Tri-State Media FREE
tri- state media
Serving Gibson, Warrick & Pike Counties In Indiana And Wabash County, Illinois
May 2016
www.RMWRE.com Princeton
812-386-3222 115 E. 4th St. P.O. Box 550 Mt. Carmel, IL 62863 618-262-5144
Each Office Independently Owned and Operated! EQUAL HOUSING
Watch for this colorful TSM™ Homes magazine each month at your favorite local real estate professional or on a newsstand location. Inside you will find the latest homes now on the market and home services you need.
100 N. Gibson St. P.O. Box 30 Princeton, IN 47670 812-385-2525
Century Home Builders
Now is the time to secure your home before annual price increases occur. Genie Gard said “My Century Home Builders home is very energy efficient, low/no maintenance, and just perfect for my lifestyle. After the initial ordering of my Century Home Builders home I was able to concentrate on moving and packing. Sky Epperson managed the building process and called me when it was done and I was able to move right in with no problems.” Lee and Mary Jean Weiss said “Sky Epperson was great to work with even when we bugged him. We thank him and the rest of the Century Home Builders gang.” Fred and Cathy Williams said “We love our Century Home Builders home and the guys did a great job of placing the home and had a great attitude and were great to work with. The house is beautiful.”
For quality installation, Century Home Builders only builds 36 homes per year – only 15 left for 2016
Come Visit Century Home Builders For The Absolute Best Value In New Home Construction Today!! OPEN ur: Th Mon. - -6 0 1 ay: Saturd 5 10 Page 2
3 Miles North of I-64 on U.S. Hwy 41
Haubstadt, Indiana PH: 812-768-6536
centuryhomebuilders.info Tri-State Media Homes
Your Guide To The Latest
Local Properties Arnold Real Estate..................................18 Bosse Title Company...............................26 Boyd.......................................................15 Century Homes.........................................2 Clayton Homes.......................................27 DHI Realty..........................................22-23 ERA First Advantage Princeton..................5 F.C. Tucker.........................................16-17 First Class Realty........................................4 German American Bank..........................11
Kaity’s Custom Cabinets. ...........................9 Key Associates - Broshears.....................21 Meeks Sell 4 Free..............................12-14 Metro Carpet............................................9 Morrow Real Estate................................20 Mundy Real Estate.............................24-25 RE/MAX Midwest.........................1, 6-8, 28 Tri-State Roofing.......................................8 Warner...................................................19
Tri-State Media Homes
Page 3
Haubstadt $249,888 •
• Comfortable 3 bedroom 2 bath home • Front living rm and back family rm with wood burning fireplace • Lg open kitchen has newer stainless appls •
• • New •
• 2nd
Northern Vanderburgh County $159,888
• • • • •
• •
Haubstadt - $209,888
• 1 ACRE and 30x48 Pole Barn! • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths and 2015 Sq Ft with unfinished basement • Remodeled kitchen with Amish cabs and stainless appliances • Amazing remodeled main floor bath
Haubstadt - $169,888
• Beautiful 3 BR 2 bath home w/2,016 sq ft • • Cozy FR and separate LR • Finished rec rm over 2.5 car garage
Ft Branch - $89,888
Haubstadt - $249,888
• Rare find! Full brick ranch w/finished bsmt • 3 BR, 2.5 Bath and over 3100 finished sqft • Great room opens to dining room • Kitchen w/Amish cabinets, breakfast bar and nook •
No Vand Co - $204,888
• • Meticulous 3 BR, 2 bath home with over 1700 SF • 2 Car attached garage
• • • •
Haubstadt $24,000 Each Quiet Street Country setting in Hunters Crossing just 15 minutes from Evansville. Build your dream home among the beautiful country views. This popular neighborhood features paved streets, curbs, city water, city sewers, 4 star schools and attractive neighboring homes. 2 new lots available. Call CZOER Team 475-2000
Tri-State Media Homes
• 3 ACRES Total • Can be sold as 3 lots or 1 parcel • $19,000 - $22,888 each lot • Beautiful lightly wooded lots • Modular homes welcome
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Page 4
Haubstadt $174,888
6322 N. SR 65, Hazleton
5008 S. Lincoln, Oakland City
374 S. Strawberry Hall Road Wheatland
Have horses? Looking for a nice home with acreage and set up for a horse farm? If so, this property is for you. Well maintained pole building style home with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and new 2 car attached garage. Large pole barn and fenced pasture make this a horse lovers dream.
$144,900 MLS#201500499
719 S. Prince, Princeton
Well maintained 2BR, 2BA Bedford stone home. Large rooms. Cedar lined closets. Very little exterior maintenance.
$92,500. MLS# 201601273
2581 W. Jill Dr., Princeton
4 BR, 2.5 BA home in a quiet, rural subdivision. Over 2400 sq. ft. including a remodeled kitchen.
Sale Pending in Only 3 Days!
3 BR, 3BA home on 2 acres. Full finished basement, inground pool and 30x40 pole barn.
• 3 BR, 1.5 BA on 0.172 acres • Recently remodeled • Move-in Ready!
$59,900 MLS#201544898
802 S. 1225 East, Oakland City Priced for quick sale!
• Rural 3 bedroom home • Great location
$54,900. MLS# 201603735
214 S. 1150 East, Oakland City
Newly remodeled 2BR, 2.5BA country home sitting on a 1 acre lot. Beautiful Amish cabinets and hardwood floors.
E. CR 400 W, Petersburg 41 Acres of Farm Ground next to the White River.
107 W. Foster, Ft. Branch
Nice 2 Bedroom bungalow with large double lot. Partially fenced yard, full unfinished basement and a 1 car det. garage.
$68,900 MLS#201540859
www.thebillboardrealtor.com Brian Schoonover
brian.schoonover@era.com 1002 E. Broadway, Princeton, IN 47670 Tri-State Media Homes
Page 5
The Ti m M a s o n Tea m Tru st th e Pro fessio n a ls Tim M a so n
812-664 -084 5
812-664 -2022
tim m a so n @ rem a x.n et
Each Office Independently Owned & Operated.
Page 6
Ja n M a so n
ja n m a so n @ rem a x.n et
O a kla n d C ity
O a kla n d C ity
$5 6 ,900
$3 7,900
122 W .Elm St.
118 N.Gro ve St.
•Grea t In vestm en t Pro perty •2 BR Ho m e •Severa lu pd a tes-Pro fessio n a lly pa in ted •K itchen Ca bin ets,va n ity,flo o rco verin g, A/C •Do u ble pa n e repla cem en t w in d o w s •Vin ylSid in g,M eta lRo o f
•To ta lly Rem o d eled !!! •3BR,1BA Ho m e •New Ca rpet, Pa in t,Ro o f& BA •La rge Fro n t Po rch •La rge Y a rd •Det.1 C Grg. M LS #2015 3 5 791
M LS #2015 5 5 729
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
O a kla n d C ity
Prin ceton
$4 4 ,900
$25 7,5 00
3977 E.50 N.
310 N.Ja ck so n St.
•Fa n ta stic W ellM a in ta in ed Brick Ra n ch •3BR,3BA Ho m e w ith La rge M a sterSte •Highly efficien t geo therm a lhea tin g system •Bea u tifu lspa cio u srem o d eled k itch w /Jew el Ca bin ets•Cu sto m bu ilt pa n try in K itchen •Rem o d eled Ba thro o m s• Atta ched Grg, In gro u n d Po o l•Lo ca ted o n 2.53 Acres
•Grea t In vestm en t Pro perty •M o bile Ho m e Pa rk w /3 Ho m es •Very lo w va ca n cy ra te •$1,150 M o n thly In co m e M LS #2016 14 86 0
M LS #2016 125 5 2
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Prin ceton
Prin ceton
$3 29,900
1506 N.Ha w tho rn e Ct.
1405 S.Da rw in Ave.
•Very n ice spa cio u sbrick ho m e •5 BR,4.5 BA o n lg lo t •2 sto ry fa m ro m w /ga slo g frplc •K it ha slo tso fsto ra ge & brea k fa st n o o k •Sepa ra te d in in g rm ,w a lk o u t bsm t •Fro n t & ba ck co vered po rches•Lg d eck , pa tio ,2.5 c grg •16x32 in -gro u n d po o l
•Nice 2 BR Ho m e lo ca ted o n La rge Lo t •O pen K itchen & Din in g Area •Spa cio u s Livin g Ro o m •En clo sed Fro n t Po rch •Fa m ily Rm in Ba sem en t •Deta ched Grg & Ca rpo rt •New erRo o fa n d W in d o w s
M LS #2015 5 16 70
M LS #2016 10987
Prin ceton
Prin ceton
$5 4 ,5 00
$214 ,5 00
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
629 W .Pin k n ey St.
435 S.180 E.
•Nice 2 BR Ho m e in a q u iet Neighbo rho o d •Spa cio u sLiv Rm ,ea t-in K it,Upd a ted BA •Utility Rm w ith O u tsid e a ccess •La rge Ba ck ya rd ,Shed •Grea t Sta rterHo m e o rIn vestm en t Pro perty
•3 BR,1.5 BA Brick Ho m e •Lo ca ted ju st o u t o fto w n o n 2 Acres•New Ro o f,La rge Su n ro o m •Hu ge Ba ck Pa tio fo rEn terta in in g • 2 C Att Grg •2 Hea ted O u tbu ild in gsu sed fo rw o rk sho p & sto ra ge
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
M LS #2015 4 5 772
M LS #2016 096 4 5
Boon ville
1644 Hu n sa k erRd .
$84 0,000
•Lo ca ted o n wa terw ith 41 seclu d ed a cres •Cu sto m bu ild lo d ge style ho m e •5 BR,3 fu llBA a n d 3 ha lfBA •Cu sto m chefsd rea m k itchen Pa toka 208 E.Apa che •La rge screen ed in po rch fo rscen icview in g •Perfect Spo t fo ryo u rDrea m Ho m e!!! •3 ca ra tta ched ga ra ge a n d 1 ca ra tta ched •1.4 AcresLo t •Lo ca ted o n the La k e ga ra ge •Aweso m e recrea tio n a lho m e
$18,900 $18,5 00 -$22,000
M LS #2015 14 782
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
M LS #2016 14 4 97
Desira ble Bu ild in g Lo tso n Ben chm a rk Dr. (o ffO ld Petersbu rg Rd .) 6 Lo ts-.668 a cresto .885 a cres.
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
w w w .Tim M a son Tea m .com MIDWEST
REAL ESTATE Offices in Princeton and Evansville
Tri-State Media Homes
The Ti m M a s o n Tea m Tru st th e Pro fessio n a ls Tim M a so n
812-664 -084 5
tim m a so n @ rem a x.n et
Each Office Independently Owned & Operated.
Ja n M a so n
812-664 -2022
ja n m a so n @ rem a x.n et
Prin ceton
Prin ceton
$73 ,000
$73 ,000
102 W .Sta te St.
118 E.Sta te St.
•La rge o pen spa n bu ild in g •Fin ished u pperlevel•Grea t lo ca tio n o n sign a led co rn er•Co rn erlo ca tio n in d o w n to w n Prin ceto n •Reta il,resta u ra n t o rm a n y o therco m m ercia lu ses
•4,488 SF bu ild in g •2 sto ry,brick bu ild in g •Pa rtia lba sem en t •Va ca n t in vestm en t pro perty M LS #2015 3 785 8
M LS #2015 3 786 0
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Prin ceton
Prin ceton
$4 3 ,000
$5 0,000
216 W .Sta te St.
105 E.Bro a d w a y
•M u ltiu se bu ild in g •Apa rtm en t, o ffice o rreta il•Gu tted bu ild in g, rea d y fo rren o va tio n s•Lo w erlevel w a su sed a sreta ilw ith a pa rtm en t u psta irs
•To ta lly ren o va ted Bu ild in g •Lo ca ted o n Do w n to w n Sq u a re •Grea t fo rReta ilo rO ffice Spa ce
M LS #2015 2903 9
M LS #2015 3 786 1
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Prin ceton
Prin ceton
$5 5 ,900
$14 0,000
118 W .Sta te St.
201 N.Ha rt St.
•Do w n to w n Bu ild in g W ith O ffice O rReta il Spa ce •Apa rtm en t In Rea rO fThe Bu ild in g •Pa rk in g In Fro n t O fBu ild in g O rRea r Pa rk in g Lo t •Fo u rFlo o rsBu t The SF Reflects M a in Level•3 LevelsAre Un fin ished
•Fo rm erly Greek sResta u ra n t a n d Ca n d y Sto re •Sa le in clu d esbu ild in g,ta bles,cha irs a n d bo o ths•O rn a te w o o d w o rk & ca bin ets in very go o d co n d itio n •Upperflo o rco u ld be fin ished in to lo ft a pa rtm en ts
M LS #2015 4 6 3 95
M LS #2015 3 73 25
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Prin ceton
W in slow
$74 ,5 00
$295 ,000
608 E.Christia n St.
477 S.Sta te Ro a d 61
•Tw o Bu ild in gs•9 Sleepin g Rm sW / Po ssible 12 •Three Ba thro o m s•O n e Bld g in clu d esw o rk sho p •Also in clu d esa ga ra ge,cu rren tly u sed fo rsto ra ge
•W ellBu ilt Bu ild in g •O rigin a lly bu ilt fo r M ed ica lFa cility •Co u ld be co n verted to m a n y d ifferen t o ffice types•5,500 Sq u a re feet o fspa ce w ith severa lsepa ra te o ffices •Lo bby,co n feren ce ro o m a n d restro o m s •Brick exterio ra n d la rge pa rk in g lo t.
M LS #2016 14 5 6 6
M LS #2014 4 086 0
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ha u b sta d t
Ha u b sta d t
$3 70,000
110 W .1100 S.
151 E.SR 68
•Grea t In vestm en t Pro perty•Lo w Va ca n cy Ra te •Ad d itio n a lRo o m fo r1-2 Bu ild in gs• In clu d esCo in O pera ted W a sher& Dryer• Lo ca ted o n Ed ge o fHa u bsta d t •M in u tesfro m Eva n sville & Prin ceto n
•In d u stria lBld g.o rW a reho u se Fa cility •Prim e Lo ca tio n ;5 M in fro m I64 & To yo ta •9,600 SF Bld g, in clu d in g 1,600 SF M essa n in e •O ver2 Acreso f La n d fo rExpa n sio n •3 Pha se Electric,20’ea ve height •O ven /w eld ro o m ,w a sh ro o m ,2 restro o m s •Clim a te co n tro lled m a chin e ro o m & brea k a rea
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
Ca llTim o rJa n M a so n a t812-664-0 845
M LS #2015 3 3 214
M LS #2016 173 99
w w w .Tim M a son Tea m .com MIDWEST
REAL ESTATE Offices in Princeton and Evansville
Tri-State Media Homes
Page 7
See All My Listings At:
midwestrealestategroup.com realtor.com buyhomesnow.com remax.com 2 Locations: Princeton And Evansville
Jana Creek
Broker Associate, ABR, ASP, CDPE
303 S. 1st Street, Owensville ~ $37,900
• Cute 2 Bedroom Home • Newer Double Paned Windows • Large Yard • 1 Car Detached Garage MLS #201618575
Each Office Independently Owned and Operated!
SOLD 9659 W., SR 165, Owensville ~ $68,000
• Sears & Roebuck Co. Modern Homes • 3 BR, 2 BA • Beautiful Woodwork • Newer HVAC • Newer Septic System MLS #201611417
1804 E. Broadway, Princeton ~ $114,900
• 3BR, Remodeled Home • New Kitchen, New Windows • New Bath, some new wiring • Full Unfinished bsmt with water proof system • Huge Yard MLS #201544862
Visit My Website at www.janacreek.com
In Need of Roofing or Remodeling? • Metal Roofing • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Vinyl Siding • Dimensional Shingles • Standing Seam Roofing
Page 8
Low Rail Metal Roofing
Vinyl Replacement Windows
Dimensional Shingles
FREE Estimates • 100% Financing
12400 Darmstadt Rd., Evansville, IN 47725 • 855-601-7663 OR 812-963-3130 www.tristateroofingandremodeling.com • Locally owned & operated • Licensed/Bonded Tri-State Media Homes
Provid in g Excellen t Q u ality at an Affo rd able Price. • New Co n stru ctio n • Rem o d elin g • Via tera Q u a rtz • Co lo rQ u a rtz • Ha n d Cra fted Ca bin ets, • Po u red M a rble Ba th Tu bs& Sho w ers • M a rble Do g Dishes • Gra n ite Fire Pits • La rge Selectio n Fa u cets & Un d erm o u n t Sin k s
Free Estim ates.N o job too sm all.
Letou r exp er tsm a ke you r hom e look g rea t!
105 N .7th S t.Prin ceto n 812-635 -4 314 w w w.fa ceb ook.com /K a itysC u stom C a b in ets Tues-Fri– 9 a m -4pm •Sa t– 10 a m -3pm (Centra lTim e) (Clo sed Sunda y & M o nda y)
Residential Commercial
1286 W. 150 S. Hwy 41 N • Princeton, IN 47670 • Phone: 812-385-2279 Tri-State Media Homes
Page 9
With new property listings available in print every month, the TSM Homes magazine makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for in a home. Pick up your copy today, from your local real estate professional or on a newsstand location.
Tri-State Media
Page 10
Serving Gibson, Warrick And Pike Counties In Indiana And Wabash County, Illinois Tri-State Media Homes
Tri-State Media Homes
Page 11
w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m – w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m
We’re Selling Houses! We Need Listings!
Bob Meeks
Josh Meeks
Associate Broker
908 N. 2nd Street, Winslow
5091 S. Lincoln Ave.,
$54,900 MLS#201602172
$54,900. MLS# 201615808
Oakland City 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home. Features include Nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with newer a master bedroom with walk-in closet and half bath. Full basement with a shower and roof and siding. Home has a large lot and 1 car attached garage. work bench.
5328 S. 925 East, Oakland City
Brandy Marshall 677-0902 Associate Broker
Bill Atkins
Damon Atkins
812-779-7372 812-779-7578 Associate Broker Associate Broker
Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA country home features beautiful tile, real hardwood floors, large bedrooms, walk-in closets, and a huge laundry room. Two car att grg features w/ auto maint. and possible rm upstairs for a lg guest BR. Beautiful view from the lg front porch. Five acres and a 50x60 pole barn.
1114 S. Carroll Ave., Princeton
Huge Double Lot on the corner of S. Carroll Ave and Olive Drive, next to Hansens. Excellent Lot and neighborhood.
We’re Selling!! Call to list your home or property today! $219,000. MLS# 201612043
$8,900. MLS# 201616445
416 N. Jackson, Oakland City Nice 2 bedroom bungalow style home. $44,900 MLS#201514947
442 W. Glendale, Princeton Nicely Remodeled 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Home in an Excellent Neighborhood. $64,900 MLS#201534977
210 W. Morton, Oakland City Very nice 2-3 bedroom, 1 bath home with many updates. Full basement. 2 car detached garage. $64,900 MLS#201520846
402 E. North St., Winslow Newly remodeled 4BR, 2BA home. Master bath has jetted tub. $83,000 MLS#201433949
12135 E. Hickory Lane, Oakland City 619 E. Morton, Oakland City 411 N. Hart, Princeton Absolutely Beautiful 4 BR, BA Spacious 4 bedroom home with Spacious 7 BR, 2 BA home with home in a private neighborhood! $58,000 in improvements in 2012. sun porch and fenced back yard Very well kept landscape and New roof, siding and fireplace insert and 1 car detached garage. A inground pool area. in ‘12 much more. must see for a large family! $193,000 MLS#201609241 $80,000 MLS#201547499 $89,000 MLS#201552567
Page 12
1000 E. CR 1000 South, Somerville Very Nice 12 Acre Parcel. Land is still currently under bond with coal mine but can be used for farming, etc. with consent. Excellent piece of property in a great location. $44,900. MLS# 201607054
w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m – w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m
w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m – w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m
1522 S. Dongola Rd., Oakland City
Country living at its best. Beautiful 6 bedroom home, with all the amenities you could want. The home has all been updated in the past 2 years; New roof, siding, furnace & air in 2013, water heater in 2015. The master bedroom has a large walk in closet. All appliances, a large pole barn and hot tub are included. It also includes a large building lot with basketball court on the opposite side of the road. Don’t miss this one of a kind home. It wont last long.
We’re Selling Houses! We Need Listings!
$187,000. MLS# 201604191
Bob Meeks
Josh Meeks
Associate Broker
Brandy Marshall 677-0902 Associate Broker
Sale Pending!
Bill Atkins
Damon Atkins
1353 S. Metro Drive, Princeton
812-779-7372 812-779-7578 Associate Broker Associate Broker
2 bedroom, 1.5 BA home just south of Princeton was built in 2003 on 1.628 acres. Home also features a detached garage. $199,900. MLS# 201606168
118 E. Mill St., Oakland City
203 N. Ninth, Princeton
2 bedroom, 1 bath bungalow style home with a screened in front porch.
$22,000 MLS#201538479
Nice 2 bedroom home with a fenced in back yard.
$47,900 MLS#201514963
210 N. 7th St., Princeton
3 lots w/ a pole barn. Five bays w/ office & lots of storage. Formerly Greer’s Garage
$49,500 MLS#201549147
Let us help you find the new home that’s just right for you! Contact our experienced agents to show any property in this book and assist you through the entire purchase process. We would also be glad to assist with listing and selling any property for you.
You can count on us! Call 812-386-6777 or come by 702 S Main Street, Princeton, IN
Bob Meeks, Broker/Owner Josh Meeks, Associate Broker Brandy Marshall, Associate Broker Bill Atkins, Associate Broker Damon Atkins, Associate Broker
812-664-2840 812-631-1862 812-677-0902 812-779-7372 812-779-7578
w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m – w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m
Page 13
w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m – w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m
386-6777 664-2840 631-1862
PIZZA VILLAGE IS FOR SALE 1022 E. Broadway, Princeton
In Business For 40 Years - Serving Great Italian Food. For Over 40 Years. With an office and a Huge Concrete Lot. Great Location for Office or Car Lot. Bob Meeks
Josh Meeks
Associate Broker
$99,900 MLS#809105
120 N.E. 750 West, Francisco
120 Acres + in East Gibson
Prime Farmland! Brandy Marshall 677-0902 Associate Broker
Bill Atkins
Damon Atkins
812-779-7372 812-779-7578 Associate Broker Associate Broker
18 Acres
Of Nice Timber On The Patoka River. $39,900
Several City Building Lots Available Call Bob 664-2840
4.5 Acres
Of Timber On Logtown Road Near Ayrshire.
Other Small Parcels Available
115 E. Illinois St., Princeton
2 bedroom 1 bath home on a large corner lot. Upon entering you will walk into an over-sized living room with a vent less gas fireplace. The main level also features a bedroom and a Sun Room. The second level has an additional family room, an eat in kitchen, and a large bedroom with ample closet space, and a bathroom. This home is a must see to appreciate all that it has to offer.
Page 14
$69,900. MLS# 201616009
We Pay Cash For Distressed Houses.
Call 812-664-2840 or 812-631-1862 3463 S. State Rd. 57, Oakland City
Lovely 2BR, 1BA mobile home on 0.7 acres. Nice detached garage with workbenches and storage. Many updates inside! Covered front porch. $36,500.
MLS# 201548849
w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m – w w w . s e l l 4 f r e e g i b s o n c o u n t y. c o m
602 East Main, Petersburg 354-8893
SOLD 4 bedroom, 3 bath brick ranch on 2 acres with lake. Located close to town with country feel.
Hardware store building on Main Street in Petersburg. Has 2 apartments upstairs for immediate income.
.857 acre lot with pole barn. Has electric and water. $10,000 MLS#201534407
Just 2.5 miles from Booneville, this country home has 5.5 acres, 3 bedr. home with 2 full baths, partially finished basement, attached garage and additional out buildings. Very nice home.
Large older home with lots of possibilities. 2 story with basement and extra lot. Needs work. $33,000 MLS#201547379
3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch in the Prides Creek Addition to Petersburg. Immediate possession and priced to sell at
$119,500. MLS#201557028
Vacant lot on Main Street Petersburg.
$9,000. MLS#201601066
2 bedroom home with extra lot and basement. Newer kitchen and some hardwood floors. Priced to sell at
$37,000 MLS#201547378
Eddie Boyd, Kay Helfen, Addey Boyd, Kathy Kixmiller Principal Broker Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Broker 812-582-1145 812-354-5599 812-354-5508
PRICE REDUCED 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch on 2.2 acres. Newly remodeled with all new windows, new cabinets, new flooring. Has full basement, detached garage and pole barn. Priced to sell at
$164,500. MLS#201555709
Great utility building with lots of parking and storage areas.
$45,000. MLS#201601064
$15,000. MLS#201601061
23 acres by Pike State Forest with nice 2 BR, 2 BA, 32 x 32 garage, hunting building, barn and 2 ponds. Perfect for the outdoorsman. MLS#201531183
2 BR bungalow, lots of updates including roof, windows, heating and air. $64,900 MLS#201536828
4 bedroom, 3+ bath, brick ranch on large lot in Petersburg. Has 2 rooms finished in basement, and large barn with multiple uses. $199,900 MLS#201555606
Mobile home currently used as rental.
3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch Lots of space, this home offers on corner lot in Oakland City. large LR, huge kitchen and 2 large Back yard is fenced. Great investment property, bedrooms. Also has many updates Has attached 2 car garage ready to move into. Has 1 BR, including newer furnace and and separate garage. 1 BA and 7x12 utility shed. replacement windows.
$164,500 MLS#201605650 $69,900 MLS#201608983 Wood shop with nice log cabin on Hwy 61 in Pike County. Wood shop is equipped with everything you need to start your own business. Sits on 1.77 acres
Great piece of property. 45 acres, some farm ground, some woods, great for hunting. MLS#201552072
Tri-State Media Homes
New Broker
Kathy Kixmiller 812-354-5508
Page 15
$28.5 Million closed in 2015 2015 Accomplishments
Closed over $28.5 million • Closed 223 transactions Ranked #1 in the State of Indiana Based on written units for listings represented Ranked #1 in the State of Indiana Based on written units for buyers represented Ranked #1 in the State of Indiana Based on listings sold and buyers represented combined
Waldroup Team Our success in real estate is due to our passion, experience, professionalism and commitment to serving your real estate needs. We are constantly educating ourselves on the latest trends in the marketplace so we can find the right home for you or price your home to sell accordingly. On our website, you will find all of the information you need to buy or sell a home. If you need more information about homes in your area, please contact us today so we can provide you with the latest information.
F.C. Tucker Emge REALTORS®
GrantSellsHomes.com • TalktoAnita.com • TalktoAaron.com Page 16
210 E. Broadway • Princeton, Indiana | 812.386.6200 Tri-State Media Homes
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LindaFolsomHomes.com CELL t OFFICE 812.473.0123 or 800.921.0123 F.C. Tucker Emge REALTORSÂŽ Independently Owned & Operated
1104 S. Seminary St., Princeton
210 E. Warrick, Owensville
SALE PENDING 639 E. Water, Princeton
1222 sq. ft. 2BR/1BA, 0.162 acres.
1162 sq. ft. 2BR/1BA, 0.32 acres.
1606 sq. ft., 2BR/2.5BA, 0.648 acres
$35,000 MLS# 201616965
566 S. Pineview, Princeton 3 BR, 2 BA, .50 Acre. Country setting.
$153,000 MLS# 201607734
$25,000 MLS# 201609716
500 S. Willard, Ft. Branch
3BR, 1.5BA, large lot, move in ready
$137,000 MLS# 201602460
6796 W., 450 S., Owensville
422 E. Walnut St., Owensville
$174,500 MLS# 201610288
$137,000 MLS# 201607420
4 BR, 2.5 BA Log Home, Partial Finished Walk Out Basement, 1.88 Acre
Partial finished basement. 1 owner in 59 years.
$73,500 MLS# 201612025
2707 Malibu, Evansville
3 BR, 2 Full/1 Half BA, 2,136 sq. ft.
$169,500 MLS# 201550351
Whole subdivision $90,000 or individual lots for sale OVER $300,000 Investment Must Sell!
MLS# 201611028
F.C. Tucker Emge REALTORSÂŽ Tri-State Media Homes
Page 17
Arnold Real Estate 812-886-0202
North DK Inc.
2133 Washington Ave., Vincennes, IN 47591 office: 812-886-0202 fax: 812-886-0252
5748 N. 2300 Lane, West Salem, IL
Managing Broker (812) 881-9497
Open House May 15th 1pm-3pm Central Time
Beautiful, well maintained Ranch home, country living with 5 acres. Home features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, large family room, with a total of 9 rooms. Lots of closets and storage areas, plus 2 car att. garage. Wonderful kitchen with Call for an appointment now, Agent; Marilyn Doades ceramic counter tops. Located just outside of Lancaster, IL $189,900. 812-881-9497 or: mkdoades@gmail.com
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to a new
Home tsm
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Page 18
Gibson, Warrick And Pike Counties In Indiana And Wabash County, Illinois
Tri-State Media Homes
arner W Real Estate
We make it personal!
We’re here to assist you in finding a home or selling your home and loan assistance.
Commercial • Residential • Acreage
#3008 Great New Listing! Just remodeled. Cute as can be. 2 bedroom bungalow on nice lot on the edge of Petersburg. New bath, large country kitchen, replacement windows, freshly painted and more. Garage and garden spot. Ask about possible financing options. Best of all…$32,000. Immediate possession. #3011 Perfect location great home 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch on .40 acre m/l decorator designed hutch entertainment center at 16x24 garage and separate new garage, chainlink fencing, large back yard, electric range included, very well kept #3006 Cute and just remodeled 2 bedroom bungalow on large lot with garage. Great location, edge of Petersburg, very large kitchen, new bath. Low price! #1023 Outdoorsman’s Dream in 11 acres of woods with 3 acres cleared. 10 year old rustic 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Open living room with fireplace, 2 wooden decks and detached 2-car garage. Immediate occupancy. Call today! Owner will listen to
all reasonable offers! #3004 Just listed. Completely remodeled 2 BR brick, full basement on 1/2 acre in country, SR 57 N., Petersburg. 100 year old school house, screened in front porch. Reduced! #1085 112 Harvest Lane, Petersburg (Meadowbrook Subd.) 1,850 sq. ft. beautiful brick ranch. Custom built, newer roof, windows and flooring. Beautiful sunroom and gazebo. 24 foot living room. Heated garage. Extra large lot. All improvement in last 6 years. Edge of Petersburg. Owner will entertain all serious offers. #1009 Excellent location. Quiet edge of town. 3 BR with full basement. Beige vinyl with green shutters Cape Cod. 2-car detached garage/workshop. 3/4 acre of trees. Just what you’ve been calling to see! Owner will listen to good offers! #1092 2 acres and 4,000 sf commercial building. Built in 2010. Excellent location at the edge of Petersburg on Hwy. 57 N. Quality construction. Negotiable price! #1028 Low priced family home on 1/4 block. 3 BR, full basement, carport, close to school and downtown. $20’s. Make a good offer. #1079 1 acre commercial
4032 N. St. Rd. 61, Petersburg Corner of Hwy. 61 & Pride’s Creek Rd. Patricia Warner, Managing Broker: 812-354-6013 or 812-582-1734 Rhonda Dillon, Broker: 812-354-5775 or 812-354-5645 Kim Willett, Broker: 812-766-0915 Warner Real Estate Office: 812-354-2867
building sites available on Prides Creek Road across from Prides Creek Subd. $10,000 per acre. #1083 2 parcels, 30 acres each, perfect for hunters and campers. Electric and water available, blacktop frontage, large amount of acreage is in water, wellstocked for fishing, some clearings, rest in woods. Build site. Also has 20 acres that are perfect for hunters, campers and homes. Call for details. Owner will entertain all serious offers. Small fixer upper good location extra lot $8,000 #3001 Cutest little 3 BR, 2 BA ranch on SR 57 S., Petersburg. Newer furnace,
C/A windows and roof. Seller willing to help with closing cost. Solid maple cabinets, carport, possible commercial. $37,000. #3007 Perfect building lot. Rare on the market. Located on State Road 61 newer Meadowbrook Subd. More than a half acre. #3005 Extremely rare for the Pike Co. market! Very well-built 2-3 bedroom brick home, � � basement with walkout, good-sized rooms, extra large and bright kitchen and more. #1087 Lower-priced family home on 3/4 acres plus 30’x45’ pole garage. Very nice acreage, 2-3 bedrooms. $38,900.
SOLD See Us On Facebook
Warner Real Estate Patricia A . Warner
Listings Are Of Vital Importance Right Now!
We have approved buyers, please consider Warner Real Estate. It’s a seller’s market! Recent sales have tripled! Tri-State Media Homes
Page 19
Don Morrow Broker (812) 677-0140
Jenny Feagley Realtor (812) 677-0137
Serving Gibson County and surrounding areas since 1968. RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL * FARMS * QUALIFIED APPRAISAL SERVICES
110 Acres Woodland Quality Timber-Pike Co. $462,000
224 Acres $850,000
177 Acres $725,000
Lots to build on near West Brumfield
Tired of all the internet shopping? Let Jenny do the work for you.
Call her TODAY at 812-677-0137 and let her find the perfect place for you!
PENDING Commercial 102 W. Garfield, Princeton $215,000 3,456 sf office and warehouse 4.6 acres MLS#808717
Page 20
6267 N. Nixon Rd., Hazleton – $169,000
4BR, 2.5BA, 2 Acres, 2 Car Att. Grg., 2 pl. bldg. MLS#201548616 Tri-State Media Homes
8 Acres W. Glass St. $48,000
Rea d yto m ove?
W e a re rea d y to help !
Ca llTod a y!
James Broshears Jr. Principal Broker WWW.BROSHE ARSRE ALTY.COM
0-315 Brick home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room, eat-in kitchen, full basement that is 3/4 finished, attached 2 car garage, enclosed back porch, 2 lots about 135 x 150 each, located at 1014 N. Main Street in Oakland City, asking $89,000.
0-316 This is a nice 3 bedroom home. 2 baths, large kitchen and living room, computer room, double car garage, utility building, 1 acre at edge of OC on good blacktop road for only $115,000.
0-312 Gudgel 2.5 ac
• 2 Bedrooms • Building Sites
• 3 Bedrooms • Small Acres
0-318 Small but very nice 2 bedroom, one bath, kitchen, dining room, living room, utility room, basement, yard barn, good starter home or rental home at 224 N. Jackson Street in OC for only $45,000.
Gibson County Section 36 R-9-W
0-237B Corn 16.04.5 ac $48,500 Gibson County Section 1 R-8-W
0-309 Williams 11.92 ac $83,500 Southwest corner of Hwy 61 & 64 510 W. Morton Hwy. 64 Oakland City
0-317 Brick home on corner lot. This home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen & family room together, nice size living room, enclosed back porch, attached 2 car garage at 925 W Drive in O.C.
Call James Broshears, JR. 812-749-3274 Tri-State Media Homes
Jerry Basham 812-749-4446 Page 21
Managing Broker, Brandon Hodgson
415 N. Market St.
Mount Carmel, IL
6637 HWY 11
THIS TOTALLY REMODELED 3 BEDROOM HOME OFFERS AN OPEN FLOOR PLAN with a striking kitchen with beautiful cabinets, high definition counter top, and ceramic tile flooring. Updates include new wiring, updated plumbing, new drywall, vinyl windows, new water heater, and updated furnace and air. On top of all of this there is a stunning bath with ceramic tile floors, lovely vanity, and oversize tub/shower option. At the rear of the home is a large back yard with a wooded backdrop. Upstairs are two spacious bedroom options.
THIS LOVELY HOME SITS ON CHERRY ST. AND OFFERS TONS OF CHARACTER. At the front of the home is a welcoming covered front porch. Just inside is a foyer that opens to both the formal dining area as well as the large living room both of which offer great space and tons of natural light. The spacious eat-in-kitchen offers a bench seating and great counter space. A convenient half bath is located on the main floor. Upstairs are three bedrooms and two full baths. In the full basement is is a family room option with bar area. Outside the home is a 2 car detached garage.
211 EAST 5TH STREET 211 EAST 5TH STREET: Stunning 4 Bed/3bath Brick Home W/Beautiful Hardwood Floors: Totally remodeled kitchen, and full partially finished basement. Updates include a new roof and updated heating system, 1 car det. garage.
3-4 BEDROOM 2 BATH HOME ON HISTORIC CHERRY ST. w/FULL PARTIALLY FINISHED BASEMENT: Hardwood floors in LR, updates include New architectural shingle roof, vinyl windows throughout, updated wiring, and high eff. gas furnace.Well insulated, 1 car att. garage.
601 PEACH STREET 4 BEDROOM/3 BATH HOME: on large secluded lot w/vinyl privacy fence, 2 car detached garage w/loft, full part. finished basement: updates include new windows, remodeled baths, updated roof, new flooring throughout, GREAT PRICE!!! $104,900
319 EAST 3RD STREET - $116,900 TOTALLY REMODELED 3-4 BED/2 BATH FOLK VICTORIAN HOME: Welcoming foyer w/stunning hardwood floor that spans throughout the main floor of the home, lg living room, formal dining area, striking kitchen w/tons of solid wood cabinets, spacious family room, 3 outbuildings, updated roof, vinyl windows, & updated A/C.
Marcerie Hocking 618-263-8025 Jay Goodson 618-262-3185 Kim Goodson 618-262-3186
LOVELY 3 BED/2 BATH RANCH HOME IN GREAT LOCATION: Just across the street from golf course and city park: Open floor plan with a totally remodeled kitchen w/Cambria Quartz counter tops, granite sink, beautiful wood laminate flooring, and custom made cabinets, remodeled guest bath w/granite counter top, newly added master bath w/porcelain tile, double sinks, and two closets one of which is a spacious walk-in-new roof in 2013, high eff. furnace & air, wood burning fireplace, lg back yard, storm shelter.
Page 22
3 BED/2 BATH HOME IN COUNTRY SETTING: 2 acre shaded lot w/24’ x 32’ pole barn 2 car framed carport, relaxing sunroom and covered rear deck: Wood burning fireplace, new roof in 2014!!! Full Access To Mesa Lake!!!
1119 GRENELEFE STREET - $189,000 EXQUISITE 2 STORY HOME IN OAK MEADOW SUBDIVSION w/FULL FINISHED BASEMENT AND FENCED IN BACK YARD This 4 bed/3.5 bath home offers tons of living space and an open floor plan, beautiful hardwood floors, large living room w/ gas fireplace opening to eff. kitchen w/bar area & breakfast nook, formal dining room, master suite w/attached master bath w/double sink, sit down shower and walk in closet, 2 car attached garage 6 ft. vinyl privacy fence-2 lots.
230 NORTH CHERRY STREET STUNNING CHARACTER, TOP OF THE LINE UPGRADES, LOW MAINTENANCE, ALL IN A GREAT LOCATION!! Lovely covered wrap around porch, welcoming foyer, beautiful woodwork including hardwood floors, living and family room w/pocket doors, formal dining area, striking kitchen w/granite counter top, quartz, sink, quality cherry cabinets, bar area, and attractive wood flooring, 3 bedrooms feature spacious cedar lined closets one of which is a walk-in-remodeled baths, full walk-out-basement, brand new 2 car det. garage w/covered patio. Brand new roof!!
Tri-State Media Homes
Marcerie Hocking 618-263-8025 Jay Goodson 618-262-3185 Kim Goodson 618-262-3186
618-263-8622 DHIREALTY.COM
415 N. Market St.
Mount Carmel, IL
THIS LOVELY 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME SITS ON THREE LOTS IN A GREAT IN TOWN LOCATION ACROSS FROM THE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND FEATURES A FENCED IN YARD. Inside the home is a large living room with beautiful hardwood floors. This opens to the formal dining area making the home ideal for entertaining. The home’s kitchen has been remodeled and featuring tons of counter space, striking solid wood cabinets, and updated flooring. At the rear of the home is a spacious addition allow for a great family room area/den. A half bath is conveniently located on the main floor. Upstairs are 4 bedrooms all with nice size closets with the master offering his/her option, as well as a full bath. The full basement offers a storm shelter as well as great storage. Other updates include vinyl windows and an architectural shingle roof.
THIS LOVELY HOME IS LOCATED IN A GREAT LOCATION NEAR THE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND OFFERS A LARGE FENCED IN BACK YARD. At the front of the home is a welcoming Front Porch with a New Charming Front Door. Inside the home is a spacious Living Room with beautiful hardwood floors and tons of character. This opens to the home’s Formal Dining Room with New Fixtures. The kitchen includes a large Walk-in Pantry and has been updated with Ceramic Tile Flooring, Marble Counter Tops, and negotiable Stainless Steel Appliances. Both bedrooms offer updated carpeting and have Walk-in Closets with the Master Bedroom offering built in storage. The completely remodeled bath includes Updated Flooring, New Vanity, and New Bathtub with double shower heads. A Full Basement offers tons of room for storage and possibly additional living space. Other Updates include all new wiring throughout.
AMAZING 4-5 BEDROOM/3 BATH HOME SITTING A LARGE BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED LOT NEAR GOLF COURSE, CITY PARK, AND CITY POOL: Large great room w/striking wood floor which spans into the stunning kitchen w/corian counter top w/bar area and lovely cabinets, family room w/cozy stone fireplace, relaxing sunroom, master bedroom w/att. master bath, office and game room options, 3 car parking driveway w/2 car att. garage - 38’ above ground pool w/ total deck surround. $249,900
7430 HIGHWAY 11
STRIKING NEWLY BUILT 5 BED/BED/2.5 BATH HOME in a quiet subdivision setting on +/- 1 acre w/wooded backdrop and access to private stocked pond: Open concept, stunning kitchen w/Island bar, living room w/gas burning fireplace, radiant floor heating, tons of fruit trees and plants, 2 car attached garage.
Managing Broker, Brandon Hodgson
THIS COUNTRY HOME SITS ON A PAVED PARTIALLY WOODED 3.26 ACRE LOT. These type of homes are few and far between and this one won’t last long!!! Inside the home is a very spacious living room with tons of natural light with its large picture window. This leads to the roomy kitchen featuring tons of cabinet and counter space. At the rear of the home is additional living space with tons of potential offering an option for an additional bedroom or family room. At the center of the home is a totally remodeled bath.
NEW LISTING!!! CHARMING AND FULL OF CHARACTER ARE SOME TERMS TO DESCRIBE THIS AMAZING HISTORIC HOME WITH A GREAT CHERRY STREET LOCATION. As you enter the home you’ll find a spacious living room with beautiful poplar hardwood flooring, fireplace, and stunning crown molding. This opens to the inviting formal dining room through the stunning arched doorway. Through here you access the relaxing sun porch for those much needed times of seclusion or an ideal space for entertaining. A cozy office opens to the completely updated eat-in-kitchen with new flooring, cabinets, and counter top. A large Master Bedroom offers new quality carpet and a spacious closet. The remodeled bath includes ceramic tile flooring and a new vanity. Upstairs you’ll find two roomy bedrooms both with Walk-in Closets and a convenient half bath. OTHER UPDATES INCLUDE NEW FURNACE/AIR CONDITIONER AS WELL AS A NEW HOT WATER HEATER, A bonus carriage house with money making potential features 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Full bath, Totally Remodeled Kitchen, and a loft bedroom. All of this rounds out this special property.
Tri-State Media Homes
THIS 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH HOME LOCATED IN A QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD AND OFFERS TONS OF CHARACTER WITH ITS AMAZING FRONT PORCH SPANNING THE WIDTH OF THE HOME. At the entrance of the home is a welcoming foyer with hardwood floors and a beautiful wooden staircase. As you enter into the spacious living room you’ll pass the original hardwood 7 panel pocket doors. Through here is the formal dining room offer plenty of space for holiday gatherings or just a nice family dinner. A COMPLETELY REMODELED KITCHEN OFFERS TONS OF HIGH QUALITY COUNTER TOPS, BEAUTIFUL CABINETS W/TONS OF DETAIL, AND A LARGE ISLAND W/BAR SEATING. The family room offers a place to sit back and relax and includes an additional access to the upstairs of the home. Upstairs you will find 4 bedrooms offering plenty of closet space and extra storage......
BE SURE TO LOOK AT THE INSIDE OF THIS ONE: Open floor plan-Beautiful hardwood floors, remodeled kitchen w/quality flooring, updated counter top, and refinished cabinets, formal dining area w/fireplace, large master bedroom, 1 car detached garage.
Page 23
• Robert E. Mundy • Verlin Snow • Emily Teague • Rosalind Nelson Wrye • Dana Magee • Josh Mortland • Larry Peterson • Darlene Underwood • Dave Wilderman • Laura Wilderman
BEAUTIFUL TWO-STORY HOME ON WEST FIFTH!!!! This home has three bedrooms, two baths, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with oak cabinets, spacious family room, partial basement and 336 sq. ft. wood deck. R-496
JUST LISTED!!! Nice, three bedroom, one bath home with living room, kitchen, office and partial basement. Also includes carport and two outbuildings. R-482
TWO-STORY BRICK HOME ON CHERRY STREET!!! Offers three bedrooms, two baths, living room with fireplace, dining room, applianced galley style kitchen, full basement, and screened-in porch. Also includes 2-car carport and 10 x 14 storage building. R-488
TERRIFIC NEW LISTING ON LARGE CORNER LOT!! Located on Poplar Street, this property offers three bedrooms, 1.5 baths, family room, kitchen , utility room and 1-car attached garage. R-498
! D L O S
A MUST SEE ON CHERRY!! Lovely four bedroom home with two full baths, living room, dining room, kitchen with dinette, large two-car garage, backyard with privacy fence and outbuilding. R-499
ATTRACTIVE BRICK HOME ON EAST NINTH STREET! –80ì This three-bedroom home features beautiful hardwood floors and high ceilings. It is tastefully decorated with spacious living room, dining room, kitchen with oak cabinets, bath and utility room with lots of storage. Added features include a 1-car detached garage. NICE CORNER LOT. R-497
Page 24
SELLER ANXIOUS TO SELL!! OUTSTANDING BRICK HOME ON ALDER ROAD!! This three bedroom, three bath beauty is in a great Northwood Subdivision location. It offers a living room, dining room, custom kitchen, family room with fireplace full basement, covered back porch and two car garage. PRICED AT $175,000. R-489
Tri-State Media Homes
LOVELY THREE BEDROOM HOME IN THE WESTVIEW ADDITION has one bath, spacious living room, kitchen, large utility room, full basement, and 2-car attached garage. R-494
• Robert E. Mundy • Verlin Snow • Emily Teague • Rosalind Nelson Wrye • Dana Magee • Josh Mortland • Larry Peterson • Darlene Underwood • Dave Wilderman • Laura Wilderman
BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SUGAR CREEK!!! This two story home offers three to four bedrooms, 4 baths, kitchen with white cabinets and bar that opens up to large living room, utility room, master bath with jacuzzi tub & separate shower, 2-1/2 car garage, wrap around deck and much, much more. A MUST SEE!!! R-491 $49,000
BEAUTIFUL HOME ON PINEHURST AVENUE!!! Lovely three bedroom home with two and a half baths on wooded lot, living room with fireplace and vaulted ceiling, dining room, kitchen, utility room, full basement, two-car attached garage, and enclosed porch with view of lake. R-406 $260,000 NEW PRICE $220,000 $129,000.00
NEW ONTO THEGOLF MARKET AND MOVE IN CLOSE COURSE & CITY READY!!! This Located on Lambert this POOL!!! beautiful home Drive, has three property offers three bedrooms, bath,fireplace, living bedrooms, two baths, living room, room, kitchen, utility room area, and 1-car spacious kitchen pantry, with island, breakfast utility attached garage. pool, Alsoand includes above ground room, in-ground 3-car attached garage. pool andFOR outbuilding. BROKER OWNED! CALL AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!!! R-447 $72,500 $89,500 R-486 $180,000
Tri-State Media Homes
BEAUTIFUL HOME ON 8.3 ACRES!!! – This gorgeous custom built house offers four bedrooms, two full baths, living room, dining room, kitchen with custom cabinets, full finished basement with kitchen area, swimming pool, and attached 3-car garage. Also includes outbuilding NEW guest LISTING!! This large property and/or house with open has area three and bedrooms, bedroom, bath, living dining lots room, fireplace, bath, room, kitchenette, of kitchen, and utility room. CALL TODAY!! R-485 storage and attached workshop. R452
GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!! – Perfect twelfth street location for your office. This 1360 sq. ft. traditional architectural design office building has a waiting room, reception area, offices and records storage. Has a break room and additional storage. Extras include brick exterior, asphalt parking area and central air. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE. C-056
QUALITY IN EVERY DETAIL!! – This spacious brick commercial building is perfect for any business with its large open back lot and sizeable parking area. It is in immaculate condition and ready for immediate possession. C-057
HOME IN GREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION!! - This beautiful ranch style home offers three bedrooms, 2 baths, vaulted ceiling in living room, two kitchens, dining room, family room, finished 2-car garage, landscaping and all the extras. The master bath includes a double vanity, walk-in shower and a garden tub. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!! PRICED AT $165,000. R-483
WALLET WATCHER’S DELIGHT!! – This attractive three bedroom home is located on a quiet cul-de-sac. It includes a spacious living room, kitchen with dining area, bath and laundry room. Has central air and yard barn. PRICED AT $40,000. R-461
Page 25
Southwestern Indiana’s leader in providing
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Page 26
501 Main Street, Suite 101, Evansville, Indiana 47708 Phone: 812.421.4000 Fax: 812.421.4090
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CALL NOW 812-868-8346 Tri-State Media Homes
Page 27
Are you ready to buy or sell? Contact Jay Foster today.
402 S. West St., Haubstadt
New Listing
• 3BR, 2 Story Home • Home has newer Windows, Updated Electrical • New Metal Roof & Vinyl Siding in 2013 • 2 Large Pole Barns 40x40 and 20x20 • Pole Barn has electric, water & insulation • Covered area in back added in 2013
$109,000 MLS#201617094
5156 S. 700 W., Owensville
• Nice Home in Quiet Country Setting • 3BR, 2BA Home • Unfinished walkout basement • Lots of possibilities!!!
$99,000 MLS#201609095
MIDWEST REAL ESTATE Each office independently owned and operated
Ja y Foster Bro kerAsso cia te
Page 28
812-6 77-04 88
jayfoster@mw.twcbc.com Tri-State Media Homes