Revising English

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Questo volume, sprovvisto del talloncino a lato, è da considerarsi copia di saggio-campione gratuito, fuori commercio (vendita e altri atti di disposizione vietati: art. 17, c. 2 L. 633/1941). Esente da I.V.A. (D.P.R. 2610-1972, n. 633, art. 2, lett. d). Esente da Documento di Trasporto (D.P.R. 14-08-1996, n. 472).

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M. Cammareri - C. Miller



M. Cammareri - C. Miller


Esercizi integrativi di lingua inglese

Esercizi integrativi di lingua inglese


M. Cammareri - C. Miller


Esercizi integrativi di lingua inglese

1 Trevisini Editore Senza titolo-3 2.indd 1

05/04/12 17.01

2 Trevisini Editore Senza titolo-3 2.indd 2

Questo volume è corredato di un CD: volume e CD non possono essere venduti separatamente.

Revising English vol 1.indd 2-4


05/04/12 17.01

1 Trevisini Editore 06/04/12 11.20

Contents A snack at the pub ............................................... 45

Unit 1

A letter from a fat girl .......................................... 46

Introductions – Benny and Susan ...................... 5 Time for school .................................................. 7 Susan’s family ..................................................... 10 REVISION ............................................................ 12

Unit 2 In the classroom ................................................. 13 Meeting people. Making friends. ....................... 14 Numbers ............................................................ 15 Nationalities ........................................................ 17 At school ............................................................. 19 Why...? Because... .............................................. 20 REVISION ............................................................ 22

Susan’s town ...................................................... 23 A happy family .................................................... 25 An interview ........................................................ 26 How to greet people ......................................... 28 Adverbs of frequency ........................................ 29 A day in the life of Susan ................................... 30 REVISION ............................................................ 32

REVISION .............................................................. 51

Unit 6 Susan’s house ....................................................... 52 Looking for a hotel ............................................... 54 Looking for a restaurant ...................................... 54 The things they can do ........................................ 56 Places and locations ............................................. 57 There is/There are ................................................ 58 Irregular plurals .................................................... 59

Unit 7 A letter from Carol ............................................... 61 At the information office .................................... 62 The days of the week ........................................... 63 Ordinal numbers .................................................. 63 A horse race – At the finishing-line ..................... 64 Queen Mary High School ..................................... 66

33 34 36 37 38 39 41

A letter from a penfriend .................................... 67 Physical education uniforms ............................... 68 Sports and games ................................................ 69 REVISION .............................................................. 70

Unit 8 A letter from a Danish girl ................................... 71 Writing to a girl from Boston .............................. 73

Unit 5

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What are they doing? ........................................... 50

School uniforms .................................................. 65

Unit 4

To be hungry (avere fame) ................................ To be thirsty (avere sete) .................................... What Mike eats at home and at school ............. Home life - Mother and son ..............................

What is Billy doing? .............................................. 49

REVISION .............................................................. 60

Unit 3

Talking about time ............................................. Work and play .................................................... Mike isn’t very well today ................................... The human body ............................................... Health problems ................................................ Tea for two ......................................................... REVISION ............................................................

Tea time ................................................................ 47

Soup and cheese ................................................. 75

42 42 43 44

The day after – coffee and sugar ........................ 76 Free time .............................................................. 77 In school ............................................................... 79 REVISION ............................................................. 80

4-05-2012 16:41:12

Unit Susan’s town 1


8 Ascolta, leggi e traduci.

My family lives in Dover, a nice town located in the south of England. I live with my parents, my brother and my sister. My brother is 13 years old. His name is Mike. My sister is 8. Her name is Lucy. My mother is 38 yeas old. Her name is Helen. She is a nurse. She works in a hospital. My father is 40. His name is Peter. My father is a bus-driver. He works for a bus company. We live in a small house with a garden. We do not live in a flat. I like my house very much. We are a happy family.


Rispondi alle seguenti domande.

1. Where does Susan’s family live?

➤ ............................................................

2. Do they live in a house or in a flat?

➤ ............................................................

3. Where is Dover located?

➤ ............................................................

4. How old is Susan’s brother?

➤ ............................................................

5. What does Susan’s mother do?

➤ ............................................................

6. What does Susan’s father do?

➤ ............................................................

7. Is Susan’s house large or small?

➤ ............................................................


Vero/Falso (True/False).

1. Susan lives in a village.



4. Susan’s brother is 13 years old.


2. Dover is located in the south of England.



5. Susan’s mother is a nurse.


3. Susan has got two brothers.



6. Susan’s mother works at home.


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4-05-2012 11:29:59

Unit 3


Volgi alla forma negativa.

Es. Susan lives in Dover now.

1. Susan lives with her parents. 2. Her mother works in a hospital. 3. They live in southern England. 4. I live in Avon with my family. 5. Ted lives in a block of flats. 6. You live in New York City. 7. We live in a small house now. 8. Mike has got two nice sisters.


Traduci in inglese.

1. La famiglia di Susan abita a Dover. 2. Dover si trova nel sud dell’Inghilterra. 3. Susan abita con i suoi genitori. 4. La casa di Susan è piccola. 5. La casa di Susan ha un giardino. 6. A Susan piace molto la sua casa. 7. Susan non abita in un appartamento.


➤Susan does not live in Dover. ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ...............................................................................................

➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ...............................................................................................

Usa correttamente: his (suo di lui) / her (suo di lei).

1. Il fratello di Susan ha 13 anni; il suo nome è Mike. 2. La sorella di Susan ha 8 anni; il suo nome è Lucy. 3. Il padre di Susan ha 40 anni; il suo nome è Peter. 4. La madre di Susan ha 38 anni; il suo nome è Helen.


➤ .............................................................................. ➤ .............................................................................. ➤ .............................................................................. ➤ ..............................................................................

Accoppia correttamente le due parti.


Susan Scott lives in

her parents.


Her town is located

a nice town.


Susan lives with

in a hospital.


She has got one brother

in southern England.


Susan’s mother works

a bus company.


Her father works for

and one sister.

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4-05-2012 11:30:00

Unit 3

A happy family 1

9 Ascolta, leggi e traduci.

There are 5 people in Susan’s family. Peter and Helen Scott are husband and wife. They have got three children, one son and two daughters. Susan and Mike attend a comprehensive school. They are not twins. Lucy is 8 and goes to a primary school. Every day Susan goes to see her grandparents. They live not far from her house.

Susan’s family tree Husband

Peter Scott




Helen Scott Mother









Leggi attentamente il brano e completa le frasi con le parti mancanti sotto indicate.

• Susan’s parents

• Susan’s brother

• Susan’s sister

• Susan’s mother

• Susan’s father

• husband & wife

1. Helen Scott is .....................................................


Scrivi i nomi della famiglia di Susan.

1. Who is Susan’s father?........................................... 2. Who is Susan’s mother? ........................................ 3. Who is Susan’s brother? ........................................

2. Mr. & Mrs Scott are ............................................ 4. Who is Susan’s sister? ............................................ 3. Lucy Scott is ...................................................... 4. Mike Scott is .......................................................

5. Who are Susan’s parents? .....................................

5. Peter Scott is ......................................................

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4-05-2012 11:30:02

Unit 3

An interview 1

10 Ascolta, leggi e traduci.

Characters: A reporter and Susan. Reporter: Susan, how old are you? Susan: I’m 12 years old, sir. Reporter: What school do you go to? Susan: I go to a comprehensive school. Reporter: Is it far from your house? Susan: Well, it’s about a mile away. Reporter: How do you get to school? Susan: I usually walk, but sometimes I go by bus. Reporter: Do you play any sports? Susan: Yes, I play basketball. Reporter: When do you play basketball? Susan: On Friday afternoon.

Disegno di un/una giornalista che intervista Susan

Reporter: And where do you play basketball? 1

Susan: In the gymnasium of the school. Reporter: Okay, that’s all. Goodbye, Susan. Susan: Good morning, sir.


Rispondi alle seguenti domande.

1. How old is Susan Scott?


2. Is Susan’s school far from her house?


3. How does Susan get to school?


4. Does Susan play any sports?


5. When does Susan play basketball?


6. Where does she practice this sport?


1 palestra.

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Unit 3


Vero/Falso (True/False).

1. Susan never goes to school by bus.



4. The girl plays basketball.



2. Susan’s school is near her house.



5. She plays basketball on Saturday.



3. Susan doesn’t play any sports.



6. Susan plays basketball at school.




Chiedi ad un tuo conoscente inglese:

1. L’età; quanti anni ha. 2. La scuola che egli frequenta. 3. Se la scuola è lontana da casa sua. 4. Come va a scuola solitamente. 5. Se egli pratica qualche sport. 6. Dove egli pratica questo sport. 7. Quando egli gioca a pallavolo.


Quali espressioni usi per dirgli che:

1. Hai dodici anni. 2. Frequenti la locale scuola media. 3. Spesso vai a scuola con il bus. 4. Ti piace giocare a pallavolo. 5. Pratichi questo sport sabato pomeriggio. 6. La scuola è lontana da casa tua. 7. Giochi nella palestra della scuola.


➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................

➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ............................................................................................... ➤ ...............................................................................................

Accoppia correttamente le due parti.


Susan is a student.

on Saturday afternoon.


Susan’s house is

She attends a comprehensive school.


Susan likes to play

She is 12 years old.


Susan plays basketball

basketball and tennis.


Susan’s school is

far from her house.


Susan is not 13 years old.

a school for boys and girls.

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4-05-2012 11:30:04

Unit 3

How to greet people 1

Completa i fumetti con le frasi qui indicate. • Hello Susan! • Good morning, Miss Smith. • Good afternoon, Peter.

• Good evening, Peter • Bye-bye, Peter. • Good night, darling.

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4-05-2012 11:30:08

Unit 3

Adverbs of frequency 6/5 days a week

7 days a week



3/2 days a week


0 days a week


Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio qui indicato.

Es. I go to school by train.


1. You go to school by bike.


2. He goes to school by car.


3. We go to school on foot.


4. They go to school by bus.


5. Lucy walks to school.


6. We go to school by train.



1 day a week



4 days a week


➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤

I usually go to school by train ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................

Scrivi con quale frequenza compi le seguenti azioni utilizzando, uno alla volta, gli avverbi sopra indicati.

Es. (go to school by bike/by bus)

I usually go to school by bike or by bus.

1. (have milk & toast for breakfast)


2. (eat a sandwich at school)


3. (have pasta and meat for dinner)


4. (do my homework in the afternoon)


5. (watch television in the evening)


6. (go to bed before 10 o’clock)


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Unit 3

A day in the life of Susan In the morning

In the afternoon

a. ............................................................

g. ............................................................

b ............................................................

h. ............................................................

c. ............................................................

i. ............................................................

d. ............................................................

j. ............................................................

1 e. ............................................................

f. ............................................................

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Scrivi la frase esatta sotto ciascun disegno. After breakfast I leave the house. I go back home at four o’clock. I always get up at seven thirty. I arrive at school at about 8:30. After dinner I watch television. Then I wash and get dressed. I have lunch in the school canteen. I go to bed before ten o’clock. I have breakfast at eight o’clock. We have dinner at half past six.

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Unit 3


Rispondi alle seguenti domande. ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................

1. What time does Susan get up? 2. What does she do after that? 3. When does she have breakfast? 4. What does Susan do after that? 5. When does she arrive at school? 6. Where does Susan have lunch? 7. When does Susan go back home? 8. What time does she have dinner? 9. What does she do after that? 1 0. What time does she go do bed?


Vero/Falso (True/False).

1. Susan gets up at six thirty.



4. She goes back home in the afternoon.



2. Susan has breakfast at 8 a.m.



5. Susan has dinner at 6:30.



3. Susan has lunch at home.



6. She watches TV in the evening.




Rispondi alle seguenti domande.

1. What time do you get up? 2. What do you do after that? 3. When do you have breakfast? 4. What time do you arrive at school? 5. When do you go back home? 6. What time do you have dinner? 7. What do you do in the evening? 8. What time do you go to bed?


➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................ ➤ ................................................................................................

Accoppia correttamente le due parti.


Susan gets up

before ten o’clock.


Susan has breakfast

at home.


Susan goes to school

the school canteen.


She has lunch in

early, at about 7 o’clock.


Susan watches TV

by the schoolbus.


She goes to bed

after dinner.

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Unit 3

REVISION Dagli argomenti studiati hai imparato a:



• chiedere e dire l’età di una persona;

How old are you? How old is Mike? My father is 40 years old.

• dire in quale giorno della settimana compi una data azione.

I play basketball on Friday.

• dare il buongiorno e salutare secondo l’ora e la circostanza nella quale ha luogo l’azione.

Hello! Hi! (Susan). Good morning/Good afternoon. Good evening/Good night. Goodbye/Bye-bye.

• dire a che ora compi una determinata azione.

I get up at seven thirty. I go back home at 4 o’clock.

» SOME GRAMMAR POINTS • Where do you live?

Dove abiti?

• I do not live in a flat.

Non abito in un appartamento.

La forma negativa ed interrogativa del presente indicativo dei verbi ordinari si ottiene, come già accennato, con l’ausiliare do (does per la terza persona singolare).

• I never go to school by bike.

Non vado mai a scuola con la bici.

• I usually go to school by bus.

Di solito vado a scuola col bus.

Tieni presente che always, often, never, usually, sometimes e rarely si collocano prima del verbo, ma dopo il verbo to be (essere).

• Susan, how old are you?

Susan, quanti anni hai?

• I’m twelve years old.

Ho dodici anni.

• My father is forty years old.

Mio padre ha quaranta anni.

Per chiedere e dire l’età di una persona la lingua inglese fa uso della espressione to be…. old.

» LANGUAGE PRACTICE Prendi buona nota che: a) children, plurale di child, significa ragazzi (maschi e femmine). Lo stesso vocabolo viene usato per indicare la prole, i figli (maschi e femmine). b) casa ha due forme: house e home. House si riferisce all’edificio; home indica il focolare domestico. Tieni bene a mente to go home e to be at home (andare a casa e essere a casa). c) People significa popolo, ma anche gente.

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