WMRAS Corporate Brochure 2017

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Creating a More Sustainable Living Environment

About WMRAS The Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore (WMRAS) was set up in 2001 as a registered society to represent and promote the interests of its 130-odd members who include mainly General Waste Collectors and recycling companies. It also seeks to upgrade and professionalise the industry as well as work with the government and community to promote recycling in order to create a more sustainable living environment. WMRAS seeks to achieve its objectives through the organisation of trade exhibitions, conferences or symposiums, such as WasteMET Asia; seminars, workshops, professional sharing and business networking / matching sessions and overseas business mission trips. As an Approved Training Organisation in Singapore, WMRAS also holds Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) courses for frontline operations staff and certificate / diploma programmes in waste management and recycling for supervisors, executives and managers. In 2015, WMRAS, a member of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), established the Asia Pacific Waste and Environment Alliance (APWEA) to promote closer collaboration between its member-companies and their counterparts in the region. The founding chairman of APWEA from 2015 to 2018, WMRAS is also affiliated to the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) in Britain and the Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA). The objectives of the Association are to: • Enhance the professionalism and capabilities of members by promoting commerce and trade; striving to achieve and maintain the highest standards of excellence for practice, competence and conduct in the waste management and recycling industry. • Provide a platform for members to come together to identify and address environmental concerns and issues in the industry. • Promote waste reduction, recycling, reuse and recovery; create public awareness of the industry, as well as environmental and industry concerns. • Foster information exchange, networking and closer relationships among the members and between government, industry and the public. • Provide learning, development and upgrading opportunities for members by organising industry and/or technology conferences, exhibitions, business mission trips, training courses, workshops and seminars, as well as through mediums that include newsletters, websites and other social media. • Advance the scientific, technical and practical aspects of waste management and recycling. • Liaise and establish affiliations with local, national, regional and international organizations with similar purposes and concerns. • Liaise and establish affiliations with local, national, regional and international organizations with similar purposes and concerns.

About APWEA The Asia Pacific Waste and Environment Alliance (APWEA) is a non-governmental regional business network comprising the following 11 members: Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA), China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation (CAUES), Guangdong Environmental Sanitation Association (GDESA), Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA), National Solid Waste Association of India (NSWAI), Indonesia Solid Waste Association (INSWA), Korea Waste Association (KWA), Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM), Waste Management Institute New Zealand Inc (WasteMINZ), Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines (SWAPP) and Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore (WMRAS). The objectives of the Alliance are to share and facilitate the transfer of knowledge, technology and other expertise in waste management; promote the adoption of best practices; raise the awareness and standards of professionalism; and serve as a platform for members to meet and work cohesively to explore cross-border business opportunities. APWEA seeks to achieve its objectives through the following activities: Education: Conduct specialised training courses, seminars, workshops and conferences to meet the specific needs of the industry. APWEA will organise these events, where feasible, in collaboration with the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and/or nationally accredited organisations. Standards / Best Practices: Define, create, maintain and coordinate

standards or best practices, provide accreditation and certify practices for waste management professionals and companies based on their attainment of criteria set by APWEA. Conferences, Exhibitions and Business Matchmaking: Promote and support regional waste management and recycling exhibitions and conferences to be held in member countries that the Alliance members

agree to officially endorse or organise, in consultation with each other. APWEA may also organise an annual or biennial joint event whose chairmanship and role of key organiser may be rotated among the members. Besides the promotion of knowledge-sharing, these events are to serve as business matchmaking platforms for buyers, sellers, manufacturers, distributors, agents and /or investors involved in the

regional waste management and recycling fields. Communications: Members will use various communication means to share industry news and related developments e.g. in technology, promote their products and services and to connect members and facilitate their interaction with each other.

These are truly exciting times for us and I would like to invite you to be a part of it by joining WMRAS, APWEA or as a participant of our many activities!

CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Greetings and a warm welcome! The Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore (WMRAS) seeks to enhance the professionalism and technological capabilities of our 130-odd member-companies. We also provide a platform for our members, who include general waste collectors, recyclers, researchers and consultants; to come together to address the concerns of the waste, recycling and environmental sector, as well as to promote trade and commerce for the industry, plus responsible waste disposal and recycling in the public consciousness. In 2015, we initiated the new Asia Pacific Waste and Environment Alliance (APWEA) which brings together like-minded associations from the region to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, raise standards and promote cross-border business co-operation between the waste, recycling and environmental sectors of the territories concerned. Finally, to take our industry’s workers and executives to the next level in professionalism, we have established the WMRAS Academy. This learning and

development arm of our association organises training courses and learningrelated events, such as seminars, conferences, workshops and exhibitions that enhance the sharing of expertise, as well as promote business opportunities amongst the participants. These are truly exciting times for us and I would like to invite you to be a part of it by joining our family, whether it be as a member of WMRAS, APWEA or as a participant of our many activities; for the furtherance of our common goals and interests, and for our mutual benefit! Melissa Tan Chairman

• Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore (2016 – 2019) • Asia Pacific Waste and Environment Alliance (2015 – 2018)

Advisor Dr Amy Khor (front row in red) with the Executive Committee Members of WMRAS, the national association for Singapore waste management and resource recovery companies.


Bi-monthly Exco Meetings and Annual General Meetings are conducted to share information and seek ideas and opinions.

WMRAS & APWEA SECRETARIAT Executive Director: Edwin Pang Senior Manager: Darren Chia Training Programme Manager: Rajesh Ramalingam Executive Trainer: Kelvin Tan Asst Manager (Project Management): Goh Fang Wei Administration Executive: Sia Hwee Fen


Artist, actor and producer Edmund Chen (1st row, 3rd from right) with WMRAS Exco and Staff at Retreat 2016 at Changi Beach Club.


Ms Melissa Tan

Mr Michael Ho

Mr Eric Liew

Mr Juergen Militz

General Manager Wah & Hua Pte Ltd

Director Fortune Meadows B2B Pte Ltd

Executive Director Wong Fong Industries Ltd

Managing Director Recycling Partners Pte Ltd


Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman

Ms Michelle Ng

Mr David Dao

Mr Emmanual Tay

Mr Kelvin Liew

Corporate Development Manager Ng Wah Hong Enterprises Pte Ltd

Senior Manager SamGreen Pte Ltd

Commercial Analyst SembCorp Tay Paper Recycling Pte Ltd

Assistant Vice President SembWaste Pte Ltd






Mr Venkatesha Murthy (Venky) Member

Managing Director Vans Chemistry Pte Ltd

Mr Vincent Chan

Assistant Secretary Executive Director 800 Super Waste Management Pte Ltd

Mr George Yeo Treasurer

Assistant Vice President SembCorp Environment Pte Ltd

Mr Lawrence Liau

Ms May Yap Member

Mr Wong Kit Leong

Assistant Treasurer Assistant General Manager Colex Environmental Pte Ltd

Executive Director LHT Holdings Ltd

Assistant Vice President NatSteel Recycling Pte Ltd


Mr Matt Stanelos

Mr Sanderson Soh

Mr Adrian Yeo

Ms Sandra Seah

Ms Tham Moon Yee

General Manager, Solid Waste Management Veolia Singapore

Senior Sales Manager OTTO Waste Systems (S) Pte Ltd

Head of Sales V8 Environmental Pte Ltd

Joint Managing Partner Bird & Bird ATMD LLP

Director Stratagem Consultants Pte Ltd


Honorary Auditor

Honorary Auditor

Honorary Legal Advisor

Honorary PR Advisor


EXHIBITIONS/TRADESHOWS WMRAS organised the WasteMET Asia Exhibition in 2012 and 2014. It provided a one-stop platform for sellers to promote their products and services to regional customers. Besides showcasing the latest equipment and technologies relating to waste management and recycling, the tradeshow encouraged knowledge and business exchanges. In all, it brought together over 13,000 buyers and visitors and facilitated more than 200 business matching sessions. From 2016, WMRAS integrated its exhibition component with the CleanEnviro Summit’s Sustainable Solutions Expo, Singapore.

OVERSEAS BUSINESS MISSIONS To promote business networking and learn from the best practices of others, WMRAS organises overseas business missions. Its more recent trips were to Belgium, the United States, Japan and Germany. Besides attending trade exhibitions, conferences and business matching sessions, delegates get to visit trade or waste agencies as well as waste management and recycling companies and facilities in the host countries.

TRAINING COURSES As an approved Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) Public Training Organisation, WMRAS organises courses to “Operate Waste Collection Vehicle to Collect Waste”, “Collect Waste and Recyclables for Disposal and Recycling”, “Carry Out Collection of Sludge and Greasy Waste”, “Identify Waste Types and Work Hazards”, “Perform Sorting of Recyclables” and “Planning and Supervising Routes for Waste Collection”. Since March 2012, WMRAS has trained over 1,700 drivers and crew from the industry. With the setting up of WMRAS Academy, more courses will be rolled out. Besides WSQ modules, certificate, diploma and degree courses for executives to be developed jointly with tertiary educational institutions, are in the pipeline. In addition, WMRAS works with BCA to offer recyclers of construction and demolition waste the “Recycled Concrete Aggregate” (RCA) Supplier accreditation status. WMRAS Academy also organises learning journeys for both local and overseas clients as well as customises courses for members and conducts them on their premises after regular operation hours. Members may rent the Academy’s training / meeting room for their own courses or discussions too. Please contact the WMRAS Secretariat to make a booking.

SEMINARS AND SYMPOSIUMS Two runs of the Waste-to-Energy TAP Centre seminar and site visits were held in 2014 and 2015, while one on Hazardous Waste Management was held in 2016. They attracted participants from the Middle East, North Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia. Going forward, the Training, Advisory and Promotion (TAP) Centre which comprises ISWA, WMRAS and the National Environment Agency (NEA), plan to conduct seminars on the Mechanical - Biological Treatment of Waste and E-waste Management. In 2015, the Waste Symposium which was last held in 2013 and 2011, was renamed WasteMET Asia Symposium. The two-day event at the Singapore Expo featured talks, panel discussions, business networking, a table-top exhibition and a dinner which saw the industry’s Excellence Awards being presented for the 1st time to the best performing frontline staff of the local waste and recycling community. The inaugural overseas edition of WasteMET Asia was held in Guangzhou, China from 24 – 25 Nov 2016 while the next Singapore edition will be held in 2017.

PROFESSIONAL SHARING AND NETWORKING SESSIONS Kicking off our Professional Sharing / Networking Sessions (PSS) are usually talks on subjects of interest to members who own or run businesses in the waste and recycling sector. To date, WMRAS has held a number of PSS covering topics such as IPOs, Mergers & Acquisitions, legal, financial and technological matters. Sessions with NEA, the Manpower Ministry (MOM) and the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) were also held to address the concerns of the industry and provide a platform for dialogue. For example, in 2016, WMRAS organised a discussion for members with Manpower Minister Lim Swee Say. This was to lead to the organisation of a series of sessions to help them embark on industry projects under the Lean Enterprise Development Scheme (LEDS) which sought solutions to members’ manpower woes.

No. 62 Ubi Road 1 #08-06 Oxley Bizhub 2 Singapore 408734 Tel: +65-6222 5328 Fax: +65-6443 6927 Email: secretariat@wmras.org.sg www.wmras.org.sg www.facebook.com/wmrasofficial

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