Harbors Edge - 2014 Design Development Team : Derrick Aplin, Timm Jamieson, Terry Crockett, Trent Matthias Special thanks to David McGill, Tye Campbell, and Allen Hale for providing me the opportunity to work at SFCS.
Tr e n t M a t t h i a s
Landscape Designer
Professional Work - Design Development, SFCS Harbors Edge, Norfolk Virginia This complex project seeks to marry a new independent living tower, historic fort, and proposed linear pedestrian space system in a holistic design proposal for the Harbor’s Edge community in Norfolk, Virginia. As the community seeks to duplicate their existing program and expand into the future, this proposal crafts a distinct bond between built architecture and the landscape.
Norfolk, Virgniia
Harbors Edge Site
Existing Property
New Development Site
Conceptual Site Plan
Harbors Edge Phase 2
Harbors Edge Phase 2
During my time at SFCS I have developed a strong skillset catered to site modeling in Google Sketchup.
Tr e n t M a t t h i a s
Landscape Designer
+1 540 521 5842 mobile number
trentm5@vt.edu email address
115 Chesney Place, Blue Ridge, VA USA 24064 permanent address