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LETTERS Happymemoriesatpreschool

The Editor:

It was a great honour for me to attend PoCo Happy Times Preschool’s 50th birthday celebrations on March 10


As the preschool’s founder, I was thrilled and bursting with pride to see all that Happy Times has accomplished

Thank you to all the organizers of that amazing event

Thank you to the countless participating parents over the past 50 years

Thank you to the superlative teachers, particularly Gloria Aitken, who dedicated 29 years to Happy Times

Thank you to the first president, Pat Dales, and the first teacher, Amy Fishman, for setting the happy, loving, nurturing tone of the preschool, which clearly exists to this day

Thank you to the former pastor of Southside Baptist Church, James Rouse, who stoutly supported the newlybegun preschool’s use for several years of the church hall

Thank you as well to former mayor Jack Campbell who, despite the initial opposition of every town council member not only supported the idea of the preschool, but was instrumental in its getting an operating licence

Most of all, thank you to the many hundreds of pre-schoolers who enjoyed a unique preschool experience

This set you up for the future in wonderful ways and now you are able to give back to your community and families

That’s what it’s all about really, isn’t it? Receiving and giving back!

I offer you fond wishes for the future, PoCo Happy Times!

Jo Sheridan Port Coquitlam

The Editor:

To the person who found my purse and turned it in, thank you

On Monday, March 13, I was having coffee at the Starbucks in Suterbrook

My husband and I were sitting on the chairs outside and I was distracted because we had our dog with us

It wasn’t until a good two hours after we’d left that I realized that I’d left my purse hanging on the back of the chair

We immediately rushed back, but something deep inside told me to stay calm and not to panic

I had my wallet, keys, credit cards, address, phone and cash I shudder to think what might have happened if it had fallen into the wrong hands

But some wonderful, honest, humble person simply did the right thing and turned it in

Joanne Kostyra Port Moody

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