news Spring 2013
TrevorSpace Gets a Makeover PAGE 5
Meet the Team: Digital Crisis Services Manager PAGE 9
Cason Crane: Youth Innovator PAGE 10
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. 8704 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite 200 West Hollywood, CA 90069 T 310.271.8845 F 310.271.8846 E
Happy PRIDE! It’s that time of year again! The Trevor Project is so excited to be joining cities across the country in celebrations of diversity, love and acceptance. This year we will be premiering a sneak peak of “Ask for Help,” Trevor’s new PSA campaign that encourages people to seek out support if they ever need it. You can read more about “Ask for Help” on page 3!
Look for Trevor’s booth at the following Pride events: April 27 - DC Youth Pride May 18/19 - Long Beach Pride
June 1 - Staten Island Pride, NY June 1 - Fresno Pride June 1/2 - Salt Lake City Pride June 2 - Queens Pride, NY June 8 – Brooklyn Pride, New York June 8/9 – Washington DC Pride
In This Issue
June 8/9 – Los Angeles Pride June 30 – San Francisco Pride
12 Prid e Chicag o 20
July 13/14 – San Diego Pride
July 20 – Bronx Pride, New York
June 30 – New York Pride
ON THE COVER: Photo credit; Michael Hardgrove
June 30 – Seattle Pride
August 1 – Oakland Pride October 12/13 – Atlanta Pride
Pride NY C 2012
October 19 – Bakersfield Pride
Want to volunteer for a Pride event near you? Visit for more about how to become an event volunteer with Trevor.
Start Your Own Fundraising Page for Trevor! For the first time, Trevor supporters can create their own fundraising campaign benefiting The Trevor Project through StayClassy. StayClassy is an online fundraising platform that provides the tools for creating a personal fundraising page. You can set a goal, track your progress, invite friends to contribute and communicate directly with the people supporting your fundraiser. There’s no limit to what you can do – help LGBTQ youth imagine their future birthdays by using yours to raise money for Trevor, or celebrate Pride season by fundraising for LGBTQ youth who may not feel safe being out and proud. Every dollar makes a difference! Learn more and start your own fundraising page today by visiting:
All LGBTQ Youth Deserve to Feel Proud This Pride season, as The Trevor Project joins the LGBT community, their families and their friends in celebration of the gains we have made, a part of our community will be missing – some because it is not safe for them to be “out” in public; others because they have not yet accepted themselves; and several because they have tragically ended their lives through suicide.
New PSA Tells Youth:
“Ask for Help”
The Trevor Project’s newest public service campaign is called “Ask for Help” and promotes the idea that it’s ok to ask for help when you need it. At The Trevor Project, we
All too often, LGBTQ young people are not encouraged to be proud of their true selves. By Abbe Land, Executive Director and CEO of The Trevor Project We know the statistics: LGBT and questioning youth are at a higher risk of attempting suicide than their straight peers. Thankfully, there are steps we can take to change our culture and prevent youth suicide. The Trevor Lifeline, TrevorChat, Ask Trevor and now TrevorText already support these young people when they need someone to turn to. But empowering youth and preventing suicide takes more than offering support. The stigma associated with asking for help must be diminished and life-affirming laws that promote suicide prevention training and mental health resources must be passed to create a more accepting culture.
know that asking for help isn’t always easy. – In fact, research shows that the fear of asking for help is one of the biggest barriers young people face when they need support. – But doing so can lead a person to useful tools and resources that can ultimately be life-saving. Trevor is excited to be working with Avant Gérard to develop the “Ask for Help” campaign and extends special thanks to Avant Gérard’s co-founder, John Palmer. “I’ve been a volunteer with Trevor for nearly
The Trevor Project is working to make these changes. Research shows that the fear of asking for help is one of the biggest barriers young people face when they need support. Our newest campaign, “Ask for Help,” encourages help-seeking behavior and puts asking for help in a positive light. By empowering youth to ask for support when they need it, we can actually help increase the likelihood that they will get it.
six years. A common thread shared by the young people we serve, and something that’s always inspired me, is their bravery in asking for help,” said Palmer. “It’s exciting to have an opportunity to combine my personal and professional passions into something that will be so far-reaching for LGBTQ youth.”
Unfortunately, when LGBTQ youth do find the courage to reach out, many find there are inadequate mental health services in their community to help. To address this concern, The Trevor Project is advocating for the passage of the Mental Health Awareness and Improvement Act (MHAIA), which will increase mental health access in schools.
The “Ask for Help” campaign features LGBTQ and allied youth who share messages of encouragement and support to listeners, and direct anyone who needs help to Trevor’s resources. Though “Ask for Help” officially
MHAIA is a potentially life-saving bill that focuses on building awareness about suicide, early prevention and identification of warning signs, and making sure young people can access appropriate care and resources. You can help pass this bill by visiting and making your voice heard. So, as we enjoy Pride season this year, let’s not forget that there is still work to be done before every LGBTQ young person can feel proud. As a Trevor supporter, you continue to help make this a reality. While we work toward this future, The Trevor Project will continue to serve LGBTQ youth in crisis through our life-saving programs, empower youth to reach out for support, share suicide prevention education with teachers and adults across the country, and advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ young people everywhere. Thank you for your dedication to saving young lives – we couldn’t do it without you.
launches later in the season, Pride-goers at festivals nationwide will get a glimpse of Trevor’s new campaign this summer. T
Want to help? Want to help spread the word? Contact Trevor’s Marketing Director at Jenessa. to find out how to place “Ask for Help” PSAs in your local media.
Trevor on Capitol Hill On April 25, The Trevor Project held its first policy briefing on Capitol Hill, hosted by Congressman Paul Tonko (NY). The briefing was open to the public, and Abbe Land, Executive Director & CEO of The Trevor Project, moderated a four-person education panel. From left: Executive Director & CEO Abbe Land, Gov’t Affairs Director Allison Gill, Congressman Tonko, YAC member Josh Deese and guest
Trevor is a leader in suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth and can make major strides in crisis intervention with the help of our policy makers, partner organizations and public leaders. This briefing will help lawmakers understand the vital significance of this issue and consider policy solutions to reduce LGBTQ youth suicide. This is particularly timely as Congress considers moving forward with vital youth mental health measures.
During the panel, experts from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; National Association of School Psychologists; and the Trevor Youth Advisory Council discussed the state of LGBTQ youth in America, statistics surrounding suicide and why it is important for congress to take action on life-saving policy initiatives. T
Leadership Conference The Trevor Project’s newest Youth Advisory Council (YAC) came together for the first time in Los Angeles for the annual YAC Leadership Conference, sponsored by Toyota Financial Services. The 21 YAC members ranging in age from 16 to 24 represent a diverse group of young leaders from major metropolitan areas and small communities around the country. “This group of young people is incredible, so talented, smart and passionate about who they are and the issues facing queer youth. They are all going to change the world, no doubt,” said Sarina Aguirre, Senior Community Engagement Manager, who led the youth conference this past March. YAC members spent the weekend training with Trevor staff and connected through a Google+ Hangout with Trevor co-founder, James Lecesne. They also enjoyed a surprise visit from YouTube personalities Tyler Oakley and Brittani Nichols. “Getting the chance to chat with people that will change the way the world looks at LGBTQ issues and suicide prevention inspires me to be a better advocate,” Tyler said after meeting the group. The empowering weekend ended with members vowing to build upon new friendships and goals they had made. “We have such a fantastic group of people full of so many new ideas. I feel that together, we have an opportunity to further improve our communities and I am so excited to be involved!” said Luke.
“This year I would love to do more direct outreach within my community as well as with other communities. After this weekend’s summit I have been so inspired to be a presence out there for youth as a YAC member,” said Shontay. Justin Leach, public relations manager at Toyota Financial Services, commented on the decision to underwrite the conference: “We’ve been a corporate sponsor of The Trevor Project for several years, but our support of the YAC is unique. All money donated for this conference came directly from employees across the Toyota/Lexus/ Scion family. We’ve really taken to heart the importance of supporting these amazing young people who are changing their communities for the better.” Special thanks to the generous local vendors including West Hollywood Starbucks, Trader Joe’s, Cake and Art, My Fit Foods, and Yogurt Stop, that helped make the weekend special! T
Gets a Makeover In 2008, philanthropist Tim Gill generously donated a version of his social media platform to Trevor, helping create a safe place for LGBTQ youth and their friends to connect. Since then, more than 55,000 young people from around the world have joined TrevorSpace. Tim helped keep the site open while we updated the site, and on March 1st we launched a new, more dynamic TrevorSpace. Athena Brewer, Senior Online Programs Manager at The Trevor Project tells us more about the new platform and why TrevorSpace is a crucial program for LGBTQ youth.
Why re-launch TrevorSpace? In 2012, members told us they wanted a more modern and dynamic site – that they really needed a social network that matched what they were used to; like posting updates and chatting with other members over instant message, for example. Why is TrevorSpace important? TrevorSpace is the only program on this scale that gives LGBTQ young people and their allies the chance to directly support each other. It isn’t just a social network; it is a life-affirming resource. The friendships created through TrevorSpace can often prevent the kind of isolation that could increase a young person’s risk of suicide.
Our forum, which was one of our most popular features on the old site, is greatly expanded. Members can start their own topics, reply to other member’s topics, and get immediate feedback and support from other LGBTQ youth. There are dozens upon dozens of topics on this forum, but what we see consistently on the site is LGBTQ youth empowering each other, standing up for their right to a safe space – and really standing up for themselves.
• Connect with other young people throughout the world. • Make new friends.
We know from numerous studies that LGBTQ youth face additional challenges that straight-identified youth don’t have to navigate, such as dealing with being “outed,” trying to decide how and when to come out, and even their personal safety – it can be scary to know you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning when you don’t have role models. TrevorSpace offers a safe space where you’re appreciated instead of harassed, seen for who you are, and supported through these challenges. On this site, a LGBTQ young person can join, post a comment on the forum, such as “I’m worried about ___”, and within 10 minutes there’re 5 responses, all saying, “Yeah, I’ve been there, here’s how I dealt with it”. It’s not just advice and problem-solving LGBTQ youth crave, and it’s not just acceptance, either—it’s about finding others who actually celebrate who you are and help you express that. It can be very valuable to get some concrete advice from a peer and then hear, “By the way, I like your hair!” What are some of the most used new features? The new site that allows members to post status updates on their wall is a huge feature. Other members can comment on posts, like comments, and even delete posts on their wall if need be. When members create groups, that experience is also more dynamic, because the groups have their own walls that members can post on. The new TrevorSpace also allows members to communicate via instant message with other members; this is a feature that our members were very clear about needing on the new site.
• Find support. • Learn how to get involved in your local LGBTQ community. • Keep abreast of news pertianing to LGBTQ youth. • Join now and start building your community of friends! It’s free! • And we don’t send spam or give your email address to anyone ever!
How have members responded to the new platform? Our members have told us they are very happy we have taken their requests seriously. They are especially excited about having more options for gender identity and sexual orientation. We surveyed TrevorSpace members in 2011 and 2012, and both times they indicated this is a change they really needed. With the expanded fields members can fully express themselves, sometimes for the first time, to others in a safe space. What is the next step for TrevorSpace? We want TrevorSpace to be a site that all LGBTQ young people know about and can access easily. Our dream is that TrevorSpace becomes a place where LGBTQ youth can go when feeling scared, singled out, or just lonely; the site can become a place where LGBTQ youth can say, “Hey, I’m not alone. There’re more than 57,700 other people here who understand me better than anyone else ever has.” With TrevorSpace, you might feel alone, but you are not really alone. You have thousands of other LGBTQ youth who have your back. T
Trevor NextGen NY’s Spring Fling 2013
On Friday, April 5th, Trevor NextGen NY celebrated their fourth annual Spring Fling in support of The Trevor Project. Hundreds of young professionals attended the event at The Cabanas at The Maritime Hotel and experienced special musical performances, an auction, raffle prizes, and more.
Youth Advisory Council Convenes in Los Angeles
Trevor’s new Youth Advisory Council came together this March for their Leadership Conference. Read more about their experience on page 4!
San Francisco Ambassadors Holiday Skate Sponsored by Safeway, this 2nd annual family event takes place in Union Square. Guests enjoyed free skate rentals, a short show by professional skaters, and cookies with warm hot chocolate!
TrevorLIVE at the Hollywood Palladium
Bowling for Trevor
On December 2, 2012 Trevor Hero Katy Perry and Trevor 20/20 AwardWinner Audi (Accepted by Media and VP Manager Michael Patrick) spoke about why they support Trevor’s life-saving mission.
The San Diego Ambassadors of The Trevor Project’s third annual bowling event took place on May the 4th. Guests had an amazing time while raising money to help save young lives!
PHOTO CREDITS: Next Generation Spring Fling; Photos by The Trevor Project. Youth Advisory Council Convenes in Los Angeles; John Palmer. San Francisco Ambassadors Holiday Skate; Photos by The Trevor Project. TrevorLIVE at the Hollywood Paladium; Photos by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images and Charley Gallay/Getty Images. Bowling for Trevor; Photos by The Trevor Project.
Volunteer Spotlight
When Chelsea isn’t buying and selling designer clothing, doing yoga or playing scrabble whenever she can, she’s helping save young lives as a digital crisis volunteer and mentor to new volunteers. Chelsea got involved with The Trevor Project in December of 2012. “I chose The Trevor Project because of a strong endorsement from my cousin, a current Trevor volunteer, and she was right. Working here has been life changing!” said Chelsea. She’s found that youth bring a wide range of issues to the table, some of which can be challenging to address: “Visitors tell you some pretty gnarly, intense things and it’s instinctual to want to react immediately, to offer solutions like you might for a friend. Some things are going to hit you in a personal way, especially if you’ve had similar experiences. The challenge is to slow down and listen with a fresh mind.”
Chelsea Volunteer Since: December 2012
No matter the issues presented by a young person, Chelsea never ceases to be amazed by the youth who reach out for help: “I’m constantly impressed by the level of engagement I experience with these youth. They are all such mature, insightful, sensitive, talented, and loving people. Interacting with them is an honor and I make sure to remind them of that at the end of every conversation.” T
MEET THE TEAM Digital Crisis Services Manager Matthew Wolford began working with counselors on the Trevor Lifeline in San Francisco – now, he’s leading the way as Trevor’s new Digital Crisis Services Manager for suicide prevention programs like TrevorChat that are hosted online. Matthew tells us about his new role at Trevor and the inspiration he gains from our youth every day. As Digital Crisis Services Manager, what is your role at Trevor? In my role as the Digital Crisis Services Manager, I now support all of Trevor’s online programs. Before this position, I was the Crisis Services Manager for Trevor’s San Francisco call center. The primary focus of my new position is to support and maintain the TrevorChat program. I have the pleasure of working with over 100 volunteers who provide direct support to America’s vulnerable LGBTQ youth as well as running Trevor’s digital crisis center in San Francisco. How is this digital position different from your previous one? The switch from the Trevor Lifeline to digital crisis services has been a great change for me. I’m so glad that I am still doing the work that I hold so near to my heart: working with youth. We see different demographics of youth that access the Trevor Lifeline versus the digital programs, and the work itself is so rewarding. While the Lifeline was an amazing experience, there is something so exciting about being part of a program that is meeting today’s youth where they are at – on the internet. What inspired you to join The Trevor Project staff? Since learning about The Trevor Project in 2008, I had such a passion for its cause. The crisis intervention services that Trevor offers are truly amazing. I also think it is so important that we have nationwide organizations supporting LGBTQ youth. The fact that Trevor can be contacted by youth nationwide, from New York City, to Pocatello, Idaho astonishes me. I’m proud to be a part of the Trevor team. Outside of work, what are you most proud of doing or being involved with? I spent two years working with homeless youth on a range of issues such as substance abuse, life skill training and learning to live with HIV. It was an experience that completely changed my perspective on the world and shaped me into a better person. It was incredibly challenging and at times, very thankless work, but to know that I provided a disenfranchised youth with education and basic services. A warm smile is the greatest thanks I could ever ask for.
TrevorChat Expansion The Trevor Project began offering crisis intervention services over instant messaging in the summer of 2010 with TrevorChat. At the time, it was the first suicide prevention resource of its kind to be available nationally in the private sector. Now, TrevorChat has 107 active TrevorChat counselors with more in training, and continues to be the only suicide prevention chat service specifically for LGBTQ youth. TrevorChat is often more accessible to youth who cannot reach the Trevor Lifeline. Sometimes a young person can’t get to a private phone line, or don’t feel comfortable talking out loud to someone they’ve never met before. Whatever the reason, TrevorChat has shown how important it is to offer multiple ways to access life-affirming services to youth nationwide. T This incredible expansion would not be possible if not for our dedicated and passionate volunteers. If you are interested in helping TrevorChat grow, visit
7 DAYS! July 25, 2013
6 DAYS June 20, 2013 5 DAYS Wednesday, March 13, 2013 4 DAYS Tuesday, December 18, 2012 3 DAYS Saturday, September 29, 2012 2 DAYS Monday, June 4, 2012
Who or what is your greatest inspiration? Why? As cheesy as this may sound, our callers and chat visitors inspire me daily. To hear what these young people have been through and to see their resilience is remarkable. Their strength and bravery astound me. I feel so privileged to speak with these amazing youth and it gives me hope that things will continue to get better. The world only spins forward. T
1 DAY Friday 2011 FIRST DAY Friday, July 30, 2010
Cason Crane: Youth Innovator his journey, Cason is raising awareness for LGBT youth suicide prevention by sharing his experiences on the mountains through his blog and social media, carrying prayer flags for LGBT victims of suicide to each summit, and even volunteering remotely for The Trevor Project during his treks. Cason is excited to be able to serve as a role model for youth and is proud to support The Trevor Project – especially after one of his friends took their own life in high school.
“I hope my adventure will serve as an inspiration to young people like me to be true to who they are and to know that they are not alone,” Cason expressed in his blog. “It’s also my hope that calling attention to [youth suicide] will help kids’ parents, families and friends be there for the young people in their lives as they discover and embrace who they are.” T
As a 20-year-old gay athlete, Cason will be the youngest openly gay person to climb the Seven Summits. Throughout
The Trevor Project has chosen to honor Cason for his generosity and commitment to inspiring LGBTQ youth with the Trevor Youth Innovator Award at Trevor LIVE New York this June. Tickets for the event can be purchased at
ason Crane has pledged to climb seven of the world’s highest mountains to raise funds and awareness for The Trevor Project. His initiative is called “The Rainbow Summits Project” and seeks to improve awareness of youth suicide, as well as LGBTQ youth involvement in athletics. Each dollar donated to the project goes directly to The Trevor Project. In April he was summiting Mt. Everest, and by June he will have completed his goal.
Best Practice Registry Includes Trevor We are so proud to announce that the Trevor Lifeguard Workshop has been listed as a best practice for suicide prevention! As a best practice program, the Trevor Lifeguard Workshop adheres to national standards for suicide prevention education for youth. The training is also culturally competent. In fact, it is the only training listed in the Suicide Prevention Resource Center/American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Best Practices Registry for Suicide Prevention for LGBTQ youth. Trevor Lifeguard Workshops are trainings for middle school, high school or college that help students identify the challenges faced by LGBTQ young people, recognize the warning signs of suicide and respond with support in a safe way. Thanks to this recognition, school districts and agencies in search of a program listed as a best practice will find Trevor’s life-affirming workshop and feel confident that its curriculum adheres to standards for suicide prevention. T
To request a Lifeguard Workshop or to learn about Trevor’s education programs for adults, visit
Project Purpose: A Bullyproof Production By Meghan S. Smith
hen Mr. Terronez told my class in January that we were making a short film to help young people who needed support, while raising awareness about bullying, I imagined that we’d use actors. Human actors. When Mr. Terronez told us we would use puppets, we were all confused. Our initial reaction changed once we realized that the puppets made our project so special. We were also excited about the subject of the movie- helping someone is one of the best things in life.
We named our production company BullyProof Productions, which had 6th, 7th and 8th graders in it. I was given the role of screenwriter with Joe O’Brien. We had to write a story about not fitting in at school, learning to being yourself, accepting others and getting help when you need it - all with puppet characters. It was pretty difficult! Other people in my class did marketing and advertising, sound mixing, editing, directing, and much, much more. We worked every day for four hours.
and Peggy Rajski, the director/producer of TREVOR. After two months, we made 18 puppets and created a 13 minute film called TREY: THE MOVIE. The movie is about Trey, a middle-school student who is confident and happy as can be, until he gets to his new school. His classmates bully and taunt him because he’s a puppet and he’s “different” from the rest of them. He goes through his life feeling confused and worried until a helpful school janitor tells him about TrevorText, The Trevor Project’s newest program. A TrevorText counselor, River, helps Trey accept who he is and the world around him suddenly changes. At the end, one of the meanest kids at school even becomes accepting. Through Trey’s journey to self-awareness, he learns to stay true to who he really is. On March 21st we screened TREY on Exhibition Night at our school, High Tech Middle in San Diego. It was a hit! Everyone at school had wanted to see it and students were talking about it all night. “The most important part of the movie for me was learning that being yourself is always the best and that nobody deserves to get picked on.” said Adrian, an 8th grader who was the director of photography and filming for TREY. In the end, BullyProof Productions created a film that we hope the media will love and share, and that people will learn from. “I hope that students learn that it is always okay to be yourself, and that bullying can affect everyone,” said 8th grader Sara, Line Producer. Josue, who did construction for TREY, said, “I learned to be yourself and not let anyone judge you.”
“I learned that if we work together we can accomplish something great,” said Elora, an 8th grader who was a part of the marketing and advertising team. Our costume designer who’s in 6th grade, Molly, said, “Teamwork is hard. But you can work together to fix any problem.”
What I personally have taken away from this project is that everyone is vulnerable in their own way, that some people do feel different, and that not everyone feels safe around others. Whatever your race, sexuality, or personality is, there is no reason why you should be picked on.
We knew that the main character in our script would be facing a lot of challenges that many LGBT students face too, like feeling out of place just because of who they are. I have always been a supporter of LGBT rights and always felt that everyone is equal. So when our class decided to feature The Trevor Project, I was eager to start working. Not only because I wanted to work with a national organization, but because Trevor truly helps people every day. Plus, they started with a movie, just like us. I was ecstatic when The Trevor Project said that they would love to help. They even set up video chats with Trevor’s co-founders, James Lecesne, who also was the screenwriter of the Academy Award® winning film TREVOR,
I hope others who watch TREY will learn that everyone should be able to be themselves and understand that it’s okay to be different and love who you are. That message is one of many that The Trevor Project instilled in me. The Trevor Project is so important, because they are the people that will always be there, no matter what. They are the reason why we started our project and that it came together. They are the ones who taught me indirectly that no one ever deserves to feel pain in their heart or a slug in their step, that no one is better than anyone else, because we are all worth it. T
“I learned to be yourself and not let anyone judge you.”
Watch TREY online at
Thank You Vassar!
Donor Spotlight: Ed Cauduro Ed Cauduro was a celebrated art collector with hundreds of priceless pieces – but to many, he was known more for what he gave than for what he had. “Ed’s story is really about his generosity. He helped so many people while he was alive and expected nothing in return,” said Dane Nelson, one of Ed’s closest friends. After Ed’s passing, The Ed Cauduro Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation was created to continue supporting those in need. Dane, now an advisor for Ed’s estate, helps ensure that Ed’s three core causes are supported: feeding the homeless, supporting animal rights, and helping the LGBT community. The Trevor Project is honored to be one of the organizations that received a gift from The Ed Cauduro Fund.
Dane and Ed with Ed’s two rescue dogs, Raggs and Tootsie
This February, the Westboro Baptist Church set out to picket Vassar College – but the hate group’s homophobic rhetoric was not taken quietly. The Vassar College community planned a counter-protest, creating an online campaign to raise money for The Trevor Project. This spontaneous fundraiser redirected Westboro Baptist Church’s hateful message into a $100K fundraiser that helps LGBTQ youth nationwide. Thank you so much for the love and generosity of everyone who donated – you are true heroes. T
“Ed was no stranger to discrimination, and when my friend told me about The Trevor Project, I knew that Ed would have gladly supported its mission.” Ed also gave seed funding for a new location to Portland’s “Q Center” – a space where LGBTQ youth who need a safe and affirming place to sleep or just be who they are. To this day, Dane is continuously inspired by Ed’s kindness: “He used to tell me that he did not want to be only known for his art collection, but rather what he did to help the less fortunate – be it a dog, a homeless man, or a gay cause. Because of Ed’s generous nature, charities like The Trevor Project will benefit from Ed’s gift for years to come. I think he would be happy with the legacy he left behind.” T
Volunteer Spotlight Tell us a little bit about yourself! I’m in office management at a manufacturing company. I consider myself a professional geek, although nobody pays me for that! I relive my childhood every chance I get. I have two godchildren and try and spend as much time with them as I can. I also collect records, toys, comic books, & visit Disneyland – a lot. Why did you choose to become a volunteer? My own experience as a youth wasn’t all that different than that of many of the youth we serve. I experienced bullying and isolation. I came through it all and wanted to find a way to help others do the same.
JEROME Trevor Volunteer Since: Fall 2010
What is the most rewarding or enjoyable part of being a Trevor volunteer? The chance to make a difference (even for a short time) in the life of the youth we serve is not just the most rewarding part of being a Trevor volunteer. It’s one of the most rewarding experiences of my life! How has volunteering with Trevor impacted your life? I say this a lot because it’s true: I was a completely different person before I walked into my first day of volunteer training. Sure, I knew what I’d signed up for was to make a difference for other people. What I didn’t realize was how much of a difference it would make for me. Since I’ve come to Trevor, I’ve become a better listener and friend to the people in my life. And not only do I get to make a positive impact with the young people who use our service, I’ve gotten a chance to know so many amazing people – the community of volunteers in all programs, as well as some amazing staff members. I’m thrilled to be a small part of it and look forward to continuing for years to come.
Get ready West Coast! TrevorLIVE is on
Sunday, December 8th, 2013 in Los Angeles! For sponsorship opportunities and ticket information, please contact Matthew Zaslow, Events Manager, at
Meet the Friends of Trevor The Friends of Trevor support the important work of The Trevor Project. Its members are committed to ensuring the health and well-being of our youth and the sustainability of the organization. By joining the Friends of Trevor, you join a prestigious group of The Trevor Project’s major contributors and demonstrate the powerful effect individuals can have upon the growth of an organization. Funds raised through Friends of Trevor provide the essential
resources to execute the organization’s mission, and to serve youth all across the United States. Friends of Trevor members play a critical role in providing the financial leadership that makes the work of The Trevor Project possible by donating $500 or more annually in non-event related contributions.
G UARDIAN $25,000 + Anonymous Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS Ed Cauduro Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation on the advice of Dane Nelson & Aaron Hall Corcoran Cares Gregory Evans Ian Fette Jodie Foster Matthew Jenner & Tom Wanless Kim Kardashian Kathy Kwan & Alan Eustace Jon Murray & Harvey Reese Daniel Radcliffe Jeff R. Stone
Karim Beldjilali Ned Benkert James & Jane Berk Danny Berler Robert Bethge Joshua Bloch Michael Bloch Chad Boettcher Robert Bofman Brian Bohl David Bower Ben Boyd & Dennis Adamson Skyler Brader Jesse Brandl Lisa Brende* Anne Bresler Richard A. Brome Linda Brosseau Bruce Brown Robert Bruckert Bruvion Travel Todd Buchner James Burba & Bob Hayes Tom Burke & Steve Rostine Todd Burton Tim & Catherine Cadogan Denis Cagna & Carlos Medina Walter Cain Norman B. Callahan Scot Campbell John Canaday & Tom Perry Jeffrey J. Capanna Andre Caraco* & David Azulay Ryan Casas Penny & Bruce Castleman Benjamin Cave & Anna Williams Philip Chaffin Irene Chou Church of Religious Science - North Hollywood, CA Harry Clark Jeffrey Cleghorn John Coakley Kevin Cochrane Gary Cohan Joshua Cohen Jason Cole & David Ruisch Carl Coleman Chris Colfer Howard Cooper David Crane David Crawford & Rick Klapak Pam Crawford Matthew Cubbage Erik Cummings Bruce Davis & Rob Murray Camden Davis Steven De Lozier Kimberly Dean & Caroline Sherman Raymond DeAngelo Julianne DeCaro Darek DeFreece Degnan Family Foundation Nicholas Dehnert Pamela Jo Delk Chad Demartino Jason Denby Rodrigo Dias Kent Dillon Mike Dillion Derrick Djang Daniel Dodgen Michael Donovan Brian J. Dorsey* Dane Dowell Joanne Dunbar Michael Dunn John Ealy Karl Eber Bryan Eckelmann David J. Edelsohn Daniel Edwards Jim Edwards Max Ember Robert A. Ermanski Felicity Esquinas David Etter J. Scott Evans Timothy Evanson Joseph Eviatar & Eric Johnson Merritt Farren & Michael Means
COUNSELOR $10,000 - $24,999 Philip Armstrong & Maxine Armstrong George A. Bednar & Chip Wheeler David Bohnett Richard Brause Gregory Pierre Cox, CFRE Elvis Duran Steve Elmendorf Michael H. Epstein & Scott E. Schwimer Bill Frew Glenn Fuhrman Robert Greenblatt Ericka Horan David H. Jacobs Kathy Kinney Kenneth B. Mehlman Frank Pond David Suk Douglas Gerard Vetter Peter Walsh ADVISOR $5,000 - $9,999 Thomas A. Blount Richard Cain Jeremy Coleman & Trent Hurst Ryan Cotton Michael Dobbs Nicholas Donatiello Fred Felman Carson Gaspar The Gwendolyn Jones Trust Steven L. Holley William Holloway Hollywood Charity Horse Show Brian Irving Jet Corp Kristen R. Schon Jacob Klempner Abbe Land George Larribas Brittany Larson Karen Lehner Krisha Loftus Jane Lynch & Lara Embry Kerrie MacPherson & David Gatchell Timmian C. Massie MZA Events, Inc. / Craig R. Miller James F. Paolucci, Jr. Ramon Perez-Egana Monge, MD Alan Poul Jeffrey Simpson Neil Spisak Staley Family Foundation John Steffens Steptoe & Johnson, LLP Colin Sterling Christopher Stewart United Talent Agency, Inc. Jeff Whaley David Yost MENTOR $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous Chip Arndt Jay Ayers & Matthew Walker Florence Azria Paris & Christopher Barclay Rick Bartalini Neil E. Beecher & Vern Richards Brian Brookey & Kevin L. Cordova Gregg Busch Ken Campbell*
Lauren S. Carpenter Pam Clifford Diane and Howard Wohl Family Foundation, Inc. Michael Dittbenner Keith Downs Michael Dudding David Edwards Douglas Ferguson Anthony Fleming Michael J. Ford Ralph Furlo Brad Goreski Don Gottesman Jeffrey Grossman Ted J. Hannig Dr. David Hardy & Barry Goldblatt Robert Hawthorne Michael Howard, CEO Jason Illoulian It Gets Better Project Don J. Jerabek & Butler J. Rondeno Blanding U. Jones & Michael English David Kensington & Joshua Morgan Robyn M. King & Julie Van Dyne Jeffrey A. Kramer Sue Kroll Kyle D. Kusche Peter Lease & Edward Wood Craig Leavitt Laurence Leive Robert Lekstrom Daniel B. Marsili & Erik Batt Ginny McCulloh & Nancy Kohlreiter David McFarland The Morrison & Foerster Foundation Harley Neuman & Daniel Lam Barth Norton Jason R. Oclaray* Matthew Pisanelli Julie Plec Scott Prevost Marquita M. Pring Robert Quayle Ruben Ramirez* Roaring Fork Gay & Lesbian Community Fund Lou Romano Bonnie Sheren Andrew Silver & David McGrath Mark Sohn Sara Jean Van Ingen & Alexei A. Van Ingen Ken P. Werner & Steve Ferguson Leonard Woods Jane Wu Nathaniel Yap SUPPORTER $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous Scott Adams Jordan Agee Stamos Akrivos Jerome Albright Albuquerque Community Foundation Gary M. Alembik & Stephen Graves Lora Alexander Alien Skin Software Chris Allieri* & Gene Fischer Jeffrey & Linda Allport Jirka Ambroz Jason Anderson Jason Arbuckle Ian Archer & Archer Watters Wendy Armitage Madelyn Arnold Alan Arrigoni Dennis Arriola & Janet Winnick Stacey Astor Jonathon Aubry John E. Bagwell & William Harris Robbie Bagwell Stephen Bailey Raymond Banks John Barker Crystal Barnes Josh Barry & Philip Matthys Matthew Bassignani Sunny Bates Catherine Bauer Chris Beckmann
This list represents donors over the past year through February 28, 2013. Bret Farris Lynne H. Federman & Joseph Kord Patti Felker Tim Field, Ph.D. Jeffrey Fishberger, MD* Susan Flaster Joel Flatow* Ford Models, Inc. Patricia & Todd Foster Carol Franger & Dan Ng Franklin Square Holdings, LP Rick Frazier Michael Frese Harry Friedman Ronald K. Gallagher Cynthia Gamble Gamco Investors, Inc. Albert Garcia Stanlee Gatti Celina Gerbic Craig Gerlach Andrew Goffe & Jeff Levin Howard Gold & Harold Bahr Thomas Gotlund The Grace R. and Alan D. Marcus Foundation Charlie Grandinetti Bonnie Graves* & Adrian Sexton Lorraine C. Gray Green Charitable Foundation Allen L. Gribetz & Andrew Peters Chris Griffith Donald Grimm Gina Gross Warren Gump Jorge Gutierrez GW LGBT Resource Center Ronald S. Haft Clayton Hagan Anthony R. Hagman & Donald R. Bramer Dino Hainline Nathan Hair Kevin Scott Hamilton Christopher Handler Van Hardison Stefanie Harmon Jon Hartmere Craig Hartzman & James John Larry Hashbarger Clio Hathaway Gordon Hawthorne Garrett Hayashida Robert Hayden III Sean Hayes Thad Hayes Greg S. Heanue Mel Heifetz Allan Heinberg Andy Hendricks Jackie Henneberg Robert C. Hickman Abraham Higginbotham & Steven Petrarca Rodney Hill Stephen Hipp & Brian A. Rogers Andres Hirschfeld Glenn Hirshon Barry Hoffman & Chris Larson Jason Hopwood Robert W. Hornak The Hoskin Family Peter Ily Huemer Antonia Hutt Thomas Iacovantuono Mark J. Idalski The Iles Family It Gets Better Project @ Simmons Brad Jacobson Srinivas K. Janardan The Jay & Rose Phillips Family Foundation Sue Jeffers Jeffrey K. Jensen & Nicholas Jaggi Henrik Jeppesen Jay Johnson & Tom Cashin Keiko Johnson & Rob Feldman Mark Johnson Matthew Jozwiak Meredith Kadlec* & Michelle Paradise Barbara Kana
Mark Kanemura Kayne Foundation John B. Kennedy Tami Kennedy Alison Kenney John Khazin Bruce King Pat Kirsch Rudy Kleysteuber & Justin Fansler Bruce Klinger Alex Knight Jonathan Kohn Ajit J. Kokkat Ron Kollen Eric Kranzler Kraut Law Group Derek Kuhl & Lem Buyers Nick Kurczewski & Matt Rosentein Sal Ladestro Philip Laffey Anthony Lakavage Renee & Carl Landegger Brenda K. Lawley Nancy Lee & Marie Wilson Rick H. Lee Jay Lesiger Michael Lewis Reginald Lewis Peter Lien Wesley Loden Shyrl L. Lorino Los Angeles Breakfast Club Foundation Eric Luftig John Lundsten Luan Luu & Huy Vo Gregg Lynn Charles Macris Samantha Madway Chris D. Man & Adam T. Marquez Anthony Maniche Dominick Marangi Jhoni Marchinko Gina Mariko-Rosales Anthony Marks Dennis Markus James Marlin Christopher Marotta Eric J. Maryanov & Richard Chambers Melissa Mason Joff Masukawa James Matotte Joseph Matulewicz Chris McClain Bonnie McClinton Kip McClure Vincent McCormick Ryan McCoy Eric McFarland & Brad Krefman Brian McGuire Danielle M. McGuire Ken D. McLean Patrick McNamara Ken McNeely Paul Merrell Stephen Middlebrook Allison Milgard & Alexandra Hedison James Miller Stephanie Miller Jose l. Minan Nadine Mirchandani Peter Mocsary Anil Mohin & John Scholz Eric Mohn Dianne Molina* & Frank Rorie Eric Moreno Douglas Morris Morrison Consulting John Morse David Mortimer & Paul Adler Tod Mostero & Rob Dornaus Vaughn Murray Russ Nash Les Natali Ed Neppl & Scott Mitchell Randy New Phu Ngo Norman & Susan Ember Foundation Robert Norris Theodore Nunn Megan O’Brien Gaynon & Linda Oclaray Sean O’Connell Edward O’Connor Jane O’Connor Gene Ogden Renee Olstead O’Melveny & Myers LLP Paul Oppedisano & Jim Bowden Stephen Oremus Gary S. Orgel & Michael S. Burak Jonathan Oriole Susan Otto
Patrick D. Owen & Mark Anton Randall Palmer Jack Pan Maulik Pancholy Richard & Karen Panse Paramount Pictures Richard & Ellen Passov Scott Patterson Steven Pecoraro David Pennington Mark Perin Ethan Petersen Vanessa Peterson Laurie Phillips & Barry Milberg Doug Piper & Scott E. Miller Kristina M. Pisanelli Chris Pomeroy Kevin Potter Tim Price David Pulley Kathryn M. Quigley Bobby Ralston Ranesh Ramanathan Anthony Rapp Mike Rataczak Joseph Redinger Luke Reichle Jennifer Reinheimer Darren Restivo Robert Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder David Richardson Bruce Richman Jon Richmond Matthew Richmond Dianne Robinson Jonathan Rock & Patrick DelaCruz Luis Rodriguez-Villa Butler Rondeno Tami Rosen Stacey & Ari Rosenson Matthew Rudary Jason M. Rudman Jennifer Rumbach Donald Russell Diana Saca & Theresa Sabella Gumercindo Samson Adam Sanderson Arlene Sanford & Devra Lieb Dana Sari Vahan Saroians The Saver Family Sean P. Savery Lewis M. Scheinert & David Green Douglas & Suzanne Schiffman Ernest Schmider Nick Seaver Jeffrey Sebak Philip Selway Lori Shefa Frank Silverio Singhal & Company, Inc. Robert Six J. Knighten Smit Jubal Smith Patrick Smith & Carter Covington David Sobottka & Mitchell Singer Michael Sodomick Richard Sonenklar & Gregory Haynes Christi Sorrells Jennifer Sporl St. Pete Pride, Inc. David Stainton Tim Standaert Andrew Stearn David Steinberg Chaz Stevens & Marty Kovacevich Kathleen Stevens Eric Stine Gail Stonehouse Alan M. Strasburg Jason Subia Michael Sucsy Damon Suden Stephen Sulecki Tim Sullivan Sibel Sunsar Tom J. Swan Jeffrey Sweat Gregory & Valerie Swisher Mike Syers & Darryl Hudak Taber Szuluk & Sherry S. Paul Audrey Claire Taichman Patrick Tallarico George Tallichet Tan Associates, Inc. Suzanne Taylor & Julie Rieger Marc Terry Matthew Thompson & Christie Thomas Craig E. Thompson Lasse Thorenfeldt Tere Throenle-Somaini Jeremy Toohey
The Treadstone Group, Inc. Karen Trilevsky Michael Tsiang Suzette Unger Paul Unson Greg Utterback Bert Vander Meeren David Varner Frank Voci Rob M. Volpe Karin Wachowski Diane Wade Zelma Waggoner Brian Walpole Timothy Walsh Kelly Ward Michael Warren Jason Watters Stetson Weddle Justin Wee Gadi Weinreich Steve Weisbart & Shami Arslanian Frederick Wertheim Russell Wetanson & Mike Minden Keola Whittaker Dana Williams & Tom Woodward Jack Winn James Winn Dan Winship Jeffrey Paul Wolff* & Jason K. Morrell Steve Wood William Wuensche Jess Yescalis Cynthia Yeung Alex Yim *Denotes a member of the Board of Directors A complete list of the Friends of Trevor, including those giving at the Member level, is available online at www.
THE CIRCLE OF LIFE The Circle of Life recognizes individuals who have created gifts to The Trevor Project through planned giving either in their estate planning or as a bequest: Anonymous Gregory Pierre Cox J. Bradley Beers & Christopher J. Robinson Raymond Cutino Brad L. Daily & J. David Richardson Timothy P. Davis Mac Finley Grace Godlin William Andrew Gootee & James Andrew Golob Willard B. Gordoner Gil Kaan John P. Kefferstan David F. Lee III Michael Love Peace Rick & David McGilton-McGlamery Benjamin Miller Brock Neely & John Coffee Robert M. Neubauer Living Trust Downey Nihm Arlene Reed Bequest Tithe on behalf of Hollywood Lutheran Church Charles Robbins Eleanor J. Ross Trust Aleida Estela Santiago Jeffrey Schiffman Douglas Smith Brad St. Ores Robert Switala & William I. Edgin Dan Waxman Dr. Gary L. Weisenborn & Dr. Roger Nichols Valarie K. Westberg Jeff Whaley The Estate of Jimmie Wilson Lauren Zinola
FOUNDATIONS & CORPORATIONS SUPPORTING TREVOR We extend our thanks to the following foundations, corporations, and businesses that have provided general operating and program-related support to The Trevor Project through February 28, 2012.
$20,000+ Bank of America Citi Trust CB2 esurance The Gesso Foundation Greater Houston Community Foundation H. Van Ameringen Foundation The Helene Foundation The Human Rights Campaign Foundation The Louis L. Borick Foundation Novak Druce Connolly Bove + Quigg LLP* PricewaterhouseCoopers Yahoo! Employees Fund The Small Change Foundation Steptoe & Johnson* Tulare County Wells Fargo Foundation $10,000 - $19,999 Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Digney PR* Jane and Frances Stein Foundation Liberty Mutual Foundation Melcher Charitable Foundation The R. Scott Hitt Foundation The Rainbow Endowment, Inc. Schnieders Family Foundation Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Alonso y Balaguer* The Barbara Epstein Foundation CAA Foundation Disney VoluntEARS Community Fund Dyson Foundation Employees Community Fund of Boeing California The Herbst Foundation, Inc. Milton and Miriam Waldbaum Family Foundation Palette Fund, Inc. The Kicking Assets Fund of the Tides Foundation The TJX Foundation Union Bank $1,000 - $4,999 The BelleJAR Foundation Bruce J. Heim Foundation CNA Foundation Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Community Foundation Diane and Howard Wohl Family Foundation, Inc. Entertainment Industry Foundation Equality California Institute Frieda C. Fox Foundation The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Grace Helen Spearman Charitable Foundation Horizons Foundation The Jay & Rose Phillips Family Foundation Leslie Family Foundation NBC Universal* New York Life Foundation The Robert Stuart Foundation The Safeway Foundation The San Diego Foundation SAP Labs, LLC Schoenhut Family Foundation Wolf Run Foundation, Inc. *Denotes an in-kind contribution or a gift of pro bono services.
The Trevor Project updates the list of the Friends of Trevor on a quarterly basis, in February, May, August and November. If you have any questions or changes, please contact our Major Gifts Officers, Brian Davis or Tom Dow at (310) 271-8845.
8704 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 200 West Hollywood, CA 90069 T 310.271.8845 F 310.271.8846 E
J am es Le ce s n e Peg g y R a j s k i Rand y Sto n e ( 195 8 - 2 0 07)
Ab be Land Exec utive D irecto r & CEO
BOARD O F D IR E C TO R S Mered ith Ka d l e c C h a ir of t h e B oa rd Br ian D o rs ey Co -Vice C h a i r Mic hae l N o rto n Co -Vice C h a i r J as on R . O c l a ray Tre a s u rer C hr ist ia n D owe l l S e c re tar y Bo nn ie G rave s Me mbe r At L a rg e Ric ky St ra u ss C h a ir E m er i t u s C hr is A l l i e ri L is a Bre n d e Ken C a mp b e l l A nd re Ca ra co L ara E m b ry J ef f rey F i s h b e rg e r, M D J oel F l atow Mic hae l A . G ra h a m S cot t A . M c P h a i l Dian ne M o l i n a Rub en R a mi rez J ef f rey Pa u l Wo l ff
Ric hard Ro cha Exec utive Ass istant D E VELO P M ENT S haw n I ngram D evelo p ment D irector Br ian D av is M ajo r Gif ts O f f icer Kev in H o lt D evelo p ment Ass o ciate Caro line Ro dr iguez S r. Grant Writer H eather Var ian Co rp o rate Relatio ns Manager M itz y Velez D atab as e Ad ministrator M atthew Z aslow Events M anag er O P ERATIO NS Jeremy Ancalade O p eratio ns D irecto r Po r sc ha Ferguso n Jr. Staf f Acco untant
Eva Steers-Sm ith Office Adm inist rator (East )
Sh irley Vilca Volunteer Coordi nator
B ren t Webster Office Adm inist rator (West )
David B on d Program Director
Steve Men delsoh n Deput y Director
N ath a n B elyeu Sr. Educat ion Ma na ge r
Sa rin a Agu irre Sr. Com m unit y Engagem ent Manager
Ath en a B rewer Sr. Online Progra ms Ma na ge r
Jen essa Con n or Mar ket ing Director A lison Gill Gover nm ent Affair s Director Matt Jorgen sen Webm aster Elliot Ken n edy Gover nm ent Affair s Counsel Sa n dra Leon Volunteer Coordinator R a ch el Lich tm a n Com m unicat ions A ssociate R ya n Lom ba rdin i Digit al Mar ket ing Manager La u ra McGin n is Com m unicat ions Director
A sh by Dodge Sr. Cr isis Ser v ice s Ma na ge r B rock Du mville Cr isis Ser v ices Ma na ge r Oda lis Gon za lez Cr isis Ser v ices Ma na ge r Wes N em en z Educat ion Manage r A rqu im ides Pa che co Educat ion Manage r A m it Rou th Digit al Cr isis Se rvi ce s Jojo West Cr isis Ser v ices Ma na ge r Matth ew Wolfo rd Digit al Ser v ices Ma na ge r