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Water levels now Easter fun in Norwood as high as in 2008 By John Campbellford
News - Trent Hills - Local officials were keeping a close watch on conditions along the Trent River this week, ready to help evacuate residents from properties where there was flooding. As of Monday no one had to be helped from their homes even though “water levels had pretty much reached the 2008 levels,” the last time there was a major flood in Trent Hills, Mayor Hector Macmillan said. “No one has requested an evacuation. If anyone’s left they haven’t told us.” Trent Hills Fire Chief Tim Blake said firefighters and public works employees built sandbag dykes at 28 residences in Green Acres and along Cedar Drive in Hastings. “We got all the vulnerable ones we identified from 2008,” he said. “Some places [that] got hit we can’t do anything for.” Laurie Beaubien, a Green Acres resident, said she and everyone else in the community near Hoards Station, were “extremely thankful” for the sandbags firefighters and public works staff spent a half-day last week stacking around their residences. “These guys are so fabulous,” she said. She moved to Green Acres from Port Hope ten years ago because the area is “beautiful—but it’s very frightening in the spring when flooding happens,” she said. “It’s very
worrying.” Macmillan said “all residents who requested help [got] looked after … Currently we’re holding our own and we’re able to keep up with the requests.” He and Blake noted many residents took it upon themselves to protect their properties with sandbags. “A lot of people are doing their own this year,” Blake said. Macmillan said so far the high water levels haven’t had the same impact as the municipality’s “first real big flood” in 2008, when “there was a lot of unknowns.” Trent Hills learned from that experience, he said. “We can be more proactive now rather than responsive.” Council recently made clear that the municipality in future will no longer build dykes of sandbags in flood-prone areas because it costs tens of thousands of dollars annually even though it isn’t the municipality’s responsibility when people’s lives aren’t at risk. “I know council wants to get out of this business but … I don’t know how we can ever totally get out of it,” the mayor said. “Where do people turn, even if someone wanted to sandbag their own house. They wouldn’t even know where to get the sandbags.” The mayor said he understands “it’s not a municipal responsibility” to be “floodproofing” residences in low-lying areas but Trent Hills Please see “Officials” on page 2
Kaileigh Stanley, four, of Norwood, was delighted with the colourful balloon animal she had made by Razberry the Clown during Saturday’s delightful Easter party hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 300 in Norwood Saturday afternoon. Photo: Bill Freeman
Councillor raises questions over pay adjustments
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News - Trent Hills - The municipality’s 16 non-union municipal employees have been given a two per cent pay increase, although one councillor had “a bit of a problem” with the rationale used to support the decision: a cost-of-living adjustment to match that given more than 60 unionized staff. Councillor Kim MacNeil agreed “it’s useful to pay people properly in management” but the increase
shouldn’t be tied to what was agreed upon in a union contract. She said she would be “happier” to see the non-union group be given a one per cent raise more in line with the recent trend in the consumer price index. CAO Mike Rutter made the recommendation for a two per cent adjustment, saying in his report to council the practice has been to give non-union staff cost of living
adjustments similar to what the municipality’s unionized workers receive “to maintain the gap between our front line and management positions, to ensure we remain competitive when recruiting, and to retain our existing staff.” “I don’t think it’s a good mechanism,” commented MacNeil, who said she supported pay raises where there
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has been a change in responsibility or when there’s a vacant position that needs to be filled with a qualified person. By giving out “blanket” increases, “all you’re doing is having bracket creep for everything, you’re just adding expense everywhere,” she said. Councillor Bill Thompson said a two per cent wage in-
crease “is not very much” and council has a history of hiring “the best staff” it can and keeping their salary updated. Councillor Rosemary Kelleher-MacLennan spoke in favour of a two per cent increase across the board “so all our employees are treated fairly,” which helps retain staff and reduces the likelihood of their leaving, and then having to find replacements, who need to be trained, which costs time and money.
Please see “Councillor” on page 2
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Officials keep a close watch on the Trent River
Continued from page 1
“needs to play a role” in helping people under stressful conditions. “People are very appreciative of getting the help,” he said. “We need to build a better mouse trap on how we’re going to deal with it.”
Trent Hills issued a news release April 17 advising residents experiencing flooding to leave their homes and to find alternative accommodations; “the concern … is possible well contamination and septic system failure.”
They were “strongly encour- tions, and a cellphone; arrange to off if recommended by utility and family of where they were aged” not to drink or use well have water and electricity turned companies; notify close friends staying, and lock their homes. water. The municipality recommended residents prepare an emergency kit with essential supplies, including food, water, medications, copies of prescrip- Continued from page 1 Mayor Hector Macmillan said Trent Hills “is Rutter said the overall cost to the municipality in the middle of the pay grid” for municipalities added up to $22,000. in Northumberland County in what it pays its em“It’s the principle, not the dollar amount,” Mac- ployees. Neil said, pointing there are “other tools to reward Rutter said “here are many reasons staff stay and management and performance is one of them.” I suspect that salary is not at the top of the list,” but Rutter said “the challenge” with tying employ- that Trent Hills “is a great place to work.” ees’ performance to the achieving of corporate He agreed there is a “need to look at a better sysgoals is that it’s “probably to be more expensive, tem,” where merit pay increases are aligned with not less expensive.” “very specific, very measurable objectives.”
Councillor has “a bit of a problem”
Eggs-cellent party in Norwood
Trent Hills firefighters and public works employees built dykes of sandbags at 28 locations in low-lying areas April 16. Photo: John Campbell
The County Connection (705) 743-0380 • 1-800-710-9586 Email:
Public Notice County Council will meet on the following days at 9:30 a.m. to conduct its regular monthly business:
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Council Meeting Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Council Meeting Council Chamber, Peterborough County Court House, 470 Water Street, Peterborough, ON
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Council Special Meeting – Road Tour County Council will meet on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. at the Douro Depot, for its annual Public Works Road Tour Meetings are open to the public, with the exception of items that will be dealt with in closed session in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25. The County Council Agenda, and any required Addendum Agendas, will be available online prior to the meeting at DocumentList.aspx?ID=110125 For further information, or to obtain paper copies of the Agenda, please contact Sally Saunders at (705) 743-0380 x 301 or
The County of Peterborough prides itself in being a top employer! If you are interested in a career at the County, please check out our employment opportunities at employment-opportunities We’re now on Twitter! Follow us @PtboCounty Purchasing – All tender/proposal/quotation document ads can be found at 2 The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014
WAtcH FoR WilDliFe With spring finally here, collisions with wild animals will be on the rise. These collisions can result in serious vehicle damage, personal injury or even death. Reduce Your Collision Risk WATCH • Scan the road ahead from shoulder to shoulder. When you see wildlife beside the road, slow down and pass carefully as they may suddenly bolt onto the road. • Watch for the yellow wildlife warning signs that indicate an area of increased risk. Slow down when travelling through these areas. • Use high beams at night where possible and watch for glowing eyes of animals STEER • Stay in control. Watch your speed and take extra precautions when driving at night as visibility is greatly reduced. Slowing down will give you that extra second to respond. • Never swerve suddenly. This could cause your vehicle to go out of control or head into oncoming traffic. BRAKE • Brake firmly if an animal is standing on, or crossing, the road. Never assume the animal will move out of your way. STOP • Stop as safely as possible if a wild animal is crossing the road. Remember, if one animal crosses the road, others may follow. If possible, avoid driving during dusk or dawn when most wildlife collisions occur. Swerving to avoid hitting a wild animal may result in a more serious collision. If hitting a wild animal is unavoidable, remember to stay in control. R0012657964
Monique Lunn, eight, and her brother Keagan, seven, stopped off at the egg-painting station that was part of the delightful Easter party hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 300 in Norwood Saturday afternoon. Photo: Bill Freeman Carolyn Hasselman, eight, of Havelock, enjoyed her time at the entertaining Easter party hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 300 in Norwood Saturday afternoon. One of the most popular attractions at the party was Razberry the Clown who turned out all sorts of colourful balloon creatures. Photo: Bill Freeman
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TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at the Municipal Office, 66 Front Street South, Campbellford, Ontario. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at the Municipal Office, Campbellford. Description of Lands: 1. Roll 1435-229-040-13328 Part Lot 3 Concession 8 Percy Part 126, RDCO104; T/W CL105429; Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51219-0442 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $2675.71 2. Roll 1435-229-030-07108 Part Lot 14, Con 5 Percy Part 24, RDCO45, Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51224-0333 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $8964.72 3. Roll 1435-332-030-23101 Lot 8, Block A Plan 51, Percy, Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51215-0096 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $4672.09 4. Roll 1435-332-030-23102 Lot 11, Block A Plan 51, Percy Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51215-0096 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $5400.42 5. Roll 1435-332-030-23103 Lot 12, Block B Plan 51, Percy Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51215-0191 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $3958.16 6. Roll 1435-229-040-13378 Part Lot 3, Concession 8 Percy Part 176, RDCO104, T/W 103710 formerly Seymour; Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51219-0487 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $2940.40
7. Roll 1435-229-040-13368 Part Lot 3, Concession 8 Percy Part 166, RDCO104, T/W NC277801; Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51219-0477 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $2880.93 8. Roll 1435-229-040-13370 Part Lot 3 Concession 8 Percy Part 168, RDCO 104, T/W CL108067; Trent Hills Vacant Land PIN 51219-0479 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $2442.03
May 12 – May 16, 2014
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May 19 - May 23, 2014
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The Municipality of Trent Hills will be conducting fire hydrant flushing and flow testing in the Urban Centres of Campbellford, Hastings and Warkworth as part of our maintenance program. The Municipal Water Staff will make every effort to maintain this schedule. In some areas, flushing operations may be carried out in the late evening and early morning to minimize the disruptions that can occur to your water supply during these operations. Customers may experience discoloured water. If you do, it would be advisable to refrain from doing laundry or using hot water until the water clears.
9. Roll 1435-229-040-13373 Part Lot 3 Concession 8 Percy Part 171, RDCO104, T/W CL108609; Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51219-0482 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $2437.62
Trent Hills Municipal Office 653-1900 for more information
10. Roll 1435-229-040-13379 Part Lot 3 Concession 8 Percy Part 177 on RDCO104, T/W CL103933; Trent Hills Vacant Land PIN 51219-0488 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $2666.66
Municipality of Trent Hills
11. Roll 1435-229-040-13380 Part Lot 3 Concession 8 Percy Part 178, RDCO104, T/W 103937; Trent Hills Vacant Land - PIN 51219-0489 LT Minimum Tender Amount: $2883.02
Supply and Deliver One (1) Current Year, 2X4 Regular Cab and Chassis with Haul-All M Class M1400 Multi Purpose Modular Collection Body with a GVWR of 19,500 lbs.
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact:
Janice West – Tax Collector (705) 653-1900 Ext 230 Shelley Eliopoulos –Treasurer (705) 653-1900 Ext 232 Jim Peters – Director Planning (705) 653-1900 Ext 234 Fax: (705) 653-5203 The Corporation of the Municipality of Trent Hills PO Box 1030, Campbellford, Ontario K0L 1L0 Or Visit our Website at: to obtain a copy of the Tax Sale Package. Packages are also available for pick up at the Municipal Office.
Request for Tender FLT 2014-01
Sealed Requests for Tender, plainly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to Margaret Montgomery, Clerk, Municipality of Trent Hills, 66 Front Street South, P.O. Box 1030, Campbellford, Ontario, K0L 1L0, will be received until the specified closing time and date: Supply and Deliver One (1) Current Year, 2X4 Regular Cab and Chassis with M Class M 1400 Multi Purpose Modular Collection Body with a GVWR of 19,500 lbs. Closing Time and Date: 2:00 p.m., local time May 1, 2014 Any additional information please contact: Steve Cam, Fleet Manager 705-632-0820 Shop The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 3
“It’s so much fun for the kids” By Bill Freeman
Ryder Adair, eight, and his brother Rhys, five, hold up one of the prizes that was up for grabs at the seventh annual Havelock Lions Easter Egg Hunt that was held in the Lions Community Hall Saturday. As usual, a large crowd turned up for the entertaining event. Photo: Bill Freeman
Community garden will grow at seniors building
down slightly from last year. But that didn’t lessen the fun dished out by the Lions. “I don’t think the kids will even see a difference,”
said Blakely. “Everybody is so excited for Easter and spring and sunshine. It’s nice that we’re not in the snow trying to organize it.”
By Bill Freeman
News - Havelock - The Nourish Havelock community garden will blossom at the Peterborough Housing Corporation’s seniors building on George Street. The volunteer group is on side with the municipality’s recommendation that the George Street property be used for the garden and is eager to meet with residents to discuss the project. The municipality has agreed to a one-time funding infusion of $12,000 drawn from its Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund. Nourish Havelock had originally hoped to create their garden behind the medical centre but township council rejected that site but was anxious to see the project ma-
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terialize suggesting there were better sites available. “It’s a good location,” says public works manager Brian McMillan. “We can try to keep the garden as close to the community centre as possible to give the tenants room.” The cost of supplying water to the site will be “minimal,” says McMillan, and because of its proximity to the school there might also be some “partnering” opportunities. The biggest chunk of the $12,000 budget could be spent on installing a “visual barrier,” perhaps a maintenance-free vinyl fence, if council feels that’s warranted, he added. “The price of the water line would be substantially less than the other two sites [medical centre, Old Norwood
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Dylan MacDonald, six, and Casey MacDonald, five, select one of the special golf balls that led youngster to the special Easter treasures that were hidden for the seventh annual Havelock Lions Easter Egg Hunt which drew a large crowd to the Havelock Lions Community Hall Saturday. Photo: Bill Freeman
News - Havelock - The Havelock Lions and the Easter Bunny have bonded well over the years and that was evident Saturday when hundreds of children and their families filled the Lions Community Hall for the seventh annual Easter egg hunt. And as usual, it was organized pandemonium with youngsters searching for treasure and holding onto prizes. “It’s so much fun for the kids [and] we probably get more fun out of it than they do watching them run around,” said Lions member Vicki Blakely, the event’s chief organizer. “The kids will be through here and it will be like a tornado for about an hour,” Blakely said. “A lot of what the Lions do helps children but it’s across the world or in the community and you don’t personally get to see it so this is a great opportunity for us to enjoy the joy they get from it.” Despite the temptation, the Lions have kept the event indoors and with the winter just ended with only hints of spring it is just as well. “Unfortunately you can’t depend on the weather so I think we’ll keep it indoors,” says Blakely. “You just never know what you’re going to get.” This year’s event was “scaled back a little bit” because donations were
Road],” McMillan said, perhaps as low as $700. The cost of fencing might be as high as $10,000 but could be “scaled back to 70 per cent of the area.” “I think a lot of the cost saved with the water line would be [taken up] by having a privacy fence put around the back of the residence and have a small four-foot buffer for residents so they don’t have to see the garden.” “I hope that the residents would see this as an attractive piece of something in their community,” said Deputy-mayor Andy Sharpe. “I hope that will come out as a positive side of things [during a meeting with Nourish and the Housing Authority].” CAO Pat Kemps says Peterborough Housing Corporation property manager Bob Gillespie is “very excited about the concept.” Gillespie is in favour of the project and will take it to his general manager and board of directors. The Nourish plan will not change with the group building 20 completely accessible raised garden beds. They expect to receive some funding from the YWCA along with in-kind material donations. There will be the same pathway accessibility with only minor changes, says McMillan. “Everything else will stick to the original plan.” “Our intent would be get as many people in the building to have gardens,” says Nourish chair Les Morris. “This is the very population we are aiming our project at. The main aim is to suit it to that population. The site is very feasible.” Morris says an agreement between the municipality and Peterborough Housing is “very doable.” “We want to see this project move forward,” Mayor Ron Gerow said. Gerow wants Nourish to take advantage of the 2014-planting season but still wants staff to provide more information about things like fencing. Starting the garden on the property is “paramount,” he says, but they need to know more about things the municipality will be responsible for. “Once residents understand what’s going on there they will enjoy it,” said Councillor Jim Martin. “There are folks in the building who I’m sure will love to have a place to garden,” Gerow added.
Volunteers help “grow communities” HBM backs access to recreation policy By Bill Freeman
News - Havelock - The Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen has come out strongly in favour of an access to recreation policy crafted by municipal representatives from across the county and city. The initiative has brought together the Peterborough County-City Health Unit, the eight municipalities that make up Peterborough County and the City of Peterborough in exploring ways to make recreation more “accessible, affordable and inclusive.” HBM has been part of the county-city committee which has met regularly to discuss access to recreation, both “structured” and “unstructured,” and services and facilities that help promote health and healthy living. “Municipalities can create these opportunities by designing community recreation facilities and services and creating administrative systems that enable residents to participate in ways that meet their needs,” says HBM Economic Development Officer Brian Grattan. The policy has the added value of supplementing requirements under the province’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). “When they say access to recreation it’s not all about AODA, it’s also about breaking [barriers],” Grattan told council. One of those barriers can be cost, he said. An example of that in HBM was the public school board’s policy that prohibited children from skating at the arena unless they wore CSA-approved helmets. With not every student at Havelock Belmont Public School having helmets, skating programs were cancelled until township council stepped in and provided funding for helmet purchases. School skating programs resumed and have become a popular winter activity. With the municipality setting an example, the Smitty’s Wish committee “jumped in” and purchased skates. “There’s a prime example of council removing a barrier to allow someone to actively participate in recreation in the community,” said Grattan. Restoring the municipality’s Concession Street Park tennis court is another, he added, as are subsidies to support figure skating, minor soccer and softball. “Councils have done a great job over the years and I know that we feel it’s an important service offered to the community.” “Rural municipalities face many financial and geographical challenges in ensuring that residents have access to recreation opportunities,” said Grattan. “There are significant health and social issues that have evolved due to the lack of participation by residents in a variety of physical, cultural, social and recreational activities.” “Council and staff have always been strong advocates of making recreation accessible for residents,” Grattan said. Please see “HBM” on page 6
Care Havelock’s team of 75 volunteers, many of whom were recognized with special service pins during an afternoon luncheon. “For all that you do for us it’s the one day we can give back to you,” local Community Care co-ordinator Tammy Ross added. “We want to celebrate the many ways you help us grow this community. “Today is your day,” said Ross. “Volunteers grow communities” is the theme of this year’s series of Community Care appreciation celebrations and in HBM that’s especially evident through the work of those who help deliver a multitude of programs through the organization. “Volunteering help connect people, breaks down barriers and creates a sense of belonging,” says Belair. “As our client base grows so does our need for volunteers. This is how your community grows, by supporting and caring for each other.” In HBM, the 75 volunteers contributed over 10,400 hours of service in a variety of capacities. “Volunteers are absolutely crucial” to the well-being of the township, says HBM Mayor Ron Gerow. “We are blessed beyond belief.” Without volunteers, Gerow says there are many things that would not be able to happen in the township. “Council is very proud to support Community Care programs,” he said.
“Without these programs and that two years, Jessica Aubrey, Lois Mc- Crimmon, Diane Neill, Heidi Rivera, help there would be a lot of people in Neely, Merv McNeely, Shelly Paddison, Dona Thyret, John Tompson, Tamara Christina Schaar, Deborah Sheppard; Tompson, Rose Wakefield; ten years, despair.” Gerow recalled a tour he took last five years, Elaine (Kitty) Bast, Eleanor Diane Hall, Bob Morrison; 20 years, year as part of the Mayors for Meals day Cheyne, Ann Hershburg, Linda Mac- Merle Slack where he saw “firsthand the great things that come from the program. “People not only appreciate the efforts of the program” but the social aspect of it as well, he noted. Community Care board president Geoff Quirt says the board takes volunteer recognition “very seriously because we know Community Care would be nothing without the efforts of people like you.” The work volunteers do is “tremendously valued and tremendously important,” Quirt said. Volunteer Development Co-ordinator Karen Hartford reminded guests that their volunteers are the “hands and feet Receiving volunteer service pins from Community Care Havelock were (l-r) Dona Thyret, five years; of Community Care. “A lot of times you are the face of Rose Wakefield, five years; Jessica Aubrey, two years; Kitty Bast, five years; Lois McNeely, two years; Community Care,” Hartford said. “You Anne Hershburg, five years; Diane Neill, five years; Shelly Paddison, two years; Linda MacCrimmon, are also the first point of contact. You five years; John Tompson, five years; Merv McNeely, two years and Tamara Tompson, five years. Photo: Bill Freeman are our true representative.” When clients think of Communi≠ ty Care they think of volunteers, she said. “You are the ≠ ≠ connection to our clients.” ≠ Receiving service pins were: CANADA’S URBAN UTILITY VEHICLE THE ALL-NEW 2014
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taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount.& WINDSHIELD
U Sorento EX shown 1 SATELLITE WINDSHIELD WIPER DE-ICER RADIO U $34,794 cash1 purchase price RADIO Sorento EXWIPER shownDE-ICER
0.99 financing
THENEW NEW2014 2014 Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $129 bi-weekly payments include $1,120 Throwback hwy / city 100km THE Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2015 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BF), financing 84 100km hwy /for city months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $164. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be 7.0L/10.0L taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount. 7.0L/10.0L Sorento EX shown
$34,794 cash purchase price
89 89
$ NEW 2014 THE NEW 2014 $THE $$
hwy / city 100kmÓ
& &
hwy / city 100km %% DOWN. 7.0L/10.0L $0$0 DOWN. hwy / city 100kmÓ Ó
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7.0L/10.0L financing
& $0 DOWN. PRICING $Throwback % include $1,504 36 THROWBACK 89 $0 DOWN. Includes Variable1 Pricing Incentive. $89 bi-weekly payments
BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS. bi-weekly payments
Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $89$89 bi-weekly payments include $1,504 Throwback Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. include $1,504 Throwback WAS financing BI-WEEKLY for theLX Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Sportage MT FWD (SP551E), financing for 84 months. MANUAL Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 6-SPEED Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E), financing for 84 months. 15 MONTHS. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments first increase Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as Throwback Pricing incentive. Payments onPricing 2014 Sportage LXtaken MTaasFWD &to $136. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to are $136.based Throwback Incentive may be a lump sum or to reduce financed$ % increase lump1E), sum or to reduce financed amount. After 15 months, bi-weekly financing (SP55 financing for 84amount. months. payments to $0 DOWN. 6-SPEED MANUAL $40,094 cash purchase price for the $136. Throwback Pricing incentive mayBI-WEEKLY be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed first 15 MONTHS. amount.≠ Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $89 bi-weekly payments include $1,504 Throwback
Sportage SX Luxury shownU U Sportage SXpurchase Luxury shown $40,094 cash price
136 89
Sportage SX Luxury shownU $40,094 cash purchase price
705-653-2221 1-877-653-2226
BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.
& 6-SPEED AUTOMATIC taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount.
$34,794 cash purchase price
& Incentive. $89 bi-weekly payments include $1,504 Throwback Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E), financing for 84 months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $136. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount. &
financing Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Sportage LX MTMANUAL FWD (SP551E), financing for 84 months. 6-SPEED
Add dealer administration fees (ranging from $0 up t $399), fuel-fill charges upmonths, to $100bi-weekly and applicable taxes. After 15 payments increase to $136. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a Sportage SX Luxury shownU $40,094 cash purchase price
lump sum or to reduce financed amount. &
Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $89 bi-weekly payments include $1,504 Throwback
Kia’s new Customer Friendly Pricing includes new Customer Friendly Pricing includes delivery and destination fees and all mandatory Pricing Incentive. delivery and Customer destination Friendly fees and Pricing all mandatory *5-year/100,000 km government levies. Prices do not include fuel-fill Payments are based on 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E), financing for 84 months. Kia’s new includes Rebate worry-free charges up to $100, dealer administration fees up to government Prices do notand include fuel-fill comprehensive delivery andlevies. destination fees all licensing mandatory After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $136. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a warranty. $399, charges up to $100, dealer administration fees uportoapplicable taxes. government levies. Prices do not include fuel-fill $399, licensing or applicable Sportagetaxes. SX Luxury shownU lump sum or to reduce financed amount. &
*5-year/100,000 km YOU COVERED worry-free comprehensive *5-year/100,000 km warranty. worry-free
Offer(s) available on select new 2013/2014/2015 models through participating to qualifi ed retail customers who take delivery byfees April 30, 2014. charges up to dealers $100, dealer administration upDealers to may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers are subject to change without notice. All pricing includes delivery and destination comprehensive fees up to $1,665, $5 OMVIC fee, $29 tire tax, other taxes, environmental fee, VIN etching, anti-theft productscash and $100 purchase A/C charge (where applicable). $40,094 price Excludes licensing, registration, insurance, fuel-fill charges up to $100, dealer administration fees up to $399, and down payment (if applicable and unless otherwise specified). Other lease and financing options also available. **Offer available on the retail purchase/lease warranty. $399, licensing or applicable taxes. of any 2014 Rondo model from participating retailers between April 1–30, 2014, upon proof of current ownership/lease of a competitive cross-over vehicle. Competitive models include specific VW, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Hyundai, Honda, GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles. Some conditions apply, ask your retailer or go to for complete details. †Offer available on the retail purchase/lease of 2013/2014 Sportage AWD Offer(s) available on select new 2013/2014/2015 models through participating dealers to qualifi ed retail customers who take by April 30,be2014. Dealers sell orpurchase/lease lease for less. Sometaxes. conditions apply.for See dealer for'Cash complete may include optional accessories andofupgrades cost. Allselling offers subject to cannot change withoutwith notice. includes purchasedetails. price for theVehicles new 2014 shown Rondo LX MT (RN551E) is $18,594 and includes a cash savings $5,000 (whichavailable is deducted at fromextra the negotiated priceare before taxes and be combined specialAll leasepricing and finance offers). delivery and destination models from participating retailers between Aprildelivery 1-30, 2014. $500 Credit will deducted from themay negotiated price before See your retailer complete details. available O.A.C. on financing offers onExcludes new 2013/2014 models. Financing for 84 months example:fuel-fi 2014 Sportage LX MTup FWDto(SP551E)/2015 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BF) withtoa $399, purchaseand pricedown of $24,794/$28,794 $1,665 freight/PDI) financed at 0%/0.99% for 84-month periodlease with $0and downfipayment 32 reduced payments followed may sell for less. &Throwback fees up to $1,665, $5 OMVIC fee, $29 tire tax, other taxes, environmental fee, VIN etching, Retailer anti-theft products and $100Pricing A/C charge (where applicable). licensing, registration, insurance, ll charges $100, dealer administration fees up payment(including (if applicable and unless otherwise specifi ed). Other nancingequals options alsobi-weekly available. **Offofer$89/$129 available on the retail purchase/lease byqualifi 150 bi-weekly payments of $136/$164. Costtake of borrowing is $0/$1,015 and total obligation is $24,794/$29,809. Throwback Pricing Incentive variesconditions by model andapply. trim levelSee anddealer may be taken as a lump sumdetails. or to reduce the financed amount. Throwbackoptional Pricing Incentive for the 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E)/2015 Sorentocost. 2.4L LXAll AT FWD (SR75BF) is $1,504/$1,120 (a $47/$35without reduction innotice. 32 bi-weekly payments).includes delivery and destination Off er(s) available on select new 2013/2014/2015 models through participating dealers to ed retail customers who delivery by April 30, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some for complete shown mayTheinclude accessories upgrades available at extra offdetails. ers are subject to change All pricing of any 2014 Rondo model from participating retailers between April 1–30, 2014, upon proof of time current a competitive cross-over vehicle. modelsfinancing includeis available specificonVW, Nissan, Mazda, Hyundai, FordVehicles and Chrysler vehicles. conditions apply, askand your or go to complete er available on the retailSX purchase/lease of 2013/2014 Sportage AWD 6 Model shown Manufacturer Suggested Retailretailer Price for 2015 Sorento 3.3L EX for AT AWD (SR75HF)/2014 Rondo†Off EX Luxury (RN756E)/2014 Sportage AT Luxury AWD (SP759E) Limited offer. ownership/lease See retailer for completeofdetails. Throwback Pricing is a trademark of KiaCompetitive Canada Inc. 0% purchase selectToyota, new 2013/2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms varyHonda, by modelGM, and trim, see dealer for complete details. Some ' insurance, fuel-fill charges up to $100, dealer administration fees up to $399, and down payment (if applicable and unless otherwise specified). Other lease and financing options also available. **Offer available on the retail purchase/lease fees up from to $1,665, $5 OMVICretailers fee, $29between tire tax,April other1-30, taxes, environmental fee,beVINdeducted etching,isfrom anti-theft productsÓpurchase/lease and $100 fuel A/Cconsumption charge (where applicable). Excludes licensing, registration, Cash purchase for2.4L the4-cyl new(A/T). 2014These Rondo LXestimates MT (RN551E) is $18,594 and includes a cash savings $5,000 deducted from the negotiatedGuide. selling before taxes and cannot combined with special models participating 2014. $500 Credit will the negotiated price before taxes. retailer for complete details. Highway/city is based on theSee 2015 your Sorento LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2014 Rondo 2.0L GDI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014price Sportage updated are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteriaofand testing (which methods. is Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Your price actual fuel consumption will vary based be on driving habits and other and finance offers). $34,495/$32,195/$38,295. 1 & Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation. °The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. of any 2014 from participating retailers between 1–30,off 2014, upon of current ownership/lease of84amonths competitive cross-over vehicle.LXCompetitive models include specifi Nissan, Mazda, Ford and Chrysler vehicles. Some conditions apply, atask0%/0.99% your retailer or go to complete details. †Offerequals available on the retail purchase/lease 2013/2014followed Sportage AWD Pricing available O.A.C. on April financing ersKia’s on newproof 2013/2014 Financing for example: 2014 Sportage MT FWD (SP551E)/2015 Sorento 2.4Lc VW, LX ATToyota, FWD (SR75BF) with a Hyundai, purchase Honda, price of GM, $24,794/$28,794 (including $1,665 freight/PDI) financed for 84-month periodforwith $0 down payment 32 reduced bi-weekly payments ofof$89/$129 Retailer mayRondo sell formodel less. Throwback new models. Customer Friendly Pricing includes WE’VE GOTby ' Cashaspurchase priceorfortothe newthe 2014financed Rondo amount. LX MT (RN551E) is $18,594Pricing and includes a cash savings $5,000 (which is deducted from the negotiated beforeistaxes and cannot be combined withinspecial lease and finance offers). models from participating between 1-30,$500 Creditand willtotal be deducted the negotiated Throwback purchase/lease price before taxes. your retailer forlevel complete details. 150 bi-weekly paymentsretailers of $136/$164. CostApril of borrowing $0/$1,015 obligationfrom is $24,794/$29,809. Pricing Incentive varies See by model and trim and may be taken a lump sum reduce The Throwback Incentive for the 2014 ofSportage LX MT FWD (SP551E)/2015 Sorento 2.4L LXselling AT FWDprice (SR75BF) $1,504/$1,120 (a $47/$35 reduction 32 bi-weekly payments). YOU COVERED delivery and destination fees and all mandatory & 6 Throwback Pricingdetails. available O.A.C. onPricing financing offers on new models. Financingfinancing for 84 months example: 2014new Sportage LX MTKiaFWD (SP551E)/2015 Sorento 2.4Lmodel LX ATand FWDtrim, (SR75BF) with aforpurchase of $24,794/$28,794 (including $1,665 freight/PDI) nanced for 84-month with $0 down 32 reducedSportage bi-weekly payments of $89/$129 Retailertime may off seller.forSeeless. Model shown Manufacturer Suggested RetailfiPrice for at 20150%/0.99% Sorento 3.3L EX AT AWDperiod (SR75HF)/2014 Rondopayment EX Luxuryequals (RN756E)/2014 SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759E)followed Limited retailer for complete Throwback is a trademark of Kia2013/2014 Canada Inc. 0% purchase is available on select 2013/2014 models O.A.C. Terms vary by see dealer completeprice details. *5-year/100,000 km levies. Prices do GDI not fuel-fill fuel ofconsumption based on and the 2015 Sorento LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2014 Rondo Pricing 2.0L 4-cylinclude (M/T)/2014 2.4Ltrim 4-cyllevel (A/T). updated the Government Canada’sTheapproved criteria andIncentive testing methods. ReferSportage to the EnerGuide ConsumptionSorento Guide.2.4L YourLXactual fuel(SR75BF) consumption will vary based on driving habitsin and other factors. isby$34,495/$32,195/$38,295. 150 bi-weekly paymentsÓofHighway/city $136/$164. Cost borrowing is $0/$1,015 totalgovernment obligation is $24,794/$29,809. Throwback Incentive varies bySportage model and andThese may be taken estimates as a lumpare sumbased or to on reduce the financedofamount. Throwback Pricing for the 2014 LX MT FWDFuel (SP551E)/2015 AT FWD is $1,504/$1,120 (a $47/$35 reduction 32 bi-weekly payments). worry-free 1 $100, dealer administration fees up to 6 charges up to all related marks and logos areontrademarks Sirius XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries. in this believed todetails. be accurate at the timeManufacturer of printing. ForSuggested more information on our 5-yearSorento warranty visit(SR75HF)/2014 or call usRondo at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of KiaSXMotors Corporation. Bluetooth® and logo are registered trademarks andPricing are owned by Bluetooth Inc. Sirius, Model shown Retail Price for 2015 3.3Lcoverage, EX AT AWD EX Luxury (RN756E)/2014 Sportage AT Luxury AWD (SP759E) Limited time offwordmark er. See retailer for complete details. Throwback is a trademark of SIG, Kia Canada Inc.XM 0%and purchase financing is available select newof2013/2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms vary Information by model and trim,advertisement see dealer foris complete comprehensive°The
51 Bridge St. E., Campbellford, Trent Hills
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We at Boyer’s are committed to building a life-time relationship with you. Your total satisfaction measures our success! A division of Boyer Auto group, serving communities like yours since 1981
News - Havelock - Volunteers are the “glue” that keeps Havelock-BelmontMethuen “strong and healthy,” says Danielle Belair, executive director of Community Care Peterborough. Belair was in Havelock last week to toast the achievements of Community
By Bill Freeman
60 Millennium Parkway
$399, or(A/T)/2014 applicable Sorentolicensing LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl Rondo taxes. 2.0L GDI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014 Sportage 2.4L 4-cyl (A/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. is $34,495/$32,195/$38,295. ÓHighway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2015 °The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 1Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.
Offer(s) available on select new 2013/2014/2015 models through participating dealers to qualified retail customers who take delivery by April 30, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers are subject to change without notice. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, $5 OMVIC fee, $29 tire tax, other taxes, environmental fee, VIN etching, anti-theft products and $100 A/C charge (where applicable). Excludes licensing,Kia’s registration, fuel-fiFriendly ll charges upPricing to $100, dealer administration fees up to $399, and down payment (if applicable and unless otherwise specified). Other lease and financing options also available. **Offer available on the retail purchase/lease newinsurance, Customer includes WE’VE GOT of any 2014 Rondo model from participating retailers between April 1–30, 2014, upon proof of current ownership/lease of a competitive cross-over vehicle. Competitive models include specific VW, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Hyundai, Honda, GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles. Some conditions apply, ask your retailer or go to for complete details. †Offer available on the retail purchase/lease of 2013/2014 Sportage AWD YOU COVERED delivery and'Cash destination feesfor the andnewall2014 mandatory purchase price Rondo LX MT (RN551E) is $18,594 and includes a cash savings of $5,000 (which is deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers). models from participating retailers between April 1-30, 2014. $500 Credit will be deducted from the negotiated purchase/lease price before taxes. See your retailer for complete details. *5-year/100,000 km levies.2.4L Prices include models. Financing for 84 months example: 2014 Sportage LX MT FWDgovernment (SP551E)/2015 Sorento LX AT do FWDnot (SR75BF) with fuel-fill a purchase price of $24,794/$28,794 (including $1,665 freight/PDI) financed at 0%/0.99% for 84-month period with $0 down payment equals 32 reduced bi-weekly payments of $89/$129 followed Retailer may sell for less. &Throwback Pricing available O.A.C. on financing offers on new 2013/2014 worry-free charges up be to taken $100,asdealer feesfinanced up to amount. The Throwback Pricing Incentive for the 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E)/2015 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BF) is $1,504/$1,120 (a $47/$35 reduction in 32 bi-weekly payments). by 150 bi-weekly payments of $136/$164. Cost of borrowing is $0/$1,015 and total obligationcomprehensive is $24,794/$29,809. Throwback Pricing Incentive varies by model and trim level and may a lumpadministration sum or to reduce the Limited time offer. See retailer for complete details. Throwback Pricing is a trademark of Kia Canada Inc. 0% purchase financing is available on select new 2013/2014 Kia$399, modelslicensing O.A.C. Terms by modeltaxes. and trim, see dealer for complete details. 6Model shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2015 Sorento 3.3L EX AT AWD (SR75HF)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury (RN756E)/2014 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759E) warranty. or vary applicable is $34,495/$32,195/$38,295. ÓHighway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2015 Sorento LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2014 Rondo 2.0L GDI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014 Sportage 2.4L 4-cyl (A/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. °The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 1Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.
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Offer(s) available on select new 2013/2014/2015 models through participating dealers to qualified retail customers who take delivery by April 30, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers are subject to change without notice. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, $5 OMVIC fee, $29 tire tax, other taxes, environmental fee, VIN etching, anti-theft products and $100 A/C charge (where applicable). Excludes licensing, registration, insurance, fuel-fill charges up to $100, dealer administration fees up to $399, and down payment (if applicable and unless otherwise specified). Other lease and financing options also available. **Offer available on the retail purchase/lease of any 2014 Rondo model from participating retailers between April 1–30, 2014, upon proof of current ownership/lease of a competitive cross-over vehicle. Competitive models include specific VW, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Hyundai, Honda, GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles. Some conditions apply, ask your retailer or go to for complete details. †Offer available on the retail purchase/lease of 2013/2014 Sportage AWD models from participating retailers between April 1-30, 2014. $500 Credit will be deducted from the negotiated purchase/lease price before taxes. See your retailer for complete details. 'Cash purchase price for the new 2014 Rondo LX MT (RN551E) is $18,594 and includes a cash savings of $5,000 (which is deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers). Retailer may sell for less. &Throwback Pricing available O.A.C. on financing offers on new 2013/2014 models. Financing for 84 months example: 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E)/2015 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BF) with a purchase price of $24,794/$28,794 (including $1,665 freight/PDI) financed at 0%/0.99% for 84-month period with $0 down payment equals 32 reduced bi-weekly payments of $89/$129 followed by 150 bi-weekly payments of $136/$164. Cost of borrowing is $0/$1,015 and total obligation is $24,794/$29,809. Throwback Pricing Incentive varies by model and trim level and may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce the financed amount. The Throwback Pricing Incentive for the 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E)/2015 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BF) is $1,504/$1,120 (a $47/$35 reduction in 32 bi-weekly payments). Limited time offer. See retailer for complete details. Throwback Pricing is a trademark of Kia Canada Inc. 0% purchase financing is available on select new 2013/2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details. 6Model shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2015 Sorento 3.3L EX AT AWD (SR75HF)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury (RN756E)/2014 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759E) is $34,495/$32,195/$38,295. ÓHighway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2015 Sorento LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2014 Rondo 2.0L GDI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014 Sportage 2.4L 4-cyl (A/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. °The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 1Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.
The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 5
“Do tasers contribute to increased use of force?”
Dear Editor, In response to running scared Rawdon residents. Marvin and Megan Molloy, Tasers are a serious piece of equipment to put into the hands of our police officers, and I agree with you that the question, “Do Tasers contribute to increased use of force?” is a question that needs to be asked, and addressed. However, I hope that the people that do address the question do so in a calm, knowledgeable manner, using facts, and experience as opposed to rhetoric and unreasonable accusations. Police officers in this country are trained as well as, or better than, anywhere else in the world. They are well-educated, professional people that do a job under very stressful circumstances, that most people do not want, or are
not able to do. I am proud of the work they do, and the way that they go about doing it. Do they make mistakes? Sometimes, but they are few and far between. The oversight on everything that our officers are involved in is significant, and I believe that oversight ensures that they always do their best. I dare say some other professions could benefit from this type of oversight. When confronted with a hostile, or potentially hostile person, an officer has several options to deal with the situation. Foremost in his/her mind is to de-escalate. This may include talking, removing the irritant, or even keeping his distance. If, and when the situation escalates, the officer can rely on various tools, to meet the need, such as soft arm tactics, baton,
pepper spray, etc. At all times, the intent is to deescalate the situation. If all else fails, the officer is forced to use his firearm, which will result in death or grievous bodily harm. Why not give the officer another option before he/or she has to take that final step with the firearm? It is a rare instance where a Taser creates long-term injuries. Yes, they may occur, but death or grievous bodily harm will occur 100% of the time with a firearm. I think we should be proud of our officers, and have faith in their capacity to do their jobs. If a Taser will save lives, give them to the officers. If the officers misuse them, they should face the courts, just like anyone else. Jim Harris, Campbellford
HBM backs access to recreation policy Continued from page 4
The policy would not change any of the current practices being carried out by the township it just “formalizes and recognizes that council believes that recreation is an important service to the municipality.” The policy also reiterates that
the municipality will continue to work with individuals and organizations in recreational endeavours. “Programs, services and facilities will be planned, delivered and evaluated to ensure they are affordable, inclusive and responsive to community need.”
“I think it’s a great thing,” said Councillor Jim Martin. “I think we should pat ourselves on the back a little bit once in a while. We do a pretty good job trying to make sure people have access to recreation.” HBM becomes the fifth township to endorse the policy.
Bridgenorth • Havelock • Lakefield • Norwood
Bridgenorth • Havelock • Lakefield • Norwood 2 roadside collections of Leaf and Yard material will occur in Bridgenorth, Havelock, Lakefield and Norwood at the end of April and May.
Please see website for schedule and details or contact us: Free!
My Waste App 705-775-2737 Set reminders for leaf and yard collection dates.
6 The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014
Materials may be set out in paper bags or in reusable bins only - no plastic bags. Sticks may be bundled with string. No limits.
Connected to your community
Spain: A handsome apology
Editorial - The Spanish parliament still has to pass the new citizenship law, but the cabinet has already approved it and Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón is sure there won’t be a problem. “In Spain, a clear majority realize we have committed a historical error and have an opportunity to repair it, so I am sure that law will pass with an immense majority in parliament,” he said. Historical apologies are in fashion Gwynne Dyer – ex-South African president F.W. De Klerk apologised for apartheid, ex-British prime minister Tony Blair apologised for the slave trade and the Irish potato famine, and Pope John Paul II apologised for the Crusades, the Inquisition and the Church’s historical oppression of women – but Spain isn’t just saying sorry for expelling its Jews 522 years ago. It’s offering to give their descendants back their citizenship. 1492 was a busy year for Ferdinand and Isabella, joint monarchs of the recently united kingdom of Spain. Christopher Columbus, Isabella’s favourite explorer, discovered the New World, Spain’s armies concluded the seven-century-long campaign of the Reconquista by destroying the last Muslim kingdom in the peninsula, Granada – and Ferdinand decided to expel all the Jews from Spain. Spain’s Jews were given only four months in 1492 to choose between becoming Christian or leaving their homes forever. Most left, settling in Muslim-ruled North Africa and the Ottoman Empire or in other parts of Christian Europe. They kept their Spanish language in the form of Ladino – Castilian written in the Hebrew script – and became know as Sephardic (i.e. Spanish) Jews. Ladino is now a dying language, but the Sephardim have retained their distinctive identity and are estimated to number up to a third of the world’s 13 million Jews today. Spain’s planned new law potentially covers almost all of them, for it is written very broadly. Applicants for Spanish citizenship need not speak Ladino or even be religious. They need only be able to show a link to Sephardic culture (it could be as little as a Sephardic family name). In most cases, however, the simplest route to Spanish citizenship would be to have a local rabbi certify their
Sephardic ancestry, or to get certification of their Sephardic heritage from a recognized Spanish-Jewish community. Spain’s justice minister reckons that only about 150,000 Sephardic Jews will take him up on the offer (which will remain open for two years), and he doesn’t think that many of them will actually want to move to Spain. But he promises that the government will not be strict in deciding who qualifies as Sephardic – “We are opening the door,” he said – and he may be surprised by how many actually apply. What Gallardón has not taken into account is the fact that Spanish citizenship is, for practical purposes, citizenship in all 28 member countries of the European Union. A Spanish passport-holder can enter Britain, France, Germany, Sweden or any other EU country without a visa, take up residence there, get a job or start a business there. What’s not to like about this offer? Almost half of Israel’s Jews are Sephardim, and Israel is a country where second passports are in great demand. The big Sephardic communities in the United States and Mexico will probably not be tempted, but the remaining Sephardic Jews in Muslim countries, including Turkey, certainly will be. Gallardón is thinking mostly about symbolism, which is important – but his offer will also have a real impact on many people’s lives. Portugal, which expelled its Jews shortly after Spain did, is also trying to make amends, though on a less grand scale. Last year it changed the law, and now grants citizenship to Sephardim who can demonstrate a connection to the Portuguese Jewish community. How much further might this example spread? Not very far, alas. Most of the great expulsions of history have occurred in the context of war, like the compulsory “population exchange” of the Greek minority in Turkey and the Turkish minority in Greece after the First World War, or the expulsion of ten million Germans from their ancestral homes in eastern Europe at the end of the second. It’s because the Jews of Spain and Portugal were entirely blameless and ruthlessly victimised that there is broad popular support in both these countries for this act of apology and belated recompense. All credit to Spain and Portugal for doing it – but it probably wouldn’t be happening even there if it seriously inconvenienced the majority.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Criticism is necessary as Putin emulates Hitler Dear Editor, I read with interest Terry Bush’s article concerning Canada’s role in the realm of international politics and in particular his take on Russia. First let me say that I enjoy our local paper’s foray into national and global issues! The article explains that Canada has, under the Harper government, reflected the policies of the United States where at one time we weren’t afraid to do what is uniquely in the best interests of our country. I believe Mr. Bush may not have taken into account that Canada has taken a much harder line in our relations with Iran than our American allies. This government refused to acquiesce to Iran recently over the issue of nuclear capability. While the United States seems to be drinking the kool-aid the Iranians are selling about freezing their nuclear capability, Canada does not share the belief the Iranians will be true to their word. One need look no further than Crimea to see what independent states in a world with oversight will do to further their own political agenda. Most importantly, in my opinion, is why our Prime Minister is the most vocal international leader in denouncing Russia
Trent Hills
P.O. Box 25009, Belleville, ON K8P 5E0 250 Sidney Street Phone: 613-966-2034 Fax: 613-966-8747 Published weekly by:
over the Crimean situation. As Putin emulates Hitler in trying to reunite the Russian-speaking people there is a concern for each of us in Canada. In 1940, two years after Hitler annexed the Czech Sudetenland to unite his German-speaking people under the Third Reich, he rolled into Alsace-Lorraine along the German-French border. The significance? This region of Europe was rich with iron ore and coal too highly sought after natural resources that fuelled the Nazi war machine. In terms of today, Canada has laid claim to something that is well documented that Putin wants – the Arctic – full of subterranean natural resources. Naturally I have no idea what Prime Minister Harper is thinking but if I were him I would be concerned that Putin will abandon recent international proceedings over this territorial dispute and send the mighty Russian Navy to the far north to lay claim to what we believe is ours. Which is why I am pleased that our Prime Minister is leading the world in strongly criticizing the Russian President.
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Sometimes things just sneak up on you By Terry Bush Editorial - A few years back, I can remember hearing something about a new sport which was considered by many to be a little too far out there for polite Canadian society. The Americans loved it of course but then again, Americans have a passion for many things we don’t fully understand like watching cars go round in circles for hours on end. Not that NASCAR doesn’t have a fan base here in Canada judging by the decals adorning vehicles in our area but still, its base is solidly in the southern US. Before I get up on my high-brow horse I will admit that I have sporadically watched a bit of NASCAR over the years, especially during the Richard Petty era when I owned a muscle car, but I have never fully understood NASCAR’s appeal. That could be because I usually get bored and turn it off before seeing one of the spectacular crashes that nobody will admit they enjoy watching but obviously do. That’s why they’re a mainstay on sports television of course. (I will admit that crashes do have entertainment value but then again, we four Bush boys did spend a bit of time at Riverview Speedway between Frankford and Trenton back in the old days). But as usual, I digress. A few years ago, there was much hue and cry from both politicians and regular folk that mixed martial arts had no place in our fair country. All that has now changed, as one would expect in a place where a guy like Don Cherry comes close to being hailed as the greatest Canadian ever. In the television wasteland we’re all forced to endure with the Diehard, Bourne and Transporter movies playing every day for months on end, we can easily say we have 500 channels but there’s nothing worth watching most of the time. So what’s a guy to do? Well this guy turned on the UFC and got hooked. Once I got over the initial shock of seeing two guys beat each other senseless, I found the sport to be refreshingly honest. It’s just straight up fighting to see who wins. We can all probably agree that four out of five hockey fights are staged and the other fight is between two guys who are genuinely mad at each other over some infraction. As Don Cherry points out ad nauseum, most of the time the tough guys pat each other on the back after a good bout and head off to the penalty box having earned thousands of dollars for a couple of minutes work. Like anything else, there is an art to fighting in hockey. After all, one does have to stay on one’s feet throwing punches while wearing bulky equipment and a pair of skates. But then again, fights are not what hockey is all about and they’re usually conspicuous by their absence come playoff time. Pro wrestling is also entertainment to some though I’ve never figured out how anyone can listen to ten minutes of tough talk for every five minutes of actual wrestling taking place. Pro wrestlers are huge men and a quick Google will tell you that many don’t make it out of their 50s due to steroid use and heart attacks. And then there’s the UFC. If there’s anything fake about it, I haven’t seen it yet. It’s perfect in it’s simplicity. Two guys or two women in perfect physical shape meet in a cage and beat the crap out of each other, usually until one person gives up or is knocked out. Forget all the rules about fair fighting you learned as a kid. In mixed martial arts, it’s okay to kick someone in the head, stomp on their feet, choke them out or elbow them in the face. No kicking in the goodies though. There are rules. I’m impressed by the shear toughness of some of these individuals and that’s probably what got me hooked in the first place. When you see someone take an absolute pounding, get knocked to the mat bleeding profusely, see his opponent jump on him and deliver a couple more shots and elbows to the head and then the guy taking the abuse struggles to his feet and flattens his opponent knocking him out with an uppercut, you just have to give the man his due. That guy’s got heart. So I’m thinking maybe we should take it to the next level. Instead of sending in the troops when we have differences of opinion with other countries, why don’t we just settle it in the octagon. I’d suggest letting the politicians fight it out, considering most of them are allergic to the battlefield but really, can you see someone like Stephen Harper taking on Vladimir Putin? No, we’d be better off sending our best MMA fighters instead. That way, the so-called collateral damage, meaning ordinary citizens, would be entertained instead of killed. Then again, what do I know? I’ve only been in two fights in my life and they were both with my best friend at the time and both happened before the age of 13. All I know is for some reason I enjoy the UFC and am a little embarrassed to admit it. But then again, I also enjoy Shaun the Sheep so maybe something’s not quite right upstairs. EDITORIAL Editor Terry Bush, 613-966-2034, ext 510 Norwood, Hastings & Havelock News Bill Freeman Campbellford & Warkworth News John Campbell PRODUCTION Glenda Pressick, 613-966-2034, ext 520
Read us online at The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 7
MD recruitment efforts making a difference By John Campbellford
News - Trent Hills - The Trent Hills Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee is continuing “to make a difference in the health and well-being” of the 30,000 citizens who live in the municipality and surrounding catchment area, says its project coordinator. “The nature of recruitment is such that you are always recruiting,” Laurie Smith told council in her annual report on what’s being done with the $30,000 the committee receives from Trent Hills, which accounts for half of its budget. “People come, people go.” Especially in the emergency department at Campbellford Memorial
Hospital (CMH) where she’s always on the lookout for additional physicians to work shifts. Smith told council that “close to 98 per cent” of patients admitted to CMH first go through the emergency department, which sees around 20,000 people a year. But she also has to find replacements for family practice physicians who are retiring or leaving, in the short term, as well as prepare for the future through succession planning to ensure there’s never a gap in service. Her target for 2014-2015 is to find two doctors. Success stories in the past year have included Dr. Kelly Parks setting up a practice locally, Dr. Davina
Lansing agreeing to covering another physician’s practice until the end of the year, and Dr. Bruce Bain becoming the new chief of emergency services at the hospital, as of April 1. Dermatologist Dr. Renita Alhulwalia also held her first clinic in Campbellford this month, added Smith, who’s in discussion with an ear, nose and throat specialist to provide service in the area as well. Her role as the committee’s project manager includes taking part in a recruiting tour held every fall and arranging for a half-dozen students from medical school to spend a week in Trent Hills to experience life and the practice of medicine in a small, rural community.
Hastings Legion gets “boost” with Trillium grant By Bill Freeman
News - Hastings - The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 106 in Hastings has been given a “real boost” from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The Branch has made a successful bid for funding and will receive $44,700 to help improve energy efficiency by replacing the roof and windows. It will also add some new
tables and chairs upstairs and “do a little work” downstairs, says Branch president Bob Crate. “We have to come up with $12,000 ourselves but that’s doable,” Crate told The Independent. “We’re working hard to get the roof started.” Crate says the Branch has been looking at a major roof replacement project for some time now. That alone
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A common method is through the use of locum (relief) physicians who become familiar with the community and the hospital while filling in for local doctors. That’s how the new president of medical staff, Dr. Joe Barbero, came to stay. Smith said Trent Hills has provided consistent funding because it understands the importance of recruiting physicians, having experienced a critical shortage more than a decade ago, when many residents were without a doctor. The municipality is still designated as an underserviced area, which means the province will make available $80,000 over four years to physicians to set up a practice in the community.
Wanted dead or live
Dear Editor, The Ontario Liberal government, under pressure from the hunting lobbyists have allowed the spring bear hunt to begin in eight different areas in the province. This action will now allow hunters to hunt black bears. Bears are the only big game animal with dependent young that are hunted in the spring. Natural Resources Minister David Oraziett’s Liberal Party states the program will ban hunting cubs or female bears with cubs. An Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources report in 2009 found 34 per cent of bears killed in the spring are female and an average of 17 per cent of those are adults with cubs. The orphaned cubs die of dehydration, starvation and predation. Minister Orazietti, according to your own
ministry, banning spring bear hunting for female bears and cubs doesn’t work. In the eight areas where the Liberals have opened the spring hunt, the black bears will be hunted and chased by hunting dogs for a total of five months each year. Given the fact that bears hibernate for the winter, this pro-hunting action the Liberals have done will give little peace for the bears. Baiting and killing the hungry bears in the spring is like shooting fish in a barrel. Killing these animals is not a solution as other bears will move into the vacant areas resulting in the continued killing of bears and the orphaning of their cubs. The minister should reinstate completely the excellent bear wise program in these areas and
also the rest of the province. If the minister is determined to continue this barbaric “hunt”, he should allocate significant funds to those who are licensed rehabilitators so they can care for the injured and orphaned cubs. If the Liberals don’t stop the hunt, then we should vote them out. If you oppose the spring bear hunt, please contact you MPP, Premier Kathleen Wynne at Kathleen.Wynne@Ontario. ca, 416-325-1941 or Premier Kathleen Wynne, Legislative Building, Queens Park, Toronto, ON, M7A 1A1 or Minister David Orazietti 416-314-2301 or Rick Foley, Essa Township
Flood risk warnings continue R0012658020
was to cost between $35,000 to $40,000. “Over the years we’ve done some patching. The roof’s best-before date was a long time ago so the Trillium grant was a real boost,” he said. “It’s something that we’ve needed badly for quite a while now so we’re very pleased. Trillium has treated us very well. “Getting that done is a really big boost for us and it will put us in a good spot to go forward.” The Branch plans on starting the project right away. As part of the Trillium application the Branch had to submit an engineer’s assessment and that information has been very useful, says Crate. “He gave us some really good insight [that] we’ll be able to use when we’re talking to contractors.”
It’s “an eye-opener” for them, she said. Last year Smith added social media to her tools for attracting physicians, setting up a Facebook page. “I like to focus more on the culture of the community and hospital,” she said, “something that will show we have more to offer than just a job.” Councillor Rosemary KelleherMacLennan thanked Smith for her work. “What you do is obviously working,” she said. Smith, who works as a physician liaison and ER scheduler at the hospital, said in an interview that “typically it takes 18 months to two years to recruit a physician.”
News - Norwood - Water levels continue to rise in area lakes and rivers posing continued flood risks for people living in low-lying and flood-susceptible areas. According to the Otonabee Region Conservation Authority over a 48-hour period over the weekend Little Lake in
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Peterborough and the Otonabee River rose about 12 centimetres and it will be “several days” before relief comes to the Otonabee River. Water levels on Rice Lake rose five centimetres on Saturday and another five centimetres on Sunday and levels on the Trent River to Hastings will continue to rise in accordance with water levels on Rice Lake. All residents living in low-lying, floodsusceptible areas along the shorelines of the Kawartha Lakes, Otonabee River, Rice Lake and Trent River to Hastings should monitor water levels closely and take necessary precautions to protect persons and property,” says ORCA
Conservation authority staff will continue to monitor conditions in conjunction with area water managers such as the Trent-Severn Waterway, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ontario Power Generation. As well, the conservation authority will maintain communication with federal, provincial and municipal emergency response personnel. The conservation authority notes that local municipalities are the first to respond to and assist in times of flood emergencies. If you require assistance contact your local municipality. In the event of a flood emergency residents are urged to call 911.
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Less Fuel. More Power. Great Value is a comparison between the 2014 and the 2013 Chrysler Canada product lineups. 40 MPG or greater claim (7.0 L/100 km) based on 2014 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption ratings. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption may vary based on driving habits and other factors. Ask your retailer for the EnerGuide information. ¤2014 Dodge Grand Caravan 3.6L VVT V6 6-speed automatic – Hwy: 7.9 L/100 km (36 MPG) and City: 12.2 L/100 km (23 MPG). 2014 Dodge Dart 1.4 L I-4 16V Turbo – Hwy: 4.8 L/100 km (59 MPG) and City: 7.3 L/100 km (39 MPG). 2014 Dodge Journey 2.4 L with 4-speed automatic – Hwy: 7.7 L/100 km (37 MPG) and City: 11.2 L/100 km (25 MPG). Wise customers read the fine print: ◊, Ω, €, �, *, †, �, ††, § The Zing Into Spring Sales Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating retailers on or after April 1, 2014. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing includes freight ($1,695), air tax (if applicable), tire levy and OMVIC fee. Pricing excludes licence, insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Financing and lease offers available to qualified customers on approved credit. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. ◊$10,350 in Total Discounts is available on the new 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT model and consists of $7,000 Consumer Cash Discount and $3,350 in Ultimate Family Package Savings. See your retailer for complete details. ΩFinance Pull-Ahead Bonus Cash and 1% Rate Reduction are available to eligible customers on the retail purchase/lease of select 2014 Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram or Fiat models at participating retailers from April 1 to 30, 2014 inclusive. Finance Pull-Ahead Bonus Cash will be deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. 1% Rate Reduction applies on approved credit to most qualifying subvented financing transactions through RBC, TD Auto Finance and Scotiabank. 1% Rate Reduction cannot be used to reduce the final interest rate below 0%. Eligible customers include all original and current owners of select Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram or Fiat models with an eligible standard/subvented finance or lease contract maturing between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2016. Trade-in not required. See retailer for complete details and exclusions. €$5,125 in Package Value available on the new 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Ultimate Family Package (RTKH5329G) model based on the following MSRP options: $850 Climate Group, $1,925 Single DVD Entertainment, $1,500 SXT Plus Group and $850 Uconnect Hands-Free Group. $7,140 in Package Value available on the new 2014 Dodge Journey SXT Ultimate Journey Package (JCDP4928K) model based on the following MSRP options: $1,475 Flexible Seating Group, $1,200 Rear Seat DVD, $525 Convenience Group, $2,645 Navigation & Sound Group and $1,295 Sunroof. See your retailer for complete details. �Discounts available at participating retailers on the purchase/lease of only the following new vehicles. 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT with Ultimate Family Package (RTKH5329G). Discount consists of: $850 in no-cost options and $2,500 DVD Incentive that will be deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. 2014 Dodge Journey SXT with Ultimate Journey Package (JCDP4928K). Discount consists of: $2,495 in no-cost options and $2,500 DVD Incentive that will be deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. Some conditions apply. See your retailer for complete details. *Consumer Cash Discounts are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. †4.29% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on new select models through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Examples: 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package (29E)/2014 Dodge Journey Canada Value Package (22F) with a Purchase Price of $19,995/$19,995, with a $0 down payment, financed at 4.29% for 96 months equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $114/$114 with a cost of borrowing of $3,662/$3,662 and a total obligation of $23,657.39/$23,657.39. �2.79% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on new select models through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Example: 2014 Dodge Dart (25A) with a Purchase Price of $16,995, with a $0 down payment, financed at 2.79% for 96 months equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $91 with a cost of borrowing of $1,987 and a total obligation of $18,981.81. ††0% purchase financing for up to 36 months available on new 2014 Jeep Cherokee/2014 Dodge Dart models to qualified customers on approved credit through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Examples: 2014 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x2 (24A)/2014 Dodge Dart SE (25A) with a Purchase Price of $24,495/$16,995 with a $0 down payment, financed at 0% for 36 months equals 78 bi-weekly payments of $314/$217.88 with a cost of borrowing of $0 and a total obligation of $24,495/$16,995. §Starting From Prices for vehicles shown include Consumer Cash Discounts and do not include upgrades (e.g., paint). Upgrades available for additional cost. The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications LLC, used under license. **Based on 2014 Ward’s upper small sedan costing under $25,000. ^Based on R. L. Polk Canada, Inc. May 2008 to September 2013 Canadian Total New Vehicle Registration data for Crossover Segments as defined by Chrysler Canada Inc. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc.
The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 9
Celebrate Recycling!
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April3,2,4,3,&&6 5 April April & 12 April 10,913 April17, 1620 & 19 April April 23, 24, 24, 25, &&26 27 10 The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014
Twenty y minute Makeover Sixthannual Annual Fifth
At any time on Friday, April 25th 26th, we’re asking that you take 20 minutes to go outside and pick up litter in and around your neighbourhood the local park, trail, around your office, school yard, etc.
County, developer in talks over affordable housing units By John Campbellford
News - Campbellford - Discussions are continuing between Northumberland County and the developer of a 24-unit affordable housing subdivision on King Street over the rent being charged. County CAO Elizabeth Savill said the units had been advertised “at a certain rent … and there were concerns raised to the county [by individuals] that those rents may be changing.” Trent Hills Mayor Hector Macmillan said, “there was a misunderstanding about the rents” which he understands “will be going back to what was originally proposed.” The units were built with slightly more than $2 million in funding from the federal and provincial governments that had been allocated to the county to increase its affordable housing stock. When the agreement was struck between Northumberland and Bloor Park Village Inc., the rent was set at $600 a month for each of the 14 one-bedroom units, and $650 per month for the other ten two-bedroom units. The project was delayed by
an Ontario Municipal Board hearing which “put so much pressure on the construction workers it created some havoc,” Macmillan said. Savill said, “the contribution agreement was very clear that the rents were established to be affordable” in exchange for the government funding, which made it possible for the units to be built. Bloor Village’s John Spina declined to go public with his comments when contacted but said in an email later he would issue a “a full statement” sometime soon. She, Mark Darroch, director of community and social services, and two other officials from the county met in camera with Trent Hills council April 15 to give an update on the discussions that have been taking place since February. “[We’re] very hopeful that the whole issue will be resolved very shortly and we’ll be able to fill all the units with people who are so badly needing it in the area,” Cavill said. Not many are currently occupied. “We certainly hope they’ll be available very soon,” Savill said.
Trent Hills Relay for Life shorter event duration News - Campbellford - The Trent Hills Relay for Life will feature a new format this year. The event, which takes place September 5 at the fairgrounds in Campbellford will be of a shorter duration running from 7 p.m. Friday to just after midnight. This year’s format will still encompass all of the aspects that people love about Relay but will be packed into a fivehour event. Last year 194 participants at Relay For Life in Trent Hills joined together to raise $130,027. Proceeds from this year’s event will continue to support Canadian Cancer Society research and community services. Each year thousands of people, friends, families, coworkers and cancer survivors unite for one night for a common cause.
Eggs galore in Hastings Photos: Bill Freeman By Bill Freeman
News - Hastings - The Easter Bunny was a very generous visitor to Hastings Saturday afternoon. The floppy-eared bundle of chocolate fun delivered over 5,500 Easter eggs to organizers of the third annual Easter Egg Hunt that filled the grounds at Hastings Public School Saturday. Organized by the Archibald family with big assists from Hastings Village Video, Reg Ward Insurance, Darrell Lyttle, Darlene Forde and Melissa Fleming, the Khloe Ohno, three, clutches the grand prize good- event was another big success ie-filled basket she won during the third annual with at least 70 youngsters Easter Egg Hunt in Hastings. At least 70 children and their families on hand to search for thousands of sweet took part in the event.
chocolate treasure. There were also three additional prizes for the first three youngsters to discover designated over-sized eggs; first prize was a basket laden with Easter treats, second prize was a chocolate pen and third prize was a hollow chocolate egg. “It has grown. A lot of kids are very excited,” said Stacey Archibald, one of the event’s organizers. They lucked out again with the weather and Archibald admits that with the overlong winter and its unpredictable weather organizers were a bit worried about the outdoor hunt.
Shania Kroes, eight, did well during the third annual Hastings Easter Egg Hunt that took place on the grounds of Hastings Public School Saturday afternoon. Over 5,500 chocolate eggs were up for grabs during the hunt. Over 70 children took part in the event.
“But we’ve been lucky [again]. The grounds are great.” All three egg hunts have played out under lovely blue spring skies, although there was a bit of a chill in the air on Saturday to remind participants of the cold weather that held Hastings in its grip for the past several months. Archibald says there is a possibility that they move next year’s egg hunt to the downtown ball diamond which would then give families a chance to use the nearby playground before the hunt gets under way. The prize winners were: Khloe Ohno, Youngsters get ready to go after some of the more than 5,500 chocolate eggs that were hidden on the grounds of Hastings first prize; Colby Turcott, second prize Public School for the third annual Hastings Easter Egg Hunt that was held Saturday afternoon. Over 70 children took part in and James Stoner, third prize. the event.
Relay For Life is about the community coming together to fight cancer. This inspirational, noncompetitive, fund-raising event has a festival-like atmosphere that family, friends and coworkers can enjoy, regardless of age or fitness level. Every three minutes another Canadian is faced with fighting cancer. For more information, to register or pledge a Relay participant go to <www.>. The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. To know more about cancer, visit or call 1-888939-3333.
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12 The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014
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Parents and kids learn the ABCs of starting school By Sue Dickens
News - Campbellford - The ABCs of preparing for school were the focus of the Road to Kindergarten, a one-stop fun and information event held recently at the Ontario Early Years Centre (OEYC) here. “What we want is for the children to feel prepared so they can feel successful,” said Sasha Korper, early literacy consultant for Northumberland County. The event is put on by the Northumberland Literacy Committee and is held annually in Cobourg and in Campbellford. “We’re here for the morning in Campbellford then we go down to Brighton Public School for the afternoon so we can get that whole eastern section covered,” Korper explained. This is the fourth time the event has been held here and the eighth time for Cobourg. A new brochure is being made available to parents in the package they receive when registering their children at their school for kindergarten. “The school boards have been working with us … and are listed on the brochure and they were present when they developed this brochure so everyone is sending the same message,” she explained. “And that message is, if they love it they learn, that’s the bottom line,” she added. Play and learn is a big catchphrase used Evangeline (Evee) Roulston age three, of Campbellford, will be registering in the Early Years literature. for Kindergarten and so her dad Tim took her to the Road to Kindergarten “In the old days when you and I were goheld recently at the Ontario Early Years Centre Campbellford. Getting used ing to school there was lots of learning the to the school bus was just one of the things they did at the event. Photo: Sue alphabet, sitting at tables and doing workDickens sheets and now it’s oh look the best way for
Businessman sets course for career in local politics “I’ve always had a longstanding interest in the community,” he says. “I really believe in the lifestyle and enjoy the lifestyle in the Municipality of Trent Hills and everything it has to offer.” Along with that comes “some firm opinions, of course,” he adds. “Everybody running for council should have, and be prepared to express what they ... believe in, and the direction they would like to see the municipality go.” Boyd was a member of the Warkworth Kinsmen Club when it was the driving force behind the building of the arena. After moving here from Toronto in 1975, he worked as a carpenter and general contractor before launching Clarion, which restores antique and classic wooden boats as well as designs and builds new versions. “We’ve grown that from a 3,000-square-foot facility [in a former marina] to a
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children to learn is to actually play … so we have crafts, we have face painting, we have blocks and we have opportunities like that at the OEYC which is of course where we are basing this event for children to come with their parents to play,” she noted. Sandy Stapley, head of the OEYC centre in Campbellford, “is our person on the ground here and that’s key in terms of doing this as a community. She’s our early childhood specialist,” said Korper. The big challenge these days is that parents lead very busy lives. “Mostly we see moms at this event, but today we have a dad, yay … but parents are working and they may have an older child, sometimes two, sometimes they have one with special needs … maybe who is a bit slower to develop, maybe they are just young, maybe they are just going to be 3½ when they go into kindergarten so the Road to Kindergarten helps them prepare,” she explained. Developing routines for the children before they start school is encouraged.
“That way their child is used to the routine. Any change can be upsetting to them,” said Korper, who pointed out that parents aren’t expected to do this alone. Response to this event has been “excellent,” said Korper. “The numbers have been increasing every year. At this
point we’re maybe getting 30 to 40 families attending.” “We can’t do this alone and parents are not expected to do this alone, nor are agency people expected to do this alone … the idea is working as a team means we can really support these kids to transition to school effectively.”
Val Vickers, program manager at Five Counties Children’s Centre, spends time with Makaya Glover, age three. Photo: Sue Dickens
9,000-square-foot facility,” he says. “With the business background I have a pretty good understanding of how things should operate, and contributing to the running of a municipality is really quite similar.” You have to be fiscally responsible, do what’s in the best interests of the corporation, and “come to the realization that you can’t have everything. You have to work within your means.”
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News - Trent Hills - Local businessman Dwight Boyd has a vision for Trent Hills and he’s looking for the support of people in Ward 2 (Percy) to help it become real. The owner of Clarion Boats in Campbellford says one of his highest priorities in running for council is to preserve “the peaceful and tranquil lifestyle” that residents of Trent Hills currently enjoy. “I strongly believe in fiscal responsibility,” he adds in an interview. “Everything that we do as a municipality has to be done in an accountable, responsible and transparent manner.” In the past three years, Boyd has been vocal on two controversial issues, vigorously opposing granting ATVs access to 85 kilometres of municipal roads in Trent Hills, and building a river crossing between Alma and Second streets to handle half the traffic in downtown Campbellford.
Sasha Korper, early literacy consultant, checks out the new brochure that is part of the pack- Sue Hochu, left, dental hygienist from the oral health department of the age given to parents when they register their local health unit out of Port Hope, provided information about good oral children for Kindergarten for the first time. Photo: health to Carol Glover, a mom from Roseneath whose daughter Makaya was going to be starting school for the first time. Photo: Sue Dickens Sue Dickens
The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 13
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Petro-Canada is a Suncor Energy business™ Trademark of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence. Cards are property of Suncor Energy. ¥¥Offer valid from April 1, 2014 to April 30, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a 1999 or newer eligible vehicle that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $750 Spring Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible new 2013/2014 Chevrolet, Buick, GMC model; or a $1000 Spring Bonus credit towards the purchase, lease or finance of any 2013/2014 Cadillac model delivered during the Program Period. Retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a 1999 or newer eligible pickup truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $1000 Spring Bonus credit towards the lease or finance of an eligible 2013/2014 Chevrolet Silverado, Avalanche, GMC Sierra; or a $2000 Spring Bonus credit towards the cash purchase of an eligible 2013/2014 Chevrolet Silverado, Avalanche, GMC Sierra. Retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a 1999 or newer eligible Pontiac, Saturn, Saab, Oldsmobile, Cobalt and HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive $1500 Spring Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible new 2013/2014 Chevrolet, Buick, GMC model; or a $2000 Spring Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible 2013/2014 Cadillac model delivered during the Program Period. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $750/$1,000/$1500/$2000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership for the previous consecutive six months. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ‡The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick, or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.
14 The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014
Aron Theatre made more accessible thanks to grant Entertainment – Campbellford – When the curtain goes up at the Aron Theatre, another milestone, one of many, will be centre stage at the Aron Theatre Co-operative. Workers spent a day replacing the existing wooden entrance doors with new aluminum ones, and installing a power door-operator. “Thanks to a Trillium grant primarily for barrier-free accessible washrooms, a portion was put to the doors as well,” said Mark White, Aron’s vice president.
Funding in the amount of $23,200 came from the Ontario Trillium Foundation but as well the theatre has received $5,000 from the Campbellford/Seymour Community Foundation and $5,000 from the Municipality of Trent Hills. ‘”It’s just incredible we get that support. It’s really important,” said White. Using local contractors, skilled trades and volunteers, the new enhancement to the Aron was completed in one day. The job of putting in the new accessible doors was done by Cody Humphries and Fred Bol-
ton of Peterborough Glass & Window. “We are putting in brand new aluminum commercial doors with push buttons making the theatre wheelchair accessible,” said Bolton, the day of the renovation. “We will get it all done today.” Accessibility improvements to the Aron began in January 2013 with the complete reconfiguration and restoration of the theatre seating area to accommodate wheelchair access including the addition of spaces for patrons in wheelchairs and their companions, White explained. That project was funded by members of the co-op through seat sponsorships. “The work was completed with thousands of volunteer hours from members of our community,” he said. The success of the Aron Theatre has led to the coining of a phrase, “We call it Aron-
dipity,” White added. From the time the community rallied to buy the theatre back in November, 2009, until now, the improvements and community support has been there. At that time Russ Christianson, (who was president of the Campbellford-Seymour Community Development Corporation), spearheaded the effort to transform the theatre into a co-op in order to keep it alive after long-time owner Paul Imperial’s retirement. From “celebrities” walking the red carpet to its Wednesday matinees, to local fund-raising events, the not-for-profit cooperative provides a venue for everything from movies and music to community events. “The Aron Theatre Co-op is a not-forprofit community organization. Our vision is to transform the Aron Theatre into
a sustainable cultural hub, open to everyone in our community,” said White. “On May 4, in conjunction the Aron’s Annual General Meeting, we will be celebrating with a number of events that day to showcase our improvements to accessibility and promote accessibility in Trent Hills,” said White. A press release will be issued
closer to the date to let everyone know what will be happening. “The Aron is very grateful for the continued support of our funders, members, volunteers, and neighbours who have enabled us to take a leadership in improving our community,” said White. For more information about the Aron go to:
Dr. Lex Luttikhuis Dr. Jessica Gonzalez
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Appointment: ByBy Appointment: By Appointment: Monday–Friday: 8:00-6:00 Monday-Friday: 8:00 - 7:00 Monday–Friday: 8:00-6:00 Saturday: 8:30-1:00 Saturday: 8:30 - 2:00 Sunday: 9:00 1:00 Saturday:9:00 8:30-1:00 Sunday: - 1:00 Sunday: 9:00 - 1:00
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Ted & Judy DeJong Cody Humphries and Fred Bolton of Peterborough Glass & Window make the necessary renovations to In this “after” photo Cody Humphries and Fred Bolton put the finishing the Aron Theatre in Campbellford, making it more accessible with a push button and wider entranceway for easier access. Photo: Sue Dickens touches on the new accessible doors at the Aron Theatre. Photo: Submitted
Scavenger hunt a new addition to fundraising walk-a-thon By Sue Dickens
News - Warkworth - It’s time to dust off those walking shoes and think about participating in the fourth annual Bridge Hospice Walk-a-thon. “There’s something new this year— a fun scavenger hunt,” said Elizabeth Aikenhead, who is organizing the event along with help from Martha Murphy and Dr. Bob Henderson. “Clues will be placed along the Millennium Trail, the main street, in shop windows and so on,” she explained. Walkers will be given a booklet so they can fill out the answers to questions after finding the clues along the way. “For example we might ask what year a building was built and there could be a plaque somewhere nearby with that information,” she explained. “The whole idea is to make the walk-athon more engaging and friendly. Instead of just walking down the road on the trail the participants will be gathering clues. It helps to engage them in the process and
familiarize people with the community and its history,” she added. Last year Aikenhead participated in the event and even though there was no scavenger hunt, she said, “It was a lot of fun.” “The scavenger hunt should make this year’s even more fun for everyone,” she noted. The walk takes about one to one and a half hours to complete. “Walkers will meet at the Warkworth arena and head uptown and along the Millennium Trail. “All ages are welcome from youngsters to seniors. At any point participants can turn around and head back,” Aikenhead commented. Members of the Warkworth Community Service Club will be stationed along the route to make sure walkers complete it safely. This year local physiotherapist Kathy Thompson, of Closing the Gap Healthcare Group, is sponsoring the walk-a-
thon. “They’ll be spreading the word to their clients as well and their team. We’re hoping for a turnout that reflects beyond Warkworth and includes Trent Hills,” said Aikenhead. “And there will be prizes including passes to the Aron Theatre, to the Indian River Reptile Zoo, from Joey’s Chocolate Bar, a gift basket from Your Lucky Stars Café, owned and operated by Aikenhead, and possibly more. Prizes will be given for the highest dollar number in pledges, for the most pledges, and most active scavenger hunt completion, for ages 12 and under and 12 and over in each category. The event will be held rain or shine and all proceeds go to The Bridge Hospice.
Folks can register when they get to the arena the day of the event, Saturday, May 3. Walk-a-thon start time is 10:30 a.m. with registration at 10 a.m. “This is a walk, not a run and it’s not a race,” said Aikenhead. Tax receipts can be issued to donors who give more than $20. The Bridge Hospice, the first residential hospice in Northumberland County, is a registered charity created by people who believe that individuals at the end of life’s journey should have a choice about where to spend their final days. For more information and pledge sheets go to <www. events>.
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Lorrie Cole and Dr. Bob Henderson were among the many walkers who completed the last lap on the Millennium Trail in the Bridge Hospice Walk-a-thon held in 2012. This year will mark the fourth year for the fund-raising event and it will take place Saturday, May 3. Photo: Submitted
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The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 15
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16 The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014
Plebiscite on Campbellford’s bridge options not possible By John Campbell
News - Trent Hills - Residents won’t be asked which proposed river crossing they prefer for downtown Campbellford. According to the 2014 Voters’ Guide for Ontario Municipalities and School Board Elections, in order for the question to be put
on the ballot in this fall’s municipal election, “it must be about a matter that the municipality has authority for, and that the municipality can implement.” That rules out Trent Hills because replacement of the bridge over the Trent River, either at the current location, or several hun-
dred metres to the south, between Second and Alma streets, is the responsibility of Northumberland County. The guide further notes: “There is no ability for members of the public to force a council to put a question on the ballot.” The idea of putting the contro-
versial issue to a vote was raised at a public information centre held recently at the high school to explain why the Second Street proposal was favoured by the consultant. In raising the subject last week, Mayor Hector Macmillan told council he would have “ab-
Councils want Kemptville campus to stay open an “immediate” two-year moratorium on any closure and that it reinstate the academic intake for programs in the 2014 fall semester. The North Grenville resolution has resonated with the councils of Havelock-BelmontMethuen and Asphodel-Norwood which have stepped up to support their campaign. HBM council also wants their resolution of support forwarded Peterborough MPP and Minister of Rural Affairs Jeff Leal. “North Grenville council are adamant that the solution is more than simply relocating the programs to southern Ontario,” North Grenville Mayor David
Gordon says. “This is a hot-button issue I can assure you and we should be supporting this,” AsphodelNorwood Deputy-mayor Joe Crowley said. “It would be a huge crush” if the programs were to end, added HBM Mayor Ron Gerow. The closure would “deny access to post-secondary agricultural training east of Guelph and reduces the number of skilled trades program seats in eastern Ontario,” the resolution says. The closure will result in the loss of over 100 jobs at the campus. In the North Grenville resolution they are asking for a
HBM Township staff will check into rural speed sign fixtures By Bill Freeman
News - Havelock - Township staff will look into what is required to have the municipality’s two portable radar speed signs used along selected rural roads. The current radar signs are located on Highway 7 in the east end of Havelock and south of the village along County Road 30 near Old Norwood Road. The HBM community policing committee discussed the portable radar boards during its last meeting, said Deputy-mayor Andy Sharpe. They want to know if they can be moved around, he told council. “We did talk about the boards last year, about trying to get them moved,” noted Councillor Jim Martin. “We looked at several locations and the electricity to run them,” added Mayor Ron Gerow. In order to place them on a hydro pole along a rural road there would have to be an agreement with Hydro One, said Economic Development Officer Brian Grattan who felt there would be a flat rate charge similar to a streetlight. Grattan noted that the OPP has said
that portable radar signs as well in a setting like a rural road as they do in the locations where they are currently fixed where cars are slowing down to a different posted speed limit. “They might not be near as visible as where they are now,” he said. “They are quite visible because the poles are on the edge of the road.” They would not be as visible in rural areas because of where poles are situated. Grattan has agreed to
do a “quick investigation” with Hydro One to see what would be involved and the cost. He will forward that information on to the township’s police services board and council. “What would have to happen” to accommodate a portable sign. Mayor Gerow noted that in the past they had discussed using the portable radar sign at a location on the Sixth Line of Belmont and on County Road 46.
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meeting with Premier Wynne and an opportunity for local stakeholders to participate in “developing alternative solutions to the closure which is slated to occur by the end of 2015.” In mid-March a public meeting drew 400 local “stakeholders” who “asserted the critical importance of the Kemptville Campus to the continued success of the agri-food industry, skilled trades and overall economic development in eastern Ontario. “Access to research facilities and expertise is necessary for the agrifood sector to innovate and succeed in the global economy and maintain networks that have allowed food producers and processors to keep pace in an industry that is continuously changing,” the resolution states. North Grenville council is urging the premier in “the strongest possible” way to issue the moratorium and to “engage local stakeholders in developing a sustainable and viable solution to preserve the delivery of existing academic and research programs” at the campus.
News - Havelock - Two local councils have lent their support to efforts to keep Kemptville’s 97-year-old agricultural college open. In March, the University of Guelph announced that it was relocating its academic and research programs from its Kemptville campus to Ridgetown and Guelph. The announcement sent shockwaves through eastern Ontario and generated a vigorous response from the municipality of North Grenville which is home to the historic campus. They are asking Premier Kathleen Wynne, who is also the Minister of Agriculture, for
next month which option it favours and its recommendation will then go to Trent Hills and Northumberland County councils for a vote. Macmillan said another suggestion made at the public meeting, that the committee make its choice by way of a secret ballot, is “an excellent idea.” The committee’s terms of reference also provides that municipal and county staff members who sit on the committee will vote in the matter, along with elected officials and representatives of the chamber of commerce, the BIA and the Second Street Residents’ Association.
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By Bill Freeman
solutely supported” holding a plebiscite on the two bridge options, had it been possible, even though he has reservations about the idea. “I do have concerns that people wouldn’t have almost seven years of data in front of them so they could actually … make an educated decision,” he said. Macmillan pointed out that the process for deciding the issue was set out in the terms of reference that were set for the steering committee overseeing the completion of the environmental assessment that was begun in 2007 to determine the best location for a new bridge. The committee will decide
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TThis lovely 3 bd, 4 bath home sits on Wildlife in view, waterfront, award winning 2.3 acres. The main floor boasts a large gardens all in a perfectly maintained 3 br, eat-in kitchen, huge living/dining room 3 bath home. This 1 1/2 storey is private and an office. The second floor has and has its own waterfront point to enjoy 3 bdrms, 2 baths and a media room. Presqu’ile Bay. The porch, stonework and Finished basement with rec room and board and batten exterior welcome’s you potential bedroom. The wrap-around into a large foyer. Open concept kitchen deck starts at the front and wraps and family room with breathtaking views of around to the back above-ground pool. the bay. The living room has vaulted pine There is an orchard of pear, peach, ceilings and the master bd has a 4 piece cherry and apple trees, a green house en suite and a sun room. Move in and enjoy and many perennial gardens. your connection with nature on the water!! MLS 2142147 $389,900 MLS 2142063 $475,000
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A charming century home with 11.49 acre building lot with Spacious solid 2 story brick century 904 Smith St. Beautifully well Unique 3 bdrm home minutes 5.37 acres boasts a large 40 x 30.5 Local builder is ready to build 3 bedrooms & 2 baths on a very your dream home! Southern spectacular views of Lake Ontario. home in Trenton. Currently a fully maintained Victorian home with ft. barn in great condition, newly from schools & downtown. unique property consisting of 4 wired in 2007. Hay/straw storage, exposure on 1.1 acres. Creative Minutes from 401 for commuters rented duplex with good ROI. much of the original woodwork, Welcoming grand entry, lots in the village of Consecon. layout, nine ft. ceilings, large who wish to have a quiet acreage 2 bdrm up and 3 bdrm down. within walking distance of public 76 x 26 enclosed paddock area, Many updates including shingles, gorgeous over-sized kitchen with dug well with lots of water, fenced master bedroom with luxurious in the country for rest and Parking for 5 cars. 3 season sun school. New roof on garage June electrical, insulation and new five piece bath, main floor relaxation. Brighton is just minutes porch overlooks private side yard. 2012. This solid brick home has pastures. Original farmhouse with granite countertops. Spacious propane furnace. Photos & virtual away for all amenities. Hydro is Detached single garage. Easily main floor laundry, refinished updated electrical, septic, furnace & laundry, 337 sq.ft. of decking, master bdrm with full ensuite tour at large 22 x 20 garage. available at the lot line. converted to large single family hardwood floors, hi-efficient gas plumbing. home. furnace. $2,000 redecorating bonus plus large walk-in closet.
18 The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014
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MLS # 2140421 House only for sale, Buyer to have home Moved off property At his expense. House size 22’x36’
Easter tea and art
Susan Brunton enjoys tea with Jack, three, and Olivia, two, during the fourth annual Stepping Stone Preschool Easter tea party and art exhibition in Havelock. The gathering was a showcase for preschool artistry as well as a chance for the Stepping Stone children to welcome family and friends to the centre with servings of tea and other Eastertime sweets. Photo: Bill Freeman
Jackson, three, points to his vividly displayed painting during the fourth annual Stepping Stone Preschool Easter tea party and art exhibition in Havelock. There are 32 children currently enrolled at Stepping Stone. Photo: Bill Freeman
When is the OCPC going to get its act together?
Evan, three, shows off her masterwork during the fourth annual Stepping Stone Preschool Easter art exhibition and tea party in Havelock. The elegant afternoon gathering gave youngsters a chance to display their artistic talents while sharing tea, refreshments and other Easter goodies with family members and friends. Photo: Bill Freeman.
Dear Editor, It is now April and still no decision from the Ontario Civilian Police Commission as to whether or not Greg Oliver will be reinstated to the Stirling-Rawdon Police Services Board either as chair or as a community member. The decision should have been rendered long before now and is one more insult to Greg by OCPC. He was removed as chair without explanation, effectively silenced and his basic right to at least “presumption of innocence” taken away. Ridiculous and unfounded charges were brought against him. Is it any wonder he
chose to fight back? To those who believe this situation is only “small town politics at its best,” I ask you to look at it in a different way. There is a much deeper issue here. Should an organization like OCPC have the power to take away anyone’s basic human rights in a democracy? Greg Oliver is an ordinary citizen who was simply trying to serve his community while raising a family and running a business. In his role as chair he voiced concern about Police Chief Foley’s contract. This was a legitimate concern and has since proven to be justified. He expressed fear about the high
cost of policing and the impact this would have on the taxpayers of Stirling-Rawdon. Again his concerns are well founded. Greg had many concerns as any conscientious police board chair would have (how did Stirling end up with all those officers?) Interestingly enough, at the OCPC hearing, the prosecutor implied that in his quest for the truth Greg managed to hurt some feelings. Surely OCPC is not pinning their case on hurt feelings. Otherwise everyone would be lining up to sue anyone who ever offended them. How absurd! Admittedly, errors were made during a meeting due
to Greg’s inexperience in his new role. But these were minor errors; nothing to build a case on. Greg has been unfairly maligned for voicing his concerns and for trying to tackle serious issues. One of the tragic consequences of this is that good, honest citizens will hesitate to assume any public office because they know that what happened to Greg Oliver could happen to them. I implore OCPC to stop trying to “save face” and to resolve this awful situation as quickly as possible. Carol Sharpe, Stirling-Rawdon
Township lauds “good news” about infrastructure program By Bill Freeman
News - Havelock - Calling it a “good news story,” Havelock-Belmont-Methuen will be looking closely at “shovelready” projects that might qualify for components of the New Building Canada Fund (NBCF) money that will be rolled out over the next ten years. “This is certainly good new. It’s something municipalities have been asking for some time,” Mayor Ron Gerow said of the $14-billion, ten-year NBCF which will offer funding through three components: the National Infrastructure Program, the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component and the Small 30 NESBITT DR, BRIGHTON
Communities Fund. “I’m not sure how all this is going to work but it it’s going to be driven through the provincial structure by the looks of it,” Gerow said. Mayor Gerow says funding for smaller municipalities under 100,000 will probably come later but he says there may be an opportunity for HBM “in some of the others” and is asking staff if there are any local projects that are ready for shovels. CAO Pat Kemp said that staff talked about possibilities at a department heads meeting. “We ran through a few scenarios and
we’re going to bring back a report that will suggest some of the priorities we’ll like to see on the table and get direction on that,” said Kemp. “What we feel may be a priority may or may not be what a majority of council feels is a priority.” “I think we need to look at the big picture and decide the benefits to the municipality in the future,” she added. One potential project that should get attention is George Street, said Deputymayor Andy Sharpe. “One of the things we’ve talked about is a joint project [with Peterborough County] on George Street,” Sharpe
2.42 with Lake View
said. “We’ve struggled with this a few different times trying to come up with a game plan. I’d like to see our staff start talking to county staff to see if we can put something together. We should have a lot of that work done already.” “We need to look at it,” Councillor Jim Martin agreed mentioning the complaints they hear about the state of George Street which is actually a county road. “I’d like to see the county bring it up to standard and we take it over if we have
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to.” Gerow said there may also be an opportunity to look at partnering with the county on bridges “because we have some bridge concerns.” Round Lake Road is another area of interest, he added. “The bottom line is it’s good news,” he said of the NBCF. “It’s what we’ve been asking for.”
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TICO 50015857 R0012651768 The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 19
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Hastings raceway project will get another look By Bill Freeman
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News - Hastings – Just when it appeared that a plan to clean up the Hastings raceway would die, a volunteer committee has been formed to look into the feasibility of pursuing the project conceived and promoted by the Hastings Revitalization Association (HRA). The HRA’s plan was one of four successful bids to receive funding from the Hastings Environmental Group (HEG) which administers the $25,000 Ultimate Fishing Town Canada grand prize Hastings won during the World Fishing Network’s 2013 competition. The association received $10,000 from the HEG. Getting the project off the ground has been a “struggle,” admits HRA past chair Steve Roddy. Roddy was the chief advocate for the cleanup and made the presentation on behalf of the HRA during a public meeting which helped determine successful funding recipients. “I’ve really had a hard time getting this project running and people involved in it,” Roddy said at last week’s HRA meeting. “It’s more of a landowner’s project (and) ownership has always been confusing. I don’t know how to start it and I’m not getting a whole lot of interest from anybody else, landowners or (others). “Is there enough interest to move it forward or do we hand the money back over to the HEG?” he asked. The cleanup would entail taking the dead brush and “stuff that has grown in” out of the raceway and “putting in shrubbery that is pleasing to look at and is environmentally friendly so that when we look down the raceway from the bridge it looks nice.” Roddy would like tourists to be able to walk along the bridge and say, “that’s a nice little scene.” Roddy says he’s talked to some of the landowners and hoped the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 106 could “steer some of this” because they’re a major property owner. “There doesn’t seem to be a lot of enthusiasm; a lot of it is my fault, I took it on as a group and our group is so small. I don’t have the energy or time to take
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this project on to do myself.” Unless there’s “some initiative from the community,” Roddy says it’s only fitting they return the money to the HEG. “We owe it to them to say what we’re doing and what we’re not doing.” HEG member Mike Metcalf was at the HRA meeting and said he was “disheartened” to learn that the project might be withdrawn. “HEG worked very hard getting that money sorted out and with the community putting their effort as well,” he said. Metcalf said he’d be willing to get involved at a committee level to look into the project’s feasibility. “I’m willing to help in
whatever way, too, and I think there are still people out there willing to help but it’s a matter of getting out there and asking.” Roddy apologized to HEG for his comments during the HRA’s February meeting which drew just two people. At that time a “disheartened” Roddy “opened up” about the project. “If we’re not going to get support we’re not going to take those projects on,” he said. With a larger attendance at their April meeting, a committee was struck to look into the raceway project. “We’ve got to do this as a group. That’s what I tried to get across,” Roddy emphasized.
Scouts will canvas for tree planting support By Bill Freeman
News - Hastings - The 1st Hastings Scouts will be canvassing door-to-door April 28 to help support their treeplanting efforts as part of the Kawartha Waterways team that will be hard at work early in May. The Hastings Scouts will join their peers in Cavan Township on May 3 with each member planting 25 trees as part of this year’s Scout Trees initiative. “With your donation you are helping the next generation of Canadians to plant the next generation of trees,” says Hastings Scout leader MJ Stevenson. “Not only are you supporting an excellent program that helps teach youth respect for nature and the importance of stopping climate change, your donation will plant trees to offset carbon.” Because Scouts Canada is a volunteer-based organization and all planting is done as part of the Scoutrees program, local donations will stay within the 1st Hastings Scouting movement with 30 per cent going to the World Brotherhood Fund and the Scoutrees program. In the early 1970s, Canadian Scouting formally undertook a national project that was then known as Trees for Canada. Even before that, in the early 1900s, the Scouting movement was partnered with the Department of Lands and Forests to replant areas in places like Marathon and the Ganaraska Forest area. It was initially a dual-
purpose campaign for reforestation and fund raising but evolved into a pledge-type campaign with a portion of the funds going to the newly created Scout Brotherhood Fund that was used to support projects in developing countries. Scouts Canada has now renamed this project Scoutrees and this coming spring 16,000 Scouts will plant another 200,000 trees bringing to over 80 million the total number of trees planted since 1972. As a national environmental program, Scoutrees was created to do a number of things including reforesting Canada and reclaim waste areas, involving youth with the outdoors and helping them to develop an awareness of conservation, providing an instructional program about conservation and forestry for the Scouting movement, to offer a beneficial outdoor program that would reinforce Scouting’s current programs and badges and to boost Scouting’s public image. Through Scoutrees the youth learn the important role trees play in helping the environment and they’re planted as windbreaks to help reduce soil erosion from wind and rain. They also provide wildlife habitat for birds and other animals. Stevenson thanks all those who support the Hastings Scouting team and says that people who were not at home when canvassers called can still make a donation by calling her at 705-696-2296.
Do you have an opinion you’d like to share? Write the editor
Fieldhouse momentum grows nal determination from where [council] wants to go [with the project].” Council certainly favours the project, whether it opts for the extension is something yet to be decided. “It’s going to be a huge draw, we’ve got to get behind it and support it. But it certainly has to be affordable,” Trent Hills Mayor Hector Macmillan said. “The building has got to be multi-functional so we can do whatever we want there.” Supporters deflected what they characterized as “negativity” directed at the project which is part of the Trent Hills’ ambitious Flourish Wellness campaign. “You always hear from people that Campbellford gets everything but when something is being proposed to support Hastings all of a sudden you hear negativity,” resident Lorraine Trent Hills Community Services Officer Scott Rose (r) talks to Hastings residents during last week’s Wilson said. “Surely our municipality public meeting at the Hastings Civic Centre on the proposed multi-use fieldhouse that is planned for has researched it. Let’s go and do it up Fowlds Millennium Park. Photo: Bill Freeman right. Come on Hastings, let’s dig in and go for it.” “This is something that will be a commercial driver in Trent Hills, not just Hastings,” Deputy-mayor Bob Crate said. “We’ve got to get this thing done and get it working and start promoting it. Through taxation we support lots of Seamless Eavestroughing things, we can support this.”
Soffit and Facia
Mayor would like to see fieldhouse built this year
Steven Switzer P.O. Box 967 Tweed, ON K0K 3J0
By Bill Freeman
613-478-1936 613-920-3985
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
Roast Beef Dinner Friday, April 25th
Marmora Community Centre (Elevator Available)
from 4:30 pm-6:30 pm Roast Beef, vegetables, salad bar, desserts. Jim Zimmerman, an engineering consultant with AECOM Canada Ltd., speaks during a public meeting at the Hastings Civic Centre on the proposed Trent Hills Fieldhouse that would be built at Fowlds Millennium Park. Photo: Bill Freeman
“I think what they’ve got now [in the base project] is good,” she said. Galbraith’s son travels to the Spiplex in Fowlers Corners every week and she says there are youth from Havelock and Warkworth there as well. Having something similar in Hastings would draw users, she says. “I know kids will love it.” “Once it gets started people will get more excited about it,” she added. “The whole plan is going to revitalize that
whole area. I look at what they’ve done in Norwood.” The Hastings Village Marina, she notes, is within easy walking distance and with new subdivisions going up the fieldhouse will only add to the village’s appeal. “We need youth; we need young families to keep the school open, to keep the community vibrant.” Once council makes it decision AECOM will prepare detailed designs and specifications for tender.
News - Hastings - Trent Hills Mayor Hector Macmillan would like to see the proposed fieldhouse at Fowlds Millennium Park in Hastings completed by the end of the year. “We want to see it up this as soon as the community decides exactly what they want to see in the total outlay,” Mayor Macmillan said after last week’s public meeting with consultants from AECOM Canada Ltd. which provided more details about the proposed multi-functional airsupported dome structure. The base project comes with a price tag of $2,854,000. The consultants have also presented an “extended scope” proposal that adds 90 feet to the structure with sport court flooring for additional uses. The extension would add $410,000 to the total cost. “We want to get the figure nailed down so we can get it out to tender and get it up,” says Macmillan. “It’s not all about soccer; that’s certainly a major component, but it’s not all about soccer.” Mayor Macmillan says the past winter has reminded everyone that “something as simple as walking” for exercise will fit in nicely with the fieldhouse. The facility could also be used for cultural purposes, he added. But Hastings needs to support the project. “I hear people in other urban centres say if Hastings doesn’t want it [we’ll take it]. It’s going to be a draw.” “I think you’re going to get a lot more attraction than just your local population,” says consultant Jim Zimmerman. “From that you’re going to generate revenues from groups beyond the borders of Trent Hills. A lot of people east of the GTA don’t want to go into the GTA for these types of things.” Deputy-mayor Bob Crate, who also represents Hastings on council, says he has had at least a dozen people from Peterborough ask him when the fieldhouse will be open. “We’re looking at a facility that will service more than just Hastings,” Crate said. “People need to know we’re there to do business.” “I think it will be a good drawing card,” Hastings resident Kathy Galbraith said. Galbraith is not sure the municipality should opt for the extended proposal.
area with 75 additional spaces. There would also be a bus loading zone. The proposal also includes walkways, a hard surface collection and drop-off area at the entrance to the fieldhouse with landscaped green space adjacent to the fieldhouse. The existing volleyball court will be removed. They would also add another regulation-sized outdoor natural turf soccer pitch. People at the meeting also heard more about an “extended scope” design which could add 60 feet to the length of the dome with a “sport court flooring” system that would allow for multiple uses like concerts and meetings as well as recreational functions like basketball. There would be protective netting separating activities from the two sections of the dome. The extension would add $410,000 to the price tag. There’s also room at the park for a future baseball diamond and shade shelter with service connections for outdoor soccer field lighting at the new field. “We’ve got a pretty good handle on the two approaches,” consultant Ted Wilson said. “We need to confirm the overall scope of the project. Wilson said they will get their “fi-
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News - Hastings - Momentum is growing for the construction of a multifunctional air-supported fieldhouse in Hastings that would become part of a burgeoning recreational hub at Fowlds Millennium Park. “I think it’s a great opportunity. I think it’s going to get lots of use from the community and surrounding area,” Hastings resident Kathy Galbraith said after last week’s public meeting which provided a more detailed look at the proposed $2,854,000 fieldhouse to be built south of the existing parking area and soccer pitches. The preferred location was narrowed down from three that were unveiled earlier by the Municipality of Trent Hills and consultants AECOM Canada Ltd. The fieldhouse will include a 30-metre by 60-meter “FIFA qualified” artificial turf soccer pitch, walking track and golf driving range with a 4,000-square-foot change-support building connected to it. The project will maintain the existing outdoor soccer pitch, mini soccer fields and children’s play structure; the skateboard park would be relocated to the west to allow for an expanded gravel parking area; the new parking lot would have 154 spaces along with an overflow parking
By Bill Freeman
The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 21
Rising waters plague Marmora A group of Marmora firefighters spent time on April 16 sandbagging flooded homes, including the Beaver Creek property of June Vilneff. This was their fourth of the day, and, as one firefighter said mid-afternoon, “with more to go.” The bagging operation began on Monday night, and continued throughout Tuesday, with the first call of the day on Wednesday coming in at 5:15 a.m. Photo: Judy Backus
News - Marmora - Sump pumps and sand bags have been put to good use over the past days in an attempt to alleviate the effects of the high water. A flood warning, put in place for the entire watershed by Crowe Valley Conservation Authority (CVCA), included a long list of areas experiencing flooding as of April 17. During the current situation, the authority will be manned 24 hours a day.
An update includes a pertinent message: “The CVCA urges everyone, especially children, to stay away from all dams, weirs, hydro generating plants, (and) bridges. Springtime conditions on watercourses can easily create dangerous situations causing harm or drowning accidents leading to fatalities.” Information from the municipality indicates that a number of roads have been closed
because of flooding and that the fire department had begun sandbagging operations. It noted, “If you require sand bags please contact the Marmora Fire Department 613-921-6117. In case of an emergency please contact 911.” Tim Pidduck, general manager of CVCA, commented on the situation early on April 17, saying that various sections of the watershed, including Belmont and Crowe Lakes, which
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Taxes payable before Incentive is deducted. □Offer valid from April 1, 2014 to April 30, 2014 (the “Offer Period”) to Canadian residents who purchase finance or lease (during the Program Period) a new 2014 F-150 SuperCrew XLT 4x4 (300A) (the “Eligible Vehicle”) and finance through Ford Credit Canada Limited will receive CAD$1,100 (the “Offer”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford dealer during the Program Period. Limit one (1) Offer per each Eligible Vehicle purchase or lease. Taxes payable before Offer amount is deducted. Not combinable with BFT Loyalty/Conquest offer. ¤Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible - check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. ©2014 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2014 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
By Judy Backus
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are located at its southern end, were still rising as a result of the snow melt to the north, not rain, as there had been no significant precipitation received over the past 24 to 48 hours. The upside of the situation is, he said, the fact that major tributaries, such as Beaver Creek, are starting to, or have stabilized. “The overnight trend,” he pointed out, “has indicated that Beaver Creek is dropping very slowly at this point.” The flows, measured at a gauge located on the creek, had dropped from 72 cubic metres per second on April 16 to 68 on the following morning. Compared to previous years, Pidduck said that in terms of this watershed, the high water had exceeded the levels experienced in 2008/2009. He commented that it was the worst that either he or Water Resources Supervisor, Neil McConkey, had seen in their many years at the CVCA, but it was not the worst that had ever been recorded, mentioning that 1976 was “considerably worse.” He suggested that additional rain, “the wrong amount at the wrong time, could easily push levels higher than what they are right now … We are certainly hoping that levels and flows will continue to stabilize and start to recede over the coming days, but future forecasts could easily reverse that hope.” The flood warning has been made known to member municipalities, the media, cottage associations, and board members. The flood warning and specific conditions are posted on the CVCA web site <>. Pidduck stressed that within the watershed, everything ultimately empties into the Crowe River, heads south, and eventually flows into the Trent River system. From there, he said, “it then flows into Lake Ontario, so we have absolutely no impact on the Belleville situation.” He also mentioned that CVCA staff had done everything possible prior to the spring freshet in order to help prepare for what they anticipated to be a heavy runoff. He noted, “We were out making stop log adjustments well in advance of the freshet. If we hadn’t done that, conditions could have been considerably worse. We have tried to mitigate the effects of flooding as much as possible … No matter what you do, Mother Nature can throw conditions our way that we have absolutely no control over and will still result in flooding.” That same morning saw a group of firefighters and volunteers filling sandbags behind the firehall. Chief Tony Brownson indicated that already 8,500 bags had been filled and distributed. Two trips to Belleville had been made to pick up tractor-trailer loads of prefilled bags. “Basically,” he said of the department’s involvement which began on Sunday night, “we’ve been working from 5:30 in the morning to 10:30 [at night] or 1 o’clock in the morning, then go home and get a couple of hours of sleep.” Residents can either pick up sandbags at the firehall, or if needed, they can be delivered by the fire department in personal vehicles.
Metroland Media Classifieds
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The Gates opens next weekend with a special show â&#x20AC;&#x153;He made his own glazes as well,â&#x20AC;? notes Murtha. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was one dedicated artist.â&#x20AC;? The Gates season opener marks the first time in its three-year history an exhibit will feature only one artist as well as the first major Canadian showing of Zaviâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work since 1974. The art of Jarko Zavi runs daily from May 3 to 19 with an opening reception slated from 6 - 8 p.m. on May 3. The Gates is located at 240 Presquâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ile Parkway, at the entrance to The art of Jarko Zavi, at The Gates from May 3 to Presquâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ile Provincial Park.
19, will include his works from the late 1950s to the late 1980s.
A group of first responders pose for a photo with Northumberland County officials, including Northumberland County Warden Linda Thompson (front row, third from left) and Brighton Mayor Mark Walas (front row, third from right), during a ceremony to mark First Responders Day. Photo: Dominik Wis-
1826 County Rd. 38, Westwood 9:30am: Sunday Worship
PET of the WEEK! Baby
This is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;? story â&#x20AC;&#x153;Babyâ&#x20AC;? is a dilute Calico kitten that was born last October on the streets of Campbellford and managed to survive the frigid winter thanks to the kindness of a resident who provided an outdoor shelter and food. Baby and her sister Sandy are the only two of a litter of six that survived. Their mother, a Calico too, disappeared during the winter months. Baby was live trapped and has been spayed and given her rabies vaccine and now needs someone with insight, patience and a desire to give this kitten a chance at a good life. She is scared but does not bite or scratch, she just hides hoping for something good to happen. If you think you have the time and patience to socialize â&#x20AC;&#x153;Babyâ&#x20AC;? please let us know. We are always looking for volunteers and are currently also looking for appropriate
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places (farms, barns) to relocate spayed/neutered feral cats. For more information call Suzanne at 705559-1899 (Havelock) or Donna at 905355-5164 (Colborne). Our website is Thanks for supporting CCSNI which is an all volunteer organization. Donations are always appreciated.
CHRIST CHURCH ANGLICAN 154 Kent St., Campbellford 9:00am: Worship Service and Sunday School A Warm Welcome to Everyone
THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 8700 County Road #30 Trent River 705-778-2633 Sacrament meeting: Sunday 10am A family church - All are welcome!
CALL 613-966-2034
In Memoriam
starting from up to 75 words
our downtown shops and local PRESBYTERIAN artists and our goal is to be di- ST. ANDREWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Norwood verse,â&#x20AC;? says organizer, Special EfMinister: Rev. Roger Millar fects owner Sheryl Delorme. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At 9:30am: Worship & Sunday School All are Welcome the pilot event, each artist will be paired with a venue and collaboNORWOOD PENTECOSTAL rate with the business owner to s NPC NEXICOM NET Pastor: Rev Jeff Hackett create their own unique display.â&#x20AC;? Family Ministry: Andrew Lacey â&#x20AC;&#x153;Getting involved is easy,â&#x20AC;? Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ministry: Bev Graham adds Brighton-Cramahe ChamSunday School: 10:00am ber of Commerce manager SherMorning Service: 11:00am ry Hamilton. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Simply contact the Evening Service: 6:00pm event organizer and let her know SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re interested, even if you al s %LGIN 3T -ADOC ready have an artist that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re (beside High School) (Wesleyan & Free Methodist) working with. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to Saturday 9:30am: Bible Study Classes register so you can be included in for Children, Youth & Adults the promotional material.â&#x20AC;? Saturday 11:00am: Worship Service Business owners can contact Tuesday 6:30pm: Bible Study at Church A Warm Welcome to Everyone Delorme by email specialfx@ ANGLICAN CHURCHES or by telephone at 613920-4667. ST. MICHAELS
to tirelessly ensuring the well-being of Northumberland County residents.â&#x20AC;? Council confirmed a proclamation marking the day by honouring all of its service branches, including fire and road maintenance crews from each of the seven member municipalities, the Port Hope and Cobourg Police, the OPP and the County paramedic and roads maintenance crews. On Dec. 10, 2013, Bill 15, â&#x20AC;&#x153;An Act to Proclaim First Responders Dayâ&#x20AC;? was proclaimed by Royal Assent at the Ontario Legislature. Each year communities across the province will be gathering to observe and celebrate the sacrifices and hard work of these public servants, Warden Thompson said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We live in a safe, strong and vibrant set of communities, thanks in part to the every-day efforts of our local first responders,â&#x20AC;? she added.
introduced by local MP Rick Norlock. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The next day is Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day,â&#x20AC;? said Szurgot. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What a great opportunity to take your mother out for the day.â&#x20AC;? And everything will be taking place at Memorial Park. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a way for the DBIA to do something for the town,â&#x20AC;? said Szurgot. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everybody supports the shops in town really well and we want to let people know we appreciate it. Help welcome spring from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 10. As well, downtown businesses are being encouraged to register for another DBIA sponsored event, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Art on Mainâ&#x20AC;? (Street), which is slated for August 16. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This event aims to promote
News â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Northumberland County â&#x20AC;&#x201C; With the first official â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;First Responders Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; less than two weeks away, Northumberland County formally recognized the men and women who serve its community in time of need. Representatives from each of the Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 19 service branches were presented with a plaque and certificates from both the MP and MPP during a ceremony on April 14, commemorating the inaugural First Responders Day in Ontario, to be held on May 1. â&#x20AC;&#x153;From providing lifesaving measures, to clearing the roads of snow and debris during storms, to providing a shoulder to lean on in difficult situations, first responders provide us with invaluable support,â&#x20AC;? Warden Linda Thompson said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We thank them for their dedication
ter, DBIA chairperson, The Blue House owner Anna Szurgot says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re trying to brighten everybody up.â&#x20AC;? The family friendly event will feature a gardening oasis where staff from Little Village Garden Centre along with Brighton Horticultural Society master gardeners will be on hand to answer questions and give some tips on how to enliven your life with plants. Also on tap will be food from the Smokehouse Eatery and activities for the kids including a fish pond and face painting. In addition, there will be live music, from the new Brighton Concert Band, who recently received a â&#x20AC;&#x153;New Horizons for Seniorsâ&#x20AC;? grant and will be officially
First responders recognized By Dominik Wisniewski
moved to Cobourg in 1946, then Brighton in 1959. Known mainly for his ceramics, Zavi also had a passion for painting, which led to commissioning his talent to many area aficionados. The National Film Board featured Zavi twice in 1946 and in 1963 he won a gold medal at an international competition in Milan, Italy. He died in 1987. Interestingly, Zavi dug the clay for his works out of the Ottawa River Valley and, locally, in the Northumberland Hills.
New events coming to downtown Brighton
spring celebration presented News - Brighton - Plans by the local Downtown Busiare under way for a couple ness Improvement Associaof new events in downtown tion (DBIA). After a long, brutal winBrighton, starting with a By Ray Yurkowski
bird and horse figurines at his uncleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brickyard and in his late teens, he perfected the craft at an art college in the Czech Republic. That led to a job producing fine china at the Terra Company where, after only three years, he became the head of ceramics design, a position he held for nine years. Zavi immigrated to Canada under the threat against his homeland by Adolf Hitler and only five days before the outbreak of World War II. Settling in Toronto, he married fellow artist Nunzia Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Angelo and
are going to bring them together for next weekendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opening.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Through his whole life, Jarko Zavi lived by his artwork,â&#x20AC;? added Murtha. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have another job and, in Canada, there are very few artists that live by their art alone. He shipped his work all over the world.â&#x20AC;? Regarded as one of the most renowned ceramics artists in history, art was a passion at an early age for Zavi. At the age of five, he began crafting small clay
News - Brighton - The Brighton Arts Council is getting ready for their third season at The Gates gallery starting next weekend with a special exhibit featuring the work of long-time local resident Jarko Zavi. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taken a bit of detective work tracking down the 40 to 50 pieces that will make up the show says organizer Bill Murtha. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re all from private collections,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have about 15 people who
By Ray Yurkowski
Every Sunday @ 10:30am we worship God together
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The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 23
Colborne PS marching toward third provincial drumline title PS was the only one in the intermediate class, earning a score of 77.5 from the three judges. Another local entry Morford’s involved in, Oak Ridge Percussion, made up of the school’s graduates now attending high school, placed second behind St. Michael’s in the premier class, with a score of 90.6 “It was their first time so they were a little bit amped up but they did quite well,” Morford said. The first performance of the year is usually the one “where you get all the jitters out.” Colborne PS is headed to Montreal this Friday to compete in the Quebec provincial championship for the first time, against high schools.
Photos: John Campbell
Colborne Public School’s drumline, including Noah Boughton, Matt Benyon, Shailyn Barrett, Tyler Turk (in back), Andrew Milne and Sam Hall, performed two contemporary songs, Thrift Shop and Billionaire, at the Canadian Drumline Association Eastern Ontario Regional held April 17 at the Keeler Centre.
“We’ll see how we do.” Morford said. After that Colborne will enter two more events, in Brampton and Toronto, before seeking a third provincial championship against older drumlines. “Up until last year they were doing classifications by age and now they’re doing them by ability,” Morford said. “We went from competing against other public schools and now we’re competing against high schools, so it should be very interesting to see how we do. “I’m sure they’ll be fine,” he added. “The confidence it’s going to give them is pretty cool.”
The drumline also included Cassandra Bayes. By John Campbell
News - Colborne - Colborne Public School’s two-time provincial champion drumline will be looking to garner a third title next month and it’s off to a good start with its preparations. It won at a competition held in Bowmanville and then last week hosted the Canadian Drumline Association Eastern Ontario Regional at the Keeler Centre. “It went really, really well, everything ran smoothly, everyone performed well,” said Chad Morford, a teacher at the school who’s also the Mathias Ho and St. Marcellinus place first in the concert class at the Canadian Drumline Association music co-ordinator. Jack Broumpton was one of three judges evaluating the performances of six groups competing at the Eastern Ontario Regional. Six groups took part, but Colborne Canadian Drumline Association Eastern Ontario Regional.
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Added Value
Senior Norwood Hornets award winners
Lifestyles â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Campbellford â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Who is Campbellfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favourite author? The choices have been narrowed to five popular writers â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Linwood Barclay, Giles Blunt, Stewart McLean, Alice Munro and Louise Penny â&#x20AC;&#x201C; whose books are checked out more often than any other at the Campbellford Library. Now itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s up to the public to decide which of the five is number one among local readers. Vote and you could win a free book written by one of the authors, says Friends of the Campbellford Library, which has organized the contest itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calling Campbellford Reads 2014. Unlike the CBCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Canada Reads, the intent is not to tell people which books they should be reading â&#x20AC;&#x153;but what is it people really want to read,â&#x20AC;? says Friends chair Rose-Marie Kerr. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We wanted to get some discussions going (about the libraryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular authors),â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re all Canadian and they each have a different flavour (in their work).â&#x20AC;? To vote you must have read one book by each author. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are voting on the authorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work, not a specific book,â&#x20AC;? says Friends. Ballots can be picked up at the library and the first round of voting will finish by April 23, after which the list is shortened to three. The deadline for the second round is June 7, with the favourite writer to be announced at the Friendsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; annual library book sale a week later. The winner of a book will be drawn from votes cast. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really encouraging people to read, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the point, and to have fun discussions,â&#x20AC;? Kerr said. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also â&#x20AC;&#x153;to highlight the library and all the wonderful things that it does.â&#x20AC;?
Travis Stark and Michael Elliott of the J.J. Stewart Midget Hornets OMHA â&#x20AC;&#x153;Câ&#x20AC;? championship squad had the top goals against average of all senior (Peewee to Juvenile) Hornet teams this season with a 1.55 average. Photo: Bill Freeman
Dawson Turcott, captain of the Norwood Bantam â&#x20AC;&#x153;Aâ&#x20AC;? Hornets, accepts the Jim Lytle Memorial Award on behalf of teammate Nolan Beamish during the annual Norwood District Minor Sports Association awards gala. Making the presentation was Jimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter Shelley. Photo: Bill Freeman
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By John Campbell
improved in play-offs, Jacob Bennett; Bob and Elaine McCullough Award, the entire team Juvenile - NDMS Awards, James Keeping Memorial Award, Evan Calder; most improved in play-offs, Peter Crate Senior points - Hayden Baptie, 2.08 points per game Senior goaltending - Travis Stark/ Michael Elliott (Midget A), 1.55 goals against Dale Ryan Memorial Award - Brad Walsh David Andrew Memorial Award Emma Smith
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Readers asked to vote for their favourite among five popular authors
Turcott; most improved in play-offs, Hayden Baptie; Jim Lytle Memorial Award, Nolan Beamish Midget AE - Esso Medallions, most improved, Tye Lycett; most dedicated, Jeremy Fleury; most sportsmanlike, Brandon Kerber; NDMS Awards, top defenseman, Holden Fleury; most improved in play-offs, Brandon Keeler Midget A (OMHA champions) - Esso Medallions, most improved, Dylan Finlay; most dedicated, Christian Lachapelle; most sportsmanlike, Ethan McDougall; NDMS Awards, top defenseman, Travis Bennett; most
Sports - Norwood - The following is a list of award winners from the Norwood District Minor Sports association, focussing on senior levels. Peewee Esso Medallions, most improved, Jacob Lloyd; most dedicated Jesse Rowatt; most sportsmanlike, Gavin Kimball; Norwood District Minor Sports Awards, ability and conduct, Dawson Baptie; most improved in playoffs, Jon Hughes. Bantam LL - Esso Medallions, most improved, Matt Altonen; most dedicated, Griffin Leeper; most sportsmanlike, Megan Fox; NDMS Awards, most desire, Tyler Barrons; most improved in play-offs, Gavin Post Bantam A (OMHA finalists) - Esso Medallions, most improved, Owen Hubert; most dedicated, Nathan Dunn; most sportsmanlike, Isaac Dart; NDMS Awards, most valuable player, Dawson
A family friendly, all ages event!
The Trent Hills Independent - Thursday, April 24, 2014 25
Emma Smith wins David Andrews Memorial Award By Bill Freeman
News - Norwood - Emma Smith is a multi-sport athlete but there’s “something unique and special” about hockey, she says. The Norwood District High School Grade 12 student is this year’s recipient of the David Andrew Memorial Award and Bursary from Norwood District Minor Sports and it was fittingly received as she wrapped up her final year of midget hockey with the Cold Creek Comets, a program she joined as a bantam player after six seasons with the Nor-
wood Hornets. It took Emma two years to persuade her parents Susie and Graham to let her play hockey with her brother Brent’s senior tyke team; they relented and at the age of four she was well and truly launched into Canada’s national passion. She has now spent the last 11 years playing hockey. It’s a decision she says she’ll “never regret” and has “loved every minute of it.” Emma is one of the best badminton players in the region and has represented
NDHS at the provincial high school finals but it’s hockey that has taught her the “important lessons [she] carries with her in all aspects of her daily life.” The values of “teamwork, time management skills, following directions and working co-operatively with others to achieve a common goal” all stem from
her experiences playing hockey. As a Norwood Hornets player she won an OMHA novice title and was part of the Atom A team which reached the OMHA final. Her successes on the ice have grown since switching to girls hockey winning a bronze medal at the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association
(OWHA) provincial championships; the midget Comets have won three straight gold medals at the Lower Lakes Female Hockey League championship weekend. Emma says hockey has always made her feel “part of
Campbellford to host provincial bantam softball championship By John Campbell
Sports – Campbellford – The town will get to host an Ontario Amateur Softball Association (OASA) provincial championship after all. Gary Torrance, manager of the bantam Campbellford Cougars, was turned down two years ago because the town has only ball field suitable for tournament play and the OASA requires two. Undaunted, he decided to apply once more late last year, to “give it a try to see what happens” in case “they didn’t have anybody” lined up, he said. Last week he got word Campbellford would be the site of this year’s bantam championships Aug. 2-3, which means the Cougars, who won the provincial title last year, won’t have to leave home to defend their reign. The team will still have to finish in the top eight at the elimination tournaEmma Smith is presented with the David Andrew Memorial Award by Norment July 11-13 when all the province’s wood District Minor Sports president Rob Buchanan during the associabantam teams will gather at Toanche. tion’s annual awards afternoon. Photo: Bill Freeman
This ���� �t
Qualifying for the A championships and hosting them in Campbellford shouldn’t be a problem, said Torrance, who has his eyes set on the team advancing to the Canadian championships. Some of the games will be played at Stirling the first day of the tournament to accommodate the eight teams that will be in Campbellford for the provincial championship. Torrance’s son Rod is the coach of the Cougars, and he’s assisted by Brian Seymour and Craig Petherick. The team, sponsored by OPG, is largely the same one that started playing together as mites nine years ago and moved up through the ranks of squirt, peewee and then bantam. Five of the 12 players reside in Trent Hills, the others come from Tweed, Stirling, Centre Hastings and Belleville. The team of young teenagers play in the Stirling league against adults and do well against their older competition, finishing tied for second last year.
the community.” The volunteer work she does in the community is a reflection of the mentoring and “positive influence” she has received from the hockey coaches she has had at all levels throughout her career.
Hockey awards handed out
Campbellford Minor Hockey Association presented several awards at its appreciation dinner for coaches and volunteers. Bryce Ellis, on the left, presented Doug Mathew his Coach of the Year award for having led the midget team to the provincial CC final. Other recipients were: Joanne Forestell, manager of the year; Terry Carleton, Cathy Newton, CMHA life member awards; Randy Petherick, Jody Greenly, Pete Crothers, Owen Brunton, and John Foster, Co-operators Cup team management award; Melissa Fleming, the Jim Crothers Grassroots Hockey award, and; Wayne Kerr, CMHA trainer of the year. Photo: Submitted
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Total EMC Distribution 474,000
B Section News April 24, 2014
Paying for an EMC classified by credit card?
Packed house for Havelock gun show By Bill Freeman
News - Havelock - The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 389 in Havelock got a nice boost from gun and military memorabilia collectors and enthusiasts who ďŹ&#x201A;ocked to town from around the province Saturday. The gun and military show organized by Don Martin and held in the Branchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s upstairs hall drew a large crowd and 30 vendor tables with all of the proceeds going to Branch 389. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re quite happy for the turnout,â&#x20AC;? said Martin, a dedicated collector for over 50 years. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was deďŹ nitely packed; they were lined up at the door and you could hardly get a parking spot. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re very pleased.â&#x20AC;? Vendors from as far away as Sudbury, Niagara Falls and Montreal were at the Havelock show which followed a closely observed ďŹ rearms protocol that was strictly enforced. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All the money is being donated to our Legion,â&#x20AC;? said Martin. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We think about the veterans that didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come back and what we can do for the people who are still here to help our Legion. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s part of our history and we have some new veterans now and we have to show them the same encouragement too and to get as many other people as we can interested to support our Legions.â&#x20AC;? Martin is a long-time and keen collector and student of the famous line of Winchester riďŹ&#x201A;es. Among those in his display were three model 65 Winchesters; there were only 5,107 manufactured and they were made in three calibres, Martin explained. Those three calibres were the 218-B, 2530 and 32-30. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got them all,â&#x20AC;? he added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re almost impossible to ďŹ nd. I got lucky.â&#x20AC;? One of the Model 65â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, the Trapper 25-35, was made in 1906. The craftsmanship, Martin says, is â&#x20AC;&#x153;extraordinary.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been collecting since I was 15 or 16 and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be 70 next year. I just like them; theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a well-made gun. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re very desirable.â&#x20AC;? Winchester is no longer in business and is now known as U.S. Repeating Arms Company, the current name of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got some of the original stuff from New Haven, Connecticut,â&#x20AC;? Martin Please see â&#x20AC;&#x153;Enthusiastsâ&#x20AC;? on page B2
Don Martin, organizer of Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gun and military show at the Havelock Legion, stands beside part of his Winchester rifle collection. Martin was extremely pleased with the large turnout the show attracted. Proceeds from the event will be donated to the Havelock Legion Branch 389. Photo: Bill Freeman
Instructor comes clean on making soap
By Sue Dickens
News - Warkworth - What do beeswax, lamb fat and lye crystals have in common? These are just some of the ingredients used during a workshop taught by Susan Chan, who came clean on the art of making soap, at one of several workshops offered by The Abundance Project. The series began with The Amazing Vegetable Race and wrapped up
with a Raised Bed and Container Gardening workshop. The Abundance Project is a community based organization focused on promoting healthy eating, sustainable growing practices and food preparation skills under the guidance of coordinator David Lyon. Soap making was so popular that spaces in two subsequent workshops were filled quickly by interested residents.
Chan, who is project manager of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Farms at Work,â&#x20AC;? is a consultant in agriculture and pollination biology â&#x20AC;Ś and she makes her own soap in her spare time. Chan agreed to take her teaching skills and interest in soap making to the community of Warkworth. The Abundance Project relies on a network of volunteers, like Chan, to plan and deliver a wide variety of food related workshops and projects.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m an educator and enjoy working with people,â&#x20AC;? she told the Trent Hills Independent. Because Chan makes her own soap she wanted to share those skills with others. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Soap making is kind of like making bread, you mix ingredients and have to wait â&#x20AC;Ś although the active part is actually not very long,â&#x20AC;? she commented. She shared with workshop participants Please see â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cleanâ&#x20AC;? on page B2
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Something fishy is happening at the Tweed Library Entertainment - Mystery writer Hilary MacLeod will be the featured speaker at the Tweed Public Library on Thursday, May 1, at 7 p.m. She appears as part of the library’s Writers Series, sponsored by the Friends of the Tweed Library. MacLeod, a Prince Edward County resident, is the author of the popular Shores Mystery series. Her first novel, Revenge of the Lobster Lover, won the CBC’s Bookie Award in 2011. Three other mysteries followed, Mind Over Mussels, All Is Clam and Something Fishy.
The novels are set on a small fictional island on the Atlantic coast and feature quirky and eccentric characters. MacLeod, who summers on Prince Edward Island where she got her inspiration for the setting of the novels, is a former CBC radio morning show host and professor at the School of Media Studies at Loyalist College in Belleville. For further information, go to www.tweedlibrary. ca .
Clean as a whistle Continued from page B1
what she referred to as “a foolproof soap recipe.” “The recipe I was giving out at the workshop has never failed me,” she said. “This is the way it has always been made on farms for generations,” she added. Chan pointed out that homemade soap is cheaper than store bought soap “in the long run.” “Sixty dollars will get you 50 bars of soap,” she said. “This is a very desirable soap, not soft, not hard and very good on your skin,” she added. Chan said making soap can
be a lot of fun as the traditions of previous generations get passed along as people “get back to the basics.” Workshop participants agreed. “I have never done this before and I will try it at home after. I am definitely interested in using natural products,” said Kim Watson of Warkworth. Laura Easter, who has a dairy farm near Warkworth, was among the eight women who took part in one of the recent workshops. “I tried making soap before and failed so I came for some
critiquing,” she said with a grin. “We have a farm and plenty of fat available, one of the key ingredients to making soap. It’s making use of our resources,” she added. Chan, who does her own canning and preserving and makes her own hand cream and lip balm as well, said, “I like to share this knowledge with other people. It’s very satisfying.” For more information about The Abundance Project go to <http://warkworthabundance. ca/>.
Sophisticated; modern; So anything but ordinary.
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only.......$ 899 STATIONARY CHAIR only.......$ 399 HIPSTER $ 899 MATCHING OTTOMAN lar end table... 349 table...$ 649 rectangu $ rectangular drawer end lar cocktail table... 699 $
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These women cleaned up their soap making skills at a recent workshop held by The Abundance Project, one of several workshops brought to the community of Warkworth: from left, workshop participant Kim Watson; instructor Susan Chan; and participant Laura Easter. Photo: Sue Dickens
Enthusiasts flock to Havelock
Continued from page B1
said alluding to the evolving company’s historic roots which began in the mid-1850s in Connecticut. “It’s top-quality stuff.” Two of Martin’s rifles are engraved by Pauline Muerrle, the only woman to work as a custom shop engraver for Winchester.
Another of his rifles is engraved by Nick Kusmit who did custom work for Clark Gable and Roy Rogers. The rifles, he says, are very hard to track down. “There was a lot of leg work.” Shows like the one in Havelock (another is scheduled for September 6) and others around
the province allow collectors like Martin to do a little networking and share information and knowledge of collections. “Some people think we’re all bad because we’re gun owners; we’re not. It’s harder to get a firearms licence than it is to get a passport. It’s part of our history.”
MATCHING CHAIR AND A HALF only.......$ 899 MATCHING OTTOMAN only.......$ 399 HIPSTER STATIONARY CHAIR only.......$ 899
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B2 EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
Auto show returning to the fairgrounds News - Stirling - With stakes in the ground at the fairgrounds to mark vendor areas, organizers of Stirling’s Annual Automotive and Antique Flea Market are left with little to do but prepare for the crowds. And the crowds, says show Co-Chair Jeremy Solmes, could reach 10,000. “It’s always busy,” he says of the springtime ritual that has seen significant growth and changes over the years and is now administered by the Stirling Agricultural Society. The annual event now regularly sees crowds of 5,000 or more on opening day, Solmes says and, scheduled for May 3 and 4 at the fairgrounds and recreation
centre, this year’s edition will again feature more than 500 vendors offering a range of antique cars, parts and automobilia. But Solmes, reflecting on the early days and the show’s humble beginnings more than 40 years ago in a Spring Brook driveway, has always been a supporter. “My grandfather [Roy Solmes] started it,” notes Solmes, adding, “that’s why I got involved.” And he admits there are plenty of other auto enthusiasts in the area who flock to Stirling every year to check out the hardware. Solmes explains that vendors are primarily related to the automotive industry, selling parts and vehicle related products, but typically there are also a
range of toys, souvenirs and clothing on offer as well. “There really is something for everyone,” says Solmes, noting for many the show has become a family event. Not only are there plenty of vintage vehicles to admire, parts and components for nearly every make and model, and experts in all areas mechanical, visitors can often find that much-wanted treasure that has eluded them for years. Business is usually brisk on opening day, Solmes says, with many enthusiasts arriving early. Undoubtedly, he says, traffic through the village will be heavy and some delays can be expected in and around the fairgrounds. Billed as the Largest Flea Market East of Toronto, the Stirling Agricultural Society event offers both indoor and outdoor
Rednersville film fest prepares for launch
Stirling’s Annual Automotive and Antique Flea Market is scheduled for the weekend of May 3 and 4 at the arena and fairgrounds and Co-Chair Jeremy Solmes says significant crowds are expected for the springtime event.
with a screening of Pacing the Cage, for the first time treated with RealFeel. Featuring performances by Bruce Cockburn, Keary says the RealFeel version marks a world premiere for the film with Cockburn’s manager Bernie Finkelstein and producer Joel Goldberg slated to attend. Further information about the RIFF is available by emailing or phoning 613-779-8933.
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Entertainment - Rednersville - Organizers of the first Rednersville International Film Festival (RIFF) are gearing up for the launch of what Active Arts Studio owner Jeff Keary promises will be an unforgettable experience for music and film fans. “This is a unique event for several reasons,” says Keary, who lives with his wife Tracey in a converted church on Barley Road that regularly doubles as a concert hall, recording studio, art gallery and theatre, where a variety of performances and exhibitions have been hosted in recent months. The RIFF begins this Friday with the weekend screenings focusing on the work of director Martin Scorsese, including The Band’s The Last Waltz, and will feature special guest and the film’s original sound editor Rob Fraboni at the opening. “We have a unique stellar sound system from Tenor Audio and Tetra,” explains Keary, “[and] these companies do not have dealers or showrooms … There is literally nowhere in the world that this combination of amp and loudspeaker can be heard.” And for only the third time ever, he adds, Fraboni’s “unique, personal, definitive and publicly unavailable twochannel audio version” will be presented. “Rob has devised a new technology called RealFeel and all the movies we are showing have been treated with this system which is designed to improve sound quality and thereby picture quality too,” Keary says. Friday’s opening will be followed by Martin Scorsese Day on Saturday which will include the films Mean Streets, Taxi Driver and a second screening of The Last Waltz. There will be other events scheduled through the week including opportunities for private listening sessions where visitors will have a chance to hear their favourite material, he says. On May 3, more music is on the RIFF schedule
vendors and two full days of automotive indulgence. And while there has been recent flooding, Solmes adds, the weather has been more co-operative recently as well. There were a few concerns about water levels this spring, he notes, but the fairgrounds have dried up significantly in recent days and the site is expected to be in ideal condition for the show. Doors open to the public at 7 a.m. on both Saturday and Sunday (May 3 and 4) with an admission price of $5 per person. Parking is free as well as admission for children under 12.
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From Sunderland go North on Hwy. 12 to Concession 11 then West. See Signs!
Tractors, Combine & Trucks: Ford New Holland 8670 Genesis 4x4 diesel tractor with a/c cab 16 speed power shift trans. 18.4 x 42 duals, 16.9 x 28 Front 8,800 hrs, 876 Ford Versatile 4x4 articulating a/c cab tractor with 20.8 x 38 all round duals, 15 speed trans. has pto & 3pth, (270 hp, 4,400 hrs. on LT10 Cummins diesel engine), 8000 Ford diesel tractor with newer Allied 790 loader plus 7’ material bucket (105 hp, open station 5,600 original hrs.), 920 JD diesel tractor (good tires), 400 JD Industrial cab backhoe/loader diesel tractor with 18” bucket & 7’ material bucket (self levelling loader 6,800 hrs.), TR96 NH diesel twin rotor combine with Ford diesel engine (4,800 engine hrs., & 3,000 thresher hrs.). 974 NH 6 narrow row corn head, 973 NH 25’ flex head with air reel, 1995 Freightliner FLD120 day cab transport truck with L14 Cummins diesel engine, wet line (948,000 kms. sells certified), 36’ custom grain trailer with plastic floor plus self locking roll tarp, 1998 Kenworth heavy duty transport truck with 21’ steel tandem grain box plus hoist (sold running “as is”), 2003 F250 Ford 4x4 pick up 5.3 Triton engine 325 kms, 8’ box, automatic (sells running “as is”) Planting, Harvester, Tillage & Manure handling equipment: Great Plains 12 x 30” Corn Planter with Kearney toolbar equipped with 24 Flexicoil FS0 fertilizer openers with 1740 Flexicoil tow behind air cart, 1330 Flexicoil tow behind air cart with 8000 tool tar with Barton openers (double shoot for separate seed & fertilizer placement), Airboom 60’ fertilizer broadcast boom Krause 30’ tandem folding disc, Wilrich 36’ hydraulic cultivator with hydraulic wings plus finishing finger harrows, 21’ folding Custom made hydraulic folding roller/packer Eeze On 14 heavy duty offset disk, Knverland 7/16’ trail plow with spring resets, White 7/18” semi-trail plow with spring resets, P6200 Pronovost bale Tubulator, JD 1209 haybine, Hardie Navigator 800 gal. field sprayer with 60 hydraulic fold boom, foam markers (new tires 13.5 x 38), Nuhn 4,800 gal. vacuum tandem liquid manure tanker, Nuhn toolbar with Dietrich injectors, 2 -Nuhn pto manure pumps 6” x 14’ & 10’, Husky manure agitator, Demuth Submersible transfer manure pump with 7 1/2 hp electric motor, Nuhn transfer manure pump (“as is”), 1 NH tandem manure spreader, 400 bu UFT Grain Buggy with folding hydraulic auger roll tarp, 350 bu gravity wagon with Horst running gear (has 1020 truck tires), Unverferth 14’ hydraulic drive fertilizer auger, 2 Westfield pto driven grain augers on wheels 10” & 8” x 50’ Vreten stone picking fork Agratec bale stoker. Miscellaneous items: Puratone 30’ Biovator dead stock in vessel composter, Oswald TMR mixer, Marathon 40kw generator with Perkins diesel engine, 5 hp gas water pump, Farm King electric double screen gain cleaner, 5’ HI CO rotary mower, 8’ box scraper blade, Smyth 7’ snow blower, electric cement mixer, JD 7000 12 row front fold corn planter for parts plus various plus various Flexicoil & JD planter parts, liquid fertilizer kit for 15’ seed drill used (13.5 38) (14.9 x 28) tires, Marweld Sheep Feeders some hog equipment, 12” municipal water pipe, various lengths hoops, post & boards for a 30 x 60 hoop building (no tarp), 1,500 gal. water tank, also 35 bags of De Dell seed corn! PLAN TO ATTEND THIS VERY TIDY SALE! Terms: Cash, Known Cheque with I.D., Visa, MasterCard, Interac NO BUYER’S PREMIUM! Note: Day of Sale Verbal Announcement takes precedence over any advertisements!
Sale Managed & Sold by
Kevin Barker Auctions Ltd. LUNCH AVAILABLE
705-374-4478 (office) or 705-878-2947 (cell) Email: Web: Vendor: 705-432-3356
Auctioneer: Allen McGrath
out to more than 69,000 homes. Call to find out how. 613-966-2034
Warner’s Auction Hall, 12927 Hwy 2, Just West of Colborne. For Mrs. Norma Hamilton of Brighton who has been moved to a Community Care facility. Everything excellent sound clean condition, including some excellent artwork by local artist Georgina Graham and local pottery pieces by Zaci Jarko, all nice piece in mint condition. Artwork includes paintings and pastels,, watercolors etc. Furniture includes over painted antique early chest of drawers, armoire, dining table with 5 leaves, 6 chairs, matching sideboard. All natural pieces include antique doe box, press back rocker, spinning wheel, old child’s potty chair, wicker pieces, excellent antique rocker upholstered with matching foot stool, small tables, 2 white glass front china cupboards, old white metal cupboard, for the grandchildren excellent pine crib, set metal bunk beds, antique chest drawers, modern dresser, 4 night stands, single bed, apt size chest freezer, smalls include silver pieces, large collection fancy cups & saucers, 8 piece setting Ansley china with serving pieces and double handled soup bowls, chest flatware, Royal Doulton figure, crystal pieces, excellent antique lamp w/hand painted shade, cornflower, small tables, quantity everyday dishes, house wares, cook wares, quantity bedding linens, excellent Cooey bridge set, nice recliner, some household type small tools, cut glass pieces, BBQ. The list keeps going, too much to list including some good books, small desk & chair, Mrs. Graham took nothing with her, everything must be sold. Terms: Cash, Cheque with ID, Visa, M/C, Interac.
Gary Warner Auctioneer • 905-355-2106 CELEBRATING 26 YEARS IN BUSINESS.
AUCTION SALE for THE ESTATE OF LAVERNE MASTIN FARM MACHINERY & RELATED TOOLS SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M 2001 ENRIGHT ROAD, MARYSVILLE DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 401 east of Belleville take Deseronto Road (exit 570) north 9 kms. to Enright Road. Turn west & follow 3 kms. to sale site at 2001. Kubota M9000 4WD tractor with cab & air & Kubota M740 loader with 12F/12R fully synchronized main & shuttle transmission, 12.4 x 24 front & 18.4 x 30 inch rear tires, 2300 hours (ex.) Case IH model 595 2wd tractor with CIH 2250 loader & canopy 3100 hours (also in ex. shape),International 710 semi-mount 4 furrow plough, International 45 vibrashank 12 ft. cultivator/ spring harrows, MF # 33 - 15 run seed drill with grass box, set of field drags, 3 drum field roller, New Holland 488 9 ft. haybine (ex), New Idea 5 bar side delivery rake, New Holland 273 small square baler, John Deere model 457 “silage special” round baler with mega wide pick up & “Baletrak Plus” monitor controller system (excellent condition), 2 wooden flat bottom hay wagons, Ford 3pth 7 ft scraper blade, King Wyse hay & grain elevator on undercarriage/ motor, 8 inch x 20 ft grain auger, 4 inch x 20 ft grain auger, fertilizer spreader, 200 bushel gravity grain wagon, homemade dump trailer, Spramotor 3pth field sprayer, Allied manual bale stooker, Husqvarna model 125 riding lawnmower (like new), lawn roller, 1988 Suzuki LT4 4wd 4 wheeler, 1972 Ski Doo Alpine model, Canox MIG matic 35 wire feed welder, Lincoln AC 225 welder, Husqvarna 359 chain saw, 16 ton pipe bender (new), Stihl gas weedeater, manual tire changer, culverts, 3 sets of tractor tire chains, Rubbermaid stock tank, mineral feeder, large qty. of farm tools including bottle jacks, air tools, power tools, wrenches, sockets, ITC table top variable speed drill press, chop saw, bench grinder, acetylene tanks, torches, gauges & cart, fencing supplies, qty. of rough cut lumber, qty. of cedar rails, bale feeders, backhoe bucket, 3 pth bale spear, logging chains, aluminum extension ladder, grass seed, milk cans, firewood rack, small wood trailer, & numerous other items far too many to list. Mr. Mastin was a very good caretaker and the machinery is all in very good condition. See my web site for detailed list & large number of photos. AUCTIONEERS: DOUG JARRELL & BEN TREVERTON 613-969-1033 Terms: Cash, Debit, Visa, MC or good cheque/ ID. Lunch booth available. Owner and/or auctioneers not responsible for injury or damage sale day.
1984 Villiers Line, Indian River
Large selection of antiques and household furniture, appliances, tools and more including a 1950 Pontiac Silver Streak 4 door sedan and a 2009 PT Cruiser. A partial listing if items includes King size bed 4 poster bed with storage drawers & mattress, 5 peice bedroom suite, solid oak 1940’s men’s rocking chair with upholstered seat, rattan ladies desk & matching chair, antique 3 drawer maple dresser, bedside table, antique 4 piece maple bedroom suite, antique East Lake style settee, ornate antique wall clock, antique oak plant stand, vintage salon chair, East Lake style chair, 1950’s Viking wood cabinet table top radio, antique wooden gravity fed toilet tank, 5 piece rattan dining set with glass top, antique liquor cabinet, antique school desk, antique oak washstand, gate leg drop leaf table, oak pedastal dining room table with 4 press back chairs & 1 large leaf, wicker trunk, 2 sets of wooden end tables, upholstered office chair, olive green sectional chesterfield, large ornate trunk, antique 1/2 moon parlour table, 4 tier plant stand, vintage wooden telephone table, washboard, white wicker armoire, white wicker dresser, wooden glass top coffee table & end tables, beautiful large ornate electric fireplace with mantle, small electric fireplace with mantle, cream sofa, floral sofa, floral chairs, brass double bed, night stands, vintage brass fireplace screen, ornate trunks, 2 piece painted bedroom dresser stand, Baldwin grandfather clock, small cast iron and wood child’s bench, carved wooded book ends, copper pot, vintage gum ball machine on stand. Sony large screen tvs & various other tvs, stereos. Sterling silver cigarette case, antique brass level, Victorian opera glasses, Regina & 2 westclock pocket watches, costume jewelry. Hand made Norske Lo’ve large 64 cannon Norwegian battleship, signed hockey picture. 2 humidors & pipe holders, men’s brass antique pipe stand, men’s pipes, newer smokers stand. Ertel die cast car, copper coal pails, antique weights, antique razors, antique pot belly stove, 1942 wooden airplane prop SN LL4673. Brass parrot, antique hunting pictures, antique brass torches, figurines, Royal wash basin & bowl. 3 gallon crock, jug, antique skis, antique bear paws snowshoes, lobster trap, antique wooden ruler, old stamps, small fumed oak tea box. 1889 antique Burns poetry book, Noram Rockwell 3-D collector plates, etched natural gas pieces, antique powder horns, antique Prudential Insurance company bank with key, Beacon oil lamp & various other oil lamps, antique wooden Brunswick Bissell’s floor sweeper. Vintage Mickey Mouse radio, bronze figurine. Delft planter, Woods tea pot, Shelley, Chintz, Royal Crown, Darby, Royal Vale dish set, Carnival glass, Limoge, various steins, cranberry, crystal. Egg coddlers, china floral figurines, collector plates. Silver plate flatware sets. New popcorn machine, Coke light. Art & prints, Pulp Fiction poster, aquariums, Whirlpool fridge, Woods chest freezer, Wood’s upright freezer, Danby bar fridges, Performa washer & dryer, household kitchen wares. Moffat fridge & stove. For photos see: auction advertiser.
Terms of sale: Cash, Cheque with ID
Antique Auction by Riverside Auction Hall Hastings, ON • 705-696-2196
Auctioneer: Allen McGrath
AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FOR MRS. MARIE COOK NEWBURG, ONT. SATURDAY, MAY 3, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. ON SITE Directions: From Hwy. 401 just east of Napanee take Palace Rd. north to Newburg Rd. Turn right & follow to the stop sign in Newburg. Turn left onto Cty. Rd. 27 & follow to sale site at # 530. This prominent old farmhouse is loaded with antique furniture & smalls. Antique bow front china cabinet/ glass on 3 sides, antique kitchen table/ 5 leaves, china cabinet, 8 rod back chairs, chesterfield, loveseat & chair, Gibbard double bed with matching dresser, Queen size poster bed, double bed with matching chest, dresser & vanity/ stool, Mohair chesterfield & 2 chairs, walnut candle stand, wicker fern stand, antique bow front washstand, cedar chest, 3 piece double bedroom set, high bedstead bed, rattan lounge, glider rocker, hall table, lazy boy rocker, antique open washstand, brass bed, wardrobe, high chair, 2 antique painted dressers, harvest table, church pew, bed side chairs, Kenmore 9 cu. Ft. freezer, chair & ottoman. Set of dishes for 12 “Banbury Inn” pattern, H. Wallace 1835 12 place setting of flatware/ serving pieces, wooden butter bowl, harness bells, cranberry, carnival glass, agateware, copper kettle, Sadler tea pot, cream & sugar, cups & saucers, wash set pieces, old prints, watches, railroad pocket watch, violin, old quilts, old post cards, Frontenac & Lennox & Addington atlas, Sir John A. McDonald books, floor lamp, old locks & keys, boot jack, milk bottles, H &L Belleville crock, ice box hardware, child’s bob sleigh, child’s wagon, wooden barrel, cotton bags, old harness box, horse shoes, broad axe, carpenter’s box, pulleys & hooks, hump back trunk, milk can, sealers & jars, coal skuttle, jardinière, small crocks & finger jugs, old cook books, small kitchen appliances, corning ware, old canes, cast iron plant stand, block plane, snow fence, Raybestos tin sign, anvil vise, toboggan, beam augers, cabbage slicer, lanterns, boot jack, old doors & windows, snow shoes, floor fans, meat cleaver & saws, wooden marbles, qty. of linens. Sears riding lawnmower (as is), Ariens roto tiller, 3 pth 6 ft. scraper blade, Massey Harris 3 pth belt driven buzz saw, 2 old milkers, platform scale, steel sheeting, car ramps, portable air compressor, wheel barrow, old wagon racks, propane barbeque, garden tools, step ladders, 3+ cord of firewood, electric chainsaw & numerous other pieces far too many to list. See my web site for detailed list & large number of photos. AUCTIONEERS: DOUG JARRELL & BEN TREVERTON 613-969-1033 Terms: Cash, Debit, Visa, MC or Cheque/ ID Lunch available • Owner and/or auctioneers not responsible for accident sale day
DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED WORD ADS IS MONDAYS AT 3 P.M. Ads can be placed by calling 613-966-2034 ext. 560 or 1-888-967-3237 B4
EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
The property of Rein Westerbaan 785 Concession 11, Brock Township, ON
Terms of sale: Cash, Debit, M/C, Visa Canteen & Washrooms
AUCTION? Get the word
including 5 tractors, combine & trucks!
thursday, May 1st, 2014 10:00 a.m.
Large auction, partial estate, other interesting items plus many consignments. Boxes as yet unpacked. 192 Front W. Hastings, ON K0L 1Y0
Auction SAle Full line of farm machinery,
Tues April 29th @ 6pm HAVE AN Doors open at 5:00pm UPCOMING AUCTION SALE at
ROSLIN, ON 33rd ANNUAL STOCK REDUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 3rd AT 10:00 AM 12 miles north of Belleville on Highway #37 and turn east at Roslin on Shannonville Road for 2 miles. Quantity of 1”& 2”rough lumber, quantity of 1”& 2”dressed lumber, Kiln dried hardwoods, pressure treated lumber, white cedar decking, assortment of pine lumber, tongue and grooved pine/ white cedar V- joint, tongue and groove pine flooring, windows, doors, assorted plywood, assorted siding, steel roofing, TimBr-Mart Builders hardware. LUNCH AVAILABLE. Business as usual at Chisholm TimBr-Mart 8 AM to 12 PM on day of sale. Visa & MC accepted by Chisholm’s. CHISHOLMS 613 477 2920 TERMS - CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082
1504 COUNTY ROAD 10, R.R.# 3 PICTON CHERRY VALLEY, ONT. THURSDAY MAY 1ST AT 10:30 AM 4 miles SOUTH of Picton LCBO on County Road 10 to village of Cherry Valley. Vilas maple dining room suite with table, 4 comb back chairs and glass top hutch, oak dining table with centre pedestal and 4 chairs, antique walnut china cabinet, antique oak library table, antique pine drop leaf table, antique oak dresser, antique treadle sewing machine, 3 piece walnut bedroom suite, oak finish computer desk, 3 piece pine coffee and end tables, 2 pc chesterfield suite with suede finish, oak finish book shelves, area carpets, Flo Blue dinnerware pieces “Regent”, Set of Paragon “Victoriana Rose” dinnerware with extra pieces, antique toilet set pieces, antique oval butter bowl and ladle, Royal Doulton figurines, Doulton Toby jugs, Swarovski crystals, 15 antique / vintage pocket watches, collector plates, Hummel figurine, antique Cranberry glass pickle cruet, glassware’s and china pieces, Kenmore refrigerator – like new; Kenmore 27 sewing machine, Bernina surger, everyday dishes, patio furniture, garden tools; FIREARMS (PAL REQUIRED) Remington 1100 12 ga, Remington .44 pump; numerous other articles. TERMS- CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082
Christmas shoppe!
7 DAYS 9am to 4pm • 613-284-2000 5 MILES SOUTH OF SMITHS FALLS CORNER OF HWY 15 & BAY ROAD
Preview @ 9:30 a.m. Auction starting at 11:00 a.m.
Saturday: Large Amount of Smalls, Gold & Estate Jewellery, Sterling,
Silver-Plate, Oriental Porcelain, Bronzes, Crystal, Nippon, Royal Doulton Figures, Hummels, Art Glass & Collector’s Items. Large Selection of Prints, Oil Paintings & Watercolours: to include: Manly MacDonald. Large Selection of Antique & Quality Furnishings to include: French Armoire, Gilt Parlor Set, Inlaid Secretaire Bookcase, Pedestal Table, French Furniture, Large Pine Extending Dining Table & Chairs, Mahogany Crank Dining Table, Oriental Carpets & Chandeliers. GIANT INDOOR ½ PRICE YARD SALE INCLUDING FURNITURE. Watch the Website for Updates & Photos. BROWSE OUR HOME FURNISHINGS CONSIGNMENT STORE QUALITY ITEMS AT A FRACTION OF RETAIL PRICES at VISIT OUR NEW LUNCH COUNTER “GREAT FOOD”
131 MURPHY ROAD, R.R.# 2 TWEED, ONT. MONDAY APRIL 28TH AT 11:00 AM 2 miles SOUTH of Tweed on Highway 37 and turn WEST onto Hunt Road for ½ mile and turn NORTH onto Murphy Road. YARD EQUIPMENT Massey Ferguson 1233 (28hp) sub compact diesel tractor with 4 wd , ROPS and MF 1244 front end loader600 hrs – like new condition; Walco 3 point hitch 6 ft 3 blade finishing mower, Craftsman YS 4500 21 hp riding lawn mower, Weed eater walk behind string trimmer, Pouland chainsaw, Power Aire portable air compressor, Kawasaki straight shaft weed eater, garden wagon, aluminum step and extension ladders, garden tools, WOOD WORKING TOOLS- King 6”jointer, Delta 12”single surface planer, vintage Rockwell 14” band saw, Craftsman 10” table saw, Delta bench grinder, Mastercraft 6”belt/disc sander, Mastercraft bench top drill press, Mastercraft 9” band saw, power and hand tools, builders hardware, vintage wood planes, work tables, steel storage cabinets, HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS – Kenmore upright freezer, bar fridge, washer/ dryer, rattan table and chairs, living room furniture, bedroom furniture, garden furniture, antique railway lamp, file cabinet, classical music lps, numerous other articles. TERMS- CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082
Tel: 905.373.0501 Toll Free: 1.855.503.2963 Fax: 905.373.1467 Email: 9 Elgin St. E., Unit 6, Cobourg ON K9A 0A1
SALE CONDUCTED AT THURLOW COMMUNITY CENTRE 516 HARMONY ROAD, CORBYVILLE, ONT. WEDNESDAY APRIL 30TH AT 10:30 AM 5 miles NORTH of Belleville on Highway # 37 and turn WEST onto Harmony Road for ½ mile. Stainless steel refrigerated 4 ft prep table with inserts, Hobart 20 quart mixer, Pitco 8” gas deep fryer, Omas Model G275 meat slicer, ATW Wyatt conveyor style commercial toaster, Bunn coffee makers, chest freezer, warming oven, bakers kitchen supplies, pots, pans, stainless steel inserts, chafing trays, dinnerware flatware, 4 ft glass top showcase, cash register, cafe tables and chairs, patio tables and chairs, numerous other articles. Sale sold inside – all items must be removed day of sale. TERMS - CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082
9 Elgin Street East, Cobourg
20 words, residentia ads only.
Payment by Cash, Cheque, Visa Refreshments available
Year Round
795 BARRETT ROAD, R.R.# 3 STIRLING, ONT. FRIDAY MAY 2ND AT 10:30 AM 3 miles NORTH of Stirling on Highway #14 and turn WEST onto Mt Pleasant Road for ½ mile and turn onto Barrett Road for 2 miles. Massey Ferguson 165 diesel tractor with MF 236 front end loadergood rubber- good running condition; Massey Ferguson 50 gas tractor with front end loader – running condition, New Idea 484 big round baler, New Holland 469 9 ft haybine, New Idea side delivery rake, Knight 110 bu pto manure spreader, Triple K 3 point hitch 10 ft cultivator, 3 point hitch 5 ft rotary mower, 5 ton flat bed wagon, 3 point hitch scraper blade, MF 3 15 run seed drill with grass seed box, 3 point hitch hydraulic wood splitter, 4 section drags, 4 x 8 home made utility trailer, Husqvarna LTH 1438 riding lawn mower Sears RT-5 rear tine garden tiller, quantity of horse harness, approx 25 big round bales of 2013 hay, Mastercraft portable air compressor, power and hand tools, Yamaha Moto 4×4 ATV – not running; antique treadle sewing machine, antique trunks,air conditioner, few household articles, TRAILER- 2005 Kodiak “Shasta”BHSL 30 30 ft tandem axle camper trailer with slide out, stove, 2 way fridge, toilet , sleeps 8 –like new condition. TERMS - CASH OR CHEQUE OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS Plainfield 613-477-2082
1-888-967-3237 • 613-966-2034 • 613-475-0255
Monte • 613-968-4555
See website for photo collection Les Brittan and Rob Rusland Auctioneers
Certified Auctioneer 34 Years of Professional Auction Service
Gibbard lady’s writing desk, Round glass top wicker kitchen table/ 4 wicker chairs, small maple kitchen table/ 3 leaves & 6 chairs, loveseat & matching wing back chair, sofa bed, oval mahogany coffee table, glass “D” shape china cabinet, double bed, chest of drawers & dresser, cedar chest, oak office chair, 6 slat back chairs, white wicker loveseat & 2 rockers, bentwood rocker, child’s hi-chair, oak fern stand, 2 “D” end tables, gingerbread clock, qty. of flow blue, crystal, milk bottles, old oil bottle, old bottles, 2 aladdin lamps, McCoy vase, wash pieces, coal skuttle, small kitchen appliances, old records, canning set, BMP & numerous other pieces. See my web site for detailed list & large number of photos. AUCTIONEERS: DOUG JARRELL & BEN TREVERTON 613-969-1033
Auction items include: 6 hoop-backed chairs, melodeon, Letters written by the Duke of Wellington, 8 Royal Doulton vintage figurines mint condition, 19th century Views (England & Scotland), Limoges St. Quentin dinner service, paintings & prints, oils, watercolours, prints & posters, vintage books including Catherine Parr Traill Pebbles and Pearls (signed), garden furniture & accessories, First Nations baskets, rugs, chandeliers, lamps, sculpture, pottery, head & foot boards, buffets, dressers, armoires, treadle sewing machine, Susie Cooper, carpets & rugs, crystal & glass, mirrors, double pedestal desk, folk art, clocks, china, ironstone and more. Our largest sale to date!
Your ad appears in 5 newspapers plus online!
Call or visit us online to reach over 69,000 potential local buyers. Deadline: Mondays at 3 p.m.
Paul Switzer, Auctioneer/Appraiser 1-613-332-5581 • 1-800-694-2609 or email:
Chair R’Us, Better Books, Great Linens & Vintage Clothing, and “For the Wall” plus Tag Sale & Auction Preview at 10 am Auction at 1 pm Absentee Bids accepted No taxes, no buyer’s premium
Post an ad today!
TERMS: Cash, Visa, Master Card, Inter-ac, 10% Buyers Premium Onsite, 15% on Proxibid
Sunday April 27, 2014 Town Park Recreation Centre 62 McCaul St, Port Hope
13.00 2nd week
Massey Ferguson 230 Diesel and loader like new, 5400 Vermeer Rebel round baler used one season, Massey Chiesel tooth plow, Rehill bush hog, Massey 110 manure spreader, 18”7’ wide double disc John Deere, 10’ Massey tandem disc, 10’ Lumb Breaker harrow, John Deere bush hog like new, bale feet, New Holland hay bind, stone picker forks, 4 hay wagons, trailer, 20 wheels, \bake buncher, honey wagon, Massey self propelled combine 4cyl, 70’s pto cement mixer, Massey hay rake - hydraulic, 2 furrow plow, 3 furrow plows, rollar, 6’6” Luctnow snow blower pto like new, 5 new farm crates, 4 piece drags 12’ wide, 4 200 gallon plastic tanks in tube frames, 2.5” valve irrigation pump pto. TERMS: CASh OR ChEQUE OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE
256 Cold Creek Rd., Hillier ON, Hwy 33 East of Trenton
for MRS. JAN NIChOLSON APRIL 26Th, 2014, 10:30AM
ACO Port Hope Antiques & Artifacts 10th Annual Auction and Tag Sale
At Switzer’s Auction Centre, 25414 Highway 62 South, Bancroft, ON
From Norwood, travel south 3 km on County Road 45, then east 3 km on the Centre Line. Watch for signs. Massey Ferguson 6150 diesel 4X4 tractor with Quicke front loader 4880 hrs. New Holland 565 diesel skidsteer loader 3100 hrs. International 574 diesel tractor with front loader. New Idea 3722 manure spreader with end gate & double beater. Hesston 555t round baler with hydraulic tie. Katolight PTO 25 kw portable generator. Danuser 3 pt hitch pto post driver. 1995 Polaris 650 Indy snowmobile. 8 X 12’ dual axle utility trailer. 1 ½ ton bulk feed bin. Patz 24’ feed conveyor. 500 gal double wall fuel tank with electric pump. 300 gal single wall fuel tank with electic pump. 3 pt hitch fertilizer spreader. 24’ bale elevator on carriage. New Idea silo blower. Garden trailer. Nine steel gates -12 & 14’. Water totes. Stainless steel dairy sink. Goat dehorning box. Cattle clippers. Goat milkers. Chicken waterers. Large quantity of plywood. Reese 5th wheel hitch for truck. T-rails. Rigid portable compound mitre saw. Mastercraft drill press. Bench grinder. Work bench. Vice. 3 ton floor jack. Scroll saw. Large quantity of hardware. Ryobi BT 3000 tablesaw. Milwaukie chop saw. Power tools. Hand tools. Many other items. Consignments welcome. Terms are cash, Interac or cheque with ID.
The property of George tardiff, of rr 2 Norwood, and neighbours.
Visit us online
Saturday, May 3, 2014, at 10:00 aM
Saturday, April 26 at 10:30 A.M. To be on site at civic #197 Cty. Rd. 17 Newburgh, ON From Hwy. 401 take exit #593 Cambden East, travel straight North on Cty. Rd. 4 approx. 11 km’s to Cty. Rd. 17, Turn West, travel approx. 4 km’s Watch for signs Tractors, Combine, Machinery, Farm Related Items, Hay and More Owner & Auctioneers Not Responsible For Loss or Accident Terms: Cash or Good Cheque with Proper I.D. Canteen & Washroom Prop: Mr. Joachim McNichols Auctioneers & Sale Managers Tom Harrison Erinsville, ON 613-379-1006 Peter Ross Auction Services Ltd. Ingleside, ON 613-537-8862 Call now to book your spring auction
EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
The Good Earth: The right plant?
Dan Clost
Lifestyles - Welcome spring! Welcome gardeners back to the nursery! It is a pleasure to see you all cluttering up the place again. After all, this is what we’re all about. By now, you will have
thumb-eared every plant guide and seed catalogue, memorised whole pages of whatever gardening bible you follow and you’re ready to get going. I’m going to attempt to slow you down just a titch; please don’t trample me in the mad rush to get this year’s perfect plant before anyone else. Is it, indeed, the perfect plant? Let’s go over a few discussion points before you plop three of them on the nursery wagon. Here is a realism; although some might read a titch of cynicism in this statement, I assure you there is none: all gardens are artificial constructs, even the most carefully created “natural”
plot. This should be seen as a freedom statement; in other words, since it is something you are creating, you have no constraints beyond the practical. Practical, in this sense, deals with the plant’s ability to live in its new environment. In our nursery and in all of the other nurseries and garden centres, even those that magically sprout atop asphalt, we sell plants that we know will grow in your garden. (Caveat: as long as we know where that garden is. For example, a big leafed hydrangea might be rated to Canadian Winter Hardiness Zone 6. If you’re down in the County
you have no worries. If you’re in the Quinte area, you need to provide your plant with some winter mulch to protect the crown. If you’re up in Tweed, you’ve already skipped to the next paragraph.) So, some plants may require a bit of special attention; some will thrive on benign neglect. It is not in our interest, or yours, for us to stock plants that aren’t going to survive and, indeed, thrive. Let’s assume that the plant you have chosen will do very well on your estate. A prudent purchaser might worry about price. Here are two considerations. The first is to compare apples to
A few spaces left for watercolour workshop by Marc Gagnon By Sue Dickens
News - Warkworth - There are still a few spaces left to sign up for Marc L. Gagnon’s two-day watercolour workshop. He is returning to Warkworth to teach after adjudicating the Warkworth Maple Syrup Festival Art Show and doing a free demo. The workshop called “Abstracting the Landscape” will showcase his
Full-time watercolour and acrylic artist Marc L. Gagnon is holding a two-day workshop at the Warkworth Town Hall Centre for the Arts on May 3 and 4. There are a few spaces left for those interesting in participating. Photo: Submitted
watercolour techniques and he will be teaching participants how it is done. Trained as an architect, and later discovering art, he successfully combined his love of architecture and painting to create dramatic works in watercolour and acrylics. He has also been a juror for various exhibitions. Gagnon teaches water media painting at venues throughout Ontario and in his home gallery at Newcastle. He was president of The Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour from 2005 until 2007, and has shown in major exhibitions. He is a full time watercolour and acrylic painter and holds degrees in Environmental Studies and Architecture, from the University of Waterloo. He practised architecture for over 25 years. “I gain my strongest inspiration from both manmade structures and the natural environment. I begin
the creative process by trying to understand what I feel about a subject and why,” he stated. “My sketch book is my greatest tool. Sketching, broad strokes and loose colour mixing, scratching with big brushes, rubbing with a rag, and scraping with a knife all work to pull the ideas together.” The announcement of the upcoming workshop was made by Spirit of the Hills Northumberland Arts Association which is active in the area and brings juried shows and sales here along with featured artists such as Gagnon. The workshop will be held Saturday, May 3, and Sunday, May 4, at Warkworth Town Hall Centre for The Arts. To register go to <www.> or call 705-924-9294. To learn more about Gagnon and his work go to his web site www.mlgagnonart. com.
apples even if you’re buying a cherry tree. There is a price and then there is a value attendant to that price. When comparison shopping and making it a given that the plant is healthy, check out the size of both plant and container. Ask about a warranty. Some outlets have none (don’t buy it), but most have from one to three years and, if they’re part of the Myke program, up to five years. Another factor to consider is the quality of the store staff. Can they give you a healthy plant, warranty, related products and accurate advice? The second and this is my best advice aka Dan’s rule number two: buy the smallest plant you can afford. You might have the dollars to buy a 300 cm (10’) Colorado Spruce tree but if you’re living in area where the soil is less than a foot deep, you will have to spend a lot of extra money to truck in extra soil in which to plant it. Even then, longterm survival is not a given. However, if you select a 150 cm (5’), it will get along quite nicely and in 5 years or so surpass the height of the original 300 cm tree and all of its replacements. The same goes for almost every other plant, especially perennials. So it’s a combination of discretionary finances, patience and satisfaction/gratification. Some of us are not interested in planting for posterity; we want to look at a big tree, now. Some of us can relax under the shade of a tree planted by a generation long passed on whilst looking at a new whip we just slipped into the fencerow. Both perspectives are valid. One very common oversight is not knowing the mature size of the plant. Probably the number one plant where this can be seen is the weeping mulberry (Morus alba ‘Pendula’.) There is one on King Street in Trenton that is 18’ tall and 10’ wide and there is one on the south side of Old Highway 2 west of Bayside that is half again as large. There are dozens in Belleville and Trenton, in the new subdivisions planted less than 4’ away from a wall, fence, driveway, etc. Gentle Reader, there is no ‘wrong’ plant but not all plants are ‘right.’
B6 EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
Tent Camping Rates $26-52 per night 2 night min, register on line
Best g n Fishitern in Eas rio Onta
BELLEVILLE The Canadian Hearing Society offers Walk In Wednesdays from 10 am-noon and 2-4pm. Speak to a Hearing Care Counsellor. No appointment necessary. Bayview Mall, 470 Dundas St. E Belleville Spring Concert, Thurs., May 1, 7 p.m., Holy Trinity Lutheran Church adult choir and friends, 516 Victoria Ave., Belleville. Free will offering. Quinte Region Crokinole Club, every Tuesday, 7 p.m., Avaya building at 250 Sidney St., Belleville, south entrance. Cost is $4.00. . For info: Dave Brown at 613-967-7720 or Louis Gauthier at 613-849-0690. Tai Chi Open Houses, Sat Apr 26, 10am–12 noon, CORE Arts & Culture Centre, 223 Pinnacle St. (the old library), Belleville. Mon Apr 28, 10am–12 noon, Christ Church Anglican, 39 Everett St., Belleville. Demonstrations, and info on introductory courses in May. Info: www., 613-399-5725. Eastminster United Church presents Jeanette Arsenault and the Trinity Trio, Wed. April 30, 7 p.m. Tickets $10 in advance at church office, $12 at the door. 613-969-5212 4th Friday of month: Karaoke with Rita and John 6:30 - 10:30 pm, Belleville Legion. Age of majority event. Dance to the Country Music of Heartland, April 25, Belleville Club 39, Belleville Fish & Game Club, Elmwood Dr. 8 pm-12 am. Lunch served. members $10 Non members $12. Singles & couples welcome. 613-395-0162 or 613-966-6596 Monday Night Movies, Eastminster United Church. April 28, 7 p.m., “The
Band Wagon”. Donations supporting the Benevolent Fund Euchre/Bid Euchre Cards, 4th Monday of every month, 7 p.m., College Hill United Church, 16 North Park St., Belleville. The next date: April 28. Everyone welcome. The John M. Parrott Art Gallery biannual juried exhibition of local artists work: “Backyard Perceptions”. Opening reception and awards presentation, Thursday, May 1, 6 -7:30 p.m. Refreshments. Everyone is welcome. Belleville Garden Club, 4th Tuesday of the month, Moira Secondary School, 275 Farley Ave, 7-9pm. Please bring your own mug. 613-966-7455 or Belleville@ or Facebook. Night Kitchen Too, acoustic musical variety show, 5pm, Pinnacle Playhouse, downtown Belleville. Tickets $10 at Harmony Music, Sweet Escape or at the door. Information 613 849 1976. The Belleville General Hospital Auxiliary requires men, women and teens (age 14+) to assist with a wide variety volunteer positions. Info: Pat Stather at 969-7400 ext 3012. Please RSVP for the Wednesday, April 30th Information Session held at 1:30 P.M. Eastminster Loves Quin-Mo-Lac Charity Disc Golf Tournament, May 4, 1:30 p.m., East Zwicks Park, Belleville. Adults $20, Youth under 18 $5, Family rate. To register in advance: ryanwilliams@ The Belleville & District Olde Tyme Fiddlers Assoc. party, Sunday, Apr. 27, Belleville Fish & Game Hall, Elmwood Dr, 1 PM. Round and square dancing. Open Mic. Lunch served after party.
Belleville Legion, April 26, 8-12: Spring Fling. Legion single’s couple’s and groups welcome. $10.00 at the door. 50/50 tickets, share the wealth draw, prize for the best outfit or decorated hat. Age of majority event. 132 Pinnacle St, Belleville. If you enjoy chatting, reading, going for short walks or going for coffee, become a Volunteer Visitor. Only an hour a week Make a positive change in a senior’s life today! Please call 613- 969-0130. April 27, Grand Ole Belleville Legion Country Bluegrass Jamboree & Open Mic. $10.00 at the door or bring donations for the food bank and cost is $8.00 p/p. 132 Pinnacle St, Belleville. Activity Group, every Thursday, Parkdale Community Centre, 119 Birch St. Belleville, 1-3 pm, activities vary from one week to another. For info and registration call Irene 613-969-0130 Meals on Wheels Belleville: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday a hot meal delivered to your door around noon. Info: 613-969-0130 Seniors 5-pin Bowling, Tuesdays, 1 p.m. Come and meet new friends for fun and fellowship. Belleville Pro Bowl, Bayview Mall. Call Ken 613-962-3429 The Ontario Early Years Centre at Family Space supports families learning through play. Drop-in playrooms, 301 MacDonald Ave., Belleville. Open 6 days a week. Info: or 613-966-9427. Belleville Legion: April 26th Jam session, club room, 4-6 pm. Come sing, play a guitar or just listen. All welcome. Trillium 2000 Seniors Club at 75 St. Paul St., Belleville. Tuesday: cribbage; Wednesday: euchre; Thursday: carpet bowling and shuffleboard; Friday: darts.
Cribbage 3rd Sunday of month. All start at 1 p.m. Open to all seniors 50 and over. Joyfull Noise Belleville Women’s Choir invites women of all ages to join. Songs from the 50’s to the 80’s. Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., Core Centre, 223 Pinnacle St., Belleville. No auditions required. Novice to experienced singers. www. TGIF Frozen Meals. Nutritious, churchprepared and frozen meals available every Friday, 2 to 4 p.m., Bridge St. United Church (60 Bridge East entrance). No cost/ no pre-ordering. Register at first visit with ID for each meal to be picked up. Friends of the Library Bookstore is accepting gently used books, CD and DVD donations. Foyer of Belleville Public Library 10-4, Monday through Saturday. Info: 613-968-6731 ext 2245
Rink Complex, 75 Elizabeth St. / Hwy # 2, Brighton. Free Admission and Parking. Relay for Life Fundraiser Yard Sale, Saturday, April 26, 1 Iroquois Ave, Brighton, 8am-4pm. Bake table. Zumba, Brighton Legion, every Monday and Wednesday, 10 a.m. until the end of June. Indoor Walking Club, Mondays to Thursdays 6-9 pm until May 1, ENSS Brighton. No Charge but must pre-register. Gail at Community Care Northumberland (613)475-4190. Spring Fling, Friday, April 25, Brighton Legion. Dinner 6-7pm, Entertainment “The Reasons” 7pm. Tickets $20 in advance, $25 at the door. 613-475-1044. Apple Route Grannies, second Saturday of each month, Trinity-St. Andrew’s United Church Hall, Prince Edward St, 9 am Supporting the Stephen Lewis Foundation BRIGHTON BRIGHTON DRUM CIRCLE meets African Grannies. Info: 613-475-5260. May 1, 15 and 29, 7-9 p.m. Enjoy the CAMPBELLFORD energy and fun of exploring rhythm with IOOF Lodges Yard Sale, Friday May others. For address and information, email 2, 1-6pm, Saturday May 3, 8am-4pm. BBQ Saturday May 3, 9am-1pm, Oddfellows Cooking with Herbs Workshop, Hall, 240 Victoria St., Campbellford learning ‘the basics’ and creative techniques. Thursday, May 1, 6-8pm, Com- Diabetes Group, Monday, April munity Care Northumberland’s Activity 28, 10-11 a.m., Campbellford MemoRoom, Brighton. Fee: $3.00. Info Gail, rial Hospital, Room 249, 146 Oliver Rd., Campbellford. 613-475-4190. FREE WORKSHOP, April 29, 7pm The Auxiliary to Campbellford -DIY: Do-It-Yourself Websites. To reserve, Memorial Hospital third annual Fashion call 613-475-9900. 5 Show “Forever Fashions”, Saturday May 3, Campbellford Legion, 2-4pm. Social Craig Blvd Unit 4 Brighton hour 1-2pm. Refreshments, cash bar, door R.C.L. 100 Brighton Meat Roll, every prizes, raffles and 50/50 draw. Tickets Saturday, 3 – 5 pm $12 at participating stores, the hospital Postage Stamp, Coin, & Postcard gift shop, the legion and at the door. Info: Fair, Saturday April 26, 10:30am-3:30pm, Betty 705-632-1023. Brighton Community Centre / Hockey Continued on page B13
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EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014 B7
The Netherlandsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; fascinating Seal Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre
A seal refuge was opened here in 1971.
me of my somewhat similar Lifestyles - While in the experience in Florida, when Netherlands, I took a day I watched gigantic sea turtles trip in the far north by both being returned to the ocean train (to the village of Win- after their recuperation. Many of the seal pups sum) and bus, from the city of Groningen to the village get separated from their of Pieterburen, to visit the moms at a very young age world famous Seal Rescue by ďŹ shing nets, storms, and Rehabilitation Centre. It enemies, pollution, strong turned out to be one of my fa- currents, etc., and these seal vourite day trip destinations. pups will soon die without momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nourishing milk What a remarkable place. I toured the facility unless rescued. Daniella told with Daniella van Gennep, me that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The mom would the facilityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fund-raising only have to nurse her baby manager and I saw the sick, for about a month for the seal pup reach sufďŹ cient Date: 19, to 2014 orphaned, and injured sealMarch pups that were being cared weight and strength, but in IslandsweDocks To: 1000 our facility, have to force for. Once they were healthy Attn: ofAlfeed the young pup at ďŹ rst and had reached a weight and it takes us about three at least 35 kilos, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d Acct: be12496 returned to the sea. Daniella times as long to reach that The facility confessed to me that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It goal here.â&#x20AC;? always melts my heart and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t supply momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s milk, so makes me very happy when â&#x20AC;&#x153;we feed the young seal pup theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re once again returned ďŹ sh porridge,â&#x20AC;? a mixture of to the wild.â&#x20AC;? It reminded salmon and herring. By John M. Smith
B8 EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
saw a humungous mountain of ďŹ shing nets piled up and this display is left here as a kind of statue and reminder of their danger to the seal population which has dramatically decreased in this area. I also visited the out buildings, which are used for the overďŹ&#x201A;ow of seals. These FAX: 613-475-5331 additional shelters became important because the facility was originally TEL: 1-800-339-5662 intended to house and help about a613-475-2927 hundred seals at a time. However, when I visited, there were about 200 seals being cared for. Daniella told me PP 2014 INFORMATION GUIDE What a cutie! that theCHARLESTON record seasonLAKE for this hospital facility was in the winter of 2010-11, â&#x20AC;&#x153;a rough one, when we had about 400 seals here.â&#x20AC;? You can check out their website ( to see how many are being cared for on a particular day. I found the Seal Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre to be very interesting and the seals are guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings when you look into their eyes! (right) A â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;mountainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; of fishing nets is displayed as a reminder of their danger to seals.
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The other major problem faced by the young seal pup is the development of lung worms, a very common disease. If found in time, these sick seal pups can be nursed back to health and the good news is that theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll never have to deal with it again, for itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a disease only found in the very young. I found that there were three basic steps in the process of rehabilitation here. The young pups were placed in quarantine/intensive care, at ďŹ rst, and force-fed. They were then moved to a small pool area, where they continued to recover and receive medication and did a bit of swimming. The ďŹ nal stage of captivity took place in a larger pool, where they were no longer in need of medication, but they were now merely fattening up and recovering further strength before being declared cured and set free. Lenie tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hart began a seal refuge here, right in her own backyard back in 1971 and it has now expanded into the present impressive Seal Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, arguably the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best seal hospital. This facility, with its research lab and dedicated staff, is totally dependent on donations (being a â&#x20AC;&#x153;seal saverâ&#x20AC;? costs just a few Euros per month), and it attracts many interns and volunteers, including biologists and veterinarians, from all over the world. It also attracts many groups who hope to set up a similar centre elsewhere, including visitors from Canada. While I was there, there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a contingency from Canada, but there was a young Korean girl whom I met who was checking out the facility, and she was hoping to eventually re-introduce sea lions back at home. Many tourists also visit this facility (eight Euros per adult: ďŹ ve Euros per child; free for infants under 3), but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a charity rather than simply a tourist attraction. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very educational, and children particularly like to watch the healthier seal pups at play in the larger pool just before they are re-released. However, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no cuddling here for these are wild creatures that are going to be returned to the sea! As I walked around the grounds, I
A visit to the intensive care ward inside the facility.
Setting the stage for a great weekend of music This event is produced entirely by volunteers and additional help is always welcomed for setup, technical support, and gate/visitor services. Volunteer for a shift, a day, or for the entire weekend. Be part of the team that brings this fun three-day festival to
life! To submit an act for the IBC competition, to volunteer, or to register for camping, email, or call 613-392-1025. For more information, schedules and line up visit the website at
Events - The Frankford Island Blues Festival returns a bit earlier this year, June 6th 7th and 8th at the Frankford Tourist Park in Quinte West. It promises to be another fantastic weekend of music, workshops, and camping! Stage performances include veteran Canadian Blues artists, new artists, and some very talented acts from the south-eastern Ontario region. A â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;first round qualifierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for the Loyal Blues Fellowshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Road to Memphisâ&#x20AC;? competition has been added on Friday evening, June 6th. Local Blues musicians (solo/duos & bands) are encouraged to enter for judged evaluation. Finalists will be invited to compete in the fall of 2014 for a chance to represent our region at the International Blues Challenge (IBC) held in Memphis, Tennessee in late January of 2015. Great Blues from the main stage, participative workshops, and hosted jam sessions are scheduled for all three days. Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gospel Blues includes an ecumenical morning service, with the offering supporting the Frankford Youth Centre and the Frankford Food Pantry. Bring along a non-perishable food item! The Fellowship would like to thank Heritage Canada for their support through the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Canadian Arts Presentation Fundâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and all the local sponsors and volunteers who make this festival, their Artist Development, and Blues in the Schools Programs possible. Onsite camping registration is now open. The limited number of vehicle sites will fill up fast, so make your reservation early. Tent sites for rough camping will be available at the gate. Plan to spend the entire weekend to take in all the fun!
Celsk Promotions Presents
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Johnny Cash and Queens of Countryâ&#x20AC;? is the ultimate Country â&#x20AC;&#x153;All-Starâ&#x20AC;? Tribute Show! In addition to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Man In Blackâ&#x20AC;? youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see and hear incredible tributes to Tammy Wynette, Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline and Dolly Parton, starring Jim YorďŹ do, Pam YorďŹ do and Marie Bottrell.
Empire Theatre Belleville Thursday May 1st 8:00 p.m. Tickets Only $40 Box OfďŹ ce 613-969-0099
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EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014 B9
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B10 EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
News - Trent Hills - Northumberland Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a complaint of a fraud involving the sale of puppies on Kijiji. The Trent Hills resident viewed a puppy for sale on the popular buy and sell web site and made inquiries to a female via a cell phone number provided in the advertisement. Arrangements were made to have the puppy shipped from Quebec to the Toronto area using air freight and monies were paid via an email transfer. The buyer travelled to Pearson International Airport in Toronto to pick up the puppy only to find that there was no such shipment. All subsequent efforts to contact the seller proved futile. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre states: “In order to avoid these types of scams, remember the following general words of advice: • Know who you are dealing with: independently confirm your seller’s name, street address, and telephone number. • Resist pressure to “act now.” If an offer sounds too good to be true, it usually is. • If the buyer wants to use a service you have not heard of, be sure to check it out to be sure it is reliable: check its web site, call its customer service hotline, and read its terms of agreement and privacy policy. If you do not feel comfortable with the service, do not use it. • Contact your local office of the Better Business Bureau and The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre toll free at 1-888-495-8501. If you or someone you know suspect they’ve been a victim of fraud, contact your local police service or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).
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50th Wedding AnniversAry ron and Carolyn dale Please drop in for tea/coffee and cake to help celebrate Brighton Curling Club May 3, 2014 2pm til 4pm Everyone welcome
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Born November 1, 1923, in Godziesze, Poland, he is the son of the late Jean (John) Walas and the late Antonina (Kusz). His earliest recollections of a long and difficult life were of a farm in Bregy, France, where his parents worked. Following the sudden death of his mother, the family decided to return to Poland. Even at a young age, Tony realized although there was nothing for him in France, there was far less opportunity in Poland. He remained in France and began his colourful journey around the world. As a young teenager he sailed as a merchant marine from Saint-Nazaire, France across the Mediterranean, with vivid stories of Tangier, Algiers, Alexandria, Cyprus, Beirut, Haifa, Bahrain, Karachi, Calcutta and Bombay, spending about 15 years at sea. Like so many, he understood what is was to be poor and what it was to go hungry. Like so many, he had no formal education. Like so many, he understood hard work and the value of a dollar. “Five dollars is nothing until the day you don’t have it; then it’s a mile long” – Tony Walas He arrived in Halifax in 1952 with a suitcase and later moved to Toronto, where he met and married Doreen. Never a stranger to hard physical work, he began his life in Toronto with Cliffside Pipelayers and Victor Heating. A seasonal cottager’s of Presqu’ile Point since the early 1960’s, the family moved to Brighton in 1972. He loved Brighton and all it had to offer. In Brighton became a respected homebuilder with a career spanning approximately 30 years. He was proud of his accomplishments in Brighton. He felt that Brighton had been good to him and in turn he had been good to Brighton. He loved the water; he was an avid sailor, and a charter member of the Presqu’ile Yacht Club. Fiercely independent, he lived on his own, still had his license, operated his backhoe until last year, and sailed until the year before that; Tony had only just returned from his annual 3 month hiatus in Cuba. Predeceased by his wife Doreen (Dodd) 2009, he is survived by his daughter Debbie and her husband Jim Logeman; and sons, Mark Walas and his wife Linda and Matthew Walas and his wife Jodi and their families, all of Brighton. The family would like to thank to Dr. MacIntyre and staff in Brighton and Trenton Memorial Hospital Emergency Staff for their care and compassion. The family will receive friends at the Brighton Funeral Home, 130 Main St., Brighton on Thursday evening from 6-8pm. A private interment will take place at Salem Cemetery. No flowers please, as an expression of sympathy donations to Brighton Fare Share Food Bank, c/o 130 Main Street, PO Box 96, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0. “Nothing happens, you make it happen” - Tony Walas
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Please forward resume to: Box 160, Norwood, ON, K0L 2V0 fax: 705-639-2422 or
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entered into rest at her residence on Wednesday April 16 2014. Kelly Frances Caddick (Nee Beal) of Stirling in her 56th year. Beloved wife of 25 years, and best friend of Rick Caddick. Loving daughter of Gail P Beal of Belleville and the Late Robert Beal, Loving mother of Jennifer, Jessica and Melissa Caddick all at home. Sister of Susan Beal and her friend Don Hodgert of Ottawa. Cherished daughter in law of Jack and Marilyn Caddick of Belleville survived by several nieces and nephews . Dear sister-in law of Dale and Lisa , Mark and Krista Caddick and families. The family received friends at the STIRLING FUNERAL CHAPEL, 87 James Street, Stirling (613-395-2424) on Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral service was held at St Paul’s United Church , Stirling on Monday April 21 at 1:00 pm. Rev Rodney Smith officiated. Cremation to follow with Inurnment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. If desired donations to the Stirling–Rawdon Fire Dept. or the Belleville Agricultural Society would be appreciated. Online condolences www.rushnellfamilyservices. com CL447563
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Steel burning barrels, 50 gallon, $25 each or 2 for $40. Call Rob 613-438-1071.
Denyes Family Picnic, Saturday May 3 noon, bring potluck, dishes & cutlery, West Minister United Church, Wallbridge Loyalist Road, Belleville. Info: Stuart Denyes 613-476-8112.
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613-920-0672 613-813-7771 EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
Scrap vehicles. Will pay $150-$300 Ray Brown’s Auto and Light Duty Towing 613-394-3335
FOR RENT 3 BDRM/2 BATH bungalow. Large kitchen. 8 Minutes north of Hastings. $950/mth. 289-388-4485
BRIGHTON - Spacious 3 bedrooms and 2 bedrooms duplex, easy walking to shopping. Gas heat. Long term qualified tenWANTED ants. $900 & $700 plus Standing timber, hard utilities. 613-475-0434. maple, soft maple, red and Campbellford, Clean white oak, etc. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Upper 2 bedroom apartment, suitable for work705-957-7087. ing couple or seniors. No Wanted: Standing timber, pets. Must see, all inclumature hard/softwood. sive. Available May 1st. Also wanted, natural 705-653-2137. stone, cubicle or flat, any Colonial Inn Motel Madoc size. 613-968-5182. for rent daily, weekly, monthly. One Kitchenette Available (613)473-2221.
Attractive 2 bdrm with fridge & stove, water and balcony. Window coverings and freshly painted. Building has security entrance & laundry facilities. $750/mth plus heat & hydro. 12th month free!
Brighton Downtown
Kenmau Ltd. (Since 1985)
Property Management
1 & 2 Bedrooms with fridge & stove $525-$675 plus utilities
Kenmau Ltd. since 1985
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Elizabeth M. Beno Call 613-475-3022
Fast, accurate, confidential
• Renewals • Mortgages & Loans • Leasing - 1st, 2nd & Private Mortgages • Free Down Payment Program OAC • • Bank turn downs, self employed welcomed
CREDIT PROBLEMS? I HAVE SOLUTIONS! Andrea Johnston A.M.P 200 Dundas Street E, Suite 305 Belleville, ON K8N 1E3 Office: 613-968-5151 Toll Free: 1-855-968-5151 Email: Web: FSCO Lic# M08002475 Broker# 12236 DLC Smart Debt Independently Owned and Operated
VACATION/COTTAGES Furnished cottage for rent, $600 first and last. On Oak Lake by Stirling. Everything included. Must be a working person with own transportation. Available May till October. 613-395-6319.
p r a d a
c o u r t
Featuring 2 bedroom apartments with all amenities including: fridge, stove, air conditioning and wheelchair access. The apartments are attractive and the buildings are secure. Ideal for Seniors or retired couples CALL
1-800-706-4459 613-475-3793 9am - 5pm
(William Street) Attractive 2 bedroom apt with fridge, stove, heat & water included. $775 /mth + Hydro. (Lingham Street) 1 bedroom apartment with fridge, stove and utilities included. $625/mth.
(Front St.) 1 bedroom apt. Includes fridge, stove, blinds and new hardwood floors throughout. $595/mth + utilities
Call Kenmau Ltd.
Property Management (Since 1985)
Classified Ad Deadline: Mondays at 3 p.m.
EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
NOW HIRING!!! $28.00/HOUR. Undercover Shoppers Needed. // $300/DAY Easy Online COMPUTER WORK. // $575/Week ASSEMBLING Products. // $1000/WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE!!! MAILING BROCHURES. PT/FT. Genuine. Experience Unnecessary.
Reflexology Workshop and Training courses, Learn about reflexology and its benefits at our Workshop on May 24 from 1 pm - 3:30 pm. Reflexology Certification course May 31, June 1,7 & 8. Go to or call 613-391-7198.
• Junk Removal • Grass Cutting • Pressure Washing • Exterior Cleaning • Snow Removal
Ken Chard Construction. Renovations, decks, siding, sidewalks, fences, ceramic, windows, painting etc. Free estimates. Call: 613-398-7439. Steve Collins, InsulationBlown cellulose, attics, walls, floors. Save money -live comfortably. Warm in winter, cool in summer. Quality work since 1974. Free estimates. Call (613)847-6791.
General Home Repair & Remodeling Electrical. Plumbing. Carpentry. Painting. Flooring. Cleanup
905-355-1357 Brighton, ON
Representative in our Tweed office.
RIBO licenced preferred, and office experience a must.
Notice to creditors aNd others in the estate of ruth ann Kurkowski All claims against the Estate of Ruth Ann Kurkowski, late of Brighton, Ontario, who died on January 6, 2014, must be filed with the undersigned on or before Sunday, May 18, 2014. The Estate will then be distributed with regard only to claims for which notice was received prior to that date and without liability for any subsequent claims. Dated at Toronto on April 3, 2014 Royal Trust Corporation of Canada 155 Wellington Street W, 20th Flr Toronto, Ontario M5V 3K7
HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 A Week Mailing Brochures From Home! Helping Home Workers Since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! NO Experience Required! Start Immediately!
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIP$10.00 OFF MENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. No Simulators. your next sewing machine service with this ad at In-the-seat training. Andjareena’s Place Real world tasks. Weekly 613-394-4990. start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! County Water TreatmentSofteners, U.V. Lights, 1-866-399-3853 R.O. systems, chemical free iron and sulphur filWORK WANTED ters. Sales, installation, service and repair. Steven Painter or Handyman. No Menna. (613)967-7143. job is too small! Also any odd jobs. Seniors dis- Hardwood Floor Installacount. Call Roger on cell tion and resurfacing. Ce613-242-3958. ramics. Light renovations and upgrades. Over 30 years experience. Please EDUCATION & call for free estimate TRAINING 613-394-1908.
Ken’s Property Maintenance
Application deadline: April 28, 2014.
Please see for complete details.
Dog Grooming by Bernadette. Professional services with TLC. New clients welcome. 550 TrentonFrankford Rd, 1 minute north of 401. (613)243-8245.
Norwood- 2 bedroom apartment in adult building, would suit quiet single or couple, new upgrades, large deck, no pets, no smoking. $600/month plus hydro (first/last required). 705-639-1093.
Sell it fast!
Rayburn Insurance Brokers Ltd. is currently accepting applications for a full time position as a Customer Service
Derby Star, 1993 Cavalier, good body, swiss watch engine, only $200. 613-391-4816
Career Opportunity
Havelock- Quiet building. Completely re-decorated.. One bdrm on ground level $700. 2 bdrm apts on second floor $700 - $735. Appliances, storage unit, parking and laundry faFARM cilities included extra. Call Airless spray painting, Utilities roofs & sides, steel roofs 705-778-5442. repairs. 5 & 6” seamless eavestrough, soffit, facia, Havelock area, new 1 gutterguard installed or bedroom, walk-out inlaw delivered. Free estimates. suite, includes heat, hydro, TV, laundry. Good for sin1(877)490-9914. gle working person. No $750/month. HAY FOR SALE. Lg 4x5 pets. Round Bales, Stored in- 705-778-9866. side. Mainly TimothyGreen-No Rain. $35/bale Kaladar: 2 bedroom apartment, fridge and stove, 613-478-1242 heated, $475/month. First New tractor parts- 1000s of and last required. Available Call parts for most makes. Sav- immediately. ings. Service manuals. Our 613-336-9429. 40th year. 16385 Telephone Road, Brighton. www. NORTH FRONT and Moira Very large 2 bdrm apt. 6 1 3 - 4 7 5 - 1 7 7 1 , Heat & hydro included. No smoking. $1050/mth 1-800-481-1353. 613-961-1486
CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE. NO RISK program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call us NOW. We can Help! 1-888-356-5248
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REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS • Light welding & Hydraulic • Hose Repaired on site! Steve Elsey • 613-395-3149 Cell: 613-848-0873 Fax: 613-395-6023 email: RR#1 Stirling HELP WANTED
MUNICIPALITY OF BRIGHTON Public Works & Development 67 Sharp Road, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 Tel: 613-475-1162 Fax: 613-475-2599
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PW-2014-05 INFILTRATION AND INFLOW STUDY The RFP is available at the Public Works and Development Office (67 Sharp Road, Brighton) in hard copy or electronic copy after April 22nd. All quotes must be submitted using the required forms in an envelope clearly marked by the date and time specified below: 11:30 A.M. THURSDAY, May15th, 2014 Catherine Chisholm Manager of Environmental Services 67 Sharp Road, Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1162
Dennis 905-269-6295 Sharon 905-925-4081
Free pickup
Warkworth Main St., 546 sq. ft. store with parking and water included, rent is $550/month plus utilities and HST. Call 705-927-8409.
334 Dundas St. E. Come see our GREAT Renovations! Fantastic 1 & 2 bdrm suites. NUMEROUS Amenities! Indoor pool, gym, social rm w/events. MOVE IN INCENTIVE! Drop in today. DAILY OPEN HOUSES.
DOWNTOWN BRIGHTON office space for lease. Multiple sizes and configurations possible. Plenty of parking. Call 613-813-2774.
165 Herchimer Ave. Fantastic 1 & 2 bdrm suites! Outdoor pool, sauna, exercise rm, social rm w/events, 24/7 on-site mgmt. DrOp in tODAy! Don’t miss out!
Norwood, 2 bedroom apartment, washer, dryer, parking for 1, $900/month Waterfront on beautiful utilities included. Lower Beverley Lake, Lyndhurst, 8 year old 705-639-8992. bungalow with 3+2 bedrooms with stunning RETIREMENT APART- great room. 613-928-9923 MENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE Meals, transportation, ac- roperty/index/id/77503 tivities daily. Short Leases. Monthly Specials! NOTICES Call 877-210-4130 BRIGHTON TENNIS CLUB Trenton room for rent, Registration $125/week. Cable and utilities included. Suitable Thurs. April 24 - 4pm-7pm for working person only. Saturday April 26 First and last weeks. Sid- 9:30am-12:30pm ney St. (613)965-5731. Brighton Town Hall (outside Public Library) Junior $32 + $3 OTA fee Adult $60 + $10 OTA fee REAL ESTATE Family $110 + applicable OTA fee Port Elmsley, “The Pines” Can’t make registrations Three bedroom bungalow, but still want to join call new bathroom & flooring, Marianne at 613-475-3244 high efficiency gas fur- *Private lessons available nace, natural gas furnace, 2 fireplaces, attached brick garage, large bright family LOST & FOUND room & games room, well maintained, move-in FOUND - one man’s ring. ready, includes appliances, Please call 613-541-8572 not for rent. $239,000. between 6 pm - 9 pm. 613-285-6989. Must describe ring.
PERSONAL Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-590-8215
Bay Terrace Apartments
MUTTON METAL SALVAGE Free removal of scrap metal. Call Jeff at 905-344-7733.
Junk removal & willing to move articles for individuals. 613-475-9591
CONSOLIDATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169
$$ MONEY $$
The County of Prince Edward is an island community on the shores of Lake Ontario with a proud United Empire Loyalist heritage. Boasting beautiful beaches and a unique rural landscape, the County offers serene country living. Our strong agricultural roots, thriving tourism attractions, renowned regional cuisine, and growing wine industry combine to offer a unique and unmatched quality of life. Our Human Resources Department is currently accepting applications for the position of Planner. Reporting to the Manager of Planning, the Planner will provide land use planning advice, guidance and opinion on all types of planning, building permit and development applications to internal and external clients. For further detail on this position, please visit our website at We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We are an equal opportunity employer and support applicants with disabilities. Accommodations are available upon request throughout the recruitment process. The personal information being collected will be used in accordance with The Municipal Act and The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and shall only be used in the selection of a suitable candidate.
Now HiriNg!
Experienced Apple Tree Pruners. Please contact Dunnett Orchards. 613-475-0465 CL516355 HELP WANTED
Relay for Life Fundraiser Yard Sale Sat. April 26, 2014, 8 am to 4pm 1 Iroquois Ave., Brighton 100% of proceeds to Canadian Cancer Society. Something for everyone plus free coffee, a bake table and a B.B.Q. HELP WANTED
Medical Office Administrator/ Manager- Quinte West Medical Centre The Quinte West Medical Centre is looking for a fulltime Office Administrator/ Manager for a busy and expanding clinic. We are seeking an independent and energetic individual who can work collaboratively with all members of the interdisciplinary health care team. As the Office Administrator/Manager, this position is responsible for the day to day operations of the clinic, and also acts occasionally as receptionist. You will need to be able to multi-task and demonstrate excellent communication skills. Experience with an EMR and the ability to submit physician billings are an important part of this position. We are seeking a person with post-secondary education in office management and applicable health care courses including medical terminology. You will also have at least three years experience working in a health care setting with part of that time in a leadership role. Equivalencies will also be considered.
Moving Sale 267 Wallbridge Rd Continued from page B7 April 25, 26, 27 Riding lawn mower, push CAMPBELLFORD mower mulcher, patio table & chairs, tools, housRUMMAGE SALE, Christ Church hold items, BBQ, Storage Racks, leaf blower Anglican, Campbellford, Mon. April
28, Tues. April 29, 9am-4:30pm, Wed. April 30, 9am-12:30pm Bag Day. CAMPBELLFORD SALVATION Army Thrift store offers a free hot lunch every Friday. Also, Metroland Media Silent Auction the last Friday of Classifieds each month Buy 1 weet 1kfree ! ST. ANDREW’S Presbyterian ge Residential items only Church annual spring rummage sale, 1-888-967-3237 April 29 & 30, 9am-5pm and May 1, 9am-12 pm bag day.17 Ranney BUSINESS SERVICES St. S. Campbellford. Roger’s Mobile Wash and MAY 1, 2 and 3, Rummage Sale, Detailing: For all your washing needs. Auto, Tabernacle United Church. 9am Boats, RVs, Homes, to 12:30pm. 1553 County Road Decks, Patios, Driveways, 8, Campbellford Heavy Equipment, and Monument cleaning. Also, LIGHTHOUSE DINER (soup Store Front, and Graffiti cleaning. Bug Spraying kitchen). Serving warm, nutritious available. Free Estimates meals at 12:00 p.m. every Friday. Home 613-962-8277 or Free Methodist Church, 73 Ranney Cell 613-885-1908. Street N. 705-653-4789 or 705-6534185, HELP WANTED KENT YMCA Child Care Centre FULL TIME & before and after school and PA day Kent Public School. Call 905PART TIME care. 372-4318 x 404 or 705-632-9205 Contract Drivers for rates and info. & Dispatcher CAMPBELLFORD KINETTE needed for Belleville/ Trenton Courier Service. Bingo every Thursday at 7pm. Must have own vehicle. Campbellford/Seymour Arena, Call Tues. To Fri. 313 Front St. N. $1000 Jackpot 8 am - 2 pm. in 54 numbers, consolation prize of 613-392-5585 or 613-967-5941 $200. Wheelchair accessible.
YARD SALE 1674 Cty Rd 5 Stockdale April 26th 8 am - 2 pm Antiques, adult bikes, tools, garden stuff, household items.
Application deadline is 30 April 2014. Please submit resumes to bhsc13@ or in writing to the Brighton Quinte West Family Health Team, 170 Main St., Box 277, Brighton, ON, K0K 1H0, Attention: Executive Director. We thank all of those who apply, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Controller QuintEssential Credit Union is a full service institution with over $95 million in assets and 2 locations serving the people who work and live in the Quinte area. We currently require a strong, financially minded manager that will assume responsibility for the accounting functions, financial reporting and risk management for the credit union. Reporting to the CEO, you will supervise and coach staff and provide financial management which includes the following: prepares monthly and annual financial statements; prepares all required regulatory reporting within deadlines, compiles accounting and statistical financial data, analyzing and interpreting results and documenting current and projected financial performance; prepares annual operating, liquidity and capital budgets; monitors budgets on an ongoing basis, analyzes variances and takes corrective action to control over expenditure; researches, prepares and presents strategies to the CEO in relation to policy positioning, interest rates and asset/liability matching; attend all Board meetings reporting to the Board on all financial, capital and interest rate risk matters; prepares the annual year-end file for external auditors; administers the credit union’s investment portfolio; monitors and manages credit union accounts payable and general ledger accounts; monitors and manages the interest rate risk of the portfolio; monitors policies and standards and recommends changes to enhance data integrity and interpretation; implements and maintains procedures to ensure accuracy and completeness of documentation for banking and investment accounts. Preferred Qualifications: Possess solid communication, analytical and management skills. Possess knowledge of all aspects of generally accepted accounting principles. QuintEssential reports under International Financial Reporting Standards so a knowledge of IFRS would be a valuable asset. Have a minimum of five years of relevant experience and an MBA, BA in Accounting or Finance, or CA, CGA, or CMA. Send Resumes to: Carrie Gregoire, CGA, CFO, QuintEssential Credit Union Email: We thank all candidates; however, only those to be interviewed will be contacted.
Ads can be placed by calling 613-966-2034 ext. 560 or 613-475-0255 or toll free 1-888-967-3237
EUCHRE, EVERY Friday, 7 pm. Codrington Community Centre. All welcome.
COLBORNE LADIES’ SOCIAL Group, Tuesdays at Community Care Northumberland, 11 King St. E. Colborne, 1:30-3 p.m. Info: 905-355-2989.
Hall, 33 King Dr. Frankford, Friday April 25, 5:15 Social Hour, 6:15 Dinner. $12.50. All welcome. FUNDRAISER DANCE, Frankford Legion, April 26, 8pm to midnight. Proceeds going to the Terry Donnelly Golf Tournament (raising money for coats for kids). Stoney and the Sundance Band. Lunch included. Spot dances. Tickets in advance: Jane 398-9067 or Legion 398-7866
GLEN MILLER TOPS (TAKE off Pounds Sensibly) meetings Tuesday mornings at Christ Church Glen Miller. Weigh ins 8:30-9:30 a.m. with a meeting following. Join anytime. Info: Brenda Kellett 613 392-8227
HASTINGS YMCA NORTHUMBERLAND Ontario Early Years Centre, 6 Albert St E, Hastings. Open 5 days a week. Info: www.ymcanorthumberland. com or 705-696-1353 ST. GEORGE’S Anglican Church, 38 Bridge St S, Hastings 2 day Rummage Sale, April 25 and 26, 9 AM to 1 PM. SALVATION ARMY Lunch, 11:30AM– 1PM, 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, Civic Centre, Hastings. Soup, sandwiches, salad, dessert, coffee, tea and juice. VOCALESE, SUNDAY, April 27, 7 p.m., Trinity United Church, 3 Albert St. W., Hastings. Tickets $10 from choir members or at the door. 705-202-1273. COMMUNITY DINERS, May 1, 3 Albert St. W., Trinity United Church, Hastings, 12p.m. Cost is $ 9. Info: Sarah at 705-696-3891 HASTINGS COLLECTIVE Kitchen Cooking for 1 or 2, Friday, May 2, 9-11 a.m. Low or no cost fee. Child minding available. Info: 1-866-888-4577 ext. 325 or visit Ontario Early Years Centre, 6 Albert St. Hastings. KNITTING CLUB, Thursdays, 1-3pm. Yoga, Wednesdays, 2pm. Cost $3. Zumba Class, Tuesdays, 9:30am. Cost $3. Line Dancing Class, Wednesdays, 10am. Cost $3. Belly Dancing Class, Thursdays, 10am. Cost $3. Hula Hooping Class, Fridays 2pm. Cost $3. 6 Albert St. East, Hastings. Info: Sarah at 705-696-3891
BEEF SUPPER, Emmanuel United Church, 458 Ashley St., Foxboro, Wed. April 30, 4:307pm. Take out available. Adults $13, Children 5-12 $4, under 5 yrs free. Tickets: 613-962-3791, Church office Thursdays 9am1pm. EMMANUEL UNITED Church Coffee and Chat presents A Musical Evening, Thursday, May 1, 7-8:30pm. Adults $10, Children HAVELOCK 5-12 $3, Preschoolers Free. Tick- HAVELOCK SENIORS Club ets: Barb 613-966-1515 or Phyllis weekly events: Cribbage Mondays 613-962-7823. 1 pm. Euchre Wednesdays 7 pm and Fridays 1 pm. Bid Euchre FRANKFORD Thursdays 1 pm. FRANKFORD LEGION: Men’s BINGO EVERY Wednesday at pool each Tuesday, 7 p.m. Havelock Community Centre sponVARIETY MUSIC Concert, Frank- sored by the Havelock Lions. Doors ford United Church, Sunday April open at 5:30 p.m. Early birds 7:00 27, 7 pm. Memory Music, Gospel p.m., regular start 7:30 p.m. Info: Music and much more! Free Will Lion John at Offering 705 778 7362 THE BOOMER Interest Group of NEW REHABILITATION class Quinte, last Wednesday of every to improve movement and balance month, Stockdale United Church. suitable for people just getting April 30, 7pm: Speaker Peter John- started or recovering from recent son, historian and Genealogist on surgery. Tuesdays & Thursdays tracing our roots back to the United 12:30-1pm, Town Hall, 1 MathiEmpire Loyalist. son St. Info: Community Care. FRANKFORD UNITED Church No Cost UCW Annual Rummage Sale, Fri DINER’S CLUB, first and third April 25, 9 am-4 pm, and Sat. April Wednesday of each month, Have26, 9 am-11 am lock United Church, 12pm. $9.00. BEEF ‘N Pork Buffet, Masonic Info: 705-778-7831.
HAVELOCK LEGION: Meat draws, every Sat. 3 pm. Everyone Welcome. 8 Ottawa St. 705-7783728. TRADITIONAL COUNTRY Music Jam Sessions, Ol’ Town Hall, Matheson and Oak St, Havelock, every Wednesday. Doors open at 12 pm. Music at 1 pm. Musicians (excluding drums), vocalists and visitors welcomed
MADOC LINE DANCING, Every Thurs. 10:30-11:30 am., St. John’s Anglican Church Hall, 115 Durham St. N. Madoc. Info: Carol Cooper 613-473-1446 YARD SALE Friday April 25,124pm, Saturday April 26, 9am-1pm. St. John’s Anglican Church Hall, 115 Durham St. N. Sat. everything you can get in a grocery bag provided for $2. COUNTRY JAMBOREE, Sunday, Apr. 27, 1:30-4:30 pm, Madoc Township Rec Centre, Hwy 62 N, Madoc. Open Mic. Luncheon available. Contact 613-473-4187. MADOC FOOT Care Clinic, Thursday, May 1, 47 Wellington St, Seniors Building Common Room, 8 AM. Opened to seniors and adults with physical disabilities. BRANCH 363 Madoc Open Mic, Saturday April 26, featuring “Dennis Young and Family Tradition”. 2-6pm, open to the public. MADOC ACTIVE Living Exercise: Wednesdays, 10:30 am. Trinity United Church, 76 St Lawrence St E. Program opened to seniors and adults with physical disabilities. BADMINTON EVERY Tuesday and Thursday, 7-9:30 p.m., Centre Hastings Secondary School, with coaching for Junior players Thursdays, 6-7:00 p.m. Terry, 613473-5662 for info.
MARMORA MARMORA LEGION: Bingo every Monday 7pm. Ultimate Euchre, second Sunday of the month 1pm. Jam Sessions every third Sunday of the month, 1-4pm. ST. PAUL’S Anglican Church Spring Fling Roast Beef Dinner, Marmora Community Centre,5-6:30 p.m., Friday, April 25. Everyone is welcome. Elevator available. $12.50/person, $6/children 6-12 yrs, under 6 yrs/free RUMMAGE SALE. Fill a grocery bag for $2. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Burstall St, Marmora, Saturday April 26, 8 am - 1 pm. Sponsored by the Catholic Women’s League
NORWOOD TAKE OFF Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) Tuesdays, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Norwood. Weigh in from 5:30, meeting at 7 pm. Elaine 705-639-5710 ASPHODEL NORWOOD Public Library, Norwood Branch: Story time every Friday, 10 a.m. Event info:
P.E. COUNTY CONSECON LEGION Euchre every Tuesday, 7 pm. $5.00 ea. Crib every Wednesday, 7pm. $5.00 ea. Mixed Fun Darts every Thursday, 7 pm. $5.00 ea. Continued on page B14
EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Continued from page B13
P.E. COUNTY The Prince Edward County 4 H dance club country square dance, Saturday, April 26, 8-11 pm, Sophiasburg Town Hall, Demorestville. Live music. Adults $10 Students $5, Family $20, Under 9 free. Refreshments provided. Info: Liz 613476-8104 or Keith 613-393-5336 The Ameliasburgh Garden Club’s April Meeting, Monday, April 28, 7:00 pm, Ameliasburgh Town Hall, 13 Coleman St, Ameliasburgh. Speaker: Keith Edgett, Starting, Growing and Winter Care of your Dahlias. Monthly Competition for Members: Spring Blossom Arrangement. Wednesdays, Knitting 2-4 pm. $5.00/wk. Zumba 7:30-8:30 pm. $8.00/wk. Tuesdays, Tai Chi, Taoist beginners. Slow & Mindful exercise 7:30 - 8:30pm $8.00/ wk. Ameliasburgh Community Hall.
STIRLING Stirling Diners: Monday, Apr 28, St Paul’s United Church, 104 Church St. Lunch at 12 pm. Please bring your own plate, cup, and cutlery. Opened to seniors and adults with physical disabilities
Sunday Brunch April 27, Stirling Legion. 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. Ham, bacon, sausages, pancakes, eggs, homefries, baked beans, toast, coffee, juice. $8/person. Children under 10 $5. Everyone welcome. The Stirling Festival Theatre presents Good Night and May God Bless – A Red Skelton Tribute, April 30, 2pm. Family friendly. Call 613-395-2100 or 1-877-3121162.
TRENTON Karoke every third Friday in the Lounge from 8-12 midnight, Legion Branch 110, Quinte St. Trenton. Retired Women Teachers, Trenton & District, Thurs. May 1, 11:45, Occcasions By The Bay, Bayside. Celebrating the Cora Bailey Award & Installation of Officers. Served meal-$22 (Guests $25) All retired women teachers welcome. Diane 613 398-0952 Trenton Lions Club 77 Campbell Street hosts a weekly Thursday Night Bingo. Cards on sale at 6pm regular program starts at 7pm. Everyone welcome. JOIN Quinte West’s Kente Kiwanis.
Meetings held every Thursday morning. Everyone welcome. Call Secretary John Eden at 613-394-0316 for more info. AL-ANON. Does someone’s drinking bother you? Join them each Wednesday at 8 p.m. 100 King St. Trenton. Trenton VON Monday Mornings. VON Foot Care Clinic: Basic, Advanced and Diabetic Foot Care (Fee for Service). For appointment: 1-888-279-4866 ex 5346
TWEED Line Dancing, Every Tues., 10:3011:30 am, Hungerford Hall, Tweed. Info: Carol Cooper 613-473-1446 Tweed Legion Clubroom: Mixed pool Wednesdays (except 3rd Wed. of the month), 7:00 p.m. 613-478-1855 Open Dart League final night of competition, April 25, 7:30 pm, Clubroom, Tweed Legion. Through The Roof Ministry Center, Flinton. Coffee House, Sunday, April 27, 6:30pm. Bluegrass night: Grassy Fiddle Time Band in concert. All welcome - free will offering towards youth ministries
Tweed Library: Tuesdays, Bridge/ Euchre 1-4 PM. Knitting Group (must have some ability to knit), 2-4 PM Fridays. Free Computer Instruction for Internet, Ereaders, IPads, etc. Tues., Wed., Thurs. eve hours and Sat. 10-3. 613-478-1066 to book a time Elvis Festival Committee Media Launch, Tweed Legion, Saturday, April 26. BBQ 11 a.m. Draws, prizes and Elvis (Bruce Stewart) performance. Friends of the Tweed Public Library present author Hilary MacLeod, May 1, 7pm, Tweed Library, 230 Metcalf St. Author of the Shore Mystery series. Books available for purchase and signing. Refreshments. Author Pete Fisher (“Highway of Heroes”) will sign copies of his book at the Tweed Legion, Saturday, April 26. Info: 613-478-1865. Tweed curling Club offers daytime exercise classes Mondays, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Zumba, Aerobics & Weights and Core Training. $5/class or $35/month. Info: Nancy 613-478-3464. Games Day for youths 8-17, Tweed
Legion, Sunday, April 27. Free event includes pool, shuffleboard, darts, card and board games. Light snacks available. Open to all youths. Info 613-478-1865.
TYENDINAGA Meals on Wheels Deseronto: Tuesday through Friday a hot meal delivered to your door around noon, for more information call 613-396-6591
WARKWORTH Rummage Sale, St. Andrews’ Presbyterian Church, Mill St, Warkworth, Friday, April 25, 9-4 & Saturday, April 26,9-2. Saturday fill a bag for $8. Saturday & Sunday April 26-27, 8 am, Warkworth Community Service Club Annual Fishing Derby for children 14 and under. Ryken’s Pond, 721 Morganston Rd. $5/pole. Must be accompanied by an adult. Prizes. 905-344-1095 or 705924-1877. Sunday April 27, Warkworth Legion Buffet Breakfast. 9:30 - 11 A.M. Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, baked beans, fruit, juice, coffee, tea, French toast and toast made from homemade baked bread.
Have a non-profit event? Email Deadline is Mondays at 3 p.m. Please note: ads may be edited or omitted as space permits
ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper.
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OPEN N AT 6AM – MONDAY TO FRIDAY TO SERVE YOU BETTER Store locations and hours are available on-line at Prices and promotions effective Thursday, April 24 through Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
Details on our policies and services Prices and promotions effective through Wednesday, April 30, 2014 unless otherwise noted. “Was” prices in this advertisement were in effect on Wednesday, April 2, 2014 and may vary based on Lowe’s Everyday Low Price* policy. See store for details regarding product warranties. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Lowe’s is committed to accurate pricing and reserves the right to correct errors. Correction notices for errors in this advertisement will be posted in our stores. *We guarantee our everyday competitive prices. If you find a lower everyday or advertised price on an identical stock item at any local retail competitor that has the item in stock, we’ll beat their price by 10% when you buy from us. For competitor percent-off sales, we will
B16 EMC Section B - Thursday, April 24, 2014
match their discounted price. Just bring us confirmation of the price that you have found. Lowe’s reserves the right to verify the lower price prior to sale. Competitor close-out, discontinued, clearance, liquidation, special order, damaged items, delivery, and assembly are excluded from this offer. Limited to reasonable quantities for homeowner and one-house order quantities for cash and carry contractors. Current in-store price, if lower, overrides Lowe’s advertised price. Price guarantee honoured at all Lowe’s retail locations in Canada. Other conditions apply. Visit store or for complete details. **No-Hassle Return Policy: If you are not completely happy with your purchase, simply return it along with your original sales receipt to any Lowe’s store in Canada within ninety (90) days** of purchase. We’ll either repair it, replace it, refund your money or credit your account. **30 days for
Major Appliances and Outdoor Power Equipment (including but not limited to mowers, chain saws, snow throwers, generators, pressure washers, trimmers and blowers). Highway Trailers purchased at a Lowe’s store in Canada may be returned within 30 days of the date of purchase and in the original province of purchase, with the original receipt and paperwork. Online returns can be made in store or by calling our call centre. Shipping charges are not refundable. Please see for more details. ††Ask
for no monthly payments for 12 months. Applies to single-receipt Appliance and Special Order Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop purchases including installation fees of $299 or more (after taxes). Purchases must be made with a Lowe’s® Consumer Credit Card account. No monthly payments will be required and no interest will be assessed on this promotional purchase if you pay the promotional purchase amount in full within 12 months. If you do not, the interest that
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