Tribe 09

Page 34

REVIEW Images - Courtesy of the artists. Writer - Nada Al Aradi, artist and curator.

For Your Inconsideration Portraying the passage of time For the first time at Bait Al Salmaniya, and for

Hanan Hassan Al Khalifa’s Ageing Aphrodites may

most of the region, an intensely conceptual and

be equally confusing: playing with the collision of

strictly typological photographic exhibition was

aesthetics and the paradox of beauty and decay.

presented. Although typological photography

By photographing posters of beautiful women,

has spread globally, and more recently seeped

she captures the effect of the flow of time on the

into Bahrain, this is one of the first exhibitions

subject, rather than a frozen moment in time. In

dedicated solely to this style. For a public

doing so, she comments on the human condition:

accustomed to street, landscape and journalistic

a photograph of a deteriorating photograph.

photography, this exhibition is likely to turn

Not only does this series of images represent a

many heads, as it separates itself from the pack

continuing line of time and decline it also acts

with its unusual content and approach.

as a mirror: allowing the viewer to question their own mortality and social depictions of female

At photography’s inception, it was expensive and

beauty as timeless and enduring.

timely, and available to the few and privileged– that meant only the decidedly important could

Bader Al Balawi’s kiosks are framed by the empty

be the subject of a picture. In today’s modern

sky and horizon. Similar in nature to Algosaibi’s

world, even though cameras are available to

abandoned cars, these kiosks are documented

the masses, that concept remains. This brings

in a manner that creates the impression that the

us to our four photographers, capturing the

images are identical at first, until the details of

discarded and deteriorating types; ascending

each place reveal themselves: the lights, people,

them to a stage.

and cars re dotted across the landscape. His final image is the bare seafront that serves as a

At first glance, most of these works may appear

nod to the kiosks ephemeral nature and which

meaningless, causing the audience to question

are fleeting in the face of persistent large-scale

why anyone would photograph and exhibit

urban developments.

wrecked cars, as Faris Algosaibi has. Why

At photography’s inception, it was expensive and timely, and available to the few and privileged – that meant only the decidedly important could be the subject of a picture What is most impressive about this collection of four artists is their derivation from the expected.

in this manner? Each image is shot at nearly

Asma Murad’s structures reach far beyond

Rather than being concerned with beautiful or

identical angles, at night, and with a front-facing

the image she presents. In showing decrepit

precious objects, they shine light on overlooked

view. Algosaibi has unified the subject into a

architecture and silent abandoned homes, she

and unwanted elements of the region’s ever-

single frame; a mugshot of abandoned cars. He

invites that audience to view these places as

changing landscape and ask what these objects

removes external influences exposing only the

stages. A timeline of events sit, at the core of

represent in today’s modern world. In moving

uniqueness of each individual car. He documents

these images, and we are asked to contemplate

beyond photography’s typical purpose of

their state, and acknowledges their existence,

the human history that unfolded and took place

capturing a single moment in time, they are also

before they are removed from the scene.

at these locations.

able to portray the passage of time itself.

34 tribe

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