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signs of the times

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another slice?

David Warren from LVTRF with Colin Bird of The Ramblers Association and Andrea Sparkes riding Kaizen from the BHSSIGNSof theTimes

Following a long year of lockdowns and restricted travel here in South West Wales it was like last day of term on the final weekend of April 2021. The weather was good and traffic using the lanes compared to pre-lockdown numbers. It would appear that the Trans European Trail’ s ‘Welsh TET’ route and TRF’ s Green Lane Mapping ‘GRM Project’ has reached many the long anticipated wait to get out and about was over.


We had already decided to restrict group sizes in recognition of ‘ public perception ’ following no riding of the local lanes being undertaken by our group during the lockdown period. Groups of two, four and six made their way around the lanes of all three counties in our area.

By the first Bank Holiday in May, we were being stopped on many of our regular routes being asked ‘ where are you from?’ and ‘do you know where the right way is?’ Having engaged with our neighbours and some landowners that we had not met before, our members were being told of the high level of riders over the past year, (which is a good thing), however, it has also brought with it a number of issues too. We received four complaints in the first week of lockdown ending regarding gates being left open and some riders not being able to follow their maps/GPS. And unfortunately, having been active in the area since 2018, it is only the past month that we have had access to some lanes denied by landowners. They accept it is not the correct thing to do but feel there is no other way to ensure their stock doesn ’t get let out on to the main A and B roads. As I have reported regularly, we are naturally a very positive bunch of riders here in our

group and despite the lack of support from some other TRF Group ’ s members regarding this issue have been addressing this on a local level. We have a project in its early stages, starting with the meeting of landowners and trying to help with clearer signage and assistance in repairing/re-hanging gates.

Sarah and Richard Pugh had these signs made up at their own expense and have put them up with the land owners approval and assistance. Sarah is one of our lady riders and Richard is one of our Group officers.

Our plans include asking for ‘ matched funding ’ to move our conservation and signage project forward over the next months.

If any rider, local or visitor, finds a lane blocked by natural or man-made obstacles they can report them via ‘fix-my-street’ . We would respectfully ask that individuals do not use social media to undermine the good work being done by TRF members locally. The SWW TRF Group members and officers are riders and volunteers. As in most areas they are not an extension of the local council to keep the highway network open, just a facilitator as and when they are able.

We welcome anyone who would like to see and appreciate our wonderful countryside at any time. If you are a lone rider who would appreciate company discovering some of our gems please feel free to contact any of our officers and they will be able to organise something either midweek or at weekend. Mo Rapley – South West Wales Group

Trail Riders are constantly challenged by other users on Public Rights of Way, a situation which got worse during lockdown as there was a huge influx of people into the countryside.

Much of this caused through a lack of awareness by other users that they are in fact on a road, albeit unsurfaced, made worse by inadequate and often missing signage from Local Authorities.

Loddon Vale TRF in partnership with the British Horse Society and The Ramblers Association recently produced “Share the trail signs ” in conjunction with Bracknell Forest Council which have been installed on a number of byways across the borough. Graeme Collins – Lodden Vale Group

Loddon Vale TRF in partnership with the British Horse Society and The Ramblers Association recently produced “Share the trail signs ” in conjunction with Bracknell Forest Council

Sarah and Richard Pugh had these signs made up at their own expense and have put them up with the land owners approval and assistance.

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