and another represents New Brunswick. Both provinces have committed to holding elections for future senators, and Harper will wait for them to vote a nominee for appointment into the Senate.
It’sHuntingSeason! What you need to keep in mind when searching for an apartment, house, or bedroom
By Cornel Grey
Most students choose to move off-campus after their first year. Residences on campus serve to usher students into university life effortlessly during the first year, after which undergraduates pursue other arrangements where they can branch out and truly experience what it means to live on their own. Of course, one motivating factor is the desire to make one’s own food since the enthusiasm for cafeteria grub fades over a period of time. If you are residing in one of Trent’s four main colleges, now is the time that you should be looking around for a place to reside for the 2012/2013 academic year. The diligent among us started house hunting last semester, searching for places and touring potential houses and apartments. A few of us have already signed leases in order to secure preferred selections before other students got a chance to even consider some locations as an option. That kind of proactive behaviour usually guarantees that a student gets the better options available but there are some disadvantages of beginning your searches ahead of the game. Most rentable residences for the next academic year start to advertise in the beginning of January, so choosing a place in the first semester may limit your options. Another common concern is that a rush to choose a home imposes pressure on students to find others to live with. Not everyone will find close friends during the first few months, and a commitment to room with peers you don’t know very well may be one that is regretted when it is too late. Conversely, if you plan on looking for places later in the semester, do not fear. There will still be places advertising in the months to come; just be aware that you may not find some place ideal. The first thing a person should figure out is whether he/she wants to live alone, or live with other students. Consider this
carefully; cost of rent when rooming with another person(s) is usually cheaper than the price of single unit. While you may value your own personal space, there is the opportunity of cheaper rent in a shared space. Next, think about what type of residence would be ideal for you. Houses and apartments come with distinct responsibilities and benefits, and appeal to various personalities. Renting a room in a house may grant guaranteed access to required amenities, but privacy and freedom to make the space your own may be limited. When looking at places, do not assess the cost of rent in isolation. There is always context; discern what is afforded to the renter within that cost, so that in the end, you get your money’s worth. For example, an apartment that charges $300 per month may seem better when compared to a room costing $500 per month at face value, but if laundry facilities, furniture, internet, cable and hydro costs are excluded from this charge, it doesn’t exactly make it clear to the renter how much money he/she will be spending in practice. When planning a viewing of a house or apartment, go with at least one other person, even if you will plan on living alone. A second pair of eyes means that someone else has a chance to point out any flaws in the aesthetic quality or structural integrity of the residence. It may be wise to carry a list of things that you should look for in a prospective home, as it can then be used to compare places that you visited. Arthur contacted Trent’s Housing Office and Director of Housing, Laura Store directed us to Trent’s online resource for off-campus housing. It gives some great tips on the entire process from searching for a place to terms of occupancy. Also, there are some useful notes on what are a student’s rights and responsibilities as a tenant. I recommend that first-time renters especially look at this article.
blackingouttheinternet By Wesley Collett-Taylor
By Anthony P. Gulston
When Arthur first reported on the CRTC (Canadian Radio and Television Commission) decision to force big TeleCom companies to bill independent ISPs on a Usage Based Billing model in November of last year, we speculated how it would affect prices for users of independent ISPs. Now TechSavvy, an emerging and rather successful independent ISP, has announced their new pricing model that seems to be fodder for media nay-sayers of the CRTC. The focal point of discussion seems to be that they are increasing rates $3-4 per month but when compared to Bell or Rogers, unlimited internet is still much cheaper with independents, and TechSavvy is not the only one. In Quebec, Electronic Box has also announced its new post-CRTC UBB decision prices and they are even lower than before for cable. “Rather than focusing on cost, the real story is competition,”
says Tech Lawyer Michael Geist on his blog. “This announcement is precisely what the CRTC had in mind when it released its decision. TekSavvy is offering far better plans than the incumbents.” The other big update is that Bell has stopped throttling the internet. The original logic was that P2P (peer-to-peer) applications, like BitTorrent, were using up all of the precious bandwidth and the stress on the infrastructure cost Bell lots of money which it had to shift onto the consumers (pirates). Now Bell claims that P2P traffic is down, which it is, but only because streaming is now a more popular way of getting music and movies. Companies like NetFlix have legitimized video streaming by offering this service in the free market instead of on the black market, and it is unethical for Bell to throttle their competition. “Hopefully Rogers will follow suit,” says Jesse Brown of TVO’s Search Engine.
Reddit has announced a 12-hour blackout on January 18th to protest two pieces of American legislation, SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (the Protect IP Act). The bills deal with online copyright issues and have been criticized as censorship. Representatives of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia have all spoken out against the bills, and are all reportedly considering joining the blackout. SOPA and PIPA’s notable supporters include politicians from both the democrats and the republicans, and many traditional media companies. They aim to control copyright issues through being able to blacklist (by having them removed from search engines, or blocked by service providers) foreign websites that illegally host copyrighted content, and by punishing individuals who break copyright law (streaming copyrighted content could result in a five-year prison sentence), and sites that facilitate these actions. Those who oppose the bill include civil liberties organizations, technology writers, online communities, and major websites. They oppose it because they believe the bill will restrict the innovations of the internet and give too much power to politicians and copyright holders, which could easily be abused in the form of censorship and does not effectively fight piracy. Omar El Akkad wrote in The Globe and Mail that SOPA is a “blueprint for ruining the internet”. It is hard to say what the result of a 12 hour blackout would do to the internet community. My only recommendation is, if you plan on writing that essay due on this Wednesday, January 18 “later”, do it now. It might be a bit more difficult to do so on that day.
Volume 46 | Issue 14 | January 16, 2012
Barrick Gold – Reko Diq Project : Another Controversy Fazl-e-Haider, a development expert on mining projects in Pakistan.
By Ayesha Asghar Reko Diq is a giant copper and gold project in Chaghi. The main license (EL5) of exploration is held jointly by the Government of Balochistan, Antofagasta Minerals and Barrick Gold. At present, the Government of Baluchistan has refused the license of mining to Tethyan Corporation (subsidiary of Barick Gold in Pakistan) for the Reko Diq project. The government claims that the corporation has not provided all the details in their exploration report and have not specified all the logistics. The case is currently in the appeal process at International Arbitration Committee after Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled in favour of Government of Baluchistan. The pre-feasibility study, which is an evaluation of a proposed mining project to determine whether the mineral resource can be mined economically, was finalized in the third quarter of 2009, and work on the feasibility study was completed in early 2010.Barrick bought a stake in the Reko Dig copper-gold project in Pakistan for $100 million in February from Antofagasta PLC, a Chilean mining group within the same time. Despite challenges posed by the presence of al-Qaida in some of its regions, Wilkins said Barrick would be “very interested” in more projects there. “Below the sands lie some 12.3 million tons of copper and 20.9 million ounces of gold. The copper-gold deposits at Reko Diq are believed to be even bigger than those of Sarcheshmeh in Iran and Escondida in Chile,” says Syed
Barrick has a 50% interest in Tethyan Copper Company (the other 50% is owned by Antofagasta plc), which has a 75% interest in the Reko Diq project and associated mineral interests (for a resulting 37.5% interest in Reko Diq). As of December 31, 2008, Barrick’s share of measured, indicated and inferred gold resources is 8.5 and 8.4 million ounces respectively. Barrick’s share of measured, indicated and inferred copper resources is 11.5 and 8.5 billion pounds respectively. A further 14 mineralized porphyry bodies are known to exist, with the potential to place the Reko Diq Project among the largest undeveloped copper resources on the globe. The Tethyan Copper Company has estimated annual production to be 200 to 500 million copper tonnes from the project. The Company started the Reko-Diq copper project in 2003 with an investment of US $130 million. Balochistan itself is one of the minerally rich provinces of the country which have provided energy resources in the form of coal, natural gas, etc. Although it has potential, it remains as one of the impoverished provinces in the country where people have not been able to benefit from the incentives that similar deals have offered in the past. There are many advocates of such mega projects who claim that the Baloch have benefited from the trickledown effect. The project is faced with an acute shortage of water for having no surface flow. The expected mining operations
in Reko Diq will depend on sub-surface water with the exploration of underground water potential in the region being a pre-requisite for any mining project. Mining uses sodium cyanide, arsenic and other chemicals which produce toxic by-products. Gold mining itself dumps 79 tonnes of waste for every 28 grams of gold and produces 96 per cent of the world’s arsenic emissions. Considering a country where labour rights are not that strong and corporations have survived on the needs of poor communities, it might be another human rights violation disaster similar to Papua New Guinea, Chile and Australia, yet to be seen. Although Tethyan Copper Corporation says that they are responsible for the whole project and will be employing locals who are experienced at the job to give back to the community, they have outsourced services to contractors such as Rockmore PVT LIMITED, Security 2000, Zia ul Haq & Company, Capital Drilling & Zain Drilling Company. In April 2008, Zain Drilling Company terminated the services of forty drilling assistants and recruited novices and non-locals. The AZAT Foundation has tried to protect their rights, and on June 14, 2008 a well-attended demonstration was held outside the Quetta Press Club. Reko Diq is a small town in Chagai District, Balochistan, Pakistan, in a desert area 70 kilometres north west of Naukundi, near to the Iran-Afghan border. According to mineweb.com, Reko Diq is one of the largest reserves of copper and gold discovered so far.
Mining Updates in Brief By Natalie Guttormsson
Ecuador – Chevron has been found guilty of environmental destruction, for the second time, by the court system in Ecuador. Chevron appealed a previous ruling that it must pay $18 billion for environmental destruction in the Amazon rainforest of Peru caused by Texaco Oil. Chevron bought Texaco in 2000 and has since refused to acknowledge their liability for the toxic mess in Ecuador. In spite of their persistent efforts, the Ecuador courts have once again declared the company must pay the communities who have been directly affected.
Chevron is currently pursing other means, outside of Ecuador, to avoid paying the communities in the Amazon. Chevron, as the company’s marketers claim, is using international law to uphold the US-Ecuador Bilateral Investment Treaty and pursue recourse from Ecuador in the Hague, Netherlands. The mining and extractive industries frequently employ very talented marketing teams that can spin any situation to make the industry look good. You too can have fun translating Chevron’s actions at the website chevronthinkswerestupid.org – for example: “You don’t get filthy rich… by cleaning up after yourself ”.
Peru – Over the break, the Prime Minister of Peru (an appointed position by the President), Oscar Valdes announced a new law that will make it mandatory for all future mining projects to establish an environmental conservation fund before projects begin. The new law comes in response to pressure from community protests across the country. Also announced was the creation of a new office to settle social conflicts related to the mining sector and other industry. An office similar to that proposed under Bill C-300 in Canada, which was voted down in 2010. This past summer, the government also passed a law that makes it mandatory for
Indigenous communities to be consulted before any industrial project is approved or implemented. Valdes also spoke about his government’s commitment to cracking down on illegal mining in Peru. The law is newsworthy enough to concern Canadian mining companies wanting to start projects in Peru. Yet, as is seen by Canada’s industryleading laws, environmental conservation funds do not lead to proper clean-up afterwards or less environmental impact. British Columbia – Things have started to heat up on the northern coast of B.C. as public hearings began on Tuesday, Jan. 10 in Kitimaat as part of the Environmental Assessment of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline project. More than 4300 groups and individuals have signed up to speak before the committee. Polls from varying sources show a mix of opinions across the province both in favour of new jobs and industry and against the risks of damage to the environment and coastline. The pipeline would also cross unseeded territories that are currently in the court systems between First Nations and the Province. Natural Resource Minister, Joe Oliver has been quoted as labelling those concerned about the pipeline as “radical groups,” “celebrities,” and “foreign interests.” His accusations undermine the efforts and opinions of communities in B.C. and their allies across the country who see the value in protecting valuable fresh water supplies, wild salmon runs, coastal wildlife and respecting the land claim process. Considering these claims were made by Oliver in his attempt to defend an industry that is largely dictated by foreign interests is shocking. The assessment is scheduled to run into 2013. Judging from the lead up to the public hearings, 2012 should be an interesting and dramatic year following the process in Kitimaat.
2011 – A year in (music) review - part 1 By Matt Jarvis The second year of the second decade of the new millennium made my music belly go up a notch on its belt. Peterborough has always been prolific in the audible arts, but something is happening right now that is pretty special. Be that as it may, being a musician does not necessarily mean you have any marketing sense, so there is a good chance that almost all of you have no idea that this is happening, and to be fair I might also be missing out if it wasn’t my remunerated interest to not be (never!). So in the afterglow of holiday giving, for the remainder of the month I will be bestowing upon you a selection of my favourite 2011 efforts by Peterborough artists of all genres. If you are tempted by my hyperbole, please purchase the band’s music on the web, or see them live at one of Peterborough’s fine venues. January is a lean month and the musician’s winter stores (beer) are sure to be growing thin.
The Express & Co. – Self Titled E.P. Country music has roots in Peterborough. I mean this in both the party in the back, cowboy barfing outside the Montreal house AND the politely playing banjo at the farmers market ways. And while I am not one to debase the occasional spiritual purging, the timbre of the following group can be deduced through the fact that a member actually DOES play banjo (politely) at the farmers market every Saturday on Lansdowne St. Dylan Ireland and the Express and Co. have managed to evoke the wide open spaces and dusty highways we associate with the genre, while keeping perspective through contemporary lyrical imagery. On the bands 2011 self titled EP, all this is accomplished in a “sad tip of the hat before I turn and walk away” kind of way. While the band does not offer anything wildly new, their sound is comfortable enough that it won’t matter to most. Give this a listen if you used to like Cuff The Duke before they abandoned prettiness for whatever it is they do now. Listen to “Out by the trees” at expressco.bandcamp.com
Soul Natural – The Way Out is In Fraser McDonald is a local spoken work poet. It is no surprise that his hip-hop project “Soul Natural” tends towards wordiness. Although this can be a disaster for flow, I think McDonald pulls it off. The extra syllables sometimes push him over the expected length of a bar, which creates a stagger in the sound and an extra point of interest. The lyrics are positive and intelligent, his tendency towards moving back to standard phrases about his “spitting rhymes” (etc) lead me to think that sections of the album were free styled into existence during the recording process. The record has six producers involved to varying degrees of success. Some tracks are incredibly tight, the borrowing reflex endemic to hip-hop is upheld on track five, which is lifted from Lalo Schifrin’s “Danube Incident” (made popular through Portishead’s “Sour Times”). If you enjoy books and social justice, Adeem and Lateef the Truth speaker, chances are you’ll dig Soul Natural. Listen to “Im ILL” at myspace.com/thinkingrhythm
Fire Flower Revue – White and Blue Album The first time I met Jarret Prescott, he drank all my wine and told me he loved me... I said thanks. These days I see him all over town on brisk jogs, or gazing thoughtfully out his storefront window. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out how this is a metaphor for the evolution of his electronic music project. Here’s what I’ve come up with. Fire Flower Revue is smarter now, more composed. The production is crisp and clean, the ever present garbled and filtered vocals have developed into the texture they were always reaching for. The mix of European scales played mournfully on an accordion or melodica with warm synths and technology beats create slow atmosphere, a visceral sense of time. While I was a big fan of his efforts with indie-electro and “club bangers,” the sophistication of this record is a really comfortable transition for me. Perhaps the collaboration with Meg Kendrick on the last couple albums has clicked something into place. It takes a true artist to mature with their audience, and even more so with themselves. I have long believed that Fire Flower Revue was Canada’s best undiscovered. And now I fear our city’s intimate relationship with the group is nearing its end. This record is going to come in slow and last a long time. Listen to “your wet basement” at fireflowerrevue.bandcamp.com
[anneemond.com] Comiques
Volume 46 | Issue 14 | January 16, 2012
AhandyvisualguidetoTrentRadio By Caileigh Morrison
“TheCriminalJourneyoftheDemonicAccident-FakingCouple” By Troy Bordun
This was just one of the many newspaper and magazine story titles that appeared in 1966 Japan after news broke of a poor couple abusing their 10 and 3 year old sons for monetary gain. The crime: the children would step in front of vehicles and fake an injury as the mother wailed and the father coaxed the driver out of thousands of yen. While pedestrian/vehicle accidents were common in post-war Japan – incidents too numerous to bother reporting – this particular case shocked film director Nagisa Oshima. In the late 50’s Shochiku Studios had a series of box-office failures and was also witnessing the success of French New Wave productions. This gave them ample reason to fund new projects by their assistant directors. Included among them were Masahiro Shinoda, who we will visit next week, and Nagisa Oshima. Oshima’s first film, A Town of Love and Hope in 1959, was to set the tone for future work. However it was not until Boy, made in 1969, that Oshima realized he had always been preoccupied with crime and youth. With Boy, Oshima would return to making films with “the heart of a novice,” commented Kathie Smith on her Blog Twin Cities Film Geek Galore. Oshima had been making political films during the 60’s later deciding to place a focus on characters’ inner experiences. To accomplish this, Oshima asserted he must not make a sensational film about the accidentfaking family, akin to stories portrayed in magazines; rather, in Boy, he and his team were to “create the parts that were buried between the incident [arrest] and superficial actions [crimes].” Here is Oshima’s divergence from the real family toward the creation of fictional characters to exhibit psychological insight. Audiences would have known the events, accidents, arrest, and brief history of the family’s poverty, but they did not know what drove them to criminal behaviour. This is what must be shown; this is its dramatic element. “I made this film with detachment on the one hand and prayer on the other,” says Oshima. “A prayer for the people who have to live like this.”
Trent Film Society presents Nagisa Oshima’s Boy (1969), Wednesday, January 18th at 9pm, Artspace, 378 Aylmer St.
Shortlist for Trent Reads 2012 by Sara Ostrowska
After sixteen nominations were received from Trent students, faculty, staff, and alumni, four books have been chosen for the shortlist of Trent Reads. A special Battle of the Books event will be held on Wednesday, February 1 at 7pm in Gzowski College, room 114. The entire Trent community is invited to participate by going online to vote for their favourite book from this selection. Voting dates will be announced. Here are summaries of the four books chosen:
Water for Elephants
The Flying Troutmans
by Sara Gruen
The story is told as a series of memories by a ninety-three year-old man who lives in a nursing home. As the memories begin, Jacob Jankowski is a twenty-three year old Polish American preparing for his final exams as a veterinary student during the Great Depression. When he receives the news that his parents were killed in a car accident, he has a breakdown and leaves school before graduation. He jumps on a train and learns it is a circus train belonging to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. So what does he do? He joins the circus.
by Miriam Toews In this story, a family of damaged, misfit Manitobans take a trip across the Western United States and down to the Mexican border. The narrator, Hattie Troutman, is a Canadian living in Paris and pretending to be an artist. Late one night, she receives a distress call from her older sister, Min, whom has suffered another psychotic breakdown. Despite the fact that it was Min’s chronic misery that sent Hattie fleeing to Europe, she flies home to arrange for her sister’s hospitalization and to hang out with her neglected and emotionally injured niece and nephew. Overwhelmed by the situations both at Min’s house and at the hospital, Hattie impulsively gases up the family van and drives the kids down into the States to search for their father.
Trent Library No
Trent Library
Peterborough Library
Audio, electronic, and hard copy
Peterborough Library
Hard copy, cd-book
$9.99 new
$15.88 new
$9.99 new
Chapters $16.72 new
The Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative by Thomas King This book explores how stories shape who we are and how we understand and interact with other people. Whether we talk about personal experiences, historical anecdotes, social injustices, racist propaganda, creation stories, or works of contemporary Native literature, King examines Native culture’s deep ties to storytelling. King ties in events from his own life as a child in California, an academic in Canada, and a Native North American with a discussion of stories told by and about Indians. King reminds the reader that storytelling carries with it social and moral responsibilities, whether the stories are native or non-native.
The Englishman’s Boy by Guy Vanderhaeghe In alternating chapters, two narratives (one set in the American West, the other in Twenties Hollywood) gradually unfold and intersect. The Western saga centers on a boy who attaches himself to a band of wolvers making their way through hostile Indian territory into Canada. In the Hollywood chapters, fifty years later, Saskatchewan native Harry Vincent is taken in hand by Rachel Gold, as a scenarist for a studio headed by the mysterious and elusive Damon Ira Chance. Chance dreams of producing an epic Western that will stand as a landmark of cinematic history, and hires Vincent to track down an old man whose story he thinks will help him fulfill this dream.
Trent Library
Trent Library
Yes, 3 copies on 3 hour reserve
Yes, 1 copy
Peterborough Library
Peterborough Library
Hard copy
2 hard copies
$14.40 new
$14.22 new
$15.16 new, $10.59 ebook
$13.64 new
Volume 46 | Issue 14 | January 16, 2012
Tender Buttons disorient, confuse and delight By Anthony P. Gulston
The Tender Buttons’ We Live Here Too show at The Planet Bakery on December 30 could only be described as pure inspiration. Since the band is relatively new, audiences are never sure what is going to happen. The diversity of the bands that they play with and their intricate yet somewhat familiar setup seem to leave audiences disoriented at first, but pleased once they have time to process what just happened. It is alienating to have the concepts you’ve formed around what a three piece rock show is be so subtly subverted and shifted. And the fact that they can fit so many different kinds of bills means that your expectations, even when based on the bands playing with them, never seem to be an accurate source for predicting what is going to happen. The show promised: “Male Nudity, Reckless Use Of The English Language, Haphazard Joy, Unusual Amounts Of Trouble, Music, Anxiety & Discomfort, Drunk Kids (WLH2!), Sober Performers, & A Sombre Regard For Social Protocol.” The start of the show was vague, guitar player and noise maker David Grenon left a tape playing on what was once a child’s
toy double cassette deck and spinning coloured light projector, now circuit bent to the point of absurdity. As the echo and delay start to corrode the woman’s voice on the tape, they take the stage filled with buttons, wires and boards as drummer Bennett Bedoukian taps out a sticky tick ticky tick on the drums to get the show started, I think. “We had no intention of playing baseball,” says Wes Grist, bass player and noise maker. Baseball happened to be the first song of the set. Much of the fluidity of the show came from the highs, lows and complex use of intonation, volume and pacing to elicit certain emotions and, at points, produce anxiety around when the song was over. People were never sure when to clap and while looking out into the sea of dumbfounded faces in the audience, most looked to their friends during points of, what they thought were, silence in order to start clapping. It wasn’t all awkwardness and anxiety, much of that was merely an unsure reaction to the very funny, joyful, interesting and unusually engaging songs. During Spring, there was a really funny bit where the Tender Buttons mused to themselves about the different friends they had with names of
fiction By Christian Metaxas
It wasn’t weed and they were smoking it out of an empty 2L of Coke, which meant it was probably crack. We had been invited to the birthday party of a mutual friend of ours. Rajeev, one of the stock boys from the local grocery where we had all worked, was finally turning nineteen. Naturally, it being a small town, everyone we knew from high school had also been invited. Rajeev was the only brown kid I knew that prayed to Allah five times a day and crushed pills all night. He was normally a real straight shooter, with a 90 average and a shy but pleasant demeanour. But tonight he was a high, sweaty animal running around his living room grinding girls he would regret grinding tomorrow. I sat there and watched him run laps around the bottom floor of his house like a horny hamster. My hands felt cold and sweaty as I sat on the ceramic tile, glancing to my left as I reached for my beer. Zeke slowly exhaled into Ally’s face as he leaned in to kiss her. I gulped down the rest of my beer and got up to walk around the house. As I bounced up in my haste, I smacked my head hard on the counter top above me. My greasy scalp digging into the corner hard... It would bleed for sure. “You alright dude?” Zeke asked after surfacing. “Yeah man,” I lied, “I’m just gonna go take a walk.” I recognized a lot of the faces from high school; these were the same people that made a point out of not being friends with me back then and were now clapping me on the back, asking me how college was going. After entertaining a few drunken queries, I circled back into the kitchen to get another drink, gripping my head as I went. The only light was the dull faded orange of the streetlights, peeking in through a chink in the metal window shades. Zeke was now on top of Ally with his right hand up her skirt, kissing her passionately, his left gripping onto the kitchen counter like it was the side of a sinking ship. I filled up my cup and waddled back into the living room, finding a nice comfy corner of a couch to sit down and watch people from. It was kind of weird to be back with all these people I
seasons. Weaving all of the sonic elements to the forefront then background of your attention made for the various drumbeats, bass lines, guitar riffs and noisy bits to become present to you, then fade without leaving, then become present to you again, reformed. So it was interesting to attempt to pay attention to one single happening on stage, because if you did, something else would be missed. The guitars blended into the noise elements so gradually that it would have been difficult to determine what was organic and what was electric if it had not been for the beat of the drum and the sound of very human voices. The organic element was definitely at the forefront during the song A.Mo/ Signals where the stunning conclusion is the orgasmic exasperations from the man slapping the skins. Some loved every second of the song because it replicated sensual elements so closely, but some became very reserved and unsure of what to do for the very same reason. The audience knew to clap after that one though, but the awkwardness demanded that they launch into their next song, “Wires”. “Wires” is a song that was previously played and written by a once active
Peterborough collaboration known as Gin and Sparrow. In their version it is played on a banjo and a violin. The Tender Buttons version is all their own. The raw, real, but precise passion the song demands is delivered by a stunning vocal performance by the godfather of soulless noise music, David Grenon. Wes Grist does an amazing improvised noise jam on his pedal that complimented the watery elements in the lyrics. It sounded like electric analog whale wails. Bennett layered David’s vocals but singing in an atonal sort of mumbling that gave the song its eerie heir. Wires totally hushed and humbled the entire crowd, too mesmerized to react, it took a second for everyone to get back to The Planet from wherever the Tender Buttons had just taken them. It was a perfect setup for their last song, “Demons”. After “Demons”, Bennett, in the most humble way, was the first one to clap as to signal the end of the show. The amount of showmanship and courage displayed was unusual for a Modest Mouse-esque rock show. I hesitate to call it anything but great, “if you like fond childhood memories or feeling a little out of place, this show is for you!”
the zone knew from back home. It’s so easy to get sucked into the social nightmare known as high school. Growing up, it’s one of the only social spheres you’re a part of, and after going away to school or living somewhere else for a while, you realize how much of a micro chasm of your life in high school really was. As I sipped my drink, I saw the Prom King bobbing his head as he guzzled some Fireball from a 40. His hair was thinning and I absolutely loved the thought that his life might have peaked at 17. Ally came bouncing up to me and grabbed the side of my arm, almost slipping right into the subwoofer. “I’m gonna head back” she said as Rajeev went to do a lap while shirtless. “I have to help my mom with the store tomorrow. Take care of Zeke huh? You know, none of the hard stuff.” I nodded; Ally gave me a sloppy peck on the check, did the same with Rajeev after she caught him, and headed out the door. After letting half of My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy play through, I finished my drink and proceeded to go check on Zeke. He was no where to be found on the main floor. I doubled back into the living room to make sure he hadn’t came in while I went out; he wasn’t there. “Hey man you seen Zeke? Ally told me to keep an eye on him, you know how he gets,” I asked Rajeev. “Naw man, maybe check my room, yeah?” Rajeev’s pupils were as big as apples; he was sweating buckets and had now stripped down to his underwear. If only Allah could see him now. I went down to the basement to see if Zeke had retreated to the place where we discovered the combination of weed and Super Smash Bros. All that was down there was a years worth of old clothing, a lamp without a shade, a couple of mattresses and five kids shooting heroin. I jogged all the way to the top floor, hearing noises from one of the bedrooms. Drunk and on a mission, I flung open the door without thinking. There was Zeke with his pants down bent over a boy who had his face dug into the carpet so hard that he could probably hear the termites fucking. I was infuriated. I knew he was a jerk and I knew he was probably fooling around with other people. But I had no
idea that ‘fooling around with other people’ was actually ‘fucking boys that made fun of me in high school in the ass.’ I stormed out just as quickly as I had entered, asking myself if I should go tell Ally. Would she be pissed off enough to break up with him, but still hurt and emotionally grounded enough to be with me instead? Before I could rationalize an answer, Zeke opened the door, zipping up his jeans as he opened his big fucking mouth. “Hey dude, you won’t tell Ally or anything, eh? Bros before hoes, man.” “I guess,” I replied, still furious and thinking about how I should handle this interesting new addition to my already complicated situation. “Tell you what, there are some kids downstairs shooting up, but I promised Ally I wouldn’t by myself, you wanna do it?” It was brilliant, before the words even slipped out of my mouth I knew how this night would end; manipulation was my forte, this is where I thrived, all I needed was one good shot. “Sure, anything for you buddy.” He smiled. As we made our way down to the basement I caught a glimpse of Rajeev from the foyer. He was on the couch entangled with what appeared to be a reasonably attractive girl. After Zeke and I plunked ourselves down onto one of the mattresses, he grabbed one of the spoons, I grabbed enough drugs to kill Charlie Sheen, and we got to work. I could hear the dull thud of the bass from upstairs, everything that was about to happen was so fucking sick that it was almost beautiful. “You go first,” nodding to him as a record scratched somewhere upstairs, and he did. I smiled; the high was so inviting, so intoxicating. I went upstairs smiling, leaving that roach to burn. I smiled my way into the living room and made a huge scene out of asking Rajeev to DJ. Zeke would soon OD. No one was sober enough to say otherwise. It would be ruled a routine overdose and I smiled my way home. The pain in my head felt cool and awesome. There would be a funeral soon; I’d have to use my best poker face.
Listings Yoghurt Making Workshop at the Seasoned Spoon: Wednesday, Jan. 18th at 4:30pm. Learn how to make your own delicious, healthy and cheap yoghurt. No special equipment required! Cost is $5 or pwyc- all welcome! Dr. Alice Legat is to deliver a public lecture: Bagnani Hall ( Traill Collage) on January 18, 2012 at 7:30pm entitled “Tłıcho Dene Monitoring the ‘Land’.” Dr. Legat will discuss how the Tłıcho are maintaining their traditional knowledge system and ways of being, while honouring the responsibilities of the boards, agencies, and governments as mandated in the Tłıcho Land Claim and Selfgovernment Agreement. All are welcome to this free and public event. For more information, please contact: Julia Harrison, director of the Frost Centre at Trent University, 705-748-1011 x6049, fcdirector@trentu.ca KWIC and Sustainable Trent Open House: January 19th. Interested in world issues? Campus sustainability? Want to get involved? Drop by the KWIC and Sustainable Trent Open between 11am and 1pm for a cup of hot cider and conversation, or just browse our free lending library and resources. We are located in the Environmental Sciences Centre in Room B101 (East Bank). Everyone welcome. www.kwic.info for more information. Peterborough English Country Dancers begin the new year with a Community Dance on Saturday, January 21, 2012, 7:30 p.m., at St John’s Anglican Church Guildhall, 99 Brock St, Peterborough. Join callers Tom Calwell and Myra Hirschberg as they lead you through some delightful traditional dancing from England and America. Live music with our house band. No need to bring a partner, families (6 and up) welcome. Adults $8, students $5, kids under 12 $2. Fore more info www.pecd.org or 705-745-1630 Peace Week at the Spoon: Skill Sharing Circle: Tuesday, Jan. 24th at 4:30pm. Join your friends at the Spoon and OPIRG for a discussion on bartering and skill sharing, while learning some new skills. If you know how to do something cool, come out and show the rest of us! Cost is by donation. Beer Making Workshop at the Seasoned Spoon: Wednesday, Jan. 25th at 4:30pm. Proof that not all yeast infections are bad... join a seasoned DIY brewmaster for an evening of bubbly delight. He’s got a wealth of knowledge and will show you how to make a mean beer from scratch. Cost is $5 or pwyc. KWIC invites you to Mix & Mingle with Mariatu Kamara (The Bite of the Mango, 2008 Annick Press) at ArtSpace, Saturday, Jan 28th: 6-7pm; food by Black Honey. Tickets include reserved seating at Showplace for KWIC presentation, “Youth, War & the Arts”, followed by ReFrame feature film. $10.00 student; $25 regular at KWIC, Titles Bookstore & The Spill. www.kwic.info or 705-748-1680. KWIC World Issues Café series presents “Youth, War and the
Arts: A Journey to Transformation” with Mariatu Kamara, UNICEF Special Representative for Children of Armed Conflict and Recipient of the Voice of Courage Award. Saturday, Jan 28th: 7:30pm at Showplace. Advance tickets at KWIC and Titles Bookstore and with admission to ReFrame Saturday night feature film. Info @ www.kwic.info or 748-1680 Jazz Duo, pianist Biff Hannon and vocalist Donna Collison at Curry Village, 306 George Street on Saturday, January 28th, 2012 from 6 pm to 9 pm. No Cover. The Havelock TEACH Centre is hosting its 4th annual Soup And Dessert Competition on Family Day, February 20, 2012 at the Havelock Community Centre. The event will begin at 1pm with FREE skating, followed with a soup and dessert competition and dessert auction. Chefs, both restaurant and hometown, are invited to enter a soup and/or dessert. For more information please call the Havelock TEACH Centre at (705) 778-7873 or email at brookewrightly@ gmail.com Tuesday Circus Art Jams: Come run away with the circus one night a week. Bring some circus toys or acts: hulahoop, poi, juggling, clown, dance, etc and come practice, share, and learn new circus skills. Don’t have any skills? Come anyways! There are always extra toys and willing teachers. Takes place at the Sadlier House Dinning Room Tuesdays 7pm-10pm. PWYC Donation. So come and enjoy the fun!
necessary to tackle the new semester successfully. Call 7481720 for more information or to make an appointment. Mock Interview: Participate in a Mock Interview! Get interview experience, get valuable feedback, network and meet professionals in a range of fields have your resume reviewed and targeted. Your first step is to attend one of our interview workshops happening on 3pm, February 14 at 10am, or March 8 at 10am. Go to www.trentu.ca/ careers to register for the workshops. The Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre is looking for dedicated volunteers to provide Peer Support for the women and men calling our 24-Hour Crisis Line. Free Crisis Intervention Training will be held in February! For more information please call the Volunteer Service Coordinator 705-748-5901 or ksacvolunteers@nexicom.net. HU Song Contemplation Regardless of your beliefs or religion, you can sing HU to become happier and more secure in God’s love. Join us for a 2030 minute contemplation, every 1st Monday of the month, 7:30pm Sadleir House, 751 George St. N. No charge. Need $ for your theatre activity? Theatre Trent’s funding proposal deadline this month! Apply @ www.theatretrent.ca. We are welcoming new executive
members to write cheques for theatre-makers and gain nonprofit Board experience: you are needed.You are welcome to borrow props and costumes from the storage space at Sadleir House - email theatretrent@ trentu.ca
Send your listings in to listings@trentarthur.ca it’s free!
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Staff Collective Meeting Friday, January 27, 2012 at 12PM in Sadlier House Lecture Hall Agenda: 1) Opening remarks 2) Election of new staff collective director 3) Discussion of potential replacement of Iris Hodgson 4) Other business 5) Adjournment Send additions to agenda to: editors@trentarthur.ca
Dance your Bones: Move freely to music from around the world. Every Thursday 6pm-8pm at All Saints Anglican Church Hall, 235 Rubidge St. Peterborough. The cost is $10 ( sliding down to $5). For more information please contact (705) 750-0411 Students - St John Ambulance is Canada’s leader in first aid training - We offer courses every weekend and many weekdays and weeknights. Renew your CPR in 1 evening - most courses include a student discount. If you need to renew your first aid certificate or take a course for the first time contact St John Ambulance 705 7450331 sjapeterborough@bellnet. ca sja.ca 30 Crafts Market: a nonprofit initiative to support handcrafting and the connection between artisans/craftspersons and the general public in the Kawarthas. This event is still open to crafters/artisans who would like to sell their goods. The market will be held May 12, 2012 in Peterborough Ontario. Booths are 15 dollars. To apply, visit 30craftsmarket. webs.com. Want help keeping your academic New Year’s resolutions? The Academic Skills Centre offers one-on-one appointments that can help you become a more effective and efficient student and writer. ASC instructors are experienced professionals with graduate degrees from a variety of disciplines, including English, Canadian Studies, History and Mathematics. Let us help you acquire the skills
Volume 46 | Issue 14 | January 16, 2012