The Rotary Club of Dartmouth January 2018 Chartered 27th October 1950
Happy New Year Everyone! I know it was a month ago now— but I’ve left this in to help explain the delay in sending this Bulletin to you, David Morehen, our Dartboard editor is currently recuperating after some important surgery. This surgery has created what I can only describe as “knock on” effects to David’s health. He is now making good progress, and our wishes are with him and Jill for a return to normality. It will be a gradual process, but we look forward to welcoming back into our social and Rotary lives. David’s absence has caught the rest of us off guard in more ways than one. Aside from the disbelief that someone who you’ve been friends with for 15+ years (and who hasn’t changed a great deal in that time) can suddenly fall seriously ill without much warning—there is also the matter of everything he does for the smooth running of our club. The Dartboard is one example, however he also maintains many other documents, and does guide us on some many matters of Rotary protocol. This work is done quietly and consistently—and without any fuss.
Betty had received a mobile phone for Christmas and had just learned how to send text messages. She was a romantic type and her husband was more of a no-nonsense Rotarian. One afternoon Betty went into the Dart Marina to meet a friend for coffee. She showed her friend her new gift and decided to send her husband a romantic text message and she wrote: "If you are sleeping, send me your dreams. If you are laughing, send me your smile. If you are eating, send me a bite. If you are drinking, send me a sip. If you are crying, send me your tears. I love you." Her husband texted back to her: "I'm on the toilet. Please advise."
BIRTHDAYSBIRTHFSYBIRTHBIRTHDAYS There are no members who were born in January - so it must have been a quiet spring !
THE DARTBOARD The monthly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Dartmouth
Club No. 705 Chartered 27 Oct ‘50
JANUARY 2018 Vol. XXII No...7
VOCATIONAL SERVICE MONTH Paul Harris wrote in his book “My Road to Rotary” that Rotarians should do business with each other, if it makes sense. The scope of Rotary membership has changed with the advent of giant retailers and the accompanying decline of small businesses. At the same time, many businesses like banks and the Post Office have become less inclined to pay the cost of their employees belonging to a civic organisation. Not only has this lead to a struggle for new members, but it has brought in a different type of member: one who does not have any control over his or her time during work hours. Whether a member pays his or her own subs, the fact remains that (for those who are not retired), it’s the vocation that pays the way for Rotary membership. Because of these changes, Rotary is encouraging clubs to promote the businesses of its members. One club displays a banner with the Rotary logo and the logos of its members’ businesses at their events. We still have a “My Job” talk that allows members to tell the club what they do for a living or what kind of business they were involved in. Some clubs highlight a different member’s business in each newsletter. The key is keeping the names of these businesses in front of the membership on a consistent basis.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY After serious & cautious consideration...your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2018 It was a very hard decision to make... So try not to screw it up!!! My Wish for You in 2018
• May peace break into your home and may thieves come to steal your debts.
• May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for £50 notes.
• May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
• May happiness slap you across the
face and may your tears be that of joy.
• May the problems you had, forget
your home address! In simple words ............ May 2018 be the best year of your life!!!
DID YOU SUPPORT MOVEMBER ? No, this is not Trevor Branton - but he had good support and achieved his target by raising over £300 for mens’ health initiatives. Maybe next year we can have a competition amongst us all.
INVESTING IN P.R. Most clubs are involved in both local and international service projects. As there seem to be regular international disasters, the fact that Rotary implements rescue projects in developing countries is important to us all. However, it is also clear that what sustains most clubs is local service, not international projects. International projects often involve only a few dedicated club members and the publicity does not reach many people. Without strong local service opportunities, clubs are at higher risk of losing their purpose and dynamism. The same holds for relationships. International relationships are great, but what will help a club strive are, first and foremost, the local relationships that a club and its members build, and how well the club is known and respected in the local community. There may be exceptions, but it is hard for clubs to do well without a strong local ground-swell and support. We need to make our presence felt more locally.
YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHER Judging took place on 1st December this time, and the entries were available to view on-line in a new posting by Rtn Trevor Branton. There were some very good shots of normal things, like :-
The junior winner was Freya Harding with her lovely sunset below, and I too
THE OTHER SIDE If you want to see the other side of the coin there is some bile on Youtube. Just search using the word “Rotary” and you will find some obnoxious and biased film clips about our aims and objectives !!
would have selected her entries.
PUZZLE What can go up a drainpipe down but not down a drainpipe up?
You make up your own mind……….
DID YOU CELEBRATE ? On New Year's Eve, Marilyn stood up in the local pub and said that it was time to get ready. At the stroke of midnight, she wanted every husband to be standing next to the one person who made his life worth living. Well, it was kind of embarrassing. As the clock struck twelve — the bartender was almost crushed to death.
Preparations are already under way for the 93rd RIBI Conference to be held in the Riviera Centre, from Friday 6th April to Sunday 8th April 2018. The last time RIBI held its conference in Torquay was in 1924, although many District Conferences have been held there. So, what's on offer over the weekend?
Enjoy a buzzing Exhibition Centre of promotive stands and stalls,
an entertaining evening concert with a variety of acts including the Welsh Male Voice Choir;
sample the fine dining at The Grand Hotel;
INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY All incoming District Governors are called to the International Assembly before taking office, so that they and their partners can appreciate the internationality of the organisation, and learn something of the hopes and aspirations of the incoming President of Rotary International. This event takes place in San Diego between 14th and 20th of January. Over 500 delegates from 164 countries and geographical regions of the world share experiences and learn from each other. These events often lead to new and shared projects between two or more districts, or cultural or vocational exchanges.
inspiring and motivating speakers; There are three different Foundation functions to choose from:
a tasty lunch with a motivating Foundation speaker;
tours of the majestical caves at Kent’s Cavern with a Devonshire Cream Tea;
or lunch in The Spanish Barn at the historical Torre Abbey, including tours of the medieval Abbey to take at your leisure. There is also a themed Beach Party night, so don your Hawaiian shirt and sun hats and enjoy dinner and dancing to a live band. If it’s actually on the beach there will be some sights to remember for the Herald Express. Maybe Hilary could get down there early, with his flash ?
The gospels will be handed down to our own Governor-Elect who calls the incoming club Presidents to the District 1175 Assembly to pass on these programmes and enlighten incoming service chairmen in all clubs. So watch out !
Maybe we could get up a coach party for one day at least ?
LON 179ş 30' W. It was midnight on 31 December 1899. “Know what this means?” First Mate Payton broke in, “We’re only a few miles from the intersection of the Equator and the International Date Line”. Captain Phillips was prankish enough to take full advantage of the opportunity for achieving the navigational freak of a lifetime. He called his navigators to the bridge to check and double check the ships position. He changed course slightly so as to bear directly on his mark. Then he adjusted the engine speed. The calm weather and clear night worked in his favour. At midnight the SS Warrimoo lay on the Equator at exactly the point where it crossed the International Date Line! The consequences of this bizarre position were many. The forward part (bow) of the ship was in the Southern Hemisphere and the middle of summer. The rear (stern) was in the Northern Hemisphere and in the middle of winter.
IT HAPPENS AT OUR AGE Jim went abroad on holiday in Zimbabwe last winter, visited a Rotarian hunter and was given a tour of his home. In the man’s den was a stuffed lion. Jim asked, “When did you bag him?” His host said proudly, “That was three years ago, when I went hunting with my ex-wife.” “What’s he stuffed with ?” asked Jim. “My ex-wife” replied the hunter.
DID YOU KNOW ? The Christmas Greetings pages in last month’s ‘Dartboard’ were well supported by club members—thank you very much. The Charity Account has benefitted by £255 and our newsletter/bulletin has spread around the world as a result.
The date in the aft part of the ship was 31 December 1899. Forward it was 1 January 1900. At that moment, the ship was straddling two different hemispheres, days, months, years, seasons, and centuries, all at the same time. By passing between the bow and the stern, passengers could stroll between winter
A NEW YEAR’S DAY STORY The passenger steamer SS Warrimoo was on its way from Vancouver to Australia. The navigator had just finished working out a star fix LAT 0ş 31' N and
and summer, north and south, and the 19th and 20th centuries. If you return to this point on June 21 and lie down on the deck, at midnight your left hand will be in summer, your right hand in spring, your left foot in winter, and your right foot in autumn.) The downside: the Warrimoo was sold in October 1916 and registered in Singapore. On the 18th May 1918 she was sunk after a collision off the coast of Tunis North Africa with the French Destroyer Catapulte after depth charges exploded when on a voyage to Marseille with troops.
A reader in Australia has sent in this story about the RC of Nantwich Weaver, Cheshire, in whose patch lies the Bentley motor manufacturers. In 2015 they decided to form a satellite club and in May this year chartered the “RC of Bentley Cheshire” with 25 members, largely employees, ranging from a 24year old to a 62 year old. The club has a relaxed set of rules and records their members’ time volunteering and attending meetings, to get some idea of total involvement. In 2016-17 they recorded over 1,000 hours of service and, with some non-members, have scaled the peaks of Ben Nevis, Scafell and Snowdon giving funds raised to Hope House, a local children’s hospice, and 38 other causes.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Hold the door open for a clown — it’s a nice jester !
DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S VISIT Rotarian George Eamer (RC of Exmouth Raleigh) has got 87 clubs to look after, but makes a point of coming to see us all on 11th January. He must know that we will all be in happy mood, as the result of the free wine from our Past Presidents. So not only do you get an uplift from our esteemed leader, but you also get a drink to wash it down with. It’s got to be a rare treat for them both to happen on the same day so make sure that you’ve got the date marked in your diary.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY A true friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else.
POSTSCRIPT Paul will be pleased to learn that Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland is thinking of co-operating with the RAF Benevolent Association for charitable reasons. Charity begins at home !!
looking to find her a new home. She is 68
A full update on Inner Wheel will follow in the February edition, which is released at the same time as this one! Apologies for the lack of coordination in the absence of our indomitable editor!
Nearly 4000 crocus bulbs have been planted by Dartmouth Green Partnerships with Hilary Bastone. They were planted under the Rotary tree near the greenhouse site, the verge by the escape road and the verges at the top of New Road and some in Townstal.
UNWANTED CHRISTMAS PRESENT This is Lexi, she’s an 8-week-old German Shepherd. Lexi was bought as a surprise for my wife but it turns out she is allergic to dogs so we are now
years old, an attractive and caring woman who drives, is a great cook, and keeps a clean house.
This Bandstand was conceived as a millennium project by the Rotary Clubs of Ilkley Wharfedale & Ilkley and completed in 2001. It is available for use by musical groups and other entertainers. The site was generously donated by the Ilkley Abbeyfield Society and both organisations, together with Ilkley Parish Council retain a keen interest as Trustees. An active management committee of volunteers run the bandstand and gardens on a day to day basis. They aim to provide appropriate entertainment for residents and visitors alike.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS You will by now have noticed in the December edition that Roger Jordan has changed his address to No.8 Vavasour House, North Embankment. An internet search shows that the “Vavasour” family traces their ancestry back to the Norman invasion of England. But in 1890 the Vavasour family arrived in New Zealand and established themselves in the Awatere Valley. A century later Peter Vavasour identified the Awatere Valley as the new frontier for NZ wine-growing and planted the first grapes. Their first vintage was 1989 8 and within three years they were re-
ceiving high accolades and officially put the valley on the map of great winemaking regions.
sing Karaoke and play all-night strip poker. Warnings: The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may
• make you think you are whispering
Why are prescription medicines allowed to advertise on TV, or why anyone would think of trying one after listening to the list of warnings of possible side effects. The following is definitely an exception!
Do you have feelings of inadequacy or suffer from shynesss ?
Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?
when you are not;
• cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them;
• make you to think you can sing;
•create the illusion
that you are tougher, smarter, faster, and better looking than most people.
•Do you sometimes feel stressed?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Cabernet Sauvignon. Cabernet Sauvignon is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident. It can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Cabernet Sauvignon almost immediately, and after regular doses, you'll overcome obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want. Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past. You will discover talents you never knew you had. Cabernet Sauvignon may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use it, but women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it. Side effects may include: Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to
• NOTE: Chardonnay, Scotch, Vodka or Gin may be substituted for Cabernet Sauvignon, with similar results
CAROL SERVICE Despite the cold weather there were abut 100 people in St Saviour’s for the Carol Service this year. In the absence of our President his reading was done by Pres Elect Peter Goldstraw, and Martin our Secretary also did a reading. Afterwards there was mulled wine and wince pies before the celebrants left for home or for sandwiches at the Dolphin, courtesy of the licensee. The following day there was abundance of spare mulled wine to share over lunch at the Royal Castle.
is not fish they are after.” – David Thoreau
AND YOU THINK YOU’VE GOT PROBLEMS ? In 1987, Mark Inglis lost both of his legs after suffering from frostbite on one of his expeditions. However, this didn’t stop him. He trained a lot and managed to conquer the highest peak in the world. He lives in New Zealand with his wife and three children, has written
SPORTS AND SOCIAL NEWS The Bay Sports Ten-pin Bowling takes place at the Torquay Bowl on 18th Jan followed by a quick meal at The club visit to the RC of Torquay took place last month where our Pres Elect met his counterpart over a glass of wine. The female speaker was good and told the history of pantomime in a 25minute address, completely without notes. There were also visitors from Paignton.
4 books, and now works as a motivational speaker.
CHRISTMAS CARDS Many of us, or our wives, will probably had used our M & S cards or our John Lewis cards or our Nectar cards or our Sainsbury’s or Tesco or Morrison’s or Asda cards or our ordinary bank credit or debit cards. But now Rotary has cashed in on the scheme (or so it thinks) by offering “Global Rewards” cards, so that all Rotarians can get a discount from Amazon, Argos or Starbucks, even B & Q, yet still give some cash back into Rotary. You can even sell your own goods this way. You have to download an ‘app’ of course, but how on earth they know I live in Yeovil, beats me !
Many men go fishing all their lives without knowing that it
MINUTES OF THE BUSINESS MEETING HELD ON 21st DECEMBER Present 25 members, one visitor, President Elect Peter Goldstraw in the chair, Treasurer’s report General Fund £1,881.14
Charity Account £6,328.47 Reserve Fund £7,596.29
Admin Committee report, Peter Goldstraw; Election of RIBI President. Members discussed the application forms and video presentations of all 4 candidates. As election is by single transferable vote system all were ranked. Unanimous approval for ranking: 1st David Ellis, 2nd William Alan Clark, 3rd Thomas Kinnear Griffin, 4th Graham William Anthony Jackson. This vote was subsequently approved by Council. The Secretary will forward the hyperlink to all club members so that they can study the applications ahead of the Business meeting. Membership BB reported that following a successful “open day lunch”, the 7 day notice had been issued for 1 potential member and a 2nd was anticipated shortly. Service Projects report, Martin Judd; 5000 crocuses have been planted by team of 7 ladies from DGP and one Rotarian. Small plaques will be installed mentioning Rotary and there will be publicity in the Dartmouth Chronicle Nepal. Peter Reid of Plympton RC and possibly a teacher from Nepal will update RCD on Jan 11. Request for funding will probably coincide. District Grant for Memory Café has been approved in principle. RCD will now need to provide details of project for final approval. MB will work with Nick H this. £1000 of our funds to be reserved to match District’s contribution. Will need to research another project for next year. Youth Speaks: although official applications are still outstanding, it looks as if there could be up to eight entries. (6 from Dartmouth Academy (two in each age group) and two Junior entries from Stoke Fleming). A preliminary round is being organised by Peter Goldstraw, to be held at 1500 on the 19th January at Stoke Fleming Primary School.Dictionaries for Life: the Club has now authorised the expenditure on the purchase of the D4L, and these will be distributed (organised by Martin Lowe) at the end of the school year at the Primary Schools which have expressed an interest. Mock Interviews: a number of Rotarians provided the service of a mock interview to year 11 pupils at Dartmouth Academy on the 28 th November. Thanks to the 12 Rotarians who did this. Very much appreciated. Their feedback about the event was entirely positive. ‘Reading Buddies’: the scheme continues, and seems to be very much appreciated by Dartmouth Academy. 11
ON-LINE CALENDAR is available at Date
What’s On
4 Jan @ 1pm
11Jan @ 1pm
Past Presidents’ Wine Day and DG’s visit
(Council & Cttees in evening)
16 Jan @ 6.30pm Visit to RC of Preston at Redcliffe Hotel (£13 pp) 18 Jan @ 1pm
Business Meeting
Bay Sports Ten-pin Bowling in evening
25 Jan @ 1pm
Fellowship and visit by RC of Tormohun
1 Feb @ 1pm
Speaker: Laura Cowie “Cyber Crime”
8 Feb @ 1pm
(Council & Cttees in evening) Bay Sports Deck Quoits in evening)
12 Feb @ 6.30pm Fellowship visit to RC of Totnes @ Royal Seven Stars 15 Feb @ 1pm
Business Meeting
22 Feb
27 Feb
Winter Olympics at Stoke Lodge Hotel
1 March @ 1pm
Speaker: s.asp?k=150523106135 Beware: if the magazine is scrapped, then we are under a constitutional obligation to take the RI version at even greater cost.
DID YOU KNOW ? The British Prime Minister, the French President, the German Chancellor, the Italian Prime Minister, leaders in Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg and Scotland and even the President of the European Commission - have NO CHILDREN ! Do they have a real interest in the future of our world?
For those of you who are that keen, it will cost you £5 to have all six copies delivered annually to your home. There is a form to be completed on-line at
There was a good crowd of members and guests at the Venus Café last month. I hope you all got home safely.
Contributions can be emailed to
With effect from the February-March 2018 issue, the Rotary bi-monthly magazine will not be delivered to clubs for personal distribution by our Editor at our normal weekly meeting. However we can all access the on-line free digital edition instead. But if you would prefer to have it in your hands you can subscribe to receive the printed edition.