news Winter 2013
New Law Protects LGBT Youth
Volunteer Spotlight: Kate Spain
Meet the Deputy Director!
New Law Protects LGBT Youth The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. 8704 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite 200 West Hollywood, CA 90069 T 310.271.8845 F 310.271.8846 E
Congresswoman Speier’s resolution follows the successful passage of Senate Bill 1172 in California, authored by state Senator Ted Lieu and signed by Gov. Brown, which prohibits statelicensed mental health practitioners from engaging in practices that claim to change a young person’s sexual orientation or the way they express their gender. We applaud victories such as SB1172 and Congresswoman Speier’s resolution that bring LGBT young people one step closer to living authentic, open, and healthy lives. In the coming year we look forward to other states outlawing this harmful and discredited therapy and empowering young people nationwide to realize they are perfect the way they are.
This fall we have seen monumental progress in support of the mental health of LGBT young people nationwide. On November 28, Congresswoman Jackie Speier introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives emphasizing the harm caused by the discredited practice of so-called “reparative therapy” aimed at changing the sexual orientation or gender identity or expression of LGBT people. The resolution encourages all states to take steps to protect young people from these dangerous practices.
ON THE COVER: Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Training in New York (Photographed by Syd London)
A National Strategy to Save Lives The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services releases a landmark National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.
his September on World Suicide Prevention Day, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a landmark National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. This new strategy was the first to include comprehensive recommendations for preventing suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. Studies show that the rates for attempting suicide among LGB and questioning youth are much greater – by 3 to 4 times – than among straight youth. Thankfully, the National Strategy was informed by an LGBT Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force to ensure the needs of those most at-risk are addressed.
unique needs of LGBTQ youth. The stronger a school district’s crisis-intervention trainings and risk assessment strategies for suicide prevention, the more likely a school-specific plan will be able to help save a young person’s life.
It is also the first National Strategy to prioritize the importance of talking about suicide and encouraging friends or family members to ask potentially lifesaving questions to the people in their lives. It emphasizes the importance of changing the public conversation surrounding suicide from one of shame and prejudice to one of courage and support, underscoring the value of campaigns that encourage safe conversations about suicide and mental health, like The Trevor Project’s suicide prevention campaign this past September, “Talk to Me.”
We cannot protect our students if educators lack the tools and training to recognize a crisis or the ability to reach out to a young person in need as a supportive and non-judgmental resource.
Expands to 4 Nights! Royal Oak Church Supports Youth in Crisis At the evangelical Royal Oaks Missionary Church in Michigan, Rev. Bill Barnwell made the powerful decision to support LGBT youth in crisis. It bothered him that the Christian community was largely ignoring the struggles of LGBT youth in crisis. To change the conversation in his community, he wrote “Masks,” a play exploring issues like compassion towards the LGBT community, and donated 80% of the proceeds to The Trevor Project. Royal Oaks Missionary Church sent Trevor $6,500, making the donation the largest donation from a Protestant evangelical congregation on-record. “The question should not be, ‘Why would a pro-life church give to The Trevor Project?’” said Rev. Barnwell. “The better question should be, ‘Why wouldn’t they want to?’”
This September, TrevorChat expanded to Saturdays! This expansion is part of a bigger goal to offer this digital service 7 nights a week. With the support from Friends of Trevor and the help of our digital volunteers, we expect to meet this goal. In fact, this December we are expanding TrevorChat to a 4th night: Tuesday. Calls to the Trevor Lifeline increase on the weekends, making Saturday one of the highest call volume days of the week. Thanks to this additional TrevorChat night, our volunteer counselors can better serve LGBTQ young people who are in need of support over the weekend, especially those who prefer to reach out via chat. Since January, 97 new TrevorChat volunteers have been trained. “It is life-affirming, for me, to work on TrevorChat and to know that Trevor exists,” said Stephen, a newly-trained TrevorChat volunteer, “Your work is beautiful. Thank you.” The expansion of TrevorChat also depends on our amazing volunteers. That’s why we need YOU to get involved today! If you are interested in volunteering with The Trevor Project, visit volunteers. TrevorChat is available Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Pacific / 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Eastern. Please visit www. to access this service.
By Abbe Land, Executive Director and CEO of The Trevor Project
These recommendations, including talking to prevent suicide, are supported by multiple research findings, which show that suicide attempts decrease when a person in crisis has access to care and a trustworthy resource to turn to for help. But a strategy – even with effective awareness campaigns – can only go so far. Action at the state and local level must be taken to implement necessary change. To reach young people where they spend the majority of their time, in the classroom, our states must assign sufficient funding for inclusive school-based suicide prevention training for educators and school staff to help them identify risky behaviors and know how to respond. While a number of states currently have laws encouraging professional development pertaining to suicide prevention, only a few actually mandate this potentially life-saving training. We cannot protect our students if educators lack the tools and training to recognize a crisis or the ability to reach out to a young person in need as a supportive and non-judgmental resource. This year, we distributed 1,870 Trevor Survival Kits nationwide, giving educators and adult allies the life-affirming tools they need to help them recognize the warning signs of suicide and address the
Similarly, educator trainings must be culturally competent and inclusive of LGBT youth. According to the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network’s recently released National School Climate Survey, students who experience high levels of victimization based on sexual orientation or gender expression report higher levels of depression, stress and anxiety than those who experience no
or low levels of victimization. Mental health research tells us that elevated levels of depression, stress and anxiety can increase a person’s risk of attempting suicide if they are left unaddressed or if students lack resources for care. Unfortunately, not all young people have equal access to mental health care in the U.S. In some states, existing laws go so far as to completely prevent mental health screening for school-aged youth. Other states do not guarantee patient confidentiality if the young person is under a certain age, which can affect their willingness to seek help. In order to ensure that young people have suitable access to mental health services, we must eliminate or adapt these unnecessary legal barriers. Although LGBT young people face health disparities that can elevate risk for suicide attempts and other harmful behaviors, few states and cities collect health data for this population. For stateadministered federal surveys, such as the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, it is becoming increasingly important to include questions about sexual orientation and gender expression. Knowing the risks and numbers of LGBT youth in each state and around the country will better equip mental health providers with the tools they need to protect and help LGBT youth. The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention is a big step in the right direction, and awareness campaigns like “Talk to Me” will help make it easier to ask for and to offer care to a person in crisis. But to make a lasting and effective change, we must push our states to make the changes necessary to end suicide in America. We all have the right to a fulfilling and happy life, no matter who we are. By taking action, talking about suicide, and educating ourselves on the warning signs, each one of us can be a part of the solution to preventing suicide. T
City Year and Trevor Explore New Partnership
Volunteer Spotlight
This year The Trevor Project launched a new national partnership with City Year, an educationfocused nonprofit organization and member of the AmeriCorps network that partners with public
schools and teachers to help keep students in school and on track to succeed. This new partnership
Ask Trevor, TrevorSpace, TrevorChat
will better equip City Year corps members to provide holistic support to all students, including those questioning their sexual orientation and gender identity or struggling with bullying and adolescent changes. Recently, we spoke with Charlie Rose, Senior Vice President and Dean of City Year to explore how this partnership began:
So, what drew City Year to partner with the Trevor Project? The Trevor Project is the leader in crisis intervention for LGBT youth and is highly respected for its comprehensive services. As an organization that focuses on the overall well-being of each of the children we serve in schools, we believe that The Trevor Project offers great resources and tools to our corps members. We have seen the serious issues related to LGBT mental health and the impact of bullying across our network which we strive to be prepared to address. What have been the early results of this partnership? A representative from The Trevor Project visited our Summer Training Academy to meet with staff and second year senior corps members from across the country. Participants expressed gratitude for being offered the time and space to discuss LGBT issues in relation to their service in schools and to learn more about the resources, tools and strategies that are available to them like TrevorChat and the Trevor Lifeline.
“One of City Year’s guiding values in inclusivity and our partnership with The Trevor Project gives our organization additional tools and resources to support building an inclusive environment in our own City Year community and our schools.”
How does this partnership benefit City Year corps members? The Trevor Project has provided regional webinars and in person training opportunities for City Year corps members focused on LGBT mental health and bullying. These webinars and trainings, starting this November, will give corps members the opportunity to learn more and deepen their understanding about LGBT mental health, the impact of bullying and strategies to support students, peers and schools. How does this partnership support the mission and vision of City Year? One of City Year’s guiding values is inclusivity and our partnership with The Trevor Project gives our organization additional tools and resources to support building an inclusive environment in our own City Year community and our schools. Whether a corps member is running an afterschool program, supporting a classroom or leading a tutoring group we work to provide an inclusive and safe space for students and each other. How do you see this partnership evolving and growing? We look forward to evaluating the results and impact of the training and potentially finding more opportunities to partner with The Trevor Project in the future. We aspire to deepen our understanding of these important and complex issues in our schools and communities. We are committed to building safer, more respectful places where bullying and discrimination of any kind are never present. T
City Year members provide individual support to students who need extra care and attention, focusing on attendance, behavior, and course performance through in-class tutoring, mentoring, and after school programs. To learn more about City Year, visit
Trevor Volunteer Since: July 2012 Occupation: Retired journeyman die- maker/ Part-Time security guard Location: Rural North Central Ohio
Why did you choose to become a Trevor volunteer? I’m a very loving person by nature, but was horribly bullied for the first 18 years of my life. So I know how painful life can be for these kids. School became a daily struggle for me, but finally graduation got me away from the bullies. Though they left me with emotional scars, I developed a great compassion for kids who are abused and bullied. Anyway, the older I get, the more I realize that the only thing that matters in life is LOVE - how we treat others with love, and ‘compassionate their miseries.’ Tell us about a typical Ask Trevor volunteer shift. I manage to check the letter posts almost every day. I go through the new posts looking for any suicidal cases, as they are the most urgent. Then I pick a letter to answer. What is the most challenging part of being a Trevor volunteer? The most challenging is reading all of the grief these kids are going through. Nobody should have to go through such pain, let alone young people. What is the most enjoyable part of being a Trevor volunteer? As painful as these kids’ letters can be, just to offer them a shoulder to cry on, comfort them, and offer my best advice is both rewarding and enjoyable. Rewarding in knowing that I may just be helping a kid in dire straits, and enjoyable in offering what I can to help a less fortunate human being. I just wish it were possible to do more. So, what are you working on now in Ohio? I am attempting to bring The Trevor Project to the attention of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, which runs a program called the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program. They help train school personnel to recognize and assist students at risk for alcohol and drug abuse, depression, suicide, bullying, and a host of other problems. Even though Masons tend to be conservative, I feel that their program should at least refer kids to The Trevor Project. T
Making Us Count: LGBT Youth Data Collection States with Inclusive Youth Data Collection (2011 YRBS) Key: YRBS includes 1 or more questions pertaining to LGBTQ youth.
At Trevor, we often get asked, “How many LGBTQ young people are there?” Unfortunately, we don’t know. National studies rarely include questions that allow researchers to identify LGBTQ young people. When this data isn’t collected, the LGBTQ youth population can seem virtually invisible – especially to state and federal policymakers. By forming the All Students Count Coalition with other national organizations, Trevor is advocating for more states and cities to add LGBTQ-inclusive questions to their Youth Health Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), a federal study administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By adding these questions, states and cities will be able to explore health disparities like drug use, mental health and suicide risk among LGBTQ young people. Fortunately, we’re making progress. More than 15 states and cities have chosen to add questions that track sexual orientation and, for the first time, gender identity and expression, in their 2013 YRBS surveys. Though we still have a long way to go, with our partners we can help ensure that each one of us counts. T
Trevor LIVE
Guests enjoyed special performances throughout the evening including a skit by “Will & Grace” co-stars Eric McCormack and Debra Messing and musical numbers by fun.
TREVOR Honorees
Talk to Me
The Trevor Hero Award was presented to Susan Sarandon. MTV President Steven Friedman accepted the network’s Trevor 2020 Award.
TREVOR’s Garden Party
Trevor’s campaign for conversation during National Suicide Prevention Month encouraged people of all ages to let their friends and family know that they’re always there to offer support!
Guests mingle at the signature summer event for Friend of Trevor donors in Los Angeles.
San Diego Pep Rally
A sell-out crowd enjoyed a silent auction, dinner, entertainment and lots of laughs— all for the cause of saving young lives!
Trevor NextGen LA hosted their 1940s themed Fall Formal where guests enjoyed cocktails and dancing in support of Trevor.
PHOTO CREDITS: Trevor LIVE; LEFT: Photo by Diane Bondareff/Invision for The Trevor Project/AP Images. RIGHT: Photo by Brian Ach/Invision for The Trevor Project/AP Images. Trevor Honorees; LEFT: Photo by Brian Ach/Invision for The Trevor Project/AP Images. RIGHT: Photo by Diane Bondareff/Invision for The Trevor Project/AP Images. Hollywoodland; Photos by Josh Kuehl. Talk to Me; Photos by The Trevor Project. Garden Party; Getty Images. San Diego Pep Rally; Craig Deutsch and Josh Baker.
Bank of America Volunteers for Trevor Bank of America’s LGBT Pride, its employee network representing LGBT employees and their allies, has named The Trevor Project as its recipient for their 2012 corporate-volunteer engagement grant. This new partnership would not have been possible without the dedication of Matt Pisanelli, Friend of Trevor and Trevor NextGen New York Development Chair.
When Trevor Board Member, Ruben Ramirez brought his friend and Bank of America employee Matt Pisanelli to a mixer for The Trevor Project in New York City, it didn’t take Matt long to realize that he wanted to get involved. He promptly joined Friends of Trevor, and later joined Trevor NextGen New York through Brian Dorsey, Co-Vice Chair of the Board. Since then, Matt has found more ways to support Trevor’s mission As a key volunteer, Matt nominated The Trevor Project for the 2012 grant offered by Bank of America’s LGBT Pride leadership committee. “Trevor was the clear winner,” said Matt. “It’s a well-managed organization that we felt comfortable investing in. But the real selling point was the wide range of volunteer opportunities available. With so many options, especially digital ones like Ask Trevor and TrevorChat, it meant that any bank employee, anywhere, could volunteer.” The Bank of America grant is a starting point for future corporate-volunteer engagement partnerships with Trevor. To date, over 50 bank employees have gone through the volunteer process, which Matt recognizes as, “a wonderful success.” “I’m looking forward to sustaining, growing, and expanding this collaboration throughout the coming years,” Matt said. “Let’s keep the momentum going.” If your corporation would like to partner with The Trevor Project, please contact Shawn Ingram at T
Support for The Trevor Project comes from people from all over the country. Taahirah O’Neal of Houston, Texas is just one of the inspirational people who chose to support our life-saving, life-affirming work. Texas is 3rd in the country for number of calls placed to the Trevor Lifeline and is 2nd for number of TrevorSpace users by state.
“Choosing The Trevor Project was a no brainer!” said Taahirah, “I believe in people being allowed to express and be themselves. If there were no differences in this world we would continue to repeat history. I like people who are not afraid to take chances for the things they believe in, and Trevor supports the dreams of young people.” “When it came to my guests, I made sure they knew what The Trevor Project was.” She sent out invitations, created a website with a special section on The Trevor Project, and posted countless stories on her social networks. “I wanted everyone to be well informed on what my chosen non-profit was all about. My mom called it a ‘party with a purpose.’” On July 14th hundreds of party guests gathered to celebrate Taahirah’s Sweet 16, and by the end of the night, Taahirah and her guests raised over $5,100. On behalf of the youth we serve, we would like to extend our thanks to Taahirah, her friends, and her family for this generous donation. This gift, planned by a young girl to benefit other young people carries with it a special non-monetary value. It reminds us that anyone is capable of making a difference, regardless of age. T
he holiday season can be a time of warm family reunions and welcome breaks from school and work; but for many LGBTQ youth it can also be a time of stress and isolation. In fact, some youth can be at a higher risk of attempting suicide because of a lack of family acceptance or a greater sense of loneliness during the holiday break.
If someone you know seems to be having a tough time, there are a few ways you can help. Let the young people in your life know you care about them and are there to listen if they need support. Remind them that the Trevor Lifeline is free, confidential, and available 24/7, including holidays or suggest they log on to TrevorChat on Saturdays, Fridays, Mondays or Tuesdays. During tough times, having a safety plan that helps young people refocus, relax, and stay calm can be life-saving. Consider encouraging them to write a safety plan that they can refer to whenever they feel down. Even just talking about some steps they can take to stay positive and safe can make a big difference. T
A Party With a Purpose
Taahirah wanted to use her 16th birthday to make a difference. “I’m very passionate for all causes,” she said, “especially the ones that get overlooked and viewed as ‘not as important as the rest.’” So, instead of accepting the usual birthday gifts, Taahirah asked her guests to make a donation to a non-profit of her choice. She chose The Trevor Project.
Care for the Holidays An example Safety Plan migh
t be:
Make a pact with a frie
nd to call if m a stressful
I need to get away fro
2. Call the Trevor Lif eli
ne, get on TrevorChat, write an Ask Trevor letter, or visit TrevorSp 3. Write my thoughts out in my journal. 4. Create an art pro ject to express my feelings. 5. Get active: Run, lift weights, walk or do yoga. 6. Put on headphon es and blast music. 7. Watch my favori te TV show and relax. 8. Remind myself tha t I am a strong, valuable person, and that I will get through this tough tim e.
Volunteer Spotlight When Rosario Tinoco walks into the West Coast Trevor office, her smile and enthusiasm fill the room. “I saw a picture of a friend on Facebook wearing a Trevor t-shirt, years ago. I looked it up online and decided to volunteer right away!” said Rosario. “I have never understood the discrimination there is against the LGBTQ community, it just goes beyond my understanding. I had always wanted to help somehow.”
Taahirah (left) with parents Shaquille O’Neil (center) and Arnetta Yardbourgh (right).
“Choosing The Trevor Project was a no brainer!”
Rosario goes above and beyond as a Trevor Lifeline counselor, participating in extra listenins, making art for the Randy Stone Call Center West, and volunteering to mentor new Trevor Lifeline trainees. “I believe that if there is an issue in society that you don’t like, it is better to be active and do something to change it. I’m very committed to this organization, and I always treat anything Trevor as a priority – right after school of course!”
ROSARIO TINOCO TrevorChat, Trevor Lifeline, Trevor Lifeguard Workshops, Education Working Group, Events Trevor Volunteer Since: August 2010 Occupation: Student (B.A. Communications & Marketing) Location: California
As a Trevor Lifeguard volunteer, she has great ways to keep the young people in her session on-track and engaged. She also participates with Trevor’s Education Working Group, which provides input on Trevor programs from a volunteer perspective. Currently, the group is working on a school outreach model. “The most rewarding part of being a Trevor volunteer is feeling like I made someone happy in any way possible at least for one day, or even that I made someone smile for five seconds! For me there is nothing in the world that compares to the importance of helping somebody else feel better.” T
Volunteer Spotlight
It all started when Kate Spain joined TrevorSpace: “A friend of mine had joined and had nothing but good things to say about it,” she said. “As soon as I realized what it stood for, I loved it.” Later, in May 2010, Trevor staff reached out to Kate and asked her to become a TrevorSpace Admin. She remembers how it felt to become a volunteer: “I was really excited to be a part of something bigger, and to be able to help those who need it.” Her dedication and passion earned her the title of “TrevorSpace Intern” in January 2011. “I was asked to be an intern by Phoenix [Program Director] because of how much time I was spending on keeping TrevorSpace safe, as well as my work with high risk and suicidal users. I think I still have the e-mail!” Phoenix shares that “Kate is often the first person members trust and go to when they are in crisis. She has been instrumental on the front line helping to support and keep youth on TrevorSpace safe.” Now, Kate balances her volunteer work with her new husband and expected child: “I used to spend around 70 hours and up online. Sometimes I’d be on until around 3:00am! Now I’d say I’m on between 20 and 30 hours, depending on how active the week is. When I’m not on TrevorSpace, I’m usually out at prenatal appointments and getting stuff ready for the baby, playing video games, watching anime or playing text based RPGs.”
KATE SPAIN TrevorSpace Intern Location: Ontario
But Trevor is never far from her mind. “Without The Trevor Project and our supporters, I don’t want to know where we’d be. This is something that takes a lot of courage and strength, even from the people who are providing it.” T
Trevor and Teach for America Partner to Create S.A.F.E. Schools Teach for America, a member of the AmeriCorps network that works in low-income urban and rural schools to provide all kids with the opportunities afforded by an excellent education, and The Trevor Project are proud to begin a new partnership this year. The S.A.F.E. Classrooms initiative is a life-saving collaboration enlisting teachers from across the country to make their classrooms Safe and Affirming For Everyone—especially students who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Educators are provided with a library of resources to create this embracing environment, including Trevor’s Survival Kit and the Trevor CARE and Trevor Ally education programs, offered though in-person and webinar trainings. Lauren Sanders, Managing Director of Digital Engagement at Teach For America tells us about their new partnership with The Trevor Project to create S.A.F.E. Classrooms for LGBT youth: What are your goals for Safe Space Campaign? Our primary goal is to encourage every Teach For America teacher and all other educators to make our classrooms around the country safe and affirming environments for all students. They can do this by: 1) signing the pledge to make our classrooms S.A.F.E.; 2) downloading posters to designate their classroom and/or school as a safe environment; and 3) accessing resources that show educators how to create a safe and affirming environment and how to approach other LGBTQ issues in the classroom. Our secondary goal is to collaborate with other organizations (The Trevor Project, GLSEN, etc.) who have been leaders in this work to access a wider network of support and resources for our teachers. How does partnering with The Trevor Project contribute to these goals? The Trevor Project is crucial to the success of this initiative. You provide access to your best resources, along with context for how our teachers can most effectively utilize them. This includes online resources and also access to your experts on the ground to bring a deeper level of training and support to some of our regions. We are particularly interested in collaborating around any support we can give to our rural regions where our LGBTQ teachers and kids are starving for guidance. While we have a strong network of schools in low-income communities, The Trevor Project can help us expand this reach across the country.
What about LGBTQ youth led you to seek out a partnership with Trevor? Teach For America seeks to close the achievement gap for kids in low-income communities across the country. We began to see data showing that for kids who are LGBT or questioning, the path to closing the achievement gap could be more difficult. We knew that we had to provide an extra level of support and guidance for these students and for our teachers who serve them, and we knew that we could not do this alone. Because The Trevor Project had been a leader in the area for years, we knew we could not begin to think about a campaign like this without a strong collaboration with Trevor. How do we see TFA and Trevor working together in the coming years? We are excited about our ongoing collaboration. Right now we are focusing on the S.A.F.E. campaign and beginning to plot out where we might create opportunities for in-person support in some of our regions. Together we submitted a joint proposal for the Creating Change conference to run a panel on our partnership and how we came together for the benefit of our most vulnerable kids, which was just accepted. Teach For America is committed to changing the lives of kids in low-income communities and we know that this can get even more difficult for kids who may be LGBT or questioning. Because The Trevor Project is equally committed to kids who face the triple stigma of race, class, and sexual orientation or gender identity, we believe there is so much we can do together to help these kids see that it does get better and that there is a path for them into a much brighter future. T
Statistics show challenges faced by LGBTQ students of color: • Only 18% reported a school with an in-school harassment and assault policy with specific protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. • 44% reported verbal harassment due to both their sexual orientation and race/ethnicity. These students were also more likely to miss school than students who were harassed for one reason. • 85% of black LGBTQ students say they hear “faggot,” “dyke,” “gay,” and other negative insults on a daily basis in the school hallway. Another 47% also heard racist insults during an average school day. Source: GLSEN’s 2011 National School Climate Survey
Meet the Deputy Director! Steve Mendelsohn, our new Deputy Director tells us why he wanted to work with The Trevor Project and shares stories about his background, personal inspirations, and goals. As Deputy Director, what is your role at Trevor? I am part of the Management Team reporting to the Executive Director & CEO, Abbe Land. I oversee Marketing, Communications, Community Engagement, and Government Affairs. My team serves as the liaisons to hundreds of volunteers who work on behalf of The Trevor Project in communities across the country. They also coordinate the intake process for volunteers working on Trevor Programs up to point where they become part of the Program Team. Additionally, my staff handles all of Trevor’s communications with different constituencies, including the website, social media, printed materials, and this newsletter! We also lead Trevor’s advocacy efforts at the federal, state and in some places, local levels to promote policies that are supportive and inclusive of LGBT youth. What about your work history makes you a great addition to the Trevor Team? Most of my career I have been in marketing and management – exactly what I am doing at The Trevor Project. After years of working in leading corporations (including American Express) and a prominent internet consultancy (Razorfish), I felt the need to do something that would directly help people. I left the corporate world and found leadership positions at different non-profit arts organizations. It was clear to me that I most enjoyed the work that my non-profits did with young people and LGBT populations, so it was clear to me that I belonged at The Trevor Project. After 2 months in this job, I know I was right! What inspired you to join The Trevor Project? I have known about The Trevor Project for years. But I did not know the extent of Trevor’s services and the total impact of Trevor’s work. As I learned more about the organization, I became more impressed and wanted to do my part to help the organization. Then, after meeting the people at Trevor, I was convinced that this is the place for me. What are the top 3 things you hope to accomplish while at Trevor? My personal dream is to be able to use my position at Trevor to have a positive, lasting impact on LGBTQ youth in the US and all over the world. To do that, I hope to guide the organization in insuring that all youth are aware of Trevor’s services and know how to take advantage of them when they need them. I would also like The Trevor Project to become one of the foremost leaders in efforts to promote policies in the government and elsewhere to create a safe and supportive environment for LGBTQ people. Additionally, I am inspired by the level of support that the organization receives from volunteers all over the country. In my experience, I have never seen such an enthusiastic, involved and caring group of volunteers. I hope that I will be able to build on this momentum and establish new volunteer efforts in parts of the country that are underserved by Trevor. Outside of work, what are you most proud of doing or being involved with? For the past several years I have been the Co-President of the Board of NewFest, New York’s LGBT film festival. I love the arts and I am proud of being a part of one of the most important LGBT cultural organizations in the country. Over the past year I helped to shape the partnership and future merger of NewFest with OutFest (LA’s LGBT film festival), and I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the team of people who are in the process of transforming NewFest and Outfest into the first national, year-round LGBT film presenter. Who or what do you feel is your greatest inspiration? Why? Two people come to mind – Harvey Milk and Stephen Sondheim. Harvey Milk has always been a hero of mine. He was ahead of his time and paved the way for the advances within the LGBTQ community that we are seeing today. Looking back at his accomplishments it may not seem like he did a lot. But given the times he lived in, he was a true pioneer. And, I always find inspiration in the brilliant lyrics of Stephen Sondheim’s musicals. Sondheim’s insight into the intricacies of the human condition and human relationships is unmatched. I have learned so much about myself and others by listening to Sondheim’s words. T
Trevor Accepts National Awards and Social Media Recognition
Steve Hannigan (left) and Ryan Lombardini (right) accept Trevor’s CLASSY Award
We are so excited to announce that Trevor has been honored with the national CLASSY Award for “Human Services” and the Legacy Award for Youth at The Federation of Gay Games’ 30th Anniversary Ceremony! Of the 64 CLASSY Award nominees in all 16 categories, Trevor was the only LGBT and mental health organization represented. We are also extremely proud of Digital Marketing Manager Ryan Lombardini for his recognition in Social Media Week Los Angeles’ (SMWLA) “Social 25” list for outstanding social media experts. Ryan was also invited to be a featured speaker on the first day of SMWLA to discuss how storytelling through social media has the power to help save young lives. We are so grateful for these affirming honors, and hopeful that through continued public recognition, more youth feel empowered to reach out to The Trevor Project for support. T
Be sure to connect with us on the web!
Fall Fête
An evening of musical entertainment and fundraising hosted by Trevor NextGen NY, emceed by Tony Award-nominated John Tartaglia.
NextGen NY Leaders Anna Williams (left) and Joshua Cohen (right) with performer Anthony Rapp (center)
Trevor LIVE
This signature event directed by Adam Shankman at the Hollywood Palladium in support of LGBTQ youth was presented by Audi of America & Wells Fargo, and honored Katy Perry (Trevor Hero Award) and Audi (Trevor 2020 Award).
We can’t wait to see you at Trevor LIVE
Monday, June 24th, 2013 at Chelsea Piers in New York! For tickets and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Matthew Zaslow, Events Manager, at
Friends of Trevor
Friends of Trevor is a prestigious group of The Trevor Project’s major contributors and demonstrate the powerful effect individuals can have upon the growth of an organization. Friends play a critical role in providing the financial leadership that makes the work of The Trevor Project possible by donating $500 or more annually in non-event related contributions. This list represents current donors who have given in the past 12 months as of November 15, 2012.
G UARDIAN $25,000 +
Anonymous Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS Gregory Pierre Cox Ed Cauduro Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation at the direction of Dane Nelson & Aaron Hall Fast Retailing USA, Inc. Matthew Jenner & Tom Wanless Kim Kardashian Kathy Kwan & Alan Eustace Jon Murray & Harvey Reese Daniel Radcliffe Walter Schild & Dilson De Almeida Paul Singer Steptoe & Johnson, LLP Jeff R. Stone COUNSELOR $10,000 - $24,999 Philip & Maxine Armstrong George A. Bednar & Chip Wheeler David Bohnett Corcoran Group Real Estate Elvis Duran Steve Elmendorf Michael H. Epstein & Scott E. Schwimer Gregory Evans Ian Fette Bill Frew Robert Greenblatt Ericka Horan David H. Jacobs Kathy Kinney Kenneth B. Mehlman Frank Pond Adam Press David Suk Douglas Gerard Vetter Peter Walsh Kevin Williamson ADVISOR $5,000 - $9,999 Thomas A. Blount Jeremy Coleman & Trent Hurst Ryan Cotton DirecTV Michael Dobbs Nicholas Donatiello Carson Gaspar Julie Harris & Amy Yoakum Steven Holley Hollywood Charity Horse Show Brian Irving Jet Corp The Gwendolyn Jones Trust Steven King Jacob Klempner Abbe Land George Larribas Brittany Larson Karen Lehner Krisha Loftus Jane Lynch & Lara Embry, Ph.D. Kerrie MacPherson & David Gatchell Timmian C. Massie Ginny McCulloh & Nancy Kohlreiter Frank & Theresa Morris MZA Events, Inc. / Craig R. Miller NBC Universal Daniel Nicoletta James F. Paolucci, Jr. Ramon Perez-Egana Monge, M.D. Sandra Poston & Scott McPhail* Alan Poul Kristen R. Schon Jeffrey Simpson Neil Spisak Spot Casting Staley Family Foundation John Steffens
Colin Sterling Christopher Stewart Ricky Strauss* & Tom Newman Jeff Whaley David Yost MENTOR $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous Chris Allieri* & Gene Fischer Willis Arndt John Aylward Florence Azria Paris & Christopher Barclay Rick Bartalini Neil E. Beecher & Vern Richards Bret H. Hunter, A Law Corporation Brian Brookey & Kevin L. Cordova Gregg Busch Ken Campbell* Lauren S. Carpenter Pam Clifford Wilson Constantine Michael Dittbenner Keith Downs Michael Dudding Douglas Ferguson Michael J. Ford Ralph Furlo Brad Goreski Don Gottesman Jeff Grossman Charles Hansen Dr. David Hardy & Barry Goldblatt Robert Hawthorne It Gets Better Project Don J. Jerabek & Butler J. Rondeno Blanding U. Jones, M.D. & Michael English Robyn M. King & Julie Van Dyne Jeffrey A. Kramer Sue Kroll Kyle D. Kusche Juan Lagorio Peter Lease & Edward Wood Craig Leavitt Laurence Leive Robert Lekstrom Daniel B. Marsili & Erik Batt David McFarland The Morrison & Foerster Foundation Harley Neuman & Daniel Lam Barth Norton Jason R. Oclaray* Matthew Pisanelli Julie Plec Barry Pollard Marquita M. Pring Profiles In History Robert Quayle Ruben Ramirez* Chuck Ranberg & Bob Fisher Roaring Fork Gay & Lesbian Community Fund Ashley N. Robinson Rocky Mountain Court System, Inc. Lou Romano Andrew Silver & David McGrath Borja Sotomayor Sara Jean Van Ingen & Alexei A. Van Ingen Leonard Woods Nathaniel Yap SUPPORTER $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous Jordan Agee Stamos Akrivos Jac Alati Albuquerque Community Foundation Gary M. Alembik & Stephen Graves Lora Alexander Alien Skin Software
Jeffrey & Linda Allport Nancy Altobello Jirka Ambroz Jason Anderson Peter Apostolakis Jason Arbuckle Ian Archer & Archer Watters Wendy Armitage Madelyn Arnold The Arnold Family Foundation Alan Arrigoni Dennis Arriola & Janet Winnick Jonathon Aubry Jay Ayers & Matthew Walker Richard Ayoub* & Nick Urbom Robbie Bagwell Christopher Baker Raymond Banks John Barker Josh Barry & Philip Matthys Matthew Bassignani Sunny Bates Catherine Bauer Chris Beckmann Ned Benkert James & Jane Berk Robert Bethge Joshua Bloch Chad Boettcher Robert Bofman Brian Bohl David Bower Ben Boyd & Dennis Adamson Jesse Brandl Lisa Brende* Anne Bresler Linda Brosseau Bruce Brown Robert Bruckert Bruvion Travel Todd Buchner James Burba & Bob Hayes Tom Burke & Steve Rostine Todd Burton Tim & Catherine Cadogan Denis Cagna & Carlos Medina Walter Cain Norman B. Callahan John Canaday & Tom Perry Andre Caraco* & David Azulay Chris Carolan Ryan Casas Penny & Bruce Castleman Philip Chaffin Irene Chou Church of Religious Science Harry Clark Gary Cohan Joshua Cohen Jason Cole & David Ruisch Carl Coleman Chris Colfer Pam Crawford David Crawford & Rick Klapak Erik Cummings Camden Davis Bruce Davis & Rob Murray Steven De Lozier Kimberly Dean & Caroline Sherman Raymond DeAngelo Julianne DeCaro Degnan Family Foundation Nicholas Dehnert Pamela Jo Delk Chad Demartino Jason Denby Richard Desroche Kent Dillon Derrick Djang Daniel Dodgen Michael Donovan Brian J. Dorsey*
Christian C. Dowell* Joanne Dunbar Ian Dunn John Ealy Karl Eber Bryan Eckelmann David J. Edelsohn David Edwards Daniel Edwards Jim Edwards Max Ember Robert A. Ermanski Felicity Esquinas David Etter J. Scott Evans Timothy Evanson Joseph Eviatar & Eric Johnson Merritt Farren & Michael Means Lynne H. Federman & Joseph Kord Patti Felker First Parish Church in Norwell Jeffrey Fishberger, M.D.* Joel Flatow* Ford Models, Inc. Page Foshee Carol Franger & Dan Ng Rick Frazier Michael Frese Harry Friedman Shawn Fultz Cynthia Gamble Albert Garcia Celina Gerbic Craig Gerlach Tony Giannini Howard Gold & Harold Bahr Thomas Gotlund Charlie Grandinetti Bonnie Graves* & Adrian Sexton Lorraine C. Gray Allen L. Gribetz & Andrew Peters Donald Grimm Gina Gross Warren Gump Jorge Gutierrez GW LGBT Resource Center Sarah Haberman Ronald S. Haft Clayton Hagan Dino Hainline Nathan Hair David Hall Simon Halls & Matt Bomer Kevin Scott Hamilton Van Hardison Stefanie Harmon Bill Harrison Jon Hartmere Craig Hartzman & James John Larry Hashbarger Gordon Hawthorne Garrett Hayashida Robert Hayden III Sean Hayes Thad Hayes Greg S. Heanue Mel Heifetz Allan Heinberg Andy Hendricks Jackie Henneberg Rodney Hill Stephen Hipp & Brian A. Rogers Glenn Hirshon Barry Hoffman & Chris Larson Jason Hopwood Robert W. Hornak Galen Hoskin & Leah M. Hoskin Peter Ily Huemer Antonia Hutt Thomas Iacovantuono ICON Foundation Mark J. Idalski
Brad Jacobson Jay Jeffers & Michael Purdy Jeffrey K. Jensen & Nicholas Jaggi Henrik Jeppesen Richard Johnson Pat Johnson Keiko Johnson & Rob Feldman Mark Johnson Jay Johnson & Tom Cashin Mark Johnson Erik Jones Matthew Jozwiak Barbara Kana Mark Kanemura Kayne Foundation Tami Kennedy John B. Kennedy John Khazin Bruce King Patricia Kirsch Rudy Kleysteuber & Justin Fransler Bruce Klinger Alex Knight Ajit J. Kokkat Eric Kranzler Kraut Law Group Derek Kuhl & Lem Buyers Nick Kurczewski & Matt Rosentein George Labella Sal Ladestro Philip Laffey Anthony Lakavage Renee & Carl Landegger Brian Langdon David Larsen Brenda K. Lawley Nancy Lee & Marie Wilson Rick H. Lee Jay Lesiger Michael Lewis Reginald Lewis Peter Lien Wesley Loden Shyrl L. Lorino Los Angeles Breakfast Club Foundation John Lundsten Luan Luu & Huy Vo Mike Malone Chris D. Man & Adam T. Marquez Anthony Maniche Dominick Marangi Jhoni Marchinko The Grace R. and Alan D. Marcus Foundation Gina Mariko-Rosales MarkMonitor Anthony Marks Marksmen Dennis Markus James Marlin Eric J. Maryanov & Richard Chambers Joff Masukawa Chris McClain Bonnie McClinton Vincent McCormick Ryan McCoy Sean McGill Brian McGuire Ken D. McLean Sean R. Mc Manus Patrick McNamara Darren McNelis Jeff Meleski & Steven J. Markov Paul Merrell Allison Milgard & Alexandra Hedison James Miller Jose l. Minan Nadine Mirchandani Anil Mohin & John Scholz Eric Mohn Frank Rorie & Dianne Molina* Eric Moreno Douglas Morris Morrison Consulting John Morse David Mortimer & Paul Adler Roberto Munoz & Steve McCuen Vaughn Murray
Russ Nash Les Natali Ed Neppl & Scott Mitchell Phu Ngo Robert Norris Christine North Theodore Nunn Megan O’Brien Gaynon & Linda Oclaray Sean O’Connell Lee O’Conner Jane O’Connor Renee Olstead Michael O’Malley O’Melveny & Myers LLP Paul Oppedisano Stephen Oremus Gary S. Orgel & Michael S. Burak Jonathan Oriole Susan Otto Randall Palmer Maulik Pancholy Richard & Karen Panse Paramount Pictures Richard & Ellen Passov Scott Patterson Steven Pecoraro David Pennington Mark Perin Doug Piper & Scott E. Miller Kristina M. Pisanelli Chris Pomeroy Kevin Potter Tim Price David Pulley Kathryn M. Quigley Ranesh Ramanathan Anthony Rapp Mike Rataczak Joseph Redinger Luke Reichle Jennifer Reinheimer Rhino Entertainment Robert Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder David Richardson Bruce Richman Jon Richmond Henry Riley Richard L. Rivero Dianne Robinson Jonathan Rock & Patrick DelaCruz Luis Rodriguez-Villa Tami Rosen Matt Rudary Jason M. Rudman Jennifer Rumbach Donald Russell Brady Sandahl Adam Sanderson Arlene Sanford & Devra Lieb Dana Sari Vahan Saroians The Saver Family Sean P. Savery Lewis M. Scheinert & David Green Douglas Schiffman & Suzanne Schiffman Ernest Schmider Heidi Schulz & Michael Ryder Nick Seaver Philip Selway Brian Selznick Lori Shefa Bonnie Sheren Singhal & Company, Inc. J. Knighten Smit Patrick Smith & Carter Covington Jubal Smith David Sobottka & Mitchell Singer Richard Sonenklar & Gregory Haynes Christi Sorrells Dan Spinello Jennifer Sporl St. Pete Pride, Inc. David Stainton Andrew Stearn Kathleen Stevens Marty Kovacevich & Chaz Stevens Eric Stine
Gail Stonehouse & Stephen Stonehouse Jason Subia Michael Sucsy Damon Suden Stephen Sulecki Tim Sullivan Sibel Sunsar Tom J. Swan Jeffrey Sweat Gregory & Valerie Swisher Mike Syers & Darryl Hudak Taber Szuluk Patrick Tallarico George Tallichet Tan Associates, Inc. Suzanne Taylor & Julie Rieger John Tenore Brian J. Theobald & Scott DeShong Matthew Thompson & Christie Thomas Craig E. Thompson Lasse Thorenfeldt Tere Throenle-Somaini Jeremy Toohey The Treadstone Group, Inc. Michael Tsiang Suzette Unger Paul Unson Greg Utterback Bert Vander Meeren Frank Voci Diane Wade Zelma Waggoner Brian Walpole Timothy Walsh Michael Warren Jason Watters Lewis Weaser & Ed Fitzpatrick Stetson Weddle Justin Wee Gadi Weinreich Kenneth P. Werner Frederick Wertheim Russell Wetanson & Mike Minden Keola Whittaker Scott Widmeyer & Alan Yount Jack Winn Jane Wishon Jeffrey Paul Wolff* & Jason K. Morrell Steve Wood Christine Woods Jane Wu William Wuensche Cynthia Yeung Alex Yim * Denotes member of the Board of Directors
A complete list of the Friends of Trevor, including those giving at the Member level, is available online at friendsoftrevor.
THE CIRCLE OF LIFE The Circle of Life recognizes individuals who have created gifts to The Trevor Project through planned giving either in their estate planning or as a bequest: Anonymous Bradley J. Beers & Christopher J. Robinson Gregory Pierre Cox R. P. Cutino Brad L. Daily & J. David Richardson Bill Gorodner in Memory of Lloyd W. Alton Gil Kaan John P. Kefferstan David F. Lee III
Michael Love Peace Rick & David McGilton-McGlamery Robert M. Neubauer Living Trust Arlene Reed Bequest Tithe on behalf of Hollywood Lutheran Church Charles Robbins Eleanor J. Ross Trust Aleida Estela Santiago Jeffrey Schiffman Brad St. Ores Jeff Whaley Valarie K. Westberg The Estate of Jimmie Wilson
FOUNDATIONS We extend our thanks to the following foundations that have provided general operating support and program related funding to The Trevor Project this year: $20,000+ Bank of America The Barbara & William Rosenthal Family Foundation The Bob Ross Foundation Ernest Lieblich Foundation H. van Ameringen Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers Small Change Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Yahoo! Employees Fund $10,000 - $19,999 Bank of New York Mellon The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Gesso Foundation The Helene Foundation Human Rights Campaign Foundation Melcher Charitable Foundation The R. Scott Hitt Foundation The Rainbow Endowment Schnieders Family Foundation Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 The Barbara Epstein Foundation CAA Foundation Disney VoluntEARS Community Fund Dyson Foundation Employees Community Fund of Boeing California Tides Foundation The TJX Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 BelleJAR Foundation Bruce J. Heim Foundation CNA Foundation Diane and Howard Wohl Family Foundation, Inc. East Tennessee Foundation Disney “EARS to You” Entertainment Industry Foundation Equality California Institute Frieda C. Fox Foundation Grace Helen Spearman Charitable Foundation Horizons Foundation The Jay & Rose Phillips Family Foundation Leslie Family Foundation Milton and Miriam Waldbaum Family Foundation The Morrison & Foerster Foundation The Safeway Foundation US Bank If you aren’t listed, please call Brian Davis at 310-271-8845 ext. 257
8704 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 200 West Hollywood, CA 90069 T 310.271.8845 F 310.271.8846 E
TREVOR STAFF and BOARD FO UNDE R S Jam es Le ce s n e Peg g y R a j s k i Rand y Sto n e ( 195 8 - 2 0 07 ) BOARD O F D IR E C TO R S Mered it h Ka d l e c C h a ir Br ian D or s ey Co -Vice C h a i r Mic hael N o rto n Co -Vice C h a i r Jas on R. O c l a ray Tre a s u re r C hr ist ian D owe l l Se c re ta r y Bo nn ie G rave s Me mbe r At L a rg e Ric ky St ra u ss C h a ir E mer i t u s C hr is A lli e ri Ric hard Ayo u b L is a Bren d e Ken C am p b e l l A nd re C a ra co A l Du nc a n Jef f rey F i s h b e rg e r, M D Joel F latow
M ichael A. Graham S co tt A. M cP hail D ianne M o lina Ruben Ramirez Jeffrey Paul Wo lff
A my R a n gel Hum an Resources Manager
La u ra McGin n is Com m unicat ions Di re c tor
Porsch a Fergu son J r. St aff Account ant
R a ch el Lich tm a n Com m unicat ions A ss oc i ate
B ren t Webster Recept ionist
Ab be Land Exec utive D irecto r & CEO
Ric hard Ro cha Exec utive Ass istant D E VELO P M ENT S haw n I ngram D evelo p ment D irector Br ian D av is M ajo r Gif ts O f f icer To m D ow M ajo r Gif ts O f f icer Tracy Fer rell D atab as e Ad min
Steve Men delsoh n Deput y Director
N ath a n B elyeu Sr. Educat ion M a na ge r
Sa rin a Agu irre Sr. Com m unit y Engagem ent Manager
Wes N em en z Educat ion Mana ge r Ea st
Sa n dra Leon Volunteer Coordinator East Sh irley Vilca Volunteer Coordinator West Jen essa Con n or Mar ket ing Director
Kev in H o lt D evelo p ment Ass o ciate
Steven Ha n n iga n Mar ket ing and Design Specialist
M atthew Z aslow Events M anag er
Matt Jorgen sen Webm aster
R ya n Lom ba rdin i Digit al Mar ket ing Manager
Jeremy Ancalade O p eratio ns D irecto r
Ph oen ix Sch n ei de r Program Director
A lison Gill Gover nm ent Affair s Director
A rqu im ides Pa c he co Educat ion Mana ge r We st Ath en a B rewer Sr. Online Progra ms Ma na ge r A m it Rou th Digit al Cr isis Se rvi ce s Kelli Peterm a n Sr. Cr isis Ser v ice s Ma na ge r B rock Du mville Cr isis Ser v ices Ma na ge r Oda lis Gon za lez Cr isis Ser v ices Ma na ge r Matth ew Wolfo rd Cr isis Ser v ices Ma na ge r