Friday, February 15, 2019
72nd Annual Meeting and Election of Directors February 28, 2019 Mabel Courter Annex Building Mount Carmel, IL AGENDA Invocation
Election of Directors .................. Nominating Committee
Call to Order and Welcome .................Stanley, Chairman District Conservationist’s Remarks ............Gary Zwilling Introduction of head table and guests ............................ ........................................... Lee Berberich, Vice-Chairman PowerPoint Presentation ........................Colleen Kensler Minutes of last Annual Meeting .Liz Hoffman, Secretary Chairman’s Comments..............................Stanley Kelsey Treasurer’s and Audit Reports ... Liz Hoffman, Treasurer
Nominating Committee Report Nominating Committee DOOR PRIZES
Mount Carmel Register Friday, February 15, 2019
Wabash County Soil & Water Conservation District Minutes of the 71st Annual Meeting and Election • February 20, 2018 as presented. Charles Trimble seconded the motion and it passed with none opposed. The Annual Report was mailed as a supplement to the Daily Republican The Annual Meeting of the Wabash Register in the paper. There were copies County Soil & Water Conservation Disof this report available at each place settrict was held on Feb. 20, 2018, at the ting for everyone to read. The audit comMabel Courter Annex Building with mittee report was not included in this dinner served at 6 p.m. and the meeting edition but all accounts were checked immediately following at 7 p.m. There and proclaimed in order by the audit were a total of 15 landowners/operators committee on Aug. 15, 2017. The comand four guests. Directors present were Stanley Kelsey, Lee Berberich, Matthew mittee was made up of Tom Ford of First Marriott, Kurt Broster and Liz Hoffman. National Bank of Allendale, Mount Carmel Branch, and Liz Hoffman. A motion Staff present were Colleen R. Kensler was made by Jim Tennis to accept the and Gary Zwilling. Treasurer’s report and was seconded Chairman, Stanley Kelsey welcomed by Leland Marriott. The motion carried everyone and then had them stand for unopposed. the Pledge of Allegiance to the United A list of our sponsors for the year was States Flag. He then gave the invocation read and thanked again for helping us so the meal could begin and everyone through our year of projects. helped themselves to the lasagna, salad, Jim Tennis, Chairman of the Nominatgarlic bread and dessert catered for them ing Committee, which included Jared by Hogg Heaven Restaurant. Smith and Blake Pearson, introduced his The meeting was called to order at 7 wife and then read the Nominating Comp.m. when everyone had finished their mittee Report. The committee had asked meal. Lee Berberich, Vice Chairman, the three directors whose two-year terms introduced Charles Trimble, Wayne County Soil Conservationist, Ben Ander- were up, Stanley Kelsey, Lee Berberich and Matthew Marriott, if they would run son, Farm Credit Illinois that provided for reelection and all said they would like the meal. Wabash Valley Service Comto be on the board again. Those present pany was also thanked for providing the were asked three times if there were flowers on the tables. any other nominations, the nominations Sec./Treasurer Liz Hoffman, noted were closed. Upon hearing no objections, that the agenda, minutes from the last Annual Meeting and Treasurer’s Report John asked for a motion that these three directors be duly elected to fill the three were in the Annual report and could be two-year terms available. read there. She noted that the treasurLeland Marriott so motioned, with a ers report did not make it in the annual second from Charles Trimble, and all report and was enclosed in the annual report and if there were any additions of were reelected to be directors of the corrections to the agenda, minutes. None Wabash County SWCD with no one opposed. were presented. Karin Kelsey motioned The 2017 Wabash County Envirothon that the minutes and agenda be accepted SUBMITTED BY COLLEEN R. KENSLER WCSWCD RES. CONSERVATIONIST/ADMINISTRATIVE COORD.
Winning team from Mount Carmel High School was announced by Colleen Kensler. Jonas Trimble, Justin Berberich, Jaxon Walston, Liberti Noble and Madeline Jones were on the winning Wabash County team. There are usually two teams that compete from Wabash County. The 2017 Conservation Award for best 4-H Project in the Natural Resources area, “Natural Resources II - Explore the Natural World of Travelling Seeds” was presented to Connor Anderson and he accepted his awards at the 4-H and Junior Fair in July of 2017. No other entries were received in 2017 for the Conservation Photography Display or the Conservation Display. There are three different awards to be awarded and not always do we have entries for each award. Stanley Kelsey then gave his chairman’s comments and started with a joke and then spoke about 95% of the water on earth is in the ocean, water is in the air that we breathe, soil, my dog, but less than 1% of water on earth is fresh water fit for human consumption. 75% of babies are made up of water, your lungs are 83% water, and we can go three weeks without food but only 3 to 5 days without water. So, when asked why do we need conservation? Well for one very important thing, our water. Trevor Irwin of the Farm Service Agency spoke on how there are no active signups at this time. PLC signup is right now and needs to be done by May 1, 2018. There are storage loans available on many different storage areas besides bins. Trevor thanked Liz Hoffman for her duo role on the County committee and the Wabash County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Gary Zwilling spoke on the effort for there to be one USDA with Sonny Perdue and President Trump’s goal of partnership agencies in one office. The NWQI Crooked Creek Watershe Priority Area is still our main priority area. One million dollars have been spent so landowners and operators and that means that they have spent the same amount. We are in the fifth year because we and the people in our counties have worked together to spend it. This priority area has 33,000 acres in it. The CSP program has 3 to 5 enhancements for conservation on each practice. Applicants must meet criteria to qualify and can be enrolled for five years to complete their project. Client Gateway cna get you a receipt for service, copy, decline or accept a program. It is how we scan and send back and forth paperwork to be signed and finished. This is less trips for customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. March 1, 2018 at 8 a.m. at the Allendale Ruritan Club Building will be our Contractor’s Breakfast, so if you would like to attend a JULIE safety meeting be sure to attend this. The sponsored list in the annual report were read and thanked again for supporting our programs throughout the year. A various array of door prizes and the flowers that graced the tables were awarded by drawing out names and people picking their prize. There was a motion entertained to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. by Jim Tennis and seconded by Leland Marriott. There was no opposition and the meeting was adjounred at that time.
Wabash County Farm Bureau 1128 Oak Street • Mt. Carmel, Il. (618) 262-5865
AUCTIONEERS BRYAN GRANT 618-262-7691 (O) 618-240-5797 (C) Real Estate - Farms - Antiques - Appraisals
Carol Jo Beadles, Manager Staci Roberts, Administrative Asst.
Friday, February 15, 2019 Mount Carmel Register
Annual meeting
The Wabash and Lawrence Soil and Water Conservation Districts hold a contractor’s breakfast at Allendale Ruritan Building in Allendale, IL with the Ruritan members serving a wonderful breakfast to our Wabash and Lawrence County contractors. A safety video is presented by Roger Watwood, JULIE, Inc. Southern Illinois Damage Prevention Manager with changes In JULIE regulations to call in and register dig numbers. This sponsored by Illinois Gas Co., Texas Gas Transmission, Mount Carmel Public Utility, Fabick Cat, Springfield Plastics, and Marathon Pipeline. All contractors that have to dig to install their products or services are invited and this year’s is Feb. 21, 2019. So call in to get your place at the table reserved now. Submitted photo
Mount Carmel Register Friday, February 15, 2019
Soil and Water Conservation District Fish Sale
Fish Sale
Submitted photo
Kim Racster picking up his fish at the April Fish Sale in 2018. This year’s Fish Sale will be April 4, 2019. So if you need to restock or stock your pond, call your orders in soon.
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Reduce Soil Compaction with
PANHANDLER SOIL PENETRANT 1605 W. Broadway, Princeton 812-386-TIRE best1tir .com
Friday, February 15, 2019 Mount Carmel Register
Soil and Water Conservation District Tree Sales
Congratulations Wabash County Soil and Water
Mt. Carmel, IL 2419 W 9th Street • Mt. Carmel, IL 62863 618-262-7134
Mount Carmel Register Friday, February 15, 2019
Natural Resource Conservation Service staff
District officers
Submitted photo
Natural Resource Conservation Service staff for Wabash and Lawrence Counties are Wabash County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors pictured located in Lawrence County Illinois. Pictured are Brandon Rhinehart - Resource Conserfrom Left to right are Sec./Treasurer Liz Hoffman, Chairman Stanley Kelsey, Director vationist Technician, Nathaniel Crawford - Soil Conservationist and Gary Zwilling - District Conservationist for Wabash, Lawrence, Wayne, Edwards and Richland Counties. Matthew Marriott, Vice Chairman Lee Berberich and Director Kurt Broster. Submitted photo
Dozing • Backhoe Service T-L Center Pivot Irrigation Systems • Terrace Work Farm Drainage Tubing 2”thru 48” Irrigation Power Units & Pumps • Field Tiling • Ditch Maintenance Excavator Service (1 1/4 yard bucket) • Underground Irrigation Systems • Erosion Control Fabric Complete Plastic Line, Including Tubing & Smooth Wall
C.F.C.O., Inc. 16377 St. Rt. 33 - Lawrenceville, IL - 618-928-2527 STEVE KOCHER • BILL LEE • JEFF KOCHER Serving Illinois & Indiana
Friday, February 15, 2019 Mount Carmel Register
TREASURER’S ANNUAL REPORT DEBIT 1000 · UNRESTRICTED CASH 1000 · UNRESTRICTED CASH:1001 · District Operations Account 47,077.96 1000 · UNRESTRICTED CASH:1009 · Petty Cash 50.00 1000 · UNRESTRICTED CASH:1030 · Certificate of Deposit 31,967.01 1100 · RESTRICTED CASH:1101 · Program Account 111.49 1100 · RESTRICTED CASH:1101 · Program Account:1101.1 · CPP 20,090.52 1200 · ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 57.00 2050 · CREDIT CARDS:2050.02 · VISA - First National Bank 635.92 2050 · CREDIT CARDS:2050.02 · VISA - First National Bank:2050.A · VISA - FNB - Colleen 2100 · PAYROLL LIABILITIES:2120 · FEDERAL PAYROLL DEPOSIT:2140 · State Unemployment 2100 · PAYROLL LIABILITIES:2150 · EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:2150.03 · Employee IRA 50.00 2100 · PAYROLL LIABILITIES:2150 · EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:2150.02 · WCSWCD Deferred Compensation 2100 · PAYROLL LIABILITIES:2150 · EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:2150.04 · RC Deferred Compensation 25.00 2100 · PAYROLL LIABILITIES:2150 · EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:2150.06 · RC Section 105 Medical Reimburs 195.97
3900 · Fund Balance 4000 · FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 4100 · STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT:4100.1 · District Operations 4100 · STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT:4100.4 · District Reimbursements 4150 · STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORTRes.:4150.2 · CPP Income:4110.1 · CPP Funds In 4200 · LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT:4200.01 · County Board Grant 4300 · OTHER PUBLIC SUPPORT 4400 · SALES:4400.1 · Fish 4400 · SALES:4400.11 · Misc. Income 4400 · SALES:4400.2 · Trees 4400 · SALES:4400.4 · Flags 4400 · SALES:4400.8 · Books 4610 · ADVERTISING INCOME 4700 · RENTALS:4700.02 · Bag-a-nut Rental Income 4800 · INTEREST:4800.01 · District 4800 · INTEREST:4800.02 · Program 4800 · INTEREST:4800.04 · CD 5000 · COST OF GOODS SOLD:5000.01 · Trees 609.85 5000 · COST OF GOODS SOLD:5000.02 · Fish 301.70 6100.2e · Bag a Nut repairs 38.50 5100 · PAYROLL EXPENSES 650.00 5100 · PAYROLL EXPENSES:5100.01 · RC Wages 24,778.56 5100 · PAYROLL EXPENSES:5100.01 · RC
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Wages:5100.1e · Life Insurance 36.12 5100 · PAYROLL EXPENSES:5100.01 · RC Wages:5100.1d · Long Term Disability Insurance 40.93 5100 · PAYROLL EXPENSES:5100.01 · RC Wages:5100.1c · Employee Health Insurance 4,988.53 5100 · PAYROLL EXPENSES:5100.02 · AC Wages:5100.2b · AC Short Term Disability Ins 130.56 5120 · PAYROLL TAXES:5120.02 · Social Security 1,402.98 5120 · PAYROLL TAXES:5120.04 · Medicare 328.12 5120 · PAYROLL TAXES:5140 · State Unemployment 71.23 5200 · CONSERVATION PROGRAM PRACTICES:5200.01 · CPP 6,429.48 5250 · EDUCATION:5250.2 · 4th Grade Field Trip 8.08 5250 · EDUCATION:5250.4 · Envirothon 163.88 5300 · INSURANCE:5300.04 · Workers Comp 17.50 5300 · INSURANCE:5300.01 · Directors & Officers Insurance 1,154.00 5300 · INSURANCE:5300.02 · General Liability 127.50 5410 · LICENSES & FEES 11.77 5420 · HONORARIA AND AWARDS 100.00 5600 · SPECIAL EVENTS:5600.12 · Contractors Breakfast Expense 689.91 5600 · SPECIAL EVENTS:5600.01 · Annual
Meeting Expenses:5600a · Advertising 71.66 5600 · SPECIAL EVENTS:5600.08 · Wabash Valley LUC #11 22.30 6000 · OFFICE EXPENSE:6000.12 · Wireless Expense 796.10 6000 · OFFICE EXPENSE:6000.11 · Advertising Expense 73.33 6000 · OFFICE EXPENSE:6000.01 · General Supplies 186.96 6000 · OFFICE EXPENSE:6000.02 · Printing/ Copying 1,099.68 6000 · OFFICE EXPENSE:6000.03 · Computer Supplies 980.68 6010 · POSTAGE 102.35 6030 · DUES:6030.03 · Land Use Council 11 50.00 6050 · TRAVEL:6050.4 · Mileage:6050.4a · RC Mileage 821.71 6050 · TRAVEL:6050.4 · Mileage:6050.4b · AC Mileage 136.08 6051 · MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT:6051.1 · Meals:6051.1b · RC Meals 30.67 6051 · MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT:6051.1 · Meals:6051.1d · Annual Meeting Meals 270.00 6100 · EQUIPMENT EXPENSES:6100A · REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE:6100A1 · Office Equipment 85.00 6200 · RENT:6200.1 · Building Rent 5,400.00 9000 · INTEREST EXPENSE 6.69 TOTAL 152,473.28
Mount Carmel Register Friday, February 15, 2019
PROFIT AND LOSS BUDGET OVERVIEW July 2018 through June 2019 Ordinary Income/Expense
INCOME 4000 ¡ FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 1,500.00 4100 ¡ STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 4100.4 ¡ District Reimbursements 321.26 4100 ¡ STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT - Other 30,927.84 Total 4100 ¡ STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 31,249.10 4150 ¡ STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT- Res. 4150.1 ¡ InterCo. Contribution Agreement 8,661.90 4150.2 ¡ CPP Income 46,000.00 Total 4150 ¡ STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT- Res. 54,661.90 4200 ¡ LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 4200.01 ¡ County Board Grant 1,000.00 Total 4200 ¡ LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 1,000.00 4300 ¡ OTHER PUBLIC SUPPORT 750.00 4400 ¡ SALES 4400.12 ¡ Home Water Analysis Test Kits 35.00 4400.1 ¡ Fish 600.00 4400.11 ¡ Misc. Income 0.00 4400.2 ¡ Trees 400.00 4400.4 ¡ Flags 17.00 4400.5 ¡ Filter Fabric 300.00 4400.8 ¡ Books 30.00 Total 4400 ¡ SALES 1,382.00 4600 ¡ SPECIAL EVENTS INCOME
4600.1 ¡ Annual Meeting 800.00 Total 4600 ¡ SPECIAL EVENTS INCOME 800.00 4610 ¡ ADVERTISING INCOME 2,000.00 4650 ¡ EDUCATIONAL 4650.1 ¡ Envirothon Sponsors 150.00 Total 4650 ¡ EDUCATIONAL 150.00 4700 ¡ RENTALS 4700.02 ¡ Bag-a-nut Rental Income 25.00 4700.03 ¡ Fabric Check Installer Rental 100.00 4700.04 ¡ Root Plow Rental Income 50.00 Total 4700 ¡ RENTALS 175.00 4800 ¡ INTEREST 4800.01 ¡ District 100.00 4800.02 ¡ Program 100.00 4800.04 ¡ CD 250.00 Total 4800 ¡ INTEREST 450.00 Total Income 94,118.00 Cost of Goods Sold 5000 ¡ COST OF GOODS SOLD 5000.01 ¡ Trees 200.00 5000.02 ¡ Fish 400.00 5000.03 ¡ Flags 0.00 5000.06 ¡ Books 0.00 Total 5000 ¡ COST OF GOODS SOLD 600.00 Total COGS 600.00 Gross Profit 93,518.00
EXPENSE 5100 ¡ PAYROLL EXPENSES 5100.01 ¡ RC Wages 5100.1e ¡ Life Insurance 40.00 5100.1d ¡ Long Term Disability Insurance 38.00 5100.1c ¡ Employee Health Insurance 4,800.00 5100.1b ¡ RC Short Term Disability Ins 135.00 5100.01 ¡ RC Wages - Other 24,000.00
Total 5100.01 ¡ RC Wages 29,013.00 5100.02 ¡ AC Wages 5100.2b ¡ AC Short Term Disability Ins 0.00 Total 5100.02 ¡ AC Wages 0.00 5100 ¡ PAYROLL EXPENSES - Other 0.00 Total 5100 ¡ PAYROLL EXPENSES 29,013.00 5120 ¡ PAYROLL TAXES 5120.02 ¡ Social Security 1,650.00 5120.04 ¡ Medicare 400.00 5140 ¡ State Unemployment 67.00 Total 5120 ¡ PAYROLL TAXES 2,117.00 5200 ¡ CONSERVATION PROGRAM PRACTICES 5200.01 ¡ CPP 46,000.00 Total 5200 ¡ CONSERVATION PROGRAM PRACTICES 46,000.00 5250 ¡ EDUCATION 5250.1 ¡ Mat. & Sup. for School Programs 150.00 5250.4 ¡ Envirothon 250.00 Total 5250 ¡ EDUCATION 400.00 5300 ¡ INSURANCE 5300.04 ¡ Workers Comp 90.00 5300.01 ¡ Directors & Officers Insurance 1,154.00 5300.02 ¡ General Liability 504.00 Total 5300 ¡ INSURANCE 1,748.00 5600 ¡ SPECIAL EVENTS 5600.12 ¡ Contractors Breakfast Expense 600.00 5600.01 ¡ Annual Meeting Expenses 5600a ¡ Advertising 80.00 5600c ¡ Door Prizes 200.00 5600d ¡ Miscellaneous 130.00 Total 5600.01 ¡ Annual Meeting Expenses 410.00 Total 5600 ¡ SPECIAL EVENTS 1,010.00 5610 ¡ NEWSLETTER EXPENSE 2,000.00 6000 ¡ OFFICE EXPENSE 6000.12 ¡ Wireless Expense 1,000.00
6000.01 ¡ General Supplies 750.00 6000.02 ¡ Printing/Copying 900.00 6000.03 ¡ Computer Supplies 550.00 Total 6000 ¡ OFFICE EXPENSE 3,200.00 6030 ¡ DUES 6030.03 ¡ Land Use Council 11 60.00 6030.04 ¡ AISWCD 900.00 Total 6030 ¡ DUES 960.00 6050 ¡ TRAVEL 6050.2 ¡ Rooms 6050.2a ¡ RC Rooms 200.00 Total 6050.2 ¡ Rooms 200.00 6050.4 ¡ Mileage 6050.4a ¡ RC Mileage 1,200.00 Total 6050.4 ¡ Mileage 1,200.00 Total 6050 ¡ TRAVEL 1,400.00 6051 ¡ MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT 6051.1 ¡ Meals 80.00 Total 6051 ¡ MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT 80.00 6060 ¡ CONFERENCES/TRAINING 20.00 6100 ¡ EQUIPMENT EXPENSES 6100A ¡ REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 150.00 Total 6100 ¡ EQUIPMENT EXPENSES 150.00 6200 ¡ RENT 6200.1 ¡ Building Rent 5,400.00 Total 6200 ¡ RENT 5,400.00 Total Expense 93,498.00
Net Ordinary Income 20.00 Other Income/Expense Other Expense 9000 ¡ INTEREST EXPENSE 20.00 Total Other Expense 20.00 Net Other Income -20.00 Net Income 0.00
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Friday, February 15, 2019 Mount Carmel Register
ELECTION NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORTS Envirothon participants Nominations for Two – Two Year Terms The following are the nominees for the two director positions that are to be elected for two year terms this year for the Wabash County Soil and Water Conser vation District Board. Every year there is a rotation of two or three directors up for election and this year the board members hoping to get reelected are Liz Hof fman and Kur t Broster. The following are their biographies to introduce them to you:
KURT BROSTER Hi, my name is Kur t Broster and I reside with my family at 18079 East 300 Road, Mount Carmel, IL 62863. Angela, my wife of 20 years, and I have three children, Kayla (20), Kyle (19), and Karisa (17). I have lived in Wabash County all my life and have been farming on the family grain farm for the past 21 years. I thank you for your support in the past and hope you will continue to support me in the upcoming election to continue to ser ve on the Wabash County Soil and Water Conser vation District Board.
LIZ HOFFMAN My name is Liz Hoffman and I am asking for your support to be reelected as a Director on the Wabash County Soil and Water Conser vation District Board. I have been involved with the board for the past 23 years. The first 3 years I was an associate director and the last 20 years I have been the secretar y-treasurer. A lot of changes have taken place over those years! I was born and raised in Wabash County and have been around farming all my life. My husband, Tom and I farmed for for ty-five before he passed away in 2016. We have two children, Shelly Frerking, now deceased, and Michael (Babette) Hoffman, nine grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. I attend Saint Mar y’s Catholic Church, am a member of the Daughters of Isabella, Reviewers Matinee, and the Homespun Quilters Club, and am on the Wabash County Farm Ser vice County Committee Board. I would appreciate your suppor t again this year at the upcoming election.
Submitted photo
Envirothon is held each year in the spring and is a conservation educational experience for high school students from Crawford, Edwards, Lawrence, Richland and Wayne Counties high schools to compete as five student teams against each high school in their county and also against all the teams in the counties of the Wabash Valley Land Use Council #11. Averaging about 24-25 teams each year, they compete in five categories: Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, and a category that changes yearly. The winner of the Wabash Valley Land Use Council #11 will go on to the state competition and if they win that, on to a national competition. This year, Wabash County had two teams, pictured here are the Winning 2018 Envirothon team featuring Jayden Goodman, Meredith Jones, Zach Riggs, Eva Hocking and Karisa Broster.
“Your complete source for grain handling, conveying, storage and drying equipment in the industry.”
7702 E State Rd. 356 Otwell, IN 47564 1177 E Ramsey Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591
Mount Carmel Register Friday, February 15, 2019
It is time for this person to move on to her next adventures in life, so this will be my last repor t for the Wabash County Soil and Water Conser vation District as the administrative coordinator and resource conservationist for this annual repor t edition. I will be an owner/operator of a local business, C Quilts star ting the first of April 2019. Yes, the advertisement in the paper has been for my job. I will still be active in the community as an instr uctor for sewing classes, quilting, hand piecing etc. The workshops given in nine patch pillows with the Extension have been with me for the last three years. I have enjoyed teaching students about our natural resources, conser ving, recycling, trees, agriculture projects of all kinds, wildlife, fish, worms, soil, you name it. I will still be volunteer-
ing when I can and giving the textiles award money at the fair, etc. But I just won’t be full time at the Wabash County Soil and Water Conser vation District office. This last year has been just like any other here, busy, but I just don’t have the ambition and drive that I used to, and it is time for someone to take over and put their whole heart into it like I used to. So, I will still be smiling and working just at something else that I have more passion for anymore. It is time for a change, and I am ready! So, I hope you smile and wish me well when you see me because we all get to the age where we must slow down and enjoy life and grandkids a little more. I see more fishing in my future, patterns and blocks I want to tr y, some recipes I would like to tr y, some plants to grow and move around in my yard, and some building projects to do, because if you know my husband
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and I, we are always doing a project. As they say, I do not let much grass grow under my feet and it would be nice to just put my feet up now and then. Hope you think of me when you see the pines that are planted from the third graders in our county, trees you have bought from me here, and when you catch a nice one in your pond. Keep laughing and enjoying life, I plan on it. I really did have a lot of fun going to all over Illinois to learn things at trainings and workshops. This job got us all through our kids going to high school and college, and I have been really lucky to work here, and God has been good to us. Keep doing those conser vation projects to stop erosion, because our of fice is getting more money to spend on doing them this year, so be sure and stop by to apply for cost share or call to talk to the office
about it. The office is still at the fairgrounds, some people still think we never moved. Wonder how long It will take for people to catch up to that! Our number is 262-5430 and I know I sure hear about them not putting it in the same place in the phone book. So, write it down, put it in your cell phone, wherever you can find it. You can e-mail us at and the of fice has a Facebook page. I guess if you get desperate and can’t find or locate where you put it, you can call me, and I will give it to you. Just like people have called needing some information, I found it for them, and I never have got aggravated about it so why would I change now. Keep smiling, I always have, and I will see you when I see you. Thank you for your community suppor t over the last 18 and a half years. Same person I have always been, don’t plan on changing!
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Friday, February 15, 2019 Mount Carmel Register
As I begin contemplating and reflecting on this past year for our agency it is always dif ficult to pinpoint one special topic that sums up the past year of 2018. On the weather front, we started out ver y cold. Then we saw an interesting spring as some were for tunate to have good weather and planted cor n and soybeans in an early time frame. But many others saw the exact opposite. In fact, some were delayed and then saw an excessive amount of rain on June 11 amounting to over 8+ inches. This meant a lot or replanting in low lying areas. This was followed by a drier summer period with only a few scattered thunderstorms. Of those storms many caused wind damage to the crops – especially corn. Late summer saw the remnants of hurricane Gordon dump over 12 inches to the area again complicating those replant areas from earlier in the year. This also made it dif ficult for those soybeans to ripen. This was followed by much rain and cloudy skies which delayed har vest of those soybeans. Finally, a hard frost and freeze occurred at the end of October to stop the growing process, but this meant waiting for another couple of weeks for the soybean crop to ripen.
We have a new farm bill. Conservation faired very well for the agency. The Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) looks very strong and showed some increase in conser vation dollars. The Conser vation Stewardship Program (CStP) remains as a separate standalone program. There was talk that this program was going to be rolled into and under the EQIP umbrella. Agricultural Conser vation Easement Program – Wetland Reser ve Easement Program (ACEP-WRE) is still there in the farm bill but will be updated with new dollar rates. RCPP is also there, but it will be less dependent on program rules and more flexible. Conser vation Reser ve Program (CRP) remains but look for more emphasis on water quality. Additionally, it will be tied more closely to actual farmland rental rates. Please stay tuned as the rules and policies are written and rolled to us in the field offices on these programs. A reminder that each of the local SWCD’s have a program that is intended to address soil erosion concerns specifically on cropland fields. The state funding has returned to the local Soil and Waters. These SWCDs of fice locations are as follows: Edwards SWCD in Albion, Lawrence SWCD located at the USDA Lawrenceville Ser vice Center, Richland SWCD located in the USDA Olney Service Center, Wabash
➥ produce packaging
SWCD located in Mt. Carmel, and Wayne SWCD located at the USDA Fair field Ser vice Center. Our NRCS agency will continue to process AD -1026 Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Compliance determinations. I still need to remind all producers and landowner of maintaining compliance with the provisions of the Farm Bill. For most people when they think of staying in compliance they think of their conser vation plans and the Highly Erodible Lands – like following a crop rotation with no-till for example. But, it also means staying in compliance with wetlands provisions of the Farm Bill. This wetland provision addresses items as: the removal of trees or the adding of tile to any fields. Also, since the 2014 Farm Bill, these determinations also mean keeping producers in compliance for crop insurance benefits. As landowners continue looking to maximize acres that are currently not in row crop production, they need to ensure they have filed an AD-1026 with the Farm Service Agency (FSA). It doesn’t matter whether you are clearing fencerows, odd areas, or even old farmstead and building sites – an AD 1026 needs to be filed. So as a reminder before bringing any areas of land into crop production or tiling a field a cer tified determination is
that really stacks up
needed on those acres. This determination may be both a highly erodible determination and a wetland determination on the same tract of land but different areas on the farm. As always, if there are any questions regarding these determinations please feel free to contact our local offices. Lawrence and Wabash County producers - Lawrenceville Ser vice Center at 618-943-2621 – Extension
Farm Service Agency staff
Submitted photo
Farm Service Agency staff for Lawrence and Wabash County, pictured here from the left, are Megan Brinkley, Kathy Moan, Trevor Irwin, Colleen McCoy and Gretchyn Sapp. They and NRCS are partner agencies with the Soil and Water Conservation Districts and work closely together to provide information and programs to Wabash County producers and landowners.
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3 - for Edwards and Wayne County producers – Fairfield Service Center at 618-842-7602 Extension 3 and for Richland County producers – Olney Service Center at 618-392-7141 Extension 3. I look for ward to the continued success of conservation efforts by the producers and landowners in the five counties and thank you for your conservation efforts.
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Mount Carmel Register Friday, February 15, 2019
Wabash County Soil and Water Conservation District Thank Yous The Wabash County Soil and Water Conservation District would like to thank all our sponsors, partners, volunteers and advertisers for their suppor t in the last year: Andrews Oil Company Beall Woods State Park Borowiaks IGA Buehlers C. F. C. O. Consolidated Grain and Barge Co. Crop Production Services Cusick Farms Excavating Service Depar tment of Natural Resources Farm Credit Service First Bank First National Bank of Allendale Illinois Gas Company J. A. Smith Excavating LLC JULIE, Inc. Dave Kelsey with Farmers National Company James R. Kensler
Kieffer Brothers Construction Company Litherland Excavating Inc. Marathon Pipeline, LLC McDonalds Mike’s Excavating Service Mount Carmel Public Utility Co. Mount Carmel Rotary Club Mount Carmel Rural King Natural Resource Conservation Service Peavey Grain Pro-Ag Consulting Lou Anna Racster Springfield Plastics Texas Gas Transmissions Wabash Community School District 348 Allendale Community School District 17 Wabash County Farm Bureau Wabash County Youth Foundation Wabash Valley Ser vice Company Yonaka Bulldozing
Rotarian help
Submitted photo
The Mount Carmel Rotary Club members wrap white pine seedlings to give to the Wabash County third-graders at all the schools. Pictured are Jim Homan, Sandra Ward, Terry Weavil, Larry Tedford and Nancy Marshall.
Conserve water, conserve life. Congratulations ALLENDALE, MT. CARMEL, WEST SALEM
Wabash County Soil & Water Conservation District on 72 years of Conservation!