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sunny somerset ride day

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Those of us who just turn up and ride at TRF-organised events might not fully appreciate the work put in by members particularly if the event goes without a hitch. If the odd snag is encountered, a few participants tend to get somewhat vociferous. Here, Martin Keswick from the Somerset Group reveals a few secrets of a successful outcome

Looking back at the weather this May we could write it off as a dead loss, however on Sunday the 2nd of May, it was fantastic and the end of a generally dry, if cold month of April. We were lucky to pick that Sunday for our Somerset Forest Ride Day at Combe Sydenham Country Park.

A few of us started the main loop forest track layout selection the week prior to the event using quads, with the main set-up being completed on the Saturday with 24 Somerset TRF eager members on their bikes and quads. The set-up day is always a good vibe with people able to explore options and be creative with the sub-loops that they make. The Bramble Hill Climbs and Dean Allen Goat Tracks always test the best and other Enduro Loops and Trials Sections being added, in all about 10 sub-sections graded into Moderate, Severe or Extreme for people to attempt.

With 250 riders including 11 under-16 riders, it was a full house, however the forest never feels busy, at times you feel you are riding alone in this stunning venue with its Elizabethan Manor House, lakes and views of the Quantock Hills, Bristol Channel and over to Wales.

These Somerset TRF events are open to TRF members, you must have a trials block pattern rear tyre fitted such as Maxxis Trialsmax or a Pirelli MT43, this point does make a huge difference to the amount of ground damage caused by that many bikes on the tracks and trails and ground in the forest. It is fair to say the Maxxis Trialsmax is a great tyre and can make an average rider a ‘Trials God’ .

The general feedback from riders was they had a cracking day and really enjoyed the riding and challenges we set out. What are the things we at Somerset do to make this type of event happen? ● A suitable venue ● Agreement with a landowner for the use/payment ● A parking location ● An Event Director, Deputy, Safety Officer,

Head Marshal, ● A broader group of people able to assist in the set up and running of the event ● A detailed Safety Plan completed and approved by TRF Directors for insurance approval ● IOPD (International Organisation of

Professional Drivers) Permit to run an event ‘ off road’ ● Ambulance ● Toilets ● Food ● Eventbrite to manage the tickets and comms ● Quads, Tape, arrows, posts, cones, staplers, mallets, signage, gazebos, tables

Our next event in July is already sold out. We are trying to secure a new venue for an event in August. We have a charity fun Scramble/Grass track day in September and our next Forest Ride Day will be in October.

TheKids AreAlright

Where can under 16s ride in a controlled and supervised way on defined tracks on private land without it being a competition? In truth, not many places.

At the regular Somerset TRF Forest Ride Days we have been welcoming junior riders for some years now.

Our non-competitive Fun Forest Ride Days which are typically held in beautiful scenic private forests on Exmoor are the perfect controlled venue, we hold two or three of these events a year with up to 250 TRF riders. The prepared tracks and challenges we have created suit all abilities from beginners and Juniors (85cc +) to Enduro Expert-level riders. We have a Main Loop around the Forest that could be four miles long, off this loop we have varying technical levels of sub-loop which then re-join the Main Loop.

The events are set-up and managed by Somerset TRF members and run in private forests and land (not Forestry Commission), we have the Event Permitted by the IOPD (International Organisation of Professional Drivers) and complete a full Safety Plan (30 pages). The Safety Plan covers all aspects of the event from officers responsibilities including a safeguarding officer for juniors at the event, risk assessments, first aid measures, accident procedures, rider sign-on forms, junior rider parental consent forms and riding marshall briefings. All of these documents are approved by TRF Directors for insurance acceptance.

Under 16 riders (Juniors) are encouraged to ride our events with Free Entry, but they must be under the supervision at all times from a riding TRF adult. At our October event we had eight junior riders and in our recent May event we had 11, the feedback from everyone has been very positive.

Specific aspects of the events that Somerset TRF organise that cater for Junior Riders: ● A route that has no 2-way traffic anywhere ● A route that is suitable for small wheel bikes to complete. Typically our events are suitable for the 85+cc sized bike, not toddlers on 50cc autos ● A riding parent or guardian that is responsible for the Junior rider at all times ● A parental Consent Form ● A Safeguarding Officer ● An ambulance and First Responder on site at all times ● Burgers and Coke

We will continue to cater for the junior riders and encourage more, it is great to see parent and child riding together for the day, what a great way of building skills and shared experiences and introducing the next generation to trail riding. ■ Trail Summer 2021 59

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