3 minute read
Columbia: 123,180 (2018 census estimate) Boone County: 180,005 (2018 census estimate)
Temperatures: Columbia’s mean temperature is 54.6 degrees, with highs averaging 64.8 degrees and lows averaging 44.5 degrees. Precipitation: Annual rainfall averages 42.6 inches; snowfall averages 18 inches.
Lodging: There are dozens of hotels, bed and breakfasts and rooms available online through sites such as Airbnb. Exhibition: The Hearnes Center totals 67,584 square feet; Midway Expo Center, more than 50,000 square feet; Columbia Expo Center, 18,612 square feet. Information on events, points of interest, meeting plans and tour arrangements is available through the Convention and Visitors Bureau, 300 S. Providence Road, P.O. Box 6015, Columbia, Mo., 65205. The bureau can be reached by phone at 573-875-1231 or 800-652-0987 or online at www. visitcolumbiamo.com.
Elementary and secondary:
Columbia Public Schools has four high schools, six middle schools and 21 elementary schools. Enrollment to start the 2018-2019 school year was 19,060 students. There are 17 private and parochial schools. Career-technical: The Columbia Area Career Center offers classes for ninth- through 12thgrade students as well as a variety of courses each semester for adults and customized training for local businesses. Colleges: The University of Missouri recorded a total enrollment of 29,866 students in fall 2018, including 22,503 undergraduate students. Its full-time faculty and staff number is more than 13,000 in Columbia, including University Hospital and MU Health Care employees.
Columbia also has two private college campuses based here:
Columbia College, which had about 2,600 students enrolled at its Columbia campus in 2018 and more than 20,000 total at its nationwide campuses and online; and Stephens College, with an enrollment of 648, according to a U.S. News and World report. Other higher-education institutions with Columbia campuses include Moberly Area Community College, Bryan College, William Woods University and Central Methodist University.
Daniel Boone Regional Library, including Columbia Public
Library: More than 554,000 items, including more than 421,000 books, plus recordings, videos and electronic materials.
University of Missouri libraries:
More than 3 million volumes and 6 million microforms.
Two commercial bowling alleys Three movie theaters 70 city parks, with eight destination trails 27 city-maintained tennis courts Three public and three private golf courses One outdoor skateboard park and one outdoor roller rink 58-plus miles of nature and fi tness trails 15 city-maintained volleyball courts 28 city-maintained soccer fi elds
Daily newspapers include: Columbia Daily Tribune: Publishes 365 days a year in the morning in print and online. Columbia Missourian: Morning paper published daily except Saturdays and Mondays by the MU School of Journalism. Other area publications include the monthly city magazine Inside Columbia and its sister publications, the quarterly business magazine CEO and the monthly baby-boomerfocused Prime. Also publishing monthly is the Columbia Business Times magazine. The Boone County Journal and Centralia Fireside Guard newspapers and the Add Sheet free advertising shopper all publish weekly. Columbia Home magazine publishes every other month. Other advertising publications include the Columbia Marketplace monthly direct-mail deal magazine, and the Real Estate Book featuring Mid-Missouri housing.
KFRU, Columbia, 1400 KTGR, Columbia, 1580 KFAL, Fulton, 900 KWRT, Boonville, 1370 KRLL, California, Mo., 1420
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