Manon Diebolt Design 5 - Trial and Error University of Auckland 2016
This design project focuses on the architectural process based on luck and the individual in the whole, like the archipelago theory. "IChing or book of change" is an ancient chinese prediction tool that took the control of the process and is used to bring the unknown into the design thought. With chance, we unconsciously excavated an architectural response from abstract compositions.
First encounter:The doodles
The IChing introduction (compositions and other babbles).
Beginning of the utopia
Composition 1
Composition 2
Composition 3
The other part of the installtion, the final composition of all compositions.
What have we been up to since then?
First encounter: The doodles
First, we doodled a bit. My doodle turn out to be a rough definition of my little imaginary world!
"Doodle the first" A1 watercolor paper mixed media
The IChing introduction compositions and more
How can we, young and inexperienced architecture students, be prepared for the outside world, the real world with our imaginary projects? What if we were confronted to a 1:1 project, something we had to realise with our own hands but with no control on the outcome whatsoever? Welcome to the fabulous world of I Ching! All our inconscious behaviours are used to create a world full of dreams and wonders.
My IChing notes, predictions and various analysis.
With the help of I Ching, a traditional chinese prediction text, we had to explore the design process.
And so, the great journey begun...
Composition n4 Origami tissue, watercolor, copper.
Composition n1 paper, ink.
Composition n10 mirror, ping pong balls, paint.
Composition n9 Wood, paint.
composition n2 Wood, paper.
Composition n7 leaves, paint.
IChing told me to let this composition free ,here it is in my garden.
Wan't allowed to use paper, so I made my own.
diagram of fixing method for the "paper" made of leaves.
plaster paper
movement aplied to plaster
tool used to spread the plaster
diagram showing the process for the plaster on paper
"I thought it would come off.... But IChing told me to it was okay"
Composition n8 wood, plaster, foam, paint and ink.
Here, the cast became as interesting as the piece. pt the foam with my fingers, and fill it hence the organic shape.
Here, the cast became as piece. I sculpt the foam with my fingers, and with plaster, hence the organic shape.
Here, the cast became as interesting as the piece. I sculpt the foam with my fingers, and fill it with plaster, hence the organic shape.
Here, the cast became as interesting as the piece. I sculpt the foam with my fingers, and fill it with plaster, hence the organic shape.
"Dans la nature rien ne se crĂŠe, rien ne se perd, tout change." (In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes.) Lavoisier
It became clear to us (IChing and I are going stable) that my compositions would be part of my project. I wanted to create a different installation, with what I've created so far. At this stage, I had a range of various pieces that defined and influenced the project. Some would be part of something much bigger, some would be an inspiration to something new, but nothing would be forgotten.
I wanted to push those three ideas further. The suspended column, the bark star map and the colourful
Beginning of utopia
t si po om C
n io
The most architectural piece so far.
Find an exotic pink sorcelux branch and other branches
1 large liquid color container
Some medusa powder
Put it upside down
Set it in plaster
Once you find out that you can't take the container off, paint it.
paint bucket
Design 5- Trial and Error Manon Diebolt Column Elevation Scale 1:50
Our site, and experimentation field was our studio. Not the ideal exhibition space, nor laboratory for artistic experimentation like ours, but we do with what we have. IChing thought that the end of the studio would be a good area to settle down. I was Imagining a little house in a small province of France with a dog, but I had to compromise, in the name of love. The Installation is composed of different elements that will be developed in the next pages. The installation ,as a whole, became an imaginary service running around the space to provide to the essential need of hopes and wonders.
2 n o i t posi
The site
The barks were the first composant of my installtion, we (Iching and I) first wanted them on the ceiling, above our head. It became clear that it was going to be difficult to fix something on the bare, service apparent, ceiling. The Idea was to follow the pattern of the Milky way.
The barks were not enough, so I made some tiles with plaster
Still not enough! So at this stage, I took anything that was in my locker.
From the end of the bay.
from the entry of the bay.
3 n o i t i s Compo
ping pong ball+paint paint
fart putty paper
ribbon rope
I didnt have any photo of the tubes I used so I made those sketches so you can have an idea of how they looked like when I bought them.
transparent tube
black irrigation pipe
photo collage of the installation, and drawing (as I didn't have any good photos of some parts)
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The other part of the installtion, the final composition of all compositions.
2 versions of photo collage of the branchesbay.
Presentation day
What have we been up to since then?
Some patterns are introduced to the ABS pipes, Polyurethane foam is used for the junction of the electrical cables. Instead of the white,rectangular ducting, ropes and ribbon are used to protect the cables.
Here, v i n e s a n d creepers are used as uni-struts. The ducting of the electrical cables are coated with vibrant colours.
The junctions of the vent pipes are secured with ropes with different diameters as gaskets. The painted part of the HVAC pipe are regulated the pressure inside the system.
The safety valves are made with dried paint and plastic. All the ABS pipes, for the water services are painted by the children of the kindergarten in front of the architecture building.
D i f f e r e n t experimentation with the introduction of tree parts in the piping system. As part of it or just for support.
Can pipes be automated?
is the ducting really necessary? does it have to be opaque?
Some pipes are already so original and unique that I couldn't find a lot to add. But glitter is always a safe bet.
Some pipes already have touches of colours, the possibilities can be infinite with customized tape.
After a challenging period for IChing and me, we finally set up our handmade plumbing company. We compromised and found a little cottage house in the area of auckland entirely covered with pipes and vents. This project was truly challenging and yet extremely addictive. I want to thank my tutor, Kester Rattenbury for making me discover an other side of architecture.